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VOL. XI. NO. 66. . ELEVENTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS, TWIN FALLS COUNTY, IDAHO. THURSDAY, MAY 25. 1916! ~ SU^CRIPTION $2.00 PER'^ 5 ^ - - I I..II ^ >11.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;;_____________ jj_jmiinfEJ XMSNMM ffilNG TlmugiiMg^'eiofPn: |K»!dtioe -<iUt&mx_ot’.uiTiJUT£_o^'r.vEn. SHIP I»KOVKS MOOTED ISSUE. Lurgt hnther/np nt Club Roonm ^ and ExjirosnJojw All in FoTor of Bood. , An onthuBtaBtlc Joln> meotlQB 'o t TwJa. Falls an<J Coetlwora n f 'Q j ’o Tooms ot llic Twin Falls Commorclal club Tueadny night rcauUcd Ifi tho appofnlmcnt tif J. A. Cpora from thia clly ood J. H. Scovor' from Coatlcfoi^ to fill two commlttfica tljroe, tor Uio purpoBo of co^peraUoff Jn tho d i t - tos ot teatatlro piana for tho proposed Costloford railroad, im4 If noccsaary for the aeodlDg ot a dolegatlon roprfl' 80QtlQS Uto commualtloa imerostod to Salt LftVo City to tike the queatlon of — conatrufttlon M d ownojablp up wltU tho officials of^He uregOTrSBDTrWirer Tho -commlttfle wlU .haY»., power to mako rccomiaeiidatlwia with referenco to tho ralalDg o f fanda noeeaaary to carry out temporary plaos aad to do local preliminary InveatlgatlDg. Yoatorday morning Moeara. Boaror ttod Croflj ^Bct Bad selected tbo rest «f tho commlttec. - Mr. Seaver solect' — cd.XftrUkUlIetJw4H. J. FaHJng and Mr. Crom appolatSr"Jn5rT«ttXW«JlV and Thomas Warner. The coMmlttoo organltcd by the elecUoa ot Hr. Soa> yar aa chairman. U was docldcd to iavito tbo Short ZJao officials to ^m e here'and talk ovor the situation ’M d look over the country. Mr. Crom )om:« Jor CbieagQ in » fow days to . be gone about-'a moatb. ' -'-i ■ to order Ijy C. U DeUmg, vice' president-di.th« , club, J. A- Crom was callod upoa to QxplolD the purpose of the gathering and, told of the obstacles which ho had met in attempting to secure | 100,- QOO in Bubacrlptlons. Ho ssld tbat in « gsaora} wmt tollis were-dlirJded-iato tWO-tattpgr^nfr-of-WMch waata^ pnn. jr raised as a douotlon to the Oregon Short Line to Induce that road to build, owa and operate ths proposed y • Uno, The othor wnnted tKo organlxa- tlon' o( an Indopeadoat company. Por- ===»«»llr~fts=««»ored=;th(LJtt4flpend«nt .— *ompjmy_plan- He replied to a'aaS^ her of tjbjoctlons wElcHTrtUsa-hBard xalsodr-such-*»_l!Ibft_road_ cpjild bo built if we would all pull •togetlior; but tha other fellow will aot au&scrt&tf, - -BO. I..wIii..not"; .:;Ob,.,Uajeaej.tor you to take stock but I cannot"; ''XTslml- . larTKtcmvt ujadg-befotfr fftlledr-thera-. foro Oils one will fall." Mr? Crom ap- pedJed to^lj-to-iotrtbelr-emotloa*usar-: . ry tbem forward to succcss In tbls un« 1 dertakSug. AJl.wanted tho road ond' wIUi proper co-opcraUon all could I build It. J.'H.'Sesver.-rcprmntJBg CasUs-l ford, made- a brief pointed talk oz<' ' plsloJag the posltloB of his commua* I Ity. In snbatAaco he said: “Wo alll wapt the road, but before we aub- ;acrlbo we w ant-to know dcfjaitely what we nre aubscrlblng to. ' Up to tho prcsoat do defialto plaa has been worked out We do not want to be la the poaltloa of «ie farraora of tiw Hsgerman valler 'who aubacrlbed tor tho building.ot a road, paid tn thoir money ood o t t)]o ond bad only part of a grade to ahow for it We would pre> for to hara tho Short Uqo bultd, own and operate Uie road, because wo kao^ nothing about railroad con- struoUoa. We do not know wbat ob- stacles Bight be. thrown in our way by the Short Z4a» should wa buOd the ^ d c« aa ladspendeat company. We ^ 4o not even have direct positive aa- - • Harance-that-thf- Bhort U ne Is VllUog to have us btUld this road, tbo auch ovidence as w» bare poiata tbat wsy- If the Short Un® shonld huUd this road. It might stick ue oa fnilght aad passenger rates to a certain extent, but even at that the road so luUlt sad operated would b® ft: tre a t l»om to ths community and we •would subscribe liberally toward Its constractlda.^ He .suggested the appoifttmeat of a.oom- mlttee represoatlDc.. the conmunltles Injerwtsd-to.takft tbe natter op wlUt the Short line and dad out what that compaay would do. Tbla saggestloa’ was later acted upon as noted above. Mr. Miller of Castleford, briefly en- dorsed tte ..views expressed by Mr. Seaver. . -presldejit T)eLon|, M; J. SwcoJey sad otbew jipoke ^oog the »m e general line. « s p « ^ y tovM- • fog tiiB sppotatmoafTof the oommltteo to draft a ^d^ite-proposIUon. Mr. sugf«*tod;_that th e • commlltse _ fe® Its own e*peM?ta Ue lalaros^tir whole community. WUlett Hsoce made a strong talk along this line. . Ukln* op o^» collectlotti The comtoWMe,~urdr«9-tts tentatito detsralasd lb* probsbls cost of IntesUgsOon'aad report back to Initial work of investigaUon. FOOD FOI While *‘goulaab" Is not a vory popu name “goulash'kltcben” haa often boi Tho photograph shows ttao great numbei Vordua Is prepared. SALMON RIVER WATER - __ _CAUOfJISIJM Robert Bayl Arrested on Charge .ot Boattnff Tp NeJffbbor Over Location of Ditch. Ai a result of a xnlxup on tlio Sal- mon troct ovor water, Indicating that .unusual conditions prevail • Uicrc, .Frank C^dlo la sufforlng from num- 'crouB~cbncuaalona ahd lacoratlona on' his head and feelings and Robert Rayl la citcd to appear bctoro Judge A. W. Ostrom Monday morning on a chargo of aasault and' battery. iJMisndi rf'Candle. tell the story' this way, though, the 'eridence ‘ may dis- close other phases Mind' sidelights. The monuments of Uie original .sur- vey have disappeared from a Urge strip on the Salmon tract In tho neighborhood whore tho troublo took place and some timo ago a number tjt Uium"Bot logetUor.'lilred'-a-sor-- veyor and ran lines, agreplng to obey i tbo deiormlnaUon of the private sur- vey. Caudle, who had Improved, bla place according to what .is <believed l.to'be thb original, otttclai sugey, re- I tuBuu^ to ' be ,5“ pSL^)' to"'thfs agreo^' ment-aad-wbon-tha-Burvey-lndlcated. U>e line to run through hla field cut- ttDg-off-a-.consldcTable partrhe-de-- cllaed to accept it In tho tneantlme Rayl had taken up a claim, on which, I liowevorr tho” company rcfused'to-run vater, on account of pending lltlga- tloa«.aiia. ho reposted^ asked'relief, from the land board for which this year, though wlthdnt finally deciding the case, gave him a temporary or« der. In getting water to hts isnd Rayr found It convenient to run a ilitch.through_tlie.CIoid which tlio pri- vate survey Indicated as "no longer belongtag to. Caudle but which Caudle asserted was his according, to tho orlglnol survey. Caudle went out last Thuraday to stop, him and a dlaputo esaued. tho reault of .which will bo more fully described In court Mon- <!«;. - LODGE INSTITUTED REBEKAH LODGE AT EllER Tnln Falls Staff Put on W ork- Stale Officers of the Order Were Present. A Robekah lodge woa Inatltut^^ laat night, at Filer, tbo work bolng' pul on by the order In this clty> A large numbor of Odd Fellows and Re> bekahs wero In attendance from Twin Fslla. President Johnson ot Couer d’Alene and Secretary. CrossAn ot Boise, both grand lodge officers were In this city yesterdsy and wont to Flier with the local lodgo. The osuai entertainment connected with such work, was diUgbtfally. famished . by the Uler members. COmnERS « T INjiDiNGSTORM HesTf Snow Bsyond Bogcnos Pre« vents HectlBff to Adjust Boad to DoU HoDow. . * :: C ammissloser^arlsoa-Md—Mooro w/>at to Rogorsoa yesterday wllb' a Trtew of msetlBr^-numbes-ot-sattlsrs- a few miles beyond tho town, for tbe adjiutment of a rdad line to Bull Hol- low. W b« fBnr miles frcm Rogsrsoa they- ran- jptd- »-bllndlng.ano«.stonn, whlcb ■ so .Tmpoded their progress thst Uiey arrived lat* at Uio place of meet- ing. and iQUnd that (he s^liars had HtTen'op'bope .ef- meetlng-them-and bad gone bome. R THE DEFlMERS OF ular.food wltb the Fronch’ , conaldeittk : len conforred on tbe Held kttchus 'vbo ir of thoso movable field kltcbons wher) msioNPiANia kT. Woods Says Crowd W ill Go Out StiotUy I7<DICA.TION8 CONFIRM ALL SAID IN BULLETIN STOUT., \ * Dr. Albee of The Twin Falls B o ^ , Brings Back Somo Samples Fraff Camp. "Your story of Uio Jahbidge comp taken from tho San Fronciaeo Bulle- Un. and tho interview with Jamos McMillan, aro borno out by the In- Testlgatiotts-or-aa-wbo-vlsltAd-UuU. camp wltb Commtsaloncrs Albc^. Carlson and Moore from this county, and others who aro tatorostcd In the propoaed new road,” said W. T. ^oodi^iresleSlftS'^^^PerBonBnrFT could not odd uyUiing to It Things look very promising Uiore;-in.... fact look-io8t-a8--good-a»-the'BulIeUn -ar- OcJe Indicate. In a couplo of weeks we expect to organise a party of from 20'to'2B and-TlBic-tho camp from hero st which time thoro wUI bo on op- portualtT-tct. wrlto another stoiy gtK ing. Into doWls furthor Umn l» now possible.” / Dr. Alboo brougbt bock some Ram-, pies of oro-from-tho camp which are said by foxpertar to contain consider- Sblo gold. All the'membora of Uie party-tell the same-entbuslasUc story. TWOGAMES COM ING . IN QM SUCCESSION Bnpert and Twin FaIIk, Snnday. and Kimberly and Twin Falls, Tuesday. • • SOUTHBRX IDAHO LEAGUE. * . • Standing of Clabs. * •, Played. Won. Lost Pet • • TWIN FALLS 2 2 .0 1000 • • Rupert ____ 2 2 0 1000 • I • Shoshone ...... 2 . 1 I .600 * r* Burley _____ 2 1 1 .BOO • . • Kimberly ..... 2 0 2 .000 • • ' Jerome .......... 2 0 2 .500 * I • Soorcs-Maj 91. ^ * Twin Falls 12. Shoshone 8. * C Burl<y 13, Kimberly 2. * i Ropert 6, Jeromo 3- I * Games X a r ^ - * I • Rupert at Twin FaUs. * I * Kimberly at Jerome. * ' * Shoshoas at Borlay. * Qaass Xay BO. Twin Falls at Kimberly. * Shoshone at Jerotae. Burley at Rupert . ' • ' I••«,••••••••••••••••• ' Two baseball games ifi succession within tb n e days, Is golng some, and . that is wbati tbe tans.of this city and , vicinity will bave a chance to see dur- ing the coming week;. Sunday Rupert, which bas a team that is sUll und»< tested, wlU play Twin-Falls, which is I also .stlU. ondofeaM.. on tbo home I gronnds snd the baUl» will be oneU U±llnwk ftn fW«np^lAt. doy. the Kim- > berly team, wblcb U practicing for to • recbrer tbe gronnd lost Ust Sondsy, I will be'lBcliand.irltbJMUSvi.Cbrj*Uaa , wtll pltcb lo r u Uie t first Ume that tb« Oakland Twirler ' baa gone tnto-tbe.boz. and unlesa be I ta n sty ' sroon^ tbe points, be will I make Uift KlmbifflrJxrttsrs sm uh tbg surrounding osone.- , .VEBDUN ..... IS klnablp to tho central powon. tbe •0 tho food Xor tho'Boldlom is prepared, tbe food for tho aoldlera guarding CITACTPROSPKTS jJEOER THAN EVER Jolm M. Bc«k~r'nKTBn»i1j"TenR of InaUllaUon ot Machlnfry Comp. A compressor and liolsttnc ma- chlno has bocn rocclved al Uic' Dc Lano property In Contact and will be 'In8iaire3~an'd~"foady for oporaUon wlUiln a couplo of wcoka, according to John M. Bock, of Kimberly, who j wllh Ocorgo O. Bremer, H. W. Mund and W. M. Arnojd-returned Tuoeday Jrom a trip to Uiat noted copper pijamp.. Tjiore arc now 30 m en^m - ployed on the DeLoa'o property sad .this number wlll'6o Increased oa soon as the now machinery Is started. A ' great deal of hand work is beiag done on oUier proporUes. Mr. Beck aays that tho camp Is Inoro promising than day'from” conUcron Surineaa, ^ iT a conaervatlve though hopeful viow of t b o . filtuatlOQ. Ho said a lltUo ore waa being taken out and shipped con- tinually and that this would contlnuo ngtttiff=oopper=prtcfts=Temstned. -..hlglii However, the deroiopmept of the comp was 'retardod-by-laok- of .transpotlar UoB-and ho-had nb deUnitc-lnforaa- Uon that would load htpi to think a road would ge through In the noar fu- tu re .-If - tt-dld,-U«j„camp^WOuld_ na- turally grow rapidly. X crew had bew.^umlng-thiudabtia and. wlllowa along the' llae of tho old'Oregon Short Lino right of way, but whether this amounted to anything more than an effort to keep IM lear hfr.did aoLknow. fAlllNG SUCCEEDS L E. SAUADAY AS PRESIDENT N'ew Hend Cboscm For Clnb—Xet Proceeds of Cbantiiuqna to 'Rest Jloom This Year. On account ol his having to bc away a groat deal on account of hie wife’s heolUi, U £1. Salladoy resigned bis poslUon as president of tho Com- morclal club and was succeeded by H. J. Palling. Mr. Salladay accoplod tbe place oa the dlrectorato made va- cant by the elevation ot Mr. Falling to tho presidency.' Th^ board ol di- rectors voted to donalo the not pro- ceeds of the disutauqoa this year U tbo ladles’ rest room. The board elected 76 new mombert who bad applied during the campalgi last week. A smoker wilt bo given next Thursday night at which tho re- forendum on the subject of Investiga- tion Into the threatened strike will be discussed. • XEETING OF SETTLEBS OS SAL. • MON TRACT AT H0LL18TEE. | A m set^g of the members of tbe ' • Salmon River SetUers' assocla- * • tibn has been called for Saturday, at Hollister,' at 2:00 o'clock, a t ' • which time matters of vital inter- ' • est to the setUers on tbat project ' ■ ^ to be taken up. | • • Tho stores will ’cloio Tuesday ‘ •ToT!remorlaKDay;Md It ls-11^ ^ .'tbat 'M places'of business -be ap-^* • W ^rlately decorated for tho oc- DECORAT ION DAY -PLMNOiim final Arrajemenls Made Public By Marshall .lK ,H r .HE.V IV/LL LEAI» ------------ 'I'HK-PItOUKSSION. — — - Mn>o' OnnniUatlonH nnd Citizens on Foot mid In VeWdcH Will - Tnke I'art. Flnnl urranRuniuunlH Imvc been mnilo for tiie DccocaUon, day parade in lhla ctty, nnd llic lloa ol march hna been officially Hclocled. There will bo vcteranH, Ladles of lhe O. A. II. and SonB of 'VoleranB in front fol* lowed by th« mayor nnd council; the clly band, the' (rntcrrml ordern, citi- zens on fool, nalJoaal gunrd, . boj scouts, aulon nod oilier yohlclcH In the order namcil. Tlic official proclu- Imntion for lho formation reads ui 'foIloivA; Tho varlouB organlzntionu inklnj part in lhe pnrado on Docoriition du) will form as follows: j'^fHt! Grant! Army. Lndlew of G. A __R..und Sons ot .VctornnH ot Cour - Housu- Second: Mayor and City Council oi Shoshone opposite M. E. church. Third; Clly Bond following Ooun cll. Fourth: Fraternal Orders meoUni In Uio aouthweat pnrt ot Uie clly form on Fourth Avenuo Eaat J oc Idg'Slioslfone. AlPOrdora meoUni in the North and West ends ot th clly form on FoVrlh Aveauo NorU facing Shoshono, under command e First Auslalant Marshal 8. 0. Mc Auley. Filth: Gltlzens on foot In tho Par at Band BUnd, undor command < L. 8. Hasson. ------- Sixth: Militia 'oa Foartb 'Areai North, resting on Shoahone. Seventh: Boy Scouts in Park, res< Ing on comor of Fourth Avenuo an Shoshone. Eighth: All autos on Shoshono 1 fPbnt of High School. Ninth: Horse drawn vehicles o Shoahono In front of Park. -^rade-~wiu-aUrtr^prompUy^at-a:3 A-M, S. P. ATHERTON. ..Marshal of tho da] COHPAHV=PREftlRB=— TOJEVaOP lOVH Twin Falls Man President of Con ‘ pany—Town~I#~on“ Proposed-BaJ lIlTcr.Unc. ................ _ , Ttio Raft Rlvor Investment con pony organized for Uio devolopmet of the townslto of Lovett In tbls-stal on the lino of the propoaed axtei slon of tho Oregon Short lino, hi filed arUclca of incorporaUon wit the secretary of slate. The n^r'coB pany Is incorporated for (10,000 aa is headed-by A. N. Spraguo ot tbi city, wbo Id Its p^osldont Tbo cot atrucU on^ tho Short lino Into Ui Raft rlvor country Is pracUaclly ai snrcd, the story of lls proposed buU< lag thero was told in THE TIME , some monlba ago. I Officers of the company aro; Proj 1 Idenl, A. N. Sprague, of Twin Falli . vlco preslddnts, Charles W. Powor . of Sublett and 0. C. McPeek, ot Bui 1 ley;,sfc*retary and treasurer, J. y . Voorhos, of Rupert Theae with I • R. Adams of Rupert and A. -Lafoui [ of Salt Lake City .constitute tbo boat . ot directors. ' OREOOir SHORT LINE H0N0B8 , TBE COMTHEECLiL CLUB SBC! \ Ofllclal announcement was mac 1 yesterday of the formal naming i tbe switch to tbe sugar factory whlc • hereafter will be designated as U 1 McMillan. Switch. Somo Unie ai Superintendent Stephenson of tl company wrote to Mr. McMillan fro: > Ogden saying tbat In view of bis' • ' Uve Interest and assistance In. seen ' Ing the cooperation e t the common ' ty for .the: bnildlng .of the factor ' tho company woold, Uke to«bave ht ' grant permission to name the swlu ' for him. Mr. McMillan oonsentsd an tbe order was Isaned. • • BI8 SBTT APPOINTED FOE ; • WEST POINT CADETSHIP According to word re ^ v U to- ' * day by Captaln P. W. MeRoberts. ‘ • from - Adjutant . O raeral.. P. ■ JL !. «-Crow,-r»toUve to Weet Point »p- ' * polntments,.David X.BlM Ott ot. ' * Company D. bas beea jMlected by ‘ • Govenlbr.Alexaader as one o?;tbe > • Uree-to-repnMttt tbls stat«r»Mr.- ‘ *-B lm tt BOW llTsa at Burley.'^ Bis • appointment was rocoaunanded br. > • by Captain MeRoberts. mmm w -N O rp iNGUP Good Stand Prom ised Jn The. local Field This Fall L.lTt: SL’lll\<i HAS SOT KEPT --iTit’K F<»UTit\\ L .A S iM itm oxfi:iiz lilrely I’ontrHt ProniLipd nnd Many (^mu in Kurly to Keofi Ahead of - litCitllHil. Tho locul polIUcal xltuaUon Is be- ginning jojilio^B lK naof recurring life now liinl llio sUilo convenUbns"' nru ov^r, and nolwllhRlaodlng tho hitenoHH of ilio nprlng tlie candidate crop lu promlHtng. Doth parties agreo Umt lho coming cumpnlgn will be one of Die moBt ftcrccly contested battlen that ercr look placo fn Idaho, and aro ■nuking prcparaUonii nccordingly. To cotnpJlcQtc riHmerfl in this county. Buhl wants n now county, and says lhat she Ih going to get U. Thofe has been <iullo a bit of talk about a com- . J>lnatl»n hntuffon tl'i. wrxtwvnrt rlry__ and certain. Jlcpubl)<;an pdllUclans ln_ Twin Kalla, bul lliero Ib no tangible evidence of Uie existence ot any such . coniraci or underAtandlng and tho. fow wust-end men who socm to ac- , copl BUch A coalition aa an osUbllsh- ed fact aro la the minority In tbelr. own community, whero counly .dlvl- elon-jlghts-havo-boon niude-bofore-and— ' whero the average voter, as a result ‘ of expcrlc&cc. wants to bo shown tho . ' goods; al least wants more to go on ‘ lhan an Idle street rumor. At- the - ’ same Ume aho Buhl sltuaUon Is mak> Ing everyone In politics moro or less ; uncomforUblo. ^ It Is not known wboUier O. O. Zuck . ot -Kimborly, -will, .wlsb to succeed ^ bCaself' as senator or sot His legislaUve course was generally aatla- * Cactory except Insofar as be ran coon- ‘ tar to tbo county division movement in tbo west-ond. All give him credit ' for honesty on thla Issue, as be frtak- ly declared blmself opposed .to s a ^ ‘ division when a candidate.. This Is , ono placo which Bubl' would like to '• ■haverand-fricnds-fot-Wr-H.-HHsaTsyr- who lives near that tbrlving and en- terprising olty, say that be Is jnst tbe • man for tho place. On the other band Bon WlllIamiBon. wbo bas plenbr o t _ JCrleods^ among the yoonger set and^ r doubled, in baing pnahri I bis frienda. Williamson. .sopport«d - TMt-la-l«i2rbat-h!s-pTlttdpal-bacter^ Is J. a. Sloan. who vraa .la'tbo Toddy. * procession. There Is some taUc-et' t WilIlamsofr-M^mdldate-C6iMb»4dsi^ -who. was.ioo: J;be I r r i^ o n eoaml»>. r Blon and U iB t^ te d . tn tfi»-watec' * problem, is tudeorstood. to bo.laiia r** ^ 'cfipUT«-mdodr*^ibooId- UteTT«lephntT ^ come a woolng :attd.tbe-'aBlmar*ta a>’< J Page-1ft.) H : CROCKETT sn u IN ; A p l^ fC ipl i LUt of Xttt Hut ta loe^aer^^ r, ^Ihmr Arn . . BoeoTwy.. I, : Mel Crockett, who waa daM ininES . hurt in Ute aoto a o d d e B t'^ p S S S S ^ berly road Sunday a t t ^ d i i^ ^ S m l t nnconsdoas .at tba 1 Ul wiUt bia lUft b a n stn ^ S ^ u E S ance. He wM .>e6drtia-iU |fi^® i proved at Uie tlaaa'iD< today. Tbls inoni&r -& .lTR^SBH . said Uiat hls e Uie.sauef^-lt:bjis'te^,«^H r Uie *edd«ii:».aqy?llen*S|i^®H 1 badly bnrt,'lir.'oa e of dang«r;';-Wfllm\^Al4f^|^^’t m B H l l ^ l e bare bseo rnTffniin illH tti'-T flf^ ^ a it waa at I. to'ttie d e p e t 'a M T c W f p i m ^ u M w dlsobTeredi t b a t l r i ^ ^ w ffliBffla . ons tnteRial .'fiB iQ jH iNL '^^ a lass bo^ are a»bim<Kfi^3 |^ ^ H b satoT^.U lbt a;9ai4»:;4Wn d comlai trom -tbe- a dltcb , near f,tbla car and ab*ktoritiem-ti»>8 BMHHH • The ou^.was>fnrii«d.'fetf^a^^^mDBB • OolIol^.wbo':tna'drMst.US^£iSBB : I a. *' ft' * \r^
Page 1: PER'^ 5 ^ jj jmiinfEJ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · by the Short Z4a» should wa buOd the ^ d c« aa ladspendeat company. We ^ 4o

VOL. XI. NO. 66. . ELEVENTH YEAR. TWIN FALLS, TWIN FALLS COUNTY, IDAHO. THURSDAY, MAY 25. 1916! ~ SU^CRIPTION $ 2 .0 0 P E R ' ^ 5 ^- — - ■ I I . .I I ^ > 1 1 . - ■ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ■

j j_ jm iin fE JXMSNMMffilNG

T lm ugiiM g^ 'e io fP n :|K»!dtioe

-< iU t& m x _ o t’.u iT iJU T £_o^ 'r.vE n .SHIP I»KOVKS MOOTED ISSUE.

Lurgt hn th e r/n p n t C lub Roonm and ExjirosnJojw A ll in FoTor of Bood. ,

An onthuBtaBtlc Jo ln> meotlQB 'o t TwJa. F a lls an<J C oetlw ora n f 'Q j ’o Tooms o t llic Twin F a lls Commorclal club Tueadny night rcauU cd Ifi tho appofnlm cnt tif J . A. Cpora from thia c lly ood J . H. Scovor' from Coatlcfoi^ to fill two commlttfica tljroe, to r Uio purpoBo of co^peraU off Jn tho d i t ­to s o t te a ta tlro p iana fo r tho proposed Costloford railroad , im 4 If noccsaary for th e aeodlDg o t a dolegatlon roprfl' 80QtlQS Uto com m ualtloa im erostod to S a lt LftVo City to t ik e th e queatlon of

— conatrufttlon M d ow nojab lp up wltU th o officials of^He uregOTrSBDTrWirer Tho -commlttfle wlU .haY»., pow er to m ako rccom iaeiidatlw ia w ith referenco to tho ralalDg o f fan d a noeeaaary to ca r ry o u t tem porary p la o s a a d to do local p relim inary InveatlgatlDg.

Yoatorday m orning Moeara. Boaror ttod Croflj ^Bct Bad se lec ted tbo r e s t « f tho commlttec. - M r. S eaver so lec t'

— c d .X ftrU k U lIe tJw 4 H . J. FaHJng and Mr. Crom appolatSr"Jn5rT«ttX W «JlV an d Thom as W arner. T h e coMmlttoo o rgan ltcd b y the elecU oa o t H r. Soa> yar aa chairm an. U w as docldcd to iav ito tbo S h o rt Z Jao officials to ^ m e h e re 'a n d ta lk ovor th e situation

’M d look over th e coun try . Mr. Crom )o m :« J o r CbieagQ in » fow days to

. be gone about-'a m o atb . ' -'-i ■to o rd e r Ijy

C. U DeUm g, v ice ' p r e s id e n t-d i.th «, c lub , J . A- Crom w a s callod upoa to

QxplolD the pu rpose of th e gathering and, to ld of th e o bstac les w hich ho h ad m et in a ttem pting to secure | 100 ,- QOO in Bubacrlptlons. Ho ss ld tb a t in « gsaora} wmt tollis w ere-dlirJded-iato tWO-tattpgr^nfr-of-WMch w aata^ p n n . j r ra ised a s a douotlon to th e Oregon S h o rt L ine to Induce th a t road to build, owa and op e ra te th s proposed

y • Uno, T he o tho r w nnted tKo organlxa- tlon' o ( an Indopeadoat company. Por-

===»«»llr~fts=««»ored=;th(LJtt4flpend«nt .— *ompjmy_plan- H e rep lied to a 'a a S ^

h e r of tjbjoctlons w E lcH TrtU sa-hB ard — xalsodr-such-*»_l!Ibft_road_ cpjild bo

b u ilt if we would a ll pu ll •togetlior; b u t th a o th e r fe llow w ill a o t au&scrt&tf,

- -BO. I..w Iii..not"; . :;O b ,.,U ajeae j.to r youto tak e stock bu t I c an no t" ; ''XTslml-

. larT K tcm vt ujadg -befo tfr fftlledr-thera-. fo ro Oils one will fa ll." Mr? Crom ap-pedJed to^lj-to -io trtbelr-em otloa*usar-:

. ry tbem forw ard to succcss In tb ls un« 1 dertakSug. A J l.w an ted tho road ond ' wIUi proper co-opcraUon all could I build It.

J . 'H . 'S e s v e r .- r c p rm n tJ B g CasUs-lford, made- a b rie f po in ted ta lk oz<'

' p lslo Jag th e posltloB o f h is commua* I Ity. In snbatAaco he sa id : “Wo alll w ap t th e road, b u t befo re we aub-

; acrlbo w e w a n t - to know dcfjaitely w h a t we nre aubscrlb lng to. ' Up to tho p rcsoa t do d e fia lto p laa h a s been worked o u t We do n o t w an t to be la the poaltloa o f « ie farraora o f tiw H sgerm an v a l le r 'who aubacrlbed tor tho b u ild in g .o t a road , paid tn thoir m oney ood o t t)]o o nd b ad only p a r t of a grade to ahow fo r i t W e would pre> fo r to h a ra tho S h o rt U q o bultd, own and operate Uie ro ad , because wo k a o ^ nothing abou t ra ilroad con- struoU oa. W e do n o t know w b a t ob­stac les B ig h t be. th ro w n in o u r way by th e S h o rt Z4a» sh o u ld w a buOd the ^ d c« a a lad sp en d ea t company. We

4 o no t even have d i r e c t positive aa-- • H arance-that-thf- B hort U n e Is VllUog

to have u s btUld th is road , tbo auch ovidence a s w» bare poiata tbat wsy- I f th e S h o rt Un® shonld huUd th is ro ad . I t m ig h t s t ic k ue o a fn ilgh t aad passenger ra te s to a certa in extent, b u t even a t th a t th e ro ad so luUlt sadopera ted w ould b® ft: t r e a t l» o m to thscommunity and w e •would subscribe libera lly tow ard I t s constrac tlda .^ He

.suggested the appo ifttm ea t o f a.oom - m lttee represoatlD c.. th e conm unltles In je rw tsd -to .tak f t tb e n a t t e r o p wlUt th e S h o rt lin e and d a d o u t w hat tha t com paay would d o . Tbla saggestloa’ w as la te r acted upo n a s noted above.

M r. M iller o f C astle fo rd , briefly en­d o rsed t t e ..views expressed by Mr.

• Seaver. . -p resldejit T )e L o n |, M; J. SwcoJey s a d o tb e w jipoke ^ o o g the » m e general lin e . « s p « ^ y tovM-

• fog tiiB sppotatm oafT of th e oommltteo to d ra ft a d ^ i te -p ro p o s IU o n . Mr.

— s ugf «*tod;_that t h e • com m lltse

_ fe®Its own e * p e M ? ta U e l a l a r o s ^ t i r w hole community. W Ulett H soce m ade a strong ta lk along th is line.

. U k ln * o p o ^ » collectlottiThe com toW M e,~ urdr«9-tts ten ta tito

d e ts r a la s d l b * p ro b sb ls cost o f In te sU g sO o n 'aad repo rt back to

In itial w ork o f investigaUon.


While *‘goulaab" Is n o t a vory popu name “go u la sh 'k ltcb en ” haa often boi Tho photograph show s ttao g rea t numbei Vordua Is prepared.

SALMON RIVER WATER - __ _ C A U O f J I S I J MRobert Bayl A rrested on Charge .ot

Boattnff T p NeJffbbor Over Location o f Ditch.

A i a resu lt o f a xnlxup on tlio Sal­mon troct ovor w ater, Indicating tha t .unusual conditions prevail • Uicrc, .Frank C ^ d lo la sufforlng from num- 'crouB~cbncuaalona a h d lacoratlona on' h is head and feelings and Robert Rayl la citcd to ap p ea r bctoro Judge A. W. Ostrom M onday m orning on a chargo o f a a sa u lt a n d ' battery.

iJMisndi r f 'C a n d le . t e ll th e story ' th is way, though, th e 'e ridence ‘ m ay dis­close other p h ases M ind ' sidelights. The m onum ents o f Uie o rig inal .su r­vey have d isappeared from a U rge strip on th e Salm on tra c t In tho neighborhood w hore tho troublo took place and some tim o ago a num ber t j t Uium"Bot lo g e tU o r.'lilred '-a -so r-- veyor and ra n lines , agreplng to obey

i tbo deiormlnaUon o f the private su r­vey. Caudle, w ho had Improved, bla place according to w hat .is < believed

l.to 'be thb o rig inal, o tttc la i s u g e y , re- I tuBuu^ to ' be ,5“ pSL^)' to" 'thfs agreo^' m en t-aad-w bon-tha-B urvey-lnd lcated . U>e line to ru n th rough hla field cut- ttD g-off-a-.consldcTable p a r trh e -d e - - cllaed to accep t i t In tho tneantlm e Rayl had taken u p a claim , on which, I liow evorr tho” com pany rc fu sed 'to -ru n v a te r , on account of pending lltlga- tloa«.aiia. ho r e p o s te d ^ a sk e d 're lie f , from the land bo a rd fo r which th is year, though w lthdn t finally deciding th e case, gave h im a tem porary or« der. In getting w a te r to h ts isnd R ay r found I t convenient to run a ilitch.through_tlie.CIoid which tlio p ri­vate survey Indicated as "no longer belongtag to. C audle b u t which Caudle asserted w as h is according, to tho orlglnol survey. C audle w ent o u t la s t Thuraday to stop, him and a dlaputo esaued. tho re a u lt of .which will bo more fully described In cou rt Mon- <!«;. - ■


T n ln F alls S taff Put on W o r k - Stale Officers o f the O rder Were Present.

A Robekah lodge woa In a tltu t^^ laat night, a t F ile r , tbo w ork bolng' p u l on by th e o rd e r In th is clty> A large num bor of Odd Fellow s and Re> bekahs w ero In attendance from Twin Fslla. P resid en t Johnson o t Couer d’Alene and S ecre ta ry . CrossAn o t Boise, both g ra n d lodge officers were In th is c ity y e ste rd sy and wont to F lie r w ith th e loca l lodgo. The osuai enterta inm ent connected with such w ork, w as d iU gb tfa lly . fam ished . by the U le r m em bers.


H esTf Snow B syond B o g cn o s Pre« vents HectlBff to A djust Boad to DoU HoDow. . *

: : C a m m is s lo s e r^ a r ls o a -M d —Mooro w/>at to R ogorsoa yesterday wllb' a Trtew of m s etlB r^ -n u m b es-o t-sa ttls rs - a few m iles beyond tho town, for tbe ad jiu tm en t o f a rd a d line to Bull Hol­low. W b « fB nr m iles frcm Rogsrsoa they- ran- jptd- » -b lln d ln g .an o « .s to n n , whlcb ■ so .Tmpoded the ir p rogress th s t Uiey arrived la t* a t Uio place of meet­ing. and iQUnd th a t (he s ^ l ia r s had H tT en 'o p 'b o p e .ef- m eetlng -them -and bad gone bome.


ular.food wltb th e F ronch’, con a ld e ittk : len conforred on tb e Held k t t c h u s 'vbo ir of thoso m ovable field kltcbons wher)

msioNPiANiakT. Woods Says Crowd Will



D r. Albee of The Tw in F alls B o ^ , Brings Back Somo Sam ples F ra f f


"Y our s to ry of Uio Jahbidge comp taken from tho San Fronciaeo Bulle- Un. and tho interview w ith Jamos McMillan, a ro borno out by the In- T estlgatio tts-o r-aa-w bo-v lsltA d-U uU . camp w ltb Commtsaloncrs Albc^. Carlson and Moore from th is county, and o thers who aro tatorostcd In the propoaed new road,” said W. T. ^ o o d i^ ire s le S lf tS '^ ^ ^ P e rB o n B n rF T could not odd u y U iin g to I t Thingslook ve ry prom ising U iore;-in.... fac tlook-io8t-a8--good-a»-the'BulIeUn -ar- OcJe Ind icate . In a couplo of weeks we expect to organise a party of from 20'to'2B and-TlBic-tho cam p from hero s t w hich tim e thoro wUI bo on op- portualtT-tct. wrlto an o th er s to iy gtK ing. Into doW ls fu rtho r Umn l» now possible.” /

Dr. Alboo brougb t bock some Ram-, pies o f o ro -from -tho cam p which a re said by foxpertar to contain consider- Sblo gold. A ll the 'm em bora of Uie p arty -te ll th e sam e-entbuslasUc story.


Bnpert and Tw in FaIIk, Snnday. and Kimberly and Twin Falls, Tuesday.

• • SOUTHBRX IDAHO LEAGUE. * . • S tanding o f Clabs. *

•, P layed. Won. L o s t P e t •• TW IN FALLS 2 2 . 0 1000 •• R upert ____ 2 2 0 1000 •

I • Shoshone ...... 2 . 1 I .600 *r * B u r le y _____ 2 1 1 .BOO •. • K im berly ..... 2 0 2 .000 •• ' Je rom e .......... 2 0 2 .500 *I • S o o rc s -M a j 91. • * T w in F a lls 12. Shoshone 8. *

C • Burl<y 13, K im berly 2. *i • R opert 6, Jerom o 3- •I * Games X a r ^ - *I • R u p e rt a t T w in FaUs. *I * K im berly a t Jerom e. *' * Shoshoas a t B orlay. *

• Q a a s s X ay BO. •• Tw in F a lls a t K imberly. *• Shoshone a t Je ro tae . •• B urley a t R u p e r t . ' •• ' ■ I ••«,•••••••••••••••••

' Two baseball gam es ifi successionw ithin t b n e days, Is golng some, and

. th a t is w bati tb e ta n s .o f th is city and , vicinity w ill bave a chance to see dur­

ing th e coming w eek;. Sunday Rupert, which b as a team th a t is sUll und»< tested , wlU p lay T w in-Falls, which is

I also .s t lU . o n d o feaM .. on tbo home I g ronnds s n d the baU l» w ill be o n e U U ±llnwk ftn fW«np^lAt. doy. the Kim- > berly team , w blcb U practic ing for to• recb rer tb e gronnd lo s t U s t Sondsy, I will be'lBcliand.irltbJM USvi.Cbrj*Uaa , w tll p ltcb l o r u Uie t f irs t Ume th a t tb« Oakland Tw irler ' baa gone tn to -tb e .b o z . and unlesa be I ta n s t y ' s roon^ tb e points, be will I make Uift K lm bifflrJx rttsrs s m u h tbg

surrounding osone.- , •


IS klnablp to tho central pow on. tbe •0 tho food Xor tho'Boldlom is prepared,

tbe food for tho aoldlera guarding


Jolm M. B c«k~ r'nK T B n»i1 j"T enR of InaUllaUon o t Machlnfry Comp.

A com pressor and liolsttnc ma- chlno has bocn rocclved a l Uic' Dc Lano property In Contact and will be 'In8iaire3~an 'd~"foady for oporaUon wlUiln a couplo of wcoka, according to John M. Bock, of Kimberly, who

j w llh Ocorgo O. Bremer, H. W. Mund and W. M. A rnojd-returned Tuoeday

J ro m a trip to Uiat noted copper pijamp.. Tjiore a rc now 30 m e n ^ m - ployed on the DeLoa'o property sad .th is num ber w lll'6o Increased oa soon as the now m achinery Is started. A

' g rea t deal o f h and work is beiag done on oUier proporUes. Mr. Beck aays th a t tho camp Is Inoro promising than

day'from ” c o n U c ro n Surineaa, ^ i T a conaervatlve though hopeful viow of t b o . filtuatlOQ. Ho said a lltUo ore w aa being taken out and shipped con­tinually and th a t th is would contlnuo

ngtttiff=oopper=prtcfts=Tem stned.- ..hlglii However, the deroiopm ept of the comp was 're ta rd o d -b y -la o k - of .transpotlar UoB-and ho-had nb deU nitc-lnforaa- Uon th a t would load htpi to th ink a road would ge th rough In the noar fu- t u r e . - I f - tt-dld,-U«j„camp^WOuld_ na­tu ra lly grow rapidly. X crew had b ew .^ u m ln g -th iu d a b tia and. wlllowa along the' llae of tho old'Oregon Short Lino rig h t o f way, b u t w hether this am ounted to anything more than an effort to keep IM le a r hfr.did aoLknow.


N'ew Hend Cboscm F o r Clnb—Xet Proceeds of Cbantiiuqna to 'Rest Jloom This Year.

On account o l his having to bc away a g roa t deal on account of hie w ife’s heolUi, U £1. Salladoy resigned b is poslUon a s president of tho Com­morclal club and was succeeded by H. J . Palling. Mr. Salladay accoplod tb e place oa th e dlrectorato made va­can t by the elevation o t Mr. Falling to tho presidency.' Th^ board o l di­recto rs voted to donalo the not pro­ceeds o f the d isu tau q o a th is year U tbo ladles’ r e s t room.

T he board elected 76 new mombert who bad applied during the campalgi la s t week. A smoker wilt bo given n ex t Thursday n ight a t which tho re- forendum on the subject of Investiga­tion Into th e threatened s trik e will be discussed.


• A m s e t^ g o f th e m embers o f tbe '• Salm on R iver SetUers' assocla- *• tibn h as been called for Saturday, •• a t H ollister,' a t 2:00 o'clock, a t '• w hich tim e m atte rs o f vital in ter- '• e s t to the setU ers on tb a t p roject ' ■ ^ to be taken up. |

• • Tho s to re s will ’cloio Tuesday ‘ •T o T !rem o rlaK D ay ;M d I t l s - 1 1 ^^ .'tbat 'M p la c e s 'o f business -be ap-^*• W ^ r la te ly decorated for tho oc- •

DECORATION DAY -PLMNOiimfinal Arrajemenls Made Public

By Marshall.lK ,H r .HE.V IV/LL LEAI»

------------ 'I'HK-PItOUKSSION. — — -

Mn>o' OnnniUatlonH nnd C itizens on Foot mid In VeWdcH W ill - Tnke I 'a r t.

Flnnl urranRuniuunlH Imvc been mnilo for tiie DccocaUon, day parade in lhla ctty, nnd llic lloa ol m arch hna been officially Hclocled. There will bo vcteranH, Ladles of lhe O. A. II. and SonB of 'VoleranB in f ro n t fol* lowed by th« m ayor nnd council; the clly band, th e ' (rntcrrm l ordern, c iti­zens on fool, nalJoaal gunrd, . boj scouts, aulon nod o ilier yohlclcH In the order namcil. Tlic official proclu-

I mntion for lho form ation reads ui 'foIloivA;

Tho varlouB organlzntionu inklnj p a rt in lhe pnrado on Docoriition du) will form as follows: j'^fHt! Grant! Army. Lndlew of G. A__R ..u n d Sons o t .VctornnH ot Cour- Housu-Second: Mayor and City Council oi

Shoshone opposite M. E. church. Th ird ; Clly Bond following Ooun

cll.Fourth : F ra ternal O rders meoUni

In Uio aouthweat p n rt o t Uie clly form on Fourth Avenuo E a a t J oc Idg'Slioslfone. A lPO rdora meoUni in the North and W est ends o t th

clly form on FoVrlh Aveauo NorU facing Shoshono, un d er command e F irs t Auslalant M arshal 8. 0 . Mc Auley.

F ilth : Gltlzens on foot In tho P ar a t Band BUnd, undor command <L. 8. H asson. -------

S ixth: Militia 'oa F o a rtb 'A reai North, resting on Shoahone.

Seventh: Boy Scouts in P a rk , res< Ing on com or of F o u rth Avenuo an Shoshone.

E ighth: All autos on Shoshono 1 fPbnt o f High School.

N inth: H orse draw n vehicles o Shoahono In fro n t o f Park.

-^rade-~ w iu -aU rtr^p ro m p U y ^a t-a :3 A -M ,

S. P . ATHERTON...Marshal of tho da]


Twin F alls Man P resid en t o f Con ‘ pany—T ow n~I#~on“ Proposed-BaJ

lI lT cr.U n c . ................_ ,

Ttio R aft Rlvor Investm en t con pony organized fo r Uio devolopmet of the townslto of L ovett In tb ls-s ta l on the lino of the propoaed axtei slon of tho Oregon S h o rt lino, hi filed arUclca of incorporaU on wit the secretary of slate. T he n ^ r 'c o B pany Is incorporated fo r (10,000 aa is headed-by A. N. Spraguo o t tbi city, wbo Id Its p^osldont T bo cot a t r u c U o n ^ tho S h o rt lino Into Ui R aft rlvor country Is pracU aclly ai snrcd, the story of lls proposed buU< la g thero was told in T H E TIME

, some monlba ago.I Officers of the com pany a ro ; Proj 1 Idenl, A. N. Sprague, o f Tw in Falli . vlco preslddnts, C harles W. Powor . o f S u b le tt and 0 . C. M cPeek, o t Bui 1 ley ;,sfc*retary and trea su re r, J . y . Voorhos, of R u p e rt Theae with I• R. Adams of R upert and A. -Lafoui [ of Salt Lake City .constitu te tbo boat . o t directors.

' OREOOir SHORT LINE H0N0B8 , TBE COMTHEECLiL CLUB SBC! \ Ofllclal announcem ent w as mac 1 yeste rday of th e form al nam ing i■ tbe sw itch to tb e su g a r factory whlc• hereafter w ill be designated as U 1 McMillan. Switch. Somo Unie ai

Superintendent Stephenson o f tl company w rote to Mr. McMillan fro:

> Ogden saying tb a t In view o f bis' • ' Uve In terest and a ssis tan ce In. seen ' Ing the cooperation e t th e common ' ty for .the: bnildlng .o f th e factor ' tho company w oold, Uke to«bave h t ' g ran t perm ission to nam e th e swlu ' fo r him. Mr. M cMillan oonsentsd an■ tb e order w as Isaned.


• According to w ord r e ^ v U to- ' * day by C aptaln P . W . MeRoberts. ‘ • from - A djutant . O ra e ra l . . P . ■ JL !. «-Crow,-r»toUve to W ee t P oint » p - ' * poln tm ents,.D avid X .B lM O tt ot. ' * Company D. b as b e e a jMlected by ‘ • G ovenlbr.A lexaader a s one o?;tbe> • U re e -to -rep n M ttt tb ls stat«r»M r.- ‘ * - B lm t t BOW llTsa a t B urley .'^ B is■ • appointm ent w as rocoaunanded b r.> • by C aptain MeRoberts.

mmm w - N O r p iNGUPGood Stand Promised Jn The.

local Field This FallL.lTt: SL’lll\<i HAS SOT KEPT--iT it’K F<»U Tit\\ L .A S iM i tm o x f i : i i z

lilrely I’ontrHt ProniLipd nnd Many (^mu in Kurly to Keofi Ahead of - litCitllHil.

Tho locul polIUcal xltuaUon Is be­ginning j o j i l i o ^ B lK n a o f recurring life now liinl llio sUilo co nvenU bns" ' nru ov^r, and nolwllhRlaodlng tho hitenoHH of ilio nprlng tlie candidate crop lu promlHtng. Doth parties agreo Umt lho coming cumpnlgn will be one of Die moBt ftcrccly contested battlen th a t e rc r look placo fn Idaho, and aro ■nuking prcparaUonii nccordingly. To cotnpJlcQtc riHmerfl in this county. Buhl wants n now county, and says lh a t she Ih going to get U. Thofe has been <iullo a b it of ta lk about a com- .J>lnatl»n hntuffon tl'i. wrxtwvnrt rlry__and certain. Jlcpubl)<;an pdllUclans ln_ Twin Kalla, b u l lliero Ib no tangible evidence of Uie existence o t any such . co n irac i o r underAtandlng and th o . fow wust-end men who socm to ac-

, copl BUch A coalition aa an osU bllsh- ed fa c t aro la the m inority In tb e lr . ow n community, whero counly .dlvl- elon-jlghts-havo-boon niude-bofore-and—

' whero the average voter, a s a resu lt ‘ o f expcrlc&cc. w ants to bo shown tho . ' goods; a l least w ants more to go on ‘ lhan an Idle s tre e t rum or. At- th e - ’ sam e Ume ah o Buhl sltuaUon Is mak>

Ing everyone In politics moro o r less ; uncomforUblo. I t Is not known wboUier O. O. Zuck . ot -Kimborly, -will, .wlsb to succeed

^ bCaself' as senator or s o t His legislaUve course was generally aatla-

* Cactory except Insofar as be ran coon- ‘ ta r to tbo county division movement

in tbo west-ond. All give him credit ' for honesty on thla Issue, as be fr ta k -

ly declared blmself opposed .to s a ^‘ division when a candidate.. This Is , ono placo which Bubl' would like to'• ■haverand-fricnds-fot-Wr-H.-HHsaTsyr-

who lives near that tbrlving and en­terprising olty, say that be Is jn s t tbe

• man for tho place. On the other band Bon WlllIamiBon. wbo bas plenbr o t

_ JCrleods^ among the yoonger se t and^

r doubled, in baing pnahri I bis frienda. Williamson. .sopport«d - TM t-la-l«i2rbat-h!s-pTlttdpal-bacter^

Is J . a . Sloan. who vraa .la 'tbo Toddy.* procession. There Is some taU c -e t ' t W ilIlam sofr-M ^m dlda te -C 6 iM b»4dsi^

-who. was.ioo: J;be I r r i ^ o n eoaml»>. r Blon and U i B t ^ t e d . tn tfi»-watec'* problem, is tudeorstood. to bo.laiia r** 'cfipUT«-mdodr*^ibooId- U teTT«lephntT come a woolng :attd.tbe-'aBlmar*ta a>’<

J P a g e -1ft.) H

: CROCKETT s n u IN• ; A p l ^ f C i p li LUt of X ttt H u t ta l o e ^ a e r ^ ^

r , ^ Ih m r Arn. . BoeoTwy..I,

: Mel Crockett, who waa d aM in in E S . hurt in Ute aoto a o d d e B t '^ p S S S S berly road Sunday a t t ^ d i i ^ ^ S m l

t nnconsdoas .at tba 1 Ul wiUt bia lUft b a n s t n ^ S ^ u E S

ance. He wM .>e6d r t i a - i U | f i ^ ® i proved a t Uie tlaaa'iD< today. Tbls inon i& r - & . lT R ^ S B H

. said Uiat hlse U i e . s a u e f ^ - l t : b j i s ' t e ^ , « ^ H r Uie * e d d « i i : » . a q y ? l l e n * S | i ^ ® H1 badly bnrt,'lir.'oae of dang«r;';-Wfllm\^Al4f^|^^’t m B H l l ^ l

e bare bseo rnTffniin ill H t t i ' - T f l f ^ ^ a it waa atI. to'ttie d e p e t 'a M T c W f p i m ^ u Mw dlsobTeredi t b a t l r i ^ ^ w f f l i B f f l a. ons tnteRial .'fiBiQjHiNL' a lass b o ^ are a»bim<Kfi^3 | ^ ^ Hb s a t o T ^ . U l b t a ;9 a i4 » :;4 W n d comlai trom-tbe-

a dltcb , near f,tblacar and ab*ktoritiem-ti»>8 B M H H H

• The ou^.was>fnrii«d.'fetf^a^^^mDBB• O o l Io l^ .w b o ': tn a 'd rM s t .U S ^ £ iS B B


Ia.*' f t '*

\r ^

Page 2: PER'^ 5 ^ jj jmiinfEJ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · by the Short Z4a» should wa buOd the ^ d c« aa ladspendeat company. We ^ 4o

•__________________________ ' ■ • -_______________________ t W 1 0 E - A - W E E K T W I l T y A M . 8 r a g E S , T H D f e a D A Y i M ^ ; ^ i M 6 , iv ^ ; " . ' .

^ C a t ^ p ie s , p a s try — tl p e tite . A n d w h e n th

|R | { | | | to len e th e n a tu ra l fis bcco m e e v e ir m o re tc i

— - C o tto le n e b le n d s s o pei- | r I in g red ien ts th a t t h e r(

III 111 ll lllllll Your grocer will nuppljr 7 I HI U ulllli of various ftlzea for your c

l l m l l fTH- i K- FA

TK rifflE ' "

iPORHNIfORTGermans Driven Out of Douaui

mont at Point of BayonetsHAS llEKN IX C.EltKAX IIA M I8 ;


(taiati MndP_ Inc j^ Ily In d i on J>espera!o B a/o /ic t FJtfhlJntf. lly b ld

\ Gas Used.

P ario—Roctij)iuro-by tlio Frcncli af­te r throo moDiha 'oI tlio grcator p a r t ■ of Kort Uouuuiiioiil. wiilcii wua UiKun [ by. tho Gormanu a l Uio oulKCt o t tliulr . Vordua drive. In recolvcil with g rea t olallon by lho pruBS und public, the m oro flo on accouni o t llic ctfecl ll . la cxpoclcd to liuvij on ncuin il opln- ; Ion. Gen. Nlvcllo, llio Fronch coni- roandor a t Vcrdiin, (oolc ndvaulagc ot

— th ® -fac l- tliu t llio .Gorm a n a .x eccnUy. havo been c#>ncentrnttnB ih o lr uitcii* tion on Dead Man’a HIU, on lho o lher , eldo .o f tho rJver and luiseinMeil a . larKc am ount of a rllllc ry for tho a t­tack on llio Douikuinont seclor.

Tlio Qummn rcxlBlanco a t Home I points wua slubborn. .On the Proldo '

, JTcrro _road. and . nt noHnumont. l ho. _ Fucnch hnd to force back Uio Gcr- m aa Infantry Inch by Inch a t llie po in t o f UiQ bayonet .

As Boon na Uicy recovered from ‘ /th o le BurwlHC the GemmnH luutjched

^ . a num ber of fierce counltjr nliaclm, b u t a ll failed nnd by 10 p., m. prcp- arallonR had been cumplcled to doul with Uio serloua efforla tho Gcrmana nro expccted lo make lo rociipturo llie lo st porIUods.

TJio Frcnch Buccc«« In coBBidcrcd by m ilitary crlilcB horo to hnve Hlink-.. en Uio whole German lino n t Verdun, . D ounumont fort w;ia Uio moBt Inipor- Uinl po in t caplurcd by tho Gormana I

■ nnd F rcnch gain there is recnrdcd u«

G o o d b y e

c o f f e e g r i n d e r

’ I ' H E r i g h t w a y

J - t o p r o t e c t g o o d

c o f f e e — i n v a c u u m

s e a le d t in s —h a s m a d e ■grindincj a t hom e o r a t th e g ro c e r 's unsatisfac­tory.

R igh t after Schilh’ngr’s B est is roasted, it is care­fu lly g round in to even b its , th e ob jectionab le ch a ff taken-out, and the coffee lu irricdly packed in vacuum-sealed tins.

N e i th e r y o u n o r th e t h e g ro c c r can g rind as

• uniform ly as wc do. And ■ uniform grinding is one of

th e im portant reasons for___ .thejm opth, rich stxength

o f S c h i l l in g ’s liest. A pound goes furtlicr.

Sold only tlTrouth cruccr».

S c h i l l i n g ' sB e s t .

I l l l l l10 v e r y n a m e s t e m p t th e op - ley a r e B h o rten ed w i th C ot- iv o r a n d h e a lth fu l g o o d n ess n p tin g . ' ,r fec tly -w ith th e f l o u c o n d o ^ o r _ • su its a r e m o s t g ra tify ing .- '

ou regularly. It ia packeiTln p«jl# I


llliMIMIIiMlllillllhftTlhB^Muiiirum'-'tJiGT m oot-alcnifi cant, acblevem cnt ,ot the Gerinana In tlie grcfil bn lilo of th ree raonUiB.

%Veul of Uie Mcuho H ill ^95, the w eatern num m il of Dead Mun Ilill hciH bocomo n*^o nian’ii lund,' like Hart- man'H ■Wellerkopr. Onco before the French abandoned it Icmporurily to avoid UHoIcas Iohh, reoccupyhig ll when lho dpporluiiUy cnmc.

Fighting conUnucH wlUi extreme vlolenco on boUi banka of lho Mcuao alonp Ulo Verdun front. Two Ger­man counttT nttuckB on Krench-poBi- tlona on H ill 304 failed com plcldy. Tho F rench made fu rth er gains w ith­in F o rt Douaumont. The GcrmauB now hold only a sm all angle on lhe nortlienHtcrn corncr tTSllio fo r t

Tho b a ttle around lii l l 304 wua en- peclally Movore,—In-atU cklug_FrcnclL poaltlonn on Uie wont aldo of lho hill Uio OormaUH used liquid gua, the of­ficial utulom cnl aays, and penelrntcd one of tho F rench trenchea. but were OlBlodged a t onots On Uio eaat aldo of tho b ill Uie Germaiia ntlackcd -nf- tcj* In lonso a rD llrry preparation but wero n o t permTltcd to rench tlie French linen. ,-

Tho p rincipal ligh ting oast o t Uie Mcuflc waa in tho sector bclwecn rh lau m o n t nnd Doununtont. Tlie Gcr- maHB a ttack ed In maBS fom iallon nnd iro anld to hitvo suffered cnornioiiu louBoa.—Tlioy-ttuccccdcd^Jn-xuoccupy- ing ono or th e IrenclicH norUi o( rh laum on t farm which had beetl ciip- ,urod by th e FrbnclT


’oj-fiJw, Slioflp, VogH nnti >VercAniun^r AnlmalH Killed T hat Were Affected W ith IMsenHO.

Tom U rlo, who la employed by lho counly to nHaial In lho exlcrmlnnllon )f cbyoles and la w orking in lho hllla south o f EogcrBon, reporta Umt Uierc tro atill (i num ber of rnbld animala In Jia t accllon. A abort Umo ago a lanner by the nam e o t John Smilh. vlioHo ran ch is bouUi of Rogeraim, wna ittncked by a rabid coyote. Thu mad inlmal nltem plcd lo figh t tho mun hut wna killed w ith a tw enty-tw o rifle. Two youngatcrs In Uie lilg Creek dla- ;r lc f H 'o re 'ntw ckort by "tT coyote, "Hui DBcnped to the Bcbool houiie. The coy- 3tu wua la te r heard from u t the rnnch :)t H ugh Reed, w here it attacked a Jog.- -A-horse'W fl«=kniwl~on"M r.' Helsey’a place n e a r Uio- Salm on river a fte r having ahown aymiilonia ot rublca. The horae wub tled -ln t h e ’alnblc und a t­tracted atten tion by gnaiihing a t ijie munger In u fran tic m anner. I l broke looHO llnd allacked two amall lada In the b a rn 'y a r d , w ho CHcapcd to the harn. T h e men on th e placc nhol Uie animul and reported th a t il waa Uio inoHt ferocioua Uicy had i;v<;r aeen,' Somo aheep belonging to a man by Uio n^iiiib o f .'liillcr H'<;rc attachtHl by a cciyotf nnd several of them bndly blt- len beforo the coyote’H nitentlon waa diverted by ono of Ihc dogB guarding the aficcp. The dog hus been bitten also and wua Ued up to aw ait develop­ments.

Mr. U ric rcporlH lh a l ho liuiY found two aheep in lho hlllB which were af­fected by the dlacaao and he and Mr. Hungertord.- who was iWHlntlng him,' have cluuncd oul acvnrul dena iit coy­otea th a t were nppurenily affected.


I’leusiire I 'ruduclng ('«m|iuny Kx- IiertH to (•Uc FxhibKlon In (lie .Ni-ar l-'uturc.

Tin- rirm ri'liearsalH ot tliv I’li^as- ur.' j'roiluct'rH wan held In ililii city Sunday iiricrnoon und i)rovi.'il lo l)ii Iti •iv.'ry way aucceimful umlnr tin.- nklll- fill iiiiinaKonK'nt o f thu adcjtl bUik;' iiianaKcr, William L. Kogers. Iu a very liliori time lhe cotiipiuiy will In.' n m ln g nil kliidM <it cripcrH iiu':li an draw crowdii lo Hit; MovJu city n^ar cJw “Tow ni'o f AngelH" tn Culfforniu, Tli<! heavy vlllaii will dliuipjifur anildnl (lie foam Ilf tiK' G reat Shunltone tiillH and lho hvrolno will bo reBoued Ui •live happily- (ivcr afterw arda, uniil Ui<' a<‘Xl film .. The producilonH of UiIh rom jiaay, whr-n oncu eHtabllBliQ<l in re- puliir clrcuIlH tlirohglioiii tlie rountry will dll iiif>re lo advertlac Twin Fnlla to the w orld Uiun anyth ing elKo excopl prlntnra- Ink. could do. iii'-Uic opinion of Uiuiie who liavci m ade u aludy of the Ijtmicnm? value o t motion plcluren mi an adverllslng medium. And the beiil o f-tt - all In thnl Jn_thiji_i;aiii;_lt. .will Iiol go o u t na advertlaing of which In ull fonnii aome suaplciouB peoplr.' Imvo an unuccountuhlc avenifnn, bui a:i iiomethlng worUi puylng f(ir und cn- Joyfnff.-*

Tho innnugern expect to aak lh<r prlvllogi! o f UHing certa in lawmi In tin- city on certa in occuatouH, wltli lli<' lih'dicr- Ihu t nothing wll| lie niolenifd or In uny way Injured. A num ber have flJrwidy Krnnti-ii . iiLTwlnnion mul tJi.- lii'uiitlful iionii'H o f the city nmy noon 111- Heen In motion plcturuH In ull tiie Hlateii oC the Union.

30,000lf0 BORIiBIMexican Government Already


- ~ t'H K f> -f0 -C A F 7 (^ l{K -0 F F IC E B S ^

('ol. TnllH (?nrdenn.s nnd Two Llooteo«nnta Killed by Amorican OfficersWhen He AttomptH JiBcape.

Vaalilngton, Muy l>3,—The Carron* ? .f~ g o v n m m o r ^ h i i5 — o r ito rc a ^ o n K U r Iroopn-liil«> ^lho -rog lon_ao iith_6L lt^ border to cxtermlrinlc bandits, accord­in g 'to Information receive^ today a t Uie atnte departm en t The now troop jiiovements n re already In prdgreBB through Chihuahua, Uie deparlmenCB advicea Htate.

Offlclala hero woro tncUncd today to untlclpatc a furUier delay by Gen. C nrran fa In dlBpatchlng hla cow. noto regard ing tho border situation . Of­ficial announcem ent U\at Col. S ibley’s expedition hod returned w as cxpcctod lo lend to a llerationa In th e com m un- Icnllon aa ilemonatraUng Uio purpoao of Uie United Stales governm ent to. bc only the policing of tho bordor region. • '

M usterlns of tho A rizona and New Mexico guardnmen Is being delayed, Gen. Fun>iton_rcpprtft, unUl Uio skele­ton companica ciui be recnlttO(l“lff the required alandnrd.

Secy. D aker haa .no t decided w hat acUon ahall bo token regard ing Uio 116 Texaa guardsm en Who decllacd10 enroll In tho lodernl service. Judgo Advocate General Crowder h a s Bub­mllled un opinion lo Ocn. Scott, cblot o f Hlaff, outJjnJng iho w ar deparl- lucnt’ii auUiority to courtm arU al the recalcitran ts. Hln only recom m cnda- Uon, liowever, waa lh a t If th e court m artia l w ere ordered a m ajo rity of lho m em bers o t encli co u rt bc m lllta

•offlcrrsrTiot'TT'Pilnrw:------------------------ -Automobiles wero p u t to a now mlU

luiry uao In tho V illa cam paign on Muy X4 when the bandit leader, Col. Ju lio Cardenaii waa killed wlUi two of h is lleutcnanta.

Throo louring cnra from 'G on . J . J. rerHlilnK’a cnmn Htflrted nbout mid- d a ^ for Uuncho Snn Miguel do Uublo, a ahort run acrdss the mounUilna, tho rnaldence of IhclCardenaB fam ily and tho-flccne of «on» pot Hliootlag occa- Klonntly, a t American troopu. Cardc- naa' fam ily, all wonion and chlldron, had rem ained unmolCBlcd nolw ltb- atandlng poaltlve Inform ation to thQ Amorican Blaff th a t, Uio b an d it fr(s quenUy used lils rnnch for a ren- desvous.

UnUl thla Sunday'u autom obilo rnUl.11 hus been custom ary to em ploy cav. airy on n igh t rides a fte r bandlta nii ranchcH; T he cavalry would aur- round the rnnch Juat beforo going un tiicae aearchea.

The auloniobllcs, w ith an. o rd e r lo huy c o rfr na Uio oaiensiblo purjiojio, mndc_)kJuat.JUji,.Qi£er m ounta in fopt- hlllH to tho ranch. Lieut. Goorgc Sr Pattjjn , J r ., o f Snn Prnnclaco. a nieni- Ix r o r ^ e n . Pernhlng’B s ta f f com­mnnded Uie machlnea. W ithin a mile ot th e ranch the cnr topped a hill from -w h leh -to r-tho -flrB t^U fire they 'wero'vlBlblD to th e occupnnta“ of tho ranch imd from which lhe automo- hiloa mudo a dnah tow ard -lhe lr objec­tive, which would Imvo been Impoiml- blo fo r cavalry. Running n ea r CO milea u n .h o u r they w ere w llhln leas than- 300-ynrds-of Uio b u lld ln g a b e - , fore th.olr prcacnco • was dlacoverr;il.

A Mexican working In Uio yard gave Uio w arning, but ll w as 'lo o lute. By tho tlmo Cardenna nnd, hla Iwp nion could gel on- tho ir horacK find dnaji _for the ranch galo. U io'A m crl- cuna hnd surrounded the plaQo,

Cardenna wna . the f lra t m an to em erge trom ahelier. He and L ieut I’ullon ongagod In a pistol duel In which a hIioI from Pulton 'a weapon broke Uie bnndlfa arm und drove him back Into the ranch Iiouho, lu te r lo ho tlnlHlied by tho American aoldlfra when he tried lo encape.


----------H'lpe of Coniiienwillon IIohIh In .tp .

Iiriiprlatlon hy ^ex t Session of I.i^f.Islutiire.,

llOI.SK. Idn,—TIiosi", who purcliiific eliiliiiK ucultiHi t!ie p redatory unlinal /i)))(l of iJjIj) Hlaie. now exliJJuatw J. dc iH> !ti ilicjr own risk. The only hope of coiiiiii iiaatltm they have la lh a l Ihc iK-.xt l<‘(;iiflaiuri' will relmhun'.e llietu tliroiiKh an aiiproprliilion. A warnlnc

■ lo Ihlii cfruul hiiK beeh authorized by ' Um male llvoHlock aunlUiry' hoard.■ Tlic w arning la algned hy Sla(<‘ Veter­

inarian Ilodle und In aufflcleiil lo glv( noUc(? to tlioBci Intereated th a t Uiey

• lake cluliiiH ul tlieir own rlak.The jirodatory anlmul fun<l 1n;eiimc

' exIiuuMlc'd aome lim e ago due lo Uic ' iH-uvy drain made upon ll by Hliiyerf ' of ‘iircdntory anim als ivho have beer• very active. Since ihcn iht? nlaic v«i- ' erlnnry depurlnienl haa boen recelvlnf > the clalHJM Jind placing th em 'o ti llie■ Muny have eonie In and It la now ver>

upjm reni tha t Uiu only way Uie bunt-' <T!i cim be relniburaed In by u. leglsla' ' live approprlaUon.

T h e H lnle llvcH lock’ a u n lla r y bc.-iri 1 w aH -ln -a e n n lftn -fa r tw n -d a 7 ti- th ln -v m > I b u i a 'alde fro m uud lU ng b l l la d id lit ' Ue e la e ,. T h o rabioH nnd h o g c lio lc ri ' H ltualltm w e re dlseUBHod I n to n iiu l lj ■, liu i no a c tio n w ua iu k e n . T h e b o a ri

re a llz e a lh a l hog c h o le r a la uado i ' m ilch h e l le r c o n tro l Uinn I t w ua a ycni ’ ugo n n d th a t Uioru la leaa o f lh e d is ' eaae , W ith re g a rd tn Uie r ab le ii m ero I b e ra o f th e b o a rd f e l l th a t .o v e r y lh ln j■ 1'onaiblo waa being dono lo exterinln- «(■) (he coyoto and atump o u t the dis

T he following la the w arn ing Ui< board auUiorlzed Bunl lo Uie. people 0

Mack S ennet, one .of th e # » film d iro c to n In . tlte w orld. H< nnd MRpcrvbes Uio fomoDs Tn

------K cystaD a..fnn-far,t^t7 .— E e _ hnmarlc po^ne^of

_ jn llllntui o f ' pcople limgh. -

OYKUHKAni) OUTSIDE OF A I’lCTUKK TH EA TRE ^nrM ^V om nn—“ ^V atsafcaturk’* Secvnd Wonmn—“ I dontno." F irst W oman—*^W unIogolnnr Sccond Woronn—"WottoTCnwoy. Flntt Womun—“O lll They got u Second Womnn—“ (Ice W hlxl L

• T h a t T e lls a Story.” QUALITY COUNTS IN COMEI

the Btato rcgo rd lng lho pnym ent 0 bounUes:

"To whom II mny conccrn :"NoUco Is hereby ' given Uiat al

available funds for lho pnym ent .0 bounty claim s for preda to ry animal: killed wlUiin iho s ta le of Idaho. hav<

T;7!«n-T53fhflUHtM"jWa'lb-or5~flrrabrncJ oot claim s on fllo to uso nil moneyi coming Into Uio preda to ry anim al fum up to Jan . 1. 1917.

"All h un te rs u d tra p p e rs "and por =BOns'wh«-hdTtj-b«ih-purchafllng-eltt!mi -Bgolnst'Eald- fund -aro -hercby warnoi th a t In filing fu rlh o r claim s for pre dalory nnlmBlS'killod •will, In doing 00 have to take th e ir chances w ith Un next log lslaturo m aking tho nocessar: approprlaUon fo r Uio paym ent 0jame,^_______

V • "■--'-■a. F. BODLC..;:, "S ta te V eterinarian.


F o islb llitr T h a t Doyn M ight Mak Good L^roflt I>lHC0 H8cd by DruEi glsta.

• T ha t Uiore Is a m ark e t for dacd( lion roots Is tho eubstanco o t a ulor going the rounds of the preaa, 1 which it Is declared th a t Uie deman for these ro o ts fo r m cdlclnni purpose is so g rea t th a t th ey bring from fou to six sentfl a pound. T e dandelloh I UHCd In m aking up o f.U vcr mcdlclnci and has becom e acarco ,nnd vuluabl slnco tho b reak ing o u t of the Eure pcnn war.

Slnco 100,000 pounda o r more nt Imported an n ua lly Inlo Uie Unite Slates It Bcema th a t m any a youn boy o r girl ough t to m ake fairly g(}o wages by co llecting and preparln dandelion roo ts fo r th e drug trnd' Tho root iB .uscd mo«llclnally in dh cnacs of tho liver and dyspepsia.

Digging up Uio ro o t fo r control an also for v iccurlng tho mnxlmui am ount of faiaterlal for snlc Is bcHt ac complislicd by tho uae of a spud c stou t bladed knife. Tho p lan t grow so low lh a t the f re q u e n t cu tting < tho law n wlUi Uio mowcjr docs nc seem to have as good cffect aa wit U llo r weeds. Tho p lan ts m ust bo dei troyed-below tho crow n of tho rool i ordor to k ill them nnd of courso It : neccssary to go m uch deeped In ordi to get m oat of tho roo t, which • thick, toporing. and ' somcUmcB fnll twenty Inches In l9ngth.

Another m ethod o f control h spra; ing w ith Iron su lphate . Tho sprayir m ust bo dono on b rig h t dnys and 1 frequent In te rva ls lo be effecUvo.

-wUl-pravimL, them , t ro a i .m uturlng jte< n ad -acco rd in g 'to oxperlm onts In Di kota and Rhodo Is lan d It has bc( k n ow n . to rojnovo the pest entlrp from tlio' lawna.~ Bxcopt th n t It Is a nulsnncQ In lawi tho dandollon Is n o t a bad weed, sini lls loaves a re eaten by m aat ntnck nr form Uio baals o f mnny n mrHS > greens for tbo homo table. The leavi aro also frnfiueiitly eaten- In Balm early in th e both in IJurojand In Ihia ccyifitB’.■ W hether a niarRol could be tiiur for UieHO rootH I f gathered In Tw‘:

ii; OB'' J Ke

I - ............ ........................ ..

M on;

reo test — > . • -J o m t[angfe------------------------------------------------------ —i_nu*e_.......... ....... ......




Keystone!” et’H go Inl


a :_ _

t F a lls o r n o t is a uoaUon. L>o< drugglaCt) say Uiat reprosontaU ves outside flrm a could probably tell

1 coDBulted.-and th a t if tho ro o ts h( f grow la rg o enough and a m ark e t coi 9 bo found to r them, a n e a t Incoi0 could b o e a rned for a U tm U iLcradla - TafTUrom^----------------J ■ ■ I — -------

‘ MOTORaClE RUN TO1 - - IttjAVESSUNDi,, P la n .1 0 .. F o rm .-C ln b ..a n d .M o a T rip s S o rin g the Coming So f m cr.f ----------

. A m o to r^ c le run to tho Ico ca^ i, for-ihe-pufpo8o:bnffrM lH 'B ''a’TnotJ

cycle club , w ill bo held noxt Sund leaving tho Gloystein B ro thers si: a t 7:30 o ’clock. A general Inyitatl has been extended to a ll rid e rs In I

t county, by tho prom oters o t tho pli

who hopo to mako It tho event o t I season In motorcyclo lines, i t Is pli ned to tako weekly tr ip s d u ring i

® Buinmor m on ths 'to Uio varloua poii :• of in te re s t around tho clly. I t Is 1

peeled to work out Uio details o t gflnJzatlon when Ibo rJdcra gaUjor

the cavca Sundny.

yndIH - ■ irla .. .,3,e .

■0dg■d 'BC. M a B M II)1- ^rmiiiiiiiiL

dn { / 0 ] M


;; 1 the Joyn • '1“ - - ■ H ave'a convenien' is ' ' and making the small i

O n e o f t h e f i r s t rc q u ' t h c w o rk b c n c h — y e a n c c

ig E orics. T liis l ic n c h m a y , lit • r e a r , a c c o n l in p to ch o ic c . I* w indow .s . G o o d l iy h l in j ji . -----------------A7?i7nrrpTC“ f’n n r 'p r m

. wasli the :r.tio:*.iol/ile i:i :;l '>■ , ru'.!';! a -“ . ra ; : - nou-I S ................... • ' ■,:e

^ GEM STAICH IH . ...........}C

Id " • « • 'in Twli


ai*/JEA TTr. A R B J J C m E _ _ _ j _ r X L 8T .' JOHN h i th e T rian fle - rstone f»rce -H IS W IFE’S ^ B&8;KB,” a h lr t lr amnsing B tw of itaken IdeSlty. T U s 2-pnrt T r i u - I •Keystone ranks le r r high wiQi | icoe AVliockle-eTea- ftwnler-th*a— • | | - . r . nem eaber Honday, one day I

_____\ .

IT . -

w ~I ^


ro PATTERSON, W aah.—Goorgo N.Id MacCulloch, of Coolldgo, road suporvl-10 Bor, has Invented a m achino to shred,t- Bngobru8Uiror..piirpoanB o t - r o a d - lu l ld 5 _

Ing. The machino cu ts tbo sagohruah' and spreads i t ovor tho road surface.The re su lt Is a Bmootb road built a t Bmoll coa t

y Tho machino consists o f knlvca o n a11 largo-_w heol_w lilcIiL jQ yoiye»_ ,ng^i — a .ro llroad -lron -ju st-near-enoagh th a t . . .

tho knives do no t'to u ch . A hoppor la placed..on. to p :n n d .th e aagobnuh la forced by tho knives aga inst tho ra il- " road Iron and cu t in to sm all shroda which .Is hauled to p u t on th o road .

CB Several highw ays on tho Oolumbla TT -rlv«r-bav«..hc<in_ su rta rw l g l t h - t h la Ly, m ateria l recenUy. on ‘ Mr. MacCulloch has applied for a 3Q p o ten the ----------------------f ' SOTICE.n . "Wo hereby noUfy .tho public tha t H.I,e C. BuUcr Is n o t in any 'way connooto<> itB w ith ou r company. W e w ill not b e X-' responsible for any sales of s tock th a t , r . ho should mako, o r any o tho r obIlg&> a l tlooB.


of Motoring \p l a c e f o r h o u s i n g y p u r c a r

e p a ir-s .rcntcrU.s o f 'a " c o m p Ic re ~ fa ra g :c is - • ..I a p ln ce f<ir l lic to o ls a tu l ucccs- )C l>\iili l lic s id e o r in the( ) f o m rs c . y o u ’ll n r ru n g c for th e •

fu '.u-iiid I,) lu m ily r e p a i r w o rk , id c : - r:mH -rhr.inar;c-T ind ->"ou-can—

I ; ’:', n, Ll- ' y • • ’ " ix 'c s s iiy .

E LUMBER CO. ' •r r - M - .....

• STIN. .Miin .ger, •Falls, Jiltiliii.

Page 3: PER'^ 5 ^ jj jmiinfEJ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · by the Short Z4a» should wa buOd the ^ d c« aa ladspendeat company. We ^ 4o

- — I — — KrsUHortgai~ fh ^ T w ln Faila BanlT

----------W --------- monoy^jui-liainl JQT good I^ rod U po o r delays. Prlvl ^ Inlorost bn o r bcforo clati M of both borrow ers and ler

1|U ” Comc lh and BCO UB ul j l nownl of an old ono.



Th b ncm l'onnual atatom ont o f U . Buhl- PJonocr CowteBtora asfl

claUon haa Just boon Issue show ing tho aTcrago ’num bor o t co? per hord, tho a v e n g e producUon ( bu tto rfa t por. cow, tbo moot of euc ’ buttor fa t production, tho coat pi pound, tho p ro fit per cow nad U ow nor’B Jftnk la .p roflupor..cow .._T li

~ ' IS blo .show s a w ldo dlveralty In p r ' dnctioQ n n d 'p ro llt por-cow liiTthe-dl

to ren t herds b u t Jt aTscT shows that a ll ttao herds a flno p ro fit Is mad Tho groatcat dlfforcnco la In tho co o t production, and w ith groator ocoi omy In production tlio low est profl

. Owner of Herd. Av. No. Cowa At. B.In Hord. P e r Co

■ H. H. SUyer 14 213.08 J . R. Long 0 187.62 A. A. Stauffachor 14 187.25 C. B; Long . .1 0 183.00 F rcd Rocd 15 17-4.00 Ooorgo A. ChJJds 31 170.32 H. B. Shorm an 19 1C2.68 T . 0 . •Wilson 7 151.66 C. H .K rcIgh 21 149.08 S. C. O rr 13 144.78 A. C arlson 28 144.00

■ V. J. S tearns 17 140.71 . C. H. WlJflon 7. 140.65

H. S c h ic k » 10 139,95J . H. Oott 48 139.68W. S. Samuel W 2/I 139.D6C - i L - ^ g 8 t ----------- ------------ aaS-SB-

----------E. B. Heaton 9 137.82H. H. Payne 16 137.64 M. P. Dau 20 137.40 C. H. H ardesty 20 135.54 C. E. Ingloaby 13 133.88 .Ous K unto 67 182.12

■ - C. H . Homplemnn 15 122.46 — —AL-JohnBon-------- — 14---------- 108.16-

T h b rig h t oil, a t tho righ t tim e. In the righ t placo —t h a t ’ s lubrication.'

Don’t run chances o t half- lubrication ; I t. iB Cxpcnslv9. Oot tho rig h t conslatency ot Vico Automobile 011 and stay w ith I t The porfoct action o t your ca r w ill bo proot to you th a t It la the righ t oil, and tlia t y ou r crank caso should never be refilled with any othor kind.

LyjiahOilRefiningCoR efiners

A repe tm oa o t yonr w an t'ad I t ol wise—when I t 'i Im portan t to "Ylnd tDoat dosiranie ten«bv

— a t V a r n e y ’s

- ^ 5 c - € o p

. 1 !■' THIS >

139 Main W ot

g f i - E a r m l oansi&" T rust” Compnny''nl wiiys'lillB Irarm loatiB a t fa ir ra toa. No ^logo- o t paying principal dnd ; m *■ 3 dtic. Wq safeguard Jntoreata iderH. I

jo u t a new lonn or the rc- I

.LS.BM K& ' J ' :o M p a n y Ji

IlCOWTtSTING loifSHowsnfftiitsniierflBiyLT10 m ight bo greatly cnhanccd: Tho atu«!0- o t tho tatilcs, followed by Uio dlscu: d, srons on cost reduction which ta> IB placo a t tho mceUnga of tho aaaocli Dt Uons, m u st tend tow ard tho pracUci :h elim ination of. all w aste and toward sr groator uAlformlty in coat. Of coura10 abaoluto uniform ity is impoaslbl la Bloco.a,groat.dcal.depond8.on-tho4ocj o> tlon ot-ttao dairy farm , Uio eizo of hoi t- and -o ther clrcum stancoa in dolormli Iq lag cost o f producUon. Tlio followli0. is tho tablo to r the six m onths ondic s t March 31, which was mado public : a* tho moeUng of tho assoclaUon la ts wook:

F. Production. P ro fit O w n ^ Rank I w. Coat per n>. Por Cow. P ro fltp o rC o t

I.IIOC . *26.90 Goo. A. Childs;1184 18.65 H. H. SUyor.1588 20.71 P rod Reed.1881 15.82 T . 0 . Wilaon

. .1307 22.61 A. Carlson.1073 27.46 C. H. W ilson.1825 14.51 A. A. SUuffach.1128 22.56 J . R. Long.1597 17.43 H. Bchlck.2003 .10.66 C. H. Krelgh.1290 21.00' C. B. Long.2268 6.82 W. S. Samuel.1271 21.86 H, H. Payno.1458 18.42 H . B. Shorman.2234 7.57 C. H. Hardoaty.1679 16.04 B. B. Heaton

_______m s --------- iif l i-_ a -H ;K in g 8 t—.1746 13.93 C. H. Hemplmi .1660 14.81 A. Johnson •ISSO 8.04 C. B, Ingloaby

•.1572 14.82 S. C. Orr .1124 10.98 Ous Knnzo .2026 9.50 M. P. Dau .1771 12.05 J .H . 'O o t t

-----— .1845-------- 10,9E_:^..J.-S teaniB .

I Murtaugh NeiviI * TlmeB* Spodal'CorresnoBdenoe.I r * 'T h o ' flom S tato 'Lum bor company ti1-. ‘purchased flvo lo ts no rth of the blac ■ " smlUi shop and oro building on up*■ dato otflco and will movo tho lumt1 . yard s o o n . '1 1 W . C. H all ia boUdlng a largo rc■ biisincsa houao on Main s tre e t

H a rry Applcbaum is buUdlng t business room s Just cast o t his dt atoro building.

Tho con trac t for tho now schi building w ill bo lot May 20th.

D r. ValenUno haa moved hla fam and household goods into tho Ji houso.

Chas. W alkor has been very ill w an ulcorated stom ach, b u t ia n a llghtly improved.

Mr. and Mra. J. R oberts and fam apent Sunday a t the Woodhouso lioi

K Ibb B iaacbo Hoxcko. has gono ' K ansas to spend her sum m er vacat

wlUi her parents.- . . .M rs.^w LW cathcrby-iflJiaalaU ng.

lUloy Sisters of Twin F alls tn Ui , m illinery atoro.

M rs. Jam es Boyd and Bon Kenne sp en t tho week end in Twin Fa Rueats of Lee Johnson and family, t F ran k W lnohlcmor and family.

Mr. and Mra. Bruco Gordon o t Ei sp e n t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Qoaa.

Mry. M. B. Gden of Klmborly, Is ' I tlng a r u io Bacon homo.

Mra. 'Walton was callcd to Utah I Uto aerloua lIInoBs of a sister.

Mrs.' F o rest H atm aker served a I —- cen t tea and enterta ined tho Lad to n Aid Thuraday. • ttao ! M rs. Hy^um P ickett and daugh

I M yrtlo, ontertafned tho Boo Hive

o a n u t ^ s p — —

5c lb.VEEK ONLY " " -S

Phone 366

- d lor T h u tid ay . U « lit reiresnm cnu- w aro to rrw l..

. H er. Pemb'orton w aa .unable to fil hin nu lnit Sunday. H o was taken aud donly ^ leic I '

- - MIsb G ortrudo Boora fs TlslUng rela

- “ t f• songor to T w in F f tiu Sunday.

Mr. ond 'M rs. F ran c is Johnson. Men dames H unt, K eodoll, StOTtoson. Row loy and Boy S m ith w oro passongcrH ti

— Twln TWls Satorday.- --------J. B. SU onourinado a buslncHii irl|

to Bolso la s t wook.Prof. Davis a ttended tho Demoor.-itli

convention a t Pocatollo. .____ 11(9__ Goodman brothora iwvi

purchasod' Uio rancinJoTonglojr to ttii . Oakloy Stato b a n k , ' / „

_ Mr. T u ttlo Is moving h lB fnmll; and tioUsjSh6ld"St)dds Into ■Mra.--Oox’ house aoulh o f tho dopot

Mr. and Mra. D olborl WilhUo wvr shopping In Tw in Falla Saturday.

Mr. nnd M r i Roy Molse havo movoi to the P ickett ranch for tho sutnmor.

,Lce Johnson ot-' Twin Falln, I upending a few dnys on h is nine here. Ilo Is plnnUng 15 acrcs o

Mrs. Kendell w as shopping l« Twl:Fullu“Moiiaa7:----------------- :::::::------------

Mrs. W. B. B eers Invited a nuinho _ i ) C i l i o ladlcB to U ke dinner.,wltli lu:

and lnJorirririC -lJC c:-T ho-la4H ow lii tho m ost rags rccolvod a prlie ,'w hic was won by Mrs. H un t and Mrn. Lc ThoHO present: Mosdomes BatCH. Uow loy, Carlson, Ivoe. Hii'itti-Trnccy, Hli: man, W alton and Millor.

On Sunday evening Fay Cox loo Mr. and Mrs. Doty. I^ w RnwllnRH un MIbb Lorola R oberts for a ride Jii Iil car nnd while crossing a ditch at Toi rlll’H ranch, he lo st control of IiIh cii Tho ca r tu rned over sidewnyH nnd oi se t them nil Into d itch eigh t feoi daiv but thoy escaped alive.

Roy H unt a ttended the cliiss du and commoncemont exorclHCS in Twi Fulls.

— Oliver Johnson ro lum ed home We< ticsday from T w in FallB, wheru 1

' Ims been a ltondiag school. /Children's diiy oxorclBOfl will^'l

f y glycn^ln tho chu rch tho f ir s t Sumlt

A ‘ carload of tolophdho pwlcii hu' dy arrived and tho company is buny ho ts- Ung thom ahd installing ph«ncH. ko Tho band is progressing. Uat la- practlco ovory Monday n igh t iii U :aJ achool houso, dlrec.led by Homer Go : a bel o f Golden Valloy.Be, The fro st has go tten Ute truu tru Io, and m ost of tho strawborrlca. b ai-- rnspbori'loB and dowberrlea ure y ird allVd.In- Mr. R lckardson is building ilio Gu ng Stale otflco. ng 'a t I . . I

State NewsIn I

' - F r o m E xclu ingcfl- Killed In Anto Accident—Thu

Carlandor o f Moscow, dlod In a hos] ta l In' Gencseo la s t P rlday as Uio i Hult of In juries HUStaine.d In au au accident w hich occurrod two mil cast of th a t c ity Uio m om lng betor

ler According to reports, th e machi wl)ich was being drlvQa.at(^.xapUi,n of speed, dropped ' Into a long h it Uio rood and a s Mr. Petorsoa aUomi ed to s ta r t It ou t, tho ca r roiled 6\ twice, righted ItscTt and then ran It a w iro fence beforo it stopped. Ci lander had h is sku ll caved In and ( ao t regain consclouaneaa. Mr. Xxi rocelYod bru ises about tho faco In s

— dlUoa.to.a-brokoa.nQae_M E~P«ters aa was Injured abou t the shoulders a

back, whllo Mr. Phipps escaped wl but a fow scratcheB.--TrDy Nows.

Spad Crop D elayed^B . P. Stiawhi m anager to r tho s la te of Uie King H IrrigaUon projoct, who was In Boi

— W cd n ead v ,.s ta ted .U in l tho Bhlpmc— o t now potatoes from tho King H

trac t would begin during.-Uio fli 'w bW O f JuB c;” The pointooff-wcro- large a s hen’s eggs when tho froat 1 thom la st wook. olhorwlso Uiey woi be m arketab le earlier.

- 4 Shawhan sU tcd that nlfuUa-wa»-u h u rt oa the K ing Hill t ra c rn n d 0

. tho niQloa_crop proralacs w Jl. T cj. tra c t has boen woll watered all Bprl

and crops a ro In good condlUon, w, i,»r ll’® excopUon o t trull, which w as a

pod by tho f ro a t Aa frull forms oi , a sm all porUon o t tho crop, grown

tho trac t, Uie loss will not bo hoa - S M M n a n . _ _

New G arage a t Jeromo—Yoatorti , m orning ground w as-broken b y -1

Joromo Concroto nnd Construct company fo r a new building GOx

“V tho ea st side ot Lincoln avei'“JD JUBl south of tho PXrst NuUonal boi

This building Is . belnK crecled ''ll 'i O llver-H iy , who rccenUy purchoi

lho lola, and w ill bo devoted to a g ,, ago. Tho building will bo of brl

‘"■y one story, U'O esUmaled number brick required being 90,000. Thoro i bo n sm all basem enl undor one c nor lo accommodalo a heating pl; should ono bo reaulred later. Tho r

will bTno**^Bls o r other supports , dor it to obstru c t-th e tree use of

'^J}y enUro Interior. Mr. HUI will cond a general public garage,—North £ Nows.


Tho follow ing now booka woro p: ed on lho shelves of the Twin F

, t,_ lib rary M onday: - .^ ' FlcUon—Je a n of the Lazy A.

Bowor; H andle With Caro, by T t ,f ," . bu ll; My F riend the Chauffeur,

W Ullamson; P o rtra it of a Lady, 1,1. . Jam os; T ho M alotaciors, by Opi , I . ; JjoJnj; Agnes o t Sorrento, by Sto

T he Octopus, by Norris; The Pione — - by P rich a rd ; God’s Fool, by Maartc

M aster and M an, by Tolstoi: W ar Peace, by T o lsto i; Tho Unforsocn, CutUng. - ,

■ NoD-FlcUon—Poems of Reflect . by WlJcox; Tho Forest, by Wh

Tolstoi, tho 'M an and Hiu Message . fltM nnr; Mnnnnl U fo. by DOVlPOt .C

, tom s and-.Fashions liTOlil New E land, by B arh); Golden Treasury;

• Palgravo; E gypt, LoU; Humaa B by M artin; P cntacost of Calamity ,Wl«ter;-Tftfl:.PfoniI«od J.ajjd, by

>• ' Un; L u ther Burbank. 'W illlamtf.'•, . Juvenile—CudJo's Cavo, by T t ' b ridge; Tommy.- and tho WlM

' Stone. B urgess; Ju a t Sixteen, by W soy; B eing a Boy, W arner; C hrist

.: i r '

... .A\\ .........................

I .

T<11 Forty yeans ago A2

of the humsm voice laughed the invents

- phone in tiniversaly ^ ' HiB waa th e mastei _________ _ — Ona Bystem, Om

Since thon, time haj tion.'standards'of i

(, Standards of otir d for tbey are found meana that onr sen

II can make it, and t] >i _ _ ______ rotum upon investi

I t meana cwurtooua lems growing out c expert skill whichSuch a policy comi fidence, without w

^-----TheMountain:o J L


S" ^ 1 _E..10 , te C andlcs( children’s p lays), by Cart in A u n t M artha 's Com er Cupbord, )t* Gregg; When MoUier Lots Us Cook, or Jo h n so n ; How to Dress a Doll, to M organ; Amoricon Inventions and r- vontors, by Mowry.Id ■

ENGINEER FILiNKf ; ___________ - ______ BOJJlKSON_PJE,id F ran k Robinson, a civil engine th who fo r tho p a s t eight yoars lived

Twin F alls, dl^ed in tho Pbyslcians o Surgeon’s hospital Saturday, a t i

n, ago o f 31 yoars. He was la s t empli 11 od by ttao Tw in F alls Canal compi >0 some m onths ago. Ho w as unm airl Hi Tho body was shipped th is morning ill h is re lnU vos’In'W ashington, Kans s t fo r in te rm e n t ■#'« ------- — ............. ............It

p GONSbllie 7



''If- ‘ ^

^ a v J iJtr-ck. ~ J B

M ^nuor-

s r Iact IIdo /

RY Boc* B 4 * 2 3 l

by :ffi* ■ \yC4v

byV ' ' V Ivo; 1 ' Isrs, \ v * \ds; r \ n \ - m d y o X

-'b y F O R'UH-___ mmm i * ^ 5

I ^ aI ?. / - ? « •

DOl- ^ ‘nas

B lelephone Standexander Graham BeU sBcceeded in I over a wire; and while men scofl t>r to. sooni Bell's imagination over uae.: mind, that penetrated the future > Policy, Universal Swrice.s developed c e r t ^ s tu d a rd s— tai equipment, standards of service of uty to the pabUo have existed fron led on principled of equal juatice rice muat be aa nearly perfect as hi tiat onr rates muat be fair, equital neat will permit.______^consideration of t ^ pubUo’s neec

if ancli noods In the light of tho be the a rt of telephony haa deveIope<nends itself to public favor, .public hich no pubUo utility can long exi


or; ADVERTISED L E TTER L IST by L etters rem aining In th is offico i by ton days, w ill bo forw arded to by dead le tte r offlco a t W ashington, 1

In - Hay A nderson, Chas. Brown, Ja M. Clydo, U. B. Chapin, Ben Dc Oron F. Evans, R. D. G am er, M rs ., Golden, Mrs. J . Qabround. M rs. J.

I t , H arp , Miss V era H ays, Mrs. W. ' • -Htidsonr-MlBS—P ra a d r^ -H a llr -^ er, E leano r Inm an, Miss F iorenco J In son, W. F . Jacobs, D ella Lynch, A.

ind H .) Mnyor. Chdrllo Miller, Goo. 1 Lho rison, John McCarrell • (McCarrol; 3y- J . Orr. P. W. P otter, Mrs. Lowls P my son, MIbb Hollib P lerco, Tom Roth, ed. nnd Mrs. J . C. Roe. Jam es R u s h ,; to Rockwell, Ltn R ayboro, Mrs. Fi

lOS, Sells, 0 . W.'SmlUi, Mrs. Lydia Snj M ra Wm. SmJUJ, M ra R. Source,



f m J

I OF/ALUABLB5 b u P b » r i l i --------- ------------------ ~ 3 -y ^C H MkCKAOB

ardstransmitting the sotind

ad a t the invention and , thon pictured the tele-

and visualized an ideal

darda of plant c o n s t r u c - - — Icienoy.1 the b e ^ n in g of time; md fair dealing. This man skill and ingenuity le, and as low as a fair

s, and solving the prob*It engineering and other ' ^

respcct and public con- tt. -

nd-Telegraplr€or “______________ _______________


Thiol, Geo. Wolven, Geo. Wlntetai ttor May 22,1916. --.fi the -------------- ------------------ -— T-

Crazier Jransferi'■ c . :

u S - -----------

E i p e r t M e n f o r P a c

>»>- a n d C r a t i n g p f F t n j i j

' V . AJvc htT* itorace*^iiiM'in

M8 u l

i \ m \ ^ 4F A G A S F IG U R IIV 6 .i N I T U R E W O U L O :^I H E R l H I N O ; A N D A f i S t o G i i

V ' f

Page 4: PER'^ 5 ^ jj jmiinfEJ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · by the Short Z4a» should wa buOd the ^ d c« aa ladspendeat company. We ^ 4o

. " ________________^ _____________ - T W I O E A - W i a g . T W I K F A l j a i n i t M , T a g H a a ^ t t i > y 8 5^1918 . ■ ; :A W ; v : . a ^

Z L h e 1 1 W - I N _ J :TW IO B sA

Pnbliflhed T nesdaT i tT I M ^ P R I N T I N G & P U B I

TW O DOLLABS P E fi M r \ * n r ' c * D I s c o N T I N U A ^

— I N w - l - iv J - l l * .— not-to-hB ve-thcir . th«jr fa il to re m it boforo cx p ira tio r

MBttmed th a t continuoUB Bcrvico is peoted to no tify Ufl Wltb roasotm bh ,ia tio longer desired.

E n tered 4Xt th e Tw in F nlls po; ' a tw ic6-a<w eek'publication. Octobci

P R E S E N T C O U N T Y H O i p i S G F

^ T - - — G i V E U S T 'H EApropos to UlC propoBcd . C ounly

__Hoflpltal, nnd " test we torgcl," sonio,p aina 'hnvo been tuKcn to ouliiln'Anrt p laco bo(oro the cU1zcd» of Twin F a ils Coualy, corUin* Balicat fncUt voF}' pertinen t to tho oituodon. I l )» undcrsCood Uial tho County CozniiiiH-

■ sloQora liavo pracU cally dccldcd Uml Buc)i OD Improvcmonl slm ll bc m ade; BO th a t Uio cxcuBD fo r Uila papor—it i t QccdB any, o lho r Umn Uio fac l o f i ts rcforcncc to a m atter, o f fi;oncrnl public Inlcrcet—lies In a dcniro to awaken favorable RcnUmcnt nnd to baatoti tho day of fruition.

In (hc f irs t plocO,' le t ua take n g lanco n l tho te rr ito ry nnd tho peo­p le Jnvolvcd—a l Twio Fnlle Counly

_ nm l.tho Inhnbluntfl thereof. T he cx- — actarea-of-thc-n irB O -'counly .lL iitilm -

portanL Suffice ll to soy th a t It contiilnB about 370,000 ncrcB of land stiscopUble to irrigation nnd prodig­iously producUvo when Irrigated ; an d th a t Bomothlng like-tw o liunilr.ed thousand ocrcs a re now "under wut-

— nn. t |;lvlnif roiumH lo UlC ggrl- cuUurlBt ahsolutely unheard of, ovon

■ in lho rich slatrB of lho middle-woHU Wo will liardly need to rccnpltulnlc here UlC au thenticated figures re ­garding laal year's crops. I l h a s ' been publlslied lo the world how '

from one hundred dollars per ncro fo r )a lfdlfn and ulslko to Uircc liundrcd >and flfly-acven dollars per ncre fo r 'whilo clover—n ot on a slng ic ncro, '

- b u t from tracta of from five to cJRhty < Qcres; and n o t In a nlnglo tnstnncc, I b u t in ' hundreds of Uiem! Also, re - ' gardlng the innrvcloufl profitii from grain , from beans, from bceta, from ' fru its nnd vcRetnblea. from Uio d.alry, I from iiogs, from sheep CBpeclnlly, and I from hay, worlh locally nl,U ils w rit- * Ing iwcoty tJoJJara por ton, In sp ite 1 of the enormoufl-quanUty grow nl . - t

Of course Uie lan d .U iu s cirtingcd -• In a dccadc from a desert to n g a r- '

_ .Uto. o C .^ c n hna bccome valuable. ' Thu County AsBCSBor ndvlses th a t th e | ttvorugo—uvoraffs ,itlon for the purpose of- tnxnUgn is JW.'IS per ncre; otHf^ t i 'a l tlio w taJ valuation of tho County fo r iJittoe' purpoao I s , . approxim ately-ond— '•'In'

- - round 'num bore~tiTCntj' m illions— ofdollnrjt. ..WWila Uic confines of th is fCvored scction Uiero Ib now a popu-

- laUon of-ovor twenty tiiouaond .so u ls ., high, upon Uic average. In In tclll-

gonco and roflnomcnt, us is abund- anU y.ovld c ^ c j by . lh e ooHUy and m ftgnlflccn t^rO vlslon for uuhoolii^ boUt as to b u ild in g , personnel nnd courses of study, by the flno und w ell attended churches und by Uiu general high nnd law>nbiding tono

^ and tem per conaun tly nmnlfciil.In n coniniunlt>- of ihe kJud and

chiirnctcr indicated, nd(.'(iuale ami ain- p lo provision .fo r the ln<llK''"t and unfortunate wlio are, upon lilblo a u ­thority , ■'olwuyii wllll Ull," would niil- u rn lly be cxpucloil. Hul wlioii liiqul-

— ry Is mude in Twin Kulls (Comity r<r- gatd lng tha t parllcu la r fcniuri! o t m odern clvlllzallon, the i-tuiuircT fi'oli*

_llki5.flnylni:-.-iiOuc-UiInK.Ui‘>uAnd the derauli i». a t iir^f.i’iit, hu iib-

• solute ns to he nluiniuful,I n q u ir y a l th e ^\!iiIJIor‘'i i>frii-r,

-w here o lc o n o jiy n n ry c x in -i ic l lm r" ; ;\ri- r c c o rd c d , devolopod tlic f a r l ih n t , . d u r in g Uie y e a r llUfi DoiiK^lhlni: ov< r s e v e n UiouHund d n llu m wcr<- i l n i s 'i 'x - p e n d cd . M r. S lo w n rt, iln ' honUlu r p - c r , .w h o .,k ln d ly p u t in a liu lf Uny'n in v e a tlR a llo n , r e p o r te d iln- iiaiiitM of o v e r f lf ly perH onn wlm r<-r<Ivc-il a l;l ,(o f c o u rse in liin lr (nvii f ro tn tiic c o u n ly du rlnR las 'i y e a r : a n d nil m a n y o f th e m w ere li< ail:i o f fam lllcH , til l ' toU il nuiiib<T w oulil be a t le a s t tw ic e «h Rn-aL l l h c o rtn ln . ll iu l m a n y <if Oh-kc n<'i t ln l m e d ica l a tte n i la n c o a n d Iioh|)1ciI m .r- T ice— a tn c t f u r th e r <;vl(liin:<-<l Iiy Un: p a y m e n t o f }70l>.Cl to a d o c to r. t»r d o c to rs , u n d J747,(;o •'Ininjiltal

Following up lhe Inciulry us ti> w hnl wns done for those who n>-i rl>.il cvcrytlilnK—shelte /, rhu liltir, food

• nnd cn re .'lt. deyii|6pi;d ilia i iii<- rom ,- ty wnii nmlhlulnlng ati alle):<-il " |ic«r houMe;” altliouBli In the iiami- liri-mli wi« were advlHi-d th a l tlie p lan t li-irl bi-cn comli'inned as utitiaiillary liy IIk- Statu llenltli Officer, and th a t I'-mit- orajtajfftecupancy was ouly pcrnillteil IW J l inierKonry expedl<‘n ll "Seiiinj;. Js. hellc-vlnK." and If r-vury e lll/e ii of

L A L L S _ _ J l l M E S i;.W EBKm d F r id a y s b y th eL I S H I N G C O M P A N Y , L t d . ;> ■ ■ (I . :T E A E m ADVANCE ;IC E : Many Bubscrihora p re fer •--aubscrip tionajn terrup ted in cft«c •I. N otw ithstanding this, i t )b no t !doaired; still, subscribers nre rtx- ■

rp ro m p tn c sjr to -s to p iE-Hbe-papar- j

Btofllce as second clnsa m atter aa ;r 18. 1910. ;

5 P I T A L^ C E T O C O M M U N I T Y ;

F N E W - O N E ! ^ -------- -- j

Twin Kails County -could nee th u t •place, lf « a cJnch the CoronilsHloners :conld—n ot—provldo-.u-bctti!r .nnc ’tttg. ifaat o r too soon! ;. The Twin F alls County Poor House ^

(nnd ItH a surc-cnouKli jinor house) !Ill locnlcd on. the alloy facing Second ]S treet ■■'s., between Sccond und Third 'Avenues S.—a region of wnrehouscH, !garnges nnd llvcry slables. It was ‘briglnnlly b u ilt for a livery slablc, ;but la te r changed Into n chcup hotol ‘lo serve Uie purposo of pioneer days. :In fron t the view ncross the s tree t ;takes In the rea r o f .a m achibc ahop ;(where a tr ip hnmnicr ooolhcH the ; nerves of lho sick and nervous') to Uic left, and tff 'n gnrngc to the rfglil —llio . Bpaco being strew n with•wrcckcd vchlelca and mnchlnoryi ru b - . bisii nnd rags. 'A b ack 'aU cyr with nil thn t 'Itopljca, runs closo on theright, piles of fence p o sts ' (mpInKc ion the. rear, to Uie left and left-rear- !are conl sliedu nnd mpro rubhish; [nnd If a 'b lu d c of grasa ever grow ^anywhere. It has long since been hur- .IctTaM TOrsottcn*------- r ------- —------r ~ i.-W ithin Is ,ab so lu te aqunlor—nnd ;th a t is ' no rcflcctlon upon tlic mnn- :ogemcnt. since no cnro no r Inhor !could ,redeem auch rooms nnd furn- |IshlngsL T here are a dozen sm all •iJgppin{r T>>mnH- v r ry__nicagcrly—and- ^[Morlj* /urnwheil, nn alleged . hnUi •room nnd toilet, a hnll, which appears :;o bo tho common silting room, n •lining room and kltchcn. The la rg e ! Jining room—in fncl a ll tho older;iurl of the houfto—la unplaslBrcd:. ' \nd a s Uie dining ro o m 'is , ni^d has’’ *lieen, wiUiout a stove, food froze on •lho. Uiblos during tho w inter. The i;rndo of th e s tree t hiis been mined, ^caving Uie lot so low th n t In cuhc •)f rain or m clilng snow Uio ce lla r ;llled und hip boots woro required 3.0 roach, .the...co.al. filled......Th? roofeaks num erously, nnd overy windy Hlay sca tte rs soot from th e chimneys liQverywhere. Tho rough nnd uneven ifloors, the doorways, th e m illin g ’windows—b ul why muUlply words? : Thr-w hbie^llunfTiBr-m iTinBieftiirrJusl-!about as bu'tl oii' It can hc, ond Is in ‘nyory wny. derogatory lo Twin Fnlis ;County ond a libel upon her clUzon* •ship!___________________ _____________ _;

F iv e , Old m en , e l lh c r c rip p le d o r ;fee b le , w e re th e so lo o c c u p n n ls , nnd :Uto / -j/ere n o t con ip la in lnR — w h k h !n ilg h t_ g lv e _ g ro u n d ,fo r U i«' naK um ption 'H in t o n o cnn g e l u c cu s to n ied to u n y - iU ilng . T h e u p p a re n t KpokoHmun, ohe ■;P n tte ra o n , sn ld he hod boen th e re tw o ; y e a r s , hnd be en woll fed nnd w ellc a re d fo r. A nd Mr. P n lle r so ii , by th o ■w uy. o ffe re d a n o te of u n u s u a l .h u m a n iIn te r rn s t . L e f t In t h ^ sn o w by fo u l ;n ic n n s . U irough .u w in te r n ig li t In th e 1fu r n o r th , e lev en y e a rs ugo. lie hua !slnco bc-cn n iln u s bo th h u n tls to tin- 'w rlm s . o n e l«g to Uie k n e e und Uie •o U irr fo o t to th e In ste p , l ie w allcs :fa s t a n d f irm ly iipoa rn i t i - h e s w ith |ie n th e r jio rk e ts la (o wfUeh lie tli ru i id i •h is liandloHii nrniii, foi‘dn liim iie lf by imcaiiH of eon ipo id le c o iilr lv a n ce ii o f ]hIrt o w n . a n d in hale, i-hce rfu l a tid •tiKi;(Kttr<Tifily codfctitt'cl. , — H ut ili i« - ln -n o - f i t pli.«‘f. fn r u e lv i-ll/«-d peop le to Mr. I’a lto r ;io n . ;o r nny o th e r iin forluiiati^ ( l i d o e s iio l •f.'-'-wi U nit wnai/'U ;ir<- liter*- a t ia l i ) ; a iu l wt- hnii tie- p ro siii-e t fu r 'iK-lti-r liiiiij;» u;i !.<iini'tliini; Uml i tiu ld •iinl, poHsiljIy Imvo K rcati-r o r iiio r'- ' !ii)i))|jiejn Jii.-rrTT.rJiy lo u r c e H.h' in iiu rtlliil i ' a i'liii vciiiciit.

(H)I) IK I.J.invS :\M> Ui:ilKKAHS '.\SI-ii:h T<» MKKI- AT ilA Iil.

TLK.Sf).lV M im M S C .

A r. 4ii(-;l iia;. l.c.'ti o f fi r ii illy niad<- ' fo r t h r catiM-rhiK <if u ll m .'m h crn In lill- (li.'itrici. lit tlic li:;il T u cn d a y iiio rti- 1h>,'. .May .'JO, iij 9 o 'e liiek fo r pn-p.’ir.’J- lii 'ii lo |ia rlic |[m t.- in tiio M eiiiiirla l i ’uy p a ra d e fo r tin- lio n o r in g o f tli<- iiTitlon'ii d e ad and ilic h ra v c dcciin of th e m en w ho foiiKiit in t h e w a r .

Eim Park Adtlition"^—^’h e -o n lj '-p litrn -1 n ^ tt7 ~ W !n r’ lHIV7-- wntifr fir eueiriroinc.' 'T w o p'roperiii-H.'tio ii-ren l(lcn t owner;'., p r ic e d JfiOO um i \ $i:<00. Ti-rniH. Alno othiTH . F . .'i W he.ili-r. n : W uliiu t S t. ~A < lv .

Auto liveryKil A. .MlnniTl) - iriiiM-rr.nn Hotel

rm iN K Si VKJUT 11.-,. .

f i ' " " S

I S e e I n t e r i o r X I D i . p U y o f f I S i l k a n dI C o t t o n S p o r t

it; -

I'' -+ . ------------ ----------- :



i ............... ....

I - ' - - +:

f ....V----------------------------- —


i!; When you see some ( I been arriving daily fi I fastion creep over y« I riety will also give y

I S p e c i a l i o t o f E v e n i n gf. P r i c e s r a n g e $ 1 5 t o $ 2

. ^ . . . $ 5 . 7 5 -

T h e s e d r e a a e s c a n b e e l e d f o r a n y 'o c c a & i o n 7 m a t e r i a l i n t h e m i#

i|i t h r e e " t i m e s t h e p r i c e .

II A Very Extra

I W hen you think of j I . Shoe Departm*


)I ..

I ^I Because here when J cuts, we give youI C O R R E C T FIT V I Vogue. W e .carry i EE to A A A . No Style insured,, but yo

| —properly-fittedr-------

L a r g e d i s p l a y o f N o v e l l y I P o n g e e , S i l v e r B l o o m a n d

I 5 0 c t «

I S T A N D ^ R

t U T Y y - ^ | 3 | a | ^ ^M f s /

a n n o u n c e f o


S f ‘

i f f ■ l l P

if the classy, dresses in rom,New-York, yoiirself n, because they are bej 9U a more satisfied feel

~ - ......... ....

G o w n s5, now No matter wb;

------ to-pay-£or-yoiremod- DtCSSeS— Ia i l h e ^ ^worth yonr Opportni

ordinary Reduc

ihoes think of H art’s ;nt, the place of


>rou get boots and* lowthe E X A C T and

/ith your choice of the in stock all sizes from

: only the Quality arid/ u are insured of being

S p o r t s H a t s a n d C a p s o f P o p l i n . P r i c e s r a n g e f r o m

» $ 1 . 7 5

D - P A T T E I

/ ^bs

l o i a M t S S ir the present


m f k

• W I /}

^r_ ■

our Ready-to-Wear d< like others, 3vill have j

rond criticism of Style i ing." - .

, . ■ S p e c i aat you intend and $ ur-.Snits,==: Coats=Here is indeed 3 50 lily; J___

; t i o n _ o n all SptBLOUSE AND I

O u r s e l< K ti d n ~ h a s ' i n c r r a s e S t y l e s a n d

I t w i l l p a y y o u t o i n v e s t i r m e n t s ; w h i l e o u r s t o c k i s < s i z e s . S e e i n t e r i o r d is p la y

M o t o r C a p s a n d V e i l s o f t i n s h a d o w s t r i p e s a n d p li P r i c e s r a n g e -

5 0 c t t

IN S - A R E -

S p M i i V i m e t y 1

I ■ of 2 5 c f i b r e * i I k ; | J i o M L - o L . f B n c s : L . c o l o r s , I n v e s tw h i l e y o u r s i z e .. . .i s in ! s to c k «

■ ____________________\ ^

' Ii i i

jpartment that have | hat feeling of Satis- - | nd Price. The va- |

- -A.'I;l o t « £ H i - G r a d e $ 1 5 H ;

Z 5 S e r g e B n d ; > T a ^ e t a • d d r e s s 6 s r e d u ( ^ t o §

I______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ t .

jr a r e oiF C o n s e r v a t i v e I— S t y l e * . I

inglG annents I llbbYDlSPLAY id t o t h e f u l l e s t e x t e n t o f | M a t e r i a l s J

- 9 l . r m ll ' SIo n e o f t h e s e u s e f u l g a r - f

v ^ I o w i n g w i t h s t y l e s a n d i n t h i s ' d e p a r t m e n t . • |

b e b e s t q u a l i t y o f c h i f f b n , • m lin c o l o r s , a l l - f a s t c o l o r s . 1

$ 2 . 0 0 ' I

G O R R E e g ^

Page 5: PER'^ 5 ^ jj jmiinfEJ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · by the Short Z4a» should wa buOd the ^ d c« aa ladspendeat company. We ^ 4o

' 1 ^ 0 E - A , W E g g T W i y r A ™ ™ B & T H U a 8 D A Y . M A Y 2 5 , 1 9 1 6 - ~ ~ ---------------- * ------------ ------

— ■'• ■■■■ _ , ■ ^ - ■ - ■ ■

• " A lu t t u i j i l n in p o s c d .pc------- ------- — iju } tt(L Q f^ilL e^iiQ itL cJ iar .u t

icnrUl.'”— P r o m T h e W q ii: p a i i io n , A p r i l , 1 9 1 6 .

, F o r u lo n g t im « th in h a « I- . a t iE jd e a l a n d w e n r e g l a d to hi

- - t a in e d b y s o c n i i n e n f a u a u th o • a n a t u r a l unpotM id p o r t r a i t b

— i a- at h o u g h t , p a t i e n c e a n d lo v e in i

---------- a r t r n p r t o p i w s r t i i r n r a e l- t o b e p h o to g r a p h e d ,- f o r w e ’ . (‘awe j b d a t h o m e a s t h e b a a ia ' . w e l i o p e fo 'iiia Jc o o f th e m ., I W ( ‘ w e re r e p a i d f o r u ll o u

d a y w h o n a l i t t l e g i r l w e n t . f o r t h e f t r s t t i n a C S l je w a lk M a ^ - iu a jiv—th ipcfi s^^cw h i t e a r n > -c h a ir a n d v e r y ' t w h a t i i ia k d s t h i s houfio 8 0 p r e f u l t o t h g l i t t l e h u ly f o r h o r b


PERSO N A LS L ---------------- --------------- 1

-P h o a e a s -

C, B. W hitby was up from Buhl to-

■ . TW3, a . Ollleland woa up from Buhl ^

ycstorUay. . . . ^

-C . A.- RoBB_«mc ln—lrflia—iCkpee -“ fi CrcolcrBuiida^__________ _ .

Mra. Noiia F ritz wns Jn from Jnr- bidgo Saturday.

W. H. Cmvcn of HolllBter, spent M onday tn the city. , ®“ '-

Neal Mockey of. llORerson, was In Twin Falla Sunday; »—

Qoorgo E2. Pomeroy was up from I HoUlator Monday._________ ^

J. L. Gray wao up from Caatloford ono day thla week.______ __ j

• B. Chadwick was In tho city from Ho Kim berly ycaterday.

P aul 9. A. Blckel o f HoBorman. wda P“ Id Tw in Falla M onday.. - ^

Col. C. H. Hayaon wa« In from F nT hree Creok yeatordoy. - hoi

— - ua<•William H unter wnu In Twin Falla h lj

trom Moacow Monday. .

Clldo Budd In from Burley A ryM tordayW rtsW ^frlcnda. pis

JnmoB Gortler of H olllB ter.'.vaa In p n tiLO ctty Monday and Tueaday. toi

A' daughter waa bora to . Mr. and Mrs. Jam oa M ulholland Monday. gQ,

Mrs. Marion C lark ta reported sick a t U»o Wilcox bomo on Hock Crock.

il^T aiid MraT i r ^ r i i c ^ T d r w c r t - ^In from Rogcrson tw o doya tbla week.

“ F .-N .-D rh lao b -b f- RtTerBldo,-lrM s. acted •bnBlncsB In Twin Falla Monday.

CommlBBlODor D. P . Albeo of Rock ^ Crock, attended tho railroad mccUng Tuooflay. ___________ Bt,

Mlas H aicl Hoover - underw ent an . .. onerotlon a t Uio Twtn FaUa Uospltal th ts -wook. ■ ; ■ • -

Mr. and M ft:~ jnr-ttotlg«>*-nf RffK- « oraon. spont a couplo of doya tn Uio TO ctty th la week.____________ '

M anager O. M. H all of Uio Solmon 76 R lvor-com pany^-^w aa-la Uio clty._qn .11

•MiBS Sharp of Uio high school fac­u lty . has gono to her homo In Toulon, m, III., fo r vocation. ' pl

’ • - - • - — ----------- - thM tss Opol Wtlltama of Pllor, under- th

w en t nn oporaUon th is week o t tho qjTw in Folia hoaplUiL p<

J . F . H utchinson of M urU ugh, Is tn i,< Uio Tw in Falla hospltflJ a fte r uader- jn going an operation. , ^

' 8 ’ '^ A th c rto a 'w a8 --T ip -fro m -B u h t -y,y ^ tc rd a y arranging tho lino, of march tJi for tho Memorial day parade. fe

Mrn lia l 0 . Blue, ficcomp'onlod by hor lltUo daughter, Mlaa Betty. iM ^ a ^ UilB wcok to vlalt her parenU tn Oro©-Icf, C o l o . ____________e

Mr. nnJ M r.. H. N H u .o n - to T e ' j thlB »ro«k lor » p ro tm c lrf ^ i l l w O m aha’and othor polnta In tho Mla- j , olsBfppI volley. , * , Bl

T ho Royal A rch Mosona w h o ^ tu n d - od Uio meeting tn Bola® la s t week ore homo nKnln. B. J . Ostrondor woo oloctcd captain of h o s t T

J R Pulm an and .O. A. Sallee of ^Uio' Sulmon trac t, wero Ui u Monday ottendlng tho meeting of UioS ottler'a aasoclaUon dlrM tors. p,

B. D, Holnlckc. form erly ,a lumbor ‘ inorrhnn t. has Uiken chargo of

rcflJcnivI to go in to Uio cintracU ng buBlni'fH. -

D r H W. Sawyer is homo from a (rln 1, IIi.rlIo ri, ConnocUeut, »hore K V. ...t somo « « U - w t( i on R ecoun t o t ik.i lllnoBB ot hl.^mothor. H . itop- poa oft In Pocntcllo fo r tho Demo- ;r“ l.- conTODllon on hi. .»»? b a t t . ;

n a . T . 0 . BKEBE JDentist t'

o n tra i Bufldlnf. ?hone 4M. , ~ ^

> rn:a\t o f a c h i l d “!ln g ^ t} i i i i y a J .n . ih c - ___________ . * «l a n '« H om e Com - ot


)e(ii o u r op in io n a n d ave o u r ju d g m e n t sus- •rity . "We b e liev e t h a t . ' p. h M n o s t c a m ly Becu re d 8“^dv£i; p u t m o n ^ ^ m i e , - ......to th e thingH w e h av e ►eopie w ho com e to um iv a n t- th e n i to fee l a t . -atrei of t h e good n e g a tiv e s | “nj- ■ Woer p la n n in g t l ie o th e r in to th e p o sin g -ro o m ” s, i a l l a b o u t a n d looked - Bibi■la rn e s tiy s a id : “ S ay , out t t y t ” W e a r e g ra te - «iuc illc(»ro' {!umplini»ii4'-.-^--------- -

‘ Studio SJ4 p.

I m ovei

Irs. P aul Haddock Bpcnt Snlurday Htn rw ln Falla.—Southern Idaho Dem- ,,1 ]

ho a .'C ow oh le ft for Twin F a lls isday to v isit wlUi hlB slater.— m ont Co. Nowa.

udKc nnd Mrs. B. A. W dlters of In Fnlla apent Sundny In shoahono. o u th o rA Id a h o Domocrnt. „ | i

--------------------1I. N. H ansen ond wffo left Ihla ( rnlng-fop Omahn.-Norr.'wnoro they 'GfO 1 vlalt fo r aomo time with friends mo I relatives. c lr

■. toIrs. Hal Bluo and daughter, B etty Mri vo S atu rday for Grooloy. ,Colo„Bro Uioy will v isit with Uio par- a of Mrs. Blui;. Mr. and Mrs. G. I Baker. VTI

------------------------- ofmo


£ Inn

- r a . . o i » -

thlo T nnnle, ^ M arrlod^-BvoroU _ _ wloy and Mlsa R eta Uabbort oT istorvtUo, III., wore m arried May h. a t tho study of Rcv. Harmon. itor of tho F l r t t ChrlsUan churcb. ^nt

' rairo D cilT tr Address—Rcv. L. B. inck . rec to r of Aaccnslon church, ^I boon Invited to doltver tho g rad- , Lion addross to th e Mountain Home[h school claas Frldny evening.

iVDl In s ta il B ab r Grand—it^ra. I . M. uc ro ll hoa purchaaed a boby grond- bo mo an d w tll tnfitall It tn tho Rog- is ion cafe, in tho conter whoro t t will }vo m oat convontest for cabaret en- ' ta inm onta.

fffll B nn Auto i t n c k - A . a H ud- ch a of Jarbldge. bought a trucl^ froo^' 'flii a g atea Auto Co. th ts wook to n m .txr Hi' I. tru ek ^ l n c . ^ W. F. Burgoy. o f. th is o y , also Dought a truck from ^ m

nUict and Twin Springs. Nov. T ovJ t . ------------------------- ! . W)

F arew ell fo r U lsslooarleft-A faro-, foi i l . 'p a ^ w ill b 'e 'ig tv o h 'In 'th o 'C o - >*’lion ball Tuosday, Juno 2nd. u n d e r « 0 ausplcea o t th e L. D. S. M. I. A.r Mr. and Mrs. Aairon Tollman, who f- xvo fo r a mission to .tho Southern lie s on Juno 7. 1916. •

P a ir S ent to JalU—T. Joromo T ay- ^ r . a n d —Mra. • M argare t- H ires—wero • nvlcted on tho chargo oC unlaw ful habltaU on beforo Probate Judge igom~~Mouaay, and-bo th -g lM m — iL ^II Bcntonco, Taylor, waa Bcntenced r tivo month# and Mrs. H ltoa fo r

days. Both a re divorced oad wero ring together u o ^ '^ l l y J o r about r'eo 'w e e k s prio r to WeTr .arrtial. " j

Salmon P em n rre r Postponed—On'oUon of J. H. W ise, attorney fo r tho qainUff. H. C. H ansen, tho hoaring on ce dem u rre r fllod-by-defeadan ts In ^'o COSO of Hansen agaioBt the ' Sal- clon R iver company, e t al., hos been „istponed to a dato > e t to be s o t Mr. j( 'Ise ta preparing to appear nex t weekiforo tho United Statos circuit c o a rt tl

San Francisco In a case fa wbich q,0 EquiUiblo T ru at company o t New uDric la plain tiff and tho Eloctric In - lej8tment-eom p4oy;HM -aacce8Bor—of- ijlO G reat Shoshono company, in de- g n d a n t U

.. . . . -tt P arfsb l ia ll Benefit.—Tho ladlos of f« acQnaion Guild, aaaisted by tb e p lo ir and favoring frienda. w ill glvo f< benefit edtertoiom ent a t E piscopal ii

Irish hall on Friday ovcning, Juno o h , tw o weeks from nozt Friday. fl A chicken d inner wtU b o . sorvod o om 5 o'clock to 7:30, and '& t'8 :30 p la rp , w ill begin the program. - Tbp r Lttor w tll consist o t vocal and la - . ju m e a ta l m usic ond .readings, to «; inclndo wiUi Uie. comic oporotta, ti Penelope, o r th e Milk Man's Brido.” r letcets, a t fifty c e n u to r tbe d inner n id a n equal p rice for tbe entertAiO'- r lent, w tll bo p u t on sale a t once. A s p lo proceeds a re to aid In the cost o t a ecessorioB for tho boll, a liberal sup- o rt ts boped fo r firom the poople o t p win F alls . A full program w ill be tl anounced noxt week. - a

• • • - - s

Classlfiail iil.wftls8iHBBts pR e c e i v e d T o o U t e F o r

C la s s i f i c a t i o n . ^WANTED—Oicl fo r Ught houao- ®

rork. Inqiiire 880 «th. AYe.»B. J

FO R BENT—Three new .fnm ishod c ousekeeplng apartm ents wiUi - batti t nd tolephone serrfce ; grouBd flo o r; 1 wo privato e n tran ces . « 8 Main .ve. N.

- ^ H m e i iE S ■ 1 -i K«

n account of tho annual d iocesan . . vocaUon to bo held in Boise from r 26th to th e 80th. th e r e c to r onsloh church. L. B. F ranck, wHl ord lng ly -bo-ou t-o f-tho-c tty .---------cu;

Aif.Hoelated Bible S tudents. ' ter recta Sunday 3;00 p. m. a t I. O. O.- -it- liall, over Idaho Departm(Sot: s toro. ' iject:. "Tho Two SalvaUona." A * dial—InvlU tton—extended—to —tUo- — ilic.-*’- - ^ ------- ----------------------------------

lornor o f Socond aveauo u k F ifth ■' let coat, Rev. N. P. H ahn, rec to r. _ idoy m asses a t 8 and 10:30 a. inlng Borvtceo ati 7;30 -o 'c lock .- ek-d&y m ass a t '8 o 'clock a. m . I

AHOCnitlon EplKCopol Church. .. iundny achool a t 10 A. M. M en's i l lie claaa n t 10 A. M. • M orning se r- . ■ n a t 11 A. M. No colebraUon n e t t ' M f ia a y ^ o m tn K := T l ie - r e c to r - iw ln t 9 : o f town th e sorvico w ill bo con- ■ :ted by two laymen. A cord ial Id- V lntIon_ tn nH_______ :------------ -^ ^

L. BO. Frnnck, R octor. I

Ascension EplseopaL ;lunday acliaol every Sundny a t 10 m .; mornlDg sorvico and serm on idays, 11 a. m .; .Vesper se rv ices a t >. m .; early eueharist th ird S unday try m onth a t I I p. m. O com e, le t Bing unto tho Lord. L e i us w orsh ip ' m in th e beauty of bollnoas. Spe- illy good singing.- A cordtol in v lta - - a to alJ. Rev. L. B. F raack , H ec to r; ildence, 21C 3rd Avo. No. Church, m er 3rd Ave. No. and Snd SL tc

M. E. Mlwilonnry. ' _ “Mra. P. H. Bodkin, naU onal vice caldent and field aocrctnry o t the O m an's Homo Mlaalonory society, ^ ll apeak In tho M. E ; church on “ mdny ovenlng; Mny 29lh. .On M onany_n[ternoon trom_3L00 .to. J? OO. o'clock, all ladlea of tho church,smbortt and trionda o t Queen E s t h e r __rclo and tho homo giiarda aro invited o: m eet Mrs. Bodkin ot tho hom e of o:

rs. T. P . W arner, 212 Sth Avo. cast, p--------- U

P lrn t Prcsbytt^rifln C hurch.Rov. J . D. KelU\ of HolllBter. will cach Qt th o P resby te rian cliurch T w in F alls, Sundoy, May 28Ui,

Drnlng nnd ovcning, filling Uie vac- icy occasioned by the ab sc n c o ' of e pasto r, D r ‘Shophord. 'T h e sub- *■ et o f tho m orning,sorm on, "B elong- • g to God," and Uio ovcning serm on, * 'ho Purpose of Religion." A ll are vited to ottend. tt

■ - fl

"Tho Esaence of Love," w ill bo the ,J irmoD thomo n t tho F lra t ChrtsUnn y lurch nex t Lord'a day m orning. F ront jik Biblo school n t 10:00 a. m. Even- U g se rv ice s o t 8:00. . Sorvlcoa evan- 0 jlisUc tn na tu re . Spccial a rran g e - fi onta a re being m ade for Ju n o 4Ui, h hen -tho congregation will rojolco In h m ortgage burning scrvlco a t tho r

lOralng hour. I t Is being looked for- t f r d to w ith a g rea t deal of onttcipn- 1 on. Ehrery m em ber: ahould p lan to n 0 proqent o t th a t aorvlco. T ho public s : cord ially invited. t• W ALTER E. HARMON, Mlniatcr. r

--------- PBoptlol C hnrdu l

-T h o -T )a8 to r-o f-thc-P 1rB t--B npU flt n hurch will, deliver hla farew ell Bcr- n ibS^Sundoy. Tho themo fo r Uic r lO tninc sorvlces wUl bc "T ho Mcl- r ^y.'o t Ono String." The evening sc r- t ibn w lil bo “W hy I Bollovo C hrist f

■♦I'I. q»r. Sundnyvenln* Rev. Miller w iin iO B c — htir -c rork w ith th a-ch u rch aa p as to r nnd v j r a , tim e wUl re tire from tho mln- ,t itry-oa-aooouuL-'Of-A-UiroatOQcd-ncr-. t ous b reak down. \

Sunday school a l 10 a. m. B. Y. J ’. U. n t 7 p. m. You are cordially n avited to a ttend theso services. 1

- I (

M G B U N O fR ^ W A Y ^ !

l N T f l f l : D . S T ^

m s tH I i iS e n r i a d e Thoro'ngbljr Mod- < « m —Now Bonding D evoted to Men'n i OntflttJnff. 1

' I_!'.The—Groator— Idaho D epartm ent 1 ito re .Js rap id ly getU ng In o rd er, the ro rk o t movlog and read ju stm en t bc- ‘ ag pushed In 'a sw itt and orderly DallQ0^ under tbo dtrecUon of R. C. Usach. th e ' p resident, and C hlirlcs L. i in r t ; tho no w m o n ag o r; T h e men's ilothtng dopartm ont ts being ar- -aoged tn tho new building w hich has u s t been added, tbo shoe departm ent icing placod In tbo rea r. I t i s ono of ho m ost com pletely arran g o d men's lutfltcing deportm ents In Idaho . From h is deportm ent a largo archw ay will ead into ' th e old biulding, th rough the ttaiM7:mtM56*Taia“cniraniEra-Tiopnrt^ • n o n t To tho fro n t and occupying; h e p laco form erly devoted to the nen 's. clothing dqpartm ent, w tll bc lound tbo lad tra ' r6ady-to>wodr d c - '. ja r tm e n t This w ill hove am ple apnco lor .th e a tta inm en t o t th e b e s t resu lt in fitting, and d isplaying goods. Tho )ld office w ill be to rn o u t an d now of- 'Ices ostablished' in th e ba lcony now )ccupied by tho ladles’ fum tah lng de­p a rtm en t The en tire a to ro w ill bc rearranged aod modernized.

Ttao la tea t NaUonal cash roglater lystem , w blch Inoludes-a sep a ra te reg­lstor .for each departm en t and a sepa­ra te d ra w e f lo r each c le rk , w ill do much to enhance th e com fort and con- renlenco of. tho custom ers a n d ccn- l i l o y ^ , and wUl m ean p rom pt servfco m d accuracy.

p reafd en t B. C.' Beach o t th e com­pany.. !■' h e re and w ill rem ain unUl Lho changes a ro 'com pleted and the ito re ra n n in g in now, m etropolitan itjrle.

T he new m anager, Mr. H a rt, has ren ted tho U E. SaUaday residence. Kls tabilly wUl a rriv e from Blackfoot, Inhe 1. . - '

NOTICE.r o .the School Chlldron :

TAo old ’koldlera have k indly invited the puplla o t tho Tw tn FaU a schools l o . f o r a a p a r t o f Uio M em orial .Day parade. I f any chUdren d esire to' acr oopt thia invitation they w ill m oet a t tho h i ^ aohool bttiidlng a t S o'clock, ru o sd ay m oralng. May 30.

- ....... -H AL-O. BLUE,. . SnporintOQdpDt o t Schools.

rtuokkn G lv ti E n ttr f ln ln g P r ^gr«m i t Chautiuq'ua; ----------

- 1 — Tobere hoa W n a good deal of.dla- ^on nmoiiK the Chnutauquo <olka to 'w hcthcf W o o d 'B rtega 'ia 'ah eh" ; jAnlni; Icchircr or a Iccturing cn- '— ................. _ oti




b iAISr



n:taliii‘r. And Mr. BrlKg» l« In doiibl J< llttli- iilioiii It lilmHclf. J(Ur. l»rl«>:H Ih n Kcntuckinn. nml Uao' y thnl overy Kcntuckinn In nn ortUor. B r. BrlcKH Im no I'XfcpUon to Iho rule. o'tellN Ills HtorlcK III.tho dcltKhtfiil »' eutiiiklnii wny, nnd thrnuKhrftit lil ctun-s 1)1' In l l t ^ blt-s o f phi N sdp)iy I'f lii.s uwn. ' 1BrlKKH Ih ‘ omlnK.to Chnntnmiim full ®

ghiRor mill Kood fun to mnlcu n pnrt ^ ; onu of the liiKKcat Chautniniuu pro- g ninn Unit Imvc ever been brouRht to le wcHt.

_______ :— - ■ « r ~ 7 . . . — . ”

The Theatres j c’HK HUXTKD WO.VAN” I S i S ' ' ^ IFFERIN(J MONDAY & TUESDAY , The Htory of "T he HuntcQ Woman,"

bu Hliowii a t the laia theatre the C rat of next week, followa; IBchIiIc tlio denth bed of her (aUicr, ; ia'nnc Ik wedded ^ tO -F tt2»nigtr;— «r-t lunt; nmn .wlioae immoral llfo nhe arnji ot, Jronicdlatcly a fte r the mln- * to r iicrformu tho ceremony. HnUng * lO mnn »lic m nrrled bccnuae of her .Ui6r'H Inat wlah, Joanno leaves her ‘ jBbnnil and flues to London. . Fltz-. jg li followH, (lUempting to forcc a Koncllllatlon and Joanne aecrcUy ’ ikel) refuge In Conndn. T here ahu lom B-tiiet her huabnnfl hod died In n cD ginccrlng% irop fa r off in Uio lountalna and In o rder to moko cor- itn, ahe vlaita tho ap o t A rriving in a )Ugh caimp, she la placcd tn Uio bvll 3wcr o t 'B l l l Quddo b u t ia roacucd trough tbc cfforta of John Aldrona,

,rong bond o t f rlendB h lp grow s and ipona into ^ove. On finding the grovo inrkod with 'F tU hugh'a nomo, tho vo o re wedded b u t Aldrona la . con- •onted wlUi tho diacovory th a t Uio rnvo contalDod no bo^y. Joonno rnnoE=g!tnF6rBtn n a - hlB^ooine6B==:to«-: a rd h o r .b u t ho fears to explain. In lu mcnnUmc, B ill Qundo hoa enllatcd ie ,.a id .o t^ a no jprlous choroctor to Idnop Joanno fo r /h is o^rpurposcB T onnne and Aldroua oro Imbedded In

mine through on oxploalon ond indaltdo b u t o re rescued. A band of csperodoa a ttack Uio party and oftor

th rilling hand to hand fight, Bill [undo' seizes Jo an n e Just a s h is lieu- in o n t-w h o Is-none . othor_ than.F ltz-: ugh, dtscovera th a t Bhe ta h is wlfo. 'ho tw o rufO ans now tu m upon etfCTi ther and tigh t fo r tho woman and a ouble tragedy ensues, leovlng Ald- oua and hia frlenda unharm ed and cmovlng tho b a rr ie r which aepar- ,ted Joanno ond Aldroua trom their inpplnoaa. .•___________


"The H abit o t Happlnoaa" la a dro- nattzaUon of th e Joyous dlapoalUon of Jouglaa F a irbanks, one of - U ie -b e s t Ight com edians in Amorlca. I t shows low u p lift o t tho workingm an may be :arrlcd o u t In a-pm cU cal m anner, for }unny W iggins, tho hefo of tho film, irlngs about tw onty bums Into hla uxurlous sutto to find ahelter fo r tho light and a w arm baUi In tho m om - Dg. I t dem onatratea how ono mny 1na~rcUct ‘from Homo unxlgtles-of-llfe >y tak ing oxercfBo tn laughter, with I whole lodging houao of humon der- •llcta going through tho moUona. I t jliows liow dyspopBlo may bb ciircd liy starvaU on tre o tm e n t by Uic caao )f a m lllio n i^ o grouch locked In hiu Dcdroom to '^ e e p him from biting tho loctor. I t haa a g lorious-acrap with :iata a n d guns, calculated to m ake Uio ?ul8o'quicken and bring fo rth cliccrs }f encouragem en t And It haa a real jld-foahloned lovo atory between two real poople, to r bonrt throbs, nnd a louch o f villa iny to gtvo‘"pftp." T rl- ing le .canno t m ako too many copIca ot thts f i lm ' to moot the blgj^demond. rh e bM t F olrbanks feature so far. PU rbanks Is bimseJf. and tho bums iro the rea l th ing , rounded up on tho Bowery.

! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •» TWIN P A 1 1 8 M INISTER *’ WARNS AGAINST MOBMONS •

• ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—W arn- •• ing ag a in s t th e grow th of Mor- *• m on ism -w as sounded before tho *• P resby terian aaaombly during tho •• dlscuBston o t th e rep o rt o s homo * ‘ m isstona by tho Rev. John F . *.• Shepherd o f T w in F a lls . Ida. •• A p lea waa made' fo r b o tte r-p n r^■ o t‘ hom e' m tsaionarles, and Uio *• m em bers , o t tho church woro *• n a k d to give u p the use o t b u tte r *■ to r one m onth and d e v o te , th o *■ money aaved to a home 'm lasion *'• tand . ■ A clion on th e re p o ri.w a s •- • ( d e f e r ^ —S tatesm an , -*

WViRAOUAl! fROM:— r h

~ ~ i rMraPE°la l of One H undred S ix ty -F onr t Pass—Twin FaUa and . B a h l N ot . Included. ^

uOno hundred and alxty-four gm du- \ :d from-Uic eighth grade in ttao cx - j.; linatlona licld rccciUly In th e lioola Of Twin Falla county. Buhl (■ d_Twln Falla, which ni-e CIuhb A itrJcUj_ald..noL.,tnktt.port In. thls.o'xir ilnation. which indlcatca u crcd lta - J j.ahnw lng .fnr-U ie o thar-jiclioola-of. 3 0 county. The following In tJie ;+ ■t: • - 3S. D. .No. 2,. M urUugh. Iduho—O rrn ij Ivcrs, BuBsle Sautter. E lm er Jloyea, 3 irtrude Ccera, Oacar Cox. jfInd. No. 7, Hanaen, Idnlio—Tliulmo il ibcock. Curl Edwnrda, Clinrlcn P rior, H ta Gollcy, Leo Vcnnble, Olndya il nith, Edwnrd Kllngcmun. |Ind. N q ^ 2 ^ K lm ’bcrl}-j__Iduha —Ida 3ing,—'■f’nnl SvcarlnBcn;------Proctor- "Jicncc, Elhcl .Elpnor, Artie Ellla. Mn- H c Jamea, Arnold S c o tt Oacur W on- | ;oti, ftinrftOirltU' TUWH, A im Kirtg^ in i ConkJIn, S y lv ^ to r ' W onncott, 3 )iilHo .Nygnrd, M nrgnret WnRoner, i| lirmnnn Schmidt, Joy WVIght, Doyd right, Wendell Glenn, Roy Copcn- iven, Carl nutchlnaon, Clyde L.ue, - nrdon Wllklna, Hazel Modllii, I3v- ' ■ott Webb, Glcnnu Palm er. :S. IX No. 8, Filer, Idaho—Elalc Ruc« ■ ir, l>nwrcnco H u lc tt Mildred McGill, i ildred WIlHon, Graco IlobcrU , Olive : obcrl«,- May H urellc, I’a trJc la W ynn, : ebccca IJonwell, LillUi Young. Arvld jhnaon, Ernuat T ucker, Gerald W. r irm an, Stella Dnuiy, Paulino S train. : Ind. No. 5. F lie r, Idaho—F ran k

cur, Raleigh' Drukc, Lcalle W llltani- i in, Florence Lyon, Ocluvla-W IUlutn. • JH, Mabclle Gager, la a M. Brown.Ind. No. 4, F iler, Idnho— GHlnlln ;

lacnw, Winona Miller, Aggio B ren- ; «in,-M«nno Snyder, .I.«wia. Sm ith, -D ell 1 renncn, Raymond Wilcox, Dora Do- : nil, Andrew Dingle. Leon C arter, L<;o i lartlcy, .Mary Slocumb, Mildred I • troud, 'R oberta G ran d y ,' Clydo i lolmcB. ;S. D. No. 11, I 'llc r, Idaho—L ora :

oyd, Agnca Luncaater, K a rl Evans, i ,S . D. No. 16.-Twin F n lls ,-Id ah o — : ^'illic Jacka, Eugene. Thometz, John ; lundy.

S. D. No. 17. Tw in Fnlla. Iilaho— iaurlco Hlcdcman.

R. D. No. 1«. P llcr. Id n h o -A lh c rt jincnfltcr. RniU W cgoner, Ila Um- ihcnour, Hnrold Johnaon, Glad>'a Um- ihenour. Tcmpn Slkca.

S. D. No. ^0, Duhl, Idaho-rL cda

S. D. No. 21, Buhl, idnlio—( luiiiTir Hynn, Roy Bybce, Vernon A. Colc- nan.

S., D. No. 22, F iler, Id a lio -B c rth n =:wiDg.

S. D. No. 2<,- Buhl. Idnho—Jenn ie ::rnncr,.nuth Mnnacv, lx)lp B rabb, Em­il Patron, ..Aebci^ P afton r^ M artin Blankama, E rncat Chamhora.

S. D. No. 20. Buhl, Idaho— Evia H art, Victor MarUn, M onta Hamby, Marlo NcIaoD. E a rl A llen. Dorothy Halnea, Carl MarUn. I la Edworda. Ivon'Kelao.

S. D. No. 27. Biihl, Idoho-W caloy B arker, Roao Potrick, M ildred Barkor,

- ¥ ? r i ^ f i r ' t W - r a i i n a f f l i o =Carl Mulllna, Duono H ertz.

S. D. No. 32, Tw in F a lls , Idaho— Bcm ico Hollon, John Dean, Moudo Androwa, G irard Andrews.

Ind. No.'C, H ollister. Idaho.— Lynn Barflliottfie.- Ufarjorlo, League, J . BI- wood Henatock, G ladys Palm er. C l^ra Perebooin, Eathor P. D orllngton. Bcr- n lce Lcney, -M ario Lcccc, RuBBollH eck .-..................! ..................

S. D. No. 34, Rogerson, i f d h o ^ Holon Cochron, Alma H ildebrand. Joaalo Mnltby, Edw ard W est, ‘ Lola Luree Smith.

S. D. No. ^9, B ergor, Idaho— HoV^-ard P ierce, K aU o. H ollow ay.------- ----

a D. No.,40. H anaen, Idaho—VlfgUR ob lB o n .P o u l-S lo ss .-- ....................

S. D. No. 41. Amstcrdoxn, Idaho— Annlo Vrlellng, Mabol WolcoU. Hen­ry Kndyk, Lewis Peters.

S. D. No. 43, F iler. Id o h o -B o n ja - mln Courtnoy, Meryl Modrell.

S. D. No. 45, Twin F o ils , I d o h o - LllHon PctorBon.

S. D. No. 47, B erger. Idaho— Rob­ert -DouglttB,

s. D. -No. 40. M urtaugh, Idoho— Ardona Adamson, H iaw atha Oardnor,

R e a lB a r j

10 ACRES n e a r City, to ti20 AOBES on c a r lin e , to3 AOEES w ith house nm

$2500.00.40 H O E SE P O W E E AUT

residenco.$4000.00 flix p e r cen t bontHOME-~.'> room s, b a th an<

lur. barn , garnge an onsh..balance $25 nc

M AIN S T E E E T L O T S - $1250.00 ench.

*'ONE A OEE—Onc-hnlf ir rJovcr, $S00.06; ter

4 A O E E S - % m ilo from ■ ■ p e r a c re ; '

-------16“ A 0 B B B -% 'm il® -fn n i

la-Full«r,-M «ll»sa-4U odell, - H a u l - -— orkm an, Agnea Swanaoo. -8.—D;-4l0r-«3r-Buh],— Idabo—H aM i---------mney. Dura Thompson. Q m 'O dekirk, lus Glasgow.B rT J~ N 6 r’5 3 , '-B u m ~ ia a lio = Jo Iiu --------jlford.S. D. No. 64. B uhl,' Idaho—H enry u r s t Paul Kearloy. - S. D. No. 23, H anaen, Idaho—I-.ea-_ r J . 'Volllno, Gladya S trieker, Sylvlii’ oilman, Law rence M cKinster, Addio a rris. Floyd ToJbj*.S. D. No. 2S, Buhl, Idaho—,\n n u ilklnn.

W h M J h w f cTJjurjido/, Frldoy a n d Saturday $

J i .V J i f a g e B l lLT he world'H qulckoat, (julck $

~cimiTK'^^ttnT-\virtr~wTiitTfi“ im rrc -T ~ clothoH III losH tim e lhan luiy- fp one In ilio world. •

"i-PrPHCntn n rom plete protean ^

; pluy IniiiorhoniiteH a ll the ehnr- i :: ar.tcra nionu and unaided, mak- •• Ing aome oil Uie m oat rem arka-; b le und BlnrlHng changcB of 1 ; coutiiiucu aiii) cliarncJcra over ■:■ nccompllahcd. \ \

O riginator of the Idon of l :• turning hta hack to the nudl- is ! eucc, HllpiiIng uut o f hln clothea: < [ i unaccn, Icnvlng th e clothes aUll •;; aUmdlng there! . j ; . . . .

: I h hc In tiTO plucos a t lho sam e :: , U m el i

jEail 4 W i i e l^ Comedy, SInglDff, T alk ing and %| ' ■ Dancing. ; |

I; F o i o p i A i s ; I

.1’ Spechik fcutaro auow o i- 'r id n r^ t-----ji o n l j ,


J In a Trhuiglo F in e Aria Com- s '.{J edy dram a In G p a rts ^


Comploto change of picturos ±$ ahown Saturday. A ssorted sub* p M Jecta of comedy, acenlcs and *

drnma. Always a good varie ty . $ IC^l'waya'yodY'TnDney’Br'worUi.------ [ ; —


I Ono D ay Only \ i


nnd j i


wlUi o tber K eyatone stara_ Iu S , tho T rtanglo-K eystone fa rce £


Keyatone com edtea a lw ays * ploase and very , ra re ly diaap- x point lovers o f comedy. T his ^ T rlangle-K eystono ranks am ong S tho best ao ta r show n w ith Jtos* - coo Arbuckle oven tnn h te r than % .

E s t a t erainsado ^ house an d lo t. t rad e fo r C ity p ro p erty .I bam , hnlf m ile c ity liinita /

)M OBILE to tra d e fo r small

s to trade fo r C ity proporty . - .[ sleeping porch, ce m e n t'c d - - 1 chiukcn house. $ ^ 0 0 . $500 .. r month.One block from poatoUiee,

ile from' city, in tre e s a n dns. • ............T

city, fino location , $350.€0.. ‘ ' ;■ 'ij'-.

T a y l o r . , ^

Page 6: PER'^ 5 ^ jj jmiinfEJ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · by the Short Z4a» should wa buOd the ^ d c« aa ladspendeat company. We ^ 4o

.......................... .......— - j - _ ---------— :------------ ' ------------ ------------- — _ _ _ ^

__ ; - M i l , J .

—j ___ AlLSizea_Carried__^In Stock.

E A. MOON,I Shop Dear P. O.

H l/DSON LIVERYSeven-Piuiucngcr C ar F o r Hire.

J . P . H A A GDay PIIOQO i:S8. N lsh t Phone 84


:— — SJi-Cyljntlor-Scvo'n-T'nflRengcr'I . . . ■ Cur.

— ] -Day-SUuiU------------------ iMchL-Ehonc P errin e Corner, , B35-J.

B A T H I N GE rc ry diiy uml night o t Arlc- H!an ('Ity—u )>ICJtHiint uuto. D anco >»dnmlu]rH.Sntur(lu]rs

A oto SlogoH 8 :M a . m.—1:30 p. u .; VcL IC l- I lo u n d T rip P nrty Ratos.

Auto LiveryI I . A, BALL

]I% U 128 H aleatle Fharm acr • Phone 188

Fly Time;fiATC yoor scrocba ropulrod or

I r^ flttc ed iritb Heir oaex. j Seneeo doors m ade to o rder a t ■ MOON’S SHOP

Keolr Foslofflce.

■hblltyclsptiiiiSianMckBa't . •yUlikeksmiirgeinent Z5> . \ilii SinsMCjiiallii/lllFiclivtnia5 ‘; \SBhramm-JahHsnn■1 KDPAK-KHAn BAIT LAKE CffY

. JGrassyiJHill_ji I Homesteads^ Ii f U yon w an t 320 ncrcii oTi OriiHby jr

- - --H U 1. BUC ox wrlto .............$

f I s . C & B. W. Tum ipteed \ i i - FILKIl, IDAHO. 1• t l T o l. 507-J-G. Twin Foils. •

B E T V. YOVan

I ^ ’ IJ '

J.. __________ ___

B E E BIt is the most refrt

, beverage you ever dra ing properties of a ton low flavor—an ideal s<


Blue Lakes EDISTRl

T w ia Falls,

gasESH saszsasasH SH aszsasgsasgsiB


S Authorof K” MoniItux B «ua!«^* - " T h e - S

g Conqucft of Cvoan,** . g

^estotiisyisaHsiHHsBHmmlaOovrHgu su> br Qwper « UM bua


C nA T T R R . I-S licrlilan’B nltcmpl to mako u liunlnesn iimn <it'lila ooii U lljliioy utarlin i: him 111 tlio iniioUlno uliup o iiJ i ln Ulbba tEoliiK lo u. cu iiltu lu iii, u iiervuUM wreck.

CllAJ^'BXl_U-On .IiLb. rcturti-imiLUn. iiiol a t lliu alullou by Iila niatcr ICUIlli.

tho " N du* Houno" u( llio H uKce* M ury V vrtrctu lookliuc u l lillii fium 11 suniiiii.T liuuuu iii;xi door.

C JiA IT K Il IV -T lio Vcflrctnt-11. o l<llo»n frinilly.. luid 'nipovcrlaheil. a ill on » io Hherldnmi, iiuwly-rlcli, iincl iific rw unl dln- tu M iJjffH). .Mjtry i>uio Jnio w orJti liu r purcniB’ tinniioU'.'n winli lliu i sliu iiu iry uno o( tliu tiiiurlOun boys.

CH A PT lcn V -A l tlm 8li<rrlJnn hfu io- w arm lns liunqucl Uborlditn nproitiln liliii- M ir. Alary rruiikly ciicouruKea J im S)<rrl- (lan 's iiUeiiltun. uiiil <ivuMi h a li l obe Bont bu.:>( to tliu macliliie iliup.

C H A IT U n V I-M iiry telln Iicr roolhor about tliD bunuuoi und oliouks lu-r iiioili- c r by iiiiklim o i Jim u a mutrlinonlu.1 poanlbllju-.

?;nAI>TER V ll- J lm toIlB Mars* la not a luiintlc-"Juiit tiu-ier." H e pro-

■p«ii«-B to Mory. who liairnccuoio 'h liti.CUAl>TI-:n VlTl—Slierlditn Ii-IId lllbba

lie muai KO bocli (u tlio muchlno ■hop o ji Koun us ho In ntrDiiK <'Iiouk1i. In apUo o f

.Hjbbs' plou to b« uliowcd to wrlt^ .CllAITlSU XX-r-IiUlllli nnii Sibyl. tlorf«x5

BherltlHn’M wlfn,-Quiirr<l over Uobby Uitt- liorn: Sybil Koca to Mury tor hslp to kcop I<amfiqrn tfom riiarrylfiK JW'JiJ, laiivoa Iier In tlio roum tilone,- ■ CffAf'TKR X-O/blii lift* to' feMak to hU tatlior tho no»-» ot Jlm'a sudd«n d»tr>.

C lIA PT K n X I-A ll llio rent «f tJio U in - tty Jielpirn# In tJioIr icrl^t. HUitia befenn*» leiiipurnry niiiatcr o f the Iiqub'i. At ll>v funeral lie moola Mury and rldea lioitxc w llh hor.

C IIA IT K R X n -M ra . Sherldnn trltli lilbba to ro turn to llie miiclilno ilio p for hla fa th e r 's Boko, uod ti*.uunocnU.

C IL U T K It X Ilt-D lbbfl purpoBoly InKsr- ruiiln ll lul<i>ci*tDic bciwuuii U dllb n n d Uiiiiliorn. llu ti-llB Ivdltli lha t Iio OWr- lioitra Lainhorii iiiakliiK iov« tu ItoK uo'a wlfo.

C H A IT K R X IV -M uluul love o t rnu«lo arousu* un Inlliiiato ' frtviidslilp bctHuon Ulbba uud Mury.

------ —-------- CHAEIERJCy.___________

T hn t "inyHtery iilwiit pinnns" wiiloli • troiiblwl HUibs hniJ hocn u inyRtcry to

Mr. VortrpCB. nml It wnn belnc e x - pinincil to him nt itlmiit the tim e fllhbH KCTlbbloil lhi> rftferoncp to It In h i s notes. Mnrj’ hnd com* uiistnlrn upon Bibbs', rtrpnrlurc; r»t ten oVloclc a m i Wr. flcKl Ye'rtrecH mil u iU ii a fte rmidnight In the llbrnry talking-

“Slio ni-ciln't to hnvo lionX- tb n t About her plnno." vnporctl Mr. Vcrtrees. "W e couW have maiinwed soinuhow wllbout i t A t IcuHt she ooght to Luve coiuult-

C FLOORS- CALL 21. M In need o t a hari-

wood noor. I will b tia g sam> plpH of flooni te select fr«mand giro w tlm ates^ef ihe_eoi[.__


/E E N ^

dafflfiliL_SM T E;shing, thirst-quenchiijg: nk. Ithastheexhilerat^ ic w ith a distinctive mel- 3ft drink.


bottling WorksIBUTORS

, Idaho

cu UIC. nuu <L BUO itiBUlou 1 COOlU uavB (irrnngetl tb c detalla y l th the»-tbe dculer.” ' '

■-■Blin thn» f» h t Itn-noylnR for _you." Mrs. VortrccJi bs.*

.plalni“tl._"Rcn11jr,.Bhe.pl«m Q d'.f^you not to kn<}»’ ahaut f t until tb ey l in c ^ ^ niovod— until oftor tomorrow, tbat lllll 1 tlecldoil to—to mention I t Yot> nce, Rhe dldD't evea tell mo abou t It un- «J thin HjornJn^. S hobaa M o tb tr Wea, too. rjBj nfrnld. I fa —U’b—"

"W ell?" b e urged, aa she found It illliloiilt to Ko on.

■•Her other idea la—Uint Ih, It w as — M tilnk I t fnn be a v o ld^-qC c<^urH»—. It V n«' iiboHt hcr fuM'.” t.Y ’ 'v '

“ No!'' b e e tc ln lm y l.»^ icklv. “ I won’t bnVe It! Y o u m ^ Z i ^ ^ T l i n t 7 I'd rnthiT n o t tnlk to bor nbouN t, b u t yon miiHin't let her.”

“ r u try uut." hls wlfo prouilHcil. “Sbe m eiiiH to be troubled abod t the—

Dono ' T h a t About th e Plano.” - —

the Conl m fttte f nnd—about Tilly. Of I'nurKo Iho piano will tako c are «C Home thhifjH liko Ihose for a while nnd—*’ ■

“I don't like It. I gave b e r lliu plnno to plny on. not to—"

•'You inuHtn’t be dlntresBCtl nhont It

"Sho (irrniiKotl with the-rw itli the pur- chniter th n t thu men will come fur It nbout linlf nftor Ovo In th e ufteriioon, Tbc days are no ahort now It'H renlly <lullo winter.” .

"Oh, yes.” ho BRreed. nloodlly. “ So f n r ’im tb a t goen 1 don't supiioso our nelRbborti nre paying much attention Juut now. though I hcnr 8hcrldnn wnn

. buclc In bln ofllce early tho morning _ u f tc r tlie fuuernl.” j M rs. Vcrtreea mnde n little nounil of

coaitnlftcmtlon. " I don't believe tha t wnn bccause ho wuHn't Buttering, thongb. Mnry told—mu_he_.B«5me<l tv m p jicd 'u p In his sou'h succeeding, H c Isn't vulgar In hltc boastlag, 1 uo- derxtniid; Lo doesu't Inlk n g rea t deal about h is—hlR actual money. Nb, his hra^gtii}; usually seemed to be aboul >il» fai2ti}y anil the greatacsa o t tbli city.” .

'Grealiicfia o t thlB.clty 'l” Mr. V cr trccH ouiioeU, wltb dull blttemeBs. “ It'f lioUilni; bu t a coal hole. OC course Sheridan says I fa ‘great.’ "

Mrs. VcrtrccB geeracil u n aw are ol thla outburst. “ I believe.” Bhe began timidly, *'ho doeHirl boast o tr - tU a t 1«

‘I umliTHtuud lio hns never-seem ed -bc In tf r i 'j tfd In thi.'^tlie olher one."

HerbURbnnd'H fnce wuh dark, b a t a th a t n bcavlcr Hhailow (d l npon i t ; bi lopkeil more huKsnrd ibna before

*T!io o thor one,' ” he ropeutcd, avert llic bis eyes. “You nicim—you olcai lho th ird HOD—lhe one tb u t_ w a ^ h e r thlH evonliigV

"YcH. the-;tihf ,yoiiii;;<-st," Bhc re turned, b rr voice ho tii^ljle I t w a e al

.m ost a.vlilHiicr.Anil then iii-Itlicr o f them spoke to

flevcral mlnuies. Nnr ilid .either tool a t the otiier durlni: thnt nllcnce.

A t la.Ht Mr. ViTlrei'H contrived t (’otiKh.- but Hot crtJivlncJduJy. ‘'W bflt- iih—w b n t Wuh It .Mnry fiald nbou him thlu nfleriioonV 1 d id n 't ab— ha; pen iiT^aH'h it.” ^

‘‘,010— .sh(' (lliljrt siiy m uch. 'All Bh Hitld w us thU: 'n c 's itic most w latfcc r i ‘]i<iir«* rve'cve'r'lmtWTj;'-'^——---------

“ Wel IV’••■nmt WUB all. lie Ih wUtful-loot

lnR;nn<i so rnii;lle,- U 1 liiidu’l know, islioal lilni I'll luive ilitjugbt bo ha tjuHc n n Inli'n-.stlii^: r;u’e."

, “ If yuu ‘tiadii't known about bim' Knii>vn whiitV

‘'Oh. nothliiK. of nnir.He," she sail bnrrleUly. ■■.\oihliu ih-ilnlte, tlia t I Mnry naUl ilcclih'illy, long ago, thi be'H n u t 'l i t all liisaiii-, tin v ie tbougl a t ilfKt. It'H only—w.'ll. o f course It 1 odd, tbe lr aliltude nficjiit him. I su| pose lfn Hoimr ihtv.ius troublo thi mat!e« him—iicrtmiin n little (jueer < tliiii'-H. wl lliat he can 't-apply b ln se to nnyililiiK—or iiiilm ps does oil tilings, lilll. afliT nil. o f course, m only Illl about J t V*dcm't kai>w~il,:,t Is. iicmltlvoly. • I - Shf piiiMi'il. till'll wi'iii on: " I dldn Uiiiiw JiiKt bow lo ask—th a t Is - (llili/t JD.'jjili.i) IJ II) .\j;iry. I d id n ’t- 1—" Tin- |>iior laily tioundcFcd pll fully, ciiiirhiilhit: wlili a muinblL'. “S soon a fiiT -.iricT ilu --ilio shock.”

•'I (loii'l lliliil; I've fiu iyh t m oro tlu a <if hini.” i;ild Mr. Vertrec’•I wouldii'l knew him If I s a w hli but y ou r iiiiiiri’H.'flon of him ia-r*” I t)rnl(<‘ lid" Hinlih'iily, upringlng to h feel In nxliallon. “I c n n 'r Imogti bor—<Jh no!" he gasped. And b o bcirt

to ^ac« the ITimi*. " X U ir-M tte 4 'ip i-leptter ^

’ W , nor''Bho cfjed. *'He m ayTic'all-righ t . W »—”----------------- ------------------

“Oh. It'B horribleJ I can’t—" H« -threw .:JiU iiflolt._back(Jhtb. bhi_chali again, sweeping bla bands across bla

N ^ce,-thea le tU n; them fall limply at

•Mrn. V ertrees V aa trem ulous, "You m osQ 't-glre w ay m ." a be sald.-loapfnd for once almoBt to d irect discourse. “ W hatever Mary might tb ink o f doing, i t Wouldn’t bo on her own account; It would bo 00 ours. B u t If w e sh o u ld - ehou!d-eon8lder-Jt,-tbatwouXda’- tb e o n otir CTTn’ aCCOUnt'-lt Isn 't beedUM wc think o f ourselves."

, ^ h God, n o r ''h e groanM . ' 'Ts*«rToi usH W e cnn go to Uio poorbouse, tful Mnry cnn’t he a Btcnogmpher!”

SightnK. l ira . Vertreea .resum ed hct obllqueneBS. "Of course,” she mur­mured, ‘i t n il'seem s very prem nture. Bpeculotlug about auch things, bu t I bod a queer sort o f feeling tb n t she seemed jiu lto Interested lu tbla—” She ■JiHil— ftil»-ai>er^—hu< checked bcrself. " In thiu young man. It’s nntural, of courao;«8he In' nlwuys

'scHiti'Ouiriind'welirnTid h e Ir—hesccma to he. th a t Is—nUher uppeuHug to the —tho Bympatlilcs.”

"Xes!” ho ngreetl. b itterly . "PreclBe- ly. The Hymputblea!”

"rtT ljaps," ttljc faJlered—<“porhop8 you might feel eaaler If I could huvo n llttlo tnlk witJi aomeoncV”

"W ith w hom r’" I had thought of—n o t gplng aboul

It too brusiiUQly, of cournc. b u t perhupii Ju st w aiting for lilu nnmo to bo men- tloned, I t I happened to be talking witli somebody tb a t knew tbe family— uml then 1 m ight find n chnncc to say thal I w as Borry to hear he'd .been Ul so much, and— Sometbiug of th a t kind pcrhnps?”

“You don 't know anybody tbal.known tho family.” _ ___

“ Yes. 'Tbai l»—well, in a way. ol course, ono of tbe family.' T ba t Mrs Itoscoo Sheridan fa n ot a—thn t Is, sbo’f ra th er a pIcnBant-faced little woman. 1 thiuk, and of courso ra th er ordinary. I tiiliik Hhe la Interested about—tbnt is, o t course, she'd he anxious to be more Intlmnto witli .Uary, naturally . She's alwuyB looking over .here from hct house: she was looking o u t o f tho w in­dow thin afternoon w hen M aty-w cnl out, 1 noticed—though 1 .don’t think Mary luiw ber. I’m sure nbe wouldn'l think It ont of place to—to bc franli obout matters. Sbo callcd tbo othei day, and.’Mnry must ra tlier like her— she Bald tbnl evening tlm t the call bod done her'good . D on't you think il m ight bc wise?” -• "W ise? i TloaT -kuuM.. I feel-thal the whole m ntter Ib linpoHslble."

“Yen, so do 1.” Bhe returned, p rom pt ly. " I t Isn’t really a th ing w e Bhould be consltlerlng' seriously, o f eouno S t i l l - ”

” I should say not! B ut p o ss ib ly -" Thus they skirmished up and.dow i

the field, h u t before they turned thi lights out and w en t upstairs It wai thoroughly understood between then th a t Mrs. Vertreea abonld seek thi earliest opportunity to obtain deflnlt Information from Sibyl Sberldan con ccm lng tho mental and physical stntui o f-B lbbs.._And.lt_.be w ere subject ti a ttacks o f Innncy.’tho 'unhappypB ir de elded to prevent tho RUcrlflce they sup posed their daughter intended to mok< of hcPHclf. Altogether, if there w er spiteful ghosts in the old house tha nlgbt, cnvcadropplng upon tbo woefu comedy, they must have died anew o

.iBUgbtert- ■

- , (To bo coQtinued.)


-B O IS E ;. Ida.^5rarl£n, J .; 3wceley_« Twin F alls, cundldnto for tlic nomlni tlon for attorney general fit tho Bi publican prlmnrleB, arrived from Twl Falla,W ednesday mid etatcd th n t tl fa rm ers in thnt locality would n o t fe ut)y pinch nn the resu lt of damago i

. f ru it by froHl.I "O ur farm ers nre uprooting the

fru it frees.” paid Mr. Sweeley. “Thi , havo found tha t tbo lr land Is too vali

ablo for fruitgrowing. Dlvcrulfii farm ing, i t has been dem onstrated

. ou r pnrt of Uie counlry. Ib m uch mo profitable. AliAnst every fn rn ie r hi

■ a few HtrlngB to hin bow. Cattle, boi nud t^hoep pny well. Tiie returnB fro

► seed K?owinK have been enorm ous.” Wo passed the chcnp nlfnlfu Hta

; long ngo. I t goes Into beef, pork ni . m utton now. Dairying Ih a depen- ab le and remuDcrntivo -fenture of oi

farm life. Silos nro going up In i: dJrectlooK und tho f«rm /‘rH a re nro- ‘ Ihg nn nbundnnce of the rig h t kind- Hlioge. Wo will huvc enough fru it f

homo conHuufiillon andnom t* to' spn• but It Ih no longer nn Im porlant fa 1 to r In our fnrm production."—State 1 mun. . ,

J Tlmca wont ads s n n g rcsulta.

■ ■ . — . 1.t a l||i|u ___

' p l w1, • ' '

,0 Lincoln Pna

WtlSffl MAY llAVt jr - " ~ lf l l lR A L M P P lI ............ G m CompanT-*s-lVeU-T]ip&-£low!.IiL

' Is Belicrred To Bo S uffle len t F o r A Clly Use*.

II W BieER. Ida.—T hat, tbo WoUor C

& GaB company has a woU o f undouh ’ od commorclal valuo Is th e conBorv ; Uvo opinion o t all Uioso boBt Qualifl'

to Judgo who have vIsKed tho w< I flh'ce •Uro'”IaBt"fT6w'.'waB Btruck-at-

dopth of 420 foot... - Abou t 6:30 F rlJay m orn ing tho t»rc

su ro had aecum ulatod to au d i 00"© • te n t tlia t tho cap blow off and rci

dcnta of th a t p a rt o t tow n thought a ' othor carlhouako o r somo oUier calai . Ity was a t hand. Aa noon ub-Uio pre

HUro becamo norm al d r iltin g waa z sumcd and a fow feet fa rtlic r down tl

; presen t flow was tapped. All a t oP

S u m m e r - S^ool! HALF

Students p re p a re d 'fo r tho • Bookkeoper, Typist.

Federal positions: F lra t Or Carrier.

: ’ Speed, practice In all systor I ' ■ C lasses form ed In' French ai

S tudents, backw ard In studl<

I Suhuner Session MayW inter Session Septe

I ' ' - E ig h t s tuden ts accoptcd posl T a t any timo.


• T1 1 i l I I r V t 1 1 1I ---------------- :----- ---------------------- -

G u y e r Fi S p r i n p1

A n n u a l D a n c e : : ^ F M a y 3 ( MI - , - •

EUGENE E1I ---------- “ ■1 / »— ------ ..___ , ______ _

"■ -

L: __________

0 ^ . > y

t ^

t T H E U N If

D lie y t l i a t ' iinpxilso (luy. T h e re ’s no v:

® I ------- d e n y y o u rf lc lf th e i.. II r_-:—-v ic e t l l f t - ^ r t l — RU’

a- I -------- 5-‘-T iino-i8-anoaey,,!.LI (loublfcH t l ie vu ln o

m $;{90; T o u r i i ig C a rC n r $ 6 4 0 ; S e d a n $7

lr II p lu y a n d Bale n tjy lit 11- III

ta ■ Western Aulro IHHSBni I

Jlid I J.d-

ruic- 1 ' .....................- .........

Polar ArIs P u re 1

■— — =

Stop the Polar Beai 331 ond 701.

Other Pure Food P ture—Golden Vesta Bu -Distilled W ater.

oduce & Ref

n o V -a n d a moment la te r th e .ir K U camo throw ing w a tv , s a n d jm dT grav^TTS'fee'forJffOro-ln-the*■ t low w pg~hot-e»ty-*uuo^* larger in n n .y q

the previous one b u t Uio prcssutft'W M ^. S i c L g r c a t S r . s o J i a t i t b a s b e e ^ e ^ ^

U BBsary to lot the gas cftW O crostaoO ytAn Inch and a Q uarlor'plpo h as bo^m attached and If Uio valve on th is is closed for only a fow. mlnutos the

11 pressure rune up to 80 pounds.

^ IngB-largc crowds visited tho alto of the 'w ell and gaicd a l tho big blaie.

^ B. Kutcli. m anager fo r tho com- » nany, saya tha t tho one well as It a now -su inds ..w m _lum l8li ..mpro than _

enough gan to Hupply Uio num bor o t .1- consumera required under tho fran - c= ThlBe-granted-h)^>i»-<»tty- a n il bo. la— 1- confident th a t a g rea te r HjJPUly ib n f ji- fa r dlHtant. But even If th is ahould 1- not ho truo a hnlf dozen woUb Uko j--thlH ono would not on ly supply the cn-

t i r e 'c i ty fo'r’ domoBtlc-purpoBOB-l)ut ..e leavo an adctjunte Hupply for m anufac- ;o turing purpoHOH ns well.

— Su^ei^SchoolL N_

RATES ^foUowlng, posIOons; S tenographer, ; .

id'o Clerk, Railway Mnll C lerk, L etter • •

iB of shorUinnd.d SpantBh. - ■ ’ .a, can review. , ,

16 to S « ^ H > n t> e r 1,1916 ib e r 1 to ^ a y 15, 1917 , J.Ilona la threo monlliB. Vou dm enroll ^

U S I N E S S C O L L E G ECHAS, E . TAYLOB, Prinolpol.

O p e n in g{

and Sapper Night J^bfodrlnvited----------

ROWNLEE, Mgr. Y* * ‘I * i t 1 I I I I r

— — — - ™ r 1


r -V E R S A t C A R l i t

f :and get y o u r F o rd c n ^ to*.lid reason w hy you ^ o i i l dileasure and p ro fitab le ser-- __J i— O bey_-.that__impulse.___________n n d jiie , service oE a F o rjl ~>1! your tim e. R unabou tii-HO; Coupelot Town 10, f. 0. b. D etroit. O n di.s-

0 C o . , Twin Falls . ;

- ' 1 r- ________________ .— ' y

[if iG ia llG e 'and ClearWagons or call Phones

roducts of our Manufac- tter, Vesta Ice Cream and

rigerating Co.

Page 7: PER'^ 5 ^ jj jmiinfEJ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · by the Short Z4a» should wa buOd the ^ d c« aa ladspendeat company. We ^ 4o

■V • 'V.! . .:i,' .. . :v----------------- — ...... ............ ................................................................ .....................

m M M x ^ S i ^ / IW Vww


r !g n p f in »f I h t

THE H um^ J A M E S O U V £--T h e Most Se

Drama Ea



Public ForumKnuicauna, Will.. M nr i»,

Tbe Twin Pallii 'flmcH,'■ Twin KallH, liliiho. -

G<tn{{cm(?n; Oh Oip ‘(JJt»rJ;«! of your Ihhuc of April <!7tli, 1 find nn >ir- llclu hcaUcil. "A Crime,'’ wlUch 1 liftvo puruocd with much Inli'rcHl, iluu to the hict lliat 1 own ICO ncrua of lnnd' In tho Salmon tra c t and linvu kcpl more

------n r l wH li r t o uc h -^ m t-flon<>iHtjnfl-- i i i ^thru rondlng: tiie HollJ«ter HcrnJd JitttJ liilcr your ROod paper, ,

1 fee! th a t you doHcrvo greiil pruiuc

/jAr displaying tlic couraRC tha t you llo and have been doing in your battle | for Ui« cntrynicn and for fa ir piny, and


. DlBtrJbutor*. \

- — ' —1 '


■B WOMAN:J\ C U R W O O Dnsatiorial ^er Produced—


EATREwhile the opinion und vlowa of a non- resident o t your acction m ay n o t havo mueli bearing upon tbc eituaUon, sUlL I cunnot refrulQ from .at least cxprose* InR niysuK and lliuAklnK yoK fo r your

-«ln<»t«_ittfflrtiL__ Wlillo. I havo .beenmoVcd to-'^thc- poJnt o f w ritiaff you-a le tte r on thlii BubJect, 1 nm going to take the llberjy of giving you an ox* presHlon ot my cxpcrlenco In oonnoci tlon w ith my Salmon t r a d purchase.

I’eople trom this, section wero at* t ra d e d to tbu IrrlButcd lands through g rea t inducem ents and prom ises held o u t tn llbornlly dlutrlbuted lUorature, nnd many of them no^ understanding ■ nniFnic 'Tnrnj-TJcrhnr-aooum ed-thftW thu Ciirey law wnu u law in which Uio feilentl and Htnte Kovcrnmentti safc- guardf^d-lliit public nnd saw lo It thut llic promJHCi* nmde by tho prom oters w ere kopt w llhln safe boundB, nnd tha t tbo federal govurnmcnt and lho Btate o f Idnho-would n o l p a llia te anylh lns th n t would entico pcoplo onto lho losds anti UioD leavts them Uiero lo nhifl for ihemBulveo and s ta rro If th e promotora saw fil to deprive liicm of w bat they contracted to dollver lo them.

In Jiily o t 1011.1 w ent lo Idaho wtih my e n tire ‘fnmlly for tho purposo bf proving up on my land, and .lived on It during the m onth of AurubI. My ubJccL. In tnklpg mv fanillv wnW_wlUi a 'well-'detlned thought nnil feeling tiia t' if condlUonH proved satisfactory In Idaho we .thoughl very seriously of leaving WfscoQHio and locating per* mnnently In your vicinity. Wc tell Uiat IhiB ililriy-day roaldenco on the land would afford^UB a Bplcndld 'op- porlunity lo d<|termlno -o u r future courBC.___ ___________________ .

Tho nuxl Uiouglit was, It for any reason the family did n o l feel ,fi)T* brable to ~>cicaUnK In Idnho, after proving up o lP ttro land aad gelling

fu lly toJ:>o.ab]c-.t9 gel W isconsin sotUera; o f a ' kind- th a t 'Wonld-make-ft-^acceBS on tb© lond, lo move to Idaho and work lho land.* as wo hoped, w ithjiuccess and protlL Dui wlillo wo were in Idalto wo w ere mado awuro of thu appalUnK-condlUons, due to tlia Don-fulfdlmcni of con trac ts oo tho p a r t of the prom otors, ond wo lofl Idoho very much dtscoumKed-OB-far as tho Irrigated land propoalUon Is concocncid. b u t with d growloR proBBlon o f ' l l s delightful- climate. Whllo wo woro In Idaho, and in facl slaco re tu rn ing homo, I alw ays folt extrem ely confident tb d t tbo Idaho sta to aulborlUes would roollze thoir duty toward tho calrytnoo and seo to It th a t insUce was dono them.

Aftor tho promotorn had oxploitod tho projcct, as It occurred to mo in lO ll, In tho m onnor th a t they did, I did n o t for ^ m inute consider that Uioy would ever show o dlsposlUon to glvo the entrym en w hat Uioy woro on* UUed lo, unless forccd to do- do by stato aulhorlUes ftnd tho courts, and when Jud^c D lulrlch's decision was rendered 1 foil th 'al th is W M 'm erely one stop In the battlo. Lator, whon lho good'governor of y our grand stale, with considerable b luster took a whirl through tbo tra c t I oxpoctcd th a t bis cheering words to the .entrym cn and settlo rs woro sincere ood th a t ho would exert hlmsolf to th e utm ost In the ir behalf, b u t Bubseaiiont ovonts ra thor rctnlnd mo of ttio g rea t dunt clouds tha t ono sees In your country froQUonUy darfng tho sum m er, and the goTornor's tr ip soooib to hovo dono About-as moch good a s those clouds hovo dono to th e •e lU o rs ..

I do not wish lo d^Hho governor or aay public official a a inJuaUco, but when ono'secs so m uch Insincerity an4 ■p much blustor for b ffect aod for po* liUcal goln, as wo loo oftoa seo on tho p a rt o f officiala, ono; n a tu ra lly looks w ith .'suspicion upon such affairs un* l e u ovidenco of good fallh ' is forth- coming.

I t now looks Torr m ach to me as though tho prom oters a ro golag to considerable expenso U> llUgaUng the m otto t in tha hopo a t U n ta g out tho TOtryinon, iw h w a ^ - if ' 0i«y-w«re-41».- posed lo do tho fair th ing and llvo u r lo tho provisions of th e ir contracts, tho monoy tbey aro «pon(Jlns for liUr saUon they cotild put to valuable use in co-op^ratlns w ltb. the sotUers u d

dem onstrating to •them tha.t.lhoy were dlsposod to establish m ailers so tha t Uio tra c t would bo reduccd in acrcogu .ctfQBiatoat.>vUli tho w ater nvnllablo for Jrrlgallffn nnd. In 'n?cord^_c^"wlHi_lh<i Contracu. '

I t seemB/o me thuftho-fltnto nuUior- Itlca might- s t-lcaa l-w nke-uu -c tto rl-lo pass some law In the IcglHlature through which every untrym an would bo compollcd, and wUbout chunco lu oscopc, to contribute fund«^ lowurilu fighting the opptslUon In the courw. Many pcoplo who do not llvu on the ir InndB do not contribute towiinlH hucIi 0 fund bucuuHe thoy fuel ihnt olhura who Hhould cuntrlbutu e<iultnb1y nre nol doing uo and It Ih iiiiroanonnble for tlio^tmrymeH to oxpiict tho n.‘;iJilcnt» oh Uio t r a c r to Tiloiio'ciirry nn thn-Ip- goi batUe.__ lIctQre_dQalnK b«.‘rn i l f iih< :>)»» lofltato cxpcrlcnceH 1 Imd while tiie iir»- moterH were undurtaklng lo noil ihi? IrrigaUon hondH. ShorUy In-rnr- my trip lo Idaho 1» J92J. I wuu ilJvurged by tlie bond luiUHe roiirf'.'^cTii:!- live tonnkc-advnntnBi? -of -u-triiu -ai-. curiilon to Idaho for the i)iiriioH«- of InspecUng the Irrtgfttlon iirnjuirilcit, and Die cxputiHc anil extravnKiiiiO' In connecUon with Uic flolnlion <it Uh-

:trrfcatiottrboftdtfH/»-«t-«firt^>lnfr-Ui“ i—J- ever anw In connection with ilie m-ll- Ing of Hccurltlca. All of which iiiiule nil; teci tha t there wuh a wnHte of money,' rectnuHs uxlrj^\'ftftftin:tnnnl~fin— nnclng of a high order. And n-nlly. Uiu aeulor who bought Uiu propurly In tho la/it nnrtlyHls wnu cxpectcd io furn- lllh Ibe money for ull of UiIh unormouti expenso.

When HUCh muttcrH comc to llic nl- tcnllon of the public thu next <iueH- tlon Uiat naturally ariaeH Ib, how far and to whal extent did the prbmoiern roally resort? 2 sbould like v<?ry (»ucli lo aee the atutc uuthorlUcii make u thorough InteuUgatlon of the unUre trunuacUon by undcrtaklug to dluuluHU where and bow tbu prouuudH fur the bond ualcu aud for Uiu land wau d b - pouud of, aod I fuul th a t for thu bun* efft and protccUon of u'll coticcrn^’d a thorough invcaUgntluu nhould be made on tho part ot Homebody In authority lo learn w hether ihuro hnd been nny Bluub money, doodlo money or nlzrle- H lo~ lh Uio irffiiBacUonir a t- the ex* 'penuc'Tjflho' entrymcn.

I t la not my intontion' (o caHt any roflccUono. h u t thla in u. m ntter of g rea t public Intereat' and Uie pnrUeo concerned should not hcaitntc In Uie least about producing Uio neccasury figures, becauao publicity la w hal the public of la te ia demanding, and pub­licity Is.w hat Uio publtc'tH entitled to.

Your*) vory truly,_______ ' F IU N K P. DECKER.

j SOCIETY NOTESIlf i tu for th is departmcDt nuy be

m aD ev phoa«d o r le f t n t The Timex of^ee, r h o n t 8S.

Tho.M. C. D. club m et yeatunUy a t •ihft-bomn-of-Mrn SPlelburg.

The .WednuBday auction bridge club . m et lont week wlUi Mr«. .L T .'W right.

Mra. Everett Sweolwy won tbe pHzi' , ror the day, a cluh apoon.

; Mr. nrid W rii7T.-O:'Urown presided . over a tro u t d thncr p a r ty laal Mon- ' day evening. Govern wore Inld for I Dr. Sutcllff, MIhb Alnm KnriH, Ml»a

Pauline Evnn«. K. S^^tilir nnd Mr. and Mra. Drown.

' On the occaHlon ot liln, blrlhdny Erncat Gales wm» Uiu recipient of u plcaunnt aurprlae, hiu wife ImvlnR tn-

I vilcd In a 'Yew frlend» lo Hpenil tlu' ■ TSTonlngr'“Cardn-Tvcrtr fndalgtrf-fn-nn'l

,a good Umo in general winn unjdvrd, : Tho hoBtesn aorved rcfrcahmeniH dur- . ing lhe evening. P resen t were: ^l^

und Mrs. Cooksley, Mr. and Mr«. Wtii*-, i Mr. aad Mra. H art, Mr. and Mrn, IM- . -warda anti D r.und.M ra.-H oebo----------

Mr. and Mr«. C. A-'Bullca duiightfiil- r ly -cn tc rta ln th o -p « Jo ch le-c lu l» ln*-i

'Thuraday cvcolng. A delectable two- ’ courao luncheon wna Burvcd tin , uuuau and a color schemc ofrrnc! mul : whlto . predominated. Pruaenl wi-rc:

S ir . 'an d Mrs.' L. 'F .''M orBe, ‘Mr. uii-l ; Mrs. A. N. S p rague.' Mr. and M n , Chas. Durton, Mr and ftlFs. H. bkc-l:r ‘ Mr. and Mrs, L. T. W right, Mr :i». ; Mrs. B. c. I-avcrIng, Mr nnd Mni K ; R. Sphftord, a n d ^ ilr . and’ Mrw. A ; nu llcs. ■

Compltmontnry lo MIhb ne.int* ‘ -.Toyce,-of-Chicago, MIbs Fannlo liiirl I was boBtoas lo a large num ber ui s .frienda Tueaday evening a l her homi . on Tenlhi avonuo norlb . Dancing uc- copied the ovcning and dellgUmr

: music w as furnished by Mrs. J l . A> Hallo. CIoYor littlo hand-painted pro-• grow s wore usod. Dainty refresh-> m cols wero-served a t lho clolio>Prefl

•ont besides the hostess and gucBl oiI honor, woro Misses M orguerlto Put-I nam, M argaret W ilsoa. Fern CobIcIIo[ Afjna Bonott, Losloy .Willlamfl, Qladyit Dwight, 'Vivien Conover, Thelm a Con) over, Carmon Cox. V esta Thomas, MU. dred Coaway, Oraco Barger, Bussl<r Joyce, Miss M argaret Wilson, am1 Messrs. l : H orst, A. Benoit, H. F lin tI off, D. O lrdner, L .‘Eplor, M. MacDonr aid, Eugono H art. Z. North, O. HI Woodln, A. W ftlllngton; J> R. T aber, D. Graves, Konyon Groen, Mr. antI Mrs. C. D. H dag aud Mr. an<J Mrs. Wm1 W agnor.'

3 ADYEfiTlSBU L £ ^ B B LIST.1 L etlsrs rem aining uncalled to r lii th is office a fte r ton days w ill bo tort tvardet) ^ tho dead leUer ottico ar W ashington, D. C.:s - F. M. A nderson; -Dowey Anderson] FriA k Bd>r6ws, Mr. and Mru. San9 Bright. W. M. Brower, Irw in Cook

I' red C. Carson (2 le tte rs), A. b : Cemp' Id h ; 'H a r ry N;"DavIsi PranTc Eadomt Joseph O arfleld, W. M. HoU, M.’ TI Ifeatb. Doe Lat}irom, F rank Llhday- Fred U olm or, a : B. Potligrove, 0 . Ws Reftgon, M rs. Voda Rudgo-, ^ r s : JI BmiUi, E lton E . Suu-ks,-M iss Beulol• Stevens, 0 . C. T aylor, G. W. Wheolocl• (Reg. le tte r).

May 16, 1916.

• DR. EVANS. TH E O PTICUN. W IU B GO TO « 0 G E R 3 0 N NEXT TUESDA-i } noon to s tte a d h is paUoots who bayi .• -ojr«aroubl«.and.wUL8top at.UpUlBtoi :• Wedncaday afioraooB, May 31st. Dr

IJvttns' froQuont v lslU to these towni• give tbo pooplo la th a t socUoq i » chaitte to havo th e ir , eyes attondet ! -wtthoat com lns to T w la F«lU.->Adv

ciUB woMfN l o y ___ JtniN G AT:POttT[UO

EfKhty*S£i«n^i)lPtfuU‘H Preaent, In* —clnU Jng-iiIx -K r«m -,T H ln— F a llfr -

Special Projmim lU-ndercd.

T h o fllxtuenU i a n n u a l w eoU ng o f th o f l r a t d l i i t r l t t fedu rm lon o f w om - u n 'a clubH u t Idaho wuh hold In Poc - u to llo lUHt wu(‘k. E lghty-aQ vea de l- egn teif WtT<- ifn-HCfit u t tho c o av e a - tto n . In c lu illn i; hIx m um burv o f Ihu T w u n tlu th C iin iiry utu of T w in 1 'u lln . niiiii>'ly, .Mcrsdamc'B E . C. K am ea, H .-i-1 - Mormr, M. J.-Sw «iuloy, Sch roo - llo r . H . W . riD iiclurk nnd J. E. CookB-Icy . ____________________

Ttii:...fau«ln'-x!' Tfi-»Hlon wan w ell a t~ le u d o d , iiiHiiy ilu o pupurH read und nm nurouH iirohl.-niH of vlUil In te re s t (llH«;u!Wcd, .Mr.'i. .Svvi.-uloy read a n o x- 'cL 'pU onnlly tInn p a p o r reg a rd in g th e -'■l;ropouud_,Sa\vUiQUr-^»aUonal_l*n»k,'’ T lio Stvwlaiilli rusp fve covers on a re a o f fiOD nqn iin - imIIuh nnd Ih one o f th e iiioHl c x tri io rd ln a ry ncentc b eou ly siiotH in Uh- co u n iry . l i Ih a lre ad y a

o h ic fly fo r iiiVMiuring, tuid fo r Uitu roaiion th u prupoitnl Ib bulng" fo u g h t sftrong ly -.hy ttn ' Klicep and c4H,lu In-

'IT-'TCBtHr"---------------------------------- ------------T h e follow jiiK ruHolutlonH ,w ere

pauB ed: .U.-nolv.'tl th a t Uie f i r s t dia- t r l c t rec o n iriifu d to th e .a ta tu th u l Uiu lug lH la ilve ('(imnjiitfie b e InH tructed to d r a f t a b ill lo .•lu -iid th e tlm o o f reu - tdonco In liJiiho boforo acU on c an bu b r o u g h t fo r d iv o rce ; th a t Uio Icglu- la tlv o c o m m ittee bo Iny tructed lo a sk th e c o m in g tcg lu la tlon fo r an a p p ro - p r la l to u Huftlcl.ini to com plctu Uio b o m o a lre u d y p iir tla lly bulU fo r tbu fcc b io lu ln d u d : th u t th e d la tr lu t re- c o m m e n d tw th e Htatu fc’deraU oa tho u iidu ruem uiit <iC Uie b llla p ropoaud -by th v B ta te boa rd uf cducuU on fo r a Htuto lu x for llu- pu b lic sch o o la ; th a t Uioy a ls o indo rae th o b ill proHentod -by th e hoiiril o f uducnUon fo r lh o nboliflhlUR uf 111.) u la to s u p e rin te n d ­e n t ; t h « l < c lu h In th e 'd ia tr lc t dc- v o to _ont) priJKr.ini_ th e com ing y e a r to ..clYll_Hj!r>’lw 'H tud 'y ,''lo caU oa ;~m cm - b e r , UHC. a n d m a in te n an c e of a ll p'efi= n l a n d e h a rlin b ln in a tltu U e n s o f th o Htnte; lh a l llu- d lu tr lc i u rg e th e p a s- Buso o f u Htain w tdu o r p a rtia l civil H nrvico (illi a t th o com ing Icg la la - t u r u ; th a t llu- dlH trlc t rccom m end lo th e Btato Uiut Uiu lugluIaUvo com m it­te e e m p lo y a c o m p e lc n l c lub w o m an w h o se buHlni-uH It sh a ll bu to w a tcn o v e r , a u d cnn* fo r o u r b ills a t leg* lB laU tvn^ceU nK H .;bqU L Jn;houH e,-B C 8-

.a to , a n 'd ’VbTnmtUces’ th 'a f th f ra e ' w om ­en w o rk u n d e r th e gufdanco o f Uio Icg lB la llv e commUtiH; nnd a ta to proa- I d e n t

O th e r rr.sdlutlonB follow ed to th e c liibi< lndlt'H o t Poca lu llo , w ho dia- p l n y ^ no llu lo a litlt ty . aa c o m p a le a t lioHt^HHOH, D nrlng th e s ta y o f th e T w in ra ltH womun tn P o c a lu llo they w o re th e KUt-HlH a l n u m e ro u s d in n e rs

u r r f ~ l pr>/-nf I.},lo w o m e n , und a moHl en joyab le Ume In re p o r te d by a ll . T he p ro g n u n c w h ic h o o 'u id u d alm oB l th o cnUc( I h re e dayu w ere b o th .ln tc rcB lIn g aat;

I D o Y o u r

^ G i v e ^ O iI

I . ■ ■■T+ =

I D t y o n k n o i

I t e n c a s e * o :

I e l i m h i B t e d t

J p o r l« " -p r (^

I ' I

I . 1 ^j

I , H e wffl b e l

I n o t w a it onl

PAPER Td 60 smt ; EXP RI ffi I

JPowder Conpulee BwriB« Bay I Fibrous Textnrv pf rte e Pftp«rt

Terpedo^Howttier»-mw In Genoany liave to> Give Back

Fu r t h e r i n c r e a s e la Uie pric<

of papor, wlUt no imtnedlato pos- siblllty of aa oarly ro tu rs to a o r

. m al condlUons, are predicted by Para- g ra fs , a publlcoUoB Issued' by tht W httakor Paper company of Ciacin- naU. E xplaining.the cause of the ro- cuDt advaaceu, 11 aays:

. “Cclluloae Is Uie fibrous m atter tbal iH Uio bUBls or all kinds o t paper. Tble HubBtunco la produced commerclaU) from Colton u tfdninea^rats-’a n d f ro t t wood pulp, MllltoDa of tons of Ccllu- loae are ro<]utred annually to suppl) Uio rc«ju!roniczits of the papor mJlJs oJ th e world.- - L 'la-normal Umca CO. p er cont of th« rngn and <0 per ccnl of the aulphlU uued for the m anufacture ot paper it Uie United Statea Ib Imported tro a foreign countries.

TT-^Butt^.eliuloae-In-alM-Uie-bftBlB-o: m odern htgh explosivea.' "

"Tho Dupont powder m ills have Ln sin n ed an enormous battery of bfcalen •ljnvingTt-cftp*clly-vftBUj'-gr®alOE_thai the capacity of ony paper mill la th* U nited StatcB. They urc paying fabii louB prlcoa for rag atock and com m andlng the first cholco of ragafron a ll over lho country.

"W bal In normal tim es would be tb fibrous tex ture of flno papers la no« b elag convorted' into ammuaiUoa fo bomb and torpedo and howitzer an< m achino guns.

"G erm aay baa confiscated tbe ea tiro supply ot raw m aterials fo r lb m «aufactur« of paper wlUtIa tho cos fIncB of her omplre. Even tbe woo< pulp ut Germany la now/ being coa verted lato explosives, sparing onl; enough for th,e m anufaciore of sue! am ounts of paper os a re absolutel; osacntlal for domestic requirem ents.

"The korem m eot of Oermoay iia fixed tho atze llm ll which the publish c r of-a-newapapor ia the cmpizo ma: n o l excet-arThe'O erm onTesldent-w b' would buy a daily paper can do » only on condition th a t he surrende Cho paper of tho day before to b e re tu rned to the paper mil), cleaned aa< converted again Into Block fo r th' ipubllcaUon of fulure issues.“ "England, In Ume of peace, export cool lo Sweden oad bolancee the^ac count by Importing'Swedish-pulp. Bu w llh the outbreak of tbo greal w ar tb BrnTsh-ota^tnracedcd an -f tw fuefBup p ly to operate her m unition p lan ts ani w arships.

••Sweden, In retallaUon, haa re fu s t

hopeful aad the musical aum ber wero boauUfully rtndored.- Mrs. fi W. Clouchok, of Twin Falls, w as un onlmoualy chosen president o f lh

■ccaycaUPB. •Other offlccrB elected were:----------F lrs l vice president, Mr. H. O. Ulc

5 o t Durlcy.l( Sosond vice president. Mrs. Harrt

• F e e t

u T r o u b l e

w that nine oat of ever f foot faroable caa b i j the lie of arch sap erly adjusted.


ive secured the uryices foot specialist, whose i offer, free of charge, t


lere nntil Satarday aigi dl the hst minote but i

Iph ShPi


c f Conn try a t Fatm looi FrJeew. B e ln r Ceavertcd Into A nnnltton For Jlji8n la»- Gb m . --Kew»paj>tf -B«ad«rw— Old P ^ e n .

to ab lp pulp to G reat Britain, and. owlDK to ber sborU ge of coa} and tho dangers and dItficulUes o t ocean traf- tic, ahe Is now shipping very llltlii pulp Co tbe United States.• "South A m erica, Ccntral. Amorlca. A ustralia, India, Africa uad m any o t tbe Buropeon ' countries, flad lsg tbolrusuat-sourcoa of, supply__closcd__loj__Ihom, clam or to lho Unlled S tales for re lie f aad find th a t ou r slock of row inatorl»l-i«-«O TieaTlr^cibaTjB ted-that— wo can scarcely produce enough pa­per to m eet the requlrem enu of our own people:' "T he god o t w a r-h as-n o t only ap­

propriated tho w ood pulp ond cotton CBsenUal tb thc m anufacture of paper, - b u t he has a lso clalmcd for IiIh du- atrucllvo purpoaen ,the bulk of avail- ablo chcmlculH ot ucnrcely Iuhh Im­portance.______ :___________________ ____

•‘Bleached ~BUlpFiltV' '(wood flb'ur')“ tho t'fo rm c ly aold for };!,6C> per hun- dred-weight, .now communiia as blgh

|& -par—huodrcdgi-lslit._lH i:nchlng pow ders th a t commonly nell for I'lun? more- than o ccn l a pound nre unob­ta inable even a t 13 centa. Soda OHh, rosin , satin while, casein and alum have doubled and trebled in-price. An-

' n in e colors th a t tho paper m anufac- . tu re r commonly buys for 40 centB per ’ pound a re now difficult to obtain even ‘ a t t20 per pound.

“ Erery a rU cIo 'th a t enleru into the [ producUon of paper has advanced in

price and Is s till bound to advunco to oven higher prlcesi' Labor, now foel* InK tbo sUmuIus of war orders, cum-

! m ands moro than tlio sam e' grade of lab o r could command before tbe wur.

"T bere is n p Immediate pOBHlblllty of a speedy re tu rn to norm al prlcea.

I With, .tbo curtailm ent of producUon , ofraw m ateria ls and the arUflclal do-> m and fo r cellulose for the producUon, bf_blgh_oxploBlTeH.-.:.p#pcr;. m ust _conj:_ I Unuo to advance In c o s t Even lho■ lennlnoU on of hosilllUea could nol . restore no rm al condiUons unUl o tte r < safflc len t Umo bad elapsed to perm it , industry to re tu rn to healthy condl*

Uona and to allow for the monufac- I tu re ot esormouB reserve stock.

**To th e p rin te r th is oil m oans the : u rgen l aecesslly of advaaclng hla I p rice s , la: p roportion -to th e .g e n e ra l■ advanw s lo -th o -m ark e t:- Papfi£_AL_ 1 ready purchased and held In stock

ahould be valued a t today's p rlten be- I cause it canno t be replaced for Icsh."

I o t S t Anthony.C orrespoadlng Bccretarr,, Mrs. J.

• Cooksley, T w in F^Us.» Recording secretary, Mra. Snyder,

o f Springfield. -

I Auditor, Mra. Axline ot Albion,

9 TlmM w aa t ads b rtag resclts.


of Mr. C h a s . j L K e e - .

e n r i c e s a n d a d v i c e w e

> tks people of tlus

iL Please do Iwme in todaj I

Page 8: PER'^ 5 ^ jj jmiinfEJ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · by the Short Z4a» should wa buOd the ^ d c« aa ladspendeat company. We ^ 4o

r ■ q o H a g - e M D

' B aker CJork’s birthday, oa .Sonny. QUrlt. who Is rivo yoaro

eTr'itiW ftlilfAtulW M rW o m S BRatRfW I uirt«JiUm-«'>fbUi»WoNJH <J*yH «IAbi*Tc o’clock Saturd& y-W lM Jtey .^ ftJftW l*

- ! ‘v a S ® i i a «p a ^ f lp ( ijM ,,m 4c ,jg m iu y

' u jium A prflX .sm W M dehV w M cT i i m u i y r d K real. , a b X o m errtm pnt. T hoap" prwcdC ^ o rB

paid our horg u poll' lo s t M otfaBf"o fW tO e ifim 7 UlMrI|itoHdok''Wn!fla8.

W8 la f li« f nak Woslcslnn'UitiatiB

d o iiM b O ia it» th U (« d B O t« f noUkBCtkoto iir>T a< in»nk lts |un id J& dcan i)a U to iU -tao i bw teP w J«aodV 'H »» M8« atlM »»J«W *itb U m a l'(o h n A ltf ilm m rM « t'te -r ts iil« n U ttlt» JuMAo«r<na -db^^dtoD cfrnairfthlciilobrtrie arm'4d;>A><ndi(i'ls lU b v a i lr f* jK irt« 5 * iflk d io ljm tti* lc tb » * fW p tJ W KltoH K irt^K tV Id JbjalUUUKWRtMC biMM Ulfi t r u th WAS t h a t U ftP ttU K '> M ^aib9 mnd. a«fl QAlJii^muptlQI^fif) bednb^BAtUBftdKibr n M M )(b Q ]« l9 0 ltte i tz leU > iai^ *m bK iiiu iJo i. i i i i « ATsvoiAiMri;

. n tn i.iw fU iiitta tB faU ncw ^bJfq tq ttn iM V M tah ffib o ff- iM d iiio id ia Q ii/lsc tn B iiM b | d Bdo ivuvji tM tuuhBilicQ nldj B W a * 4 1 ^ th « « * a«lD aibM 4lD m nflB to» lM b09m ufa{

n K f ^ m r t o t i ^ r J s n m t ^ s mwollo or bati .inoJ

6 o v o r ^ , ^ r i « ^

o V A ^ if / '«

CochrW pb^ilfti&^SraC-EkfflV

Krsss:— 11 (ltd.' A kuuh sualtiiiK' nilu

b « ta , ' thus savlDR th e fa rm ers con* fliforablfi IrriRatlUR.'

' '^ ..G rlfflU i sojd n fine load of >iokh t « Wllaon DroR. of Kim berly li)ut

^ h o Jnrgo crono used over nt ihc B t^ar factory for llftlnR the different plOccH of heavy toachlncry. Upped o ^ r loiit week, cauolnc quite n loi of

----- aj^ ltom ont-U iere for - u - s h o r t - time;bW no ono was Injured.

f c h o o l Ir out for tho children nnd thfc .different ochool wasonH convey* Itli the pupIlH to the Twin .Knlls' a jtoolfl arc p u t .aw ay . for. the..Hum*.

;6evorol of ou r farroorii havo 'run fliwrt of liny, and ra th e r than pay t ^ cn rrcn t prJco o f J18.00 per ton. i

■ a ^

y r a n k Wllflon and wife, w ith IllUe d(fDRhter, Kathleen, w ere Twin FnllB vKltors last week. •

itf. E. Slnley and bohh n re movlnff u |J lo tlje Daiiln thla week, where

jr'UBiM.' Sp m IoI Coiressondenee.

A . E. Palm er, n ran ch e r living three mjjoB west, wan eerlouHly Injured on US 17th whllo on a tr ip to RoRcrson. T u Ford auto In w hich ho wna rld- IM , w-ns overturned and Mr. Palm er hffi sovernt rlbn broken , and received sw c ra l cu ts and bru ises, but worHt of nlji his back was so seriously wrench- c ( l,th a t so fa r he

so;ne fearn a r i l l l t o f l i f i S l a to wBether he will cvor bo ablo to walk

' D c Jo ldersm a and M rs. Mullen, a n t#8c, a t hifl rcaldenco.

•yriday. Mify 19th. wo had some Blowers

bo o t alm ost Incalculable benefit to ^a rm ers , stockmen and overy ono in

snnnhl^ riiiil-' flpv nn<T■ wmSv. nfia^Ql*

iiL ssH silS i«Fa: "J. 'U K eith Sunday, Uie 21hI, nt* ' A M i n . tta fcrnh H t t * : - « r i W i a { * « u w j - j

i O T g g g

k U s lo n a r-w ill-d if ttt t ic ^ ti tiH lW e 'lW .tW

i sW rt1nh«H M M li c n -m t (Slmp«tWu.wwo- u N { ^ M folillff- MaliJa.Mlj

« b itU « » D o « p ii« Jo fc a i n il

u t t ^ h c i r r a n c h wcHt o f U)whlirt»tm« Hiri Tdi>V^>v<ri'nd .l<x)vnur^nM»a n r ’

^ * 0, H«OB fwwft.wllffn: tat iofin»W ioTb)>M IW iV flnln«ii oBttM (tMnk^m(-iH/i<MiWit<c>fy],fl)V^P>V]iBm. • ' _______ ,^->li liiuji-> ri?il-nctM ral««<aU H nw ,H l«rw cjy(,J«l> iW |i##pr e ro , huu ro lurB «l|M Jft'iJ*l«(ipi".')^ 'H A

njatutox l l o tT »J>int Himi(nyilu_niL(i:jUjii

hgJKIJl lPfl)|);';9Sl^ S J f .a R P tb fJv V ft, ^ » ^ p ^ t .llVl^jiSCMiftJ; .iw 4oriK »». H Hflj*al^ft o«ftr ^ tQl a t a ) nwU^in^nftionQoMHif__________ ..lit 1.1 I.. Ill9d} ud b lu o jy a g t l^ B m ijy w j^ < jiW ^ w on

b a a - i d s i t^ H p H s T o S o a io t bnn iliitui - MiaiiTI ‘inhl'iiiii

•un ndJ kciI Xfi‘>nn‘'0"9dJ i o V v ^ B a w -ffiii '<1•o o o o d ) lu g u tl 1<l -Olll-Jj/Iuiiuuboow .‘(iiK iii) iv ii Hviii-0 0 3 lo ' I O ^ ^ L u ht <iiuiin->[J i» i|lifi '( la o -a iI il^H .B < »V ili« ll]9l-> IriJ-l-r'.ib u a l o ( ^ ^ L l u i u i r u '>itl n il ilMUirn-

Vj > in iliig •:)lllfc)iiN .6 fn » m 9 i^ ^B i nl ljjlJn'<«ii'

a a d ]n-)iuni'>70H rulT"•ila lld u q . ' ^ K l r i w . oUS l i 'a t-X*ia ni i-j(]iit|>!'n-)U j; )o 7-o d w J u b ^ H i a i n i ' i U ‘iilT 3<>ton o b o a ^ ^ B } a < i i lin li <i»l b liiu r

lu ililtiuiyi att (fii< J-Sl 4 d \a h n tll V»*b o ij b o a n ^ ^ ^ l l u i i-xjitij ‘>ilt n) b -> ii^ !»dl l o l o In t Abian l)‘H U |r f 9

^ ^ ■ • 1 lo nojpR tSfl■ilTOqxa lo 't in h nt . l i n ^ r t a ' ^•9A o d ) Iinu n-ibowH o) Jrfo '}uU .q lU Q ^ H g w B iin ln o a in i i d / m ^

-q u a l90l • i i lq m / dj f l ^ lbnA lOaAl^^Blnum i td '- » i i i i ' |p a A f fQ

b ^ u l^ i &^^PobiUInl->i nl . o k M R ^

I n 'td o tu a ^ ^ K u r a i -tdi bnu V ufflH .11 .riM ^ ■ » b n o T \(lu 1 U u aH ,K ^ ^

k -n u e n ir a lw T .if 'i ilo u o i^ s .^'td ) lo fl->eot1‘> x ixuocnM

I. ________ ____________________ n»lln»-/nftr o ^ M b ^ J o T l ^ i j ' i m o n i ( j o

d » i)I .0 ,)a')blH'>iq n^ly )uiiM> .X‘i l i » n )<

a h iu H .K ^BanblH-nq 9lv bnwo'-i

» I M » » l l l l l M A iJ ■ ,


X19V9 H lu o s n in Ifiili

s d i i f l s l ^ o i i l o o |

• q u i f l f i )o

■ . b s k u i ^ i i d

" 'jLofi

lo s d l b '3iu39a

192 9 t o l ,)<ilfii99qe joi

o l ,95 b lo 9 9 l i . i s l

109 i u d > a i i n \ w ^ ^

9 0 1 , ^

li o n r< fit* rn rtw ‘w « * i ^ - y i t l - wnT^'bt' II icil firiifa ob-rMldB)! aitacpoDb ilri>Uie,C |rJ |^ i_ |3ndenv^^ ^

I< A GruundHI k\«iuntt •lln tfi^o iin ln ln ) <^oanfryi'i-.'i , . ■ ,t 'Illl aiiHnii;i-n T 'ttrii .;in

ifoxHiot-.Iflylnn.tfttrrtlW iicojipty fairirtrdmidri at> iriler yCHtorliay and Wll- iM 'm 'r t f i r l i l llioytfa'7«‘> IU il i i crew

’W P ^ i S a ®< groundsiliiJwtii«mdiu:i.Uauauii^-.iibopi---iu-U^ hil*.nnountnln ^ co u n try and kotoo i{v^]ft''"inoVW|f'rfiVIMilB ^tfrt/'oiraoclcd to

' *><1 »»’> nolJrm -iniVid uilubl ■ »it — 1

" ^ S w w i i ^ o H t o R i n ? ^ ^II »>ill -iJ-iliiiiiu’ «J Jnol'jlllii--' . I

•Jill lo l Jllijfl •<lliilni:<i ,yb;ivi’ .It - n JjIiJmIW -.ill Jtii!) ;b'.lm.-.t . .11 ;i.:i xi(jJji;T.>ti'>l -.iiiJi- uili ; .. .11 (<1 JvJ«o<|U1cJ .:llti/ 'i/IJ V» tli.i. ••II I. 1»1 ij.<l)ii’j|ili'> I 'l Ijiijod -.:. ^■•/ Juili ;t!(ijoil’i:i ')UilHq 'nlJ I'll , iy i-> l>'>tii->>i-n<t IlliJ -jiO ;>mol)iil u Vll ‘Illl 10I iinilii'Jiib’i 111 hiiiijii!■> :bti-i|ith'iiiiirt ••ir.iii ''il> lo :j-' ■ k

-ill jolDiilli .mil nl <lHb ihii-. I .. I kn jiitimoj -irtr -raiiTaotir^.M ~fl* 1-. .•ui-j|i_nolJiiaol .•<buJu-JaIiiaj

l^mU oldjixoln’i Jno-it ji lujn1 « K im m «q-'iiIT — IU —-.Ml—t*:.::.........

I« !nlJn?* oiU, Jconili; ImIiiijv ■; bnJi anDn'iiMiil illo'l ■•f.j’ -■

p e a r a w c e - ^ S e c o n d , - b e c

___ M any m ake_ _ _ g e n e ra T lin e -------- m o re o f a c

^ i c e _____ T h i r ^ ’b ^ jb 80 d u u n i a n d s a tis f jn

I W OnJ UOX o f ta x w e U .c a

l o 298B3 n k l> y - ? " f f *!18 p u t in to 1y d b 9 l f i n i i n i i % ^ b e e

T h e a n sw e i e n o rm o u s ^

" d u ce rs o f bi

5 = F if th , b e ca i

ler-C oM tW e s ay th if a r e wUlhig

9 V B d 9 W. \ T fte M axw<

01 fi (0611 j o n ^ a t i o n a

l lo x I b B lg

p e o r C i

' I • ; .ti.ir mj :i.i(i--.(it«(i:> ,’.'. Jl n r T : r - r o c p i i« a . - n » i5 i* g F ^

I ■■•:; • .I'l'lIiT ,'i1|Jllf-.r.!,; . -.■ ■' ... :i.,;uj5 . Mil' .;U .iii;l;i..;-j<ji.-i.;;i

The<TW 1N "WUiLS^i 'NcrUiviSWc " Land & :Wdtor'Corop&ny’»!ot<lr-

hgo'dAtnJfttiJacXion Joke'Vrnirb't fully com pleted th JUly> Tho.<con- creto work- la flniahed dnd thcioarth- Ayork w ill bo dono 'nei f m g nth;>i-Th1i WAR tho^roport b rough t^ to^ lB ® Wbd nosday by It. K. Sherperd o(^th6<^hv *PBdyrwhu uauiB up trdm“J t e Bm^ - ;v ! i

^-Tlie Jackson 'lakd roaDrvolP-wll nlure considerab le 'w atert ^ I c h ' wil hc nvallablo for use Uils •yoar. .'.Xti Htorago capacity la'700.000<dcr« fc«( Uie BrentcHt of any dam ^in-tha w crh of Itn helKbt. 67 feet. -Thb'aataj ivrll bo-comploU>d.wiUiln:tho^'riBinnV^0 tI m ate of >840,000, whleh la ftlBO'tt'TO ninrkable feutore. ■ < Shophord" paid '1 lilRh compllmont to T. A^'-BaukU;'thi •onfctnccr-Jn-chnreer«rid“Miv^TOW .- 'a!i perlnt.ondcnt- o f conhlruoUon/' •■■> -■

Tt will titkfi the w ater fi*om Jacknoi-lalco--«t»v«i>—4li»ytt--lo‘ -ft<iwii-d«vnr*Hh' Snake r lv c r 'to Uio'Mllnoi'.'aam.'c 'ill o rder to tttranBO-'lor-ihe' p&^ango^io

. th ia BtocSKO’ wnter; 'a:-'<fonrorimdAi’Vil j bo lieia Ih tlio offfctf Of 8tati>:Dnglai« I Snilih on ’Sutnrdby'm ornlae/'aviwHlcI

r ■'. •.' •I -I .'iJ.ii i-1-ijjiiMi lliilil naiiv)

• - •, •.,::: nr;,.,!:,,' I-rii-/.i-h-vfr; .! ..................... -•;»!■: :.ill ;..ih

. • ■'■ • -.i;i..-,li.r,-nil il;i0.n.• ; -.i.iii- <1! m.Ji Jijyiii

■ .Ill .n :i l.llu •l,l',l

! -V ' • . •: /->ii I ;>rii; ,ii, 1,-if. ' ' ......... !'• Im ij .)

.- ...- , ■- i.i-il.iHlIvivill ilaifOT,.i ,.L.,a-,iil,,.. If, n ,,,, .,(1,

;; ^ ■•■'■•ilJ •i-ril)..j(v/ m in i

% - '■■> ■ fao lJ '> iinn i^ j^^2 |p .a

•xl {um. iR soihuqsb nliit 10I ein»)]

xiU. V) ■■trt»>i( ■

............. Xcli-f-i/ili-iV ■til'I— .1, ..,1/ ,|.,7/ j-r'nt-J;

* I . I').!'!-; ‘Illl-i ;; , miIi mil ■

'■•. '"■ ■ ' •■'i'- "tii-.K M ,. it..-/:-l ..nliu

i ] p , - j o £ t ! l c u s l u o i u ^ ' i ! ! ‘

be,' comrorteblja>

i i o f

IS s e rv ice to th o u s a n d s e;•: I ■ ■• ■ ..'iNllV/ .T ..I AtlU. ijim11 a r eitsy are maiejigM . “ »«J t ' . i f'l tiiiluiinlhitiroT j-;:: ;- .,,lilj/-| .v.nr 1i,

R w s r a d e ^ m o t o r i i c a r i o i i k i ur -fn 'l •Jlh UPjlLl', .Htll'nlK 'l-I-j-w TO

«# ,* n tO i:hiI-.iIT ,i-.70tiii'» II..1-/I7 ,lil;il ^ j -Ulf. ,HniiioilT i:J.".V .zo') iM nniO i

“! 1!T I ili ic.l iVjiU 'iM j^iiliiliiifjM tt-ioji..

+ .Ii: ; ..-lU urr.-^{f. .nw oniin >li:T ..ivwi-in :ir jii-;.. r^ ;-) M .i>.T,n-.i ;:i n-.in/i-j : ) j t[.(iioIi:.M ;I(iin’-{ .Kr/ii(l ,'/. 'tn ij l l

ATJii-il .:

$ Twin-Fall Miihij/■ . i .ir . ’/ a u T > . / ; , v n .}

.•« 'in lflil-ff Jiiir. ■.'[•luini.i n: /Jitf. ,.;»i)in)n<i -{fll'ii'n

X i l u './n: (if) o; KililV ;«'>UJ)vil


Hll 6 ^ ^ ^ , 8ayi Concr^"^~W orf '-1VII1 Ito F inisbed N e x t ^ obUu WOI

" j f . -

i. '.timoi repfcBontatlvea of all^lrrigaU *■ :ond i«onal companloa o a the- Sna ) Tlvoh abovfi M ilner will bb presoi • Tho tauetlng was callod by .Uie atx •' lonxlaM r in brder th a t a tu ll und< ». ;Htanc|lntt m ig h t bu had w ith r^ajLQCt

tiandU ps\or the Jnckfion lako yrat t^ fh ic^w A l pasa a largo num ber

li 'p o ln t^ b f Inversion to Ujo-J^orth._Sl

1 ; Tijg Jackaon Inke rcBorvolr is ’WyoB4nr»\Bbouti2K mlloa souUi of t

1 Y o l i^ a to ^ H o ^ r ^ boiindary and 1 m ilo ^ 'o a t W 'W o ‘WyotelQff lino. I t ^ abouOO-milos-'duo south ot.tho .T hui - dn tM YollowBtone national po V iilg h m y . Tbo w aters o t Jacks e> la k o a r o ^ ^ ^ T . ^ ^V^^ for ubc

B -ICOO W crw —plantcd—te^bB et a -OB—t X N ortK S Ido tra c t thia yoar, th o 'p i tl d u c tw vfbldi would go .to tho Burl I' B U R aH ac% B L ^ V q ta p s od Uio tn p w ith m o o fe % fin ^ i^ { n i t t . in jured li t to a (m e ro In oxcellent cdndUlon, bi

S’, — b s ' j i H i ' / f i -

' YAaaauT '.;i;'to ____ ; _ •

[ \ 1 M -Il'l li m i B p i i B 6 | H ^ ^ B l 3 | y f i / > i i>'<

)fi -. .1.. 'Jill fl-illtw nl 7n:I r. Ill tn.i /- .i . ' • •j)iii hin'iiiKii-.'/.”-! -i:!;?- ;.(ir, ' 1.

arrr -IntlJ H l>il>i >:i-li.-[ -.;-i [.-.‘jll . i!TjJoiU<H«| -Ml) Ilf - ,I . I71) jr:ill Iiilii . !lntmnl -rliix .liilli « !i[ i;(

■jir.u -111) Iiiiii j n < n i ' t « hi-i’ Ii- a i t l i i j 'i i i i ‘>1111111.11^(1 J l u v / o iii j

Ifl* v .r li 1 ) ii! *;il :.';h i|-i!) i>J ill-ll. I1-.ll) III l-./M-.fl •)! [■■Ii..

'Tij;;/ iiiliJtl 'll i.'Mvr I .!I-;i >.) (ll''.

dii a , cwt.'i/..,.lPiOTty‘'o l( i.r^

ly:<(iHi:-1hl l>iu\ iil-rir>'> il7/

c a ’i g ; '^ y i ^ " a q C KS in i l h o o d „ o f t h e M u w t> '(itn -y il li .•ti;iiici(l) '/••n •■

■’’ I': lulJ .J i lu iy .ltil «'''')-i'>ii i .M ‘iinill e n a l8 v ^ t" n io n e y -a n c

•) )lul l»ll»;-,*i'i’il...ilijl.i -,ill ■)., J-II,

, ^ . .'iJntiiil'i (iiHi::;i;-.|) v;i .Id ii,.i (fo- J-ir.) nl .(.iul>l 111 -i.v •

tie iworl<L‘“"'H -’ 'n o ! li-))l(i[»[.--' Iirrd n-).jttM ni i|li ri

-■il)ii;fio-» •>liirtliii ^ io1 )ui '«v.i nl iiollltfoqifJIi 1; v/oilii -i.iv/i biiio'w

] -jiil i 'jii jc r l j ' bnn 'no-Mihi m tjv : n-i

'■1 j 111 liiomJii 'Jill, lit U-i'.riiliI IT '/ '

‘W rn T “i7ff“ :> iT .^ m jo ‘ ‘Hi: liiiliH-.n • i-r.VA -/itnun'i m ov -.itiu j/.rl) 1. '• / ' ( 'lilt liii/r.niniiiiM nil j.:iihol' <Iin-. ifiT 'Mil'll 'lYcil 01 »in!->'i'i <ihj H'lor dh l Klmnl-j,->i!Oi;r .:;i linoi! ifsiifir r lo-j- .in'il;)i;i 'jilJ cji on,dc m lOin-jYoa 'nH oli ol linl'// Jot


1'j H -ilhni >it TiJliil lioon 'iii -im-itilV . . -3

?ii ',111-OJ il'iinii -(1.7 'i>J‘>.*i vfoi Ul o ) . anlou 'jTii vi-iii)iil'n'i 'III) i

. 'jy • -ttll om /r H .ihu1j '«'/ hi bfic :iiilill Tlnl '.i ll c.-h d) T iivl. ,!iJ if.>)noa itoiU ,lo H iiuhilvim i •

r-‘- Z

S . r - ¥ s m u P O SIE S- ■

l o ....................................... ........

•k s -‘•w ^ o u n e e a th o o p e n in g , o f h « ^ m < ‘ Bum m or s c h o o l te rm in |

I Mn' Olu'on i* »*n.iat» th S

::;V j i J . 'fC ir iC l ' '

l i i A i.iiUi>iOI' ■ .

In)/' r - . - — :----------’-------- -- — —

" i n \ i v \ o ' A 0 1: i jJ ______________________ —- ------- '.11 _•________ __

.11.1. , . . . - iitirr .fil i« r vii/..’ill ■■:.yyl ,.;;ir.'-i

| ‘I u -M -: ,:;i ii‘ i;;i. i.ir.i i ..iiT-: lh<|A iHhl n il

V 'l-I ! i l ' i i i " ■■. ’i:iiT ) /••• in il 'M.“'■i' ; . M idi 1:. IIIII biBiJ-.-.- III MI' I 1.. r-i. itM 11// uilJ !•. lljj" ■••MU :•: ,1 |.;‘.1 )-.jn riliiM ■>,

‘i^.ii:; M -:..ii I .11I1,.H -jilJ »:m m i■'■*' •; - li^ i ito o'< i:ij

•’■'■'• I ■;.-• : . / I .;-.fi i;.iv N-/I I

• ■•} iln V .r ': ! ...- 11; ;i-, 111 I I.II,, i" ■ ^ j llMil '

l J s 3 « B

i c i ^ '

I j ; ; |---------------

^ p i i d l h o --------U:” :'Ih i8 is

ution, siatfer t andiib r a i i s c a n S

f i 'jo n ly

I .

c a i l' 1/m

,M i.i L I s Vn u > V '

bib. ^ —7 — •

' . L . B

- - ) - ■

' ' ' Z : 7 n m ~. • ■ - ' ■

f»*ii'j ■ fli)‘jH , C ^ Hilllnv/

'i if j/ii . £ s a v i< v jp ra ' 'liiKiIri 7iip in l

3 ' ^ |n |B ^ a 3 i n H J * i i w r t S r W ? ^ ' -o irm iitiB r”I. . .-II.I I / L \ . • 'T i l u d l '^ B111 OJ /

Page 9: PER'^ 5 ^ jj jmiinfEJ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · by the Short Z4a» should wa buOd the ^ d c« aa ladspendeat company. We ^ 4o

l i w i t t iC :. • - '___________

• . ■ ' ■ ' " . . sk eoDTenleaUy eUsBiUed Dlree- ; -. t w - o l r ^ l e pMple. who • \

■Wirt appreciate yonr patron* t

EiTES-TWICE.A.WEEK i- - l-MoBUirSWMlBa;--------- .

T"F or Uiig-J Irwfairir. THE-<fatB 8— •• ' BoUelta only Uie adTertlse- i

n e n ts of peauatten tiy eetab* liabed baslnefls taonsee asA prohBBiotial people. U tbere-

. fo re qnotcB no o ilier ralefl for ! Its d irectory tk aa tbose ob a ’

jinonthly baels. |

■ " — ] c ATTOBWEYS

aW M LB Y & SWEELEY. OPFICBS ' P lyC .NaUonal Dank Bldg. i

f jK H E R B. WILSON, PRACTICE IN ' conrta. Room 14 le t Nat. Bank Bldg.

QUTM niE & ppW EN W. P . .OuUjrio A, <k. Bowoa

Offlcoa; ShOBhone Building.

J. H. W ISE, OFFICE ROOMS C AND 7, Twtn FaMe Bnnk & T n ia t Co. Btdg.



^ , / j . H. RADCLIFFB ”. S K Q rt A ccountant, Audllor and Sys-

te riliU zor.. Room 4. Power Building.

^ > o c a i .T s 8 t b d c t 6 bR. B. ROBINSON—TENOR SOLOIST

( W A N T ?IM P O E T A N T — ^Do n o t te lep h o n e T:

A n sw e rs in c a rc of T H E T IR


1 loserttoB , p e r word.,.^........- l eM jnlmnm lo ^ c f a a r g e to be n o t

Bead your ad tbe f ln t time It iap p e an nnd notify dr Imned-

^ lately If an error appears, i ^ a l l or uaO yonr requirements > e r pbene iS. • .

[I Here It Is!S On Slato Hlghwoy under low » Uao coanl.^ ____QftODJ)EJilLBOni_______m - At $a&J)0 For Acre. .» 125 acres clover, BO ac res nl- ■IfL lo lfa , 2I> ttcrofl plow i f td . No\ ro ck except a p a rt of ono forty.

1 O neBestBuy/

A nd tbe groatcat buy we havo offered Ihls year. C&n gtvo pofl-

L. . soseloa thls^ fall; long cosy ■ • to r in s . 'P b o a e 8 or-M 7.— — _—


1915 Ford 6.passcogor to ttriap car to t ra d e fo r good mortgage paper. WIU give difference If o n r in money. A ddress P. 0 . Box 165, Twin F alls,Idaho.. _______________________


F O R SALE—E arly E ureka Netted Gem seod potatoes; 2 mllca w est and 1 m ile oouth. Phone n?-R 3. Patrick "Wyaa.__________ . _____________

• > ^ 0 R SALE OR T R A D i5 ^ 0 -^ re RAck ranch n ea r Pralrlo, Ida, Will

j iS k e care on p a r t payment. -Addrosa j / b o x 58. Henson, Id ^ _____________

FO R SALE—P u re bred Buff Orping­ton CKffS fe r hatching. M artz a tra ln j fo rm erly J. F . Black's flock. • Roy | B lack . R oute i . • ' ^

........ F O R S A L E ^A r a bgfgain; ■ A spano t h ighly bred horses, 3 und 4 years | c ld , so rre l in co lor; good d rivers. Ad­d re ss , H. A. Cryder, Buhl, Ida., Boxi

, 174;________________________ - •

V FO R SA L E-G osollne ran g e snd i l k ltchon cnbtnet. 340 Addison Ave.

\ l P O B ; SALB—Modorn , hous^ 140 Addlaon Ave.___________‘ '

FO R S A L E ^E ureka. N etted Gem seed potatoes; onion seed and sets, garden plaote. J 'b o n o 4M-W. F. H. W heeler. . - ,

FO R S A I^^N aU o n al Cash Register In firs t-c lass eondltion. A sk us. 0. E . Evans & Co., 223 Shoshone St.

FO R 3ALEJ—1 4>-year^Id - Jereey cow ; 1 spaa 2-year-old b lack m ares; I filing cabinet. Phone.684. *

Second-band ranges, all p rices. Oer- r ls h ’s Second Hnnd Store. 262 Main a tree t.

J r m r:^ FARM u o /


a. A. MOON—BUILDER. ESTIMATES 3 ^ m lsb e d . OtSce and Sbop near Post* > itHce. Phone 21.____________________ ^

3. MORGAN NISBET. ARCHITECT. . [toon 8. Twla F a ils T ru a t Pulldlog.


'TTcCcrrntck'Biag:--------- Phone-lSt—^es. 215 3rd Ave.r No. Pbone 347-J 2

__________C niBOPRACTIC *

ORB. ATHERTON AND ATHERTON. . Chiropractic and Sanitarium Treat* 'i n cn ta ,_C hroa ic D iseases a ' Specialty. Phone 296. Ofllce; "220 4t:i AVfc- E -

. . . . WQMEQPATHIC r H Y 8 i m ■

DR. E. J . L. ROBINSON—SP E C IA U S f' 1 Disoaaos Women and Children anil ChronJc-EMseasea;— 1 Phono 076. ______________ ^


rH E CROSBY COMPANY. FUNERAL ' Directora an d 'E m b a lm o ra C. J . Cros- Ijy. M anager. C oroner's OtUce. Toi. 408 '


"SIT-STRA TE W HITE^ jSEE tJjls'macJjin'o boforo buylns. We l also ropalr a ll m akea of sowing m a- I chinos nod abso lu tely guaran tee aails- factien. M achines rented. Old - ma- clilnoB taken In exchange on new ones. T o m a to s u i t A ll calls prom ptly nl- tCDded. L. A. WniB. Mnfr'B. A g t. 211 So. ShoBhone, W arberg Bldg. Adv.

...... S B t i r B E N T t B U Y " T^ EXCBAMGEt SECURE %J HBLP, p o s i n o y s , e t c . f

[IE TIM ES oHficc in re g ard to these IE S m ust be w r it te n an d mailed or

low, lu s t compleleil, In best rS la c n c tf ' Bocuon of city. T erm s. Address X, care Times._________________________

FOR TRADB—Homefllpad rclJnQUlsb- m ent with fCOO.OO im pr^cm cnts,- .nlno 9500.00 groccry io.voce. 0 U ie r or both for any kind o f properly . Inquire at 440 4th avenue North.

FOR SALE—1915 G-passengur UQtckr A-1 condition. Torma. 1 m atch team year-old m ares, b lack ; a bargain. 1 ro ll top desk w ith No. 6 Underwood tyoew rlter; filing caso. You can get a bargain (n any of theaeT W rite Uqx, 842. Tel. 684.. . , . ■________ ^

FOB BALE—IMPROVED FARM, 120 acres North S ide tract, one m ilo from0 . S. L . ra ilroad . £ yeare ia alfalfa aad clover. H ouse, b a ra , granary, well, w indm ill and engine. All fenced and crosV fenced .. Bent buy on the trac t. E asy to rm s to rig h t parly . Ad- dress "Special,” ca re TIMES.

— FOR— SALE}—T hree-room — cottage, with- fu ll baaem ent. PlaaCored and woll finished. Law n and ehrubbcry. Good location. Torm s. Address P. O. Box 706.____________________________

^-TYPEW RITER—li._C..Sm1th & Bren. H as ju s t boen overhauled by fdctoTy.

, Iq good condition. I3G.00. A bargain.' TaqulrB~Hf -M .-Sima,-Times office.

I FOR SALE—Horse, buggy. hamesB, 7-tooth cu ltivator, ha lf secUon of bar-

I row ; o r would trad e In as f ir s t pay­m ent en T w in Falla residence lot o r

1.bouso . h ad loL Address “E,'* caro Tlmea. ' ' ........... - •— '

FOR SALE—Yalo Iwo-spoed motor­cycle, ia fine condlUon. >12G.OO. Llnd Anto Co.

FOR SALB OR T R A D E ^ O acre^Tf good land n e a r Wonden. Idaho, to sell o r trad e fo r horses, cattlo or aheep. • A ddress B o r 115, Wendoll, Idaho.

FOR SALE—Ono o r two acres on . Blue Lakes boulovard fo r loss than lot in tow n; easy term s. Oeorge H. Dar-

irow .'phono 547.

I r O B B S H S

I FOR RENT—Flvo-rOom fumlBbed houso and garden . 307 6th Ave. ff.

POR RENT—Four-room modem bungalow, furnished. All kinds o(> f ru i t 450 Hugo S t E a s t Phono 520.

FOR RENT—Furnished o r unfurn- lahed, woll locatcd ^ ro o m cottage, m odem , acrccn cd .-la -fro n t, and back porches. Call on o r addrosa C. L. Langley. Box 180, city._____________

FOR RENT—&-room house; porchoa. cloaetB, c e lla r ; entire ly modorn. In- qulro 411 2nd Avo. E.-________—Adv.

FOR RENT—Furnished room. 2Cd7th Ave. No._______ ___________

FOR RENT—Houaekeeplng. rooms. 5fi4 Main South. Phono 354-W,

FOR RENT—P leassn l fro n t room. 347 Second Ave. W. _________


TO, RENT—Farm of from ,80 to 160 acrcs, w ith in 3 to S miles of Twlni F alls. W in Joaso from 3 to C yoara If desired. B esi of references. Geo. E,Pomeroy, HoJl^Jter^_______________ •

FOR RENT—Furnished fro n t' bed room. Qentlem an preferred. Inquire 135 Sth Ave. E a s t

T w i n F a

1 eifl£eT9BY____________PBIMTIKG_____________

TIMES PRINTING & PUBLISHING | Co.. .All c lass of printing. QnaUl7 ,work. Prom pt se rr ic e .'............................. (

PUBLIC S ^ E N O G ^ P H E B ~ ]

EDWIN N. DAV—Phoao 313—1. D « Bldg. _________________

— " FKATBBW J —^ ^ A . CAMP. No. m 90(^moeu ! 2nd and 4th Thursday, a t MoOBO'innt' ■■ H. C. Scranton, Consul. P au l Smith. , Clerk. Tole. 869-J and 574.__________ {



Leave ........................JLoarq . _ '0 . S. L. Dopot ' ShosbOQo FalU '7 ;3 0 a . m........... ........................ 8;00 a. m 'TnHITinan;-.n;:;;;.~.._...__ ™ ..1:46 p.-m.- -8:46 p. m._....................... „;_=:z6:00-prm- -

SundayO:B0 a. m------ ----------- ---- --- 10:00 a . mYTftfi-p-C.: J ....... .........4:30 p. m._........ ........- ......- .....5:00 p. m

Special .rate of 25 .ccnts round trie w ill be mado each Saturday on all trips.

BepC 13, 1015. In effect un til f u r tb e r notice.


IDAHO SOUTHERN RAILROAD -TlfflO Table—E ffective Jan. IG. 1016. No. 3 Dolly StaUon No. 1 Dolly 8:30 a.m. Lv.. Oooding J^r l2:G0p.m 8:5G a.m. Lv.. Bcnnott F..Ar 12:25 p.m 0:15 a.m. Lv.. Wendoll -A r 12:10 p.m 9:32 a.m. Lv \rd m o re F Ar 12:00 m. 9:45 a jo . Ar.. Joromo ..Lv l l :4 S a m

J . H. RADCLIFFE,Ocneral PasRcnger Agent,

Twin F alls, Idaho.

y A N T g ]) A d s. N o iiifo rm a lio n can be g iven .• le f t n t T H E T IM E S office .

— FOR-REMT—EttralaUcil_Iront_rooin_ ■nn7rodmHtome,-CBll-at-444-3rd-AV6^E a s t

TO RENT—Flvo room house. In ­quire of A. ErlckBon, 107 Denver S t


WANTED—M arried mnn to work on ranch. Wrlto- o r phono C. L. M cFar- lllm1"Un^l^Ht(»r■.Iduho. - ' J_______

SALESMAN WANTED—To aell ou r fru it nnd ornom cniul nuniery alock. roBOB. ahrubbery. ctc.; cxcIuhIvo te rri­tory. llboral cash udvanco weekly on orders; froo o u tf it YnklHia & Co­lum bia Rlvor Nursery Co., North Ya­kima, Wash.

WANTED IMMEDIATELY — Lndy dem onatrator for cli>-. Add, N 6, cnre Tlmea._______ ____________

WANTED—Two wldu nwakc womon to travol. no" canvassing. Good pro- poBttten. AddrcBB M 2". caru Tlmea

WANTBI5—Experienced Ironor. per- ujBDcnt—poBltlonr~8hort—hourH.-ROoi pny, to the rig h t party. Homo Loun- dry^________ ^ _


. WANTED^lOO feeding f lo a ts . Alno have fo r ealo ono cliolco faniOy "cow Just fresh. Phone 146 o f 674-W.

WANTED—Maro woU broke and Bound, from th ree to six yeara old, weight about 12C0. L. Qrochl,' R. 2. Box 122, T win F ^ la . Id^ io .________

- FOB EXCUAKGE._________

- TO TRADE—F o r young calves, a Kood Studobakor buggy. Address L. S. W., box 265.__________ ______________

FIVE ACRES. Improved, on cnr line, lo trade for rcsldonco. A-1, caro T H E TlfitES office. ________________


FOR RENT—Ono or two ■well fu r ­nished rooms, slnglo or on suite, witli bath, to gentlem en; reasonable. C45 Tbird avenue w e s t .

____________ liUST

LOST—B lack leatJjor BftunOcl no ar Perrine cornor. Leaye Tim es -oiflj^.

— I^S T -.C h U d * a_ g o -cart. wheel on rood 4 m llca wcat of town. F lndbr please noUfy Mra. G. G. Victor, R . R. No. I . Tw in F alls. Idalio. ~-


• LADIES—E xpert sw itch m aking, m ade-from -com bhigs. send m e your hair. All hand work. Sallafnction guaranteed. $1.00 por oz. Box 84, H ansen, Idaho.___________ '

NORTH SIDE FARMS—I bavo som e good buya.. If you a re intereated, V rJte mo. Box 762, Twla F alls. ^

’^TAKEH UP—On ^ y farm threo- quortors m ile west M ountain View achool. one bay horso w ith b rand blottod -on le ft hip. Ownor may ^yivo snmo Ig paying charges. C. P. Sic- phonsffltouto No. 2. C ity r -;

IHADICK, standard-bred sta llion (No. 57E08). and Dials Im p., Belgian s ta llloa (No. 6307), will m ake tho sea­son a t m y place, two m iles soutli of

' south end of Sboahone s tree t, and Snt- urdays a t Johnaton & Connor bom . )5 alnglo. (10 season, cash, o r no te for tl2.50 w ithout Intorest if pnid when due, o r 8 per cen t If a o t paid when dun. O ctober 1 s t W .- J. Connolly m aaager.—Adv.

il ls T i t l e & A b■"• Hblel Perrine Baildi

:-------- - JU tA S.SirsniO N Si._______

a tlie B ls trfe t C enrt'of (he Fourth iTn- -d ielalI> lstrici-ul.thn.H uto-«t..Idaho^ In »nd F o r the Counly o f T n in FallH.

■j. J . PlIgorriBJ, jln Imllvldunl. doing ualness under tho Hiyl<> and firm a m e of th e Twin Kalia sjuiJj and Door :ompany. Platntlfr. vn, w uiiam Upton, f. H. T urner. Idaho I>nnd nnd Im- rovem ont Company, n corpornUon. a d M. F . A lb e rt DofendntiiH.T h e S tate of Idnho Hcnda grceUngB

0 W illiam Uptoir, cs. 11. Turner. Iduho jin d iia n d- Im provem tnl’~Cumnany. n orporation , am r3M 7T.TAlhurC— IW bovo-named defcndnntH:* ^ o u aro'W rreby tfo iirtcd riinm rcom -ila ln t haa boon filed ngainst you in hc dlBtrlcf court of tho Fourth Judl- ia l d is tric t o f tJju H lnttfol Idaho Jn n d for th e couiily of Twin I^iHh. by ho above-named plnlmi/f. nml you nru lereby directed to npppor and nnawcr lie aold complnlnt wlHiin twenty dnyu if Uio'scrvlco of UilK Bumnionn ir i»>rv-' :d. w ithin said jiulldal dl»lrict, nnd vlthln J o r ty dnyn'lf imrvtd eliiowhcre. - I h a L-tJil8"ls uu luiiloir h rought ' to orecloso a c«rialn Meciinnfe’B'TL.iOH* lie d by tho plnlnilff In tho nbovo cn- i tle d action In {Ii<; rcconicr'B offfca [fTwln-P»Uiv-^«miajtp4itttto_a£_maliD.. roverlog tho'fo!!f>»i'}nf{ dcHcrlbccl prop* irty : Lol 2, In bl«(rk 88. (n the city i t TwJn FalJo. iilalc of Jilalio; fiaJd mc- :hanlc 'a lien holnf? for Uic Bum of W23.80, wlUi ItiicriJHi thereon from iu ly 1st. 191B. HI 10 por <-enl por nn- lu m ; fo r 176.00 nttornoyH’ fees' and :oalB of th is nnUon, Including (3.50 ror verifying and filing Hnld llcn.

And you are further notified Uml unices you bo npiienr nnd nnnwcr Hoid ;om plalnt within tl(e Umo herein Bpcci- flod. th e plnlntltf win tuke Judgnient tg n in st you BN prio 'd for in eald com­plaint, a copy ot whlrh la hereto at« taehcd and herowJlh jjcrvcil upon you.

W itness my liiuid nnd tho aenl ot aald d is tric t nm rt, thiu 27lh dny of April. A. D., I'Jli;,(SEAL) K. J. FlN-cn. Clerk.

By 1. 10. KINNEY. Depu,ly. tONQLEY-&_\YALTliUlS.

A ttoraoys for P laintiff. Realdlng In Twin FallH, Idnho.

NOTICE TO CONTIIACTOBS.Sealed bids wlii lie rocelvfld by the

board of truntecH of Independent School D iatrlct No. l o f Twin F alls. Idaho, up to Pight o'clock P. M. of Mondny, Mny 29, lOlC, n l the board room In high Hchool building, for Uie ^ n s trn c tlo n -o r r ir^ p n c rg to t^-— g ra de: building.

E nch bid miiKl he nccompnnled hy a certified chock in tlio num ot $1,000 na a guoronteo thnl the bidder w ill enlor Into a conlrncl wliii Uio hoanl fo r the am oun t pf hin bid, nnd furnl»b a su re ty company bond in tho sum of 60 per cen t of the am ount o t h is con­t r a c t '

Separate bliln for Uie hoalinc nnd 'plum wng »y«lf.'ni« wlJITjo r iC iiy m n ir Uio sam e llmi! nnd place, corUfiwl chcck In the imm of J2Q0 m u st accom­pany each bid. nnd tlie HUcccBHtiil bidder w ill bc repaired to fumlBh a bond aa above.

P la n s -^ ^ p e c i t ic a U o n s can. be se­cured froin du rton E. Morae, Arohi- tcct. Boyd bidldlng. Twin Falla, on nnd a fte r Mondoy. May 22. Tho board resorves the rlg h l to re jec t any and nil bids.

Dated this 17Ui. dny of Mny. 1016. _______________ 0. E BRYANT, Clork.

NOTICE POB pmiLICATION.Serial Ko. 013107.

- D ci> artm f»t>-® f*-the-Inl«rIor-U _^ Lnnd Office a t Hailey, Idaho. May C. 1916.,

Nollco Ih hereby given Uiat Guatav Dahlhoff, of Holllatcr. Idaho, wbo, on Octobcr 14. I9l2. modo homofltoad en­try No, 012137, for WV4 NW%. NWVI SW y„ Si-;Vi NWVj; E ^ ' SWW7"TV%

|-SEVi, KccUon 34. tow nship 13 south, , range 17 c/iHf. Bolae M eridian, haa-fllcd ; nollco of Intention to m ake final three ycnr proof. le CBtabllsb claim to tho lnnd nbovc described, beforo Mnurico Cuhcea, U. R, commlBsloner. a t H ollis­ter. Idulio. on Uie 27th day o t June. 1016. •

Claimant nomca a s wltncsscR: Ma­thilda lyoo, W ilhelm Hoops, John B. BurrowH and W esley H. Craven, a ll of HolllBter, Idaho.

BHN R. GRAY. Register.


In tlie I»Jf<trlct. C onrt of th e FonrlhjQdllcal.Obitrlct o f th e S tato of Ida­ho in and P o r Twfn FalltrC«OBty.

Southorn Idaho P rodiicers Asaocla- tlon, a corporation. P lain tiff, vb,' Twin Fnlls Counly P otato Qroworn Aaaoclo- lion, n corporaUon. D efendant

NoUco Is hereby given th a t on Mny 18th, 1910, a w rit o f a ttachm en t was Issued out of tho above en titled court in (lie aitove catlUed acUon. a ttach­ing the property of tho abovo named defendant for the aum of 1793,15. In- toroHl ntid costs.

In VJlncas'whercof. I hove hereunto s e t my hnnd and tho seal of my office IbJs 20lh dny of Mny, 1916.ISEAW E. J. FINCH.

Clerk of tho DlHtrlct Couri; LONGLEY & WALTERS and TAYLOR CUMMINS.AtUjrncys for P lain tiff. Residing ol

Twin Fftlla, Idaho.

NOTICE OP HEABING.To Whom It M ty C oncern:

You nra hereby noUfled th a t a hcnr- log on n p o U tJ o a ^ r a herd dWrJcl embracing the following dcscrlbcd te r­ritory. to-wlt, h a s b eea so t •for June 3rd, n t 2:30 p. m.;

SecUons 19, 20, 2L 22. 23. 24. 2G. 2fi 27, 28, 29, 30. 31, 32. 83, 84. 36 and 36. nil In Township 11 South. R ange Nine­teen E. B. M. la Tw in F a lls county, Idalio...nnd so m uch of SecUoii 24 Townnhln 11 Soulh. R ange 18 B. B. M, Twin Fnlls county, Idaho, a s la y s It thi’ nar.l 'inii nimvo tho high line canal of Uio Twin F a lls South Side canal «y«(rm.

The anim als to. bo prohibited froiji n /nn lns nt large In tbe nhavi> ed territo ry a ro a ll speclea o t borses

s t r a c t C o m p a n yIg, Twin Falls, Idaho

fui)iiii;Axiuri« ■ • ■ • • • • • • - • • • • • • • a• ^ ^ M A L n ^ T B A K 8 ? S B 8 ^ ^ ^ •

,Tw la FaUs 5 :7 ^ * * A b 8 t» c t Ce.~TrJ."Smn?or-tCT-Dr-j7-Kocnlg,-(l0,-- 100, E%SW. 20-10-10.

Fllor Townsito Co. lo J. W, Tanner. »187.C0. loUi 21*22, block 20, F llo r . '

K. W. Fulford to C. L. i-’ulford. »20. [inlf Intereat NWSW, 35-IM7.

D. M. Scolt to D. F. Mngel, $2500, ioc 8. btock 2. Eadtlnu-n Suit. T^ ’|{i FnllB.'

>i. L. Crow to J„o;ioro Crow. J l , lot 13. block 9, Twin Falla.

Lonore Crow to K. J t Cos, lo l 13, b lo c k J ) ,J lw ia J :n ll« ._ -- — . •

0. G. MarHbull to C, ilhdcrwoou. iaaO._lQt 2. block 12U, Uuhl.

A. A. FulwldorToTrR '.T!:arp7 5 9 .C007 W',6SW. 20-9-15.

A. M. Shnfor to W. T. Shaw. J360, lolH 23-24. block 98. fiuiil.

Twin FallH Townalt'i Co, to T. F. W arner nnil T. J. WooiIk. JIOOO, lot 16, block 145, Twin Fnlla, ' .i-a ._n_ .S fliitii:.to ..J i.c^ * -U y ,_? inoo . lot 9. block 107, TwliyFaUs.

J. JI. Day lb G. J4C5. SVjlot 8,.Sub,_Tract N iu ^ r^ le s ln u City.-■ - T TT Hntipn, J r .. lo w,'0.~ Young, $5000. NKNW, 7-10-17. “*

G. E. Dyard lo Geo, W. Ilyiird, $270, pnrl lot 7, block 5. Turnera Add. Klni-borly.^------- -----------------------------------------

M. B. OhkooiI U) H, \V. Herman $2600. NESE, 34-9-14.

Sheriff to F arm ers & Merchanta Unnk, $1000, l(ilKTt-4, block 79 und lol S. block C4, Buhl,

Ifurinora & M erchnnta honk lo A. A. DImmItt, I I . aantc lulH,

0. W hllo lo W. L. Snucke, $:1900, NWSB, 25-9-1C.

J. P. BuUerfiold to A. V. Mounce, JD00,.S>41iW and NK-SW, 2-J0-14. ..y-

11. P, Laird to J. G, Moiid, $250, W '/j lot IG. block 4, Murtn'ugli Add. Twin FnllH.• F. K. Underwood lo O, M. Bnkpr,

$1400. loj 5, block 6, McCollum. Add. Buhl. ■^ Twin FnllH TownHlto Co, to A. Cur- Ua, $94, lol 1-1, block 37. Twin F oIIb.

C. F. Sclicnck to J. li. Smith, $450, lol 14, block 37, Twin Falln.—G .-K ln y o n -la_ J-l^ . Cojc. ?1, lol 22, block 74,Ttt*ta Falla.

II. Ci)l»bolm to J. W. Owen, $10,000, SKSW, 27-JO-17.

F. A. W nllln to J. A. Barrett. $926. pa rt lota 7-8, block 4. Twin Fnlla.

Twin Falla Counly to T. F. W urncr, $1127, lot 10. block 145, Twin Fulln.

J. M. Steelam lth to A. V. Mclvlllip. $7,000, SENW. 16-10-18,— Hlgli-Lleo-Sucd_lLurma_lo A. Roen- TorTJUSorpart-NWSB.-SWNBrG-H-lfir

A. n . Crnmor lo W. M. M aurer, $1. NBSB.A SE^'E , 23-5-IS.

L, I. Cruiner to W. M, Mnuror. Haine laud.

C. H, Buck to J. F. PnUon. $1000, lota 31-32. block 119, Twin l-'iUla.

W. F. McMuhen lo A. li. Colwell, $860, lot 12, block i . Twin FuIIh.

G. K. H unt to A. B. Colwell, $800, •let-H-block-V-T-wln-ftillH,----- -

W, L. ReynoldH lo S. C, Dunn. $1600, RNSW, SIJNW & SVj NE, 10-15-12.

M. E. Brooka to S, C. Dunn, $I SESE & SENW, 1-15-12.

J. T. F rank lin lo A. Huntaninn, $1 S ’,-(sNWNE, 34-10-15.

T. J. A utery e t b l^ o F. H. Beosoa $1, lot 4, block 5, HonBcn.

L. A .''Sutm llJor ct nl to F. H. B » aon, sam e l o t -

H. A. SmlUi lo F. H, Benson, $1, lo 3, block 5. Hansen.

mulea. obbcs. sheep. calUe. gonta swine, and such' animals to bo pro hlblted from running a t large durlnc•the-«nUro.part-af-cach.ycBCi___’

By o rder of the Board of Countj Commlsslonora.

0 . E. CARLSO.v: Chairman.

NOTICE FOR PUBMCATION.________ S erial No. 010711.

D eportm en t. o f Uio~lnterfor.—U.—S Land Office a t Hallcy, Idaho. May 61916.----------------------- ----------------------

NoUce la hereby given th a t J a n e t D Wlker. o f Twin Falla. Idaho. naalgnc< o t Thomas V. Jordan, wbo. on Ju ly 23 2912, m ade' desert land en try No 010711, for NE%. Lots 1, 2 ani NW SEi4... secUon 17, tow nship 1 aoutb, range 16 cost, Boise Morldlan hoa filed noUce o t IntenUon to m ak final proof hy purchaso under ac l o Marcji 4. 1915, to establlBb claim t lho land above described, before C. C Slgglna. U. S. commlBalonor, a t Twli F'alla. Idaho, on tho 27th day o f June 1916.

C laim ant names ns witncssfis Louise Cliarpcntcr. of Rogeraon. Ida ho: A rth u r R. Ostrnnder, o f Twli Folia. Idaho; Aldrcd M. W lkor, o Twin F ails, Idaho; Charles S. Orm, o F iler, Idaho.

BEN R. ORAY, Rcglatei


D epartm ent of the In te rio r, U. E Land Offlco n t Hailey, Idaho.,M ay l 1916.

Notice Is hereby given tlia t John I McGuffln. of Rogoraon, Idaho, who. o: Juno 26, 1915. mado hom estead e n tr No. 011690. fo r S'A NE>4. NEVi NEW NE>i SE»4, Sec. 3D, T. 13 S., R. 16 E and on April 1, 1916, mode addltlonn •bomcBtead entry No. 019692^ fo r NWV NEVj; NW%“ SEU; SVi-SEVi.- seeUo; 35. townahlp 13 souUi, raago 10 eas Bolae Merldlon, has filed notice of Jn tentlon to mako final th ree yenr proo to eatobllsh clnim te tho lnnd abov described, beforo C. C. Sigglns, U. £ commiBsionor, a t Twin Fallo. Wob* on the l9 ih rtoy o t Juno, 1916.

C laim ant names aa w ltseases: Cc lum bus Sudderth, Roheri A. Deal. 1 C. C raig and Lavlrd Craig, a ll of Roj eraon, Idaho.

BBN R. ORAY. Begtstc

NOTICE FOB PCBUCATION.- . Serial Ne. O lt l t f .

D epartm ent of the la to rln r, U. i . U n d Office o t Holicy. Idaho. May - > 1916. ■t Notlco Is hereby glvea th a t Oeors 1 B. Schwloger. of M urtaugh, Idahi

who OB Octobor 16, 1912. mado hom* I stead en try No. 012145, for SEV4. se<■ Uon 13, township' 11 south, range : . east. Bolso Meridian, has filed qoU<


afitlKenUdn to n u k e final th ree y m r p 1 ^ , to establish claim to th e la m f a ^ v o described, before C. C. B lR tM u. rT.'~ar CommlBSlonBr.- a t Twin Idaho, on the 27th day o f —_ClalfQ_ant namos a s w itnesses: J8XK»A. W ator; o rT w Iti” FaR«r7dahoT*^Eo------bert A. P a r r o t t of Twin F a lls , I d a b o ; . . Fred X.Ooebel. o f M urtaugh, IM b m y t,E. S tansell. of ChurchUI. Id a h a

BEN R. GRAY. RcgtoKsg-

NOTICE FOB P C B tlC A T lO ^ - Serial No. 01(1873.

D eparlm cnt of the In te rio r. U. SL Lnnd Office a t Hoiiey, Idaho. May 6. 1910.

Notlco i« liorehy given tha t M a ty K Rccd;L.Df.^i)gW'jBoni. Idaho, who. <**> AURUHt SO. 391.7, maiJo dCBcrt la a d c » - tn._Scib»l_N o. 013R73, fo r NV4 SE% ,. NHr SW«4. s S N W 51'rN W ii W W lh..' nrcllon 17, lownablp 16 south, m tc**18 oaat, Boise Meridian, baa fllod ao~ lice of Intention lo malce flnnl prooC, to" eatabllah dn lm lo th e land ubovtr deacribed, beforo Maurice Gubecn. U!S. conimlHHloner. u t HolliHtcr. Id a h b .on-tho liJlh iu y o f.Junc, XS16______________

Clulninnt . nninoa 'ua w ltncsitesv W oody T. Seal, o f Twin FallB. Id ah o ;RU Mny» of llogcraon. Idaho; Q a n

— o£lIi2flgerjmB. "TJjlho: —Ct»rth» Schnitker, of Rogoraon, Idaho.

BEN R. G IU Y , R eg ister.

.\V>ilw }h h c ro b y g lv i'n IJiaf th e * » - n u a l m c iitlng of llic lU ockbo ldo r* <€ till) CoDWjiy O re b n rd coijijw m y, w lU b « lii 'ld n t th o com pany 'H o fflcc a t I ts p f o i ie r ty fo u r nnd u tin lf m llini soqUi- \V(!Ht o f T w in Fu lln . u l 2 :00 o 'c lo c k p t n i., J u n e 12 lh , lOH’., fo r th e po rp o ac - o f elcc tiiiK o fflce ra fo r th e c n ao ln x ; y e n r i a n d llie tran H a ctio n o f a n y otber* l)UHlnoHH Urnt’ iiiiiy’ p ro p p r ly c o n u> .be ­fo re UiP nioiitlnK.

J, It. CONWAY, Prciddcna.

Imperial Dancing Academy .O V E R V A R N E Y ’S

* ■ " 'A H m o d e m d a n c e s - t a u g h t — p r i v a t e o r

i n c l a s s .

Prices ReasbnaUe

' m a


Jap---------- ------------ ------------------ __

R ote Th* wood ariul "Sonday M oniDg



NOWI , . .I Telephone 45 and I will I gi»«_you an estimate

: Geo. F. Bemiller: 230 Second Ave. E.

^ A N C E iE very W ednesday and 8at«r> i day n igh ts a t ArtestaQ.Ct^F— and “th e W ater's F lntf’.

; Anto S tages S:80 a . m ^ U 9 0 p i ■ .‘ TeL lu i—B ennd T rip P a rty Bata*.

I M 1 1 » t I l f

i Ered Wilson I

Owns tho Gooa T borengbbred X StalUon . {

EARLY TIDE |by. Imp, Peep O' Day-Ebb T ide, t by Ludwig; second dam Klag. by im p . Slobolienge; th ird d a n 'X* Bijou by Imp. A tistra llaa . E a rly X Tide Is a bay sta llion , foaled ^ 1905, bred a t Eaton Stod, Z - toatew n, N. J, In addlUon ^ ^ h is g rand breeding bo Is a good X ' Individual and w ill sorely l a - -Z * prove .th e . b reed of thorou*b- ♦ '

. bred horses la th is county, --X B T ^

X Smilh & M cM uter’t Sale lU n i t WILL BAT. Keeper. f

flMy "Payment" TY LOAN^

Page 10: PER'^ 5 ^ jj jmiinfEJ - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · by the Short Z4a» should wa buOd the ^ d c« aa ladspendeat company. We ^ 4o

S S S. ■— ^ " ''J

M o f D e p a r l m e n l S a y s D o n i r a i o n

I s C r o w d e d

A M E m C A lT W oiT K M E ^ ■ --------- TO-BNTBft-»V-<U>i;NClI..— —^ -

ThHsci Who <.'0 In ■ Vfohitio? o f ., '^«>nlcr U nffd io Jo in A nny In ,[

Euroiio.- r ----- •---------- \ ------------

T h a i lho reportB circulnleil tliroueh tho iHtvcrtlaliiK-coluninH of several

_^t>tiHQnU_nowBpaporii-la. Ih ln .coun try . _ to ihc^tTccrnim rthuTC -ln-iw H reat-dlk, _ jnnnU to r hnrvcHl hnntlH In CannOo. Ib w h o lly fa ls c , th n l- ll ie labor tnnrkol . there la nlrcndy ko ovcrcrowiied Hif»t leglalnKun Iiqh heen (‘imcted fn acvorRi

oui: Uml workmen koIhr tiicr*; In vio­lation o t IhuHc lawH nnil fInillnR Ihcm- Belvu8 alrnndccl wJIJ l»c urfcccj lo join the Brltlah arm y tlKliUnK In ISuropu ntUl th a t InHlcad "of RolnK tibrqoU w here w ork la acnrcc. the th ing nn 'un- ettipioycd Juhorcr uhould do Ih lo mnko nppllcatloo on n b lank {lirougli tli(: poatofflco lo tlie neiireKl zono whero <impIoymcnt can probably found for him, Js tliO Inforoiatloii RJvon put by tho labor doparlnienl In n c ircu la r Ih-

■sued and widely circu lated throuKhou.t tho Country. >

Jl. R Munsfield, United SUi Icb con- aul KCQcriil n l Vtmcouver In n report fluya:> 'T h o ro ia do dcmnnd (or m echanlca

.or Jaborora In Uiia p a r t of C anada, and 1 havo to recommend ihu l thla fncl bo

"jnade known through the prcaa In lho T jn ltca -S tn tes . a8-n-moana-ot_warnlDg. _ A m erican ctUzcns ORttlnat comlnR la U ritlah ColumblR with the expcctnlfon o f aocurlog ctnployncDt of any kind. T hero nro In Vnncouver more than ono thouaand unomployed, and th a l many ublc bodied men In th is province a rc 1 dci.ilodent upon public charity for tlie J

-tfw w o -th a t-J I ,ey. .irn, jinablii-to .Q blnln___eihploymont.'^------------------------- ---- _ A

‘•i?pcclal efforts a re beioR m ade tb ‘ j^ d jc e every foreigner of mlUtary a rc . ly

AoKldlHR In this province, to enlla l for ovcrseoB Ecrvlco. and il la practically ImpoBRlUto fa r an A m erican d tlz c a to .ficcurc em ployment Here In any capa- - x lly . 1 cncloae a copy of ii le tte r from ilic Dominion IpimlRratlon nRcnt n t w Vnflfouvcr, dated Mn^c}l'21. 151C. »Wt- cc

-tn)fthat-th&-<»rd«>c.ln.cniinrl1. jrn h lh lt:^ .j,,, Intf the en try Into Brltiah Columbia of urtlcana. lul>orcra. akllled and unskill- ^ ed haa been rcaowcil to r a period of bi alx months. 'T hla o rd e r In council waa w paaaod a t the dem and of organize^ In- bor. bocauac of tlie g rea t num ber of uacmployed Jo a ll brnnchea of Indua- try in thiu province.’ ■■

P. V. Powdorly, chlcf o f tho divlalon tl o f Inform ation of tlie labor dopartm ent

.udda: , r>"At the preaent lim e there exiuta no

necesalty fo r an Am erican to Jeave hia own''country for the purpoae of obtain- at Ing em ployment olaowhere. fo r all th a t will i)o necossary fo r him to do will

,b« lo-obti!Lla.Diip_of tho b lank forma of the division of InKrnm tion- a l - th a M nearest poatofflcc. thereon mnko appil- tc nation for such poalUon n« ho la fU ted' U for, nnd re tu rn the aame to zone hcad- quartera ." oi

candidaiT crF ” '" ^ iN O W .C O M I N G U P I

•--------- J.(ConUnued trom P age 1.) }

— — , — I,-ready amlilDg th a t way. Thla P<‘em« n to be nil th e nnplranta for th la job In f, tho Republican ranku whoae nam es ore known ao far. A. R. Hlcka of c Twin Falla, la understood to hc fii- I d in ed to refuao n reuomlnaUon. nnd l th e atUtudo of J . Vf. Karla of Duhl. ia i unknown. , «

F o r th e office of .co u n ty .HuperJn- tenden t of achoola. Borlha .N'oi-l la un- <

• deratood to he !n the field for rcnom- t inaUon and as. h er ndm lnlm raiion Uiia l been harmonlouji nnd proRroaslvc, her i unanlm oua choice hy the ,UeniocraUc | voters la unUclpated. Two Hrpuhll- i c ans a re alre’ady In ihc tlcld. One of ' tl»-se la JVJlsa B rlito iuart Wolfe.' of i T w in Falla, aud anoliier. JcHSf A. i Honaley, of Hiinaen.

For ahorlff i t la ciaBunicd iliai Frunk M. Kendnll will allOArhlH iiatiu' i<i >;o before the prlm arioa to r n Hccond term . He la buay -chahlnK ttio cvU- doera nnd hiiB n o t lakcii tinn- lo n ii- jiounce aa yot. bu l In- auch cuiies ll la

Shirt.T here are usualJy throe qii

S h irts o f th e b e tte r k ind. Th k ind th a t sell fo r a dollar. $1.26 k ind , a n d th o b e tte r gradi la r and a half. I have a line o made from tho b e tto r g ra d e of la r oach o r th ree fo r $2.76. Go Stylo. R eally v e ry sp lend id vi

P. S.—A now U nc 'of Spot

^ R f N ^ E R ^ K T E R S ^ - - - - - - - - - e O M E D Y P

• - ____ L ■ ' ** ---- -

C h a u t a u q u a P a t r o n s t o - e n n e s I n - V J o y - D

■ F i ' l m ' ■

’ (■* you w<iuW IflMgh and Jaugh long am* 8lKtcra in action ot the Cbautnuiiua, ai

I__m atte r how bad. they will drive iheiprll shower. ' /"ThTTlfner'SIfltCTS-nrc-fonraftkerarJintt t

hey live for tho Joy of U all. nnd they m onId forget atl corea and laugh, laugh, li le Ulner Sister*. ' > ' .

.kon for granted th a l "alienee givea pj w sent.” Tfie nnme fit C. It. .Taylorw -heon-nienUonetl— In— oonn«»Uon------Uh tho place, but w h e th e r 'h o haa 3ard of the m atter hlmaelf or nOl. or helhor ho woi^d' conaidor it la un- lown a t lhla time. On the ' Republl- tn aide Henry Olaon. J. A. Qalllher id A. P. Trueadale all have hnla In 10 ring.For prosecuUng atto rney John E. ^

Avles In suppoaed to bc willing to gf iccecd hlmaelf. whilo Ed Kenoey, al- al ) n Democrat, la Uiought to havo to card tho buzzing of the bco. A ttor- oy StoplicD of thla city and W. R. rccn ot Buhl . j i ^ aaid to bo anxloua wl I bc after tho llo ^ H c rn n 'B o m in a - - - - nn. toHnrvey Cogglna aecma to bo the >o

tiy man aiiRgeated for th e poatUon of lr -unty trooaurcr so fa r by either par- s® rpbat-.Qn::lhe=Rspublicaa-sIde..oa&^oc.*0 o r Utroo w lirilk c lr 'B C t-In to tho « ice bcforo Soptembcr.For-oaaeaaor, V, H. K aris haa-.aa-

ounccd on tho-Dcm ocratfc tfckct. and , F . Donny la spokco of. Jolm F. U' laoacn, tho Rock creck U. S. com- vi ilealonor, and Oeorgo Wilcox, who la w ow deputy JiHsesaor, a ro If* the field o' cir tho 'Republican nomlnolton. di

Judge A. W. Ostrom of Baht, is gen- d. rally iFonaldercd a condidato for pro- }l iftle judge by the Denjocrata, Ihough t> 10 haa nol aald ao apoclflcally. O'. P. n Juvnl la menUoned fo r the Republican n lomlnaUon. ' °

/'» d thon there 1» tho commlaalon- t' ;rahlpa. Chairman Carlaon hna Inti- [' nuK-cl thnt-ho will nol run again, but n lia frlonda any Uioy w ill n o t tnko no- for nn anawer. Dr. D. P. Albee la bo* licvcd to hi! In Uio handa ' of hU fl [rlonda and not loQcpnme. John 'B . c White nnd U. U. Davla. Uio former in nuto man, n n d ,th e Inllnr a co r« t trncior. boDi ot Twin Fnlla. nre alao nifniloned In , connocUon wlUi the I Dfmocrallc nomlnaUon. I l la aaaum- cd Umt T. R. Mooro will got a Rc- ‘ publican.nomlnaUon unnnimoualy. O. < P. Senior of Twin P’nlla. alao apoko o f i In ponnectlon wllh lhla placo on th e > Uepublican tlc k c t '


alities of P e rc ^ c used in M en's c cheaper ia used in the

Tho nex t g rado goes in the t in tbo sh irt th a t sells fo r a dol- if well made, good fi t t in g shirts, percale, th a t we sell a t one dol- od patterns. Oood colors. Ooat ilue.

-t Shirts and S port Tios ju s t in.

T O P R E S E N T — R O G R A M - - - - - - -S e e F a m o u s ' C o m e d i - J

>ay^’_ P s o t f i w n . \

, 1— . , /■


H * 4Sp ^ H H

■ U' C V

1 m 1 |I henrtlJy get^v jcttBopoe of thf;.R)ncr md ir j^ u havo oicafie.of ••blfioa.'' n»■m. from you llk«* sunahlne a fte r aa

o t clean- toa and humor Qake-yon fec rn ro 'lf im rw n r.—if'fuu*- au^ti, cuuie tu C b a u ^ i ^ 'u n d buur


Cover AUi I'luaoa of M otoring; B rakes, Gears, llornn, Speeds, I'ennlUes, Etc..

Detailed InformaUon IS given in n Ircu ln t jBst issued l>y U»o depart- ' le n t o t tho In terior govcmlos: tho uao b t plenBiare aotomobllcH lo Uicrnation- l I YolUiwatono park. Only "sach a u r a smobllos a s a ro operntc^d tor p loasuro a nd noUUiflae carrying pasaongjBiB who o rc paying, c ither directly o r lodl* ocUy, for th e use of tho. tnflchlQB.”' l '111 bo pofMlttod to entor tho park. n -T ba.tflg jtfaU oM Includo a schedule g i r leaving a n d aWvJnyjBirflhe-Tai:*- a )UB points o f intorcBt. and. n o au to r ravol Is. perm itted in tho. dlQereDt n cctiona o t tho park oxcept betw een y be Jioura- Indicated; tbla a a w g ln g 2 ra v o Iiln r ia a r ia r^ ^ p ith g lr tp iB n r ^ ll- a lot havo to p a s s . m otor.^arl»«n. vor. ,c ilclos. e

T ho horBc bttS thc rig h t o fw a y r» o r c ho in strucdons, and lho gasellne In* en tlon n m t a t ull times tako tb o vo ra t o t iL ^ T h o auloB m u s t take t h e , m tsldo o t t^u road on all IiiUs a n d langoroua-gradoa. lrrcBpecU*«_of-the , llrccUon In which they^are- t r tv e U n r , it Q blow o u t occurs, o r s a n e o th e r , T lfllng accident which ttoa np th e , lu lo party more than tw oo tr oi* Ib lrty n inu tca. w hatever Uio doH allowed , may bc, tho party m ust atay- whoro , Lhey a rc nnUl the hour noxt scheduled ror aulo travel comea aroond, which j la usoolly nboul six liours la te r. ,

T lm horse 'In Y cltowttoiie pa rk m ainlalna n dignity thn t i t haa lo st irr o th e r secUona. and Uacle S am I# ao- c a r ln g .f9r t t all of tt» In h e ren t r ig h ts

Somo of tho more Im portant of tho roKUlaUons follow. > .

M otorcyclea: Motoreycles are ac t perm itted lo enter the park .-

Tickela of PaaaaRc: T icket o f pes- aage muat be accurcd nnd paid t o r a t tho cficcklng staUoo whero tbo a a to - m obilo en tera Uie park. T h is tick e t m u at bo convcnlenUy kopC eo th a t It can bo exhibited to park guardtf on dornand. and a o s t bo Burr*<uiered a t th e laal checking atatlon o n leaving tho park. TlckeUj of p o m g e .Vrlll ahow (a ) name of owner, (b) llQ«a*e nu m ­b e r o t automobile, (c) qazbb ot a ta te iBBuing license, (d) m ake o l m achine o nd m anufacturer's number,“.(«) nam e of driver, (f) aeallng oapeclty of ma­chine. and (g) num ber of passengers.

Fooa: Fees are payablo In cash only, nnd will be as followB: $7.60 for a alnglo trip Uirough th e park, and >10 for Iho aeaaon. All pen n lta will oxplro on October 1 of th e yea r o t Iaaue.

Muffler Cut-outa: M uffler.'cut-onta m u s t bc cloacd whllo approaching or paaslog riding h'orecs, h O rao ^rtw n to- hiclCH. ho tels, camps, o r eoldlor s ta ­tions,

Dlutanco A part—acars" and B rakes; Aulomoblloa while in motion m uat not bo leaaiUian GO yards a p a rt, except for purpoaoa jo t passing, which- is only pcrmlaalblo on com paratively level o r s lig h t grndea. All automobile#, excopt w hile ahlftlng gcara, m tu t re ta in tho ir Rcarn conatantly onm eahed.. P ersona desiring U) enujr Ui#,park in an auto> mobile will bo requ ired ' 0 aatlefy th e guard laaulng the Ucket of'pasB&ge th a t lho machino In g eao ral, an d par­ticu la rly the brakes first-c lasa worjdng order and capflWe o f m aking Uio trip , u td th a t th e re is suftloiont gnaolino lit th e ., ta n k to reacft tho next placo w here It m ay 1>e obtained, nnd carry twtt e l t i*F o r th is purposo>oU driver* wUi bo required effectually to .block, a n d skid Uie re a r wheols with e ith e r foo t o i

* 2 5 . w l

beea si no t loi expSft

■_____ i ^ $2i, ^ cost.

P it will ^ M . Econo

I ■ ^

them I purchi

nnrii hnakoi. o c suclv o ther brakes os ’ lay be a p o rt o t t h e cQujproeot of Uio iitomobllc. Qasolino c a a be purchased : cogulu t supbUf BtnSlans a s por post* i; noUooa..Speeds: S i^eds m o s t bo lim ited to

> m ilaa pec -hour- a t ic g g ^ g aod 10 illos per hour dasccoding stoep radoa^aad. t a 8 mllas p a r honr mhea

lad s with s tra igh t streCchcs and hen. no team, ia noflror than 200 a rd s^ th o sBood; miQ- be- Increaaed to Cl m iles per honr. H om a m ust bo j m d t drttt-tttl-cufves-w harft-tha-road- an nol’bb soen fo r oflisiM'SOO yftraB head, and whoa apptooehlsg team sr-rid ln ran lm nlfl.------------------------------T eam s: Whon tcam a, saddle horses,

r- p a rk trains, approachv antomobllea rill tnko tho outer edgo of tho road*

regnrdloss of th e dlrocUon in rhfch- th o r ma7i.k0;.calnc. tak ing care h a t suftlc ien t room is U h on -the In* ido for tho passage o f vehicles and inimals. Teams havo the righ t of ray. a n 4 automobiles w ^l be backed ir othorwluo ham ilcC asm ay ho necos- a r y .s o as to enable team s to pass r i th satbty. Isc no- oaa» m ost automo* >UcB. paaa anim als a s the road a t a n'Aator speed than 8 miles per hour.

F in es: F ines or o thor penaU lcsw lll >0 imposed for a rriv a l o t automobiles It any p o in t b efore avproved lapse oC .ImCt hereinafter given, a t tho follow- ,ng ra te s : $0.50 p e r m lantc fo r cach. 3f f irs t flvo m inutes; $1.00 por m inute ror each of Uio h ex t 20 m tnutcs; $26,00 rinc or cJocUon from tho park, o r bothv In. tii» dJaccotlon o f tho acting supor- loiondont o t tho park , for being m ore than 26 minutcn early . *

PonnlUea: VlolaUon of any of th r tOrogolng or E n e ra l regulaUona to r govom m ont o t tho pa rk w ill cauao r«- TocaCioQ o f ticket a t passage. an<t la addiUon to tho penalties herolnbefbre Indicated. wtU sohlect tho ow n«r of th e automobiio to ' any dam age ecca- siooed thereby, laimodlQte ojcciment from tho reserv&Uon, and bo caoao to r re fusa l to Issue new ticket o t passage to tho ownor wiUiout prior sanction In w riting from tho sccro iary o f Ihe In­terio r.

A ccidents: When, duo to break­dow ns or accidents of any o ther na­tu re , antomobiles a ro unable to kcop going or to reach the n < ^ stopping placo on Ume. thoy - m u s t » Immedi­ately parked o tf the rood, o r whore th is Is Impossible, on tho outer edge ol th e road, and w ait un til the next schedule for automobiles p ast thal point, o t-u n til g iv en . special perm is­sion to proceed by park guards.

5 0 0 P e o p l e W a n t e d

To buy goodpsSturdy transplanted garden p lan ts frOm Tolm an groe: houso, 726 .South Main. Tw in F alls Ida. rjA dv

V • - - f

l ^ t Us Pfm tY o n r S a l e B i l l s



lok at it this w ay: A siji [Uiotsag-oiJbagJ>ecau8e„tl birunk o u t of the fabrics, ii le its sty le for that has bee s. It w ill satisfy because.i

) ia only a few dollars moi ■2tJ2S^mt-will-outwear-aj outw ear a cheap suit fotir my always looks beyond t

K . u p p e n h i

G l o t h

•e^ o k en ^ fjir lifea te r^ v a l md w ear them , com e bacl ises each season in the seas


MNBARK’!E x te n s ile Tests In Idaho Indleate

-------- A jw aflt-fliv lB g -A e tim am B w u lL ln i i to Use o t W ater Applied t<

fjn m n >»rtn«tltlona »aiA t^.BrgyM lI J j ^ li■^iah■o” o^n^■■orm^l■'I!loject

w ith medium c lay loan, irrl* ia ted i I^"ah o u fd -t» a '* « ap p U o d -w ith

v a te r d u r ln s th e season to enahlo; e ach Irrlgatedi a c re to retaUi tw o feet, according te a re c e n t InTcS' UgaUo* o t th e U. S..d9 a r ^ 6n t .o t ag- riotU terv. —

T his aptilles. It Is aald. to a t leas' 71Ti p a r c e n t o f tlie i s r l^ t lo n project! in Idaho. In order th a t the load ma] retalto th e needed Ciro fee t o f watei per- acre , the fo rtaar shouldi receiv< aboKt 2% fcot o a m edium clay ant sandy loom soils. W horo th e soil I p o n o s o r has a porous aubsoll }yloi c loaer l6 the surfiace th an e feet, m or th a a th is n u an tlty o t w a te r should b lieUTerod to tho: consum'oir. Ui'o exoc Qoonuty doponiDhg, b t course, upoi the porosity o f tbo soil. Whoro th Idolio project. Is devoted to ono-kal grain and th o o ther h a l t to a lta lfa o olhor cropa, th e to tal volomo o t wale should bo d latributed som ething a follow s: IS.7 per c e a t d u ring Mij 28 per cenL d aring Jn ao . 82.B por ceni atock and dom esU tfparposls.

Those cenQtaslons. w hlc^ a re base upon co<opemtiTe ezpertm eats con ducted b9 C. B. departm en t of af ricu ltu ro and the- aU te 'la n d hoard « Idaho, a re reported la a new protei s lona l paper. No. SS9. o f th e U. S. d< p artm en t of ag ricn ltu re , entitled, p e r la e o U on th e E conon lo Use o f I r igatlon W ate r In Idaho,* by Don I B ark. D uring tho^ course o t tb is }i vestigaUon the w ater w as m easart upon' 629 indlTidual t ra c ts covering

I to tal a re a o t sligh tly ov er 3600 acre Tbe land w as used fo r stap le crop a lfa lfa , clover, p a s tu re , iipring a i

■ w in ter g ra tes , potatoes tn d orchardSzperim entii show th a t the 'y ie ld

g ra in on the heavier so ils such i f ilty , clay loam, sandy loam, and fli •aad . w ill norm ally Increase w ith U supply of w ater u n til a a am ount var Ing between 1.4 and 1.8 acre toot h

‘ been applied. A ftor th is th e applic ‘ Uon o t m ore w ate r w ill decrease tl■ yield o t g r a i n e d in oiany cases tl■ yield o t s traw as woln A ltalfa r * qulrea la rg e r quantlUos of w aler ai

th e experim ents did not reach a pol: a t w hich an increased aupply begi

- to lessen .tha yield. I f the yield aloi Is conaldorod It la dltflcult. It Is sal to apply too much w ator to alfall during Ju ly . 17.2 por c c n t during A

- gust, and 2 per cenL during tho fir h a lt o f Soptombor. A tle r th is tin the only demand fo r w ate r Is for l|' provided no moro Is applied a t oi

: purchased here at | | te sag and bag has ^ side and out. I t w ill f f 1 tailored in to it by p jf its stab ility .................. g

e than cheap clothes hpnp suit tw o to one; w five to one...T rue -3 lie purchase price.:___'W.

d m e r w

e S ' I '

nes;—Men who-buy^— ~W'~ and duplicate their ^

on’s latest styles. g

■” 6 f r $ 3 0 ~ T i ~

f = e o 4


Bays B a rk , 9 H A cre .Feet to B e Usnal s -U nder-A verage CoB«Uons.--FtBds-No^-

AKalfa. -Wham a nd Kow H nch to U se.

• ^ / Umo than the soil will proiapUy al^ Borb.— W lth-both gg aln -a n d -a lttu ar^ howover, th» amount of water t m It l» prof}tabl«r,"/rom-a-baslnese polat-of— vlav. to ns«. deponds upon tho rela-. tlTt cost o t land and of water and oth­e r local ecwomlc condltlona..^..Wlth po tatoes. I t Is found th a t thero ia a s tro n g tendency to r tho yield to lac reaso w ith th e sutiply o t water. Tho f t t e o t increase, however, grow sm all­e r a s tho quan tity o t w ater was .In- cceasod, a n d on clay loam soils It p robab ly w llj n o t be adviaablo to. ap­p ly m ore than 2 o r 2 ^ acre fool por acre to tho crop.

T he ro p o rt alao deals w ith tbo quosr Uon o t th e pzeper quoaU ty o t-v a te r

I to npply n t oach IrrlgaUon. An un*‘,: avoidable losa from ovaporaUon In*, variab ly occur during and Immediately' t a f te r Irrlg&Uon and i t is , therefore.’ doelrablo to bave no more apHUcaUona

durlag tho aeason than atV re q u ^ ^ to ’ malotaln.the. needed, molswre cogent , in the BoiU liiTesUgatora ibiutd K a t"

trom 3 to 6 acre*lo^es, at one appV ' cation la the; correct qua^Uty. Im p o ^ ‘ vlous solU ahonild be so manipulated

that thoy abaorh the smaller.1 am o u n t a t le a s t, while' o a the porotu ■ so d s U rg e Irrigation heads shoald be* used. On these porous soils very lltU e ' t can be accom plished w ith small heada* of w a te r because Uio w uter. Is absorb- - ed so n tp ld iy tb a t It can n o t be fdrced* over th e field. The average size o f tbe ,* Irrig a tio n bead ovor thb greaU r p a r ^ ^ o f Idaho seldom exceeds 1 to I seconjT '* feet. O s th e poroas soils, tbe u s ^ f* heada th ree 'o r to u r tim es this aU C>t fc is said, w ill give a m uch h ig h e r/tflc l- K ency. ■“ * !» I. l a conclusJoB, tho roport polata out d th a t tho 'determ ination o t tho propor >• aupply o f w ater for an IrrigaUon pro* if Ject is a.Yery serious problem. I f too- s lltUo w a te r Is Aliottod. tho yields will e bo quite sm all and. th e landa will nev* e e r reach the ir h ighest possible value.'- On tho o ther hand, if too much w ater, is is a llo tted , the excess snpply is a lm ost I. Invariab ly used and th e" Irrigated 0 landa m ay d eterio rate rapidly through e w aterlogging . M oreover, tha w ater Is i> d iverted from use elsew here and tbe d ulUm ato a re a o f Irrigated land tiius- it reduced. In determ ining the am ount n of w a te r to be usod, o ther factors, than ei the .p iazim um yield mu s t also be taken 1, in to cotislderatloa. The co8t"of~lllB~ 1, land, th e cost o t th e w ater, and the I* value o t th e crops produced a re all It im p o rtan t consld^raUons. T h e r ^ ^ e taut few cases In w hich thein 'ereasC C - 0 y ie ld Is p roportionate to tho q u a n t l ^ 0 o f w bter o s ^ 1
