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CHAPTER 15 Perception and Interactive Technology MEIKE SCHELLER, KARIN PETRINI, AND MICHAEL J. PROULX “What does it mean, to see?” was the question that David Marr used to motivate his com- putational approach to understanding Vision (Marr, 1982). Marr’s answer, building on Aristotle, was that “vision is the process of discovering from images what is present in the world, and where it is” (page 3). Although we humans might have a prefer- ence for visual perception, we are endowed with other senses that provide us with a rich experience (Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, and 14, this volume). Therefore, the broader question might be: What does it mean, to perceive? Although this might be seen as a philosophi- cal question of sorts, it gets to the important issue of how we define perceptual experi- ence scientifically so that we may study it. The importance of defining it is crucial for research applications: If we aim to restore a sense such as vision in blindness or hearing in deafness, what does it mean to see or to hear such that we will know when restoration has been successful? This chapter reviews the interaction between multisensory perception and interactive technological approaches to sensory rehabilitation. It builds on research in multisensory perception, sensory impair- ment, and the development of cognition to provide a foundation for understanding the psychological and neural basis for sensory This work was supported by grant SG142127 from the British Academy/Leverhulme. rehabilitation. The interface between experi- mental psychology and technology provides challenges for basic and applied research, and, as a result, great opportunities to explore psychology and cognitive neuroscience in novel ways. We will first provide an outline of human sensory perception using single (unisensory) and multiple (multisensory) senses. This first section highlights the interplay between dif- ferent sensory modalities for the construction of a precise and accurate representation of the environment and the mechanisms our brains have developed to deal with physical uncertainty. Thereby, we specifically focus on optimal multisensory integration and its development during ontogeny. We then look into the adaptation of human perception to sensory or motor deficits—that is, when one or multiple senses are impaired, or the motor system isn’t functioning normally. We describe how sensory loss/impairment impacts individuals in their everyday life and how deficits in one sense affect development in the remaining, intact senses. Also, the role that action and motor impairment plays in the perceptual framework is discussed. We then outline current sensory rehabilitation techniques, with focus on auditory and visual rehabilitation, as these domains are more extensively investigated, thereby drawing a clear distinction between sensory restoration and sensory substitution. Their function and Stevens’ Handbook of Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Fourth Edition, edited by John T. Wixted. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DOI: 10.1002/9781119170174.epcn215 1
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Perception and Interactive Technology


“What does it mean, to see?” was the questionthat David Marr used to motivate his com-putational approach to understanding Vision(Marr, 1982). Marr’s answer, building onAristotle, was that “vision is the processof discovering from images what is presentin the world, and where it is” (page 3).Although we humans might have a prefer-ence for visual perception, we are endowedwith other senses that provide us with a richexperience (Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, and 14, thisvolume). Therefore, the broader questionmight be: What does it mean, to perceive?Although this might be seen as a philosophi-cal question of sorts, it gets to the importantissue of how we define perceptual experi-ence scientifically so that we may study it.The importance of defining it is crucial forresearch applications: If we aim to restore asense such as vision in blindness or hearingin deafness, what does it mean to see or tohear such that we will know when restorationhas been successful? This chapter reviews theinteraction between multisensory perceptionand interactive technological approaches tosensory rehabilitation. It builds on researchin multisensory perception, sensory impair-ment, and the development of cognition toprovide a foundation for understanding thepsychological and neural basis for sensory

This work was supported by grant SG142127 from theBritish Academy/Leverhulme.

rehabilitation. The interface between experi-mental psychology and technology provideschallenges for basic and applied research,and, as a result, great opportunities to explorepsychology and cognitive neuroscience innovel ways.

We will first provide an outline of humansensory perception using single (unisensory)and multiple (multisensory) senses. This firstsection highlights the interplay between dif-ferent sensory modalities for the constructionof a precise and accurate representation ofthe environment and the mechanisms ourbrains have developed to deal with physicaluncertainty. Thereby, we specifically focuson optimal multisensory integration and itsdevelopment during ontogeny. We then lookinto the adaptation of human perception tosensory or motor deficits—that is, whenone or multiple senses are impaired, or themotor system isn’t functioning normally.We describe how sensory loss/impairmentimpacts individuals in their everyday life andhow deficits in one sense affect developmentin the remaining, intact senses. Also, therole that action and motor impairment playsin the perceptual framework is discussed. Wethen outline current sensory rehabilitationtechniques, with focus on auditory and visualrehabilitation, as these domains are moreextensively investigated, thereby drawing aclear distinction between sensory restorationand sensory substitution. Their function and

Stevens’ Handbook of Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Fourth Edition, edited by John T. Wixted.Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.DOI: 10.1002/9781119170174.epcn215


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2 Perception and Interactive Technology

benefits of these different techniques forcertain populations will be discussed, andthe chapter closes with some remarks on theoutlook of interactive technology in sensoryrehabilitation research and application.


Our sensory systems have been shaped byevolutionary processes in such a way that weare well-adapted to the natural world we livein and respond accurately to biologically rel-evant events (Kaas, 1989; Machens, Gollisch,Kolesnikova, & Herz, 2005; Nummela et al.,2013). Humans have a number of sensesthat consist of arrays of different typesof receptors: electromagnetic receptors,mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, ther-moreceptors and pain receptors. We take upinformation from the environment using thesereceptors by transforming the different formsof energy (e.g., electromagnetic radiation,pressure waves) into electrical signals. Thisprocess is called transduction and enables usto perceive the different forms of energy inone and the same entity—namely, in elec-trical impulses. These impulses, in turn, getsent to the central nervous system via neuralpathways. Our central nervous system thenprocesses and combines the information ina way that makes us perceive and recognizethe world around us, eventually leading toecologically relevant behavior. The processof perception is strongly characterized by thecombination of different, as well as redun-dant information, derived from our sensoryorgans. It is not a unidirectional process butstays in constant dynamic interaction withthe actions we make. We actively use ourbody to facilitate perception by samplingour environment in the best way possible.For example, we need to actively explore ormanipulate an object in order to gain enoughinformation to recognize it (Chapter 5,

this volume; Hollins & Risner, 2000).This clearly makes touch an inherently activesense. However, with the aim of controllingour actions appropriately, perception mustbe frequently updated via sensory feedback,which arises from our actions. In fact, notonly touch but also other senses like vision,proprioception, and audition critically dependon the fine-tuned recalibration of action andperception (Cressman & Henriques, 2011;Proulx, et al., 2015).

The environment we live in is not stablebut complex and dynamic. Moreover, allstimuli in our environment can be differ-entiated in multiple features. For example,sounds vary in amplitude and pitch whilelight varies in hue, luminance, and color. Thisvast variation of environmental stimuli that,on the one hand, supports our brain in struc-turing our complex lives, also emphasizes thenecessity of our sensory systems to be quiteflexible in the way they process incominginformation, regardless of whether they arisefrom the same or from different modalities(Chapter 14, this volume).

Here is an example: in order to judgevisually the spatial distance of an object oureyes provide us with a number of differentvisual cues. The perception of depth, whichis crucial for estimating the distance andrelative position of objects in space, arisesfrom the combination of information frommonocular cues like perspective, occlusion,shading, or relative size as well as binocularcues like retinal disparity and convergence.Furthermore, extra-retinal cues like signalsfrom the eye muscles have also to be takeninto account by the brain to determine inwhich direction the eyes are looking. Thisalready shows that vision is much morecomplex than we often think and that evenwithin one sensory system the amount ofinformation our brain processes in orderto compute a single object feature—likedepth—is immense and not restricted to thevisual sense alone.

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Unisensory and Multisensory Perception 3

When we stick to the example of depth asa distance cue, we find that vision is the sensethat is dominantly used for estimating spatialdepth at distances that are out of physicalreach (Battaglia, Jacobs, & Aslin, 2003).However, our sense of hearing can addi-tionally extract spatial distance cues fromour environment using frequency spectrum,inter-aural loudness difference and inter-auraltime difference (Moore, 2003). This gets par-ticularly important when information in theenvironment is limited or ambiguous. Visionitself, for instance, is often ambiguousdue to projection of a three-dimensionalvisual scene onto a two-dimensional retinalimage. Mapping the two-dimensional imageback into a three-dimensional scene canresult in many different possible outcomes.Similarly, reliance on self-motion can resultin well-known perceptual misinterpre-tations, as the somatogravic illusion shows(see Figure 15.1). Here, the vestibular system,which provides us with rotational and transla-tional movement cues, is tricked in a way thatacceleration or deceleration of, for example,an airplane evokes the sensation of the ownbody facing upwards or downwards, which isin turn misperceived as an upward or down-ward tilting of the airplane. This interpreta-tion can result in dangerous maneuvers if notcorrected for by vision. Therefore, experienceand use of additional sensory informationare crucial. This shows that, if ambiguousstimuli were processed by only one modality,the information they convey would remainambiguous and perception would be lessreliable. Also, in other circumstances inwhich one sensory modality is unavailable,other senses can compensate for this lack ofinformation. For example, when navigatingin complete darkness, touch, hearing orself-motion/interoception can compensatefor lacking visual information (Petrini,Caradonna, Foster, Burgess and Nardini,2016; Tcheang, Bülthoff, & Burgess, 2011).

Besides situations in which the informa-tion from one sense is ambiguous or missing,there are situations in which the presenceof environmental or internal noise candrastically affect our perception. Noise ispresent in all the stimuli surrounding usand arises from their physical nature, likeclutter affecting sound waves or quantumfluctuations of light. Also, internal noise,which results from a variability in neuralcoding or the fluctuation of attention, canaffect perception at many different stagesof processing. For example, one may thinkthat trying to walk straight lines while beingblindfolded is an easy task. As long as thedistance to be traveled is only a couple ofmeters, then probably it is. However, Soumanand colleagues (2009) showed that duringnavigation it is much harder to maintain astraight walking route when the informationinput is limited to fewer senses, the levelof sensory noise is increased in the absenceof visual calibration. In one experiment inwhich participants were asked to walk astraight line, even participants who werenot blindfolded could not walk straight oncloudy days. When the sun was not visible,they started to walk in circles, whereas theother participants who walked on sunny daysfollowed almost perfectly straight routes.Souman and colleagues concluded that whenthe vestibular system integrates informationon rotation rate with no input from othersenses (like vision), it accumulates noise.As a result their participants’ estimatedwalking direction tended to get biased toone side resulting in circular rather thanstraight routes, similarly to those who wereblindfolded (Souman, Frissen, Sreenivasa, &Ernst, 2009).

Multisensory Integration

Now, how does the brain deal with miss-ing, noisy, or ambiguous information from

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4 Perception and Interactive Technology

No movement(A)


Linear acceleration(C)

Otolith organ

Subjectivevertical plane

Subjectivehorizontal plane



Resulting force

Resulting force

Gravity Resulting force


Figure 15.1 The somatographic illusion, which is frequently encountered in aviation, is an illusionby which the brain confuses high acceleration or deceleration with forward or backward tilting. Itresults from the ambiguous information arising from a displacement of the otolithic membrane abovethe excitable hair cells in the otolithic organs of the vestibular system (right column). In situations inwhich the body is not accelerating nor deccelerating (A) gravity is the only force acting on the state ofthe hair cells and can be used to interpret the position of the head relative to the ground. (C) Duringfast changes of movement, on the other hand, acceleration forces lead to a displacement of the otolithicmembrane and result in a bending of the hair cells, similar to the bending of the cells during tilt (B). Asthe brain uses information from the bending of hair cells to compute the head’s position in space andrelative to the ground, head tilt and translational movement can both lead to the same perceptual inter-pretation. Translational acceleration shifts the membrane in the same direction as an upward head tilt,whereas translational deceleration results in a similar response to a downward tilt. Visual informationhelps disambiguating this perceptual illusion.

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Unisensory and Multisensory Perception 5

the environment and still comes up withan adequate solution? It achieves this bycombining redundant information synergis-tically to reduce uncertainty and overcomesensory ambiguity resulting from noise orthe lack of sensory information (Chapter14, this volume; Ernst & Banks, 2002). Forexample, when we estimate an object’s shapewe can make judgments based on visualas well as haptic cues. When experiencedsimultaneously, the brain integrates theshape information across the two senses inorder to provide us with the most reliablesensory estimate (Helbig & Ernst, 2007).Statistically optimal multisensory integrationdescribes the process by which we combineinformation from different sensory inputsand dynamically weight them, depending ontheir reliability, in order to achieve a morerobust percept (Ernst & Banks, 2002; Ernst &Bülthoff, 2004; Knill, 2007; see Figure 15.2).The resulting accuracy and precision of ourmultisensory percept exceeds that granted byunisensory information alone. This weight-ing process either biases our percept towardthe most reliable sensory cue for a particulartask (often resulting in one sense dominatingthe others, for example, vision dominatingsound in spatial tasks) or, in case of a similarlevel of reliability among different senses,determines optimal integration by calculatinga weighted linear average of these sensoryestimates. What is more is that during integra-tion, uncertainty within both the perceptualsystem as well as the motor system are takeninto account to help planning and predictingoptimal behavior (Knill & Pouget, 2004;Todorov & Jordan, 2002).

The maximum likelihood estimation(MLE) model underlying statistically optimalmultisensory integration has often been usedto successfully predict different behavioraloutcomes in perceptual tasks like visuo-haptic and audio-haptic size estimation(Helbig & Ernst, 2007; Petrini, Remark,Smith, & Nardini, 2014), audio-visualposition judgments (Alais & Burr, 2004),

visual-tactile event counting (Bresciani &Ernst, 2007), size and orientation discrimina-tion (Gori, Del Viva, Sandini, & Burr, 2008)as well as the use of vision and self-motion/interoception for navigation (Nardini, Jones,Bedford, & Braddick, 2008; Petrini et al.,2016; Tcheang, et al., 2011; Zhao & Warren,2015). In addition, the same model seemsto well explain the underlying multisensoryneural mechanisms.

A great amount of our knowledge onthe neural processes underlying multisen-sory integration can be attributed to theemergence of technologies like electroen-cephalography, functional brain imaging,or transcranial magnetic stimulation (e.g.,Beauchamp, Pasalar, & Ro, 2010; Dekkeret al., 2015; Foxe et al., 2002; Giard &Peronnet, 1999; Helbig et al., 2012; Merabetet al., 2008). However, the first evidencefor neural multisensory processes comesfrom Stein and Meredith’s studies on singleneurons (Meredith & Stein, 1983; Stein &Meredith, 1993). They recorded electricalsignals of neurons in the superior colliculus(SC) of cats in response to auditory, visual,and audio-visual stimuli. Neurons in thisregion, but also other regions, respondedto all stimuli types, but showed differentresponse strengths toward unimodal (audi-tory, visual) and multimodal (audio-visual)stimuli, with multimodal stimuli evokinggreater responses than unimodal ones (seeFigure 15.3). Most strikingly, these enhancedresponses were even greater than the sumof the responses toward unimodal stimuli(“super-additivity”). Besides an increase inresponse strength, multisensory integrationhas also been characterized by shortenedresponse latencies, meaning that singleneurons respond faster to multisensorythan unisensory stimuli (Rowland & Stein,2007).

There is also increasing evidence thatmultisensory processing even takes place inwhat are normally considered primary sen-sory areas, leading some to theorize that the

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6 Perception and Interactive Technology

Likelihood functions ofperceptual estimates

Visuohaptic size estimationwith a multisensory conflict

Bimodal discrimination



ion c





ed larg




bimodal conflict Δ




(A) (B)


optimal bimodallikelihood

Vision usually dominates thebimodal visuohaptic percept Ebi

(Rock & Victor, 1964)

low visual noise


object sizeEH Ebibimodal size Ebivisual size Evhaptic size EH


σbi σv

σv = σH/2

wH = 0.2

wv = 0.8

medium visual noiseσv = σH

wH = 0.5

wv = 0.5


object sizeEH Ebi Ev


high visual noiseσv = 2σH

wH = 0.8

wv = 0.2

object sizeEH Ebi Ev

Figure 15.2 Model showing statistically optimal integration of visual and haptic cues in an object sizeestimation task. (A) Probability functions indicating the likelihood of the object being perceived as havinga certain size. Bimodal likelihood function (gray) is the weighted product of the two unimodal likelihoodfunctions, and depends on the uncertainties in the visual (𝜎V) and the haptic (𝜎H) functions. Ebi indicatesthe combined perceptual estimate of visual (EV) and haptic (EH) unimodal size estimates. An increase invisual noise leads to a stronger weighting of the haptic likelihood function, thereby pulling the bimodalsize estimate closer to the haptic one. (B) Illustration of visuo-haptic size estimation task, whereby par-ticipants judge the size of an object using vision and touch. Introducing a conflict between visual andhaptic size helps determining the weights placed on the unisensory estimates during combination. (C)Psychometric functions indicating the relationship between actual stimulus size and the proportion ofcomparison stimuli being perceived as larger than a standard stimulus. Visual (EV) and haptic (EH) cuesof the standard stimulus give discrepant information (Δ). The discrimination performance indicated bythe functions can be experimentally measured and informs us about the bias and precision of the bimodalestimate (as indicated in panel A).Source: From Rohde, van Dam, and Ernst (2016). Reprinted with permission.

brain is organized in a “metamodal” (Kim &Zatorre, 2010; Pascual-Leone & Hamilton,2001; Proulx, Brown, Pasqualotto, & Meijer,2014), or “supramodal” (Matteau, Kupers,

Ricciardi, Pietrini, & Ptito, 2010; Riccia-rdi, Bonino, Pellegrini, & Pietrini, 2014;Struiksma, Noordzij, Neggers, Bosker, &Postma, 2011), fashion. That is, rather than

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Unisensory and Multisensory Perception 7







mean im




ent (%










50 ms




Figure 15.3 Example of super-additive responses during integration of auditory and somatosensoryinformation in a neuron of the cat anterior ectosylvian sulcus (AES). The top panel indicates the spa-tial overlap between the cat’s auditory and somatosensory receptive fields used for stimulus presentation(shaded regions). Presentation of auditory (A) or somatosensory (S) stimuli alone elicited only few neu-ral responses, as can be seen in the raster plots and histograms. Simultaneous and spatially coincidingpresentation of auditory and somatosensory stimuli evoked a significantly stronger response. The bargraph at the bottom shows a summary of neural responses to both unimodal (A, S) and simultaneousbimodal (AS) stimulation. This neuron exhibits a larger response enhancement to the bimodal stimulipresentation compared to the sum of the two unimodal ones (**p < 0.01).Source: From Wallace (2004). Reprinted with permission.

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8 Perception and Interactive Technology

Depth from Disparity(A)


Disparity: Near or FarMotion: Flat

Disparity: Near or FarMotion: Near or Far

Disparity: Near or FarMotion: Far or Near

criterion 1

criterion 2

Disparity: Flat Motion: Near or Far

fusion /integrationmechanism

Single cue conditons

DM > D-M






DM > quad ∑

fusion independence

quad ∑






DM = quad ∑

quad ∑






DM = D-M










Combined cue conditons





m M



near far






















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Unisensory and Multisensory Perception 9

having a sensory-based organization, thebrain instead has a computationally definedfunctional architecture that is task-based(Pascual-Leone & Hamilton, 2001). It there-fore might be best to try and consider the brainfrom a multisensory rather than unisensoryperspective (Ghazanfar & Schroeder, 2006).

Development of MultisensoryIntegration

The ability to use redundant sensory cues toenhance perception seems to be present veryearly in life. For example, infants and youngchildren find synchronous redundant stimuliacross visual and auditory modalities verysalient (e.g., Bahrick & Lickliter, 2000, 2004;Bremner et al., 2011; Lewkowicz, 1996,2000; Morrongiello, Fenwick, & Chance,1998). That is, human infants during the firstyear of life (Lewkowicz, 2010) have beenshown to process audio-visual information onthe basis of temporal synchrony rather than

sensory reliability. The reliance on temporaland spatial correspondence between cues is astronger binding factor until late childhood.Indeed, the ability to filter out irrelevantinformation across modalities when cuesare in temporal synchrony starts rather late(not before 11 years of age; Petrini, Jones,Smith, Nardini, 2008). Similarly, speechpattern recognition and speech perceptionbecome more accurate around that age range(Eisenberg, Shannon, Martinez, Wygonski, &Boothroyd, 2000; Petrini & Tagliapietra,2008). Barutchu et al. (2010) hypothesizedthat attention and other higher order cognitiveprocesses regulate cross-modal integrationand that the maturation of these processesdelays the development of multisensoryintegration (Barutchu et al., 2010). How-ever, it’s not been until recently, that fMRIstudies have shown that cue integrationproperties in the visual cortex only developaround the same age (Dekker et al., 2015,see Figures 15.4a and 15.4b). Until then,

Figure 15.4a Detection mechanisms and integration criteria of visual cue integration during depthperception. (A) Participants were presented with dot displays that used binocular disparity (differencesin dot positions between the two eyes) and relative motion (movement speed of target dots relative to sur-rounding dots) to simulate depth of a target square that was either in front or behind its surround. Depthestimators for both stimuli are displayed as bivariate Gaussian distributions (as indicated by the blue andpink blobs in the motion-disparity space). In the area where the conflict is largest, fusion of both stimuli(left panel) would result in a combination of the cues and reduce variance—that is, the two cues wouldbe integrated. A mechanism that would treat the sensory information independently (right panel) wouldresult in a greater separation of the stimuli. Using these two cues, participants were tested on two singlecue and two combined cue conditions: D: disparity was altered while relative motion was kept constant;M: relative motion was altered while disparity was kept flat; DM: both cues conveying congruent infor-mation (e.g., both cues suggested the target square was near); D-M: both cues conveying incongruentinformation (e.g., disparity suggested that the target was far while motion suggested it was near). (B)Following the two different mechanisms explained before (fusion or independence), two predictions canbe made for each scenario: Criterion 1: the sensory fusion mechanism (left panel) would predict thatsensitivity is enhanced when both sensory cues provide congruent information, compared to incongru-ent information. Following the independence mechanism, bimodal sensitivity would not be affected bycongruency. Criterion 2: fusion of sensory information would predict sensitivity to be greater than thequadratic sum of single cue sensitivity when both cues provide congruent information. On the contrary,the independence mechanism predicts that sensitivity of DM is equal to the ideal observer prediction(quadratic sum).Source: From Dekker et al. (2015). Reprinted with permission.

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10 Perception and Interactive Technology

(A) (B)Coverage ROI analysis

8–10.5 yrs

10.5–12 yrs














chance level (95%)



n = 14








1/sigma 0.6




0 50




% a




V1 V3B


n = 15










M DM √(D2+ M2)D-M


Figure 15.4b Pattern classification fMRI results at different ages. (A) Images depict the scanned brainareas and the regions of interest (ROIs) for two subjects. (B) ROI analysis shows d-prime (accuracy) withnear versus far stimulus depth decoded from activation patterns in area V3B. For comparison, the sameis shown for area V1. Small bar plots in top left corner represent perceptual performance (1/sigma) ofthe same subjects—larger values indicate better depth sensitivity. Comparison of 8- to 10.5-year-oldsand 10.5- to 12-year-olds shows a change in processing mechanisms, indicating that older children inte-grate information (fusion). Activation patterns in V3B show that accuracy for congruent cue informationexceeds accuracy from conflicting cues as well as single cue predictions.Source: From Dekker et al. (2015). Adapted with permission.

children use a mechanism by which onesense dominates the other, depending on thetask/quality of the stimulus (Gori et al., 2008;Petrini et al., 2014, see Figure 15.5).

The reasons behind the late develop-ment of multisensory integration are notquite clear. Gori et al.’s (2008) prominentcross-calibration theory states that, before

the process of integration emerges, the senses“teach” each other during perception. Thatis, the most reliable sense teaches the lessreliable sense to process accurately the per-ceptual properties of objects and people inthe environment. As the relative sensoryreliability depends on the stimulus propertiesthat are being processed, the task at hand

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Sensory and Motor Deficits 11














ation thre











Figure 15.5 Late development of audio-haptic integration measured in a size discrimination task.Mean size discrimination thresholds give the minimum size difference between two stimuli that isrequired for the observer to tell that there is a difference between them. This means that smaller dis-crimination thresholds indicate higher precision. The red points indicate the discrimination threshold forobservers using touch only (𝜎H) whereas the blue triangles stand for the same individuals using hearingonly (𝜎A). The green squares show discrimination thresholds for the audio-haptic bimodal condition.This experimental data was plotted in comparison to the average MLE model prediction (black squares),which was calculated individually for each subject to predict performance from statistically optimal mul-tisensory integration. The predicted threshold for bimodal size discrimination was calculated using theequation: 𝝈𝟐

HA = 𝝈𝟐H ⋅ 𝝈𝟐

A ∕ (𝝈𝟐H + 𝝈

𝟐A). Error bars represent the standard error of the mean.

Source: From Petrini, Remark, Smith, and Nardini (2014). Reprinted with permission.

determines which sense will calibrate theother. For example, when visual and audi-tory cues are present at the same time, thevisual information is weighted more than theauditory information during spatial tasks.

The higher importance of calibrationduring childhood might be due to a trade-offbetween optimal multisensory integrationand physiological development. Hereby,calibration takes into account that, dur-ing early years, children undergo a periodof extensive physiological changes. Forexample, their limbs grow rapidly and theseparation and length of eyes increase.

These changes must be accounted for by theperceptual systems. Hence, it would be dis-advantageous to integrate imprecise, becauseever-changing, estimates but beneficial tofirst refine them in each sensory system alonethrough cross-modal calibration.


So far we have seen how perceptual abilitiesdevelop and achieve optimality under typ-ical circumstances. We know that, usually,performance is best when all forms of

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12 Perception and Interactive Technology

information are present, providing a richsignal. However, as we previously men-tioned, there might be situations in whichthe input from either one sense or severalsenses is unavailable or is suddenly lost.Blind and deaf individuals lack inputs fromimportant sensory modalities, which inturn greatly affects their quality of life. Forexample, finding the way home may appeareasy to sighted individuals but could bequite a demanding task for blind or visuallyimpaired individuals. Similarly, crossing aroad, finding certain objects in unfamiliarplaces, and participating in conversations toenhance social bonds are further examplesof demanding tasks in absence of vision orhearing. It is interesting to note that whenone or more sensory modalities are missingor impaired, it becomes much clearer howmultisensory perception is essential: in orderto cope with the lack of information fromthe missing sense, the remaining senses haveto take primary roles in representing andidentifying stimuli in the environment.

Worldwide, there are about 39 millionpeople who are completely blind. Another246 million people live with some form ofvisual impairment (World Health Organiza-tion [WHO], 2014b). However, it is estimatedthat 80% of these cases could be prevented orcured. This is because the great majority ofpeople with visual impairment live in devel-oping countries, where treatment of someof the major causes for visual impairment,cataracts and glaucoma, is limited (WHO,2014b). On the other hand there are about360 million people worldwide with disablinghearing loss, 32 million of whom are children(WHO, 2014a). People with both forms ofsensory impairment are at higher risk ofsocial and emotional discrimination. In 2008,roughly 67% of the UK’s registered blind andpartially sighted people were unemployed(Royal National Institute of Blind People,2013), which was much higher comparedto the general working age population. This

number has even been increasing to about73% in 2015 (Hewett & Keil, 2015). More-over, there are existing links between the lossof sight and reduced well-being (Burmedi,Becker, Heyl, Wahl, & Himmelsbach, 2002).Higher risks of depression, for example,might arise from additional difficultiesduring social interaction. All these risksand difficulties emphasize how severe theeconomic and socio-emotional outcomesof sensory loss can be to the individual.Therefore, it is important that research triesto develop ways and methods that promoteadaptation to the demands of everyday lifefor people living with sensory impairments.This encompasses the development of under-standing how the brain generates perceptionin the sensory impaired individual, and howneural mechanisms promote this, in order toachieve the best rehabilitative outcome.

Certainly, audition and vision will onlybe used as examples here, and other formsof sensory or motor impairment can alsolead to complication in everyday life tasks.However, until now most research has beenfocusing on vision and audition, probablymaking them the best understood sensorysystems. As mentioned earlier, vision pro-vides the most reliable information about thenature and position of objects (Chapter 1, thisvolume), whereas audition does about thetemporal aspects of different sensory events(Chapter 2, this volume). Hence, visual andauditory information are crucial for manybasic tasks such as orienting and identifyingobjects in the environment, shifting attentiontoward important events or for appropriatelyinteracting with others. It is therefore notsurprising that deficits in these senses haveattracted the interest of researchers world-wide aiming to restore or compensate forthese types of sensory loss.

However, in order to develop successfulmethods and devices that help the visuallyor hearing impaired in daily life tasks, wefirst need to understand how the absence

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of vision or audition affects perception ingeneral and, more specifically, the use of theother, remaining senses.

Effect of Sensory Loss on Other Senses

For a long time, it has been widely acceptedthat the absence of visual input improvesinformation processing in the remainingsenses. This has been supported by researchshowing that visually impaired individualsdisplay equally good or sometimes evensuperior performance on auditory localiza-tion (Lessard, Pare, Lepore, & Lassonde,1998; Röder et al., 1999; Voss et al., 2004),tactile discrimination (Alary et al., 2008;Goldreich & Kanics, 2003, 2006), and mem-ory tasks (Amedi, Raz, Pianka, Malach, &Zohary, 2003; D’Angiulli & Waraich, 2002;Pasqualotto, Lam, & Proulx, 2013; Raz,Striem, Pundak, Orlov, & Zohary, 2007), aswell as enhanced musical and verbal process-ing abilities (Amedi et al., 2003; Hugdahlet al., 2004; Pasqualotto, Lam, et al., 2013).

However, an increasing number of stud-ies have come to very contrasting results.Many of them demonstrate that the loss orimpairment of visual input affects the wayspace is perceived in the remaining senses(for a review see Pasqualotto & Proulx,2012). Auditory localization of objects, forexample, has been extensively studied inhuman and non-human participants (Konishi,2000; but see Collignon, Voss, Lassonde, &Lepore, 2009 for a review). Clearly, thiscan be attributed to the central role objectlocalization plays in many independentdaily-life tasks and its strong dependence onvisual information. Some studies have shownthat blind individuals show normal or evensupra-normal auditory localization perfor-mance in the far space as well as near space,whereas haptic information might drivethe calibration of auditory space throughsensory-motor feedback in the latter (Fieger,Röder, Teder-Sälejärvi, Hillyard, & Neville,2006; Lessard et al., 1998; Voss et al., 2004).

Other studies found that in early blindindividuals the representation of auditoryspace in the lower sagittal plane is compro-mised in comparison to sighted individuals(Finocchietti, Cappagli, & Gori, 2015). Theauthors argued that this might be due toa disruption of audio-visual cross-sensorycalibration (Gori, Sandini, Martinoli, & Burr,2014). Thereby, auditory localization in thehorizontal plane would yield accurate resultsbecause certain cues, which are used by thebrain to decode sound source location—thatis, inter-aural loudness difference (ILD) andinter-aural time difference (ITD)—would stillprovide a reliable location estimate (Moore,2003). In general, the human auditory systemcan take advantage of both of these types ofinformation, or each one separately if theyare not both present. An advantage of soundlocalization in the horizontal plane has alsobeen supported by earlier studies (Lessardet al., 1998; Voss et al., 2004). Sound locationin the sagittal plane, on the other hand, canonly be mapped based on the pinna-relatedspectral shape cues, which are less accuratethan interaural time or loudness differences(Zwiers, Van Opstal, & Cruysberg, 2001).Because vision is usually thought to have astronger impact on auditory localization inthe vertical dimension (Lewald, 2002), andadditional visual information is not availablein the blind, this may result in poor local-ization and ultimately disrupted auditoryspatial maps.

Further factors like spatial sections ofauditory/visual field seem to influence thesecontrasting outcomes. That is, superiorauditory localization performance of blindindividuals is mainly observed in the lat-eral perceptual field but not in the center(Röder et al., 1999). Also, the age of onset ofblindness seems to play a critical role.Although, in Finocchietti et al.’s study(2015), early blind individuals showedimpaired audio localization in the lowersagittal plane, late blind individuals did not.

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This group’s responses were similar to thoseof sighted participants. This might indicatethat cross-modal calibration builds up thefoundations for understanding physical prop-erties in the environment at an early age,when plasticity is high (Putzar, Goerendt,Lange, Rösler, & Röder, 2007).

Other studies have examined the cross-modal effects of visual deprivation onsomatosensory processing. Although blindindividuals are often referred to—andreported to—have superior tactile acuity(Goldreich & Kanics, 2003; Norman &Bartholomew, 2011), there is also evidenceof an impairment of haptic recognitionand orientation discrimination abilities(Gori, Sandini, Martinoli, & Burr, 2010;Pasqualotto & Newell, 2007). However, theeffects of visual deprivation on multimodalprocessing have been less intensely inves-tigated. In a recent study Guerreiro et al.(2015) compared neural responses of sightedparticipants in an audio-visual task to thoseof participants, who were blind at birth butregained sight following surgery within thefirst 2 years of life. Using functional mag-netic resonance imaging the authors foundthat early blind, sight-restored individualsdid not exhibit multisensory integrationof audio-visual cues (Guerreiro, Putzar, &Röder, 2015). From this they concluded thatearly visual experience lays the anatomicaland functional foundations for audio-visualmultisensory integration in later life. Theidea of developmental periods during whichperceptual learning is enhanced, indeed, isnot new and many studies have looked at(perceptual) learning in the light of height-ened neural plasticity during early life.

The concept of neural plasticity comprisesthe ability of the central nervous system toadaptively modify itself in its own structuraland functional organization on the singlecell level (Ahissar et al., 1992; Bach-y-Rita,1988). During learning, for example, neural

plasticity allows the central nervous systemto adapt to functional needs. In terms ofperception, this structural and functionalreorganization is driven by individual, per-ceptual experience that often is of multimodalnature. During an individual’s developmentthere appear to be time windows of highneural plasticity, called sensitive periods(Knudsen, 2004). Sensitive periods are morelikely to occur when organisms are uncertainabout environmental conditions or are notconstrained in their phenotype-environmentmatch (Fawcett & Frankenhuis, 2015).Because babies can be born into all differenttypes of environments and are not prenatallyadapted to a certain one, this would explainwhy most sensitive phases happen very earlyduring development. During these periodsperceptual experiences have stronger influ-ence on the brain in form of structural andfunctional changes. Early studies on animalshave shown that the experiences within thesesensitive periods, during which the individ-ual learns to recognize certain aspects of itsenvironment (e.g., its parents; Hess, 1972;Lorenz, 1937), cause a long-lasting effecton the individual’s behavior (Immelmann,1972). Learning that occurs during this timeperiod, therefore, “lays the foundation forfuture learning” (Knudsen, 2004, p. 1412).So what does this mean for sensory deficits?What does the brain do in order to gain a reli-able percept of the environment when inputfrom one sensory modality is not availableduring phases of heightened plasticity?

Compensation of Sensory Loss ThroughReorganization

People who lose one sense due to disease ordamage of the sensory organs (e.g., retinain the visual system, cochlea in the auditorysystem) do not necessarily lose the capacityto perceive or process stimuli that are usu-ally derived from these sensory modalities

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(Bach-y-Rita & Kercel, 2003). In case ofsensory input absence, the central nervoussystem responds with neural plasticity tofunctional needs. The increased use of theremaining senses requires structural reor-ganization in the intact cortical areas ofthese senses. For example, blind experiencedBraille readers have enlarged cortical regionsin the somatosensory cortices representingtheir “reading” finger (Pascual et al., 1993).Further, cortical auditory areas are largerin blind than in sighted individuals (Elbertet al., 2002), which is also reflected at thebehavioral level in an enhanced ability to pro-cess language or music in the blind. These,among numerous other examples, show thatstructural and functional reorganizationsof the brain imply various benefits for theindividual as they allow for a better use ofsensory information derived from the remain-ing senses. At the same time, however, neuralreorganization can also bear potential neg-ative consequences, especially for cases inwhich senses are restored after a long periodof deprivation (Fine, 2008). We will discussthe effects of sensory loss/deprivation dura-tion on the functional outcomes of restorationlater in this chapter.

The findings we mentioned previouslydo, however, not answer the questions ofhow cortical visual areas in blind or visu-ally impaired (or cortical auditory areas inhearing impaired) individuals get structurallyand functionally reorganized. Will theseareas deteriorate or will they reorganize totake over the processing of different sensoryinformation? There is growing experimentalevidence that early visual deprivation doesnot lead to inactivation of the visual cortex,but that it is, in fact, followed by structuraland functional cortical reorganization allow-ing auditory or somatosensory information tobe processed in this area (Amedi et al., 2003;Cohen et al., 1997; Collignon et al., 2015;Collignon, Lassonde, Lepore, Bastien, &

Veraart, 2007; Fine et al., 2003; Théoret,Merabet, & Pascual-Leone, 2004 but seeNoppeney, 2007 for a review). This reor-ganization constitutes a compensation forvisual loss through the enhanced processingof auditory and somatosensory informationin presumptive visual areas. Indeed, sev-eral studies have shown that activation ofthe visual cortex in the blind is associatedwith sound and language processing, spatialimagery, as well as Braille reading and tactilediscrimination (Cohen et al., 1997; Kuperset al., 2006; Struiksma et al., 2011; Uhl,Franzen, Lindinger, Lang, & Deecke, 1991;Vanlierde, De Volder, Wanet-Defalque, &Veraart, 2003). However, functional andstructural cortical reorganization is not spe-cific to blindness but extends to other sensorymodalities and lack of such. For example,Levänen et al. (1998) made observationsabout the auditory cortex of a congenitallydeaf adult being actively involved in theprocessing of somatosensory information(Levänen, Jousmäki, & Hari, 1998). Inter-estingly, many studies reported noteworthydifferences in information processing andreorganization between individuals whobecame blind at a very early age (or whowere blind from birth), and those who wentblind later in life (see Noppeney, 2007). Thismay indicate that enhanced neural plastic-ity during childhood influences the brain’ssusceptibility for reorganization. It furtherhighlights that the availability of sensoryinput critically determines the way in whichour brains process sensory information andultimately perceive the world.

The Role of Action

Surely, plasticity forms the basis of learn-ing to perceive any form of sensory input,at least at the neural level. However, aswe have discussed earlier, perception andaction are critically interwoven and their

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self-calibrating nature plays an importantrole in the proper development of ecolog-ically relevant motor skills and the abilityto perceive and interact with objects in ourenvironment (Proulx et al., 2015; Proulx,2010). To achieve a reliable representationof objects, haptic perception depends largelyon perceptual (inter-sensory) as well asaction-perception (motor-sensory) processes.Whenever a motor action is carried out, theCNS sends efferent motor commands to theactuator (e.g., hand muscles). At the sametime, a copy of these motor commands isgenerated and matched with the afferenttactile and proprioceptive sensory feedback(Von Holst & Mittelstaedt, 1971). Integrationand comparison of these two strands of infor-mation generate a specific haptic feedbackand allow our brains to predict physical prop-erties of the environment we interact with.However, this reafference process reallybecomes important and improves hapticperception later in development (Gori et al.,2012). In typically developing children, whostill undergo rapid physiological changes,internal motor command copies are morelikely to be noisy. This might explain whyhaptic precision has been found to only reachadult-like levels early in adolescence (Goriet al., 2012).

However, the strong relationship betweenhaptic perception and physical action empha-sizes that motor impairment should not beneglected when discussing perception in thelight of sensory deficits. More generally,motor impairments are characterized bythe total loss or limitation of function in abody part and can be, just as any sensoryimpairment, of diverse nature. Often, motorimpairments can be caused through compli-cations during birth or genetic conditions.Further potential causes, which occur laterin life, are accidents or diseases like polio ortuberculosis. According to the CDC’s Autismand Developmental Disabilities Monitoring

Network, cerebral palsy has been found toaffect 1 in 323 children in the United Statesin 2008 (Christensen et al., 2014). It is,therefore, thought to be the most commonmotor disability in childhood (Accardo,2008). Furthermore, altered haptic percep-tion is reported in other childhood disorderslike autism spectrum disorder (Gowen &Hamilton, 2013) or language impairment(Muursepp, Aibast, Gapeyeva, & Paasuke,2012). Also, Parkinson’s disease and mul-tiple sclerosis are common causes of motorimpairment. The high prevalence of theseconditions has major implications not onlyfor the improvement of motor system healthresources but also for the intact functioningof sensory perception in individuals withmotor impairments. Just like perception can-not properly function without motor actions(e.g., through feeling the texture or shape ofsurfaces, scanning an objects properties withthe eyes), action heavily depends on sen-sory feedback. These two systems shouldn’tbe considered as independent componentsbut rather as interwoven parts in a holis-tic action-perception-framework (Ernst &Bülthoff, 2004).


When thinking of sensory rehabilitation,we often think about the restoration of theimpaired sense, which can be accomplishedby, for example, surgical procedures orrestoration therapy. However, rehabilitationcan also be conducted through the remaining,intact senses via sensory substitution. Thefollowing sections give an overview of pro-cedures and technologies that are currentlyavailable for people with visual and auditoryimpairments.

A number of useful assistive technologieslike force-feedback devices (Zhu, Kuber,

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Tretter, & O’Modhrain, 2011) have beendeveloped for blind users to navigate throughthe web. Generating haptic feedback viaaffordable gaming devices like the NovintFalcon or a mouse with motor feedback andadding auditory feedback enables blind andvisually impaired people to explore usu-ally vision-dominant computer programslike Excel or online websites throughtouch and hearing (Doush, Pontelli, Simon,Son, & Ma, 2009; Oyamada, Bidarra, &Boscarioli, 2013). Multisensory virtual envi-ronments that use touch and sound havefurther been used to convey geographic infor-mation to visually impaired users (Jacobson,Kitchin, & Golledge, 2002; Lahav, Schloerb,Kumar, & Srinivasan, 2012; Lawrence,Martinelli, & Nehmer, 2009). For the hearingimpaired and deaf, there are also a number ofaids like Silent Call systems, which use dif-ferent portable radio frequency transmittersto inform the user about incoming telephonecalls, doorbells, smoke or carbon monoxidedetectors, door or window access, and otherevents that are relevant in everyday life.Users can receive signals of these events inthe form of pager-like vibrating receivers orflashing strobe light. However, these tech-nologies and aids have a limited impact oneveryday activities and the overall quality oflife of blind, deaf, or partially blind and deafindividuals. For example, one of the mostdemanding tasks for a blind or partially blindperson is to navigate the environment andfind his/her own way in it.

Navigating from one location to anotherposes one of the major, daily challengesto people who cannot accurately perceivetheir environment through vision. Fromreading bus signs, street names or maps,to looking out for cars, obstacles, trafficlights, or even other people—the world inwhich we navigate and the way in whichimportant information is transferred is oftennot designed for visually impaired or blind

people. They frequently have to rely on theirremaining senses, and therefore a lot of theinformation is simply not accessible to them.In 2014, Microsoft, Future Cities Catapultand Guide Dogs Association teamed upto tackle some of the mobility challengespeople with sight loss face. As part of theircollaborative project Cities Unlocked (FutureCities Catapult, 2016), they introduced a nav-igational headset that helps blind and visuallyimpaired users to find their way through thecity. The system relies on GPS informationand a network of Bluetooth beacons installedand placed around the city. In this way thesystem combines the advantages of com-mon navigation systems (e.g., turn-by-turndirections) with information about nearbypoints of interest or transportation updates.Compared to a normal navigation system, theheadset uses audio guidance that is playedthrough a headset that transmits sounds inform of vibrations through the upper jaw-bone, thereby leaving the ears uncovered andable to listen out for sounds in the environ-ment. The system has been launched andtested in 2014 with eight participants, halfof whom were totally blind and the otherhalf having some sort of residual vision.The subjects had to travel between London’sPaddington train station and Reading, usingdifferent forms of public transport as wellas navigating through urban environment.However, in addition to this navigation tool,users had still to rely on further mobility aidslike guide dogs, white cane, or some residualvision, because GPS or online informationcannot effectively communicate certaintypes of information such as the presence ofobstacles, cars, and other people.

To increase independence and mobility,it is necessary to facilitate direct interactionwith the environment, may it be obstacledetection and avoidance or identifying andunderstanding people. With this in mind,a number of new sensory rehabilitation

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aids have been developed thanks to therecent technological advances. We will firstlook at sensory restoration techniques withfocus on the visually impaired and givea short description of techniques for thehearing and the motor impaired. We willthen introduce sensory substitution devicesas a means of perceiving and interactingwith the environment through the remainingintact senses.

Visual Restoration

Our increasing understanding of sensorymechanisms and processing principles aswell as the vast improvement of technologyhave opened new opportunities in the fieldof sensory rehabilitation (for a review seeMaidenbaum, Abboud, & Amedi, 2014). Oneway to restore vision in the blind throughdirect surgical procedures. Cataract surgeryis the most commonly performed operationthese days. This includes the replacement ofthe affected, clouded lens with an intraoc-ular implant, a small plastic lens. Otherapproaches include using non-invasivetechnology that converts images into audi-tory or tactile displays (Proulx, Brown,et al., 2014; Proulx, Ptito, & Amedi, 2014).How might visual restoration be assessed?Visual acuity provides a measure of thedistance at which two points are resolv-able. Typically, optotypes in the form ofletters or shapes are presented with decreas-ing size to determine acuity expressed asa Snellen fraction. The Snellen fractionis the ratio of the testing distance to thedistance at which the smallest recogniz-able optotype subtends 5 arc-minutes, or0.083 degrees.

Techniques like artificial retinal prosthe-ses (da Cruz et al., 2013; Humayun et al.,2012; Zrenner, 2010) or the transplantationof photoreceptors (Yang et al., 2010) that aimto physically replace or bypass the damagedparts of the peripheral visual system offer

treatment for people who lost vision throughretinal damage (e.g., age-related maculardegeneration).

Over the last couple of years, new meth-ods involving treatment with embryonicstem cells have been developed (Schwartzet al., 2014). This treatment is thought torestore vision through the repopulation ofdamaged retinal cells or the prevention fromfurther degeneration of the cells. Stem cellsare of special interest because of their abil-ity to self-renew and their high plasticity,allowing for very individual and specializedapplication.

At the moment, however, the most com-mon restoration approaches require retinalimplants (for a review of some of the currentmodels see Chuang, Margo, & Greenberg,2014; for a more general review see Dagnelie,2012). There are a couple of different reti-nal implants available; however, only twoof them are currently CE certified, andonly one of them has US Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) approval.

One of these retinal prostheses is theArgus II (Second Sight; Ahuja et al., 2011;da Cruz et al., 2013; Humayun et al., 2012;for a review see Luo & da Cruz, 2015), whichis aimed at people with a malfunction of thephotoreceptors (e.g., retinitis pigmentosa).This device includes an external digital cam-era, integrated into the frame of eyeglasses, tocapture images of the user’s environment, animage processor, which converts the imagesinto instructions that are sent to the retinalimplant via a wireless antenna. These signalstrigger the implanted array of 60 electrodesto emit small electrical pulses, thereby stimu-lating the remaining retinal cells that transmitelectrical impulses to the brain via the opticnerve. The brain then uses the transmittedvisual information to create light pattern per-ceptions that can then be learned by patientsthrough training. With this prosthesis, usershave been shown to achieve a visual acuity of

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up to 20/1262 (Humayun et al., 2012) withina visual field width of 20 degrees.

The second device currently available isthe Alpha IMS subretinal implant (RetinaImplant AG; Zrenner, 2002), which consistsof an electronic wireless microchip thatcaptures light falling onto the retina andstimulates the optic nerve, which then in turndelivers the signal to the brain. The microchipfeatures a 1500-pixel resolution and allowsfor seeing black and white images. Unlikeother retinal implants, no external camera isneeded to capture the visual image. Studiesreported that the highest acuity that humansimplanted with this chip reached was 20/546(Chuang et al., 2014) within a visual field of15 degrees.

Visual acuity alone is not necessarilya sufficient measure of visual rehabili-tation. In a recent study (Haigh, Brown,Meijer, & Proulx, 2013), using a sensorysubstitution device as an auditory displayof images (described in more detail later inthis chapter), it was found that measuringvisual acuity within sensory rehabilitationmust consider additional variables taken forgranted in normal acuity testing, such asconsideration of the field of view providedby the technique. Hereby, one would still beclassified as visually impaired if restricted bysevere tunnel vision (these issues are furtherexplained at www.seeingwithsound.com/acuity.htm).

As for retinal implants, the resultingvisual acuity and size of the visual field aredetermined by the amount and density ofelectrodes which emphasizes that there arebiological limits constraining the success ofthis form of technology (Chuang et al., 2014).It is important to note that there are currentlyphysical limitations on the best visual acuitypossible through all kinds of rehabilitationmethods, not only restorative.

In a 3-year clinical trial that followed 30individuals who received the Argus II visual

prosthesis, Ho et al. (2015) found that theimplant allowed subjects to perform basicvisual functions like object localization oridentifying motion direction and increasedvisual acuity (Ho et al., 2015). An earliertrial reported similar findings, showing thatsubjects were able to even identify letters andwords (da Cruz et al., 2013). Interestingly,they also found that the age at transplantationis an important predictor for outcome successof visual restoration. However, this does notreveal if patients really benefit from the addi-tional, visual information in more complextasks. As discussed earlier, one of the mostdemanding task for visually impaired indi-viduals is navigating and finding their wayin the environment. Humans typically usevisual cues to navigate, as well as self-motioninformation (Souman et al., 2009). A recentstudy by Garcia et al. (2015) investigatedhow well patients, who have been implantedwith the Argus II visual prosthesis, couldmake use of the new, visual spatial infor-mation to increase navigational precision.They tested four Argus II implanted patientsand sighted individuals on a path reproduc-tion and a triangle completion task, bothin the absence and presence of an indirectvisual landmark. Sighted participants woregoggles that only allowed a restricted field ofvision and low visual resolution, mimickingthe visual field and resolution propertiesprovided by the Argus II. The informationfrom the visual landmark that was receivedby the sighted participants was sufficient toincrease navigational precision. In ArgusII patients, however, there were no suchimprovements in the path reproduction task(see Figure 15.6). Two patients showed abenefit similar to normally sighted subjectson the triangle completion task. However,compared to their sighted counterparts, nav-igational precision in general was higherin patients when visual cues were absent.This indicates that, when individuals have

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20 Perception and Interactive Technology

0.178 0.483 0.299 0.670



Normally sighted001002003004



0.391 0.861 1.6930.463





0 0.5

Variable error without vision (m) Variable error without vision (m)



ent in




with v


n (




Path Reproduction




0 0.5 1.51


Triangle Completion





0 0.5

Constant error without vision (m)



ent in



with v


n (









Constant error without vision (m)




Figure 15.6 Performance of four patients implanted with a visual prosthesis (green symbols) andsighted individuals (blue stars) on a path reproduction (left) and a triangle completion (right) task. Sightedparticipants wore goggles that resembled the visual properties provided by the Argus II. All participantswere tested in the absence and presence of a visual landmark. Depicted is the improvement of naviga-tional precision with variable error (A) and accuracy with constant error (B) between trials where a visuallandmark was absent or present. The shaded region represents the 95% confidence intervals computedfrom the performance of sighted individuals. Information from the visual landmark was sufficient toincrease navigational performance during path reproduction in sighted participants, but not in patientsusing the visual prosthesis. All patients showed a lower variable error when navigating without visioncompared to normally sighted individuals. Two of four patients improved in precision on the trianglereproduction task in a similar way to sighted participants. Also, these two patients had lower constanterrors without vision compared to controls.Source: From Garcia et al. (2015). Reprinted with permission.

been blind for many years and nonvisualinformation becomes more reliable, visualinformation provided by the Argus II reti-nal prosthesis might not be sufficient toincrease performance on navigational, spa-tial tasks for which sighted individualsusually use vision. This also supports the

notion that age of blindness onset and ageof implantation (that is, how long an indi-vidual uses nonvisual information for visualdominant tasks), coupled with the qual-ity of visual information, have an impacton the effectiveness of visual restorationdevices.

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Sensory and Motor Aids and Rehabilitation Techniques 21

Auditory Restoration

Cochlear implants are targeted at deaf orhearing-impaired people and work in similarways to the retinal implants. Unlike regu-lar hearing aids, however, which amplifysounds in order to be detected, cochlearimplants transmit sound information viaa microelectrode array that, instead ofstimulating the receptors in the inner ear,sends signals directly to the auditory nerve.People with auditory nerve damage canbenefit from auditory brainstem implants(Jackson, Mark, Helms, Mueller, & Behr,2002; Rauschecker & Shannon, 2002), whichdirectly stimulate cells in the brainstem thatare connected to further auditory processingareas. Cochlear implants have been aroundfor more than 40 years now and have under-gone constant development and improvementfrom single- to multi-electrode devices thatallow complex digital processing of auditorysignals (Møller, 2006). The time of implan-tation has been shown to play a critical rolefor the hearing outcome success. Sharma andcolleagues (2002) found that congenitallydeaf children who have received cochlearimplants before the age of 3.5 developednormal, age-appropriate latency responsesin the auditory cortex (Eggermont, Ponton,Don, Waring, & Kwong, 1997). Childrenwho received the implants later in childhoodshowed delayed cortical responses, withmaximal delay of about 100 ms at the ageof 7 and older (Sharma, Dorman, & Spahr,2002). This indicates that auditory (sensory)restoration may work best at an earlier age,when the brain shows maximum plasticity.

The cochlear implant is considered to bethe world’s most successful neural prosthe-sis. Therefore, it is not surprising that a lotof research in hearing impairment focuses onthe improvement and further development ofthis device. Unfortunately, there is not at themoment a visual rehabilitation technique as

successful, as evidenced by the developmentof a widespread of methods and a more sparseresearch effort.

(Sensory-)Motor Restoration

As discussed earlier, cerebral palsy is themost common motor impairment in childrenand results in paralysis through motor path-way injuries or abnormal brain development.However, other conditions like spinal cordinjury, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lat-eral sclerosis, or muscular dystrophy mightaffect the motor system and result in limitedcontrolled motor actions. Besides surgicalprocedures like nerve transfer and free muscletransfer, bioelectrical interfaces have increas-ingly gained popularity for restoring motorfunction (Langhals, Urbanchek, Ray, &Brenner, 2014). The latter use direct, neuralinterfaces to record and electrically stimulatemuscles or nerves. Thereby, degenerated ordamaged muscles and neural structures canbe bypassed to send motor commands fromthe central nervous system to the biologicalor artificial actuator.

Research on these so-called neural inter-face systems (NIS) has progressed quickly inthe past years (for a review see Donoghue,2008). NIS usually encompass three majorcomponents: a neural sensor that detectsthe signals, a processing unit that decodesthe neural signals and translates them intouseful commands for the third component,which, in turn, can be any technological(Donoghue, Nurmikko, Black, & Hochberg,2007) or biological (Bouton et al., 2016)system capable of executing motor functions(e.g., assistive technologies like computerdesktops, motorized wheelchairs, roboticlimbs, or a patient’s own limb if the neuralbut not muscular part of the motor systemis impaired). This makes it especially inter-esting for individuals suffering from seriousconditions like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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or even locked-in syndrome. Investigationsand developments in the field of neurotech-nology for the motor impaired have increasedvery quickly in recent years, and haveproduced technologies like the BrainGateintracortical NIS (Donoghue et al., 2007) or aclosed-loop hand prosthesis, which does notonly enable motor signals to be executed butalso receives sensory feedback from hapticmanipulation of objects (Raspopovic et al.,2014; for a review see Ciancio et al., 2016).The latter combines a hand prosthesis, usedto enable the execution of motor commands,with concurrent stimulation of the periph-eral nerves to achieve real-time sensorimotorfeedback. At this point, it might be important,though not entirely surprising, to note thatthe quality of life is strongly compromised inindividuals who suffer from limb amputation(Martinet et al., 2003). This relates especiallyto the physical inability to conduct certainbehaviors, to increased pain, and to reducedenergy levels. Enabling amputees to conductbehaviors involving prostheses, therefore,depends upon the perception of haptic infor-mation in order to facilitate action planningand calibration during physical interac-tions. That is, during motor actions sensoryfeedback allows for a fine force control ofphysical agents (e.g., fingers, hand) and,therefore, enables us to manipulate objects ina very specific way. Sensing object propertiesfacilitates identification as well as graspingand handling of objects and emphasizes theimportance for sensorimotor recalibration inour everyday life. Therefore, providing bothmotor control and consequential sensoryexperience has been the aim for many tech-nological developments that try to implementa functional equivalent to biological limbs(Ciancio et al., 2016). A laboratory trial withthe prosthesis from Raspopovic et al. (2014)showed that the subject was able to localizethe position of an object on the prosthetichand and apply the most appropriate grasp

with an accuracy of 97%. Object consistencerecognition and shape identification weresuccessfully conducted with 78.7% and 88%accuracy, respectively (Raspopovic et al.,2014).

Despite these very promising results, thetechniques used for motor restoration are stillnot fully matured and call for improvementsin soft- and hardware issues like the flexibilityof motor control algorithms and the simul-taneous and independent control of multipleagents (Ciancio et al., 2016).

Sensory Substitution

Sensory substitution devices (SSD) forpeople with sensory impairments provideinformation about various physical featuresand dimensions of objects by stimulating theintact senses (Bach-y-Rita & Kercel, 2003;Meijer, 1992; Proulx, 2010). In comparisonto sensory restoration using implants orprostheses, this group of sensory aids offersa non-invasive and cheaper alternative. Theyaim to increase the blind/deaf users’ indepen-dence and mobility by enabling them to “seethrough the ears or skin” or “hear through theeyes or skin” objects and people aroundthem, thereby enabling them to engage indirect and dynamic interaction with the world(for a video demonstration see Proulx, 2014).

Some well-known and rather low-techexamples of sensory substitution are Braillereading or the long cane, which both use tac-tile and proprioceptive input (Bach-y-Rita &Kercel, 2003; Sadato et al., 1996). They havereceived a great level of interest within andeven outside the blind and visually impairedcommunity and are probably the mostwidespread tools used to substitute vision.Nowadays, there is an increasing numberof books, maps, and even atlases availablefor people who can read Braille. Differenttypes and sizes of white canes allow for moreindividual assistance when navigating in the

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environment and reacting dynamically toobstacles and physical landmarks.

This group of more traditional techniquesand devices has been extended by modernSSDs that benefit from the increasing use anddevelopment of technology. These modernSSDs can be subdivided into three maincomponents: an input sensor that capturesthe information from the environment (e.g.,visual scene), a processing unit that convertsthe input signal into another signal (e.g.,sound representing the visual scene), anda human machine interface that transmitsthe converted information to the biologicalsensors of the user’s substituting sensorysystem (Maidenbaum et al., 2014).

The first sensory substitution device usingmodern technology and artificial sensoryreceptors was introduced by Bach-y-Rita andcolleagues in 1969 and transferred visualspatial information to the user via tactilestimulation of the skin. This Tactile VisualSubstitution System (TVSS) used an arrayof 400 tiny tactile stimulators, which wereembedded into the back of a dental chairto transmit information captured by a videocamera that was mounted on a tripod adjacentto the chair (Bach-y-Rita, 1996/2002). Thecaptured images were transduced into vibra-tion patterns, which stimulated the skin onthe back of the participants. Bach-y-Rita wasconvinced that exploiting the advantages ofthe brain’s plasticity would enable blind usersto learn seeing with their skin. He, and his col-leagues, trained blind subjects with the TVSSto recognize simple patterns like lines andcircles and later even complex objects theyencounter in everyday life like telephonesor chairs. They found that participants wereable to “discover visual concepts such asperspective, shadows, shape distortion as afunction of viewpoint, and apparent change insize as a function of distance” (Bach-y-Rita,Collins, Saunders, White, Scadden, 1969,

pp. 963–964). Also, the device enabled a con-genitally blind person, who was trained withthe system for only 25 hours to “see” the out-lines of a candle’s flame (Guarniero, 1974).

However, vision might have some specialproperties that are challenging to convey tothe other senses. How well visual imagescan be transferred is strongly influenced bythe processing capacity of the receptive sys-tem (Kaczmarek, Webster, Bach-y-Rita, &Tompkins, 1991). A substantial body ofwork, much of it inspired by Treisman’sFeature Integration Theory (Treisman &Gelade, 1980), has established the role ofparallel processing in vision. That is, multi-ple features, and even multiple objects, canbe processed simultaneously to a certainextent in vision. The nonvisual modali-ties, in particular haptics, are instead oftencharacterized by sequential or serial process-ing (Henriques & Soechting, 2005; Hsiao,Lane, & Fitzgerald, 2002). For example,when we explore an object with our handswe only get an idea of its shape by integrat-ing the information we sample over timethrough moving our hands across the object’ssurface. During visual processing, on theother hand, we can determine the object’sshape in an instance by simply looking at it.This contrast was made clear in an exper-iment that tested sighted participants byreducing the visual field with tunnel vision.This forced subjects to acquire informa-tion in a serial manner (i.e., by samplingonly small areas at a time), and thus madevisual object recognition performance equiv-alent to haptic object recognition (Loomis,Klatzky, & Lederman, 1991; Rieser, Hill,Talor, Bradfield, & Rosen, 1992). A recentreview described how developmental visionhas a special role in conveying informationin parallel (Pasqualotto & Proulx, 2012).This is a key ability that is crucial for theintegration of multisensory cues that areavailable within a close spatial and temporal

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time window and, hence, for perception andlearning (Proulx, Brown, et al., 2014).

Sensory processing of spatial charac-teristics is furthermore determined by thedensity of sensory receptors. In touch, forexample, skin sensitivity varies with theamount and density of mechanoreceptors andis lowest in the back and highest in the faceand tongue. Researchers therefore modifiedthe TVSS into a version, which is knownas the BrainPort today. This device, insteadof mechanically stimulating the skin on theback, uses electro-tactile impulses to stim-ulate receptors on the surface of the tongue(Bach-y-Rita et al., 1998, see Figure 15.7).Besides gaining higher resolution, this alsoreduces energy requirements due to lowerstimulation voltages and, therefore, allowsfor better portability.

The BrainPort consists of a flexibleelectrode array that is placed in the mouthto stimulate the receptors of the tongue(Sampaio, Maris, & Bach-y-Rita, 2001).This array connects to a tongue display unit(TDU; Kaczmarek, 2011), which receivesinput from a head-mounted video cameraand converts the visual image into a tactileimage. Afterwards, the latter is passed onto the electrode array via a ribbon cable,stimulating the tongue’s receptors. Blindusers of this device can then learn to interpretthe patterns generated as physical objects intheir environment.

Usability of the BrainPort for travel andobstacle avoidance has just recently beenassessed, showing that, when given enoughtime, individuals that use this device to nav-igate through their environment are able to



144-channel ribbon cableVideo cable

Figure 15.7 Schematic of a tactile-vision sensory substitution system. The system consists of a camera,mounted on the head of the user, which is used as an input device to capture images in the environment.The images are then transmitted to the tongue display unit (TDU) via a video cable and converted intoa 144-pixel image which is in turn translated into a pattern of low-voltage pulse trains. This pattern isthen transmitted to a flexible electrode array placed on the tongue, where it then stimulates electro-tactilereceptors, recreating a tactile image of the environment.Source: From Bach-y-Rita and Kercel (2003). Reprinted with permission.

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accurately detect obstacles (Kaiser, 2004).Furthermore, confidence and performanceincreased in people with vision loss but notin congenitally blind users when travelingwith the device. Perceived independencydid, however, not increase. Kaiser notedthat to successfully navigate independentlythrough the environment, a high amount oftraining is essential. An important limitationof the BrainPort is that it only shows colorcontrasts, which makes it harder for the userto distinguish shadows from obstacles or,for instance, a hole in the ground (Kaiser,2004). Due to nature of the human machineinterface of the TVSS device, stimulatingthe somatosensory system, this type of SSDwould also benefit deafblind people, whoconstitute a group that has been greatlyneglected so far.

Compared to the somatosensory system,the auditory system provides a higher spatialacuity and capacity for parallel processing,which makes the latter system a more effi-cient means to translate and substitute visualinformation (Proulx, Brown, et al., 2014).Up to now, a number of general-purposevisual-to-auditory SSDs have been devel-oped. Peter Meijer invented the first of thesesystems, called “the vOICe,” in 1992. Theinput sensor of this sensory substitutiondevice is a regular video camera, which canbe a head-mounted camera covertly inte-grated into video sunglasses or even a regularsmartphone camera. The processing unitcan either be a laptop, smartphone, or anyother portable device that runs the software,which can be downloaded for free and istherefore accessible for people all over theworld. The algorithm converts visual imagesinto sounds by scanning the image from leftto right while transforming each pixel into adifferent sound. Thereby, brightness of thepixel is coded in loudness (i.e., amplitude),whereas its location in the vertical plane isrepresented by frequency (i.e., pitch), withincreasing frequencies toward the upper parts

of the image and decreasing frequenciestowards the bottom (see Figure 15.8). Dueto this translation of visual information intosound, the spatial topography of the imageis preserved, giving the user informationof their environment that can usually onlybe assessed visually. The product of thistransformation is called soundscape and istransmitted to the user via stereo headphones(an online demonstration can be found inHadnett-Hunter, Brown, & Proulx, 2015).

The preservation of visual spatial topog-raphy of the image makes visual-auditorySSDs a suitable tool for learning the mappingof space in an allocentric reference frame.Reference frames are a prominent featurein spatial navigation and are characterizedby the individual learning to interpret thedistances and positions of objects relative toone another to create spatial maps of theirsurrounding. Allocentric spatial maps can beused independently of the position of the ownbody and, therefore, accessed from differentplaces and orientations in space. Recent stud-ies by Pasqualotto and colleagues showed thatcongenitally blind individuals use a different,egocentric reference frame for spatial repre-sentation compared to sighted and late-blindindividuals (Pasqualotto & Proulx, 2012;Pasqualotto, Spiller, Jansari, & Proulx, 2013).

To find out if users could really learn toaccess information about an object’s location(where) and nature (what) by practicingwith this SSD, Proulx, Stoerig, Ludowig, andKnoll (2008) blindfolded some of their partic-ipants for a period of either 10 or 21 days con-tinuously and let them train with the vOICe athome. The first experiment assessed localiza-tion by asking the subjects to locate and pressan illuminated touch-sensitive red LED tar-get in an array of 165 LEDs. The participantsindicated when they were ready to start a trial,which triggered one of the red LEDs to lightup and a buzzing, but location-unrelated,sound to be emitted. The subjects then had

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(audio output)Camera

(video input)


Example images and waveforms

the vOICe conversion principle

Left Right











Vertical line




Figure 15.8 An illustration of the vOICe sensory substitution device and its underlying conversionprinciples. Top left: A camera, hidden in “spy” glasses, is used as an input device to capture video imagesin the surroundings. The images are then transferred to a processing unit that runs the vOICe softwareto translate visual images into auditory “soundscapes.” These soundscapes are played back to the uservia a pair of headphones. Bottom left: Conversion principles of the vOICe. First, the image is convertedinto grayscale and then scanned from left to right. Objects that appear left in the image are played backearly in the soundscape and louder to the left than the right ear. Objects on the right side of the imageare played back later and louder to the right than the left ear (time and stereo panning). Objects that arepositioned high in the image are translated into high pitch sounds, whereas objects that are low in theimage are sonified with low pitch sounds. Brightness is converted into sound amplitude (loudness)—thatis, the brighter an object, the louder the sound. Right: Example conversion of four different shapes andtheir corresponding soundscape images and waveforms.

to find the illuminated LED using the vOICeSSD and press it. When the correct LED waspressed, both light and sound were extin-guished, thereby notifying the subject theyfound the target. Over the three-week period,participants that were using the vOICe indaily practice with natural objects in naturalenvironments (their own homes) were ableto generalize that experience to the lab testwith significant improvements in speed andaccuracy. A second experiment examinedthe localization and grasping of natural

objects placed on a large table (Auvray,Hanneton, & O’Regan, 2007). Again, theauthors found successful transfer of expe-rience in the home to the lab, where thosetrained to use the vOICe showed signifi-cant improvement in not only locating theobjects but reaching with grasp-appropriatehand configurations. This suggested thatthey not only understood where the objectswere, but had access to features related towhat the objects were, too: size, shape, andorientation.

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More recent work with the vOICe byBrown, Macpherson, and Ward (2011) foundthat the location of the camera providingvisual input interacted with the goal of thetask. For example, while Proulx and Harder(2008) used a head-mounted camera tomimic eyesight, Auvray et al. (2007) used ahandheld camera for their tasks. Brown andcolleagues (2011) compared the performancefor tasks requiring either object identificationor localization with both camera positions.They reported an interesting dissociation:Object identification was better with thehandheld camera and localization was betterwith the head-mounted camera. This suggeststhat the ability to sample many viewpoints ofthe object via the hand is particularly usefulfor identifying it, and also that mimicking thenormal perceptual-motor contingencies usedin localization can improve performance aswell, with the viewpoint near the eyes.

This clearly brings another aspect intofocus—that is, manipulation of the perspec-tive with the device through self-inducedaction. The opportunity to manually changethe viewpoint of the device establishes a linkbetween vision-substituted (i.e., tactile orauditory) cues and sensorimotor cues, there-fore, facilitating perceptual-motor learning(Auvray & Myin, 2009). Herewith, it alsoresembles natural vision, which requiresactive sampling of visual information inthe environment through eye movementsin order to perceive complete objects orsceneries. Hence, the use of such technicalrehabilitation devices does not equate topassively perceiving information from theenvironment, but actively engaging with it.

Another visual-to-auditory SSD, used forstudies of localization, is the PSVA (pros-thesis for substitution of vision by audition;Capelle, Trullemans, Arno, & Veraart, 1998).Unlike the vOICe, which sweeps the imagefrom left to right to create the sonification, thePSVA provides a simultaneous sonification

of the entire image and thus requires man-ual movement (either by the participant orthe camera) to make sense of the image,similar to the concept of using eye move-ments to perceive a scene. Although thestudies described previously that employedthe vOICe implicitly required the perceptionof depth for the accurate localization andgrasping of objects, one study with the PSVAexplicitly examined the problem of depth.Both devices use a single camera, thus depthmust be inferred from monocular cues ratherthan stereopsis. Renier et al. (2005) examinedthe ability of participants to locate items indepth using cues similar to those present in anatural corridor (and consequently the samecues that can create compelling corridorillusions). Although reaching and graspingwere not employed, the participants wereable to perceive and report depth relationsbetween the objects in the display. Usingpositron emission tomography, the authorswere further able to show that “visual” brainareas relevant for 3D object localizationwere active during the search with the PSVA,indicating that certain object features areprocessed in the same areas, independentof the input sense. However, the study usedsubjects that were blindfolded but normallysighted. When using sensory substitutiondevices such as the PSVA or the vOICe, indi-viduals who have been blind from birth or inearly childhood have to first learn the basicsof vision that a sighted person can take forgranted: size constancy, depth information,occlusion, perspective. Blind individuals alsohave to learn to correct for distortions in thetwo-dimensional image that are simply dueto viewing perspective rather than revealingactual changes in the object itself (Proulx &Harder, 2008). Hence, typical vision mayhave been a confounding factor for the pro-cessing and performance of depth perceptionin Renier et al.’s (2005) subjects. In a laterstudy, however, Renier and De Volder (2010)

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showed that even early blind individuals wereable to make use of depth information fromvisual-to-auditory sensory substitution afteronly 135 minutes of practice. Similar find-ings have been reported by Segond, Weiss,Kawalec and Sampaio (2013), who used a64-pixel visual-to-tactile SSD.

Compared to the retinal prosthesis ArgusII (60 pixels; Luo & da Cruz, 2015) andeven to visual-tactile SSDs like the BrainPort(144 pixels; Kaczmarek, 2011), the technicalresolution for the vOICe (25,344 pixels;Striem-Amit, Guendelman, & Amedi, 2012)is much higher. Notably, technical resolutiondoes not automatically translate into a betterfunctional resolution—that is, a better “vi-sual” acuity (Striem-Amit et al., 2012). Thelatter makes up an important aspect for ascer-taining both “what” and “where” information.Using the vOICe sensory substitution system,however, congenitally blind individuals canachieve a higher visual acuity than with anyother rehabilitation method (Striem-Amitet al., 2012). There appear to be two reasonsfor this: the capacity of the sensory systemand the quality of its resolution.

Vision has the highest capacity forconveying information, even in just thephenomenological sense, well captured bythe saying that a picture is worth 1,000 words.Kokjer (1987) estimated the informationalcapacity of the human fingertip to be in theorder of 100 bits per second (bps). The eye,by comparison, has been estimated to deliveraround 4,300,000 bits per second (Jacobson,1951). The ear falls between these two limits,its capacity has been estimated at around10,000 bps (Jacobson, 1950).

Although the auditory and visual systemsare not as comparable as the tactile and visualsystems (as made obvious by the analogiesbetween the skin and the retina, and byBach-y-Rita’s decision to use tactile infor-mation for his original sensory substitutiondevice), the ear has the potential to provide

a greater amount of visual information to thebrain than the skin. Moreover, even thoughthe visual system might have the greatestinformation processing capacity and spatialacuity, the auditory system has the greatesttemporal resolution. An experiment thatassessed acuity in this domain used temporalorder judgments to test the temporal acuityof the senses. In temporal order judgmenttasks, two distinct stimuli (which could, forexample, vary in pitch in the auditory domainor location in the tactile or visual domain)were presented consecutively, with differenttemporal onsets. Participants then indicatedwhich of the two stimuli appeared first. Byvarying time intervals between the stimuli,temporal resolutions were assessed. Thestudy found that while the tactile modalityhad a resolution of 141 ms, and the visual of29 ms, the auditory had the highest resolu-tion of 21.5 ms (Laasonen, Service, & Virsu,2001). Thus, the auditory system excels attemporal processing, and a system that drawson this capacity for the translation of visu-ospatial information might be best placed toprovide high-resolution sensory substitution.Indeed, the superior visual acuity perfor-mance found with the vOICe might be dueto not only the number of pixels that can betranslated by the device but also to the higherinformation processing capacity of hearingversus touch.

A decent level of acuity will allow one torecognize objects with some level of accuracyand, ideally, speed. Perhaps not coinciden-tally, most research on the recognition ofnatural objects with sensory substitution hasfocused on hearing as substituting sense.For example, Auvray et al. (2007) showedthat sighted, blindfolded participants usingthe vOICe were able to discriminate amongnatural, three-dimensional objects belongingto the same category and identify object cat-egories as well. Pollok, Schnitzler, Stoerig,Mierdorf, and Schnitzler (2005), with the

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same participants that were tested later byProulx et al. (2008), found that training withthree-dimensional objects at home and in thelab generalized to two-dimensional objectrecognition presented via images sonifiedwith the vOICe. As intrinsic cross-modalmappings might facilitate pattern recognitionand sound interpretation (Stiles & Shimojo,2015), this might explain why using thevOICe does not require extensive training inorder to reach high “visual” acuity (Haighet al., 2013). However, training has beenshown to increase the user’s performance andawareness of their environment significantly(Kaiser, 2004).

Using visual-auditory SSD, Reich andAmedi (2015) showed that even concepts likevisual parsing, that are critically dependenton early experience with visual informationprocessing, can be learned without any pre-vious visual experience (Reich & Amedi,2015). The authors asked nine blind individ-uals (seven congenitally blind, one with weaklight perception and one with some limitedvision during her first year of life) to traintheir substituted vision using the vOICe. Thetraining lasted for approximately 70 hoursand was split into two main stages. In the firststage, participants learned to extract detailed2D information from static images. In thesecond stage, they used the device to activelyengage with the environment and learn visualreal-world principles by interacting with theirsurroundings using, for example, hand-“eye”coordination. Following training, they weretested for visual parsing using 2D as well as3D shapes. The stimuli and testing methodwas similar to that of Ostrovsky (2009), whotested three sight-restored individuals thatunderwent surgery between 2 weeks and18 months prior to testing. Interestingly, theblind SSD users—who received informationthrough a different modality—outperformedsight-restored individuals—who received thisinformation via the natural way—on many

visual tasks (Ostrovsky, Meyers, Ganesh,Mathur, & Sinha, 2009; Reich & Amedi,2015).

A further advantage of the vOICe is thatit is much cheaper than alternative devices,therefore making it accessible to a lot ofpeople with low economic status. This isimportant to keep in mind, because, aswe mentioned before, the majority of theworld’s visually impaired population lives inlow-income settings (WHO, 2014).

In contrast to the recent development ofSSDs for blind and visually impaired indi-viduals, comparably little progress has beenmade for deaf individuals. At least in part,this is likely due to the success of restorativedevices such as cochlear implants.

Especially in the late 19th century, anumber of devices had been developedthat tried to convey auditory informationthrough tactile stimulation in forms of singleoutput elements (Leder, Spitzer, Milner,Flevaris-Phillips, & Richardson, 1986),one-dimensional (Saunders, Hill, & Franklin,1981) and two-dimensional tactile displays(Sparks, Ardell, Bourgeois, Wiedmer, &Kuhl, 1979; Sparks, Kuhl, Edmonds, & Gray,1978; but see Kaczmarek et al., 1991 fora review). However, research in this fieldhas decreased since the triumphal courseof the cochlear implant. Currently, thereis one device being developed for peoplewith hearing loss (Novich & Eagleman,2014) that transforms auditory informationinto tactile stimulation of the upper body.This device, called Versatile Extra-SensoryTransducer (VEST), currently developedunder NeoSensory Inc., consists of an arrayof small vibration motors that are integratedinto a vest, which can be worn by the user.Attached to the vest is a microphone thatcaptures sounds from the surrounding envi-ronment, which are then translated intotactile sensations on the user’s skin via thevibration motors. With this, deaf individuals

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will be able to perceive auditory informationvia vibratory stimulation on the skin oftheir torso.

Real-time visualization of sounds, whichis well known from many applications in themusic industry or musical training (Ferguson,Moere, & Cabrera, 2005), might also benefithearing impaired or deaf individuals. How-ever, little research has looked into the bene-fits of sound visualization to aid the deaf andhearing impaired in perceiving sounds in theirenvironment (but see Ho-Ching, Mankoff, &Landay, 2003; Matthews, Fong, Ho-Ching, &Mankoff, 2006; Matthews, Fong, & Mankoff,2005). These studies focus on the transmis-sion of nonspeech sounds, and it remainsto be investigated whether deaf individualscan gain accurate speech perception usingsound visualization displays. Nevertheless,Ho-Ching et al. (2003) found their deafparticipants preferred to monitor visualizedauditory information in a display that used thespatial location of the sound source instead ofsound frequency spectrum. This again showsthat audition clearly benefits the processingof temporal information and that speech,which is distinguished by fast changes infrequency, cannot be easily substituted by thespatially dominant sense of vision.

The substitution of tactile informationthrough audition and vision is currently theleast investigated domain of sensory substi-tution. Impaired tactile sensation can resultfrom injuries to single nerves or nerve groupsfollowing, for example, fractures, tumors,prolonged pressure on the nerves, diabetesmellitus, cerebral hemorrhage, chronic kid-ney failure, Guillain-Barré syndrome, leadpoisoning, and other conditions. Diabeticneuropathy, which affects almost everysecond diabetic patient (Boulton, 2005), ischaracterized by nerve cell damage resultingin a denervation of large and small nervefibers in the outer skin layer (Shun et al.,2004). In 2015, the international diabetes

federation estimated that 415 million peopleworldwide suffer from diabetes (Interna-tional Diabetes Federation, 2015). However,besides this very high abundance of casesof neuropathy, the substitution of tactileinformation through visual and auditorystimulation has not gained major attractionto investigation. Certainly, this might bedue to the condition itself. Neuropathy doesnot affect the whole body organ (skin) butlocal patches of skin. This leads to a largeproportion of the skin remaining functionallyintact. Hence, instead of substituting a wholesense by another, it might be more applicableto replace sensory input from the local, dam-aged skin area to other, intact body areas. Forexample, in diabetic neuropathy, often thefeet and legs are affected, which can in turninfluence gait and balance of the individual.In order to help control their movement andprevent them from falling or tripping, sen-sory information from the damaged regionsneeds to be transferred to intact skin areas.One system that uses this principle and hasbeen patented in 2012, is the Peripheral Sen-sory and Supersensory Replacement Systemdeveloped by Orpyx Medical TechnologiesInc. (Everett & Groenland, 2012). Thissystem uses an array of input sensors thatmeasure somatosensory information (e.g.,pressure, force, temperature) and can beincorporated into an insole or a shoe or anyother suitable device. The data is then trans-ferred to a transmission unit that integratesand forwards the signal to the output device.The output device can be chosen, depend-ing on the application. Electro-, vibro-,pressure-, or temperature-tactile stimulatorsfor example allow transfer of the informationto the unimpaired skin. Interestingly, becausethe system also allows the transformation ofsomatosensory data into visual data and audi-tory cues, depending on the output deviceused, the patient can gain (real-time raw aswell as log) information via multiple sensory

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modalities. The effects of this SSD on balanceand gait have been investigated in Bauman,Levangie, Nigg, Everett, & Nigg (2015).Looking at eight patients with peripheralneuropathy, they found that balance controland gait performance increased when patientswere using the device, concluding that thereplacement of somatosensory informationis an effective method to recover the abilityto conduct physical movements that play amajor role in the everyday life of patientswith sensory nerve damage.

Taken together, the abundance of researchon sensory substitution devices in the differ-ent domains shows that there is a clear major-ity looking into the substitution of vision. Thesuccess of sensory restoration in the hearingimpaired and the ability of the tactile domainto allow for sensory replacement result in amuch smaller research output for sensory sub-stitution in these domains.

Further Applications of SensorySubstitution Devices

Since the development of early SSDs thatsubstitute for a lost modality, the use of suchinteractive technology has been extended toa wide range of applications. The idea ofusing SSDs to enhance sensory feedbackthrough augmenting experiences in an intactsensory system has gained increasing pop-ularity in recent years. Applications varyfrom learning to play sports or musicalinstruments (Großhauser & Hermann, 2009;Johnson, 2014; van der Linden, Johnson,Bird, Rogers, & Schoonderwaldt, 2011), col-lision avoidance in VR games (Bloomfield &Badler, 2008) or navigation (Pielot & Boll,2010) to providing further useful informationlike large-scale navigational cues (Kärcher,Fenzlaff, Hartmann, Nagel, & König, 2012;Nagel, Carl, Kringe, Märtin, & König, 2005).For example, Nagel et al. developed a beltthat informed the wearer about the geo-graphical orientation—that is, where North

is—using vibrotactile feedback (Nagel et al.,2005). They trained their subjects with thedevice for six weeks and then tested theirperformance on different orientation andnavigation tasks. When receiving correct,geographical information through the belt,blindfolded subjects showed significantlybetter navigational performance compared tothe belt being switched off.

In another study, van Erp, vanVeen,Jansen, and Dobbins (2005) used a vibrotac-tile feedback display to guide their subjectsto certain waypoints along a route. Thereby,distance and direction of the next waypointwere coded in vibration rhythm and vibra-tion location of eight adjustable tactors onthe participant’s upper body. Their findingswere in line with that of Nagel et al. (2005),showing that participants were quickly ableto make use of tactile direction informa-tion. Interestingly, increasing complexityin the vibrotactile feedback through theprovision of waypoint distance informationdid not improve performance—indicatingthat usability of such devices is limited.Nevertheless, compared to their visual coun-terparts, such tactile navigation devices havebeen found to provide safe navigation tools asmore attention can be paid to the environment(e.g., obstacle on the path) during walking(Pielot & Boll, 2010).

Sensory Substitution and the Brain

By far, one of the greatest advantages ofsensory substitution is that it allows individ-uals to access information from one sensorymodality that is not accessible (at least not tothe same extent) in another modality. Here,SSDs can help us gain valuable insights intothe neural processing of sensory information.

For a long time, the assumption thatinformation from different sensory modali-ties are processed in sensory-specific brainareas, before getting integrated in higher

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associative areas, has been widely accepted(Felleman & Van Essen, 1991; Jones &Powell, 1970). However, this traditional viewhas been challenged by studies reporting non-visual information processing in presumptivevisual areas in blind participants (Cohenet al., 1997; Ptito, Moesgaard, Gjedde, &Kupers, 2005; Struiksma et al., 2011; Uhlet al., 1991; Vanlierde et al., 2003). Indeed,there is a growing body of evidence aboutthe generation of cross-modal responses inprimary sensory areas (Calvert et al., 1999;Calvert, 1997; Foxe et al., 2002; Fu et al.,2003; Kayser, Petkov, & Logothetis, 2008;Kayser, Logothetis, & Logothetis, 2007),arguing for a reevaluation of the classical,modality-dependent model of brain organiza-tion. Using SSDs, many studies were able todemonstrate that during substituted “seeing”the same neural networks that are recruitedduring normal vision are activated in sightedand blind SSD users (see Arno et al., 2001;Ptito et al., 2005; Reich, Maidenbaum, &Amedi, 2012; Ricciardi et al., 2014 forreviews). These activations seem to occurindependently of the user’s level of trainingwith the device (Arno et al., 2001) and arestronger in congenitally blind individualsthan in blindfolded sighted individuals (Ptitoet al., 2005).

One example that shows how sensoryprocessing is defined by the metamodal orga-nization of the brain is the extraction of shapeinformation from auditory soundscapes.Shape is a fundamental cue in determiningthe nature of an object and is usually assessedvia visual or haptic exploration, whereasaudition can only provide little informa-tion. Work with the vOICe showed that theprocessing of auditory shape informationfrom soundscapes activated areas in thelateral occipital complex that are otherwisemainly involved in visual and tactile shapeprocessing (Amedi et al., 2007; Amedi,Jacobson, Hendler, Malach, & Zohary, 2002;

Amedi, Malach, Hendler, Peled, & Zohary,2001). The extraction of spatial informa-tion from auditory cues in this case is notonly limited to the auditory pathway butextends to areas in the brain that usuallyprocess visual input. This shows evidencefor a computation-based brain organization(James, Stevenson, Kim, Vanderklok, &James, 2011; Pascual-Leone & Hamilton,2001; Proulx, Brown, et al., 2014)—thatis, cortical areas (e.g., occipital regions)exhibiting certain computations (e.g., spatialdiscrimination), irrespective of the inputtedsensory modality.

Further support to the idea that the brainhas a metamodal organization comes fromstudies investigating the generalization levelof perceptual learning using visual-auditoryand tactile-auditory SSDs (Kim & Zatorre,2008; Kim & Zatorre, 2010). Here, theauthors demonstrated that abstract shapes,which were learned through hearing, weregeneralized to other modalities. They trainedblindfolded, sighted participants to rec-ognize these shapes by listening to theirrespective soundscape. Soundscapes werecreated using an image-to-sound conver-sion algorithm adopted from Meijer (1992,but see Figure 15.8). Following training,participants were not only able to matchthe pairs of visual/tactile shapes with theright soundscapes but even showed gen-eralization to novel auditory-visual andauditory-tactile pairings. What’s more, inone of the studies (Kim & Zatorre, 2010)the authors found that participants who haveonly been trained to match auditory-tactileshape pairings were able to transfer thissubstitution learning to untrained visualstimuli. Taken together, these findings sup-port the hypothesis that our brain is notonly organized as a set of different sensoryareas but by computation/function (Jameset al., 2011; Pascual-Leone & Hamilton,2001; Proulx, Brown, et al., 2014). Certainly,

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some low-level areas show a preferencefor the processing of information from onespecific sensory modality, but it is becom-ing more and more evident that these areasare not purely compelled to these modali-ties but rather to the stimulus feature theyprocess.

Age of Onset for RehabilitationProcedures

In 1965, Wiesel and Hubel tested the effectsof timing of visual deprivation on sightrestoration in kittens. They lid-sutured eitherone eye or both eyes for the first 3 months andthen reopened them. After 3 to 18 months,they looked at changes in anatomy andphysiology of the visual system and foundthat visual deprivation in the first 3 monthsof life led to long-lasting changes in thevisual pathway, even after a late prolongedperiod of visual experience (Wiesel & Hubel,1965). Even after 5 years of visual expe-rience following deprivation, recovery wasvery limited; however, this depended largelyon the time of onset of visual deprivation(Hubel & Wiesel, 1970). This led them toconclude that when a lack of sensory inputpersists beyond a certain time period in life,neural reorganization will impede the func-tional restoration of vision with a similar tonormal pattern of ocular representation.

These early studies of Hubel and Wieselinspired a great number of researchers tolook into the effects of impairment onseton the outcome of sensory rehabilitation. Agreat number of studies describe differencesin information processing between early andlate blind individuals (e.g., Burton et al.,2002; Cohen et al., 1999; Collignon et al.,2013; Fine, 2008; Sadato, Okada, Honda, &Yonekura, 2002; Voss, Gougoux, Zatorre,Lassonde, & Lepore, 2008). Many of thesereported on the recruitment of neural matterin visual cortex regions for auditory (Bedny,

Konkle, Pelphrey, Saxe, & Pascual-Leone,2010; Collignon et al., 2013, 2015; Vosset al., 2008) and tactile (Burton et al., 2002;Cohen et al., 1999; Sadato et al., 2002)processing (see Figure 15.9).

However, how visual deprivation andcross-modal reorganization affect the func-tional, behavioral outcome in late blind(compared to early blind) individuals is notclearly established (for a review see Voss,2013). That is, even if both groups showdifferences in neural activation patterns,the behavioral outcome might be similar.Indeed, some studies find that behavioralperformance is similar for early and lateblind individuals and that they are evencomparable to sighted individuals on spa-tial auditory tasks (Cappagli & Gori, 2016;Voss et al., 2004). In spatially irrelevantauditory tasks (e.g., pitch discrimination) onthe other hand, early and congenitally blindindividuals performed better compared tolate blind (Gougoux et al., 2004) even whencontrolled for musical experience (Wan,Wood, Reutens, & Wilson, 2010). At thesame time, it remains questionable if, evenwhen sensory restoration in the late blindis successful, the individual really gainsfunctional or behavioral benefits (Garciaet al., 2015). A recent study demonstrateda delay in the development of spatial audi-tory precision (Cappagli & Gori, 2016).The authors showed that blind and visuallyimpaired adults, but not children, performedjust as well as sighted individuals on anauditory localization task. This might pointto the importance of much slower develop-ing perceptual processes like multisensoryintegration (Gori et al., 2008; Petrini et al.,2014), especially in the unimpaired senses.That is, if children develop the ability to inte-grate information from the remaining, intactsenses at a later age, the resulting increasein information reliability allows for compen-sation of a disrupted auditory representationof space. It has already been shown that the

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(5) (6) (7)

(2) (3) (4)Feed-Back

Input Input Input

Input Input Input


Feed-ForwardFeed-Back &

Feed-Forward Feed-Forward













Model E

xceedance P








Family Inference(B) Best Model Inference(C) Schema of the pathways best supporting

auditory activity in V1 in CB and LB


DCM Models(A)

2 3 4 5 6 7








Model E

xceedance P






01 2 3 4 5 6 7





































V1 Input



V1 Input









ily E

xceedance P

















ily E

xceedance P











Figure 15.9 Schematic representation of the differences between congenitally blind (CB) andlate-onset blind (LB) individuals in how auditory information flows from A1 toward V1 via theintra-parietal sulcus (IPS). This pathway is based on findings of Collignon et al. using dynamic causalmodeling analyses.Source: From Collignon et al. (2013). Reprinted with permission.

integration of audio-visual information isdisrupted in individuals that were visuallydeprived for the first 2 years of life due tocataracts but regained sight following surgery(Guerreiro et al., 2015). Furthermore, thereis evidence that auditory-tactile interactionsare affected by visual deprivation via differ-ent spatial attention mechanisms (Hötting,Rösler, & Röder, 2004). This emphasizes the

importance for future research to look intothe effects of multisensory integration duringdevelopment for the construction of a pre-cise representation of the environment and,ultimately, optimal behavior. Understandingthese processes will enable us to determinewhich rehabilitative methods will work bestat different points in time. Furthermore, thisreinforces the clear need to investigate if

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Sensory and Motor Aids and Rehabilitation Techniques 35

there are critical ages during which sensorysubstitution training will be most successfulto rehabilitate sensory deficits.

Current Advancements and FutureOutlook in Rehabilitation Technology

As we have discussed so far, sensory sub-stitution devices as well as restorativetechnologies provide an elegant solution toincrease our understanding of brain plas-ticity, brain organization, as well as thedevelopment of perception and action. Thesetechnologies enable us to learn about theways in which the human brain processesinformation from different sensory inputs,how it copes with sensory deprivation, andhow cross-modal reorganization affectsthe outcomes of different types of sensoryrehabilitation.

Visual restoration techniques like retinaland cochlear prostheses or embryonic stemcell treatment might hold great promises;however, at the moment their applicabilityis largely constrained by the complexity andrisks of invasive treatment, long and arduousrehabilitation processes, as well as their costand the rather low visual resolution they areable to achieve. These treatments are thusaccessible to only a subgroup of visuallyimpaired people who live in higher incomesettings and do not guarantee full visual reha-bilitation. Cochlear implants, on the otherhand, have a more successful outcome insensory restoration, and recent studies inves-tigating the long-term effects of implantationfound that the majority of children receivinga cochlear implant significantly progressed inspeech perception and production and contin-ued to use their devices even 10 to 14 yearsfollowing the implantation (Beadle et al.,2005). This indicates long-ranging com-munication benefits for deaf children whohave been provided with cochlear implants.However, one must consider that the outcome

of the cochlear device greatly depends on theage this device is implanted as well as onthe onset of deafness. Individual differencesin brain organization and speech processing(Lazard et al., 2010) can have further impacton the success of auditory rehabilitation.

Considering the trade-offs between effort(potential risks during surgery, financialcosts, healing, and training duration) andoutcome (visual acuity, functional vision,increase in interactive potential as wellas independence and confidence), it isevident that sensory substitution devicesoffer a cheaper and less-invasive alterna-tive for rehabilitation compared to currentsensory restoration methods. However,the distribution and acceptance of thesedevices encounter other hurdles. Besidestheir promising potential, the application ofSSDs so far has not widely spread beyondcontrolled research settings (Maidenbaumet al., 2014). The progress in making thesedevices cheaper and less restricted to certainhardware by, for example, allowing themto work on common devices like smart-phones, as well as developing successfultraining programs, will hopefully facilitatethe adoption of SSDs to everyday settings.Interactive training (Reynolds, Glenney, &College, 2012), for example, that not onlytakes perception but also action into account,should be incorporated into the process ofSSD application for everyday tasks in the realworld. The skepticism and reluctance, espe-cially in older adults (Brickfield, 1984; Kim,2012) to try new or advanced technologicaldevices might arguably be another factor thatcontributes to the slow progress in adoptionof such devices and rehabilitation methods.This, however, is an issue that should haveless of an impact on the next generations.

The current functional limitations ofthese devices arise from multiple domains:(a) technological, such as the limited res-olution of the device; (b) modality, such

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as the resolution or nature of the sensorysystem substituting for vision; (c) mappingalgorithm (i.e., how sensory informationfrom one sense is translated into informationin the other sense), based on similarities infeature processing across senses; and (d)learning and plasticity, such as the requiredoptimal training to achieve a long-lastingmultisensory perceptual learning (Proulx,Brown, et al., 2014) and a good level of gen-eralization (Brown & Proulx, 2013). Thereare certainly reasons to be optimistic for thefuture of sensory substitution. First, naïveusers are able to perform not only abovechance on spatial tasks with minimal trainingbut even to near ceiling degrees of visualacuity; moreover, even a little bit of trainingimproves performance (Haigh et al., 2013),and that improvement can be maintained overseveral months and be generalized beyondthat specifically practiced during training(Brown & Proulx, 2013). These points arecrucial and should be considered in the con-text of the development of normal vision;certainly human infants do not learn to see asadults in merely one day. The current stateof the art also suggests that different devicesand modalities might be advantageous fordifferent tasks, though it is unclear at thepresent time whether this is due to the natureof the devices or the substituting modalities.With the help of computer science-basedknowledge about the limits and possibilitiesof interactive technology, this would enhancethe potential of successful rehabilitationtechniques for people with sensory deficits.


Due to the complexity of our environ-ment and our physical limitations, perceptiondoes not reflect reality but aims to create arepresentation of our world that is as veridi-cal as possible. To support this process, ourcentral nervous system combines redundant

information from several senses. Internalas well as external random noise has to beaccounted for and determines the reliabilityof the different sensory modalities. Thereby,certain senses are better adapted to provideinformation for certain stimulus features thanothers. Due to its high spatial resolution andsystem specific features, vision plays a dom-inant role in spatial tasks, whereas auditiongrants the highest temporal resolution, givingrise to a metamodal (Proulx, Brown, et al.,2014) or supramodal (Ricciardi et al., 2014)organization of the brain. Several recentstudies suggest that during development thesenses calibrate each other, with the mostrobust sense for one task teaching the lessrobust one. At the same time, research onsensory impaired individuals shows evidencefor sensory compensation, whereby theremaining senses show supra-normal perfor-mance in order to compensate for the lackof sensory input from the impaired modality.Statistically optimal integration of multisen-sory information does not emerge before latechildhood, around the age of 10–12 years.Children that are deprived of sensory inputearly in life often show modality-specificimpairment in the perception of their envi-ronment (e.g., poor spatial representation inthe blind).

In this chapter, we have focused onperceptual processes with focus on thesensory impaired and what interactivetechnologies are currently used to pro-mote independence through rehabilitation.We have highlighted that, over the lastfew decades, a lot of progress has beenmade in the development and applicationof technologies that facilitate autonomyand independence in people with visual,auditory, and motor impairments. Fromthis, we concluded that the most successfulmethod for hearing impairment up to nowhas been found in sensory restoration tech-niques (i.e., cochlear implants). The field ofneurotechnology and neural interface sys-tems is relatively young but already shows

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References 37

promising progress with the development ofdevices like the BrainGate or sensory-motorhand prostheses. Visual rehabilitation, onthe other hand, does not seem to have foundan ideal solution to replace or restore visionto a satisfactory extent. Importantly, as themajority of people with visual impairmentsreside in developing countries and might haveless chances of getting expensive surgery,it is crucial to make alternative technologyaffordable to ensure its being accessible toeveryone who needs it. However, increasingresearch in the field of sensory substitutionand sensory restoration clearly is encourag-ing, and we look forward to advances in thedesign and application of affordable, inter-active technologies with the aim to provideindependence and confidence to those whohave visual deficits and must deal with aworld built by the sighted, for the sighted,without enough thought of inclusivity oraccessibility. Research on sensory substi-tution and restoration further enhances ourunderstanding of associated perceptual andmultisensory processes and the brain as aplastic task-machine. Although, for manyyears, our understanding of the sensory brainhas been characterized by distinct, modularinformation processing domains, we arenow accepting that a better representation ofthe brain requires what is now known as ametamodal or supramodal organization.

To this end, we need to achieve a betterunderstanding of the biological and psycho-logical mechanisms underlying multisensoryperception and neural reorganization follow-ing sensory loss in order to understand underwhich conditions sensory impaired individu-als really gain from using certain rehabilita-tive technologies. This will make answeringthe following questions a vital part of futureresearch:

• How does sensory impairment or lossinfluence the development of multisen-sory integration and, more specifically,

multisensory integration of the unaffectedsenses?

• Which sensory rehabilitation techniquespredict the best functional outcome forpopulations of a certain age and degree ofneural reorganization?

• How can interactive sensory rehabilitationtechnologies like prostheses or sensorysubstitution devices be optimized andtaken from a research-based setting to thewider, more general public?

• Is neural reorganization and plasticity dueto sensory impairment and loss confinedto primary sensory areas or extend tohigher, multisensory areas (e.g., posteriorsuperior temporal sulcus/gyrus, inferiorfrontal gyrus)?

• What are successful techniques, simi-lar to cochlear implants for the hearingimpaired, for treating visual or motordeficits?

• How can we create a multi-modal devicethat incorporates the best of the currentlyavailable devices (for example, combiningan auditory device for high-resolutionobject recognition and a tactile device fornavigation)?


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