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Perception och Maskininärning i Interaktiva Autonoma ... · Integrating Perception, Learning and...

Date post: 04-Jan-2020
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Perception och Maskininärning i Interaktiva Autonoma System Michael Felsberg Institutionen för systemteknik Linköpings universitet
Page 1: Perception och Maskininärning i Interaktiva Autonoma ... · Integrating Perception, Learning and Verification in Interactive Autonomous Systems The project will study perception

Perception och Maskininärning iInteraktiva Autonoma System

Michael Felsberg

Institutionen för systemteknikLinköpings universitet

Page 2: Perception och Maskininärning i Interaktiva Autonoma ... · Integrating Perception, Learning and Verification in Interactive Autonomous Systems The project will study perception

Vad är WASP?

• Wallenberg Autonomous Systems Program

• Sveriges största individuella forskningsprogram genom tiderna

• http://wasp-sweden.se/

• Initialt 6 olika projekt

• Fokus: perceptionsprojektet

• Inom perception: datorseende

Page 3: Perception och Maskininärning i Interaktiva Autonoma ... · Integrating Perception, Learning and Verification in Interactive Autonomous Systems The project will study perception

Vad är datorseende?

• delområde av datalogin

• "seende” datorer• automatiskt bearbetar digitala bilder

• extraherar specifika typer av information ur bilder beroende på den uppgift som ska lösas, e.g.• konstruktion av 3D objektmodeller från 2D bilddata

• igenkänning av 3D eller 2D objekt i bilder

• styrning av robotar och fordon med hjälp av kameror

• starkt tvärvetenskapligt• biologiskt seende, neurovetenskap & visuell perception

• matematik, numerisk analys & datorgrafik

• datorteknik, mjukvaruteknik & AI

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Vilka skolämnen är relevanta för datorseende?

• matematik• geometri

• algebra

• sannolikhetsteori och statistik

• analys

• kombinatorik

• fysik

• teknik

• programmering

• dator- och kommunikationsteknik

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Var är svårt med bilder?

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Vad ser du?

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Tillbaka till WASP … Autonomasystem är mer än självkörandebilar ...


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Case Study: 125 Anniversary Bertha Mannheim - Pforzheim


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Autonomous Driving is Easy?

• According to some experts: Google and Apple have failed with their autonomous car projects [New York Times 9/9, Bloomberg 9/12]

• Tesla’s fatal accidentcould have been avoided by Lidar instead of computervision-based perception (Mobileye)? [New York Times 7/12, ArsTechnica 9/16]https://static01.nyt.com/newsgraphics/2016/07/01/tesla-accident/10c347b26e2d2fb936647182b6b92923cb914729/crash-720.png

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Integrating Perception, Learning and Verification in Interactive Autonomous Systems

The project will study perception methods based on fusion of multi-modal sensory information in combination with learning, and formal verification of autonomous systems.


• Danica Kragic (project coordinator), KTH

• Michael Felsberg, Linköping University

• Laura Kovacs/Bengt Lennartsson, Chalmers

• Alexandre Proutiere, KTH

• Kalle Åström, Lund University

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Some students in the project








BertilLIU/Saab Dynamics


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Modes of Perception

• multitude of sensor modalities• selection problem – what sensor to focus on?• fusion problem – how to combine them?

• human-compatible sensing• visualization – acquisition of relevant (visual) data• interaction – shared percept space• adaptation to environment – most systems will be

placed in environments shaped for humans

• semantic gap / symbol grounding• fused sensor readings need to be mapped to

semantic models• top-down feedback modulates perception

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Ex: Sensors and Semantics

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Ex: Fusion and Feedback

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Ex: Interactionand Visualization

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• machine learning• deep learning – lots of data

• online learning – from demonstration

• optimization• offline – hard problems

• on-the-fly – adaptation

• latent probabilistic models• enforce consistency of parts

• avoid local minima

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AlexNet [Krizhevsky et al. 2012]

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Deep Learning Revolution

• ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge [Deng et al. 2009]

• Today: • more than 14 million images

• more than 10 million images annotated

• more than 1 million images with bounding box

• Classification error rate 2011: 25%

• Using CNNs in 2012: 16% (!)

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14 million images

Visual object

• detection

• tracking

• recognition

Danelljan et al. ICCV 2015, CVPR 2016

Visual features learned from ImageNet

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Learning of association to actions

Öfjäll et al., IV 2016

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Probabilistic geometric models

Danelljan et al., CVPR 2016

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Relevanta Program vid LiU

• Y – teknisk fysik

• D – datateknik

• U – mjukvaruteknik

• M – medieteknik

• MT – medicinsk teknik

• TB – teknisk biologi

• IT – informationsteknologi

• I – industriell ekonomi

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[email protected]

• http://users.isy.liu.se/cvl/mfe/

• http://www.cvl.isy.liu.se/

• https://beta.liu.se/employees/micfe03
