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Perceptual learning in Hindi-English bilinguals∗ - Ideals

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Studies in the Linguistic Sciences: Illinois Working Papers 2012: 81-99 Copyright © 2012 Katharina S. Schuhmann Perceptual learning in Hindi-English bilinguals Katharina S. Schuhmann Stony Brook University [email protected] This study investigates whether perceptual learning (e.g. Norris, McQueen & Cutler 2003; Eisner & McQueen 2005; Kraljic & Samuel 2006, 2007; Kraljic, Samuel & Brennan 2008) has cross- linguistic effects in Hindi-English bilinguals. We hypothesized that perceptual learning in bilingual listeners generalizes across languages to similar phonemes in an untrained language. In particular, this study tested whether perceptual learning generalizes from the English velar stop contrast to stop contrasts at various places of articulation in Hindi (velar, retroflex, and dental stops). Hindi-English bilinguals listened to English words containing ambiguously voiced velar stops. In a subsequent categorization task, the bilinguals showed marginal perceptual learning effects for English velar stops but no effects for any of the tested Hindi stop contrasts. The results suggest that perceptual learning effects in stops are specific to the language of training in bilinguals whose languages differ in their phoneme inventories and/or the phonetic realization of the relevant phoneme contrasts. 1. Introduction Listeners are highly successful at understanding speech, in spite of large intra-speaker and inter-speaker variation in the pronunciation of individual words and speech sounds (e.g. Klatt 1986; Mullennix et al. 1989). Dialectal differences between speakers, idiosyncratic speech characteristics, and allophonic or co-articulation effects, among other factors, may lead to variably realized phonemes with acoustic details that are different from previously heard versions of the same speech sounds. Listeners even categorize the same ambiguous speech sounds as members of different phoneme categories when the ambiguous sounds are surrounded by different speech or non-speech acoustic contexts (e.g. Holt 2006; Mann 1980; Repp 1982). I am very grateful to all participants who volunteered in this study, and to M. Huffman, A. Samuel, E. Broselow and two reviewers for feedback on earlier drafts of this paper.

Studies in the Linguistic Sciences: Illinois Working Papers 2012: 81-99 Copyright © 2012 Katharina S. Schuhmann  

Perceptual learning in Hindi-English bilinguals∗ Katharina S. Schuhmann Stony Brook University [email protected]

This study investigates whether perceptual learning (e.g. Norris, McQueen & Cutler 2003; Eisner & McQueen 2005; Kraljic & Samuel 2006, 2007; Kraljic, Samuel & Brennan 2008) has cross-linguistic effects in Hindi-English bilinguals. We hypothesized that perceptual learning in bilingual listeners generalizes across languages to similar phonemes in an untrained language. In particular, this study tested whether perceptual learning generalizes from the English velar stop contrast to stop contrasts at various places of articulation in Hindi (velar, retroflex, and dental stops). Hindi-English bilinguals listened to English words containing ambiguously voiced velar stops. In a subsequent categorization task, the bilinguals showed marginal perceptual learning effects for English velar stops but no effects for any of the tested Hindi stop contrasts. The results suggest that perceptual learning effects in stops are specific to the language of training in bilinguals whose languages differ in their phoneme inventories and/or the phonetic realization of the relevant phoneme contrasts.

1. Introduction Listeners are highly successful at understanding speech, in spite of large intra-speaker and inter-speaker variation in the pronunciation of individual words and speech sounds (e.g. Klatt 1986; Mullennix et al. 1989). Dialectal differences between speakers, idiosyncratic speech characteristics, and allophonic or co-articulation effects, among other factors, may lead to variably realized phonemes with acoustic details that are different from previously heard versions of the same speech sounds. Listeners even categorize the same ambiguous speech sounds as members of different phoneme categories when the ambiguous sounds are surrounded by different speech or non-speech acoustic contexts (e.g. Holt 2006; Mann 1980; Repp 1982).

                                                                                                               ∗ I am very grateful to all participants who volunteered in this study, and to M. Huffman, A. Samuel, E. Broselow and two reviewers for feedback on earlier drafts of this paper.



Speech perception theories have to take both this well-known “problem of lack of invariance” into account, as well as listeners’ experienced “perceptual constancy” of variably pronounced phonemes and words in their speech input (e.g. Pisoni 1997:9; Bradlow et al 1999:206; Tuller 2005:355). Despite widespread variation in speech, listeners are skilled at perceiving the intended words. Theories differ as to the role acoustic variance plays in speech perception and lexical representation. Models with underspecified representations of lexical items argue that variants are not listed in the lexicon and that underspecified phonological representations are compared to features in the acoustic speech input (e.g. Lahiri & Marslen-Wilson 1991, 1992; Lahiri & Reetz 2002). Models with speaker normalization argue that listeners attenuate inter-speaker variation during speech comprehension, so that the underlying abstract and canonical phonemes may be used in lexical access (e.g. Strand & Johnson 1996; Johnson 2005; Ames & Grossberg 2008). Exemplar models argue that perceptual categories are made up of all the exemplars of that particular category, without any abstract phonological representations (e.g. Pisoni 1997; Johnson 1997; Hintzman 1986; Nosofsky 1986, 1988, 1991; Goldinger 1996, 1998; Pierrehumbert 2001, 2006). Recently, some researchers have concluded that both exemplar and abstract phonological representations are relevant for speech perception (e.g. Hawkins & Smith 2001; Hawkins 2010; Cutler et al. 2010).

A growing body of research has provided strong evidence that acoustic variance in speech is not merely filtered out and ignored during speech perception, but rather shapes listeners’ subsequent speech perception and phoneme categorization (Clarke-Davidson et al. 2008:604). Norris, McQueen & Cutler (2003) demonstrated that listeners’ boundaries for speech sound categories are flexible and may shift to accommodate idiosyncratic accents or dialects in the speech input: listeners were exposed to phonetically ambiguous versions of either /s/ or /f/, which led listeners to expand their respective phoneme categories. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as “perceptual learning”. For instance, a group of participants who listened to words containing phonetically ambiguous /f/ phonemes was found to categorize more phonetically ambiguous sounds as /f/ than a second group of participants who listened to words containing phonetically ambiguous /s/ phonemes. Perceptual learning has been shown to generalize from training items onto new words (Maye et al. 2008), onto new voices (Kraljic & Samuel 2006), and onto new phonemes (Kraljic & Samuel 2006). Maye et al. (2008) exposed listeners to a story in an American English accent with lowered front vowels. Exposure to this accent led listeners to accept more items as words in a subsequent lexical decision task than before exposure to the



accent. Most importantly, the listeners did not accept indiscriminately more items than before, but accepted items as words that could be interpreted in line with the accent they had heard (lowered front vowels). Eisner & McQueen (2005) found that listeners showed perceptual learning effects when categorizing fricatives on a continuum as long as the fricative segment was from the voice heard in the training phase, even if the vowels surrounding the fricative in the test syllable were from a different voice. Eisner & McQueen (2005) concluded that perceptual learning is speaker-specific and takes place at the segmental level – as opposed to a higher level such as the lexical level. However, Kraljic & Samuel (2006:267) suggested that perceptual learning might be phoneme-specific for fricative contrasts only and showed that perceptual learning in stop contrasts can generalize to new phoneme contrasts (Kraljic & Samuel 2006). Listeners in their study heard phonemes that were ambiguous between [t] and [d] in lexical contexts. On a subsequent categorization task, the listeners showed perceptual learning effects in a categorical perception task with the untrained bilabial stop contrast /p-b/. This study addresses the question of whether perceptual learning effects on a stop contrast generalize across languages in bilinguals. All previous research has focused on perceptual learning in monolingual listeners, although the majority of the world population is bilingual – especially under the broad definition that does not restrict “bilingual” to “balanced bilingual” (Dewaele et al. 2003:1; Wei 2007:5). We predicted that perceptual learning would generalize to (certain) phonemes in the untrained language of bilingual listeners. This prediction is based on Flege’s Speech Learning Model (Flege 1995), which proposes that similar phonemes occurring in multiple languages spoken by a bilingual “are cognitively identified with one another” (Fowler et al. 2008:658). Our study included three places of articulation for Hindi stop contrasts to test the prediction that perceptual learning effects generalize only to those Hindi stop contrasts for which bilinguals assume that their place of articulation in Hindi and English stops correspond to one another. Production and perception data from language contact situations show that English alveolar stops are consistently mapped to retroflex stops in Hindi, rather than to dental stops. English loanwords with alveolar stops are adapted as retroflex stops in Hindi (e.g. [hoʈəәl] for ‘hotel’) (Ohala 1983, qtd. in Arsenault 2006:2). Moreover, Hindi listeners overwhelmingly (91%) misperceive English alveolar stops as retroflex stops (Ohala 1978, qtd. in Sundara & Polka 2008). Unlike Hindi retroflexes, Hindi dental stops are perceived as distinct from the presumably most similar English phonemes, alveolar stops (Ohala 1978, qtd. in Sundara & Polka 2008:240). This suggests that Hindi-English bilinguals perceive dental



stops in Hindi as sounds that are specific to Hindi, while Hindi retroflex and English alveolar stops are typically thought to correspond to each other. Given that the Hindi retroflex and English alveolar place of articulation are identified with each other, it is likely that the velar place of articulation in English and Hindi also map onto one another. By means of testing Hindi stop contrasts at multiple places of articulation (velar, retroflex, dental) we were able to test whether cross-linguistic generalization of perceptual learning effects might be limited to places of articulation that are assumed to map onto one another across languages. Hindi-English bilinguals in this study were tested for perceptual learning effects in Hindi and English stop contrasts after being trained on ambiguous, voice-modified velar stops in English. The label “voice” (here) refers to the laryngeal feature(s) differentiating stop contrasts at each place of articulation in English and Hindi. Language-specific ranges of VOT (Voice Onset Time) values distinguish stop categories at the same place of articulation in English and in Hindi (Lisker & Abramson 1964; Keating 1984; Ohala & Ohala 1992; Shimizu 1989).1 VOT measures the time interval between the release of the stop and the onset of voicing, which may be prior to the release or following the release (Lisker & Abramson 1964:387). VOT measurements have been shown to distinguish three types of stops that differ both in closure voicing duration and aspiration duration: “voicing lead” VOT values describe stops with closure voicing (i.e. voicing during consonant closure), “short voicing lag” VOT values describe stops without closure voicing and no or a very brief period of aspiration, and “long voicing lag” VOT values describe stops without closure voicing and with a long period of aspiration. Table 1 demonstrates that Hindi and American English velars are distinct both in terms of average VOT values and range of VOT values (this is also true for other places of articulation).2 Moreover, the range of American English

                                                                                                               1 “This measure of voice onset time […] has been found to be highly effective as a means of separating phonemic categories, although these languages differ both in the number of those categories and in the phonetic features usually ascribed to them.” (Lisker & Abramson 1964:422). VOT values suffice to distinguish between stops in English and Hindi, except that voiced aspirated stops in Hindi are distinguished from voiced unaspirated stops by an additional feature that makes reference to phonation type (Lisker & Abramson 1964:403 & 418-9; cf. also Shimizu 1989). 2 The subscript numbers in Table 1 reflect the following sources in the literature: 1: Lisker & Abramson (1964), who report VOT values for American English and Hindi stops occurring word-initially, in isolated words; 2: Shimizu (1989), who reports VOT values for Hindi word-initial stops, recorded in isolation; 3: Keating (1984), who reports VOT values for American English post-pausal word-initial stops; 4: Ohala & Ohala (1992), who report VOT values for voiceless unaspirated and voiceless aspirated stops occurring word-initially, recorded in a carrier phrase with a preceding vowel.



VOT values is broader than in Hindi for a given stop.3 Phonologically voiced stops are fully voiced in Hindi (Shih et al. 1999:991), which is reflected below with voicing lead VOT values, while phonologically voiced stops in English are variably realized as prevoiced or as voiceless, unaspirated stops (cf. footnote 4). Crucially, American English and Hindi overlap in the range of VOT values for voiced, unaspirated stops and for voiceless, aspirated stops.

Table 1. Reported VOT values for velar stops in English compared to reported VOT values for velar stops in Hindi. (Note: The first number indicates the average; the numbers in square brackets the range of measured VOT values.)3

To summarize, we predicted that perceptual learning effects would generalize from training on ambiguously voiced velar stops in English to (certain) ambiguously voiced Hindi stops. The Hindi phoneme inventory lends itself well for testing this hypothesis, because the Hindi phoneme inventory has stop contrasts at places of articulation that do not occur in the English phoneme inventory; moreover, only some of the places of articulation in Hindi (retroflex and possibly velar stops) have been argued to map onto English places of articulation in the minds of bilinguals. 2. Methods 2.1. Participants 28 Hindi-English bilinguals participated in this experiment. The results of six participants were excluded from analysis because they interrupted the

                                                                                                               3 The literature focuses on ranges and does not report standard deviation values. (Keating 1984 does not report averages.) 4 Lisker & Abramson (1964:394-5) report two sets of VOT values for English /g/-initial words (spoken in isolation), separating instances of prevoiced, unaspirated [g] and instances of voiceless, unaspirated [k]. They show that individual speakers produced either type of stop almost exclusively. Keating (1984) reports one range of VOT values for English (post-pausal) /g/-initial words.

[g]4 prevoiced, unaspirated


voiceless, unaspirated

[kh] voiceless, aspirated

English -88 [-150 – -60]1 21 [0 – 35]1

[-140 – 100]3

80 [50 – 135]1 [50 – 120]3

Hindi -63 [-95 – -30]1 -121 [-140 – -95]2

18 [10 – 35]1 34 [25 – 40]2 [ca. 23 – 44]4

92 [75 – 100]1 119 [110 – 125]2 [ca. 96 – 99]4



experiment.5 The participants were recruited at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, were paid for their participation, and were 18 years or older. All participants reported being fluent in both Hindi and English and all started to learn both languages by the age of ten. The participants grew up in India, except for one who grew up in Nepal, and another who grew up in Dubai and (predominantly) India. Four participants moved to the United States during their late childhood (at the respective ages of seven, eight, twelve, and thirteen). All participants indicated having learned Hindi by nine years of age (all except four participants learned Hindi by five years of age).6 Nine participants rated their Hindi skills as “native speaker” level, eleven as “advanced”, one as between “intermediate” and “advanced”, and one as between “advanced” and “native speaker”. All participants started to learn English by ten years of age (all except three participants learned English by six years of age), most participants rated their English skills as “advanced”, except for five participants: two rated their English skills as “intermediate”, one as ranging between “intermediate” and “advanced”, and two as ranging between “advanced” and “native speaker”. Furthermore, all participants were enrolled as students at an American university at the time of the study. We can conclude that all participants were early bilinguals and highly proficient in both Hindi and English. All reported to have normal hearing and at least basic reading skills in Hindi (Devanagari script). 2.2. Materials 2.2.1. Phase 1: Exposure to ambiguous stimuli The design of this experiment followed the standard perceptual learning paradigm in the literature (Norris et al. 2003). In the first part of the experiment, participants heard either ambiguous /k/ or ambiguous /g/ phonemes, referred to as “/?k/ training” and “/?g/ training”, respectively. These ambiguous sounds were embedded in existing English words during an auditory lexical decision task in English. In the second part of the experiment, participants categorized sounds on a /g/-/k/ velar stop                                                                                                                5 The participants were excluded from the analysis because they spoke with the experimenter: previous research on perceptual learning has shown that exposure to speech after the lexical decision task can result in the disappearance of perceptual learning effects (Kraljic & Samuel 2005, Experiment 3). These participants interrupted the experiment during the lengthy phoneme categorization task, during which participants hear similar-sounding nonsense-syllables for about 20 minutes (each of the four continua takes about five minutes to complete). 6 The participants reported as their native language: Hindi (seven participants), Marathi (four participants), Gujarati (three participants), Malayalam (two participants), Kannada (two participants), Tamil (one participant), Punjabi (one participant), Nepali (one participant); one participant didn’t list any native language.



continuum in English, ranging from velar stops with a voicing lead to velar stops with a long voicing lag. The participants also categorized sounds on a velar, retroflex and dental continuum in Hindi, again ranging from stops with a voicing lead to stops with a long voicing lag. The initial auditory lexical decision task exposed the participants to 50 English words and 50 non-words. The 100 items were identical across conditions, except for the 20 critical /g/- and /k/-words. In one condition (“/?g/ training”), participants heard ten words with an ambiguous word-medial /g/ sound between voiced segments: listeners heard words with an expected phone [g] such as “lagoon”, but the velar stop had properties somewhat more like [kʰ]. In the other condition (“/?k/ training”), participants heard ten words with an ambiguous /k/ sound in syllable-initial position of a stressed syllable: listeners heard words with an expected phone [kʰ] such as “raccoon”, but the velar stops had properties somewhat more like [g].7 (See section 2.2.4. Stimulus construction for details.) 2.2.2. Stimulus selection (lexical decision task) The 20 critical words (ten /g/-words and ten /k/-words)8 did not contain any alveolar stops (/t/ or /d/) and exactly one instance of /k/ or one instance of /g/ in the /g/- and /k/-words, respectively. The critical words were matched for occurring stress patterns (x'x, x'xx, x'xxx, xx'xx), mean syllable length and (token) frequency (Zeno, Ivens, Millard, & Duvvuri, 1995). Each velar stop occurred in the onset position of a syllable with primary stress; the velars were preceded by a vowel or a sonorant and followed by a vowel. These contexts for the velars were chosen to ensure that the velars would be both pronounced and perceived clearly. The syllables with the critical phoneme were never in word-initial position, in

                                                                                                               7 A stop contrast was selected for perceptual learning because of reported generalization effects from one stop contrast to another (Kraljic & Samuel 2006) and because cross-linguistic comparisons between English and Hindi allow to test for generalization to untrained places of articulation that are specific to the untrained language (cf. § 1. Introduction). The velar stop contrast was selected for the exposure phase to complement previous research, which had been limited to alveolar and bilabial stops in English so far. 8 Condition A: critical /g/-words: irrigation, engage, forgive, cigar, regain, lagoon, Bulgaria, elongation, engulf, Bengali (average syllable count: 2.7, average token frequency: 5.98). Condition B: critical /k/-words: volcano, raccoon, recover, publication, implication, leukemia, precaution, percussion, precarious, succumb (average syllable count: 3.2, average token frequency: 6.02).  



order to ensure that the lexical representations for the respective critical items would be activated by the preceding context within that word (cf. Kraljic & Samuel 2006:264): the preceding context achieves lexical activation of the target word (and its lexical neighborhood cohort) and the lexical context thus prompts listeners to expect the target phoneme, e.g. /g/ in “elongation” or /k/ in “implication”. Each condition thus included ten ambiguous and ten non-ambiguous critical words as well as 30 English filler words in the lexical decision task. These filler words were matched with the critical words in terms of mean syllable count, stress patterns (x'x, x'xx, x'xxx, xx'xx) and (token) frequency. The remaining 50 items in the lexical decision task were 50 filler non-words. The non-words were based on the 30 filler words and 20 additional filler words, which were selected based on the same criteria as the other filler words (stress pattern, syllable count, and frequency). None of the filler words or non-words contained any alveolar or velar stops. 2.2.3. Phase 2: Category identification In the second phase of the experiment, participants were exposed to four separate seven-point VCV (vowel-consonant-vowel) continua that ranged from relatively voiced, unaspirated stops to relatively unvoiced, aspirated stops. Each continuum contained seven consonants that were ambiguous between the two endpoints of the scale. Each of the seven-point continua occurred ten times in randomized order, yielding 70 syllables per contrast. The vowels surrounding the critical consonants were chosen so that the Hindi consonants were surrounded by non-English-like vowels ([e]), while the English consonants were surrounded by non-Hindi-like vowels (V1: [ɔ], V2: [oɪ]). This way, the critical stop stimuli were surrounded by language-specific vowels and were meant to put bilinguals into a Hindi or English language mode, respectively (Green 1986). This was intended to bias participants’ perception in favor of the language the stimuli represented. Participants were also notified in writing before each continuum whether they would be listening to English or Hindi non-words. 2.2.4. Stimulus construction A 21-year old female Hindi-English bilingual was recorded for all of the stimuli used in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the study. The speaker grew up with both Hindi and English from birth (simultaneous bilingual), but



considered Hindi to be her native language9 and English her dominant language. She grew up in India (New Delhi) and was a student in the United States at the time of the study. The speaker was chosen so that her language background would be comparable to the common language background of Hindi-English bilinguals in the Stony Brook University community (cf. § 2.1. Participants). The speaker said all critical stimuli, filler words and (English) filler non-words embedded in an English carrier phrase. The speaker produced the normal 20 critical words and a second version of the critical words in which the voiceless, aspirated velar stops were replaced by a voiced, unaspirated velar stop, and vice versa. Three mixed versions of each critical English /k/- and /g/-word were created by stepwise manipulation of both the closure voicing and aspiration. The voiced stop of each contrast was used as the base sound which was modified in two ways in order to have more properties of its voiceless phoneme counterpart: 1) the amplitude of the original closure voicing of the voiced base forms was reduced in three steps (25%, 50%, and 75% of the original amplitude level of the voiced base form), while also reducing the duration of the closure voicing of each original stop, and 2) the amount of aspiration duration taken from the voiceless counterparts was increased in three steps (25%, 50%, and 75% of the aspiration duration of the voiceless counterparts were cut and inserted after the burst of the voiced velar in the base form). Each mixture (starting from the base /g/) had increasingly more aspiration as well as increasingly less closure voicing. A native speaker of American English identified the most ambiguous but still natural sounding version of each critical /k/- or /g/- stimulus. The identified versions were used in the experiment. The same Hindi-English bilingual speaker produced two VCV endpoint syllables for each of the English and Hindi category identification continua. 21 mixtures of each stop contrast were created by stepwise manipulation of the same cues (aspiration duration and the closure voicing) as in the creation of mixtures for the critical stimuli (see above). Proficient Hindi speakers identified the most ambiguous seven consecutive stops of the three Hindi stop continua. A native speaker of American English identified the most ambiguous seven consecutive stops of the English velar stop continuum. The respective seven most ambiguous consecutive stimuli were used in the category identification task (Phase 2).

                                                                                                               9 The speaker considered both Hindi and English to be her native languages because she learned both from birth. When asked to select one native language, she chose Hindi because she initially had more exposure to Hindi than English and used Hindi predominantly before entering school.



2.3. Procedure During the lexical decision task, participants heard English words and English-like non-words over headphones in a soundproof room and had to indicate whether they heard an existing English word or an English-like non-word. Non-words were defined as words that sound like they could be English words but don’t exist in the English vocabulary. Participants indicated their answers by pressing the relevant buttons (yes/no) on the keyboard. The participants were randomly assigned to one of the two training conditions of the experiment (/?k/ training or /?g/ training condition). The participants were not told that the lexical decision task contained ambiguous sounds. Many participants indicated during the debriefing that they did not notice ambiguous sounds during the lexical decision task. In the second part of the experiment, the participants performed a phoneme categorization task. This task included three continua involving Hindi stop contrasts and one continuum involving an English stop contrast. The stimuli were organized into four blocks, where each block presented one of the four continua. The seven ambiguous stimuli of each continuum were presented ten times in randomized order. The continua were further organized by language: all participants first rated the ambiguous sounds of the three Hindi continua, followed by the ambiguous sounds of the English velar continuum. The continua were ordered this way to avoid carryover effects from the English phoneme contrast on which participants were trained, onto the untrained Hindi phoneme contrasts (cf. Kraljic & Samuel 2006:265). Within the three Hindi blocks, the order of the three phoneme contrasts was also varied across subjects. The participants categorized the ambiguous stop sounds of the continua by pressing the respective keys on a keyboard in front of them. The keys were labeled with the English letters “k” and “g” for the English continuum, and the respective Hindi letters (Devanagari script) for the Hindi continua. 3. Results 3.1. Lexical decision The participants performed well in the lexical decision task: mean accuracy was 87.0% and individual subjects achieved between 75.0% and 100.0% accuracy. Most errors in the lexical decision task were due to participants incorrectly judging English-like non-words as existing English words. Overall accuracy within the unmodified critical stimuli was slightly higher (92.9%) than overall accuracy within the ambiguous critical stimuli (87.1%) (cf. Table 2). The mean accuracy rates and



response times for the ambiguous critical items compared with the unmodified critical items suggest that the critical items with the modified velar stops were acceptable to the bilingual participants. Note that listeners were not aware that the main purpose of the lexical decision task was to expose them to ambiguous sounds.

Table 2. Mean accuracy rates and response times (for correct items) for unmodified and ambiguous critical stimuli. 3.2. Category identification 3.2.1. Category identification in English Perceptual learning effects are considered present when the categorization of ambiguous stops in the continuum phase is shifted in the direction of training. Participants who were exposed to critical stimuli with ambiguous /g/ (“/?g/ training”) were predicted to categorize more of the ambiguous sounds of the continuum as “g”, than participants who were exposed to critical stimuli with ambiguous /k/ (“/?k/ training”). Perceptual learning effects are measured by comparing the mean percent “g” responses in the two conditions. It appears that a perceptual learning effect was present for English though the result did not reach significance due to the small number of participants10 and high variability within the group: bilinguals who heard ambiguous voiced velars (/?g/ training) accepted more ambiguous sounds of the English continuum as an English voiced velar (58.9%) than bilinguals who heard ambiguous voiceless velars (/?k/ training) (45.6%), ([F(1, 15) = 3.080, p = .100]). Figure 1 illustrates the overall perceptual learning effect for English velars; the effect (p = .100) is approaching significance.

                                                                                                               10 Unfortunately, the results of four participants had to be excluded from the analysis of English velars, because they had fewer than 60 responses to the 70 randomized stimuli of the English velar continuum. Additionally, the result of the English velar continuum of one participant was excluded as an outlier because this participant’s percent voiced value for the English velar continuum was outside the range of two standard deviations of the percent voiced values for the English continuum of all participants. This left 17 participants for the analysis of English velars (eight participants in the /?g/ training condition, nine participants in the /?k/ training condition).

Ambiguous critical stimuli Unmodified critical stimuli /?g/ /?k/ /g/ /k/ RT (in ms) 483 592 576 550 Mean RT (in ms) 538 563 % Correct 92.1 % 82.1 % 95.0 % 90.7 % Mean % correct 87.1 % 92.9 %



Figure 1. Perceptual learning effect for English velar stops. 3.2.2. Category Identification for Hindi We predicted that perceptual learning effects in English velars would also lead to perceptual learning effects in Hindi velar and retroflex stops. Figure 2 illustrates the results for the categorization task of Hindi velar stops.11 The difference in percent voiced responses between the two training conditions (“/?k/ training” and “/?g/ training”) is not statistically significant ([F(1,19) = .211, p = .651]). A similar picture emerges for the Hindi retroflex stop continuum, shown in Figure 3.12 There is no statistically significant difference in the categorization of critical stimuli between the /?g/ training condition (53.2%) and the /?k/ training condition (48.9%) ([F(1,18)= .119, p = .735]). The dental continuum shown in Figure 4 also did not show any perceptual learning effects ([F(1,18) = 0.045, p = .835]).13                                                                                                                11 The results of one subject were excluded because of fewer than 60 responses to the 70 continuum stimuli. There were no outliers with more than two s.d. from the group’s percent voiced responses. 12 The results of two participants were excluded for having fewer than 60 responses to the continuum stimuli. There were no outliers with more than two s.d. from the group’s percent voiced responses. 13 The results of two participants were excluded from the analysis of Hindi dentals, because they had fewer than 60 responses to the 70 continuum stimuli. There were no outliers with more than two s.d. from the group’s percent voiced responses.



Figure 2. No perceptual learning effect for Hindi velar stops.

Figure 3. No perceptual learning effect for Hindi retroflex stops.



Figure 4. No perceptual learning effect for Hindi dental stops. To summarize, the results of the Hindi-English bilinguals reveals a marginal training effect for English velars – the stops on which the participants were trained – but clearly no effects for any of the three Hindi stop contrasts (velar, retroflex and dental stops). 4. Discussion and conclusion We set out to test the hypothesis that perceptual learning effects would generalize across languages in bilingual listeners. We predicted that Hindi-English bilinguals would generalize training effects from English voice-modified velar stops to voice-modified stop contrasts in Hindi, in particular contrasts at Hindi places of articulation that appear to be mapped to English places of articulation (Hindi retroflex stops and Hindi velar stops). The overall findings suggest that perceptual learning effects were weakly present in the language of training (English) while they were – contrary to our predictions – absent in the untrained language (Hindi). Any potential mappings between places of articulation in Hindi and English stop phonemes (cf. § 1. Introduction) did not affect whether or not perceptual learning effects generalized to Hindi stop contrasts. As shown above, Hindi-English bilinguals are likely to identify Hindi retroflex stops with English alveolar stops, and possibly Hindi velar stops with English velar stops. Perceptual learning effects were absent for all three tested stop contrasts in Hindi, including dentals, which do not appear to be mapped to English stops in the perception or production of Hindi-English bilinguals.



The perceptual learning effect on voice-modified velar stops in English – the language of training – only reached a marginally significant effect. The participants in this study were non-native speakers of English and it is plausible that second language listeners do not “re-tune” phonetic and/or phonemic representations of speech sounds the same way that native language listeners do. Non-native listeners might show different perceptual learning effects especially for phonemes that have different phonetic realizations in their languages (cf. discussion below). Conceivably, non-native listeners might not be as consistently or uniformly susceptible to perceptual learning effects as native listeners. The missing perceptual learning effects in Hindi are most likely related to the fact that the Hindi phoneme inventory distinguishes four types of stop phonemes at each place of articulation. The same phonetic space (e.g. velar stops) is broken down into four contrastive sounds in Hindi (e.g. for the velar place of articulation: /gh/, /g/, /k/, and /kh/), but only two contrastive sounds in English (e.g. for the velar place of articulation: /g/ and /k/). Furthermore, all four phonemes in Hindi can occur in all phonetic contexts (Lisker & Abramson 1964), whereas the two English phonemes have allophonic variants in specific phonetic contexts: /g/ can be realized as prevoiced (“voicing lead”) [g] or as voiceless, unaspirated stop (“short lag”) [g]̥/[k], depending on context, position within a word, or speaker; similarly, the phoneme /k/ can be realized as [k] or [kh]. These differences in phoneme inventories and variation might explain why perceptual learning in stop contrasts was marginally successful in English but absent in Hindi. Participants might have interpreted some ambiguous versions of stops on the Hindi continua as one of the other two phonemes of their Hindi phoneme inventory, but they had to choose between /g/ and /kh/ in the categorization task. For example, ambiguous velar stops (with increasing aspiration and decreasing voicing) might have been interpreted as instances of the unvoiced, unaspirated phoneme /k/ or the voiced, aspirated phoneme (/gh/). In this case, the reported results would not suggest a clear case against cross-linguistic generalization effects in perceptual learning, but rather a case of missing cross-linguistics generalization effects from English to Hindi in the particular case of voice-modified stop contrasts. Perceptual learning effects on the voicing contrast in stops might also not be as strong in Hindi as in English: perceptual learning effects on the voicing contrast in English stops might be effective because of an overlap in the ranges of VOT values of voiced stop and voiceless stop phonemes. This variable realization of voicing in English stops might allow listeners to more readily adjust to unusual pronunciation of stops in English. A



number of studies that manipulate different phonetic and/or phonological conditions would seem to be very promising for future research. It would be interesting to train and test Hindi speakers on ambiguous phonemes, for example on the Hindi /k/ vs. /kʰ/ contrast, or on the Hindi /g/ vs. /k/ contrast. This would test whether the nature of the Hindi phoneme inventory, a four-category language with non-overlapping VOT values for the four phonemes, decreases the malleability of the boundaries between the relevant stop phoneme contrasts. The outcomes of the current study suggest that the structure of the phoneme inventory and the phonetic realization of phoneme contrasts in each language might play an important role in determining whether perceptual learning effects generalize within and across languages. The following manipulation could test the relevance of cross-linguistic phonetic differences for the generalizability of perceptual learning effects in bilinguals: one could contrast two bilingual populations who are each proficient in two languages that have the same number of stop phoneme contrasts (e.g. two-category languages), but differ in whether or not both of their languages use comparable VOT ranges for their stop contrasts. One of the bilingual populations would have comparable ranges of VOT values across languages, e.g. English-German or Spanish-French bilinguals (English and German word-medial stops differ in voicing lead vs. long voicing lag VOT values, while French and Spanish stops differ in voicing lead vs. short voicing lag VOT values); the other bilingual population would have different ranges of VOT values for their stops in each of their languages, e.g., English-Spanish or German-French bilinguals. If the phonetic implementation of phoneme contrasts matters for perceptual learning, cross-linguistic generalization of perceptual learning effects should occur in only one of the two bilingual populations – namely in bilinguals whose two languages realize the relevant phoneme contrasts in similar ways in both languages, such as English-German or Spanish-French bilinguals when testing perceptual learning on voice-modified stop contrasts. To conclude, the study outcomes suggest that the phonetic realization of phonemes and the phoneme contrasts in the larger context of a language’s phoneme inventory play a role in the generalization of perceptual learning effects across phonemes and languages. Directions for future research have been presented to gain a better understanding of why perceptual learning effects in Hindi-English bilingual listeners in this study appear to be present only in English, the language of training. To better understand how perceptual learning operates in bilinguals, it will be essential to test more bilingual populations, while carefully manipulating phonological inventories and phonetic realizations of the targeted contrasts.



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