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Organizational Culture, Socialization, & Mentoring

Organizational Culture: Definition and ContextDynamics of Organizational Culture

Developing High-Performance CulturesThe Organizational Socialization Process

Embedding Organizational Culture through Mentoring




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Ch. 3 Learning Objectives

1. Define organizational culture and discuss its three layers.

2. Discuss the difference between espoused and enacted values.

3. Describe the manifestations and functions of an organization’s culture.

4. Discuss the three general types of organizational culture and their associated normative beliefs.

5. Explain the three perspectives proposed to explain the type of cultures that enhance an organization’s financial performance.

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Ch. 3 Learning Objectives

6. Discuss the process of developing an adaptive culture.

7. Summarize the methods used by organizations to embed their cultures.

8. Describe the three phases in Feldman’s model of organizational socialization.

9. Discuss the various socialization tactics used to socialize employees.

10.Explain the four developmental networks associated with mentoring.

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Organizational Culture

Shared values and beliefs that underlie a company’s identityWhat types of organizational culture’s have you worked in?How does the organization’s culture manifest itself?

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Understanding Organizational Culture


• Founder’s values

• Industry & business environment• National culture• Senior leaders’ vision and behavior

Organizational Structure &


• Reward systems

• Organizational


Organizational Culture

• Observable artifacts

• Espoused values

• Basic assumptions

Group & Social Processes

• Socialization

• Mentoring• Decision making

• Group dynamics• Communication

• Influence & empowerment• Leadership

Organizational Outcomes

• Effectiveness

• Innovation & stress

Collective Attitudes &


• Work attitudes

• Job satisfaction

• Motivation

Figure 3-1

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Layers of Organizational Culture

Observable artifacts•Examples?

Values – enduring belief in a mode or conduct or end-state•Difference between espoused and enacted?

Basic Assumptions

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Which of the following is most resistant to change?a.Observable artifactsb.Espoused valuesc.Enacted valuesd.Basic assumptions

Test Your Knowledge

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Four Functions of Organizational Culture

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For Discussion: Your Opinion

Is there one best type of organizational culture?• A=Yes, B=No

Why or why not?

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For Discussion: Your Opinion

Do organization’s have predominantly one culture?• A=Yes, B=No

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Three Types of Cultures


Which type of culture do you think Enron had?

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Constructive Culture

Constructive Culture employees are encouraged to interact with others and to work on tasks and projects that will assist in satisfying their needs to grow and develop

High priority on constructive interpersonal relationships, and focus on work group satisfaction


Participative, employeecentered, and supportive


Value self-development and creativity


Goal and achievement oriented


Organizational Characteristics

Normative Beliefs

Table 3-1

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Passive Defensive Culture

Passive Defensive Culture overriding belief that employees must interact with others in ways that do not threaten their job security

Negative reward system and Defensive avoid accountability


Nonparticipative, centralized decision making, and employees do what they are told


Conservative, bureaucratic, and people follow the rules


Avoid conflict, strive to be liked by others, and approval oriented


Organizational Characteristics

Normative Beliefs

Table 3-1

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Aggressive-Defensive Culture

Aggressive-Defensive Culture encourage employees to approach tasks in forceful ways in order to protect their status and job security

Perfectionistic, persistent, and hard working


Winning is values and a win-lose approach is used


Nonparticipative, take charge of Defensive subordinates, and responsive to superiors


Confrontation and negativism rewarded


Organizational Characteristics

Normative Beliefs

Table 3-1

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Test Your Knowledge

An organization that endorses the normative belief that employees must interact in ways that do not threaten their own job security has a _______________ culture.a.Constructiveb.Passive-defensivec. Aggressive-defensive

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Test Your Knowledge

Research has shown that organizational culture is not consistently related to:a. Intentions to stayb.Financial performancec. Job satisfactiond.None of the above

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Developing and Preserving an Adaptive Culture

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Embedding Culture in Organizations

Formal statements or organizational philosophyDesign of physical spaceSlogans, language, acronyms, sayingsDeliberate role modeling, trainingExplicit rewards, status symbolsStories, legends, myths

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Embedding Culture in Organizations

Leader reactions to critical incidentsWorkflow and organizational structureOrganizational activities, processes, or outcomes leaders attend toOrganizational systems and proceduresOrganizational goals and criteria for managing human resources

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Test Your Knowledge

Hanging white boards surrounded by comfortable chairs interspersed throughout the office space is an example of embedding culture througha.Formal statementb.Explicit rewardsc. Design of physical spaced.Stories and legends

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Organizational Socialization

Phases Perceptual and Social Processes

1) Anticipatory socialization learning that occurs prior to joining the organization

Anticipating realities about the organization and the new job

Anticipating organization’s needs for one’s skills and abilities

Anticipating organization’s sensitivity to one’s needs and values

Figure 3-4

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Organizational Socialization

Phases Perceptual and Social Processes

2) Encounter values, skills, and attitudes start to shift as new recruit discovers what the organization is truly like

Managing lifestyle-versus-work conflicts

Managing intergroup role conflicts

Seeking role definition and clarity

Becoming familiar with task and group dynamics

Figure 3-4

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Organizational Socialization

Phases Perceptual and Social Processes

3) Change and acquisition recruit masters skills and roles and adjusts to work group’s values and norms

Competing role demands are resolved

Critical tasks are mastered

Group norms and values are internalized

Figure 3-4

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Organizational Socialization


1) Anticipatory socialization2) Encounter

3) Change and acquisition


Behavioral Outcomes

Performs role assignments

Remains with organization

Spontaneously innovates and


Socialized Insider Affective Outcomes

Generally satisfied

Internally motivated to work

High job involvement

Figure 3-4

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Socialization Tactics

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Which of the following is false?a. Using a sink-or-swim approach

effectively identifies the employees who fit with the culture

b. Socialization approaches should be tailored to the organization, the job, and the person

c. Managers should pay special attention to socialization of diverse employees

d. All of the above

Test Your Knowledge

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Mentoring is the process of forming and maintaining developmental relationships between a mentor and a junior person

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Functions of Mentoring

Career Functions• In what ways can

mentoring assist in one’s career progression?

Psychological Functions• How can

mentoring serve a psychological function?

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• D2

D1 •• P


• D2

D1 •• P



• P


Developmental Relationship StrengthWeak Ties Strong Ties

D1 • • D2

D3 • • D4

Low Range

High Range




tal R




ip D




D = developer

P = protege

• P

D1 • • D2

D3 • • D4

Figure 3-5

Developmental Networks Associated with Mentoring

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Supplemental SlidesC



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Video: Pike Place Fish Market

What does it mean at Pike Place Fish to be world famous? Why does it take some new employees months to understand this concept?What role does organizational culture play in Pike Place Fish’s quest to be world famous? Why are other firms such as Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf adopting the “fish” philosophy?How does Pike Place Fish create the context for workers to reach their maximum potential? What role does socialization and mentoring play in creating and nurturing this atmosphere?

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Effect of Culture & Personal Characteristics on Outcomes

Taken from Miron, E. Erez, M., & Naveh, E. Do personal characteristics and cultural values that promote innovation, quality, and efficiency compete or complement each other? Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25, 175-199 (2004).

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Effect of Culture & Personal Characteristics on Outcomes

Taken from Miron, E. Erez, M., & Naveh, E. Do personal characteristics and cultural values that promote innovation, quality, and efficiency compete or complement each other? Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25, 175-199 (2004).

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Merging Corporate Cultures

1) Define a realistic culture

2) Provide savvy leadership

3) Communicate consistently and carefully

4) Address the “me” issues

5) Share space

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Organizational Culture and Ethical Behavior

InspirationalStock optionsPersonal growth

New Economy

Top-downSalarySecurityOld Economy

LeadershipRewardsEmployee Expectations

Type of Culture

Know-it-all arrogant

A stake in the business

Personal wealth

The Enron Twist

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Functions of Mentoring




Exposure and ViabilityCoaching


Challenging Assignments

Role Modeling

Acceptance and ConfirmationCounseling


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Implications For Mentoring Minorities

• Mentors must fully appreciate the roles they play:• Coach• Advocate• Counselor

• Understand the importance of these roles at each stage of a protégé’s career

• Mentor must also be aware of challenges race can present to protégé’s career
