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PERIOD 5 STIMULUS MULTIPLE CHOICE PRACTICE [108] (Note--The concepts are directly from the Curriculum Framework’s Key Concepts. The targets are Mr. Kujawa’s “student friendly” objectives which mirror those sub-concepts found under each Key Concept. Refer to “Concepts- Content” for each unit for a complete description of those targets on Mr. Kujawa’s website found in the tab “Course Materials”.) Source 1--Historian David M. Potter, The Impending Crisis: America Before The Civil War, 1848–1861 , Published In 1976 Much of the national harmony had rested upon the existence of a kind of balance between the northern and southern parts of the United States. The decision to fight the [Mexican-American War] had disturbed this balance, and the acquisition of a new empire which each section desired to dominate endangered the balance further. Thus, the events which marked the culmination of six decades of exhilarating national growth at the same time marked the beginning of sectional strife which for a quarter century would subject American nationalism to its severest testing. 01. Which of the following most directly contributed to the “national harmony” as stated in the excerpt? [POL, WXT, CUL; Causation; Concept 1, Target 3] a. The Second Great Awakening. c. The Market Economy. b. The Missouri Compromise. d. The Tariff Controversy. B 02. The evidence in the excerpt best supports which of the following trends from the 1850’s? [POL, WXT, CUL; Interpretation; Concept 1, Target 2] a. Increase of regional grievances. c. Expansion of southern industry. b. Rise of nativist sentiment. d. Increase in northern immigration. A Source 2--Mural, Emanuel Leutze, Westward: The Court Of Empire Takes Its Way , 1861


(Note--The concepts are directly from the Curriculum Framework’s Key Concepts. The targets are Mr. Kujawa’s “student friendly” objectives whichmirror those sub-concepts found under each Key Concept. Refer to “Concepts-Content” for each unit for a complete description of those targets on Mr. Kujawa’s website found in the tab “Course Materials”.)

Source 1--Historian David M. Potter, The Impending Crisis: America Before The Civil War, 1848–1861, Published In 1976

Much of the national harmony had rested upon the existence of a kind of balance between the northern and southern parts of the United States. The decision to fight the [Mexican-American War] had disturbed this balance, and the acquisition of a new empire which each section desired to dominate endangered the balance further. Thus, the events which marked the culmination of six decades of exhilarating national growth at the same time marked the beginning of sectional strife which for a quarter century would subject American nationalism to its severest testing.

01. Which of the following most directly contributed to the “national harmony” as stated in the excerpt? [POL, WXT, CUL; Causation; Concept 1, Target 3] a. The Second Great Awakening. c. The Market Economy. b. The Missouri Compromise. d. The Tariff Controversy.B02. The evidence in the excerpt best supports which of the following trends from the 1850’s? [POL, WXT, CUL; Interpretation; Concept 1, Target 2] a. Increase of regional grievances. c. Expansion of southern industry. b. Rise of nativist sentiment. d. Increase in northern immigration. A

Source 2--Mural, Emanuel Leutze, Westward: The Court Of Empire Takes Its Way, 1861

03. The ideas depicted in the visual are most consistent to those found in the writings of: [POL, MIG, GEO; Comparison; Concept 1, Target 1] a. Alexis de Tocqueville. c. John O’Sullivan. b. James Madison. d. Frederick Jackson Turner.C04. The ideas expressed by the author were a direct response to all of the following EXCEPT: [POL. MIG, GEO; Contextualization; Concept 1, Target 1] a. the removal of internal threats. c. conquering geographical barriers. b. the preservation of natural resources. d. promoting Republican ideals.B05. The evidence provided in the visual most directly reflects which of the following attitudes at this time? [POL, MIG, GEO; Argumentation; Concept 1, Target 2] a. A repudiation of expansionism. c. A counterbalance to Puritan values. b. The embodiment of sectionalism. d. An expression of Anglo-Saxon superiority.D

Source 3--New York Sun, November 20, 1847The [Mexican] race is perfectly accustomed to being conquered, and the only new

lesson we shall teach is that our victories will give liberty, safety, and prosperity to the vanquished. To liberate and enable--not to enslave and debase--is our mission. Well may the Mexican nation, whose great masses have never yet tasted liberty, prattle over their phantom of nationality...There is no excuse for the man educated under our institutions, who talks of “wronging the Mexicans” when we offer them a position infinitely above any they have occupied, since their history began, and in which, for the first time, they may aim at the greatness and dignity of a self-governing people.

06. The sentiments expressed by the editorial most clearly show the influence of which of the following? [POL, MIG; Causation; Concept 1, Target 3] a. Dissension between Texans and the Mexican government over import duties. b. Conflict between Texans and the Mexican government over republican ideals. c. Discord among Texans over whether to declare independence from Mexico. d. Unity among Texans in their efforts to Christianize and civilize Mexico.B07. The ideas expressed by the editorial was most directly challenged by the Whig Party because Texas: [POL, MIG; Contextualization; Concept 1, Target 3] a. depended upon slave labor. c. defended tribal rights. b. aligned itself to Great Britain. d. promoted abolition.A

Source 4--Senator Thomas Corwin (Ohio), 1846Sir, had one come and demanded Bunker Hill of the people of Massachusetts, is there a

man over thirteen and under ninety who would have not been ready to meet him? Is there a field but would have been piled high with the unburied bones of slaughtered Americans before these consecrated battlefields of liberty should have been wrested from us? But this same American goes into a sister republic, and says to poor, weak Mexico, “give up your territory, you are unworthy to possess; I have one half already, and all I ask you is to give up the other.” Let us abandon all ideas of acquiring further territory and by consequence cease at once to prosecute this war.

08. Based on the excerpt, the author would most likely oppose: [POL, MIG; Contextuali- zation; Concept 1, Target 3] C a. temperance. b. suffrage. c. westward expansion. d. immigration.

09. Which of the following was NOT a cause of the event described by the author? [POL, MIG; Causation; Concept 1, Target 3] a. Boundary disputes. b. Military posturing. c. Perceived hostility. d. Sectional jealousy.D10. Which of the following would most likely reject the annexation of Texas by the United States at this time? [POL, MIG; Interpretation; Concept 1, Target 3] a. The executive branch. b. Plantation owners. c. Free soilers. d. Democrats.C

Source 5--Map

11. The evidence in the visual most directly reflects which of the following phenomenon from 1792-1846? [MIG, GEO; Use Of Evidence; Concept 1, Target 2] a. A partnership with the French to develop trade networks. b. A competition with the British to industrialize the region. c. An effort to control a strategic area for commerce. d. The desire to secure vast gold and silver resources.C

Source 6-- “No Irish Need Apply”, 1840’sI’m a decent boy just landed from the town of Ballyfad I want a situation and I want it very bad I’ve seen employment advertised, “It’s just the thing,” says I. But the dirty rascal ended with “No Irish Need Apply” “Who,” says I, “that is an insult but to get the place I’ll try”. So I went there to see the blackguard with his “No Irish Need Apply” Some do think it is a misfortune to be christened Pat or Dan But to me it is an honor to be born an Irishman

12. Which of the following pieces of evidence most directly supports the assertion expressed in the excerpt? [NAT, CUL, MIG; Argumentation; Concept 1, Target 4] a. The Irish practiced alien customs. c. The Irish were middle class. b. The Irish refused to assimilate. d. The Irish were Protestants.A13. The ideas expressed by the author are most consistent to the Know Nothing Party, who: [NAT, CUL, MIG; Interpretation; Concept 1, Target 4] a. championed female suffrage. c. supported foreign influences. b. advocated states’ rights. d. promoted temperance.D

Source 7--Speech, David Wilmot, February 8, 1847I take my stand, and from it I cannot be frightened or driven by idle charges of

abolitionism. I ask not that slavery be abolished. I demand that this government preserve the integrity of free territory against the aggressions of slavery. The democracy of the North, almost to a man, went for annexation. Shall further concessions be made by the North? Shall we give up free territory, the inheritance of free labor?

14. The concerns expressed by the author were a direct reaction to whether the United States would: [POL, MIG, GEO; Causation; Concept 1, Targets 2-3] a. extend the 36°30' line to the Pacific Ocean. b. prohibit slavery in land acquired by Mexico. c. enable slavery to be decided by popular vote. d. assume control of the Republic of Texas.B

Source 8--Quotation, Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1851We are glad to get a clear case, one on which no shadow of doubt can hang. This is not

meddling with other people’s affairs,—this is other people meddling with us. This is not going crusading after slaves who it is alleged are very happy and comfortable where they are...but defending a human being who has taken the risks of being shot or burned alive, or cast into the sea, or starved to death or suffocated in a wooden box, taken all this risk to get away from his driver and recover the rights of man. And this man the statute says, you men of Massachusetts shall kidnap and send back again a thousand miles across the sea to the dog-hutch he fled from. And this filthy enactment was made in the 19th Century, by people who could read and write. I will not obey it, by God.

15. What event was the most direct cause of the concerns expressed by the author? [POL; Causation; Concept 2, Targets 2-3] a. The Missouri Compromise. c. The Compromise of 1850. b. The Wilmot Proviso. d. The Kansas-Nebraska Act.C

16. Which of the following best expresses the rationale for the author’s beliefs? [POL; Contextualization; Concept 2, Target 1] a. Checks and balances. c. States’ rights. b. Secessionist doctrine. d. Federal supremacy.C17. Which historical era is most similar to the ideas expressed by the author? [NAT, CUL; Comparison] a. The Progressive Era. c. The Second World War. b. The Great Depression. d. The Civil Rights Movement.D18. The legislation referenced by the author best reflects which of the following trends in the 1850’s? [NAT, POL, CUL; Contextualization; Concept 2, Targets 2-3] a. The protection of the property rights of slave holders. b. The prohibition of slavery in the western territories. c. The continuation of the Congressional gag order on slavery. d. The rejection of personal liberty laws by northern states.A

Source 9--Drawing**Note that two northerners are standing on top a bale of cotton and are holding up the “Southern Confederation” along with a slave.

The Southern Confederacy--An Allegorical Illustration

19. The ideas expressed in the visual best characterize which of the following phenomenon in American history? [NAT, POL, WXT; Periodization; Concept 2, Targets 1-2] a. Manifest Destiny. c. Popular Sovereignty. b. The American System. d. Salutary Neglect.B20. The ideas expressed by the author of the visual were most similar to those of which individual? [NAT, POL, WXT; Comparison; Concept 2, Targets 1-2] a. Eli Whitney. b. Alexander Hamilton. c. John Winthrop. d. John Calhoun.D21. The ideas expressed in the visual were most directly challenged by: [NAT, POL; Contex- tualization; Concept 2, Targets 1-2] a. Elizabeth Cady Stanton. c. Frederick Douglas. b. Thomas Jefferson. d. Samuel Slater.C22. The ideas expressed by the author were a direct reaction to which of the following historical trends? [NAT, POL, WXT; Contextualization; Concept 2, Targets 1-2] a. Justification for southern agricultural wealth. b. Criticism of northern textile manufacturers. c. Emergence of sectional political parties. d. Demographic changes in the North and South.A

Source 10--Map

23. The events shown in the excerpt was a continuation of what trend from 1790-1869? [POL, MIG, GEO; Continuity-Change Over Time; Concept 1, Target 2] D a. Sectional growth through federal policies. b. Purchasing land from tribal groups. c. Regional divisions created by political ideologies. d. National expansion via negotiation or force.

Source 11--Poster

24. One direct long-term effect of this event was: [POL, MIG; Causation; Concept 2, Target 3] a. the demise of the Whig Party. b. the formation of the Know-Nothing Party. c. the decline of the Free Soil Party. d. the strengthening of Democratic Party.A25. The concerns expressed by the visual were a direct reaction to the: [POL; Contex- tualization; Concept 2, Target 3] a. Missouri Compromise. c. Dred Scott case. b. Compromise of 1850. d. John Brown insurrection.D

Source 12--Samuel R. Ward, African-American minister (New York), 1851[After traveling to various parts of the country to preach against the Fugitive Slave Act],

I heard a case in Pennsylvania in which a reverend went armed to the house of a Negro who had escaped from him. The owner of the house denied him admittance. Several Negroes, armed, stood ready inside the house to defend it against the reverend slave-catcher and his party—the latter declaring his slave was in that house—and, intending to intimidate the Negroes, fired upon the house with a rifle. Fortunately none of the besieged party was killed, but they returned fire, and he dropped a corpse. The authorities arranged these poor Negroes for murder. They seemed determined to have their blood. After reading this, I handed the paper containing the account to my wife; and we concluded that resistance was fruitless, that the country was hopelessly given to the execution of this barbarous enactment, and that it were vain to hope for the reformation of such a country.

26. One significant factor for the prohibition of slavery in the North was: [NAT, WXT, CUL; Causation; Concept 2, Targets 1-2] a. its economic feasibility. b. high prices for slaves on the domestic market. c. competition from the South. d. the Puritan tradition.A27. Which of the following trends from the 1850’s is the excerpt most directly responding to? [POL; Contextualization; Concept 2, Target 3] a. Federalism. c. The Tenth Amendment. b. Secessionist doctrine. d. Elastic clause.C28. The position taken by the author most supports which of the following perspectives? [NAT, CUL; Interpretation; Concept 2, Targets 1-2] a. Nat Turner. c. David Walker. b. The American Colonization Society. d. William Lloyd Garrison.B

Source 13--George Fitzhugh Defends Southern Society, 1854 At the slave holding South, all is peace, quiet, plenty, and contentment. We have no

mobs, no trades unions, no strikes for higher wages, no armed resistance to the law, but little jealousy of the rich by the poor...We are wholly exempt from the torrent of pauperism, crime, and infidelity which Europe is pouring from her jails and alms houses on the already crowded North...Nobody dreams of turning down a friend, a relative, or a stranger from his door.

The very negro who deems it no crime to steal, would scorn to sell his hospitality. High intellectual and moral attainments, refinement of head and heart, give standing to a manin the South, however poor he may be...that pride of character, that self-respect, that give us ascendance when we come into contact with Northerners. It is a distinction to be a Southerner, as it once was to be a Roman citizen.

29. Which of the following factors most contributed to the point of view expressed by the author? [NAT, WXT, CUL; Causation; Concept 2, Targets 1-2] a. The lesser of two evils, considering blacks would be abused by whites if freed. b. The agreement among whites to exploit black labor for their own personal gain. c. A mutual benefit to the physical and economic well-being of both races. d. An artifact of a primitive past that would eventually fade on its own.C

30. “King Cotton” became the dominant feature of the South by this time because: [NAT, WXT, GEO; Causation; Concept 2, Targets 1-2] a. migrants from Europe came in large numbers due to their expertise in this crop. b. large planters were advised by West African-born slaves how to grow this crop. c. the economy of its upper region mandated other areas to follow suit. d. the weather and soil conditions was conducive for its planting and harvesting.D31. Abraham Lincoln would most likely disagree with the ideas expressed by the author by stating that slavery should be: [POL; Use Of Evidence; Concept 2, Targets 1-2] a. permitted only in the areas south of 36°30'. b. allowed only in areas where it already exists. c. voted upon by the people in states, not territories. d. abolished by constitutional amendment.B

Source 14--Southern Literary Messenger, Literary Periodical, Richmond, VA, 1852We beg to make a distinction between lady writers and female writers. We could not

find it in our hearts to visit the dullness or ignorance of a well-meaning lady with the rigorous discipline which it is necessary to inflict upon male dunces and blockheads. But where a writer of the softer sex manifests, in her productions, a shameless disregard of truth and of those amenities which so peculiarly belong to her sphere of life, we hold that she has forfeited the claim to be considered a lady, and with that claim all exemption from the utmost stringency of critical punishment...

...many allegations of cruelty towards the slaves, brought forward by Mrs. Stowe, are absolutely and unqualifiedly false...We are of opinion too that heart-rending separations of families are much less frequent under the institution of slavery than in countries where poverty rules the working classes with despotic sway...But let it be borne in mind that this slanderous work has found its way to every section of our country...Justice to ourselves would demand that it should not be suffered to circulate longer without the brand of falsehood upon it. Indeed she is only entitled to criticism at all, as the mouthpiece of a large and dangerous faction which if we do not put down with the pen, we may be compelled one day (God grant that day may never come!) to repel with the bayonet.

32. The ideas expressed by the author most directly reflect which of the following continuities in American history at that time? [NAT, CUL; Continuity-Change Over Time; Concept 2, Targets 1-2] a. Women should present their opinions openly on social matters. b. Women should refrain from speaking their minds on economic concerns. c. Women should discuss politics only with family members. d. Women should talk about religion amongst their own kind.B33. The ideas expressed in the excerpt most strongly influenced which event in the 1850’s? [POL; Periodization; Concept 2, Target 3] a. The civil war in Kansas. c. Events at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. b. The Dred Scott decision. d. South Carolina secession.A34. Which of the following pieces of evidence best directly challenges the assertion expressed in the excerpt? [NAT, CUL; Argumentation; Concept 2, Targets 1-2] C a. The Bible contains several references advocating slavery. b. The Constitution indirectly protects slavery. c. The Declaration of Independence directly contradicts slavery. d. The principles of Republican government supports slavery.

Source 15--Dred Scott v. Sanford, 1857Now...the right of property in a slave is distinctly and expressly affirmed in the

Constitution. The right to traffic in it, like an ordinary article of merchandise and property, was guaranteed to the citizens of the United States, in every State that might desire it, for twenty years. And the Government in express terms is pledged to protect it in all future time, if the slave escapes from his owner...Neither Dred Scott himself, nor any of his family were made free by being carried into such territory: even if they had been carried there by their owner with the intention of becoming permanent residents.

35. This Supreme Court ruling most directly led to the _____ being declared unconstitutional. [POL; Causation; Concept 2, Target 3] a. Missouri Compromise c. Compromise of 1850 b. Wilmot Proviso d. Kansas-Nebraska ActA36. The evidence in the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following turning points in the 1850’s? [POL; Periodization; Concept 2, Target 3] a. African-Americans had legal standing to sue. b. Congress had the power to regulate slavery. c. Free blacks were eligible for citizenship. d. Slaves were considered private property. D37. The ideas expressed in the excerpt responded to all of the following trends from the 1850’s EXCEPT: [POL; Contextualization, Concept 2, Target 3] a. the Fourteenth Amendment. c. popular sovereignty. b. personal liberty laws. d. states’ rights.A

Source 16--Lincoln-Douglas Debates, 1858 (Stephen Douglas)Up at Chicago, in the open he reviewed my reception speech, and under my argument

attacking his favorite doctrine of Negro equality I had shown that it was a falsification of the Independence to pretend it included Negroes in the clause declaring that all men were created equal. What was Lincoln's reply?...“I should like to know, if taking this old Declaration of Independence, which declares that all men are equal upon principle, and making exceptions to it, where will it stop? If one man says it does not mean a Negro, why may not--another man say it does not mean another man? If that declaration is not the truth, let us get this statute book in which we find it and tear it out.”...Let me call your attention to another part of the same speech, where he declared that the Negro belongs to an inferior race...

38. Which of the following statements about their positions is most supported by the excerpt? [POL; Comparison; Concept 2, Target 3] a. Both opposed black citizenship. c. Both denounced slavery on moral grounds. b. Both opposed social equality. d. Both defended popular sovereignty.B

Source 17--Senator John S. Preston, February 19, 1861That conflict is upon you, Gentlemen of Virginia, you own your empire. You are very

strong. You have advanced in all the arts of life, and are very wise and very skillful. But I tell you, there is no force of human power which can reunite the people of the North and South as political and social equals. No, gentlemen, never, until by your power and virtue, can you unfixthe unchangeable economy of the Eternal God, can you make the people of the North and South one people. The Northern States are attempting the subjugation of the Southern States.

39. The ideas about the backgrounds of the North and South are most consistent with which of the following? [NAT, POL, CUL; Contextualization; Concept 3, Target 1] a. The South experienced shortages and high prices. b. The South lacked accomplished military leaders. c. The South had a diversified industrial base. d. The South had a common cause to rally behind.D40. “The Constitution is a compact. It contains all our obligations and duties of the federal government. The powers…belong to the States or the people.” This quotation by _____ would best serve as evidence in support of Senator Preston. [POL; Use Of Evidence; Concept 2, Target 3] a. Henry Clay b. John C. Calhoun c. Daniel Webster d. Abraham LincolnB

Source 18--Confederate President Jefferson Davis Opposes Emancipation, January 12, 1863We may very well leave it to the interests of the common humanity which a beneficent

Creator has implanted in the breasts of our fellow man of all countries to pass judgment on a measure by which several million human beings of an inferior race, peaceful and contented laborers in their sphere, are doomed to extermination...In its political aspect this measure possesses great significance. It affords to our whole people the complete and crowning proof of the true nature of the designs of the party which elevated to power the present occupant of the presidential chair, and which sought to conceal its purpose by every variety of artful device and by the perfidious use of the most solemn and repeated pledges on every possible occasion.

41. Which of the following evidence would best oppose the author’s position in the excerpt? [POL; Use Of Evidence; Concept 2, Target 1] a. Southern whites would be prepared for the eventuality of freed slaves. b. Northern whites would oppose drafting former slaves into the Union Army. c. Black suffrage would be limited in scope through southern legislation. d. Plantation owners would receive amnesty at the conclusion of the war.A

Source 19--Quotation, President Abraham Lincoln, 1861I hope to have God on my side, but I must have Kentucky.

42. The excerpt best reflects which of the following developments during the Civil War? [POL, Contextualization; Concept 3, Target 3] a. The suspension of habeas corpus by the Supreme Court. b. The declaration of martial law by the executive branch. c. The seizure of private property by Congressional action. d. The prohibition of military tribunals by the federal government.B

Source 20--Speech, Representative Thaddeus Stevens (R-Pennsylvania), December 18, 1865The President assumes, what no one doubts, that the late rebel States have lost their

constitutional relations to the Union, and are incapable of representation in Congress, except by permission of the Government. It matters but little, with this admission, whether you call them States out of the Union, and now conquered territories, or assert that because the Constitution forbids them to do what they did do, that they are therefore only dead as to all national and political action, and will remain so until the Government shall breathe into them

the breath of life anew and permit them to occupy their former position. In either case, it is very plain that it requires the action of Congress to enable them to form a State government and send representatives...The infernal laws of slavery have prevented them of managing the ordinary business of life. This Congress is bound to provide for them until they can take of themselves...[lest they be returned to their previous condition].

43. Which of the following developments most immediately led to the writing of the excerpt? [POL; Causation; Concept 3, Target 4] a. Congress promoting social equality for blacks. b. Southern states denying fundamental freedoms to ex-slaves. c. President Johnson demanding harsh consequences for southern states. d. Former confederate officials repudiating secession.B44. The issue highlighted in the excerpt most directly led to the: [POL; Causation; Concept 3, Target 4] a. Congress promoting social equality for blacks. b. Southern states denying fundamental freedoms to ex-slaves. c. President Johnson demanding harsh consequences for southern states. d. Former confederate officials repudiating secession.C45. Which of the following events from 1865-1877 represents a continuation of the process described in the excerpt? [POL; Continuity-Change Over Time; Concept 3, Target 4] a. Supreme Court approval of reformulated southern state governments. b. Former Confederate officials being permanently barred from running for office. c. Northern armies being stationed in the South to supervise Congressional Reconstruction. d. Southern Democrats conspiring to regain control of the House and Senate.C46. The ideas expressed in the excerpt were most directly challenged by President Johnson, who: [POL; Contextualization; Concept 3, Target 4] a. supported southern legislative efforts to institute segregation. b. arrested ex-Confederate leaders without a legal reason. c. demanded southern governments strictly comply to executive policies. d. granted ex-Confederate officials an opportunity to politically participate.D47. The excerpt best reflects all of the following goals by Radical Republicans EXCEPT former slaves: [POL; Contextualization; Concept 3, Target 4] a. gaining employment in infrastructure projects. b. taking literacy tests as a condition to vote. c. receiving food, shelter, and clothing. d. given opportunities to run for political office.B48. The ideas expressed by the author was most directly challenged by: [POL; Contextua- lization; Concept 3, Target 5] a. Free Soilers. b. Scalawags. c. Carpetbaggers. d. Redeemers.D49. The patterns described in the excerpt most directly foreshadowed which of the following developments by 1900? [POL; Use Of Evidence; Concept 3, Target 5] C a. The treatment of black southerners by white southerners as social equals. b. The guarantee by southern legislatures to protect black political freedoms. c. The policies of white southerners designed to return blacks to positions of servitude. d. The admittance by southern governments they were responsible for racial discord.

Source 21--Letter, Howell Cobb To J.D. Hoover, January 4, 1868 (Macon, GA)The people of the South, conquered, ruined, impoverished, and oppressed, bear up

with patient fortitude under the heavy weight of their burdens. Disarmed and reduced to poverty, they are powerless to protect themselves against wrong and injustice...At the bidding of their more powerful conquerors they laid down their arms, abandoned a hopeless struggle, and returned to their quiet houses under the plighted faith of a soldier’s honor that they should be protected so long as they observed the obligations imposed upon them of peaceful law-abiding citizens...Our conquerors seem to think we should accompany our acquiescence with some exhibition of gratitude for the ruin which they have brought upon us. We cannot see it in that light.

50. Which of the following pieces of evidence most directly supports the assertion expressed by the author? [NAT, POL. CUL; Argumentation; Concept 3, Target 4] a. Free blacks were being deprived of state citizenship rights by Congress. b. Free blacks were being integrated into southern society by federal intervention. c. Free blacks were moving North to find employment in mills and factories. d. Free blacks were becoming economically self-reliant due to their former masters.B51. The trends referred to in the excerpt most directly stemmed from those: [NAT, POL, CUL; Interpretation; Concept 3, Target 4] a. northern business owners who sought to take financial advantage of the economy. b. upper social classes of the South who sought to share political power. c. southern whites who sought to remove Democratic control from their lives. d. northern politicians who defined the status of freedmen as inferior to whites.A

Source 22--Alexander Courtney Morrison, “Weighing The Cotton”, 1885

52. The visual best reflects which of the following patterns in the late 1800’s? [NAT, WXT; Contextualization; Concept 3, Target 4] a. Southern white farmers granting ex-slaves equal parcels of their land. b. Southern whites and blacks working together to improve race relations. c. Southern laws requiring blacks to work as gang laborers in cotton fields. d. Southern blacks becoming financially dependent upon their former masters.D53. Which of the following pieces of evidence best supports the conclusion expressed in the visual? [NAT, WXT; Argumentation; Concept 3, Target 4] a. Southern blacks living less in fear of white violence. b. Southern blacks rarely improving their economic status. c. Southern white farmers experiencing increasing levels of debt. d. Southern blacks being treated by whites as social equals.B

Source 23--Charles Davenport Interviewed at Natchez, Mississippi, Federal Writers’ Project, 1930’s (He is 100 years old)Like all de fool niggers o’dat time I was right smart bit by de freedom bug for awhile. It

sounded powerful nice to be told: “You don’t have to chop cotton no more. You can throw dat hoe down and go fishin’ whensoever de notion strikes you. And you can roam ‘round at night and court gals just as late as you please. Ain’t no master wine to say to you, “Charlie, you’s got to be back de clock strikes nine.” I was fool ‘nough to believe all dat kind o’stuff. But to tell de honest, most o’us didn’t know ourselfs no better off. Freedom meant us could leave where us’d been born and bred, but it mean, too, dat us had to scratch for us ownselfs. Dem what left de old plantation seems so all fired glad to get back dat I made up my mind to stay put. I stayed right with my white folks as long as I could. My white folks talked plain to me. Dey say real sadlike, “Charlie, you’s been a dependence, but now you can go if you is so desirious. But if you wants to stay with us you can sharecrop. Dey’s a house for you and wood to keep you warm and a mule to work. We ain’t got much cash, but dey’s de land and you can count on havin’ plenty o’victuals. Do just as you please...Lord! Lord! I know about de Kloo Kluxes. De larruped de hide off de uppity niggers an’ drove de white trash back where dey belonged. Us niggers didn’t have no secret meetin’s. All us had was church meeting in arbors out in de woods. I heard o lot o’haller nigger’s spoutin’ off how de was gwine-a-take over de white folks’ land for back wages, but dat was all talk.

54. The perspective in the excerpt most directly supports which of the following about southern life during Reconstruction? [NAT, WXT; Interpretation; Concept 3, Target 4] a. Freedmen were denied access to political and social institutions. b. Freedmen evaded being targeted by white supremacy groups. c. Freedmen carved out their own economic niche among whites. d. Freedmen had joined predominant white congregations.C

Source 24--Envelope Advertising Tredegar Iron Products, 1870’s

55. The image most closely parallels which of the following events of that time period? [WXT; Argumentation; Concept 3, Target 4] a. The implementation of the factory system in the North and South. b. The re-chartering of a national banking system. c. The abandonment of cash crop agriculture in the South. d. The introduction of northern segregation by law, not by custom.A56. The conditions shown in the image came about most directly as a result of: [POL; Use Of Evidence; Concept 3, Target 3] a. state rights activists. c. foreign investors. b. private entrepreneurship. d. Congressional action.B

Source 25--Speech, Susan B. Anthony, 1873I stand you before under indictment for the alleged crime of having voted in the last

presidential election, without having a lawful right to vote. It shall be my work this evening to prove to you that in thus doing, I not only committed no crime, but instead simply exercised my citizen’s right, guaranteed to me and all United States citizen...beyond the power of any State to deny...If once we establish the false principle that United States citizenship does not carry with it the right to vote in every state in this Union, there is no end to the petty tricks and cunning devices which will be attempted to excluded one and another class of citizens from the right of suffrage.

57. Which of the following developments in the American political system most immediately led to the writing of this excerpt? [POL; Causation; Concept 3, Target 6] a. Congressional legislation. c. Presidential veto. b. Supreme Court cases. d. Constitutional processes.D

Source 26--Harper’s Weekly, Getting Out The Negro Vote, 1876

58. Conditions like those depicted in the image contributed most directly to which of the following in the 1870’s? [POL; Use Of Evidence; Concept 3, Target 5] a. Presidential policies designed to create white-led governments in the South. b. Southern white justification to prevent former slaves from using the franchise. c. Radical Republican efforts designed to deny blacks constitutional protections. d. Supreme Court rulings in which states could establish criteria for suffrage.B

Source 27--Print, The Four Seasons Of Life: Middle Age, 1868/Print, A Visit From The Klan, 1868

59. The sentiments of both authors share the same value of: [NAT, POL; Comparison; Concept 3, Target 5] a. southerners who supported the Republican Party. b. agriculturists who prospered. c. families who sought economic opportunity. d. racists who touted white supremacy.C60. Which of the following factors most directly contributed to the development in the first visual by the late 1800’s? [WXT; Causation; Concept 3, Target 4] a. The programs of the Freedmen’s Bureau. c. The creation of elite, private schools. b. The industrialization of the South. d. The Fourteenth Amendment.B61. The evidence in the second visual is most closely related to Reconstruction since the vast majority of southern blacks: [WXT; Periodization; Concept 3, Target 4] a. owned small family farms. c. were independent artisans. b. planted and harvested crops for whites. d. were domestic servants.B

Source 28--Political Cartoon, Thomas Nast, 1871 [Ulysses S. Grant]

62. The sentiments expressed by the author about the Grant Administration most directly resulted from: [POL; Causation; Concept 3, Target 5]   a. Southern Democrats who engaged in a number of scams at federal expense.   b. Radical Republicans who conducted investigations to publicly humiliate their opponents.   c. cabinet members who bilked taxpayers in a series of high-profile scandals.    d. Northern Republicans who rooted out corruption in southern state legislatures. D

63. The evidence in the visual is most closely linked to the 1870’s South because: [POL; Periodization; Concept 3, Target 5] a. Democrats assumed control despite the executive branch’s impressive record of enforcing Reconstruction laws.   b. Democrats gradually gained control due to Republican Party infighting and a lack of         Reconstruction oversight by the president.   c. Republicans and Democrats set aside their philosophical differences and agreed to share power.   d. Radical Republicans maintained their control, even though increasing numbers of Democrats were installed into important positions.B

Source 29--Political Cartoon, Harper’s Weekly, January 18, 1879A man, “Mr. Solid South”, writes on a wall “Eddikashun qualifukashun. The Blakman

orter be eddikated afore he kin vote with us wites.” An African-American looks on.

64. The ideas depicted in the visual would be most directly challenged by the: [POL; Con- Contextualization; Concept 3, Target 4] a. Freedmen’s Bureau. c. 1875 Civil Rights Act. b. Fourteenth Amendment. d. 1867 Reconstruction Act.A

Source 30--Sharecropping Contract, 1882To everyone applying to rent land upon shares, the following conditions must be read,

and agreed to. To every 30 and 35 acres, I agree to furnish the team, plow, and farming implements, except cotton planters, and I do not agree to furnish a cart to every sharecropper. The sharecroppers are to have half of the cotton, corn, and fodder if the following conditions are complied with, but-if not-they are to have only two-fifths (2/5). Sharecroppers are to have no part or interest in the cotton seed raised from the crop planted and worked by them...All must work under my direction. All work to be done by the sharecroppers. For every mule or horse furnished by me there must be 1000 good sized rails...hauled, and the fence repaired as far as they will go, the fence to be torn down and put up from the bottom if I so direct. Each sharecropper must keep in good repair all bridges in his crop or over ditches that he has to clean out...No sharecropper is to work off the plantation when there is any work to be done on the land he has rented, or when his work is needed by me or other sharecroppers.

65. The sentiments expressed in the excerpt most clearly show the influence of which of the following? [POL, WXT; Causation; Concept 3, Target 4] a. The destruction of southern infrastructure by Union forces. b. The work environment of free blacks on former plantations. c. The tension resulting from political rights denied to former slaves. d. The wages offered to former slaves in the southern labor system.B66. One significant cause of the arrangement described in the excerpt was: [POL, WXT; Causation; Concept 3, Target 4] a. congressional legislation. c. southern cash and credit imbalances. b. northern industrial intervention. d. federal debt assumption.C67. The arrangement described in the excerpt is most similar to which of the following periods in American history? [POL; Continuity-Change Over Time] a. The implementation of indentured servitude in the early 1600’s. b. The use of non-importation by the colonists in the 1700’s. c. The development of the treaty-reservation system in the 1860’s. d. The formation of unions in the late 1870’s and 1880’s.A68. The ideas in the excerpt most strongly suggests which of the following about the post- Civil War Era? [WXT; Contextualization; Concept 3, Target 4] a. Sharecroppers considerably lowered the amount they owed. b. Cotton growers generally suffered from financial stress. c. Southern whites and blacks endured fierce economic competition. d. Freedmen were purposely misled about their obligations.B

Source 31--Speech, James Henry Hammond, March 4, 1858Why the South has never yet had a just cause of war except with the North. Every time

she has drawn her sword it has been on the point of honor, and that point of honor has been mainly loyalty to her sister colonies and sister states...No, you dare not make war on cotton. No power on earth dares to make war upon it. Cotton is king...The greatest strength of the South arises from the harmony of her political and social institutions. This harmony gives her a frame of society, the best in the world, and an extent of political freedom, combined with entire security, such as no other people every enjoyed upon the face of the earth. The South...demands to be let alone.

69. Which of the following developments most immediately led to the writing of this excerpt? [NAT, POL, CUL; Causation; Concept 2, Target 2] a. The publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. b. The attempt by John Brown to seize the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, VA. c. The physical altercation between Preston Brooks and Charles Sumner. d. The Republican Party’s position on slavery in the territories.D70. The event described in the excerpt was a continuation of what trend in the 1850’s? [NAT, POL, CUL; Continuity-Change Over Time; Concept 2, Target 2] a. Compatibility between sections. c. Discord among agrarians. b. Antagonism between regions. d. Unity among agriculturists.B71. The author’s position would be most strongly supported by which of the following? [POL; Contextualization; Concept 2, Target 2] C a. Federalism. b. 14th Amendment. c. 10th Amendment. d. Separation of powers.

Source 32--Speech, Senator Thomas Hart Benton, 1846The van of the Caucasian race now atop the Rocky Mountains, and spread down the

shores of the Pacific. In a few years a great population will grow up there, luminous with the accumulated lights of European and American civilization. Their presence in such a position cannot be without its influence upon eastern Asia...Civilization, or extinction has been the fate of all people who found themselves in the track of the advancing whites, and civilization, always the preference of the whites, has been pressed as an object, while extinction has followed as a consequence of its resistance. The black and red races have often felt their ameliorating influence.

72. The ideas expressed in the except most directly led to which controversy of the 1840’s and 1850’s? [NAT, WXT; Causation; Concept 1, Target 1] a. Expansion of slavery. b. Prohibition. c. National bank charter. d. Raising import duties.A73. The ideas expressed in the excerpt most clearly show the influence of which of the following? [POL; Contextualization; Concept 1, Target 1] a. Limited government, as outlined by the Articles of Confederation. b. Separation of powers, as articulated by the Constitution. c. Foreign entanglements, as expressed by George Washington. d. Self-determination, as found in the Declaration of Independence.D74. The argument of the author most closely parallels which of the following phenomenon of that decade? [NAT, WXT, MIG, GEO; Argumentation; Concept 1, Target 1] a. Environmental hazards. c. Political turmoil. b. Racial harmony. d. Cultural superiority.D75. Which of the following pieces of legislation would be in direct opposition to a result of this philosophy? [POL; Use Of Evidence; Concept 2, Target 1] a. The Missouri Compromise. c. The Compromise of 1850. b. The Wilmot Proviso. d. The Kansas-Nebraska Act.B

Source 33--Political Cartoon, Thomas Nast, 1865

76. The sentiments expressed by the cartoonist most directly contributed to which of the following in the 1860’s? [NAT, POL; Causation; Concept 3, Target 3] a. The Fourteenth Amendment. c. The sharecropping system. b. Jim Crow laws. d. The Freedmen’s Bureau.A77. The event described in the excerpt was a continuation of what development in the 1860’s? [NAT, POL; Continuity-Change Over Time; Concept 3, Target 3] a. Presidential action against white supremacists. b. Congressional defiance of southern black codes. c. Executive and legislative branch unity on Reconstruction. d. Supreme Court rulings in favor of Jim Crow. B

Source 34--Richard Cain, African-American Congressman From South Carolina In Response To A Suggestion That Blacks Emigrate, 1872

The gentleman wishes that we go to Africa or to the West Indies or somewhere else. I want to enunciate this doctrine upon this floor. We are not going anywhere. We are going to stay here and work out the problem. We believe that God Almighty has made one of one blood all the nations upon the face of the earth. We believe we are made just like white men are...Is there any difference between us? Not so far as our manhood is concerned, unless it be in this: that our opinions differ and mine are a little higher up than yours.

78. The beliefs expressed in the excerpt most directly challenged the prevailing notion by whites at this time that freedmen were: [NAT, MIG; Contextualization; Concept 3, Target 4] a. racially superior. b. economically self-reliant. c. politically inept. d. social equals.C

Source 35--Political Cartoon, Judge Magazine, 1884

The sign says “Polls--Women And Chinamen Not Admitted”

79. Conditions like those depicted in the image were most likely a result of: [NAT, MIG; Causation; Concept 3, Target 6] a. immigration reform. b. territorial expansion. c. legal decisions. d. social equality.C80. The issue highlighted in the visual most directly led to: [NAT, POL; Causation; Concept 3, Target 6] a. the creation of organizations run by women to oppose suffrage. b. attempts by Congress to bar Europeans from entering the country. c. efforts by African Americans to demand the right to vote. d. the Bill of Rights being applied to state actions.D

Source 36--Charles Dudley Warner, New England-Born Author, 1887When we come to the South, the change is marvelous...we find it wide awake to

business, excited and even astonished at the development of its own immense resources in metals, marbles, coal, timber, fertilizers, eagerly laying lines of communication, rapidly opening mines, building furnaces, and all sorts of shops for utilizing the native riches...When I have been asked what impressed me most in this hasty tour, I have always said that the most notable thing was that everybody was at work.

81. The position taken by the author most directly supports which of the following phenomenon of the late 1800’s? [WXT; Interpretation; Concept 3, Target 4] a. The expansion of industrialization in the South. b. The reliance on cotton growing in the South. c. The negative effects of factories in the North and South. d. The formation of company towns in the North.B

Source 37--Poem, Charles C. Weyman, 1856Far in the West rolls the thunder--The tumult of battle is ragingWhere bleeding Kansas is wagingWar against slavery.

82. The ideas expressed by the author were a direct response to: [NAT, POL, CUL; Contextualization; Concept 2, Target 3] a. secession. b. federalism. c. popular sovereignty. d. xenophobia.C83. Based on the excerpt, the author would most likely have supported: [NAT, POL, CUL; Contextualization; Concept 2, Target 3] a. nativism. c. the Dred Scott decision. b. personal liberty laws. d. the Fugitive Slave Act.B

Source 38--Editorial, Chicago Tribune, May 16, 1857The Court has only applied its decision to the territories, but if the new doctrine

applies to territories, it must apply with equal force to the states. No state has the constitutional or legal right to prevent the citizens of another state from bringing their horses, cows, or furniture within its jurisdiction, and having brought them, from holding or using them. And it is by virtue of the Constitution that the emigrant from one state into another possesses these rights of property. Now if the Constitution of the United States recognizes slaves as

property, differing in no respect—as the Supreme Court declares—from any other property, then no state court, legislature, or state constitution can deprive the owner of such slave property of the full use and enjoyment of it in any state into which he may see proper to emigrate with his negroes...We see nothing to prevent the opening of a slave pen and an auction block for the sale of [slaves]...Illinois has ceased to be a free state.

84. The decision referred to by the except had was the direct result of increasing _____ in the United States in the 1850’s. [NAT, POL; Causation; Concept 2, Target 3] a. sectional tension b. nativist sentiments c. pro-tariff positions d. Whig influenceA85. The ruling in this court case addressed which of the following pieces of legislation? [POL; Contextualization; Concept 2, Target 3] a. It declared the Kansas-Nebraska Act unconstitutional. b. It declared the Missouri Compromise as unconstitutional. c. It null and voided the Compromise of 1850. d. It null and voided the Wilmot Proviso.B86. Those who agreed with the legal decision as described by the source would argue that: [POL; Synthesis; Concept 2, Target 3] a. northern states had the authority to manumit slaves. b. the executive branch, not Congress, had the authority to regulate slavery. c. due process applied to free blacks, but not slaves. d. citizenship was granted through constitutional amendment, not legislation.D87. By _____, Free Soilers of the 1850’s would have opposed this legal decision. [POL; Synthesis; Concept 2, Target 3] a. appealing to secessionists c. supporting states’ rights b. championing federal supremacy d. rejecting popular sovereignty B

Source 39--E.L. Godkin (editor), “The Problem At The South”, 1871++He was a native of Great Britain who offers a critique of Reconstruction.

It appears to be equally certain that the persons who commit these outrages are not brought to justice. The sheriffs do not arrest them or, if they do, juries do not convict them. It was said that if legislation and the election of officers were left solely to the southern whites, southern blacks would be left without adequate protection...Considering that a large body of the voters—in some states a majority—had recently emerged from slavery in its most brutal form, it must be admitted the experiment was a bold one...The new political system, has roused prejudice against it; those who are disenfranchised [as a result of aiding in the rebellion] have formed organizations with the expressed purpose to drive negroes and union men out of the South...[Moreover, the new southern governments] have been largely composed of trashy whites and ignorant blacks. Of course, they have been in them men of integrity and ability of both races; but the great majority of the officers and legislation have been either wanting in knowledge, or in principle, or both...Of course, there is nothing to prevent the United States enforcing the Federal Constitution and laws. This ought to be done, at whatever cost—that is, by officers, and not by bill and resolution. If it be true that black men are kept from the polls by intimidation, we ought to see that going to the polls is made as safe as going to church; but to pass bills providing for this, without voting the men or the men to execute them, is a wretched mockery, of which the country and the blacks have had enough.

88. Which of the following trends from this time period is the excerpt most directly responding to? [POL, WXT, CUL; Contextualization; Concept 3, Target 5] a. African-American politicians who deferred authority to their white counterparts. b. Blacks refusing to elect whites who ran for public office out of fear and disdain. c. Southern governments that constituted a majority of Republican-controlled legislatures. d. Northern and southern Democrats colluding to defraud southern taxpayers.C

Source 40--Graph

89. The evidence provided in the visual most directly reflects which of the following continuities for the South during the Civil War? [WXT; Continuity-Change Over Time Concept 3, Target 1] a. Diversified economy. c. Low net worth of property. b. Steady income from exportation. d. Declining prices for consumer goods.C90. The ideas found in the visual most strongly suggests which of the following about the South during the Civil War? [WXT; Contextualization; Convept 3, Target 1] a. It constructed superior transportation systems. b. It was vulnerable to sustained interruption of its trade. c. It maximized its industrial capacity and labor. d. It relied heavily on long-term foreign investment.B

Source 41--Painting, T.W. Wood, “American Citizens To The Polls”, 1866Prosperous YankeeWorking-class IrishmanDutch coach driverAfrican-American freedman

91. The evidence in the visual most directly reflects which of the following turning points in the 1860’s? [NAT, POL, CUL; Periodization; Concept 3, Target 3] a. Social equality. c. Political participation. b. Economic assistance. d. Educational opportunities.C92. The visual is most clearly an example of which of the following developments in the 1860’s? [POL; Contextualization; Concept 3, Target 6] a. The passage of the Fourteenth Amendment. b. The passage of the Fifteenth Amendment. c. The passage of southern black codes. d. The passage of northern liberty laws.B

Source 42--Atlanta News, September 10, 1874It is our duty to ourselves, it is our duty to our children, it is our duty to the white

race, whose mind gave it power and grandeur, and whose labor imparted to its prosperity, to take the gage of battle the moment it is thrown down. If the white democrats of the North are men, they will not stand idly by and see us borne down by northern radicals and half-barbarous negroes...We have no war to make against the United States government, but against the Republican Party. Our hate must be unquenchable, our war interminable and merciless...Let northern radicals understand the military supervision of southern elections and the civil rights bill means war; that war means bloodshed, and that we are terribly are earnest, and even they, fanatical as they are, may retrace their steps before it is too late.

93. One direct long-term consequence of the proposed action by the author was for freedmen to: [NAT, POL, CUL; Causation; Concept 3, Target 5] a. be subjected to literacy tests as a condition to vote. b. be given opportunities to attend integrated schools. c. gain employment in the agricultural fields. d. have their liberties protected from white oppression.A

94. All of the following best describes the negative attitude of the author against his opponents EXCEPT for northern: [NAT, WXT, CUL; Contextualization; Concept 3, Target 5]    a. migrants who sought economic opportunity.    b. idealists who wanted to assist those in poverty.    c. racists who touted white supremacy.    d. veterans who purchased land from plantation owners.C

Source 43--President James K. Polk, 1845To Texas, the reunion is important because the strong protecting arm of our

government would be extended over her while the safety of New Orleans and of our whole Southwestern frontier against hostile aggression, as well as the interests of the whole Union, would be promoted by it...Is there one who would not prefer perpetual peace with Texas to occasional wars, which so often occur between bordering independent nations? If we refuse to form a perpetual union with Texas because of her local institutions, our forefathers would have been prevented from forming our present Union.

95. The evidence in the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following turning points in American history? [POL; Periodization; Concept 1, Target 3] a. A declaration of war stemming from unprovoked aggression. b. A celebration of preserving national honor though peace. c. The annexation of a non-slave holding Republic. d. The acquisition of territory through illegitimate means.D

Source 44--The Know-Nothing Party Platform, 1850’sRepeal of all naturalization laws...None but native Americans for office...A pure

American Common School system...Hostility to all Papal influences...The doctrines of the revered Washington...Formation of societies to protect American interests.

96. The argument of this political party most closely parallels which of the following ideas from the decade? [NAT, CUL; Argumentation; Concept 1, Target 4] a. Enactment of stringent residency requirements. b. Recruitment of cheap labor for American factories. c. Inclusion of foreigners into mainstream society. d. Prohibition of Protestants from holding political office.A97. The attitudes of this political party most closely resembles: [NAT, CUL; Interpretation; Concept 1, Target 4] a. Roman Catholics. c. anti-temperance supporters. b. factory workers. d. textile mill operators.B

Source 45--Drawing, Sherman’s Army, 1864

98. The evidence in the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following turning points in American history? [POL; Periodization; Concept 3, Target 3] a. The targeting of population centers. c. The destruction of supply depots. b. The use of military telegraphs. d. The scorched earth policy.A

Source 46--Civil War Painting

99. Which of the following events during the Civil War represents a continuation of the development depicted in the visual? [NAT, POL, CUL; Continuity-Change Over Time; Concept 3, Target 3] a. The Gettysburg Address. c. The Emancipation Proclamation. b. The Battle Of Antietam. d. The New York City Draft Riots.C

Source 47--Map

100. The _____ led to the ”ballot” and “the bullet” when addressing slavery. [POL; Causation; Concept 2, Target 3] a. Missouri Compromise c. Compromise of 1850 b. Wilmot Proviso d. Kansas-Nebraska ActD101. “The Constitution is a compact. It contains all our obligations and duties of the federal government. The powers…belong to the States or the people.” This quotation by John C. Calhoun would best apply to how the United States: [POL, WOR; Synthesis; Concept 2, Target 3] a. acquired Oregon Territory. c. organized Utah and New Mexico Territory. b. acquired Texas. d. organized Indian Territory.C

Source 48--Hinton R. Helper, The Impending Crisis Of The South: How To Meet It, 1857It is a fact well known to every intelligent Southerner that we are compelled to go to

the North for almost every article of utility and adornment, from shoepegs to paintings to steamships...owing to the absence of a proper system of business amongst us, the North becomes, in one way or another, the proprietor and dispenser of all our floating wealth, and that we are dependent on Northern capitalists...and that, instead of building up...our own States, cities, and towns, we have been spending our substance at the North, and are daily augmenting and strengthening the very power which now has us so completely under its thumb.

102. Which of the following most directly supports the assertion expressed by the author? [WXT; Use Of Evidence; Concept 2, Target 1] a. The defense of slavery as a positive good. c. The constant pressure by abolitionists. b. The absence of a southern industrial base. d. The legitimacy of secessionist doctrine.B103. The position held by the author was most directly a(n): [NAT, WXT; Interpretation; Concept 2, Target 1] a. southern condemnation on slavery. c. attack on northern manufacturers. b. northern defense of their society. d. justification for southern prosperity. A

Source 49--Thaddeus Stevens, House Of Representatives, 1867 Have not loyal blacks quite as good a right to chose rulers and make laws as rebel

whites? ...it is a necessity in order to protect the loyal white men in the seceded states. The whole Union men are in a great minority in each of those southern states. With them the blacks would act in a body, and it is believed that in each of said states, except one, the two united would form a majority, control the states, and protect themselves. Now they are the victims of daily murder...I am for Negro suffrage in every rebel state. If it be just, it should not be denied; if it be necessary, it should be adopted; if it be a punishment to traitors, they deserve it.

104. The sentiments expressed by the author most clearly show the influence of which of the following at this time? [NAT, POL; Causation; Concept 3, Target 4] a. Northern citizens striving for social equality between whites and blacks. b. Northern and southern Congressmen finding common ground racial matters. c. Southern states refusing to allow ex-Confederate leaders to run for office. d. Southern states conspiring to deny fundamental liberties to freedmen.D105. The goals presented in the excerpt have the most in common with which of the following? [NAT, POL; Comparison; Concept 3, Target 4] a. Seeking to discipline former Confederate leaders for provoking war. b. Enabling the southern states to quickly regain entry into the Union. c. Deferring to the president to create Reconstruction policies. d. Delaying passage of key legislation that would assist the freedmen.A106. Based on the excerpt, the author would support all of the following measures EXCEPT: [NAT, POL. CUL; Contextualization; Concept 3, Target 4] a. prosecuting white supremacy organizations. b. creating a federal relief agency for poor whites and blacks. c. guaranteeing government jobs to former slaves. d. ensuring freedmen equal protection of the laws.C107. The ideas expressed by the author was most directly challenged by: [POL; Contextuali- zation; Concept 3, Target 4] a. the Wade-Davis Bill. c. the Civil Rights Act of 1866. b. Plessy vs. Ferguson. d. the Civil Rights Act of 1875.B

Source 50--Harper’s Weekly, September 5, 1868 Apelike Irish --> Immigrant vote Unrepentant former Confederate --> Kluxer’s knife Rich northern capitalist --> Capitalist’s dollars Black man --> Clutching Union flag, reaching for ballot box

108. Which of the following conclusions about the political landscape of the time period is best supported by the information presented in the visual? [NAT, POL; Interpretation] a. Northern and southern whites supported Radical Reconstruction legislation. b. Southern blacks regularly voted despite concerted efforts to deny them their rights. c. Northern whites were divided over how to guarantee liberties for former slaves. d. Northern and southern whites found common ground to protect their interests.D
