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Period B. Society The Roman Romulus and · D. Roman Civil War 1. dependence on conquered...

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Slide 1 The Roman Period Slide 2 I. The Etruscans A. 6 th Century B.C. B. Society 1. militaristic 2. practical 3. anthropomorphic deities Slide 3 4. Legend of Romulus and Remus 5. probably from Asia 6. advanced culture a. metallurgy
Page 1: Period B. Society The Roman Romulus and · D. Roman Civil War 1. dependence on conquered territories 2. corruption of officials 3. abuse of poor Slide 14 4. violent excesses of generals

Slide 1 The Roman


Slide 2 I. The Etruscans

A. 6th Century B.C.B. Society

1. militaristic2. practical3. anthropomorphic


Slide 3 4. Legend of Romulus and Remus

5. probably from Asia

6. advanced culturea. metallurgy

Page 2: Period B. Society The Roman Romulus and · D. Roman Civil War 1. dependence on conquered territories 2. corruption of officials 3. abuse of poor Slide 14 4. violent excesses of generals

Slide 4 b. Alphabetc. Organized

city-statesd. Defeated by

Rome (c. 509 B.C.)

Slide 5 II. Roman Republic

A. Motto—”Senatus Populusque Romanus” (the Roman Senate and People

Slide 6 B. Democracy for

male citizens1. assemblies2. Senate—self-

renewing oligarchy

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Slide 7 Roman Senate

Slide 8 a. Patres—old families

b. Plebs—wealthy

familiesc. Consuls—

elected for one year-terms

Slide 9 3. Elected

magistratesC. Military Expansion

1. service requirement of all

male citizens (up to 16 years)

Page 4: Period B. Society The Roman Romulus and · D. Roman Civil War 1. dependence on conquered territories 2. corruption of officials 3. abuse of poor Slide 14 4. violent excesses of generals

Slide 10 2. legion—5,000 men3. Punic Wars

a. With Carthageb. Hannibal's

march over the Alps in 218 B.C. (2ND

Punic War)

Slide 11

Slide 12 Hannibal’s March over the Alps

Page 5: Period B. Society The Roman Romulus and · D. Roman Civil War 1. dependence on conquered territories 2. corruption of officials 3. abuse of poor Slide 14 4. violent excesses of generals

Slide 13 D. Roman Civil War1. dependence on

conquered territories

2. corruption of officials

3. abuse of poor

Slide 14 4. violent

excesses of generals

5. fall of the Republic (133-131 B.C.)

6. leaders:

Slide 15 a. Maruisb. Sullac. Pompeyd. Caesar

1) crossing of the Rubicon (49 B.C.)

Page 6: Period B. Society The Roman Romulus and · D. Roman Civil War 1. dependence on conquered territories 2. corruption of officials 3. abuse of poor Slide 14 4. violent excesses of generals

Slide 16 2) acceptance of

dictatorship (44 B.C.)

3) assassination (March 44 B.C.)

4) Julian calendar (in use since 1/1/45B.C.!)

Slide 17 E.Visual Arts1. Fresco (painting on

wet plaster which becomes permanent part of wall)

a. Bright colorsb. Copies of Greek art

& mythology

Slide 18

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Slide 19

Slide 20

Slide 21

Page 8: Period B. Society The Roman Romulus and · D. Roman Civil War 1. dependence on conquered territories 2. corruption of officials 3. abuse of poor Slide 14 4. violent excesses of generals

Slide 22

Slide 23 c. Naturalistic figures

d. Everyday subject matter

e. Trompe l’oeil (trick of the eye) combination of architectural detail & landscapes

Slide 24

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Slide 25

Slide 26 f. Imitation of

scenery1) tragic—columns, statues, palace


Slide 27 2) comic scenery—private homes with balconies

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Slide 28

Slide 29

Slide 30

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Slide 31

Slide 32 3) satiric—rustic


pastoral2. Sculpture

a. Portraits—household & ancestor worship

Slide 33 b. Busts from death

masks (Portrait of the

Unknown Roman)

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Slide 34

Slide 35

Slide 36 3. Architecture

a. Corinthianb. Smaller temples

(more private worship)

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Slide 37 c. Engaged

columns—partly embedded

Slide 38

Slide 39 F. Theatre1. Style

a. Wild, unrestrained ,

lewdb. Grotesque

masks & costumes

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Slide 40

Slide 41 2. Types

a. Phylakes(gossips)—parody of mythology

Slide 42 Roman Theatre masks

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Slide 43 c. Comedy—

Terrence & Plautus

d. Mime—lewd, satiric, of Christianity

Slide 44 G. Religion & Philosophy

1. Stoicisma. Tenets

appealing to Romans

Slide 45 1) world governed by

reason, logos, the Great

Intelligence2) fate;

submission to greater will

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Slide 46 3) duty4) justice for

everyone (chief contribution

to western


Slide 47 b. Periods1) Old Stoa—

made a religion by

Chrysippus (280 BC)

Slide 48 2) Middle Stoa—brought to Rome by Diogenes of Babylon (156-155 BC); adopted Aristotle’s “golden mean”

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Slide 49 3) Late Stoa—worldly, urbane, tolerant

2. Religiona. Early nature

spirit divinities

Slide 50 III. Roman Empire

A. Augustus1. defeat of

conspirators at Battle of Phillipi

(42 BC)

Slide 51 2. defeat of former

ally, Mark Antony at naval battle at

Actium (31 BC)3. named Caesar

(new honorific title) by Horace

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Slide 52 4. autocratic powers (At one point he gave up all power, only to have it thrust back upon him by the people who named him Augustus, the Fortunate and Blessed)

Slide 53 a. Militaryb. Tribunician

(spokesperson for the people)

c. Religious (chief priest)

5. contributions

Slide 54 a. Aesthetic

revolution—however, art’s

purpose became propaganda based on symbolism

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Slide 55

Slide 56

Slide 57

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Slide 58

Slide 59

Slide 60 b. Rebuilding of temples,

roads & aqueducts

c. Sound currencyd. peace

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Slide 61 Pax Romana

Slide 62 B. Pax Romana

1. Good Emperors—Claudius, Trajan, Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius

Slide 63 2. advancesa. Citizenship to

all peoples of Italy

b. Expansion to size of U.S.

Page 22: Period B. Society The Roman Romulus and · D. Roman Civil War 1. dependence on conquered territories 2. corruption of officials 3. abuse of poor Slide 14 4. violent excesses of generals

Slide 64 4. decline (180 AD)

a. Army control through weak

emperorsb. Fall in the

standards of living

Slide 65 c. Higher taxesd. Decline of the

middle classe. Border problems

C. Roman Law1. Judge system—

justice from independents

Slide 66 2. legal knowledge

requirements3. establishment of

precedent system to ensure equality in application of the law

Page 23: Period B. Society The Roman Romulus and · D. Roman Civil War 1. dependence on conquered territories 2. corruption of officials 3. abuse of poor Slide 14 4. violent excesses of generals

Slide 67 D. Philosophy

1. Seneca (8 BC-AD 65)

a. Rejected human weakness

Slide 68 b. Defended

“righteousness of great wealth”

c. Stoic2. Marcus Aurelius

and Epictetus--Stoicism

Slide 69 a. Marcus Aurelius

(AD 121-180)1) Stoic emperor

(after period of suppression of free inquiry under Nero)

Page 24: Period B. Society The Roman Romulus and · D. Roman Civil War 1. dependence on conquered territories 2. corruption of officials 3. abuse of poor Slide 14 4. violent excesses of generals

Slide 70 2) shifted

Stoicism to a

moral sense rather than an

intellectual practice

Slide 71 3) tenets

a) austerity

b) faith in “an

assurance that all is for the best”

Slide 72 c) all people

are “children

of one father”

d) Meditation

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Slide 73 b. Epictetus 1) slave Stoic2) Discourses

and Manuel

3) death reunites us

with logos

Slide 74 4) world is rationally

ordered3. Plotinus (205-270)

a. Individual beauty is reflection of harmony in the universe and “higher reality

Slide 75 b. “Good” is the

source of all

“Beauty”c. Art is the

bridge to the higher


Page 26: Period B. Society The Roman Romulus and · D. Roman Civil War 1. dependence on conquered territories 2. corruption of officials 3. abuse of poor Slide 14 4. violent excesses of generals

Slide 76 d. Art is

symbolic of:1) the

perfected natural world

Slide 77 2) the ultimate reality as humans can conceive of it

Slide 78 E. Religion—Mithra

1. Persian mystery cult

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Slide 79 2. appealed to the military

a. Self disciplineb. Abstinencec. Control of

passiond. brotherhood

Slide 80 3. tenetsa. Mithra as

mediator with unknowableunreachable


Slide 81 b. Engaged in struggle with evil

c. Judge over the souls after death

d. God of light

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Slide 82 e. Initiates

allowed to partake of sacred bread and wine which gave power to fight evil and offer eternal life

Slide 83 F. Visual Arts1. Wall painting

a. Brightly colored frescoes

b. Pompeiic. architectural

Slide 84 Pompeii

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Slide 85

Slide 86

Slide 87 2. Sculpture

a. Greek “perfect body”

b. Romanized with a toga

c. Emperors as gods

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Slide 88

Slide 89

Slide 90 d. Trajan’s

Column1) story of accomplishment2) 128 ft high in

Emperor’s Forum

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Slide 91 3) interior

winding staircase

4) spiral relief sculpture

5) reliance on symbolism

Slide 92 e. Sarcophagi1) cremation

out of favor2) art reflective

of home life3) three-sided;

fourth against


Slide 93

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Slide 94

Slide 95 3. Architecture

a. Greek styleb. “Roman style”

offering arcades & tunnel and groin vaults

Slide 96

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Slide 97 c. The Pantheon

1) domed temple of

unprecedented scale—143 ft


Slide 98 2) interior

gilded to suggest “golden dome of heaven”—light entered through oculus

Slide 99 3) use of concrete to

hold incredible weight (1st

time ever used)

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Slide 100

Slide 101

Slide 102 4) mysterious rings

around dome which

may be the secret to the weight


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Slide 103

Slide 104 d. Colosseum—

representative of Roman style

1) seating for 50,000

2) vaulted corridors

Slide 105

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Slide 106

Slide 107 3) engaged columns4) columns of

different orders progressing upwards (Doric, Ionic,


Slide 108

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Slide 109 5) oval arena6) awnings to

shade spectators

Slide 110 G. Music

1. Very popular2. hydraulos—water

organ in Colosseum to provide background


Slide 111 3. pursuit of

professionalism4. invention of brass

instruments for military use

H. Literature

Page 38: Period B. Society The Roman Romulus and · D. Roman Civil War 1. dependence on conquered territories 2. corruption of officials 3. abuse of poor Slide 14 4. violent excesses of generals

Slide 112 1. imitation of Greek2. Vergil’s Aeneid

commanded by Augustusa. 12 booksb. Story of Rome

Slide 113 c. Consummate skill

in diction, rhythm, & word

musicd. Understanding of

the human condition

Slide 114

Page 39: Period B. Society The Roman Romulus and · D. Roman Civil War 1. dependence on conquered territories 2. corruption of officials 3. abuse of poor Slide 14 4. violent excesses of generals

Slide 115 e. Tried to burn it

because of imperfections but was forbidden by Augustus

Slide 116 3. Latin considered a

peasant language

4. influence of Virgil, Horace, and Livvy on western culture is tremendous

Slide 117

