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Peripheral and Central Structures Involved in Insect Gustation

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Peripheral and Central Structures Involved in Insect Gustation B.K. MITCHELL, 1 H. ITAGAKI, 2 AND MARIE-PASCALE RIVET 1 1 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Canada T6G 2E9 2 Department of Biology, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio 43022 KEY WORDS taste; chemorecepion; taste processing; SOG; SEG; subesophageal ganglion; Neobellieria; Sarcophaga; Drosophila; Apis; Manduca ABSTRACT Studies in insect gustation have a long history in general physiology, particularly with work on fly labellar and tarsal sensilla and in the general field of insect-plant interactions, where work on immature Lepidoptera and chrysomelid beetles has been prominent. Much more emphasis has been placed on the physiological characteristics of the sensory cells than on the central cellular mechanisms of taste processing. This is due to the fairly direct access for physiological experimentation presented by many taste sensilla and to the obvious importance of tastants in insect feeding and oviposition behaviour. In some of the insect models used for gustatory studies, advances have been made in understanding the basic morphology of the central neuropils involved in the first stages of taste processing. There is much less known about the physiology of interneurons involved. In this review, we concentrate on four insect models (Manduca sexta, Drosophila melanogaster, Neobellieria bullata (and other large flies), and Apis mellifera) to summarize morphological knowledge of peripheral and central aspects of insect gustation. Our views of current interpretations of available data are discussed and some important areas for future research are highlighted. Microsc. Res. Tech. 47:401–415, 1999. r 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc. INTRODUCTION In the past few decades, much progress has been made on many elements of the chemical senses in insects. In this decade, reviews on the insect taste system have focused on morphology of the sensory structures involved in reception and their development (Keil, 1997; Zacharuk and Shields, 1991); pharmacol- ogy, transduction, and structure activity (Mullin et al., 1994); coding of chemical information and intracellular mechanisms (Frazier, 1991), and the organization of afferent terminals in the central nervous system (CNS) (Pollack and Balakrishnan, 1997). Our goal in this paper is to review a selected portion of the insect gustation literature, emphasizing structural elements from the sensilla that transduce chemical information to the structure and organization of the gustatory regions of the CNS, concentrating on those species about which we have the most information for both peripheral and central structures, namely the larval Lepidoptera, especially the hawkmoth Manduca sexta; the honeybee Apis mellifera; the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster; and the larger blowflies and fleshflies of the families Calliphoridae (Phormia and Calliphora spp.) and Sarcophagidae (Neobellieria [5 Sarcophaga] bullata). STRUCTURE OF CONTACT CHEMOSENSILLA The typical insect taste sensillum consists of a special- ization of the cuticle innervated by the dendrites of one or more bipolar sensory nerve cells supported and ensheathed by 3–4 accessory cells at the base (Zacha- ruk and Shields, 1991; Fig. 1a,d). The classification of sensillum types in insects is done on the basis of cuticular morphology supported by studies of ultrastruc- ture and electrophysiology. Schneider’s (1964) classifica- tion of insect sensilla into 10 morphological types is still routinely used, modified by the realization that there may also be functional differences among sensilla in a single morphological category, and that novel sensilla also exist that have since been described (Zacharuk, 1985). Within each of the 10 morphological types de- scribed by Schneider (1964), there are variations in the number of small pores on the cuticle that are believed to be due to functional differences. The pore numbers vary from aporous, considered to be mechanosensory, to uniporous, considered to be gustatory though often with possible mechanosensory innervation, to multi- porous, which are considered to be olfactory (Schneider, 1964; Zacharuk, 1985; Zacharuk and Shields, 1991). Of these sensilla types, the ones believed to mediate gustation are uniporous. The 4 types commonly thought to have a contact chemosensory function (Zacharuk and Shields, 1991) are: 1. Sensilla trichodea are freely moveable setiform hairs of variable lengths, with their bases set in the basal membrane in a variety of different insertion types. Their diameters are generally proportional to their lengths, and they have been ascribed as having mechanosensory function with some also having chemosensory and/or thermosensitive functions. 2. Sensilla chaetica are similar to sensilla trichodea except that these bristles and hairs are set in a socket and can be identified by their thick walls. They are usually considered to have tactile and sometimes chemosensory function. Contract grant sponsor: NSERC; Contract grant sponsor: NSF; Contract grant number: IBN-9630943. Received February 1999; accepted in revised form June 1999 MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE 47:401–415 (1999) r 1999 WILEY-LISS, INC.
Page 1: Peripheral and Central Structures Involved in Insect Gustation

Peripheral and Central Structures Involved in Insect GustationB.K. MITCHELL,1 H. ITAGAKI,2 AND MARIE-PASCALE RIVET1

1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Canada T6G 2E92Department of Biology, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio 43022

KEY WORDS taste; chemorecepion; taste processing; SOG; SEG; subesophageal ganglion;Neobellieria; Sarcophaga; Drosophila; Apis; Manduca

ABSTRACT Studies in insect gustation have a long history in general physiology, particularlywith work on fly labellar and tarsal sensilla and in the general field of insect-plant interactions,where work on immature Lepidoptera and chrysomelid beetles has been prominent. Much moreemphasis has been placed on the physiological characteristics of the sensory cells than on the centralcellular mechanisms of taste processing. This is due to the fairly direct access for physiologicalexperimentation presented by many taste sensilla and to the obvious importance of tastants ininsect feeding and oviposition behaviour. In some of the insect models used for gustatory studies,advances have been made in understanding the basic morphology of the central neuropils involvedin the first stages of taste processing. There is much less known about the physiology of interneuronsinvolved. In this review, we concentrate on four insect models (Manduca sexta, Drosophilamelanogaster, Neobellieria bullata (and other large flies), and Apis mellifera) to summarizemorphological knowledge of peripheral and central aspects of insect gustation. Our views of currentinterpretations of available data are discussed and some important areas for future research arehighlighted. Microsc. Res. Tech. 47:401–415, 1999. r 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

INTRODUCTIONIn the past few decades, much progress has been

made on many elements of the chemical senses ininsects. In this decade, reviews on the insect tastesystem have focused on morphology of the sensorystructures involved in reception and their development(Keil, 1997; Zacharuk and Shields, 1991); pharmacol-ogy, transduction, and structure activity (Mullin et al.,1994); coding of chemical information and intracellularmechanisms (Frazier, 1991), and the organization ofafferent terminals in the central nervous system (CNS)(Pollack and Balakrishnan, 1997). Our goal in thispaper is to review a selected portion of the insectgustation literature, emphasizing structural elementsfrom the sensilla that transduce chemical informationto the structure and organization of the gustatoryregions of the CNS, concentrating on those speciesabout which we have the most information for bothperipheral and central structures, namely the larvalLepidoptera, especially the hawkmoth Manduca sexta;the honeybee Apis mellifera; the fruitfly Drosophilamelanogaster; and the larger blowflies and fleshflies ofthe families Calliphoridae (Phormia and Calliphoraspp.) and Sarcophagidae (Neobellieria [5 Sarcophaga]bullata).

STRUCTURE OF CONTACT CHEMOSENSILLAThe typical insect taste sensillum consists of a special-

ization of the cuticle innervated by the dendrites of oneor more bipolar sensory nerve cells supported andensheathed by 3–4 accessory cells at the base (Zacha-ruk and Shields, 1991; Fig. 1a,d). The classification ofsensillum types in insects is done on the basis ofcuticular morphology supported by studies of ultrastruc-ture and electrophysiology. Schneider’s (1964) classifica-

tion of insect sensilla into 10 morphological types is stillroutinely used, modified by the realization that theremay also be functional differences among sensilla in asingle morphological category, and that novel sensillaalso exist that have since been described (Zacharuk,1985). Within each of the 10 morphological types de-scribed by Schneider (1964), there are variations in thenumber of small pores on the cuticle that are believed tobe due to functional differences. The pore numbers varyfrom aporous, considered to be mechanosensory, touniporous, considered to be gustatory though oftenwith possible mechanosensory innervation, to multi-porous, which are considered to be olfactory (Schneider,1964; Zacharuk, 1985; Zacharuk and Shields, 1991). Ofthese sensilla types, the ones believed to mediategustation are uniporous. The 4 types commonly thoughtto have a contact chemosensory function (Zacharuk andShields, 1991) are:

1. Sensilla trichodea are freely moveable setiform hairsof variable lengths, with their bases set in the basalmembrane in a variety of different insertion types.Their diameters are generally proportional to theirlengths, and they have been ascribed as havingmechanosensory function with some also havingchemosensory and/or thermosensitive functions.

2. Sensilla chaetica are similar to sensilla trichodeaexcept that these bristles and hairs are set in asocket and can be identified by their thick walls.They are usually considered to have tactile andsometimes chemosensory function.

Contract grant sponsor: NSERC; Contract grant sponsor: NSF; Contract grantnumber: IBN-9630943.

Received February 1999; accepted in revised form June 1999



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Fig. 1. a–c: Diagramatic reconstruction and ultrastructural as-pects of a typical larval lepidopteran uniporous sensillum styloconi-cum present on the maxilla. a: Reconstruction of styloconic sensillumof Mamastra configurata from EM sections. Features common to thistype of sensillum in all Lepidoptera studied are labeled. Arrowheadsrefer to levels of sections in b and c. b: Cross-section of a styloconicsensillum approximately at the level indicated in a (arrowheads). Oneof these dendrites innervates the base of the sensillum at the top of thestyle and is mechanosensory, the other four are chemosensory. Thedendritic sheath is elaborate at this level, surrounding individualdendrites and presumably providing support for them. c: Proximal tob, the dendritic sheath is less elaborate and the five dendrites minglein the same space. One of the surrounding sheath cells responsible forsecreting the sheath is clearly seen. This section is approximately atthe level indicated in a. a–c modified from Shields (1994). d–g:Diagramatic reconstruction and ultrastructural aspects of a typicaladult dipteran taste hair. d: Diagram of a labellar taste hair in D.melanogaster. Features common to this type of sensillum in all flies

studied are labeled. The two-chambered nature of such sensilla isapparent, with the smaller chamber providing support for the den-drites. Here, the mechanosensitive cell terminates at the base of thehair in a distinct tubular body. e: The tips of these sensilla are difficultto study in TEM and relatively few photographs have been published.This longitudinal section through a labellar sensillum of P. reginaclearly shows the two lumina with the one containing the fourchemosensitive dendrites (right) in communication with the environ-ment through the single apical pore. f: The cross-sections of P. reginasensilla (Fig. 1f,g) can be compared with those shown to representLepidoptera (b and c). In mid-shaft (g), the four chemosensorydendrites are clearly seen as are the two lumina. f is proximal to g andproximal to the tubular body of the mechanosensory cell (d). The fifthdendrite is the mechanosensitive cell and it is completely surroundedby the dendritic sheath. d modified from Nayak and Singh (1983); emodified from Sturckow et al. (1973); f,g modified from Felt and VandeBerg (1976). Scale bar in e estimated from published print.


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Fig. 1. (Continued.)


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3. Sensilla styloconica are peg-like, set on top of aconical cuticular style, and have been shown to havemechanosensory and/or chemosensory functions.

4. Sensilla placodea are cuticular plates generally setat the level of the cuticle, attached to it by a ring ofmembrane.

Much of what we know about gustatory sensilla hascome from work on the mouth parts of insects due to thecentral role these sensilla play in feeding behavior.However, investigators have also recognized that gusta-tory receptors on the ovipositor play a role in hostrecognition for oviposition (e.g., Anderson and Hall-berg, 1990), while other receptors on the tarsi arepotentially used in both feeding and oviposition (Ander-son and Hallberg, 1995; Baur et al., 1998; Hansen andHeumann, 1971; van der Wolk, 1978; van der Wolk etal.,1984).

In general, the uniporous sensilla with putativegustatory function have similar morphologies at theultrastructural level. All have a single pore, either at ornear the tip of pegs or in the middle of plates. Thesepores may be simple or stellate in shape, and they maybe elaborated with grooves converging at the pore ormore complex finger-like projections that surround theopening (Zacharuk, 1985). Internally, the dendrites ofthe sensory neurons typically project to near the pore,surrounded by a dendritic sheath that divides thesensilla lumen into two compartments: the dendriticchamber and the sensillar chamber. The dendriticchamber is typically innervated by 4–6 sensory neu-rons, though in various insects, as few as one and asmany as 10 have been described (Zacharuk, 1985). Also,some of the dendrites appear to branch within thesheath. In most uniporous sensilla, which have both amechanosensory and gustatory function, a single sen-sory cell is separated from the others by a septumwithin the dendriitic sheath below the base of thesensillum. This cell is mechanosensitive and termi-nates in a tubular body at the base of the sensillum(Zacharuk, 1985).

Here, we concentrate on the morphology of gustatorysensilla in four groups of insects about which we havethe greatest amount of information on both the periph-eral and central structures involved in the processing ofgustatory information.


LEPIDOPTERA)The gustatory sensilla of larval Lepidoptera have

received intense scrutiny due to their importance asagricultural pests. Behavioral studies have shown thatolfaction is used in the initial orientation and discrimi-nation of possible foods, while gustation is used for thefinal discrimination that initiates feeding (DeBoer andHanson, 1987; Hanson and Dethier, 1973). Hence, thegustatory sensilla can be regarded as the ultimatearbiters of what plants are ingested or rejected.

Among Lepidoptera, larvae of the hawkmoth, M.sexta, have become a model system for the study ofinsect gustation, especially with respect to insect-plantrelationships (e.g., DeBoer, 1991a,b, 1992; DeBoer andHanson, 1987; Dethier and Crnjar, 1982; Dethier andKuch, 1971; Dethier and Schoonhoven, 1969; Hanson

and Peterson, 1990; Peterson et al., 1993; Schoonhovenand Dethier, 1966). In general, the elongate sensillastyloconica of the maxilla are the main larval gustatoryorgans (Dethier and Kuch, 1971; Kent and Hildebrand,1987; Schoonhoven and Dethier, 1966) (Fig. 1). Eachmaxilla has 2 sensilla styloconica on the galea, onelocated laterally and one medially, each of which hasfour gustatory receptors (Schoonhoven and Dethier,1966). Each maxillary palp has 8 sensilla basiconica atits tip, with a total of 14–19 receptor neurons(Schoonhoven and Dethier, 1966). The sensilla basi-conica on the palp are of 2 morphological types: 3 withmultiple pores, believed to be olfactory sensilla, and 5with a single pore, believed to be gustatory sensilla(Dethier and Crnjar, 1982; Hanson and Dethier, 1973).

The 4 gustatory cells in the sensilla styloconica on themaxillary galea have strikingly different sensitivities,with the first being maximally sensitive to sucrose/glucose; the 2nd to NaCl; the 3rd to inositol; and the 4thto plant alkaloids such as salicin (Dethier and Crnjar,1982). Other putative gustatory receptors have beenidentified on the epipharyngeal surface of the labrum,and there is some evidence for other receptors in thehypopharynx and deeper portions of the buccal cavity(Kent and Hildebrand, 1987).

Some of these gustatory sensilla in M. sexta and otherlarval Lepidoptera have been studied in ultrastructuraldetail by a number of investigators (Devitt and Smith,1982; Ma, 1972; Schoonhoven and Dethier, 1966;Shields, 1994a,b; Wieczorek, 1976). Of these gustatoryreceptors, the sensilla styloconica on the galea of themaxilla are the best studied (Fig. 1a–c), partly due tothe fact that they can be characterized electrophysiologi-cally, so that more detailed structure-function ques-tions can be asked. In M. sexta larvae, Schoonhoven andDethier (1966) found that the medial and lateral stylo-conic sensilla on the galea of the maxilla were morpho-logically identical, with the 4–6 dendrites being sur-rounded in the apical regions of the sensillum by asheath that separated them from the sensillar chamber.As only four neurons are believed to innervate the tip ofthe styloconic sensillum, it is probable that one or moreof the chemosensory dendrites branched as they nearthe apical pore.

In other larval Lepidoptera, ultrastructural studiesof the sensilla styloconica on the maxilla have foundvery similar results. They all find 4–6 dendrites en-closed in a sheath that separate them from the sensillarchamber, with some dendrites branching on their projec-tion to the apical pore (Euxoa messoria: Devitt andSmith, 1982; Pieris brassicae: Ma, 1972; Mamestraconfigurata: Shields, 1994a,b). This well-studied sys-tem is illustrated using figures from Shield’s (1994a,b)work on M. configurata (Fig. 1a–c).

Honeybee, Apis melliferaThe honeybee has been a favored organism for the

investigation of insect communication and learning(von Frisch, 1967), in which chemosensory pathwaysplay a major part. However, the ultrastructure ofhoneybee contact chemoreceptors is relatively less stud-ied, with Slifer and Sekhon (1961) investigating thosefound on the antenna, and Whitehead and Larsen(1976a,b) investigating receptors on the head (antenna,mouth parts) and on the foretarsi. In the latter study,


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sensilla chaetica and sensilla basiconica were identifiedas the gustatory sensilla on the head and legs of thehoneybee.

On the antenna, some 300 gustatory sensilla chaeticaare present, but no sensilla basiconica. On the differentregions of the mouth parts (glossa, labial palps, galea),approximately 120 sensilla chaetica and 90 sensillabasiconica with gustatory function have been counted.On the forelegs, each tarsomere has 10–21 sensillachaetica and 0–6 sensilla basiconica, both types arethought to be gustatory (Whitehead and Larsen,1976a,b). Ultrastructural work on these receptors re-vealed that their fine morphologies are very similar tothat of other uniporous insect sensilla. Both the glossaland maxillary sensilla chaetica and sensilla basiconicahave 4 dendrites in a dendritic sheath that separatesthem from the sensillar chamber, with a pore visible atthe tip of some of the sections. As well, a singlemechanosensory neuron is located at the base, and itsdendrite is associated witha tubular body (Whiteheadand Larsen, 1976a,b).

Fruitfly, Drosophila melanogasterDue to its well-understood genetics, D. melanogaster

has been a model organism for many studies, includingthose investigating the organization of chemoreceptorsand their projections. The gustatory receptors arewidely distributed in the adult D. melanogaster, as theyhave been found on the labellum, the pharynx, the wingmargins, the legs, and the female genitalia (Stocker,1994).

The labellar gustatory receptors in D. melanogasterhave been classified into two types, taste bristles andtaste pegs, which appear to be analogous to the sensillatrichoidea and sensilla basiconica in larger flies (Falket al., 1976). Between 36–42 taste bristles are locatedon each half of the labellum, with most bristles havingfour chemoreceptor neurons, and a few having only two.The dendrites of these neurons are located in a lumenwithin the sensillum, distinct from a second lumen thatis filled with sensillar lymph. Most labellar taste bristlesend with a blunt, two-pronged tip, with a fold betweenthese tips that may hold the sensillar pore, while somesingle-tip bristles end with a pore. As in other uniporousinsect sensilla, a single mechanosensory neuron sendsa dendrite to the base of each bristle (Falk et al., 1976).Also on the labellum, taste pegs (sensilla basiconica)are found between the folds of the pseudotracheae.Between each pair of pseudotracheae are 4–7 tastepegs, totalling some 30 on each half of the labellum(Stocker, 1994). Each of these sensilla apparently hasonly one chemosensory cell, as in the distal part of thesensillum near the pore only one dendrite can be seen.As in the taste bristles, each taste peg is innervated bya single mechanosensory cell, and has an internalorganization essentially identical to the labellar tastebristles (Falk et al., 1976). The physiological responsesof the labellar bristles/hairs show the presence ofreceptors responding to sucrose, NaCl, and water (Rod-rigues and Siddiqi, 1978; Shanbhag and Singh, 1992;Stocker, 1994).

In the D. melanogaster pharynx, 5 groups of sensillahave been identified, of which the labral sense organ(LSO) and the ventral and dorsal cibarial sense organs(VCSO, DCSO) have been shown to have chemosensory

neurons (Nayak and Singh, 1983; Stocker, 1994) (Fig.2c). The ultrastructure of a chemoreceptor in the LSOshows the typical morphology of the chemosensorydendrites enclosed within a sheath, though the sensil-lum pore is at the level of the cuticular surface with therest of the structure below the cuticle (Nayak andSingh, 1983).

D. melanogaster legs are covered with four types ofsensilla, of which the taste bristles, with morphologyvery similar to those on the labellum, appear to begustatory. They have a terminal pore and two lumina;four dendrites of gustatory neurons are located in one ofthese lumina. Again, a mechanosensory cell innervatesthe base of the sensillum (Nayak and Singh, 1983;Stocker, 1994). About 30 bristles are typically locatedon each leg on the tibia and tarsi, with forelegs having afew more than the meso- and metathoracic legs, andmale forelegs having about a third more bristles thanthose of females (Nayak and Singh, 1983; Shanbhagand Singh, 1992). These taste bristles are responsive tosalt and sugar (Hannaford and Palka, 1992).

On the wings, some 30 chemosensitive taste bristlesmuch like those on the labellum are located on thedorsal surface along the costal veins, with an additional12 on the ventral surface. These bristles display aterminal pore, with four dendrites in their shaft en-closed in a thin lamella, and a mechanosensory den-drite at the base of the bristle (Palka et al., 1979).Behavioral assays indicate that these wing taste bristlesare responsive to both sugar and salt (Hannaford andPalka, 1992; Stocker, 1994).

Based on morphological criteria, 6 sensilla trichodeaon the vaginal plate of female D. melanogaster havebeen identified as having chemosensory function. Aswell, an additional 10–15 shorter bristles also on thevaginal plate appear to have the morphology of chemo-sensory hairs (Stocker, 1994).

Flies of the Families Calliphoridaeand Sarcophagidae

The gustatory sensilla in blowflies and fleshflies havebeen well studied, due in great part to the ease withwhich the responses of the contact chemoreceptive cellscan be recorded in vivo (e.g., Dethier, 1976; Wieczoreket al., 1988). As in the smaller D. melanogaster, thegustatory receptors in these flies have been localized tothe labellum, the tarsi, and the female genitalia (Stocker,1994). On the labellum, although the number of tastereceptors is much higher than in D. melanogaster, thegeneral organizational plan is maintained in the blow-flies and fleshflies. The taste bristles (sensilla tricho-dea) are substantially longer (15–350 µm in length)than the taste pegs between the pseudotracheae of thelabellum (6–10 µm) (Van der Wolk et al., 1984). In P.regina, the taste bristles on each labellum numbersome 125, while between the pseudotracheae, the papil-lae number about 65 (Wilczek, 1967). In comparison,the labellar taste bristles number about 130 per label-lum in Calliphora vicina (Maes and Vedder, 1978) whilein C. erythrocephala they number 128 (Wilczek, 1967).Despite the differences in sensillar number, the tastebristles are structurally and functionally the same as inD. melanogaster, having two chambers within theshaft, with the dendrites of the chemoreceptors sepa-rated from the sensillar lymph (Dethier, 1976; Stocker,


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Fig. 2. The SOG bears various relationships to the brain in theinsects highlighted in this review. In larval lepidopterans (a), it islargely separated from the brain, connected only by relatively longcircumoesophageal connectives. In the honeybee (b), there is signifi-cant fusion between the brain and the SOG and the three mouth partneuromeres (maxillary, mandibular, and labial) are discernable insaggital sections. In the flies (c,d), brain and SOG are also fused.

However, the lack of a mandibular neuromere and strong fusion of themaxillary and labial neuromeres make it difficult to separate these atthe level of gross morphology. a,b, and c are modified, respectively,from Kent and Hildebrand (1987) (M. sexta), Rehder (1989) (A.mellifera), and Stocker and Schorderet (1981) (D. melanogaster). d wasdrawn from a photograph of a dissection of a N. bullata brain.


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1994) (Fig. 1e,g). In these larger flies, four dendrites aretypically found within the bristles, although 3 and 5dendrite profiles are occasionally seen, along with thesingle mechanosensory neuron (Fig. 1d,f) (Dethier, 1976;Larsen, 1962). These chemoreceptive cells respond tosugars, salts, and water (Dethier, 1976; Maes andVedder, 1978; Shiraishi and Morita, 1974). More re-cently, investigators have delved into the developmentof these labellar taste hairs (De Kramer and Van DerMolen, 1984; Pollack and Balakrishnan, 1997).

The tarsal taste receptors have also received substan-tial study, with the majority of them located on theventral and ventrolateral aspects of the tarsi, and a fewlocated on the dorsal aspect of the tibia. In P. regina,they number some 300 on the prothoracic leg, 200 onthe mesothoracic leg, and 150 on the metathoracic leg(Dethier, 1976; Grabowski and Dethier, 1954). Similarsensilla numbers were seen on the prothoracic tarsi inP. terranovae, while in C. vicina, they number some190, and in Musca domestica about 370 (Van der Wolk,1978). The ultrastructure of these tarsal sensilla areessentially the same as those on the labellum (Stocker,1994). In the less closely-related phytophagous Antho-myiid fly Delia radicum, the tarsal taste sensilla havethe archetypical two chambers with the four chemosen-sory dendrites and the mechanosensory cell at the base(Isidoro et al., 1994).

Salt sensitivity of the wings was first described in P.regina (Wolbarsht and Dethier, 1958) and it is likelythat the sensilla transducing this response are similarin structure to other taste bristles found on these flies.As for the female genitalia, this has been investigatedonly in the blowfly Lucilla cuprina, where the cercihave ten trichoid sensilla, which have their dendritesenclosed in a sheath as in other known gustatorysensilla. Interestingly, some of these sensilla have 3dendrites in the sheath without a mechanosensory cellat the base, while others have the standard 4 dendriteswith an additional mechanosensory cell (Merritt, 1987;Merritt and Rice, 1984). These cercal sensilla areknown to be salt-sensitive (Rice, 1977).


Taste cells have been described from numerous partsof the insect body, yet, as with many sensory modalities,structures on the head provide the majority of gusta-tory information. The first stage of processing of gusta-tory input often occurs in the same segment as thesensilla being stimulated. However, the SOG, in addi-tion to receiving input from mouth part gustatorysensilla, receives direct input from distant segments.Consequently, it is reasonable to think of gustatoryprocessing as one of the major roles of the SOG. In thisreview, we have concentrated on the SOG in an attemptto bring together a small but widely distributed body ofneuroanatomical information on gustatory processingin insects. As with our discussion of external sensilla,we concentrate on the data available from the caterpil-lar of M. sexta, the fruit fly, D. melanogaster, thehoneybee A. mellifera, and large blowflies/flesh fliessuch as P. regina and N. bullata. The neuroanatomicalinformation on the central processing of taste is verylimited compared with that available for olfaction, yet,some patterns are beginning to emerge. Clearly, there

are numerous interesting avenues to be explored infuture research.

GENERAL ANATOMY (BRAIN AND SOG)The anatomical relationship between the brain and

the SOG, particularly the tritocerebrum and the SOG,varies greatly in insects. In the four preparationsconsidered here, the caterpillar has its SOG completelyseparated from the brain and connected only by circumo-esophageal connectives (Fig. 2a) while the two flies andthe bee show extensive fusion of these cerebral ganglia(Fig. 2b–d). Direct projections to the SOG from gusta-tory-mechano sensilla on various parts of the externalsurface and alimentary canal have been demonstrated.In the larger flies, the majority of inputs come from thecells in the labellar sensilla (Fig. 3) (Edgecomb andMurdock, 1992; Yetman and Pollack, 1986) thoughthere is a small direct projection from the tarsal sen-silla (Edgecomb and Murdock, 1992). In D. melanogas-ter, projections from sensilla on the labellum have alsobeen described as well as ones from inside the anteriormouth parts (the labral sensory organ, the ventralcibarial sensory organ, and the dorsal cibarial sensoryorgan, Fig. 2c) and ones running in the maxillary nerve(Nayak and Singh, 1985; Shanbhag and Singh,1989,1992; Singh and Nayak, 1985; Stocker and Schor-deret, 1981). In the honeybee, sensory projections to theSOG have been described for the mandibular nerve(probably mechanosensory, see Fig. 5a) and the labialnerve (Rehder, 1989), as well as for some antennalsensilla (Pareto, 1972; Suzuki, 1975). In the caterpillarof M. sexta, sensory projections to the SOG come fromthe antennal, labral, mandibular, maxillary and labialnerves (Kent and Hildebrand, 1987). (Fig. 4a,b).

Separation of Mechanoreceptiveand Gustatory Input

In all of the work to date, there is a less thansatisfactory resolution to unambiguously separate gus-tatory and mechanosensory projections. However, someprogress has been made on this essential first step.Feeding relies on the proper interpretation of both tasteand mechanical stimuli and it is not surprising thatthese two modalities are well represented in the SOG,perhaps with considerable interchange that may con-found anatomical separation. This is exacerbated bythe fact that many insect gustatory sensilla are bimodalwith a mechanoreceptive cell associated in the samesensillum with chemosensitive cells. In addition, it istheoretically possible for chemosensitive cells them-selves to also convey positional information, for thecontact chemoreceptive cells, by their very nature,encode mechanosensory information; in order for thecells to respond to a taste stimulus, it is necessary forthe sensillum to be touching a surface, hence theactivation of the taste receptor cells implies mechano-sensitive inputs as well. Perhaps mechano and chemo-sensory cells in each sensillum send spatial informationto one or more regions in the SOG. Given these reali-ties, it is not surprising to find some additional room forinterpretation of the anatomical details of taste- andmechano-innervation. Besides the bi-modal mouth partsensilla, other potential sources of mechanosensoryinput to the SOG include the head hair pathway(Mobbs, 1985), single modality mechanosensory sen-


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Fig. 3. Afferents from the labellar sensilla of P. regina projectexclusively to the suboesophageal ganglion as seen in the frontalaspect reconstruction shown (a). Comparing fills from numeroussensilla, and interpreting the larger cells as mechanosensory suggeststhat the chemosensory and mechanosensory input from labellar

sensilla project to distinct regions in the suboesophageal ganglion (b).However, three-dimensional data are not available to confirm thisinterpretation. Both a and b are adapted from Edgecomb and Murdock(1992).


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silla from various mouth parts, antennal mechanosen-silla, and perhaps cells from thoracic segments. A cleardelineation of a mechanosensory region or regions inthe SOG would help greatly in separating the twomodalities. In its absence, we can only summarize whatis known and make suggestions for further research.

A strong case for a clear separation of mechanosensi-tive and gustatory input fields in the SOG is made byEdgecomb and Murdock (1992). Using cobalt fills, theywere able to describe, in single labellar sensilla, a largediameter axon and one or more smaller diameter axons(Fig. 3a). They suggested that the large axon was fromthe single mechanosensitive cell in the treated sensil-lum. Summarizing results from a number of such fills,Edgecomb and Murdock suggested that there is amechanosensory region in the SOG of P. regina that liesvery close but just posterior to a gustatory region (Fig.3b). Both of these regions receive massive input fromthe maxillary-labellar nerve and receive a large part ofthe gustatory and mechanosensitive input from the

labellum. Indeed, Edgecomb and Murdock’s (1992) hy-pothesis of the separation of mechanosensory and tasteprojections in the SOG is supported by Murphey et al.(1989) who found that afferents of different modalitiesfrom the legs of flies project to different parts of theneuromere in the thoracic ganalion. As Edgecomb andMurdock (1992) did their work before the widespreaduse of confocal technology, their single-hair-fill recon-structions do not clearly separate the two modalities.Newer techniques using fluorescent dyes and computerreconstructions should allow more adequate testing oftheir hypothesis.

In caterpillars, represented by M. sexta, Kent andHildebrand (1987) (Fig. 4a,b) clearly describe inputfrom the mandibles that arborizes in the anteriorportion of the SOG. This is almost certainly mechano-sensory. There is also significant input from cells in theantennae projecting directly to the SOG and this isinterpreted by Kent and Hildebrand (1987) as mechano-sensory. Other inputs to the caterpillar SOG from

Fig. 4. Cobalt fills of all mouthpart sensilla in M. sexta revealed aclear partition of inputs to the suboesophageal ganglion (taste andmechanoreception), the deutocerebrum (smell), and the tritocerebrum(perhaps taste, Kent and Hildebrand, 1987; or perhaps mechanorecep-tion, this review). a: Projections from fills of the antennal nerve (left

side of drawing) and the labral nerve (right side of drawing). b: Fillsfrom the mandibular teeth, the maxilla, and the labial plaps (mandibu-lar, maxillary, and labial nerves). a and b adapted from Kent andHildebrand (1987).


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labral, maxillary, and labial nerves appear to be clearlyseparated from each other and are probably a mixtureof mechano and gustatory inputs. Uncertainty remainsabout small branch projections from the labral, maxil-lary, and labial nerves to the tritocerebrum (Fig. 4a,b).Kent and Hildebrand (1987) conclude that these arechemosensory, probably gustatory, but a case can bemade for them being mechanosensory (see below). Weinclude the tritocerebrum in our discussion of thecaterpillar data because of the very close associationbetween the SOG and tritocerebrum in the flies andhoneybee.

In D. melanogaster, Nayak and Singh (1985) recog-nized seven types of sensory projections from the label-lum, based on AgNO3 staining. They suggest that eachof the seven arborization patterns represents one ofseven chemosensitive cell types with respect to sensil-

lar origin. As pointed out by Pollack and Balakrishnan(1997), there is little evidence to support the assump-tion that only gustatory and not mechanosensory fibreswere selected by the silver stain. Like blowflies andflesh flies, labellar sensilla of D. melanogaster arebiomodally innervated for taste and mechanoreception(Falk et al., 1976). It seems more likely that thesilver-stained projections shown by Nayak and Singh(1985) represent a selection of chemo- and mechanosen-sitive fibres and that, as in the larger flies, more work isneeded to anatomically separate mechano- and chemo-processing areas in the SOG.

The anterior alimentary canal of D. melanogaster hasthree groups of sensilla (Stocker and Schordert, 1981)the analogues of which have not yet been described inblowflies and flesh flies, though they have been sought(Dethier, 1976). These inner labral (epipharyngeal) and

Fig. 5. Afferent projection from the mouth parts of A. mellifera.The honeybee sensory neuron (a) comes from a sensillum on themandible base. Because a neuroanatomical map is available for thehoneybee SOG (Rehder, 1988), the arborization of the sensory neuron

can be accurately described using the tract reconstruction (b). This cellfrom the mandibular nerve passes through the tract of the mandibularroot and into the median ventral tract before ending in the labialneuromere. a and b adapted from Rehder (1989).


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cibarial sensilla are primarily single celled and, asrevealed by cobalt filling, they project via pharyngealand accessory pharyngeal nerves to the tritocerebrum

(Stocker and Schorderet, 1981). Epipharyngeal sensillain M. sexta larvae project, via the labral nerve, to boththe SOG and the tritocerebrum (Kent and Hildebrand,

Fig. 6. Frontal sections (8 µm) of the SOG in N. bullata, as revealed by Crystal Violet-Pyronin Ystaining and viewing under epi-fluorescence. See text for discussion. a: Section at level of themaxillary-labellar nerve. b: Posterior to a.


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1987). While there may indeed be a gustatory associa-tion region in the tritocerebrum serving the labralappendages, this region appears to be very close to theantennal mechanosensory region described in variousinsects. For example, mechanosensory projections tothis region are know from head hairs of locusts andinterommatidial sensilla of the honeybee (Mobbs, 1985),and from antennal mechanosensilla in moths (Homberget al., 1989). The region is often referred to as theantennal mechanosensory centre (Strausfeld, 1976).More detailed studies are needed before we can be surethat there is a gustatory processing centre in thetritocerebrum.

Anatomy of the Sub-Oesophageal NeuropilThe complexity of the SOG, due to the various

degrees of fusion of the three mouth part neuromeres,has hindered our understanding of this importantprocessing centre. The most comprehensive summaryof the anatomy of this ganglion is that of Altman andKien (1987), where the emphasis is on motor control inthe locust. However, our understanding of the tasteinputs to the locust SOG is very poor and the relativeprojection patterns of the hundreds of gustatory and

mechanosensitive cells on locust mouth parts is practi-cally unknown. As the large body of locust motor controlwork has shown, a full understanding of the generalanatomy of relevant neuropils is a pre-requisite to acomplete interpretation of single-cell anatomical andphysiological results.

The work on gustatory and mechanosensory projec-tions to the SOG of flies and caterpillars described inprevious sections suffers from inadequate descriptionsof the complex neuropil. None of the detailed patternsdescribed is placed in the context of various neuropilelandmarks such as tracts and commissures. In contrastto flies and caterpillars, general SOG neuropil anatomyof the honeybee has been well described (Rehder, 1988).Rehder (1989) also described some of the sensoryprojections to the SOG from mandibular and labialnerves. While the bee literature lacks detailed informa-tion on individual gustatory cell projections, Rehder’sillustration, reproduced as Figure 5a and b, shows thelevel of general anatomical information that is neededto fully use the single-cell fills and reconstructions thatare possible (Mitchell and Itagaki, 1992).

Recognizing this need, we have made some progresstoward describing the SOG neuropil in the flesh fly

Fig. 7. Dextran-rhodamine fill of maxillary-labellar nerve showing olfactory tract from the maxillarypalp that carries olfactory input to the duetocerebrum. Because of the nature of the preparation, we areuncertain if the projections to the SOG shown are from gustatory or mechanosensory cells. This is acomposite of two confocal reconstructions made of overlapping scans of a whole mount preparation.


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N. bullata. Here, as in D. melanogaster, there is nomandibular neuropil, and the maxillary and labialneuropils are highly integrated (also see Strausfeld,1976, for M. domestica). Figure 6a,b shows the N.bullata SOG in the region where the maxillary-labellarnerve emerges. This nerve carries olfactory informationfrom the maxillary palpi in a lateral bundle and gusta-tory and mechanosensory fibres from the labellar lobesin a medial bundle (Fig. 7). This olfactory tract passesdirectly through the SOG to arborize in some of theolfactory glomeruli in the deutocerebrum. This majortract has also been described in D. melanogaster (Singhand Nayak, 1985). Mechanosensory fibres from themaxillary palpi are also carried in this nerve and theyarborize in the SOG (Singh and Nayak, 1985). Whether

this maxillary mechanosensory input overlaps withlabellar mechanosensory input is yet to be determined.

The large median and lateral ascending tracts of theSOG (Fig. 6a,b) are likely homologous with the medianventral tracts (MVT) described in the honeybee byRehder (1988). Our designation of these tracts asascending follows Strausfled’s 1976 description of simi-lar tracts in M. domestica. Rehder suggests somecorrespondence between the MVT in the honeybee andcomparable tracts in M. sexta larvae described by Kentand Hildebrand (1987). Based on locust data (Tyrer andGregory, 1982) and on his honeybee data, Rehder (1988)also points out that fibres from mouth part nerves andhigher brain centres converge in the region of the MVT,making this region a likely place for major sensory

Fig. 8. Representative sucrose-sensitive interneuron in the SOG ofN. bullata. a: Several labellar sensilla were simultaneously stimu-lated with one of 100 mM sucrose, 1M KCl, and distilled water andresponses of an interneuron are shown. The response to sucroseadapted (trace 4) but recovered after 4 min (trace 5). b: The relativeposition of the recorded interneuron in the SOG is shown in the top

reconstruction. c: The bi-layered form of this cell is depicted in thebottom two drawings. These two layers may represent arborizations inthe maxillary and labial neuromeres, respectively, but more anatomi-cal information is needed to confirm this. Adapted from Mitchell andItagaki (1992).


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integration. This area deserves special attention infuture attempts to describe the neuroanatomy of gusta-tory processing. If it is primarily an ascending tract asStrausfeld (1976) suggests, then it may be a majorcentre for sending partly processed gustatory informa-tion forward to the brain.

Interneurons of the SOG Gustatory SystemDespite the probable need to send gustatory informa-

tion to higher centres, it must be remembered that theproboscis extension reflex (PER) seen in flies and beesimplies local neural circuitry that can lead from tasteinput to behaviour with fairly limited processing. Thatis, there are probably interneurons that directly linktaste input and motor output. Mitchell and Itagaki(1992) described several local SOG interneurons thatresponded when the labellum of N. bullata was stimu-lated with sucrose, water, or salt. It was possible to findcells specific to these modalities, but the limited num-ber of LY fills did not allow a morphological classifica-tion of these cells. An example of one of these interneu-rons sensitive to sucrose but not to salt is shown inFigure 8. Thus, for insect gustation, we still have nomorphologically identified cell or cells that can be seenas part of the taste processing system. With moreintracellular work we hope morphologically identifiedcell types will emerge, which, like the primary affer-ents, should be placed in the general context of the SOGanatomy. By contrast, physiological response character-istics of interneurons are recognizable using intracellu-lar approaches and simple stimuli such as sucrose,water, salt, and touch (Mitchell and Itagaki, 1992;Rivet, unpublished data).

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSAll work on the figures including scanning, alter-

ations in Photoshop, labeling, and layout were done byMr. J.S. Scott to whom we are grateful. This work wassupported by NSERC Operating grant to B.K.M. andNSF grant IBN-9630943 to H.I.

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