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Perranporth SLSC Annual Report 2012

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  • 8/13/2019 Perranporth SLSC Annual Report 2012


    Annual Report 2012Where



  • 8/13/2019 Perranporth SLSC Annual Report 2012























    The Committee

    Presidents report

    Chairmans review

    Captains log

    Treasurers Report

    Ladies captain

    Secretarys report

    Buildings report


    Inshore Rescue Boat

    Nippers report

    Youth report

    Surf boat report

    Surf Lifesaving sports results

    Perranporth SLSC Annual Awards 2010/11


    Fundraising and events

    Donors and supporters

    Receipts and payment accounts

    Who we are

    What we do

    The Money

  • 8/13/2019 Perranporth SLSC Annual Report 2012



    Who we are

  • 8/13/2019 Perranporth SLSC Annual Report 2012




    President Pete Gaisford

    Chairman David Meads

    Secretary Nigel Bowden

    Treasurer Cath McRitchie

    Administrator Karen Longstaff

    Club Captain Simon Boyle

    Lifesaving Training Officer Robin Howell

    Vice Captain Jason Wheeler

    Membership Secretary Chrissie Davies

    Ladies Captain Mel Perks

    Safeguarding Officer Spike Gaisford

    I.R.B. Captain Ben Gardiner

    Fundraising Officer David Cromie

    Buildings/maintenance Carl Harding

    Committee Member Ellie Woodward

    Committee Member Jill Stott

    Youth Team Manager Dave Townsend

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    Could we call it a summer? There seemed to bemore grey days than blue sky ones. Or maybe it isbecause as we grow older the summers of ouryouth seem warmer and longer.

    I have the opportunity to coach the 7 year olds forthe nipper section of the club (712yrs). A mostenthusiastic group of children and parents. Everywet Thursday evening through the summer theyturn up full of enthusiasm, ready to learn a new skill.In May they might struggle to keep going for 40minutes, by September they enter the club

    Aquathon fit and ready to wade and run up thebeach to the Promenade and on to The Green.Mums and Dads supporting and cheering them tothe finish.

    The club is benefiting from this young home growntalent at the junior level. Parents are becomingcoaches and taking lifesaving qualifications. Thehard part is the organising to be able to transportthem to training venues at the river or take them tocompetitions.

    Perranporth Surf Life Saving Club plays a

    significant role within our community, providing afacility for the youth and adults of the town.Teaching or coaching how to use the beach safelyand to acquire the necessary surf and lifesavingskills. Membership subscriptions, grant funding,donations and sponsorship keep the club afloat andwe are indebted to all those that support the club.

    Sadly Karen Longstaff is standing down as the clubadministrator. These will be hard shoes to fill asKaren has been key to keeping everyone focussedon raising funds to pay the bills. The work that isdone behind the scenes is rarely seen or

    understood. Therefore this is an opportunity to saythank you Karen for all your hard work and support.

    To the Committee members and volunteers whogive their time for free, we say thank you. To thosewho bake the cakes for the BBQs, The Triathloncake stall and at the Demonstrations, thank you. Tothe members, please do not be afraid to offer thecommittee some of your time, you will have a valu-able skill that can benefit the club as a whole.

    Presidents reviewPeter Gaisford

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    Chairmans reviewAt the final Thursday night nippers BBQ we bid afond farewell to what was an uninspiring summerwith regards to the weather. But looking back overthe past year we have successfully run and hosteda multitude of great events: the Aquathon, theTriathlon, the European Surfboat Championships,The Celtic Cup - all well supported by members ofthe club and others in the community. We hadfantastic feedback from participants across theboard and some even made donations to theclub because we were such marvellous hostsand organisers.

    Of course events like these dont just happen. Thecommittee members, who so generously give theirtime and energies to build and develop the club andall of its events, must take a lot of the credit. Andtheres always the stalwarts of the club who we seeat pretty much every event there ismembers wholend their support tirelessly whatever the weatherand no matter how many times they have beenthere before. At the end of the day we are a charityand depend wholly on this generosity of time andspirit. It enables us to keep membership pricesdown and creates the strong bonds that ourcommunity thrives on.

    This year the committee has been busy. We invitedFounding members of the club to join us at thecommittee meetings as we value their knowledgeand passion for the wellbeing of the club andtogether we have been overseeing and developingnew and exciting plans. These include:

    The creation of a new line of high qualityclub kit that compliments the new clubidentity.

    The provision of essential maintenanceready for the start of the season.

    The improvement of club security.

    The exciting new association with Sam Lamiroy andhis new surf academy and the improvements thishas brought to the club including new tables andchairs that have greatly improved the look of the 1stfloor. The purchase of a new mini bus that isinvaluable to the club members. We still have tofinally gain the Club Mark and finish theDevelopment Plan. We are so close to achievingboth and this in turn will help us with ourapplications for grants in the future.

    A huge congratulationsto Michael PhelpsBirchmore for being atorch bearer for the2012 Olympics. TheClub is so proud of you.

    There are a fewfarewells' to announce.

    Mel Perks: I wish tothank Mel for her effortand time as Ladies

    Captain. She was ableto make her mark,inspire and promotesurf lifesaving to thefemale members of theclub. We are sad to seeher go but I know she will still be an active memberof the club.

    Ben Gardiner: Ben has worked very hard to makefull use of our new IRB. He has organised regulartraining sessions, sorted out a system for use andstimulated club interest in this exciting area of surflifesaving. I want to say a huge thank you to him forall his time and effort. His knowledge and advicehas been valued by the committee.

    Karen Longstaff: Karen has decided to standdown as our administrator. She feels the club cannot afford to spend money on her time as thesetimes are hard and we should focus on trying tospread the load throughout the club members. I willmiss her greatly as she has done so much workbehind the scenes and supported me and the clubso well.

    Jill Stott: Jill has been a real asset to the club. Shewas one of the key people who helped us gainthe funding for the IRB. I will miss herProfessionalism, advice and knowledge.

    Ellie Woodward: Ellie has been a valued memberof the committee. I have valued her knowledge andadvice. I will miss her energy and commitment. Ihope she will still play a key part in the club.

    I look forward to another exciting and challengingyear ahead and hope our club members can stepup to the mark, offer their skills, become a memberof the committee, dedicate time and support toevents and help take Perranporth Surf LifesavingClub to greater things.

    David Meads

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    Captains LogAs another 12 months flies by, I never cease to beamazed how great the members of PerranporthSurf lifesaving club really are!! And, of course, howgreat Perranporth Surf Lifesaving Club is!! I havealso noticed in those 52 weeks how some areashave started to flourish and grow into strong areasof the club. With solid foundations and lead bysome great characters the past year has been veryproductive.

    Once again the usual suspects, the ones we canrely upon, have helped organise and run asuccessful year. Their effort, we owe a great deal

    for. To name a few. Dave Townsend with theyouth. It goes from strength to strength. The youthhad a good showing at the Cornish and Nationalchampionships and made an appearance at all ofthe club fundraisers. Spike (and not forgetting all ofher helpers) has once again produced a fun andvery popular Nipper night, it seems to as busy asever, there is a real buzz about the Thursdaynights. Spikes motivation and consistency for sucha long time is fantastic. Im sure there are manyparents that owe great thanks for all that she hasdone. I must also mention Chrissie Davies.Awarded the Clubbie of the year trophy at thedinner and dance, Chrissie continues to be a greatbehind the scenes person. She is also very

    committed to the club patrols that work alongsidethe RNLI.

    Might I add that as I have this opportunity I wouldlike to also thank all of the many people that getinvolved and have helped out the club over the pastyear. Without your help the club simply wouldnt beable to run many of the different things we do. So awell deserved pat-ontheback to you all. Sorry fornot naming you all!!

    This year we saw the set up a partnership betweenus and Sam Lamiroy Surf Academy. Like all greatclubs, we need to adapt, change and modernise to

    Simon Boyle

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    Captains LogCont.

    ensure we are always trying to improve ourselves.And Im hoping that alongside Sam, the clubs pro-file will rise and we can offer other opportunities tothe wider community.

    Some other successful moments from the year in-clude; the Cornish still-waters, a great turn out forthe club and we nearly won the overall aggregate!!We were awarded the most entertaining for thethird consecutive year at the Perranporth carnival,a great club effort and yet again a night notremembered. Our 25thSurf Triathlon was acracker, a massive club effort made the day runreally well. A big thank you to all that helped out,thanks goes to Shelly Hardwick for her efforts withthe marshals.

    Wednesday Club nights have this year also been

    very productive. With help from Mel Perks, EllieWoodwood, Milky and Nigel Bowden, it has beenbetter structured with more on offer for all abilities,whilst retaining its fun, social and relaxedapproach. Currently Jonty Brook is coaching aSLSGB Lifeguard course on a Wednesday.Despite the dark and chilly nights people are stillkeen to come over to the club and learn newthings. However, despite the successes we have,we can always improve and better ourselves. Eventhough a professional approach our members took,I felt that the turn out for the club patrols was notgreat and must improve. We are, after all, a Surf

    lifesaving Club, and our club ethos is based uponthis. I also think we need to change the way wethink about fundraising. There are some big fish

    out there, and if want to im-prove our facilities, equipment

    and such, we need to go afterthe bigger grants This doestake a team of fundraisers will-ing to dedicate themselves tothis task. Any takers??

    Something that I have alwaysbeen keen on in lifesaving issport. Striking the rightbalance between beingcompetitive and having purefun can be tricky. Personally Ido think that for a club of our

    size and history in lifesavingcompetition we should bebetter attended at the majorcompetitions than we currentlyare. Something to look intoover the winter months! At the

    same time we must retain our unique element ofenjoyment without the added pressure of you mustcompete and do well!. I say just give it a go anddo the best you can, you cant ask for more thanthat! Finally, Perranporth Surf Lifesaving Club asksa lot from all of our members. This is simply be-cause we are a voluntary club and it has to be

    done this way. You may not get praise for everysingle thing you do but I assure you that it is allappreciated. The bag-packers, the water cover,the cake makers, the sweeper-uppers, the burger-flippers. All of you do a grand job and you shouldbe proud that you have given something back.Thank you.

    Perranporth supporting Nowhere Island

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    Treasurers ReportCath McRitchieAfter being voted in at the end of last year, my firstyear has certainly been a big learning curve for me.We have had to sell the old minibus due to theupkeep increasing greatly and alongside thecondition deteriorating significantly. PerranWilliams managed to sell it on e-bay for 800 whichwas a great result considering its condition. Wethen managed to find a new minibus for a goodprice which has helped with transport issues forcompetitions, club events and winter swimming.The bus is available for hire dependent on adonation to the club and own provision of fuel.

    Fundraising, including cake sales by the nippers,demo nights, start and end of season BBQs andthe Jubilee party in July (which alone raised 350approx) have been a great success. The youthteam also did a great job raising funds at thetriathlon with two stalls.

    There was a bag pack at the beginning of the yearwhich is always good to raise money. We havealso decided to run the 50/50 club again this year,with the first draw in December.

    The triathlon was a huge success again and at

    least the weather was better this year!! TheAquathon was also well attended with a lot of ourclub members - youth and nippers - gaining goodplaces.

    My next challenge is to replace the club jeep asunfortunately this has reached the end of its life.We have been given donations by Mr and MrsWilliams of Penvale Cattery, Perran MotorServices and Bridge Stores at Goonhavern, toname a couple, along with support from all ourother sponsors and friends.

    We do rely on fundraising and this is a key point inthe club and to keep subs low as we are aregistered charity. SLSGB fees will remain thesame next year.

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    What we do

  • 8/13/2019 Perranporth SLSC Annual Report 2012



    Ladies CaptainMel Perks

    It was great to see girls and women alike pushingthe boundaries of their comfort zone taking ondifferent types of craft including the surf boat, arange of board-racing and surf, surf skis and eventhe new craze of hand planes!

    Friday nights although slow to take off, were spentwith the girls surfing together. On some occasionsthe girls even outnumbered the boys out in the surf!Keep it up girls!

  • 8/13/2019 Perranporth SLSC Annual Report 2012



    It has been another busy year for Perranporth SurfLife Saving Club with 12 months of hard work andcommitment. To list all the achievements over theyear would take too much time so I would just liketo thank all our members for the time they gavehelping to make the club such a great place to be.

    One special vote of thanks needs to go to that smallgroup of people who meet every third Tuesday ofthe month (yes, the Committee). One of itsimportant achievements has been the work that hasgone into the Development Plan. Once completed

    this will set out a clear path for us to support theclub over the next five years.

    The work of our Captain cannot go unmentioned.The effort he has put in over the year has madesuch a change to the club and this can be seen onthe Wednesday club night which has not been sobusy for three or four years.

    With regards to Dave Townsend he has put a lot ofeffort into the Youth. This has not only broughttogether a good group of kids but has also shownthem what the club means and how they need tosupport fundraising. The new 50/50 board was bought with the money raised by the Youth and

    they have been encouraged to take responsibilityfor the club. One of Simon's quotes comes to mind:I dont care if your Mum is waiting, you made themess, you can clean it up, before you go."

    One of the most successful events of the year wasthe Triathlon (a little different from other years.) I feltthis Septembers effort was particularly noteworthy.Congratulations and thanks are due to all thosewho made it possible. This was one of the hardestyears to run the event in its 24 years, but the clubtook it on, made a few changes, and we hadanother fantastic event. A big thank you is owed toShelley Hardwick and all her Marshalls who madethe event happen.

    This year has seen a lot of changes within Surf LifeSaving GB itself with which Perranporth has beeninvolved. The governance review was put into placeand we are lucky to have members involved, bothon a voluntary and paid basis. We need to show oursupport for our National Governing Body and workwith SLSGB to promote our objectives in a joined-up approach. We need to keep the right balancebetween lifesaving and sport to make PerranporthBeach as safe as possible. We want a club thatsupports this idea but is able to have a lot of fun onthe way.

    Nigel Bowden

    Secretarys report

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  • 8/13/2019 Perranporth SLSC Annual Report 2012



    Robin Howell

    Lifeguard-I would like to say a big thank you to all those peo-ple involved in patrols this yearwhether you did 1hour or you were Rob Nunn and did 126!!! The clubhas contributed significantly to the safety of thebeach users at Perranporth and has worked wellalongside the RNLI. The season was rather like theclubs 4x4, start stop, start stop! One day we wouldhave 8000 people massing, the next, tumble weedwould be blowing across the beach. To find routineand rhythm was, in some respects, hard for bothclubbies and RNLI lifeguards. However I ampleased to report no lives were lost during the

    season (the first one in three) and the summationof volunteer hours was approximately 240.

    All the RNLI lifeguards were impressed by thesmall dedicated team that came and helped out atthe weekends over the peak season period. Patrolhours were from 12-4pm and I would like toendorse that these hours remain for the 2013season. It is our peak time (irrespective of tidalconditions) and it would be wise to followprevious trends.

    I would also like to remind club members that no

    formal qualifications are needed to work alongsidethe RNLI lifeguards. You dont need qualificationsto move the flags or signs or even advise the publicwhere to swim, just a willingness to learn and

    participate in patrol activities will go a long way.However formal qualifications provided by the club

    have been down on previous years due to lack ofcourses running and I would recommend to theclub that these courses do continue to run so thatthe club nurtures lifeguards of the future (the oldguard is going to have to retire at some stage!!!!).

    Finally, can I also recommend that the club investstime, effort, and tries to promote the running of justtwo requals a year; one at Easter and one inNovember. There are several reasons for thissuggestion:1) This places less strain to the examiners duringthe summer months.

    2) It stops dribs and drabs exams taking place andmaking the requal process more complicated.3) It simplifies the whole requal procedure, so thatyou either sit the exam on one of two dates.

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    Perranporth Clubbie


    Robin Howell Margh Brewer

    Annabel Barsh Giles Collyer

    Steven Gregory Josh Walters

    David Meads Chris Flanigan

    Fraser Thompson Hewitt

    Volunteer Patrol MembersMargh Brewer Becky Brooks

    Jonty Brooks Glenn Latham

    Rob Farr Chrissie Davies

    Rob Nunn Chris Hunt

    Simon Cole

    To encourage this, I have provisionally asked torun two exams on the 7thApril 2013 and the 3 rdofNov 2013, with timed swims occurring on theTuesday before (9pm). So please sign up for theseexams now and put the dates in your diary.

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    Season Start

    The IRB was back in the water during March, al-though 2012 was the first time in several years thatwe were not required to assist with St Pirans Dayin conjunction with the primary school. This was aschool decision as at the time of the parade it wasa spring low so nobody would have seen the IRBdropping the St Piran statue to the beach from theirviewpoint on the promenade.


    We were however brought into play again during2012 to assist with several events. The RNLI re-quested assistance with safety cover for the annualCastle to Castle swim in Falmouth and we wereable to help. This was thanks to our having takenreceipt of our new purpose built IRB trailer certifiedfor use on the road. This was a fantastic purchasefor the club and thanks to the negotiating skills ofJames OHare we got it at a bargain price. The IRBbeach launch trailer, much lighter and smaller was

    also given a spruce-up with some grease and redHammerite and is again fit for purpose and able to

    Ben Gardiner

    Inshore rescue boatdeal with the hardship of remaining in the beachenvironment. We also bought four new buoyancy

    aids this season from the IRB fund; these cater fora range of weights and sizes and are in club col-ours for competition use and to best represent theclub, differentiating us from the RNLI Lifeguards intheir red and yellow colours.


    The IRB allows us to cover club activities and inagreement with the committee, events like the Cas-tle-To-Castle swim. We also assisted with the Tri-athlon, Aquathon, Carnival, Patrols and Trainingthis year.

    You may recall the scattering of Les Stophersashes this Summer. In a ceremony watched byLes family and friends from Cligga Head, AlanHolmes came out in the IRB to Cow and Calf(Bawden Rocks) to scatter Les ashes. We wereaccompanied much of the way by clubbies onboards and the surfboat, all in challenging condi-tions that saw the need for the IRB to provide ourown safety cover and provide unique support forour members past and present.


    Training new crew and drivers in 2012 has beenhindered in part by the intensive nature of IRBtraining and the requirement for persons to keeptheir prerequisite qualifications up to date. The IRBneeds new trainers to assist with this process andexisting Drivers are asked to help candidates buildup their hours where possible. Anybody interestedin becoming a trainer or assessor is asked to con-

  • 8/13/2019 Perranporth SLSC Annual Report 2012



    Junior Aquathon at least had better entries from

    our own Nippers. Many parents helped with the

    preparations before and on the day, doing a

    fantastic job!

    We have a myriad of aims for Nippers: to have funso that learning how to stay water safe and be fitcomes easily; and competition, which is animportant part of learning for the wider world ingeneral, giving a goal to aim for. Competitionsreally need more commitment from parents if weare to enter bigger teams and we have already said

    Spike Gaisford

    Nippers rEPORT

    2012 has been an interesting year for the Nippers.

    We currently have 137 Nipper members aged from

    7 -13 years, numbers swelling dramatically again

    this year. Nippers are a major and very energetic

    section, making nearly 40% of the whole club

    membership. Development of this group takes an

    awful lot of hard work and management by a core

    of volunteer parents who have worked unstintingly

    to develop Nippers from where it was at 13 years

    ago with dwindling numbers and only 1 coach.

    Some of these parents are naturally moving on to

    our Youth section with their growing children, so we

    are in desperate need for more parents to step up

    and take some coaching and life saving awards to

    ensure Nippers can still run..believe me without

    us parents it just does not happen!

    2012 saw us enter small but enthusiastic teams in

    the Cornish Stillwater event at St Ives (20 children),

    Cornish SLS regional championships at Carbis Bay

    (29 children) and the National SLS GB champion-

    ships at Portreath (15 children). With such small

    teams we still managed some good medal results;

    most of our children placing in the top 10 for each

    event. Only 7 Nippers took part in all 3 events .....

    again thank you to those parents who came to

    support and organise at the competitions. The freeMax Hocking Fun Day at Crantock was well

    attended (50 children) but sadly not many of these

    children went on to do further events. Our own


    Age Group

    Age Group Nipper of

    the Year 2010

    Most Improved

    Nipper 2010

    7 Jake Georgelin Laura Gregory

    8 Harvey Gaisford Jack Farr

    9 Jessica Georgelin Amber Jones

    10 Grace Rice Courtney Williams

    11 Eoghan Cromie Rory Tellam

    12 Matthew Hunt Jessica Purse

    13 Samson Tellam Connie Thornton

    CLUB NIPPER of 2011: Will Mc RitchieCLUB MOST IMPROVED NIPPER of 2011 Bimini Love

  • 8/13/2019 Perranporth SLSC Annual Report 2012



    that we expect all Nippers in age groups 8 -13 totake part in at least 1 of the 3 main eventsmentioned above in 2013. All our children are quitecapable of doing the pool stillwater event in thespring. We are now developing an active squad, allchildren have been asked if they want to train inthis at Thursday swim sessions with Simon, Daveand Mattparents now just need to commit tothe actual competitions.

    Pete Gaisford again had a full compliment of Age7s to introduce to the world of surf life saving, their

    parents were also put through their paces in aneffort to encourage more parent participation forthe future. Dave Cromie got on the case and en-sured we had a delivery of 12 new Nipper boardsthis spring bought from money fundraised/granted.The old Mac Skis are now looking tired so we needto look towards replacing these to ensure that thechildren are stimulated at the sessions and ridingthe most up to date boards. Many Nippers againpassed their SLS GB awards this year. We againhad a great whole club entry in the local Carnivalwith lots of Nippers involved, thanks to BeckyWarren and Nicola Emanuel for their input. The

    club BBQs had a great social atmosphere, witheveryone making new friends. Our cake stall each


    Nippers reportThursday has helped raise funds; thank you to themums and dads who have been baking for manyevents or cooking or marshalling at the club

    Triathlon to raise funds for the whole club!

    A BIG request now.We need more volunteerparents to take on various roles in Nippers and thewhole club if you would like to help coach, agemanage, administer and fundraise for us pleasestep forward. Our Age Manager/Coach system thatwas set up a few years ago works well with enoughpeople. The parents who have taken this on havemade a huge difference at the beach/swimsessions. However we still need more help fromother parents with this to cover times when the AgeManagers/Coaches may have other commitments.

    Lastly a special mention must go to KarenLongstaff our Club Administrator for ensuring thesmooth running of Nipper sessions, and that Information is passed from the club/coaches to thechildren/parents and vice versa. A very specialthank you to our merry band of willing parentswho coach and manage, help provide water cover,freezing for up to 2 hours at a time, and the seniorclub members who helped us as qualified SLSGBBeach Lifegguards at each session, thanks to themwe can run safe sessions, they are the true heroes.We still need more of YOU, our parents to assist uswith this and to make 2013 another successful year

    for Perranporth Nippers and Perranporth SLSC!Remember we are one club, one team.

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  • 8/13/2019 Perranporth SLSC Annual Report 2012



    2012......what a year!!!!!

    Training started in January and we welcomed ahuge number of rowers all braving the cold to workon technique, fitness and the all importantco-ordination.

    Time flew by and it was time for the annual curtainraiser, the Truro river race. After 10 kilometres ofhard slog and blisters team Perran had done well.The two Womens crews had annihilated thecompetition taken 1stand 2nd, the mens crewstaking a very respectable 2ndand 4th, things bodewell for the long season ahead.

    There were some new venues this year, eachbringing something a bit different to the racing.Between May and September there were leagueraces at Poppit Sands (Mid Wales), Portreath,Watergate Bay, Westward Ho (North Devon) and

    Bournemouth. Add to this a U.K. Championship atSaunton Sands and then a jewel of the Surfboat

    season, the European Championships held at ourvery own Perranporth.

    Poppitt and Portreath provided a good warm upwith relatively small conditions and great rowing

    from all teams. At this stage in thecompetition the Mens crews of Tridentsand Krakens were 2ndand 4thout of 13crews and the Womens crews of Sirensand Mermaids were also 2ndand 4th.Highlights apart from the rowing includeda long yet fun road trip to Wales, the greatparty and band in the beautiful waterside

    Newport clubhouse, and James Basherdemonstrating a very interesting way toserve plum sauce.

    Watergate, both feared and loved did notdisappoint. Beautiful sunshine, a packedbeach, music blaring, an Ozziecommentating and most importantly 3-5ftsurf, this is why we row! Competition wasfierce, and the surf training was payingdividends, the Sirens were in a class oftheir own beating arch rivals Porthtowan

    in the golden point final and sharing equal first inthe league. The mens racing was eventful to saythe least, Tridents colliding with Porthtowan U23sand then nearly getting their heads chopped off bythe Krakens on the final wave.......truly great fun!

    Onto the U.K. Open at Saunton which provided a3-4ft swell for the first few heats, giving the guestflat water crews something to think about! Racingwas competitive throughout and the smallest ofmargins giving the advantage, unfortunately theswell dropped towards the final. The women lead byexample with the Sirens winning silver (and not far

    Surfboat ReportAaron Jones

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    off from the gold) and the Tridents securing abronze by beating the only Australian team intofourth bonza.

    Now it was time for the main event, the trulyspectacular European Championships held at ourvery Perranporth. The closest contested Europeancontest for a few years just occurred! The Tridentspulled through the field at the end of a closelycontested final to take silver thanks to a lightningsprint finish from Bash. But Team Perran were notfinished there, and not to be outdone by the blokesPerranporth Sirens beat all comers and broughthome the European Surfboat Championships Goldmedal!! To top it all off the medals were delivered tothe presentation ceremony via expert skydivers

    landing right in front of the club house and acracking party in the Watering Hole to round off atop knotch day....now thats Perran style.

    Westward Ho followed in what can only bedescribed as interesting surf conditions. Tales ofboats flipping, skewing, and colliding were a plenty,although it should be noted that this was from thelads. As to be expected the ladies did not evenbreak sweat as they ploughed through the surf andwon the event!

    Surfboat Reportcontinues

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    Bournemouth, as always was a warm reception,warm weather and warm water. Hard rowingensued and I think the first ever photo finish inUKSRL history between the Sirens and Porthtowan(good sprinting Emily). After the final event the Menand Women both took overall silver in the UnitedKingdom Surfboat Rowing League.

    Add to this our own Pete Gaisford and Nic Berringerwere part of the 9 strong surfboat contingent in theQueens Jubilee Pageant and its safe to say it hasbeen a epic year for Perranporth Surfboat Team.

    This years winter training has already begun and

    the team is hungry to improve on the amazing re-

    sults from the last season.continues

    Womens squad

    Mens squad

    European - GoldUK champs - silverUK league - silver.

    Europeansilver,UK champsbronzeUK leaguesilver.

    Novice sweep of the year: James BasherPerran Sweep of the year: Andy Cox

    Surfboat Report

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  • 8/13/2019 Perranporth SLSC Annual Report 2012



    Surf Lifesaving sports

    StillwATERnATIONALSUnfortunately do to the time of the year and the distance we were unable to send any teams to the events. This was

    the first time Perranporth was not represented at a National Stillwater event.

    OEAN eVENTS Cornish NippersCornish NippersThe Cornish Nippers in now the second largest event in the SLSGB calendar, with just short of 600 nipper competing.

    This year it was held over two days at Carbis Bay, St.Ives with two fantastic days of weather and small surf.

    Race Name Place

    Wading Race (8) Jake Georgelin 5th

    Surf Race (10)Jessica Georgelin 6th (Girls)

    Sam Norton 2nd (Boys)

    Surf Race (11) Ben Norton ?????

    Surf Relay (10-11) Perranporth 3rd

    Board Race (8) Zach Smith 8th

    Board Race (10)Jessica Georgelin 6th (Girls)

    Sam Norton 6th (Boys)

    Board Race (13) William McRitchie 6th

    Board Relay (8-9 Boys) Perranporth 8th

    Board Relay (10-11Girls) Perranporth 8th

    Beach Flag (8) Zach Smith 8th

    Beach Flags (10)

    Jessica Georgelin 1st (Girls)

    Sam Gapp 1st (Boys)

    Sam Norton 5th (Boys)

    Beach Flags (11) Megan Smith 3rd (Girls)

    Beach Sprints (8) Jake Georgelin 8th

    Beach Sprints (10) Sam Norton 5th

    Sprint Relay (10-11) Perranporth 5th Boys

    500m Beach Run (8) Zach Smith 7th

    1km Beach Run (10)

    Jessica Georgelin 8th (Girls)

    Sam Gapp 1st (Boys)

    Sam Norton 4th (Boys)

    1km Beach Run (11) Katie Whitbread-Abrutat 7th

    1km Beach Run (13) William McRitchie 3rd


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    Surf Lifesaving sports

    OEAN eVENTS Cornish ChampionshipsCornish Championships

    This year the event moved to Praa Sands, and again we had good weather and surf to suit the event. Yet again wewere unable to raise a Senior and Masters team to take part, but the Youth team were there in numbers.

    Race Name Place

    Surf Race (16-17)Kieran Townsend 4th

    Sam Bowden 8th

    Surf Race (13) Will McRitchie 6thToby Blanks 7th

    Board Race (18- 19) Chris Hunt 3rd

    Board Race (16-17) Sam Bowden 3rd

    Ski Race (16-17)Sam Bowden 4th

    Daniel Blackie 5th

    Ski Race (14-15) Tom McRitchie 6th

    1km Run (18-19) Chris Hunt 3rd

    1km Run (14-15)Morgan Read-Ferris 6th (female)

    Will McRitchie 7th (male)

    Beach Flags (18-19) Chris Hunt 2nd

    Beach Flags (16-17) Ellie Golds 7th

    Beach Flags (14-15)Morgan Read-Ferris 3rd (female)

    Joel Griffett 6th (male)

    Beach Flags (13)Jess Purse 7th (female)

    Will Mcritchie 7th (male)

    Beach Sprits (18-19) Chris Hunt 2nd

    Beach Sprints (16-17)

    Ellie Golds 5th (female)

    Daniel Blackie 7th (male)

    Kieran Townsend 8th (male)

    Beach Sprints (14-15)Morgan Read-Ferris 1st (female)

    Joel Griffett 1st (male)

    Beach Sprint (13)Will Mcritchie 3rd

    Toby Blanks 5th

    Beach Sprit Relay (18-19) Perranporth 4th

    Beach Sprit Relay (14-15) Perranporth 4th

    Taplin Relay (18-19) Perranporth 3rd

    Taplin Relay (14-15) Perranporth 3rd

    Board Relay (18-19) Perranporth 4th & 7th

    Board Relay (14-15) Perranporth 7th

    Double Ski Sam Bowden & Daniel Blackie 3rd

    Tube Rescue (18-19) Perranporth 2nd

    Tube Rescue (14-15) Perranporth 4th


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    Surf Lifesaving sportsSurf Lifesaving sports

    Race Name Place10yrs Girls Surf Race Jessica Georgelin 8th10yrs Boys Surf Race Sam Norton 5th8yrs Boys Board Race Zach Smith 7th10yrs Boys Board Race Sam Norton 2nd11yrs Boys Board Race Ben Norton 4th11yrs Boys Golden Nipper Ben Norton 4th8yrs Boys 1km Run Jake Georgelin 15th10yrs Girls 1km Run Jessica Georgelin 10th

    10yrs Boys 1km RunSam Gapp 2ndSam Norton 4th

    8yrs Boys Beach Flags Zach Smith 5th

    Jake Georgelin 11th10yrs Girls Beach Flags Jessica Georgelin 2nd10yrs Boys Beach Flags Sam Gapp 4th11yrs Boys Beach Flags Ben Norton 7th8yrs Boys Beach Sprint Zach Smith 7th10yrs Boys Beach Sprint Sam Gapp 1st11yrs Girls Beach Sprint Megan Smith 11th8-9yrs Boys Beach Relay Perranporth 7th10-11yrs Girls Beach Relay Perranporth 5th8-9yrs Boys Board Relay Perranporth 12th10-11yrs Girls Board Relay Perranporth 15th10-11yrs Boys Board Relay Perranporth 4th8-9yrs Boys Surf Relay Perranporth 9th10-11yrs Boys Surf Relay Perranporth 8th10yrs Girls Board Rescue Perranporth 11th11yrs Girls Board Rescue Perranporth 14


    12yrs Boys Board Rescue Perranporth 11th

    NipperThe National Nipper is now the biggest Surf lifesaving in the country and maybe Europe with over 600 competitors

    from 25 clubs. This is a big step for our young Nipper to take, but they all took on the challenge and competed to theirbest for the Black and Gold of Perranporth. Finishing 13thwith such a small team showed their commitment.

    OEAN eVENTS national surf Championships cont. .


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    Surf Lifesaving sportsSurf Lifesaving sportsSurf Lifesaving sportsSurf Lifesaving sports

    This year Open Surf competition was so different from last years 6plus surf, warm weather with 2 to 3 surf with lightoff shore winds. Perranporth had 3 members Andrew Byatt, Alex Bowden and Sam Bowden that took part in the indi-

    vidual events on the Saturday and then was joined by the rest of the team for the team events on the Sunday. Withover 20 clubs taking part and once again Perranporth finished mid table, this was one of the best championships for

    the last few years

    OEAN eVENTS National Champs


    Senior TeamDan Goodway, Andrew Byatt, Jason Wheeler, Andy Sidebotham, Simon Lawrence, Kieran Townsend, Simon Boyle,

    Matt Beardmore, Owen Webb, Alex Bowden, Michael Birchmore, Samuel Bowden,

    Chris Hunt

    Perranporth ResultsRace Name PlaceMale 6 Man Taplin Perranporth 9thMale Board Race Andrew Byatt 3rdMale Oceanman Andrew Byatt 6thMale Beach Flags Alex Bowden 14thMale Ski Relay Perranporth (A) 8th

    Perranporth (B) 14thMale Taplin Relay Perranporth 10thMale Board Relay Perranporth 7thMale Surf Team Perranporth 3rdMale Double Ski Perranporth (A) 8th

    Perranporth (B) 14thMale Tube Rescue Perranporth 6thMale Board Rescue Perranporth 11th

    The IRB Championships took part in Bournemouth, Perranporth team doubled this year as there is newenthusiasm within the club towards IRB racing. All of the crews also put in a lot of time towards safety

    cover at other events. Moving on from last year both teams show more skill and knowledge and were veryunlucky to have been disqualified on technical points which stop them getting to the final of the team res-

    OEAN eVENTS ritish IR Championships

    Race Name PlaceSingle Recue Alex Bowden, Nigel Bowden and Sam Bowden 3rd(Joint)Mass Rescue Alex Bowden, Jonty Brook, Sam Bowden and

    Ellie Golds 8th

    Tube Rescue Jonty Brook, Jason Wheeler and Ellie Golds 9th

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    This seasons Medal tally


    16 15 22 Bronze

    Category Name PositionElite Open Men Andrew Byatt 1stNovice Open Men Matt Beardmore 1st

    Lloyd Bellenie 2ndIntermediate Men Open Sam Bowden 4th

    Surf Lifesaving sportsSurf Lifesaving sportsSurf Lifesaving sportsSurf Lifesaving sportsCont.

    OEAN eVENTS Celtic CupCornwall Team

    Perranporth hosted the Celtic Cup, and we had perfect surf and weather for the whole day. Cornwall entered a full 36member youth team and 16 member senior team. Perranporth was represented by two Youths:

    Chris Hunt, Sam Bowden

    Cornwall won both Youth and senior events for the first time and taken the grip Wales has had for the past6 years. The trophies are hopefully going to be held in the Perranporth clubhouse.

    OEAN eVENTS Bennett Board Series

    OEAN eVENTS 2012 Development Teams InternationalCornwall Team

    Cornwall also entered an IRB team of 12 into the 2012 Development Teams International Championships

    the Sunday after the British Championships. All for the Perranporth IRB team were selected to take part for

    the Cornwall team and came 2ndoverall.

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    Clubbie of the Year

    Best Patrol Member

    Westcott Cup

    Pitman Cup

    Ski Paddler of the year

    Board Paddler of the Year

    Most Improved Ski Paddler

    Most Improved Board Paddler

    Most Improved Swimmer

    Life Membership

    Chrissie Davies

    Rob Nunn

    Ben Gardiner

    Perran Williams

    Eoghan Webb

    Not Awarded

    Youth: Katie PurohitSenior: Andy Sidebotham

    Youth: Morgan Read-FerrisSenior: Shane Tellam

    Youth: Katie PryorSenior: Claire McIlwaine

    Dick Abram

    Perranporth SLSCAnnual Awards 2010 11

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    The money

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    MembershipChrissie Davies

    Membership Type 2012 2011 2010 2009

    Senior 123 120 132 129

    Youth 44 36 19 36

    Junior ------ - 20 18

    Nipper 139 123 109 104

    Associate 7 3 6 6

    Honorary Life 19 19 18 17

    Total 332 301 304 310

    (Family memberships) (29) (19) (24) (26)

    Breakdown of fees () 2011 2010 2009 2008

    Membership fees paid 15470 14335 12030 12470

    Affiliation to SLS GB 6300 5540 4200 3100

    Balance to club 9170 8795 7830 9370

    Once again we are pleased to be able to hold ourannual membership as set out below. SLSGBaffiliation fees remain at 20 and this is paid by theclub from your membership. We request thatexisting members settle annual membership feesearly in the year since this 20 covers insurance forindividual members to be in the club and to useclub equipment (boards, gym, surf boat, use oftelevision, kitchen area etc).

    Senior 80

    Youth (13-19) 45Nipper (7-12) 40Associate 25Family (2 adults & 2 children) 160Family (2 adults & 3 or more children) 180

    Membership information is held onthe SLSGB Membership InformationSystem (MIS) with data accessbeing tightly controlled and onlyaccessible to Members (own data),Club Officers, Regional Officers,

    Trainers, Assessors, Coaches andSLSGB staff.

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    This has been one of the most challenging years forclub fundraising as expenditure on running costs,maintenance, repairs and equipment hasaccelerated at a greater rate than money in. Thishas put pressure on our bank accounts andreserves - if it werent for the income generated bythe triathlon we would be facing some significantfunding dilemmas.

    Our income streams come in several sources:

    membership feeswhich dont cover running

    costsstill a bargain when compared to othersports clubs

    eventse.g. the triathlon which is the main

    source of regular income for the club

    donationsfew and far between

    grantse.g. council, Big Lottery etcharder than

    ever to secure

    sponsorshipcompeting against more popular


    fundraising bag packs, BBQs etc, Demo

    Nightsenergy intensive with low to moderateincome.

    As has been the case for many years, responsibilityfor organising f has fallen to a regular but smallgroup of stalwartsthey know who they arebut ithas become a significant challenge to both motivateexisting members to get involved in some of thesefundraising initiatives as other organisations, clubsand family commitments compete for peoples time.

    For better or worse, the days of collections appearto be over.

    However, the clubs future our plans to enhancethe building and facilities, equip our competitorswith the best racing boards, our ability to act ascentre of excellence for developing lifeguards - willall depend on our ability to chase after andsuccessfully compete government and corporatesponsored grants. To do this takes time, focus andenergy and the ability to write carefully craftedapplications that depend on collating feedback fromgroups within and without the club. If it sounds likea full time jobit is! Several clubs are eitheremploying people to work at identifying and chasing

    up such grantsor have members who have thetime necessary to devote to this critical job.

    As I step down from the role of fundraisingcoordinator, the coming year will need to see usshift up a gear if we are to secure the sort offunding to match our aspirations.

    On behalf of the Club & Committee I would like tothank all of our sponsors for providing raffle &competition prizes, food, venues and fundingsupport. Personally, Id like to thank all of thosemembers who have given selflessly of their timeand energy in too many ways to list here. You havehelped keep vital funds flowing in, without which,we wouldnt have a functioning Club. Finally, if youwant to get more involved with helping the clubraise funds, have feedback or suggestions pleasedont hesitate to contact the committee and well bedelighted to avail of your talents.

    Fundraising and EventsDave Cromie

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    Alan Johns JewellersAnonymous Donation

    BathshebaBerrymans BakeryBob CoadBridge Stores - GoonhavernChris LawOsteopathCornwall CouncilCycle LogicDuchy HolidaysDuncan Newby Fund

    Francis ClarkeHigginsHot RocketJR Stephens InsuranceKernow Property ServicesMillstone SoundMorrisonsNigel Pullen SolicitorsPenvale CatteryPerran Sands Holiday Park -Haven

    Perranporth Camping & TouringPerranporth Garden Charities

    Perranporth Motor Services LtdPerranporth Signs & GraphicsPerranzabuloe Parish CouncilPeter Retallick EngraverPiran SurfPonsmere HotelPure Blue LtdRed BullRNLI

    Sainsburys - TruroSeiners HotelSkinners BrewerySnugg WetsuitsStarbucks CoffeeThe Bolingey InnThe Filling StationThe WateringholeThuleTruro SchoolTulip

    Donors and SupportersWe are very grateful to the following businesses, people and

    organizations who have so generously supported our club thisyear. Thank you!

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    Receipts and Payments Account

    For the year ended

    30 September 2012

    Registered Charity No 1041075
