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Person critical(mohapatra)

Date post: 08-May-2015
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A presentation I had put together in 2011 to get my point across to someone that Enterprise Apps are getting more and more consumerized. Which implies the line between thinking like a Product Manager for enterprise apps is becoming more like those for consumer apps, which in my book is about focusing more and more on making an individual successful in conducting his/her day to day functions.
+ Let’s be “Person Critical” A vision for a new suite of enterprise applications with a personal focus Saurav Mohapatra [email protected]
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Let’s be “Person Critical”

A vision for a new suite of enterprise applications with a personal focus

Saurav [email protected]

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+“Mission Critical” Enterprise Apps Traditional Enterprise Applications are “Mission Critical”

Designed to be sold “Top Down” Sold to the CIO or VP, Sales Adoption model is “by decree”

Web based Centralized data store Assumes 24/7 “Always On” connectivity Prioritizes “Global Consistency” over “Local”

Collaboration model assumes the ideal individual Assumes Non-zero sum competition amongst users

“One for all and all for one” Designed with a view towards compliance to a single global

model of productivity Promotes “Group Think” over “Getting shit done™”

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+“Mission Critical” Enterprise Apps (contd.)

In short, designed for folks like these…

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+What is “Person Critical”?

“Person Critical” inverts the paradigm Designed from ground up towards making a single user more productive and effective Collaboration is “integral (but incidental)” to achieving individual goals.

Baked in, but not in your face. Recognizes the Game Theory concept of “Frenemies”

Competitive Collaborators Zero-Sum Collaboration

Assumes a post-PC “on the go” user with intermittent connectivity with a mobile device form factor iPad or Android tablet iPhone or comparable smart phone Varied connectivity – 3G/4G/WiFi/Offline

“Local is king” All operations on local data store

Advantage is fast search and retrieval Syncs to the “Global” data store via user choice

How often? (on demand / scheduled) How much? (what actually gets synced)

Adoption model is “Bottoms up” Individual subscriptions Viral adoption “Word of Mouth”/Referal Gamification

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+What is “Person Critical”? (contd.) Operates on a principle of “Convenient Solipsism”

Primary focus: Individual/Personal Productivity If organization has access to traditional enterprise

applications/services, fully leverage them as required CRM Contact Management Chat/IM/Presence Content Management

Streamlined User Experience “Intent is the feature is the app”

“There’s an app for that” Minimum friction vector in “Getting Shit Done™”

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+“Person Critical” Poster Child

This guy!

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+Why “Person Critical”?

The face of the Enterprise is changing

Remember how Baby Boomers gave way to ex-Generation X/Y as the decision makers in the enterprise? Guess what? The “hipsters” are next in line

A paradigm shift to mobile is taking place Same as the move to Desktop Computing in the 90’s And to the Web in the 00’s

Vanguards: Dropbox Evernote MacBook and iDevices in the enterprise

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Not intended to replace traditional enterprise apps Some can’t be replaced Compliments the traditional “Mission Critical” enterprise

app offering Leverages emerging behavior and paradigms to bolster the

flanks of existing enterprise application players If we already have the brand and the trust

Why not build a solid moat around our castle?

Indicative Examples: Task Master (Personal CRM) EverBox (Contextual Content Manager / Binder reborn) Pinger (Multi-protocol Multi-network Seesmic like client)
