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  • 8/12/2019 Personality Executive Career Sucess


    Cornell University ILR School


    CAHRS Working Paper SeriesCenter for Advanced Human Resource Studies



    Eects of Personality on Executive Career Successin the U.S. and Europe

    John W. BoudreauCornell University

    Wendy R. BoswellCornell University

    Timothy A. JudgeUniversity of Iowa

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  • 8/12/2019 Personality Executive Career Sucess


    Eects of Personality on Executive Career Success in the U.S. and Europe


    e present study extended prior career success models by incorporating traits from the ve-factor model of

    personality (oen termed the "Big Five") and several dimensions of extrinsic (remuneration, ascendancy, joblevel, employability) and intrinsic (job, life, and career satisfaction) career success. e model examined bothdirect eects, and the mediating eects of an array of human capital and motivation variables derived fromprior research. Data were collected from two large samples of American and European executives. Someresults supported prior research: Extroversion related positively, and neuroticism negatively, to intrinsic careersuccess across both the U.S. and European samples. Some results diered from expectations: (1)Conscientiousness was mostly unrelated to extrinsic success and negatively related to intrinsic success in bothsamples; (2) Agreeableness was negatively related to extrinsic success in both samples. Dierences emerged

    between the European and American samples, in that: (1) Neuroticism associated with lower levels ofextrinsic success for the American executives but not the Europeans; (2) Extroversion associated with higherlevels of extrinsic success for the European executives, but not the Americans. For both samples, humancapital and motivational variables associated predictably with career success, but seldom mediated the

    relationship between personality and career success.


    remuneration, ascendancy, job, employability, life, career, American, European, personality, human capital


    Human Resources Management


    Suggested Citation

    Boudreau, J. W., Boswell, W. R. & Judge, T. A. (1999). Eects of personality on executive career success in the U.S.and Europe (CAHRS Working Paper #99-12). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, School of Industrial and LaborRelations, Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies.hp://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cahrswp/111Replaces Working Paper 97-30Published inJournal of Vocational Behaviour, 58, 53-81

    is article is available at DigitalCommons@ILR: hp://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cahrswp/111

  • 8/12/2019 Personality Executive Career Sucess


    CAHRS / Cornell University187 Ives HallIthaca, NY 14853-3901 USATel. 607 255-9358www.ilr.cornell.edu/CAHRS/


    Effects of Personality on Executive CareerSuccess in the U.S. and Europe

    John W. BoudreauWendy R. BoswellTimothy A. Judge

    Working Paper 9 9 - 1 2

    Advancing the World of Work

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    Effects of Personality on Executive Career Success WP 99-12

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    Effects of Personality on Executive Career

    Success in the U.S. and Europe

    John W. Boudreau and Wendy R. BoswellCenter for Advanced Human Resource Studies

    School of Industrial and Labor RelationsCornell University

    Timothy A. JudgeDept. of Management and Organizations

    College of Business AdministrationUniversity of Iowa

    Working Paper 99-12


    This paper has not undergone formal review or approval of the faculty of the ILR School. It isintended to make results of Center research available to others interested in preliminary form to

    encourage discussion and suggestions.

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    Effects of Personality on Executive Career Success WP 99-12

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    Author Notes:The NEO-FFI is used by special permission of the Publisher,

    Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 North Florida Avenue, Lutz, Florida 33549,

    from the NEO Five Factor Inventory, by Paul Costa and Robert McCrae, Copyright 1978, 1985,

    1989 by PAR, Inc. Further use or reproduction of the NEO-FFI is prohibited without permission

    of PAR, Inc.

    Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to John W. Boudreau,

    CAHRS, ILR School, Cornell University, 393 Ives Hall, Ithaca, New York, USA 14853-3901. E-

    mail to [email protected].

    We wish to thank Tove Hammer, Brent Smith, Helen DeCieri, Peter Dowling and the

    editor and anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on this manuscript.

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    Effects of Personality on Executive Career Success WP 99-12

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    The present study extended prior career success models by incorporating traits from the

    five-factor model of personality (often termed the "Big Five") and several dimensions of extrinsic

    (remuneration, ascendancy, job level, employability) and intrinsic (job, life, and career

    satisfaction) career success. The model examined both direct effects, and the mediating effects

    of an array of human capital and motivation variables derived from prior research. Data were

    collected from two large samples of American and European executives. Some results

    supported prior research: Extroversion related positively, and neuroticism negatively, to intrinsic

    career success across both the U.S. and European samples. Some results differed from

    expectations: (1) Conscientiousness was mostly unrelated to extrinsic success and negatively

    related to intrinsic success in both samples; (2) Agreeableness was negatively related to

    extrinsic success in both samples. Differences emerged between the European and American

    samples, in that: (1) Neuroticism associated with lower levels of extrinsic success for the

    American executives but not the Europeans; (2) Extroversion associated with higher levels of

    extrinsic success for the European executives, but not the Americans. For both samples, human

    capital and motivational variables associated predictably with career success, but seldom

    mediated the relationship between personality and career success.

    Career Success




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    Executive Career Success in the U.S. and Europe: Effects of Personality

    Career success has been an important and popular focus of investigation in the

    management literature. Judge, Cable, Boudreau, and Bretz (1995) defined career success as

    the extrinsic and intrinsic outcomes or achievements individuals have accumulated as a result of

    their work experiences (Gattiker & Larwood, 1988). Career success encompasses both

    extrinsic success elements, reflecting objective and externally visible criteria such as pay and

    ascendancy (Jaskolka, Beyer, & Trice, 1985), as well as intrinsic success elements which are

    subjectively defined by the individual, such as career or job satisfaction (Gattiker & Larwood,


    Career success reflects the accumulated interaction between a variety of individual,

    organizational and societal norms, behaviors and work practices. Thus, it is an important

    element in our understanding of the long-term effects of worker mobility both within and across

    organizations. Understanding factors associated with career success is essential to our

    understanding of the relationships between individual traits and behaviors, organizational

    practices such as career planning and development, and societal and labor market processes

    that reflect what is ultimately valued in the labor market.

    Because the intrinsic and extrinsic elements of career success are only moderately

    correlated, and often influenced by different factors (Bray & Howard, 1980; Harrell, 1969),

    studies of extrinsic and intrinsic career success require considering a wide range of influences

    including motivation, human capital, and possibly dispositional factors. Studies focusing on the

    career success of managers working in a single U.S. company (e.g., Howard & Bray, 1988)have provided valuable insights, but the focus on a single organization limits the degree to

    which differences in labor markets, industries, and company characteristics can be examined.

    Drawing on theory and research from psychology, human resource management, and

    labor economics, Judge et al. (1995) examined career success by focusing on 1,400 executives

    employed in a diverse sample of U.S. organizations. They examined the extrinsic career

    success outcomes of pay and ascendancy (number of promotions), and intrinsic career success

    outcomes of career and job satisfaction. The Judge et al. model proposed five influences on

    career success: (1) demographics (e.g., age, race, sex), (2) human capital (e.g., education,experience), (3) motivation (e.g., hours desired and actually worked), (4) organization (e.g.,

    organizational success, size), and (5) industry/region. They found that each category of

    variables influenced executive career success, with demographic, human capital, and

    motivational variables being most important.

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    Enduring individual dispositions play a key role in organizational behavior (House,

    Shane, & Herold, 1996), possibly including career success. Dispositional variables may affect

    career success directly, and indirectly through variables such as performance, motivation, and

    human capital, which in turn affect career success. Adding dispositions thus may lead to better

    understanding of the role of motivation and human capital in career success, as well as

    revealing new direct effects that add to predictive power.

    Virtually all prior career success research focused solely on a single country or region,

    usually the U.S. The increasingly global nature of work and careers emphasizes the importance

    of examining international differences, which may reflect different labor markets, employment

    policies, and management practices. As noted earlier, career success may be particularly suited

    to reveal the effects of these differences, compared to more job or organization-specific work


    The present study extends prior models by: (1) Examining a broader set of extrinsic and

    intrinsic career success indicators; (2) Incorporating personality traits; and (3) Focusing on a

    diverse sample of both U.S. and European managers. This extended model allows us to

    examine the direct and indirect effects of personality traits on career success.

    The Extended Career Success Model

    Figure 1 depicts the complete model examined in this study, with the shaded areas

    representing constructs and relationships that have been added, and the unshaded areas

    representing the original model. For brevity, we refer the reader to the Judge et al. (1995) articlefor the theoretical and empirical evidence related to the unshaded portions, and focus here on

    the extensions.1

    Additional Career Success Dimensions

    Judge et al. (1995) measured extrinsic career success with remuneration and

    ascendancy, and intrinsic success with job and career satisfaction. Here we include two

    additional extrinsic aspects of career success, CEO proximity (Dreher & Bretz, 1991) and

    1 We did not include three categories of variables from the Judge et al. (1995) study (demographic, organizational, andindustry/region) in the LISREL model. The model already included 230 and 167 freed parameters for the American andEuropean samples, respectively. Adding the 22 additional control variables would more than double the number of estimatedparameters, which would violate Bentlers (1985) recommended rule of thumb of five observations for every estimatedparameter. To investigate the effect of including all the control variables on the results, we regressed each career successvariable on all the variables in the Judge et al. study, as well as the Big Five traits. The results for the Big Five traits were similarto those reported here. Only seven of 65 links changed significance across the two samples, and no significant hypothesizedlinkage in the LISREL model became nonsignificant when the additional control variables were added.

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    employability (Kilduff & Day, 1994), and one additional element of intrinsic success, life

    satisfaction (Judge & Bretz, 1994).

    CEO Proximity within one's organization denotes higher responsibility and authority, all

    else equal (Dreher & Bretz, 1991). Judge and Bretz (1994) argued that job level should be

    added to extant definitions of extrinsic career success, particularly when studying high-level

    managers and executives. CEO reflects power, authority, and responsibility in the current

    organization, while ascendancy and remuneration reflect success relative to prior career stages,

    or compared to other organizations.

    Figure 1.

    Hypothesized model of executive career success.

    (Note: Shaded areas represent variables that are unique to this study.)

    Personality Traits

    Neuroticism Extroversion Openness Agreeableness Conscientiousness


    Hours worked per week

    Evenings worked per week Hours of work desired Work centrality

    Human Capital

    Education (level, quality, Ivy) Corporate board Job and organizational tenure International experience

    Career Success

    Extrinsic success

    Remuneration Number of promotions

    Intrinsic success

    Job satisfaction Career satisfaction

    CEO proximity Employability rating

    Life satisfaction

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    Employability is arguably an increasingly relevant indicator of career success as multiple-

    employer and even multiple-profession careers become more common (e.g., Barrett, 1999;

    Blumfield, 1997; Cashman & Feldman, 1995; Ettorre, 1996; Kissler, 1994; Ruth, Bruner, &

    Chamernik, 1995). Kilduff and Day (1994) argued that the capacity for mobility is a key factor in

    achieving extrinsic success in managerial careers. Employability is different from mobility (e.g.,

    movement across geographic areas or jobs), because it reflects the potential attractiveness of

    an individual to other employers as judged by gatekeepers such as search firms. Thus, it may

    capture career success elements not reflected in ascendancy or remuneration, by reflecting the

    views of external constituents.

    Life satisfaction is important because achieving satisfaction with ones job or career at

    the expense of life satisfaction suggests limited career success (Bray & Howard, 1980; Judge &

    Bretz, 1994). Adding life satisfaction to career success also acknowledges the importance of

    work-life (or work-family) balance (Greenhaus & Beutell, 1985; Thompson, Beauvais, & Lyness,

    1999). Life satisfaction seems particularly relevant in cross-national research, as the challenge

    of achieving a balance between life facets (e.g., work and family) may differ with social policies.

    For example, the U.S. arguably places greater responsibility for social support on individuals

    and their employers, compared to many European countries (e.g., Germany and Scandinavia).

    Thus, incorporating life satisfaction into models of career success may reveal differences across

    countries better than job or career satisfaction.

    The Big Five Personality Traits and Career Success

    In Figure 1 personality traits relate to career success both directly and throughmotivation and human capital. Motivation and human capital may change over time or with

    different work situations, but traits, such as personality, are enduring and stable individual

    predispositions that are either directly associated with career outcomes, or lead individuals to

    behave or seek out experiences that are associated with career outcomes (Tharenou, 1997).

    The effects of such enduring traits may be particularly evident among managers and executives,

    because objective performance measures are difficult to obtain, incomplete, or use

    incomparable units (e.g., sales, costs, growth), across different organizations or even within the

    same organization. As stated by Siegal and Ghiselli (1971), traits of general importance inmanagerial positions are likely to form the basis of the evaluation of him (p. 130).

    Personality might directly associate with extrinsic career success if traits such as

    assertiveness, emotional stability, and leadership motivation fit the tasks of the executive role

    (Tharenou, 1997), enhancing effective leadership, managing social interactions, and making

    complex and high-impact decisions. A direct association between personality and intrinsic

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    success could occur if personality traits, such as extroversion (e.g., Furnam & Zacherl, 1986;

    Headey & Wearing, 1989; McCrae & Costa, 1991), create a general tendency to react positively

    to outcomes of executive work, to act in ways compatible with the executive environment (e.g.,

    Aryee, Chay, & Tan, 1994; Bretz & Judge, 1994), or to strive for success (Super, 1957;

    Tharenou, 1997). Personality may also affect career success indirectly through human capital

    and motivational variables. Those more open to new experiences may accept more international

    assignments, or Type A individuals may be more likely to work evenings or long hours.

    Prior research suggests that some dispositions do associate with career success

    (Ghiselli, 1968; Ghiselli, 1969; Ghiselli, 1963; Siegel & Ghiselli, 1971). Tharenou (1997)

    reviewed the relatively few studies that investigated the personality correlates of career

    success, concluding that achievement orientation is clearly related to managerial advancement,

    with other traits receiving moderate support such as self-confidence and self-monitoring. To

    date, however, no study has examined the role of personality within a more comprehensive

    model, such as that presented in Figure 1, and virtually all research has focused on one or two

    personality variables at a time. No prior research has examined a broad array of personality

    traits, despite growing consensus supporting a general personality taxonomy.

    Consensus is emerging that a five-factor model of personality, often termed the Big

    Five (Goldberg, 1990), can be used to describe the many salient aspects of personality. The

    Big Five can be found in virtually any measure of personality (e.g., McCrae & John, 1992),

    including the analysis of the trait adjectives in many languages, factor reanalyses of existing

    multidimensional measures, and decisions made by expert judges based on existing measures

    (see Mount & Barrick, 1995). The cross-cultural generalizability of the five-factor structure has

    been established through research in many countries, including Germany, Portugal, Korea,

    China, Israel, and the Netherlands (McCrae & Costa, 1997). Evidence indicates that the Big

    Five are fairly heritable and stable over time (Costa & McCrae, 1988; Digman, 1989), although

    the role of the environment in shaping features of ones personality should not be dismissed.

    The Big Five traits have some theoretical justification as well. Buss (1996) draws from

    evolutionary theory in describing how the Big Five serve adaptive purposes in problem solving

    and social interactions such as forming cooperative alliances and negotiating hierarchies.

    The dimensions comprising the five-factor model are neuroticism, extroversion,

    openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Neuroticism represents the

    tendency to exhibit poor emotional adjustment and experience negative affect such as anxiety,

    insecurity, and hostility. Extroversion represents the tendency to be sociable, assertive, active,

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    and experience positive affect such as energy, zeal, and excitement. Openness is the

    disposition to be imaginative, nonconforming, unconventional, and autonomous. Agreeableness

    is the tendency to be trusting, compliant, caring, and gentle. Conscientiousness is comprised of

    two related facets, achievement and dependability. Conscientiousness has found to be the

    major component of integrity (Hogan & Ones, 1997).

    Comparing U.S. and European Executives

    There is a significant need for research on international human resource management

    (DeCieri & Dowling, 1999; Ferris, Hochwarter, Buckley, Harrell-Cook & Frink, 1999), particularly

    for studies using rigorous research designs that move beyond descriptive case studies (Schuler

    & Florkiowlski, 1996). Career development is particularly lacking in international research (Ferris

    et al., 1999; Ricks et al. 1990) that examines the cross-cultural generalizability of findings

    (Sullivan, 1999, p. 476).

    Yet international human resource management scholars lament the lack of sufficient

    theoretical perspective (Arvey, Bhagat & Salas, 1991; Ferris et al. 1999), which limits our ability

    to develop strong cross-cultural propositions. While not a comprehensive international model,

    the career success model in Figure 1 addresses, in part, the call for more quantitative and

    theory-based research frameworks in the area of careers.

    Our purpose in comparing findings from the model across two different regions is in the

    spirit of the Type II research suggested by Bhagat and McQuaid (1982, p. 678) in which one

    observes organizational phenomena in different cultures. It is useful to compare U.S. and

    Western European managers because both regions have had relatively stable social and

    political systems for 20 to 30 years during which a sample of top executives would have

    pursued their careers. Our focus on career success argued against economies that have not

    yet, or only recently, developed to the point where broad career patterns can be discerned (e.g.,

    many parts of Asia and Africa), or have undergone fundamental social and economic changes

    affecting careers and management (e.g., Central and Eastern Europe).

    Western Europe has also been the subject of considerable discussion regarding

    management systems and leadership. Hofstede (1991) shows that most European countries,

    particularly Germany, Switzerland, Finland, and Austria, score higher on uncertainty avoidance

    (the tendency to be threatened by uncertain or unknown situations, and a desire to reduce

    ambiguity) than the U.S. This suggests a higher tolerance among American managers for

    ambiguity, deviant ideas, open-end discussion and decisions, and reliance on few formal rules

    (e.g., Hammer, 1999). Thus the U.S. might favor those high in openness. Hoftstede (1991) also

    notes that uncertainty avoidance is positively related to social indicators of anxiety. Neuroticism

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    might be more socially distinctive in the U.S. If neuroticism is detrimental to career success, this

    might suggest a greater detrimental effect in the U.S. than in Europe.

    Hofstede (1991) suggests that European countries studied here are somewhat more

    collectivist than the U.S., which is more individualistic. This is reinforced by observations about

    social and workplace systems in Europe and the U.S. (Ulman, Eichengreen, & Dickens, 1993).

    Hammer (1999) notes that, compared with the operations of American corporations, European

    firms and their managers are less autonomous. The autonomy is constrained at the national

    level by culture and legislation, at the corporate, or strategic, level of the firm by patterns of

    ownership, and at the workplace level by trade union involvement and required worker-

    participation programs (p.104-105). Hammer concludes, to manage within such constraints

    requires a leadership style, or process, that recognizes the reality of conflicting group interests

    and the rights of multiple stakeholders (p. 105).

    Brewster (1994) and Brewster and Larsen (1992) noted evidence of a European

    approach to HR that, compared to a U.S. model, places greater emphasis on country

    differences, adopts a more positive perspective toward unions, attaches greater importance to

    external constituents (e.g., governments and communities), and recognizes the more limited

    autonomy (or greater support) afforded to managers (p. 83). Germany has been characterized

    as "mechanistic" and legalistic in its approach (Gaugler & Wiltz, 1992). This suggests that social

    skills and connections may be more important for European executives, so extroversion may

    have a greater impact in Europe. Conscientiousness, to the extent that it reflects dependability

    in informal social contracts, might have a greater effect in Europe.In summary, the present career success model associates motivational and human

    capital factors with career success, based on the theory and empirical evidence noted in Judge

    et al. (1995). The model extends prior research by incorporating the Big-Five personality traits,

    with both direct and indirect associations with career success. We now develop specific

    hypotheses for both the direct and indirect effects of each personality trait on career success.

    Hypotheses Regarding Overall and Direct Effects of Personality Traits

    Career success is different from job performance, but the most extensive application of

    the Big-Five personality model has been in personnel selection, with substantial evidence that

    the five factors predict job performance (Barrick & Mount, 1991; Tett, Rothstein, & Jackson,

    1991). We briefly review this evidence and note its implications for career success, before

    reviewing the smaller body of research directly linking personality and career success. Three of

    the Big Five traitsconscientiousness, neuroticism, and extroversionconsistently relate to

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    managerial job performance. Conscientiousness and job performance were positively related in

    meta-analytic investigations of American (Barrick & Mount, 1991) and European (Salgado,

    1997) employees. Neuroticism and job performance were negatively associated in two meta-

    analyses (Salgado, 1997; Tett et al., 1991). Extroversion did not display a significant correlation

    with job performance across all jobs, but Barrick and Mounts (1991) meta-analysis suggested a

    positive relationship specifically for managers. Even considering that pay and performance do

    not always significantly correlate within particular jobs (Gerhart & Milkovich, 1992), and that job

    performance is not the only factor in promotions and mobility, it seems reasonable to expect that

    consistently high levels of performance will associate with higher levels of long-term career

    success, thus suggesting that conscientiousness and extroversion may relate positively to

    career success, and neuroticism may relate negatively.

    Job performance and career success are different, so it is important to look beyond

    research on personality and performance. For example, Ghiselli (1963) found that self-

    assurance predicted managers occupational level, and Ghiselli (1969) found that self-

    assurance, decisiveness, achievement motivation, and need for self-actualization were valid

    predictors of stockbroker success. Self-assurance and initiative also positively associated with

    executive pay (Siegel & Ghiselli, 1971). Prior career success research has seldom employed

    the Big-Five personality taxonomy, but prior research on other personality traits is informative

    regarding each of the Big Five traits.

    Neuroticism. Tharenou (1997) suggested that managerial positiveness or self-

    confidence was linked to advancement. In a longitudinal study of managerial progress, Howard

    and Bray (1988) found that ratings of optimism, self-confidence, and well adjustedness (low

    neuroticism) predicted advancement and promotions. Self-confidence also was found to predict

    earnings in a sample of MBA graduates five and twenty years after the original personality data

    were collected (Harrell, 1969; Harrell & Alpert, 1989). Self-confidence, optimism, and emotional

    adjustment are characteristic of low neuroticism (Goldberg, 1990; Mount & Barrick, 1995),

    suggesting that neuroticism should be negatively related to extrinsic career success. Emotional

    stability may be particularly important for individuals at higher organizational levels

    characterized with high levels of stress and external stimulation (Seibert & Kraimer, 1999).

    Neuroticism may be negatively related to intrinsic career success as well. Several studies have

    revealed a negative relationship between neuroticism and job satisfaction (Furnam & Zacherl,

    1986; Smith, Organ, & Near, 1983), and life satisfaction (Headey & Wearing, 1989; McCrae &

    Costa, 1991), ostensibly because neuroticism is linked to the experience of negative affect

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    (Watson & Clark, 1997). There has been no prior research relating neuroticism and career

    satisfaction, a gap filled by the present study. In sum, neuroticism appears to associate with

    negative reactions to life and work situations particularly when they are demanding or stressful.

    H-1: Neuroticism will be negatively related to (a) extrinsic and (b) intrinsic career


    Extroversion. There is relatively little prior research on the relationship between

    extroversion and extrinsic career success, but the social nature of managerial and executive

    work suggests that those individuals who are energized by social situations (extroverts) should

    be more extrinsically successful. Childhood ratings of shyness (low extroversion) were

    negatively associated with adult occupational status (Caspi, Elder, & Bem, 1988). Among

    Stanford MBA graduates, extroversion was positively related to salary (e.g., Harrell, 1969;

    Harrell & Alpert, 1989). Extroversion associates with activity and dominance, typically

    associated with success in positions of leadership (Dunn, Mount, Barrick, & Ones, 1995).

    Regarding intrinsic success, extroversion has been related to job and life satisfaction in

    numerous studies (e.g., Furnam & Zacherl, 1986; Headey & Wearing, 1989; McCrae & Costa,

    1991), presumably because extroverts are predisposed to experience positive emotions (Costa

    & McCrae, 1992; Watson & Clark, 1997). Extroverts may also be more likely to take actions to

    rectify unsatisfactory work situations thus leading to more positive experiences (Seibert &

    Kraimer, 1999). Thus,

    H-2: Extroversion will be positively related to (a) extrinsic and (b) intrinsic career


    Conscientiousness. Conscientiousness emerged as the best predictor of managerial job

    performance in meta-analyses of studies of Americans (Barrick & Mount, 1991) and Europeans

    (Salgado, 1997). Few studies have explored the direct association between conscientiousness

    and extrinsic career success, but considerable evidence supports a major facet of

    conscientiousnessachievement orientation. Tharenou (1997) noted that achievement

    orientation is most consistently related to managerial advancement. Barrick and Mount (1991)

    reported a true correlation of .17 between salary and conscientiousness, though based on a

    small number of available correlations (k=5). McClelland and Boyatzis (1982) reported that

    leadership motivation (moderate-to-high need for power, low need for affiliation, and high

    activity inhibition) and need for achievement predicted managerial job level. Conscientiousness

    is associated with being goal-directed, persistent, and well organized, which seem likely to

    associate with career success.

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    H-3: Conscientiousness will be positively related to extrinsic career success.

    Agreeableness. Much less research exists on agreeableness and career success,

    though Howard and Bray (1988) reported a negative correlation between affability (nurturing,

    not aggressive, sympathetic, supportive) and ratings of management potential. Agreeableness

    associates with being trusting, submissive, and compliant, which could also be perceived as

    navet, docility, and a tendency to follow rather than lead. We include agreeableness in the

    model to address the limited empirical evidence. However, the lack of prior evidence coupled

    with the non- significant association between agreeableness and job performance precluded a

    formal hypothesis.

    Openness. It is also difficult to support a hypothesis linking openness to career success.

    To our knowledge, there has been no research on this link, nor on personality traits associated

    with openness. As with agreeableness, we include openness in the model in part to address the

    lack of empirical evidence on this question, but it is not possible to suggest a hypothesis

    regarding the effect of openness on career success.

    Hypotheses Regarding Indirect Effects of Personality Through Human Capital and Motivation

    The model shown in Figure 1 suggests that personality may relate to career success

    through its association with human capital and motivation, which in turn affect career success

    (Judge et al., 1995). No prior research has tested both direct and indirect effects

    simultaneously, and most have not employed the Big Five taxonomy as we do here. Still,

    previous findings do have implications for the model in Figure 1.

    Regarding human capital variables, Dearborn and Hastings (1987) found that women

    classified as Type A personality had shorter job tenure compared to those classified as Type B

    personality. Type A personalities have been positively associated with neuroticism, and

    conscientiousness, and negatively associated with agreeableness (Contrada, Leventhal &

    OLeary, 1990; Mayer & Sutton, 1996). Close and Bergmann (1979) found an inverse

    relationship between dogmatism and educational attainment. Dogmatism has been associated

    with being closed-minded, which is similar to low openness. Three studies specifically focused

    on the Big Five, found that academic achievement associated negatively with neuroticism and

    positively with openness and conscientiousness (Digman, 1989; Hough, 1998; 1997). Openness

    has also been linked to the tendency to learn from experiences, which has been identified as a

    key trait of successful managers, particularly those who succeed in international assignments

    (Montagliani & Giacalone, 1997; Spreitzer, McCall & Mahoney, 1997).

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    Research has also linked personality to motivation variables (Barrick, Mount, & Strauss,

    1993; Hansson, Hogan, Johnson, & Schroeder, 1983; Tang, 1986). Much of this research has

    focused on the influence of the Type A personality pattern, compared to the Type B pattern.

    Dearborn and Hastings (1987) found that women classified as Type A personality worked longer

    hours. Hansson et al. (1983) found those classified as Type A to be more ambitious and Tang

    (1986) found Type As spend more leisure time on work tasks. A recent meta-analysis (Brown,

    1996) found that individuals predisposed to be highly job involved were also more likely to have

    higher personality traits such as Protestant work ethic and self-esteem. One prior study related

    the Big Five traits to motivation. Barrick et al. (1993) found that sales representatives high in

    conscientiousness were more likely to set goals and be committed to those goals, which in turn

    was positively associated with job success (i.e., sales volume and supervisory ratings of job


    Thus, the small amount of prior evidence suggests an intriguing pattern of relationships

    between personality with human capital and motivation. Conscientiousness and extroversion

    appear to associate positively with the motivation and human capital variables studied and,

    through Type A personality, may relate positively to work motivation. An opposite effect for

    agreeableness is expected as this trait has been linked negatively to a Type A personality

    pattern. Openness seems to relate positively to the human capital variables of educational

    attainment and taking on new challenges. Neuroticism appears negatively related to educational

    attainment. The paucity of prior research, however, precludes specific hypotheses regarding

    individual personality dimensions with individual human capital and motivation variables. As anecessary first step, we will examine whether the personality dimensions associate with career

    success directly, or are generally mediated through human capital and motivation variables.

    H-4: Motivation and human capital variables will partly mediate the relationship

    between personality and career success.


    Participants and Procedure

    Participants were executives who had an ongoing relationship with a large international

    executive search firm. The search firm does not accept applications or resumes from individualssearching for positions, but instead potential candidates are identified only in direct response to

    a clients search for a specific position. Further, the search firm serves clients of all sizes,

    industries, and regions. This suggests that the sample drawn for this study should be fairly

    representative of the general population of executives. Data were collected in 1995 and 1996

    from executives working in the United States and from executives working in Europe. Because

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    the data collection procedures varied somewhat between the two samples, the participants and

    procedure are described separately for each sample.

    American sample. Surveys were mailed to 10,000 executives contained in the search

    firms database. Executives were informed that participation was completely voluntary and

    confidential. The surveys were returned directly to the authors in pre-addressed, postage-paid

    envelopes. Surveys were encoded so that those returned could be matched with information

    contained in the search firm's database. A total of 1,885 surveys were returned (19% response

    rate). To determine whether respondents were representative of nonrespondents, the two

    groups were compared based on information contained in the search firms database. Results

    suggested respondents were significantly more likely to be married (MR=86%, MNR=77%), were

    older (MR=47.2, MNR=45.4), and had more children (MR=1.8, MNR=1.5) than nonrespondents.

    However, respondents and nonrespondents did not differ with respect to any core study variable

    (i.e., any career outcome). Further, the demographics (i.e., primarily white and male) of our

    sample reflect the executive population (U.S. Census Bureau, 1998). The majority of

    respondents were White (95%) and male (90%). Average age of respondents was 47 years.

    Average remuneration earned by executives (including bonuses) was $164,618. The average

    executive had been promoted 7.9 times in his or her career, and was positioned 2 job levels

    below the CEO. The average number of employees in the executive's organization was 10,140.

    Executives were employed in a variety of industries, with the most common being high


    European sample. Surveys were distributed to a sample of 10,000 executives who had a

    relationship with the European offices of the search firm. For the most part, the survey was

    identical to the American survey. Because the search firm did not maintain a database of the

    career profiles of European executives, all variables were measured within the survey.

    Accordingly, surveys were returned anonymously. A total of 1,871 surveys were returned (19%

    response rate). Ninety-four percent of executives were male and 87% indicated that they spoke

    English fluently. Average age of respondents was 42.4 years. Average remuneration earned by

    executives (including bonuses) was $158,461. The average executive had been promoted 4

    times in his/her career, was positioned 1.9 job levels below the CEO. The average number of

    employees in the executive's organization was 9,051. Although there were 66 nationalities

    represented in the sample, the most common were the following: German (59%), Danish (12%),

    Swiss (6%), Finnish (6%), Spanish (4%), Portuguese (2%), Dutch (2%), Austrian (2%), and

    French (2%).

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    Big five traits. The Big Five traits were measured with the NEO Personality Inventory, the

    most widely used and extensively validated measure of the five-factor model (Costa & McCrae,

    1992). Each of the five traits in the NEO-FFI are measured by asking respondents to indicate

    their agreement with 12 statements, using a 1=Strongly disagree to 5=Strongly agree scale.

    Example statements include, I often feel tense and jittery (neuroticism), My life is fast-paced

    (extroversion), I often enjoy playing with theories or abstract ideas (openness), I would rather

    cooperate with others than compete with them (agreeableness), and I have a clear set of goals

    and work toward them in an orderly fashion (conscientiousness). Reliabilities of the NEO scales

    were as follows (coefficient alpha [] reliability estimates are provided first for the American

    sample, followed by the for the European sample): Neuroticism, =.82, .74; Extroversion,

    =.77, .70; Openness, =.72, .71; Agreeableness, =.71, .58; Conscientiousness, =.80, .71.

    One advantage of the NEO is that extensive cross-cultural evidence exists regarding its

    validity. The NEO has been validated in many European countries (e.g., Czechoslovakia,

    France, Germany, Holland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden). Recently, Costa

    and McCrae (1997) compared the factor structure of the NEO across seven cultures and found

    that the American factor structure was closely reproduced. To investigate the generalizability of

    the NEO with our data, we conducted a principal components analysis of the NEO for the

    American and European samples. Following McCrae and Costas (1997) procedure, we

    investigated factorial equivalence by computing congruence coefficients between varimax-

    rotated principal components from the two samples (essentially, these represent the correlations

    between the factor loadings of each sample). The congruence coefficients were .92 for

    neuroticism, .82 for extroversion, .88 for openness, .93 for agreeableness, and .90 for

    conscientiousness. These are comparable to those reported by McCrae and Costa (1997) and

    suggest that the factor structure of the NEO is comparable between the two samples.

    Remuneration. Recognizing that a large part of an executives income is in the form of

    incentive-based pay, remuneration is defined here to include salary, bonuses, stock options,

    and other forms of cash compensation. For the American sample, data on total annual

    remuneration was obtained from the search firms database. Because the archival database

    was not available for European executives, their total remuneration (salary, bonus, stock,

    options, and other forms of cash compensation) was self-reported on the survey. It would

    appear the archival and self-reported measures are equivalent as, for the American sample,

    self-reported compensation correlated highly with the archival measure (r=.85, p < .01).

    Because most remuneration measures are disproportionately affected by a relatively few values

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    at the high end of the distribution, this degree of skewness can render standard statistical tests

    inappropriate. Accordingly, consistent with standard practice in wage regressions (e.g., Kerr &

    Kren, 1992), we normalized the distribution of the remuneration variable by computing its

    natural log.

    Ascendancy. For both the American and European samples, ascendancy was measured

    on the survey by asking executives to indicate the total number of promotions they received in

    their career. We used the natural log of number of promotions because the data plots revealed

    a skewed distribution.

    CEO proximity. For both samples, CEO proximity was measured on the survey by

    asking executives to report the number of job levels below the CEO they were positioned in their

    current organization. The natural log was also used to transform this variable, due to skewness

    in the data. These natural log values were then multiplied by negative one, to create an index of

    CEO proximity. In this way, more negative values indicate lower career success, so it is

    directionally consistent with the other extrinsic career success measures (remuneration,

    ascendancy, and employability).

    Employability. An accomplishment rating taken from the search firms archival database

    was used to assess employability. The search firm uses this information when deciding whether

    to recommend a candidate for a position at another company. The rating is a three-item scale

    comprised of: (1) flexibility and adaptability, (2) proficiency in current job, and (3) appearance,

    stature, and personal impact. Each of these specific ratings is evaluated on a 3=low, 4=average,

    and 5=high scale. This measure was only available for the American sample, and the reliability

    of this three-item scale was .68. We used the natural log of the employability rating for the

    analyses due to a skewed distribution.

    Job satisfaction. For both samples, general job satisfaction was measured with the three

    items used by Judge et al. (1995). These items were the Gallup Poll measure of job satisfaction,

    the non-graphic version of the G. M. Faces Scale, and an adapted version of the Fordyce

    Percent Time Satisfied Item. Because the three items used different response formats, they

    were standardized before being combined (=.83 for the American sample, =.78 for the

    European sample).

    Life satisfaction. The Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin,

    1985) measures asks individuals to respond to five general statements about their life (If I had

    to live my life over again, I would change almost nothing). The of this scale was .88 for the

    Americans and .80 for the European sample.

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    Career satisfaction. Career satisfaction was measured with the five-item scale

    developed by Greenhaus, Parasuraman, and Wormley (1990), which asks individuals to report

    their satisfaction with five aspects of their career (overall success, progress toward career goals,

    income, advancement, development of new skills). For the American sample, =.89. For the

    Europeans, =.85.

    Human capital variables. For the American sample, all human capital variables were

    taken from the search firms database, which indicated the university attended and degree

    received. Level of education was the highest degree received (coded 0=bachelor's degree,

    1=master's degree or higher). Whether the executive's highest degree was from an Ivy League

    school was coded 1=yes, 0=no. Consistent with Judge et al. (1995), quality of the executives

    highest degree was measured using The Gourman Report (Gourman, 1993), which rates

    university quality using a continuous scale ranging from 1.0 to 5.0. The Gourman rating was

    applied to the university from which the executive's highest degree was granted, based on the

    rating of the major in which the degree was earned. Whether or not the executive occupied a

    position on a corporate board of directors, years of job tenure, years of organizational tenure,

    and international experience (coded 1=yes, 0=no) were collected from information in the search

    firms database. For the European sample, all of these human capital variables were measured

    with items on the survey, with the following exceptions: information on education quality and

    prestige was not available, nor was information on whether the executive served on a board of

    directors. Nearly all business-oriented degrees in Europe are in economics, so we used an

    economics major dummy variable for the Europeans rather than a business major dummy


    Motivational variables. For both American and European samples, hours worked per

    week, number of evenings worked per month, number of hours per week the executive wished

    to work were assessed with survey questions. Work centrality was measured by asking the

    individual to assign 100 points to five different life domains (work, family, religion, leisure, and

    community) (MOW International Research Team, 1987).

    Covariance Structure Analysis

    Covariance structure analysis, estimated in the present study using LISREL 8 (Jreskog

    & Srbom, 1993), was used to test the hypothesized model shown in Figure 1. The model

    included the two indirect paths: (1) from the personality traits to the motivation and human

    capital variables, and (2) from the motivation and human capital variables to extrinsic and

    intrinsic career success. It also included the direct link from personality traits to extrinsic and

    intrinsic career success. LISREL coefficient estimates and standard errors for direct, indirect,

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    and total effects were used to test significance. Due to the complexity of this model and the prior

    evidence of construct validity for the personality dimensions, only the manifest variable model

    was tested. Two models were estimatedone for the American sample and one for the

    European sample. The structure of the models were identical except that some of the variables

    included in the American model were not available in the European sample (quality of highest

    degree, Ivy League graduate, and director position). Because the Big Five traits, and the

    intrinsic success variables, were measured with error, these measures were corrected for


    When evaluating the results of a covariance structure analysis, it is important to evaluate

    its overall fit. Accordingly, we report the following fit statistics: chi-square (2), Root Mean

    Square Error of Approximation (RSEA), Goodness-of-fit Index (GFI), Normed Fit Index (NFI),

    Comparative Fit Index (CFI), and Incremental Fit Index (IFI) (Medsker, Williams, & Holahan,

    1994). Although levels of the 2statistic cannot be interpreted independent of the sample size,

    rules of thumb suggest that the RSEA should be no greater than .10 while values of GFI, NFI,

    CFI, and IFI should be greater than .90 (Medsker et al., 1994).


    Tables 1 and 2 contain descriptive statistics and intercorrelations among the study

    variables for the American and European samples, respectively. In both samples, restriction of

    range was notable only for CEO proximity, which reached an out of bounds value (restricted

    range based on 2 standard deviations from the mean). As we will see, this apparently did not

    preclude significant relationships with the other variables in the model, though it may make

    findings conservative with regard to CEO proximity.

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    Table 1

    Means (M), Standard Deviations (SD), and Intercorrelations of Study Variables (American Sample)

    Variable M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    1. Log remuneration 11.83 0.57 ---2. Log ascendancy 1.95 0.51 25 ---3. Log CEO proximity -0.71 0.60 30 21 ---

    4. Log employability rating 1.49 0.01 22 01 08 ---5. Job satisfaction 0.00 2.60 11 10 06 07 ---6. Life satisfaction 25.13 5.83 16 07 04 10 43 ---7. Career satisfaction 24.58 6.13 24 13 13 11 45 65 ---8. Evenings worked per month 5.17 4.39 19 10 05 08 01 -01 03 ---9. Hours worked per week 56.52 10.68 18 09 05 08 05 -02 02 23 ---10. Hours of work desired 48.45 9.57 18 05 04 05 06 07 03 09 48 ---11. Work centrality 38.68 15.87 07 04 05 -02 03 -16 -04 08 17 10 ---12. Board of directors position 0.01 0.15 16 05 06 05 04 00 04 00 06 00 02 ---13. Graduate degree 0.72 0.62 07 -18 -01 -03 00 -04 -03 -02 03 05 08 06 ---14. Quality of highest degree 2.36 2.02 16 -08 03 08 -02 -02 -01 -04 00 05 05 04 24 ---15. Ivy League graduate 0.10 0.30 19 -06 02 09 01 02 01 01 -02 04 05 03 13 3616. Business degree 0.63 0.48 06 04 07 03 -05 -01 -05 -01 00 05 03 03 01 1617. Engineering degree 0.12 0.33 00 08 -03 00 02 00 03 08 -02 03 -01 -01 -14 -0618. Law degree 0.01 0.18 09 -11 02 -13 -02 -04 -06 -06 02 01 01 04 35 1319. Job tenure 3.37 4.10 -01 -02 04 -01 -01 -02 -05 -02 -08 -08 03 03 -07 -0120. Organizational tenure 5.88 6.50 03 -02 -19 -03 -03 05 01 00 -05 -04 00 01 -07 -02

    21. International experience 0.36 0.48 16 11 09 04 -01 -05 -02 12 03 00 07 03 06 0722. Neuroticism 25.27 6.16 -12 -15 -07 -02 -22 -32 -25 -01 01 -09 03 -03 07 0323. Extroversion 45.90 5.21 04 11 06 05 15 24 18 06 09 09 -02 -01 -12 -0624. Openness 41.25 5.54 04 -01 03 06 03 02 05 06 08 05 08 01 13 0525. Agreeableness 43.84 4.93 -09 -03 -02 -05 03 15 07 -05 -06 -04 -08 -03 00 -0126. Conscientiousness 49.48 4.98 04 06 04 -01 01 09 08 02 05 05 04 02 -02 -04

    Table 1 Continues

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    Table 1 (Continued)

    Variable 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

    16. Ivy League Graduate ---17. Business degree 13 ---

    18. Engineering degree -09 -49 ---19. Law degree -01 -25 -07 ---20. Job tenure -02 -03 05 00 ---21. Organizational tenure -01 -07 08 02 25 ---22. International experience 10 03 05 -03 01 -03 ---23. Neuroticism -01 -02 -03 08 -02 -04 -01 ---24. Extroversion -01 -03 00 -03 -02 00 -01 -42 ---25. Openness 07 -13 -02 05 -02 -03 05 -10 24 ---26. Agreeableness -02 -02 -03 -02 -04 02 -07 -30 32 09 ---27. Conscientiousness 00 02 02 -02 -01 03 03 -35 29 00 18 ---

    Notes: Decimals omitted from correlations. Because an accomplishment (i.e., employability) rating was only available for roughlyhalf (N=818) of the sample, all correlations were computed using pairwise deletion. Except for employability, correlations .07aresignificant at p < .01; those .05are significant at p < .05. With employability, correlations .10are significant at p < .01; those .07are significant at p < .05.

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    Table 2Means (M), Standard Deviations (SD), and Intercorrelations of Study Variables (European Sample)

    Variable M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    1. Log remuneration 11.86 0.46 ---2. Log ascendancy 1.36 .53 36 ---3. Log CEO proximity -0.98 0.58 61 38 ---

    4. Job satisfaction 0.00 2.50 25 15 28 ---5. Life satisfaction 26.25 4.41 13 05 10 35 ---6. Career satisfaction 26.20 4.71 29 18 29 45 57 ---7. Evenings worked per month 5.97 4.72 19 12 13 02 -05 04 ---8. Hours worked per week 56.52 8.81 21 14 13 08 -01 09 21 ---9. Hours of work desired 48.94 8.40 17 10 11 09 03 04 12 59 ---10. Work centrality 42.77 13.58 07 00 05 02 -12 01 08 21 19 ---11. Graduate degree 0.70 0.46 04 -03 01 00 -01 -01 -04 03 02 03 ---12. Economics degree 0.55 0.50 15 11 10 04 03 08 -04 01 02 04 21 ---13. Engineering degree 0.32 0.47 -04 -05 -01 -04 00 -04 09 04 06 -01 -20 -35 ---14. Law degree 0.01 0.28 04 -01 01 -01 -04 -05 01 02 00 -02 17 -05 -19 ---15. Job tenure 3.17 3.00 16 -03 20 03 00 00 -07 -10 -09 -05 -11 -02 -03 0216. Organizational tenure 7.15 6.87 12 15 08 08 02 03 -06 -03 -03 -02 -09 -04 -04 0117. International experience 0.63 0.48 09 12 11 05 05 04 15 07 09 01 -01 02 03 -0118. Neuroticism 25.59 5.56 -10 -04 -04 -20 -27 -21 -02 -12 -18 -08 -03 -01 -03 0319. Extroversion 43.48 4.79 18 17 14 18 21 22 11 17 17 08 -02 05 -01 -0420. Openness 40.02 4.89 04 01 00 -01 00 06 04 04 00 01 07 -04 -05 01

    21. Agreeableness 40.31 4.59 -06 -03 -09 02 07 08 -07 -02 -05 -04 07 -06 -02 -0422. Conscientiousness 47.30 4.80 09 04 00 05 18 17 04 12 14 12 -02 06 00 -08

    Table 2 Continues

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    Table 2 (Continued)

    Variable 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

    16. Job tenure ---17. Organizational tenure 46 ---18. International experience -10 -03 ---19. Neuroticism 04 04 -02 ---20. Extroversion -08 -07 13 -38 ---

    21. Openness -05 -07 06 -18 23 ---22. Agreeableness -04 -02 -04 -18 10 11 ---23. Conscientiousness -05 -06 07 -39 33 06 12 ---

    Notes: Decimals omitted from correlations. Correlations .07are significant at p < .01; those .05are significant at p < .05.

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    The correlation matrices for the American and European samples are fairly similar, and

    the measures behaved as expected. The three intrinsic career success measures are

    moderately correlated. Extrinsic and intrinsic career success are moderately correlated, with

    intrinsic career success among the European sample being somewhat more strongly positively

    related to CEO proximity.

    Among the human capital and motivation variables, actual and desired hours of work are

    positively correlated, reflecting that executives control their work schedules. In the U.S. sample,

    having an engineering degree relates negatively to having a business degree, and the quality of

    the highest degree relates moderately positively to having a degree from an Ivy League


    The bivariate correlations between the Big Five traits and career success variables are

    relatively small, but follow a consistent pattern. All intrinsic success measures have a negative

    correlation with neuroticism and a positive correlation with extroversion, in both samples.

    Moreover, these correlations are not corrected for measurement error, and do not reflect

    possible suppression effects from other variables, limitations that are remedied in the LISREL


    The hypothesized LISREL models were based on Figure 1, and fit the data well for both

    the American and European samples. The fit statistics for the American sample were:

    2(148,1505)=393.82 (p < .01), RMSEA=.03, GFI=.98, NFI=.94, CFI=.96, and IFI=.96. The fit

    statistics for the European sample were: 2(109,1315)=497.45 (p < .01), RMSEA=.05, GFI=.97,NFI=.91, CFI=.92, and IFI=.93. For clarity the results are presented in tables, rather than as

    coefficients on a path diagram. Tables 3 through 7 show the complete results, and have been

    arranged in right-to-left order, to correspond directly to the hypothesized model of Figure 1.

    Tables 3 and 4 depict the total, direct and indirect effects of the Big Five personality traits on

    each extrinsic and intrinsic career success measure. The total effects of Tables 3 and 4 reflect

    the combined effects of all the paths (all three arrows in Figure 1) from each personality trait to

    each career success measure. The direct effects reflect the upper arrow of Figure 1. The

    indirect effects reflect the combined effects of the two middle arrows in Figure 1. Tables 5 and

    6 depict the relationships between the two right-hand boxes in Figure 1 the effects of

    motivation and human capital variables on each of the career success variables for the

    American and European samples, respectively. Finally, Table 7 reflects the relationships

    between the two left-hand boxes in Figure 1 the effects of each of the Big Five personality

    traits on the human capital and motivation variables for both samples.

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    For there to be indirect effects between personality and career success, a necessary

    (though not sufficient) requirement is significant associations between career success and the

    motivation and human capital variables. Therefore, we will first establish the existence and

    pattern of associations between career success and motivation or human capital variables in

    Tables 5 and 6. Then, we proceed to the key question of this study whether, and in what way,

    the Big Five traits associate with extrinsic and intrinsic career success, tracing any indirect

    effects from Tables 3 and 4 through the other tables.

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    Table 3

    Direct, Indirect, and Total Effects of Big Five Traits on Career Success: American Sample

    Extrinsic Success Intrinsic Success

    Big Five Trait Remuneration Ascendancy CEOProximity






    Direct -.30** -.21** -.10 -.03 -.42** -.42** -.41**Indirect -.01 .00 .00 -.02 .01 -.01 .02Total -.31** -.21** -.10 -.05 -.41** -.43** -.39**

    ExtroversionDirect .04 .08 .10 .14 .20* .22* .16*Indirect .01 .07** .02 .00 -.01 -.01 .02Total .05 .15 .12 .14 .19* .21* .18*

    OpennessDirect -.02 -.03 .01 .03 -.10 -.09 -.05Indirect .06** -.04* .00 .01 .04** -.01 .01Total .04 -.07 .01 .04 -.06 -.10 -.04

    AgreeablenessDirect -.24** -.14** -.14** -.15** -.19** -.09 -.20**Indirect -.08** -.05** -.03 -.01 .00 .03* .02

    Total -.32** -.19** -.17** -.16** -.19** -.06 -.18**

    ConscientiousnessDirect -.07 -.05 -.01 -.04 -.23** -.15** -.12*Indirect .03 .00 .00 -.01 .01 -.02 -.01Total -.04 -.05 -.01 -.05 -.22** -.17** -.13*

    Note: * p < .05 (two-tailed); ** p < .01 (two-tailed).

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    Table 4

    Direct, Indirect, and Total Effects of Big Five Traits on Career Success: European Sample

    Extrinsic Success Intrinsic Success

    Big Five Trait Remuneration Ascendancy CEOProximity


    Life Satisfaction CareerSatisfaction

    NeuroticismDirect -.05 .03 -.07 -.28** -.29** -.19**Indirect -.01 .01 .00 .00 .01 .02Total -.06 .04 -.07 -.28** -.28** -.17**

    ExtroversionDirect .26** .22** .30** .33** .25** .32**Indirect .05* .04** .02 .00 -.02 .00Total .31** .26** .32** .33** .23** .32**

    OpennessDirect -.02 -.03 -.10* -.17** -.15** -.09Indirect -.02 -.02 .00 .00 .00 .00Total -.04 -.05 -.10* -.17** -.15** -.09

    AgreeablenessDirect -.11* -.02 -.17** -.10 -.03 -.05

    Indirect -.06** -.03 -.04* .00 .03* .01Total -.17** -.05 -.21** -.10 .00 -.04

    ConscientiousnessDirect -.02 -.04 -.18** -.20** .04 -.01Indirect .01 .00 .01 .00 -.02 .00Total -.01 -.04 -.17** -.20** .02 -.01

    Note: * p < .05 (two-tailed); ** p < .01 (two-tailed).

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    Table 5

    Direct Effects of Motivation and Human Capital Variables on Career Success: American Sample

    Extrinsic Success Intrinsic Success

    Remuneration Ascendancy CEOProximity EmployabilityRating JobSatisfaction LifeSatisfaction CareerSatisfaction

    Motivational variables

    Evenings worked .18** .05 .05 .05 -.01 .00 .02Hours worked .11** .07* .02 .05 .05 -.02 .02Hours of work desired .10** -.01 .02 .00 .00 .06 -.02Work centrality .00 .03 .01 -.05 .04 -.16** -.04

    Human capital variables

    Director .13** .03 .02 .04 .03 -.01 .02Graduate degree -.01 -.14** -.05* .00 .06 .04 .03Education quality .10** -.04 .01 .09** -.01 .00 .02Ivy League graduate .15** -.05 -.01 .05 .01 .03 .00Business degree .07 .08* .11** -.03 -.10* -.04 -.08*

    Engineering degree .02 .08* .02 -.02 -.03 -.02 -.02Law degree .13** -.01 .06* -.15** -.04 -.03 -.08*Job tenure -.04 -.04 .06* .00 -.02 -.04 -.09*Organizational tenure .07* -.01 -.16** -.01 -.03 .07* .04International experience .11** .09** .05* .01 -.03 .04 -.05

    Notes: Table entries are standardized path coefficients; * p < .05 (two-tailed); ** p < .01 (two-tailed).

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    Table 6

    Direct Effects of Motivation and Human Capital Variables on Career Success: European Sample

    Extrinsic Success Intrinsic Success

    Remuneration Ascendancy CEOProximity




    Motivational variables

    Evenings worked .16** .07* .07* -.02 -.08* .00Hours worked .13** .08* .06 .03 -.04 .08Hours of work desired .05 .01 .03 .00 -.02 -.09*Work centrality .01 -.04 .02 -.01 -.19** -.04

    Human capital variables

    Graduate degree .06* -.03 .06* .02 .01 .00Economics degree .15** .09** .06 .00 .00 .05Engineering degree .02 -.02 .02 -.07 -.01 -.04Law degree .04 -.01 -.01 -.03 -.03 -.05Job tenure .15** -.15** .14** -.02 -.02 -.06Organizational tenure .10** .22** .00 .11** .05 .07International experience .03 .06* .06* .03 .04 -.01

    Notes: Table entries are standardized path coefficients; * p < .05 (two-tailed); ** p < .01 (two-tailed).

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    Table 7

    Direct Effects of the Big Five Traits on Motivation and Human Capital Variables: Both Samples

    Motivation Variables Human Capital Variables



    Hrs workdesired









    American Sample

    Neuroticism .03 .11* -.09 .02 .01 -.05 -.07 .12* -.10 -.04 -.06Extroversion .15* .22** .14* -.06 -.34** .02 -.01 -.02 -.04 .00 -.06Openness .04 .06 .02 .14** .24** -.17** -.02 .08 -.01 -.05 .10*

    Agreeableness -.14** -.16** -.17** -.12* .11* -.03 -.07 .02 -.07 .01 -.12*Conscientiousness .01 .07 .00 .12** .10* .00 .01 .04 -.02 .01 .07

    European Sample

    Neuroticism .04 -.04 -.16** -.03 -.04 .02 -.07 -.03 -.02 -.02 .08Extroversion .15** .15** .13** .03 -.07 .06 -.01 -.02 -.07 -.03 .16**Openness .03 -.01 -.07 .00 .09* -.06 -.07 .03 -.04 -.08* .05

    Agreeableness -.12* -.06 -.12* -.08 .09* -.08 -.04 -.05 -.07 -.02 -.07Conscientiousness .01 .05 .04 .12** -.03 .07 -.02 -.10* -.02 -.05 .06

    Notes: Table entries are standardized path coefficients; * p < .05 (two-tailed); ** p < .01 (two-tailed). Due to space constraints, minimal significanteffects, and that the effects are not available for the European sample, the path coefficients for director, quality of major, and Ivy league degree

    are not shown.

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    Motivation and Human Capital Variables Associated with Career Success

    Remuneration. For the Americans (Table 5), remuneration positively associated with the

    motivation variables of actual and desired work time, and with the human capital variables of

    director, education quality, organizational tenure and international experience, as expected

    (e.g., Judge, et al., 1995). The European pattern (Table 6) was similar to the American sample,

    though job tenure was significant for the European sample, and international experience was


    Ascendancy. Motivation and human capital significantly related to ascendancy, though

    not as consistently as remuneration, and with some interesting contrasts between the two

    samples. International experience was positively associated with ascendancy in both samples,

    and having a graduate degree was negatively associated with ascendancy among the

    Americans, perhaps reflecting that those with graduate degrees enter more technical career

    paths. Job tenure was negatively associated, and organization tenure positively associated with

    ascendancy among the Europeans, but not the Americans. For European managers, rapid

    promotion means spending less time in each job, but careers may span fewer organizations.

    CEO proximity. Motivation variables showed weak though positively associations with

    CEO proximity in both samples, while human capital variables were significant. In both samples,

    greater CEO proximity associated with international experience and job tenure (less job

    switching after reaching high levels). Having a graduate degree associated negatively with CEO

    proximity among the Americans (Table 5), but positively for the Europeans (Table 6). Abusiness/economics or law degree and organizational tenure associated with CEO proximity

    only in the American sample.

    Employability Rating. This measure was available only for the American sample (Table

    5), and showed few relationships with motivation and human capital variables, associating

    positively with education quality and negatively with having a law degree. We would expect

    fewer indirect effects on employability rating, in light of these results. The search firm raters may

    be trying to capture less observable characteristics, to compliment the existing information

    available in the search firm records.

    Intrinsic career success (job, life and career satisfaction). Motivation and human capital

    variables were only moderately associated with intrinsic career success, in both samples. Work

    centrality was most consistent, negatively associating with life satisfaction in both samples,

    perhaps reflecting an over-emphasis on work. Among Americans, a business degree associated

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    capital and motivation. The implications for this finding regarding differences between the two

    cultures are discussed below.

    We can empirically examine the indirect effects through the extended model of Figure 1,

    and the coefficients in Tables 5, 6, and 7. Notably, both samples revealed a significant indirect

    positive effect on ascendancy. For the Americans this seems to reflect a path through greater

    hours worked and less likelihood of having a graduate degree. For the Europeans, the path from

    extroversion to both ascendancy and remuneration also reflects greater evenings and hours

    worked, but uniquely reflects greater international experience. Extroversion and international

    experience correlate more strongly among Europeans (bivariate correlation of .13 in Table 2)

    than among Americans (bivariate correlation of -.01 in Table 1).

    The results for extroversion and intrinsic success showed remarkable consistency

    between Europe and the U.S., considering the differences in extrinsic success. Tables 3 and 4

    show that for both the Europeans and Americans managers, intrinsic success exhibited positive

    associations with extroversion, supporting Hypothesis 2b, and these were solely direct, failing to

    support Hypothesis 4.

    Openness and Career Success

    Openness revealed the fewest significant total effects, and the least consistent pattern of

    all the personality dimensions. Among the Europeans, effects were direct and negative on CEO

    proximity and both job and life satisfaction. Among Americans, the effects were indirect and

    positive for salary but negative for ascendancy. The positive indirect effect on remuneration

    seems to reflect a path through greater international experience. The weak negative indirect

    effect on ascendancy seems to reflect a path through having a graduate degree and not having

    a business degree, offset by having international experience.

    Agreeableness and Career Success

    Tables 3 and 4 reveal agreeableness to be negatively associated with extrinsic career

    success, for both samples. For both European and the American managers, agreeableness

    exhibited negative direct, indirect, and total associations with remuneration and CEO proximity.Among the Americans, this was also true for ascendancy and for the direct effect on

    employability rating. The direct effects suggest that in both samples, more agreeable individuals

    achieve less extrinsic success, over and above any effects on human capital variables.

    Among the Europeans, the indirect effects for both remuneration and CEO proximity

    seem to reflect a path through which more agreeable managers work fewer evenings and less

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    frequently have a business degree, offset by more frequently having a graduate degree. Among

    the Americans, the negative indirect effects on extrinsic success seem to reflect a path through

    which more agreeable managers have lower desired and actual work time (especially for

    remuneration), more likely have a graduate degree, and have less international experience.

    The two samples differ regarding agreeableness and intrinsic success, with negative

    direct effects among the Americans for job and career satisfaction, but non-significant effects for

    the Europeans. Being more agreeable seems to associate with dissatisfaction for American

    managers, beyond its effects on their human capital and motivation, while European managers

    satisfaction seems unaffected.

    Conscientiousness and Career Success

    The bottom section of Tables 3 and 4 contain the results for the final personality

    dimension conscientiousness. Conscientiousness effects were all negative, and always direct,

    not indirect. The pattern differed between the two samples. For the Americans,

    conscientiousness reveals negative associations with all intrinsic success dimensions, but none

    of the extrinsic dimensions. For the Europeans, the negative associations reached significance

    for one extrinsic success factor CEO proximity and one intrinsic success factor job

    satisfaction. These results failed to support Hypothesis 3a and contradicted Hypothesis 3b, for

    the Americans, and moderately contradicted Hypothesis 3a and 3b for the Europeans. The lack

    of indirect effects failed to support Hypothesis 4 for both samples.


    This study set out to extend prior models showing career success to be associated with

    motivational and human capital variables by: (1) Broadening the set of career success indicators

    to include CEO proximity, employability ratings by search professionals, and life satisfaction; (2)

    Incorporating a comprehensive array of enduring personality traits to complement the traditional

    array of human capital and motivation factors; and (3) Examining potential cross-cultural

    differences by comparing European and American managers. Results suggested that each of

    these extensions provided unique new insights into career success.

    Adding CEO proximity was valuable in that it revealed a different pattern from the two

    more typically studied career success variables. CEO proximity exhibited fewer significant direct

    and indirect relationships than remuneration or ascendancy. This may suggest that the array of

    motivation, human capital, and personality variables is more relevant to the more externally

    anchored career success measures than to hierarchical position internal to the current

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    organization. CEO proximity did reveal a different relationship with openness and

    conscientiousness, comparing the U.S. and the European samples, which suggests that adding

    CEO proximity to the array of outcome variables is useful, especially considering that these two

    variables are among the least previously studied.

    Employability ratings were available only for the U.S. sample, and the direct and indirect

    effects with employability ratings were similar to remuneration and ascendancy, but reached

    statistical significance only for agreeableness. It would appear that future research might strive

    to create better measures of this construct.

    Similarly, life satisfaction behaved, for the most part, similarly to job and career

    satisfaction, though revealing a stronger negative relationship with work centrality than job or

    career satisfaction (Table 5), suggesting it may have uniquely captured tendencies to

    overemphasize work. The similarity between life and job/career satisfaction patterns revealed

    here reinforces previous research, and may be especially true for managers and executives,

    who may well have a closer association between job, career, and life outcomes. This is not to

    say that life satisfaction is not a useful career success measure, but we may expect it to behave

    more distinctly among other types of workers.

    Value of Comparing Europe and the U.S.

    The value of a comparative approach was vividly demonstrated by these results. For

    many of the personality dimensions, results for European and American executives differed,

    often in ways that seem logical and consistent with the available theory and empirical evidence.

    Unfortunately, limited prior research, and the lack of theory specifically addressing cross-cultural

    personality and career success relationships preclude all but speculative conclusions.

    Nonetheless, the striking differences between the two groups provide support for the value of

    such comparisons and, we hope, initial empirical results from which to build such theories.

    Are Personality Effects Mediated by Human Capital and Motivation?

    Tables 3 and 4 revealed far more significant direct than indirect effects, but still a

    number of interesting indirect effects emerged. Generally, the indirect effects were moreprevalent for extrinsic success dimensions than intrinsic. This is logical, given that extrinsic

    success elements are more objective, and thus can be more easily tied to the objective

    motivation and human capital variables through remuneration and promotion patterns.

    The effects of motivation and human capital variables on career success outcomes (the

    arrow connecting the two right-hand boxes in Figure 1) replicated prior research (Tables 5 and

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    6), so there appeared to be ample potential for personality to associate indirectly with career

    success through these variables. The two samples were similar, with links between motivation

    and human capital variables most prevalent for remuneration, ascendancy, and CEO proximity.

    Employability ratings and intrinsic satisfaction measures significantly related to some, but fewer

    motivational and human capital variables. This pattern is not surprising, considering that

    remuneration, ascendancy, and CEO proximity are more objective elements of success, and

    thus could be expected to relate more closely to the objective motivation and human capital


    The pattern for international experience is notable in that that it had a positive

    association with ascendancy and CEO proximity among both Europeans and Americans, but it

    associated positively with remuneration only for the Americans (bottom rows of Tables 5 and 6).

    This might reflect that American firms must pay more for executives capable and willing to take

    international assignments. This is supported in Tables 1 and 2, which show that international

    experience was less prevalent among American managers (36%) than European managers


    Table 7 depicted the paths corresponding to the left-hand arrow in Figure 1. Generally,

    the motivation variables of desired and actual time-worked, and having a graduate degree were

    most often related to personality dimensions in both samples. Work centrality associated with

    more personality dimensions among Americans than Europeans. International experience

    presented an interesting contrast, in that it was significantly more likely for American managers

    that had higher openness and lower agreeableness, while among Europeans it was more likely

    only for more extroverted managers. This supports prior suggestions that openness associates

    with taking and succeeding in international assignments, but only for the Americans.

    Putting the two indirect arrows of Figure 1 together, agreeableness presented the most

    consistent indirect effects, negatively associated with remuneration and CEO proximity in both

    samples, and with ascendancy in the U.S. sample. In both samples, this reflected a negative

    association with actual and desired time worked and a positive association with having a

    graduate degree. Agreeableness was also associated with dissatisfaction among theseexecutives,
