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Perspective of Feelings

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Various wrings about feelings
Perspective of Feelings By Michael Olderr
Page 1: Perspective of Feelings

Perspective  of  Feelings  By  Michael  Olderr  

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Feeling  and  Perspective  By  Michael  Olderr  

Page 3: Perspective of Feelings

 Table  of  Contents  


Heroes ————————————————————————————2

The Better Lincoln Analogy———————————————————5

Old Friends——————————————————————————6

Time of Reading————————————————————————7

Regret Paper—————————————————————————9

Encyclopedia of Me——————————————————————10

Sky Analogy—————————————————————————12

Star Fish———————————————————————————13  

Page 4: Perspective of Feelings



   Michael  Olderr  Period  5  Expausitory  writing  Laura  Davis                                                                                                                      Perspective  of  Feelings  Author's  Note                        The   Title   of   the   zine   is   "Perspective   of   Feelings"   and   is   made   out   of   four   of   my   own   personal  works,  two  works  from  fellow  classmates,  and  two  works  from  other  authors.  Telling  different  stories,  each   author   express   the  same   thing,   feelings.   Feelings  whether   it  be   about   themselves   or   something  else   it   is   always   there.   Taken   from  different   parts   of   their   careers,   each   is   not   the   same   as   another  grammatically,   however;   each   one   is   good   in   their   own  way,  whether   it   be  what   is  written,   or  what  isn't.  What  ever  it  might  be,  each  piece  is  beautiful  in  their  own  way.      

Its  hard  to  remember,  after  all  the  years  of  seeing  the  light.  Such  memorable  things  become  less  than  what   they  should  be.  Colors  and  my  reflection  are  lost  to   time,  and  yet  when  I   touch  this  marble  statue   I   feel   more   then   the   cold   against   my   hand.   I   feel   a   dam  has   broken   through  my   head   and   I    remember,   for  a  brief  second  the  colors  of   the  world  and  my  memory  is  complete,   for  a  second.  As  I  embrace  the  cold  I  realize  that  the  statue  is  in  my  likeness,  and  I  once  more  stare  at  my    reflection.  ______________________________________________________________________________                                                          

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My  work                                                                                                                                           Heroes                  One  of  the  best  series  of  this  generation,  The  Heroes  of  Olympus.  A  sequel  to  a  series  acclaimed  as  the   next  Harry   Potter.  With   new  monsters,   gods,   demigods   and   heroes   to   take   the  mantle   and   take  flight.  With  an  evil  not  risen  in  over  4,000  years  threatening  to  awake  and  destroy  thousands  of  years  of  civilization.  It  will  take  more  than  one  hero.  It  will  take  seven.                  The  Heroes  of  Olympus  series  is  the  sequel  series  to  Percy  Jackson  and  Olympians  written  by  Rick  Riordan   the   series   spawns   a   new   cast   of   demigods   starting   after   the   mysterious   disappearance   of  Percy  Jackson  with  Jason  ...  son  of  Zeus?  the  leader  of  the  group  who  wakes  up  with  no  memory  of  who  he   is  or  where  he  came  from.  Then  there   is  Piper  Mclean,  daughter  of  Aphrodite  and  a  famous  movie  star  she   is   the  brains  of   the  group  and  she   is     troubled  with  her   fathers  disappearance  as  well.  Then  there   is;   the  fan  favorite  Leo  Valdez,   the  comedic  son  of  Hephaestus,  who  carries  a  secret  not  seen   in  almost  400  years.  Along  with  their  satyr  protecter  Gleeson  Hedge  who   is    quick  to  violence  and,   likes  Chuck  Norris  films  who  is  treated  as  an  outcast  to  most  of  his  kind  for  his  brutish  behavior.    (There  are  others  but   these  3  are  the  most   important)    This  series   is  based  on  the  Great  Prophecy  stated   in  the  Last  Olympian.  As  it  is  referred  to  an  ancient  enemy  of  the  gods                    The  series  contains  of  5  books  and,  unlike   its  predecessor  the  series  only  8  month  goes  by   in   the  entire  series.  Its  still  has  the  same  humor  and  sarcastic  comments  that  was  present  in  the  original.  The  way  the  stories  are  written  on  a  different  style   than   its  predecessor  but  you  are  defiantly  gonna  feel  some  Percy   Jackson  vibes  while  reading  the  series.  What   is   the  major  difference   in   this  series   is   that  each  character  has  his/her  own  point  of  view  in  the  story  which  makes  for  a  lot  of  fun  reading.  In  the  end  the  series  steps  up  every  thing  and  pushes  past  its  predecessor  with  twists  and  tuns  that  you  don't  see  coming.                    Rick  Riordan   lives   in  Boston  with  his  wife  and  two  sons.  Before  writing    Percy   jackson  he  was  a  middle  school  teacher  where  he  wrote  several  books  on  a  Texan  private  eye  which  were  acclaimed  in  their  own  right.While  his  son  struggled  with  ADHD  and  dyslexia  he  used  to  tell  him  stories  about   the  greek   gods.   After   he   told   him   all   the   stories   his   son   asked   "what   happens   next?".   Thus   the   Percy  Jackson   series  was   born.  He   told   his   son   all   the   stories   and   then  wrote   down   and   got   published.13  books   ,  2  short  stories  and  3  character  encyclopedias  later  he  had  become  one  of   the  most  acclaimed  authors  of  this  generation  having  devoted  to  writing  full  time  and  shows  no  sign  of  stopping.          (  Minor  Spoilers  ahead)                  The  first  Book  of   the  series   is  called  the  Lost  Hero,   taken  place  3  months  after   the  events  of  The  Last  Olympian,  Percy  has  disappeared  and  in  his  wake  a  supposed  son  of  Zeus  has  came  to  Camp  Half  Blood  with  no  memory  of  who  he  is  and  have  a  weird  tattoo  on  his  left  arm.  Together  he  and  his  new  found   friends  must   travel  west   to   save   the   queen   of   the   gods  Hera   from  something   that   is   stronger  than  a  God  or  a  Titian.  But  perhaps  the  most  troubling:  is  a  traitor  amongst  their  group?                  First  off  after  reading  the  preview  of  this  book  back  in  2009  I  thought  this  would  be  the  return  of  my  favorite  hero,  answer  was  no  but  after  reading  the  book  I  did  not  care  because  by  the  end  of   the  book   I   love   the   new   characters   ,   and   I   was   just   happy   to   be   back   in   Percy's   world   again.   The   only  complaints  I  had  were  that  the  villains,  the  giants,  and  the  story  were  not  presented  well  enough.  They  almost  sounded  made  up  (more  so  then  they  are).   It   took  me  years  to  realize  that   they  were  actually  from  mythology.  Then  there  is  Jason's  character.  He  is  not  a  bad  character;  he  just  seemed  like  a  clone  of  Percy,  a  clone  that  had  none  of  his  humor  and  was  much  more  serious.  The  highlight  of  the  book  was  of   course   Leo   Valdez.   His   Stupid   humor   and   his   tragic   past   made   everyone   feel   for   his   character.  Second  was  Camp  Half  Blood.  As  always  it  is  one  of  the  best  parts  of  the  book  though  it  was  short  lived  (It   is   the  most  of  camp  we  see   in   the  entire  series).  Lastly  was  all   the  callbacks  to   the  original  series.  Overall  the  book  was  good,  but  it  just  felt  like  good  fan  fiction.  In  the  end  it  has  3.5  out  of  5                  *Waken  up   in  the  wolf  house  percy  was  trained  by  the  wolf  goddess  Lupa  and  sent   to  find  home.  Percy  Has  no  memory  of  who  he  is  and  where  he  is  from  or  why  he  has  a  sword  of  bronze  that  changes  into   a   pen.   The   one   thing   he   does   remember   is   "Annabeth".   After   fighting   many   undying   monsters  

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Percy   finds   his  way   to   the   entrance   of   a   secret   camp.   Camp   Jupiter   is   a   special   place   for   demigods.  Percy  arrives  just  in  time  for  some  serious  warnings  from  the  gods:  An  ancient  evil  is  waking  and  has  a  force  of  monsters  on  the  way  to  attack  the  camp  in  just  four  days.  And  even  worse  than  that,  Thanatos  -­‐‑-­‐‑   who   usually   guards   the   gates   of   death   -­‐‑-­‐‑   is   chained   in   Alaska,   where   an   ancient   giant   is   also  awakening.  With  no  one  to  control  death,  no  monsters  will  ever  die.  Can  Percy  and  two  new  friends,  Hazel  and  Frank,  make   it   to  Alaska,   free  death,  and   get  back   in   four  days.   (taken  from   rick  riordan's  websiste  and  modified  to  avoid  spoilers)                                  The   second   book   in   the   series   is   the   Son   of   Neptune.   It   is   just   a   classic   Percy   Jackson   and  overcomes  all  the  flaws  that  the  Lost  Hero  in  every  way  possible.  Along  with  his  new  friends  Hazel  and  Frank  who  have  great  subplots  of   their  own  they  travel  north  to   free  death  so  the  dead  can  die  once  more.   Everything   in   this   book   surpasses   the   other,   the   secondary   characters   (looking   at   you  Reyna)  and   Percy   on   his   quest   to   regain   his   memories   are   much  more   anticipated   than   with   Jason's.   Then  there   is   the   Hazel   story   witch   is   tragic,   but   it   continues   on   as   a   story   of   redemption   witch   it   told  beautifully  along  with  Franks   finding  out  who  he  is   that   is  one  of   the  highlights  of   the  book.  The  only  bad  part  of  the  book  is  that  the  book  ends  too  early.  Over  all  the  book  is  4.5  out  of  5.                  In  The  Son  of  Neptune,  Percy,  Hazel,  and  Frank  met  in  Camp  ,and  traveled  to  the  land  beyond  the  gods  to  complete  a  dangerous  quest.  The  third  book   in  the  Heroes  of  Olympus  series  will  unite   them  with  Jason,  Piper,  and  Leo.  But   they  number  only  six—who  will  complete  the  Prophecy  of  Seven?  The  demigods  will  have  to  cooperate   in  order  to  defeat   the  giants  released  by  the  ancient  evil.  Then  they  will  have  to  sail  together  to  the  ancient  land  to  find  the  Doors  of  Death.  What  exactly  are  the  Doors  of  Death?  Much  of  the  prophecy  remains  a  mystery.  .  .  .  With  old  friends  and  new  friends  joining  forces,  a  marvelous   ship,   fearsome   foes,   and   an   exotic   setting,   The   Mark   of   Athena   promises   to   be   another  unforgettable   adventure   by  master   storyteller  Rick  Riordan   (taken  from   rick   riordan's  websiste   and  modified  to  avoid  spoilers).                  In  the  third  installment  of  the  Hero's  of  Olympus,  starts  a  whopping  5  minutes  after  the  last  book.  Oh  my  gods  where  do  I  begin  to  describe  it.  Percy  and  Annabeth's  reunion  heart-­‐‑warming,  Annabeth's  secret   quest   awesome,   Leo   being   Leo,   Pipers   continuing   character   development,   are   fantastic.   Or  perhaps  the  biggest  cliffhanger  of  all   time  (so  unfair:   the  books  came  out  a  year  after  another).  Sadly  the  only  down-­‐‑side  of   this  book   is  Coach  Hedge,   I   like  him  but   in   this  book  he  was  crazier   than  usual  and  no  one  noticed  or  cared.  It  sadden  me.  That  only  lasted  a  while  because  a  lot  of  things  went  on,  and  there  was  nothing  slow  about  this  book.  Overall  the  book  has  4.8  out  of  5                  At  the  conclusion  (which  is  very  unclear  when  that  was)  of  The  Mark  of  Athena,  the  five  demigods  have   to   put   aside   their   grief   and   follow   Percy's   instructions   to   find   the   mortal   side   of   the   Doors   of  Death,  which   is   just   like  a  easy  pass  to   the  mortal  world.   If   they  can   fight   their  way  through   ancient  forces,  and  Percy  and  Annabeth  can  survive  the  House  of  Hades.  Then  the  Seven  will  be  able  to  seal  the  Doors   from   both   sides   and   prevent   the   giants   from   raising   the   ancient   evil.   If   the   demigods   don't  succeed,   the  armies  will  never  die.  They  have  no  time.   In  about  a  month,   the  demigods  will  march  on  Camp  Half-­‐‑Blood.  The  stakes  are  higher  than  ever  in  this  adventure  that  dives  into  to  hell  itself.(taken  from  Rick  Riordan's  website  and  modified  to  avoid  spoilers).                  The  fourth  book  installment  the  House  of  Hades,  basically  is  a  book  for  the  fans  of  the  series.  This  book   ties   in   with   the   last   series   better   than   ever   with   the   return   of   Calypso,   the   titians   and   other  enemies  and,  of  coarse  Bob.  Above  these  things,   the  character  sharpens  their  skills  on  their   identity.  And  for   the   record   this   is  (and   excuse  my   French   here)   the   ballsiest  middle  school   book   of   all   time.  Highlights   of   this   book   are   everyone   gets   a   point   of   view   and   gets   the   story   told.   The   conclusion   of  Frank  and  Hazels  story  is  another  one  of  my  highlights.  Thirdly  is  the  all  of  Percy  and  Annabeth's  scene  in  the  book  which  melts  everyone's  hearts.  Being  himself,  Leo  has  earned  a  place   in   this  book  as  well  and  for  other  things.  But  nothing  is  compared  to  Bob,  who  steals  the  show  and  our  hearts.  They  are  no  flaws  in  this  book  at  all.  This  book  gets  a  5  out  of  5.                    The   7   must   unite   the   camps   and   the   gods   if   they   have   any   hope   against   the   giants   and   their  Mistress.  While  their  allies  traveling  west  with  a  plan  on  uniting  the  two  sides  together,  the  seven  must  

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tfight  off  all  the  giants  in  only  a  certain  amount  of  time.  But  will  it  be  enough?  With  one  of  the  seven  and  the  time  of  the  prophecy  coming  close  to  hand,  the  odds  don't  look  so  good.  Because  evan  after  they   all   they   have   done   freeing   Hera,   freeing   Death,   and   closing   the   doors   they   are   no   closer   to  stopping  the  ancient  evil  then  they  had  10  months  ago,  and  if  she  wakes  its  all  over.                  It  has  all  came  down  to  this,   five  years,   five  books,  over  two  thousand  plus  pages,  nine  heroes,  two  camps,  1  home.  The  final  book,  The  Blood  of  Olympus  the  fifth  book  in  the  series  and  the  end,  or  is   it?  Right  off   the  bat,  we  have   Jason  finally  confronting  his  origins,  which   is  good,  but   it   is   in   the  first  3  chapters  in  the  book  which  seems  to  be  to  fast.  After,  that  Nico  and  Reyna  tell  their  point    of    view,  which  is  one  of  the  major  points  of  the  book,  where  the  two  characters  accept  their  demon  and  who   they   are,   and   forge   a   bond   of   friendship   stronger   than   anything   the   other   books   have   ever  written.   Despite   those   two,   the   other   chapters   while   good   seemed   routine   and   did   not   get   really  exciting  until  300  pages  in.  Highlights  of  the  book  are  Nico  and  Reyna's  chapters.  Leo  out  did  himself  in   this   book   as   he   and   Percy   bond.   The   Finale   was   a   highlight       because   it   hinted   a   third   series.  Finally  the  best  moment  is  the  last  Percy  and  Annabeth  moment  that  almost  made  me  cry.  They  are  a  few  problems  with  the  book,  a  lot  of  loose  ends,  no  Percy  and  Annabeth  chapters  (understandably  but   I  still  miss   them),  Jason  revelation   in  the  very  beginning  of   the  book,  Orion's  role   in   the  story,  Octavian,  and  finally  the  repetitive  cycle.  Overall  the  book  has  4.9  out  of  5.                  If  a  choice  was  made  between  the  Hunger  Games  or  this  series,the  Heroes  of  Olympus  takes  the  ambrosia.  There   is  no  real  competition  with  the  two  series,   the  hunger  games  creates  a  new  world  that  is  unbalanced  and  needs  saving  from  itself.  The  main  character  is  a  teenage  girl  named  Katniss  Everdeen  who  risked  her  life  to  save  her  sister  from  absolute  death  and  suffers  the  consequences  of  it.  This  is  good  in  itself  ,but  in  my  opinion  it  was  not  pulled  off  as  well  as  it  could  have  been,  Heroes  of  Olympus  Characters  series  seems  more  relatable  than  a  girl  in  the  far  future  who  cant  decide  who  to   crush   on.  Heroes   of  Olympus   have   a   lot   on   their   shoulders   along  with   relationships;   however,  they  are  not  the  main  focus  of  the  entire  story.  The  story  also  focuses  a  lot  on  friendships  while  the  hunger  games  focuses  a  lot  on  lying.  There  is  nothing  to  compare  here.  A  better  director,  is  the  only  thing   Hunger   Games   have.   While   both   series   are   good   in   their   own   right,   one   is   just   more  mainstream.                  In   the  end  the  series   is  worthy  of   the  Percy  Jackson   legacy.  This  series  goes  much  deeper  than  Percy  Jackson  could  ever  do.  If  you  think  you  know  everything  about  the  Percy  Jackson  universe  you  have   seen   nothing   yet,   because   this   is   the   greatest   story   of   our   generation.   Heroes   uniting   their  world  against  a  threat  beyond  their  comprehension,  how  can  it  be  anything  but  legendary.    ______________________________________________________________________________                        This  piece  expresses  my  love  for  the  book  series.  Whats  is  notable  about  this  piece  is  that  the  paper  is  a  review  about  the  box  set  that  has  all  of  the  books  it  does  not    grade  the  series  as  a  whole  but  book  by  book,  expressing  the  highs  and  lows  of  the  each  book  and  letting  the  readers  decided  if  the  series  is  good  or  not.  While  this  article  has  little  trust  me  statements,  it  has  plenty  of  easter  eggs  and  knowledge  of  the  book  that  it  makes  up  for  it.                                              


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 The  Better  Lincoln  Analogy  

               The  most  noble  of  the  eagles,  the  Bald  Eagle  represents  the  freedom  and  the  independence  of  our  great  nation.    To  survive  in  the  wild  it  must  complete  a  dangerous  trials  that  could  leave  it  in  complete  ruin  and  die,  or  rise  higher  that  ever  before.  Much  of   the  same  can  be  said   for   the  16th  president  of  united  states,  Abraham  Lincoln.  A  man  who  goes  down  in  history  as  the  Greatest  President.  During  his  Presidency  he  was  tasked  with  putting  the  nation  back  together  or  loose  it  forever                  20  years  is  the  normal  life  span  of  a  bald  eagle,  during  this  time  the  bald  eagle  beak  grows  dull  and  it  feathers  no  longer  have  its  water  proofing  on  it.  It  would  starve  them  to  death,  they  need  their  beaks  and  claws  for  their  food.  The  process  ahead  of  them  would  be  dangerous,  a  bald  eagle  would  fly  up  to  a  peak  of  the  mountain  and  sit  there.  The  first  thing  it  does  is  it  picks  off  all  its  feathers  then  it  hits  hits  beak  against  a  rock  until  it  breaks  off,  then  it  stays  there  for  several  months.  This  process  can  kill  the  bald   eagle;   however   if   the   Eagle  were   to   survive   its   beak  would   grow  back   sharpened   and   its  wings  renewed.,and  the  bald  eagle  would  reborn  and  will  strive  for  the  next  30  years.  Bringing  inspiration  to  all  who  gaze  upon  it  natural  beauty,  as  it  soars  through  the  sky.                  Abraham  Lincoln's   trial  was  greater   than  any  president   that  came  before  him,  uniting  the  nation  after  a  great  split  shortly  after  his  election  into  office.  He  had  to  face  the  problem  of  facing  a  war  on  the  battlefield  and   in  politics.  With  the  a  lack  of  republicans   in  congress  and  with  the  war  winding  down,  and  on  top  of  being  rejected  before  it  would  have  been  impossible  to  pass  the  13th  amendment  (make  slavery   unlawful)   as   a   way   to   win   the   war   (not   to   mention   the   drama   inside   the   white   house)  physically  and  mentally.  Somehow,  against  all   the  odds  he  won  over  the  hearts  of  enough  democrats  (and  the  judge)  and  made  it  law!  Soaring  higher  than  his  predecessor,  Abe  return  the  honor  to  united  stares.                  Noticing  its  dull  beak,  Lincoln  ran  for  presidency.  Once  flying  to  the  summit  of  the  great  mountain,  he  once  again  try  to  re-­‐‑establish  the  13th  amendment  to  congress  as  a  way  to  end  the  civil  war.  For  several   of   cruel   months   the   eagle   stays   upon   the   mountain,   as   the   congress   passes   the   13th  amendment.   Than   after   the   eagle   is   reborn  he   descends   upon   the  mountain,   the  war   is   over  and   his  legacy  soars  above  the  clouds.                    Abraham  Lincoln  was  a  hard  working  man  from  humble  origins  from  his  rowing  boats  through  the  Louisiana,   to  becoming   the  most  powerful  man   in  the  country  and  the  most   inspirational  man  of  his  time.  Against  all  odds  he  united  the  nation  and  forever  ended  the  evil  of  legal  slavery.  Sadly  he  would  have  accomplished  so  much  if  it  was  not  for  that  day  on  the  fourth  of  April  at  the  age  of  56.  As  the  great  eagle  who  flys  for  half  a  century  so  did  Lincoln's  he  was  about  to  face  his  greatest  challenge  yet.  Just  as  the  eagle  swooped  in  for  one  last  catch  Lincoln  was  about  to  push  for  the  right  for  african  americans  to  vote.  Sadly  a  pouchier  had  taken  this  beautiful  bird  for  trade,  thankfully  the  deal  fell  through.      ______________________________________________________________________________                      This   analogy   was   made   after   reading   what   seemed   to   be   a   anti-­‐‑Obama   rant   sheet   titled   "The  Linlcon   Analogy"   which   had   little   to   do   with   Linlcon   himself.   So   naturally   I   decided   to   one   up   it.  Prepped  with  the  knowledge  I  had  gained  about  Lincoln  through  varies  media  and  the  information  on  bald   eagles   that   was   used   in   a   very   inspirational   chapel,   I   combined   the   two.   With   these   facts   I  expressed  my  feelings  about  one  of   the  greatest   leaders   in  our  history   in   to  a  series  of  comparisons.  Example  would  be  the  fourth  paragraph,  were  every  sentence  combines  two  facts  of  each  subject  and  intwine  in  an  effort  to  make  them  sound  like  the  same  thing.  Overall  this  paper  shows  my  regard  to  the  president  with  high  respects  


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   Old  Friends  

                   When  I  was  a  child  who  was  no  older  then  three  I  had  friends,  not  quite  sure  how  in  the  world  that  happened  but  we  were  friends.  Since  that  mysterious  day  in  day  care  we  grew  bonds  that  lasted  for  years  to  come.  We  always  went  to  each  others  birthday  parties  we  even  went  on  a  campout  together.  Everyday  i  would  go  to  school  with  a  smile  on  my  face  and  I  would  return  with  one  on.  We  were  tight  but  eventually  time  that  drove  us  in  separate  directions.  At  the  end  of   the   first  grade  we  had  parted  ways  but  due  to  my  childish  nature  of   the  time  I  did  not  care  only  much  later  will  I  realized  what  had  happened.                    See   as   a   child   my   parents   were   worried   about   the   behavior   I   had   performed   at   my   old  school   so   they   had   me   transferred   me   to   a   new   school   where   my   attitude   had   seriously  improved.  I  started  my  new  life  made  few  friends  saw  some  friends  on  time  to  time  but  they  did  not  come  close  to  the  friends  I  once  had.  At  one  point  I  joined  the  same  troop  as  one  of  my  old  friend  for  a  few  months  and  I  was  excited  because  it  has  been  years  since  I  had  last  seen  him.  Oh  how  my  mind  raced  of  all  the  good  times  we  were  gonna  have  together  I  was  hoping  it  to  be  just  like  old  times,  but  he  moved  away   later   that  year,  and  so  one  of  my  most  closest  friends   ,who  grew  up  with  me  from  day  care,  left  without  saying  so  much  as  a  goodbye.                  The  reason  that  this  is  a  mistake  is  not  so  much  as  the  choice  of  leaving.    I  had  always  missed  my   old   friends   but   around   the   sixth   grade   I   found  myself   alone   again   my   friends   from   that  school   that   I   had   during   that  year   had   left   that   previous   year  which   brought  me   to   a   sadness  that  I  tried  to  fill  with  rereading  multiple  books,  a  sadness  that  has  never  truly  gone  away.  I  was  alone   once  more   the   rug  was   pulled   from  underneath  me.   I  started   to   dream   about  my  youth  and  one  day,  then  one  day  it  hit  me,  I  never  officially  said  goodbye  to  them,  which  destroys  me  inside  every  day.we  parted  ways  that  we  had  in  mind  we  will  see  each  other  again.                  Almost   Ten   years   had   past   since   we   had   all  met   in   one   place,   14   years   since   our   friend  budded  out  of  the  ground.  Normal  friends  probably  had  moved  on  by  now  but  we  haven't  even  though  we  were  not  as  close  as  we  were  ten  years  ago  we  still  have  a  bond  of  friendship.   I  am  slowly  but  surely  coming  back  in  the  circle  with  everyone  from  back  then.With  the  help  of  social  media   I  have  been  able   to  connect  with  some  of   them,   though   it   is  challenging  I  still  hope  that  we  can  all  reunite  in  one  place  once  more  before  we  walk  a  separate  was  for  good.  For  the  first  time   I   have   found   hope   to   reconnect   and   become   like   how  we   once  were.   If  we   can   all  meet  again  have  several  laughs  together  and  do  it  over  again,  would  make  all  the  waiting  worth  it.  ______________________________________________________________________________                          This   paper  was  very   emotional   for  me,  bringing  me  memory's   of  my  youth   and  my   old  friends  and  shows  what  how  I  feel  on  the  inside,  perhaps  most  of  all  my  thoughts  on  friendship.  I  was  almost  to  afraid  to  turn  it  in  because  of  how  much  I  put  in  about  it.  What  makes  this  page  unique  about   is   that   it  relies  heavily  on  the  Narrative  style  of  writing  unlike  most  of  my  pieces  which  mostly  uses  descriptive  paragraphs  or  al  the  very  least  balances  the  two  out.  ______________________________________________________________________________                                                                                                                      


Page 10: Perspective of Feelings

   Times  of  reading  

     Books,   a   vortex   of   knowledge,  wisdom   and   a   adventure   that   fits   in   the   palm  of   you   hand   or  

sometimes  can  be  put  there.  Those  who  choose  not  to  read  any  books  are  missing  out  on  a  big  chunk  of   life  once  you  start  you  never  truly  stop.  A  lot  of  people  find  reading  a  chore  and  sometimes  tease  others  who  do  read  and  make  comments   like  "The  Movie   is  way  better   than  the  book"  (Hardly  ever  the  case)  .Once  a  long  time  ago  I  once  did  not  understand  how  books  could  be  so  powerful,  but  once  I  did  I  never  regretted  it  once.  This  is  my  life  story  about  books.                            I  did  not  know  how  to   live  before  reading.   I  had  no  Idea  about  all   the  universes  that  collided  inside   those   very   thin   pages   bonded   together   by   leather.   I   always   had   a   hard   time   learning   how   to  read  when  I  was  young.  All  the  learning  book  they  had  never  really  spoken  out  there  all  about  sports  or  vegetables  none  of  the  things  really  spoken  out  there.  Then  there  was  a  small  book  in  there  called  "Mmmmm"  about  the  feeling  about  eating  food.  I  remember  picking  up  the  thin  purple  book,  taking  a  second  to  look  at  the  color  of  the  book  then  reading  .  That  was  the  very  beginning  my  adventure  with  books  later  on  I  started  understanding  books  from  them  on  since.                          While  I  did  know  how  to  read  I  still  had  not  embraced  it.  For  reasons  that  are  now  unaware  to  me  today  (to  be  fair  I  was  like  4  or  5).  Was  it  the  fact  my  fellow  peers  from  the  time  hated  reading  to  and  I  just  went  along  with  the  flow,  or  was  it  because  the  a  lot  of  TV  shows  had  main  characters  and  they  did  not  reading.  Either  which  way  it  was,  I  had  developed  a  type  of  reading  habit  that  sticks  with  me  to  this  day  I  became  a  sentimental  reader.  I   tend  to  read  books  that  I  have  already  read  before,  I  do  read  other  books  but   it   is  very  hard  for  me  to  start  reading  other  books  usually   I   try   to  use  book  reports  or  book  fairs  to  find  new  material.                              Around  the  start  of  elementary  school  or  near  the  end  of  kindergarten,  my  mom  walked  me  into  the  library  and  I  saw  a  book  poster  that  intrigued  me  so  much  I  would  be  reading  that  series  over  and  over  again  so  much  that  later  in  years  and  It  was  banned  in  my  class  room.  The  name  of  that  book  was   Captain  Underpants   by  Dav   Pilkey.  This  was  my   favorite   books   series   growing   up,   and   frankly  still  is  it  was  funny,  clever,  and  had  the  most  incredible  villains.  After  I  stopped  reading  the  book  (the  author  wont  write  another  book  for  six,  seven  years)  my  fourth  grade  teacher  introduced  me  to  harry  potter  (which  I  loved).                              After  this  event  my  reading  became  quite  diverse.  I  got  really  interested  in  other  books  again.  Unlike  most   of  my   other   classmates   I   enjoyed   a  books   reports   that  were   given   to  me,   It  was  much  easier  for  me  to  be  assigned  a  book  to  read  then  for  me  to  be  chosen  for  me  then  it  was  for  me  finding  one  for  my  self  the  outcome  of  this  came  my  love  for  Rick  Riordan's  Universe.  During  my  fourth  grade  one   of  my   classmate   did   a   report   on   the   lightning   thief,  what   probably   happened   that  my   teacher  loved   it  and  she  read   it   to   the  class  everyday  (It   is  a  special  ed  school   they  read  to  you  till  you  were  ten  )  and  I  loved  it  more  than  Harry  Potter,  The  reason  is  being  is  that  while  the  harry  potter  books  is  indeed  well  written  but  Rick's  universe  (All  his  books  exist  in  the  same  universe,  Avengers  style)  has  better  premise  and  better  plot.                                Today   I   love   reading.   I   embrace   the  world   that   exist   within   the   leathery   palm.   The   type   of  reader   I  am  today   is  more  of  a  close  range  reader,   I  normally  don't  read  books  that   I  have  not  read  before  I  need  a  good  push  in  the  direction,  but  when  I  do  start  reading  I  don't  really  stop  till  it  is  done.  For  example  I  could  read  a  six  hundred  paged  booked  within  the  next  day  or  two.  And  If  I  really  love  the  book  I  re  read   it  over  and  over  again.  As  of  now  my  favorite  book  series   is  Captain  Underpants  (sentimental   reasons),   Rick   Riordan's   universe   (Percy   and   olympians,   Heroes   of   Olympus,   Kane  chronicles)  and  Harry  Potter  (written  beautifully   I  might  add).  These  books  have  brought  me  greats  worlds  that  have  taught  me  much  and  have  given  a  fun  ride.  I  will  always  remember  them  and  enjoy  them.                              Thank  god  for   the   freedom  of   the  press!   If   their  was  no  such  thing  then  none  of  my  favorite  books  would  be  available  at  all  (their  all  controversial  in  their  special  way).  Who  knows  what  type  of  person  I  would  be  if   I  had  not  picked  up  those  books  and  dove   in  their  stories.   I  am  thankful  to   the  

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books  but  more  so  to  the  authors  for  helping  me  escape  reality.  Though  it  is  about  time  that  I  learn  that  I  should  not  just  read  stories,  but  I  should  make  them.  I  rue  the  day  that  I  will  have  to  leave  the  books  behind.  ______________________________________________________________________________                                        Books  are  a  big  passion  of  mines,  and  this  paper  shows  my  history  of  becoming  the  reader  I  am  today.  Again  here   I  show  a  mostly  narrative  side  of  writing,  what   I  have  picked  up  along  the  way,  and  my  faults  as  a  reader  of  books.  The  unique  thing  about  this  paper  is  that  it  is  more  of  a  story  than  anything   else,   yet   it   still   gets   my   point   across.Without   a   doubt   this   is   one   of   my   favorite   pieces,  hopefully   others  will   understand  what   it   is   like   to   read   again.   Perhaps   in   time   I   can   learn   from   this  paper  and  be  more  diverse  reader.  ______________________________________________________________________________                          


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 Papers  by  Peers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Regret  paper                                        Time  is  one  thing  that  is  taken  away  from  us  every  day  and  and  little  do  we  realize  how  little  of   it   we   have.   The   ephemeral   moments   that   are   repeated   day   by   day   end   up   making   the   biggest  differences.  One  of  my  biggest  regret   is   time  management  and  giving  up  on  things.  The  things  I  could  have  done  if  I  decided  to  stick  with  one  skill  or  sport  saddens  me.  I  will  always  make  the  best  of  what  I  have  and  look  at  the  things  I  did  and  didn't  do  optimistically.  But  I  always  wished  I  was  really  good  at  one  thing.  It  didn't  matter  what  it  was,  it  could  have  been  sports  or  a  skill  but  I  just  never  really  went  through  with  it.                                            I   was   a   jack   of   all   trades.   I   played   tennis,   water   polo,   soccer,   basketball;   I   competed   in  jiujitsu,  kickboxing,   judo;  competitively  swam;  did  archery,  bowling;   I  also  skateboarded,  body  board,  long   boarded.   It   wasn't   all   just   sports   and   physical   activities   but   also   going   to   Japanese   school   and  getting  tutored  for   a  higher   level  math.  But   one  by  one  I  would  start   to  give  up  on  things  and  never  completely  go  through  with  it.  It  either  just  got  boring  or  I  got  decently  good  at  it  so  I  decided  to  stop.  But  it  was  a  regret  that  I  was  only  going  to  realize  years  after.                                          Now  being  in  High  school  I  look  back  at  all  the  sports  that  I  have  done  in  the  past  and  think,  I  should  have  continued  to  do  them.   I   think  that   it  would  have  been  cool   to  be  recognized   for  having  a  certain  skill  or  talent  that  can  possibly  get  you  scholarships  or  into  other  schools.  I  see  my  friends  who  have   stuck   with   swimming   since   they   were   little   kids   and   now   they   are   state   champions.   My   team  mates  who  I  have  played  soccer  with   for  years  but  continued  to  play  even  after   I  quit,  now  have   full  ride  scholarships  to  some  top  colleges.  All  of   these  opportunities  passed  by  because  I  decided  not   to  continue  through  with  one  of  two  things.  I  make  the  best  of  what  I  am  right  now,  but  I  regret  not  going  through  with  the  extra  curricular  that  could  have  possibly  changed  my  life.    

-­‐‑ Leo  Screen    ______________________________________________________________________________                                                    This   paper   always   made  me   feel   sad   every   time   I   read   it.   I   feel   so   bad   for   him   and   it  remind  me  of  similar  things  in  my  own  life.  Each  word  remind  me  of  my  own  past  and  I  to  feel  regret.  This  paper  is  riddled  with  "trust  me"  statements  described  by  the  author's  experiences.  Yet  with  all  the  thoughts  this  paper  has  put  in  my  head,  what  I  should  always  remember  that  there  is  no  time  machine,  so  we  must  continue  walking  our  path.  ______________________________________________________________________________        


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 Encyclopedia  of  Me  Shusei  Yokoi            Cherry  blossom  is  a  special  tree  for  Japan.  When  the  spring  comes,  there  are  so  many  news  TV  that  tells   people   when   is   the   cherry   blossom  will   bloom.   Cherry   blossoms   are   all   over   the   Japan.   It   has  white   or   pink   petals   and   the   one   petal   is   one   centimeter   small.   When   wind   blow,   the   thousands   of  petals   fries   out.   Because   of   the   beauty   of   the   tree,   Japanese   people   have   picnic   under   the   trees,   it's  called   "Ohanami.",   Ohana"  means   flower   and   "mi"  means   to   see.   It's   one   of   the   Japanese   culture,   but  during  the  picnic,  people,who  drink  too  much,  break  the  branch.  The  tree  is  pretty  weak,  so  it  could  be  cause  of  death  of  the  tree.  Summer  Vacation          I  woke  up  and  checked  my  phone,  and  I  jumped  up  from  my  bed.  It's  10:10!  My  club  activity  would  start   at   ten   o'clock.   Last   night,   my   crush   tolled   me   to   come   activity   and   talk.   I   jumped   into   the  bathroom  and  took  a  short  bath.   I  ran  to  school,  usually   I   take  trains  but   I  just  ran  because   it  just   felt  faster.  Because  of   the  hot  weather,   I  was  covered  with  sweat.  When  I  got   into  the  practice  room,   the  teacher  was   so  mad,   and   she   didn't   talk   to  me.  My   crush   smiled  me  when   I   entered   into   the   room.  However  she  was  busy  to  talk   to  another  boys  whole   time.  My  friends  talked  to  me  but   I  remember  nothing.      An  Autumn  Day            An  autumn  day,  maybe  five  years  ago,   I   lost  one  baseball  game.  Our  team  won  first  season,  and  we  were  playing  one  of   the  championship  games.   I  was  only  one  player  from  lower�   class.   I  was  good  at  hitting,  so  coach  put  me  on  outfielder.  Even  I  played  outfield  whole  season,  I  was  so  nervous,  because  I  had  never  plaid  and  practiced  outfield  before  this  season  began.   I  had  to  play  well,   the  mistakes  was  not  allow.  Our  team  couldn't  hit  a  hit  from  the  pitcher  yet.  The  atmosphere  of  the  team  was  bad,  even  only  one  run  behind.  I  pushed  myself  too  much.  On  the  fifth  inning,  I  dropped  the  ball.  I  was  so  lost,  I  did  not  know  what  to  do.  The  team  captain  yelled  at  me  "shusei!  Do  what  you  always  do!"  Next  inning,  the  captain  hit  a  double  to  the  center  and  he  steal  to  third,  safe.  Last  inning,  One  out,  runner's  on  third,  losing  zero  to  one.   I  had  weird   feeling  because  I  was  not  nervous.   I   thought   I   just  had  to  hit,   I  didn't  care  how  fast  did  he  throw.  I  had  full  of  confidence.  I  hit  a  big  fly  ball  to  the  center,  which  all  most  over  the   fence,  but   the  center   fielder  caught   it.  Third  runner  came  into  home  and  we  made  high  touch.  We  lost  afterwords.  However,  while  I  was  fielding,  I  felt  the  team  was  really  connected  and  became  one.  I  think   this   feeling   was   special,   not   many   baseball   players   wouldn't   feel   this   feeling.   My   whole   body  became   light,   I  only  hear  teammates'  voices,  and  I  naturally  smiled  whole  time.  The  baseball  showed  me  some  musical  power  to  me.    Winter  Morning            All   leaves   are   gone,   there   are   only   blown   leaves   on   the   rode.   The   sky   is  still   dark   but   the  road   is  pretty   crowded,   people   have   to   go   to  work   or   school.   They   all   look   the   same  because   they   all  wear  thick  overcoats  and  wrap  mufflers  up  to  their  cheek.  Every  one  walk  toward  train  station,   they  all  put  their  hands  into  the  pockets  and  have  stoops  with  cold  weather.  The  smellthe  air  is  like  ice,  it  makes  us  colder,  and  when  we  breathe,  the  white  smoke  comes  out  from  our  mouth.  Elementary  school  students  are  always  full  of  energy,  they  run  up  to  the  station  and  pass  all  of  us  with  full  of  smiles.  When  the  cold  dry  wind  blow  into  the  face,  people  stop  walking  and  wrap  their  mufflers  better.    Baseball    

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         I  like  to  play  baseball,  and  I  have  played  since  I  was  12  years  old.  I  always  love  baseball  and  I  always  love   my   baseball   friends.   They   are   my   treasures   I   keep   touching   with   my   friends.   Playing   baseball  makes  well  connected   friends.   I   think  baseball  has   longest  practice  time   in  any  another  sports.   In  my  high   school   in   Japan,   I   used   to   woke   up   at   5:30   and   went   to   morning   practice.   After   school,   I   had  practice   4   to   9.   About   6   hours   for   practice   in   a   day.  My   friends   and   I   connected   so  hard   because  we  practice  hard.  Even  in  MPI,  we  trust  each  other  and  we  are  like  a  family.  I  got  strong  body  and  also  very  nice  friends  by  playing  baseball.  We  will  be  friends  ______________________________________________________________________________                      What  is  special  about  this  paper  is  not  the  techniques  that  is  used  here  but  his  feeling  on  himself.  Each  paragraph  while  switches  between  narrative  and  descriptive  also  describes  a  part  of  himself  and  what  is  important  to  him.  Wether  it  be  sports  to  the  seasons  each  deserves  him  in  their  own  way.  That  is  significant  in  its  own  way  and  not  much  more  can  be  said  for  it.  ____________________________________________________________________________                                                                          

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     Work  by  Others                                                                                                                      Analogy  of  the  Sky                    There  is  a  vastness  within  you.  It  is  an  infinite  space  of  awareness  of  being  this  very  moment.  It  is  always  here,  always   free  and  always  tranquil.  This   is   the  core  of  your  own  being,  which   is  really   the  core  of  Being  itself.  By  stopping  everything  this  moment  you  can  come  across                                                      this  miracle.  This  shift  of  perception   is  very  subtle  but  once  noticed   it  changes   lives  and  frees  minds  forever.  The  secret  is  that  You  must  notice  it  for  yourself;  no  one  can  do  it  for  you:  not  me,  not  Buddha,  not   Jesus,  no  one  but  you  yourself.  What  you  must  notice   is   the  unchanging  reality  within  you  which  has  always  been  and  will  forever  be.  It  is  rather  like  the  sky  above.                    The  sky  appears  above  us  and  yet   there   is  really  no  above  at  all,  no,   it   is  all  around  us.   It  appears  blue  sometimes;  unless  it  is  crowded  with  clouds  and  rain.  It  is  simply  clear  atmosphere.  Yet  we  know  it  is  always  there.  It  really  has  no  color  or  shape  and  yet  all  shapes  are  visible  when  silhouetted  against  it.  All  colors  are  compared  to   it  as   its  unmistakable  blueness  outshines  all  else  and  yet  we  can   live  an  entire  day  and  not  see  the  sky  at  all.  Instead,  we  can  be  distracted  by  everything  else,  by  all  the  things  in  front  of  us,  passing  by.  Those  things  around  us  are  often  so  beautiful,  so  enchanting,  we  can  miss  the  sky  itself.  Those  things  around  us  can  be  so  ugly  and  so  outright  disturbing,  the  sky  is  not  even  noticed.    How   then   do   we   see   this   sky?   By   merely   turning   our   attention   ever   so   slightly   from   the   particular  subjects  themselvesk,  the  circumstances,  and  instead  allow  our  gaze  to  gently  move  beyond  to  the  sky-­‐‑the  background  of  all.  This  is  the  analogy  of  realizing  or  attending  to  pure  silence  within.                      Again,   this   is  so  simple   it  can  appear  disturbing,  even  ridiculous.   In   this  moment,  right  now,  right  here,  relax  into  the  ever-­‐‑present  state  of  gentle  peace  and  openness  within.  Simply  allow  the  thoughts  to  subside  and  notice   from  where  they  have  come  and  to  where  they  go  and  very  gradually  you  will  come  to  rest  in  that  space,  that  silence  within.  Now  simply  return  to  this  as  often  as  you  can  or  wish.                  The  sky  appears  blue  and  vast  and  infinite,  and  so  it  is  with  this  pure  silence.  Once  discovered,  life  begins  anew.    "Look  for   the  vastness  within  and  do  not  be  afraid  of  what  you  find   for  you  will   find  that  which  you  already  are."                -­‐‑Author  unknown  ______________________________________________________________________________                              This   is   a   real   analogy,   it   analyze   the   reader  with   out   stating   so   and   compares   him/her   to   the  sky.   It   is  really  a  masterpiece   fore  praises  both  us  and  the  sky   for   it's  complexity  and  beauty.  What   I  really  love  about  is  that  it  always  says  words  like  you  and  it  makes  it  so  that  the  paper  was  meant  for  me,  that  it  was  written  with  me  in  mind,  though  it  probably  not  I  feel  that  it  was  intentional.  It  makes  me  think  that  an  creative  power  is  so  vast,  it  out  reaches  the  sky.  ______________________________________________________________________________              




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Story  of  the  Starfish  While   walking   along   a   beach,   an   elderly   gentleman   saw   someone   in   the   distance   leaning   down,  picking  something  up  and  throwing  it  into  the  ocean.    As  he  got  closer,  he  noticed  that   the  figure  was  that  of  a  young  man,  picking  up  starfish  one  by  one  and  tossing  each  one  gently  back  into  the  water.    He  came  closer  still  and  called  out,  “Good  morning!  May  I  ask  what  it  is  that  you  are  doing?”  The  young  man  paused,  looked  up,  and  replied  “Throwing  starfish  into  the  ocean.”  old  man  smiled,  and  said,  “I  must  ask,  then,  why  are  you  throwing  starfish  into  the  ocean?”    To   this,   the   young  man   replied,   “The   sun   is   up   and   the   tide   is   going   out.   If   I   don’t   throw   them   in,  they’ll  die.”    Upon  hearing  this,   the  elderly  observer  commented,   “But,  young  man,  do  you  not  realise   that  there  are  miles  and  miles  of  beach  and  there  are  starfish  all  along  every  mile?  You  can’t  possibly  make  a  difference!”    The   young  man   listened   politely.  Then  he  bent   down,   picked   up   another   starfish,   threw   it   into   the  back  into  the  ocean  past  the  breaking  waves  and  said,  “It  made  a  difference  for  that  one.”                  -­‐‑Author  unknown  ______________________________________________________________________________                      This  story  always  fascinates  me  when  ever  I  read  it.  Shows  that  we  should  not  think  anything  as  cluster,   but   think   about   them   as   individuals.   This   how   the   world   should   think,   not   about   what  failures  might  come  out  of  it,  but  how  successful  it  can  be.  We  should  learn  from  the  story,  learn  that  there  is  no  such  thing  as  collateral  damage.  ______________________________________________________________________________  

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