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Peter Pan Script V2

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1 Peter Pan Written for Ashcott Pantomime by Sally Stockman
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    Peter Pan

    Written for Ashcott Pantomime

    by Sally Stockman

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    CHARACTERS Hook John Mellanby Tinker Bell Harriet Cameron Peter Pan Katy Bond Slightly tbc Nibbs tbc Curly tbc Tootles tbc Molly Lyn Harvey Smee Sally Stockman Starkey Sue Wilton Crocodile tbc The Shadow tbc John Matthew Le Hunte Michael Ioan Manning Wendy Olivia Manning George Marcus Vaz Mary Elaine Hayne Tiger Lily tbc Chief Mike Ellington CHORUS Guinnie Amesbury, Elsie Buck, Chloe Burdett, Alice

    Cameron, Megan Curl, Maisey Davies, Emma Davies, Amy Davies, Helen Davies, Sarah Curl, Kloe Dean, Abi Greig, John Harvey, Carnie Hasnip, Elaine Hayne, Zak Hughes, Sophie Hunt-Davidson, Angela Mellanby, Amy Pope, Olivia Pearce, Carla Stockman, Scarlett Stockman, Marcus Vaz, Jacqueline Weekes, Christopher Weekes, Ronnie Wilson-Stone, George Wonham, Louise Wonham

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    Scene 1: NeverLand

    Hook: Well, well, well. What have we here? The local rabble I see. Fathers, Mothers, Daughters and brothers, and all of you filled with glee. What fools you are to think this way, You think that Pan will win the day! Mark my words, you are forsaken; For when my trusty hand was taken, I swore revenge on that blasted boy, Hell be no more, oh what a joy. Hiss and boo all you like, But theres a reason for my spite. Jealous am I that he took my hand and fed it to a beast, The crocodile hunts me now and wants me for a feast. So I conjured up a cunning plan to help me with my plight, I fed the crock an alarm clock, so I can hear him day and night!

    SFX, sound of a little bell ringing. Enter Tinkerbell, Stage Right.

    Tink: Not so fast you terrible fiend!

    Hook: Oh here we go.

    Tink: Dont give me that you awful brute! I know what you plan to do. You want to vanquish Peter Pan, So Neverlandll belong to you!

    Hook: Tinker Bell, I bow to you, How clever that you are, To work it out all by yourself, You really are a star. You shine so bright in Peters life, Youre really quiet the team. But when I have Peter in my grasp, Ill throw you in the stream!

    Hook exits, laughing.

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    Tink: Goodness me, Oh goodness me, Whatever shall I do? I cant help Peter by myself, I need some help, but who? Oh, hello, I didnt see you there, You really gave me quite the scare. I was hoping you could lend a hand, Will you help me and Peter Pan? Will you? Im sorry that wasnt loud enough, I said will you help me? You will? Oh thats wonderful news. And now my friends, to Neverland, Where I shall find Peter, Ill warn him about Captain Hook, And how he is a cheater.

    Tinkerbell leaves. The curtains open.

    Scene 2: NeverLand

    There is a celebration between, Peter, the lost boys and Indians of Neverland.

    Slightly: Did you see the way those stinky old pirates ran away. We really had em this time boys!

    Peter: That we did, and you fought bravely! Hook and his gang wont dare to mess with me after today! Did you see how scared he was? All because of a little old crocodile!

    Nibs: Yeah! Not to mention the look on their silly old faces when you jumped out on them from nowhere.

    Curly: It really was a great game Peter. Those pirates didnt know what him them.

    Tootles: Do you think theyll come back?

    Peter: Not if they know whats good for them. And if they do, Ill give them what for, isnt that right Tink? (Pause.) Tinkerbell? Oh Tinkerbell where have you gone now? (Looks into audience.) Tinker- Oh, well hello, I didnt know you were there. Im looking

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    for my friend, Tink. Do you think you could help me find her? Do you? You do? In that case you can help me call for her. On the count of three, I want you all to shout, Tinkerbell at the top of your voice. Ready, one, two, threeTinkerbell! Hmm, no, no, no, that wont do. She could be in the Ring O Bells for all we know, and she wont be able to hear you if youre that quiet. I need you to try again, but a lot louder this time, ready? One, two, threeTinkerbell!

    Tinkerbell comes whizzing on to the stage. After finder her balance she eventually comes over to Peter.

    Tink: Oh Peter! There you are! Ive been looking everywhere for you.

    Peter: Where have you been? Youve missed half of the celebrating!

    Tink: No time to celebrate Peter. Ive got some awful news. Hook is vowing revenge on you and is coming up with a plot as we speak.

    Peter: Hook coming up with a plot? He couldnt come up with a casserole, well be fine.

    Tink: I wouldnt be so sure, Peter. I think he really means business this time.

    Peter: Then Ill be ready for him. Hmm, no doubt hell recruit more pirates. Ill have to go and find more help.

    Curly: But who, Peter? Aside from us, the mermaids and the Indians, There is no one else.

    Peter: Youre right. Well in that case Ill have to go off and search for more people. And I think I know just who to go to.

    Slightly: Yes, but where are you going to find them?

    Peter: Well not in Neverland, thats for sure. Ill have to go far away.

    Nibs: Can I come with you Peter?

    Slightly: No, I want to come.

    Curly: No, take me instead!

    Tootles: No me!

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    Peter: Youre all very brave. Each and every one of you, but I shall be taking Tink.

    Slightly: Then what are we supposed to do?

    Peter: Ha! Im glad you asked my faithful friend. Lost boys; Stand to attention. (They do.) Now I want you all to listen very carefully. While Im away I want you to hold the fort for me. Keep an eye on Hook and make sure you know his every plan. The last thing we want is an ambush. Nibs, (He steps forwards.) Im putting you in charge until I get back.

    Nibs: Yes Sir! Come on lads! Lets go and spy on these pirates!

    The lost boys leave in a hurry.

    Peter: Right Tink, looks like its you and me.

    Tink: Best friends, adventuring at each others sides.

    They walk forward. The roller comes down.

    Peter: Whats life without a little friendship?

    Peter and Tinkerbell leave.

    Scene 3: Crocodile Creek

    In front of the roller, Miss Molly, walks on stage. Shes holding a rather large beach bag of sorts, filled with items, as well as a job application form. She is disguised as a man, though remaining in a dress, she wears a fake beard.

    Molly: Now then, this seems to be the place. Crocodile Creek. At least I hope this is the right place, there doesnt seem to be anyone here. Wheres a SatNav when you need one? Oh now, wait a minute; Im not alone after all. And here I was thinking that I was waiting for my potential employer all on my own, when suddenly I turn around only to notice that Im not alone. Its almost like it was written that way. No matter. Now then I suppose I ought t introduce myself. My name is Miss Molly. And every time you see me, boys and girls I want you to shout, Good golly, Miss Molly. Do you think you could manage that? You do? Right then, lets give it a go.

    She exits and comes on stage again. She does this a couple of times until she thinks they're good enough.

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    Molly: Brilliant. I think after that, you all deserve a little treat. Now, who amongst you lot like sweets? Ah, I thought as much. Now, I do have to warn you that by saying you like sweets that means you are aware of your actions and if you get hurtwell its not my fault. (She throws the sweets.) And I bet youre wondering what Im doing here, in a swamp of all places. Well, I picked up this add in the Whats On from the post office, it reads; Wanted, a chef to cater to our needs. You cook, we eat it. Strictly no girls allowed. Well, when I first read the ad, I thought how very sexist it was of them to say such a thing. But Ive been doing a little research about this on the net, no, no not the internet. This net,(She pulls a net from her bag.) There was a little not attached to it saying pirates think it is bad luck to have a woman on board. Well when youre as good looking as me, who can blame them? Thats why Im in this disguise. What? You dont think I dress like this all the time do you? You cheeky beggars. Really though, I honestly do wonder where this captain has gotten too. Typical of a pirate to be late. Ah wait a minute I hear something, that must be him now.

    Smee, Mr. Starkey and Captain Hook enter.

    Hook: Ah, so you must be the new recruit.

    Molly: Yes Sir. Thats me.

    Smee: No, Im Smee.

    Molly: Well thats nice, but I was just saying that if youre looking for the person who contacted you about your ad, thats me.

    Hook: I know that is Smee, Ive worked with him for many years, but whom, dear fellow, are you.

    Molly: Its me!

    Smee: Weve been through this. Im Smee.

    Molly: Well I know that now, but youre not the one applying for this job.

    Starkey: Then who is applying for the job?

    Molly: It is me.

    Smee: No Im not.

    Starkey: Well this is outrageous.

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    Hook: Who is?

    Molly: This is.

    Hook: Did you bring him along?

    Molly: Bring who along?

    Smee: Outrageous.

    Molly: No I am not. Look lets just start this again. Yes?

    Hook: Yes, now then who are you?

    Molly: I am the person who wants to be your new chef.

    Smee: Brilliant. Can you cook?

    Molly: Well I have cooked in the past.

    Hook: Are you any good at it?

    Molly: Define good?

    Smee: Are you sure youre a real cook. Theres something odd about you?

    Starkey: What did you say your name was?

    Molly: My name has been compared to that of a rose, and by any other name would smell just as sweet.

    Smee: (Pause.) Youre not really a bloke are you?

    Molly: How dare you be so rude, of course Im a real bloke.

    Smee: No youre not, that beards fake!

    Hook: Mr. Starkey, go and check the bear please.

    Starkey: Aye Captain.

    Hook: No, the beard.

    Smee: Dont start this again,

    Smee walks towards her and pulls the beard. Should it be on elastic it will ping back onto her face.

    Smee: See I told you. Its not real.

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    Starkey: You meanthats a woman?!

    Molly: Yes of course Im a woman, how dare you be so rude?

    Hook: Sorry Maam.

    Molly: I should think so too.

    Smee: And you want to apply for this job because?

    Molly: Well you see, Im a great team player. And a job such as this will allow me to see more of the world and explore new horizons.

    Hook: Were pirates, not a cruise ship. However, I am in desperate need of more crew. If you think youre up to the challenge, my dearlady youre hired.

    Molly: Oh thank you so much. Im so grateful I could kiss you.

    She goes to.

    Hook: Please dont.

    Smee: How touching. Now, Captain, I do believe we need to go over rules and regulations with her.

    Hook: Of course, and now, what well need you to do is-

    He is cut off by the sound of an obnoxiously loud ticking noise.

    Molly: Whats that?

    Smee: Oh no.

    Hook: Smee.

    Molly: Well it doesnt sound like you.

    Starkey: Dont start that again.

    Hook: Smee, its coming for me Smee!

    Molly: Whats coming for you?

    The ticking grows louder. The snout of a very large crocodile appears SL.

    Hook: Smee!

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    Molly: You?

    Smee: Run!

    They exit. The crocodile ever so slightly opens its mouth, as though laughing before it leaves.

    Scene 4: The nursery.

    Wendy, John and Michael are playing in the nursery. John is holding a coat hanger in his right hand and a toy sword in the other. There are three beds.

    Song 3:

    John: Have at thee Peter Pan! How dare you challenge me you puny scoundrel?

    Michael: Youre no match for me, Hook! Ha ha!

    John: Nonsense boy. You will regret the day you ever dared to take me hand from me and feed it to the crocodile. Oh woe is me, my hand is lost and its all your fault!

    Michael: Is not.

    John: Is too.

    Michael: Is not!

    John: Is too!

    Wendy: Boys, boys, boys! Dont argue. Theyre just stories we dont know for sure whose fault it was. Besides, Its not real.

    John: I suppose youre right.

    Wendy: And anyway John, it was his left hand that was cut off, not his right one.

    John: Yes, of course, how silly of me.

    Mrs and Mr Darling (George and Mary) enter the room.

    George: Really children, must you make all of this infernal noise? Its far past your bedtime. You should be asleep.

    Mary: George dear, dont be so hard on them. Theyre just playing.

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    George: And what exactly are you playing?

    Michael: Pirates!

    John: And Indians.

    Wendy: Not to mention going off on adventures with Peter Pan.

    George: Peter Pan? Indians? Pirates? Where do you hear such nonsense?

    Michael: Wendy tells us stories!

    Mary: Is that so dear?

    Michael: Yes, there are pirates like captain hook! And mermaids and theres also a giant crocodile that can eat you in one gulp.

    George: Really Wendy. You shouldnt be filling yours and your brothers head with such silly stories.

    Mary: Now George

    George: Its about time a young lady such as yourself should stop filling your head with fairy tales.

    Wendy: But father

    George: Honestly, its about time you stop acting like a child and learn how to grow up.

    Wendy: But I dont want to grow up.

    Mary: Everyone has to grow up some day dear.

    George: Now I suggest you put these silly things away and get to bed. Its getting very late. And Wendy, no more nonsense.

    The children reluctantly pack away their things. Their father leaves.

    Michael: Peter Pan is real, isnt he mother?

    Mary: I cant tell you for sure.

    John: We didnt mean to make father so angry.

    Mary: Oh hes not angry, dear. Hes juststuck in his ways.

    Wendy: I wish I didnt have to grow up.

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    Mary: Not all wishes come true, dear. Now, my darlings its bed time.

    The children proceed to get into bed.

    Mary: Goodnight, dears.

    She leaves. SFX Dog barking. Theres a beat before a figure dressed all in black slips easily through the window. It creeps around the nursery and looks around playfully. Peter enters soon after and tries to catch it. Wendy wakes.

    Wendy: What are you doing?

    Peter: Im trying to put my shadow back on.

    Wendy: (Pause.) Your shadow?

    Peter: Yes. My shadow!

    Wendy: But who are you? How did you get in?

    Peter: Through the window. Surely you know me. You tell stories about me often enough.

    Wendy: Stories, about you? But Ive never told, no, no wait it cant be, but, it is! Youre him! Youre Peter Pan!

    Peter: The one and only. And youre Wendy and thats John and thats Michael.

    Wendy: This is wonderful.

    Peter: It would be if I could get my shadow on.

    Wendy: Well, look, youre trying to get it back on with soap. Oh you silly goose that wont do. Here, its needs to be sewn on, oh this really is wonderful. Youre here. Youre actually here. But, how did you know our names?

    Peter: Oh I come here all the time to listen to your stories.

    Wendy: My stories? But theyre all about you.

    Peter: Exactly, thats why I come here.

    Wendy: Oh. I see. Now how about you sit here and Ill sew that back on for you.

    Peter sits, the shadow copies. Wendy pretends to sew.

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    Peter: I think youre stories are wonderful.

    Wendy: Well you would, theyre all about you.

    Peter: Oh but I do love coming to listen to them.

    Wendy: You might not be able to after tonight.

    Peter: What?! Why?

    Wendy: Because father says I have to grow up.

    Peter: Grow up? But thats awful. How will I hear your stories? (A Beat.) I know! You can come back to Neverland with me!

    Wendy: Neverland? Oh really? Oh Peter that would be lovely.

    She finishes sewing. Peter and the shadow stand up. They do a routine and eventually move in tandem.

    Peter: Then youll come with me?

    Wendy: Well, yes, Id love to, but

    John and Michael wake.

    John: Wendy, whats going on?

    Michael: Look! Look, John look, its Peter Pan!

    John: Peter Pan? It couldnt be!

    Peter: Oh but it is!

    John: Peter! What are you doing here?

    Peter: I came to see you and listen to Wendys stories, but while I was waiting your dog pounced and got my shadow. It came off.

    Wendy: And I found him trying to put it back on with soap.

    John: Whats it like in Neverland Peter?

    Michael: Is the crocodile still after Hook?

    Peter: Neverland is as beautiful as it ever was. And Hook is still up to his old tricks. Thats another reason why Im here. Ive come to recruit

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    two of the bravest men I know to help me. Well John, Michael, what do you say? Do you want to fight pirates?

    John: Yes! Yes we do!

    Michael: Yes! We do.

    Wendy: But Peter, isnt it dangerous?

    Peter: Its only dangerous if you get caught.

    Wendy: But what on earth shall mother say?

    Peter: Mother? Whats a mother?

    Wendy: Well a mother, looks after you and keeps you safe and tells stories

    Peter: Then thats settled, youll be our mother, so to speak. Come on Wendy, dont be a stick in the mud, itll be fun. I promise.

    Wendy: But how would you get there?

    Peter: Well you fly of course.

    John: Fly? In the sky?

    Peter: Yes! High, high up in the sky.

    Michael: But where is Neverland?

    Peter: Why you take the second star to the right and go straight on til morning.

    Wendy: Whats the at the first star?

    Peter: Pardon?

    Wendy: Well you said take the second star to the right? Where does the first star go?

    Peter: Oh that? Well thats just a service station, you know, with Mcdonalds, and Marks & Spencer and so onIts dull really.

    Wendy: Oh.I see. And wefly there?

    Tinkerbell enters.

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    Tink: Peter! Come on! Whats taking you so long?

    Peter: Ah the very pixie we need. Tink, I need your help. You need to give some fairy dust to my friends here.

    Tink: Im not giving any to her.

    Wendy: Why not?

    Tink: Because youre a girl and girls cant be lost boys, only boys can be lost boys.

    Peter: Tinkerbell, dont be so rude.

    Tink: Well its true, you said so yourself.

    Peter: But this is different.

    Wendy: Please Tinkerbell, I wont be any trouble, I promise.

    Tink: Girls are nothing but trouble.

    Wendy: But youre a girl.

    Tink: Im a fairy, thats different.

    Peter: Enough squabbling. Tink please?

    Wendy: Please?

    Tink: Oh fine! But I still dont trust you.

    Peter lines the children up and stands back. Tinkerbell dances around them and covers them with a light spattering of pixie dust. The lights flicker and flash. The children laugh and giggle as the lights fade.

    Scene 5: Somewhere in the Neverwoods

    Smee enters holding a lamp/lantern. Its dark in the Neverwoods and Smee is alone.

    Smee: Here I go, again, on my own. Just like the song I suppose. Though, theres no Whitesnakes here. Or any snakes for that matter. At least I hope theres not. I know there are other beasties and creepy things. Oh why did I have to come here by myself? Pans clearly not here. Its just me andOhoh whats that over there? (He lifts the torch.) Well, shiver my timbers Im not alone after all. You know boys and girls, I wouldnt stay there if I were you.

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    Life becomes very difficult you know, especially when your hand has been replaced with a hook. Just the other day he forgot himself, he went to pick his nose and nearly took the whole thing off. I mean why did he have to choose a hook? Why not choose something usefullikea paintbrush. Well I guess Ill never know. Anyway, its not like hed do any of the heavy work. No, thats left down to me, boys and girls. I bet youre wondering what Im doing here. Well Ill tell you. The boss sent me out here to look for the chiefs daughter, Tiger Lily. And when Ive found her Im supposed to kidnap her and use her for ransom.

    Sounds of stage,Tiger Lily.

    Smee: Here she comes now! Im going to hide.

    He goes offstage to hide. Tiger Lily enters.

    TigerLily: How! I have been sent here from my people to ask for the whereabouts of Peter Pan. Tell me, boys and girls. Do you know where Peter is?

    As Tiger Lily addresses the audience. Smee sneaks up behind her with a length of rope.

    TigerLily: What is it boys and girls? Theres someone behind me? This way?

    There is a behind you routine. It ends with Smee catching Tiger Lily.

    Smee: Im sorry about this Miss Tiger Lily, but Ive had strict instructions to do this.

    TigerLily: You will not get away with this!

    Smee takes her away. Black out

    Scene 6

    Lights up to reveal another part of the forest. Tink enters followed by the lost boys.

    Curly: Were so glad youre home Tink!

    Nibs: Did you and Peter find people to help us.

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    Tink: Yes we did!

    Slightly: How may?

    Tink: Two! But we were found and followed.

    Tootles: Followed?

    Tink: Yes, by a monstrous bird called a Wendy-Bird. Its one of Hooks spies.

    Nibs: What are we going to do, Tink?

    Tink: Shoot it down.

    Curly: Shoot it down?!

    Tink: Yes, shoot it down. Its following Peter and the boys now.


    John: How much further is it, Peter?

    Michael: Is it very far?

    Wendy: Wheres a SatNav when you need one?

    Tink: Get ready boys, here they come. On the count of three. One, Two, Three!

    One Tinkerbells signal, the boys shoot their weapons into the air. Offstage.

    Peter: Wendy! Wendy look out!

    Peter, John and Michal enter, helping an unconscious Wendy onstage.

    Tootles: Did you see that Peter? I shot her! I shot down the Wendy Bird!

    Peter: It was you? How dare you do such a thing?

    Nibs: Butwe thought you wanted us to Peter, we were only following orders.

    Peter: Orders? I didnt give you orders to do this. Wendys one of us!

    Slightly: But Tink said-

    Peter: Tinkerbell! Did you cause this?

    Tink: Well..II

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    Peter: You what? You were jealous, this that it?

    Wendy begins to wake.

    Peter: Wendy?

    Wendy: Peter? What happened?

    Peter: That silly fairy got jealous and told my lost boys to shoot you.

    Wendy: Shoot me?

    Peter: Yes. Now Tinkerbell, for what you have done, I hereby banish you from never land!

    Tink: Banish me?

    Peter: Forever.

    Wendy: Forever? Oh but Peter, Im sure she meant no harm.

    Tink: No. If thats what he wants. Then fine. Ill go. Ill go and never come back!

    Tink leaves in a jealous strop.

    Peter: Good riddance.

    Wendy: Im sure she didnt really mean any harm.

    Tootles: It was just a game Peter.

    Peter: Well I suppose youre right. Ill go and find her later and make amends. As for you, Tootles. You have some explaining to do.

    Tootles: I really am Sorry. I was just following orders. I didnt mean to hurt anybody.

    Wendy: Oh, its alright. You were just playing. It could have been worse after all.

    John: Peter? Is this Neverland?

    Peter: Why yes it is my friend. Welcome to your new home.

    Wendy: Its certainly wonderful.

    Michael: Just like in the stories.

    Curly: Stories? You tell stories?

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    Peter: Yes, Curly, she does. Just like the ones I tell you. Now Wendy can tell them to you, while I go after Hook.

    Nibs: Thats wonderful!

    Slightly: Tell us a story Wendy.

    Wendy: Well, um, perhaps later, after all, I was just shot out of the sky.

    Peter: Come on Gang. Lets show Wendy and the boys around!

    Michael: Where will we go Peter?

    John: What is there to see?

    Wendy: Oh yes Peter, please tell us.

    Peter: Theres the Mermaids, and the Indians, and the pirate ship, and the bay. Ill show you the whole island if you want me to?

    John: Please! Oh yes please Peter!

    Scene 7

    Peter: Oh great and wise Chief. What brings you here?

    Chief: How Peter Pan. Where is my daughter? Where is Tiger Lily?

    Peter: Ive not seen her.

    Chief: You lie! I sent her to look for you, why has she not returned? What have you done?

    Peter: Ive done nothing, great Chief! Ive only returned but a moment ago.

    Chief: And this is true?

    Peter: Yes, great Chief.

    Chief: Then where is she?

    Peter: I dont know Chief, but I promise you I will find her.

    Chief: Then go and find her, but until you return, I will have your friends in my safekeeping.

    Peter: You have my word great chief, I will find her.

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    Wendy: Peter, whats going on?

    Peter: Dont worry Wendy everythings going to be fine. Im going to find the chiefs daughter and bringer her home. I promise. I bet Hook has something to do with this. Oh if only Tink were here.

    The Indians take the lost boys, John, Michael and Wendy away.

    Peter leaves to go and find Tiger Lily.

    Scene 8

    Hook and Smee bring Tiger Lily through the back of the audience and onto the stage.

    Hook: Now my dear, I hope youre not too uncomfortable.

    TigerLily: Unhand me, you wretched man.

    Hook: Such a temper for such a young lady.

    TigerLily: If you let me go, perhaps Ill be less miserable.

    Hook: Well Im sorry my dear but thats just not going to happen.

    TigerLily: What do you want from me?

    Hook: Why my dear, we dont want to harm you. Well thats providing you dont misbehave. Youre here to lure Pan into a trap!

    Peter Enters.

    Peter: Hook!

    Hook: Aha! And here he is!

    Peter: Let Tiger Lily go, hook. Your fight is with me. Not with the Indian tribe.

    Hook: Yes, yes it is. Fine, I challenge you to a duel. If you win, Ill let the girl go. If I winwell you wont live to tell the tale.

    Peter: Have it your way, Hook. Though rest assured, I wont lose. Have at you.

    Smee: Come with me, Miss Tiger Lily, I cant see this ending well.

    Hook and Peter draw swords and fight. Peter duels well but becomes cocky.

    Hook: Looks like I have the upper hand now!

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    Smee: Well I wouldnt quite put it like thatthe upper hook, maybe, but not the upper hand.

    Hook: Shut up Smee. Now Pan, prepare to meet your doom!

    While pinning Peter to the ground with the sword, Hook raises his hand to finish Peter off. As he does the familiar ticking noise is heard and Hook his frozen with fear.

    Hook: No, no damn and blast it all, why does that monster always have to show up!

    The crocodile comes on stage and goes towards Hook. Peter wriggles free.

    Peter: Ah ha! And now, it is you, who shall meet their doom!

    Hook scuttles back and looks at Smee.

    Hook: Run you fool! Run before it eats us.

    Peter sees them off before coming to Tiger Lilys aid.

    TigerLily: Peter, how can I ever thank you?

    Peter: Just knowing your safe is thanks enough. Come on, lets get you home.

    They exit.

    Scene 9

    The lost boys, Indians, Wendy, John, Michael and Indian chief are all waiting for Peters return.

    Wendy: Oh where on earth could they be?

    Nibs: Maybe we should see if they popped in the Ring OBells for a drink?

    Curly: John dont be so silly. They wouldnt have gone there. (Pause.) Theyve got more sense than that.

    John: But where are they?

    Chief: If they dont return soon. There will be trouble.

    Tootles: Peters a man of his word, hell bring Tiger Lily home.

    Enter Tiger Lily.

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    Chief: Oh daughter! You have been returned to me! Tell me, what happened to you?

    TigerLily: It was Captain Hook and his men. They captured me and used me as bait to get to Peter. Peter came to my aid and rescued me.

    Wendy: But where is he now?

    TigerLily: Hes had to take a detour. We got stopped on the way home because he was speeding and flying without a licence. But in all seriousness friends, Hes going to be here. Hes just looking for Tinkerbell.

    Enter Peter.

    Peter: Its no use! I cant find Tink anywhere.

    Wendy: Dont be hard on yourself Peter, Im sure shell show up in time.

    Chief: In the meantime, Peter, I owe you my most humble apologies. You have helped us for many years and I was too quick to doubt you. You have saved my daughter from the pirates and now I ask you and your friends to come join us and celebrate the safety of my daughter and the bravery of which you possess.

    End of Act 1

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    Act 2

    Scene 1

    The scene opens to reveal Captain Hooks ships kitchen.

    Molly enters.

    Molly: Well, hello! Isnt it nice to see you all again! You know it feels like its been a whole act since Ive last seen you. In fact, I think it has been a whole act. My, how time flies when youre having fun. Now, Im about to make a cake. But first things first, I need a little help. (Calls offstage.) Oh boys!

    Starkey and Smee enter wearing aprons. Starkey is carrying a bunch of flowers, a large sign (that similar to the Hollywood Bowl.)

    Molly: Well dont you both look very fetching. Now then, did you bring the ingredients.

    Starkey: Yes maam we did. Here you go.

    Molly: And what exactly do you call that?

    Starkey: Its a bunch of flowers Maam.

    Molly: You great fool, I didnt ask for a bunch of flowers. I asked for FLOUR. Honestly you cant get the staff these days.

    Starkey: Is that why they hired you?

    Molly: Oi you, less of your cheek!

    Starkey: Sorry.

    Smee tries to sneak offstage with his sign.

    Molly: And where do you think youre going?

    Smee: Well...Iuh

    Molly: And what did you bring?

    Smee: Well

    Molly: Did you bring the large bowl that I asked for.

    Smee: Well I brought a large bowlso to speak.

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    He steps forward and gives Molly the sign. She takes it from him and looks at it.

    Molly: Smee, I asked you for a large bowl, not the Hollywood Bowl you clot!

    She hits him round the head with it. It breaks.

    Smee: Sorry.

    Molly: Oh look it doesnt matter. Its lucky we have some spares over here. Now Ill go and get it, while you two bring that table forward. (To Audience.) You see we have to keep it back there because for some daft reason they like to dance and sing in the oddest of places. Honestly sometimes its like Anchors Away in here. Not that many of you will understand that reference of course.

    Molly exits to go and get the flour and the mixing bowl. Mr. Starkey bring the table with the rest of the ingredients on there.

    Molly: Right, now that all seems to be in order we have to make this cake.

    Starkey: Who is the cake for?

    Molly: Now this is the thing, I almost didnt believe it when I heard it. But, Captain Hook said that I was to make this cake for Peter Pan.

    Smee: Peter Pan?

    Molly: The one and only. Dont ask me why, but thats just what we have to do.

    Starkey: Perhaps hes had a change of heart.

    Smee: Maybe hes retiring and wants to give this whole pirate thing up.

    Molly: Who knows? But were wasting time just talking about it. Lets get started.

    Cake routine. The three begin to make a cake, in the process it gets very messy, very quickly. The routine for making the cake could be done to music. When they are done, Molly puts the cake in the oven and they stand back.

    Smee: Well that could have been worse.

    The oven explodes. Blackout.

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    Scene 2:

    Hook and Tinkerbell enter.

    Hook: Well I must say it was a surprise when you dropped by. I thought you and I werent getting along.

    Tink: Dont play nice Hook, now what do you want with me?

    Hook: I simply want to talk with you my dear.

    Tink: I dont trust you.

    Hook: Of course you dont, my dear. Now, I understand that you and Pan had a little disagreement.

    Tink: It was just a misunderstanding thats all.

    Hook: That may be so, but I thought, that maybe I would help you out.

    Tink: What do you mean?

    Hook: Well, I know how fond you are of Pan. And I know how you are best friends. But I simply cant continue to want to destroy him if youre not there. So Ive had a little gift made for him.

    Tink: Gift? What sort of gift?

    Hook: A cake, to say sorry on your behalf.

    Tink: I still dont understand why youre doing this.

    Hook: You dont have to understand you just have to go with it. Anyway, its too late now; its already being delivered to Peter as we speak.

    Tink: Right now?

    Hook: Yes! And theres nothing you will be able to do.

    Tink: Hook, what have you done?

    Hook: Come now, dont be so angry. Its just a little bit poisoned.

    Tink: Poisoned?!

    Hook: Yes, poisoned. You see the ships cook think she used proper ingredients. Little does she know they were all tainted.

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    Tink: I have to go! I have to help Peter!

    Tinkerbell runs offstage.

    Hook: Wait dont go! The funs only just begun!

    Smee enters.

    Smee: Did your plan work, Captain?

    Hook: Like a charm. Now we can follow her back to the lost boys hideout and finish Peter Pan for good!

    Hook and Smee exit.

    Scene 3

    Inside Hangmans tree, (Peters hideout).

    John: This has been the best day Peter! We ransacked those pirates and went hunting with the Indians.

    Wendy: And we saw the Mermaids.

    Michael: Yeah and we flew too!

    John: This has been so much fun Peter! I want to stay here for ever and never grow up!

    Michael: Me too!

    Curly: Oh do let them stay Peter. Its been so much fun.

    Nibs: Please Peter?

    Slightly: Please?

    Peter: Well Wendy. What do you think?

    Wendy: Well, forever is a long time. AndI supposeI suppose everyone has to grow up someday.

    Peter: But you said you didnt want to grow up!

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    Wendy: Well I didnt. But Iwell I do like it here Peter, but I also miss my mother and father. And what if theyve been worried about us?

    Peter: Theyll be fine .What changed your mind? Dont you like it here?

    Wendy: Oh, no, no Peter, I do. I do like it here. Ive had a wonderful adventure. But every adventure has to end.

    Tootles: Soyoure just going to go home and grow up?

    Wendy: Everyone grows up eventually. Think of all the things you can do when you grow up.

    There is a knock on the door from offstage. Wendy goes to get it.

    John: On second thought, maybe it would be fun to go home. There are so many things I havent done.

    Tootles: There are things you can explore!

    Curly: And we could grow up and be part of a family.

    Nibs: And I could get a pet.

    Slightly: I could see my mother again.

    Michael: And mine! And my father!

    Peter: Soso thats it? Youre all going to go home and grow up? Youre just going to leave me?

    John: Come with us!

    Peter: No! Im never going to grow up. I thought you all felt the same.

    Wendy comes back with a cake.

    Wendy: Were not leaving just yet Peter. And look, you wont be alone. Tink sent this for you.

    Peter: What is it?

    Wendy: A cake. Its got a note on it saying sorry. Im sure shell be back soon and then it will be water under the bridge.

    Peter: A cake? She sent a cake for me? Well that makes things a little bit better.

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    Wendy: She also says to start celebrating without her.

    Peter: Brilliant!

    Peter goes to the goes to the cake and picks up a slice. He sniffs it before going to take a bite. Tink runs in and snatches it from him.

    Tink: Peter no!

    Peter: Tinkerbell! What are you playing at?

    Tink: You mustnt eat Peter. Its poisoned.

    Peter: Poisoned? Tink, what are you talking about? Youre the one who sent it to me. Did you poison it?

    Tink: No. Of course I didnt.

    Wendy: Now Peter, I hardly think Tink would do such a thing.

    Peter: How do you know its poisoned?

    Tink: Hook told me.

    Peter: Hood told you? Why would he tell you such a thing? Are you on his side now?

    Tink: Oh no Peter, never. Its justwhen you banished me I had nowhere else to go.

    Peter: So you sided with Hook?

    Tink: No, Peter, you misunderstand what Im saying.

    Peter: Well youre back now. I suppose I can trust you again. Now, Im sure its not really poisoned Tink. He wouldnt stoop that low, would he boys and girls?

    Tink: Oh yes he would, wouldnt he?

    Peter: Oh no he wouldnt.

    Tink: Oh yes he would!

    Peter: Oh no he wouldnt!

    Tink: Oh yes he would!

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    Peter: Oh whatever! Im hungry; Im going to eat it anyway.

    Peter goes to eat a slice of the cake. Tinkerbell rushes to take it from him.

    Tink: Peter no! Its poisoned.

    Without a second thought Tink takes a huge bite of the cake, as she faints, Captain Hook and his crew enter, Wendy hides.

    Peter: Tink? Tink! Oh no, wake up! Please wake up.

    Hook: Now I have you boy! Get them men!

    Peter: Hook? What are you doing here? How did you find us?

    Hook: Why she lead us here my dear boy.

    Peter: No! Youre lying.

    Hook: Im afraid not. Now, at last I have you Pan. You and your lost boys! Take them away men!

    Peter: No! Tink, no! Help! Tink wake up, please wake up! Im sorry, wake up please!

    The pirates and Hook take Peter, John, Michael and the lost boys away. Wendy comes out of hiding and kneels beside Tink.

    Wendy: Oh no! Oh poor Tink, what every am I going to do! Tink? Tink, can you hear me? (Pause) Oh dear what am I going to do? Think Wendy think? What was in those stories? (Pause) Oh, Oh yes! I remember! But Im going to need your help. (To Audience) Will you help me? I really need your help! We need to help Peter but we cant do it alone! I need you all to help me to save Tink. Will you help me? What was that I cant hear you, I said will you help me? You will? Oh Brilliant. Now I need you to help me to save Tink. There only one way to do it. You need to shout and clap like me and say. I do believe in fairies! I do believe in fairies! Thats it! Keep saying it, just like that! Clap! Clap and say I do believe in fairies! Clap louder! Yes! Yes I think its working. Come on you lot in the balcony you too! And the WI! Thats it! Louder! Louder its working! I do believe in fairies!

    Tink wakes.

    Tink: Oh, oh my head whatever happened?

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    Wendy: Oh Tink! Youre okay! Youre alive! It worked! We did it boys and girls!

    Tink: What on earth are you talking about? Where is everyone? Wheres Peter?

    Wendy: Peter was about to eat the cake, and you stopped him. It poisoned you, but before we could help you Hook came, he took Peter and the boys!

    Tink: He did what? Oh no! We have to help him.

    Wendy: Will you be okay?

    Tink: Dont worry about me! Lets help Peter!

    They leave.

    Scene 4

    Enter Smee and Molly. Front of curtain.

    Smee: Oh dear or dear. Looks like Pan is in a spot of bother.

    Molly: Oh yes. You know I never thought it would happen like this.

    Smee: True, I thought Pan would be too clever for him.

    Molly: Apparently not. You know, its going to be terribly boring without Pan around. What do you suppose we should do after hes gone?

    Smee: Go on jobseekers I suppose. Or you know, you could join the table tennis club, or the short mat bowlsor whatever else they have going on at the village hall.

    Molly: Id rather give that a pass. You know I might take up a hobby.

    Smee: Oh yeah, like what?

    Molly: Knitting?

    Smee: I wouldnt give up your day job mate.

    Molly: Well what do you suppose we should do?

    Smee: Sing a song until theyve managed to change the scene?

    Molly: Sounds good to me.

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    Scene 5: Captain Hooks ship

    The curtain lifts to reveal Peter, John, Michael and the main Lost Boys tied to the ships mast. Hook enters.

    Hook: Well well, what have we here? Finally my time has come! It is time to meet your maker Pan!

    Peter: You coward Hook! Let the lost boys go! This is bad form!

    Hook: Bad form it may be, but now I will have my revenge. You took my hand, youve taunted me ever since, and I will stand it no more!

    He advances on Peter. Wendy enters.

    Wendy: Not so fast Hook!

    Hook: Aww how sweet. Rescued by a little girl.

    Wendy: Enough of that! Let Peter go.

    Hook: Oh? And if I dont what are you going to do about it?

    Wendy: I shant do anything.

    Tink enters.

    Tink: But I will. Now let Peter fight you fairly.

    Peter: Tink! Youre alive!

    The others cheer.

    Hook: Well isnt this a lovely reunion. I suppose one last fight cant hurt. Ill make you a deal. Ill let the lost boys go, if you fight without flying.

    Peter: Fine.

    Wendy: Peter no!

    Peter: I have to.

    Hook: Enough talking! Have at you Pan!

    Hook and Peter begin to fight. They leap and bound about the stage. Until Tink beckons Peter to follow him. As Peter goes to Tink, she waves her wand and a huge puff of smoke appears. Peter disappears.

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    Hook: Where are you? You fiendish boy!

    Peter: (Calls from off stage.) Up here Hook!

    Peter flies onto the stage. The real Peter arrives with a laugh, driving Hook to the other side of the stage.

    Peter: Any last words Hook?

    Hook: You really think you can defeat me.

    Peter: Not I, but an old friend of yours.

    Ticking is heard the crocodile enters in one snap, he grabs hook and takes him off stage. The crowd cheer, and Peter releases the other boys.

    Peter: We did it! We did it! Hook is gone! At last!

    All: Hurray!

    Peter: Tink! Youre alive! Im so sorry. Im sorry I was so mean to you.

    Tink: Its okay Peter. None of that matters now! Were all safe!

    Peter: Wendy. We couldnt have done this without you! How can I ever repay you?

    Wendy: Well in all honesty Peter. I think John, Michael and I have had enough adventure to last us a lifetime. Would you mind if you took us home?

    Peter: It would be a pleasure. As long as you visit.

    Wendy: It would be a pleasure.

    Peter: Come on everyone! Lets go!

    Scene 6

    Front of curtain. Enter Smee, Molly and Starkey.

    Molly: I know I dont come on that often, but I hope you remembered what you had to shout out at me.

    Starkey: Who are you talking to?

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    Molly: These lovely people here. Infact I dont know why youre still here. The shows over. Hooks gone, the kids have gone back to London. Thats it. Fineto. Bye bye!

    Smee: Not quiet. What happened to the Captain?

    Molly: Oh hes fine. He washed up on shore earlier.

    Smee: You mean he escaped?

    Molly: Oh yes. Though hes not the man he used to be.

    Starkey: Well if you were eaten whole by a crocodile, youd be a bit shell shocked too.

    Smee: Maybe he should claim on injury lawyers for you?

    Molly: I dont think that will work.

    Starkey: Well what are we going to do until he gets better?

    Molly: Funny you should mention that. I was thinking because this lot are still hanging about maybe they could help us with a little song.

    Smee: They wont do it for free you know?

    Molly: Well maybe we could give them some sweets at the end?

    Starkey: That might work.

    Molly: Now, can we have the house lights up please? Ah! Oh my goodness what a horrible bunch. You could have been one of the pirates you know. Now. I need some volunteers. Two for me, Two for Smee and Two for Mr. Starkey.

    Molly, Starkey and Smee go into the audience and get two volunteers each. They sing the house number together with their volunteers and the audience. Once they are done they are done they give a round of applause and help their volunteers back.

    Smee: That was wonderful!

    Hook: (From offstage) Smee!

    Smee: Looks like the Captains awake!

    Molly: Oh no! Wed better be off.

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    Starkey: Bye boys and girls!

    They leave.

    Scene 7

    The scene opens to reveal the nursery for walkdowns.

    John: And now our tale is at an end.

    Michael: Weve had some laughs.

    Lost boys: And made new friends.

    Chief: All our friends are safe and sound.

    Tigerlilly: There was no treasure to be found.

    Starkey: And with some help, Ive learned how to cook.

    Molly: And I bought a brand new recipe book.

    Smee: The captain has had a change of heart.

    Hook: I was only trying to play the part.

    Tink: We thank you all for being here.

    Wendy: By helping us and lending an ear.

    Peter: Thank you again for joining us! Happy new year and Merry Christmas!

    The end.
