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Peter Shanley, Principal & Evangelist at Neo

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Presentation by Peter Shanley, Principle & Evangelist at Neo on August 11, 2014 at Startup Product Talks San Francisco: Going Global With Prezi, Neo And Visiting Guests Peter has a passion for customer-centered product design and organizational change, having worked in both large enterprises and startups to bring new ventures to market. He held intrepreneurial roles at Yahoo! Brickhouse and HP Labs/Snapfish, and he led a strategic pivot at the startup Betable.com. https://www.linkedin.com/pub/peter-shanley/12/348/400 More info: bit.ly/1rj876o http://startupproduct.com/startup-product-sf-going-global-prezi-neo-visiting-guests/
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Lean Leadership @PeterShanley / www.neo.com Spectrums of Control Text
  • 1. Lean Leadership @PeterShanley / www.neo.com Spectrums of Control Text

2. Lean Leadership @PeterShanley Dont be an Asshole Text 3. Hi, Im Shanley Suit in a Binary World Vanity Metrics: Bualo Native Yale University Yahoo! Brickhouse Betable HP Labs Neo Innovation Startup Product Talk 4. Shue o to Bualo Single Track Link Bait My Journey Management vs. Leadership Standing Ovation El Diablo con Traje 5. History lesson: The Erie Canal 6. Advancing Railways 7. Pan Am Expo 8. McKinley Assassinated! 9. Bethlehem Steel 10. Rust Belt Cometh 11. Frederick Law Olmstead Parks 12. Reurbanization Nation 13. Bualo Bills In the Super Bowl 4 Times! 14. ...Improbably Lost Each One 15. Through the Years Technological Disruption / PR Disaster / Globalization and Competition / Misguided Policy Decisions / Management & Process / 16. Change is in the Air People Patterns 17. Moving with the Times 18. We cannot choose our external circumstances but we can always choose how we respond to them. Epictus, 100AD Psychological Truth 19. Brave New World Software is Eating the World. ! - Marc Andreesen, WSJ 2011 ! 20. Gold Master 21. Model Years joshs beetles here 22. Constant Change 23. Continuous Deployment @etsy What a dierence 2 years makes... 24. Skills I Wish I Had Continuous delivery is a pattern language in growing use in software development to improve the process of software delivery. Techniques such as automated testing, continuous integration, and continuous deployment allow software to be developed to a high standard and easily packaged and deployed to test environments, resulting in the ability to rapidly, reliably and repeatedly push out enhancements and bug xes to customers at low risk and with minimal manual overhead. The technique was one of the assumptions of extreme programming but at an enterprise level has developed into a discipline of its own, with job descriptions for roles such as "buildmaster" calling for CD skills as mandatory. 25. ! ! Today... Data is eating the world 26. Data is Not Enough 27. Light in the Dark: Unknown Unknowns 28. Henry Ford: Faster Horses? 29. Shorter Lifespan 30. ! ! Back in the day... Another History Lesson 31. Management History 32. Soldiering as Science: Consulting Engineer - Systematizing Shop Management and Manufacturing Costs a Specialty 33. Extracting eciency out of working systems 34. ! Silos Photo Functional Silos 35. Remember the Lifespan 36. ! Silos Photo Dis-functional Silos 37. From Teams to Teaming @AmyCEdmondson 38. The Lean Startup The only way to win is to learn faster than anyone else. We must learn what customers really want, not what they say they want or what we think they should want. 39. Ideas Build Product Measure Data Learn 40. Why, What, How? Business Product Engineering 41. What they want Segway to be 42. Why People Use Segways 43. Know the Job you are Hired to do 44. Magic in the Middle Valuable Usable Feasible 45. What about Software? 46. Waterfall vs. Flow 47. Agile Manifesto Individuals & Interactions over Process & Tools Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation Responding to Change over Following a Plan 48. The User Story As a... (specic user of the system) I want... (functional denition) So that... (value proposition) 49. Giving Context User Story Waterfall Why? MRD What? PRD How? TRD 50. Lean Startup Methodology Connect to the Why Consumable across Roles Stay Flexible + Humble 51. Denition of a Startup Temporary organization used to search for a repeatable and scalable business model. - 4 Steps to the Epiphany, Steve Blank 52. Young Framework / Many Tactics 53. Lean not Silver Bullet Principals over Dogma Practice over Preach Context over Vocabulary MVP Pivot Data-Driven + Scientic Inconceivable 54. One tool among many Design Thinking ! As a style of thinking, it is generally considered the ability to combineempathyfor the context of a problem, creativityin the generation of insights and solutions, andrationalityto analyze and t solutions to the context. ! - Tim Brown, CEO & President, IDEO 55. Business Model Generation A business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers & captures value -Alexander Osterwalder 56. Practice > Preach Feedback Easier said than Done Ideas Build Product Measure Data Learn Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience UX LEAN JeffGothelfwithJoshSeiden EricRies,SeriesEditor THE LEAN SERIES 57. Lean in Practice 1. What problem are you trying to solve? 2. Who is your customer? 3. What is your hypothesis? 4. What is the smallest thing we can make to test your hypothesis? 5. How will we know if we were right? wrong? 6. Build. Measure. Learn. 58. Assumptions & Hypotheses We believe small business owners would be willing to pay between $10-40/month for a better way to track and plan their spending. We know well be right when 50 people choose a plan & sign up for our service. 59. Collaborative + Consumable: the Canvas Osterwalder & Maurya 60. 15For%whom%are%we%crea,ng%value?% Customer Segment 61. 16What&value&do&we&deliver&to&the& customer?& Value Proposition 62. Problem Focus 23Who%would%we%partner%with%that%will% provide%us%with%Key%Resources%or%Key% Ac8vi8es?% Key Partners Why are we doing this? 63. What does this have to do with me? 64. Intrepeneurs Dilemma 65. You get Paid, Dont You Businesses exist to get people who dont like eachother to get things done. - Ward Cunningham 66. Agile Principles Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. At regular intervals, the team reects on how to become more eective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly. 67. Getting Things Done 68. Servant Leadership ! The highest priority of a servant leader is to encourage, support and enable subordinates to unfold their full potential and abilities. ! This leads to an obligation to delegate responsibility and engage in participative decision-making. 69. Command & Control 70. Empower & Inspire 71. Why is Culture important? Conways Law "Organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations" ! modularity / exibility / speed to deploy / ease of change / cost of change / accessible /extensible / human / reasonable / scalable /measurable / outcome driven / 72. Bridge Metaphor Bridge Metaphor 73. Light in the Dark: Unknown Unknowns 74. Steve Jobs People don't know what they want until you show it to them. 75. Steve Jobs real quote We have a lot of customers, and we have a lot of research into our installed base. We also watch industry trends pretty carefully. But in the end, for something this complicated, it's really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them. ! That's why a lot of people at Apple get paid a lot of money, because they're supposed to be on top of these things. Business Week, 1998 76. Lean Startup Methods Outcomes over Output Minimum Viable Product Learn, Measure, Build Break Down Silos 77. @jboogie Output @neo_innovation || @jboogie 78. @jboogie Outcome @neo_innovation || @jboogie 79. @jboogie Impact @neo_innovation || @jboogie 80. Lean in Practice 1. What problem are you trying to solve? 2. Who is your customer? 3. What is your hypothesis? 4. What is the smallest thing we can make to test your hypothesis? 5. How will we know if we were right? wrong? 6. Build. Measure. Learn. 81. Minimum Viable Product If you are not embarassed by your rst version of your product, you have launched too late. - Reid Homan, LinkedIn 82. What is an experiment? Conversation / Customer Development Pitch Measure Learn / Concierge Method / Wizard of Oz / Mechanical Turk MVP / Prototype Evolving Product / AB Test 83. A system built on continuous learning Risk Diagram concept: @clevergirl Learning! Reduce Risk : Start Small, Pay Attention, Stay Flexible 84. Pizza Box Teams Small Dedicated Cross Functional Outcome in consumable form Facilitated Awkwardness with Purpose 85. Control vs. Freedom 86. Plans vs. Planning Plan vs. Planning 87. Spectrum of Control Reex: Instinctive and Immediate reaction to stimuli Problem Solving: Creativity constrained by reality Creativity: Dialogue of Ideas Imagination: Complete Freedom 88. Spectrum of Decision Making Reex: Instinctive and Immediate reaction to stimuli Problem Solving: Creativity constrained by reality Creativity: Dialogue of Ideas Imagination: Complete Freedom 89. Process as Scaffolding 90. Horizons of Innovation Incremental: adding features and functionality Architectural: new way to deliver same customer value Deep: new value proposition, new customer base 91. MySpectrum: HP Yahoo PARC 92. http://www.ickr.com/photos/ ralphrepo_photolog/4104717259 93. Neo on Product A great product is not enough, it needs to be the right product. The right product is simple, compelling, aligned w business goals. Lead with vision, ruthlessly test against the market. You cannot measure progress if you aren't measuring anything. Deliverables are not progress. Innovation abhors functional silos. Reduce risk by minimizing cycle times. 94. Patience & Structure Act like a VC Free your Go to Market Infrastructure to Experiment Transparency goes Both Ways 95. Spectrum of Decision Making Reex: Instinctive and Immediate reaction to stimuli Problem Solving: Creativity constrained by reality Creativity: Dialogue of Ideas Imagination: Complete Freedom 96. THE PRINCIPLES Resilience over strength Pull over push Risk over safety Systems over objects Compasses over maps Practice over theory Disobedience over compliance Emergence over authority Learning over education @Joi Principles 97. About those Silos... 98. No time like the Present. 99. Lean Leadership @PeterShanley [email protected] Thank you for your time! 100. Matrix of Intrepreneurship Fits with Brand Values Process Fit Good Poor Poor Tiger Team Lightweight Functional Team O Site, O Brand Tiger Team On Site, O Brand Tiger Team 101. Obligatory Football Analogy 102. Neos Core Tenets Patient & Structured capital Culture rewards learning and permits failing Infrastructure which supports experimentation 103. 107 Business model validation Product validation Small team Culture / Infrastructure to support continuous learning Stakeholders Small-chunk, outcome-based, predictable funding $$$ 104. Cynen: place of multiple belonging David Snowden 105. Cynen Simplied 106. ! Silos Photo Yes, the Silos remain 107. from Waterfall to Flow 108. DRAFT High Impact Low Impact Known Unknown Where we like to Play 109. Customer Development One person at a time Know goals & questions Behavior, mindset then feedback Excited to hear things unexpected Disarm politeness training Ask open ended questions @giffco 110. Customer Development Focus on actual behavior Listen, dont talk Follow your nose, drill down Parrot back, misrepresent to conrm Ask for introductions Write your notes as quickly as possible @giffco 111. Version Control Major Minor Maintenance Patch Qualier GitHub FTW! 112. What if its light but you dont know where to go?
