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Peter Tallantire, UK Cabinet Office

Date post: 11-Feb-2017
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To ensure a secure and resilient United Kingdom - by protecting our people, economy, infrastructure, territory and way of life from all major risks that can affect us directly National Security Strategy- High level objectives To shape a stable world, by acting to reduce the likelihood of risks affecting the UK or British interests overseas, and applying our instruments of power and influence to shape the global environment 2 1
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To ensure a secure and resilient United Kingdom - by protecting our people, economy, infrastructure, territory and way of life from all major risks that can affect us directly

National Security Strategy- High level objectives

To shape a stable world, by acting to reduce the likelihood of risks affecting the UK or British interests overseas, and applying our instruments of power and influence to shape

the global environment



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UK Resilience – Delivered Together

Identifying risks


Assessing risks


CommsGeneric Capabilities

Specific Plans

Business Continuity

Crisis Management

Horizon scanning

Systematic risk identification

Systematic Risk Assessment

Performance Management


Real-life events

Requirements& Solutions

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Assessing the Risks

Fatalities Casualties Social disruption* Economic Psychological

1 2 3 4 5* Social disruption: Disruption to Transport Disruption to supplies of

drinking water, fuel, gas, electricity, communications, money

Disruptions to schools, health services

Environmental damage Evacuation

HAZARD: ‘Likelihood’ Historical Evidence Predictable events, for example weather

forecasts Expert advice

THREAT: ‘plausibility’ “Plausibility” Intelligence about capability Intelligence about intent Intelligence about vulnerability

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5


Likelihood/ Plausibility


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Consequences• What are the generic consequences?• Reasonable worst case warning time?• Regional variation?• Military involvement?• Interdependency?

National Resilience Planning Assumptions

Risks• What risks should drive planning?• What is the reasonable worst case,

taken across those risks


Functional Planning Assumptions

Essential Services Planning Assumptions

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Building Resilience – Capability Development


NationalResilience Capabilities

Programme (NRCP)

Co-ordinates cross-HMG work to build and maintain

capability against the common consequences set out in the


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National Risk Planning Assumptions



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Managing Flood Risk

Rail Resilience Programme


Water Rescue TeamsSupport the movement and retrieval of people and property

High Volume Pump Tactical AdvisorsProvide strategic advice on deployment of High Volume Pumps

Build flood defences

Early warning



Flood rescue National Asset RegisterProvides a centrally managed database of nationally available Rescue boats and teams for deployment to support local response

Sector Resilience

Flood alerts andwarningsfrom theEnvironment Agency

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Cold weather

Department of Health Cold Weather Plan

......the average number of excess winter deaths in England and Wales exceeds 25,000, and this increased to 36,700 for 2008/9..........

over 2 million tonnes of salt stored for the winter....

Electricity margin this winter is 5%

Cold weather payments - £25 cold weather payment for an average of 0C or below, over 7 consecutive days

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Minimal parliamentary interest significant parliamentary interest dominating party/national debate

Local Response only


Cross Force

Cross - Region

National Coverage

Local Response withtwo way information Channel to Central Gov

Serious – Level 1Lead Government Dept led central response

Significant – Level 2Co-ordinated central response from COBR

Catastrophic – Level 3 Central direction

from COBR

Single Scene

Minimal LGD operational interest DCLG RED Ops LGD Ops Collective response Central direction Minimal LGD policy interest DCLG monitoring LGD actively involved Strategic challenge Overwhelming



Local response • Occasional briefing to DCLG or

Lead dept

Serious – Level 1 Emergency• LGD* response activated • CCS participate LGD X Govt

Teleconf • CO support and direction to LGD • Cabinet Office Ad Hoc briefing to

Ministers / No 10• CO led teleconferences where


Serious – Level 2 Emergency• CO co-ordinate COBR

response • Ministerial and Official

meetings (inc teleconf where necessary)

• CO led sub groups as appropriate

• CO engagement and support to SAGE

• CO/No10 Co-ordination of Comms – Meetings & Teleconf

Catastrophic -Level 3 Emergency• Top down Response • Enhanced CO co-ordination

drawing across units • Additional Command and control

arrangements – provision of national assets and resources

• Co-ordination of legal – emergency powers provision

Central Response – Trigger Levels & Co-ordination mechanisms

• DCLG RED – participation in Strategic Coordinating Groups (SCGs)

• National co –ordination of police, fire mutual aid

* LGD – Lead Government Department


Local Response Single Scene Point of activation

where terrorism is suspected

+ +

e.g. Road Traffic Accident

e.g. Large Scale Fire

e.g. Flooding

e.g. Prison Riot e.g. Animal Disease (Foot & Mouth)

e.g. July Bombings

e.g. London Riots

e.g. Pandemic Flu

e.g. Volcanic Ash

e.g. Industrial Action

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Sub-national Co-ordination

GovernmentLiaison Team


Silver Command

Bronze Command Bronze Command

Wide-area EmergencySingle Scene

OperationalControl at Scene


IntegratedOverall Command

(usually) led by Police

NationalStrategic Level


Centre (Gold Group)

GOLD Command


Centre (Gold Group)

GOLD Command


Centre (Gold Group)

GOLD Command


Centre (Gold Group)

GOLD Command
