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Peter the rock of the church i don't think so

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Who holds the keys to Heaven?

Who holds the keys to Heaven?

Is Peter the rock of the churchas the Catholics claim?

According to the Catholic Church Peter the Apostle is the “Rock”

of the church as described in Matt 16:18They believe that he

became the first pope (in Rome) andthat his successors ever since have

been the only legitimate leaders of God’s church on earth.

They also believe that it is Peter that holds

the keys of heaven – who gets in or not…

But is that what Jesus really said?Well, read and you will find out…

This is the “Coat of armor” of the Catholic church and Vatican city. It shows the gold key of heaven and the silver key of earth – held together by the popes

red cord. The crown is the crown of heaven. Therefore the belief of St Peter as heavens gatekeeper.

• Matt 16:18-19

• “Also I say unto you, you are Peter – and on this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell will not prevail against it –

• and I will give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be bound in heaven”

• It sure loos like at first glance that “Peter is the rock” the church is built on

• Especially it you lean toward a church structure with a single top leader - like a pope

• Then this verse is the clear “proof”

• And the ide’ that this same man – with his church system and theology – is “the one” that holds the keys to heaven, and in so doing decides who is in or out, is perfect for a power-hungry institution

• But this is not the case – not by a longshot• And now we are going to look at why• First 4 word definitions:• You are “Peter” – Greek (g4074) petros – a masculine

noun meaning “rock” – small rock – pebble (movable or unstable rock)

• “and” on this – Greek (g2532) kai, a conjunction meaning “and” or “but” – in this case “but”

• And on this “the rock” – Greek (g3588) te – meaning “the” – definite article

• A different “rock” – Greek (g4073) petra – a feminine noun meaning “rock” – big rock or bedrock (unmovable rock)

• So verse 18 should read like this:

• “also I say to you – you are Peter (petros), the unstable and movable “rock-man”,

• but on this “the rock” (petra), the unmovable bedrock, I will build my church”

• Suddenly it is clear: The rock Petra is Christ himself. Jesus is saying he will build the church on himself.

• After all he is the cornerstone and head of the church

• There is no need for Peter as a middleman or as God’s earthly manager

• Verse 19: “and I will give to you the keys…”• Who is the “you” here?• It is the “you” plural – or as King James says; “ey”

or “ey all”• It is you – the church as a whole – not Peter as an

individual or earthly leader of the church• The body of Christ with her leader, Jesus Christ,

holds the key’s to heaven…• (remember it was the Petra – the feminine – the

body of Christ)

• Rev. 3:7

• “These are the words of Him that holds the key’s of David”

• Who is he? Jesus.

• There are many other examples of God as “the rock” in the Bible

• 1 Cor. 3:11

• “for no man can lay another foundation other than the one which is laid: Jesus Christ”

• Eph. 2:20• “Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner

stone”• Deut. 32:4• “God the rock – his work is perfect”• 2 Sam. 22:2-3• “The Lord is my rock”• Psalm 18:31• “and who is a rock – except our God”• Rom. 9:33• “Jesus – a rock of offence”

• And this last one just “nails it”• In Is. 44:8 God say’s:• “Is there any other God beside me – or is there

any other rock? I know of none!”• I guess if God does not know of any, we don’t

either…• 1 Pet. 2:8 • Even Peter himself writes that “Jesus is a rock

of offence”• Which proves that he recognised Jesus as the

rock – not himself.

• 1 Cor. 10:4

• “Drinking from a spiritual rock – and the Rock was Jesus”

• And some scriptures that Peter in fact was “very movable” and not solid as “petra-rock”

• Matt. 14:29-30 – when he walked on water

• Luke 22:57 - when he denied Jesus and lied

• Gal 2:11-14 – when Paul had to rebuke him and “straiten him out”

• John 1:32 – Jesus himself calls Peter “Cefas” –translated Peter (petros)

• The Catholics has a last desperate argument that “Peter was the rock” by saying that Jesus never spoke in Greek but in Aramaic

• In Aramaic the word for Peter and for the rock is “kephas” – not different words as in Greek.

• But no Aramaic manuscripts exists

• And we don’t know if it ever did…

• And by pulling the “Aramaic argument” they in fact are saying that when Matthew chose the different Greek words “petros” and “petra”, he got it all wrong…

• The mystery is now solved.

Temporary conclusion:

Jesus holds the keys to heaven.He made the way –

and it’s only by believing in him access is granted.

The ide’ that he sub-contracted the job to Peter is incorrect.Only a power hungry church institution could come up with

something like that…

So do I have a problem with the Catholic people?Not at all! Many of them love the Lord and it’s only by his

grace we all come to Him.

But I do have a problem – huge problem, with any church institution that want to take the place of our direct

relationship with the Saviour and decide who is “in” and who is “out”

By JanEgil [email protected]

Victoria BC, Canada, November 2014
