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Petition 105

Date post: 30-May-2018
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  • 8/14/2019 Petition 105


    All redactions made pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)

    im JAN 18 P 3= Obali, January 12,2005

    M r . R . R IC HAR D NEWC OM BDirectorOffice of Foreign Assets ControlDEPARTMENT O F THE TREASURYWashington D.C.

    Dear sir:I. H H H ^ I I H H P H H H M t Colombian national, bearer of the Colombian Citizenship ID.CuiU J lu. mJ l ^ s u e d i n C a l i . flHHHl^HHl by profession, and bom on | H H H^ 1 w rite jo y0U t0 request my exclusion from the List SDN that the Department of the Treasuryof your country publishes.In H R I w a s included in the said list, and this action has caused serious harm to my personal andprofessional life.1 graduated a s a J H H H U H H H I ^*om I

    linjMMOn^ince then I have worked developing software ancin t he^Bl ^^ BMBi for different companies. Presently and since several years ago. I work forthe S r n i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H U H S ^ H I ' ' m ^ e |Fortunately, I have been very successful in this job because thissoftware is the best produced in Colombia. The website of this firm can be consulted at thefollowing web address: flH H H H H I-The reason for my inclusion in the executive order was the business relationship I held with thecompany ^ ^ ^ ^ B in th e M W M B B ^ B The)" request from me the favor of including mybecause the company was about to start its liquidation process. Ino t see any mcovemence in accepting such a request because I was unaware of the seriousdifficulties that this action could cause due to the fact that 1 ignored completely that this enterprisewere questioned due to assumed links to illegal money coming from drug dealing. I never eithermet the company's partners or ^ H I H H H H l H i H I H I I ^ ^ H H because the s a i d mand I was never summoned to a meeting. My business relatioship was with the[ of the company, j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j ^ an(j subsequently with the 1When in the year | ^ | I became aware of the inclusion of name in the list SDN, 1 immediatelyrequested that my name be removed from the H H H H H H H H H H H H a s il 1S certified bythe cop\ of the letter that I am enclosing . Since then I have held no further business relationshipwith this company which w as liquidated in the y e a r d j This can be verified by the certificate ofthe Chamber ofCommerce of Cali which I am enclosing.Up to now after B of having been included in the list SDK and notwithstanding the greatinconveniences I have been caused in man}' aspects, thanks to God, I have been able to perform in


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 105


    All redactions made pursuant to exemptions(b){6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)

    my profession, and earn the income necessary to live and s u P P o r ^ m H H H H B decently. Irecently consulted the web page of the Department of Treasury and specifically the SDN list whichis published by the OFAC office, with the hope that ray name had bee n removed from it because Ihad always been sure that you could verify my identity, my activities, my personal and family lifeand end up by concluiding that I am a law abiding citizen. Howe ver, I was dismayed to sec that myname continued to appear side by side to that of well-known criminals, terrorists, drug dealers andother people who have evidently violeted jo ur coun try's laws. My situation is far from that ofthose criminals, and this has motivated m e to ca ny out decidely this action now so that my name isremoved as soon as possible from the above mentioned list. I feel that I must do something torecover my good name and mat of family's.I have never been associated to any process of penal character in my country, nor have I beeninvestigated, tried, or condemned for any criminal offense.Due to the above mentioned reasons. 1 request that my name be excluded from the list as soon aspossible. For this purpose. I am in the position to provide any evidence that you may considernecessary to prove that I do not have nor have had any links to people and/or business enterprisesrelated to illegal activities, apa rt from the unfortunate incident I already' mentioned; and least of allto people related to drug de aling. If you deem it necessary, I could travel to you r country to provideany evidence and comply with any requirements that permit me to prove that I am a law abidingcitizen, to this way. I could clarify any doubts you may have about the veracity of the facts that Iam describing to y
