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PG6009: Science, Engineering, Medicine & Health

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PG6009: Graduate Information Literacy Skills Using Archives & Special Collections for Research in Ireland
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PG6009: Graduate Information Literacy Skills

Using Archives & Special Collections for

Research in Ireland

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Overall Module: Aim and Objectives

•To understand the significance of Information Literacy and its application to your research.

•To enable you to Audit and Update your current Information Literacy Skills.

•To Expand and Acquire a Portfolio of Information Literacy Skills.

•To develop your Information Literacy Skills which will enhance the quality of your research skills and expand your career opportunities in our knowledge-based economy.

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Overall Module: Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the learner should be able to: •Plan and undertake a comprehensive search and review of the literature

•Develop effective strategies to locate and access relevant information

•Analyse and critically evaluate research findings (yours & others)

•Demonstrate and apply a range of these skills as part of your wider research portfolio

•Develop effective approaches to keep up to date with the latest research in your area

•Manage your research information saving valuable time and effort

•Identify the legal and ethical issues relating to the use of information

•Publish and present information in an effective way

•Justify the application of these information literacy skills to your specific research

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Module Structure

Unit 1: Research Resource Discovery

Unit 2: Using the Web Effectively & Evaluating Research Resource Results

Unit 3:Tracking Down Results & Keeping Up-to-date

Unit 4:Managing Your Information

Unit 6: Publishing / Disseminating Your Research

Unit 5: Ethics in Using Research Information

Unit 7: Using Archives & Special Collections for Research in Ireland


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Assessment: 5 credits

You are required to attend Units 1-6 and to submit a Short Report (1500 words) which will be marked on a pass/fail basis, to be completed by Wednesday 15th March 2017.  

Note: There will no percentage mark awarded.

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Contact Details

Elaine Harrington, Special Collections [email protected] | 021 4903484 |@walkerabroad

The Riverside: @theriversideUCC http://blogs.ucc.ie/wordpress/theriverside/



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In this information age explore the discoveries of mathematicians, scientists and botanists such as Boole, Galileo, Newton, Boyle, Buffon and Tyndall in Using Archives & Special Collections for Research in Ireland. Consider how their stories, tools and ideas from the late 16th century to the present shape our world from trade and travel, to war and peace, to life and death.

•To enable researchers to identity and access special collections sources in Ireland and further afield, and •To give a greater understanding of the nature of special collections’ material and its uses for original research and collaboration.

Aims and Objectives

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On completion of this module the learner should be able to:

•Express knowledge on the nature and breadth of special collections in general •Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the importance of preservation and how it affects access to the collections•Identify and explain the terminology used when describing items in special collections•Identify relevant locations for special collections research in Ireland and further afield•Ascertain the relevant sources for material contained in special collections•Understand the procedures employed in repositories when facilitating research. •Incorporate this information as appropriate into your own research area.

Learning Outcomes

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• Introduction

• Storage

• Objects & Terminology

• Locations of Special Collections

• UCC’s Special Collections

• Using Special Collections

• Why Use Special Collections?

• Conclusion


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What is Special Collections?

• The department itself

• The staff who care for the collections

• The physical or virtual space

• The collections themselves

• “Unique and distinctive” collections of rare books, and many other media, including born-digital and digitised documents (Cullingford)

• “Elements of distinction that serve to differentiate an academic or research library from its peers” (Dooley & Luce)

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• Early Printed Books• Books from Presses• Collections from individuals• Newspapers• Maps• Pamphlets• Literary Manuscripts• Digital Files

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Format (2)

• Mixture of Primary and Secondary Sources

• Primary Sources include:




• Secondary Sources:



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Format (3)

• Ensuring access remains to the items• Digital files transferable through the

ages• Other formats readable• Example: Domesday Book on laserdisc


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Preservation & Access

Factors to consider:•Materials•Environment•Storage spaces

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• Paper• Parchment• Vellum• Leather• Different inks• Photographic material• Glue and binding material

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Materials (2)

• Chemically stable materials will last indefinitely with the proper care.

• Oldest book in UCC Library: 1476• Sometimes proper care is not enough.• Example: Early 20th century newsprint.

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An Claidheamh Soluis 1901

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Environmental Factors

• Light: encourages chemical reactions• Temperature: fixed between 13 – 16C• Relative humidity: fixed between 45 –

60%• Standard: BSI PD 5454• Air pollution• Mould• Pests

@HarperCollinsUK pic.twitter.com/bZDyaHwSP7

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Spider in insect trap

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Storage Spaces

• Soundly constructed, well ventilated, watertight

• Stable internal climate• Secure• Items stored flat on shelves if heavy or

large• Shelves not too full or too empty• Phase boxes• Linen tapes to hold loose items together

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Phase box on a Thomas Acquinas item as it’s missing its cover and is then more fragile : Incipiu[n]t preclarissima opuscula diui Thome aquinatis sacri ordinis p[re]dicato[rum] in quibus o[mn]is ph[ilosophi]e [&] diuina[rum] scriptura[rum] theoremata est co[m]plexus. [Venice: Hermann Lichtenstein, 1497].

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• Use appropriate equipment: Foam supports Book snakes Weights Archival page inserts

• Support a book’s spine to reduce strain• No resting on top of pages or manuscripts• Keep food, drink and ink away from items• No quick-fix repairs: adhesive tape,


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• Can include: Photographing – without flash Scanning – book cradle rather than

flatbed Digitisation to provide surrogate Microfilming to provide surrogate

• Copying at discretion of staff• Damage can be done each time

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Objects & Terminology

• General• Manuscripts• Structure of a Book• Early Printed Books• Provenance

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• Book: Now any published work; previously folded sheets sewn into a binding or cut sheets glued into a case or cover.

• Manuscripts may be bound in book form.• Medieval manuscripts were often created

for religious purposes showing the importance of religious life and faith and its dominance of written culture.

• E.g. Book of Kells and Luttrell Psalter

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Marginalia: writing in the margins on Thomas Aquinas item: Incipiu[n]t preclarissima opuscula diui Thome aquinatis sacri ordinis p[re]dicato[rum] in quibus o[mn]is ph[ilosophi]e [&] diuina[rum] scriptura[rum] theoremata est co[m]plexus. [Venice: Hermann Lichtenstein, 1497].

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Example of rubrication: process of writing titles in the text in red ink.

Example of illumination: embellishment of manuscript with bright colours e.g. gold, silver.

Gutenberg Bible (facsimile). Patterson, N.J.: Pageant Books, 1961.

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About a Book

Principal parts of a book and its binding http://www.bl.uk/aboutus/stratpolprog/collectioncare/publications/booklets/caring_for_bookbindings.pdf

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Early Printed Books

• Incunabula: books printed pre-1501• Colophon: feature at the end of the book

giving details of printing• Format: folio, quarto, octavo• Paper types: vellum, parchment, rag• Illustrations: woodcut, copperplate


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Nuntius Sidereus: It was the first published scientific work based on observations made through a telescope (1610).

Dioptrice: Kepler also started a theoretical and experimental investigation of telescopic optics (1611).

Institutio Astronomica: outlines the various competing models of the cosmos, notably the Ptolemaic, the Copernican, and the intermediate system invented by Tycho Brahe (1647).

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Robert Boyle. Experimenta et considerationes de coloribus : primum ex occasione, inter alias quasdam diatribas, ad amicum scripta, nunc vero in lucem prodire passa, ceu initium historiae experimentalis de coloribus. Amstelodami: Apud Gerbrandum Schagen, 1667.

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Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc. Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux. A Paris: De l'Imprimerie royale, 1770-1786. Vol. 7

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• Provenance: Previous ownership Who owned a book? Who had access to it? Books owned by an organisation. Shown from bookplates, labels, stamps Binding may have coat of arms or

symbol• Inscriptions: person’s name, dedication,

motto• Annotations: comments on the text,

unrelated notes• Insertions: letters, bookmarks

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John K'Eogh's Botanalogia Universalis Hibernica is listed in the Queen's College Cork catalogue of 1860. The Botanalogia is an alphabetical list of plants growing in Ireland, with their names given in English, Latin, and Irish. For more see here.

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Locations of Special Collections

Held in:•Research libraries•Universities•National libraries•Public libraries•Museums•Art galleries•Historic houses•Cathedrals•Societies

For examples of where collections are in Ireland see here.

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Online Catalogues to find Items

• RASCAL: http://www.rascal.ie/ • Hayes’ Index of Manuscript Sources: sources.nli.ie • COPAC (general special collections material):

http://copac.ac.uk/• British Library Catalogues:


• Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (Useful for early printed books): http://www.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/kvk_en.html

• Universal Short Title Catalogue: http://www.ustc.ac.uk/

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UCC Special Collections

• Facts About Special Collections, UCC• Special Collections’ Reading Rooms• Special Collections Website• Dealing with Special Collections• Finding Aids• Special Collections Material in UCC• Copyright• Referencing & Citation

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Facts About Special Collections, UCC• Collections: 80 and growing• Date range of collections: 15th century – present day • Languages: Sumerian, Cuneiform, Breton• 55,000 items in Special Collections • 11,300 items in Older Printed Books• Areas of Expertise:

Irish Literature Anglo-Irish Literature Celtic Studies Frank O’Connor Older printed books: sciences, theology,

• Oldest book: Bruni’s Historia del Popolo Fiorentino (1476)• Oldest newspaper on microfilm: Freeman’s Journal (1763)• Oldest newspaper: Cork Evening Post; Cork Hibernian

Chronicle; Corke Journal (1769)

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Special Collections Website

• Access via: booleweb.ucc.ie – Services – Special Collections• Information on the website covers:

Opening Hours Subject specific course guides Topics Useful websites Portal for Manuscript Studies & Palaeography

& Medieval Manuscript Studies

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Special Collections’ Reading Rooms

• Reference Reading Room: Contains general reference material and maps Use to access theses, material in good

condition and material post-1850 • Rare Books Reading Room:

Use to access material in fragile condition, material pre-1850, Strong Room Material

• Microform Room Contains microfilm and microfiche

• Closed Access Areas: Contain the majority of the collections

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Reference Reading Room

Microform Room

Rare Books Reading Room

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Dealing With Special Collections

• Managing expectations.• Opening Hours are shorter.• The majority of the collections need to be ordered.

Date required. Item: Title, author, call number. Personal details: name, student / staff number

• Advice to Readers: http://booleweb.ucc.ie/documents/Advice_to_Readers.pdf

• Using Rare Books Reading Room:• http://booleweb.ucc.ie/documents/HandlingSCmat


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Special Collections Material in UCC• Location: Library Catalogue – ‘Newton’ – Modify

Search – Location – Special Collections • Date: Library Catalogue – ‘Robert Boyle’ – Modify

Search – Before: 1800 AND Search – Location – Special Collections

• Format: Library Catalogue – ‘Boole’ – Modify Search – Material Type - Thesis

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Special Collections Material in UCC (2)

Examples of Special Collections:•Private Presses: Cuala, Dolmen, Three Candles•Presses: Attic, CUP•Individuals: Lynch, de Courcy Ireland, Cooke

•Older Printed Books: sciences, philosophy, botany•St Fin Barre’s Cathedral Library: sciences, philosophy

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Why Use Special Collections’ Material?• Institutional Activity• Exhibitions & Interdepartmental Activity• Single Department Exhibitions• Outreach• Events• Seasonal Library Guides• Potential for Undergraduate Research

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Institutional Activity

University Activity: Year of George Boole http://georgeboole.com/

Inter-institutional activity: Boole / Shannon Celebration http://www.rle.mit.edu/booleshannon/

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Exhibitions & Interdepartmental Activity

Exhibitions and Interdepartmental Activity: 1514 – 2014 The Legacy of Andreas Vesalius Symposium & Art Exhibition

A collaboration between Anatomy & History: https://www.ucc.ie/en/vesalius/

Symposium video:https://youtu.be/yM4lYA5v7ko

Digitised content of De Humani 1543 edition

UCC Library’s facsimile copy of De Humani 1543 edition

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Departmental activity & outreach

BEES Transition Year Programme

History of BEES School

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Single Department Exhibitions

School of BEES: To communicate the passion & energy of the natural world to UCC students and staff – an interest in the animals, plants, and land around us can only enhance our experience on this planet.  Raise the profile of the School of BEES in the UCC community, and to highlight the interdisciplinary nature of research at the School. We also wanted to show how scientists from different fields can approach the same problem. John Quinn focuses on the evolution of cognitive behaviour and personality in modern birds, whereas Maria McNamara’s research uses fossil insects and dinosaurs to tell us about the evolution of behaviour over millions of years. Both the questions they ask are rooted in Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory and are similar to questions that Darwin himself posed over 150 years ago. Create an exhibit to showcase our science in an accessible and interactive way in order to appeal to a wide target audience. A combination of wall panels with striking images, installations of actual materials we use in the course of our research (including a nest box, fossils, sample vials, etc.), and digital elements.

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Single Department Displays

Mountaineering: Being On Top of the WorldIn 1856 a British team calculated the height of Mt Everest as 29,002 feet (8,848 metres) above sea level. 2016 marked the 160th anniversary of this calculation and there is a display on mountaineering on Q floor, Boole Library.

Although John Tyndall (1820 – 1893) is better known as a physicist and chemist, during the 1850s and 1860s he was an avid climber in the Alps. Tyndall visited the Alps in order to better understand glaciers and glacier motion. Tyndall describes his mountaineering activities in The Glaciers of the Alps.

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Events: Blog PostsCulture Night with Shakespeare’s Sources

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Seasonal Library Guides

Harry Potter

See http://blogs.ucc.ie/wordpress/theriverside/2016/10/28/behind-stories-harry-potter-river-side/ for credits

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Potential for Undergraduate Research

Mitchell, Eleanor, Peggy Seiden, and Suzy Taraba, eds. Past or Portal?: Enhancing Undergraduate Learning through Special Collections and Archives. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 2012. •University of Colorado, Boulder: Losoff et al. “Special Collections Instruction in the Sciences: A Collaborative Model.” p.137 – 144.•University of Wisconsin, Madison: Rider, Robin. “’Science circa 1859: on the Eve of Darwin's On the Origin of Species’: A Class-curated Exhibit.” p. 304 – 308.

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• See Unit 5: Ethics in Using Research Information• Much of the published material is in copyright and

subject to restrictions of ‘fair use.’• Use:

Published research Websites & digital resources Film, video or broadcast Public display or exhibition Merchandise

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Referencing & Citation

• For further information see Unit 5: Ethics in Using Research Information

• Much of the published material is in copyright and needs to be cited appropriately.

• Credit: Special Collections, UCC Library

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Following this unit you should now be able to:•Have a greater understanding of the nature of special collections’ material •Identify and access special collections sources in Ireland and further afield.

SurveyPlease complete the survey on the Postgraduates / Researcher page

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Module Structure

Unit 1: Research Resource Discovery

Unit 2: Evaluating Research Resource Results

Unit 3:Tracking Down Results &

Keeping Up-to-date

Unit 4:Managing Your Information

Unit 6: Publishing / Disseminating Your Research

Unit 5: Ethics in Using Research Information

Unit 7: Using Archives & Special Collections for Research in Ireland

