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Pharmacology Drug Cards

Date post: 17-Oct-2015
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Pharmacology Drug Cards. A variet of drugs to study for Pharmacology
PHARMOCOLOGY DRUG CARDS Trade Name: Innovar  Classification: General anesthetic, narcotic analgesic, neuroleptic analgesic  Use(s): Premedication, adjunct/maintenance of anesthesia, Action: Acts at subcortical levels to reduce motor activity. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, <2 years old. Side Effects: aryngospasm, bronchospasm, respiratory arrest. Nursing implications:  !/", #$, %&', (reatine, Paco2. After ) st  dose of narcotic reduce dosage. Trade Name: Progesterone Classification: Progesterone, hormone Use(s): (ontraception, amenorrhea, P*", abnormal uterine bleeding. Action: Prevents pituitary release of gonadotrophins, +hich prevents follicular maturation. Contraindications: %reast/eproductive (A, , cerebral bleeds. Side Effects: "tro-e, P, *, spontaneous A% Nursing implications:  0eight, %/P, #$, edema, mental status, hypercalcemia. Trade Name: Estrogens Classification: strogen, hormone  Use(s): *enopause, inoperable breast (A, Prostate (A, osteoporosis Action: nhibits release of pituitary gonadotrophins, inhibits ovulation and calcium use in bone. Contraindications: %reast/eproductive (A Side Effects: "ei1ures, "tro-e, * Nursing implications:  Assess #$, A"$, A$, bilirubin.

1461 Drug Cards


DRUG CARDSTrade Name: Innovar (417-418)

Classification: General anesthetic, narcotic analgesic.

Use(s): Premedication, adjunct/maintenance of anesthesia, Action: Acts at subcortical levels to reduce motor activity.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity,
