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  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)


    Optimal Distributed Malware Defense inMobile

    Networks with Heterogeneous Devices

  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)



    From the aspect of malware, since some sophisticated

    malware that can bypass the signature detection would

    emerge with the development of the defense system, new

    defense mechanisms will be required.

    At the same time, our work considers the case of OS-

    targeting malware. Although most of the current eisting

    malware is OS targeted, cross-OS malware will emerge

    and propagate in the near future. !ow to efficiently

    deploy the defense system with the consideration ofcross-OS malware is another important problem

  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)


    Introduction"efense system distribute the optimal signature using special


    #o deploy an efficient defense system to help infected nodes to

    recover and prevent healthy nodes from further infection.

    Avoiding whole network unnecessary redundancy using

    distribute signatures.

    #he efficiency of our defense scheme in reducing the amount of

    infected nodes in the system.

    Security and authentication mechanisms should be considered.

  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)


    $isting System

    "evelop a simulation and analytic model for %luetooth

    worms, and show that mobility has a significant impact on

    the propagation dynamics.

    #he former one has the limitations that signature flooding

    costs too much and the local view of each node constrains

    the global optimal solution.

    &ot using design of defence System to detect malware.

    'ould not optimally distribute the signatures.

  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)


    Proposed System

    #o deploy an efficient defense system to help infectednodes to recover and prevent healthy nodes from further


    (ntroduce an optimal distributed solution to efficiently

    avoid malware spreading and to help infected nodes torecover.

    #o encounter and diffuse the detected malware using

    digest algorithm

    (t helps us to evaluate the malware free transmission

    between nodes even helper nodes are also present

  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)


    Message Digest

    #he )"* message-digest algorithm is a widely usedcryptographic hash function producing a +-bit +/-

    byte0 hash value

    )"* is an algorithm that is used to verify data integrity

    through the creation of a +-bit message digest fromdata input which may be a message of any length0 that is

    claimed to be as unique to that specific data

  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)


    Gantt Chart

  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)


    System Architecture








  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)



    &ode 'reation

    !elper 'reation

    "istribute Signatures)alware encounter and "igest

  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)


    Node reation!

    'reate a mobile networks including a number of nodes.

    First defined number of nodes and also defined source node,

    destination node, intermediate nodes.

    #he network contains heterogeneous devices as nodes.

    )obile nodes are more efficient to disseminate content and

    information in the network.

  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)


    Helper Node "ormation!

    !elper nodes are referred to as special nodes.

    #his node is used to focusing the all nodes.

    !elper node is intermediate node for every nodes in the


    File can be transmit from source node to destination node

    through the help of helpers node

  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)


    Distribute Signatures!

    #his module is used to analy1ing the malware nodes through

    passing the signatures.

    #his signatures distributed for every intermediate node from

    source node to destination node with the help of the special


    #he special node is the helper node. !elper node distribute thesignatures for every intermediate nodes based on the file

    contents key will be generated.

  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)


    Malware #ncounter and Digest Malwares!

    "etect the malware with the help of a content based signatures.

    $ponential parameter obtained from the contact records

    between helpers and general nodes.

    $very intermediate node receive the signatures from helper

    node and which intermediate nodes receiving the signatures


    #his time to detecting the malware spreading nodes and

    recovering the infected nodes.

  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)


    #he )"* message-digest algorithm is a widely usedcryptographic hash function producing a +-bit +/-byte0 hash


    )"* is an algorithm that is used to verify data integrity through

    the creation of a +-bit message digest from data input whichmay be a message of any length0 that is claimed to be as unique

    to that specific data

  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)


    $% &dentity'(ased Aggregate Signatures

    #he main motivation of aggregate signatures is compactness.

    !owever, while the aggregate signature itself may be compact,

    aggregate signature verification might require potentially lengthy

    additional information namely, the at most0 n distinct signer public

    keys and the at most0 n distinct messages being signed.

    #his paper initiates a line of research whose ultimate ob2ective is to

    find a signature scheme in which the total information needed to

    verify is minimi1ed.

    (n particular, the verification information should preferably be as

    close as possible to the theoretical minimum3 the compleity of

    describing which signers0 signed what messages0.

  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)


  • 8/9/2019 phase2(2)


    ,% Secure "riend Discovery in Mobile

    Social Networks

    First, they identify a range of potential attacks against friend discovery by

    analy1ing real traces.

    Second, they develop a novel solution for secure proimity estimation,

    which allows users to identify potential friends by computing socialproimity in a privacy-preserving manner.

    A distinctive feature of their solution is that it provides both privacy and

    verifiability, which are frequently at odds in secure multiparty computation.

    #hird, they demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of their approaches

    using real implementation on smartphones and show it is efficient in terms

    of both computation time and power consumption.
