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PhD Proposal St. Andrews University

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal Using stochastic Population Viability Analysis (PVA) to compare sustainable fishing exploitation strategies A draft proposal of a PhD project University of St Andrews JC Quiroz
Page 1: PhD Proposal St. Andrews University

Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

Using stochastic Population Viability Analysis(PVA) to compare sustainable fishing

exploitation strategies

A draft proposal of a PhD projectUniversity of St Andrews

JC Quiroz

Page 2: PhD Proposal St. Andrews University

Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

Outline of the presentation

1 IntroductionMotivationThe Problem

2 Dynamic SystemThe Population ModelsPopulation Viability Analysis (PVA)

3 The proposalSome Ideas

Page 3: PhD Proposal St. Andrews University

Introduction Dynamic System The proposal


Fisheries management issues are highly dependent of uncertainty:

Page 4: PhD Proposal St. Andrews University

Introduction Dynamic System The proposal


Fisheries management issues are highly dependent of uncertainty:

Demographic and environmental stochasticity affectingpopulation dynamics

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal


Fisheries management issues are highly dependent of uncertainty:

Demographic and environmental stochasticity affectingpopulation dynamics

‡ Demographic: stochastic variations in reproduction, survival andrecruitment

‡ Environmental: catchability, fishing efforts, yield levels and

ecosystemic effects

Page 6: PhD Proposal St. Andrews University

Introduction Dynamic System The proposal


Fisheries management issues are highly dependent of uncertainty:

Demographic and environmental stochasticity affectingpopulation dynamics

‡ Demographic: stochastic variations in reproduction, survival andrecruitment

‡ Environmental: catchability, fishing efforts, yield levels and

ecosystemic effects

Conflicts between population conservation and social−economicpriorities

Page 7: PhD Proposal St. Andrews University

Introduction Dynamic System The proposal


Fisheries management issues are highly dependent of uncertainty:

Demographic and environmental stochasticity affectingpopulation dynamics

‡ Demographic: stochastic variations in reproduction, survival andrecruitment

‡ Environmental: catchability, fishing efforts, yield levels and

ecosystemic effects

Conflicts between population conservation and social−economicpriorities

‡ Economic: guaranteed income for fishermen

‡ Social: equity income, employment, legal issues

Page 8: PhD Proposal St. Andrews University

Introduction Dynamic System The proposal


Fisheries management issues are highly dependent of uncertainty:

Demographic and environmental stochasticity affectingpopulation dynamics

‡ Demographic: stochastic variations in reproduction, survival andrecruitment

‡ Environmental: catchability, fishing efforts, yield levels and

ecosystemic effects

Conflicts between population conservation and social−economicpriorities

‡ Economic: guaranteed income for fishermen

‡ Social: equity income, employment, legal issues

In many fisheries, these issues are integrated in a ManagementProcedure (MP), which try to explain major sources of uncertainty ofa system.

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal


According to several authors, the MP is a simulation-tested set ofrules used to determine management actions, in which themanagement objetives, fishery data, assessment methods and theexploitation strategies (i.e., the rules used for decision making) arepre-specified.

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal


According to several authors, the MP is a simulation-tested set ofrules used to determine management actions, in which themanagement objetives, fishery data, assessment methods and theexploitation strategies (i.e., the rules used for decision making) arepre-specified.

For example:

To achieve different management objetive . . .

Φ :=

sb(t) ≥ α · sb(t = 0), α ∈ {0, 1}y(t) = msy

f(t) < fbrpy(t) ≥ ylim


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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

. . . the MP may use different exploitation strategies

Ψ :=

f(t) = f

µ(t) = µ := y(t)sb(t)

y(t) = y

y(t) = h (n(t), f(t))


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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

. . . the MP may use different exploitation strategies

Ψ :=

f(t) = f

µ(t) = µ := y(t)sb(t)

y(t) = y

y(t) = h (n(t), f(t))


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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

. . . the MP may use different exploitation strategies

Ψ :=

f(t) = f

µ(t) = µ := y(t)sb(t)

y(t) = y

y(t) = h (n(t), f(t))


These exploitation strategies are tested by simulations to ensure thatthey are reasonably robust in terms of expected catch and thepopulation risk.

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

The Problem

According to different exploitation strategies used and themanagement objetives, several MP’s may be developed to satisfy themulti-criteria decision problem that underlying fisheries management.

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

The Problem

According to different exploitation strategies used and themanagement objetives, several MP’s may be developed to satisfy themulti-criteria decision problem that underlying fisheries management.

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

The Problem

Therefore, before defining the MP to be applied, is necessarycompare different potential MP’s and rank them according to theirability to achieve the management objectives.

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

The Problem

Therefore, before defining the MP to be applied, is necessarycompare different potential MP’s and rank them according to theirability to achieve the management objectives.

Consequently, the question is: How can we do this? ...

taking into account that in fisheries science there is not clearconsensus in the way to compare different potential MP’s

In this proposal, the stochastic Population Viability Analysis (PVA)is suggested as a relevant method to deal with the MP’s comparison .

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

The Population Models

n(t) =


n0, t = t0 = 1g (t, n(t− 1), ω(t− 1), ε(t− 1)) , t = 2, . . . , T

n0 is the initial state for the time t = t0 = 1

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

The Population Models

n(t) =


n0, t = t0 = 1g (t, n(t− 1), ω(t− 1), ε(t− 1)) , t = 2, . . . , T

n0 is the initial state for the time t = t0 = 1

n(t) is a state vector representing the biomass/abundance of a singlespecie or a vector of abundance at ages

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

The Population Models

n(t) =


n0, t = t0 = 1g (t, n(t− 1), ω(t− 1), ε(t− 1)) , t = 2, . . . , T

n0 is the initial state for the time t = t0 = 1

n(t) is a state vector representing the biomass/abundance of a singlespecie or a vector of abundance at ages

ω(t) is the control vector representing the projected catch/effort or anymanagement strategy

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

The Population Models

n(t) =


n0, t = t0 = 1g (t, n(t− 1), ω(t− 1), ε(t− 1)) , t = 2, . . . , T

n0 is the initial state for the time t = t0 = 1

n(t) is a state vector representing the biomass/abundance of a singlespecie or a vector of abundance at ages

ω(t) is the control vector representing the projected catch/effort or anymanagement strategy

ε(t) denotes the uncertainty in the population at each time t, which iscaused by stochasticity in the population dynamics due to randomeffects in the demography and environmental fluctuations

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

The Population Models

n(t) =


n0, t = t0 = 1g (t, n(t− 1), ω(t− 1), ε(t− 1)) , t = 2, . . . , T

n0 is the initial state for the time t = t0 = 1

n(t) is a state vector representing the biomass/abundance of a singlespecie or a vector of abundance at ages

ω(t) is the control vector representing the projected catch/effort or anymanagement strategy

ε(t) denotes the uncertainty in the population at each time t, which iscaused by stochasticity in the population dynamics due to randomeffects in the demography and environmental fluctuations

g(·) is the population dynamics described by age or size-structuredmodels, surplus-production models, logistic growth models, etc. Thesequence g(t, n(t)|n(t− 1), θ) represents a state-space process, where θ

is a vector of parameters

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

Using mathematical notation:

time t ∈ K := N, t = {t0, . . . , T}

state n(t) ∈ N := Rn+

n(t) ∈ R (annual abundance of a single specie)n(t) ∈ R

2 (predator-prey system)n(t) ∈ R

n (abundance at n-age)

control ω(t) ∈ W := R+

uncertainty ε(t) ∈ E := R

dynamic g(n(t)|n(t− 1)) ∈ D :={

N× Rn+ × R+ × R


Page 24: PhD Proposal St. Andrews University

Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

Using mathematical notation:

time t ∈ K := N, t = {t0, . . . , T}

state n(t) ∈ N := Rn+

n(t) ∈ R (annual abundance of a single specie)n(t) ∈ R

2 (predator-prey system)n(t) ∈ R

n (abundance at n-age)

control ω(t) ∈ W := R+

uncertainty ε(t) ∈ E := R

dynamic g(n(t)|n(t− 1)) ∈ D :={

N× Rn+ × R+ × R


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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

Using mathematical notation:

time t ∈ K := N, t = {t0, . . . , T}

state n(t) ∈ N := Rn+

n(t) ∈ R (annual abundance of a single specie)n(t) ∈ R

2 (predator-prey system)n(t) ∈ R

n (abundance at n-age)

control ω(t) ∈ W := R+

uncertainty ε(t) ∈ E := R

dynamic g(n(t)|n(t− 1)) ∈ D :={

N× Rn+ × R+ × R


In the case when the population dynamics is deterministic, ε(t) = 0,the control of the g(·) system, is driven only by selecting an uniquesequence of decision rules ω∗(·) = (ω∗(t0), · · · , ω∗(T − 1)), resulting ina single realisation (∗) of sequential states n(·).

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

Population Viability Analysis (PVA)

When uncertainties affect population dynamics, ε(t) 6= 0, the controlvector, ω(t), can be defined as a mapping, ω̂ : K ×N → W , where thedecision rule contain a feed-back control:

ω(t) = ω̂(t, n(t)).

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

Population Viability Analysis (PVA)

When uncertainties affect population dynamics, ε(t) 6= 0, the controlvector, ω(t), can be defined as a mapping, ω̂ : K ×N → W , where thedecision rule contain a feed-back control:

ω(t) = ω̂(t, n(t)).

In this case, a sequence of decision ω(·) may result in severalsequential states n(·), depending of the realisation of uncertainty. Insuch case, a sequence of uncertainty as,

ε(·) := {ε(t0), . . . , ε(T − 1)} ∈ E × · · · × E ,

can define as a set of scenarios:

E := ET−t0 .

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

Stochastic PVA

If we assume that the set E is drawn from a probability distributionP, then ε(·) should be interpreted as a sequence of random variables,{ε(t0), . . . , ε(T − 1)}, independent and identically distributed.

Therefore, let ε(·) be a random variables with values in E := R, theviability probability associated with the initial time t0, the initial staten(t0) and the exploitation strategy ω̂ is denoted as,


Page 29: PhD Proposal St. Andrews University

Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

Stochastic PVA

If we assume that the set E is drawn from a probability distributionP, then ε(·) should be interpreted as a sequence of random variables,{ε(t0), . . . , ε(T − 1)}, independent and identically distributed.

Therefore, let ε(·) be a random variables with values in E := R, theviability probability associated with the initial time t0, the initial staten(t0) and the exploitation strategy ω̂ is denoted as,


If we now consider j-functions that represent the indicators of themanagement objetives, as a mapping Ij : K ×N ×W → R, we maydefine:

Ij(t, n(t), ω(t)) > ıj ,

where ıj are thresholds or reference points, ı1 ∈ R, . . . , ıJ ∈ R,associated with the management objetives.

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

Viability probability of a exploitation strategy

For any exploitation strategy ω̂, initial state n0 and initial time t0, letdefine the set of viable scenarios as:

Eω̂,t0,n(t0) :=

ε(·) ∈ E

n(t0) = n0

n(t) = g(t, n(t− 1), ω(t− 1), ε(t− 1))

ω(t) = ω̂(t, n(t))

Ij(t, n(t), ω(t)) > ıj

j = 1, . . . , J

t = t0, . . . , T

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

Viability probability of a exploitation strategy

For any exploitation strategy ω̂, initial state n0 and initial time t0, letdefine the set of viable scenarios as:

Eω̂,t0,n(t0) :=

ε(·) ∈ E

n(t0) = n0

n(t) = g(t, n(t− 1), ω(t− 1), ε(t− 1))

ω(t) = ω̂(t, n(t))

Ij(t, n(t), ω(t)) > ıj

j = 1, . . . , J

t = t0, . . . , T

An scenario ε(·) is not viable under decision rules ω̂(·), if whateverstate n(·) or control ω(·) trajectories generated by g(·) not satisfy thestate and control constraints imposed by Ij .

In terms to compare different exploitation strategies, a ω̂ is consideredbetter if the corresponding set of viable scenarios is ”larger”.

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

Viability probability of a exploitation strategy

The viability probability space is a triplet (E,H,P), where H is aσ-algebra on E, because g(·), Ij and all different exploitationstrategies ω̂(·) are measurables.

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

Viability probability of a exploitation strategy

The viability probability space is a triplet (E,H,P), where H is aσ-algebra on E, because g(·), Ij and all different exploitationstrategies ω̂(·) are measurables.

Therefore, it is possible to rank different MP’s according to theirviability probability for any set of thresholds or reference points ıj, bydefine:

M(ω̂, ıi, . . . , ıJ) := P

ε(·) ∈ E

n(t0) = n0

n(t) = g(t, n(t− 1), ω(t− 1), ε(t− 1))

ω(t) = ω̂(t, n(t))

Ij(t, n(t), ω(t)) > ıj

j = 1, . . . , J

t = t0, . . . , T

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

Viability probability of a exploitation strategy

The probability can be drawn by numeric algorith such as MonteCarlo simulations, thus the marginal variation of viability probability,

∂ıJM (ω̂, ıi, . . . , ıJ) = 0

can be calculated to ranking MP’s with respect to their ability toachieve a set of sustainability management objetives.

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

Some Ideas

Using the conceptual framework exposed here, I propose to explorethe distributional properties of the viability probability P, using thestochastic viability analysis by compare differents managementprocedures. The species selected for this analysis can be the southernhake and toothfish fished in Chile.

Page 36: PhD Proposal St. Andrews University

Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

Some Ideas

Using the conceptual framework exposed here, I propose to explorethe distributional properties of the viability probability P, using thestochastic viability analysis by compare differents managementprocedures. The species selected for this analysis can be the southernhake and toothfish fished in Chile.

Specific objectives:

Incorporing managements objetives into the different decisionrules

Clarifying the diferences between objetives and decision rules

Explore the conflicts between conservation and economicobjetives

Explore the consistence on the management objetives withsustainable exploitation

Explore the properties of viability probability density in southernhake and toothfish fishery

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

The toothfish case

100 run

ε → CVcpue = 0,25

imperfect information → CPUE(t) = h(n(t), ε(t))

ω̂ → y(t)sb(t) = rule (t, n(t))

Ij → P(sbproj 6 sbact) 6 0,10

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

The toothfish case

100 run

ε → CVcpue = 0,25

imperfect information → CPUE(t) = h(n(t), ε(t))

ω̂ → y(t)sb(t) = rule (t, n(t))

Ij → P(sbproj 6 sbact) 6 0,10

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Introduction Dynamic System The proposal

