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Phenomena Magazine - July 2014 - Issue 63

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Phenomena Magazine is a free monthly E-Zine covering all things strange, profound and unusual. Currently the most recognised magazine of its type and distributed internationally. If your interested in having your article included, please feel free to contact the Managing Editor at: [email protected] www.phenomenamagazine.co.uk www.mapit.kk5.org Enjoy...
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Hello and welcome to our July edition. Its been a busy month, working on the up and coming Special Report with well known investigative researcher and author Peter Robbins. The Special Report will be available come August and details on how to get your hands on this large document will be advertised in our next issue and throughout our websites and media pages, so… look out for it. I will be lecturing at the UFO Truth Magazine conference this August in West Yorkshire, for those interested in attending the event, please see the advert section of this issue. I have also been busy on a number of investigations in regards paranormal disturbances and I hope to bring you the details in a future issue. I have also recently visited Ford Green Hall in Stock‐on‐Trent. This beautiful building is now open to paranormal investigation groups and other functions. For those interested, details can be found in this issue.

I have also been toying with the idea of a special bumper winter edition of the magazine which will feature all kinds of articles covering numerous aspects of the paranormal including investigation techniques. Though still in its early stages, it’s sure to be packed full to the brim. Watch out for a number of up and coming events, including the biggest in the country ‐ The Scottish Paranormal Festival. Details of this event can be found in our events section. Also look out for Anthony Beckett’s 6th Annual Exopolitics Expo in Leeds this September and the Probe International Confer‐ence in October. Details are in this issue.

EDITORIAL I suppose if one is an avid student of ufology and the paranormal it’s reasonable to build up a good library covering several examples of the phenomenon. To this end I started filling in a couple of blanks on my shelves, one of which was the, at the time of publication, genuinely astonishing book, ‘The Day After Roswell’ written by none of other that Col. Philip Corso, the guy who at one time ran the ‘foreign technology’ section of US Military Intelligence. This department was used to filter the various technological advances made by all countries who were in competition with the US for military dominance. This purview included both friend and foe, which is fair enough I suppose. However this department was also used as a cover to, allegedly ‘back engineer’ artefacts supposedly removed from the spacecraft that supposedly crashed at Roswell in 1947, fascinating stuff until I actually read the book.

Sadly the work, which was co‐written by the leading ufologist Bill Birnes, is a horrendous mixture of misinformation, disinformation and assertions leavened with a generous sprinkling of checkable facts. It seems that every one of the items mentioned by Corso, like lasers, fibre optics, silicon chips etc. etc. were all based on extraterrestrial technol‐ogy, except that they were not. All of these items can find their origins in the notorious Operation Paperclip insti‐gated at the end of WWII when Nazi scientists and their research were taken wholesale to both the USA and Russia. All of these items, or their precursors, were being developed by the Nazis and Corso was one of the officers responsi‐ble for evaluating what was of use to the USA so he would have known perfectly well what was around at the time…and all of the aforementioned items already were.

Managing Editor Contact: Steve Mera ‐

[email protected]

UK Editor Contact: Brian Allan ‐ [email protected]

Spanish Editor Contact: Dario Fernandez‐



Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 1AH, United Kingdom. Tel: 07866 685835


The PM Team: Sotiris at STRANGE‐

FILES.ME, Danial Verdon at UREI, Randy at UFOSTORE.COM, Dario Fernandez at e‐nigmas / portal de lo paranormal. Tim at UFOTV, Main Distribution Steve Mera & Brian Allan, Reporter Jackie Heighway

& Reporter / Photographer Rodney Howarth.


Steve Mera, Brian Allan, Nancy Talbot, Terry Stokes, John Prytz, Stunner, Archie Lawrie, Rod Howarth,

Tony Topping, John Carter, Sara Nelson, Darren Boyle, Tony Tamblyn, Chris Andrews and Club Zero.

Special thanks to Anthony Beckett. (Ancient Astronaut Article image ‐ pxleyes.com)


Page 2: The Moving Duvet: Just What Can Poltergeists Move? Poltergeists are pretty good at messing about with solid objects of all sorts and even moving items from place to place, often in spite of the fact that there are walls and locked doors between the start of the movement of such apported items and their final resting place. The psychic and scientific mechanisms by which such movements are achieved still baffle parapsychologists. Archie Lawrie investigates... Page 9: The Grey Goose Feather. Reports of a brooding male presence have persisted in this old house, which is now a tourist information office. The building (Oliver Crom‐well’s house) still stands on the green by the cathedral, and the last people to live there were the Cannon Neil Munt, vicar of Ely from 1974 until 1986 plus a couple staying with them, They lived above Cromwell’s tithes office, and this is her report; Terry Stokes reveals... Page 11: Ancient Astronauts: An Extraterrestrial Fairy Tale. Before embarking on my little fairy tale, I note that for such taken‐for‐granted imaginary beings, the polytheistic gods and their relation‐ships and adventures are spelled out in exquisite detail. I mean this was way before multi‐season TV shows and volumes of related paper‐back novels for mass consumption. John Prytz takes a look into the numerous theories in regards Ancient Astronauts... Page 17: Examining UFO Photographs. I have been experimenting with a process which s new to me in order to help authenticate UFO photos. The software (‘Dstretch’) is nor‐mally used to enhance hidden cave paintings and by NASA to process the Mars photos. I read this recent article http://www.sott.net/article/279754‐Hidden‐paintings‐revealed‐at‐ancient‐temple‐of‐Angkor‐Wat. John Carter reveals this interesting method... Page 21: Area 51: Secrets Revealed. After nearly five decades, guys like James Noce finally get to tell their stories about Area 51. Yes, that Area 51, the one that gets brought up when people talk about secret air force projects, crashed UFOs, alien bodies and, of course, conspiracies. The secrets, some of them, have been declassified. Noce, 72, and his fellow Area 51 veterans around the U.S. are now free to talk. Stunner delves into the secrets...

Page 27: More Crop Circles Mysteries. On Sunday evening, July 6th, I (Nancy Talbot) skyped Robbert Broeke because of a feeling I had that another crop circle was coming in Holland. Robbert said he also felt something was coming and both of us remarked on the fact that we were feeling extremely tired, something we’ve both noticed increasingly in the last few years when new circles are “getting ready” to appear . We were not disappointed... Page 31: My Private War Against Classified Mind Control Operations... The recent revelations of Edward Snowden regarding mass electronic monitoring of the population via electronic means dramatically esca‐lates I do believe to the further horrifying and unfathomable world of mind control and covert operations which I am a witness to from 1999 to present. Tony Topping explains how his life has been af‐fected and how he has been monitored. Truly fascinating...

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Latest paranormal news from around the World... Book and dvd reviews. Events and Conferences, Astronomical news, Advertisements and much more.

Phenomena Magazine would love to hear your views and opinions, please let us have your feedback.

Also, If you have an interesting article, we would love to hear from you. Please contact:

Phenomena Magazine Managing Editor Steve Mera: [email protected]

or Phenomena Magazine UK Editor Brian Allan: [email protected]

Page 1 Phenomena Magazine: July 2014 - Issue 63: www.phenomenamagazine.co.uk




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The Moving Duvet: Just What Can Poltergeists Move?By Archie Lawrie

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Poltergeists are pretty good at messing about with solid objects of all sorts and even moving items from place to place, often in spite of the fact that there are walls and locked doors be‐tween the start of the movement of such ap‐ported items and their final resting place. The psychic and scientific mechanisms by which such movements are achieved are little‐understood and this article is not being written to explain them in any depth. Basically, all informa‐tion on that front belongs to a world that we rarely come across, but a world that nevertheless we cannot live without…the sub‐atomic world of quantum physics. It is part and parcel of us and our surroundings whether we like it or not! In such a strange realm, science now realises that we must leave common‐sense logic behind and completely reconsider both time and space. This in turn forces us to reconsider the structure of our own day‐to‐day world, the world to which we belong, for what holds it together are those very same weird quantum forces. The upshot of all this is that nothing around us (including ourselves!) is as it seems; we may all be living in some sort of ‘communal mirage’ without ever knowing it, although undoubtedly it all ap‐pears totally real to us. Once we can come to grips with the possibility that things all around us might not be as real as we think, then we can allow our minds to believe that physical items can (and do) move at times in a manner that we cur‐rently just don’t understand. The Borders Poltergeist Case (2005 to 2011), with which I have been concerned for some years, has thrown up many such incidents where physical things were mysteriously moved in unusual and science‐defying ways. Most of those items were small and light‐weight but there were many of them, far more than some members of the public might appreciate. Some items which moved were actually quite heavy, evidenced by the video clip we have of a cast iron gas fire ‘walking’ left‐right, left‐right, left‐right up the room towards us for about four me‐tres and then turning and ‘walking’ another metre towards the wall before stopping. We didn’t weigh it but I reckon it must have been about 20 kilos.

In that same room, a half‐metre long steel span‐ner originating from a workshop next door came hurtling through the solid brick wall one morning and spun to a halt on the shop floor in front of us. It might have weighed about 5 kilos and it made an enormous clatter as it hit the floor so there was no doubt about its solidity and weight at that point. There has to be, of course, consid‐erable doubt about its solidity as it passed through that brick wall! It was also exceedingly warm to the touch when picked up! Who knows why? Well, perhaps Professor Peter Higgs from Edin‐burgh might know why. He is deeply associated with the giant atom‐smashing machine at C.E.R.N. (The Large Hadron Collider). It is he who postulates that sub‐atomic particles now recog‐nised by scientists as ‘Higgs Bosons’, may well be responsible for the solidity or non‐solidity of matter. In the case of that spanner, if Higgs’ bos‐ons are present then it is a solid spanner…but if those bosons are missing then that same spanner will still be there and real, BUT will not have so‐lidity. Think about that!... Perhaps poltergeists know more than we do about such matters?

The heaviest item that I believe to have been moved in this amazing psychical way was in Pais‐ley, Scotland, in the 1990s. I visited the site some time later and interviewed some staff members who had witnessed the strange incident firsthand. It concerned a barrel of glaze powder used in the ceramics department of a college there and the event took place during a twenty‐minute evening interval and within a ceramics kiln‐room that had been locked during that time for reasons of safety. The barrel, which weighed more than 400 pounds (181 kgs.), would normally be moved by a forklift‐trolley brought in for that purpose…or by about six strong men. It was found, however, to have been lifted from the floor to the top of a sturdy workbench during that twenty‐minute interval without the help of either, and a gang of fit young male students had to be found from other class‐rooms to lift it down again. During the short time when this exceptionally heavy barrel had moved, it was found that the temperature in the locked kiln‐room had dropped from around +30 degrees C. to nearly freezing point. This temperature‐drop was of such a magnitude and suddenness that

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The Moving Duvet: Just What Can Poltergeists Move? By Archie Lawrie

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when the door of the kiln‐room was reopened, columns of chilling mist were observed swirling around the still‐roasting kilns. Today I am going to tell you about another very large (but lightweight) apport of an unusual na‐ture that my psychic medium friend Francesca and I chanced across in October 2009 in Cumber‐nauld. It was, more accurately, three related ap‐ports: two pillows and an enormous double‐bed duvet! These moved in unison not merely from one place to another within a room but seemingly up an internal flight of stairs in the house and to the floor above! Perhaps, at this early stage in my tale, I must in‐form you that the house concerned was of a most unusual design…at least for Central Scotland…for it was an ‘upside‐down’ house. That is, the bed‐rooms were downstairs to the left and right of the front door while all the main rooms were upstairs. In that unusual property the householders went down to bed each night! By the time the duvet and the pillows had decided that they preferred being upstairs rather than downstairs in the bedroom and had moved them‐selves to their preferred location several times as some act of protest, the single lady house‐owner thought enough was enough and called in a local priest as well as various psychics and mediums who lived in her area. That was, of course, after the lady had checked the security‐systems of her windows and had changed the lock on her front door…twice. Sadly, none of those persons seemed to be able to help Helen get over her mysterious problem and so the terrified lady continued to pay her rent for the property but went to stay temporarily

with her brother at the other end of the town. Until the bedding had decided to live a life of its own, Helen had loved her somewhat unusual home and even yet hoped to return there again as soon as possible…provided the problem could be cleared up. It was from her brother’s address she sought help from further afield. Somehow she stumbled upon someone who had read Vol‐ume One of my books in the “The Psychic Investi‐gators Casebook” series and had then somehow managed to find my (unlisted) phone number. She told me over the phone how psychic prob‐lems had begun to build up gradually over the first seven weeks of her being in her new home. Initially, small ornaments used to be turned to face this way or that during the night, and no matter how much Helen repositioned them they were turned about once more during the follow‐ing night. It was soon painfully obvious to her that something (or someone) did not have the same taste in small ornaments as she did. As the woman lived alone in this property, it is easy to see why she felt more and more uncom‐fortable staying there overnight when those strange things were taking place and with such regularity. It was only a matter of time until such movements were also happening during the day as well as at night, and it was at that point that she considered seeking help. The crux came when she returned from work one day to find yet again that the duvet from the downstairs bedroom, complete with both pil‐lows, was all neatly laid out on the wooden floor of the main upstairs room! Now that this most unusual event had taken place for about the sixth time, the poor woman was truly grasping at

straws and even began thinking that the lock‐smith himself must be playing tricks on her…that was before she calmed down and once again faced the reality that something supernatural was at work. On 29th October, Francesca and I made our visit, accompanied by another student‐observer of psychical research from Canada called Maureen. Helen and her brother welcomed us in. He’d been brought along for reasons of protection (from things unknown) and to bolster and encourage Helen who was by then wary of what she’d find now that she’d dared to return to the property. Once in and almost as soon as we had closed the door behind us, our medium said quietly to me that there had been an older lady spirit waiting for us as we entered the house. Francesca then went on to tell us all that this older woman had been a very strong character indeed and even after death still wanted to ‘rule the roost’. While our medium had no knowledge of the structure of the house prior to our moving in through the front door, she immediately asked if she could go into the room on the left. The door she was looking at was closed and as there were no front‐facing windows in that room there was no way that Francesca could possibly have known what type of room lay on the other side of that door. Helen led us into the bedroom and Fran‐cesca told us that this was indeed the centre of the psychic problem that had overwhelmed the house. It had belonged to an elderly couple, both of whom had loved the property in their last days but illness had finally overwhelmed the gentle‐man who had later died there. Before his demise, however, his wife found it increasingly difficult to keep running downstairs to her ailing husband and it had been decided to bring the bedding upstairs and to lay it on the carpet that had then existed in the main upper room. There the lady could attend to her hus‐band’s constant needs far more easily. Strange as it may seem to some readers, all memories of everything we do are held forever in an amazing naturally‐occurring memory‐system, The Great Universal Memory‐System, which may well be linked in some mysterious manner to the Earth’s magnetic field. However, it is only the most traumatic of those memories that tend to come back to haunt any of us…especially those psychically‐sensitive people who enter an area where some trauma has taken place. For that reason, I know that the previous old lady tenant must have found it both mentally and physically extremely difficult and exhausting to get all that bedding up those stairs and laid out properly in that upper room for her ailing hus‐band. The determination and physical stamina needed had drained her to the extreme and it was that which caused the re‐enactment of that bed‐ding being moved. Even in her spirit state, this poor old lady was still seeing to it that her ill

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The Moving Duvet: Just What Can Poltergeists Move?By Archie Lawrie

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husband was being suitably looked after, for our medium told us that she could psychically see the lady sleeping exhausted on a settee in their living‐room while her husband slept at her feet on the floor on the bedding she’d dragged up the stairs. Before we returned to our car, Francesca bowed her head in the affected room and silently told the old spirit‐lady that her troubles were now over and that she had no need to struggle and move bedding to assist her husband as both he and she were now in the spirit realm. The me‐dium also took the trouble to tell the spirit‐lady not to move the ornaments in the house any more as they belonged to Helen, who had her own ideas about where they should be put. I am pleased to tell you that Helen had no further bother with that property once she had moved back in again full‐time. Probably the most famous and recognized polter‐geist infestation was that of the Enfield Polter‐geist Case that tool place in London, UK in 1977. The strange activity seemed to center around the daughter of Peggy Harper, a divorcee in her mid‐40s. Again, it started on an August night. "Late at night," An Urban Ghost Story relates, "Janet, aged 11 and her brother Pete, aged 10, complained that their beds were 'jolting up and down and going all funny.' As soon as Mrs. Harper got to the room, the movements had stopped ‐ as far as she was concerned her kids were making it all up."

But things got progressively more bizarre from there. Shuffling noises and knocks on the wall were followed by a heavy chest of drawers sliding by itself across the floor. Mrs. Harper promptly got her children out of the house and sought the assistance of a neighbor. "The neighbors searched the house and garden but found no one.

Soon they also heard the knocks on the walls which continued at spaced out intervals. At 11 p.m. they called the police, who heard the knocks, one officer even saw a chair inexplicably move across the floor, and later signed a written statement to confirm the events."

Several people were witness to the events that occurred in the following days: Lego bricks and marbles were thrown around the house, and were often hot to the touch. In September of that year, Maurice Grosse of the Society for Psy‐chical Research came to investigate. "Grosse claims that he experienced the strange

happenings ‐ first a marble was thrown at him from an unseen hand, he saw doors open and close by themselves, and claimed to feel a sudden breeze that seemed to move up from his feet to his head."

Grosse was later joined in the investigation by writer Guy Lyon Playfair, and together they stud‐ied the case for two years. "The knocking on walls and floors became an almost nightly occurrence, furniture slid across the floor and was thrown down the stairs, drawers were wrenched out of dressing tables. Toys and other objects would fly across the room, bedclothes would be pulled off, water was found in mysterious puddles on the floors, there were outbreaks of fire followed by their inexplicable extinguishing." The case became decidedly unnerving when the spirits revealed themselves ‐ through Janet. Speaking in a deep, gravely voice through Janet, the spirit announced that his name was Bill and had died in the house ‐ a fact that has been verified. The phenomenon have been recorded on tape and film, and Playfair has written a book about the case called This House is Haunted. Despite the documentation, however, much controversy surrounds the case. Skeptics claim that the case is nothing more than the work of a very clever and mischievous girl ‐ Janet. The poltergeist activity always stopped when she was watched closely, and when she was taken to a hospital for several days to be tested for physical or mental abnormality, the phenom‐ena ceased in the house. Some researchers be‐lieve that Janet taught herself to speak in the strange male voice, and that photos of her levitat‐ing in her bedroom merely caught her jumping off her bed. Was this poltergeist case just the result of an attention‐seeking 11‐year‐old?

The newsclipping below could be another possible example of a poltergeist infestation.

Special thanks to Stephen Wagner. Also: Extract from The Psychic Investigators Casebook, Vol. 4

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This 17th Century Farm is no stranger to the paranormal… and now its open to paranormal investigation groups. The complete venue can be yours for just £575.00.

Up to 30 investigators can attend and carry out any form of paranormal investiga-tion. (That’s less than £20.00 a head). Electrical supply for equipment

provided along with a 15 minute tour of the location. Large free car park is available next to the hall.

Investigators can attend from 7.00pm. All groups must first be vetted for security reasons. Get in touch and book your night at the Haunted Ford Green Hall.

Ford Green Road, Stoke-On-Trent, ST6 1NG For further details and bookings contact

Chris at Club Zero Paranormal: [email protected] or Steve at Phenomena Magazine: [email protected]

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The Grey Goose Feather By Terry Stokes

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In 1646 king Charles the 1st had to flee from Cromwell’s men and cross the boggy Fenland to join his forces at Huntingdon, and he chose as his guide a local rogue called ‘Mucky Porter’ from

Southery. The Royal Chaplain disapproved of Mucky Porter, but with Cromwell’s men in hot pursuit they had little choice. Mucky took out a feather and cut it in half, and he said,

“Lordships I am a true ‘Fenlander’ all true folk in the area carry this token and if in need are sworn to help, unto even their own death”, so swearing safe passage for the king through the

swampy land they took off.

Mucky was an expert at finding his way through the low lying Fenland swamps, but was concerned about the look of the beautiful thoroughbred horses and swapped them for sturdy

Fenland ponies, and wearing sackcloth over their fine clothes to hide them, took them to Snore Hall in Norfolk. All went well until they came to a ford outside Huntingdon where there were

Roundhead sentries; Mucky produced his feather and held it aloft as did the King, the Fenland sentries then waved them across, and Charles made his way through to Oxford. The king had

later to surrender at Newark and standing trial was found guilty.

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The Grey Goose Feather By Terry Stokes

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The night before Charles execution, knowing Cromwell to be a Fenlander, a Dr Hudson took the King’s grey goose feather to Cromwell with the message; ‘all that his majesty asks is that he is afforded that due to one who holds this token’. Cromwell was said to have turned white and dismissed all his generals, he sat up all night staring at the feather, and said over and over “Tis not my way” and in the morning did not intervene in the execution, which according to the code as a Fenlander he should have done, and it is said the Fenland men threw their goose feathers at his feet and returned to their homes.

When Mucky Porter was an old man a fine gen‐tlemen came to see him and they rode out onto the new land and Charles’ son, Charles II second, said that “As a reward for helping my father you can have as much land as you like”, and Mucky chose his patch of land and it was given, to this day the land on Methwold Fen is called ‘Methwold Severals’ and has been farmed since then by the Porter family.

Oliver Cromwell’s house still stands on the green by the cathedral, and the last people to live

there were the Cannon Neil Munt, vicar of Ely from 1974 until 1986 plus a couple staying with them, They lived directly above Cromwell’s tithes office, and this is her report; ‘Without knowing how this happened I found myself in the night standing facing a corner with my bare feet touched hard wooden floorboards although I knew the room was now carpeted. A man’s strong grip held my upper arms, and I felt the rough leather of his jerkin. I could not see his face, but felt a deep bond between us, and sens‐ing his determination knew he had had made a decision that would change both our live. I was not afraid of him, but for him, and for the changes of his decision and I heard him say again and again, “tis not my way” and in the morning I had bruises on my arms where I was held.

Reports of a brooding male presence have per‐sisted in the old house, which is now the tourist information office. Contemporary accounts have it that when Cromwell died a flock of black crows cawed over his house for some while before landing on the roof, this is a very evil omen and many believed that Cromwell had to borrow money from abroad to finance his New Model

Army, and then let the Jewish moneylenders back into Britain; part of their price was to kill the King and destroy and loot Ireland, which Cromwell reluctantly did. The Bank of England was established in 1694 shortly after this and haunting’s still occur in the area.

*In this instance the ‘Roundheads’ mentioned in this tale do not refer to Cromwell’s soldiers whose name derived from the kind of helmets they wore, but were men who from the locality who, through centuries of inbreeding, had de‐veloped spherical skulls.*

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Ancient Astronauts: An Extraterrestrial Fairy Tale By John Prytz

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Before embarking on my little fairy tale, I note that for such taken‐for‐granted imaginary beings, the polytheistic gods and their relationships and adventures are spelled out in exquisite detail. I mean this was way before multi‐season TV shows and volumes of related paperback novels for mass consumption. I mean we know an awful lot about Captain Kirk and

Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter. But were there writers of polytheistic fiction back then who knew perfectly well they were fabricating the lives and times of the gods for consumption by and entertainment for the great unwashed and kept quiet about their literary fictions? Probably not! I don't think the gods were literary characters invented out of whole cloth. Dare say a non‐fictional biography of (fill in the blank ‐ pick a god, any god) would be far more detailed than a

similar tome devoted to God or Jesus Christ (J.C.)...

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Ancient Astronauts: An Extraterrestrial Fairy TaleBy John Prytz

The second point from the outset is that IMHO the polytheistic gods aren't gods but ‘gods'. We think of them as the mythological gods but they weren't actual gods but real alien beings. Now let's get on with the tale.

1) Once upon a time, a long time ago, a group of boldly going extraterrestrials discovered Planet Earth and took dominion over it, like humans take dominion over national parks and reserves, but starting at a time before humans.

Discussion: If you assume advanced extraterres‐trial civilizations exist; If you assume that some advanced civilizations arose way, way, way be‐fore human civilization did; if you assume that they (or some of them) will boldly go and explore their galaxy; if you assume that there are no laws of physics that prevent subluminal space travel (there aren't); and if you go along with calcula‐tions that suggest that the time it takes to ex‐plore every nook and cranny of the galaxy is but a short fraction of the age of the galaxy; if you accept that Planet Earth isn't cloaked/invisible; then it's logical that one of more such extrater‐restrial civilizations have noted and logged Planet Earth in their galactic databanks, and because Earth is such a bio‐friendly place, took a liking to the place, perhaps as a nice vacation spot for R&R.

There are many references in creation times and myths to the concept of paradise, perhaps ulti‐mately nice vacation spots for the extraterrestri‐als, who we've come to identify with as the ‘gods'. . For example, the ancient Sumerians had this paradise called Dilmun, but it was a resort of, and for, the ‘gods', not for humans. Dilmun was something like Eden, though who's to say Eden didn't serve as ‘God's' paradise retreat – a sum‐mer vacation home away from His day‐to‐day abode in heaven? In this case, ‘heaven' is God's home base, or in the case of the Norse ‘gods', Asgard is their heaven equivalent, or perhaps spaceship. In Star Trek terms, ‘heaven' or Asgard is the NCC 1701 Enterprise. So perhaps we have Starship Heaven and Starship Asgard!

One could argue that you'd need a very long lifespan to get subluminally from there to here. While there are other ways around that chest‐nut, recall that the ‘gods' are immortal, or as close to it (in the human mind at least) as makes no odds. Whether it's natural or technologically enhanced immortality is of no consequence in this case.

2) Now I've no idea where they came from ex‐cept from somewhere out there. Different myths and legends point to different points of origin, all of which could well be the case.

Discussion: In the case of the ancient Greek ‘gods', there's some association with the stars, or constellations – the Pleiades and Orion in par‐ticular. The Greek Andromeda is also associated with a constellation of stars. Now a constellation is just a random grouping of stars usually not in close association with each other, but when viewed from Earth against a ‘flat' blackboard or

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background of space, tend to form a sort of pic‐ture and our minds are very good at finding pat‐terns and connecting the dots when presented with random configurations. The Big Dipper and the Southern Cross are two well known exam‐ples. Of course the ancients, our remote ances‐tors, didn't know that. It was probably just as logical to associate a ‘god' or ‘gods' with a con‐stellation as with one specific star (which we of course would do today). It's sufficient for the sake of this argument that there is an association between the ‘gods' (or at least some ‘gods') and outer space. It seems as if nearly every culture's ‘gods' has some affinity with various stars, con‐stellations, etc.

3) In the time of humans, sometime later on down the line, these extraterrestrials would be‐come, in the minds of the humans, the ‘gods'. But the so‐called ‘gods' (including ‘God') were never real supernatural deities, but ‘flesh‐and‐blood' extraterrestrials with advanced technol‐ogy and powers.

Discussion: How would our ancient ancestors, with no knowledge of physics and chemistry and relatively little of what we'd call modern day astronomy, and who had only the rudiments of mechanical and construction engineering (though sufficient to build the pyramids, etc.) but certainly nothing in the way of being knowledge‐able of electrical or nuclear engineering or abili‐ties in same, view sky beings who had all this sort of advanced technology and powers. As equals? No, probably just as deities or ‘gods'.

What's Zeus and Thor noted for? Lightning or thunderbolts, which is what ancient humans might have interpreted laser and particle bean weapons as, sort of like that envisioned as part of America's Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) – the ‘Star Wars' program. ‘God's' been known to toss around a thunderbolt or two as well. That's an example of advanced technology or powers.

4) The ‘gods' reign over their dominion of man‐kind wasn't always benign and just.

Discussion: Well any readers of the Bible are well aware that ‘God' has a big temper and a short fuse. Our so called ‘loving God' certainly has di‐rectly caused massive death and destruction, so much so that I'd rather find my ‘loving' in the arms of someone else. The ‘gods' on the other hand are very loving, but often treat us mortals as their sexual playthings. Zeus apparently fa‐thered a considerable proportion of the ancient Greek populus via mortal women and not via Mrs. Zeus – Perseus for one; Herakles (Hercules) was another; ditto Helen of Troy, the list goes on and on. And Zeus wasn't the only randy ‘god'. That the ‘gods' were sex machines, well that has filtered down to us even via such means as Rich‐ard Wagner's four‐part mega‐opera "Der Ring Des Nibelungen". In the second instalment, "Die Walkure", we find the head god Wotan (Odin in Norse mythology) has fathered twins via a mortal woman, Siegmund and Sieglinde (who would in turn have a role in the hay and produce the flawed hero, Siegfried). Needless to say, the

‘gods' hardly offer up any alimony or child sup‐port!

5) They, the extraterrestrials, made their pres‐ence felt at the dawn of mankind's emergence; but hence, because there were so many of them, polytheism became the religious order of the day as far as the various human cultures were con‐cerned. The humans obviously mistook the ad‐vanced extraterrestrials for supernatural deities, worshiping what they thought were the ‘gods', but who in reality were at best pseudo‐gods.

Discussion: One criticism of von Daniken's (and others) ‘ancient astronauts' was the ‘evidence' in their use of their advanced technologies in build‐ing, or assisting in the building of the ancient Egyptian or Mesoamerican pyramid and other monumental constructions or well, monuments. Critics suggest that it insults the reasoning, re‐sourcefulness, ingenuity, stubbornness, imagina‐tion, intelligence and other capabilities of our remote ancestors. If that's the case, and I agree it is, then it's equally insulting to suggest that they couldn't distinguish fact from fiction and in‐vented imaginary beings (their ‘gods') out of whole fictional cloth as opposed to presenting their ‘gods' as real entities. They certainly be‐lieved their ‘gods' were really real, so let's give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they were indeed really real.

So what evidence do I offer up that the ‘gods' were really real, albeit actual flesh‐and‐blood extraterrestrials. Well, there's the consistency of the tales within each culture and often parallel consistencies between ancient societies and their mythologies. For example, parallel ideas central to a ‘paradise' or to ‘sky beings' or to ‘wars fought in heaven'. That's very unlike the Bible which contradicts itself no end – like at nearly every opportunity. I mean, ‘turn the other cheek' vs. ‘an eye for an eye'; ‘thou shall not kill' but please execute homosexuals. Then there are the images of the ‘gods' as wall paintings or rock carvings or as statutes, frescos, etc. So what?

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Ancient Astronauts: An Extraterrestrial Fairy Tale By John Prytz

Well, these images are contemporary with the reign of the ‘gods; it's as if the ‘gods' sat for their portraits. The ‘gods' weren't camera shy! If the ‘gods' didn't exist, why would the ancient Greeks go to so much trouble as to construct the mas‐sive Statue of Zeus at Olympia which occupied the whole width of the aisle of the temple that was built to house it, and was 12 meters (40 feet) tall; the Colossus of Rhodes, a giant statue of the Greek god Helios, god of the sun, some 35 me‐ters (110 ft) tall; or the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus which was dedicated to the Greek god‐dess Artemis and took 120 years to build. Oh, all of these are listed as being three of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. That's big league territory. Sorry, not one of the Seven Ancient Wonders was devoted to ‘God'.

Then there is the nature of some of those im‐ages. I mean if you look at, or read a description of the Egyptian god Seth (Set), it just screams out ‘I'm an extraterrestrial'.

6) Therefore, the polytheistic pseudo ‘gods' (or at least some, many or most of them) exist. Later on down the track, what became the monotheis‐tic ‘God', actually pseudo‐God also existed. How‐ever, in the beginning, pseudo‐God was just one of the pseudo‐gods.

Discussion: If you assume the ‘gods' exist, you may as well assume ‘God' exists, but it's also logical to lump them all together. On the other hand, if ‘God' exists, why are there no images of ‘God' from say 4000 years ago (to the best of my knowledge anyway)? There are no paintings; no frescos; no statues; no images at all. Perhaps that's suggestive evidence that there is no ‘God', or perhaps ‘God' was just ‘camera' shy!

7) Now I assume here that the ‘gods' and ‘God' are all related, but like humans, aren't always one big happy family. In fact, if there's any one word that describes the family of the ‘gods', its "dysfunctional"!

Discussion: Take the ancient Egyptian ‘god' Seth (or Set – whose appearance just screams out something extraterrestrial), who had quite a domestic spat with fellow ‘gods' Osiris, Isis and Horus. Poor Osiris was murdered in fact by Seth. That's dysfunctional!

Speaking of dysfunctional, there are lots of refer‐ences in mythology to wars fought in heaven between the ‘gods' (battles in outer space – a sort of ‘Star Wars' perhaps?). There's no doubt the ‘gods' do fight among themselves for domi‐nance. For example, the Olympian ‘gods' (Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, etc.) kicked out the Titans to achieve top ranking status as the Greek ‘gods'. Then there's the Norse apocalypse of Ragnarok – more ‘gods' behaving badly. Finally, there's that heavenly battle royal between ‘God' and com‐pany, vs. ‘Satan' and company. [See Section 9]

8) Even further on down the track, was there was some sort of a falling out between ‘God' (and His followers) and the other ‘gods' for control over humanity? If so, ‘God' and hangers‐on win –

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Ancient Astronauts: An Extraterrestrial Fairy Tale By John Prytz

monotheism comes to the fore. Discussion: Well there's no disputing that once upon a time, poly‐theism ruled the world; today monotheism tends to hold sway. Translated, in those ancient poly‐theistic times the ‘gods' ruled, but in later times, our beloved monotheistic ‘God' ruled heaven and Earth. If ‘God' were once just one of the boys, just one of the ‘gods' then there must have been some sort of falling out, even if there's no docu‐mentation to that effect (that I'm aware of). Of course a non‐existent ‘God' might have won the hearts and minds of humanity by default. The supporters of monotheism had a good PR opera‐tion going!

9) However, ‘God' (assuming His reality) and His minions have a falling out in turn – a house di‐vided against itself. This is where ‘Satan' and followers tell ‘God' and followers to take a long walk off a short pier. Ultimately, ‘God' proves to have ‘the force' be with Him.

Discussion: Well there's no disputing the Biblical (tall) tales that ‘document' some sort of domestic disagreement between ‘God' and some sort of entity we call today ‘Satan'. If you believe those Biblical tall tales, the end result of that domestic dispute, Armageddon, isn't in fact in dispute. There's a decided element here of "This ain't over till it's over; this ain't finished yet; I'll be back"! However, if you believe the Bible and the Book of Revelation, then you realise that Arma‐geddon should have taken place over 1900 plus years ago, at least according to J.C. He said that the final battle between good (‘God') and evil (‘Satan') – I bet he was biased in deciding who was what – would take place within a generation or two of his utterances. So, if it took place way back then it took place off planet and out of hu‐man sight – a real life ‘Star Wars'. But if it hasn't happened yet, assuming ‘God' and ‘Satan' are really real ET's, then it probably isn't every likely to. I mean you can only hold off a grudge match so long. Maybe they've kissed and made up, or…

10) But, a now much weakened ‘God' and com‐pany are ripe for getting their comeuppance and it was so. They then get overturned and banished by the ‘gods', which is why there's no evidence for any Godly presence over the past several millenniums. ‘God' has left the building! ‘God' has been tarred and feathered and exiled from Dodge City.

Discussion: There have been no ‘acts of God' documented over the past several thousand years – no burning bushes, no universal floods, no pillars of salt. So either there is no ‘God', or ‘God' is afraid to show His face or His presence, or ‘God' has tucked tail between legs and sought fame and fortune elsewhere ‐ if the latter, who else had the power to exile ‘God' but the ‘gods'?

11) But are the ‘gods' still around? There's been equally and relatively little evidence for them too over the past several millenniums. Still, I propose they're out there at a distance, patiently observ‐ing, ever observing.

Discussion: It's unlikely that if the ‘gods' are really boldly going extraterrestrials, and since they have expended so much time, effort and energy in exploring this strange new world and new civilization (Earth and Earthlings) they would totally abandon their investment, their vacation R&R spot, their paradise, their home away from home. On the other hand, it's one thing to hold sway over relative primitives, quite another to try to hold sway over a rapidly advancing civiliza‐tion, one which by leaps and bounds begins to achieve their level of thunderbolt and related technologies.

12) But what happens when humans get ad‐vanced enough technologically to begin to, at least in principle, have the potential to challenge the ‘gods' on their own turf? That is, we humans can begin to toss around a thunderbolt or two of our own.

Discussion: There's no doubt that we've come a technological long way baby over the past 6000 or so years; even in the past 600 years, far less the past 60 years which has seen humans go from a relative state of being at the mercy of Planet Earth, to Planet Earth being at the mercy of humans.

Even if the ‘gods' decide to concede their domin‐ion over Planet Earth to the natives, they can not be confident that the tide won't turn and that we humans, we natives, might ultimately seek do‐minion over the ‘gods'.

So, if we're becoming an increasing potential threat to the ‘gods', why don't they just wipe us out while the wiping out is good. Well, firstly, we're just ‘potential', not actual. Secondly, they may have some sort of Prime Directive against genocide. The ‘gods' aren't totally amoral beings. Thirdly, they could just leave, leaving no trace as to where they went.

Sure, thousands of years hence, when we boldly go, then it might be the case that they can't hide from us, but by then perhaps we too will have a Prime Directive in place. But in the meantime…

13) Enter the modern UFO era, with the ‘gods' moving in to keep far closer tabs on us and their dominion, which they've probably never relin‐quished but are worried that it will be taken away from them, even by force. Our thunder‐bolts are now, or soon will be, bigger and better that their thunderbolts.

Discussion: Well, there's no denying that the modern UFO era dawned at the very time our nuclear thunderbolts came to the fore of our offensive capabilities. We've only increased the technological sophistication of our thunderbolts since.

The question is, will we all live happy ever after?

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I believe this document has huge implications not only for the Rendlesham Forest incident but Ufology in general: An absolutely MUST READ. ‐ Steve Mera.

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DVD REVIEW Phenomena Magazine regularly receives DVDs and provides reviews. After which we promote and advertise them within the magazine, Facebook pages and of course on our websites. If you have a DVD you would like to be reviewed and advertised, simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your DVD title direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office.

This is a bit of supernatural potboiler loosely based on a Rosemary’s Baby kind of theme, with a young couple on honeymoon getting drunk in a nightclub and ending up unconscious in the base‐ment where they are subjected to a strange ritual. Then, shortly after this, the woman finds she is unexpectedly pregnant. The pregnancy runs its course, but as one would expect all is not straightforward; the woman has powerful cravings for raw meat, experiences nose bleeds and if she or her unborn child seem threatened, she lashes out with enormous strength and terrifying telekinetic abilities. I have to say that the scenes showing the telekinetic powers are both inventive and rather good. The film follows the couple as they are secretly filmed by video cameras hidden in their home and constantly monitored by the people who got her pregnant and the husband finds a strange symbol which a priest tells him is for use in summoning the antichrist. The film ends with the woman killing herself and the newborn child being taken away by the cult, although no more is heard of it. Overall this is an effective little low‐budget supernatural shocker, which might have been even better had the producers decided not to use the (for this reviewer at least) irritating hand‐held camera, ‘found footage’ technique popularised in the Blair Witch/Paranormal Phenomena films; nevertheless it’s worth a watch.


Title: The Devil’s Due Main cast: Zach Gilford, Allison Miller, Sam Anderson, Aimee

Carrero Distributor: 20th Century Fox Genre: Supernatural Horror Price: £10.00 (Amazon)

July 12 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 11:25 UTC. This full moon

was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Buck Moon because the male buck deer would begin to grow their new antlers at this time of year. This moon has

also been known as the Full Thunder Moon and the Full Hay Moon.

July 26 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 22:42 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no

moonlight to interfere.

July 28, 29 - Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower. The Delta Aquarids is an average shower that can produce up to 20 meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by debris left be-hind by comets Marsden and Kracht. The shower runs annually from July 12 to August 23. It peaks this year on the night of July 28 and morning of July 29. This should be a

great year for this shower because the thin crescent moon will set early in the evening leaving dark skies for what should a good show. Best viewing will be from a dark loca-

tion after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Aquarius, but can appear anywhere in the sky.

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Examining UFO Photographs By John Carter

We wish to thank reader John Carter for sharing these fascinating images with us. Over the months we will print more images processed

using the technique described.


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I have been experimenting with a process which s new to me in order to help authenticate UFO photos. The software (‘Dstretch’) is normally used to en‐hance hidden cave paintings and by NASA to process the Mars photos. I read this recent article http://www.sott.net/article/279754‐Hidden‐paintings‐revealed‐at‐ancient‐temple‐of‐Angkor‐Wat I used the software on a photo of my own that I new was genuine, (1) it clearly emphasises the crafts exterior field – night photos are arguably the best UFO photos to use (2A,2B) and (3), although a close up of a Meier's photo (4) in daylight is quite revealing. Some fake UFO's are quite obvious (5). A photo of some Orbs taken with a full spectrum camera is also enlight‐ening (6). The plug‐in software is available at: http://www.dstretch.com/ and the main program at: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/

I am particularly impressed with the processed version (2B) of the black and white photo (2A). If someone was going to fake this they would have to im‐pregnate the photo with colour undertones, in some way. The colours are inherent in the photo.

Examining UFO Photographs By John Carter







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BOOK REVIEWS Phenomena Magazine regularly receive books from publishers and authors, and provide a review of the material, promote and advertise them within the magazine, Facebook pages and of course on our websites. If you would like to have your book reviewed and advertised, simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your book direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office.

This, a new collection of events from a side of reality not normally encountered, admirably reflects the abilities and insights of the redoubtable investigative team of the Steigers (Brad and Sherry). The book itself is a real lucky‐dip of information and accounts where everything the reader finds is a real prize. This is one of the very few volumes where one can dip in literally any‐where and be guaranteed to find some nugget of interest. The spread of subjects covered in the book is as wide‐ranging as the paranormal itself and the authors have widely included, not just their own thoughts on the matter, but also those of the experiencers themselves and some of those are truly fascinating. So, what actually is in this near encyclopaedic book, well the answer is just about everything from UFO’s to poltergeists, MIB’s, cryptoids and damn near everything else you can think of. Another appealing aspect of this well written and abundantly illustrated book is that Brad and Sherry do not judge what is said (they know too much about the nature of the subject to do that), instead they present the accounts and allow the reader to make up their own minds. In fact it would be fair to describe this volume as a work of reference that would grace the book‐shelves of any serious and open minded researcher. A book well worth having in your collection...


Another release from The History Press is always welcome news, especially when it is penned by such a respected figure as ghost hunter extraordinaire Peter Underwood. In this well illustrated (but admittedly rather slim) book, Peter regales us with tales of haunted pubs, hotels, churches, castles and the odd theatre (another hot‐spot for supernatural sight‐ings). He even includes his own home, which has also had its fair share of anomalous events (a kind of occupational hazard I suppose). I must say that I can sympathise, having had similar experi‐ences on and off over the years. The author, a long time president of the venerable Ghost Club, writes in a refreshingly lucid manner and brings each account to vivid life in the minds eye of the reader. One thing that does jar slightly in the photographs is the apparent desire of The Ghost Club to turn up mob‐handed on various outings, but perhaps it is more of a social club than a serious research group. That said, the selection of photographs is informative and fascinating. However, than minor grouse aside, the book does illustrate just how haunted every nook and cranny of the UK seems to be and Farnham is no exception. A great and informative read for anyone interested in the subject whether they live in Farn‐ham or not.


Title: Haunted Farnham

Author: Peter Underwood

Publisher: The History Press

ISBN: 978‐0‐7524‐7245‐4

Price: £9.99

Title: Real Encounters, Different Dimensions and

Otherworldly Beings Author: Brad & Sherry Steiger

Publisher: Visible Ink ISBN: 978‐157859‐455‐9

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BOOK REVIEWSPhenomena Magazine regularly receive books from publishers and authors, and provide a review of the material, promote and advertise them within the magazine, Facebook pages and of course on our websites. If you would like to have your book reviewed and advertised,

simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your book direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office.

There were only three rules when Joshua P. Warren began collecting these stories from around the world: they had to be true, they had to be short and they had to send a shiver down your spine.

IT WAS A DARK AND CREEPY NIGHT presents a wide variety of weird and spooky tales about ghosts, UFOs, cryptids, angels, demons, ESP, interdimensional contact and more. Because each tale is short, this eerie little tome is perfect for a tube journey, a plane flight or a night enter‐taining guests.

An internationally respected investigator of the unknown, Joshua adds his insight to these strange experiences. Some tales are too odd to easily categorise, but each one simple or com‐plex transformed an ordinary person's life, revealing a facet of those uncanny phenomena that still leave us wondering ‐ what if?

Imagine if:

You met a strange woman who said she remembered Lincoln's funeral, then vanished. You dreamed you were being attacked by a demon and woke up to find scratch marks across your body. The face of the person in front of you suddenly transformed into that of a reptilian.

Remember: These and the many other tales in this fascinating book are true, short and emi‐nently creepy! An interesting a thought provoking book. Enjoyable… (PM).



Title: The World’s Most Haunted House

Author: William J. Hall Publisher: New Page Books ISBN‐13: 978‐1601633378

Price: £12.87 at Amazon UK

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The True Story of the Bridgeport Poltergeist on Lindley Street.

In this unprecedented work, the story of the 1974 Bridgeport, Connecticut poltergeist is at last revealed. A crowd of more than 2,000 onlookers gathered. National media reported jumping furniture, floating refrigerators, and attacking entities.

Decades after the publicity quieted, more than 40 hours of never‐before‐released interviews with police officers, firefighters, and others tell the story as it actually unfolded. Return to 1974 and find out why it is deemed the haunting that should have brought the paranormal into mainstream science.

What may be the most notorious and most terrifying poltergeist haunting of recent decades, the Bridgeport poltergeist was seen and heard by thousands of people on one unforgettable day in 1974. One of the local youngsters, William J. Hall, remembers every detail. Hall grew up to become a magician and a well‐known investigator of the paranormal and the unexplained, writing a syndicated column on those subjects for many years in Connecticut newspapers.

Now Hall returns to his past to share never‐before reported interviews of the first responders and other witnesses, and previously unrevealed documents and reports, in a journalistic new book, The World’s Most Haunted House: The True Story of the Bridgeport Poltergeist on Lindley Street. Return to 1974 and feel the Lindley Street experience from the inside. ‘Rarely do you come across good books covering the phenomena of Poltergeist Infestations. This was a pleasure to read and is a good book to have in your collection. Well written with an a eye for detail. Thoroughly enjoyable.’ (PM).

Title: It was a dark and creepy Night

Authors: Joshua P. Warren & Andrea Saarkoppel

Publisher: New Page Books ISBN: 13: 978‐1601633286

Price: £12.87 at Amazon UK

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Area 51: Secrets Revealed By Stunner

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Area 51: Secrets Revealed By Stunner

After nearly five decades, guys like James Noce finally get to tell their stories about Area 51.

Yes, that Area 51.

The one that gets brought up when people talk about secret air force projects, crashed UFOs, alien bodies and, of course, conspiracies. The secrets, some of them, have been declassified.

Noce, 72, and his fellow Area 51 veterans around the United States are now free to talk about doing contract work for the CIA in the 1960s and '70s at the arid, isolated southern Nevada government testing site. Their stories shed some light on a site shrouded in mystery; classified projects still are going on there. It's not a big leap from warding off the curious 40 or 50 years ago, to warding off the curious who now make the drive to Area 51. The veterans' stories provide a glimpse of real‐life government covert operations, with their every‐day routines and moments of excitement. Noce didn't seek publicity. But when contacted, he was glad to tell what it was like. "I was sworn to se‐crecy for 47 years. I couldn't talk about it," he says.

In the 1960s, Area 51 was the test site for the A‐12 and its successor, the SR‐71 Blackbird, a secret spy plane that broke records at documented speeds that are still unmatched. The CIA says it reached Mach 3.29 (about 2,200 m.p.h. or 3,500 km/h) at a height of 90,000 feet. But after Sep‐tember 2007, when the CIA displayed an A‐12 in front of its Langley, Va., headquarters as part of the agency's 60th birthday, much of the secrecy of those days at Area 51 fell away. Warning to ufologists: Sorry, although Noce and other Area 51 vets say they saw plenty of secret stuff , none make claims about aliens.

But on to the secrecy part.

Noce remembers always getting paid in cash, signing a phoney name to the receipt, during his several years of working security at the site. It was, in CIA parlance, "a black project." Noce says he has no paperwork showing that he worked at Area 51 for the CIA. He says that was common. Others who got cheques say they came from vari‐ous companies, including Pan American World Airways. But Noce is vouched for by T.D. Barnes, of Henderson, Nev., founder and president of Roadrunners Internationale, membership 325. Barnes is the one who says he got cheques from Pan Am, for whom he had never worked.

Roadrunners is a group of Area 51 vets including individuals affiliated with the U.S. Air Force, CIA, Lockheed, Honeywell and other contractors. For the past 20 years, they'd meet every couple of years at reunions they kept clandestine. Their first public session was last October at a reunion in Las Vegas at the Atomic Testing Museum. As age creeps up on them, Barnes, 72, an Area 51 radar specialist, wants the work the vets did to be re‐membered.

And Barnes himself has someone quite credible to vouch for him: David Robarge, chief historian for the CIA and author of Archangel: CIA's Super‐sonic A‐12 Reconnaissance Aircraft. Robarge says about Barnes, "He's very knowledgeable. He never embellishes.' Barnes says that the way membership in the Roadrunners grew was by one guy who worked for the CIA telling about another buddy who worked at Area 51, and so on. Barnes says other Area 51 vets vouched for Noce.

Noce was a 1955 Vancouver High grad who went right into the air force and was trained in radar. Leaving the service in 1959, he worked as a pro‐duce manager for the Safeway in Camas, 30 kilo‐metres east of Vancouver. Sometime in late 1961, Noce got a phone call at the grocery store. It was from a buddy of his from the air force days, who now worked for the CIA. "He knew I had classified clearance from working at the ra‐dar sites," remembers Noce. "He asked me how would I like to live in Las Vegas." Noce agreed to drive to Las Vegas and call "a guy" who worked for "the agency." And so Noce began doing secu‐rity. Most of the time, it was routine stuff. On Monday mornings, a Lockheed Superconstella‐tion would fly in from the "Skunk Works" in Bur‐bank, Calif., bringing engineers and others who were working on the A‐12. They'd stay there during the week and return home on weekends. Skunk Works was the nickname for Lockheed's Advanced Development Projects, which had the A‐12 contract. The routine stuff included check‐ing badges and making sure nobody had weap‐ons or cameras. Security workers also made sure only those with proper clearance would witness a test flight.

And what a sight it was.

According to the CIA, its late former chief Richard Helms recalled visiting Area 51 and watching a midnight test flight of an A‐12. "The blast of flame that sent the black, insect‐shaped projec‐tile hurtling across the tarmac made me duck

instinctively. It was as if the devil himself were blasting his way straight from hell," said Helms, according to former CIA director Michael Hayden. Other times, the routine got very exciting. Noce remembers when "Article 123," as one of the A‐12s was called, crashed on May 24, 1963, after the plane stalled near Wendover, Utah. The pilot ejected and survived. Noce says he was among those who flew to the crash site in a giant cargo plane loaded with several trucks. They loaded everything from the crash into the trucks.

He remembers that a local deputy had either witnessed the crash or had quickly arrived at the scene. There also was a family on a vacation car trip who had taken photos. "We confiscated the camera, took the film out," says Noce. "We just said we worked for the government." He says the deputy and the family were told not to talk to anybody about the crash, especially the press. "We told them there would be dire conse‐quences," Noce says. "You scared them." As an added incentive, he says, the CIA arrived with a briefcase full of cash. "I think it was like 25 grand apiece, for the sheriff and the family," says Noce. Robarge says cash payments were routine to cover things up.

"It was common practice"

Noce also remembers providing security in 1962 as a disassembled A‐12 was trucked along back roads from Burbank to Area 51. trailers. At one point, a Greyhound bus travelling in the opposite direction grazed one of the trailers. Wrote Ro‐barge, "Project managers quickly authorized the payment of nearly $5,000 for damage to the bus so no insurance or legal inquiry would take place." About the aliens ... Noce and Barnes say they never saw anything connected to UFOs. Barnes believes the air force and the CIA didn't mind the stories about alien spacecraft. They helped cover up the secret planes that were being tested. On one occasion, he remembers, when the first jets were being tested at what was Muroc Army Air Field, later renamed Edwards Air Force Base, a

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Area 51: Secrets Revealed By Stunner

test pilot put on a gorilla mask and flew upside down beside a private pilot. "Well, when this guy went back, telling reporters, 'I saw a plane that didn't have a propeller and being flown by a mon‐key,' well, they laughed at this guy ‐‐ and it got where the guys would see (test pilots) and they didn't dare report it because everybody'd laugh at them," says Barnes.

Noce says he quite liked working at Area 51.

He got paid $1,000 US a month (about $7,200 in today's dollars). Weekdays he lived for free at the base in admittedly utilitarian housing ‐‐ five men assigned to a one‐storey house, sharing a kitchen and bathroom. Something that all Area 51 vets remember about living at the base, he says, was the great food. "They had these cooks come up from Vegas. They were like regular chefs," Noce remembers. "Day or night, you could get a steak, whatever you wanted." Lobster was flown in regularly from Maine. A jet, sent across the coun‐try to test its engines, would bring back the succu‐lent payload. On weekends, Noce and other con‐tracted CIA guys would drive to Las Vegas. They rented a pad, and in the patio plumbed in a bar with storage for two kegs of beer. It was a great time, barbecuing steaks and having parties, Noce says.

Noce has two pieces of proof from his Area 51 days: faded black‐and‐white snapshots taken surreptitiously. One shows him in 1962 in front of his housing unit at Area 51. The other shows him in front of what he says is one of two F‐105 Thun‐derchiefs whose Air Force pilots overflew Area 51 out of curiosity. The pilots were forced to land and were told that a no‐fly zone meant just that. Noce worked at Area 51 from early 1962 to late 1965. He returned to Vancouver and spent most of his working life as a longshoreman. Noce re‐members once in recent years talking with fellow retired longshoreman pals and telling them sto‐ries about Area 51. When they didn't believe him, he says, "Well, there was nothing I could do to prove anything." Mary Pelevsky, a University of Nevada visiting scholar, headed the school's Ne‐vada Test Site Oral History Project from 2003 to 2008. Some 150 people were interviewed about their experiences during Cold War nuclear testing. Area 51 vets such as Barnes also were inter‐viewed. The historian says it was difficult to verify stories because of secrecy at the time, cover sto‐ries, memory lapses and, sometimes, misrepre‐sentations. But, she says, "I've heard this cloak‐and‐dagger stuff , and you say, 'No way.' Then you hear enough and begin to realize some of these stories are true."

In October, Noce and his son, Chris, of Colorado, drove to Las Vegas for that first public reunion of the Area 51 vets. He and his old buddies remem‐bered the days. 'I was doing something for the country,' Noce says about those three years in the 1960s. 'They told me, 'If anything should ever asks, 'Did you work for the CIA? Say, 'Never heard of them.' But (my buddies) know..."

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On June 28th 2014 at Leeds Metropolitan University Rose Bowl campus, Anthony Beckett along with his wife and brother constructed yet another masterpiece of Ufology. The location was excellent, ample room, easy parking, a café on hand… What more can you ask for? The Event was hosted by good friend Ben Emlin Jones who introduced speakers Ellis Taylor, Tony Topping, Anthony Beckett, Lorraine Flaherty and Mike Clelland.

Anthony Beckett’s lecture was a fascinating one. He talked about flying saucers and E.T. commu‐nications. He explained, after attending a U.S. Exopolitics convention he was that impressed he decided to construct his own UK events, and since then they have become the leading UFO events throughout the country. Anthony dis‐cussed UFO incidents reported in the Keighley Journal newspaper as well as the anti‐gravity work carried out by Thomas Townsend Brown. Tony Topping also delivered an interesting lec‐ture in regards harassment and UFO conspira‐cies. Tony claimed to have had an UFO experi‐ence in 1992 and continued experiences, one of which involved a UFO seen in 1999. Tony went on to talk about his father being a psychic, Nazi Germany in the Antarctic, Blacks Ops, having visions of E.T.s, and unmarked black helicopters that were filming him. Tony also believes he may have had and implant fitted in his head. Tony’s lecture was an enjoyable and varied one which kept the audience in thought. Tony is currently involved in working with TV media companies. Ellis Taylor was the next lecturer to take the stand. He discussed otherworld journeys and experiences. Also touching on inter‐dimensional and inter‐world interaction, inspiration, symbolism, sympathetica, numerology and occult crime. Ellis ex‐plained how he became involved in this fascinating subject and talked about numerous experiences he had had. One of which involving seeing cups moving around on a table on their own and sudden bouts of appliances not working. Ellis ex‐plained why he believes aliens come from another dimension. (An interesting theory that is shared by many investigative researchers around the world). Ellis explained the methods of communication between aliens and humans and why mes‐sages are given. He also discussed certain types of aliens that have the capability to shape‐shift. Ellis went on to talk about the human affects during certain alien influences and how the body seems to feel hot inside during times of telepathic and other forms of communication. He also discussed the missing time phenomena often associated with E.T. experiences. His lecture covered numerous aspects of E.T. communication and was well presented and most interesting. Hypnotherapist Lorraine Flaherty’s lecture was about past lives and future lives. She explain how she became involved in this subject and how she had had a strict Catholic upbringing but at the same time was very curious and as she got older she started to question her faith. Lorraine claims to have been on a spiritual journey and believes that she was in fact an extra‐terrestrial in a previous life. She went on to discuss her out of body experiences and that in another previous life she be‐lieved she was burnt at the stake for witchcraft. Lorraine went on to explain in great detail her many experiences, some in‐volved travelling to the famous city of Atlantis and explained how she felt whilst in her astral body. Lorraine discussed her new book ‘Healing with Past Life Therapy’. Lorraine Flaherty offers an effective self help guide to past life regression. She guides you through a safe understanding of each step of the process, empowering you to take your own journey into a greater understanding of who you are, where you came from and why you are here. Lorraine had brought along a number of books to sell and by the end of the day, all had been purchased. A fascinating lecture that opened your mind. Mike Clelland lectured about numerous UFO and abduction cases. Some of which allegedly took place in Alaska during 2006 where large 4 foot owls were seen and thought to have been aliens yet perceived to be large birds. He claimed to have wit‐nessed UFOs since the age of 7 and also in January of 1993. Mike went on to talk about the mythological aspect of owls and pointed out current symbolism of owls, even a few he had spotted around the town of Leeds. An interesting lecture that was emphasised by a movie that was released a number of years ago called ‘The Fourth Kind’. The Extraterrestrial Communica‐tion Conference was very well organised and Anthony, his brother and wife had constructed yet another great event. Unfor‐tunately, there was no representatives there from either UFO Today magazine or UFO Truth magazine. I take my hat off to Anthony and his family for their extremely hard work and total dedication in constructing such UK events. Well Done! So… if you don’t want to miss out, grab your tickets now for the next BIG EVENT: The 6th Annual British Exopolitics Expo on Sep‐tember 26th‐28th 2014. Held at Leeds Metropolitan University UK: DETAILS CAN BE FOUND IN OUR ADVERTS SECTION.

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The Extraterrestrial Communication Conference - Did You Miss It? By Rodney Howarth.

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Is there a Black Country Triangle? West Midlands Police receive scores of 999 calls in three years reporting sightings of witches, zombies and ghosts. By Darren Boyle.

West Midlands Police have received 71 reports of witches ghosts and zombies over a three year period ‐ however the Black Country is officially werewolf‐free. Between 2011 and 2013, the force was obliged to investigate reports of paranor‐mal activity in what has now been dubbed The Black Country Triangle.

According to Nick Duffy of the West Midlands' Ghost Club, much of this upsurge is probably due to poor quality American television shows deal‐ing with the paranormal. According to figures released under the Free‐dom of Information Act, West Midlands Police have received 15 reports of ghosts, 55 incidents of witchcraft and a pair of zombies roaming the area over a three year period. The paranormal researcher asked for the number of reports of ghosts, werewolves, witches and zombies over the past three calendar years received by West Midlands Police.

The unnamed person wanted to know especially 'any other details included in the calls? ie seven were‐wolves attacking people' and what action was taken by police. According to the FOI document: 'The re‐ports include ghost, zombie and witch sightings, hearing and communicating with the aforementioned, the use of witchcraft, claims to be a witch and witch hunters. I have not included terms such as "she called me a witch", "he was in a zombie‐like state".' However, according to the figures, 2013 featured record complaints of incidents involving ghosts and witches and worryingly the first two reports of zom‐bies in the region. No reports of werewolves activity were made by the region's 2.8 million population.

The paranormal reports were spread across Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Solihull, Sadwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton. Mr. Duffy said: 'I am very surprised by the number of reports of witchcraft. I guess that is down to the popularity of TV shows such as Charmed. 'We set up the West Midlands Ghost Club in 1989 and we have received thousands of reports of paranormal activity. It is fair to say that there is a Black Country Triangle. 'We investigate each case on its own individual merits.

It may seem surprising but we do not go to a house to either prove or disprove the presence of a ghost or spirit. There are charlatans out there who arrive with psychics who claim they can talk to the spirits or the little boy who had been murdered in the corner, but that is utter bunkum. 'Our job is simply to reassure people who are facing a problem. In may cases, it doesn't really matter if a house is haunted or not, if the person is con‐vinced and they are in danger, then they will want to move.'

Mr. Duffy said he received one report of a werewolf in Solihull. He added: 'She was convinced a werewolf was feeding in her bins but it turned out to be a dog. We have had other cases of people convinced they could hear voices and they've turned out to be the neighbours.' Force spokesman, Billy Corrigan, said: 'Our officers routinely see the consequences of spirits when things go bump... but that tends to be of a night when the pubs have closed their doors and we’re making sure people get home safely. 'While the figures can seem amusing, behind some of these "supernatural" calls may be a deeply troubled individual or a person wasting valuable police time which would be better spent preventing real crimes. 'West Mid‐lands Police always take action against those found to be knowingly making false and malicious calls to the emergency services.' In May, mother‐of‐three Michele Bardsley, 35 claimed she filmed UFOs above her home in Solihull, West Midlands. The video she made shows a formation of three or four lights, rising and falling together in the night sky. She claimed she filmed the phenomenon for at least 40 minutes ‐ only breaking off for to put on her slippers when her feet got cold. She said: 'I was painting upstairs then went to the back door for a cig. I looked up and there were these shapes, like red orbs, in the sky. 'They didn't look like stars or planes or helicopters, they were just hanging there. I thought I'd had a few too many rum and cokes. 'I got my phone and zoomed in on them. I was there for about 20 minutes, my feet were freezing but I couldn't come away. 'Eventually I had to come back inside for my slippers and fags, then I went back out and filmed another 20 minutes. 'I must have looked mad out there for so long just filming the sky but it was so strange I did not want to go inside...'

Methane explosion? Meteorite crater? Scientists baffled by gigantic 262ft hole that has appeared at

Siberia's 'End of The World'

An urgent expedition will leave tomorrow to probe a giant crater that has appeared in gas‐rich northern Siberia. Extraordinary

aerial images show a mysterious hole which experts say may be up to 262 feet wide, in the Yamal Peninsula of northern Russia. 'A

scientific team has been sent to investigate the hole and is due to arrive at the scene on Wednesday,' The Siberian Times has re‐ported. The cause of the hole's sudden appearance in Yamal ‐ which translates as 'the end of the world' ‐ in the far north of

Siberia is not yet known. There has been web speculation about the crater indicating 'the arrival of a UFO craft'. But one Russian

expert says the cause is more likely to be global warming releasing gases under the surface, which then explode like a champagne cork. Experts say that the darkening around the inner rim of the

crater indicates 'severe burning' which scorched its edges.

Another theory is that the hole was formed by a meteorite striking this lonely spot in the Yamalo‐Nenets Autonomous Region, some 20 miles from the Bovanenkovo gas field. 'There is agreement that soil around the hole was thrown out of the crater, large enough for several Mi‐8 helicopters to fly into it,' The Siberian Times reported ‐ before adding 'not that they have.' The expedition

organised by the Yamal authorities includes experts from Russia's Centre for the Study of the Arctic, and also the Cryosphere Insti‐tute of the Academy of Sciences. They plan to take samples of soil,

air and water from the scene. They will be accompanied by a specialist from Russia's Emergencies Ministry. A spokesman for the ministry's Yamal branch has ruled out a meteorite, but says it is too early to say what caused the hole. 'We can definitely say

that it is not a meteorite,' he says.

Anna Kurchatova from the Sub‐Arctic Scientific Research Centre, thinks the crater was formed by a mixture of water, salt and gas

igniting an underground explosion, a result of global warming. Gas accumulated in ice could have mixed with sand beneath the

surface, and then mixed with salt. Some 10,000 years ago this area was a sea. Global warming may have caused an 'alarming' melt in the under‐soil ice, released gas and causing an effect like the popping of a Champagne bottle cork, Ms Kurchatova suggests.

Yamal, a large peninsula jutting into Arctic waters, is Russia's main production area for gas supplied to Europe…


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England spooked both on and off the field as Ben Stokes and Stuart Broad struggle to sleep because of Langham Hotel's GHOSTS.

England's players have had plenty of excuses to lose sleep through their woeful on‐field displays in re‐cent months but paranormal activity in their hotel bedrooms is surely taking things to an extreme. While the ghost of ousted Kevin Pietersen may be haunting the power‐brokers at the ECB, it has emerged that the current team are convinced their five‐star central London hotel is haunted, causing several stars to have difficulty sleeping at night. Sportsmail has learned that a number of players have requested to move rooms, while some wives and girlfriends have refused to stay at the world‐renowned Langham Hotel during London Test matches this summer after complaints of mysteri‐ous goings‐on at night. ‘During the Sri Lanka Test I had to move rooms,’ said fast bowler Stuart Broad.

‘It was so hot in the room I just couldn’t sleep. All of a sudden the taps in the bathroom came on for no reason. I turned the lights on and the taps turned themselves off. Then when I turned the lights off again the taps came on. It was very weird. ‘It really freaked me out. I ended up asking to move rooms. Bealey (Broad’s girlfriend) was pretty spooked, too, and I know Moeen Ali’s other half won’t stay there because she’s so frightened of the ghosts. ‘Ben Stokes has had some problems sleeping as well. He’s on the third floor, which is where a lot of the issues are. I’m telling you, something weird is going on.’

The Langham Hotel ‐ renowned as one of the finest in London ‐ was opened in 1865 by The Prince of Wales and subsequently frequented by the cream of Victorian society including literary luminaries such as Sherlock Holmes creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Oscar Wilde. But it has also been re‐ported that as many as seven ghosts have been seen stalking the corridors and bedrooms ‐ includ‐ing a German doctor who reportedly murdered his wife while on honeymoon at the hotel before com‐mitting suicide and a soldier who committed sui‐cide by throwing himself off a balcony. Room 333 is believed to be the most haunted room with the hotel’s own website stating:

‘In 1973 a BBC radio announcer James Alexander‐Gordon awoke suddenly in the night to see a fluorescent ball which slowly took on the shape of a man wearing Victorian evening wear. The announcer asked the ghost what it wanted and it began to float towards him, with its legs cut off some two feet below the ground, arms outstretched, eyes staring emptily. At this point the announcer got up and fled.’

The hotel’s history has clearly affected Alastair Cook’s men, too, with some of the most senior players in the team convinced the hotel is haunted. ‘I’ve slept okay during the current Test (against India) but the Sri Lanka Test (last month) was not great,’ added Broad. ‘One night I woke up in the middle of the night, around 1.30am and I was convinced there was a presence in the room. It was the weirdest feeling. ‘I turned the light on and looked online and could see Matt Prior was online, too. I went to his room and he said exactly the same thing! He was wide awake as well. Neither of us could sleep because we were so spooked out.

‘Matt was in a twin room so I ended up shar‐ing with him. I don’t know if it’s because we’re talking about it more that we sensing more is going on but it’s weird. It’s definitely caused a few sleepless nights.’

The hotel declined to comment.

It is not the first time Test cricketers have been spooked, with Australia all‐rounder Shane Watson famously having to share a room with team‐mate Brett Lee in 2005 be‐cause he was scared of ghostly goings on at Lumley Castle Hotel near Durham...

Is this a flying saucer? Chilean government publishes report declaring object spotted above

remote copper mine was an 'official UFO'

A government agency in Chile has published a report on two photographs showing an object which it claims 'can be qualified as a UFO.' The Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (CEFAA), part of Chile's Ministerial Department of Civil Aeronautics, studied photographs of the object after it was spotted by four engineers above a remote copper mine. Accord‐ing to the report, the engineers described the object as 'a flat‐

tened disc of brilliant colour with a diameter of 5 to 10 metres [16 to 32 feet]. It performed ascending, descending and horizontal

movements in short lengths, about 600 meters above the ground.' One of the workers reportedly took the pictures on a

Kenox Samsung S860 camera after they spotted the object at the Collahuasi copper whilst they were working there in April 2013.

While the engineers did not want to talk about the sighting, the photographer did tell a colleague at the mine, who sent copies of the images to the CEFAA earlier this year. The engineer who sent the pictures on to the government agency also passed on infor‐mation provided to him by the witnesses, the Huffington Post has reported. Following investigations, the CEFAA ruled out the possi‐

bility of any meteorological phenomena, including lenticular clouds, along with experimental aircraft, planes, and weather

balloons, according to the Inquisitr. The agency also ruled out the possibility of drones in the area. CEFAA international affairs

director Jose Lay told Leslie Kean, for the Huffington Post: 'Fishing companies use drones and they make a lot of noise. This was

definitely not a drone.'

The study concludes: 'It is an object or phenomenon of great interest, and it can be qualified as a UFO.' Caution has been urged however regarding the conclusions, primarily as the four engi‐

neers who witnessed the incident refused to co‐operate with the agency conducting the investigation. The report was released in the same week as the CIA revealed they were responsible for a number of 'UFO' sightings in Norway in the 1950s. Throughout the decade, numerous lights in the sky were reported by mem‐bers of the public and pilots alike, with some suggesting they were of extraterrestrial origin. But the CIA last week revealed it was the agency flying their secretive U‐2 aircraft high in the

atmosphere. In a tweet the CIA said: ‘Remember reports of un‐usual activity in the skies in the ‘50s? That was us.’ Meanwhile, a series of images from NASA's Curiosity rover, which shows a

white dot appearing to descend to the surface of Mars, was also explained this week. While one Youtuber claimed the images was

evidence of a UFO landing on the red planet, NASA said the anomaly can be easily explained as a so‐called 'hot pixel' in one of

the cameras...

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More Crop Circles Mysteries By Nancy Talbot

Nancy Talbot delves into further Crop Circles. The July 8th 2014 Formation.

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More Crop Circles Mysteries By Nancy Talbot

Dear All….another circle, again foreseen by Robbert:

Date: July 8, 2014 (at, or just after, Midnight of 7/7/14)

Location: Standdaarbuiten, Holland

Crop: Wheat

Found By: Robbert v/d Broeke ((http://www.robbertvandenbroeke.nl/home)

Diagram: Roy Boschman & Nancy Talbott

Photos: Roy B oschman

Report By: Nancy Talbott, BLT Research (http://www.bltresearch.com)

On Sunday evening, July 6th, I (Nancy) skyped Robbert v/d Broeke because of a feeling I had that another crop circle was coming in Holland. Robbert said he also felt something was coming and both of us remarked on the fact that we were feeling extremely tired, something we’ve both noticed increasingly in the last few years when new circles are “getting ready” to appear near Robbert. Then, on the evening of Monday July 7th we were again on Skype for awhile when, at 12:05 am East Coast U.S. time (6:05 am July 7th, Rob‐bert’s time) Roibbert looked up toward the ceiling of his apartment and sud‐denly said he had a feeling in his stomach and heart and “saw” a “blueprint” of a new formation—an “8” (Robbert called it the number “eight," although it could also possibly represent an infinity symbol)‐‐which was coming in a crop circle very soon. I asked him to draw me what he “saw” and he did, and held up a sketch of an “8” to the Skype camera so I could see it.

Then on Tuesday, July 8th at 4:53pm U.S. time (nearly 11:00pm Robbert’s time) while again on Skype, Robbert again looked up toward the ceiling

several times and all of a sudden got a certain look on his face that I’ve seen many times…saying then he felt a “very massive” energy around him and that the crop circle was happening immediately. I heard him say “Roosendaal” (a fairly distant town)…and then said some other Dutch village name I didn’t catch…and then said he had to go and call Roy right away, hoping Roy would not yet be in bed so he could drive Robbert to find the new circle. The last thing he said before hanging up was “it sounds strange…but it feels exactly like a baby is coming.”

By the time Roy arrived (and I suspect the crop circle had already formed) Robbert felt the place they had to drive was in‐between the villages of Ho‐even, Oudenbosch and Standdaarbuiten (all very close together), instead of Roosendaal. When they got to the right area Robbert “saw” (in his mind’s eye, not visually) a white, luminescent “aura” over one of the fields and they stopped the car & walked to this field.

As they went down the tram‐lines and then found the formation Robbert felt a huge amount of “activity” in the air over the field‐‐that there were many “helpers” and “light beings” present. Just as he had foreseen, the formation is a beautiful “8” with some amazing “lay” details. The wheat is laid very flat to the ground throughout, with two approximately 20 cm.‐wide flat paths com‐ing out of both of the “8” circles….and a very thin, 30 cm.‐wide flattened ring around the whole formation.

It had been raining steadily for several days and was also very hot, and the ground was wet and very muddy. But the rain had stopped enough by the time Robbert and Roy arrived so they were able to carefully pick they way along the tram‐lines and could see, that even thought their boots were cov‐ered with mud, there was no mud at all in the new formation. Robbert heard the crackling “zzzzz” sound in this circle and felt the “electric feeling” was so intense the hair on his arms was standing up (as occurs when there is an elec‐trostatic charge present). He also reported that in a few parts of the

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More Crop Circles Mysteries By Nancy Talbot

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formation, if he stood there too long, he began to feel he might “go knock out” and had to quickly move. Apparently the energies involved in this circle were extremely intense and Robbert and Roy both thought the “lay” looked unusual—very flat and more “mechanical” than is typical of most circles that occur near Robbert.

Finally Robbert tells me he got some “messages” in this formation. He said he clearly “heard” that those of us around the world who continue to work to bring the truth about the crop circles being a genuine unexplained phenome‐non to the larger public are much loved by the non‐human "energies” which create the real circles, and that those of us doing this are “making history." And he told me he also got a specific “thank you” for me….that “they” thanked me and were “happy” I continue to do my part. I hesitate to recount this because I know some people will either think Robbert tells me this be‐cause he is, himself, grateful for my help...or that I report this only to “toot my own horn.” But I have come to a decision….perhaps it was when in Febru‐ary I “sent” the heart to Robbert in Holland (http://www.bltresearch.com/robbert/PsychicHeartPhoto.pdf )…that I am through trying to be “politically

correct” at the expense of the phenomenon itself. Something way beyond what we ordinary souls understand is going on…and it’s past time for honest, smart people to “pony up.”


For additional photos of this and other Dutch crop circles, see Robbert’s Crop Circle Archive: http://www.robbertvandenbroeke.nl/graancirkelarchief

For more info (in English) about the anomalous phenomena occurring around Robbert for the last 20 years, see individual reports listed below the introduc‐tion on his BLT page: http://www.bltresearch.com/robbert.php.

Nancy Talbott, BLT Research Team Inc. P.O. Box 400127 Cambridge, MA 02140 (USA) 617/492‐04157;492‐0415 www.bltresearch.com

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My Private War Against Classified Mind Control Operations Involving Covert Interests & UFOs By Tony Topping

What Edward Snowden Did Not Tell You.

The recent revelations of Edward Snowden regarding mass electronic monitoring of the population via electronic means dramatically escalates I do believe to the further horrifying and unfathomable world of

mind control and covert operations which I am a witness to from 1999 to present.

It is correct to say that the secrecy behind theses operations go beyond normal government and even the heads of our agencies who are tasked to keep society safe. Unfortunately we have a lunatic element who far from keeping society safe appears to be running riot with covert projects and members of the public being selected for a unique brand of experiments with artificial mind control technology, from

across the UK to the US people from all walks of life might be the target of these people as the develop-ments in mind terror weapons continue with no oversight.

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Currently they have sunk back into the shadows, yet the concern is present that I am still being monitored illegally and very closely.

Such is the brazen untouchable manner of classified operatives dealing with illegal mind control upon the public it raises important national security is‐sues should world leaders with hands on nuclear triggers be targeted by such technological unethical evil people called mind terrorists. Only recently a Turkish investigation concluded the possibility that the Turkish PM may be a target of this covert technology I raised the alarm and the silence is deafen‐ing. This is the world beyond electronic gathering of email & internet a world fully covered by the very secrecy system designed to protect society.

It is my public duty as a UK citizen to report and write on these matters. My quarrel is not with those who are involved in highly dangerous work to pro‐tect the innocent I hope that is clear. The world I have seen is one of covert unacknowledged secrecy Orwellian in scope and guarded by psychopaths. Currently researchers in my subject field who write books and are also in the media have a policy that the events I or others describe do not happen too them in the course of their research so therefore it does not happen too you, this subtle form of ridicule is common for I am known as a Targeted Individ‐ual or TI. Dr Steven Greer who was also a TI members of the UK Diplomatic Service, former admirals and air chiefs in the UK have all commented that such cloak and dagger activities do go on.

It took me a very long time to understand that mind control and covert intel‐ligence harassment of UFO researchers in the world of secrecy about mat‐ters UFO or paranormal goes on, but it slowly takes years of experience to reach these conclusions. I am a specialist in the UK on the subject of UFOs this then developed into studying the worlds of Espionage & the world of Psychic Espionage. I have appeared for major broadcasters had part of my work endorsed by a highly decorated individual awarded a Legion of Merit for intelligence gathering by unorthodox means. I never thought my experi‐ences would lead me into the media. My experiences began in 1999 but go back further down the years, yet the start of this weird journey that began with covert monitoring gives new meaning to the word monitoring agency it really began in 1999 the covert harassment by any government agency is a crime and violation of my human rights has occurred.

You have to become them and think like them to understand these very evil people. Any inquiry or questions will be mocked the messenger will be shot on no account would they want to acknowledge these activities go on in a world of spin and media sycophancy of our current insane world. Many cor‐porations are involved, money has been spent on development of mind con‐trol and mind interfacing, it is damaging PR to all concerned. To hell with ethics or the crimes committed, for telling the truth is now a crime, this is the world Snowden did not tell the public about. A world of top secret develop‐ment and unethical behaviour that would delight any Nazi scientist from the era of WW11. The Strange Events That Started Unwanted Attention From A Covert Agency. Here is something I wrote a few years ago regarding what could be described as testing a form of covert weapon against me in 2001. “That the mind was emotionally crippled and at the first hint of mind inva‐sion an element of my mind would find the invasion interesting, You would it appeared be kept awake while asleep and then the horrendous stabbing into

My Private War Against Classified Mind Control Operations Involving Covert Interests & UFOs By Tony Topping

the head would commence, with your head vibrating in concert with music like the theme from the film The Birds it happened in January 2001 my har‐rassor had run simulations on me like some kind of lab animal I awoke think‐ing I was going to die. Always between the hours of 0300‐0400. My control‐lers it appears were testing some type of non lethal weapon on me and per‐sisted in telling me to keep quiet about my liaison with them a secret state out of control confident in secret immunity above all scrutiny the strange behaviour continued.

I shall share with you some of the entries in my journals and the effects this had on me in daily life which were terrible. First however we must under‐stand the background to mind control which at all levels is around us in terms of the UFO subject it is often claimed that some are subjected to mind control implants and illegal abduction. The intelligence agencies, such as MI‐6 began investigating these mind‐control techniques early this century, but their records have been routinely destroyed and tampered with. There are some survivors and professionals who know that the British used pro‐grammed trauma‐based MPD (DID) agents in W.W. I. The term MKULTRA was used by the CIA to instigate operations of mind control its founder was a man called Sidney Gottlieb an American Military Shrink who developed poi‐sons for the CIA, as well as have a passion for folk dancing, as we shall note the research I write here is American based, however this technology was also deployed on myself remotely in the UK under tax payers money.

Sidney was a stutterer but was awarded a degree in speech therapy as well as having a club foot, it takes a deformed mind to carry out these operations on other people so that comes as no surprise, one of the operatives ordered a drink in a pub at the height of my harassment and one would never realise underneath the charming smile the man gave to the barman what they are involved with as he commented on the actions he had carried out upon me quietly and with confidence to the woman he was with I shall come to that shortly. Project MKULTRA was activated by the director of the CIA Allen Dul‐les the agenda was to experiment on unwitting subjects that would crush the human psyche to admit anything, the UK arm of these people from 1999 onwards had a great go at cracking me and succeeded I am a broken man because of it. MKULTRA was used in the 1950′s to subject people to various drug and mind control experiments Director Richard Helms burnt all evi‐dence of CIA involvement in MKULTRA the term MK stands for the agencies technical division the word ULTRA is a classification designated from World War 2 intelligence, and during my experiences I would have the honour of having MKULTRA style mind control delivered remotely too me, remotely from a secret location night, and day.

These developed into what could be termed atrocities of the human mind as they exposed my psyche to every conceivable item of torture and perversion, while at the same time telling me that I was insane and needed help when in fact they had caused the problems it is a common modus operandi remem‐ber you must think as them. They cause the insanity with the technology + tell you, you are insane because of what they have done + you need there help to cure you of the hell they have caused hence them being present doing what they are doing. Jason Bourne and the Bourne trilogy gives some very dramatic insights into the mind set you are up against and I am just an ordinary member of the public up against operatives of some unknown or‐ganisation, in the films Bourne seeks to find his identity I also seek to find why these events happened too me, I have gone the distance and reached conclusions as to who and where but not why. It is of note that I placed a web site on the internet and discovered that these unaccountable people would crawl out of the woodwork, the technical term for this technology used is Non Lethal Weapons Technology, or to use another term Strategic Personality Simulation, in a US Air Force Report called New World Vistas Air & Space Power For The 21st Century it is said that:

“It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction. When a high power microwave pulse in the gigahertz range strikes the hu‐man body, a very small temperature perturbation occurs. This is associated with a sudden expansion of the slightly heated tissue. This expansion is fast enough to produce an acoustic wave. If a pulse stream is used, it should be

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possible to create an internal acoustic field in the 5‐15 kilohertz range, which is audible. Thus, it may be possible to “talk” to selected adversaries in a fash‐ion that would be most disturbing to them.”

Above: A very good photo fit of my stalker a man immune from any over‐sight confident that the shadow secret state is like diplomatic immunity.

I had also been followed by them on numerous occasions as I had been con‐trolled under MKULTRA, MONARCH programming for a long time, I recall the man in the photo fit above had during these classified operations visited a local pub in Selby called The Cricketers Arms he had walked in and ordered a drink at the bar with a woman in her fifties they appeared not to be stopping long, they took up position to observe me not realising perhaps that I had observed them as I walked past to go to the toilet he looked at the woman and said “I see he is off to the toilet again”. This in reference to his constant and alarming mind invasive techniques to wake me up to go to the toilet at all hours which was common alarm clocks were even used for auditory pur‐poses. He did not follow me but stayed where he was propping himself up against a pillar I walked past him again upon my return, and I am sure the purpose was to communicate some fiendish plan too me, the woman did a bizarre thing by trying to get my attention in a mirror, she held her head back and looked at me tilting her head slightly, and then said to him “why won’t Tony communicate with us”. “I do not know come on lets go”. Looking at me like I was some type of stranger in a foreign land. This man had stepped into my world a world even I could not understand. In that moment he had of course stepped into the realm of common law what is disturbing is his confi‐dence to go about his work without challenge upon an unknowing public. The second time I came under surveillance was also in a pub a few months later and these two were cool customers, as they wandered in to observe me the woman in question who I recognised from my strange going’s on calmly

My Private War Against Classified Mind Control Operations Involving Covert Interests & UFOs By Tony Topping

got a drink with the man she was with but she was not calm and had a nerv‐ous energy about her all the while the public oblivious. I walked out stood at the door she also with the man she was with made for the door she stood next to me and in a foreign accent said “See you later Anthony”. I concluded correctly that harassment was going on and it would escalate with the reason why constantly eluding, Le Carre could not have written it better. Another suspicious appearance of these people came in the form of an unmarked helicopter while walking home in 1999 unmarked and green in colour Jane’s Defence Weekly concluded it was an AS555 that unusually is not on issue to UK military. Secondly a Lynx pilot commented it was a sliding door variant with winch a highly unusual craft, unmarked breaking every air regulation in the book like from a Jason Bourne film it hovered over a road junction hori‐zontal too me a few feet above a street lamp. Motorists could not believe it as horns were blasted in protest. I reached a conclusion that it was them and they were calibrating the technology used on me up close and personal strange but true. It caused much debate on the ITV This Morning pro‐gramme.

Above: Chatting to Phil & Holly about my experiences the helicopter in view. ITV This Morning.

Above: A good shot of the AS555 or AS550 now climbing away from the junction a bristling array of domes are mounted.

Above: Like a scene from a spy film the site of where the helicopter appeared.

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Above: This helicopter and the people in it are part of some very strange events in my life.

They used this technology with ruthless glee and left me in a daze while try‐ing to hold down a full time job, and keep myself sane, it was common for me to be followed around the local town or anywhere I went. A bizarre event at the height of being awoken day in and day out happened at a local de‐signer outlet where I was followed in 2000, a radio rally in Blackpool UK in about 2003 where once again I was followed, pubs were also game this was not covert observation this was overt observation they were indeed trying to covertly control me into a Manchurian Candidate.

Above: It is the presence of this object identified as a UFO by image analy‐sis that triggered a bizarre series of events.

Above: A plane that moves sideways and reverses, it is also off it’s ap‐proach corridor, because it is a real UFO.

My Private War Against Classified Mind Control Operations Involving Covert Interests & UFOs By Tony Topping

Above: The UFO Illunimates a TV antenna under intelligent control.

All this was triggered by the repeated appearance from May to November 1999 of a mysterious UFO object that I filmed, and later would send for analysis it is this single incident that caused mayhem upon me, the more astute ask how they knew before I did that such objects were appearing and why were resources allocated to target me and from where? Evidence of the footage I have filmed plus the helicopters overt and covert surveillance speaks of an invisible ball that you cannot see going into the back of a net, we see the net move giving evidence of esoteric activity there is no evidence no paperwork trail, nothing at all that points a finger to these black opera‐tions or the people involved remember you are the criminal not them that is how it works.

When the persecution began for me it was during the time of mysterious helicopters and UFOs being filmed over my house, I remember it well as I was staying in Southport and I woke up to a thump in the head a synthetic thump with some words downloaded in front of me as if on a screen and it would eventually send me to the point of crack up which I hid from the world, with some educated guess work I concluded that these intrusions upon me were based on a source that was some type of psychotronic weapon delivered via a psychotronic station. Other gems of torture included waking me up as if I had urinated the bed, waking me up as if the bed had been defecated in and screams into the head all hours of the night “do us a favour and throw yourself in the river.” was often delivered, to name but a few. I began to keep a log of these horrifying intrusions, the theme was that they were “The Police Of The Silence”. They said “Surely We Are The Police Of The Silence We Want You To Join Us”, in what way I could join them re‐mained odd, but covert and overt observation continued by them, including every area of my life being taken over remotely.

My journals began in odd years but the one in 1999 makes chilling reading, as the enforcement to make me be a Manchurian Candidate of a mysterious shadow operation went on.

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Another entry possibly May 1999, in conjunction with black helicopter obser‐vations, indicates “0230 awoken with two slight prickly feelings in left and right hand side of brain.””

Wednesday 17th “Theme Tune played in head”. The entry for the 17th may sound odd but not if you take it from the perspective of a hidden hand re‐sponsible for covert weapons testing or other covert projects ranging it’s hi tech mind control artillery upon the victim, then you will realise that every‐thing is done for a reason including the apparent strange advertising theme tune played at full volume in your head while asleep just perhaps for amuse‐ment value. It was for them at times comical yet it was a serious project to reach a hidden goal separate from any form of oversight as a UK tax payer I should not be putting up with this behaviour. On the same day it is written a malicious phone call is received at my house, 9th June 1999 and twice again on the 10th June 1999 at 0815, and 1250, the strange objects over my homes are ever present drones ? UFOs ? I can only wonder.

On the 11th June awoken from further strange visions & also at 0230‐0300 of that morning my head appears to be nodding without control while in sleep an odd sensation, common among mind control victims as they involuntary muscle control under remote command, banging noises, phone heard, vari‐ous remarks said all delivered via a form of mind control technology that causes inception into the very centre of thought.

17th June 1999 0230 approximately, awoken from heavy imagery and ef‐fects. I am of course being bullied however in those years the ordeal was terrible. a vague memory but is this outfit attempting to observe the incom‐ing UFO craft via this advanced technology. Or is all part of horrific advanced artificial weapons development upon the human mind frankly the jury is out with me on that. I was developing trauma symptoms because of this and they knew it, my appearance became poor I spiraled into depression, work was now the only thing I had, things would get so bad, that I would often attend my job in a suicidal state of mind due to all this, work kept me from the abyss, and thank god for that, it was mind control at its worst. The theme was to make me powerless in a nation that was meant to stand for freedom and democracy, at a certain level however a conspiracy of silence is directed at the population, the 4th December 1999 is a classic entry as my mind was continually exposed to imagery and lack of sleep started me to have eating problems, then they labeled me even more mental than before with continual screams at me that I was “fucking mental” projected once again with advanced audio delivery to the mind while in sleep always on the hour.

One entry no date given was spine chilling, I know it was in 2000 and they were capable of keeping you awake while asleep the mad bastards used a drill sensation in my head somebody drilling into me, and then the voice, the voice saying “Mr Topping you will contact us”, “Who are you” I replied, “I am nobody”, “You will adhere to it”. Said the voice. Common also were attacks to the crotch area with some type of artificial simulation, there was constant mocking of the forces of law and order the testing continued with the adding of a bizarre Stockholm Syndrome towards the man who targeted me. Some of the activities they did too me with this simulation technology included repeated sexual violations, awoken from images of men with guns, various mobile phone messages left, numbers untraceable, one answer machine message appeared to have me under observation coming out of my local Tesco, as two males one of whom was my stalker as seen in this article I do believe, debated me wandering out of the shop on an answer machine mes‐sage they intentionally wanted me to hear it. The theme is all about control of the mind, kept active during sleep with senseless chatter, and noise, hell‐ish while working night shifts and trying to sleep during the day.

The saga continues and I have now become full time in giving lectures and appearing in the media on these subjects. I am like a ship in a storm, perhaps it has all ended in failure for my persecutors who had a top secret goal that failed because the wrong man was picked for some kind of classified opera‐tion. They sink into the shadows but I have awoken and it is my duty to tell you about the world Snowden did not mention. What is frankly disgusting is that corruption has become the new normal & the only debate among these

My Private War Against Classified Mind Control Operations Involving Covert Interests & UFOs By Tony Topping

corrupt people of a secret state will be ‘lock‐down’, and why was a project the goal of which I know not of in failure, that is the mind set you are up against. They don’t do ethics, Jason Bourne found his identity, but I still seek mine. Blackbriar is perhaps closer to reality than we think…

Tony Topping: Biography.

Media interest began for me because of my experiences & very deep knowl‐edge of matters High Strange, which is based on actual events. My TV work covers UFOs, Mind Control, Conspiracy, Espionage & the psychic spy opera‐tions of the US & Russia during the cold war. I also have been a contributor for various major broadcasters from ITV to Channel 4 & Channel 5, BBC local & national news channels, I used to be a regular contributor to national sta‐tion Talk‐SPORT please read on to see how this developed. Since the age of two I have had extreme paranormal experiences that escalated in 1996 upon returning from London to my town of Selby in North Yorkshire. I worked as a clerk after leaving school which I found very dull and had a desire to become an actor, this led me to take up amateur dramatics and with encouragement from those around me apart from my father who thought it was all a joke, when I got the news I had got into a London drama school after auditioning and gained a place at the Academy Of Live & Recorded Arts there were only twenty places & thousands of applicants, fate it appears had other plans for me in the years ahead. Before attending stage school I had my first real UFO encounter in 1992, I lived in London until 1996, appeared in a documentary and a pop video and worked in an office for a charity, having my second UFO incident around Paddington in 1996 little knowing of the journey that would begin.

The filming of UFOs & other strange events came to the attention of a covert group of people in the intelligence services, an unelected group of people who engaged over a number of years with myself in a campaign of covert harassment. This is called my private war spanning over five years. In 2001 the attack upon me with non lethal mind invasive technology was so brutal that I thought I would die from it. Being kept awake while asleep and awoken every hour to be instructed to go to the toilet is common modus operandi of these people. Being followed or filmed by unmarked helicopters was a com‐mon occurrence including the incident involving an unmarked AS555 helicop‐ter as well as being followed by covert agents one of whom is a look alike of Gerald Diego a character in the film Smoking Aces played by Nestor Carbnell. The public are oblivious and are shown that intercepts of emails and internet access is for our security, the next level is interception and interference of the human mind. Our film character look alike Gerald remarked on events only he and I would know when walking past me in a public place regarding what they were doing too me. He & others are responsible for the most un‐usual acts of terror upon my mind under full cover of a secret state. Receiv‐ing anonymous text messages about these matters, answering machine mes‐sages commenting on a location I had just left & emails from so‐called gov‐ernment people about disclosure of the UFO situation led me on a very deep study of the subject of Espionage, Mind Control, UFOs & Conspiracy. I had to become them to know thy enemy. I was caught up in illegal Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAP) operations without oversight. I continue to speak out against the people who are responsible for these actions towards me, Eisenhower clearly saw this monster arise in farewell address ICKE said, “The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will per‐sist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.” A clear danger to the democratic process is in place after witnessing the events of my life to date.

My radio show The Tony Topping Show has episodes where adverts are played for Global Manchurian UK PLC “Your Mind Our Business.” Darkly comical yet bringing home the point of the serious unethical cruelty I wit‐nessed. My research has been endorsed by Joseph McMoneagle Remote Viewer 01 a highly decorated member of US Army Intelligence who was awarded The Legion of Merit for gathering intelligence by unconventional means using the process of Remote Viewing or PSI Spying I am also conver‐sant with the Russian KGB PSI spy operations which are rarely known in the West. You can visit my main site @

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Two News Items Huffington Post

MH370: Scientists Claim Impact Made By Missing Malay‐sian Airlines Flight May Have Been Recorded By Under‐water Microphones.

Huffington Post UK | By Sara C Nelson Posted: 04/06/2014 10:00 BST | Updated: 04/06/2014 15:59 BST

Scientists are investigating an underwater sound signal which they say could have been caused by Malaysian Airlines flight MH370. The signal was detected by sound recorders usually used to monitor whales near Rottnest Island, off the coast of Western Australia. It was picked up just after 1.30am on 8 March, the day the aircraft bound for Beijing from Kuala Lumpur disappeared with 239 people on board. Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 went missing on 8 March 2014. A cautious Dr Alec Duncan of Perth Curtin University Centre for Marine Science and Technology warned the noise could also have been caused by a natural event, such as an earth tremor. He said: “Soon after the aircraft disappeared, scientists at CTBTO (United Nations’ Comprehensive Nuclear‐Test‐Ban Treaty Organisation) analysed data from their underwater listening stations south‐west of Cape Leeuwin and northern Indian Ocean.

They did not turn up anything of interest. “But when the MH370 search area was moved to the southern Indian Ocean, scientists from Curtin’s Centre for Marine Science and Technology decided to recover the IMOS acoustic recorders located west of Rottnest Island. “Data from one of the IMOS recorders showed a clear acoustic signal at a time that was reasonably consistent with other information relating to the disappearance of MH370. “The crash of a large aircraft in the ocean would be a high energy event and expected to generate intense underwater sounds.” While the signal was recorded off the coast of western Australia, the original location of the noise is believed to be around 3,000 miles north‐west of the country – placing the point of origin just off the southern tip of India. Speaking to the New York Times, Dr Duncan added: “It’s not even really a thump sort of sound – it’s more of a dull oomph. The findings come amid speculation the plane may not have crashed in the Indian Ocean at all. Although pings matching the frequency of those from a black box recorder were identified by search crews, no debris has been found...

The Moon Used To Be An Alien Planet. Sort Of...

The Huffington Post UK | By Thomas Tamblyn Posted: 06/06/2014 08:53 BST

Scientists have found what they believe is conclusive evidence that the Moon is in fact 50 per cent alien material, proving that its creation was the result of a planet colliding with the Earth. A report published in the journal Science suggests that billions of years ago a planet called Theia collided with a young Earth, shattering and eventually forming the Moon. The problem with proving it was that theoretically if the Moon had indeed been the result of a collision then most of it should be made up of the doomed planet Theia. Annoyingly that wasn't what they found, instead after analysing the Apollo lunar rock samples they found very few differences between the Moon and the Earth. That didn't deter researchers in Germany however. Having just upgraded their mass spectrometer they decided to try it out using lunar samples. The mass spectrometer was able to read the samples at a much higher magnitude of accuracy than ever before and what they found was that the samples on the Moon contained a completely different isotope of Oxygen. Lead researcher Dr Daniel Herwartz, from the University of Goettingen spoke to BBC News about the discovery: "It was getting to the stage where some people were suggesting that the collision had not taken place, but we have now discovered small differences between the Earth and the Moon. This confirms the giant im‐pact hypothesis. "Despite Dr. Herwartz's confidence, BBC News reports that other scientists are asking the public to remain skeptical for the moment with Dr. Mahesh Anand from The Open University asking for caution."We have to be cautious about representativeness of these rocks of the entire Moon, and so further analysis of a variety of lunar rocks is required for further confirmation..."

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