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OCCUPY PHILLY demonstrators called for a general strike tomorrow. At a news conference today, protestors’ spokespersons discussed details of their nego- tiations with Nutter Administration over their occupation of Dilworth Plaza. Story page 4 Philadelphia Daily Record Vol. II No. 173 (333) Keeping You Posted With The Politics Of Philadelphia November 1, 2011 General Strike?

OCCUPY PHILLY demonstrators called for a general strike tomorrow. At a

news conference today, protestors’ spokespersons discussed details of their nego-

tiations with Nutter Administration over their occupation of Dilworth Plaza.

Story page 4

PhiladelphiaDaily Record

Vol. II No. 173 (333) Keeping You Posted With The Politics Of Philadelphia November 1, 2011



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T h e P h i l a d e l p h i a P u b l i c R e c o r d C a l e n d a rNov. 1- Republican City Committee FallCocktail Party at CannstatterVolksfest Verein, 9130 AcademyRd., 6-8 p.m. Tickets $125. Forinfo Republican City Committee(215) 561-0650.Nov. 1-

Latinos for David Oh at Orlando’sGallery, 433 W. Girard Ave. Con-tribution $100, $250 or $500. Forinfo Eunice Lee (215) 561-2000 [email protected]. 2-

OpportunitiesPA hosts fundraiserwith National Homeless YouthAwareness Month at Univ. CityScience Ctr., 3711 Market St., 5-9p.m. Ticket $30. For info (215)779-6827.Nov. 3-

State Rep. Louise Williams Bishophosts Energy Workshop & Lunchat Calvary Baptist Ch., 6122Haverford Ave., 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Forinfo (215) 879-6625.Nov. 3-

Community Conversation withState Rep. Rosita Youngblood atNicetown CDC, 4300 German-town Ave., 6-8 p.m.Nov. 3-

Rally for Council candidate AlTaubenberger at Village of CottageGreen, Ashton & Willits Rds., 7p.m. For info (267) 507-4282.Nov. 3-

Victim/Witness Services of SouthPhila., Inc. will host Beef & Beerfundraiser at EOM Hall, 138Moore St. Ticket $25 in advanceand $30 at door. For info AlisonSprague (215) 551-3360 orwww.vwssp.org.Nov. 3-

Annual Fall Reception UniversityCity Republican Committee atMill Creek Tavern, 42nd andChester. Tickets $30. VIP Tickets$50. For info J. Matthew Wolfe,

215-387-7300.Nov. 4-

State Rep. Jewell Williams’ 16th

Ward Fish Fry at Lou & Choo’s,21st & Hunting Pk. Ave., 5-9 p.m.Donation $10. For info AndrewSmith (215) 609-5876.Nov. 5-

St. Edmond Parish holds Back inthe Day Celebration in honor of itscentennial at church hall, 21st St. &Snyder Ave., 7-11 p.m. Buffet din-ner, beverages, and sweet table.Dancing, a live DJ, door prizes,and lots more. Tickets $25. Opento all. For info (215) 334-3755.Nov. 5-

Party with a Purpose Cabaret forQuibila Divine at Dowling’sPalace, 1310 N. Broad St., 9 p.m.-2 a.m. BYO food & drinks. Tickets$15. For info (267) 2940-6968.Nov. 6-

St. Malachy Parish Benefit Con-cert featuring Mick Moloney onmandolin and banjo and his friendsin honor of Robert F. McGovern,at Church, 1429 N. 11th St., 2 p.m.Free parking in schoolyard. Recep-tion follows. Free will offering.For info Mary Courtney (215) 763-1305.Nov. 10-

Community Conversation withState Rep. Rosita Youngblood atGermantown YMCA, 5722Greene St., 6-8 p.m.Nov. 12-

Unions Fight For Life hosts FightNight for Phila. Veterans MultiService & Education Ctr. at Ar-mory starting at 7 p.m. at Penna.Armory, Southampton Rd. & Roo-sevelt Blvd. Tickets $20. For infoDoug Baron (267) 718-2472, RichMancini (610) 505-0842, EricHowarth (215) 290-1370, TomDooley (267) 246-5512 or EdShaw (267) 992-2600.


Toomey Presses To Tighten

Screws On SyriaU.S. Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.)

co-sponsored the bipartisan Syria

Sanctions Act (S 1472), directing

the president to implement

stronger sanctions on Syria. The

increased pressure on Syrian Pres-

ident Bashar al-Assad will send an

important message that his tyran-

nical and violent actions will not

be tolerated and will encourage a

united international front against

the Syrian regime.

Sen. Toomey joined 11 Senators

co-sponsoring this legislation.

Under the Syria Accountability

and Lebanese Sovereignty Act of

2003, Congress instructed then-

President Bush to impose two or

more of six possible sanctions on

the Syrian regime. The Syrian

Sanctions Act directs the President

to impose the following additional


• A ban on US businesses op-

erating or investing in


• Restrictions on travel by

Syrian diplomats in the

United States

• Blocking transactions of

property in which the Syr-

ian government has an in-


“For too long, President al-Assad

has ruled over a tyrannical, unde-

mocratic and abusive regime and

he must be held accountable for

his actions,” said the Senator. “The

Syria Sanctions Act will increase

pressure on President al-Assad and

encourage regime change in Syria.

I urge my colleagues in the Senate

to stand with the Syrian people

and pass this important legisla-


Casey Pleased White House

Endorsed His Drug-Shortage BillUS Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) saw

elements of his bipartisan proposal

to address critical drug shortages

through early warning notifica-

tions advanced as part of an Exec-

utive Order issued by President

Barack Obama.

As the President announced the

administrative action, he gave full

support to the Preserving Access

to Life-Saving Medications Act,

legislation Casey introduced with

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.)

that would require pharmaceutical

companies to notify the Food &

Drug Administration of impending

prescription-drug shortages so ap-

propriate actions can be taken to

mitigate such shortages.

Casey said, “Patients and hospitals

in Pennsylvania and around the

country have experienced an inex-

cusable shortage of life-saving

drugs, and I am pleased that the

legislation I have been pushing is

part of the strategy announced


The Preserving Access to Life-

Saving Medications Act would

give the FDA the ability to require

early notification from pharmaceu-

tical companies when a factor

arises that may result in a short-

age. These factors may include

changes made to raw material sup-

plies, adjustments to manufacturer

production capabilities, and certain

business decisions such as merg-

ers, withdrawals, or changes in

output. The bill would also direct

the FDA to provide up-to-date

public notification of any actual

shortage situation and the actions

the agency would take to address

them. The FDA has prevented 99

drug shortages so far this year due

to voluntary early notifications

from companies, up from 38 in

2010. FDA officials have said that

the rise in preventions is due to in-

creased pressure from the Senators

and other Members of Congress.


Congressman Brady Receives SHARE Award

Occupy Philadelphia held a press

conference at noon today near the

general-assembly stage at Dil-

worth Plaza. Its spokesmen clari-

fied the written exchange between

Occupy Philly and Philadelphia

City government. On Oct. 30,

members of Occupy Philadelphia

met with Mayor Michael Nutter

and his staff in an effort to foster

dialogue between the City

and protesters.

The protestors also endorsed a

general strike to take place tomor-

row. The strike is called for

Wednesday in solidarity with Oc-

cupy Oakland and Scott Olsen, the

Iraq War veteran shot in the head

during a violent police attack

against Occupy Oakland last

week. Olsen remains hospitalized

with a fractured skull.

The general strike may not cripple

Center City commerce, however,

as it is scheduled to last for only

99 minutes. Veterans and service

members in uniform will lead a

solidarity march from City Hall.

Below is the letter released by Oc-

cupy Philadelphia discussing its

negotiations with the Nutter Ad-

ministration over issues stemming

from the protest’s occupation of

Dilworth Plaza.

“Greetings from Occupy Philly!

“Trumpets of change are being

heard loudly all around the world.

Our silence has been broken by

the strength of solidarity and non-

violence. Two weeks of protesting,

marching, and occupying have left

our City of Brotherly Love

buzzing with questions: Who are

these protesters? What do they

want? Please allow us to introduce

ourselves. We are people first, di-

verse in belief and background,

crushed beneath the burden of eco-

nomic injustice. We are appalled

by the greed of banks and corpora-

tions that steal wealth without re-

gard. We are forced from the

voting booth into the streets by the

repeated failures of elected offi-

cials to represent our interests. The

people have been promised

change, and while patience is a

virtue, we are wearing thin. We are

working to make real the great

dream of this city - the promise of

freedom and democracy.

“Philadelphia today is the poorest


BRADY (D- Phila.) is presented

SHARE Vision Award as the

SHARE Food Program cele-

brated its 25th anniversary.

Congressman was being hon-

ored by Executive Director Ste-

veanna Wynne, left, and

President Mary Beyer for pro-

tecting funding for food banks

and cupboards that serve as

safety nets for elderly and un-


Occupy Philadelphia Calls For Strike,

Reveals Dealings With City

big city in the entire US, with over

a quarter of the population living

in poverty. Our systems of educa-

tion, housing, and health care are

failing. Many of us are trapped be-

neath mountains of student debt.

We are struggling to provide de-

cent lives for our families. We

gather to address problems that

can no longer be ignored. Our oc-

cupation shines, though faced with

internal challenges, as a commu-

nity where all are welcome to

share, learn, and discuss the great

issues that affect us. Some of us

are homeless, and have been

sleeping on Philly’s cold concrete

for years. Others have voluntarily

left the comforts of our homes.

Some stop by between classes and

working multiple jobs. Many are

unemployed and can’t find work,

but all of us have found a home

and a place within the Occupy

community. Meals are served three

times a day by the food commit-

tee. Children play with their par-

ents in the family zone, and

creativity flows from drum to

paintbrush in the art area. Critical

discussion and compassionate ac-

tion are alive throughout this


“City officials recently delivered

us a letter through our legal team.

The letter named a number of con-

cerns, which we will publicly ad-

dress here. First, we would like to

thank City officials for setting a

national example in support of

free speech, and for allowing us to

exercise our Constitutional rights

to assemble peacefully and seek

redress for grievances. We appre-

ciate the City’s invitation to meet

with our group. We welcome open

lines of communication between

the residents of Philadelphia and

City Hall.

“We may request a recorded

meeting with City leaders soon in

a neutral location. Please under-

stand that lines of communication

will not be instantaneous. We are

practicing direct democracy, and

decisions that affect us all, must be

carefully considered, debated, and

decided on by all. We believe we

are operating in a manner consis-

tent with the purpose for which

City Hall itself was designed: ad-

dressing the needs of the people of

Philadelphia, finding solutions,

and taking action.

The City has cited some nuisances

around our encampment. In terms

of public urination, we strictly

condemn that behavior. This prob-

lem could be solved easily by

granting access to the City Hall

public restrooms. Regarding graf-

fiti, volunteers have scrubbed off

all of the marker.

We share the City’s concerns

about fire hazards and are contact-

ing the fire union to provide us

with training. We can monitor our

own safety. Our technical experts

consistently check electrical

equipment, especially in our tech

tent. We are acquiring fire extin-

guishers, have agreed to no open

flames, and our safety team is con-

stantly patrolling the grounds. In

terms of the pallet structures, lov-

ingly dubbed the City Hall Row

Homes, we have determined they

are not a fire hazard. They are oc-

cupied by disabled homeless peo-





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ple. When the City provides hous-

ing for the thousands of homeless

in the city, we will remove the

structures. Fire safety is important,

therefore it is startling that City of-

ficials have closed fire stations and

enforced rolling brownouts

throughout the city – choices

which directly led to the deaths of

at least three children.

“Police overtime costs are mount-

ing. We will remind the City that

we are nonviolent and there have

been no incidents to warrant such

heavy police presence. We are not

fond of the undercover agents sent

to profile activists. Being commit-

ted to transparency, we respect-

fully ask that law-enforcement

agents abstain from the use of hid-

den cameras, CC-TV cameras,

morning patrols, youth curfews,

and plainclothes detectives. Please

understand we have our own inter-

nal security. If City officials or

anyone else would like to watch

us, we suggest they visit us in per-

son or view our livestream online

at [www.phillyoccupation.org].

We suggest these law-enforcement

funds be allocated for better use

elsewhere, such as education.

Pennsylvania has suffered budget

cuts of over $600 million to edu-

cation, while that money has been

redirected to build three massive

new prisons in the state. Philly has

the highest incarceration rate in

the entire country, disproportion-

ately locking up people of color.

We say fund education, not mass


“Finally, let us address the most

critical issue, our end date. When

our legal team submitted a permit

application there was clearly no

stipulated end date. However,

when our permit was issued, to our

surprise, it stated that our end

would coincide with new con-

struction at City Hall in Novem-

ber. Both the application and

permit are available online for all

to see.

“In the poorest big city in the

country, we believe that it is

morally bankrupt to consider

spending $50 million on the rede-

velopment of Dilworth Plaza. Who

made that decision? To whom are

Paul Levy and his Center City

District accountable? We believe

that money can be better spent on

education, healthcare, and housing

for the many in this city who are

desperately in need. The people of

Philadelphia did not vote for an

ice-skating rink and more coffee

shops. We refuse to allow the fed-

eral government, unaccountable

local institutions, and the wealthi-

est 1% to privatize our city’s pub-

lic spaces and control decisions

that affect us all. We hope to dis-

cuss this matter with union work-

ers whose jobs are affected by this

project. We support workers’

rights, and condemn the city’s

record of attacking workers. Union

workers are within our ranks, and

we know it is critical to have their

input, participation, and support

before finalizing our decision

about whether to relocate.

“We call on the people of Philadel-

phia to unite for change. We invite

workers, students, the poor, the

disappearing middle class, and all

people of conscience. As residents

of the historical birthplace of free

speech, liberty, and democracy, we

believe that we have a moral and

social obligation to make this city

finally live up to its noble creed.

Like those peaceful demonstrators

who stood in Tahrir Square, like

those who marched in Mont-

gomery, Ala., like those struggling

tirelessly worldwide, we know that

change does not come easily, but

requires sacrifice. It’s not enough

to talk, it’s time to be courageous

in our actions. Together we can

win. We are the 99%. Join us and

let freedom ring!


“Occupy Philly”

LWV Knocks Redistricting ProcessThe League of Women Voters of

Pennsylvania has condemned

Pennsylvania redistricting methods

because it has not been open to

public review and comment. Yes-

terday afternoon, the League re-

leased the following statement:

“Today’s meeting of the Legisla-

tive Reapportionment Commission

clearly demonstrates what is

wrong with Pennsylvania’s redis-

tricting process. It is an insider’s

game in which the power belongs

to a few politicians. After months

of delay, a proposed plan was

adopted which some members of

the Commission, much less the


voting public, had not seen until

shortly before the meeting was

convened. Only one hearing for

public comment has been sched-


“The League of Women Voters of

Pennsylvania calls upon the Chair-

man to immediately schedule at

least five public hearings in differ-

ent regions of the state so that local

citizens have an opportunity to

comment. We will study the re-

leased redistricting plan to see how

it meets our criteria for population

equality, compactness, contiguous-

ness and minimizing dividing gov-

ernmental entities like

municipalities, wards, and election


“We will reserve our comments

until we have time to review the

plan in detail. To see concerns

about existing districts, see com-

ments posted on our website


PFT Leader Presses Washington For Jobs ActPhiladelphia Federation of Teach-

ers General VP Arlene Kempin on

Tuesday joined President Obama

and other supporters of the Ameri-

can Jobs Act at a White House meet-

ing to discuss the importance of

the legislation, which would pro-

vide the School District of

Philadelphia with more than $395

million to modernize and repair its

school buildings.

Kempin and the PFT have actively

promoted the jobs act in Philadel-

phia in meetings with educators

and district officials, and have

joined elected leaders and commu-

nity leaders for tours of school

buildings that are in desperate

need of attention. The jobs act

would allow Pennsylvania to re-

pair nearly 1,400 public schools,

create more than 12,000 construc-

tion jobs and put more than 10,000

teachers back in the state’s class-


“In Philadelphia, we have 26

school buildings that are more

than 100 years old, so we whole-

heartedly agree with President

Obama: Our students can’t wait

for Congress to stop dragging its

feet on the jobs act,” said Kempin.

“Philadelphia needs more teachers

in our classrooms and better facili-

ties for our children. The jobs act

is the right solution for our kids

and our communities.”

Kitchen Brings Info To VetsSTATE SEN. SHIRLEY

KITCHEN held a Veterans In-

formation Seminar for veterans

on Oct. 29 at Phila. VA Medical

Center. Free seminar featured

exhibitors, guest speakers, re-

sources for employment, health,

Social Security and more. “We

owe an incredible debt of grati-

tude to the men and women who

served in our military, and there

are many programs and services

that are available especially to

them,” Kitchen said. Pictured

with Kitchen is Joseph M.

Dalpiaz, director of VA Medical

Center. Photo by Martin Re-

gusters, Leaping Lion Photogra-



Farnese Holds Senior Expo

STATE SEN. LARRY FARNESE held his annual Senior Expo at Fels S. Phila. Community Center on

Oct. 27. Almost 200 area seniors attended free event. They had opportunity to talk to Senator about his

new initiatives, learn latest news from Harrisburg, and take advantage of programs from public and

private service providers and State and local government agencies. Photo by Cameron Kline

LIHEAP Is Available, Starting Today

The Low Income Home Energy

Assistance Program, which opens

for applications on November 1,

has had its funding reduced by

50% this year. As a result, as

grants are first-come, first-served,

PGW advises customers to submit

their LIHEAP applications now.

Customers can receive as much as

$1,000 for heating bills.

A federally funded block grant

program implemented at the state

level, LIHEAP assists low income

customers with their winter heat-

ing costs. Successful PGW appli-

cants have their grants applied

directly to their gas bill.

PGW urges customers to visit

www.pgworks.com/LIHEAP or

one of the company’s customer

service centers to apply before the

grant money runs out. In an effort

to increase the number of families

who apply for LIHEAP

assistance, PGW is also conduct-

ing outreach to neighborhood or-

ganizations, churches, elected

officials, and other community

leaders to educate the community

and support eligible households in

applying for LIHEAP.

“Each year, approximately

150,000 families in Philadelphia

are eligible for LIHEAP,” said Dan

Murray, PGW’s VP of customer

affairs. “With federal funds so lim-

ited this year, we want customers

to know that PGW will help with

their applications, but it is impor-

tant that they act soon,

before funds run out.”

Applicants for LIHEAP assistance

must meet the new 2011-2012 eli-

gibility requirements, which

means they must have a household

income of less than 150% of the

Federal poverty level (as shown in

the table below). The LIHEAP

program ends on Mar. 31, 2012.


EPA Settles Case Alleging PCB

At Center City Office BuildingThe US Environmental Protection

Agency today announced that SSH

Management, LLC and 1500 Wal-

nut Enterprises, LLC have signed a

consent agreement with EPA re-

solving alleged violations of fed-

eral regulations for

polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

in an office building located at

1500 Walnut Street.

SSH Management, the manager of

the office building, and 1500 Wal-

nut Enterprises, the building’s

owner, have agreed to pay a civil

penalty of $20,000 and spend

$38,600 on a public-health envi-

ronmental project involving the re-

moval and proper disposal of a

191-gallon PCB transformer in the

building’s basement.

The consent agreement resolves al-

leged Toxic Substances Control

Act regulatory violations discov-

ered when EPA inspectors con-

ducted a compliance evaluation

inspection at the building on May

6, 2009. The alleged violations in-

clude storage of combustible mate-

rials within each of two PCB

transformer enclosures; failure to

prepare and maintain annual visual

inspection and maintenance his-

tory records for three PCB trans-

formers; and failure to develop and

maintain annual written document

logs of the PCBs located onsite for

2006, 2007 and 2008.

PCBs, a probable human carcino-

gen, were commonly used as a

nonflammable coolant for trans-

formers and other electrical equip-

ment until the 1970s, when

Congress strictly limited the manu-

facture and use of this toxic sub-


The companies first realized they

were not following federal require-

ments just prior to the 2009 in-

spection and immediately took

steps to come into compliance.

The two companies cooperated

fully with EPA during the investi-

gation and have certified that the

building is now in compliance

with applicable PCB regulations.

Mayor To Temple: Go Big East!Mayor Michael A. Nutter issued a

statement regarding a letter sent to

John Marinatto, Commissioner of

The Big East Conference, to in-

clude Temple University in the

conference for all sports. There are

currently 16 Big East member

schools including Villanova Uni-

versity from the Greater Philadel-

phia region.

“Philadelphia is an enthusiastic

sports town at all levels and the

city’s college sports rivalries are

legendary. I would like to encour-

age The Big East Conference to

consider Temple University as po-

tential future member of the Con-

ference. Temple has a tremendous

commitment to athletics, academ-

ics and the city’s North Broad cor-

ridor. Our city is extremely proud

of this uniquely Philadelphia insti-

tution, and the university would be

a worthy addition and would bring

new opportunities and excitement

to the league.”
