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Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 1

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  • 7/28/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 1


    The UP dream:A letter to the new

    Isko and Iska

    TOMO 91 BLG. 1 HUWEBES, HUNYO 13, 2013



    Opisyal na lingguhang

    ng mga mag-aa

    Unibersidad ng Pilipin

    Lathalain 6-7

  • 7/28/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 1





    2013 - 20

    Punong Patn

    Julian Inah Anun


    Victor Gregor L

    Patnugot sa G

    Ysa Calinaw


    ng Pinans

    Gloiza Runa Pla

    Panauhing Pa

    Piya Constan

    Samantha K

    Margaret Yar

    Mga Kawa

    Keith Richard M

    Kimberly Ann

    Emmanuel Jerom

    Tagapamahala sa S

    Paul John A

    SirkulasyoGary Gabal

    Amelito Jae

    Mga Katuwang n

    Amelyn Da

    rinidad Gab

    Gina Villa


    UP Systemwide A

    o Student Publication

    Organizations (Sol

    College Editors Gu

    Philippines (C


    Silid 401 Bulwagang

    Unibersidad ng Pilipin

    Lungsod Que


    981-8500 lokal






    91 The Philippine Collegian republishes distinguishedphotographs from its past issues that captured itstradition of critical and fearless journalism.

    Photo by Chris Martin Imperial

    November 10, 2010

    Starting Ground

    THIS YEAR IS FRAUGHT WITHboth danger and the promise ochange. And as the premier stateuniversity, the University o thePhilippines continues to playa decisive role in setting whichdirection the nation will take.

    Te Philippine Collegian, theuniversitys ocial studentpublication, complements thisnoble task. As the institutionenters its 91st year, the mandateo this term will not merely be acontinuation o a long traditiono earless and critical campusjournalism. It needs to expand itshorizons and address the need toseek better ways to dedicate its

    talents and resources in service tothe students and the people.

    Tis term will never tireo carrying on in the Collegiantradition: reserving its pagesor militant ideas marginalizedby mainstream discourses andprivileged spaces, choosing astand on issues without ear orapologies, persuading its readersto adopt the sharpest analysis andmost eective plan o action.

    With the recently concludedmidterm elections in May, thereis all the more a need or analternative publication that willnot be complacent and will bevigilant and critical o the nextsteps the newly elect shall take.

    For while the elections gavethe country a semblance odemocracy, our new set o publicservants came rom the same

    set o amiliar names that evokewealth and power. Tis Collegianwill thus boldly champion thejust causes o students and othersectors who have always been atthe receiving end o political andeconomic injustices.

    In UP, as classes opened thisyear, students once again bear thebrunt o UPs perennial problems:the high cost o tuition and theproblematic Socialized uitionand Financial Assistance Program(SFAP) which perpetuates ratherthan supposedly mitigate theeects o larger social inequality.

    Te Collegian this year will thenremain rm in its stance against

    the SFAP and other schemeswhich condone the governmentsabandonment o its moral duty tosupport the national university.Te unortunate death o Kristelejada which triggered publicoutcry and mass action is a cruelmaniestation o how educationhas become inaccessible to thepoor and needy.

    While holding on to its claimas the University o the People,UP is rapidly surrendering itspublic character in avor oprivate partnerships and income-generating projects. As a ormerUP president once ominously saido UP, We are in the business oeducation.

    In past terms, the Collegian hasbeen earless and unapologeticin its stance. Even amidstgovernment threats during

    Martial Law, the institutionought against the dictatorship in

    the orm o the mosquito press.Neither intervention rom

    outside orces nor nancialproblems succeeded to stifethe Collegian in the past. Teinstitution has persistedbecause it draws strength romits allegiance to the studentsand other oppressed sectors othe society.

    Te Collegian however must gobeyond mere reportage. Besidesbeing earless and critical, itsgreatest challenge is to persuadea wider audience towards themost eective plan o action onissues which beset our nation andour university.

    Tis term thus aims or a

    wider readership by maximizingall possible venues o discourseand all possible means totranslate theory into practice.Modern technology has gited uswith a wealth o new venues orengaging readers and convincingthem o the urgent necessityo praxis.

    Cyberspacethrough socialmediaoers a potentialextension o the Collegiansborders. Aside rom a wider

    readership and more timelydissemination o inormation,

    social media allows or greaterinvolvement rom the audience.

    Te Collegian is condent that itwill be able to achieve these goals.With a team o dedicated artists,writers, and alumni, the Collegiandoes not lack a pool o talents atits disposal.

    Yet more importantly,the Collegian draws strengthrom students whose side thepublication has always taken andwhose continued support ensuresthat the institution shall do so inmany years to come. In the recentCollegian budget campaign, morethan 13,000 UP Diliman students,student councils, and organizationsrearmed their support through a

    signature drive.Te Collegian will bank on

    these strengths. For though thebeginning o the academic year israught with both the usual dangersand the promise o redemption, thechoice has never been to succumbto, or make amends with, theadversaries o genuine change, butrather to seek alternatives to thestatus quo. Te Collegian will notshirk this duty.

    Rosette Abogado



    BURDENED. Students brave the long queue as

    they line up for loan application for the second

    semester at Vinzons Hall on November 8

  • 7/28/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 1


    110 Law students dismissed over revived delinquency ru



    security guards has questioned theselection o Bolinao Security andInvestigation Services Inc. as thisyears new security agency or thesouth sector o the campus.

    Te south sector covers thearea rom Camp Karingal in thesouthwest up to Barangay Pansolin the southeast, which include the

    academic buildings o the Collegeso Science, Social Sciences andPhilosophy, and Arts and Letters.

    Previously the security agencyor the south sector rom May 2009to January 2012, Bolinao is acinga labor case at the National LaborRelations Commission (NLRC)led by UPD security guards inSeptember 2012.

    According to the petitioners,Bolinao ailed to release P5.2million worth o cash bond eesand insurance ees to around 200

    UP guards call or disqualifcation

    o new security agencyguard employees.

    For two years and eight monthsduring its contract with UP, Bolinaocollected a monthly P300 cash bondrom each guard, while an additionalP300 monthly insurance ee wasdeducted rom their salaries, saidMarcos Pantaleon, a ormer Bolinaosecurity guard who now works or aactory in Antipolo.

    Te agency also ailed to providethe guards their mandated holiday

    pay, he added.In an interview with the

    Collegian, ormer Bolinao relieverguard eodorico Jacinto said he didnot receive any insurance benetswhen he met an accident in 2010,even ater he personally asked helprom Bolinao Executive PresidentGeorey Mendoza.

    Ang sabi sa kin, hindi [ako]makakukuha [ng insurance]kasi hindi naman ako namatay,Jacinto said. When he settled hishospitalization expenses at the


    UP Diliman (UPD) Law studentshave been dropped rom the rolls

    this semester, ater the revival o a

    scholastic delinquency rule shelvedve years ago.

    Te College o Law administrationhas dismissed 110 o its 667 studentswho ailed to meet a general

    weighted average (GWA) o at least2.85 or reshmen and 2.75 or


    Tis benchmark was set by the oldQualitative Perormance Index (QPI)

    rule, which species that studentswho ail to meet the requirements

    shall be dropped rom the ocialroster.

    Te said rule is applied to GWAs

    to both semesters o the previousacademic year. Seventeen o the 110

    dropped rom the rolls had ailing

    GWAs rom the rst semester o AY2012-2013.

    O the 110 who were dropped

    rom the rolls, 73 appealed orreconsideration by the colleges

    appeals committee, which is

    composed o ve aculty members.On May 29, the committee

    approved only 28 o the appeals,

    including ve students who actuallymet the QPI, and denied the appeals

    o ve students.

    Te appeals committee, however,did not deliberate on the cases o the

    remaining 40, since the GWA o the

    said students do not all between

    2.869 to 2.88 or reshmen and 2.76to 2.78 or upperclassmen. Under theQPI rule, the committee may only

    hear appeals o students with GWAs

    that are within the said range.O the 40 students, 33 then

    urther appealed to the dean, who

    approved 17 o the cases during a ull

    aculty meeting on June 7.Students who were successul in

    their appeals shall be permanently

    dismissed should they ail to meetthe colleges scholastic requirements

    in the uture. Reconsideration may

    be availed o only once duringthe students stay in the College,

    according to the colleges ScholasticDelinquency Rules.

    Te Board o Regents had

    earlier approved the QPI but wassuspended in 2008. Instead, the

    college administration implemented

    a three-strike-rule, where a studentwith a ailing grade o 5 in three

    subjects is automatically dropped

    rom the rolls.When the college administration

    planned to revive the QPI rule in

    June last year, the Law Student

    Government (LSG) appthe implementation o

    LSG President Louie Ca

    Subsequent campaigthe rule ailed howev

    college administration

    implementation this seCamino.

    Meanwhile, the UPStudent Council (USC) ithe situation and consu

    LSG beore taking anyUPD USC Student Right

    Committee head Charlo

    Te main eort right now is to help m

    number o students to

    by the QPI rule andaected get their ap

    Camino added.

    Watchdogs: Poll results

    favored political clans


    Photo by Jiru Rada

    THE SUPPOSED 60-30-10

    pattern o vote-sharing in theMay 13 senatorial race may havebeen debunked, but watchdogs saythe election results neverthelessavored only a ew, includingpolitical dynasties.

    Te countrys ruling political clansonce more proved their resiliency andability to perpetuate themselves inpower, [and] where oligarchies rule,real development cannot take o,according to the Center or PeopleEmpowerment in Governance(CenPEG), a non-government policyresearch and analysis center, in its

    May 28 analysis report.Suspicions o systematic cheating

    suraced ater a pre-determinedpattern supposedly avored eamPNoy over United Nationalist Alliance(UNA) and independent candidates inthe senatorial elections.

    I there must be a telling pattern inthe election results, [however], its notthe 60-30-10. At the end o the day, itsthe same names and same amilies that[won in] the elections, said KontraDaya co-convenor Giovanni apang.

    Ateneo de Manila UniversityMathematics proessor Felix Muga IIIrst revealed the 60-30-10 pattern ina public post on social networking siteFacebook on May 19.

    In the rst 16 national canvassreports rom the Commissionon Elections (Comelec), theadministration candidates haveconsistently clinched almost 60

    percent o the total votemore than 30 percentwent to UNA and the percent to independent

    Te distribution ovary because certicatare transmitted randoprovinces to the NatioCanvassers, said Mugaa member o AutomSystem Watch, a coalitioelection watchdogs.

    Responding to coFacebook, the matraised the possibility 30-10 pattern could hprogrammed in the com

    cards used in the automTe CF cards contawhich control how poptical scanner (PCOshould scan ballots and

    While Kontra Daya athe integrity o the watchdog said the patprove that results weremanipulated. By simmore candidates, it wasthat eam PNoy would o the total votes, apan

    Te Parish PastoraResponsible Voting, theo Comelec, also debunkexplaining that vote-sheam PNoy, UNA, andcandidates varied at the

    What makes the equestionable, however, wthe PCOS technology wbasic requirements o and veriability, Kontra

    Political dynasties, perpetuate themselvesthrough elections madbeing undemocratic. [Tautomation process [hmodernize [and] dempublic exercise that isby a hostile and incompbody, CenPEG said.

    Labor and armer groups started to camp outin ront o the Department o Agrarian Reormofce in Quezon City on June 5 to commemoratethe 25th anniversary o the implementationo Republic A ct 6657 or the ComprehensiveAgrarian Reorm Program (CA RP) on June 10.Teir call to action is the immediate repeal othe Republic Act 9700 or CARP Extension withReorms (CARPer) that landlords use to ejectarmers and keep control o their lands.

    time, he ound out that Bolinao hadonly remitted an annual payment oP380 to the insurance company.

    [Isa itong] lantarangpangugurakot sa mga gwardiya,Pantaleon said.

    According to Articles 116 and 117o the Labor Code, salary deductionsby employers are prohibited,especially i the employees areinsuciently compensated. Teemployees are also entitled to

    benets and holiday pay, said ElmerLabog, chair o national labor groupKilusang Mayo Uno.

    As o press time, however, theNLRC is yet to reach a nal decisionon the guards case, ater Bolinaoappealed an earlier decision bythe NLRC, directing the securityagency to release P220,000 wortho collected ees to each o theaected guards.

    Te group nonethelessquestioned Bolinaos selection asthe winning bidder, saying security

    agencies with pending labor casesmust not be allowed to participate,much less win, in the biddingprocess. [Ang] nakakabahala, bakaipagpatuloy nila ang pangongolektang cash bond at insurance, saidPantaleon.

  • 7/28/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 1



    While waiting for delayed STFAP results,

    Students may use previous bracket to enr

    UP DILIMAN SUDENS who stillhave no nal tuition brackets maysettle their tuition this semesterusing their previous brackets underthe universitys Socialized uitionand Financial Assistance (SFAP).

    Te SFAP is the UP

    administrations system odetermining the tuition amountpaid by UP students based onsocioeconomic indicators such asamily income and expenses.

    In a June 6 memorandum, ViceChancellor or Student AairsMaria Corazon an asked theOfce o Scholarships and StudentServices (OSSS) to allow studentsto temporarily use their previousSFAP bracket to enroll thissemester, while waiting or theirnal bracket assignments.

    an released the said memodue to reports that the OSSS hasbeen automatically assigning to theSFAPs Bracket B those studentswho were aected by the delay in the

    release o the third batch o bracketassignments during the initialregistration period last week.

    Tis is a major decision whichwas made and enorced by the OSSSand the OUR without my knowledge.

    Unortunately, this current practiceis causing unnecessary anxiety andburden or students already saddledwith nancial difculties, said an.

    Furthermore, the automaticBracket B practice will make

    students in Brackets C, D, and E, topay higher tuition and thus orcethem to apply or student loanswhich have a six percent interestrate.

    Bracket B students pay P1,000

    per unit excluding ees, whilestudents in Brackets C and D payP600 and P300 per unit, respectively.Students in Brackets E1 and E2 aregranted ree tuition, while Bracket Astudents pay P1,500 per unit.

    Meanwhile, rst-applicants this semesallowed to use their patax return as basis obracket, pending the third batch o results.

    Once the third bahave been released, paid less than the or their nal brackemay just be requireddierence, an sugges

    While school amust consider aefciency in deliveringstudents, the needs o also be prioritized, eswho are aected by thSFAP results must bsaid UP Diliman UnivCouncil Vice Chair Ju

    System-wide memo allows 100% student loan


    system may now apply or a student loancovering up to a 100 percent o assessedtuition and other ees.

    In a memorandum issued on May 31,UP President Alredo Pascual authorized

    chancellors o UPs seven constituentuniversities and the dean o UP Cebu(UPC) to approve appeals or loans o up to100 percent o total assessed tuition andother ees.

    Currently, UPD implements a loancap o 85 percent o total assessed eesor graduate and Juris Doctor students,80 percent or junior and senior studentsand, 70 percent or reshmen andsophomore students.

    In an interview with the Collegian,Pascual underscored that this prerogative

    How many got

    assigned to which

    brackets?**based on STFAP batch 1 and 2 results


    Photo by Angerica Hainto

    UP students lined up to apply or loans and or Socialized Tuition and Financial Assistance Program(STFAP), occupying three oors o Vinzons Hall during the last day o enrol ment on June 6.Students resort to loans and STFAP to continue their studies despite fnancial defciencies.

    may only be exercised on a case-to-casebasis and may not be delegated by thechancellors and the UPC dean to otherschool administrators.

    However, the loan is still subject to asix-percent interest rate per annum. hisis equal to around an additional P1,000 ora total estimated P17,000 worth o tuitionand other ees or a 15-unit load under

    Bracket B o the SFAP.We would have wanted to do away

    with the interest, but we currently do nothave the resources to do that, explained

    Pascual.Based on the Board o Regents

    policy statement saying no qualiiedUP student shall be denied access toeducation due to inancial incapacity,the memo was released to acilitate theenrolment o students who do not haveinal SFAP brackets and who cannotaord their current temporary bracket

    assignments.Pascual however clariied that non-

    Continued on page 11

  • 7/28/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 1



    Justice for Kristel Alliance:

    Junk anti-poor UP Code provisions GASC sel1st ever S

    from UP

    Engg fre

    barred frojoining o

    FOR ABOUT 1,000 Ereshman students, organization is not an optthe irst semester.

    First year students ato Engineering (CoE) are napplying or organizationsemester, ater the collegeadopted a provision o tCode o Student Condorganizations.

    CoE Associate DeanAairs Joseph Reyes the new rule on the grothe Engineering AssociatLeaders on the social nFacebook on May 22.

    I you do not wish torom the university, tell alumni to honor the studesist rom this demeaReyes said in his post.

    In the Early Enrollm

    Continued on pContinued on page 11

    THE FIRST STUDENT Rhail rom UP Mindanao wthe Board o Regents (BOpolicy-making body in theacademic year.

    Krista Iris Melgarejo,o the UP Mindanao S(USC), will be the sole reUP students to the BOR oath as the 31st SR on Jun

    Te General AssembCouncils (GASC) selecamong ve other nominemeeting at the UP Vcampus in Iloilo rom May

    Other nominees inclu(UPD) students Leila Canacan and Victor who were selected as senominees respectively. Can

    Continued on p

    SC junks petition vs tuition

    hikes in 354 tertiary schools


    Photo by Jiru Rada

    Sinalubong ng ibat-ibanggrupo ng kabataan angunang araw ng pasukan sa

    pagsasagawa ng protestasa harapan ng opisina ngDepartamento ng Edukasyon-

    NCR sa Quezon City noongika-3 ng Hunyo. Ikinondenanila ang implementasyon ng

    RA 10533 o ang EnhancedBasic Education Act of 2013(K-12 Law) at ang pagtataasng bayad sa matrikula ngmahigit 1,000 pribadong

    paaralang pang-elementaryaat hayskul


    students in the rst week o classes thisyear, as the Supreme Court (SC) junkeda petition against the implementationo tuition hikes in 354 private tertiaryschools.

    Barely two weeks beore classesopened, the Commission on HigherEducation (CHEd) approved an averagetuition increase o 8.5 percent, orP38 per unit, in 354 higher educationinstitutions (HEIs). Other school ees,such as miscellaneous ees, increased byan average o 7.58 percent or P194.62.

    In a May 29 petition, Kabataan

    Party-List (KPL) and other youth groupscalled on the high tribunal to ban the

    implementation o the said tuition hikes.Te petitioners questioned theconstitutionality o Section 42 o BatasPambansa No. 32, or the Education Acto 1982, and the CHEds MemorandumOrder No. 3 series o 2012. Both law andregulation [do] not constitute reasonableregulation and supervision o all [HEIs]as required by the 1987 Constitution,the petition read.

    On June 4, however, the SC dismissedthe petition due to technical deects

    A MULTI-SECTORAL ALLIANCEo dierent organizations in the universityhas called on the administration to amendcertain anti-poor provisions o theRevised Code o UP System.

    In a letter addressed to UP PresidentAlredo Pascual on April 8, outgoingStudent Regent Cleve Arguelles originallysubmitted a proposal to repeal Articles330, 430, and 431 o the UP System Code.

    (see sidebar)he proposal was based on the results

    o a March 25 dialogue between Pascualand members o the Justice or KristelAlliance, a multi-sectoral ormation oindividuals and organizations across theUP system.

    Members o the alliance include theAll-UP Workers Union, All-UP AcademicEmployees Union, Sta Regent JosselEbesate, Arguelles, Kalipunan ng mgaSangguniang Mag-aaral (KASAMA sa UP).

    he alliance was convened a ew daysater UP Manila (UPM) student Kristelejada committed suicide ater she wasorced to ile or a leave o absence (LOA).

    Assigned into Bracket D o theSocialized uition and Financial Assistance

    Program (SFAP), the student and heramily could not aord to pay her tuitionwhile her request or a tuition loan has beendenied by the UPM loan board.

    Te Justice or Kristel Alliance hassince submitted a more detailed positionpaper calling or the repeal o Articles327, 330, 430, and 431 o the UP Code(see sidebar 1).

    According to the alliance, these articlesmust be replaced with new provisionsconsistent with the policy statementapproved by the Board o Regents on April12, which states that no qualiied UPstudent shall be denied access to educationto inancial incapacity.

    he proposed amendments will bediscussed by the Board o Regents, theuniversitys highest policy-making body,during its irst regular meeting this yearon June 20.

    Meanwhile, in an administrative orderdated May 14, Pascual asked a group oormer UP administrators to convene as acommittee that would review Articles 330,430, and 431 o the UP Code.

    Headed by Former Vice Chancelloror Student Aairs and UPD Proessor

    Elizabeth Enriquez, the committee shallmake recommendations that will make ouruniversity rules, procedures, and practicesresponsive to the needs o our students,particularly the poor, Pascual said.

    Other members are ormer UPDUniversity Registrars Pamela Constantinoand Ludendoro Decenteceo, FormerUPM Oice o Student Aairs DirectorNymia Simbulan, and Former Assistantto the UPLB Chancellor Atty. Damcelleorres-Cortes.

    he review committee however doesnot include student representatives.I am conident in the knowledge andlong experience o these seasonedadministrators who will take intoconsideration the proposals submitted bythe students, Pascual explained.

    No student shall be denied admission tothe University System by reason o age,sex, nationality, religious belie, or political


    No student shall be denied admission tothe University System by reason o age, sex,nationality, religious belie, political afliationsor nancial incapacity.

    Sidebar 1


    No person who has not duly matriculated may beadmitted to the classes. In exceptional cas-es, theDean o Admissions may, on the recommendationo the Dean or Director concerned, authorize theadmission o a visitor to a class or not more thanive sessions.

    No qualied UP student shall be deniedadmission to his/her classes on the solebasis o non-payment o matriculation ees.

    Students who are indebted to the StudentLoan Board, their sureties and parentsor guardians shall be notied that suchindebtedness must be paid in ull one monthbeore the nal semestral examinationsbegin.

    Students who have outstanding loans with theUniversity shall be notiied, together with theirparents or guardians, that such indebtednessmust be paid in ull beore their diplomas, tran-script o records, clearance and other academiccredentials are released. Pending the ull pay-ment

    o their outstanding loans, students will be givena certiication that they have inished all academicrequirements and that their academic credentials

    will only be released upon settling such loans.

    I a student ails to settle his account at the timeherein provided, the aculty members shouldeither bar the delinquent student rom takingthe examinations or, i they allow him to takethe examinations, to withhold his grades thatis, instead o indicating the grades, the acultymembers should write a note in the re-markscolumn Has account with the Student LoanBoard. I the account is not settled by the openingo the ollowing semester, the student may not be

    allowed to register.

    A student who ails to settle his or heraccount within a semester because onancial incapaci-ty as attested to by his/her parent, guardian or proessor, shall notbe barred rom attending his or her classes,nor his or her grades withheld due to non-payment o tuition and other ees. A studentwith outstanding loans shall be allowed toregister in the next semester.

    ART. 327

    ART. 330

    ART. 430

    ART. 431

  • 7/28/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 1




    I can imagine the smile you hadon your ace when you rst heardyou passed the UPCA. I know,because I had one exactly like itwhen I learned the same newslast year.

    Everyone was so happy orme. My mother cried with joy, my

    teachers gave me a pat on theback, and soon I ound my

    ace on a banner outsideo my high school. My

    curiosity about myuture alma mater

    would lead me tomany, many storiesabout UP, and I

    came to my rstday the way you

    probably did:armed withthis grand

    antasy o what the Universityis like.Te antasy eventually crumbled

    as the days and months passed.

    University of the PoorWe were told that in UP, we will

    meet people rom all walks o lie.Tere was the proverbial promdiwho would be bringing a bayongto class. But in my entire year as areshman, I have never met a son ora daughter o a armer, or a vendor,or a construction worker. And Iprobably never will.

    In my home college, the Collegeo Mass Communication, classeswould usually be attended bystudents in nice clothes and withmany gadgets; some drive theirown cars, too. Denitely, theseare not rom the amilies o somearaway arm.

    Since 2006, the ull tuition eerate has skyrocketed to P1,500/unit rom P300/unit in 1989 surpassing both the NCR and thenational average o P1,186 andP590, respectively. Tis makes UP,a state university, more expensivethan most schools in the countryand places it among the ranks oprivately-run colleges.

    Tese days, a 15-unit loadalready costs P22,500, way beyondthe monthly minimum wage or

    Filipinos (pegged at P13,680 permonth or Metro Manila, andP8,742 or the rest o thecountry). So you see, passingthe UPCA would only getyour ace on a tarpaulin. Tereal admission exam is a test oyour nancial capacity.

    Quality education for allWhen I passed the UPCA, the

    congratulatory letter rom theUP administration said, Lack onancial resources should not

    be a hindrance to obtaining aUP education. It calmed mymother somehow.

    Attached to the letter was apamphlet about the Socializeduition and Financial AssistanceProgram (SFAP), one that istouted to democratize access toUP by providing calculated tuitiondiscounts to students. Te SFAPuses economic indicators such asyour amily income and propertiesto determine your subsidy rangingrom 40 to 100 percent.

    I was categorized under BracketA, and had to pay at least P25,000or my rst semester, a part owhich my parents had to borrow.My classmate, on the other hand,

    was placed inBracket B despimothers ailingshe owned wasdeective micr375 SFAP beor lower bracapplicants resor

    A UP Mancommitted suater being orcabsence or aililoan. She waBracket D, whunit, even thouour other childon the athers taxi driver.

    The UP dream:A letter to the new Isko and Iska

    Ang Pinaka FIRST DAY HIGH: NASA PRIORITYlist ka ayon sa iyong Form 5A . Dahilditoy agad-agad mong na-enlistang iyong mga subjects. Sa iyongpamamasyal suot ang bagong bilingUP shirt at lanyard, maririnig moang ibat ibang kwento tungkol sapamantasan na iisa lamang ang

    Pinoy Henyo

    Hawak ni JohnGabriel Peliasng BS Math, angrecord bilang UPgraduate na maypinakamataas (atpinaka-halimaw)na GWA na 1.016noong 2011.

    Paalis ka pa langng high school,patapos na ngkolehiyo si MikaelaIrene Fudoligpinakabatanggraduate ngPilipinas sa edad na16 at valedictorianng UP batch 2007.

    Si Fe del Mundo,graduate ngmedisina sa UP, angkauna-unahangbabaeng natanggapbilang estudyantesa Harvard Schoolo Medicine.

    Ang aktres na siEugene Domingoay graduate ngTeater Arts saUP. Maging angmamamahayag nasi Atom Araullona dating SAND-UP chairpersonay nagtapos ng BSApplied Physicssa UP.

    Minsan samay KalayaanResidence Hallnagkatagpuan sinaEly, Buddy, Marcusat Raimundat binuo angEraserheads.

    34 sa 35 NationalScientists, 36sa 57 NationalArtists, at pitosa 15 na pangulong bansa ay mgagraduate ng UP.

    Kalayaan Residence

    Maliban sa mgapro ng College oLaw na mahigpitsa patakaran

    ng pananamit,walangkinikilalang dresscode ang UP.

    Isa ang CineAdarna sadalawang sinehansa buong bansa

    na malayangnakapagpapalabanang walangpanghihimasokng Movie andelevision Reviewand ClassicationBoard.

    ipinapahiwatig UP ang pinakasa lahat.

    Bilang bagong kasapi ng UPcommunity, mabuting makilala monang mas maigi ang bago mongtahanan bago magpatung-patongang mga readings.

  • 7/28/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 1


    Illustration: Ysa C

    Page design:Ash

    State universitySuch cases show that

    SFAP bracketing systemto accurately assess the

    ents nancial situation,has not truly democratized

    ss into UP as promised.ct, only 397 out o 3,823 SFAPcants received ree tuition

    012.tudent council alliance

    punan ng mga Sangguniang-aaral sa UP (KASAMA sa UP)s that the university collected

    about P500 millon r o m t u i t i o npayments in 2011while allottingonly P25 million

    or the so-calledb e n e i c i a r i e s .

    h e S F A P t h u sgenerated a lmost

    P475 million in prot,says KASAMA sa UP chairEduardo Gabral.

    We are graduallyreducing the subsidy to

    SUCs [state universitiesand colleges] to push them

    toward becoming sel-sucientand nancially independent, saysPres. Benigno Aquino III in his 2011Budget Message. By the looks othings, UP is ollowing the trend.

    I your amily had to pawn yourinherited necklace, or your atherhad to take another job just soyou can enroll this semester, youprobably now understand thatobtaining UP education actuallycomes with a price a hety one.And as the government continuesto deprive UP o sucient unds,the university is orced to submitto agreements that compromise itspublic character.

    Iskolar ng bayanEntering the Diliman campus,you will be greeted by Te Oblation,his arms outstretched and headtilted to the sky, symbolizing serviceto the country. Over the next years,UP is supposed to instill in you thisnoble mission, the meaning o beingan iskolar ng bayan. But many thingssend the wrong message.

    For one, UP has been partneringwith private entities to supportitsel. Properties that should havebeen allocated or academic use hadbeen handed to the highest bidder orthem to run however they like. Casein point: the expansive echnohubarea along Commonwealth Avenue,which was supposed to be a Science

    and echnology Park, but is now acall center/business hub o Ayala.

    Walk to the Virata School oBusiness, College o Engineering,or Institute o Chemistry, and youllsee many classrooms named atercorporate giants who providedunding. Tey now nd a chanceto orever etch their names intoour memory o college lie, plus aready pool o uture employees.Scholarships with lengthy stringso conditions rom companies aredangled above our heads, such thatwe may identiy less with the Iskolarng Bayan tag, and more with theircorporate motto.

    As Gabral explains, [N]akukondisyonyung mga estudyante naiprioritize ang mga ito [privatesector] kaysa sa improvement

    and development ng localindustries natin.

    UP fantasyAs you are welcomed into UP

    today, you will be congratulatedor the nth time by speakers whowill praise you or being among thecream o the crop. But most o themwill avoid treading on the realities oUP lie, o UP education. Points willbe sugarcoated as to not antagonizeyou this early.

    Although it may have taken mea year beore shattering my personalassumptions about the university,siting through whatis act and myth nowwould lead you to the

    real university scene.And see or yourselwhat action needs tobe done.


    awang launchng mga kwitis

    Molotov bombsawa ng mga

    dyante at guroEngineering atootop noong

    man Commune971, bilangutol sa patuloyagtaas ngyo ng langis attarisasyon saersidad.

    Nasa Main Libraryang orihinal naOblation, anghubad na simbolo

    ng UP na tandang pag-aalay ngsarili sa bayan. Itoay hango sa MiUltimo Adios niJose Rizal.

    Pinakaunangginanap angOblation Runnoong 1977,

    bilang protestasa pag-censor ngdulang Hubad naBayani. Simulanoon, dumadayona ang mga Ateng(at Koyang) galingsa ibat ibang panigng lungsod upangtitigan ang mgaplacard na dala ngmga tumatakbo.

    Sa buong MetroManila, UPDiliman lamangang may jeep saloob ng kampusat may sarilingsistema ngtransportasyon.Color-coded angbubong ng mgajeep: berde parasa UP-Philcoa,Pantranco at SMNorth, maroonsa Katipunan, atdilaw sa IKO atOKI (at baka malipa ang masakyanmo, ha).

    Dahilipinagbabawal angmilitar o ibangpulis sa loob ngkampus, maysariling police dinang unibersidad:ang UP DilimanPolice (UPDP)sa tapat ng Arki.Sa kawalan ngpondo, 40 langang miyembro ngUPDP.

    Kung short sabudget peronaghahanapng tambayan otsibugan, nariyanang Sarahs parasa mahaba-habang inuman/usapan, o angmga kiosks nanagtitinda ngmga combos ngpancit canton.Sulit rin angmahabang pila saIsawan ni MangLarry na dinarayopa ng mga artista.

    For sure, saaraw-araw mongpagbagtas sa UPmakikilala mosi Zorro, angtagapagtanggol ngAcademic Oval.Minsay palakad-lakad, nagpapa-interview, onakaupo langsa bench,nagrerefect ata sakanyang isusuotna costumekinabukasan.

    Para sa masa (pasintabi sa Eraserheads)

    Itinuturing naHall o Famerang Fine Artstuwing LanternParade kayathindi na silakasali sa taunangkumpetisyon.

    Ang GeneLuna ParaGrounds,kilala bilaSunken Gay lumulung isangsentimentaun-taon

  • 7/28/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 1


  • 7/28/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 1



    Anong orAs nA?

    Ito ang laging tanong sa akin ng mga naaalimpungatan kong roommate tuwing umaga.Maaga akong gumigising, kaya sanay na akong mapagtanungan ng oras. Unang araw ngklase ngayon ngunit tinanghali ako ng gising, dala marahil ng pagod noong enrolment.Nakadagdag pa ang makulimlim na kalangitan sa labas kaya inakala kong maaga pa. Mabutina lang at Ikot dyip lang ang kailangan kong sakyan upang makarating sa klase.

    Gabay natin ang oras sa ating araw-araw na gawain. Ngunit sa dami ng ating dapatgawin, nagmimistula tayong alipin nito. Wala tayong kawala sa kapangyarihan ng oras natakdaan ang simula at wakas ng ating mga arawmula sa paggising, pagpasok sa eskwela,pag-uulat sa klase, pagsusulat at pagpapasa ng papel, hanggang sa pagtulog.

    Kahit na sa mga gawaing tinuturing nating pangakaraniwan paggamit ng mga unlipromo sa cellphone, pagbabadyet ng allowance, panonood ng basketball game sa TVmapagpasya ang oras.

    Hindi partikular ang mga Pilipino s a oras. Tanging posisyon ng araw at tilaok ng manoklamang ang gamit ng ating mga ninuno upang mabatid ang oras. Nabubuhay tayo noon sasarili nating orasan at ginagawa ang mga bagay batay sa ating nararamdaman, panahon atpagkakataon. Isa itong patunay na nais nating igpawan ang kapangyarihan ng oras.

    Likas sa mga Pilipino ang pagiging masayahin, magiliw sa mga panauhin, at masipag. Ngunitkilala rin tayo sa Filipino Time o pagiging huli sa mga pagtitipon. Kalimitan itong iniuugnaysa katamaran umano ng mga Pilipino at itinuturing na balakid sa pag-unlad ng ating bansa.

    Kamakailan ay nilagdaan ni Pangulong Benigno Aquino III ang Republic Act 1035 oang Philippine Standard Time (PST), isang batas na nagtatakda ng pamantayan ng orasna gagamitin sa buong Pilipinassa mga tanggapan ng pamahalaan, paaralan, simbahan,pribadong sektor, at maging s a mga pampublikong lugar.

    Itatakda ng Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical ServicesAdministration (PAG-ASA), ang ahensyang magpapatupad sa nasabing batas, ang opisyal naoras ng Pilipinas. Kalakip nito ang pagpapataw ng multa na nagkakahalaga ng Php 30,000sa mga pribadong may-ari ng istasyon ng telebisyon at radyo sakaling hindi magawangsumunod sa pamantayang oras.

    Magkakaroon din ng National Time Consciousness Week na gaganapin tuwingunang linggo ng taon. Kasabay nito ang pagpapalaganap ng impormasyon upang higit namaunawaan ng mga Pilipino ang kahalagahan ng oras para sa sarili at sa kapwa.

    Sa pagkakaroon umano ng pamantayang oras, unti-unting maiiwasan hanggang satuluyang mawala ang Filipino Time. Sabay-sabay na magsisimula at matatapos ang orasng paggawa ng mga empleyado at manggagawa. Maaasahan din ang maagang pagbubukasng mga tanggapan ng pamahalaan.

    Sa kabilang banda, walang sapat na batayan ang pagkakaroon ng Filipino Time. Noongpanahon ng mga Kastila, itinatak sa isipan ng mga Pilipino ang magpahuli sa mga pigingupang bigyang-daan ang mga mahahalagang panauhin. Samantala, itinuturing namang pa-importante ang mga karaniwang Pilipino na nahuhuli sa salu-salo.

    Ayon sa Indolence of the Filipinos ni Jose Rizal, hindi niya pinasubalian ang katamaranng mga Pilipino. Sa halip, nagbigay siya ng mga dahilan kung bakit hindi angkop ang konseptong oras ng mga dayuhan sa mga Pilipino.

    Halimbawa, madaling araw pa langay nasa bukirin at nag-aararo na angmga magsasaka habang mahimbing pangnatutulog ang mga prayle. Samakatwid,hindi nakikita ng mga prayle angpagtatrabaho ng mga Pilipino sapagkatang paggising nila ay siya namang oras ngpamamahinga ng mga Pilipino.

    Ang tao ay produkto ng oras.Kapag binigyang pakahulugan niyaang oras, magbabalik siya sa orihinal

    na siklo ng panahon. Sa pagpasok ngindustriyalisasyon nabigyang-halaga angoras sa pagiging produktibo ng tao, aniRomulo Baquiran, isang propesor at kritikong kulturang Pilipino.

    Kaya masasabing makapangyarihanang oras sapagkat kaya nitong kontrolin atitakda ang kinabukasan ng isang lipunan.Isang patunay ang mga industriyalisadongbansa katulad ng Japan kung saanpinapahalagahan ang bawat segundo ngkanilang oras bilang kontribusyon salakas-paggawa ng bansa.

    Pangunahing tunguhin ng PST angmaging instrumento sa pagpapaigtingng lakas-paggawa sa Pilipinas. Sa ilalimng PST, ang estado ang magtatakda ngoras na gugugulin ng mga manggagawa atempleyado sa paggawa.

    Ang pagtawag ng estado na sundinng mga mamamayan ang eksaktong orasay pagtugon sa demand ng negosyo namaging eksakto at precise sa pagtalima saproduksiyon, dagdag pa ni Baquiran.

    Tinuran na ni Karl Marx sa kanyangteorya ng produksyon kung paanongsinasagad ng mga negosyante ang lakas-paggawa at oras ng mga manggagawaupang kumita ng malaki.

    Maaaring sa pamamagitan ng PSTay maiwasan ang lagpas sa walong orasna pagtatrabaho ng mga manggagawa,lalo na sa mga hindi nabibigyan ng

    tamang sahod. Magiging mpagbubukas ng mga opisinaahensya ng gobyerno.

    Sa kabila nito, walang ktunguhin ng PST na pankapakanan ng mga mamamana ang mga manggagawa. mangyari, hawak pa rin ng mang mga manggagawa dnagtatakda ng sistema sa pasa

    Mainam na sahod at

    pangunahing motibasyonmanggagawa at empleyadonila sa trabaho. Kapag binmagandang oportunidad, msilang magtrabaho.

    Sa katunayan, hindi npagiging produktibo ng isansa oras sapagkat kahit gaao kahaba ang oras ng pagtbinibigyang halaga ng mgadekalidad na produkto at serb

    Sa unang tingin, tilaprograma ang PST nahimukin ang mga Pilipinmaging tamad at pahalagaSubalit, hindi nito naugana suliraning kinakaharapmababang sahod ng mga at hindi sapat na badyet

    batayang serbisyong pangmSa halip, tila musmos

    ituring ng estado sa pagdidikpaano gamitin ang oras sa tinkapaki-pakinabang na paraan

    Maaaring maiwasto nnegatibong konotasyon sa sa pagiging maagap at prodsa huli, uusad lamang pasulkung magagapi ang mgkalagayan ng mga mamamay

    Alipin ng Oras

    Illustration :Kendri

    Page design : Jero

    Wala tayong

    kawala sakapangyarihan

    ng oras

  • 7/28/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 1


    I CANNOT HELP BUT FEELdisappointed over the latest episodeo Boy Abundas Te Bottomline lastSaturday, wherein the issue o UPMreshman Kristel ejada was revisitedthree months ater the incident caughtthe attention o Philippine media. It wasa classic story o a girl who looked up to(UP) education as passport to alleviat-ing her amilys poor condition, yet was

    conronted by the harsh realities o thecountrys education sector as reectedin the national universitys policies.

    At rst, the episode had a promisingpremise, lending a space to revive theseveral discourses that surroundedthe incident when all the brouhahahas aded.

    What triggered a complete turn-about was the manner, by which theshow went on and ended without theslightest semblance o sharp criticism todeconstruct the issue at the very least.It is very disheartening how the show,with such potential o raising thelevel o debate and discussions on UPsSocialized uition and Financial AssistanceProgram (SFAP), state priority, and the

    education sector in general, opted to waterdown the issue and highlight the aultso Kristels amily instead.

    Worse, the overwhelming opinionsshared by invited student-leader panelistswere not only ull o motherhood statements,but lacked critical content. Te over-all discussion let the impression thatmerely revising the SFAP (and strongercommunications within the amily) wasthe ultimate resolution to the issue.

    As ar as these student leaders areconcerned, rejecting the SFAP is too

    radical and is merely used to advancecertain political agenda.

    In the end, I realized this particularepisode was never about a tragedy thatstirred the nations conscience, andlinked the dots to the governmentslong-standing policy o state abandonmenton education and other social services.While there are several actors thatcould have inuenced Kristels dispositionto end her lie, the government is alsoaccountable not only to Kristel, but tothe thousands who are denied access toquality education.

    Te debate on the SFAP and statesubsidy on education has been goingon since 1989. As such, to label as tooidealistic the calls to junk the SFAP

    and make education aordable revealsa deeply dangerous and concealed logic:work within the systems premises, or

    any eorts beyond what isor the system is utile.

    Procedural problems, binefciency, and administrconstraints orm part o thhauled against SFAP. Yetdo not strike through undreasons o the policys ailurevisions, no matter how winutile in conronting the a

    inherent in the SFAPothe class division in the coquestioning its structural appraising ones capacity tbeing aorded the right to

    Again, Kristel ejadas issues ar beyond her amirural areas thousands o otwho experience the same snot have thought o killingbut have long killed any hoptheir dreams. I the Filipindreams had lives, this counbecome a slaying eld.

    Given the current condeducation sector, assertingas a right is radical. As sucnecessitate no less.

    Junk the SFAP. RollbaFight or greater state sub

    No, thats

    not the



    nandiyan na naman ang mga ka-tropanatin tuwing enrolment: mahahabangpila, maalinsangan na panahon, atwalang humpay na lakaran. Kasama rindito ang paghahanap sa klasrum ng mganakuhang subjects, pakikipagkilala samga bagong kaklase, pagkilala atpagtatantiya sa mga bagong propesor.

    Pero sa lahat ng mga kaibigan ko,isa lamang ang maituturing kongpinakamatalik. Nakilala ko siya noong

    pagtuntong ko sa kolehiyo, at hindi naniya ako nilubayan simula noon. Masmapapadalas pa nga ang bonding naminsa isat isa ngayon, lalo nat maydalawang taon pa akong gugugulinsa UP.

    Siya ang klase ng kaibigangmapanghimasok. Kapag kasama ko siya,nalilimutan ko na ang mga dapat kopang gawin. Siya ang nagdidikta samagiging takbo ng semestre ko.

    Hanggat maaari nga, inuubos ko anglahat ng mga allowable absences ko sabawat isang subject, itong kaibigan kong

    ito ang ang nagtatakda kung kailan atkung saan ako liliban.

    Marahil ay kaibigan din siya ngkaramihan ng mga mag-aaral sa UP. Mayiba na itinuturing lamang siyang kakilalao di kayay kaklase lamang, at mayroonding halos kapatid na yata ang turing.

    Bakit nga kaya sobrang lakas ngimpluwensya ng kaibigan kong ito saating mga mag-aaral? Hindi mo rinnaman masasabi kung talagang humihiraplang ang mga subject habang tumatagal,

    o dumarami lamang ang ginagawa, lalona sa mga may sinasalihang orgs, o talagangnagiging tamad na ang mga taga-UPhabang tumatagal sa pamantasan.

    Sa ganitong lagay, mahalaga sa atingbalikan kung ano nga ba talaga angdahilan kung bakit tayo nasa pamantasan.Maging personal man ito o idinikta saatin ng pagkakataon, mahalaga sa atinna isaisip nang muli ito upang hindi tayomaligaw sa landas na tatahakin.

    Maaaring nandito ka upangpagdating ng panahon ay makapaglingkodsa bayan, makatulong sa iyong mga

    magulang, o di kayay parmagawa ka sa iyong buhakahit anong dahilan pa mdapat ito tumigil sa pag-tmatuto.

    Kaibigan ka man ng ksa napakahabang panahoibig sabihin nito na patulmahuhulog sa mga patibokolehiyo. Gunitain monginspirasyon mo. Ngunit smong muli sa mga bataya

    mga kilos, unti-unti mo nang semento sa landas na iy

    Mahalagang isaisip anmagulang na nagbabanatmabayaran lang ang nagmnating matrikula, ang iyokamag-anak at mga anak nat ang buwis ng sambayannagpapaaral sa ating laha

    Lumalayo siya sa akinnaiisip ko ang lahat ng itongayon, mas madalas ko naalalahanin, sana lang tulsiyang lumayo sa akin.

    Dear K,

    layuan mo

    na ako, pls.

    Siya ang




    takbo ngsemestre




    no matter

    how well-

    meant, is

    inutile in


    the fawed


    inherent in

    the STFAP

    Kevin Mark Gomez

    Jerome Tagaro


  • 7/28/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 1



    Te live show editionHello there, resh people! Buti naman

    at kahit ang tagal matapos ng sumerlooay resh pa rin tayo, hindi gaya ng mga ibadiyan na nilaspag ng init ng panahon.

    Kasama na sa mga iba diyan angapat kong riendzy na nag-ala Dora thelakwatserang naka-ull bangs sa Kabisayaan.

    Paano ba naman hindi malalaspagang kanilang Gandiss Everdeen sa isanglive show ng mga konehong either walatalagang ganda o nagmamaganda langnang minsang magsama-sama sila saiisang kwarto sa Bilogbilog?

    LivestreamingSa simula pa lang ng live show,

    nagpakitang-gilas itong si ateng may DD saname. Shes got a request beore going all theway. But she was too nervous and needed toboost her conidence. Paano? Paniwalain angsarili na ang ganda ganda niya lang. Sabay-sabay tayo, guys, Ang ganda ko pa rin!

    Pero hindi ata combins ang superreactor watching over the live show so shetold her to avoid making such remarks. Itsa live show daw kasi te, hindi pwedengma-edit out ang mga kasinungalingan.

    BufferingFrom then on, naging mainit ang mga

    eksena. Pero bago pa man ang climax,may pabitin epek muna o kumbaga sa sexoreplay. Siyempre may pasabi sa viewers .

    In act, one o the perve-licationsna sumubaybay ng live show posted on

    Fakbook na naka-sanitary break sila.Uhm, wait, sanitary break as in theircleaning themselves na?

    Nakakaloka lang ah. I need a sanity break!And Im thinking o a day or two sa Guimaraskasama ng mga malalaking mangga.

    An error occurredSpeaking o Guimaras, my riendzy

    also made kwento their encounter with theoutliars (n. people who lie just to get out oa situation). Yes, they are the outliars o thelive show who prematurely lumabas.

    Well, maybe they were just so sensitivekaya hindi sila nakatagal unlike the others.But o course, hindi nila aaminin na asartalo sila so they gave their excuses to getout o the room na, like they have anotherlive show to attend pa daw kasi.

    On their way to Guimaras, howevergotesco, itong mga riendzy ko saw withtheir own eyes how outliars they are! herethey are in warm bodieswarm hindi dahilnagalit sila (wow lang talaga kung sila pa mayganang magalit), kundi dahil sa nerbyos.

    Para naman kumalma sila atmahimasmasan sa kahihiyan, try kayanilang jomoiners sa isla ng Guimaras andmeet the cold-blooded sharks. In short,magpakain sila sa mga pating!

    So thats it or now. Manonood na langulit ako ng mga live shows sa susunod nalinggo. Chao-va (n. bye na mga beks)!

    Get ree publicity! press release, inviDON YPE IN ALgo easy on thepdOnt uSe tXt LaProvide a short title. 1Email us at pkule1314


    Write to us via

    mail or submit a s

    to Rm. 401, Vinzons

    Diliman, Quezon City

    [email protected].

    attachments in Rich T

    with INBOX, NEW

    CONTRIB in the subj

    include your ful

    address and c


    Next weeks question

    1. Sa tingin mo, ano

    issues na kailangang

    bagong SR?

    2. Ano ang masasabi


    Key in KULE M SUDEN NU NAME and(optional) and send to

    0916 739

    Non-UP students any school, organizatiaiation.


    memo allows 100%

    student loanpayment or inability to pay tuitiondoes not necessarily imply fnancialincapacity.

    Tere are many reasons why astudent has not paid tuition. Te task

    o our chancellors is to determine thestudents situation and grant fnancialassistance accordingly, Pascual said.

    While welcoming the new tuitionloan policy, the UPD USC maintainedthat there are limitations to howstudent loans can genuinely addressstudent needs. Nananatili pa rin angmas mahalagang panawagan parasa ull state subsidy at pagbasura saSFAP, said UPD USC Vice ChairJules Guiang.

    Continued from page 4

    and [ailure] to exhaust administrativeand legal remedies.

    KPL National President andRepresentative erry Ridon, however,maintained that the petitioners hadbrought their grievance to the high courtater they exhausted all venues to opposethe approved tuition hikes.

    Even without the SC RO, theyouth will intensiy the fght againsttuition hikes, both in Congress and in theparliament o the streets, Ridon added.

    Due to the yearly increase in tuitionrates, education is becoming moreinaccessible to the Filipino youth, saidCatherine Managan, research heado the National Union o Students

    o the Philippines.For instance, Laarni Laorga,an accountancy sophomore at theUniversity o the East-Manila, said shehad to pay around P31,000 or a 24-unitload this semester. Suntok sa buwankung kaya [namin] itong bayaran,explained Laorga, who eventually hadto transer to another school with lessexpensive ees.

    Last year, at least 222 o 2,181 privateHEIs implemented an average tuitionhike o 10 percent.

    Meanwhile, the PhilippineAssociation o State Universities andColleges (PASUC) released on April 21 aone-year tuition hike moratorium or all111 SUCs.

    In UP, the administration has

    proposed a revision o the universitysSocialized uition and FinancialAssistance program (SFAP), a schemewhich was last revised in 2007 when thebase tuition was also hiked by almost 300percent. (see related story on page 3).

    Tough it would have been a greatboost or the student movement i the SC[had] ruled in our avor, the high courtsdecision will not dampen the youthsspirit. Rather, it only uels our passionto wage a greater battle against tuitionincreases in both Congress and thestreets, Ridon said.

    SC junks petition

    vs tuition hikes in

    354 tertiary schools

    Continued from page 5


    UPD USC councillor, while Limon is thecurrent associate editor o the Collegian.

    he second or third nominee willassume the position i the SR cuts herterm short, according to Section 7, Article9 o the Codiied Rules or Student RegentSelection (CRSRS).

    he three other nominees were UPDs

    Marikris De Guzman and Hanna KeilaGarcia and UP Los Baos (UPLB) AllenLemence.

    For decades, the OSR, together withother student leaders and sectors insideand outside the university, has been at theoreront o the students' and the Filipinopeople's struggle to assert our democraticrights. We envision the OSR to continue[this] primary and historic role, saidMelgarejo in her general plan o action.

    Selecting the regenthe inal ranking o Melgarejo,

    Canacan, and Limon was determinedater two rounds o questioning.

    All six nominees irst answeredquestions rom the GASC, ater presentingtheir vision paper and plans. Autonomousand regional units then voted or the inal

    three nominees or urther questioning.O the 12 UP units, 10 voted orMelgarejo, while nine voted or Limon.For the third spot, the GASC had to breakthe tie between Canacan and De Guzman,who both received six votes.

    UPLB and UP Baler abstainedrom voting ater they ailed to reacha consensus. Ater tallying the votes,delegates rom UP Manila moved to allowUPLB and UP Baler to cast their votes inorder to reach the two-thirds majoritysupposedly needed to break the tie. heassembly, however, proceeded to declare

    GASC selects 1st ever SR from UP Min

    Continued from page 5

    Canacan in the inal three using a simplemajority rule.

    Ater the inal round o questioning,the UPLB College o Economics andManagement Student Council thenmoved to declare Melgarejo as SR-select,Canacan as second nominee and Limonas third nominee.

    Dividing the househe GASC was adjourned in the

    morning o May 20 already, aterdeliberations on a proposed amendmentto a house rule and on the supposedinstamendments to the CRSRS delayedthe SR selection.

    On the irst day o the GASC, theUPD Law Student Government (LSG)proposed that the rule on conirmingattendance be applied liberally to ensuremaximum student representation.

    Section 4, Article I o the House Rulesrequires all delegates to conirm theirattendance beore they could participateand vote in the GASC.

    Ater hours o deliberation, thestudent councils eventually allowedunconirmed delegates and even

    incoming council members to participatein the assembly.he second day, meanwhile, opened

    with the UPM USC questioning theamendments to the CRSRS that wereallegedly inserted without the GASCsknowledge. he council particularly notedthe two votes allocated to UP Cebu.

    Prior to being declared as anautonomous unit, UP Cebu only had onevote in the assemby. he CRSRS wasmerely updated because autonomousunits are entitled to two votes,said Arguelles.

    at the CoE, Reyes also asked the reshmento report organizations that would recruitthem. At least 25 organizations are currentlyrecognized and based in the college.

    Joining organizations however isa constitutional right, said outgoingStudent Regent Cleve Arguelles as hequestioned the merits o implementing

    such a rule.

    Student code provisionhe new policy is based on a provision

    o proposed student code, which studentgroups have been contesting. Section1.3.1, Article IV o the drat CSC prohibitsorganizations rom accepting a student whohas not completed a one-semester residencyin UP Diliman (UPD) or membership.

    he student code, however, has yetto be approved or implementation. heBoard o Regents (BOR), the highestpolicy-making body in the university,still has to approve the CSC, according toSection 1, Article VI o the code itsel.

    he drat already gained the approvalo the University Council (UC), consistingo the chancellor and aculty members

    o UPD, and is currently awaiting the UPpresidents recommendation to the BOR.

    he UC approved [the CSC orrecommendation] to the board, [not] orimplementation, explained Arguelles.Colleges however have their autonomy

    to adopt and implement internal policies,he added.

    No student consultationhe new rule on reshman

    membership to organizations wasdiscussed within the college already,explained Reyes.

    However, the college administrationdid not consult engineering students on theimplementation o the new policy, accordingto the Engineering Student Council.

    Nakakagulat lalo [sa aming] mgaoicers [ng mga student organizations].Yung ibang regular members siguro ngibang [organizations] nagulat din na mayganitong rule, Rhomuelle Bernardo,vice president or public relations o theChemical Engineering Society.

    Student consultation should existbecause the new rule concerns them, saidCharlotte France, head o the UniversityStudent Councils Student Rights andWelare Committee.

    he new rule was meant to protectthe reshman, Reyes told the Collegian.Historically, ang daming reshmen who

    got into orgs [at natanggal sa kolehiyo dahil]ginagawang alipin ng lahat, he explained.

    When asked or igures o drop-out rates in the college, however,the administrative sta said itwas unavailable.

    Engg freshies barred from joining orgs

    Continued from page 5




    members of the P






  • 7/28/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 1


    InstallmentsWe are beleaguered by installments. Debts

    are settled in installments. Shampoos are

    purchased in sachet installments. In busy cities,

    even sleep comes in installments.

    As I park my car outside Vinzons Hall, I

    eortlessly notice the lengthy line or student

    loans that spans rom OSA to the third oor.

    Education is also in installments.

    I unbuckle my seatbelt and nd one o your

    Murakami books still tucked saely in the ront

    seat. Te seatbelt still reeks o the intoxicating

    smell o your Versace perume. On nights wesped through the metro with the Submarine

    soundtrack on repeat, the city lies ahead o us

    in cinematic blur. Maybe I could get you back

    again, I ponder, by installments.

    Vinzons Hall is cramped with people bearing

    the same enrolment woes. It is crowded with

    an assortment o people incessantly anning

    themselves, wiping o beads o sweat down

    their napes, and holding on to their loan orms

    which would give them an installment UP

    education. Te line uncannily resembles lines or

    ood programs in evacuation centers.

    I pass a group o riends discussing the newly

    opened SS class. Tey are eating in installments

    o stolen time. One o theman acquaintance

    rom the College o Engineeringstops me and

    asks i we both enlisted a class under a specic

    Engineering proessor. Te air smells o the

    mixture o peoples sweat.

    Nah, Im ully paid or my 18-unitsubjectsas non-major, I reply without regret.

    I can imagine my lawyer athers peculiar rown

    and my law student brothers scos once they

    hear about the news o my dismissal.

    I ascend the last ight o stairs leading to

    the uppermost level o Vinzons Hall, and eel

    gravity pulling me down the way it has done the

    rst time I visited the Kule ofce. It requires an

    extra ounce o courage to climb this last ight o


    Having taken the Kule exam just beore

    summer began, I have been surprised as I

    received a text message rom RC Guerrero a ew

    weeks ater. ol, ikaw na ang magsusulat sa

    kolum ko. Rakenrol.

    I open the door to the Kule ofce, an aroma

    o aternoon circulating in the air. Te noises o

    people rom the loan queue downstairs are still


    Eyes covered by cigarette smoke and the

    reection o the sunlight on his glasses, Deln

    Mercado eyes me rom head to oot.

    He oers me a cigarette.

    I wait or night to come beore I climb the

    ladder to the roo top. Smoking my Marlboros

    and casting o mosquitoes, I write this rst

    column in solitude under the star-beaded

    sky. I have that papery eeling o lack o sleep.

    Somewhere below, Kule writers are still awake,

    debating on the latest Game o Trones episode.

    I light another cigarette and lose mysel to

    its psychedelic umes. Tis is to b e the rst o the

    many installment nights like this.


    Alan P. Tuazon

    Illustration : Ysa Calinawan
