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Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia

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  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia


    The Inquirer Briefing:Feasibility of a Fearless Forecast

    Ms. Ma. Lourdes TiquiaFounder & General Manager

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia



    Feasibility of a Fearless

    Forecast 26 days to go before May 10, 2010 Look at two sides of the coin

    Political campaigns are all about numbers

    Automation is an extraneous variable

    Those who are ahead are so because of Air War

    Those who are at the end are so because they havelimited money; ill-prepared or GMA tag

    PGMA is not a lame duck president

    The road to Malacanang has been changed!

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia



    Feasibility of a Fearless

    Forecast 26 days to go before May 10, 2010

    Character, organizational jumps and raidingwill define the last few days of the 2010

    campaign. We will see tail enders making alast go (till the Fat Lady sings) and frontrunners canceling each other out in theprocess of trying to pull away.

    If front runners engaged in mudslinging,voters will stay away from polls or anunderdog will have to be positioned.

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia



    Feasibility of a Fearless

    Forecast Look at two sides of the coinIn this campaign, there are twosides of the proverbial coin thatmatters: surveys and the ground

    war.Surveys is just a snap shot in apoint in time but is valuable interms of resource build up.

    Ground war is crucial in termsof WOM and trait of voter(personal)

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia



    Feasibility of a Fearless

    Forecast Political campaigns are allabout numbers, that coverscommand and market votes.

    There are a total of more than85,000 candidates for only 17,000positions. A national candidatecovers 42,000 barangays, 1,495

    municipalities, 136 charteredcities, 81 provinces in 17 regions.

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia



    Feasibility of a Fearless

    Forecast Political campaigns are all aboutnumbers.

    1. TRV = 48.3M

    2. ETO = 74.5% or 35.9M

    3. Votes to Win = 12.4M

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia



    Feasibility of a Fearless

    Forecast Political campaigns are all aboutnumbers. If elections were heldtoday

    AQUINO 17.9M

    VILLAR 12.1M


    GORDON 1.4M

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    Feasibility of a Fearless

    Forecast Automation is an extraneousvariable

    Time, Queues & Summer Heat

    Back-to-Back 32 inch Ballot

    One ballot per voter

    One PCOS per 7 precinctsManual voting but automatedcounting & canvassing

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia



    Feasibility of a Fearless

    ForecastThose who are ahead are so because ofAir War 1. Villar ranked 6th among Top 20advertisers for the First Quarter in 2010.

    Villar spent Php1.23 Billion (up by6,575%) from Php18 Million in the 4thQuarter of 2009.2. Aquino ranked 11th at

    Php526 Million in the 1st Quarter.3. Issue of paid for &

    paid by

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia



    Feasibility of a Fearless

    ForecastThose who are at the end are so because:1. Limited money to parlay into ads and pr

    2. Ill-prepared: messaging, framing, positioning andorganizing

    3. GMA factor (net satisfaction rating of -53%)

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia



    Feasibility of a Fearless

    Forecast PGMA is not a lame duck president Allowed Erap to run

    First incumbent president to run for Congress

    Focused on the HOR than candidate forpresidency

    Key appointments: DND, AFP, OES

    Supreme Court

    Controls IRA and PDAF releases Problems in automation (UV,

    indelible ink, 30% manual)

    Presidential Electoral Tribunal

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia



    Feasibility of a Fearless

    ForecastThe road to Malacanang has been changed1. Supreme Court ruling on Peera changed natureof campaigning (prohibition attaches only duringcampaign period and not upon filing).

    2. Villar air war offensive and saturated posteringcreated an impression of being No. 1.

    3. Accomplishment and track recordhave been set aside in favor of anemotional brand.

    4. To each his own; no party to relyon.

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia


    The Tipping Point

    TheTipping Point is when Cory died and somewhere in thelabyrinth of the Liberal party saw the potential of an emotional

    brand(a winning brand?) AQUINO.

    As Gladwell said, Things can happen all at once, and little changescan make a huge difference

    The virtue of an epidemic, after all, is that just a little input isenough to get it started, and it can spread very, very quickly.

    The GladwellBarometer

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia


    BLINK Villar & Erap

    BLINK is about rapid cognition, about the kind of thinking thathappens in a blink of an eye. When you meet someone for the first

    time, or walk into a house you are thinking of buying, or read the firstfew sentences of a book, your mind takes about two seconds to jump

    to a series of conclusions.

    The GladwellBarometer

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia


    OUTLIERS Teodoro & Gordon

    outliersin men and women who, for one reason or another, areso accomplished and so extraordinary and so outside of ordinary

    experience that they are as puzzling to the rest of us ourunderstanding of success was really crudeis that we've been far

    too focused on the individualon describing thecharacteristics and habits and personality traits of those whoget furthest ahead in the world. And that's the problem, because in

    order to understand the outlier I think you have to lookaround themat their culture and community and family

    and generation. We've been looking at tall trees, and I thinkwe should have been looking at the forest.

    The GladwellBarometer

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    Aquino has leveled off from Jan-Mar; ahead ofVillar by 12% because Villar took a dive.Villars base is soft while Erap is steady

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    Aquino has leveled off in Feb-March; ahead ofVillar by 11% because Villar took a dive.Villars base is soft while Erap is steady

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia


    Aquino appears to be slipping Mar to Apr;ahead of Villar by 11% because Villar took adive in Feb and is leveling off in Mar and Apr..Villars base is soft while Erap is steady

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia


    EC H






    30% manual =Php10.7M

    Undecided ranges

    from 10-15%=3.6M to 5.4M

    Viral propaganda:Internet and SMS

    Turn-out of NewVoters (est.40%)

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia


    Oh I dont want to be so fearlessexcept to say that scenariobuildings are being made, as we

    speak here

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia





    On PamumulitikaMore than half of Filipino Voters believe that

    Ang pagsagot sa ibang paniniwala ay pamumulitika54% - Talagang/medyo sumasang-ayon35% - Maarning sumang-ayon, maaring hindi20% - Medyo/Hindi sumasang-ayon

    Ang pamumulitika ay patuloy na pagsasalita at pagbabatiksa kalaban

    58% - Talagang/medyo sumasang-ayon

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia





    On PamumulitikaMajority of Filipino voters believe that

    Hindi nagiging mabuti ang pulitika kung maraming awayasa mga lider at nakakalimutan ang bayan

    74% - Talagang/medyo sumasang-ayon

    17% - Maaring sumang-ayon, maaring hindi

    8% - Medyo/hindi sumasang-ayon

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia

    23/26Car p


    mIf mudslinging between Aquino & Villar

    continues, they will cancel out eachother, opening the door for Erap. But

    Erap has his own baggage.

    At this point, voters will take a seriousand closer look at credentials, giving

    Teodoro and Gordon the fightingchance.

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia

    24/26Car p


    m If winning is a long shot for Erap andhe knows fully well that another

    Estrada is prepositioning in 2016,2010 can be his window for

    redemption by endorsing the leaderthe country truly needs.

  • 8/9/2019 Philippine Daily Inquirer Briefing by Malou Tiquia






    Why Carpe Diem?

    That is the Latin word for seize theday an admonition to enjoy thepresent, as opposed to placing all

    hopes in the future

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