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Art and Science of physical treatment, ie the set of techniques by applying physical agents cure, prevent, recover and readjust to patients

likely to receive physical therapy"


Physical therapy is defined as "the science of treatment through: physical, therapeutic exercise,

massage and electrotherapy. In addition, the Physical Therapy includes the performance of electric

and manual tests to determine the value of involvement and muscle strength tests determine the

functional abilities, range of joint movement and vital capacity measurements as well as diagnostic

aids for the control of evolution "

This science is one of the mainstays of therapy, the medicine available to cure, prevent and

retrofitting to patients, these pillars are made of Pharmacology, Surgery, Physical Therapy and

Psychotherapy "

In Peru this science is newly developed and with respect to this science as a career yet there are

few universities where these chairs are offered, especially in Lima, but with globalization and new

trends there are many rehabilitation physiotherapy clinics and there is still much to do in our

country, so the wealthiest people even travel to other countries such as Cuba, USA and European

Union countries

Here we see the main areas where physical therapy is used in Peru

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In the case of ATM is very important that a multidisciplinary treatment between dentist and physiotherapist thereby giving a better solution to these conditions.

Diseases and TMJ disorders are a group of conditions that cause pain in and around the jaw joint (called the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ) and surrounding muscles. The jaw problems affect a person's ability to speak, eat, chew, swallow and breathe.

Possible causes of diseases and disorders include:

Local causes: trauma, abnormal closure (bad bite), bruxism, TMJ osteoarthritis and infections of the oral cavity.

General causes, pathologies such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

Treatment: The role of the physiotherapist in the treatment of disorders of the TMJ is very important. It deals with the evaluation must be thorough kinesthetic and objective. On this depends the treatment based on the restore function and eliminate pain.

In exploring the therapist assesses:

Opening and closing the jaw. Palpation of condyles (rounded eminence at the extremity of a bone, joint and how it fits

into the hollow of another bone). Palpation of the muscles of the face and mouth. Specific Test ATM. Postural Relationship: Head-neck-chest-shoulder.

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Specialty of physiotherapy which is defined as the art and science of treatment by physical agents traumatic pathology.Within it, we can cite: bone fracture, dislocation, multiple injuries, sprains, muscular trauma pathology, etc.For the approach, the therapist specializing in trauma develops from medical diagnosis, a detailed assessment of the patient and develops a protocol aimed primarily therapeutic action:

Pain Relief. Reduction of inflammation. Recovery of mobility. Patient's functional recovery.

It uses techniques of massage therapy, physiotherapy, magnetotherapy, electrotherapy, ultrasonoterapia, hydrotherapy, FNP (Analytical Stretching in Physical Therapy), and all as it derives from physical agents saw fit to perform.Orthopedic physical therapy or physical recovery of a trauma patient is a prescription and must be made entirely by a physiotherapist to ensure the effectiveness of treatment.

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Physical Therapy Oncology is a specialty that aims to preserve, maintain, develop and restore the integrity of the kinetic-functional organs the patient's symptoms and prevent damage caused by cancer treatment.Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are important weapons in the treatment of cancer. Side effects of these procedures may affect the functionality of the patient. Some signs and symptoms such as limited joint, muscle weakness, fatigue, tiredness, pain, and tenderness of the hands and feet, can alter the patient's functional capacity.

Oncology Physiotherapy is an alternative to relieve his physical limitations through a specific treatment program.

Side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy could be:

Tiredness or exhaustion cognitive, emotional or physical (fatigue) General muscle weakness. Tingling in fingers and toes. Instability when walking. Expanding the base of support while walking. Pain. Difficulty performing tasks that require precision. Altered sensitivity. Changes in skin and soft tissue of the irradiated area. Limitations joints. Lymphedema. Impaired coordination, etc.

Oncology Physiotherapy is important in all phases of treatment through a personalized therapy, the patient seeking reinstatement to their daily life activities as soon as possible. Includes:

Relieve and manage pain. Encourage the lymphatic circulation by draining (lymphatic massage-trained). Restore range of motion of the affected limb. Improving pulmonary ventilation and chest width. Monitor and improve posture. Education to prevent lymphedema. Improving muscle function. To improve coordination and balance. Reduce spasticity. Improve the capacity and autonomy. Improve the way. Contribute to improving daily life activities.

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It covers different parts of the health of women, from the perspective gynecological physical therapist expert in this field, combining sensitivity and understanding, help with their treatment in a really positive women whether they are directed to a gynecological operation, as if suffering from incontinence or pelvic problems, aid in post-natal care of mother and baby, plus physical therapy treatment is performed in sexual health, so they can prevent and resolve sexual problems such as vulvodynia or vaginismus, among others, and from the obstetric vision to divide-natal treatment and post-natal, these include baby care primarily aimed at typical problems such as massage for colic, teething pain, etc..

Physiotherapy obstetrics and gynecology:

May be preventive or restorative. Always focused individually to each person according to your body, mind and life in general.

Aimed at:

Prevention and treatment of urinary incontinence, anorectal dysfunction, prolapse, muscle and joint pain, leg edema, sexual dysfunction, and so on.

Massage of the mother and the baby.

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Cardiac rehabilitation services are long-term programs, comprehensive, comprising a medical evaluation, exercise prescription, physical training, modification of cardiovascular risk factors, education and advice. This program limits the physiological and psychological causes heart disease, reduces the risk of sudden death or reinfarction, control cardiac symptoms, stabilize or return the process of atherosclerosis and improves psychological and vocational status of these patients.

Indicators to Cardiac Rehabilitation Program

After stabilization of myocardial infarction. Stable angina. After stabilization of a heart bypass surgery. After percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. Compensated congestive heart failure. Cardiomyopathies. After cardiac transplantation or other organ. After another type of heart surgery including heart valve or pacemaker (including

implantable cardioverter defibrillator). Peripheral vascular disease. High-risk cardiovascular disease ineligible for surgery. Patient recovered from a sudden death syndrome. ESRD.

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Patients with more than two risk factors for coronary heart disease such as diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, smoking, obesity and others.

Another type of patients who may benefit from a structured exercise program (based on the reference by his attending physician and taken to consensus by the rehabilitation team).

Contraindications for cardiac rehabilitation

Dissecting aneurysm of the aorta. Severe stenosis of the outflow tract of the left ventricle. Temporary or relating to: Unstable angina. Unbalanced conditions: heart failure, diabetes mellitus, severe hypertension. Disease in acute pulmonary embolism, myocarditis, pericarditis, thrombophlebitis,

infections. Severe varicose syndrome. Arrhythmias: ventricular extrasystoles increases with exercise, ventricular tachycardia,

supraventricular tachyarrhythmias uncontrolled atrioventricular block of 2nd and 3rd grade.

Part of physical training

The patient was admitted 3 times per week cardiac rehabilitation center. That makes aerobic exercise band or cyclo-ergometer, plus guided physiotherapy sessions designed to improve strength, balance, coordination and flexibility.

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Throughout the exercise the patients are monitored with telemetry monitoring for symptoms and vital signs.

Educational part

This is aimed at controlling cardiovascular risk factors, through lectures supported by audiovisual material. Points are addressed on an individual interest, such as obesity, the return to work, the management of depression, stress and anxiety, erectile dysfunction and the elimination of the habit of snuff.


What is rehabilitation?

It is a process whose goal is to help people who have developed mental disorders, to have and maintain an active participation in family and community, improving their way of relating to others becoming productive and feel better about yourself

Who is it for?

People who have developed mental or emotional disorders and as a result have difficulty functioning in three or more basic aspects of daily life: personal hygiene and self care, autonomy, interpersonal relationships, learning and leisure which reduces or prevents development of economic independence.

People who have developed mental or emotional disorders and require support for:

To control medication. For grooming and personal hygiene. For maintenance activities of their home. For the proper management of money. Mobilize for mass transit For personal independence. To achieve a productive life. To maintain cordial family and social relationships

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People who are treated in mental health services and psychiatry Northern Cone of Lima (San Martin de Porres, Independencia, Los Olivos, Comas, Carabayllo, Puente Piedra, Santa Rosa and Ancon) according to the zoning of the Health Care Mental Lima (Ministerial Resolution No. 192-85/SA-DVM).

What services are provided?

Functional Rehabilitation: To improve levels of attention, concentration, memory, basic self-care and social performance.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation: To support the activities of autonomy, personal performance, family and social and basic job training

Vocational Rehabilitation: To develop work skills and productive in the home and community.

Community and socio Segumiento Reintegration: In implementation

What benefits does the user?

It will support the development of skills and abilities which decreased as a result of disorder, for example:

Improve your attention, concentration and memory. Improve independence in personal care activities at home, enjoy their free time, organize

your time to be productive. Learn about your condition and how to take care to stay well. Learn to interact better with other people and start friendships. Learn ways to solve the problems of daily living, psychosocial stressors management and

impulse control.

What benefits has the user's family?

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The family to participate in meetings with the therapists may:

Learn about the disorder and how to take care to keep it stable. Learning ways to cope with the disorder, combating social and cultural prejudices Learn better ways to communicate, relate and understand your family in treatment. Learn ways to solve the problems of everyday life. Know what rights accruing to people with mental disabilities. Receive support and counseling to feel good about yourself.

How I can get my family involved?

If you go in the NIMH "HD-HN" Ask your treating psychiatrist for a referral to our department using the format of application form.

If you go to another mental health service and psychiatric health facility north of the cone: Ask your physician to fill the MOH reference format, to receive attention in the NIMH "HD-HN" (only for rehabilitation ), the controlled medical care and remain in their home institution.


Physiotherapy Rheumatology is a specialty dedicated to alleviating the pain of clinical disorders of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, covering a large number of clinical entities, collectively known as rheumatic diseases.

These are mainly patients with clinical entities of involvement usually localized damage the joints, bones, muscles, tendons, etc..

Rheumatology is devoted to a wide range of diseases, most of unknown etiology and pathophysiological mechanisms are not well defined.

The techniques used in physical therapy are varied and generate several benefits to patients, the most important are:

Heat: Produce temporary relief of inflammatory and traumatic acute and mild.

Cold: Allows you to control muscle spasm, traumatic pain, acute low back pain and inflammation.

Electrical stimulation: Helps prevent disuse muscle atrophy and muscle spasticity.

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That part of physical therapy that focuses on the treatment of patients with neurological disorders.


Some of the most popular treatments are the concepts Bobath, Kabat and Vojta.

However, any neurological physiotherapy treatment should be based on two pillars: Inhibition and facilitation:

Inhibition, abnormal reflexes controlling those patterns.

To facilitate, enable and assist the patient to use correct movement patterns.


Improve the way. Give greater stability. Reduce spasticity, tremors and fatigue Improve the capacity and autonomy. Contribute to the improvement in daily living activities.


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Parkinson. Hemiplegia. Ataxia. Cerebral Palsy "PCI". Hydrocephalus. Multiple Sclerosis. Lateral Sclerosis Amitrófica

"Commonwealth". Paraplegia- Quadriplegia. Spina Bifida. Muscular Dystrophy .


Is the discipline of physiotherapy to treat pathologies that occur in infants and children, both congenital and acquired, associated with neurological, orthopedic, respiratory, circulatory.

A pediatric physical therapist needs is to know the child's motor development from birth through age two which is where the greatest changes occur and be aware that the child is not miniature adults but their bone structures and evolve as they grow muscle so you need a good orthopedic and neurological examination.



Congenital dislocation of hip Congenital clubfoot or congenital clubfoot, Pie metatarsus varus Talipes valgus Valgus flat foot, Primitive Osteochondritis of the hip or Perthes disease, Infant and Preschool Scoliosis Congenital Torticollis Hyperlordosis and hyperkyphosis

Congenital malformations:

Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, Spina bifida, malformation syndromes, agenesis

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Cerebral Palsy Child Brachial palsy Duchenne disease head trauma Down Syndrome Fragile X Syndrome


Bronchiolitis Asthma Cystic Fibrosis


We must bear in mind that the work of physical therapy through the work with the child and parents. Besides the great need for a coordinated multidisciplinary work with other professionals such as: pediatricians, neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, rehabilitation, neonatologist, occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychologists, nurses, orthopedic technicians ... all to achieve the maximum recovery of child's progress and the highest quality of life.

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Physiotherapy gives life to years. Aims to maintain the quality of life, relieving pain, improving or maintaining the physical, which will result in benefits in the capacity for autonomy in activities of

daily living.

The elderly often suffer diseases more easily and frequently than the young person and their recoveries are slower and incomplete.

Revitalizing geriatric physical therapy is the application of specific physiotherapy techniques on healthy older adults, in which the involution process of aging may trigger pathological processes that can lead to decreased functional abilities.

The most common cause of loss of functional abilities in the older person is inactivity and immobility.

There are numerous causes for restraint in an older person, within them have acute immobilization is considered as a disease secondary to accidental burns, hip fracture, peripheral vascular disease to name a few. Patient activity is severely reduced until the acute illness is stabilized. . Architectural barriers can cause accidental locking this includes bed rails, high or low beds, stairs, corridors with poor lighting, inappropriate chairs, fear of falls, social isolation and environmental movement pain, numbness, lack of help mobility and/ or transfers. And of course the attitude of "I'm too sick to get up" adversely affect mobility.

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Chronic immobilization is the result of long-standing medical problems, poorly managed or untreated as it can be a stroke, arthritis, amputation, Parkinson disease, low back pain.

It is vital the contribution that physical therapy may have to fight or delay, the involution of age and / or inactivity that result in alterations of organs, organ systems, and although initially asymptomatic at a given time can evolve until the subject's physical disability

Geriatric rehabilitation is an effective mechanism to compensate within limits the consequences of inaction, that geriatric rehabilitation and not just exercise?, Simple due to the characteristics and needs of the older adult population exercise programs should be prepared and guided by professionals in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation after performing a functional assessment in order to determine the capabilities of each individual and to implement a physical therapy plan tailored to the needs.

As therapists our goal should be to give the elderly a preventive and corrective maintenance or where our basic goal is the functional independence of the people we treat, with the resulting gain a better quality of life

The general principles of rehabilitation in the elderly, regardless of the process in question should be applied as a general and then apply specific techniques for the process.

1. Maintain maximum joint mobility

2. Maintain or restore independence in ADL.

3. Maintain or increase muscle strength

4. Achieve a good gait pattern and balance.

5. Assess posture.

6. History of falls

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7. Build trust and cooperation of the patient from the start.

Prevention in general is one of the foundations of working with older adults.


If we resign ourselves to make it a regressive phase of involution.


Cosmetic surgery in recent years have taken great importance, and to assist patients in recovering from this surgery is that there is the aesthetic physiotherapy, with great success, which is why it is considered essential in the recovery of patient.

The aesthetic physiotherapy physiotherapists looking to have the aesthetics that are suitable for any kind of treatment techniques through comprehensive and effective tools and specific to treat each type of sequels and conditions, thus helping in the preparation of the patient from the preoperative to postoperatively the benefit provided by its beauty.

Aesthetic physiotherapy works very broad field, covering not only the classic fields of action in which they were the cardiorespiración, the musculoskeletal and nervous system.

Other areas it addresses are:

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Ophthalmology and Optometry

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Physiotherapy creating eye on the detailed investigation of the eye and reaches the following conclusions:

It was shown that the phenomenon of accommodation of the eye does not belong only to the ciliary muscle, which surrounds the lens,

T lens varies its optical power radio according to contract or relax as The peri-ocular muscles was also responsible for the accommodation and participates in

eye movements.

With this research it was realized that if the problem is worked properly with physiotherapy can halt and reverse the visual loss during processing.

In this field, aesthetic physiotherapy aims to help the patient's weight loss.

In this case obese people go through two phases:

In the first phase is a clear decrease in fat and building muscle. The exercise aims to achieve an increase in muscle mass that will compensate for the loss of fat. This means that there is no weight loss weight, but a decrease in the volume of the body

The other indicated for weight loss weight.

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Disappearance of cellulite and treatment in obese

flabbiness, located fat, stretch marks

flabbiness, located fat, stretch marksfluid retention

flabbiness, located fat, stretch marksbody shaping located fat, stretch marks