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Phocus by Hasselblad User Manual
Page 1: Phocus by Hasselblad User Manual - Pixto-F · PDF filePhocus, in line with any Hasselblad product, is continually reviewed. Please occasionally check on the Hasselblad website - -

Phocus by Hasselblad User Manual

Page 2: Phocus by Hasselblad User Manual - Pixto-F · PDF filePhocus, in line with any Hasselblad product, is continually reviewed. Please occasionally check on the Hasselblad website - -
Page 3: Phocus by Hasselblad User Manual - Pixto-F · PDF filePhocus, in line with any Hasselblad product, is continually reviewed. Please occasionally check on the Hasselblad website - -


Welcome to Phocus

It is our hope that you will open Phocus, take a look around, and be inspired to get to work with an imaging workflow that develops according to the way you want things to happen. On your way, you may notice some of the highlights:

Uncompromising Image QualityThe Phocus RAW processor provides the ultimate in processing quality for Hasselblad digital images, including:• Digitallenscorrectionsforcoloraberration,distortionand

vignetting(DACI,II,andIII)• HasselbladNaturalColorSolution(HNCS)forperfectcolors• Moiréremovaldirectlyuponrawdata,preservingimagedetail

Perfect Viewing QualityTheViewerusesalltheadvancedfeaturescontainedinPhocustodeliverimageviewingqualitythatmatcheseverydetailofwhatyouwillseelaterinyourchosenimageeditingprogramifyouwishtoeditfurther.Inaddition,thePhocusViewerallowsyoutocustomizelayoutandcompositiontosuityourcurrentordesiredworkflow,providingawiderangeofoptionsincludingfullview,compare,browse,horizontal,orverticalview,andsoon.Youcanhavemultiplefoldersopensimultaneouslyforside-by-sideviewing,comparison,andselection.

New Camera Controls PhocusalsoprovidesspecialextendedcontrolswithwhichtooperateyourHasselbladcamera.Thesefeatures,suchaslivevideoforeasierphotoshootsandworkflow,ortheabilitytocontrolthefocuswhenthecameraisinaremotepositionorwhenthedigitalcaptureunitismountedonaviewcamera,bringanentirelynewlevelofflexibilitytothewayyoushoot.

Flexible WorkflowThePhocususerinterfacefeatureseasy-to-useoptionsthatallowyoutocustomizeyourset-uptosuitarangeofdifferentworkflowsituations,suchaschoiceofimportsource,browsing/comparisonfunctions,filemanagement,imageexportinanumberoffileformats,pre-settingofoptionsforupcomingshoots,andmuch,muchmore.

New Metadata (GPS, etc)The extended metadata included in all Phocus images provides for accurate and detailed cataloguing and index-ing,easyimagemanagement,andincludesaddedGPSdatafunctionalityinordertoallowarangeofnewfunctions.PhocuslinksGPSdatadirectlytoGoogleEarth,forexample,makinggeographicreferenceasnapandimagestorageandretrievalmucheasier.

Leading Edge Moiré Removal TechnologyWithPhocussoftware,themoiréthatcanoccuronevenextremelyhighresolutionimagesiseffectivelyremovedfromyourimagesinmostcases.Moiréremovalisautomaticallyperformeddirectlyontherawdata,leavingimagequalityintactandeliminatingtheneedtocarryoutspecialmaskingselectionsorothermanualprocedures,savinghoursoftediouspost-productionwork.

Hasselblad Raw file supportVariousvendorsoffersupportforHasselbladrawfiles.PleasecheckthePhocusRead-Meandourwebpageforfurtherinformation.

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About this manualThismanualdescribestheworkingsofPhocusandhowtouseitonMacintoshandWindowsplatforms.Thegraphi-caluserinterfacesareverysimilarinappearancesotheillustrationsarebasedmainlyonMacintoshscreencaptureswithadditionalWindowscaptureswherenecessary.Likewise,theoperativeproceduresarealmostidenticalacrossthetwoplatforms,withthelargestdifferencebeingshortcuts.Again,theseareillustratedandexplainedwherenecessary.ShortcutsareindicatedbyredtextandsymbolsforMacintosh users and blue text and symbols for Windowsusers.Someactionsrequirearightclickwithatwo-buttonmouse.OnMacplatformsthiscanalsobeachievedbyholdingthedowntheCtrlkeywhileclickingwithaone-buttonmouse.




Computer configuration recommendationsMedium-formatimagefileeditingrequiresamoderateamountofprocessingpowerfromacomputertoensuresmoothandrapidworkflow.PleasechecktheReadMefilesforrecommendationsabouthardware,graphicscards,memoryrequirementsandconfigurationsetc.,toobtaintheoptimumperformancefromPhocus.


Modifier key symbols for shortcutsW i n d o w s


M a c i n t o s h

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � =Command,

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � =Alt, ^=Control, =Shift

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5 Co n te n t s

Welcome 3

About this manual 4

Contents 5

Getting started 7

Layout over view 8

G e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n 10

A r e a o ve r v i e w s 11

File Browser 13

L ay o u t S H O RTCUT13 14

N av i g a t i o n 14

C a p t u r e D e s t i n a t i o n (S c r a tc h p a d ) 14

Fav o r i t e s 15

C o l l e c t i o n s 15

Q u i c k c o l l e c t i o n s 15

F i l e Sy s t e m 15

D e v i c e s 15

Thumbnail Browser 16

L ay o u t 17

R e s i z i n g 17

R e n a m i n g , r e l o c a t i n g a n d r a t i n g (I A A) 17

V i e w i n g a n d s o r t i n g 18

S e l e c t i o n 20

Ta b b e d f o l d e r s 20

T h u m b n a i l b a d g e s 18

O p t i o n m e n u 19

Viewer 20

L ay o u t 21

R e s i z i n g 21

V i e we r To o l b a r 2 2

C o m p a r e v i e w 2 2

C r o p t o o l 2 2

St r a i g h t e n t o o l 2 2

N e u t r a l i z a t i o n t o o l 2 2

Z o o m t o o l 2 2

H a n d t o o l 2 3

S h a d o w w a r n i n g 2 3

H i g h l i g h t w a r n i n g 2 3

G r i d 2 3

O ve r l ay 2 3

P r e v i o u s i m a g e 2 3

N e x t i m a g e 24

Sw i t c h c o m p a r e i m a g e s 24

C o l o r i n f o 24

Importing Captures 25

Tethered Capture 27

L i ve V i d e o e x p l a n a t i o n 29

Tool Area 31

Ta b s 32

To o l s 32

To o l s e t t i n g s 32

To o l p r e s e t s 33

P r e s e t s - g e n e r a l 3 4


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6 Co n te n t s

Tool List 36

A d j u s t m e n t s B r o w s e r 36

C a m e r a 36

C a p t u r e I n f o 36

C o l o r C o r r e c t i o n 36

C r o p & O r i e n t a t i o n 37

C u r ve s 37

E x p o s u r e 37

G r ay s c a l e 37

H i s t o g r a m 38

I P TC C o r e 38

I P TC Ke y w o r d s 38

J o b I n f o 38

L e n s C o r r e c t i o n s 4 0

N av i g a t o r 4 0

N o i s e F i l t e r 41

O u t p u t P r e v i e w 41

Q u e u e 41

R e p r o d u c t i o n 42

S h a r p n e s s 42

W h i t e B a l a n c e 42

Toolbar 43

C a p t u r e 4 4

E x p o r t 4 4

E x p o r t N e w I m a g e s A u t o m a t i c a l l y 45

I m p o r t 4 6

M o d i f y 4 6

D e l e t e 4 6

P r i n t 4 6

P r e f e r e n c e s 47

L ay o u t 47

S h o w 47

A d j u s t m e n t s 4 8

Menu 51

M e n u s h o r t c u t s 52

F i l e 52

E d i t 52

I m a g e 52

V i e w 53

W i n d o w 5 4

V i e we r To o l s h o r t c u t s 55

Appendix 56

Ke y b o a r d S h o r t c u t l i s t 57

FAQ 5 8

I n d e x 6 0

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7 G e t t i n g Sta r te d





You have the best medium format camera equipment in the world, help it to help you!

Getting Started

File Browser Toolbar TabViewer Menu Triangle

Viewer Toolbar Thumbnail Browser Tool Area


Divider Disclosure Triangle Check Box

There are references in the text to various graphical elements of the interface. To clarify, here is an illustration of the terminology used.

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Layout Overview



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9 L a y o u t O ve r v i e w

The default graphical layout is only one of several possible layouts. The showing, hiding and size of various views and elements are all customizable. Below is an overview of contents and possibilities and does not mention every eventuality. See later sections for detailed descriptions of layout changes.

OnthefarleftistheFile Browser that lists the information concerning destination folders, folders, collections, hard disksanddevices.Afterloadingfreshcapturesorbrowsingforexistingfiles,thisviewcanbehiddentofreeupmorespace.Alternativelyitcanbeminimizedbydraggingthedivider.

ThecentralsectionisoftentakenupbytheViewer and Thumbnails.Howeverthisareacanalsobeminimizedbydraggingthedividerstocausetheimagetobecomesmaller.Theimagecanalsobeplacedinportraitorientation,withacollectionofthumbnailstotheleft.Theimagecanalsofillthewholescreen.

OnthefarrightistheTool Areathatgroupssetsoftoolsunderfourmaintabheadings.Theseindividualsetscanalsoberegroupedtoincludeordeletecertaintools.TheTool Areacanbehiddentofreeupmoreviewingspace.

The Thumbnail Browserdisplaysthumbnailimagesofthefilesintheselectedfolder.ThedisplayoftheThumbnail Browsercanalsoberepositionedintoaportraitview,increasedordecreasedinsize.Thumbnailscanbemovedwithintheareabydraganddrop.Inaddition,thumbnailscanbeincreasedinsize(universally)bymovingthedraghandleinthebottomrightofacapture.Theycanalsoberenamedbyclickingonthecurrentnametohighlightit.ThewholeThumbnail BrowsercanreplacetheViewertofillthecentralarea,withorwithouttheFile Browser or Tool Area.

Accessing the various parts of the Toolbar and accessing tools is by conventional methods; title bars, pop-up menus, dialogboxesetc.TheToolbarinthismanualreferstotheToolbarseeninthemainwindowandcontainsCapture,Export,Importbuttonsetc.TheMenuistheMacintoshMenuwhichalsocontainsitemstoaccessvariousPhocustools.

MoretoolscanbefoundontheViewer Toolbar that is located at the bottom of the Viewer from the Thumbnail Browser.


Layout overview

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10 L a y o u t O ve r v i e w

ViewerDisplays the image selected in the Thumbnail Browser. A separate Viewer can be created for dual-monitor use, for example. Viewer image size can be changed in size and position.

Viewer ToolbarAccesses a variety of tools specifically assigned to the Viewer area only.

Thumbnail BrowserDisplays thumbnail views of selected folder content. Layout can be changed to a portrait view. Images can be re-sized and sorted.

Tool AreaGroups sets of tools under four main tab headings. These indi-vidual sets can also be custom-ized to include any combination of tools.

MenuIncludes View, Window and Help for Phocus specific options.

File BrowserLists the information concerning destination folders, storage folders, collections, hard disks and devices.

ToolbarAccesses a variety of tools.

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11 L a y o u t O ve r v i e w

Thefollowingisabriefoverviewofthemainareas.Someshortcutsarementionedbutnotall.Seerelevantsections for detailed information and complete list of keyboardshortcuts.

File BrowserThe File Browser(nottobeconfusedwiththeBrowse Tool tab)consistsofCapture Destination, Favorites, Collections, File System and Devices.


1. Show/Hide Browser - expands area for Viewer and the Thumbnail Browserdisplays.

ViewerThe Vieweristhemainareaforimagechecking.AViewer Toolbar runs along the bottom of the Viewer in all layouts.Theview’ssizecanbechangedbydraggingtheViewer Toolbarupanddowninthedefault(Landscape)layout.Inportraitmodethedividercanbedraggedtotheleftorrighttochangesizealso.

1. Show/Hide Viewer -replacesViewerwiththumbnails.

2. Viewer in Separate Window - createsaseparatewindowfortheViewer.

3. Full Screen Viewer-fillsthescreenwithViewerandViewerToolbar.TogglebackorpressESCAPEbuttontoexitfullscreenmode.

Tool Area The Tool Area consists of four tabs: Capture, Browse, Adjust and Export.Eachofthesetabscanbecustomizedforcontent.

1. Show/Hide Tools -hides/showsTool Areawithcombinedtabs.



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� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +B


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

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� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +V


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� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +F


� ⎇ � � � �

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� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +T

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12 L a y o u t O ve r v i e w

Drag and drop any tool to another position on the list. •

Drag and drop any tool to anywhere outside of the •Tool Area to remove it.

Click the right hand menu triangle on the tab header •to reveal a list of tools. Clicking on a tool will add it to the selected tab. A default tool set is also a choice.

Some tools have a disclosure triangle on the tool •header to reveal further options and a check box for activation.

Any tab can contain any or all tools!

Thumbnail Browser The Thumbnail Browser can be located beneath the Viewer or replace the Viewersothatitfillsthecentralarea.

· Hide/Show Thumbnails. Togglefunction.

· ChooseMenu > Window > LayoutforStandard/Browse/Viewerlayoutchoice:

Standard locates the Thumbnail Browser beneath the Viewer.File Browser and Tool Arearemainvisible.

Browse replaces the Viewer withthumbnails. File Browser and Tool Arearemainvisible.

Viewer fillsthecentralareawiththeselectedimageand the Viewertools.

Thumbnails onlyfillsthecentralareawiththumb-nailsonly(notoolsvisible).

· ChooseToolbar > Layout to rearrange the Viewer and the Thumbnail Browserintoportraitorientation.

ClickinthetoprighthandcornerofThumbnail Browser todisplayanoptionpanel.Thisallowsyoutosort captures by: IAA rating, Name, Date and Custom. (CustomSettingonthelistisautomaticallyselectedwhenthumbnailsaremovedmanually).




� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +N


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +1


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +2


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +3


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +4

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File Browser

TheFileBrowsercollectsallthestoragelocations under one heading and con-sistsofCaptureDestination,Favorites,Collections,FileSystemandDevices.

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14 Fi l e B r o w s e r




Choose• Menu > Window > Show / Hide Browser (or use shortcut)


Navigation• Clickonthearrows1 on the header bar to navigate through recent

folders.ThefoldernameappearsintheFile Browser menu 2.

• ClickontheFile Browsermenutorevealallfolders.Clickonafoldertodisplay contents in the Thumbnail Browser.

• Clickonthedisclosuretriangles3 to successively navigate to the desired folder.ClickonthefoldertodisplaycontentsintheThumbnail Browser.

List of filesCapture Destination:Containsthefoldersthatstoreimportedorsavedcaptures.

WhenPhocusislaunchedforthefirsttime,aScratchpad folder is automati-callycreatedandappearsontheDesktop,bydefault.ThisfolderbecomestheautomaticdestinationfolderforallcaptureswhethertheyareimportedfromaCF-card,ImageBank-IIordirectlyfromatetheredcamera,untilyouchooseotherwise.

InPhocus,youcanaccesstheScratchpad in the File Browser panel under the Capture Destinationheading.ClickingontheScratchpadiconwillcausethecontents to appear in the Thumbnail Browser.


1. Create a new folder and name it.

2. Choose the File Browser and navigate down through the menu to the new folder.

3. Ctrl click / Right click it to display the pop up menu where you can select ‘Use as Capture Destination’.

File Browser


Double click folders to expand or collapse them.



B+ +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � BCtrl+ +

1 2


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15 Fi l e B r o w s e r

Favorites: Containsaliasesoffrequentlyusedfolders.DragselectedfolderstojustbeneaththeFavoritesheadingtoaddthemtothelist.

Collections: A Quick Collectionisacompilationoflinkstoimages,thatyouwanttokeeptogetherforvariousreasons.Forexample,itcouldbethebestcandidatesfromseveralfolderskeptinoneplacetopresenttoaclient.Filesare added to the Quick Collectionbyshortcutordraganddroptothefolder.Thefigureinbracketsdisplaysthenumberoffilesinthecollection.ClickonQuick Collection to display contents in the Thumbnail Browser.

Thumbnails that have been assigned to a Quick Collection acquire a Quick Collectionicon,whicheverfoldertheyarestoredin.

NotethatQuick Collectionfilesareonlyaliasfiles,notduplicatefiles,soiftheoriginalcaptureisdeletedfromitsownfolderthenthealiasfileisautomati-cally deleted from the Quick Collectionfoldertoo.Forthesamereason,analiasfiledeletedfromtheQuick Collectionwillnotcausetheoriginalfileinthecapturefoldertobedeleted.

File System: Providesanoverviewofthelocationofyourlocalharddrivesornetworkvolumesforaccessingfolders.

Devices: Showstheconnectedcamera/digitalback.Onlyvisiblewhenadeviceisconnected.


Quick Collection


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + B / Ctrl + B to ADD a selected file to a Quick Collection from any folder displayed in the Thumbnail Browser.


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + B / Ctrl + B to REMOVE a selected file from a Quick Collection (as well as the Quick Collection badge from the original file in the original folder) displayed in the Thumbnail Browser.

A file can also be removed from a Quick Collection folder by using the backspace / delete key.

BCtrl + B+

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

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Thumbnail Browser


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17 T h u m b n a i l B r o w s e r



Thumbnail Browser

The Thumbnail Browserisheadedbyabarnamingtheselectedfolder.Italsoshowshowmanyimagesareintheselectedfolder,aswellastheavailablefreespaceontheharddisk.Plusandminussymbolsarealsoincludedforrapidviewing-sizechanges.Ascrollbarcanbedisplayedalongthebottomof the Thumbnail Browser.InthetoprighthandcorneroftheThumbnailBrowserisadisclosuresymboltoopenanoptionspanel.

LayoutAt the default setting, the Thumbnail Browser is located at the bottom of thescreenwithimagesrunninglefttoright.Tochangethelayout:

Dragthedivider(betweenthe• Thumbnail Browser and the Viewer) upordown(inlandscapelayout).

Dragthedivider(betweenthe• Thumbnail Browser and the Viewer) totheleftorright(inportraitlayout).

Choose• Toolbar > Show.Rapidlyshowsorhidesthefourmainareas:Standard,Browse,ViewerandThumbnails.

Choose• Toolbar > Layout.ChangesorientationtoportraittotheleftoftheViewer.

Choose• Menu > Window > Show / Hide the Thumbnail Browser orshortcut.

Choose• Menu > Window > Browse > Layout orshortcut. Fillsareawiththumbnailsonly(nofilebrowserortools).

Resizing thumbnailsTochangetheviewing-sizeofthumbnails:

Clickontheplusorminussymbols• 1 to enlarge or reduce all the thumbnails in the Thumbnail Browser.

Movethedraghandle• 2inbottomrightcornerofthumbnails. Alterssizeofallthumbnailsglobally.

With an image selected in the • Thumbnail Browser, press Cmd + +/- /Ctrl + +/- zoomsymbolstoenlarge/reducetheviewingsizeofallthumbnails.

Renaming, relocating and rating (IAA)To rename:


To relocate:


To change approval level rating (IAA) for both 3F and 3FR files before import:

Selectthenpress• – 1 for Green/2 forYellow/3 for Red.

}Ctrl + + / −

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + + / −



N+ +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � NCtrl+ +


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +N


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +4


In Thumbnail only view, press

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + 0 / Ctrl + 0 to resize single thumbnails to fit view.

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18 T h u m b n a i l B r o w s e r

Viewing and sortingClickonthedisclosuresymbol1inthetoprighthandcorneroftheviewtoopenanoptionpanel.Thisallowsyoutofilterandsortthethumbnailsinavarietyofdifferentways:

Filter: Toviewbyapprovalrating,clickonthedesiredIAAapprovalmarker 2 ormarkerstodisplayonlythosecaptureswiththeselectedratings.Alt/Ctrl clickonthedesiredratingicontoshowonlythoseinthebrowser.

Sort: Clickonthearrow3toselectascendingordescendingsorting.

Approval: Checkthebox4forapprovalsorting.

A menu bar 5 alsoallowssortingbyNameorDate.Customautomaticallyappearswhenmanuallysorting.

Show: Clickonthebutton6 torevealachecklistthatdeterminestheappear-anceofinformationonthethumbnails,namely:Crop,Name,ApprovalandBadges.


Tabbed FoldersChooseFile Browser > File SystemandselectafolderwhileholdingdowntheCmd/Ctrlkey.Thiswillcreateanextratabbedfolder7 that appears in the Thumbnail Browser.Thismakesiteasierandmoreefficienttomanagefileswhenworkingwithseveralfoldersatthesametime.


Thumbnail badgesThumbnailsarebadgedwithvarioussymbolstodisplaytheirstatusand/orhistory.Seeillustrationfordescriptions.

File has been edited (and saved)

File currently selected.

Thumbnail badges

3FR file.

Quick collection shortcut.

File has been edited (and saved).

ExampleMultishot file.

File has been exported.

File has been cropped.







File currently being exported.

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19 T h u m b n a i l B r o w s e r

Options menuCtrl click/Right clickthumbnailstoopenalistoftimesavingoptions. Worksindividuallyorinmultiples.

Layout exampleThis layout is achievable by clicking on Layout on the Toolbar then

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + B / Ctrl+ + B to hide the File Browser. Pressing

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + T / Ctrl+ + T would hide the Tools as well if an even larger are was required.

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21 Vi e w e r

LayoutAt the default setting, the Viewer is located in the middle of the screen above the Thumbnail Browser.TheViewerisheadedbyabarnamingtheselectedimage.Italsoshowstheapprovallevelandsizeinpercentoftheselectedim-age.Italsocontainsaplusandaminusiconforzoomin/zoomoutchanges.AViewerToolbarrunsalongthebottomoftheViewer Area.BoththebarandtheViewerToolbarfollowtheViewerinanyorientationandsize.

To change the layout:

Dragthedivider(between• Viewer and Thumbnail Browser)upordown(inlandscapelayout).

Dragthedivider(between• Viewer and Thumbnail Browser)totheleftorright(inportraitlayout).

Choose• Toolbar > Layout.ChangesorientationtoportraittotherightoftheThumbnailBrowser.

Choose• Toolbar > Show.Hidesorshows Viewer, amongstothers.

Choose• Menu > Window > Viewer in Separate Window (̂ +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + V) (Ctrl + Alt + + V).CreatesaseparateViewer(fordualscreenuse,forexample)

Choose• Menu > Window > Full Screen Viewer (

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + F) (Ctrl + + F).FillsscreenwithViewerimageandViewerToolbaronly.

Choose• Menu > Window > Standard (

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + 1) (Ctrl + + 1). Producesdefaultlayout.

Choose• Menu > Window > Viewer (

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + 3) (Ctrl + + 3). Hides File Browser, Tools and the Thumbnail Browser.

Resizing image in ViewerTochangethesize:

Activate the • Zoom tool in the Viewer Toolbar.ClickonimageinViewerfor100%view(togglefunctiontorevert).

Holddown• Cmd + +/–/Ctrl + +/- toenlarge/reducetheimage.


Fittowindow.• Menu > View > Zoom to Fit (

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + 0) (Ctrl + 0)

Zoomto100%.• Menu > View > Zoom to 100% (

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + 0) (Ctrl + Alt + 0)

Resizing ViewerMovedividerstoincreaseordecrease• Viewerarea.

Hide the • File Browserand/orToolsand/ortheThumbnail Browser to free upspace.Imageenlargesautomaticallytofillarea.




V+ +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � VCtrl+ +


When browsing the Thumb-nail Browser and the Viewer together, press

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + N / Ctrl + + N to temporarily hide the thumbnails. Toggle back.


The top right hand corner of the Viewer displays the current magnification of the image.


Hand Tool

Hold down the spacebar to •activate the hand tool when zoomed in to drag Viewer contents around.

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2 2 Vi e w e r

VIEWER TOOLBAREither press on the icons or use the shortcuts to access the following tools. Both methods have a toggle function.

Compare View w / wAllowsCompare Viewwheretwoimagesareshownside-by-sideintheViewer.Imagesfromdifferentfolderscanbecompared.Togglefunctionbacktonormalview.

Pressthe‘S’keytoopenaselectedthumbnailasthecomparisonimage, automatically locating on the left hand side of the Viewer.Double-clickanotherthumbnailtobethesecondimage.

Crop tool c / cDrag-activatedcroptoolwithplacement/centeringgrid.CanbecustomizedintheCrop&OrientationtoolintheToolAreatoconformwithcertainaspectratios.Cropdimensionsappearimmediatelybeneathcroppedareawhilemouseispressed.SelectanothertooltoviewwithoutcropandselectCropagaintoviewwithcrop.Clickoutsideofcroptoremoveitor’UndoChangeCrop’(

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +Z)( Ctrl + Z)torevert.PressanumberonthekeyboardwhileactivatingtheCroptooltodeterminethenumberoflinesinthegrid(1-9).Cropscanalsobeviewedonthumbnails(seeunderThumbnailBrowser/ViewingandSortng/Show).

Straighten tool r / rAllowsastraighteningfunction.Placethecrosscursoronanychosenpointontheimage,mousedownandtracealandscapeorportraitline(realorim-aginary)whichyouwanttobecomeaperpendicularlandscapeorportrait.Release the mouse button and the image automatically aligns to the line orientationyouchose.WiththeCrop & Orientation tool open, you can ad-ditionallyreadoffthenumberofdegreestheimagehasbeenrotated. SeealsoCrop & Orientation under Tools forrefinements.

Neutralization tool n / nAllowsarapidneutralcolorbalancetobemade.Positionthetooloveranareajudgedtobeneutralandclickagain.LookattheRGBreadout(bottomrightofframe)formoreinformation.

Zoom tool z / z – in

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � ++, out

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +–, to fit

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +0, to 100%

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +Alt+0

in Ctrl++, out Ctrl+−, to fit Ctrl+0, to 100% Ctrl+Alt+0Positionthetoolovertheareayouwanttozoominon.Clickingwillproducea100%view.Clickingagainwillreverttheimagetotheoriginalsize.ThispercentagecanbereadoffthebarjustabovetheViewer,inthefarrightcorner.

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2 3 Vi e w e r

Hand tool h / hUsedtomovetheimageintheViewerwhenzoomedin.Holddownthespacebarfortemporaryuse.

Shadow warning ̂ +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +D / Ctrl + D

for options ^ +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +W / Ctrl +WMarksareasoftheimagethatareratedasunderexposed.Theseareasappearaslightmagenta(default)andcovertheaffectedareasofimage.ChooseMenu > View > Warning Options to change threshold settings and the warningcolor.Alternatively,CtrlclickingtheiconandthenthepopupmenuthatappearswilldirectlyaccesstheWarning Optionsdialog.

Highlight warning ^ +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +H / Ctrl +H

for options ^ +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +W / Ctrl +WMarksareasoftheimagethatareratedasoverexposed.Theseareasappearaslightcyan(default)andcovertheaffectedareasofimage.ChooseMenu > View > Warning Optionstochangethresholdsettingsandthewarningcolor.Alternatively, Ctrl/Ctrl clickingtheiconandthenthepopupmenuthatappearswilldirectlyaccesstheWarning Optionsdialog.


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +G/ Ctrl +G for options ^ +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +G / Ctrl + + GAddsagridovertheViewerimagetoaidcomposition,etc.ChooseMenu > View > Grid Optionstochangethenumberoflinesandtheircolor.Ctrl /Ctrl clickingtheiconandthenthepopupmenuthatappearswilldirectlyaccessthe Grid Optionsdialog.PressAlt/Alt to reposition the grid over the image withthemouse.


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +O for options ^ +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +O / Ctrl + + OAllowsanotherimagetobesuperimposed.Usedprimarilyinfixedlayoutcomposition,montage,etc.UsesJPEG,TIFF,PNG,PSD,PDFandGIFformatsfortheoverlaidfile.ChooseMenu > View > Overlay Options to access opacity andscaleoptionsaswellasaprompttoselecttheoverlayfile,whichisauto-maticallyplacedafterselection.Alternatively,Ctrl /Ctrl clickingtheiconandthenthepopupmenuthatappearswilldirectlyaccesstheOverlay Options dialog.FilescanalsobebrowsedintheFinderandthenplacedbydraganddrop.

Previous image

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + / Ctrl + DisplayspreviousimageintheThumbnail Browser, replacing the current imageintheViewer.

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24 Vi e w e r

Next image

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + / Ctrl +

DisplaysnextimageintheThumbnail Browser, replacing the current image in theViewer.

Switch compare images S / SSwitchesthepositionofthetwoimagesinCompare View in the Viewer from lefttorightandviceversa.

Color InfoProvidesaninputRGB,OutputorLabreadoutoftheareabeneaththecursorlocatedonanimageintheViewer.


You can change the Approval level of the selected image in the Thumbnail Folder and in the Viewer by simply pressing 1, 2 or 3 for green, yellow, or red. Clicking the green-yelllow-red icon in the Viewer will have the same effect.


Create two Viewer images side by side to compare sharpness settings, for example.

Select an image in the Thumb-nail Browser. Choose Compare view in the Viewer Toolbar then choose Menu > View > Compare Image.

Any adjustments made then affect only the left hand image.


Mac Ctrl/right click the Warning, Grid and Overlay tools on the Viewer Toolbar to access options.

Win Right click the Viewer Toolbar to reveal the View list from the Menu to access options.


Full screen view fills the whole Viewer area. (Menu is hidden) but retains the Viewer Toolbar for continued checking and navigation control.

Menu> Window > Full Screen View


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +F+ Ctrl+F

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Importing Captures


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26 I m p o r t i n g Ca p t u r e s

Importing captures


1. Connect the camera to a computer and choose the File Browser 1.

2. Choose Devices 2.

3. Click on the icon’s disclosure triangle 3 to reveal the capture destination folder 4.

4. Click the folder.

5. The captures are automatically displayed in the Thumbnail Browser appearing as 3FR files (marked by a 3FR icon in the top left corner).

6. Either select files required in the Thumbnail Browser and then choose Menu > Import 6, or double click them.

7. A dialog 7 appears where you can select a number of options.

8. When affirmed, Phocus will import the selected files and generate 3F files (thumbnails now lose the 3FR icon), automatically storing them in the capture destination folder (default: Scratchpad).

The Import dialog provides a number of options, including Adjustment Presets thatprovidetheopportunityforrapidworkflow.SeeafullexplanationunderToolbar.









Both 3F and 3FR files can be ex-ported directly from the browser via an options list by Ctrl click-ing/right clicking thumbnails.

Be aware, however, that many advantages of Phocus will be lost by exporting 3FR files directly. See FAQ chapter for details.

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Tethered Capture


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2 8 Te t h e r e d Ca p t u r e

ConnectionConnectthedigitalcamerasystemtoacomputerviaaFireWirecable.AniconwillappearunderDevices 1 in the File Browser and a heading in the Camera tool 2affirmsthatconnectionhasbeenmade.Regardingstoragespace,youcanchecktheamountleftbyselectingtheCapture Destination folderintheFinderandreadingthefiguredisplayedtotherightintheThumbnailsBrowserbar.


· the Capture icon in the Toolbar 3.

· the shortcut -

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + N / Ctrl + N

· thecameraitself.

After exposure, the capture is stored directly in the folder that you have designated to be the Capture Destination folder (default: Scratchpad)(see File Browser section about how to create a new Capture Destination folder).ThenameofthisselectedfolderappearsatthetopoftheFileBrowserasareminder.

Immediatelyafterexposure,thecapturepreviewappearsintheViewer and in the Thumbnail Browser.

Points to noteCaptures are stored directly in the chosen • Capture Destination folder. You should therefore always check beforehand that you have selected the correct folder (see Tool Area section /Job Info about how to select a Capture Destination folder).

All tethered captures are stored as lossless compressed 3F files in the • Capture Destination folder.

Using the • Camera tool you can accurately control the camera setup. There are a variety of controls available under this tool, depending on the camera model. These include, apart from shutter-speed, aperture etc., even special focusing options allowing for remote focus increments using the “-“ or “+” buttons and modifier keys to control focus and depth of field.

The available set of active controls in the • Camera tool will differ according to the digital camera model. H-system cameras allow more control than V-system cameras due to their greater integration and overall more advanced data-controlled capabilities.

The Mirror Up button on the • Camera tool only functions with H system cameras.

Tethered capture


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � NCtrl + N





A tethered camera will also act as a card reader.

It will appear as an icon under Devices in the File Browser. Click on the disclosure triangle to see the Capture folder. Then click on the folder to display the captures directly in the Thumbnail Browser.

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29 Te t h e r e d Ca p t u r e

Live VideoBothHandV-systemcamerascanutilizetheLiveVideofunction,thoughtheH-systemoffersagreateropportunityforautomation.Thisfunctionisintended for tethered operation in studio set-up environments for product andsimilarnon-movingsubjectswherecarefulcompositionalplacinginconjunctionwithlayoutsketches,etcisrequired.Itprovidesacontinualimage(refreshedaboutonceeverysecond)thatappearsintheViewerwhichcanbezoomedinandcheckedforfocus.Anaudioandavisualaidarealsoavailabletohelpyoumakeveryaccuratefocussettings.

ProcedureAsthisfunctionrequiresthattheshutterremainsfullyopen,itallowsagreatdealoflightontothesensor.Theonlyexposurecontrolsleftarethereforetheaperturesettingandtheamountofambientlight.Thisresultsinaneedforquitelowlevellightingandsmallapertures(normallyacombinationofboth).Thismightdemandsomeexperimentationregardingthepowerofyourlightingsetupandtheaperturesettingyouhadplannedonusing.When using H-system cameras, you can use the Auto aperture setting, thoughthismightnotofcoursecorrespondwithyourdesiredworkingaperturesetting.

H and V-systems 1. With Phocus running, tether the camera.

2. Open the Camera tool (default: under the Capture tab) and make the desired setting adjustments

H ONLY - Set the camera to Manual focus. Aperture and shutter speed settings are temporarily overridden in Live Video mode.

V / CFV II ONLY - The lens must remain open for the duration of the session. Use the appropriate method according to the equipment used. Make a temporary aperture setting.

3. The function is activated either by:

· pressing the Live Video button in the Camera tool

· Choosing Menu > View > Live Video


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +L / Ctrl+L

4. The Viewer now displays a black and white image.

5. Grid lines and /or overlay can be introduced to check for compositional positioning etc.

6. A focus check can also be made (see below).


Ctrl+ L

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +L


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30 Te t h e r e d Ca p t u r e

Focus checkingByusingtheZoomtoolintheViewerToolbar,youcanobtainacloseupofthesectionoftheimageyouwanttocheckforfocus.TheViewerimagechangesformatanddisplaysaviewbeneath.ThisistheFocusviewwhichplots the accuracy of the focus setting displaying it in the form of a continu-allyupdatedgraph.

WithtetheredH-systemcameras,makeaninitialautofocus,eitherdirectlyon the camera or by pressing A 3 ontheCameratool.PresstheLiveVideobutton 1toactivate.

• Clickonthe‘-’2 or‘+’4 buttonsonthetool(not+or-onthekeyboard)toalterthefocus.

• Holddown

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � / Ctrl andclickonthe‘-’or‘+’ buttonsforfinerfocusadjustments.

• HolddownAlt / Altandclickonthe‘-’or‘+’ buttons for larger focus adjustments.


Press ^+

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + A / Ctrl++A toactivatetheAudioFeedbackfunctionthatsignalswhenthefocussettingisatitsoptimumsetting.

Focus checking in Live Video mode



� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +A



2 3 4

Changingthefocussettingproduces an automatically updatinggraph.Thehigherthe reading, the more accurate the setting measured from the selectedarea.Anaudiosignal isalsoavailable.

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Tool Area

The Tool Area is on the right hand side of thescreen.Itconsistsoffourindividualcollectionsoftoolscalledtabs.Eachtabcanbecustomizedforcontent. Theviewremainsinthesamepositioninthe layout but can be hidden to increase workingspace.

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32 To o l A r e a

Tool Area

Toolsaregroupedunderfourtabsforconvenience;Capture,Browse,AdjustandExport.Thisgroupingiscustomizableandsothedefaultsettingshouldonlybeseenasastartingpointforyourownworkflowprocedures.Anycombinationoftools,includingduplicates,canbegroupedunderanytab.After selection, tools are opened by a triangle 1 to reveal slider control 2 and numerical 3 options.Acheckbox4appliessettingchanges.Sometoolshave additional options accessed by the menu triangle 5 ontheheaderbar.

Tabs Therearethreewaystoselectatabandbringittothefront:


Choose• Menu > Window > Tool Set > Capture /Browse / Adjust /Export.




Tools Toaddatooltoatab,clickontherighthandmenutriangleontheToolheadertorevealthetoollistandthenclickontherequiredtool.

To remove tools from individual tabs, drag and drop the tool to any area out-sideofthelist.Eachtoolcanberepositionedonatablistbydraganddrop.

Tool settingsToolsareopenedbyclickingthemaindisclosuretriangleoneachindividualToolheader.Thisallowssettingchanges,providesinformationetcaccordingtothetool.Sometoolsuseslidercontrolstogetherwithnumericalinput.Youcaneitherkeyinaspecificvalueorclickintheviewandusethe‘up’and‘down’keystoraiseorlowerthevalues.

Capture Browse Adjust ExportCtrl+ 1

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + 1



T+ +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � TCtrl+ +




Ctrl+ 2

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + 2

Ctrl+ 3

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + 3

Ctrl+ 4

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + 4

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Tool PresetsManyofthetoolsintheTool Areaincludetheoptionforcreatingpresets.Thesearesimplyshortcutstosavedsettings(relevanttothatparticulartool)thatyouwanttoapplytootherfiles.


1. Check the box 1 on the Tool header to preview the adjustments and settings you make.

2. Click the smaller menu triangle 2 on the right hand side of the Tool header to access the options 3.

3. Click on ‘Create Preset’ 4 to reveal a dialog where you name the preset. Press the Create button to save it. This preset will now appear in the Tool options list.

4. Files in the Viewer can now be adjusted to precisely conform with the settings you made for the preset just made, or to predefined presets, by opening the tool again and clicking on the preset name.

See the next pages for a general description of presets in Phocus!

To o l A r e a

In this manual it is assumed that you have a working knowledge of how to use many of the standard image editing tools found in most graphics editing applications.

The tool descriptions here are therefore basic and show how they appear in Phocus. There are many articles in books, magazines and on the Internet that discuss and explain in great detail the specific aspects of image editing tools.





When making changes in a tool, you can use the ‘up’ and ‘down’ arrows on the numerical section of the keyboard instead of manual numerical input or using the sliders.


You can simultaneously close all tools in a tab by Alt / Ctrl clicking on a collapse triangle on any tool.

Similarly, you can expand all tools in a tab by Alt / Ctrl clicking on a disclosure triangle on any tool.


Any tab can contain any or all tools.



� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + Z / Ctrl + Z after any changes made in Tools to undo the change and revert back one step at a time.


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + Z / Ctrl + Y to reapply the same changes again, one step at a time.

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3 4 To o l A r e a

1 Presets are essentially shortcuts to default or user createdandstoredsettings.Theysavetimeandeffortaswellasprovidesecurityregardingvariousautomatedtasks.

InPhocus,presetsoccurasanintegralpartofanumberofdifferentactions.Somepresetscanalsobeaccessedfromdifferentlocations.Forexample,inOutputPre-viewinTools,youmightchooseTIFFasyourpreferredformatinthePresetmenu.Whenexporting,theoptionswindownotonlydisplaysthischoiceintheOutputPre-setmenubutalsoallowsyoutochangeitagain. Achangemadehere,toLayersPSDforinstance,isimmediatelyreflectedbackintheOutputPreviewtool.Inotherwords,apresetisanindependentfeaturethatcanbeaccessed,changedandcheckedatvariousloca-tions.Referencestoitarecontinuallyandautomaticallyupdated.

Example - Output presetsWhenexportinganimage,theExportwindowdisplaysalistofoptions,thefirstbeingdestination1forthefile,chosenintheconventionalmanner.

Thelowerpartofthewindowlists:Output Preset 2, Name Preset 3, Job Name 4etc.OutputPresetandNamePresethaveEditbuttons.

ClickingontheEditbuttonforOutputPresetwilldisplayan options panel: File format 5, PPI 6, Dimensions 7 and Output profile 8.

Inthisexample,theFileFormatshowsTIFFasthechoice,whichwouldhavebeenshownintheOutputPreviewtool.(Thechoicesareoftendisplayeddimmedbecausethepresetsarelocked.Clickingontheunlocksymbol9 allowsaccesstothemenus).

IfJPEGisnowselectedonthelist,JPEGisdisplayedintheFileFormatmenu10.Clickingonthemenurevealsfurther choices 11.


The plus and minus symbols 14 allowtheadditionanddeletionofpresetsfromthelist.DefaultFactoryPresetandEnglishFactorynamescanbechosen15. Finally,youcanlockallsettingstopreventinadvertentdeletion 16.

Additional Output 17, is also an option available in the Exportwindow.Extrapresetchoicesarerevealedhereandareselectedinthesamemannerasabove.









12 13

14 15 16


Presets - general

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Presets - continued

35 To o l a r e a

Name presetsNamepresetsaredealtwithinthesamemanner.Similarly,NamePresetisaccessiblefrommorethanonelocation;whenexporting(seesectionabove)orfromtheJobInfotool(FileName>Edit).

Inthisexample,‘JobName’couldberemovedbyselec-ting it in Template 1anddeletingit(backspace).

Selecting‘DateFormat’2wouldalsoallowaFullDate3 andMediumTime4 for instance, chosen from the menu, toappearinstead,etc.

Again, there are a great number of choices here to cover mostneeds.

IPTC presetsIPTCCorepresetsusethesameconceptsintheoptions.

WiththeIPTCCoreopen(IPTCCoretool>CreatePreset),presets can be selected 5, created 6 and deleted 7 to includeorexcludethedesiredinformationcheckedonthelist.


Tool presets Toolpresetsaremorestraightforwardincreationanduse.Pleaseseeprevioussectioninthischapterfordetails.

GeneralThe extensive range of settings on offer produces a very broad choice of combinations to meet professional demand.YouareencouragedtoinvestigatethisaspectofPhocustoseehowitcanbecustomizedtosuityourparticularneeds.







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36 To o l A r e a


Adjustments BrowserSeefullexplanationintheToolbar chapter.

Camera Reflectsthesettingsfromatetheredcamera,accordingtomodel.An H-systemmodelwillprovidemoreinformation—focusmode,exposuremode,mirrorup,forexample—thanaV-systemmodelduetoitsgreaterdigital capabilities and integration (see description of ‘Live Video’ under ‘Tethered Capture’ for full details).

Capture InfoListsthecamerametadatarecordedatthetimeofcaptureandisdependentoncameramodelandequipmentused.Metadataisanintegralpartofeachindividualimagefile.AnH-systemmodelwillprovidemoreinformationthanaV-systemmodelduetoitsgreaterdigitalcapabilitiesandintegration.

Color CorrectionForselectiveandglobalcolorcorrection.ThecolourpickercanbeusedtoisolateatoneandthenmodifyiteitherbyusingtheHueSaturationandLightnessslidersorbythecolorwheeltool.


To make specific tonal changes:

1. Select the color picker 1. (Keep Shift pressed down for multiple samples)

2. Place the picker on the desired tone in the image in Viewer. A corresponding point 2 will appear on the color wheel.

3. Hue, Saturation and Lightness can be adjusted by:

a) moving the sliders 3, or,

b) using the arrow keys on the keyboard, or,

c) clicking on the point on the wheel and dragging it to form an arrow 4, which can be extended, shortened and rotated to alter the settings. You can also increase or decrease the coverage of the segment by dragging the boundary markers as well as rotating the segment within the color circle.

4. Undo (

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + Z / Ctrl + Z) reverts all changes one step at a time.

To make global changes:

Saturation & Vibrancy:Non-selective(global)saturationandvibrancychanges are made by the slider controls 5.Saturationaffectsalloftheimagewhereasvibrancyismoreconstrainedandprotectsareasalreadysaturated(usefulforskintones,forexample).





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37 To o l A r e a

Crop & OrientationAlistofconstraintsisavailable(default:None)tosettheformataswellasorientation of the Croptool.ClickingontheMaskiconwillaccessaviewwherebothcolorandopacityofthemaskcanbeselected.

The Straightenfunctionhasquick90°buttonsaswellasasliderthatallowsafineradjustmentof+20°to-20°shiftinorientation.The StraightenfunctionisalsoaccessiblebywayoftheViewer Toolbar.ClickingontheStraighteniconwillconvertthearrowcursorintoacross.Place this cross on any chosen point on the image and trace a landscape or portraitline(realorimaginary)whichyouwanttobecomeaperpendicularlandscapeorportrait.Theimageautomaticallyalignstothelineorientationyouchose.WiththeCrop & Orientation tool open, you can additionally read offthenumberofdegreestheimagehasbeenrotated.

Tomakelargeradjustments,pressononeofthearrowicons(intheCrop & Orientationtool)tomakea90°adjustment,usingtherespectiveiconforclockwiseoranti-clockwiseorientation.The“R”iconillustratesthecurrentorientationandchangesaccordingly.Usetheslidertomakeadditionalfineadjustments.Whenincropmode,youcanalsoholddowntheAlt keyanddragoutsideofthecroppedareatorotatetheimagefreehand.


ClicktheeyedroppericonandmouseovertheareasontheViewer image thatyouwanttosample.Thevalueisautomaticallyrepresentedonthecurve.Clickingonthesampledareawillfixapointonthegraph.RevertbypressingDeleteorBackspace.







To move a gravity point, either •drag it with the mouse or select it and then use the arrow keys. Hold down the Ctrl / key to move the point in larger incre-ments.

To remove gravity points from •a curve, press the Delete or Backspace key.

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38 To o l A r e a

HistogramGraphs of combined or separate channels can be displayed (default: com-bined).Shadow,highlightandgammasettingscanbetypedinorsetbyusingtheslidercontrols.


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � / keywhenusingtheslidersyoucanseewhenclippingoccurs(intheViewer)intheshadowsandhighlights.Thisproducesthesameeffectasthe‘ShadowWarning’and‘HighlightWarning’.

Tochangethecolorandthresholdpointsettingsofthesewarningdemar-cations,youcanholddowntheCtrl /Ctrl keyswhileclickingoneithertheshadoworhighlightslidercontrolintheHistogramtool.AWarningOptionspanelopens,allowingchanges.

IPTC CoreTheIPTCCoretoolallowsyoutoapplypresetsofIPTCmetadatatofilesaboutcreators,contactinformation,archive/librarydescriptions,standardjobtypes,etc.




IPTC KeywordsAllowskeywordinclusiontofilesindividuallyorfromsets.Clickonthemenubartoselectsavedsetsthatyouhavealreadymadeorallkeywords.Thesechoiceswillthenappearbelowthemenuasnamed‘buttons’wheretheycanbeindividuallyselected,automaticallyappearinginthelistforinclusion.Whenasetnameishighlighted,newkeywordsinthenextcolumnwillbegroupedunderthenewsetname.Whenthesetisselectedinthetool,allkeywordswillthenappearasagroupofindividualitems(orbuttons)thatcanbechosen.



Job info Providesaselectionofsettingsconcerningnewcaptures.Destination:SelectthedesiredDestinationfolderfromrecentdestinationsorbynormalbrowsing.

Alt key

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Editing and managing IPTC keywords

39 To o l A r e a


Bygroupinginformationintothreepresets –Small,MediumandLarge–youcanquicklyrestricttheamountofinformationdisplayed.

WiththeIPTCKeywordtoolopen,clickonthemenubarandthen‘Edit’toopenthesettingspanel. Toaddaset:Clickontheplus



Todelete:Clickonthelocksymboltounlockthesettings.Selectasetorkeywordandclickon the appropriate minus sign to delete.


Inthisexample,asethasbeenchosen-Landscapes-which reduces the choice to the keywordspreviouslyaddedtothat particular set - in this case justLakes,RiversandTrees.ThebuttonRiverswasselectedandthekeywordappearsabove.

SetA keyword selected here appears above in the list for inclusion with the file.









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4 0 To o l A r e a


File name:Choosefromthefourpresetstochangethewaythatfilesarenamedormakeanedit.

Next Sequence Number:Enterthedesirednumberforthenewsequence.



Lens CorrectionsFourtoolsareavailable:Chromaticaberration,Distortion,VignettingandCustomWhite.

Chromatic aberration: Corrects“Colorfringing”.

Distortion: Correctslensdistortion.

Vignetting: Reducesvignetting.Checkthebox,thenusetheslidercontrolortypeinavalue.SeeFAQforfurtherdetails.

Custom White: Allowslocalcorrectionofcolorcasts.Particularlyusefulwhentiltandshiftareused,forexample,whereapartialunwantedcolorcastcansometimesbeproduced.Proceedasfollows:

1. Make a capture - tethered or untethered - of a neutral grey surface (or use an opaque filter) using the same lighting, exposure settings, focus settings, shift & tilt settings etc. as the problem image.

2. If the capture was untethered, import it into Phocus (to make it a 3F file). 3. Load the image you want to correct.4. Select the Lens Correction tool.5. Select the thumbnail of the calibration image and then click the Create

button in the Lens Correction tool. 6. A dialog prompts you to name the new correction.7. With the problem image loaded in the Viewer, check the Custom White

box to see the effect the new file has. Thiscorrectioncanthenbeappliedintheusualmanner,usingtheModifydialog,ortheModifyLensCorrectionsofSelectedFilesintheLensToolPresetmenu.Ifthesamecorrectionfilewillbeusedatalaterdate,youcansimplycreateaLensAdjustmentpresetwiththecorrectionactiveandsaveit.

Navigator AllowsrapidareaselectionofzoomedViewerimage.OpenNavigatortool,checkthebox,selectthezoomtoolfromtheViewertoolbarandclickonViewerimage.Aplacementframeappears(withthesameaspectratioastheViewerwindow) intheNavigatorwindow.Selecttheframeandmovetothedesiredarea.FramesizechangesaccordingtomagnificationofViewerimage.

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41 To o l A r e a

Noise FilterReducesnoiseintheimage.Basicnoisereductionisinplaceforallimages, butcertaintexturesundercertainlightingconditionscanproduceextranoise.


Color: Neutralizesthecolorationofcolored“noisy”pixels,typicallyinareaswithveryfinedetailsuchashairoronfinetexturedmaterials.

Luminance: ForusewithlongexposuresandhighISOratedimages. Reducestheeffectofpixelsshowingupas“noise”indarkareas.

Moiré: Reducesmoiréeffectstypicallyoriginatingfrompatternedmaterialsshowinginterferencewiththefrequenciesofthepixelstructureonthesensor.Pleasenotethatduetoitsnature,moiréwillseldombecured100%.However,PhocusallowsyoutoexportastwolayeredPSDfiles,withandwithoutmask-ing.


Output PreviewShowstheoutputsizeofthecurrentimageexportedwithagivenoutputpreset(typicallyalreadyselectedintheexportmenu).


Ifthefilehasbeenadjustedand/orcropped,thenthisisalsoreflectedintheQueuethumbnail.YoucanCtrl /Right click thefiletoopenalistofoptions (RevealinFinder,OpeninEditor,ShowThumbnails,StopandDelete).


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + A /Ctrl + Aforall)andpausedbythePausebutton,stoppedordeletedviatheOptionsordeletedbyBackspace /Delete.Thepausebuttonwilltemporarilystopanyfurtherexportsremaininginthequeuenotcurrentlybeingexported.




You can resize the Queue window by dragging the bottom edge if there are a large number of files on the list.


Drag thumbnails to the Queue tool as a quick alternative to “Export as Previous”.

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42 To o l A r e a



The reproduction mode provides the option to produce a colorimetric rep-resentation.Thisutilizesotherimagingtechniquesthatincludetheuseofalinearfilmresponsecurve.



Amount: Controlsthestrengthofthesharpeningeffect.Dependingonimage,avaluebetween80and200isrecommendedasastartingpoint.

Radius: Thelargertheradius,themoreextensivethesharpeningeffectwillbe.Thesettingdependsonthenatureoftheimageandresolution. Generally,usealargeradiuswithlower-resolutionimagesandasmallerradiusforhigh-resolutionoutput.

Threshold: Controlsthepointaboveorbelowwhichpixelsareaffected.Valuesarefrom0through255.Verylowsettingswillsharpenmostpixels,andmightcreateunwantednoiseinsofttexture,suchasskin,forexample.Highersettingswillrestrictthechangestodetailedareasonly.

Dark limit:Setsthebrightnesslevelbelowwhichthefilterhasnoeffect. Thiswillpreventthefilterfromintensifyingnoiseorunwantedtextures. Thehigherthenumber,thelessextensivethesharpeningeffectwillbe.Dependingontheimage,asettingbetween0and20isrecommended.


White BalanceThewhitebalancetoolincludes:Preset: Amenucontainingstandardpresetsaswellasotherpresetpossi-bilities.Multipleselectedfilescanalsomodifiedatthesametimetoensureconsistentcolorwithinabatch.Temp: AdjuststhecolortemperatureaccordingtotheKelvinscale. Sliderorkeyboardinput.Tint: Compensatesforanygreen(slidetotheleft)ormagentacast (slidetotheright)orbykeyboardinput.


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The Toolbar is accessible in most, but not all,layoutconfigurationsabovetheFileBrowser,ViewerandToolArea.Itconsistsof a number of frequently used tools for generaluse.

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4 4 To o l b a r


Capture DuringCapture,shotsfromatetheredcameraarestoreddirectlyas3Ffilesinthechosendestinationfolder.Accordingtomodel,acapturecanalsobecontrolledandinitiatedremotelyfromthekeyboard.


Export PresstheExportbuttontoopenthedialog.Thisallowsyoutochoosethefileformat,resolution,profileetc.oftheexportedfiles.


• Output Preset: Containsalistofimagefileformats.PressEdittoopenanextradialogcontainingFileformat,Quality,PPI,DimensionsandOutputprofile.

• Name Preset: Containsalistoffile-namingvariables.PressEdittoopenanextradialogforanumberofchoicesaboutnamingvariables.

• Job Name: Allowsanamechange.

• A post-export option

• AnAdditionalOutputoption




Hide the Toolbar by clicking on the button located on the top right of the menu ( Mac ).

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45 To o l b a r

Export New Images Automatically Youcanspeeduptheexportoffilesbyusingthe'ExportNewImagesAutomatically'function.Aselectedfolder(anyfolder,neworalreadyexisting)isclassifiedasa'hot'folderwhereplacedfilescanbeindividuallyormassprocessedaccordingtoasetofchosenoptionsthatapplyspecificallytothatfolder.



1. Choose Toolbar > Export 1 to reveal an options window.

2. Go through the options 2 ensuring that all the settings are correct to produce the type of file required.

3. Choose File Browser 3 to either select a current folder or create a new folder (named"AutoExport"inthisexample). Whichever you choose to do, ensure that the folder remains selected.

4. Choose Menu > File > Export New Images Automatically 4.


Alternatively you can drag and drop captures from any folder 5 intothenew'AutoExport'folder6forimmediateprocessinganddispatchtotheExportfolder 7.

Justrememberthatallfilesplacedinthis'hot'folderwillbeexported according to the settings originally chosen in step 2 .








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4 6 To o l b a r







Inthisexample,acustompreset1 has been used plusWhiteBalance2.

(Notealsointhisexample,theAdjustmentsBrowser3 remainsopenfromaprevioussavewiththesamepreset, so the adjustment tool list 4 canbecheckedregardingcontent).

BothIPTCCoreandNameoptionscanbeopenedforupdatesbycheckingtheboxesandclickingonthe Editbuttons5.

ClickonModify(+ +M

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � /Ctrl + M)intheToolbartoopentheoptions. AmenuofferspresetssuchasPortrait,Productetc. Alternatively,individualtoolscanbecheckedonandoffformoreindividualadjustments.






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47 To o l b a r


Toolbar > Preferences•

Menu > • Phocus > Preferences (

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + , )

Menu > • File > Preferences ( Alt + F, then R)


Embedded Preview Size: Small,Medium,Large

Initial Approval Level: Setstheapprovalratingofin-comingfilesfromIxpressunits.Filesfromothermodelsautomatically retain the default approval level already assigned.

Save adjustments: Setshowadjustmentsaresaved.

Manually - requires you to save each time you decide is necessary.

Ask before saving -displaysadialogforyoutocheckeachtimeasaveisattempted.

Always save - saves the current adjustments automatically asyoubrowsetothenextimageintheViewer.

Flash Delay (s): delaysnextcapturetoallowtimeforolderflashsystemstoregeneratecorrectlyfornext capturewhenusingMulti-Shot.

Image Editor: Click‘Select’tochoosetheapplicationyouwanttoworkwithforfurthereditingofimages.Double-clickingonanimageintheQueue(afterithasbeenprocessed/exported)willthenopenitintheselectedsoftware.

LayoutSwitchesthelayoutoftheViewer and the Thumbnail Browserfromlandscape(default)toportraitorviceversa(togglefunction).


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4 8 To o l b a r





Asaved‘Adjustment’isthereforeapre-packagedsetofmodificationsthatcanbeappliedtoanyimageinonemove,savingtimeandeffort.Through-out Phocus, saved adjustments are easily accessible for use or further refinement.ByexploitingthepossibilitiesofAdjustmentsyoucannotonlysaveagreatdealoftimebutimprovetheefficiencyofyourworkflow.


features for applying adjustments during image Import (see Importing • Captures).a ‘Modify’ function for applying adjustments to a set of images (see Toolbar).•options for how current adjustments are saved (‘Ask Before Saving’, etc. •See the ‘Save adjustments’ options under Preferences in the Toolbar)a tool for managing adjustments (see the Adjustments Browser tool in the •Tool Area).a ‘Save changes’ button that saves current adjustments when working with •an image in the Viewer (see the Adjustments section of the Toolbar).

Saving adjustmentsWhenimagesfirstappearintheViewer,theyreflectthedefaultembeddedadjustments(factorysettings)appliedtoallfileswhenbeingconvertedfrom3FRto3F.

Aftermakingthecustomaryimagefine-tuningyoucansavethechangesmadebypressingthe‘Savechanges’1 button in the Adjustments section of the Toolbar or use the shortcut –

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + S / Ctrl++S .Thisgeneratesanew‘embedded’(included)setofadjustments.

Youcanrevertfromanychangessimplybypressingthe‘Reload’button2 oftheAdjustmentssection(ifyouhaven’tmadeasaveasthiscreatesan‘Edit’andautomaticallygreysouttheReloadbutton)toreturntotheimagewiththeadjustmentsthatwerelastchosenorloaded.

Arecentlysavedadjustmentcanalsobeusedonanewimagebypressingthe‘Uselastsavedadjustment‘button3 or use the shortcut – +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + U /Ctrl ++U.


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +S




� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +U


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49 To o l b a r

Adjustments - continued


Adjustment PreferencesUnderPreferences(intheToolbar)youcanchoosehowthecurrentadjustmentsaretobesavedwhenbrowsingtothenextimage.


Adjustments BrowserTheAdjustmentsBrowsertoolmanagesadjustments.Itdisplaysthehistoryofembedded(included)adjustments1 and comprises options for add-ing,renaming,anddeletingadjustmentsundertheheadingsof:‘User’and‘Embedded’.


Clickonanadjustment2torevealthedetailsintheviewbeneath3: color correction,exposure,histogram,etc.Clickonthedisclosuretriangles4 to readtheactualsettings.

Transferring AdjustmentsInitialfactoryadjustmentsareautomaticallyaddedbythePhocusapplica-tionand,togetherwithembeddedadjustments,arepartofeach3Ffile. Ifyouwanttotransferorshareadjustments,createauserdefinedadjust-ment as normal, then choose User > Library > Application Support > Phocus > Settingswhereyouwillfindtheadjustmentssavedin.xmlformat.

Adjustments categoriesPhocus uses four categories of Adjustments:

Factory: ThestandardadjustmentsdeliveredwithPhocusthatareappliedbydefaulttoeachfile.

User: Userdefinedadjustmentsareforapplyingtoanyimage,forexample,‘Studio–Still’,‘Studio–Fashion’,‘Location-basic’,etc.Anewuser-definedadjustmentisgeneratedbyusing‘+’4.Itwillcopythecurrentsettingstocreateanewadjustmentontheuser-definedadjustmentlist.Thenewadjustmentcanbedeletedbyusing‘-’5.Double-clickthenewadjustmenttore-nameit.

Embedded: Referstotheadjustmentshistorywhichhasbeensavedwhileworkingwiththeindividualfile.Newadjustmentsareaddedtothefileeachtimethe‘Savechanges’button,orshortcut,isused.Theadjustmentslastsavedwiththecurrentfilearemarkedas‘default’.Acheckmarkinfrontofanadjustmentshowsthatitisappliedtothecurrentfile.Ifyouwanttouseanembeddedadjustmentonanotherfile,clickonthe‘User’heading,thenclickon‘+’tocopytheoriginalembeddedoptionsandnameit.Itisthenremainsonthelistforusewithotherfiles.



4 5

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Adjustments - continued

50 To o l b a r

Current: This illustrates the current total set of adjustments for the selected imageintheviewer.Itillustratestheeffectonthecurrentimagemadeforanyloadedadjustmentplusanychangesmadeafterwards.Pleasenotethatthe‘Current’setofadjustmentshasnotnecessarilybeensavedasanadjust-mentatthispoint.

Adjustment exampleIntheillustrationhere,aselectedfileappearsintheViewer.TheAdjustmentssection 1 of the Toolbar indicates its current adjustment status; in this case ‘Nature’.Anyotheradjustmentsetting,FactoryorUser,canbeselectedfromthislistifdesiredatthispoint.IfthefilehasbeenpreviouslyviewedandadjustedthenthatwillalsoappearasanEditfollowedbythedateitwasadjusted.Theseeditscanalsoberecalledandusedbyselectingthem.

Afterusingthreetools-whitebalance,histogramandexposure-theadjust-mentsaresavedbyclickingthe‘Savechanges’button2 in the Adjustments section of the Toolbar orbyusingtheshortcut.Simultaneously,aneditpreset name appears 3,inthiscase,showingthetimeofthesave.Thesavebuttonwilldimautomaticallytoindicatethatasavehasbeenmade.

Twomoretools-colorcorrectionandnoisefilter-arenowusedonthesameimageandanothersaveismadeoneminutelater.Thisnewsaveappears,indicatedbythenewtime4 recorded in the name and the dimming of the save button 5.

Also, in the Adjustments Browser,undertheEmbeddedheading6,theImportadjustmentandthetwoadjustmentssavedwillappearinthelist7.Clickingonthelatestsaverevealsthestepstakenthatleduptothatparticularsave,inthiscase,thefivetoolsused.


Selectinganadjustmentandthenpressingthe‘MakeDefault’button10 makesitthedefaultwhichisusedforthefile.Pressingthe‘–‘button11 willopenadialogtodeletetheadjustment.



4 5




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52 M e n u

Phocus (Mac only)

Preferences: OpensthePreferencesmenu.

Quit Phocus: Closestheapplication.


Capture: Triggersatetheredcamera.

Close: Closestheactivewindow.Alsoclosesapplication(Win only).

Export: Exportsthecurrentimage.

Export as Previous: Exportsthecurrentfilewiththesamesettingsastheprecedingfile,therebyavoidingtheexportdialog.

Export New Images Automatically: Whenchecked,automaticallyexportsnewimages(newtetheredcapturesand3Ffilesdraggedintothecurrentlyselectedthumbnailsfolder)withsameoptionsaspreviousexport.

Import: Importstheselectedfile.

Modify: AccessestheModifydialog.

Page Setup: Accessespagesetupdialog.

Print: Accessesprintdialog.

Preferences: OpensthePreferencesmenu(English operative system only).

Exit: Closestheapplication

Move to Trash: Deletescurrentimage.







Select All

Menu Shortcuts


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +S


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +I


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +M


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +P


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +Z


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� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +Z


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +P


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +X


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +C


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +V


� ⎇ � � � �

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� ⎇ � � � � +A

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +, (see under File)

Alt+F, then R(see under Phocus)

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +Q (see under File)


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +N


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +W


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +S

Alt+F4(see under Phocus)

Page 53: Phocus by Hasselblad User Manual - Pixto-F · PDF filePhocus, in line with any Hasselblad product, is continually reviewed. Please occasionally check on the Hasselblad website - -

53 M e n u


Add/Remove from Quick Collection: Affects selected images in the Thumbnail Browser.

Save Adjustments: Savesanyadjustmentsmadetocurrentlyselectedimage. Addsadjustmenticontolowerrightoftitlebarbelowthumbnail.

Reload Adjustments: Reloadspreviousadjustments.

Use Last Saved Adjustments: ReloadstheAdjustmentPresetpresentwhentheimagewasopenedintheViewer.SamefunctionasReloadbutton.

Map: Opens‘GoogleEarth’whenonline,torevealselectedcapture’slocation. RequirestheuseoftheHasselbladGILaccessoryattimeofcapture.


Grid: AppliesagridpatternontopoftheimageintheViewer.

Grid Options: Opensadialogtoallowadjustmentstothenumberoflinesthatmakeupthegridaswellastheircolor.

Overlay: OverlaysaselectedfileontopofimageinViewer.

Overlay Options: Opensadialogtoallowopacityandscaleadjustmentstooverlayfile.Alsopromptsselectionofoverlayfile.

Shadow Warning: MarksareasoftheimageintheViewerthatareratedasunder-exposed.Theseareasappearaslightmagenta(default)andcovertheaffectedareasofimagebelow.AlsoaccessibleonViewerToolbarasMarkunderexposed.

Highlight Warning: MarksareasoftheimageintheViewerthatareratedasover-exposed.Theseareasappearaslightcyan(default)andcovertheaffectedareasofimagebelow.AlsoaccessibleonViewerToolbarasMarkoverexposed.

Warning options: OpensadialogtoallowthresholdadjustmentstoShadowWarningandHighlightWarning.

Next Image: Displaysthecapturetotheright(inLandscapemode)oftheselectedimageintheThumbnailBrowser,replacingthecurrentimageintheViewer.AlsoaccessibleonViewerToolbar.

Previous Image: Displaysthecapturetotheleft(inLandscapemode)oftheselectedimageintheThumbnailBrowser,replacingthecurrentimageintheViewer.AlsoaccessibleonViewerToolbar.

Compare Image:

Zoom In: DoublestheimagesizeintheViewerby100%increments(50% 100% 200%etc).(Zoom tool on Viewer Toolbar produces a 100% enlargement directly).

Zoom Out: ReducesanenlargedimageintheViewerin100%increments(200% 100% 50%etc).

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +O Ctrl+O


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +D Ctrl+D


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +H Ctrl+H

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +W Ctrl+W

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + Ctrl+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + Ctrl+


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +C

Ctrl+ +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + +

Ctrl+ −

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + −



� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +S


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +R


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +U


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +M


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +G

Ctrl++ G^+

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +G

Ctrl++ O^+

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +O


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +B

Page 54: Phocus by Hasselblad User Manual - Pixto-F · PDF filePhocus, in line with any Hasselblad product, is continually reviewed. Please occasionally check on the Hasselblad website - -

5 4 M e n u

Fit to Window: ChoosestheappropriatesizeofimagetofitinViewerarea (Bydefault,theimagesizeisadjustedtofittheViewerarea.)

Zoom to 100%: Enlargesimageto100%regardlessofcurrentViewerarea.

Live Video: ProducesacontinuallyupdatedimageintheViewer.Functionsonlywithtetheredoperationinstudio-likeenvironments.Seeseparatesectionfordetaileddescription.

Live Video Audio Feedback: Producesanaudiotonethatnotifiestheaccuracyof thelensfocussetting.


Minimize: Collapsescurrentwindowtothedock.(En g l ish o p e ra t ive s y s te m o n l y).

Minimize All: Collapsesallwindows.

Hide/Show Tools: Shows/hidesToolArea.Togglefunction.

Hide/Show Browser: Shows/hidesFileBrowser.Togglefunction.

Hide/Show Thumbnails: Shows/hidesThumbnailBrowserandfillsAreawithanexpandedViewer.Togglefunction.

Hide/Show Viewer: Shows/hidesViewerandfillsAreawithanexpandedThumbnailBrowser.Togglefunction.

Viewer in Separate Window: Createsaseparate===ViewerwindowcompletewithViewerToolbar.ReplacesViewerAreawiththeThumbnailBrowseronly. Togglefunction.

Full Screen Viewer: FillswholescreenAreawithViewercompletewithViewerToolbar.Togglefunction.

Toggle layout

Layout: Choosebetween:




Thumbnails only

(continued over)


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +L

Ctrl+ Alt +W

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +0

Ctrl+ 0

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + 0

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +T + Ctrl+T

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +B + Ctrl+B� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +V + Ctrl+V


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +V + Ctrl+Alt+V


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +F + Ctrl+F

+ Ctrl+T

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +N + Ctrl+N

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +1 + Ctrl+1

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +2 + Ctrl+2

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +3 + Ctrl+3

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +4 + Ctrl+4


� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +A Ctrl++A

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � +M Alt+ Space+N

Page 55: Phocus by Hasselblad User Manual - Pixto-F · PDF filePhocus, in line with any Hasselblad product, is continually reviewed. Please occasionally check on the Hasselblad website - -

55 M e n u

Tool Set: BringsspecifictabtothefrontinToolArea.





Bring All to Front: BringsPhocusandViewertothefrontifcoveredbyotherapplications.

Ctrl+ 1

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + 1

Ctrl+ 2

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + 2

Ctrl+ 3

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + 3

Ctrl+ 4

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � � + 4

w / w

c / c

r / r

n / n

z / z

h / h

Viewer Tool shortcuts not in Menu

Compare View

Crop tool

Straighten tool

Neutralization tool

Zoom tool

Hand tool

Page 56: Phocus by Hasselblad User Manual - Pixto-F · PDF filePhocus, in line with any Hasselblad product, is continually reviewed. Please occasionally check on the Hasselblad website - -


· Shortcutlist


· Index

Page 57: Phocus by Hasselblad User Manual - Pixto-F · PDF filePhocus, in line with any Hasselblad product, is continually reviewed. Please occasionally check on the Hasselblad website - -


57 Ke y b o a rd S h o r tc u t s

Copythislistandkeepithandyforquickreference.Youcan temporarily tape it to the side of your computer screenuntilyouaremorefamiliarwiththeshortcuts.

WINCapture Ctrl+ N


Close window or application (Alt+ F4) Export Ctrl+ S

Export as Previous Ctrl++ E Import Ctrl+ IModify Ctrl+ M

Print Ctrl+ P Exit (Alt+ F4)

Undo Ctrl+ Z


Redo Ctrl+ YCut Ctrl+ X

Copy Ctrl+ CPaste Ctrl+ V

Find Ctrl+ FSelect All Ctrl+ A

Add/Remove from Quick Collection Ctrl+ B

ImageSave Adjustments Ctrl++ S

Reload Adjustments Ctrl++ R Use Last Saved Adjustments Ctrl++ U

Map Ctrl++ MGrid Ctrl+ G


Grid Options Ctrl++ G Overlay Ctrl+ O

Overlay Options Ctrl++ OShadow warning Ctrl+ D

Highlight warning Ctrl+ HWarning Options Ctrl+ W

Next Image Ctrl+ Previous Image Ctrl+

Zoom In Ctrl+ +Zoom Out Ctrl+ –

Fit to Window Ctrl+ 0Zoom to 100% Ctrl+ Alt+ 0

Live Video Ctrl+ L Show/Hide Tools Ctrl++ T


Show/Hide Browser Ctrl++ BShow/Hide Thumbnails Ctrl++ N

Show/Hide Viewer Ctrl++ VViewer in Separate Window Ctrl+ Alt+ +V

Full Screen Viewer Ctrl+ FToggle Layout Ctrl+ T

Layout: Standard Ctrl++ 1Layout: Browse Ctrl++ 2Layout: Viewer Ctrl++ 3Layout: Thumbnails only Ctrl++ 4

Tool Set: Capture Ctrl+ 1Tool Set: Browse Ctrl+ 2Tool Set: Adjust Ctrl+ 3Tool Set: Export Ctrl+ 4

Compare view w

Viewer Tools

Crop tool cStraighten tool r

Neutralization tool nZoom tool zHand tool h

MACPreferences � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ ,

PhocusHide Phocus � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ HHide Others� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+HQuit Phocus � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ QCapture � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ N


Close � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ WExport � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ SExport as Previous ^+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ SImport +� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ IModify +� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ M Page Setup +� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ P Print � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ PMove to Trash � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+Undo � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ Z

EditRedo +� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ ZCut � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ XCopy � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ CPaste � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ VSelect All � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ AAdd/Remove from Quick Collection � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ B

ImageSave Adjustments� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+SReload Adjustments� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+RUse Last Saved Adjustments +� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ UMap� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+MGrid� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �



Grid Options ^+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ GOverlay� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+O Overlay Options ^+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ OShadow warning ^+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ DHighlight warning ^+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ HWarning Options ^+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ WNext Image � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+Previous Image � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+Compare Image ^+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ CZoom In � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ +Zoom Out � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ –Fit to Window � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ 0Zoom to 100%� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+0Live Video � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ LLive Video Audio Feedback ^+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ A Minimize � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ M


Show/Hide Tools� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+T Show/Hide Browser� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+BShow/Hide Thumbnails� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+NShow/Hide Viewer� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+VViewer in Separate Window ^+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+V Full Screen Viewer +� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+ FLayout: Standard� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+1Layout: Browse� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+2Layout: Viewer� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+3Layout: Thumbnails only� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+4Tool Set: Capture � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+1Tool Set: Browse � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+2Tool Set: Adjust � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+3Tool Set: Export � ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

� ⎇ � � � �

+4Compare view w

Viewer Tools

Crop tool cStraighten tool r

Neutralization tool nZoom tool zHand tool h

Page 58: Phocus by Hasselblad User Manual - Pixto-F · PDF filePhocus, in line with any Hasselblad product, is continually reviewed. Please occasionally check on the Hasselblad website - -

5 8 FA Q

Q. I have downloaded Phocus but it won’t launch!A. CheckthatbothyourcomputerandoperatingsystemarecompatiblewithPhocus.Youcanfindthisinformation


Q. Where can I get the latest version of Phocus?A. Youcandownloadthelatestversionviaourwebpage—www.hasselblad.com—undertheDownloads > Software.


Q. How do I add my adjustments to a number of images? A. Firstly,selecttheimagesyouwanttomodify,thenclicktheModifyiconintheToolbar.Adialogopensallowing


Q. How do I get my exported images to open in my preferred image editing software?A. YoucanchooseanimageeditorinthePreferencesmenu(Toolbar > Preferences > Image Editor).Selectedimages


Q. Why are there 3FR and 3F files? Why can’t captures be saved directly as 3F files?A. 3FRfilesconsistofnativeHasselbladrawdatathatcontainsahugeamountofinformation,particularlywhen


Q. What’s the difference between 3FR and 3F files? Should I keep them all?A. A3FRfileisthenativerawfilecreatedbyHasselbladcamerasandremainsinthatformatwhenstoredonaCF


Q. Why does it take a while to see the Viewer image in Phocus? It seems much faster with other programmes.A. Incontrasttosomeotherprogrammes,PhocusproducesafullimageintheViewer,notaquicklow-resolution


Frequently Asked Questions

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59 FA Q

Q. I want to save time. What are the disadvantages of exporting directly from the browser?A. Exporting3FRor3Ffilesdirectlygeneratesfilesthatexcludethecompletesetofadvantageousadjustments


Q. Is there a way to access frequently used folders in an easy way in Phocus?A. YoucanusetheFavoritessectionintheFileBrowser.DragselectedfolderstojustbeneaththeFavoritesheading


Q. How do I get an overview of the keyboard shortcuts used in Phocus? A. Thereisakeyboardshortcutlistinthisusermanual.Printitoutandkeepithandyforquickreferenceoryoucan


Q. Will 3F files generated by Phocus be backwards compatible with FlexColor?A. No,youwillnotbeabletoopen3FfilesgeneratedbyPhocusinFlexColor.3FfilesgeneratedbyFlexColorwill


Q. My thumbnail image does not reflect changes made to the image in the Viewer.A. Thethumbnailimagewillnotreflectchangesuntilyouclickthe‘SaveChanges’button(Toolbar > Adjustments >

Save Changes button).SeeAdjustmentsectioninthisusermanualforfurtherinformation.

Q. How do I get crops to show up on my thumbnail images?A. Clickontheiconintheupperrightcornerofthethumbnailbrowsertoopenthemenu.Checkthe‘ShowCrop’

box,makethecropandchooseToolbar > Adjustments > Save Changes.

Feel free to search our extensive knowledge base and FAQ on www.hasselblad.com in regards to further subjects.

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6 0 I n d e x


Savingadjustments 48Selection 18Sharpness 42Show 47TabbedFolders 18Tabs 32TetheredCapture 27ThumbnailBrowser 10,16Tool Area 10, 31ToolList 36Tool Presets 33Tool settings 32Toolbar 43Tools

Camera 36CaptureInfo 36ColorCorrection 36CompareView 22Crop 22Crop&Orientation 37Curves 37Exposure 37Grayscale 37Grid 23Hand 23Highlightwarning 23Histogram 38IPTCCore 38IPTCKeywords 38JobInfo 38LensCorrections 40Navigator 40Neutralization 22Nextimage 24NoiseFilter 41OutputPreview 41Overlay 23Previous image 23Queue 41Reproduction 42Shadowwarning 23Sharpness 42Straighten 22Switchcompareview 24WhiteBalance 42Zoom 22

TransferringAdjustments 49Viewer 10,20Viewertoolbar 22Viewingandsortingthumbnails 18WhiteBalance 42

Adjustments 48Adjustment,Browser 49Adjustment,categories 49AdjustmentExample 50Adjustment,transferring 49Adjustment,Preferences 49Adjustment,Saving 48

Capture 25,27,44Capture,import 25Capture,tethered 27CaptureDestination(Scratchpad) 14CaptureInfo 36ColorInfo 24

Collections 15Connection 28Delete 46Devices 15Export 44Exposure 37Favorites 15FileBrowser 10,13Import 46ImportingCaptures 25IPTCCore 39IPTCKeywords 39IPTCPresets 35JobInfo 38KeyboardShortcuts 52Layout 14,17,19,47Layoutoverview 8LensCorrections 40Listoffiles 14LiveVideo 29Menu 51Modify 46NamePresets 35Navigation 14Neutralizationtool 22Nextimage 24NoiseFilter 41OutputPreview 41Overlay 23Preferences 47Presets 33 Previous image 23Print 46Quickcollections 15QuickCollectionicons 15Renaming,relocatingandrating(IAA) 17Resizing 17,21Resizingthumbnails 17ResizingViewer 21

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The information in this manual is furnished for informational use

only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be con-

strued as a commitment by Victor Hasselblad AB & Hasselblad A/S.

The text in this manual cannot be reprinted or reused without the

express permission of Victor Hasselblad AB & Hasselblad A/S.

The images in this manual cannot be reprinted or reused without

the express permission of the photographers who took them.

Victor Hasselblad AB & Hasselblad A/S assumes no responsibility

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Victor Hasselblad AB & Hasselblad A/S assumes no responsibility

or liability for loss or damage incurred during or as a result of using

Hasselblad software or products.

Hasselblad, Imacon, Ixpress, FlexColor and Phocus are trade-

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Copyright © 2009

Victor Hasselblad AB & Hasselblad A/S

All rights reserved.

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