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Vol. XXII No. 2 Kentucky Mountain Bible College News Summer 2013 Phone: (606) 693-5000 Fax: (888) 742-1124 E-mail: [email protected] STAND IN THE GAP On March 26 in the new Helen Mathews Luce Chapel, KMBC launched an exciting new capital campaign that runs from 2013 - 2016. The theme is “STAND in the GAP” which comes from Ezekiel 22:30. The chapel crowd responded with great enthusiasm, pledging to personally give or raise the following amounts: Students - $56,638, Staff - $79,450, Board - $120,450. Who would have thought that our campus family would attempt to do so much? The first goal of this campaign is to enlist 200 friends of the col- lege who will pledge to try to re- cruit at least one student during the campaign. The second goal is to raise $1,500,000 ( $500,000 student scholarship endowment, $400,000 faculty/staff endow- ment, $200,000 new campus con- struction and renovation, $100,000 sewer treatment, $300,000 wills and annuities). Who will Stand in the Gap? We are ready to Stand in the Gap! Will you join us?
  • Vol. XXII No. 2 Kentucky Mountain Bible College News Summer 2013

    Phone: (606) 693-5000 Fax: (888) 742-1124 E-mail: [email protected]


    THE GAPOn March 26 in the new Helen

    Mathews Luce Chapel, KMBC

    launched an exciting new capital

    campaign that runs from 2013 -

    2016. The theme is “STAND in

    the GAP” which comes from

    Ezekiel 22:30.

    The chapel crowd responded

    with great enthusiasm, pledging

    to personally give or raise the

    following amounts: Students -

    $56,638, Staff - $79,450, Board -

    $120,450. Who would have

    thought that our campus family

    would attempt to do so much?

    The first goal of this campaign

    is to enlist 200 friends of the col-

    lege who will pledge to try to re-

    cruit at least one student during

    the campaign. The second goal is

    to raise $1,500,000 ( $500,000

    student scholarship endowment,

    $400,000 faculty/staff endow-

    ment, $200,000 new campus con-

    struction and renovation,

    $100,000 sewer treatment,

    $300,000 wills and annuities).

    Who will Stand in the Gap? We

    are ready to Stand in the Gap!

    Will you join us?

  • 2

    PASTOR’S LEADERSHIP CONFERENCEIt has often been said, “Everything rises and falls with leadership!” Many

    people are greatly concerned about the downward direction of our culture and

    country. It all points to a lack of good leadership. KMBC is trying to do some-

    thing about the problem. We are doing our best to raise up godly men and

    women who will lead us in the right direction. On November 14 and 15, KMBC

    is hosting a Pastor’s Leadership Conference. It will begin on November 14 at 7

    P.M. and run throughout Friday afternoon. We have an excellent line-up of

    guest speakers:

    Doug Carter is a well-known international speaker who has spoken in more

    than 80 countries. He is the executive director of EQUIP Leadership which

    was founded by John Maxwell. EQUIP provides Biblical leadership training

    resources and encouragement for Christian leaders worldwide.

    James Keaton has been a very successful pastor, college president, denomi-

    national leader, and head of a growing missions organization. A close friend of

    his once said, “Dr. Keaton has the ‘Midas Touch.’

    Everything he touches turns to gold.”

    Bert Jones is the president of Go International,

    a global missions organization. Bert is a motiva-

    tional speaker who has a passion for preaching

    and leadership.

    This conference will be a great opportunity for

    pastors and church leaders to get a refresher

    course on spiritual leadership. It will also be a

    great time to fellowship with fellow pastors and

    recharge a person’s spiritual batteries. This will

    be an event you won’t want to miss. Plan now to

    attend and mark it down on your calendar! Bert JonesJames Keaton

    Doug Carter

    CREATION SEMINARKMBC hosted a creation seminar on April 18 & 19. The speaker was

    Mike Riddle, president and founder of Creation Training Initiative. He

    has also worked many years as a lecturer with Answers in Genesis. Mr.

    Riddle is a Christian apologist who is very inspiring and invigorating.

    When he speaks – people listen. His presentation exposed many of the

    fallacies of the theory of evolution and showed the clever ways that evo-

    lutionists deceive their audiences. He also showed how to identify the

    many loopholes in their argument.

    Mike Riddle said that over one half of Christian colleges and universi-

    ties are now endorsing the theory of theistic evolution which teaches

    that God was the force behind evolution. If theistic evolution is true,

    then the first part of Genesis is a lie. How can we believe the rest of the

    Bible if the first part of it is wrong! KMBC is deeply committed to the in-

    errancy and full inspiration of the entire Bible. If the Bible is full of

    errors, as so many Christian colleges and universities teach, where is

    the foundation upon which we place our faith? Before you send your

    child or grandchild to a “Christian” college or university – it would be

    wise to check out whether their science department teaches the Biblical

    account of creation or theistic evolution.Mike Riddle

  • 3


    KMBC was re-

    cently blessed by re-

    ceiving a donation of

    more than 30 sets of

    dorm furniture from

    a Christian univer-

    sity. This furniture is

    in excellent condi-

    tion; much of it looks

    new. To buy this com-

    mercial grade of fur-

    niture would cost

    about $40,000. This

    is a tremendous sav-

    ings to the college, for

    which we are very grateful. The college is always on the look-out for

    gifts-in-kind donations, which help us lower our budget and reduce

    the fees we charge our students.


    KMBC was able to purchase two semi loads of high quality as-

    phalt shingles. They are 50 year shingles that resist up to 110

    mile-per-hour winds. These shingles were purchased at just the

    right time to re-roof three of our large campus buildings. The excit-

    ing news is that they were purchased for less than 30% of the regu-

    lar price, saving the college about $17,000. President Speas and

    John Mathes, the KMBC plant manager, are both bargain hunters.

    Their efforts save the college thousands of dollars. If you know

    where the college can purchase needed material at bargain rates,

    please let us know.


    It is always a thrilling challenge to set a high goal and exceed it!

    That’s what our 2013 Phonathon did! Our goal was $40,000 and we

    went over the top! Pictured here is David Boleratz, who organized

    and led our Phonathon campaign. David did a superb job! We have

    never had anyone direct this campaign with such success. Dave re-

    ports, “Our goal was realized by 835 people making pledges. But

    what was really more of a blessing was watching and listening to

    our KMBC students and staff making these calls and praying with

    people over the phone! I believe that prayer was the key to our suc-

    cess.” Having a successful Phonathon is a real boost to the college.

    To all who gave, we say a big thanks!!!David Boleratz

  • 4

    WORK TEAM BLESSINGSEvery spring the “His Hands” or-

    ganization, from Michigan, brings a

    large work team to help us in the

    month of April. This year’s team of

    24 volunteers was led by Adam

    VanderKamp. Adam has accompa-

    nied his parents on work teams

    nearly every year since he was a

    small child. It is exciting to see him

    carry on the fine tradition that was

    started by his parents.

    Adam did an excellent job of

    leading the “His Hands” crew. This

    ambitious crew did roofing, land-

    scaping, painting, concrete work, as

    well as other projects. Pictured

    here is part of the crew putting a

    new roof on our shop. What a differ-

    ence it made in the appearance!

    This crew always does a phenom-

    enal job. I am always impressed

    with the great volume of work that

    they can accomplish in a few days.

    Thanks so much, team, for being

    such a great blessing to KMBC! We

    look forward to your coming every



    DATE NAME STATE # WORK DONEApril Adam VanderKamp MI 24 Concrete/Landscap-

    ing/Painting/RoofingJerry McLaughlin OH 5 Bricklaying/ConcreteGary Knox OH 3 CarpentryMike VanderKamp MI 1 Carpet/CarpentryJack Duff KY 1 Flooring

    May Jerry McLaughlin OH 3 BricklayingJack Duff KY 1 Flooring

    June Gary Knox OH 10 Carpentry, PaintingJerry McLaughlin OH 3 BricklayingJim DeWalt OH 1 Electrical

    A RECORD BREAKING SHARATHONThis spring, Mountain Gospel celebrated 65 years of

    broadcasting ministry! The financial goal of this Sharathon

    was to raise $20,000 ($5,000 more than has ever been raised

    in one event). Our listeners, however, didn’t stop at the goal

    – they went way over the top by pledging $21,700! Through-

    out the week a good number of former staff shared about

    their experiences of working at WMTC in its earlier days. A

    special feature of the Sharathon was having Dr. Wilfred

    Fisher, the founder of WMTC, tell about its beginning 65

    years ago. WMTC was the first radio station in Eastern Ken-

    tucky. Skeptics told him that the station wouldn’t last more

    than six months. We are glad they were wrong! The last eve-

    ning of the Sharathon was topped off with a delicious fish fry

    and a concert by southern gospel artist, Mark Bishop.Present Manager with the Founder of the Station

  • 5

    KMBC HAS NEW ADDRESSKMBC’s new address is 855 HWY 541, Jackson, Kentucky 41339. Don’t worry! The college hasn’t moved

    – it’s still in the same spot! As you may know, the U. S. Postal Service is consolidating and closing some of

    its smaller post offices. The Vancleve Post Office, which used to handle all of our mail, now has reduced

    hours and is only open part of the day. In light of the partial closing of the Vancleve Post Office, the college

    decided to get a new Jackson address so we could have better postal service. Please note the change of ad-

    dress when you send mail to our campus.


    This beautiful memo-

    rial garden is being built

    to honor and memorial-

    ize the God-called work-

    ers who have sacrifi-

    cially given their lives

    for KMBC. This scenic

    spot will memorialize

    the Myers family: hus-

    band Horace, and the

    three precious children,

    Titus, Phillip, and Lela

    Grace, who drowned in

    the 1939 flood that

    washed away the origi-

    nal Bible college cam-

    pus. It is also a tribute

    to Nettie Myers who, af-

    ter losing her entire

    family to the flood,

    faithfully continued teaching and serving as Dean of Women for over 40 years. In addition to honoring the

    Myers family, this garden will honor and memorialize 26 workers who have given 30 or more years of ser-

    vice to the college. So far, $7,411.91 has been spent on the construction of the garden. We need to raise an

    estimated $4,500 to finish the project. Any donation to finish it would be greatly appreciated.

  • 6


    Ross and Brittany FoleyRoss Foley came to KMBC from Caro, Michigan, in 2008. His pastor,

    David Cooper, at the Deford Community Church encouraged him, and

    it was at a KMBC recruiting event prior to coming that he was sancti-

    fied wholly. He feels his time at KMBC has prepared him well for minis-

    try. It has strengthened his call, developed skills, and has both

    increased his passion and expanded his vision for Spirit-filled holiness

    ministry. Since coming to KMBC, Ross has been actively involved in

    ministry: from being a camp counselor, Sunday School teacher, working

    as a youth pastor, assistant pastor, to currently filling the position of in-

    terim pastor at the Woodsbend Community Church.

    Two years ago he married Brittany Dunn, a fellow student and ac-

    cording to Ross, “a wonderful woman.” Others around campus would agree with his assessment. Brittany is

    a pastor’s daughter and grew up in neighboring Wolfe County. She has been involved in ministry for some

    time, particularly in work with children. Their hearts are united to pastor a holiness church in Eastern

    Kentucky. Ross deeply appreciates the self-sacrificial lifestyle he sees among those serving in the Kentucky

    Mountain Holiness Association churches, and he has a vision to see others embrace that Christ-centered

    way of living. Please pray for this couple as they continue to engage their world for Christ.

    Ross and Brittany Foley

    Sarah FortnerSarah traveled all the way from Wrightsville, Georgia, in 2009 to attend

    KMBC. She heard about the school from a friend who had heard Dr. Eldon

    Neihof preach years ago. While at KMBC Sarah has has been involved in a

    number of ministries, including ministering at the Eastern Kentucky Cor-

    rectional Complex, our abortion clinic outreach, and traveling with KMBC’s

    ladies’ trio. Sarah was sanctified wholly in 2012 at Five Mile Community

    Church here in Breathitt County, and her life was truly transformed. This

    summer she will continue to travel for KMBC with a ladies’ quartet, and

    then will leave for Northern Ireland for a year as part of pursuing a master’s

    degree in inter-cultural studies. At the conclusion of her studies she plans to

    serve Jesus in missions, wherever He wants her. Sarah noted that KMBC

    was instrumental in teaching her how to study the Bible as well as provid-

    ing the tools and skills to effectively do it. She has been a blessing on this

    campus, and I encourage you to pray for Sarah as she goes forward to serve

    Christ in Northern Ireland.

    Nick ArmstrongDavid Dorn, pastor of the Albany Church of the Nazarene in Albany, KY,

    brought Nick Armstrong to KMBC only a couple of months after he had been

    radically saved. Nick wanted answers and was hungry for the word of God

    and spiritual growth. He found KMBC provided an environment that

    strongly promoted spiritual growth, and he discovered that the teachers were

    open to discuss real issues. Nick stated that KMBC founded him spiritually

    in the reality of holiness, though he had been sanctified just prior to coming.

    Since arriving at KMBC, Nick has been deeply involved in outreach minis-

    tries, some of which are: VP of the Mission’s Cabinet, standing for the unborn

    at the abortion clinic outreach, preaching at the Eastern Kentucky Correc-

    tional Complex, leading door-to-door and street evangelistic outreaches,

    Sarah Fortner

    Nick Armstrong

  • 7

    KMBC FACULTY MEMBEREARNS DOCTOR’S DEGREERev. Richard Englehardt became Dr. Richard Englehardt on May

    18, 2013. He received his Doctor of Ministry in Leadership in Com-

    munity Spiritual Formation from Denver Seminary (Colorado). Dr.

    Englehardt has been teaching at KMBC for thirteen years. He

    teaches history, Bible, and theology. He is also KMBC’s registrar.

    His thesis topic was Developing Social Capital Between Chris-

    tians Through Covenant Discipleship. In this project he researched

    John Wesley’s Class Meetings to find ways to improve and expand

    KMBC’s student discipling program. We trust that this new research

    and its findings will be very beneficial to KMBC.

    We congratulate Dr. Englehardt for his hard work and the suc-

    cessful completion of his doctorate. Dr. Englehardt is a very diligent,

    talented, and efficient instructor. He has been a great addition to

    our faculty. Many students have complimented him by saying, “Pre-

    viously, I didn’t like studying history, but he made it fun and inter-

    esting.”Dr. Richard Englehardt

    holding youth revivals, and traveling both as a camp counselor and on KMBC’s men’s quartet. He is cur-

    rently filling the position of youth pastor at a Nazarene church in Iowa, but at the end of Summer will begin

    to serve his own community and church in Albany as an outreach pastor. He has been a channel of life in

    and through this campus since coming. Please hold Nick up in prayer, as his many gifts will certainly make

    him a target by the god of this world.

    YOUTH CAMPKMBC is hosting an exciting, growing,

    youth camp held in conjunction with the

    Mt. Carmel Camp Meeting, which is July

    29 - August 3. Our goal is to make this

    youth camp more fun, more spiritual,

    and more affordable than any camp teens

    have attended previously! We are pray-

    ing that God’s Spirit will descend on the

    camp and change youths’ lives forever!

    B e c a u s e

    of our lo-

    cation, we

    can offer

    some re-

    ally fun

    nature activities, such as caving, canoeing, mountain hiking, in addition to a

    lot of other fun and creative games. This year’s youth evangelist is Rev. Greg

    McDonald. Rev. McDonald is young at heart and really knows how to con-

    nect with youth and challenge them to be serious Christians. On top of this

    the price is right – 6 exciting days for only $80 ($70 if you pre-register). For

    more information contact us at KMBC 855 HWY 541, Jackson, KY 41339

    1.800.879.5622 [email protected]


    P.O. BOX 10

    VANCLEVE, KY 41385-0010





    PERMIT No.18


    We have a number of excellent work teams scheduled to come this summer

    and fall to make some major improvements on the campus. These volunteer

    groups save the college thousands of dollars in labor. Our main cost is buying

    the supplies. The most expensive project this summer will be making some

    much needed improvements and expansion to our campus septic sewage sys-

    tem. The campus population and usage of water has increased over the years

    and has outgrown our present system. We must fix this problem immediately.

    If we address the problem quickly, the cost will be moderate. If we delay, it

    could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    We need to raise about $30,000 to cover the cost of fixing and expanding our

    septic sewage system plus other campus repairs. A special group of friends

    has agreed to give $15,000 of matching funds for this urgent need. If we can

    raise another $15,000 to match it, these critical needs will be met. We are

    trusting God and our friends to meet this need.







    FRIENDS PUT KMBC IN WILLA friend of the college who lives in Indiana recently shared that he and his wife were putting the college

    in their will. This couple wholeheartedly believes in Bible college education, and wants to support the train-

    ing of holiness ministers and Christian workers, not only while they live but also after they go to Heaven.

    When asked why they had chosen KMBC, they gave the following answer: “The visionary leadership of Dr.

    Phil Speas as President of Kentucky Mountain Bible College has been anointed of God. The classroom

    teaching of the professors is second to none among holiness Bible colleges. The chapel services are inspira-

    tional. The KMBC student body is always friendly. The doctrine of holiness and the disciplines of a holy life-

    style are properly taught and emphasized at Kentucky Mountain Bible College.

    A number of friends have told the college that they have put the school in their will. We say a big thank

    you to all who have!


    Office Secretary

    Bookkeeper for the KMBC business office

    On air disc jockey and programer at Radio StationMountain Gospel WMTC

    If interested, call 606-693-5000

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