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Phonetics, English Literature 2013 Universitas Padjadjaran

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Andina Ayu Pusparin Opi Audila Seruni Morena Rinjani Amanda Gita P. Kusumah n Phonetic s
Page 1: Phonetics, English Literature 2013 Universitas Padjadjaran

Andina Ayu PuspariniOpi Audila

Seruni Morena Rinjani

Amanda Gita P. Kusumah



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Phonetics is a branch of linguistics which learning the sounds of language regardless of whether the sound has the function as discrete categories or not.

Chaer, Abdul.2012.Linguistik Umum.Jakarta:Rineka Cipta

Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that examine the sound produced by a human and gives a symbol to those the sound.

Karim, Nik Safiah dan Wan Malini Ahmad.2006.Teks Bahasa Melayu STPM.Jakarta: Fajar Bhakti


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The Phonetic AlphabetDid he believe that Caesar could see the people seize the seas? The silly amoeba stole the key to the machine.

My father wanted many a village dame badly.

PhysicsEitherCharacterDeal Rough


Cute FumeUse


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A Phonetic Alphabet for

English Pronounciation

picture source: esl-lounge.com

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IPA Alternativeʃ šʒ žtʃ č

Some writers use different symbols for

other sounds that once were traditional for

transcribing American English.j

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The Branch Of Phonetics

Articulatory PhoneticsArticulatory Phonetics : the study of the production of speech sounds by the articulatory and vocal tract by the speaker.

Acoustic Phonetics

the study of the physical transmission of speech sounds from the speaker to the listener.

Auditory Phonetics

the study of the reception and perception of speech sounds by the listener.

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Keterangan :1. bibir atas (labium)2. bibir bawah (labium)3. gigi atas (dentes)4. gigi bawah (dentes)5. gusi (alveolum)6. langit-langit keras (palatum)7. langit-langit lunak (velum)8. anak tekak (uvula)9. ujung lidah (apika)10. depan lidah 11. daun lidah (lamina)12. tengah lidah (medium)13. belakang lidah(dorso)14. akar lidah (radika)15. faring16. rongga mulut17. rongga hidung18. epiglotis19. pita suara20. pangkal tenggorokan (laring)21. trakea Speech Organ

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Bunyi Bahasa



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Consonants are produced with some restriction or closure in the vocal tract that impedes the flow of air

from the lungs.

The classification of consonants is according to where in the vocal tract the airflow restriction occurs,

called Place of Articulation.

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f i h g f i

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1. Bilabials [p] [b] [m]: it’s sounded by bringing both lips together.

2. Labiodentals [f] [v]: it’s sounded by touching the bottom lip to the upper teeth.

3. Interdentals [θ] [ð]: it’s spelled th, and pronounced by inserting the tip of the tongue between the teeth.

4. Alveolars [t] [d] [n] [s] [z] [l] [r]: All of them are pronounced by the tongue raised in various ways to the alveolar ridge.

5. Palatals [ʃ] (mission) [Ʒ] (measure) [ʧ] (cheap) [ʤ] (judge) [j] (yoyo) : it’s sounded by raising the front part of the tongue to the palate.

6. Velars [k] [g] [ŋ]: They are pronounced by raising back of the tongue to the soft palate or velum.

7. Uvulars [q] : Uvular sounds are produced by raising the back of the tongue to the uvula.

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Manner of Articulation

Voiced and Voiceless Sounds Voiceless : when the vocal cords are apart so that air flows freely through the glottis into the oral cavity .Voiced : when the vocal cords are togehter, the airstream forces its way through and causes them to vibrate.





2.Nasal and Oral Sounds Oral Sounds : produced with the velum up, blocking the air from escaping through the nose.Nasal Soundss : When the velum is not in its raised position, air escapes through both the nose and the mouth.

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Konsonan berdasarkan cara pengartikulasian

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AproksimanArtikulator aktif dan artikulator pasif membentuk ruang yang mendekati posisi terbuka seperti dalam pembentukan vokal.

Contohnya : [w] dan [y]Trills and Flap

Trills is produced by rapid vibrations of an articulator. Its IPA symbol is [r] .

Flap is produced by a flick of the tongue against the alveolar ridge. Its IPA symbol is [ɾ].


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Vowel are produced with little restriction of the airflow from the lungs

out the mouth and/or the nose.

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Tongue Position

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Lip Rounding


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kata IPA contoh

au /aʊ/ kerbau, dll

oi /oɪ/ koboi, amboi, dll

ei /eɪ/ Mei, arbei, survei, dll

ai /aɪ/ santai, lambai, dll

Diftong adalah dua vokal beurutan yang diucapkan dalam satu kesatuan waktu.

Dalam sistem tulisan diftong biasa dilambangkan oleh dua huruf vokal. Kedua huruf vokal itu tidak dapat dipisahkan. Diftong dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah ai ,au, dan oi.

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Nasalization Of Vowels

Nasalization is the production of a sound

while the velum is lowered, so that some

air escapes through the nose during the

production of the sound by the mouth.

Example : bean, bone, bingo, boom, bam,

and bang

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Tense and Lax Vowels

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Major Phonetic Classes

NonContinuants and Continuants

Stops and affricates belong to the class of noncontinuants. All other

consonants, and all vowels, are continuants. Obstruents and

SonorantsObstruents : The non-nasal stops. The fricatives, and the affricates

from a major class of sounds.Sonorants : vowels, nasal stops [m,

n, ŋ ], liquids [l,r], and glides [j] ,[w].

ConsonantalObstruents, nasal stops, liquids,

and glides are all consonanantals.

Syllabic SoundsSounds that may function as the core of a syllable possess the future syllabic

dazzle [dæzļ], faker [fekŗ], button [bʌtņ]

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Prosodic Features

Prosodic or suprasegmental = Features over and above the segmental values like place or manner of articulation. length, pitch, and stress are prosodic (suprasegmental) features.Speech sounds that are identical in their place or manner features may differ in length (duration). Tense vowels are slightly longer than the lax one, but only by a few milliseconds. Examples:Biru in Japanesse [biru] with ragular “i” means “building”. But biru with “i” doubled in length as in biiru [bi:ru] means “beer”.

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In many languages,

certain syllables in a

word are louder,

slightly higher in pitch,

and somewhat longer

in duration than other

syllables in the word.

They are stressed


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Languages that use the pitch of individual vowels or syllable to contrast meanings. For examples : Mandarin Chinese, Burmese, and Thai, etc. Tone languages commonly have two or three register tones and possibly one or two contour tone.

Tone and intonation


Tone language

• Register tone => If the pitch is level across the syllable.

• Contour tone => If the pitch chages across the syllable.

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Tones generally have a lexical function, but in some langauges, tones also have a grammatical function, as in Edo spoken in midwestern Nigeria. Languages that are not use tone to contrast meanings are called, intonation language. In an intonation language, pitch is not used to distinguish words from each other. Intonation may affect of the whole sentence.

Examples:Mr. McCartney is here in a low pitch at the end is interpreted as a statement. Oppositely, if it is spoken in a high pitch at the end, it is interpreted as a question.

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T-thank you puff..ery much guys!
