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PHOTOGRAPHS - digifind-it.com · XVII NO. 42. CRANFORD. N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMHKK 17. 1911 THREE...

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XVII NO. 42. CRANFORD. N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMHKK 17. 1911 THREE CENTS Did You get one of our Christmas Checks? c v You will want one next Christmas. Christmas Club for 1915 Join any Day this week. In class 50 pay 60 cents each week (or GO weeks and we will hand you a check (wo weeks before Christum* for f'25.00, with interest at 2 per cent In class 100 pay 91.00 each week for 50 weeks and wo will hand you our check two weeks before Christmas-for. $50.00, .with interest at 2 per cent. In Addition To These Two Claimon Thoro Will Bo Classen 200 and C00. In claw 200 the payments will be $2.00 each week and the total amount which you will receive will be $100.00 twoweeks before Christmas with - per cent interest a n d - r • "'" • " . . • • IQ class 500 the. payments will bo $5.00 each week and tlio total amount YOU will receifo will be 1250.00 two weeks bbforo Christiuaa with 8 per cent interest. • . . . \ v * " ' . . ' ' . . Open Daily 7:30 a. m. to 3 p. in. Saturdays 7:30 a. ui. to VI m. Monday Evenings 8 to 9 o'olook. . Cranford Trust Company, CRANFORD, X. J. COAL, LUMBER And Mason's Material*. _ Clean Coal. Prompt Deliveries J. C. W. RflNKINJ Lehigh Valley Coal ! AND < MASONS'MATERIALS. : Cement Slat Sand Sawer Pipe, Etc ; Office," 11' East North Avenue,-- •; CRANFORD, N. J. . ', Tslcphoiw ISt. Auto Vans Packing Snipping Storage Auto Truck for Joy Rides Robbins & Allison Phone 878-W M. J. Honor Rofl. " : (JltANT SCHOOL. : Kindergarten—Merritt Epprlght, Jr., Mildred Grey, Either Hinman, Susan Plummer. Grade 1 A—James Maroney, Everett Fay, Norman Matbey, Philip Tomlin- *on, DurotheaOrau, May- Howes, Sarub Labdia, Florence Sisson, Hortente Kahl. Dorothy Jones, Harriet Van Saun. l*eruy LaVar. KloatiOr Hughes. Fletcher Oil- pi n. Mulcolm Johnson, Lesllo Brandon, Junald. Bartow, Mary Douglas, Eliia- abeth Kendall. Dorothy Taylor. Sally liny en, C'utberioe Park, Marion Mc- Curthoyj Alexander Green, Elizabeth Buyer. 1; ,:... Grade 2A~ Sarah MoKee.CllftonCoi, Ella Aldrich. Joseph Boeltler, Winston Gibson, Tbouias Ureenwald, ItuiJolph Stannke, Jean Muntenocourt, Joseph Phtlp, Henry SchoBfUef, Kdg»r Miller. Second Senior—Margaret Blake, Jud sunChapin, Lillian Kvans, Donald Gray. Elizabeth Crane, Waldo Kosancrantz, Mallory" UinraanrMajorle HperryrHarry Sisson, Madeline Harris, Marie Brenner. ChtsW Wood;""Virginia" Crickentierg, Doris Denntngt Bradley Kosencrantz, George Richard*. ' Third Junior— Adolph Pfendsr. Allau Krnior, JosephinoSilberg, Julius Woerr, Eleanor Wood. Ethel Scales, Helen •Taylor, Marion Donahue, Christina Pernas, Arthur Pike, Elizabeth Close, Leonora Jones, Esther Halsey. Either Shapiro. Third Senior- Kleanor Bowie, Marion Goll. Dolores Kabl, Winifred Llsowskl, Virginia Pike, Constance Simonton. Helen Tripp. Mildrad Walter. Christina Dreyer. Ronald Witbaiu. Klizabeth Bryant, Marie dray, Florence Durling, Pauline Moody, Sully Peters,- Blanche •Stokes, Edna waterson, Edward Gran, Jr., Tbomas Hughes,'.. Grade Four—Sarah Aldrich. Esther Bartlett, Katherlae Chadwick. Margaret Hedenberg. Josephine Ratti, Eleanor Wood. Hulbert Beardsley, Winthrop Hall, Bernard Milch, Paul Otto, Ira Knapp,' Q wynne Proseer t William Schoeffler, Ralph BossftU, Worthlngton Knapp, Margaret Dickinson, Margery Moon. Evelyn Walter, Nellie Wood. Logan Bertolette, Andrew Hughes. Harold Miller, Robert Pbilp, Halsey Sanford, James Woods, Dorothy Roach. Grade Five-Dorothy: Adams, George Charlottee Cox, Pearl Eason. toeemond Moore, Carrie Gaff uey, Mabel liearoh, Draco Trlpp, Violet PoWor, Clifford OonoVer, Malcolm llratton, George Mack, William Maroney, Ed. ward Sensom. SIlEKkAN -SCUO0L. Kindergarten—Angelo lVsco, Walter Wewer, Florence Gould, Elinor Crime. Grade'One—Clifford Vrobra. Oeorgo .Vittson. Howoll PenUton. Nirbohu Uf I Gandlo, John Jalovitt, Jack Drown, Charles Murrii, Clara Stoolo, Katburino Jabn, «Vallac« Nelson, August Huuor. Isadora Barbsralo, Tony Ixtomwi, John Pelosio, Warren Fairbaa)ka, Maiinio Loomes, Evelyn Massa. Louise W«uchs* Grade SA-Mlldred Einioon*. Klorlh'o Brown, EdnaBcbafer, Wllltain ltoynter, Eddie Shaheen, Edward Uuhlaril, Tony Lanza, George dishing, Tiirwui Sliuwu, lara Kantnnr. - Grade 2U—Josnphlna Valanti, Anna Wosigbai»r~~"' ( >»ph''» < *~~Pondorf—Said to Busbara, UsUlle Schweitzer, Uutb Iktll, Herbert Croft, Howard Ilermos, Muiirico Tarlow, Miriam Hoffman, liamlolph Kirkman, Martin Movers, Helen Juhn, llaxold SullWaii, Emanaol Kouvot. Ktl- ward Kl*atlnt«. LINCOLN EDWARD MO3HER, ClWt EN6IHEER and SURVEYOR Township Englnaar, '"'< Lot Sarrejs. Heol Estate Defeloptoeot Ksns. Bank tallalng, ' Cranferst, H. M. F. Wheeler Tslsphono 180-J BaUII /t.WtTlgllj... yuBnuntPO yu*, roan nsawv«j. LM Oertrnde Fischer, TWen MoCSOrsy, Wi R i D l d R b i Mll Oertrnde Fischer, TW y, Lena Ratti, Donald Robinson, Malcolm Wamock, Viola Kahl, doms, Winchester Clmler, Lillian Avery, Margaret-AdU Britton, Jr.. Mary y Ethel La Var, d Bk Edna McKusick, Carl Pfender, Brooks La Boyteaiu, Thomas Woods. CLXV1LAXD SCHOOL. Grade Six (Mr. Qoaiel)-LoU Stalk, Alston Rogers, Samuel Shapiro, Lathadi Scboles. Charles Ventres, Adelaide Richards. Marioo Pettft, Bdwina Woiid- ling, Etta Maroney, Elinor Robinson, Elizabeth Perkins. Evelyn, Taylor. Grade Six (Miss Michael)-Veradn Conover, Randolph Darling. Kennedy Boston. Mabel Caruso,Catherine Damon, Carolyn Cruikshank. Editb CrolttMr, LOUIM Harris. Nettie Hobbs, Helen Jobmwn, Myrtle Edwards, Elizabeth Adam* Grade Seveii—Marshall Lisowskl. Coklen Torbnsb. Walter Taylor, Elliott Park, ROSSBU« Dsmon, Alfred Bowls, Sloan Babcock. Joseph Boteier, Una Montenecoart. Catherioe Bodo, Eliz- abetb Thompson. Margaret -Low, Con- stance Uoodv. Henrietta Tboaison Grade Eigbt-Joy HsassL Fteeao* Frsxsr, Anna Wood*, Eraiya KMba Sdwpl f^poises. rj^ro y»arl> ant (i-r ptl|>tl (or current «-vnt>o»«« I * l l » *«ir rmlin^ June .V. VMS. \MMxi "|»»i KIHMI mt.'iul ance inday cchouU, ttiM •kVsl: (tie \<<v »10O' VOJ»r i| »»s f.Sl S.V Thl* kbt>»» an iucn>Av of »t e«nt» Tlu* >e»rlV (uH.per- pupil <«>r llw. j«ar ijntl , enrullmi-nt in jay -KtUt»l». «« MS ;!1, tbo jiretu>u» ytvw it « u f.l 17 l'Ui« ibowm an mrrpaw i>f Jl.ot Tlw incn»aic\l f\^it itf *ohiM>U (ur A ; period of say' trn Jiura ti duo lhi>; main C»II«»_IIIM_I^_- m .„.... ; ..,,,.„ to of hvliiij li,ii ttuich^fa and I, Ttit<in made it n y |y jtutttur* «»nd otlii'r s»hi*)l fm|iloym!» largor salarira. t'f thn tutal wliixil v\- \ |«axs for operating 11 in i.'!kvli l » t j year, praoti.-ally }ll.AKi.AH)'ww \\\iA\ in talarie* to tctrhori. '• eluding principals »ml Grade One—Frank Carey, Kathsritia Kalil, Adolf Trickle, Joseph Aboiwlo- man. Cora Wakoilold, Ziultklley, Mary Rolbioo, Frances Herrmann, John Del- Nero, Louis Clark. Josopb Schuhz, Edith Collnera, Florence Forchetio, Rose Forcbette, Agnes Sbabsen, Mary Sallivan. Grade SA-Lawrenos Kali, I'bilip Bartlett, Henry Chabanno, Lillian Cop- Grodo BB—Paul Ublls,- Lena Colinore, dlodys Wewer. UeorgePacker, WUIiam Wibh Beatrice Qleaaon. Augo« i Ddll iu (ho Suto wax f-<lii.:w thii i>»| much In vlnw of tlio ri'-tuirt'incnl* mu>H'i upon lho Unu'bor i>lh|iii view of lho tint j if fwud iiupplito. of, clothitlK tuul other) uec»»«iti<»' In iHtine rouutlM »f'-llm j SUto, liuwcv.'r, mon- I lulu unit half utj tho ttxtchoi rocvivtxi Irwi limn t.'tot* it! year. In thine O'linti^i nut 10 |H>r o'lit, uf tlio trtwhon rttcuivml A* milch ni I^IHI a your, Tlio Now Jervy Hurriui i>( StutUtic* i* uutlmrlty for tho thut tlm >Hjit of fiK»l siipiUliW hiui lucnHvnoil 'J.*t,r> |^'r ivnt in tho p.LHt tun ynani. Tho si'htHil uiiri'llini'iit ronitiiin ly lncmu.iiiiK. Ton yiinrn iign tli» lultil cnmllioeui uiw Ud'.'.iu: 1 .. Urn your it wits l7H,U.t."i in iluy KIIIKIN. . A iM'houl huaw i)ud ix|ui|>mont uf lho siuno kind proci»ely iuuno built tun cuiVs imu.li inuro in IHIil tlmn In ltlOit. Thu incroiiMMl ont of huililiiiK of all kimli in well known by evoryho<ly who thut had r»|M'ni'in'o in tmihllntr cuimtrucliuii. liicrouaHHl ctmt of «ichiM)l *upp!u» toguthor~with suiiiH inc'ruusn in thii init ut ciiut. r>. Tlio' nwgo uf whuul uotivitiu» hiM llfcreastid chtuity IIOCUUHO of |mblio do- inands. Tbu *chuul toui'tim lltu at uioru |Mints than evor Uttoru, hut nut a .single new subjoi't bus IMMIII tuldtfU lu llio cm riculuui uf lho uluuieutary wliuoli in ilia put tan yoars, unhwi tho touching of agiicullura 111 the' rural nchouls In vi- ceptod, and uiifortunatuly llil.i tuacliiiiK bos nut guua lar. Tbo tulluwing In uu <<nuiiicrutluii of tbosu iucri.'U»od uctivitinl: I. MitUical innpoction, inrludiirg llOOl IIUrMM 111 CitlOH, l<> lUlfl'M llvos and hwtlth uf clilldrun it iry.hy statute. Tbi«i «MUI 2: Miuiual, tnduntriul and vocuttuuul couktng and liowiiig fur girl*, irkliig, iiiUL'hlliit itliup work uml rUru tot .)xjys..iix(i... bucowluif -iuim:. utl (with Dm iKnniblo n*(Wp(iun »t friculluro) in Nitw* Jornoy w'huuU at hey uru utwiwhnri) throughout llni uuntry and in progr<m>|vu K>iru|x.<tii uunlrim,]nutal>ly in (lurnmiiy.> TIKMU lhtMtf(K F <'K?if M ^ w 'l~~a—I{IMUU leal of mouoy. iliu public nliuulil mi- lorntund thut iiidmitnal (Hiucultoii in Ulld ugrivultiirul odunttiuu In ,\M country in nut inuipunsivo, hut it- in 4Liir.til_IWtll 'ttr"tnlt~itIUiVilittttl(ttMtl 'lo~ lIHJ itolo faruiuTelhttn it ewrts- 1 -• ;), ^millury and docunl uulh*miv<i fit or tlmu«o ufu girl or iwy urtl kouiu- A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION 0HN^SAV1N<iSACCGUNIAS A Tor Yourttir, for «very memtWr your l*«ntlly, lor your Prlends. . No nioii' tisi'ful |<r<<iit>itt o o i i l t l l«< KIX'M 1 li«ii » l'inn.1 now (tank Uonk A iu»ing< ai'fiiuut t* » >»lu !" »iul fnilum fur ynur »"» i'r ilmiK-htm ' mm ilrnw U jn-r own I intf>T««t' from >!*mittrv CKANPORD TRUST COHPANY CRANFORO, N J J. R. SCf LA. PRHE The? J. R v See Garage, Airtorhobile Repairing and Painting thu Michael, Marie Dowdell. Grade Four-Joseph Welch, Jamas Collins, Helen Bebnert, Joyce Hoffman, Freida Michael, Hazel Miller, Raymond Losardi, Charles Forchette/ Clara HchmiU. Wesigban. Hllliaist, y Sopblo Marion Grade Fira-Ireae Csssela, Mabel Ooroelle, Jamas Ooi, Helen Erdodl, Anna Lanza, Oeorfce Rosendale, Isaac Spurlock, Mary Collins, Charles Cox. Alvin DarwsDt, Clara Koblenscbmidt, Grace Morris, Rachel Spsocer, Harold Stsele. Grade Six-Marion Bocll. May Grebe. Lucille Krele. M»ttl« Scbindler, John ^ffGt l f le. M»ttl« Scbindler, John ohffGteanon, Lool« Krefe, Rb S l k Frsnk Nelson. Robert Spurlock. Grade Seven-Marguerite Abomete- maud, Edward Ifeppinger. Aby Dia- mond, Anna MeMabon. Joseph Maon Theodora Matthews, Helen Morris Irene Ksdmao. Grade Eight— Arthur Oomris,'' Elmoro DrirSr; Alto.t3oejri«rOl»dys8toajrtrtCTi. Harold Uwrsaee, Frank storrU, Harold Knbtard, Deborah Mailer, Clarence SchmiU. t>s<;»B M. atsa LOUIS M. HESS I 7 S. yules A«*nn*' CfWrtrOHD.N J 4 A largur pru|iu[(iuii of pupiln at- ouding thuUl«li schools now thsn ton yoars aj(O ban incccasud the ctnt ol Nchuols. lho hiK'i sclioul ami* inoro por pupil than an vleinuntaryu »cho<M nd nucuaarily »o. Tun y<un a((u unb iiipil In twenty nino pupils In Nevi, 'urxuy 1 won in a high school; nowurx> pupil Iu fourteen puplla I" in itchooU 6. More pupils aro In Kindergartens now than ten yean ago. Nowtb«r« are aa, IS!0 pupils in tbo KlnderKarUm; tan years ago there were' W,IV>. Th.!» increasa dunotm increased expunss. t! More popils attend nifibt school than ton years ago. At Uiat time there wer« 10,4M pupils in tbo night ncbouls; uow there aro :i7.ttil, 7. Lastsummnr there were approxi .mately B0.2i7 c blldren in nuinijior Kchoou and playKrounds. Figu rtm are not available aa u> tho nutnuor of mich hildron ten years ago Init thenumtwr at that time was very small. The open ng of summer schools and playground* in our congealed cillw to childru/i who hwi ld be morally run lamI nalwl on the stroots and in the alley* costs something. *».-Hclwolr:?oT nieutalry—defect: children, u rvialrod by toe statute* ot tbo Htate, coat nometblnx, There were 101 of these school* last year, Ten years ago there w»re practically none. 9, Itieopening of scbowl building* as cominanlty centers or tbe wider o*e of school boose cosu tomsthlng. TbM Is s comparatively new iqovemnnt 10." M»ro 6ppurtiuiTlk)»tor Ifcr mm- ngof teacb*ni oust sonwihing^ Last year there were two Tbe state school obould have a last fl»fl if teachers are to tie properly equipped. Normal schools coot sumetbing. M'swuchnsstU with » Kbool enrollment but tllghtly ia excew vtvur own. has.tennormal schools «Ait- slde of Uistoii- f^iiecticut wilb one- third of oar popuUiiun bos Xvur Stats Normal acbooU. Figures which saem to be rellabls in- dicate that thn tobacco bill in tbli country Is almost as groat tbe Ull for pnblie sdoeation; UMtbe Mil tor candy Uons-toarthMgrml; that tbe bill for lj is ooa-balf sa grsat. How Is speot la tb» ajBpsxats for MtsntsfaU short of tbe M l (or edoeatkn; WooJd IO It ooats tbe National GoTsnuasot awre than #M»0 a day tonatstato th* btfttmHp Nsw I for CUIIOVA anil Automobile* Office Door, and Wntron Lettering. Carriage and WnRon Painting. Bicycle RcpnlrlnK. . Skutes hhnrpenetl. North Avenue and Eastman Street. Cranford, N. ). PHOTOGRAPHS Make Welcome Christmas Presents. We Do High-Class Work at Reasonable Prices. Baumann's Studio. llroad Street and Central Avenue, WU5TFIKLD. N; J. Wo iici'iiiiiiiKiiliito Suixlnyii. " . • A Safe Investment! Buy a Lot, If you UK! working for a nnlary mid tlud it diflioult to sav« iniiucy, or, if vuu hnvu ulittlii nionuy aud vraut it to nmu mom H.oii.ty for yo'ii 11UV A LOT. ___i .-.--Voii cniiJjuyji lot f(ir^:« Hiiiiill (fajli |>Hyni«iil, Ilio ImUnca to lin paid itt monthly iiiHt^ilkiinlitH. I , ,""~ '^~. "", JV. J. y IN OitOWINd Yoiir lot, if ciirnfully bouxlit, will d inorrdino in value, Horns Hutu in rush tlinn you will y day you limy nvod u ('oiiHidornbl'i liiivn umlu/iMn lot for null'. Our lots have all city Improvements anil are located In the best Section of the town and within a lew minutes' walk from the railroad station and trolley line. Compare oar DAIHV I'HODUCTH with IbuMOfsny of our c»uUiiap»rari«H, and ym will find that In \*Aui of (juiiity they are boyond qiuttiun tbe host. In point uf price, luw«r tbsn th« satns •:lmta of DAIRY I'fiOLlLCfH are obtain- ibteeltewberi! - In point of enlci«nry of wrvics, an- p'laallijrl. We uk you to prove these tt/mrtloti* fur ^vnrmUm IT WI^CAV TOi;. much Cranford Dairy, CHARLES GRIMM, Proa. DuatuBvrto* run RAfllTAN VALLEY rAKJl Raritaa Valley Farm* E«s. Importer of High Orade aermaa Dlk 318 North Avenue, East Cranford, New iecss/ G. J. WENKE, (HoccflSiior to Miller Sc Nick) 5 Eastman Street. Fresh Fruits ANU Vegetables UVERYTHINO TUB HARKE! APP0RU5 OP THE BBST 0UACITY.— Prompt 5ervkearid Courteous Treatment O.X WENKE 5 Eastman Street 0. D. IRVING -CHOICE— Meats, Fish. Butter, Eggs and Poultry PHONE 93.

    Did You get one of our Christmas Checks?c v You will want one next Christmas.

    Christmas Club for 1915

    Join any Day this week.

    In class 50 pay 60 cents each week (or GO weeks and we will hand you a check (woweeks before Christum* for f'25.00, with interest at 2 per cent

    In class 100 pay 91.00 each week for 50 weeks and wo will hand you our check twoweeks before Christmas-for. $50.00, .with interest at 2 per cent.

    In Addition To These Two Claimon Thoro Will Bo Classen 200 and C00.In claw 200 the payments will be $2.00 each week and the total amount which you

    will receive will be $100.00 two weeks before Christmas with - per cent interesta n d - r • " '" • " . . • •

    IQ class 500 the. payments will bo $5.00 each week and tlio total amount YOU willreceifo will be 1250.00 two weeks bbforo Christiuaa with 8 per cent interest.

    • • . . . \ v * " ' . • . • • ' • • ' . .

    Open Daily 7:30 a. m. to 3 p. in. Saturdays 7:30 a. ui. to VI m.Monday Evenings 8 to 9 o'olook. .

    Cranford Trust Company,CRANFORD, X. J.

    COAL, LUMBERAnd Mason's Material*. _

    Clean Coal. Prompt Deliveries

    J. C. W. RflNKINJLehigh Valley Coal !

    AND <

    MASONS'MATERIALS. :Cement Slat Sand

    Sawer Pipe, Etc ;Office," 11' East North Avenue,-- •;

    CRANFORD, N. J. . ',Tslcphoiw ISt.

    Auto VansPacking Snipping

    StorageAuto Truck for Joy Rides

    Robbins & AllisonPhone 878-W

    M . J .

    Honor Rofl. ": • (JltANT SCHOOL. :

    Kindergarten—Merritt Epprlght, Jr.,Mildred Grey, Either Hinman, SusanPlummer.

    Grade 1 A—James Maroney, EverettFay, Norman Matbey, Philip Tomlin-*on, DurotheaOrau, May- Howes, SarubLabdia, Florence Sisson, Hortente Kahl.Dorothy Jones, Harriet Van Saun. l*eruyLaVar. KloatiOr Hughes. Fletcher Oil-pi n. Mulcolm Johnson, Lesllo Brandon,Junald. Bartow, Mary Douglas, Eliia-abeth Kendall. Dorothy Taylor. Sallyliny en, C'utberioe Park, Marion Mc-Curthoyj Alexander Green, ElizabethBuyer. 1; ,:...

    Grade 2A~ Sarah MoKee.CllftonCoi,Ella Aldrich. Joseph Boeltler, WinstonGibson, Tbouias Ureenwald, ItuiJolphStannke, Jean Muntenocourt, JosephPhtlp, Henry SchoBfUef, Kdg»r Miller.

    Second Senior—Margaret Blake, JudsunChapin, Lillian Kvans, Donald Gray.Elizabeth Crane, Waldo Kosancrantz,Mallory" UinraanrMajorle HperryrHarrySisson, Madeline Harris, Marie Brenner.ChtsW Wood;""Virginia" Crickentierg,Doris Denntngt Bradley Kosencrantz,George Richard*. '

    Third Junior— Adolph Pfendsr. AllauKrnior, JosephinoSilberg, Julius Woerr,Eleanor Wood. Ethel Scales, Helen•Taylor, Marion Donahue, ChristinaPernas, Arthur Pike, Elizabeth Close,Leonora Jones, Esther Halsey. EitherShapiro.

    Third Senior- Kleanor Bowie, MarionGoll. Dolores Kabl, Winifred Llsowskl,Virginia Pike, Constance Simonton.Helen Tripp. Mildrad Walter. ChristinaDreyer. Ronald Witbaiu. KlizabethBryant, Marie dray, Florence Durling,Pauline Moody, Sully Peters,- Blanche•Stokes, Edna waterson, Edward Gran,Jr., Tbomas Hughes,'..

    Grade Four—Sarah Aldrich. EstherBartlett, Katherlae Chadwick. MargaretHedenberg. Josephine Ratti, EleanorWood. Hulbert Beardsley, WinthropHall, Bernard Milch, Paul Otto, IraKnapp,' Q wynne Proseert WilliamSchoeffler, Ralph BossftU, WorthlngtonKnapp, Margaret Dickinson, MargeryMoon. Evelyn Walter, Nellie Wood.Logan Bertolette, Andrew Hughes.Harold Miller, Robert Pbilp, HalseySanford, James Woods, Dorothy Roach.

    Grade Five-Dorothy: Adams, GeorgeCharlottee Cox, Pearl Eason.

    toeemond Moore, Carrie Gaff uey, Mabelliearoh, Draco Trlpp, Violet PoWor,Clifford OonoVer, Malcolm llratton,George Mack, William Maroney, Ed.ward Sensom.


    Kindergarten—Angelo lVsco, WalterWewer, Florence Gould, Elinor Crime.

    Grade'One—Clifford Vrobra. Oeorgo.Vittson. Howoll PenUton. Nirbohu Uf I

    Gandlo, John Jalovitt, Jack Drown,Charles Murrii, Clara Stoolo, KatburinoJabn, «Vallac« Nelson, August Huuor.Isadora Barbsralo, Tony Ixtomwi, JohnPelosio, Warren Fairbaa)ka, MaiinioLoomes, Evelyn Massa. Louise W«uchs*

    Grade SA-Mlldred Einioon*. Klorlh'oBrown, EdnaBcbafer, Wllltain ltoynter,Eddie Shaheen, Edward Uuhlaril, TonyLanza, George dishing, Tiirwui Sliuwu,

    lara Kantnnr. -Grade 2U—Josnphlna Valanti, Anna

    Wosigbai»r~~"'(>»ph''»f Jl.ot — —

    Tlw incn»aic\l f\^it itf *ohiM>U (ur A ;period of say ' trn Jiura ti duo lhi>;main C»II«»_IIIM_I^_- m .„....; . . , , , . „


    of hvliiij li,ii

    ttuich^fa andI, Ttit< in

    made it n y |yjtutttur* «»nd otlii'r s»hi*)l fm|iloym!»largor salarira. t'f thn tutal wliixil v\- \| « a x s for operating 11 in i.'!kvli l » t jyear, praoti.-ally }ll.AKi.AH)'ww \\\iA\in talarie* to tctrhori. '•

    eluding principals »ml

    Grade One—Frank Carey, KathsritiaKalil, Adolf Trickle, Joseph Aboiwlo-man. Cora Wakoilold, Ziultklley, MaryRolbioo, Frances Herrmann, John Del-Nero, Louis Clark. Josopb Schuhz,Edith Collnera, Florence Forchetio,Rose Forcbette, Agnes Sbabsen, MarySallivan.

    Grade SA-Lawrenos Kali, I'bilipBartlett, Henry Chabanno, Lillian Cop-

    Grodo BB—Paul Ublls,- Lena Colinore,dlodys Wewer. UeorgePacker, WUIiamW i b h Beatrice Qleaaon. Augo«

    i D d l l

    iu (ho Suto wax f-»|much In vlnw of tlio ri'-tuirt'incnl* mu>H'iupon lho Unu'bor i>lh|iii view of lho tint jif fwud iiupplito. of, clothitlK tuul other)uec»»«iti(

    StutUtic* i* uutlmrlty for thothut tlm >Hjit of fiK»l siipiUliW

    hiui lucnHvnoil 'J.*t,r> |^'r ivnt in tho p.LHttun ynani.

    Tho si'htHil uiiri'llini'iit i« ronitiiinly lncmu.iiiiK. Ton yiinrn iign tli» lultilcnmllioeui uiw Ud'.'.iu:1.. Urn your itwits l7H,U.t."i in iluy KIIIKIN. .

    A iM'houl huaw i)ud ix|ui|>mont uflho siuno kind proci»ely iu uno built tun

    cuiVs imu.li inuro in IHIil tlmnIn ltlOit. Thu incroiiMMl o n t of huililiiiKof all kimli in well known by evoryho. Tlio' nwgo uf whuul uotivitiu» hiMllfcreastid chtuity IIOCUUHO of |mblio do-inands. Tbu *chuul toui'tim lltu at uioru|Mints than evor Uttoru, hut nut a .singlenew subjoi't bus IMMIII tuldtfU lu llio cmriculuui uf lho uluuieutary wliuoli in iliap u t tan yoars, unhwi tho touching ofagiicullura 111 the' rural nchouls In vi-ceptod, and uiifortunatuly llil.i tuacliiiiKbos nut guua lar.

    Tbo tulluwing In uu iru|x.ly in (lurnmiiy.> TIKMU



    J. R. SCf L A . PRHE

    The? J. Rv See Garage,Airtorhobile Repairing and Painting


    Michael, Marie Dowdell.Grade Four-Joseph Welch, Jamas

    Collins, Helen Bebnert, Joyce Hoffman,Freida Michael, Hazel Miller, RaymondLosardi, CharlesForchette/ ClaraHchmiU.




    Grade Fira-Ireae Csssela, MabelOoroelle, Jamas Ooi, Helen Erdodl,Anna Lanza, Oeorfce Rosendale, IsaacSpurlock, Mary Collins, Charles Cox.Alvin DarwsDt, Clara Koblenscbmidt,Grace Morris, Rachel Spsocer, HaroldStsele.

    Grade Six-Marion Bocll. May Grebe.Lucille Krele. M»ttl« Scbindler, John

    ^ f f G t l fle. M»ttl« Scbindler, JohnohffGteanon, Lool« Krefe,

    R b S l kFrsnk Nelson. Robert Spurlock.Grade Seven-Marguerite Abomete-

    maud, Edward Ifeppinger. Aby Dia-mond, Anna MeMabon. Joseph MaonTheodora Matthews, Helen MorrisIrene Ksdmao.

    Grade Eight— Arthur Oomris,'' ElmoroDrirSr; Alto.t3oejri«rOl»dys8toajrtrtCTi.Harold Uwrsaee, Frank storrU, HaroldKnbtard, Deborah Mailer, ClarenceSchmiU.

    t>s. Th.!»increasa dunotm increased expunss.

    t! More popils attend nifibt schoolthan ton years ago. At Uiat time therewer« 10,4M pupils in tbo night ncbouls;uow there aro :i7.ttil,

    7. Lastsummnr there were approxi.mately B0.2i7 c blldren in nuinijiorKchoou and playKrounds. Figu rtm arenot available aa u> tho nutnuor of mich

    hildron ten years ago Init the numtwrat that time was very small. The openng of summer schools and playground*

    in our congealed cillw to childru/i whoh w i ld be morally run lam I

    nalwl on the stroots and in the alley*costs something.*».-Hclwolr:?oT nieutalry—defect:

    children, u rvialrod by toe statute* ottbo Htate, coat nometblnx, Therewere 101 of these school* last year, Tenyears ago there w»re practically none.

    9, I tie opening of scbowl building* ascominanlty centers or tbe wider o*e ofschool boose cosu tomsthlng. TbM Is scomparatively new iqovemnnt

    10." M»ro 6ppurtiuiTlk)»tor Ifcr mm-ngof teacb*ni oust sonwihing^ Last

    year there were two Tbe state schoolobould have a last fl»fl if teachers are totie properly equipped. Normal schoolscoot sumetbing. M'swuchnsstU with »Kbool enrollment but tllghtly ia excewvtvur own. has. ten normal schools «Ait-slde of Uistoii- f^iiecticut wilb one-third of oar popuUiiun bos Xvur StatsNormal acbooU.

    Figures which saem to be rellabls in-dicate that thn tobacco bill in tblicountry Is almost as groat i» tbe Ull forpnblie sdoeation; UM tbe Mil tor candyUons-toarthMgrml; that tbe bill for

    l j is ooa-balf sa grsat. HowIs speot la tb» ajBpsxats for

    MtsntsfaU short of tbe M l (oredoeatkn; WooJd IO It ooats tbeNational GoTsnuasot awre than #M»0a day tonatstato th* btfttmHp NswI

    for CUIIOVA anil Automobile*Office Door, and Wntron Lettering. Carriage and

    WnRon Painting. Bicycle RcpnlrlnK.. Skutes hhnrpenetl.

    North Avenue and Eastman Street. Cranford, N. ).

    PHOTOGRAPHSMake Welcome Christmas Presents.

    We Do High-Class Work at Reasonable Prices.

    Baumann's Studio.llroad Street and Central Avenue,

    WU5TFIKLD. N; J.Wo iici'iiiiiiiKiiliito Suixlnyii. " . •

    A Safe Investment!

    Buy a Lot,If you UK! working for a nnlary mid tlud it diflioult to sav«

    iniiucy, or, if vuu hnvu u littlii nionuy aud vraut it to nmu momH.oii.ty for yo'ii 11UV A LOT. ___i

    .-.--Voii cn i iJ juyj i lot f(ir^:« Hiiiiill (fajli |>Hyni«iil, Ilio ImUnca tolin paid itt monthly iiiHt^ilkiinlitH. I , ,""~ '^~. "",

    JV. J .yIN OitOWINd

    Yoiir lot, if ciirnfully bouxlit, willd

    inorrdino in value, HornsHutu in rush tlinn you will

    yday you limy nvod u ('oiiHidornbl'iliiivn umlu/iMn lot for null'.

    Our lots have all city Improvements anil are located Inthe best Section of the town and within a lew minutes' walkfrom the railroad station and trolley line.

    Compare oar DAIHV I'HODUCTHwith IbuMOfsny of our c»uUiiap»rari«H,and ym will find that In \*Aui of (juiiitythey are boyond qiuttiun tbe host.

    In point uf price, luw«r tbsn th« satns•:lmta of DAIRY I'fiOLlLCfH are obtain-ibteeltewberi! - —

    In point of enlci«nry of wrvics, an-p'laallijrl. We uk you to prove thesett/mrtloti* fur ^vnrmUm

    IT WI^CAV TOi;.


    Cranford Dairy,CHARLES GRIMM, Proa.

    DuatuBvrto* runRAfllTAN VALLEY rAKJl

    Raritaa Valley Farm* E « s .Importer of High Orade

    aermaa D l k

    318 North Avenue, EastCranford, New iecss/

    G. J. WENKE,(HoccflSiior to Miller Sc Nick)

    5 Eastman Street.

    Fresh FruitsANU




    Prompt 5ervkearidCourteous Treatment

    O.X WENKE5 Eastman Street


    Meats, Fish.Butter, Eggs

    and PoultryPHONE 93 .

  • ^ ^ * *

    • te . , ->

    Survey of the World's Newswll . - tW It I-- that i.fr l»n Art N#wip«p«r a"»d

    Commercial Club.

    Wh.*ii u l l .U nald and dope It in the••plill of .-• p*-ojilf- that makes their In•itltntd'tiM Tlil« appl lm to town* and

    s v well' flu tu KKietlw and aaiww*. .

    lu |I.tjii,t g'.tiTiiur In tinIt l« llli'Iiry.ti-'fl

    *-M;> f lii.' *niial *>.t


    t r . , t I l ,lt,,,ii.., ,„ ,,u;' Thl«of life:

    i with f Zulu* In their places and


    AGGRESSIVE ENGLISH GENERALfill tin* Il.-M Kiiifliiriil'H •.iijirr.-iii.- in

    i"Mitnmniid Sir J»

    fdi IIII ' I (iii

    mlllfurytii-urd'nlioiil rn'mI*i||'«'. Hr«l lliilKl.lirit In |>t!Ci, raptalila ISHH in,.I mii>.r In Hurt. He «a«

    rank. In Kf-hruarv. IKI.'I nft«-r bin R]tpolntmint l.y |-tr*id0cl*l •tflteirtent'fi.v

    retary Franltl|n l>. iloctteIn statement he says:

    •n ha» lieen made of Ihu unlit JJicflerl I t nai true thai

    Jiaul two year* mmieuvers1«.'practice of the fleet an»r, nf necessity, been Kreatly

    International' i.fTnlniIhe u»e of a certain, number

    r chips on foreign duly,many of lhe*e «'S»e» the

    "t ha* found It ntviiumrf,. owing toof men, to use battleship*

    duty wbl.-h could have been IHT-mill ni well l.y KUDNHBI* or auiall

    This lack of Beet maneuvers-;In, however, a matter which

    'remcdtnl -by n few months' practice.| a n d l t 1*» hoped that tbe*e maneuver*

    will take |ilaf tbwe voiwelswill rt-|Ulre a c^mplettenl of ccarly

    n- - — ;-. ; '•• •

    DAN ON TOY SOLDIERSIn nn «ITi>rt t" rlimlcate ever-flblug

    wnrllki* from-the rhildre&'s inlndi tlic rolltlvil r>ii».iliijr leagun lia»ii|rl'olut»d n eommltli-e-sn tojis n> m-UUi'K't1 niaiiufiniiin.ru to craHi from|.uttlns.'«it arth'tm for rMMren w|iirhi-iinlUet with Wrin of t-oioe.'. They H»kthnt tKjf.oolilifnt for Chrl*bu*u aiifl »tlpnniptH'rnnlij relating to them t-ota-inl»hed.

    GERMAN THOROUGHNESSThi> di-i-rlmiiweloa with wfak-h the

    ilerniatit dluteimwt M.ltpnl ittUens a* bwt.-ict-s ha»l«'.ii n surprl-i.-. hm wl ! f.u ttie delalUIHVIIIU,. l.un«n ihe fact* eairied theirexplanation wlih them, for instance,the Urn detiit'hmetit «f nblan* that en-trrol the city »r I.i:n« wererniM-il i,. tin- >*\.irtin« preportion-i ofthe r.'.iul>itl..tii. the ojruuwmllin: offl-«vr ralliit hl» ahj. wh«> turnrdout to Iwii well knw'nn twines* man of thrlottu, who of ,otir«. Vtî ew tt« Vt.nrc.-sthoMni>hl>'. "You *«-.- « l 1 the f.ni,-,r

    Kt«tliu-. «•• nre [MSI.-Jwho kiiow«." i

    A« lout: -I!.*.. ri,( lyvT tof tli,. reslon l;i w!ii.Jeoaiit. but Is reeoftnlxcd by every itu-.dent who hn»lr4ie limlKht.

    No one can menmire Ihe Influence ofono public Hplrlted, pniftresiilvi', widenwnke pnper lu any eommuiilty. It notpnly Imlliln local Hplrlt. Init'lt ndver*Uses Ihe town tn the world, . Itthe Keedii-

    Timely Agricultural Topicst//u lie nc Ronuun RDIIU . - . - . _ • _ 8 »T ' . • * w ' iVALUE OF GROUND GRAIN


    Dairyman Prsvcd That .Rrtparwt VaadIncrMsM Milk Supply360 OalUnc Per Cam a Ytar.

    on National Forest

    .Many years ago 1 WJI» tapUtftd *»•ui«Tlnt«-n whatwere "Mar l»«irder*«" ami wtint cows

    liuniedlatfty ou taklns • har^e 1 fa-ktituted K »>y«teui of iiie.iiurln i

    and. tewilu^. ajii-I to tbe ow-itr**utter n-.toiilvlimeiit w» foimd ti.it i tleant oni'-liirlf u( the herd 'va» nut

    for It* fenl. 1 pr.'S-j-w-il t.. himHint Wo (•'•ntliiim our kn-pinz "f rtv-ord* and Inxtnll n iii»..lilne Io crrfuilthe feed. Thin M s d..he. Kud In afeiv iIii.y.H oftrr . iM-tctnnltitf' tuKroiinil krn\u we liofe.1 -jiti'ie nu

    In the milk Hun of evrry I.IWthe herd. However, de*-plt.- -nil' thr d»y tu.etieh eon-. \Ve thenreversed tlm experiment, and the-cn-intlmt bail iH-eli on ground fee>l derrea*-eil In milk 'flow* from four to »U pounds!a day. "'. I thru delected two con* that boreevery innrk of good milker* If a fairc'hnncp were Klvein them. They wereeneh jiruilncfn« twenty-one poundsdully on uiiRround feed, but after fe«l-Ing them ground frrnln for-thirty, darn*I had one of tlieni clvln-j twenty-sevenpounds dnlly. the -wther thirty r«'uu'Udully. Just think -of-what thnt meansto rt herd of from fifty to «.|\ty cow»-

    * -i. .

    haw Unit. ••wlhi-T-iTTirM-cUun from cold further than that which theyprotid* for tSettCM-lt-ew :n: ilierr -»*IHI1.- After keejilns them dry and out of toowlml any sttf-ra-pr u"l.is-"n«r .i/'-wsrr r̂nufl windbreak and is a very poor protection1

    against wafer. Dr-rinir-iC T-W/VKUI ,1« (Sue prtncipnlly to the heat from th«jt"»|,v ..f !}ir-*nevsi. It---:» -iiiml: Jisiim-ii tlwt.lt Takes n lot of;heat to evaporatea lltrle water-, imt rfji* tit«r-Tiiu-?t come from the feed tbat ought to be mak|nsmartMal.li- w»»l ir mnttJiii: un«tKiil of solnc off into the air. The chill result-ins frr-m w*t »•»•) will ••*•.»«• rulds. catarrh, etc., to Interfere with tbo thriftof the s l w p for i Ii.msrttniM- Tlieu -wbeJi a »hecp (s weighted down with «lot of water or -nuv-r >r -simn It tines not ent so well as when It Is dry and'comfortable, EijwgiirB-ti. .^.mii IK li'Ot nearly so bad ns^exposure to wetweather, to !» lra»r«UJiuii: intil Kiinuld lie avoided.

    of Cmf> Sorrti. .!D" Ton know waac i t iroaw viiu to i

    - • • . 1 , i

    ki*p j. .t ir .TJI*^? P&rriHn^ ~™& :nrF' Iilse ;one farmer -»hn -sani. 'le -wnutfl ilmryf "to |ke«f> «•»«« aii- i ioT. .-u» !jif >isd] *u>-lurv-f.

    r.i» '?at: -in !u»- fSn-ll. iilr aj--dW-normrn-

    whii-h at«» the tretl. rrtttmH! u tirnfli in*•-•it.ffhf-T lienot. or. in other

    milkout hetween; Andy Slieelmn mid the'lilladclphln Kid, slrV n-iked Jim .In a

    dcferentlul tonel . < •No. I don't renilrtecouuts of fiicli

    lubuinnn tniuwuiltins.""I »ilp|Kisc you wouldn't cure to see

    i lltfbt o( "tba^ klild. Hut iKm't youhiuk if we kill ijrt all blood snilllni:

    affaint lt'»-luid for the...military -^plrlt!-We uiu»t Imve wnrs, you kiinw, evenf to protect ourselves from a foreignncnvy. and If wo yminc fellows fliouhl

    Ket tiHiRoft we'd all have to knuckleunder In ense of nn linnslon. l-'or my•art I think the wtiy Ihe Kldstond upirRlu^ Klu-ehiin wn» admirable, l ieroke.,jlbe I'lu nian's Jaw and let ailtit of Mood from his uiwe."At this the Kentlemnn iunied his

    tack Miunrely on the .vounc mail anilIIIHIH! himself lu Ijlajourniil.Jim. who hnd been nmuslni: him-

    elf with the old man. smiled Inward-y, much pleased nt the shock be hndKiven him. When they trenched: thelty-Jim waited till thiassen»;i'rs, then arose to no himself.

    HKkcH«H>k. It must hnve 1-elon êd tobe Kcntlcumn who hnd snt beside him.md Jim hiirrlinl after him. but foiledi> »iitoll lilin: An exiimlnntion of the

    ntcuts of the jHK'kolbook revealedhe name of Howard SpiiiRler nud bis

    ]»vket by Itself wim a mnull photo*graph of a clrl evidently Ih her teens.Jim fell lu love with It on sUjht.

    Instead of seudlnc tbe Hnd to tbe ad-lre*» Jim wilted "till eveuliiE, when he[bought hf lnljrl't lnwslbly sufslgtit ofthe original of the photoKt-aph, tlien,went to the house," nmg the Mil nuiltold the butter who answered It. thatbe would Hkf to see Mr^Splus'ler. He

    ras usbered liito the library, whereat the Owner of the pocketbwk and

    near l>ys Uolnc .xumc fancy work, tbeddr««B. so I am eoablcd to returnittojtm." ' ri

    Ur. S»iugter, , without unbending,


    ,11m colorcdyiinder the reproof to theroots of Ills hair. He bad bad hi* funwll-U tho old sentlcmun. nurf be. wa»now imyhiK tbe price. The youn-pladytook pity on him.

    |ui|tn.'* she snid. "'so manyperstins take nu Interest In such mat-ters that yon can't blame oue younsmini for doing so. After all, 1 don'tthink ns many persons ore killed lathe prize.ring ns at football, and youknow you shouted aud wared at broth-er when he kuoekmLilgwn five mennnd broke tbo leg oTOneVarrylns theball to goal."

    Mr. Spliigler.^t»>ketl t*tnbarrass«LJim. bcstowlnj? n silent blessing on theyoung lady, with regained couragepushed on to undo the damage he had.lone by bis fncetlouxuc-tt on the train.

    "lUlph Hplnglerr be exclaimed."The great . lVniwylv-tula footballplayer!"

    CAty_ftPJu'̂ .!i)lil.llic.i>ld.juan proudly.^."V\o seen .him play some .of-his-beat

    games. l>urlng his supremacy on thegridiron there wns no man who coulddown him. I congratulate you. sir. onhaving Mich a son."

    "You've' seen him play!" exclaimedthit'old njatv. his eyij* lighting at themention of nts wui's p'rowexs. 1 ;.»

    1 liavo.,, Igarnet .jn. >vhich he fell-accidentaily.of couhfl"—on Simpson and ernsbedidui. Thnt wns a Rioriouai came. Vouruoblc boy carried tbe ball to paaiamid the huuas of every pcrsou pres-ent."

    "He won the gamer cried Mr. Spla-gler. Tolly, brlns a decanter and•Rome glasses. Our friend most drinkto your brother'syour brothers health^

    Tbat in-the wn.v,Jlm'Edwards madei i f ' ihis wife's a.etjttoJntance- It looted

    but It came oat all

    The Sunday School LessonSEKIDR BEREAN.

    iJoiden Texz.—l.o. V am- •-v»ttl!,;yiiwayft. even un£t> slii? ividi - >ff "Jii,-Matt. xxvUi, JH.

    TIE- l^- l&jjll. S-TK-fiUj.

    The testimony uf Paul iii. D •-retss. i m i r IIITO-lave been reraile linminloo .». imtr -ttwentire Qnirerv. and l>y -r^swa; «£ Xucsarriaeiai work. ii» oa» 'w-aname that L-» abnre e-wrj- --en;It »*U*. .."«:.> yt- rtu-rpflin.

    f v |

    Luke xxH*."3tH&—TAB-praaOt

    I u a wtthytaoUniwrx Sm tbm mots**

    pabllc health pnflMftn 4k « *3alry rompUcated by tbe fart .that M(-

    ,iac Janects are a prctalne-ai factor lBt


  • to Date Women MEWPCL'S um^In tS« Crt—mt •*' * • * • VaiS*«»

    > • • • • •



    ciary «ft* > f.i t!w liv* W. \ \ !!COLORS AND FABRICS.

    For Stro*t Waar Simtar C».*r» AraWorn Mart Tlun I* Uawatl, th» C*M

    r» atid fat-rim. U-«-« '»•>«•are

    If» 'i'.fccrr

    tcT .

    It a Fir* SurUJ l« a H*u*a Iti 6»n*rDoll Pin.cuih»on For Or«tlm*«.W a i H < H | Up

    1-5 «"4.

    '. • For tl«wt». nlioIlluxtrntni hrr.r willof the MW Ki-huuL.uC


    A \ Ib y " t l i o V i i l f n f t i

    k y tu:i i l .v Hhr ti.««ii! . .r ;i t i n y j.- iii>«i *IVtet'i• imî txi.

    t h > > ^H i e

    witu 1a- -l

    . , j






    i e t

    • I J

    - t



    H i l l ' l d *

    U l k l l t t



    T him

    t - ' l l v i -

    j i . i - . ' i

    i l i i . l C ' t

    1 M i l l , I

    | t in ti ii ,,,,. . . n

    , ' . l ' i l l t

    ' i i - i t ' l U . i u

    ' ;-v.l4-••«:>:..,"•"'in." | . | - ' l . "

    « i i ' v . ' -Hly

    l l ; - L u l l

    < . ' IT. .!•.•.• iU">One tdod luoklnsr moilel nf hlat-fc !>t-«.iicloth lia.x a .H.-niil)tt«l uptwr pair.,"n>whU'li. at a low waint lln»». is aiciraitL

    cs a:t atxtrathe

    • • • • •


    knees. On this tunlo an? three row*-if:very wide tiiaclt braliL Thn** .-n«r»of narrower braid trim the war. ••iwvi."*-SbOTe a narrow velvet 'HIT. amt t i eBare collar is of black velvet..

    Many coat* show edjj*** bound, witii-narrow black; bra.ld.ln verjt-.tttiarr »t*feet*. Cord larlnK» with, ."•winsnac tju*-M* jire another popular rrtinining: .is-vice.

    A French coat f.ir aftfrniwm iv.-artmade of darU (freen peati .1.* i'!ii*initt*.Is lacetl In front; from ffctri* i-nllar' n̂ -wide belt, with Mdck flik ''" i « - r i | i l m v , " p r i . t i ' M w l M r » . l . a i i i l . . " A n . l | p i n , . •', | , . i p , , | m i , 3 l , n , n , , . , , ( , , , , , , .

    • • t i t . i f f M - a t « r ' a ! i , .< !» W < - < ' I i r i a . t l - . I W . d . l j t h e i f . i n i e l l l l n l l i l t - . ' I l i e e ' l V t . i ' i - . A m i ' i l j p l i e i e , ; . l , i l , i . ! l l u l l , . . . f l , | . I I I I , , n . i l

    « i » r t i . i t " « w t u s:.-.-i'-^t. t . u t t » . « i ' t h ; . i H I ! l l | e r » . - * • m y • * i | | ' l i w . l « ' r v l e < , I ' n i . - l l i i e . j 1 1 , . . , . . , , H | l , , | h . . i | . « n f I ' . - t e r • I "

    t . E . s t h a n d j T r i e r i « , l . ! « t h e y 111 '" ' I h e I l l i c i t h e e n - r j I , , , j . . , , , , . , , , , . | | h l - l i " t H i . l l l l e l . S n | ; i


    U N ti>»!i I J • ! i '

    n^ nf tin* variety which t! t h e d u l l " * h e a d liit..

    n|»nti hi-* t.rvas*. *Hketh tile f^5hS''tiil* 5lttjj XJWHI iii«iu 1.1ii> iltiiKi^ tibia* a s |r̂.--4"l ii^ ui»*ut tii** ilrf'sfclin: !*taiul, (if fur jmien**-, v .h id i art- •uimeiliues uurd '.n •»ffi4-ji l i . i ' Il£llt nf elwlrl". Illlllis 111 |

    t o

    - | ymir band. It Ii nurjirMusc how .piUk- : that rwiNxly «-f t h e I n n w i d o w * u h i i - l i v e d

    selples.saluta-rits of

    of df.i.raituiiinyather than the lamp atiil,.an.ilefor which they are very nfteii

    White lace may Ite .oloreil m

    cu ttiytnall -4'iuareK Tilled withriiattivui lends ilseir lldllllni 'I. --4*e and th.# ii.-ltiui' 1M par-

    •ti -u/.trty i44»au!li!il when lin.il with"tiiir; *;ii; ..f ?i»Ui, #.1U rum*, irrven *.r

    :̂.i3.*4Ui; t.hi*.. a*, til! nf the**.- i-.|lori liiclitIII

    :Fi4t» »t >y< •«•>• bate s.'-t y t

    are taking vlgoroua »te|w Jo orxiiiil7,ijthe aar of t-nllntuieut, wliltl* i* nineteen,

    for EiUltury •o Tin". l'roa«i»u nilnlKter of education ha»them the «Hfchte-.t decree wn.nK the j mixt^>rWjlIJ(. tbe. t^.laa»i«T» of eleiueMary mid .econdary Htnte who-jln to Ink

    may wan'.ler yard' awayfrom the rlsht «I>ot. |

    Of IIHIDM* h« can take any^ lim- of !

    travel beKtianEbot. xuch a*i from roiro to Ion-don or EiilnlTtTrBti to St. I'««banb

    } C»l>e Town to fetershunr, and.ai> i>n.

    *K*.y«cary * i s «i>*jjunrti«n with mllltnry aulhurllli-* to ralne a reserveyarray roK»i»s!a« «jf U»y» \*ivern the ajfei* of »lxt«i'ii nml nlneti-en, wldle even

    t»ty» are Iwtaj: c««) In the Iteri «*rw«« nervlce carrying wounded• hnot nec»««arily from , ^ u,.S*tVJ.l« by train to tbHr hotnefajii |-;erm«ny.

    In Jiettin Uf-Si ne**r»l regliueut* of lad* lietwren »lxteeii nml twenty al-ready have t***i*» (J> ̂ xtat ilt, ,.,a little t e« than "

    TEUJMG THE TJME WITHOUT A WATCH.•illcbt and reanlar rlbrntlon will n>m-Uienre, tUi-'niin wl lhit lnf from nldet>* Hide like a iwhdulMm nnd KraduafiyIi^Teaains the length of ruoienn'tit un-til It utrlkc* the vide uf thf KIUM.

    Ihe atrlk" »"«•« on In the iumlng

    with her *ilh«. "Mother. I want aomeirater in a J»wl." Kb* «ald- "1 .am jovIwt to 1 bri«ten mr doll." "I wouldn't

    I do that, dear." reflM the uwthcr.! -Thit wonid i-e trlfilus with a uabVrt! yon do not underntand." •'Wrik tb»n,t me xoroe wax to waxMoate h»rwith, mother," mid the little /tfrL

    old rootsxb now to bare notor-

    t'ae me well, and I'm «r«7body;•ctatrh *!-.>j.«i1.~»' ay

    ristt riliow f,!s tv- tiipl* !» 3 Srsa andsr«*d any ahakl-easy

    la joizr tite other endof t te tbres-l brtw*^a yoor flm flojerami am "T*:." of t ttb* iteabj- t * ^ M «f the lbcml>-tnthat fbr tL. :sb at** I* ow>rmo«t anda f»w isr^-n above Ib* iBiddS*. -of tbeisuntb of t&o sS»«.

    > ^

    II I l l y / l l ' i l i I [ l i t f u l l i i w i i l Ml'11 I T n t l

    t ' a ' i . . I o n . Il l i m e 1 " " I t t i l l , ; m i H i e f r u l l l

    | . i ' i l . | l v \ t i t . h l l i ^ h i t f l l e i n l ' H | i | ' u K r e * n

    III t h e l | . i t l «e . . . ' l . . i l l i l l l l - l i n e . i W . i l l l c a l l .

    e l l I I ' I I I U I M l e i u ' . IIIMI 111., t i n . . . piirtif .*

    i i l * . \ i l v .

    ' i n . , i i f l e r i i o . i i i ii" Mr. . . r i i i l l . WIIK m l .

    Illltf llcr I I IMI" fur tell «he Hllia Mllr.•piro'il hy n . ;iil fTnnH'iJli-i .IIII | .1T~'—••—

    ' ' niiiliiir I', lnil l i- me In tin. Weil,itlill'," {.lie Hiinul.neil ill. In. Mtiillitel'ett.up ilie"'piilh •Well . If li'n fnr..i.r.il.ilni'l he KIIUIIIII tii.iiry Hereiiu I'll lintI..' «|,II. fill nli.illl. It. Hit. iluwii filial •llll\'i- II clip of tell, I'eter," Hhe Urtffd,•ilttlti.^ a (.Teal, flit,' Hhllkllll', foil^..|..r|..irji'|ly cuke Into ei'iicrmin »llcen. t' I ' i ler .luifd, rt"hi'rKu iiiiiu .with itpl.-iiuiint, llorld fnie, Heatiil hliu-ielftin.] almuri.'^l leu aiid . l ike with inuclitKitt |ifii>.||. in.

    "Vilu nlwiiyn were a nitmter hand nt"I never miw ymir heat. I wimt t h i ty o u NIHIIIIII ihi it 11111.. hakliiK fur "ie.

    •"l)« xniii" bnklnit for you'/" »he Ka»|wed. "Kor the Inntl'i naki*! When'/" ,

    I 'et ir reached fur another |»leco-o(!cake . "Kor tin* next Tuesday and th.«hiki i i ' i . of the wick ."

    Tho wi-ddtui* »:o» to taku place Ttli!/»-ihiy, l inn , Kmelliii |here/"

    "Kiorella! Are you- l« «b«j"—'" l l t r IIMII',0 tliail, If that'* what

    you're trylni; to fc'et nL I'nmk hluuelftu' ili'i.tli. 1 rei Lou. 1 lUotiKbt )ouknen iil( iili'tu'."

    Mr- I'liitt poured more t»-n with >iluih'l A midil.-ii hur*it of nun-

    «liin« llliimliiaK-.l her world. "IM-xi\W UuiiU know?"

    ">.,t «lie, • returneil I'eter, tx-iflnnluitiiiii.tlier nltn.k >/u lliu enke. "Tuln'lnouu of her IIIWIIIMH im>ivay. [ gother to 1 lea 11 ti|> t».foro l'l»rittti ™miiTliat'* all I wliuled of her. Will youilo them thlncii, K'ltieline—th« cakesand nucb?"

    ••y*«. )en'." crli'd >Jn>. I'tott Hervokt wai Joyful, her fact* nslotv. Allthe Klooni of thu pant few wi*t;l» vnn-laliftl an If by IIIUKIC. "I'll do luore'othat, refer. 1'tn »o tlckleil to haveKlorttta for a neighbor again that I'll

    a lot of her old friend* bore furTuwxlay. And I'll have the tx«t din-ner apretfd out that TOU ever tat down 't u " -tu.


    Cranfarb Cttiif®THI

    GARWOOD AffAIRS.rM w•"!•»• i j k . n hy tlwr ltro«*K'> j

    < Vjnril IJ-AI niniil to m u i r t t!f in th« K

    n»uiD)f piir«rt irum unr (Jan

    i mlttmiM', In Ibf eft; uf BlUAtirih^ N.J. .

    DAY urHKK. A. U. Hill,

    ik inll Ih»l rirtmln

    Unit n Avenue, Craafani. "»_^f":. . : : _ • • _.

    Terms. One Dollar • Y

    Eattrrd i t tbc Crmnfont Post Cffiev.!t«-r theirMayur wrnwil of Ivvi'lliiini.

    I nnnit- at kru«**tri'.if ti

    • • Second Class UMttmr.

    DECEMBER IT. EK* iMap Ku. IT ..t f m - k u in ib< Coi..l, .. Jf. J... . a r r c l

    4Township Affairs

    cterk i.( ttuo'ountjr uj Uniou.June 6lh.ia«.mii Map No llti

    i boli(lrcad Tract— .\n4 wtitcb ar«lurly latU don n, drKhrnatrtl and*m a certain loap entu-l*Kl,

    u ID. N J.. .urmjrsJ" l f lb i

    present at laM ni({hlfown.bip Camrmttw »nil

    "Private Estate"Coffee, 20c per tb. n th**uffic« i>f tbr rlerfc

    mfII W , . Mti'|ihrii KnappItuhtarilI 07V Krwi ViM-g.

    , Chiu). Wesigbaii Hl>%to Ibo suvere ulurui uf Man U

    1st, it was found nvcesanry tu prartieajlvrluwirn tho flro alarm »y.ti'tn at itu «x

    ' penw'of 1798.77.Wo recommend ih»t this iu>ui of .>t

    iwnne be mot by tbb contingency (Unitof the Township rather than by tiu1 rgular appropriation for tho Flr» Dn


    ;nutiuff*r «A*IUP trn yrurs

    *'iiitik i m n tu This n t ) in* h

    IltlT ut ib*< fllltl '

    aiilhwuiK •r.titHlulK Klin.

    . til ttn> )ii»y.T» in Ilif llrixi

    v. 4.\\ M U.IV.IIJ II Wlil!..If H Ural....W V Huliy

    tiiu KUTIUU

    'LEAUt'l. N'KWs

    IliroeUir Uuml1 luunuunftutx as :

    ttnrni Final*

    I ' , .

    Tbs mutter v! luipruvomunu. ,uidsiddltioni to the »p|Miratu» will tw> ml).in)lt»xl for conkiileratiun at u later -OtttBa»lMin[wuMtioii (U



    C'olvctor, Treasurer and Clerk fur r.ut.nl a compensation ut flflO. Other liuw-•u*» lurlnded Knuittng permit ti, Fr.uikHarriott to rt>plac« *httdtV tntm .JH UH,•Ireel in front of hin prutwrty witlt murea.aitablo varietio* A pstitiun wgnmlliy Hinn trttJDty poopla for two lltfbt* ,m^'cntrnnial avenuoaoulb ol Out Li?hi«JiValley railroad. wa» r«ferml m r!i«Strvot Oommlttpe with puwer



    Wurtumii Iiii|{ 0, Bertram1. Williams u.Wurliuuii j .

    '.'. i'uttuanl! aUOilmina**. Taylor SiWllaoii I,'.i*K*»rti I), iferria 1. Aldprruaim U. Moamii :. Xmwtnc'il: Ufaiciiaiaii 1, Wwl-

    !•» increased (3 |»or year fur IStS^inaan- ' jr«ttlia'falu»uUB.r)' -Slpvi-unuti i, San-Iwni to perform TU p«r font tire dulyin be entitled to full romp&nsatiun

    . . AVDITUB APPOINTEDBy resolution, the CumnutUw

    ut>«l Uuculn atenue. atlf.30 lour

    K, whon Miss How T Bindfflibnrof Mr. und U n . Philip '

    Uvurac.the hrid« «t ttur |M T- Mathews, uUi uf Cruufurd. t'htihome was prettily dtiiintttHl in gnva


    CT tbi» mMit . will Iwfluent, ills uii i»ri> iasnw


    during thn pait wiwk wiiro. A buy to

    Mr und Mr«. lto-« CotioVdr ofuvumiu: i> K'rl, to Mr. and Mriitocklifti! uf f'i'titro slrnut, u lioy, tr> Mr.

    .nud Mrs:-Vun^hatt of.Thlrd uvunun.

    Tho ('lirlitiiili KndmtvorSoiliity of theI'li-iliytKrhiii church will hold Its annualnlwtiort of ofllrat* at Iho iliiiri'lj Thursil.iy niiibt Thi' pii'K'nt utllrors tire;Mrw I .Kin Wood, |irt«iileiit: HnfcanKjelluiatk, vh'v presidnnt. Miss TherouWyrkoft. •wornmry; Minn Anna Lain:port, nirr«li^r^niit ituinij**r liuing (,'bihlr^n. untl^rthi! Uirwlioii'iif Mr. Athortun. tin- ckoirIIIUHIIT (if tlm .lullli Hut Huhrmian l'rni.liyli'riuu chtirrh, !H7 K;wC 71l'h utrmst.Nn>». York City. Tho wnjn w»tr» divnt(nl in Hired cl:Li»ri, ri'llKinui. folk wnuptninl piitrinlic uirt. till l*>lng in tb>*

    Owing In MPVurul lur^u rutb orUtTHfrom tb» Uu I'ont 1'owder

    Compiuiy. tin; Hwkloya i Iwen


    km deoiuoatnttnl i"»« otheruj inuil cuuld tie •abtiitutm) furTilir I'xpbunnt] Iiim tu 'make

    n» nut uf white l«an« and nuts.

    anc«. The wreraony -wa* p«rf>irtnwi liu j ' ^lt*v. J. Krwl BindcnU-rgcr. of HiltonN 1., uncle at tin* tirui,., mantel iiv

    . Jimse 1** Peck, paMur of thw TirM;E, Church. The lirlilrtmui.t w.w

    Frieda Kclhly^'of Nrw Wirf*. .uu.ilA. And«ntw. of Port liicluxuimi, f

    The brnio wo>'

    M uiimunstnUed Ww tn p&steurlrp;mtk 111. 2TUU jai»> Anulkrr ilenionntraQuu nt [jaaoeuTisiui; milk » » given byXliaav J6aii»' iLsJloy wltb ftJMtWlt |KUt«Urî tî ^Tim, X^akoy îiUI lk>w t*9iy&0Ukry it*•?.*» u*-ttMuunurî * tm xniti; tuuX


    white crt'P* mttour.uimm.M : »h|,,-..with whit»"Vf|rot ami Princ8a» tac» iimi-!JX*rl», unil mrriiyj u bOutjiMtof w lrmei aud narriaau*. The

    mi-v-tt>)1;n(^r.of Itn. VI | A., areweekly aemnn\tmtioD!<

    •' 1

    ofaUan aod carried a bcaiioat u£yellow cnrytuntbemB.nl* up.Lobangrin's wodding mjirchby Mri. Krod Btadenbergvr.. About 73K«e*ts were present from Saw Yark,PhUacWphU. Newark. Eliiabatn. erasford and adjoininfc town*. A receptkinfollowed.' After a short __

    ' Mr. andilr». Uathews will tnake~tba»fiome in New V'ork Qty

    TO LET-rVar^ desirabte

    are nf of thp;khvX in • thxi aitort ttoir' in

    WUHIO. '.iijr^ itutr Mea opni ttt> tiu 4s ]MtflkcaIaily uotii^jsBis¥itsb- -iiaiUaiorijaiijatirtg clientele, n h o

    arc making; this


    Comptutytho past fow weeks.

    —.losoph St'bwuli,r-Jr-i-will ruturn fromhis wcfitorii businrsH trip today.

    Tiiu llurwood A. I', bus plunuod u«inuid "blowout " for Deccaibt granted a treeperiod on the hut Friday uf ouch uimith.

    William Duron uiul fallow member*of tb'a local \V, O. W, havo nearly corn,plctcd tho new Ul milk bouso inWillow llrovtv

    Mrs. Smith who lias beou tbu guest oftifr duuxlitcr. Mn Arthur Wollhoolter.lias r«turH«il tu biir lioino in St. Louis,

    Tbi> Oarwood Catholic Club will meetThursday night in thn()»rinan Lutheranchurch.

    Uties Ooiuivor now holds a prominentposition n i tb tho li«cklt*y lVrforalingCompany.

    Robert Parks lost half of a thumb ona circular Haw ut tin- APOIUIII plantSxturday

    CunUft»:U)r Luntz will toon unnpletp

    All[tho stone will Iw laid, to formasolid l>cd dtiriug tlif wiiiti>r, ThoHnUbin^ toiK-bos will hp appliitl in tho

    nun lunguugc A iiuartvtM ifii-in English b>'fuitr little tot>. i-all

    IMI forth un ttnenre, as did . tira Russiujiuiul llohniliiali folk ilaiK'fH in i.wtisri.'imtuinn

    IVrhuiM II111 mint Imawtitul iung»w»it< thu iix 5 «BV in thermul-

    ut Centennial aTonue while the*nxi tuijxsimr. . At Qv< bellath*

    driven not reluming, Woodrutl t»I»,pbtined police headtjuiirtnrs. and OfficersNeilwu aiul Jesaiim» mthlonl)' baledboth.mania the lockup, and Sundaymoraing Judgu Roosa imposed a One oft » a a d oMti. which Uwy paid. Mr.WooCrud catna tg, Cranford Satordajrai&t at>a cat th» rig.

    tion wuv held in the McKinley schoolbuilding lost ev»niuit, and the work a>accomplished by ths attorney and archi-tect on tho school addition reviewed tudate. The plan* as adopted at thespecial school meeting on Dec. 7U>, havabeen upprovod by tho State Department,the papers an tho election have, a l l been, ifilled, andj^the spocincations will bo Iroady for submission to the bidderswithin tho next (wo weeks. It was ds>cidod to close the school on Wednesday.Doc. aardv fur the Christmas vacationand reopen, on Mnuday, January 4th.The matter pf increase in rate of tuition,for high School pupils in Elizabeth from>a3.73 to ~ $30.00 per'term, «taa referred

    Note Paper,Children s Story

    Tree Ornaments,Handkerchiefs, Etc.

    EvaC. Kunkel

    « • > • • « Howsnl Washbnra Uaxw.il, ci.'a'i'vsn.-utan*. enniplaliiants and eftnuitf (las kctix;trto Car Co., ^1, at, defnndaliU »Tfa. forhal*

    ,Hr Vlrtnaof Uiii'aboTtrfltat^d^writ uf fli.rlfw'liu to inn illrw'tnl I nhall BXIXWO for aalu lirtmblla tenilui' at theBlit.rltI'a ulttc* Iu thu i.mrtliuum In tli.cltj uf KUzkbotb, N. J., unWKONESDAY.TIIE THIBTBKNTH DAY W

    JANUAHY, A. D, 1S15, .at twu o'clock In thi. afternoon of aald day nilltiat tract ur parcel of land Slid prtuiiUaa hare

    and Iwlnj In thu Donmgh ot Uarwood; lutSacountr of Union and MUtu of New Janar.

    Uetrinnlng nt a point In tbs aouth«rir Uno i><th.1 rlnhi of wajr of the railroad ut Tan OntmBailroad Oorawnj of New Jara«j CUUot lift;(90) ftwt southwardly at rlxht anglta from tli'moiiuini'nttxl oentre Una of raid railroad and Intho wmterlj linn of land, cini.ywl to said Cantral Kallroad Ooniuan; of Now j m t , by daWfrom the Oarwood land and [mproTwnemo;paiiy ilated April 111. i«tt and reoordwl ItBook *« of Dw T h 8 - t T to bo paid•111 be WOO Der year, and the engagement wjlltart from January Ut. •

    fhi. .Counollresematb.8 right to reject anynd all applicants. ' -'-Datrd D«'i'ni>«.r 1,1911.

    . t'HABLES KNUD8ON. ,- borough L'ler]

    juattnent, it being deemed not advisableto make any change during the schoolyear session.

    A chimnoy Hn< ut the reaideoc» utNicoWZampanllono en 10th street, wasU» oocMion of the firemen baTlng a mn jand although the dames had Iwcn «ib- jdned when the flrooun arrived, their'promptness in Retting to tho scene *aa>worthy of praise, and sham their effici,;encyus a department iu (a%>osdbigFto |alarm*. Nathan Scurfiky i i alwajs onthe alert, and at the flrit tap ottim'gong geU his.horse to U» Ore hoase and:ha* the tmck.en mate,aramen atone the line.

    ap th*

    Christmas Gifts

    fee Stats far Vamg and 0«,

    ' tf i£» Si- . iu trre "


    Cut Flowerswering Plants

    For ChristmasKe will hove a nice aasortment of

    J f ^ V l 'lowering planti. as follows:AZAL1AS. CYCLAMEN.





    Orders Dooked now. Deliveries willbe made promptly.

    Hhone 15C-K, or aill .

    The Cranford floral Co,812 Sprlngifleld Avemie.

    . N. J _ !

    Schafer & Neumann.

    Eatimatas FnrnlttedoaallTard-North

    Qarwood,N. 3.

    of *otk.Tard-North Ave: and Maple St

    Gran font

    PETER(Snoceasox to Harry Hummer)

    Sea food and• MARKET

    OYSTERS and CLAMS.North Avenue and *VTtmnn S t


    ^ihi* 1 *•

  • Jack>AY o r DIETS*HI,n-.r^VlOaf.In l.t. trat-l IM-

    le. In llu)Ti» r. and *, d.-i^ruatud


    on toet rivw.I Four »«w parrels rust deiirt-ry w»*onsTown. Notes. {

    .. j A liaaor fu* charity will be?cistott ttfiti» at an informal dance last

    Ton Junior Christian and Muswxnrv > icgAlliance will bold itoJuBeoal. Ccrwtnu*praise service on Monday,at SLSO o'clock

    Dr. Nelspn Lew Peck, of .StIV, father of the Kev. Jtmm I** f'n-kreturned home, yestenUv, after »pead-ing a week with hi* son.. :

    The pastor of the Kirs* \t E.. Chart*wtUr preach Stroday tsorcicie ea -"Tn«i

    of God in the rhurea ' tn t!»-the subject will be "Tii* I'n-

    linkable Ship uf War "

    Mrs. l.orm» Neilsun, uf Aldi-ie' *kbrecently underwent in upt-ratioa IO thus

    HcMpiUl. iTainfirfd. is co

    AsMsahly IUU, held at Elualwth.Satari»y «ve&in£<

    Mrs- M. S. Wise of New York, p«i the « « k fnJ at tbs borne .if MrsII. t i . U*hk>. on linden Place.

    Station* of th* night ftchuol are nowTbur»J»

    mrth forty .mWMI fifty (wtt*a W u

    'UK «akl Miutli'north furtywwi t . nni. h'awlmtliunilrxltliv i.r •»

    l«l lllt..T"it ..fill l«j*» much '.lulu I.Hi to Uu-sn lot* mini I., r

    lull llUlulH-|.-tlcertain nmii .11

    •klul-urkLliul>w oa II lu lu Hit-uly uf Ulilun>TTO, SluTltl.

    7 of NUWJCR*)Maxwell, tt. »lrauif (iaa Kt. niiik.i it a lumpsivn and il.ii.il" it tn tho .lorry MrCauli>y Mission on tho llowery. New York.

    Tho tarred cantata. "Th* Sermon nnlU' Mount," wiu n-|H'at(xl hut Sundayevening in thin Presbyterian rhomb, bya general reqnMtt,,'Desiiite . t h e rainyw«ither tliRru was a (f«d attendance.

    Th* high school Uulietuall tt'iiin w udeftotcsl bv the North Plsinftold high

    hool at th« Boys' Club on Tuasdfly af-ternoon by a score of 19 to 0.

    F. C Hamilton, formerly of Cranfonl,woo now. rettidtw in Pasadena, Cul., hasbeen elected editor-in-chief of the DailyPalo Alto, tbe Stanford university dally,after three years service as a member oftbe staff. Ha is also president ot theStanford Y. M. C, A.

    The tire department was called out uuMonday morning to extinguish a blauiin tbt* cellar of E. N- Bergerstock onInion avenue, caused by the burningofa.beop of excelsior accidentally setaiiro by a but iii;U from the furnai'o.Tbn bimsn olwill b» h«ld four night* A wf three Mrs. Marrin Furunin, truunifllcpr, aak< (no

    boys under 1ft, tlin right to work Antb« boys am thn ouppurts u( their

    milirt, Ibis r»ium for imp iiftiirimttn it

    w n k , tx'ginning in January, wiu granted, with the provision that ^uvorvunv

    111 bo welcome tujoin. Tboro will !»•a slight charge to defray nx|K'iiii*i.

    Miss Sarah Edmunil, nupi'rviaing prinipal, roimrtcd an mirollinunt of 1117. urv— * "

    I'lutt ,ir..l fi ' * - r > - r '•• 1 .

    . , V l r > Fi

    Worslil|i, 1'l'"iV>niiiK worship M f»('bristina.s wrtnoni I

    |wH'iul music liy uti nwhim tlin follliwinu I'reiuh.'1'i.il.

    I'rcliidn .Seliulwl 't cuini' III»J|I Die iniiiniK

    There w»ri' Slu-.p.irdsirfilliihy" (roui Ti-ttd'

    •Thorns. MiinndnJultbiy-'ri. C'iill f.jr


    K|>«ortli l.i>agiin i|..vt 7 p. in

    l.udiiw' Tra lri'l.tv vlSmmi HI "%Xro. ,1'iliiT Witt"Him, East.' •'

    Hiiiiduy 'si-t] •[ /

    |.'1J.-.I-»- tr -1:'.uvt i h . r u .

    Sensible Gifts For The Boy."^j"';,"""'̂ Vy-":i i""KKVI"l^w«1!»tV'"r t i i irTihjnr^/it l iii'**t roliif' i?rmii>lii»''

    ; . • . » . ' i ' . - , :

    i.. i . 1 . ; , i l M : < . K i t h a m i \ \ ' i t ) i o u t c u l l n r , w h i t e . ir i i i c o l u r i u l , o 0 i -

    i • » » ' 1' I ; * < T i n i i . . i i l t - ; iH. | < > i v « l e , H . t i f i e t t i ' a l i i ) l l u u u i ' l , $ 1 IK)

    V- ;• - I ' i . - k ' : . ^ ^ t ^ i " s u i t s , u i t l i v e l v e t t r o u s t ^ r s , w l i i t e c o r j e t l

    >' -»: - l . | - l f . i t l l l o t l n t l ' l W o l l l q l l , i ' l ' J i - .

    ">\ i-:- 1 » ; i j i . . ! • . , . , i l i - . ' l o i n - , ( o r n > > n i t > n . ti'Jv

    i « : ; : i 1 : ; ; J , : > ,t i u l i r l ^ i . f . . i i t n m n i , 1 1 . 0 0 . . '

    \ i • , 5 i - ' ( ; i ~ i , | . | n i « f..| t v n i i H ' n m u l c h l l . l r e n , f>L»,' l . i f I Ul l

    J : . h i . ' , ::-.,.,•, : I S I I I - . f . i f i n i ' l i , w ' u i l i e l l » H . I I ' l l l U l r e l l , $ 1 'J.rl I d I 'J flO

    M . : - . - ! , ; : . , • - k l i | . | . l . | ' . , $ 1 .".0 t o fi'i'> - \ /

    V ' ' - »;.•! l>. iy. . . I in l.i k m . ; r u l i l ' e r l i o u l n , I'J.H'.I t n \ii V) / ^ '

    Sensible Gifts For TheH.y: ; ' • •> ' '••- ' ' • •:: i » i - l i r ( t " \ M i I ' t l l ' l j t a l l k r t r t , J l . lKJ^f i

    •*. k h t . ' . . M i j r . I r n t ' i - u i i i f u i t i i l ' l i - H , JJ-rfiO

    t lu J ' M m t l o n ' k i i l I;IUVIMI, JII.GO,Vi ..... „ ^ ] ( , h , , | ( , , i i ku l (•lnw.H,i"ja.(K», M.Ml -uid I.I.IHIT, vr.,.»ti « 1 - h u t t o t i ' k n l ^Ut\'nH,• t'i.W utid I1I.U0. ' , '.V, , , ; ;^ ! i i ,M | , , , | l , ,11 l l i l iv i t / , kill KlllVtIH, 1 1 , 0 0 . . . ' • ' . ' '

    Sensible Glove Gif ts 'For Man and Boy.

    Men's and Boys' Gloves."I',IAUK' mrt l/i.v»' liiif' lnii.'kxkiti IIIMCUII Jiimid ijauntlotH, i:ut

    JiiJ. %V)ial l.'>v xioiijil not mijiriti'iftto thi* kind of u ({lov« an »^ V i i ^ s - f t . - H i / i t iii,7, nt |.i.ar.. .

    i oiill is' i|inl I..C.VH' liii« •HI.. Von c«li llinl [iio»t uiijr Hlylu in our us-

    Toulli*' Bii'l 1/oyn' vnI'Mir gauDtlsti, fun? llnocod lining iui'wi *>:• 1 1-r'iv.n. juxt what tho youaif folIowM v«uuld liavu•"'ss.ii'.Ji" briti A'Ji«-r fcilk l ibel ftno Hunan 1'. X. M. seauj, ttftiiar and

    i'arss j"iiui Irtick, in iwvt'ral HIIUIIKH «f tun; all size* at $1.60.

    Oscar Michael & Co.WJ to 705 BroMl Street, Newark.

    €100 Market. ' Mail orders filled.

  • Millions Have Fled, Millions Are Starving B/tRBED WIRE IN WAR.It Makii a Tarribla Trap if tha En.myGata Enta>tgla4 In It.

    Tin- Mtwrai iiu? «f larbed wire l>y aforce "t ilfh'ttArt* turn often turuwlwbnt «oiUiI (IUMT. Theterrible *-rtV*t ui>on ti force that t*e-cunien eulfliiglt'd in »«< U a miure l» an-I'llIlln/ Horses are torn to plwes,IIJ#II are rut and bruised, while thewire sw»c« "tu bM tbt-ui In range ofdeadly jfiiiH. Nothing 1* more dfinor


    Gossip of the Sport World ;BD "SCORE KEEPEK*

    !•»»>*«•«< •#X *< !•»»>>»

    practJcuiiy lnipu»«lhlt< to iiilvuin'i* urretreat.

    Ilarbed wire In pln»nforced to clime tbelr cati-*, .'** ,(h,-y rntinot uccuiiiniodate any nmn- r.-fu»i-lon-rit .iy liutiwr nutl ilhean.'. thrif

    ;.li- i f ii.trirl'-ntt-il n


    itht>Tin" Hi-lKltins mul Ibi' in 1'niinv-nro*In-lntr >lltuiiuj; pi u v s lu tbi' liili't'lur.fii u plaii iniuli" by tin- ittiv-Tlii- lalUviiyn nrt>

    I'M-sinlttl liy the r('fiit!>OV.ertahed n condition, for the most t.:;:.as those wbo fled un tout into t'ntcrand Holland.MILLIONS PACK FAMINE

    Nearly 7.000,000 persons ln; IWsttraface famine. It was rviwrt.-J a ci.'btt:•jfo. Although considerable fLdy In ttnx>

    I h-ji] women, olj rind juntig, bablcK,Jn-ojik* fr.»ni alujo.Ht vvery Ktiitlou t»filtr. fiavi- rouit". Home took truhis noti.ii"«iiii; Mluif tlii'j- wen> gdlug, butva\y i«> o t iiwny fiMin the xccne ofh'fri'r fiiul in xavc t!icms* of tlogn camewiili ih«. rt-fu^tH's, bliMs In cagcx,i.-wiwJii>M JK-IN. but |lit> must*-,-u»XiIr wn« a ifiinll voukhig movet-ii'Ti.tljt l>y aii ulil couple.


    TIM" 1'retiili nro nobly tnkinp enre offcJl stio-e unfortNiuited. Stnne ntv g\\.«-:i Louie* Tor 'the lime Wlntr, nml if«5se refucee« hui'IH-u tu U;t i e r ajv MIII to the fields. For the

    wlial the. tity. wi'ti building mile

    TJu-rv ha»

    their' servants bevauve ttcy ,are bankrupt. Noblemen may be *«a i •*""'* 'r'!I" ulith jc»r "f bU reltfn. " I I I I W J'&>,*>.t«»i, to lie .llftl-d ill KllBlillul loreudezvnifii In .Soriimnily. lint whenllicy wi-rc come t'» Ibo ecu const In or-ttcr to be iransiHirti'tl hi* .sent theut nilhome IIKUIII MHIT .•tiiifliii; 10 nlilllln8»from em-It of thi-ui for Ib.jr diet."

    afterward Itlchanl 1.. accordingto tin- oiil chronicle, "onlnlned thatthcrr »h')u|il IM> Jotisti mid tourna-uieiits throiiBlioiit KiiKland for the bet-ter i-tcn-lse of men lu martl.il alTrilrx,yet so ttiut all permuis Mlioultl pay fortheir tln-usi's to benr a part.In theseexercise* after the following rates:livery earl ill iuiirks, erery baron Wmurku nnd nuch .an had no hind -niarks " . •

    ••) ' ~ " * " " " '

    Brutal Puniahmant at S«a.-Naval punlslimenta were brutally se-

    ven- lu the wventeonth century. 'Theyl -Umt Is, they net a loan

    ashore alone on a deMolatA const orInland nnd left him to starve, to In." de-stroyed by NavaRO or wild beastK.They kcclhnuled- that H, they dree-Ktsl a man linked by yurdarm whipsuiMlrr the iKiltoui of the ship and drew

    ;of Unit liriivliii'e, nccortlliiK-to the re-IKirt of l)r. steliihatm, it iiromkieutinemhrr nf Hit" AdBlrliin |inrllnnient.l»r. Sti-liilmiiN rt-present4 the district ofKiinnniMkii, (!alli-fa. and inntle a triplliniiiKh Unit dKtrl't nftr-r the KtisHlnn^hml l»-Vny. Hutover li'ilf n mlUloii people x'ufferlnKlnnocciilly HIT In heed which thocrown hind of Monivla cnniiot helpund whli-Ii ilic whole inoimrehy nniHtiil wiir In fcu-rope:

    "Tiie personnel i>f the committee ofmercy Is of a character so IIIKII OS uotto require tho Indorsement of any oneIn order to tlve the comtulttev Ktaad-luir and to .Inspire contldence In theHrtml* of-the AuicrlcsririHHiple; —7'

    •"riietv thousands of us to whrnnthe(o'UIrn ltiilc ban liecomc a mere lipservice. Your movement will enableus to vltalUe It. If..we realljr believeIn demtvracy nml In the vital troths ofChristianity now U the hour not to dls-pehse charlt}-, but to tin justice to-ourunfortunate brothers' and sisters "re-sardess of tongue and erred. '

    "The lteti'aa the gate receiptswarrant. It 1* already suggratcd thatsome players may be Induced to conn'from" Amerli-a to cvaiti the teams hen-while winter weather prevents playinglu the Cnltcd 8tate U'lKli. oue of the oldest

    Anierlcau trainer* lu Krauce, who con-IOIUHI Clifford and a number of oth-

    er good one*, has ' fo - the last yearbeen devoting considerable time toraising pig*. Ou hit farm be has WO•Kins,. Jlceently-.ho recvlved a visitfrom 'on sajrr"'•I told her.her butter was evidently

    her strouc point."—Hultliuofe Atiierl-'

    Tha On* Talant.Motlier—What do you thluk you will

    auike out of my daughter's talent?Professor (alwentmlndedly) — About

    half n ipilncu n lesson.If the pianobold* out.'1—I.tmdon Opinion.

    Mrs, Knagi}—I'ln money' What do

    Mr. KnagR—To tip the plu boys Intho bowling alley."—Chicago News.

    ' Confidsnea."She has sreat contldence'In her hus-

    band.""Yes. She'even ««ts the mushrooms

    he r-Hhers."—Dctttolt-Frce

    Praotioal.III!) Fiancee— I*U|HI will make his

    Nettleiiicut the RUme day we are marrleil, the JUth.

    The Count-Come, dear, let us getmarried on tho 17th.iHls fiancee—Is that the anniversary

    of some great historical event In yourfamily?

    The Count-No, but I have a note duethe IStb.-I*uck.

    Illuatratad."What sort of a ehap U he?""Prosaic ns mud," answered the oth-

    er glrL "If you were to nsk him to de-scribe a kiss he'd try to Illustrate witha - blueprint."—Seattle l'os,t-!ntclllgen-cer.

    Diffarant.Mabel-They say you turned down

    Mr. Tlghtguye Just because ho askedyou' bow much you could run a- houseon. "-Mairde-̂ -No. He Asked me how lit-tle 1 could ruu one ou.—Puck.

    8huta Shet Out.Is'heon

    his vncatloni""No; he got to acting as if he were

    the big sun of the place and the bossflryd him."—Boston Transcript.

    ,' A City Office. '•My father1* elected on the commit-

    tee, which Is going to have some moredriven wells put down for the city."

    -St. Louis Republic.

    How It Actad. v.'•nid the medicine I prescribed have

    a soporlflc effectr1

    "Oh. no, doctor; itonly put me tosleep.""-Baltlmore American.

    .' Caahiar of th* Family Trwusura."Jane's basbaad gambles at the

    . . . ."Ah, I see! He la her bettor balt"-


    A Tight Embraea.-.Ethel—Didn't it seem an ago from

    the time you were engaged till you gotmarried? Maud—Yes, but Jack and Imanaged to sqneexo through It—Lon-don Tatler.

    * ' Among Friands. .."•ilf dear etri. you spend all your

    money jetting your hand read.""And you spend all yours, old boy. In

    getting your nose reu7'-Xew YorkSun.

    "Mr. Green baa called to pay, his re-spects to you. air."

    £ointed afalu, I thought he'dt that ten W «wea."-

    Advancing. . ."Have you learned that new dance?" .-"Well," replied Uncle Klopsole, "t

    haven't quite leurned It, but I'm get-ting on. I don't feel exactly gracefulas yet. but 1'vcgot over Itelng afraidthat I'll fall dowu."—W'nshluBton Star*

    soldHia 8i«.

    "Here"* u dollar for expenses,"the Hinull candidate.

    "Well," said hi» campaign friend."I'll do what 1 cau with It, but It maytake $1.̂ 5 to elwt a rnnn like you."—Atlanta Constitution.


    "How can I keep my toes from goingto sleep}'-' ; •

    ."I>oirt let them turn In."— Phllndel-J t h U i l

    A Loting Proposition. -^"What is a rataet" asked the }K>ob. '"A raffle." replied the grouch, "is a

    scheme In which you buy forty-nlnachances and the other fellow boys onechance nnd wins the prtee."—Cincin-nati Enquirer. , "

    Not Much at a Changs.Flgg-Did you succeed in persuading

    your wife when she gets angry tocount ten before she speaks? • '

    Fogg—Tea, but she's n very rapidcounter.—Boston Transcript

    Chsaptr SUl*.Butcher-'Well, yer know,

    meat's very dear today.Mrs. Gnbbtns-lfo! Then gtome »


  • •i*̂


    MatchB y I A N H A Y

    The Whole Famiiy Reads. This„,;„„„„_„„, , story Will*- -Enjoyment - •


    'nickname "SUfTv;" Monica (Y:t|.>Iine.or "Uaiili- for short. Mirkley CollieryOwners" association nieeB to receivea deputation t-ent liy the dissatisfiedBilUel'f- The JUKtjernaut arrives, han-dles the meeting with Ills Usual lruiihnntl mill the labor agitators are heldoff for the time being:, liaphue Hagain called UIHIII t« readjust a differ-ence between uiewbcr> of "her" fam-ily, with Cllly and Xl-'ky a« the prln-rl|uils. Sunday morning Daphne himto exercise tier every Ingenuity to i;etthe children off to church, wheru theirunrullncia Is uu're erhlent than theirdevotion. Justiernaut, Sir John Carrliy name. Is in the coiiKrcpitlon. andto the surprise and iniisternation IB* tti«llll>ik"ltj ut;' v i.t-rr^t JIJW tVught that the ewe*t- ; a My onlnc to tb« BtultlpUrltf! o l tliii.e lu t Uli'wurld. was t ktor) | twinkling points at light tbW prv

    7 Sow I iiaie ju»t received my 'first "il̂ " jTtiiV"nri*rv"«d WX"VXS': fel tad,biraft tired JuK^eru-lu! kufW 'Wf II Il)»t a btMdtlUe « 11 tuiuUuenl jand; tvuntervd *»tft!y. lu the »tartl«l ]atlrucv wliUb nucvrvdcd tin? .ilw*irtio jU'"i or (!:•' gtvat wimli.*.—it had lltfiH,-«sl Itie fctairvuxe at lleitiHi fur jjtiieta-imiu-ti i> voice rang uut Uka it trum

    lu «»«:" U» trt.il. "YouYuu ha^p cvoii up

    K i r i t t * r, think you tiat'v rtjjlu mi >«ur side. I j; Ihlak U 1* on IV'.ue. i M h ' o t . u» arc j' *|»iilus fur ft IU;lil. In u'ur ' • !

    'Jack, I wnfit t«> »pcak to tlM-nk" ._Her bavluiml turiwd awt aiuUml upou

    her curl.>u*ty."Wbit a«_ji>u s^ass to say?"', tie

    v. luiud ivdthmi; cl-e ml ! - - . _ ,j fy us. Novv-tu-fv is a fair offer, ys-rcd j{ up any t>u> lueu Jt«t like out »f Uuvt

    "I ttiiiik I w , I .married J on 1-e-ciiuve 1' wanted some one tu kit-p my.hou>e tu onler and N'tir me A K.IL(That pidni of view dtd not vmliu.'louj;, 1 ttiny sly, [or I f.-ll in love wtillyou .in'" .Mir'h»iir>tut>oh. aisl t ba\e.


    IUUU It* Viny, rfUialiwil b»tsl»rtut.i«»rtfn«-d>njlilU-i» to. »ui*r(ntrni]

    lit OlHT4t>i'il!i nitU Illltof |-«r»|*inti\e V liUll I* ^


    Keruaut, ilc-pite lo-ip and ailtlceT fromelderly Mrs. ("arfrae, proves a panloii at !i •in,-. Iiaphuc tlnds anInterestini; friend. In Jim C-arfliaw. lier

    Ht-ti4*H-i t J c i m l n m ; f'-rU-ariiiiie- 1,"»ardher. treatlni: lier }1K>- a «po|led ••hi'M.

    .and Haplnie I'.-cs her temper. IlUri--(,'ai'dlnv: .lacU's lunt. who is "keenon Cllly," as Xlckv eXpresM-s it. 1I«proposes marriage and Is a*."Ceptetl.Daphne joins tiie f.isl.i.inable colony utAlgiers under the wins of I.ndy the Cact ttnttlife could offer me nnythlui: else."

    "lliit didn't you miss female moiety?Most men can't w l mi without Konie,"

    l id *-~VJti'rleil^IHlwl_l!l phrrC". ;—~—"You can't miss wliai jvni have nev^

    er. had. little slrl. 'iVi'haps If I'l'iadiiiconntensl feiiinle society ently Inlife"

    "Itut didn't yon K.iuotimes Iiistln'--tlwly loiî ; for n woinnti to co'iuc andtake charge of you? Most, men arp mihelpless and nicssy by themselves."

    "Soinetlnii"." ntliulltetl Jucirernnut.aInioKt reluctantly, "I did, but I pi ttin- notion from me.""

    "Shall I tell you why-V asked Daph-ne ipiletly.

    "I suppose It was Ixxnuse I didn'twant to yield to a weakness."

    "It was m>ttilns: of the kiii'l." saidlinphlfe, with iiiiineiMt* dei-lslon. "Itwas IHIIIUH' you wet* iifrald!"

    "Afraid?""Ves—afraid; Von would have not It-

    Inn to do with wmnt-n l>f-ou fenrvt] us—yen, feared! 8u

    •e'uT 'Why'? " JtecatnH" :3^mi Jiad neverhad the pluck to try conclugitttm witha wouuin. Your C.XCUM> wim tliat youwere a woman butrr. when all tbi;time you were n wgruiw'. l"''er. Vott'have just ndinltteil It. Imposfor! Youwere, afruld tha, where every manliad'falleii to turn juti from Jour ownhard, selfish, way of life a woman

    yon ran, away.

    l"oiu( of ylvM' v\ ben 1 a^kitl.yMU toinn try tne.i I thought then that llwould be n fair .bargain if I-!J11V«> youinoiiey ami {Hit|.tKi a v^oiuan. Theoiily thliii! that 1> the slli;1ile«t !i*e fortt.e. purjM'S.. l« tbe most llli.iil.nl anduiduisliiesslike thli'iR'in Ihe w ludv. wideworld. And"-his Ir.tu f.-alures reln\

    "Yoii are wauteil otitvlde. sir," besilld. •'bitdly!'

    A lonfused medley of inen nnd w»-incn.- ui)£~rtu inenUc'U the lue> Itubln.-limll l.oy eleluelit. was poliriui; up theroad froiu Helton pit lu the directionof the hall, w4il.li lay beyond tli« browof the hill lu n Kleeli hollow us Jet nilHUDIIHI by uludlni; vihwli mat wn»teheaps. I'copU. who have uuidv up theirniliuls b> do evil are intually In n hurryto net It over. CoiMtrqiiMitly ourfriends were iidviinclmt ut tt hlah ruleof speed, keeping up their imirone byKlvliiK forth iinmetodlou* iiolnen.

    JuKSi'nwtit'n prophecy ' had cotnotrue. Tiie I'clH'lllou had lieeu dampeddown by -KIIIHT »lnrvntliui, and -nowthat Klarvntlun win oViTpmif. Thole-belllon MIII flatiillitt out nun I ll withtenfold vlcor. That fine, nnrennonlnnhiiuiau Instinct which under n certaindecree of pressure bids Ionic nnd ifri|U'incut (,'u liaiii; i.ml Impels lift to go forthnud break some one else's window elheld tile reins Unit. *\filing. As the

    shift assembled at the pit I.em!.

    I Mr. Kllllck, an old nclusl'-ilMin' vt] our*, supiiiut^l by 111* flinod. Mr.j"WEhTfe^Tliec'p;r f!u ui sllti..iii..'ttiil uEniiKt a

    »cii:bt that 4II Ilil-

    l u . l h l . l n i l u l ir i .n- l i . 'ue up..ii i'iii"i"K"ii. y .T b " li),inii'u te i i iperai i . i ' t i l M i l l ' s l o owididy.* l int Il i . -n- l« null i .nk' In i h »vvo.'ld r" nii i toi i l or i"Hb-ln IIIK trmiis be ii a «|s.rtsuuiu. He"PPPYli!.f »hor>c in a l . n e nhict l » l ! | not W- nil-lit t*.*.il liti the bit* kcr ' It Is alwii>Htflittirylntf t" Is- h u t l e . i in imrticlpii'letn a stKittllift rU'iit, lott ttieri'l-t a illf -fvlcu. r I ' f lWc II i tt.tit "I. Ihe pj. lit. , i inand H lUa.vTn tin' iin-iiui l i t ' t l lnc hintHialiiltoui.lv Is -H|.|jiii;; Into the Indexevput'ttateitns of ui.nierii Held >.poi!*.

    Men l.H'^:t|i to loi.lv hhccplshly at oio.aiti'lhvr. One oi t w o luol -.t:irt.il toiward Instinctively, hut the Inipulm.

    •I|«HI nwi iy A li'iui.iil-t vva" liciuil ImptorhiK his friends t.i hwlil hllii buckThen- wim nolui'thliiK iiuutteiabl,v -ttinHlsmt thad, inii l l i l i . i ! II.IKIU h'i|

    • pen. And Jii->t us JHKKI riiiiil uplift| id his voice to pronotlncii n vntidlc! tl"ii tin- dl«usjrr b.-fell'

    ""N.iw K'» I...me," Ii" began. "Y-..Uar». not jour.MohftH iMiilijbt; , ' io h-tine,Mil.I Iliini; rUllliii im-r, I t.n«.|tr~rTe"older Ulell. - I fti'l

    If you a n . of III.'

    I plollii"" to"

    " " T o l l lollliU.I.I

    w a s tt vt i idtct lv .cthrt . - i frum th.! wo-rui*n. " • •

    "(let (>«ck al once, Jisir," Ml.l. Jus-.cwnniit. "You fire in srave il.mavr.Ti leptuuie i « thn pollit. am^ tell i.ravctto Kit ttie tire lio»t> out. !t may 'beiis»ml lu t».» w'uys. I prv.rolw to cum'

    A biirlT man In a Nmler tlut, pant-ing n llh tin- nuwouti.l cwrti-Ml . ' f \ l|w.i inl!r TUII. win ApptoAetlln^ hlm\

    tint ti-rfiiVe l ie h»>t it'ine up

    li'illit of" III. .11 here.id in.! uilnd tomorrow,

    way-and I b.-t hi

    In my plac«.

    : o f



    There, my otronp man—there's 'hetruth for your

    " For once In 1:U life Sir John Carr.the terror of deputations', the «e«tiriceof Uu. rlplosioii. Ills »ord» |(ii>hi.i|out l.iyt, p.-intlomito, dellrloiK. 'I'IIDman's wiisi. of (iruiortlnu, »li#aya'tin-Vfiilde. WH*"jjn'nn Miilrely. U« buriiwlwith Ilio coiiv|cl|.)u of his wroiiKa andth'ixf! nt bin fi'It/iw». Nubllls Im gitvuhim cLxpicncfa l i e jnl.l vl"l">it liniidsufxjii wpoKh «n«l KTVIII o;..| tyrannynnd flung them nnt tiy oiu- down theatep* on Vi tlm Iwadx of tils luiaretn.Most nt what be said wan entirety Ir-refpvnnt! n erritt deal more v.rnt entire-ly untrue, init It s *!», Wftriw'̂ aX"-":


    crivtl in m voic« of thun-iiir. "Stop, anil |.»t«o to what Mr.Walk*r )••• to Kll yau-I"

    Hie di lve- i i i inot lced and, having skir l -i' l tbn cdiii" of the .ltrwd, bail Ktilne.tii'-ii-si lo the teir.icc from auoth.trMijilit ...f s teps ill the end. It VV4» Mr.W n lk . i . Ilo. mine limn i!(er.

    ' I lll.'d lo |,-..| j o u OII il"> telrpholie,"ho i . i ioubi | lu Ji i tueri ini irs enr, "buttill) lull.- cut Hie Wire!"

    "Wlint i . lt>" ii .ked Jutfuirniiut,

    Wnliu-r told him. '•Then- Him Jii.-t tlnii' to m-l. The rtiuli,

    UN. - p.iurillK Up tiie s teps |n re^piflisi}I" Mi l l , k s lili . l l iu l la l lo i i . JiifU.T-

    lilllll utrotle fofVMlld. . •~ Tnt>rrr~tlFTrrtnt-tn-irTninr-tif-tttittt—il.'-r. "Ht.ip, and listen to what Mr.Wiilki-r hnu to tell you!"

    Ill* iiiciil i o | . e i . in le . I , .'.11.1 tliorn-*

  • •«»S?HB

    \ f * •


    ag* ol the Union County jBoard ol chut>rn IretMoiacr*. ;

    A 4 M . I * - f c ' - - - ' i ^ . . .- J . ' - . . " ^ ..-1 i l . \ . 1 ,

    = •( f i * i » f . C m

    V , . , , m r . - j . * - i f ,

    "i;.» '.•'H • t H i

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    | t . r > • * ! » _ f » . | , .f -ji l , !.•• t i 'H i . .;Mfr!*t/*tt(Jt?-. - £ f » * * * ." * ' J 4 ;fcl. t . H . I I - * - . t**-»-tl Sfjftt l/> J ' lU tO l l Uf ( t i• n « i r > o m t > e r u j *»(.: : j fu . n i l / - * t l u r f K ' 1 I. i c u t , ! (» • K r t i l - - « . f -.*• > \t',n >>.>!f.ir.g t l t.

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    > -J Vi H l . * l n l . . j { l . r l i f t i i * Ui i ) I .- , . \ y l r » i «"i t<» LIT. Ii II 1 4 . f t - . i* M i ! y > i | f . i

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    • I !•! I:r||*t . III!I IffM-lr.f. limlrur

    i"«)•-1- •>! I t^r t V mi'l- l l i l l i M i i r l i r l i

    . . . . i i l i i i , - . i i . m l H i IJ I l l a l» . M u . l f l . i i i | , u i l ' u t u i lit i l '

    t U l l . . i .M..I1TI..11 i.K I l i i i II11111I1>Vi , I , I ' ! K l l l U D O I l i l Du v j \ r . | Htl'l t l l . l i ' l l - t l I ' l l I 'VlJ

    n.i i i i i i ' iuit i i - Vinu " n i i i i i l i i i1. iu i in t> i*illiu'tiii vvmilil l y.'it IIIHI it liiiM r t i iu i lm'O M H buokif,Aii'ii M i n : r d | ' t » m x l iliitburaoirnMitii.vtlil-l U l t h h i* Vliuclli'in. . blMKtM OJIill'iin* ji.ilil ikiitl I'jitik Uo6hn l o HepI K I :';I. l i 'M. mil l n llinln » i m , l i u i f

    l*l I'lllllt'UlaH i

    • u l

    Iim 1

    l , . i l ,u i i . In ha ilka I l>(Ji.ld4 7UM I". T. WIl.lHHt.WILLIAM I M'.MAMJ,NO A I.I WOOl "III IKK.'

    Ciiii i i i iUttii- ' .

    li h> I iLi-t iul i l i ' l KlmiMU l l i l i ll l I ] l l I l v l

    l l i ' l i i i 1 u l t i i i i i l i i l l l i i- I'll 11 ii laliHltltf uriilm< I ' t r i 1 ' i i n i i l . I l i v i i uii r U ' i i l » l l » l i l' • l u l l , l l n k l i ) H v l K l i l » I "I'H' i i ' U l l t l

    ill M u l l l K t t H l l l l ) ' , .N J..lii.Mll l>f 1'1-lulnllUVI H

    i . i ' U l l i Ilii'li - l- i i ' t i l iyUli:! . . J i ' l i i i . , u l - N u w1 •> lil .'lu-i . i i ' ir i ' i i l ly i« l l ' . ' i l I h v u l l v l i l l u n

    I IH111I . .1 Ciitl> |I.I U10 t i ' l u l l l l u n "I l l l «lu i ik l i iK i'ii' U11 lil.'uvi' i i i m i i l I n l ' l g i ' , u n i lI I I ! I l l . .^Ul l l l l l l l l l l ' l l I'l H'f IlllUltV I')Mn\ii'i c'i.ily nmi ttiu K'uil viuiiiiiltltv. It

    1.1" i l l l l j l t l Ihul Ilix l'llil«i' UlliiUld llUI'iuiiki'il MI iiiui?, UII It in mi u c ou nt y.ul unit alaii In u iiali|;v|i>il" vulli l l l luni . i i i n . . i i l) i l | . u i i Filili'lti JUIII-H, MvlwiH. uial .>iL'.Mun« (us /itiimillti't' nil l l i l i Winkllur oui:iinl(ttu< nittl HIUI U Hiinllulcutii-

    i l t tr l ioni .MUIIIH Liiuut> anil Ut'cUlei)• K" uhmil wil l . Hit- n»rk Hi.iHlIUa-'iiK H . I U I'LimU'il mill Uhu » t r o m-Trtf-innHimr-irtft-h-iiwilliliHl t o - f & N

    lilli'i. .il .MIIIIIIHIUII, N J . >*< •*''. K. Hinnaari'. Uti; ~W; A.:f*our«l.wi. f l . l i; ii*&r o T»ll«r, (3.49- Jc&A IN. i:*df, is.jr.; ifavrv Kri>ua«. '•̂ 1'. T. WUMjr ll&v»̂ - \ n b«».4». fiavid u. 'rr*mtiUr »3II M«l«ri, Ki:;;

    • • • " •

    J«-N»IIS: arM'4ir

    • Hit- m i n i n ( | U U . 1,11it u i i i l i l . ' i l i y t i i v m i l / :

    iii" i it ..r


    •rnr i in irf \uxm. JTimnuKi, 9Sf 7Z. ' • •' L'

    Tul»irru!» ot. J5_ «J. ! , ,

    . , ui We*l Co. .I ini.k i; Wlkolf. ttKi. Iterai«ln Ut* CoII .'13 Jii. |iommk:u U,mtrlll. til Mi H• ) Wimlfnlk U rn. tt.Mt; A I Pe-I:.II'»: Jin ti: l'«nna M«tal Culxtrt C» ,I I : ! » J Htf in iliiibvt, I2 i>o ir tt KMyrrwIU 129 I> A M

    —Re-Cleaned Qrain, Flour, Fead, Bated May,Straw, Etc. Fertilizer and Seeds.

    Stable Sheets and Coolers, Sponces and CtumoU.ol J. I

    • l " i i > > i : , i in i -< i h y . t i , t i i i i r n r n l i t e '•IPi'li ( . , I r i i ' l i n l ' l i r h m l l ' l i l l11 « , ! . - , . , ' i l o l l , - m i i i . | , . p i , . | | l l n u , ,

    • I. 'I Inil Ilin riiiinfy t'lilltsi-lor I1 mi l in i'ii/ iruin i i o

    uni t . Jri' i i i i j i . , i ln- l u i n u l J ] l u Al l ' i r t


    ' I ' l l .

    j . i i i i i l i i l l i fur ki l l ing uu Hh Hit' inuvif lc in til im

    1. " . \n .n'l fi'i'vliltiil for 1110i.f I-.KI'H mill tin- fi/tytiient 01

    K ihiT.-li ir," 11ppr11M.il A| ir l l i,'I In1 II lur l ln 'r11I, 'I'lim l h « i'li'itnty r i i l l - c lor li»11111."I I.-' . 1 H i |,iry i , , IliiWlrUllI II.

    r . n k y HIII'II Mum mi 11,1, l a w iiriivlilrj f.11•'••'• i'H'i"iihiu "I iii i l i lnvli unit i r r i l l l ca i i ' .

    \ 11 -t . irt- . •

    lull'.11 «nn "I. ii.ll M,I | uillipltil ull-

    llr'."lvtil, lit,11 II11* Vliuilly rtil!«i-'lOr p»yli" l"»ii*lil|> I>I N1.1U1 Ciiiniloltl m a'iim M| rttffiii'i'it iiuuurq uiiii nncuri c a m *Uii I i'l, l i l«'» illll; sulil IliWimlllp fur Ilin'-ui fiiiii'ii-i'ii II'IIIIIIDU nmi fouttvi-'ti; alMuIn' .iinii ni f i'ii s.i, wlll i iiitciiiat and ownl*.IIKII Liui' milil Tiiwimijlp fur t l i « ->aur

    ni: in Urn . linn 1 > uf I 11 lun, m i d auio lu,1 i:iiuiiiiil in 1 uiii:uii]"uU Mninlaiitni .*U . i n m l

    KII iiuiiinii tij I i n HuiiiBi l i e m i g f i y tlii»-Kiilulioii uan 1111 iwll euji refurroU. 10 (tn>iiii'nuiiiHh 'iiiiiiiiiiii'i' ami m u n t y « i -illlv wllli pntfi'r.liy l-'iiM'liolik-i KIIIUHU:Ki'niilvt't), 'Dint i&iixuiiiiiun ims iuiu|it«u unanlaiuuiily.UII iiiulliui I.) 1 1 i'i-liulilur .Mobvl a IUIII

    im imwii in i i }i:i uiis mi full call aii-'nan lairii im iim ulounlnif uf culvaft unInn It uvi-hui', ,--'|II IIIKIUTIII, ul ttl« fuot uf•I,, ml.'ill Illll.

    DII uiul Inn l/y Ki-uoliulUor Krouno lb«III-I Im HUH uuiIIIIIlirtl tu avMulm a cum-ilii i i ' uf Ihi' (t. 1 lu pri>|iar< loiolulloua onhu tli'iitli of ui-Mviiator John Kaui. 'Simllrii tur mipylnleil 11 ( t 2 10f M.

    ROWE. Clnk.


    Real Estate and Insurancemid Ntnro for

    ..„..._„ H«le ....



    KKNILWORTM, N. J.'IVI. I"«-W. f'raulunl

    Cranford Property My Specialty.

    Real [state Bougtit, Sold and Exchanged.RBNTINtl AND MANAOEMENT OF



    • TELEPHONE 164.

    -An of K.

    tu«»l l«lW t}i« Qtw4* ol t l l orennUw.MUU. .'tltt l'fc*vM tjuarUTii utterly lullJB m « l Ihf KMuuriut.iiip of a IIIIKIOII.UlUlUTr 1.1'IBIMUIJ. KIMS Ihril Alt li.'OlllCIB»hltl> can ixc UL>I«I,.«.1 in the oily uri l l t n i k l d Tht> *rr nvl tuilr l i iaJ^uulrlor t>r»Hit- Crlll it^iulniurnl*. t>ui

    I 4 t n i u i i i i ii>.ar«

    y> uid, bc-

    tA.:,.).-,) .iim-uii toit

    1 »»ulj skiti.,iut a cam-

    M t U | > t l ttt> oijl burdan utMdcA. n l n it lrt d l HrtM»n «rAH rvcr

    lit vlnr •( U»«* tavt*lml )uur kooortbl*

    -MltHMr-i« « t M m > « t r n 1 aruttiiT.l* I'loi-M tb* cilr M ItklnlWk) n»a >iprrav* owQt Utttu an a *lt« fur un AIUU>T>: Him>-»u imn noiirjr tt» ^i*t* Mim»r> u,«.i.lof >our actkm »oJ lliit i> u arr ptrpaml(O •«•« U» IBIlLtltve Ji.J .-MI.;^)- wllliih»l |*rt at Chapur .%'.• :n of me-

    Uvinl "f riiTtiiil.li 1.-i

    'xi\t--imiiu-il luiili;v wuukt iviiuit Unit thui Harbin l\ulillita»Ion liua unuill-il 1

    IIDU u. un, Iiimiil uf I'luwen r'rmhlildu "f Un' >'i 11 ill Unruii, whUli I'unnlllUliit IMiibtTi?!. l»14. rrlii'i I'.riniu I'in- vivolluu uf ttiu btlilKi'

    1 I'Utnivil IM Um tuinmltiev with u fur-ii\t- li'i't-wlilt1 i-u-umncte fur liver traf-

    I'llf VllltllJlll'l' lit -U Illt-I'lltlUl l N t

    llJllll lit U I l t I l l U lU UIIy NdVi'itiucr 4. nvceiitext HUCII

    t'l'iinit HIKI hutllliHl tlio s . J. Harborc'l'Uuiil-iuluii uf KUI'II noci.ptaui't^. Tti•nil L* tirtvUi .ill.nlii'.l fur IIIIIIK,

    Y .uVi I'untmUivo li»w inHtruotud Ilioi .mii i i vnKliiPei to nuttfy' tli« War tC-u imi'in tliiil tin- I'Un IU>M been iH'CDitii\ tlui J> J lliuli . ir OummlaJloii T he

    ••Hii l i v

    f ;

    .thy fatUitr in1 UP»ununttlrr,

    WAT !>i>;iurtinoiit to theh i U i HOW nfi*e«#ary

    J t H K l l UOKO.'O TKIXKtt.-NV A |IOKUI>ON.It \: UKNNKSHV,ri:rv:u u Micmia,.

    OoiuiiilttvcWlH U111 l.y

    "11 WHS II w'•cllHUy. Jt bus t^»n lartl.-in UK- teii i>J rlRr p n c l W .'neatk»ml ID tlir ajjutant


    y rr vrar «inc«< Its w -a> anc of the elk leading « n i -thr irli^V Hl«i< In r!fl< prac-

    K Afprr^iatrc it*«» court«»l*«d

    u« ^ i i c iksi wlthouiaid It ceuM aw( U t a continued ti«

    V e r y r p c t

    • • ciiAitua AOn snotWa b F l

    commialcatloa c o n v u r c i e d aa10 • «pecial:eoiomltt*« of ar«. Th« di-rector appolstnt a> aaM commltt*c Fr**-lioMm Doan», Wilbur. "T»U*r. Tl>omp»onand Bourdoo. ~-»^-

    • KUxabeth. K. J . (XX . sj. »14Board of TmHaidtrt

    OeBtitata—As owner cr the rcboourr«ottnwy«-. of QtabcttL. N. J. I hav«OPWMttlffto «ao« up ifr- Vti'iHi nn»r

    -'.l l l l l '


    -In ti1mi-othiB uf thl«

    ailvlniiLiiUiv nnu probablt*

    rl., ^

    ii-^ulmiiMi was un roll rail .i.lni.t.-3nltiio\it-u Tin. illn^tor :ii» cotn-

    X'liinioi. 110 :u; Uuliirt 1- Katon, H ilirliltrr* -Jm-uti Mlchtmaii. IS; Oaralllu

    M « I , nil. A J DcltttUniM, I.'D: Craii"nil I'IIIIIMI, IJ7I; Cuurlor-Nowt 1'uli11. 17 iC i.'li.m II Frolii'h, I1J.70. lion-

    liustli, Jr. u j .o i ; O. I». BliertliilKUt.

    11030.' 11*7.Co; Mmllh noil.V m l A l . n l w C a . r f n :

    knry II dilnur. t'lM: Woulalun *ui-klr Cu 130. tvtor J Van Aisjulo, Id:

    >ii\lil S llrlnBi.-160, Id.II); John Tajllor,to, Aiu-hiir I'uti Iiuti WurlM, | l73.le;

    J 1. Ii inicr.IJ7. lai . IIH, 176; A. J. p»-Itulnniva, 111 .li. 111 '.'O, HU; JuiuM Bohni.I:."m. Mi'liuiiUU-r I'l'iiivnt OunatrucUiHv' C o .|st;i il.ttni.-a Tippliiis, U i o.>; a lllnihani'llli. Tin- Katiwuod Htuno Cruilitnc' knuijuiinv V.j, IIJUS: DnvlJ It. Totton, 110!Jiim'i.li in* (.'iimu. Ill): A. M. Drako, $10.-•ii Mai Klpplv, 13. Hiilivrt Clark. 117.00;.K'lni I' lu-duw,' |i«&: T. 1-'. aiianMr Co ,I.'.-Vl'ii »I3I 58, Ouurl«r-N'«wi ,Pub. Co.,I7«i2. 'Ailtilnli II OruMiBr. l»0TC; II"li.nl,- |' Pnv—tleorito T. CarrolL »S0;

    V'lslnn Datby. $28: Jo.uu IKVoodrufCi 1$: W.' " Mo«;!$»r J. H«rvcy Do»ne. $48:

    r llatl. US. Oiw. f!. feller.' « • :. J Thoriinnnn. « « : Jnho •». C»dT.

    •$«•: Xojti Wwvtniff. $E0: C. A. SmKIC150; Wllftum 1 MoMane. $S4: JTOMSI*'Par-rv. 1 $45; DavW H. TTfrnnliiy. $ « : Pettr" ^ ' ^ k ' « : n f- H*mi(wsy. $«-,«».E_L_SJ^bur- f-5-'> Henry_ _Kron«A |?S:


    Cranford HotelVantun-

    ent and Trunslent tiucats.ttiKHim nlooly (urnUhwl, h*atthlby Htpaiu, ll«hloil by oli-ctricltvunit lu nil ttwpmta ailapu-il to

    , nroinoUi (xiinfurt ami runven-Ipmw. . «

    Mialt Served at all Hours.

    EOW. W. MULLER. P,op.

    FREDH. JAHN,(NuonxMur Ui I'liilipp Jnhfi)

    House. Sign, andFresco Painting,

    rialn and Daeoratl»«

    Paper Hanging—AMD 0*41 IB IS—

    Glass, Oil, Paint, Vaniinhenand Wall Paper.

    Cranford, . • N«w JaratyTKIKPIIOOB M-It. •


    Money!AND 3KOOND.

    N. R. LEAVITT,

    Hr.mil Streot. . ElUaboth. N. J

    Jobbing Work Carefully Don*r~E«tlnieTea fti^laiv»it~ . ~

    • Residence and,Shop,TuinplioiiB 1I7.U'

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    Peter Markusson



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    Now Jarsoy CentralFrom Cranfard to BUnktttti. Newark aiMl

    N«w York.

    ft««. siM, ^« t «:«>, «,:»fc «:M. •:«.

    . For .rialnfleld—1:61, 4:58. 1:14.Wt. l :« , 1«:ML Hill A. M.- l l / f t ,1:41. •2:01, J:li •J:4I. •»:t*.' *:1«.4:16. 441 6:14, 6:48, t:(|. (i:k| t£Lurdajra) i-.n fB:s» «xo. Sarurimvi)

    ViS,V«L..For Eiuiton. Bathl.h.m. Alltntown.Mauch Chunk—4:6*. »:02. Etc. U l iChUnS. «:6«. 10:21 X. M.. i:4l7a:4J.4;#4-_to_Eaauu»_onlrt—ICM46^1:07, >:41 A T i t .

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    Heating & Tinning.NEW WO

    Shop.Tal. IW


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    , 4GS. 21st Street

    R B A S O N A B L B P R I C B S . j ffew Orange Park KiiHiworth H, J,Telephone "CrMford 187-R."


    Silver Pines




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