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PHSG Autumn 17 · 2017-12-25 · If you know a member who is ill, please tell us by contacting our...

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Poole Heart Support Group www.poolehsg.org.uk www.facebook.com/poolehsg Autumn 2017 MAGAZINE M ore o n S tatins D r Boos s e ts out the sta t i stics Walki n g G roup Summ e r Review PHSG O f fice T e n Year s of Service Cha t S t o ps New D a y & Time
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Autumn 2017MAGAZINE

More on StatinsDr Boos sets out the


Walking GroupSummer Review

PHSG OfficeTen Years of Service

Chat StopsNew Day & Time

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© 2017 Keith Matthews

POOLE HEART SUPPORT GROUP MAGAZINEPoole Community Health Centre Shaftesbury Road, BH15 2NT

Telephone: 01202 683363Telephone manned Mondays & Thursdays 2:00-4:00pm


Please send magazine articles and photos to:Editor, 10 Hill View Road, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9QY or by e-mail to; editor@ Tel. 01202 855001

Magazines are published 1st March, 1st June, 1st September and 1st December.Print Deadlines are 10th February, 10th May, 10th August, 10th November

Magazine Mailing Dates for 2017 are Mondays:February 27th; May 29th (Renewal Slips) ; August 28th; November 27th (Dinner Bookings)

Committee Meetings are first Wednesdays in, February, April, June, August, October, December.



PHSG CONTACTSKEITH MATTHEWS Chairman & Magazine keith@ 01202 855001DAVID ANDERSON Secretary & Website david@ 01202 697376RITA HOLMES Treasurer rita@ 01202 743960JAN MESHER Office Manager jan@ 01202 250108DEREK POPE Membership Database derek@ 01202 889070ROBIN PRINGLE Exercise Co-ordinator robin@ 01202 884250LESLEY RICHARDS Lead Trainer lesley@ 01202 691339ROGER RIDOUT Purbeck Liaison roger@ 01929 423079GEOFF LAWRENCE Talks & Social Events geoff@ 01202 888438GEORGE LLEWELLYN Talks & Social Events geoll@ 01202 605455JUDY & DAVID DEADMAN Walking Group 01202 692369DAVE EVANS Clothing Sales 01202 602856PAM BAILEY BHF Representative 01202 574944JIM WAINE Founder and VP jim@ 01202 871532

All PHSG emails are @poolehsg.org.uk

If you know a member who is ill, please tell us by contacting our officeusing the number and times given above, or any committee member.

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Jan’s team are are back in the PHSG Officeagain. It’s a little different to before, as thetimes are 14:00 to 16:00 but at least we areback to Monday and Thursdays and the oldphone number. Our office helpers now have togo through three security coded doors to get tothe new accommodation - let’s hope they feelsafe! In commemoration of this change Jan haswritten up a short piece about her ten yearsdoing the job. Its longer than that actually, butten sounded neater! I suggested “Ten Years aSlave” as the title but Jan disagreed.Don’t forget that Chat Stops are back from October and the DAY is changed toWednesdays and the TIME is brought forward to 13:30. Geoff has done anexcellent job of lining up an impressive list of speakers to entertain you.New committee member Dave Evans will be arranging to tour all the exercisevenues over the coming months with his travelling shop of PHSG Clothing. Yourtrainers will let you know when he is planning to visit so you can be prepared toview the very reasonably priced merchandise.The annual renewals have flooded in since the last issue for which we are trulygrateful and more than a little pleased. I guess it means we are doing somethingright. What is really gratifying is the little extra that many of you add to yourrenewal fee by way of a donation. It all helps, and this year for one thing, we aregoing to be able to send some of our trainers to the big annual BACPR conferencein London this Autumn where they can bring themselves up to date with the latestinformation.Judy reviews the Walking Group Year in this issue and she and Dave can also beseen holding their brand new second defibrillator which we have been able to getthem. The Walking Group regularly splits in two these days to accommodatedifferent paced sections, and so now both groups can have one!

Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness awaits us!

Chairman’s Letter


PALS are looking for new people to work with them.  Interested?Please contact them on 01202 448499 or 07758 272495Email: [email protected]

Health Information Centre, next to the multi-storey car park on Longfleet Road

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From the PresidentProblems with Statins?

Don’t give up on them too quickly!This is a problem I see very commonly: Apatients tries a statin for a very compelling reasonand complains of adverse effect and decides tostop taking them.Well, we now have further compelling evidencefrom a very recent study that perseverance couldsave your heart, brain or even potentially yourlife. In this eloquent study published on the 25thJuly 2017 in the Annals of Internal Medicine, itwas found that patients who continued with statintherapy after an adverse reaction have

significantly (13%) lower risks of death, heart attack and stroke compared withthose who stop. In this study the investigators examined just over 28,000participants who had all complained of a statin-related side effect, with muscleache and weakness being the most commonly reported affecting 24.6%.Following the adverse reaction, 19,989 patients (70.7%) were re-challenged andcontinued with therapy with 8,277 stopping treatment. Among patients who wereprescribed a different statin after the first adverse reaction, the primary end point(stroke, heart attack or death) was much lower (11.9%) compared with those whodid not restart (14.5%) statin treatment.This data supports the similar findings of a Danish study in 2015 and once againemphasizes the importance of either restarting the same statin or trying a differentone following a potential statin related adverse reaction. I would also like tohighlight that the decision to restart a statin should always depend on yourestimated cardiovascular risk, the severity of the side effect experienced and howlikely is it that the reaction directly relates to the use of statin.I would also like you to remember that the vast majority of statin-related sideeffects are reversible! The media is full of “false and biased reporting” withdisproportionately negative press on statins that is often based on opinion ratherthan fact and citing an alternative unproven treatment or fad that might be far lessbeneficial.Dr Christopher BoosConsultant CardiologistPoole Hospital NHS TrustVisiting Professor, Carnegie Research Institute, Leeds Beckett University

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DonationsPHSG thanks the following people for their generous thought.

● Alan Hathaway - £10.

● Oddfellows Pride of Bournemouth Lodge - £100

● And all you generous people who added a little extra to your annual renewal.

In the life of a hard working membership secretary, there are often nice littleletters and notes included with the renewals. These can lighten the day and makethe job feel worthwhile. Also, some of the messages deserve passing on as theyreach to a wider audience. Here are a recent selection.

● There was a long letter from Mrs Les Parker who moved to Crowborough. Shehas renewed but asked if we could send details of our exercise classes to hersister-in-law. Although she didn’t give me a name, I did write to the addressand gave the required details plus my telephone number in case they neededto ask what it was all about. I did include an explanation so I hope that wasenough.

● Mrs M. Watson who used to be in Egdon Drive wrote to say she could nolonger attend classes as she has had a leg amputated and cannot now use hercar. She asked to give her regards to everyone. Renewed and provided hernew address.

● Mike Porter included another ‘change of address’ to a slightly different part ofEdinburgh, and said he trusts it is OK to remain a member as he enjoys seeingold friends in the magazine and gets a smile and sometimes a laugh out of thejokes.

● Mrs M. J. Wright has paid and filled in the subscription and donation boxes butalso the “I do not wish to renew” section where she said “Old age has takenover!”. I wasn’t sure whether to treat this as a renewal or not but I did!

● Mrs M Haw has renewed but said “not possible to get to Canford at present asI am unable to drive.”

● Mrs G Wood from Hamworthy said “Thank you for the very real support I feelbelonging to this group”.

and finally . . .We presently have over 750 paid up members and have received £1228 indonations so far during the recent membership renewal period.

News from Members


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Dear Friends,Well summer is here again and the weather has beenvery good so hopefully you are all making the mostof it.We are still awaiting the full outcome of the clinicalservices review and what will happen to the twohospitals and services; it should be available inSeptember, so please keep an eye out for that.Here at Poole we have been experiencing a verybusy time. Usually summer is a slightly quieter timeand allows for the preparation for winter. Not thisyear, and we have had to escalate on severaloccasions due to an increase A&E numbers and emergency admissions. We are nowin a better position but it remains busy.One of our key challenges at the moment is recruitment. There are not the numbersof nurses available and we are constantly advertising. My concern is that from theautumn with the loss of the bursary for student nurses fewer will train,compounding the issue in three years’ time. I was able to put that question to theMinister of Health on a visit to the Trust and he said that they were closelymonitoring the situation.Our National Nurses’ day went very well on the 12th May with lectures and debatesand a celebration of nursing. We had lot of students there so never one to miss anopportunity we offered them all work!I am giving a lecture to the South West NHS Financiers’ conference in Bristol in lateSeptember. The conference title is a good one for the NHS.We continue to receive excellent friends and family responses and comments andthese are up in the ward areas for all to see. We will probably have another CQC(Care Quality Commission) visit in the autumn and are all prepared for that.Portland Ward, the acquired brain injury and Neurological Rehabilitation Ward, hada visit from the Mayor of Poole to meet our caring canines and have a garden party.It went every well even when Bruce the cocker spaniel managed to get a cake hehad been eying on a person’s plate for several minutes! Everyone had a laugh andthat’s so important as laughter is a great healer.We are working closely with the various teams to ensure our pressure ulceroccurrence is low and that we reduce falls by risk assessing patients who may behigh risk.As matron I am immensely proud of the staff and the care they deliver every dayoften in the most difficult and challenging situations. I believe the quality of care

Geoffrey’s News From Poole

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“Science is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it isuseful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth.” JulesVerne

“Decisions are made by those that show up.” Aaron Sorkin.

"Others may hate you, but those who hate you don’t win unless you hatethem, and then you destroy yourself." Richard Nixon

here at Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is exceptional, yes we don’t alwaysget it right but we learn from any issues all the time, and put plans in place toprevent future problems.Until next time take care.Best wishes.Geoffrey Walker OBE JP MA RGN PgDip DipEd FAETC.

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By Jim Waine & Ros HayesThe Hope GroupHelping Our Patient Experience Recently we met again and the group

discussed the Constitution, deliberated onour “Hopes” for the future and added someextra aims and objectives. We want toencourage staff to have an input and wewant them to know we will support them.One of our first targets is to create a leafletfor the Hope Group which will bedistributed across the Trust. We are still inthe draft stage but the exact contents will bedeliberated on further at the next meeting.If a patient informs us of good or bad

points we will be listening and ensure they get feedback on what actions have been taken.A “pat on the back” is very important for the hard-working staff, but equally an issue thatis worrying patients or staff needs addressing right through to a satisfactory conclusion.We plan to spend longer on our ward rounds to help us to witness if any issues are arisingand are looking for ideas that could improve the patients time in hospital. One idea putforward at our last meeting was that, in the future, if friends or relatives wished to Skype apatient if visiting was difficult, we could bring this idea to fruition.Watch this space for more information.Ros Hayes 01202 708098.

I had an interesting chat with one of our members who had been to dermatology for anoperation to remove an item from his skin and he asked if I had been to the dermatologydepartment, and if I had seen the seats in the little waiting room? I had a few times overthe last couple of months in fact, so I knew it has been revamped with new lights, the walldecorated and also new seating. He said “I had my operation then walked out a bit lightheaded, saw the colour of the seats, felt very ill and dashed to the loo!” The chairs are newand the colour is green if I remember. A rather strange colour for a waiting room perhaps.If any member has seen the seats in question could you e-mail me with your comments onthe colour that we can pass on to the Hope group.I have been chatting to members at my exercise classes and found some have a reddiscolouration of the skin and itching. I also have this problem and a common factor couldbe Ramipril. I arranged to see my doctor and asked if Ramipril could be causing theitching and red blotches as I have been on them for at least 10 years. He looked up in hisbig black book and agreed it could, So I’m now off Ramipril and onto Amias, it could be amonth or more before Ramipril is out of the body my doctor said, but my skinitching has eased and redness has reduced in area a little.

Any problems or good news please let us know.Jim Waine 01202 871532 [email protected]



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London to Brighton Cycle Ride by Diana and LenOn Sunday 18th of June, Iona who is the long-time partner of our grandson Ben, was upearly at their home in Goring-on-Sea. She washeading for London to join thousands ofcyclists, anxiously awaiting the start of a rideto Brighton. All of them doing it for the charityBritish Heart Foundation.Leaving Clapham behind them, the ridersheaded for Croydon, where they were halfwayto their first water-stop about 20 miles from

the start. The route passed under the M25 here. Eight or nine miles ahead theywould break for lunch at Turners Hill where by then they would have clocked upalmost 30 miles and be over halfway to the finishing line.But, before reaching their destination, the riders had to tackle the mightyDitchling Beacon and, whilst many of the riders chose to walk, Iona cycled up thisgradient in what was one of the hottest days of the year. Then, refreshed bymore water, she was able to think that there was less than 10 miles to go toreach Madeira Drive in Brighton. Time to rest tired limbs and allow “blazingsaddles“ to cool off!

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Diana & Len

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Chatstop - June

At the June Chat Stop, John Wren gave us an amusing and interesting talk onhis experiences as a warden at Buckingham Palace.

In clearing out filing cabinets from the office recently, Jan Mesheruncovered this photograph from about 10 years ago. We recognise many ofthe faces, Can you?

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HSL Help Promote PHSG

Back in July, the HSL Chairs showroom in Branksome invited us to set up our banner intheir store for the day. Jan and I eagerly accepted the offer especially as they wereproviding coffee and cake to us and to any customers that wandered in. Colette andVanessa were the HSL comfort specialist assistants for that day. We have to addthat during the quiet periods we didn’t have to stand around, the seating was verycomfortable!Thank you HSL for the opportunity. www.hslchairs.com

Vanessa Jan Colette Keith

“When a man opens a car door for his wife, it’s either a new car or a newwife.” Prince Philip

The trouble with life isn’t that there is no answer, it’s that there are toomany answers.” Anthropologist Ruth Benedict.

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The Write Stuff?“WangYung's problems began decades ago during a drinking game with

friends,”  Dr Xu Hongwei told a press conference at Kunshan Hospital of TraditionalChinese Medicine near Shanghai."His  friends  challenged him  to  swallow a pen and drink  a bowl of wine,  and notwishing to appear foolish, he rose to the challenge. Then they asked him to do it again,so he swallowed a second pen and drank more wine. He thought the pens would beexcreted next day, but that never happened. So he thought they must have beendigested, but in fact they had both become lodged internally.Only now, 36 years later, have they been removed."Mr Wang came to the hospital yesterday complaining of discomfort in his body. Weexamined him, and soon located the 5” long pens, which had passed through theoesophagus, stomach, and pylorus, and lodged in the duodenal bulb. We decided toremove the pens through the oesophagus with an endoscope, because Mr-Wang has arare blood type, and the hospital only had 3 units of his blood group. Fortunately, thepen  surgery  was  very  smooth  and  both  were  removed  in  only  30  minutes.  It'sfortunate  that we operated when we did,  because  the  intestinal wall  had begunfestering where the pen nibs had punctured it Both pens had turned completely black,

but were intact, and can still write."Best China News, 4/5/17, and Metro, 9/5/17.

Dear Sirs,You report that“honestly, the truthworks in jobinterviews”. Wheninterviewinggraduates for mybank’s graduatetraining scheme, Ioften said somethingalong the lines of:“We’ve beenthrough yourstrengths, but noone is perfect: whatwould you say isyour greatestweakness?” Oneapplicant thoughtcarefully, thenresponded: “CreamCakes.” She got thejob.Letter to The Times

“This problem began more than twenty-five years ago,” a spokeswoman forthe Internal Revenue Service told reporters in Tacoma, Washington State,“when Normand Lariviere was working as a civilian electrician for the navy,he lost his job in the early 1990s, as a result of staff cuts, and for somereason he seems to have blamed the IRS. Ever since then, he has beenmailing us a series of increasingly bizarre shipments, as part of his protestagainst paying taxes.Over the past twenty-five years, his mailings have included marijuanacigarettes, bullets, shoes, a whistle, several signed photographs of himself,a six-inch fake pipe bomb with the words ‘Kilroy Was Here’ written on it,and most alarmingly of all, a severed finger.”There was actually nothing illegal about him sending us one of his ownfingers, but recently his correspondence took a more disturbing turn.Yesterday, we had to evacuate the entire IRS building when the fake pipe-bomb was received, which is why we decided to arrest him at his home inOlympia.After his arrest, Lariviere admitted sending us the fake bomb, and showedus the homemade cutter he had used to sever his own finger. He told us hewas upset with the IRS, and should not have to pay taxes because thegovernment has not satisfied his claims over the loss of his job twenty-fiveyears ago."Seattle Post-Intelligencer,10/7/17

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Tick, Tick, Tick - Jurassic Park Reality ?In what seems like a step closer to Jurassic Park,

combined with some good fortune, a blood-engorgedtick trapped in amber 15-45 million years ago hasturned out to contain perfectly preserved mammalianblood cells, likely from a monkey. George Poinar Jr ofOregon State University in Corvallis also foundnumerous single-celled parasites in different parts oftheir life cycle in the fossil, which comes from theCordillera Septentrional mountain range of theDominican Republic. Two small holes on the tick'sback suggest that it was picked off during its meal,perhaps by another monkey, and fell immediately into tree sap. As an added bonus, theamber stained the red blood cells and parasites differently, making each stand out clearly.

G Poinar Jr 2017 J. Med. Entomol. doi:1 0.1093/jme/tjw247.Apologies to PHSG Members who have been bitten recently, including me.

I already had this piece on file for you.

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Hi I'm Sara, not Zara, not Sarah … I'mSara, like Tara with an S but to myfriends am known as DW (it's a maidenname thing)I think I come across young and a littlenaïve I think but I've been through lotsmore than people can imagine. I amfrom a very competitive and activefamily, we all run, we all play sports andwe all like to win but even with all that Iwent to university back in 2007 and didsomething completely different takingperforming arts. As soon as I finishedthough, I knew I was going back to sportin some way. Before I planned my careerI felt I needed to travel so I packed mybag and went and saw the world and

also met my partner in crime in the process of choosing where to go, so I broughthim along for the ride and then decided to marry him during the adventure … Ithink us living in Spain and China may have helped with that decision.So …I became a personal trainer to help my local community. I wanted to help peopleand make life a little easier by getting people healthy and fit for life. Becoming aLevel IV cardiac instructor just fitted and has just filled another part of my dreamand I love every session I teach, and will always push for more sessions as I thinkthey are needed.As I said before, I am really competitive (blame my dad) and I nearly always havea plan or goal ahead of me, although right now I don't have anything goal-wise asI’ve just got over the mountain of the London marathon in April. Thanks for thesponsorship from you all. Sadly from the training and the race I injured my kneeso am taking it easy and enjoying my fitness and personal training until the kneeis sorted.With a huge bucket list, lots of classes, meeting more of you guys and moreclasses to come and my partner in crime (oh his name is Gerald or G for short) intow … I have lots of future goals and the future is looking bright … I hope youguys enjoy the journey with me, the other half of me (G) and many morecompetitive and outrageous goals!

Meet your Trainers by Sara Morgan


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Airwaves are Trading Standards Approved

Please can we send a huge thankyou to the kind person who bothknitted and donated the lovelyclown doll we were lucky to win inthe raffle at the June Chat-Stop. Asyou can see from the picture ourgrand-daughter Jessica loves 'MrClown'She was thrilled to bits when webrought him home for her.A lot of pleasure to one little girl.Thank you and best wishes from

Jean and Alistair Allcroft

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It’s Surprising What You Find by George LlewellynI don’t know about you but I have favourite utensils inthe kitchen. That prompts the thought “why don’t I throwout the stuff I never use” but that’s another story!Some favourite things I don’t use often. Like skewers.I have collected many skewers over the years short, longskinny, but my best one is from home. Why did a boy endup with a skewer from home? I have no idea!It is about 8” long and quite robust not like the skinnythings these days. As I don’t use it too often it normallyneeds a good scrub. If I am roasting, it’s just the job. Socome Sunday morning, where is MY skewer?I am not the sort of person that dumps the utensils in a poton the work surface, I have designated drawers, well that isto say have designated drawers, but nobody else has.If somebody else, wife or guest, washes up, the designationgoes out of the window. Chaos follows.So where is MY skewer?A full size emergency search is started. I find the garlic press, wellhalf of it. The handle bit but no sieve. Make mental note to look forthat on the way! As you get older have you noticed your grip getsweaker. I mean your hand grip not your grip on life? Mind you somedays I have that as well. In the drawer are a myriad of grippers tohelp with lids and tops. None of then work. So I have a clandestineplan to dump one every now and again but “don’t dump that it might be useful”always comes to mind.Two pairs of tongs and a broken spatula. Nutcrackers, I won’t find them atChristmas. Kitchen shears, that’s novel to see them in the right place. Oh there’sthe other bit of the garlic press, I bet they won’t be together the next time I wantthem! Diamond file for knife sharpening, but NO b****y skewer. A bit off thejuicer, a cheese slice and a plastic fork.Oh, I give up. we will have to have a bit of pink meat for a change.After dinner, guess what I found whilst putting away the washing up?

“You often hear reports that some action or other has ‘prompted outrageon social media’. Why is this considered news? Outrage on social media isa daily occurrence, like rain in the Hebrides.” Charles Moore


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ALL STARTS 10:00am

Sunday 24 September Sunday 24 NovemberWest Parley - Hengistbury Head Ringwood U’Pass - FordingbridgeSunday 22 October Sunday 17 DecemberWimborne Square - Cranborne Ferndown - Mince Pie Run



For our July ride we repeated our April ride in the anti-clockwise direction. After some argumentsabout “it was more hilly in that direction” it was pointed out that as we started and finished at thesame place it couldn’t be! The gradients might be different though as witness some of our riderswalking up the Ornamental Drive. Unheard of! Not me I hasten to add, although I did rest.

Rides are about 15 to 20 miles long. The ridesare open to all members of the PHSG as longas your doctor approves. For help, advice,weather check and bike maintenance call Keithon 01202 855001.In bad weather call before 9:00am to see if theride is going ahead.

On the bridge at Britford near Salisbury

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This year’s summer walks programme finishes on the 9th September. You can get more informationby phoning Dave & Judy on 01202 692369.CP = Car Park : The Post Code should get your SatNav close to the start, but we take noresponsibility if you end up miles away or in the middle of a lake!

● Wed 30th Aug Swyre Head B3069 to Kingston R at Scott BH20 5LP Arms. CP is the second on left.

● Sat 9th Sept Arne, Shipstall Point RSPB CP at Arne BH20 5BJ

Winter Walks will commence soon after the summer ones finish but they will not befinalised until after our print date. There will be a meeting of interested members of the WalkingGroup on September 20th . The full list will be printed in the next issue, but in the meantime afterSeptember 20th you can call Dave & Judy on 01202 692369 for the dates of the first ones.

A SecondDefibrillatorThe Walking Group has asecond defibrillator! When theroute splits up now each halfwill have peace of mind.David and Judy Deadmancalled by at our Chairman’shouse to receive it. It hasbeen purchased on theunderstanding that it will alsobe available at our meetings.

POOLE HEART SUPPORT GROUP IS AFFILIATED TO THE RAMBLER’S ASSOCIATION1. The club shall be called Poole Pacemakers 972. The club shall come under the Committee of Poole Heart Support Group.3. The object of the club is to arrange walks suitable for members of P.H.S.G. Who have had heart problems and of course

their partners.4. Membership may be withdrawn at the discretion of the Committee5. Dogs are not permitted on walks, (a) because we walk through farmland, where there can be animals, and (b) not all

members are dog lovers.Disclaimer warning. Neither the Ramblers Association nor the Poole Pacemakers ‘97 Walking Club shall be held

liable for the death or injury, accident, or damage to the person or property of any guest or any other personoccurring, during or arising from participation in any of the activities of P.P.97 Walking Club


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Peter ClarkMeet our MembersI was born on the 4th of July! But no, not inthe USA but near Epping Forest in 1935. Mybirth name was Piers. Schooling coincidedwith the start of WWII and so I spent somelessons in air raid shelters. We loved tocollect bits of shrapnel. I completed myeducation in 1951 with three years at thecounty technical school in Walthamstow.My first job was with whowere Civil Engineering Contractors in Essex,and I worked on contracts constructing newoutfall sewers from Harlow and Stevenage.Then I spent three years in the RAF at theAir Traffic Control Unit in Preston and wasbilleted in an old factory adjacent to WartonAirfield. I was demobbed in 1957 andbriefly worked for a cotton processingcompany scheduling deliveries andproduction. Sad to say, the cotton industrywas already in decline so that didn’t last.

However, I concentrated on management skills with in Salfordfor some years until my Father retired and Mum and Dad moved to West Moors. Idecided to move to the area to be near them and started work with whereI stayed until retirement in 1999.In my retirement, I helped out at the Poole & District Junior Chamber ofCommerce. I became Treasurer of the Wimborne Railway Society and it was herethat I met my wife Pat.I also volunteered for the Swanage railway and became a “Passed BonfireLighter”. I helped out on various building works too at Harman’s Cross and atNorden Station. The buildings arrived on site as three sheds! At the same time onthe Norden site I was involved withestablishing the Clay Mining Museum. Awayfrom Swanage but also connected withrailways and was helping with theconservation work on the L.S.W.R. bridgethat spans the drive to Canford House.I was involved at St John’s First School too asa Governor on the Finance Committee andalso assisting the younger pupils to improvetheir reading.

An Engine at Swanage

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At Canford, for anumber of years, I wasexercising with the“Breathe-N-Smile”group. Membershipbegan to decline and itbecame impossible tosustain the group.Those remainingmembers were invitedto join the PHSG atCanford. I felt a bit of afraud for some years,not having a “HeartCondition” but thischanged in October lastyear when an

investigation into my lower back problems revealed an Aortic Aneurysm. This wasrepaired in February by the fitting of a stent and I became a legitimatemember of PHSG! Peter

The Lady Wimborne Bridge I helped conserve

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Dave EvansThose that know me, and those that will throughtheir reading of this, will appreciate I am a person ofmany words. This article already has one problemthen. The second dilemma is what part of my life tocover. Suggestions were made, possibly hinting atmy love life, to add an element of intrigue. With thenature of this magazine I think not. I’ve had thegood fortune to have led an active and eventful life,and with the photograph I have chosen, myanonymity may still be preserved while I talk aboutthis special chapter of my life. Perhaps my love ofdisguise already gives me away, plus the fact thatwords are a quiet form of expression. Who am I?At our age, it becomes more difficult rememberingrecent events, but my early memories remain firmly

in my mind, and I refer here to mid-1970s when memories of the thrill of theopen road driving a Triumph Vitesse convertible and Hillman Imp are vivid. ifonly I’d kept them now! I never dwell on .For real nostalgia though I return to my early days as a Police Constable. PC180to be exact. A nice arithmetic number, easily heard over the radio even in poorreception areas, and one to create fear in the minds of the many criminals outthere (pardon my use of poetic licence!). I was based at Poole Central, near PoolePark, which is now a block of flats, is this progress? You can imagine what apleasure it was, to start a morning early turn shift by walking through the park tocommence a beat “Foxtrot Charlie” through the town. Oh yes, in those days wewere there and seen, we had the “Pandas”, light blue Escort Estates, of course butthere were always two beat constables, safety was an issue even then.I suppose we had to achieve something for the day, so if there weren’t burglariesto attend to, shop lifters to interview, drunks to steer home, people to tell thetime to, and directions to give, we could always check car excise licences(remember those ??), and submit them for process. You see, we, The Police, werethe prosecutors, my Sergeants decided on which of my cases went to court, and Ihad many. I could fill this magazine with stories, the court room was my stage. Inever lost a case because I was always prepared and always remembered myevidence by heart. The defending solicitors could only ask the same question,time and again, to test my accuracy. They got truly annoyed as I always gave myanswers and evidence to the magistrate or Judge. They thought I should bereplying to them and felt I was being rude.Domestic disputes were always a pain, you certainly got to see life and howothers lived. In those days, the stupid idea of Political Correctness and not being

Meet our Members

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able to hand out a physical reprimand, never obstructed us. People knew wherethey stood with us, we had some respect and would lock the villains up to keepthem off the streets. We had Police stations with cells in those days which wereopen and staffed, so members of the public could actually visit us! We had noissue with colour, we didn’t treat them any differently, the “R” word neverimpeded us or was an issue.My biggest case, one of Dorset’s biggest cases, was where I had an informantgive me information which resulted in the solving of a bombing incident in the60’s at in Bournemouth. The old pub has since been demolished, butthere is a pub of this name still there today. This bomb didn’t go off and thereforedidn’t make the headlines, but Dorset Police had no clues and could never havesolved the case, had it not been for me. I was practically still a probationer! I hadthe case taken off me of course, but as a treat, they let me attend WinchesterCrown Court for the Judge’s sentencing and gratitude to the force for solving thecrime. I still have the case file and may, with persuasion, give a talk in the future.I have done speed traps and once stopped a Fire Chief in a white unmarked car toask him if there was any special reason for him exceeding the limit and reportedhim. I was later called in to see my Superintendent, and you never wanted to seehim, and he asked me why I had reported a fire officer showing a blue light! I hadcovered everything in my pocket book. This is a very important legal document,and not just a diary. The result was that all the cases reported for speeding thatday were cancelled.One day I had a call to meet up with , the Deputy Constable’s car as hewanted me to stop a car that had annoyed him! We held checkpoints at night,near Frizzels House, Westbourne, to check for drunken drivers and do documentchecks. The late Jimmy Savile would often stop and chat to us but I won’t say toomuch about him.Just to give this story a sex angle then, I can confirm that it is right about womenliking men in uniforms. The nursing staff at Poole General were always pleased tosee us on nights! I used to get given my sardine sandwiches and bring them backto the station. I will never understand why the sergeant put me in a cell whist Iate them. The smell perhaps?When you drove down to Sandbanks, on early turn and saw the sunrise, itcouldn’t help but make you pleased to live in Dorset.So, before I bore you all, my eager readers, I will finish on one of my special caraccidents. I was on Poole Quay outside The Jolly Sailor at closing time. Cars couldpark up to the edge of the quay in those days. One driver got into his car andsucceeded in moving forward and hitting a tanker moored close to the side. Ijumped out and got his handbrake on, and breathalysed him. He failed. I wasglad I didn’t have to test my life saving skills.


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It was all that time ago that our founder Jim Waine convinced methat I could run the P.H.S.G. office. Before I knew it, I was doing it.Jim was persuasive like that! I have to say I have enjoyed everyminute of it and have enjoyed meeting and working with so manylovely Office Helpers.Margaret Wilkinson worked in the office for many years, and herhusband George was on the Committee. They used to sell the raffletickets at the 3rd Thursday evening meetings at the Post Gradcentre. We had Pamela Warman, Val Nield, Isabel Wood, Bill Huse,Janet Hemsley (who still attends the Chat Stops) and Di Bagshawe.Bill and Janet decided to retire in May 2012 and at the same time Dimoved to Devon. I remember going to Di’s flat before she left as

she insisted we have a lot of her books for our Chat Stops. There was also of course my“Deputy”, Betty Elsmore. I remember around 2009 when I was quite poorly, Betty and Janetran the office for me and also organized distribution of the magazines. We had Derek Ashleywho came in with Betty. Sadly he passed away in September 2012. Angie Jenkins was ahelper for many years too and was very ill for some time. Viv Wilkinson and I took her out acouple of times when she was at home from hospital and feeling a bit better. Sadly we lostAngie in December 2013. Viv and I attended the funeral and decided as we had always takenAngie to the Oaks, we would go and have a coffee there to celebrate her life. I took Viv in mycar and when we returned to collect hers, the gate across the entrance to the Crematoriumwas locked! Viv was worried because her car was inside and her husband Tony (who helpsRobin with his talks at the Rehab meetings) was in Bournemouth hospital! Well after a whilea car drove out and luckily unlocked the gate for us and let us in. After much laughing, wethought whoever would believe that we had been locked in the Crematorium! Christine Owenhas also been a Helper along with Joy and Ted Payne. Sadly again, we lost Joy in January2013. Ted does not come into the office now, but at 92 is still exercising at Canford.All my Helpers have been such very nice people and have always been happy to stand inwhen they could in an emergency. I have not mentioned my current ‘staff’, but to each and

every one, past andpresent I thank you for allthe help you’ve given toP.H.S.G.Lastly, about a year ago,Doreen (Dorsy) Cooperjoined us. Again, a lovelylady who unfortunatelyafter a short illness,passed away in June .Also my friend Viv, whoalways was so good at thequizzes at the Chat Stop,was very ill for some time,

but fought it with much spirit and aid from her family. Sadly Viv was also taken from us atthe end of last year.

10 Years of Managing PHSG Office

Dorsy Viv

Jan Mesher


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25 PHSG Magazine

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This year as usual we started the programme of summer walks to Old HarryRocks via Ballard Down. It was a beautiful April day, the temperature wasperfect and the views spectacular. Afterwards over a pre-arranged lunch we allagreed that it was a good start to the new season and augured well forthe walks to come.

Ten days later we met at Pamphill for a walk to Cowgrove and the beautifulbluebell woods. We were pleased to welcome two new members, Jackie andGraham and although only fifteen members actually walked, twenty twomanaged to make it for lunch!Subsequent walks at Hengistbury Head and Higher Row were well attended butwhen it came to the middle of May the weather had broken and the entry in ourdiary read "rain,rain,rain" and only six hardy souls actually completed the walkat Hinton St Mary.

Summer Walking 2017 Judy & Dave Deadman

Linford Bottom - Photo credit Bob Thomas

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We were now finding that some of the pubs we had patronised in the past wereeither asking us to place our orders in advance or in one case, not catering forwalking groups at all. This led to a little lateral thinking and we were made verywelcome at and respectively.

Our scheduled walk at Warehamfell victim to the weather.Wareham was waterlogged butas we have never cancelled awalk yet we met as planned anddrove in convoy to the nearbySikka Trail.As if by way of apology, theweather relented for our trip toPortland and it turned out to beone of the hottest days of theyear so far. Fortunately, LinfordBottom in The New Forest wasone of the walks that we neededto reconnoitre, for when we

Portland - Photo credit Bob Thomas

Linford Bottom - Photo credit Bob Thomas

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arrived The Forestry Commission was carrying out some tree felling and scrubclearance. It took two more visits before we were able to confirm that the workwould not interfere and the walk could go ahead as planned.Next on our programme was a walk at East Chaldon. Despite it being the middle ofJuly, the weather had yet another trick up it's sleeve and we encountered thick fog

East Chaldon in the Mist - Photo credit Gerald Lessnoff

East Chaldon not in the Mist Photo credit Gerald Lessnoff

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with visibility down toa few feet for much ofthe walk as you cansee in the photo. Itwas really atmosphericand we all reallyenjoyed theexperience.The picnic in The NewForest was rained off,as although wemanaged to completethe walk before therain set in for the restof the day, we optedfor eating in thecomfort of our ownhomes.What does the rest of the season hold in store for us? We don't know. All we doknow is that we enjoy every minute of our walks and will keep goingfor as long as we are able.

Judy & Dave

East Chaldon in the Mist - Photo credit Gerald Lessnoff

Portland - Photo credit Bob Thomas

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☺“Boom” is a native word meaning “Return”, hence Boomerang. Please don’t trythrowing an ordinary meringue though.

☺My wife's had an accident on a volcano. Krakatoa? No, she broke her leg.☺My wife's gone on a singing tour of South Korea. Seoul? No, R&B.☺My wife is on holiday in Lyme Regis. In Dorset? Yes, wholeheartedly!☺My vet is a trainee and diagnosed my cat with alopecia. I asked for a refurral.☺New Metropolitan Police commissioner Cressida Dick began her police career

in the north of Scotland. Her address was then: PC Dick, The Nick, Wick.☺My new girlfriend sits me down with a cup of tea and a braille version of War

and Peace when I visit her. She makes me feel a tome.☺3.14% of Sailors are Pi-rates.☺What's a Yorkshireman's favourite number? 2.71 What's a Geordie’s favourite

number? 3.14 (Clue: e = 2.71)☺Dad, did you know my sister Teresa’s name is an anagram of Easter,? Yes

Alan, that’s right, also your brother Brian is an anagram of Brain because he’sclever. All our family names are anagrams.

☺A lorry carrying a cargo of Vicks Vapour Rub has overturned on the M6 spillingit's load onto the carriageway. The Police have said its serious but at leastthere will be no congestion.

☺www.conjunctivitis.com … now that's a site for sore eyes.☺I Googled “medieval servant”. It came back with “Page not found.” I suppose it

serfed me right.☺Policeman: Name please

Man: The Wizard of Oz Policeman: Your FULL name Man: (quietly) The Wizard of Ounces.

☺Have you been hit with a rhythm stick? You could be entitled to compensationfor a personal Ian Dury claim.

☺My wife just left me. She took my satellite dish and my Bob Marley collection.No woman, no Sky.

☺During Wimbledon fortnight I bought a punnet of strawberries and looked tothe internet for the best way to serve them. It suggested that I halve thestrawberries, dust with icing sugar, and pile cream on top. A word to the wisethough - pile cream tastes horrible.

☺Have you heard about the ghost who goes round examining pubs? He's an innspectre.

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Doctor, Doctor! My body hurts wherever I touch it. Everywhere!“Impossible!” cries the doctor, “but show me.”The patient pushed with his finger on his left shoulder and screamed, thenhe pushed his elbow and screamed even more. He pushed his knee andscreamed; likewise he pushed his ankle and screamed. Everywhere hetouched made him scream.“I thought so,” the doctor said, “Your finger is broken.”

A girl was visiting a friend who had just got two newdogs. She asked what their names were. Her friend respondedby saying that one was named Rolex and one was named Timex.“Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?”“HELLLOOOOOOO …” answered the other, “they are watchdogs.”

After being marriedfor thirty years, a wifeasked her husband todescribe her.He looked at her for awhile, then said, “Youare A, B, C, D, E, F, G,H, I, J, K”.She asked him “Whatdoes that mean?”He said “Adorable,Beautiful, Cute,Delightful, Elegant,Foxy, Gorgeous, Hot.”She smiled happily andsaid “Oh, that’s solovely … what about I,J, K?”He said “I’m JustKidding!”The swelling in his eyeis beginning to go down.

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Ashdown School Sports Monday 12:00 Tuesday 09:30 10:30 Wednesday 09:30 Friday 09:30 10:30

Canford School Sports Monday 09:00 10:00 Tuesday 09:00 10:00 Thursday 09:00 10:00 11:00 Friday 09:00 10:00 (again)

Ferndown Sports Monday 10:30 Wednesday 11:00

Hamworthy Fire Station Monday 10:00

“Hearts on Seats”, Broadstone Thursday 13:30

Images, Lower Parkstone Tuesday 11:30 Wednesday 11:00 Friday 11:00

Lytchett Minster Sports Tuesday 18:00 19:00 Thursday 18:30

“Step Down” QE Academy Wimborne Tuesday 14:30

Swanage, Burlington Sports Club Tuesday 14:30 15:30

Wareham, Purbeck Sports Club Monday 16:00 Thursday 11:00

If you are not exercising with us and would like to startplease call Robin Pringle or Roger Ridout.

Contact details are on the inside front cover

Our “Hearts on Seats” is designed for the less physically able.The “Step Down” class is designed for members with more complicated heart problems and isconducted by the Poole NHS rehabilitation team in collaboration with Poole Heart Support Group.

PHSG Exercise VenuesAll Sessions last 1 hour

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T-Shirts £8.00 Polo Shirts£12.00

Sweat Shirts£14.00

This exclusive range of clothes areavailable from the PHSG

Sizes Small, Medium, Large& Extra Large.

Round or V-Neck Ts

Contact: Dave Evans01202 602856 (or ask your trainer)

Come to Gym in thesmart gear!

PHSG Logo ClothingV-neck T-Shirts too

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Our Word Searches are compiled by Derek Pope



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Meetings at St John’s Church Hall, Broadstone.PHSG talks and Chat Stops are free.

Don’t Forget! After our summerbreak CHAT STOPS are back on


Oct 4 Chat Stop at 13:30Jake Moore of the Dorset Police onCyber-crime. Come and Learn!.Nov 1 Chat Stop at 13:30Dame Annette Brook DBE. Anillustrated, behind the scenes, look ather Investiture in Windsor Castle plusthe lighter side of being an MP.

Nov 16 Thursday Evening Meeting at 19:30Dr.Chris.Steadman. MB ChB MD FRCP. Consultant Cardiologist“Cardiac Imaging. The Past, Present and Future”Dec 6 Chat Stop at 13:30Christmas Quiz by George L.

PHSG Meetings - Diary Dates

Do you have computer problems?We can resolve your problems for you. Are you unsure what youare doing, do you need assistance, a helping hand or training? Wecan assist with home PC security, internet connection problems,advice and installation of Broadband, PC networks and supplyand/or installation of secure wireless networks in your house. Weundertake virus, spyware and ad-ware removal and can supply orinstall security programs to make your PC safe. Is your old PCslow, is it worth upgrading? We provide impartial advice and canperform upgrades or help with any new PC purchase andaccessory quotes. We supply new PCs, install, configure yoursystem and can transfer your existing data. Why not give us a call!

Contact Efficiency SolutionsJeff on 01202 855949 or Mobile 07736 275190

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Hill View Typesetting 01202 855001Printed by Top Coat 01202 820959

WHAT TO DO IF YOU BECOME UNWELLMedical help and advice is available if you become unwell when your GPsurgery is closed. You should:Dial 999 or go to A & E as soon as possible if you are worried about thesudden onset of new symptoms or have suffered a serious Injury orillness.A & E departments are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They arefor a critical or life threatening situation, for example chest pain,suspected heart attack, severe breathing difficulties, severe loss of blood,loss of consciousness, deep wounds and suspected broken bones. Theyare not for minor injuries or health problems, nor an alternative to seeingyour GP or for a ‘second opinion’ if you have already seen your GP.You can also call Non Emergency Care on 111 if you are feeling unwellbut not facing a life-threatening emergency and you are unsure what todo. Use 111 if you need information about finding a pharmacist, dentist orother service and cannot wait until your GP surgery opens. This servicereplaces the old Dorset Out of Hours Medical Service.Go to an NHS Walk-In Centre or Minor Injuries Unit with a minor injuryor illness. Find the nearest one by calling 111


Poole Heart Support Group, Poole Community Health CentreShaftesbury Road, Poole BH15 2NT

Telephone: 01202 683363 manned Mondays and Thursdays: 2:00-4:00pmwww.poolehsg.org.uk

Affiliated to the British Heart Foundation andArrhythmia Alliance - The Heart Rhythm Charity
