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Physica A 459 (2016) 1–8 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Physica A journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/physa Waterlike features, liquid–crystal phase and self-assembly in Janus dumbbells José Rafael Bordin 1-Campus Caçapava do Sul, Universidade Federal do Pampa, Av. Pedro Anunciação, 111, CEP 96570-000, Caçapava do Sul, RS, Brazil highlights Molecular dynamics simulations of Janus nanoparticles. The monomeric system do not have anomalies, but density and diffusion anomalies were observed for the Janus dumbbells. Distinct self-assembled structures obtained depending on density and temperature. Liquid–crystal phase. article info Article history: Received 29 January 2016 Received in revised form 24 March 2016 Available online 27 April 2016 Keywords: Waterlike anomalies Anomalous fluids Janus dumbbells Self-assembly abstract We explore the phase diagram of Janus nanoparticles using Molecular Dynamics simulations. Each monomer in the dimer has distinct characteristics. One type of monomer interacts by a Lennard Jones potential, while the other type interacts through a two length scale potential. Previous studies for the monomeric system using this specific two length scale potential do not indicate the presence of waterlike anomalies. However, our results show that the combination of two length scales potential and LJ potential in the Janus nanoparticle will lead to thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies. The self-assembly properties were also explored. We observe distinct kinds of self-assembled structures and a liquid–crystal phase. This result indicates that it is possible to create Janus nanoparticles with waterlike features using monomers without anomalous behavior. The anomalies and structures are explained with the two length scale potential characteristics. © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Most part of the materials contract on cooling at constant pressure. Also, is expect a decrement in the diffusion coefficient when the pressure of the system is increased. However, this is not the case from the so called anomalous fluids. The most well known anomalous fluid is water [1,2], with 73 known anomalies [3]. Liquid water at 1.0 atm have a maximum in the density at the temperature of 4 °C, expanding as is cooled down to 0 °C. Other materials, such as silicon [4], silica [5], Te [6], Bi [7], Si [8], Ge 15 Te 85 [9], liquid metals [10], graphite [11] and BeF 2 [12], also present thermodynamic anomalies. Water [13], silicon [14] and silica [4] show diffusion anomaly, characterized by a maximum in the diffusion coefficient at a constant temperature. Core-softened (CS) potentials with two length scales (TLS) have been widely used to study the general properties and characteristics of fluids with anomalous behavior [15–18]. TLS potentials are characterized by having two preferred particle–particle separations, while one length scale (OLS) potential, as the Lennard Jones (LJ) potential, shows only one characteristic distance. E-mail address: [email protected]. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2016.04.032 0378-4371/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Page 1: PhysicaA Waterlikefeatures,liquid–crystalphaseandself ... · 2 J.R.Bordin/PhysicaA459(2016)1–8 TLSpotentialsareabletoreproducewaterlikeanomaliesinqualitativewayifcompetitionexistsbetweenthetwo

Physica A 459 (2016) 1–8

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Physica A

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/physa

Waterlike features, liquid–crystal phase and self-assembly inJanus dumbbellsJosé Rafael Bordin1-Campus Caçapava do Sul, Universidade Federal do Pampa, Av. Pedro Anunciação, 111, CEP 96570-000, Caçapava do Sul, RS, Brazil

h i g h l i g h t s

• Molecular dynamics simulations of Janus nanoparticles.• The monomeric system do not have anomalies, but density and diffusion anomalies were observed for the Janus dumbbells.• Distinct self-assembled structures obtained depending on density and temperature.• Liquid–crystal phase.

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 29 January 2016Received in revised form 24 March 2016Available online 27 April 2016

Keywords:Waterlike anomaliesAnomalous fluidsJanus dumbbellsSelf-assembly

a b s t r a c t

We explore the phase diagram of Janus nanoparticles using Molecular Dynamicssimulations. Eachmonomer in the dimer has distinct characteristics. One type of monomerinteracts by a Lennard Jones potential, while the other type interacts through a twolength scale potential. Previous studies for the monomeric system using this specific twolength scale potential do not indicate the presence of waterlike anomalies. However, ourresults show that the combination of two length scales potential and LJ potential in theJanus nanoparticle will lead to thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies. The self-assemblyproperties were also explored. We observe distinct kinds of self-assembled structures anda liquid–crystal phase. This result indicates that it is possible to create Janus nanoparticleswith waterlike features using monomers without anomalous behavior. The anomalies andstructures are explained with the two length scale potential characteristics.

© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Most part of thematerials contract on cooling at constant pressure. Also, is expect a decrement in the diffusion coefficientwhen the pressure of the system is increased. However, this is not the case from the so called anomalous fluids. The mostwell known anomalous fluid is water [1,2], with 73 known anomalies [3]. Liquid water at 1.0 atm have a maximum inthe density at the temperature of 4 °C, expanding as is cooled down to 0 °C. Other materials, such as silicon [4], silica [5],Te [6], Bi [7], Si [8], Ge15Te85 [9], liquid metals [10], graphite [11] and BeF 2 [12], also present thermodynamic anomalies.Water [13], silicon [14] and silica [4] show diffusion anomaly, characterized by a maximum in the diffusion coefficient at aconstant temperature.

Core-softened (CS) potentials with two length scales (TLS) have been widely used to study the general propertiesand characteristics of fluids with anomalous behavior [15–18]. TLS potentials are characterized by having two preferredparticle–particle separations, while one length scale (OLS) potential, as the Lennard Jones (LJ) potential, shows only onecharacteristic distance.

E-mail address: [email protected].

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2016.04.0320378-4371/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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TLS potentials are able to reproduce waterlike anomalies in qualitative way if competition exists between the twocharacteristic distances [17,19,20]. If the energy penalty to the particle moves from one scale to another is higher thanthe particle kinetic energy, then the particle will get trapped in one length scale, and there will be no competition. As aconsequence, there will be no anomalous behavior.

Another system of interest is colloidal suspensions. Despite the fact that anomalous properties were not observed for thiscolloidal system, experiments [21,22] show that the effective interaction between the colloids has a TLS shape. Therefore,they can be studied using a TLS potential without competition between the scales.

Particularly, colloidal Janus nanoparticles have attracted the attention of scientists due to the large range of applicationsof these new materials, including medicine, catalysis, photonic crystals, stable emulsions, biomolecules and self-healingmaterials [23–28]. Dumbbells colloids are formed by two spheres that overlap with a separation that varies from an almosttotal overlap to one or two monomer diameters. The molecule anisotropy plays quite a relevant role. The properties of thesystem depend on the interaction potential that varies with their spatial separation and their relative orientations. In thecase of Janus dumbbells [29–32], eachmonomer has distinct characteristics, as charged/neutral or hydrophilic/hydrophobic.The competition between attractive and repulsive forces leads to the formation of self-assembly lamellae or micellaephases [33–38].

Recently, the production of silver–silicon (Ag–Si) [30], silica–polystyrene (SiO2–PS) [39] and tantalum silicide–silicon(TaSi2/Si) [40] hybrid Janus dimerswere reported. Silicon and silica are classified as anomalous fluids, and the silicon–siliconor silica–silica interaction in the pure system can be modeled by a TLS potential with competition between the scales.The other monomers can be described by an one length scale potential and consequently does not show the presenceof the waterlike thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies. In our previous work, we have shown that if the TLS potentialshows dynamical and thermodynamical anomalous behavior for the monomeric case, the Janus dimer will have anomaliesaccordingly with the non-anomalous monomer properties [41].

A new question arises when none of the monomers are anomalous, but one can bemodeled with a TLS potential withoutcompetition between the scales. For instance, soft colloidal [42,43], metallic/polymer [44,45] and liquid–crystal/polymer[46] Janus dumbbells have a colloidal monomer whose interaction can be described by a TLS potential [47] and a monomerthat have OLS interaction.

In order to answer this question, we explore the pressure versus temperature phase diagram of a model system. Thesystem is composed by Janus particles where one monomer interacts through a TLS potential without anomalies and theothermonomer interacts through an LJ potential.We investigate how thepresence of the LJmonomer affects the competitionbetween the two characteristic distances, the self-assembly structures and describe qualitatively the thermodynamicphases.

The paper is organized as follows. The model, the methods and simulation details are described in Section 2; the resultsand discussion are given in Section 3; and then the conclusions are presented in Section 4.

2. The model and the simulation details

In this paper, all the physical quantities are computed in the standard LJ units [48],


, ρ∗≡ ρσ 3, and t∗ ≡ t


mσ 2

1/2, (1)

for distance, density of particles and time, respectively, and


pσ 3

ϵand T ∗



for the pressure and temperature, respectively, where σ is the distance parameter, ϵ the energy parameter and m themass parameter. Since in the present work all physical quantities are expressed in reduced LJ units, we will omit the ∗

for simplicity.N dimers were used in each simulation, in a total of 2N particles. Each monomer has diameter σ and mass m, and the

Janus dumbbells are constructed using two monomers linked rigidly at a distance λ = σ . The only difference between themonomers is their interaction.Monomers of type A interact with another Amonomer through a TLS core-softened potential,proposed by da Silva and co-workers [17]


= 4







+ u0exp


rij − r0



− u1exp


rij − r1



, (3)

where rij = |r⃗i− r⃗j| is the distance between two A particles i and j. This equation has three terms: the first one is the standardLJ 12–6 potential [48], the second is a Gaussian centered at r0 = 0.70, with depth u0 = 5.0 and width c0 = 1.0, responsiblefor the shoulder in the potential shape, and the last term is also a Gaussian, but centered at r1 = 3.0, with depth u1 = 1.0andwidth c1 = 0.5, responsible for the attractive well in the potential, as indicated in Fig. 1 by the solid red line. Despite the

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J.R. Bordin / Physica A 459 (2016) 1–8 3

Fig. 1. Interaction potentials used in our simulations: the TLS potential (solid red line) and the LJ potential (dashed blue line). Inset: Janus nanoparticlesformed by A–B monomers. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

presence of the two length scales, monomeric systems interacting through this potential did not show waterlike anomaliesdue to the large well depth [17]. B monomers interact through an LJ potential,

ULJ(rij) =43

· 22/3







, (4)

the blue dashed line in Fig. 1. This particular shape for the LJ potentialwas chosen due to its small attractivewell. Interactionsbetween A and B monomers are also given by Eq. (4).

NVT Molecular dynamics simulations using the ESPResSo package [49,50]were performed in order to obtain the pressureversus temperature (p×T ) phase diagram. A total ofN = 1200 particles were used in our simulations. To ensure our results,simulations with up to 9000 dimers were carried out, and essentially the same results were obtained. The number densityis defined as ρ = N/V , where V = L3 is the volume of the cubic simulation box. Standard periodic boundary conditions areapplied in all directions. The system temperature was fixed using the Langevin thermostat with γ = 1.0. The phase diagramwas obtained from simulations with densities ranging from ρ = 0.025 to ρ = 0.50, and the temperature was varied fromT = 0.005 to T = 0.75. The equations of motion for the fluid particles were integrated using the velocity Verlet algorithm,with a time step δt = 0.01. The cutoff radius for the TLS potential is rcutTLS = 6.5, and rcutLJ = 2.5 for the LJ potential. Weperformed 5×106 steps to equilibrate the system. These steps are then followed by 5×106 steps for the results productionstage. To ensure that the system was equilibrated, the pressure, kinetic energy and potential energy were analyzed as afunction of time, as well as several snapshots at distinct simulation times.

To study the dynamic anomaly, the relation between themean square displacement (MSD)with time is analyzed, namely

⟨[r⃗cm(t) − r⃗cm(t0)]2⟩ = ⟨1r⃗cm(t)2⟩, (5)

where r⃗cm(t0) = (xcm(t0)2 + ycm(t0)2 + zcm(t0)2)1/2 and r⃗cm(t) = (xcm(t)2 + ycm(t)2 + zcm(t)2)1/2 denote the coordinateof the nanoparticle center of mass (CM) at a time t0 and at a later time t , respectively. The MSD is related to the diffusioncoefficient D by

D = limt→∞


. (6)

The fluid structure was analyzed using the radial distribution function (RDF) g(rij), and the pressure was evaluated withthe virial expansion. In order to check if the Janus system shows density anomaly we evaluate the temperature of maximumdensity (TMD). Using thermodynamical relations, the TMD can be characterized by the minimum of the pressure versustemperature along isochores,



= 0. (7)

The regions in the p × T phase diagram were defined analyzing the structure with g(rij), snapshots and the diffusioncoefficient D.

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Fig. 2. Radial distribution function between (a) A–Amonomers, (b) B–Bmonomers and (c) nanoparticles center of mass for the dimers system. These RDFswere obtained at density ρ = 0.20 and temperature ranging from T = 0.525 to T = 0.725. (d) RDF for themonomeric case (particle A) at density ρ = 0.07and temperature ranging from T = 0.45 to T = 0.80.

3. Results and discussion

Studies [19,20,51] have shown that the main ingredient to observe waterlike anomalies in a fluid is the competitionbetween the two characteristic distances of TLS potentials. The TLS potential used for the A–A monomers interaction,Eq. (3), do not have density and diffusion anomalies in the monomeric case [17].

Simulations for the monomeric system uses only A particles [17]. The RDF for this case, shown in Fig. 2(d), shows thatboth peaks, related to the first and second shell, decreases when the temperature increases. This is the behavior when thereis no competition between the scales. In other words, there is no movement from one characteristic distance to another.Surprisingly, the dumbbells nanoparticles have a clear competition between the length scales.

These RDFs for the dumbbells system were evaluated at density ρ = 0.20 and temperature between T = 0.525 andT = 0.725. The radial distribution function g(rij) between A–A monomers, namely gAA(rij), is shown in Fig. 2(a). The gAA(rij)shows that when the system temperature increases the particles leave the first length scale, at rij ≈ 1.0, and moves to thesecond length scale at rij ≈ 2.0. This is the distance where the fraction of imaginarymodes from this family of TLS potentialshas a local minimum [20]. The B–B monomers, namely gBB(rij) and shown in Fig. 2(b), also have a competition between thescales as we increase the temperature at fixed density. The same competition is observed when the RDF between the centerof mass of each nanoparticle, gCM(rij). Fig. 2(c) shows that gCM(rij) clearly has a movement from the particles from onescale to another. gCM(rij) shows the particles moving from a distance rij ≈ 3.0, at lower temperatures, to rij ≈ 2.0 at highertemperatures. This change in the RDF peaks, with one increasing while the other decreases, is a strong indicative that thesystemwill havewaterlike anomalies. Also, the RDF shows that not only the Amonomers are arranging to go to the preferreddistance, rij ≈ 2.0, but the center of mass also moves to the distance rij ≈ 3.0. This separation is equal to the second lengthscale plus the OLS monomer diameter, showing how the competition is generated by the dumbbell anisotropy.

Therefore, as a consequence from the competition between the two length scales, the Janus dumbbells have density anddiffusion anomalies. In Fig. 3(a), we show the p × T phase diagram with the anomalies regions. The TMD is represented bythe solid black line, and the diffusion maxima and minima are represented by the red dashed lines. The anomalous regiondoes not have a waterlike hierarchy, and even an silicalike hierarchy. The diffusion anomalous region is at lower pressures(or lower densities) than the density anomalous region. Fomin and coworkers have shown that distinct hierarchy can be

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Fig. 3. (a) Qualitative p × T phase diagram with the anomalies regions and the self-assembly structures and thermodynamic phases. Region I is aamorphous solid phase, with dimeric, trimeric and tetrameric micelles. Region II is a amorphous solid phase with spherical and wormlike micelles. RegionIII corresponds to a gas–liquid coexistence region, while region IV is a solid–fluid coexistence region. In region V, the system is structured in a lamellarsolid micelles, and in region VI the system is structured in lamellar micelles with crystal–liquid characteristics. The two black circles corresponds to triplepoints. For simplicity, the isochores are not shown. (b) D × ρ curve shows the diffusion maxima and minima.

Fig. 4. Snapshots of the observed structures and phases. (a) is in region I in the phase diagram, at T = 0.025 and ρ = 0.075, (b) is in region II at T = 0.025and ρ = 0.25, (c) is in region III at T = 0.10 and ρ = 0.05, (d) is in region IV at T = 0.40 and ρ = 0.15, (e) is in region V at T = 0.25 and ρ = 0.30 and(f) is in region VI at T = 0.50 and ρ = 0.30.

observed accordingly with the parameters used for core softened fluids [18,52]. In this way, it is possible to obtain thedesired hierarchy with the potential parametrization.

Fig. 3(b) is the diffusion dependence with the system density, showing the anomalous increment in D as we increasethe fluid density. This result indicates that non-anomalous material can be combined to create anomalous nanoparticles.The small attractive well in the LJ potential is located in the same place that the shoulder in the TLS potential, see Fig. 2.Essentially, the OLS monomers affect the competition between the length scales, leading the Janus nanoparticle to exhibitwaterlike features.

Among the anomalous properties, the system exhibits several self-assembled structures. The distinct micellae andlamellar self-assembled structures were characterized with the RDF and the snapshots. To characterize as fluid or solidwe have analyzed the RDF, snapshot and the value of D, obtained from the slope of the MSD curve. With this, we shouldaddress that the phase diagram is qualitative, based on direct observation of the various assembled structures. At lowtemperatures and low densities, the orange region I in the p × T phase diagram, the nanoparticles are structured in anamorphous solid state, with the dimers assembled in dimeric, trimeric and tetrameric clusters. The structures observed areshown in Fig. 4(a). Increasing the density, more nanoparticles will aggregate in the same cluster. As a consequence, sphericaland elongated (wormlike) micelles were observed, as shown in Fig. 4(b). Due to the low temperature, the system remainsin an amorphous solid state. In order to make the snapshot more clear, only the bonds inside each micelle are shown inthis case. At intermediate temperatures and small densities, the system exhibits cavitation and a gas–liquid coexistence,region III in Fig. 3(a), as shown in Fig. 4(c), while at region IV there is a solid–fluid coexistence, Fig. 4(d). The holes in regionIII are similar to that observed in a model for alcohols [53] that uses a dimer related to our model. The solid in region IVcorresponds to a lamellar phase, where the system is structured in planes, with a fluid hole. The lamellar structure was alsoobserved in regions V and VI, as discussed below in more detail. The point where the regions II, III and IV connect, the lower

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Fig. 5. (a) RDF for the region (V) at T = 0.25 and ρ = 0.30 and (b) for the region (VI) at T = 0.50 and ρ = 0.30. The solid black line is the RDF between Amonomers, the dashed blue line between B monomers and the dotted red line between the nanoparticles center of mass. (c) Nanoparticle center of massMSD at ρ = 0.30 for T = 0.25, solid red line, and T = 0.50, solid black line. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the readeris referred to the web version of this article.)

circle in Fig. 3, can be understood as a triple point, since is the connection of 3 distinct regions. In fact, the point is crossedby several isochores, which reinforce the existence of this triple point. For simplicity and in order to make the p × T phasediagram more clear, we did not show the isochores in Fig. 3.

Region V delimits a lamellae region. The fluid is well structured in planes, as Fig. 4(e) shows. The same kind of structurewas observed in region VI, Fig. 4(f). The A monomers are fixed related to each other, as the RDFs from Fig. 5(a) and Fig. 5(b)indicate, while the B monomers do not have a well defined structure. In a first moment, the RDFs and the snapshots couldindicate that for the same isochore, ρ = 0.30, in regions V (T = 0.25) and VI (T = 0.50) the system has the same behavior.However, analyzing the nanoparticle center of mass MSD, shown in Fig. 5(c), we can see that at T = 0.25 the system donot move, as in a solid, while for T = 0.50 the fluid has a large diffusion. In this way, in region VI, the fluid is structuredin lamellar micelles, and moves in the direction of this plane. This planar liquid–crystal phase was already observed fordumbbells particles with potentials similar to Eq. (3), but without the attractive well [54]. Also, liquid–crystal was used inrecent experiments for Janus dumbbells [46]. In the experimental system, one monomer has a polymer compartment and alarger boundary. In fact, we can imagine this polymer compartment as a TLS monomer, similar to our model. Also, a secondtriple point crossed by several isochores was found in the limits between region IV, region VI and the region where thesystem is a fluid.

The variety of self-assembled structures are not surprising. The micelles are present in hydrophobic–hydrophilicmolecular systems, as surfactants and Janus particles. In our case, the competition between the TLS andOLS potential createsthe micelles.

4. Conclusion

The pressure versus temperature phase diagram of a Janus dumbbells model was studied. We analyze the effect of anattractive two length scales potential in the phase behavior. We have shown that, despite the monomeric system do notexhibit waterlike anomalies, the dimeric systemwith a OLSmonomer and a TLSmonomerwill exhibit competition betweenthe characteristic distances and, consequently, density and diffusion anomalies. The model shows a rich variety of micelles,similar to that observed in hydrophobic–hydrophilic Janus dumbbells nanoparticles. Regions of gas–liquid and solid–fluid

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coexistence were found, both related with triple points. Also, a liquid–crystal phase was obtained, and the TMD line goesfrom the fluid region to the liquid–crystal region.

Our results indicate that it is possible to create dimeric particles with anomalous properties using non-anomalousmonomers, as colloids that have two characteristic scales for the interaction, and still have the self-assembly with differentmicellar conformations. Further investigation including asymmetric monomers and distinct OLS/TLS potentials effects onanomalies and in the hierarchy is currently in progress.


We thank the Brazilian agency CNPq (Grant No. 441712/2014-2) for the financial support.


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