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Physics A2 Unit4 05 CircularMotion 01

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  • 8/12/2019 Physics A2 Unit4 05 CircularMotion 01


  • 8/12/2019 Physics A2 Unit4 05 CircularMotion 01


    1.1. To summarise the relationship betweenTo summarise the relationship between

    degrees and radiansdegrees and radians

    2.2. To understand the term angularTo understand the term angulardisplacementdisplacement

    3.3. To define angular velocityTo define angular velocity

    4.4. To connect angular velocity to theTo connect angular velocity to theperiod and frequency of rotationperiod and frequency of rotation

    5.5. To connect angular velocity to linearTo connect angular velocity to linear

    s eedspeed

    Book Reference : Pages 22-Book Reference : Pages 22-


  • 8/12/2019 Physics A2 Unit4 05 CircularMotion 01


    Angles can be measured in both degrees Angles can be measured in both degrees

    radians !radians ! The angleThe angle in radians isin radians isdefined as the arc length " thedefined as the arc length " the


    #or a whole circle$ %3&'() the#or a whole circle$ %3&'() thearc length is the circumference$arc length is the circumference$

    %2%2r)r) 3&'( is 23&'( is 2 radiansradians



    *ommon values !*ommon values !

    45( +45( + "4 radians"4 radians

    ,'( +,'( + "2 radians"2 radians

    1-'( +1-'( + radiansradians

    ote. /n 0./. nits we useote. /n 0./. nits we useradrad

  • 8/12/2019 Physics A2 Unit4 05 CircularMotion 01


    Angular velocity$ for circular motion$ hasAngular velocity$ for circular motion$ has

    counterparts which can be compared withcounterparts which can be compared withlinear speedlinear speed s=d/ts=d/t..

    Time %t) remains unchanged$ but linearTime %t) remains unchanged$ but linear

    distance %d) is replaced withdistance %d) is replaced with angularangular

    displacementdisplacement measured in radians.measured in radians.

    Angular displacementAngular displacement


    r Angular displacement is theAngular displacement is the

    number of radians movednumber of radians moved

  • 8/12/2019 Physics A2 Unit4 05 CircularMotion 01


    #or a watch calculate the angular#or a watch calculate the angular

    displacement in radians of the tip of thedisplacement in radians of the tip of theminute hand inminute hand in

    1.1. ne secondne second

    2.2. ne minutene minute

    3.3. ne hourne hourach full rotation of the 6ondon eye ta7esach full rotation of the 6ondon eye ta7es

    3' minutes. 8hat is the angular3' minutes. 8hat is the angular

    displacement per second9displacement per second9

  • 8/12/2019 Physics A2 Unit4 05 CircularMotion 01


    *onsider an ob:ect moving along the arc of*onsider an ob:ect moving along the arc of

    a circle from A to ; at a constanta circle from A to ; at a constant speeds

    peedforfortime t!time t!

  • 8/12/2019 Physics A2 Unit4 05 CircularMotion 01


    The period T of the rotational motion is theThe period T of the rotational motion is the

    time ta7en for one complete revolution %2time ta7en for one complete revolution %2radians).radians).0ubstituting into !0ubstituting into ! ++ " t" t

    + 2+ 2 " T" T T + 2T + 2 ""

    #rom our earlier wor7 on waves we 7now#rom our earlier wor7 on waves we 7now

    that the period %T) frequency %f) arethat the period %T) frequency %f) are

    related T + 1"frelated T + 1"f

  • 8/12/2019 Physics A2 Unit4 05 CircularMotion 01


    *onsidering the diagram below$ we can see*onsidering the diagram below$ we can see

    that the linear distance travelled is the arcthat the linear distance travelled is the arclengthlength

    6inear speed %v) + arc length6inear speed %v) + arc length%A;) " t%A;) " t

    v + rv + r" t" t%u"stituting&&& %u"stituting&&& == / t!/ t!

    v + rv + r

    Arc length





  • 8/12/2019 Physics A2 Unit4 05 CircularMotion 01


    A cyclist travels at a speed of 12msA cyclist travels at a speed of 12ms =1=1on aon a

    bi7e with wheels which have a radius ofbi7e with wheels which have a radius of

    4'cm. *alculate!4'cm. *alculate!

    a.a. The frequency of rotation for theThe frequency of rotation for thewheelswheels

    b.b. The angular velocity for the wheelsThe angular velocity for the wheels

    c.c. The angle the wheel turns through inThe angle the wheel turns through in'.1s in'.1s in

    i radians ii degreesi radians ii degrees

  • 8/12/2019 Physics A2 Unit4 05 CircularMotion 01


    The fre'uenc( of rotation for the )heelsThe fre'uenc( of rotation for the )heels

    *ircumference of the wheel is 2*ircumference of the wheel is 2rr+ 2+ 2 > '.4m + 2.5m> '.4m + 2.5m

    Time for one rotation$ %the period) is foundTime for one rotation$ %the period) is found


    s +d " t rearranged for ts +d " t rearranged for tt + d " s + T + circumference " linear speedt + d " s + T + circumference " linear speed

    T + 2.5 " 12 + '.21sT + 2.5 " 12 + '.21s

  • 8/12/2019 Physics A2 Unit4 05 CircularMotion 01


    The angular *elocit( for the )heelsThe angular *elocit( for the )heels

    sing T + 2sing T + 2 "" $ rearranged for$ rearranged for + 2+ 2 " T" T+ 2+ 2 " '.21" '.21+ 3' rads+ 3' rads=1=1

  • 8/12/2019 Physics A2 Unit4 05 CircularMotion 01

