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physics assignment 2.docx

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  • 8/19/2019 physics assignment 2.docx


    Applications of Polaroids

    Polaroids polarize light. A number of needle shaped crystals quinine iodosulphate with theiraxes parallel to one another are packed between two sheets of plastic. This arrangementserves as the polaroids.

     The important uses are:

    •  These reduce excess glare and hence sun glasses are tted with Polaroid sheets.

    •  These are also used to reduce headlight glare of cars.

    •  They are used to improve color contrast in old oil paintings.•  These are useful in !"# motion pictures i.e.$ holography.

    • %ind shields of automobiles are also made of Polaroid sheets.

    Uses of Polaroids

    Polaroids polarize light. A number of needle shaped crystals quinine iodosulphate with their

    axes parallel to one another are packed between two sheets of plastic. This arrangement

    serves as the polaroids. The important uses are:

    •  These reduce excess glare and hence sun glasses are tted with Polaroid sheets.

    •  These are also used to reduce headlight glare of cars.

    •  They are used to improve color contrast in old oil paintings.

    •  These are useful in !"# motion pictures i.e.$ holography.

    • %ind shields of automobiles are also made of Polaroid sheets.

    Polarizing sheets are used in liquid crystal displays$ optical microscopes and sunglasses. &ince

    Polaroid sheet is dichroic$ it will absorb impinging light of one plane of polarization$ so

    sunglasses will reduce the partially polarized light re'ected from level surfaces such as

    windows and sheets of water$ for example. They are also used to examine for chain

    orientation in transparent plastic products made from polystyrene or polycarbonate.

     The intensity of light passing through a Polaroid polarizer is described by (alus) law.

    Uses of polaroid

    *. Polaroids are used in the laboratory to produce and analyse plane polarized light+. Polaroids are widely used as polarizing sun glasses!. They are used to eliminate the head light glare in motor cars.,. They are used to improve colour contrasts in old oil paintings.-. Polaroid lms are used to produce three"dimensonal moving pictures.. They are used as glass windows in trains and aeroplanes to control the intensity

    of light. /n aeroplane one polaroid is xed outside the window while the other is

    tted inside which can be rotated. The intensity of light can be ad0usted by

    rotating the inner polaroid.

    1. Aerial pictures may be taken from slightly di2erent angles and when viewedthrough polaroids give a better perception of depth.

    3. /n calculators and watches$ letters and numbers are formed by liquid crystal

    display456#7 through polarisation of light.8. Polarization is also used to study size and shape of molecules.


  • 8/19/2019 physics assignment 2.docx


    Applications of Ultrasonics

    9omogenizing #ispersing and #eagglomeration

    mulsifying %et"(illing and ;rinding


    6ell xtraction 9ot %ater #isinfection


     Transesterication 4ltrasonic homogenizing is very e?cient for the reduction of soft and hard particles.

    9ielscher produces ultrasonic devices for the homogenization of any liquid volume for batch

    or inline processing. 5aboratory ultrasonic devices can be used for volumes from *.-m5 to

    approx. +5. >ltrasonic industrial devices are used for the process development and production

    of batches from @.- to approx +@@@5 or 'ow rates from @.*5 to +@m per hour.

    Ultrasonic Dispersing and Deagglomeration

     The dispersing and deagglomeration of solids into liquids is an important application of 

    ultrasonic devices. >ltrasonic cavitation generates high shear forces that break particle

    agglomerates into single dispersed particles. The mixing of powders into liquids is a common

    step in the formulation of various products$ such as paint$ ink$ shampoo$ beverages$ or

    polishing media. The individual particles are held together by attraction forces of various

    physical and chemical nature$ including van der %aals forces and liquid surface tension. The

    attraction forces must be overcome on order to deagglomerate and disperse the particles into

    liquid media. Bor the dispersing and deagglomeration of powders in liquids$ high intensity

    ultrasonication is an interesting alternative to high pressure homogenizers and rotor"stator"


    Ultrasonic Emulsifying

    A wide range of intermediate and consumer products$ such as cosmetics and skin lotions$

    pharmaceutical ointments$ varnishes$ paints and lubricants and fuels are based wholly or in

    part of emulsions. mulsions are dispersions of two or more immiscible liquids. 9ighly

    intensive ultrasound supplies the power needed to disperse a liquid phase 4dispersed phase7

    in small droplets in a second phase 4continuous phase7. /n the dispersing zone$ imploding

    cavitation bubbles cause intensive shock waves in the surrounding liquid and result in the

    formation of liquid 0ets of high liquid velocity. At appropriate energy density levels$ ultrasound

    can well achieve a mean droplet sizes below * micron 4micro"emulsion7.


  • 8/19/2019 physics assignment 2.docx


    Ultrasonic Wet-Milling and Grinding

    >ltrasonication is an e?cient means for the wet"milling and micro"grinding of particles. /n

    particular for the manufacturing of superne"size slurries$ ultrasound has many advantages$

    when compared with common size reduction equipment$ such as: colloid mills 4e.g. ball mills$

    bead mills7$ disc mills or 0et mills. >ltrasonication allows for the processing of high"

    concentration and high"viscosity slurries C therefore reducing the volume to be processed.

    >ltrasonic milling is suitable for processing micron"size and nano"size materials$ such asceramics$ alumina trihydrate$ barium sulphate$ calcium carbonate and metal oxides.

    Ultrasonic Cell Disintegration

    >ltrasonic treatment can disintegrate brous$ cellulosic material into ne particles and break

    the walls of the cell structure. This releases more of the intra"cellular material$ such as starch

    or sugar into the liquid. /n addition to that the cell wall material is being broken into small


     This e2ect can be used for fermentation$ digestion and other conversion processes of organic

    matter. After milling and grinding$ ultrasonication makes more of the intra"cellular material

    e.g. starch as well as the cell wall debris available to the enzymes that convert starch into

    sugars. /t does also increase the surface area exposed to the enzymes during liquefaction or

    saccharication. This does typically increase the speed and yield of yeast fermentation and

    other conversion processes$ e.g. to boost the ethanol production from biomass.

    Ultrasonic Cell Extraction

     The extraction of enzymes and proteins stored in cells and subcellular particles is an e2ective

    application of high"intensity ultrasound$ as the extraction of organic compounds contained

    within the body of plants and seeds by a solvent can be signicantly improved. >ltrasound

    has a potential benet in the extraction and isolation of novel potentially bioactive

    components$ e.g. from non"utilized by"product streams formed in current processes.

    Continuous Disinfection of Hot Water ystems

     To ght the dangerous 5egionella bacteria in hot water systems and secure a safer showering

    environment the;ruenbeck company has developed the ;DE"breakF system. This system

    uses 9ielscher ultrasonic technology in combination with >G"6 light.

    onoc!emical Application of Ultrasonics

    &onochemistry is the application of ultrasound to chemical reactions and processes. The

    mechanism causing sonochemical e2ects in liquids is the phenomenon of acoustic cavitation.

     The sonochemical e2ects to chemical reactions and processes include increase in reaction

    speed and=or output$ more e?cient energy usage$ performance improvement of phase

    transfer catalysts$ activation of metals and solids or increase in the reactivity of reagents or


    Ultrasonic "ransesteri#cation of $il to %iodiesel

    >ltrasonication increases the chemical reaction speed and yield of the transesterication of 

    vegetable oils and animal fats into biodiesel. This allows changing the production from batch

    processing to continuous 'ow processing and it reduces investment and operational costs.

     The manufacturing of biodiesel from vegetable oils or animal fats$ involves the base"catalyzed


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    transesterication of fatty acids with methanol or ethanol to give the corresponding methyl

    esters or ethyl esters. >ltrasonication can achieve a biodiesel yield in excess of 88H.

    >ltrasound reduces the processing time and the separation time signicantly.

    Ultrasonic Degassing of &i'uids

    #egassing of liquids is an interesting application of ultrasonic devices. /n this case the

    ultrasound removes small suspended gas"bubbles from the liquid and reduces the level of dissolved gas below the natural equilibrium level.

    onication of %ottles and Cans for &ea( Detection

    >ltrasound is being used in bottling and lling machines to check cans and bottles for leaks.

     The instantaneous release of carbon dioxide is the decisive e2ect of ultrasonic leakage tests

    of containers lled with carbonated beverages.

    Ultrasonic Wire) Ca*le and trip Cleaning

    >ltrasonic cleaning is an environmentally friendly alternative for the cleaning of continuous

    materials$ such as wire and cable$ tape or tubes. The e2ect of the cavitation generated by the

    ultrasonic power removes lubrication residues like oil or grease$ soaps$ stearates or dust.

    Applications of Ultrasonic Sound

    Sounds in the range 20-100kHz are commonly used for communication and navigationby bats, dolphins, and some other species. uch higher fre!uencies, in the range 1-20

    Hz, are used for medical ultrasound. Such sounds are produced by ultrasonic

    transducers. " #ide variety of medical diagnostic applications use both the echo time

    and the $oppler shift of the reflected sounds to measure the distance to internal organs

    and structures and the speed of movement of those structures. %ypical is the

    echocardiogram, in #hich a moving image of the heart&s action is produced in video

    form #ith false colors to indicate the speed and direction of blood flo# and heart valve

    movements. 'ltrasound imaging near the surface of the body is capable of resolutions

    less than a millimeter. %he resolution decreases #ith the depth of penetration since

    lo#er fre!uencies must be used (the attenuation of the #aves in tissue goes up #ith

    increasing fre!uency.) %he use of longer #avelengths implies lo#er resolution since the

    ma*imum resolution of any imaging process is proportional to the #avelength of the

    imaging #ave.


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    +rior to orld ar , sonar, the techni!ue of sending sound #aves through #ater and observing

    the returning echoes to characterize submerged obects, inspired early ultrasound investigators to

    e*plore #ays to apply the concept to medical diagnosis. n 1/2/ and 1/, Sokolov studied the

    use of ultrasonic #aves in detecting metal obects. ulhauser, in 1/1, obtained a patent for using

    ultrasonic #aves, using t#o transducers to detect fla#s in solids. irestone (1/30) and Simons

    (1/3) developed pulsed ultrasonic testing using a pulse-echo techni!ue.

    Shortly after the close of orld ar , researchers in 4apan began to e*plore medical diagnostic

    capabilities of ultrasound. %he first ultrasonic instruments used an "-mode presentation #ith blips

    on an oscilloscope screen. %hat #as follo#ed by a 5-mode presentation #ith a t#o dimensional,

    gray scale imaging.

    4apan&s #ork in ultrasound #as relatively unkno#n in the 'nited States and 6urope until the

    1/0s. %hen researchers presented their findings on the use of ultrasound to detect gallstones,

    breast masses, and tumors to the international medical community. 4apan #as also the firstcountry to apply $oppler ultrasound, an application of ultrasound that detects internal moving

    obects such as blood coursing through the heart for cardiovascular investigation.


    'ltrasound pioneers #orking in the 'nited States contributed many innovations and important

    discoveries to the field during the follo#ing decades. 7esearchers learned to use ultrasound to

    detect potential cancer and to visualize tumors in living subects and in e*cised tissue. 7eal-time

    imaging, another significant diagnostic tool for physicians, presented ultrasound images directly onthe system&s 87% screen at the time of scanning. %he introduction of spectral $oppler and later

    color $oppler depicted blood flo# in various colors to indicate

    speed of flo# and direction.

    %he 'nited States also produced the earliest hand held

    9contact9 scanner for clinical use, the second generation of 5-

    mode e!uipment, and the prototype for the first articulated-

    arm hand held scanner, #ith 2-$ images.


    Beginnings of Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE)

    :ondestructive testing has been practiced for many decades, #ith initial rapid developments in

    instrumentation spurred by the technological advances that occurred during orld ar and the

    subse!uent defense effort. $uring the earlier days, the primary purpose #as the detection of

    defects. "s a part of 9safe life9 design, it #as intended that a structure should not develop

    macroscopic defects during its life, #ith the detection of such defects being a cause for removal of

    the component from service. n response to this need, increasingly sophisticated techni!ues using

    ultrasonics, eddy currents, *-rays, dye penetrants, magnetic particles, and other forms of

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    interrogating energy emerged.

    n the early 1/;0&s, t#o events occurred #hich caused a maor change. %he continued

    improvement of the technology, in particular its ability to detect small fla#s, led to the

    unsatisfactory situation that more and more parts had to be reected, even though the probability

    of failure had not changed. Ho#ever, the discipline of fracture mechanics emerged, #hich enabled

    one to predict #hether a crack of a given size #ould fail under a particular load if a material

    property, fracture toughness, #ere kno#n.

  • 8/19/2019 physics assignment 2.docx


    by the velocity of sound in the test material. %he result is e*pressed in the #ell-kno#n


    d = vt/2 or v = 2d/t

    #here d is the distance from the surface to the discontinuity in the test piece, v is the

    velocity of sound #aves in the material, and t is the measured round-trip transit time.

    %he diagram belo# allo#s you to move a transducer over the surface of a stainless

    steel test block and see return echoes as they #ould appear on an oscilloscope. %he

    transducer employed is a Hz broadband transducer 0.2 inches in diameter. %he

    signals #ere generated #ith computer soft#are similar to that found in the %hompson-

    ?ray easurement odel and '%S developed at the 8enter for :ondestructive

    6valuation at o#a State 'niversity.


    +recision ultrasonic thickness gages usually operate at fre!uencies bet#een 00 kHz

    and 100 Hz, by means of piezoelectric transducers that generate bursts of sound

    #aves #hen e*cited by electrical pulses. " #ide variety of transducers #ith various

    acoustic characteristics have been developed to meet the needs of industrial

    applications. %ypically, lo#er fre!uencies are used to optimize penetration #hen

    measuring thick, highly attenuating or highly scattering materials, #hile higher

    fre!uencies #ill be recommended to optimize resolution in thinner, non-attenuating,

    non-scattering materials.

    n thickness gauging, ultrasonic techni!ues permit !uick and reliable measurement of

    thickness #ithout re!uiring access to both sides of a part. "ccuracy&s as high as @1

    micron or @0.0001 inch can be achieved in some applications. t is possible to measure

    most engineering materials ultrasonically, including metals, plastic, ceramics,

    composites, epo*ies, and glass as #ell as li!uid levels and the thickness of certain

    biological specimens.

  • 8/19/2019 physics assignment 2.docx


    %he most commonly occurring defects in #elded oints are porosity, slag inclusions,

    lack of side-#all fusion, lack of inter-run fusion, lack of root penetration, undercutting,

    and longitudinal or transverse cracks.

    ith the e*ception of single gas pores all the defects listed are usually #ell detectable

    by ultrasonics. ost applications are on lo#-alloy construction !uality steels, ho#ever,

    #elds in aluminum can also be tested. 'ltrasonic fla# detection has long been thepreferred method for nondestructive testing in #elding applications. %his safe, accurate,

    and simple techni!ue has pushed ultrasonics to the forefront of inspection technology.

    'ltrasonic #eld inspections are typically performed using a straight beam transducer in

    conunction #ith an angle beam transducer and #edge. " straight beam transducer,

    producing a longitudinal #ave at normal incidence into the test piece, is first used to

    locate any laminations in or near the heat-affected zone. %his is important because an

    angle beam transducer may not be able to provide a return signal from a laminar fla#.


    %he second step in the inspection involves using an angle beam transducer to inspect

    the actual #eld. "ngle beam transducers use the principles of refraction and mode

    conversion to produce refracted shear or longitudinal #aves in the test material. A:oteB

    any "S inspections are performed using refracted shear #aves. Ho#ever, material

    having a large grain structure, such as stainless steel may re!uire refracted longitudinal

    #aves for successful inspections.C %his inspection may include the root, side#all,

    cro#n, and heat-affected zones of a #eld. %he process involves scanning the surface of 

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    the material around the #eldment #ith the transducer. %his refracted sound #ave #ill

    bounce off a reflector (discontinuity) in the path of the sound beam. ith proper angle

    beam techni!ues, echoes returned from the #eld zone may allo# the operator to

    determine the location and type of discontinuity.


    %o determine the proper scanning area for the #eld, the inspector must first calculate

    the location of the sound beam in the test material. 'sing the refracted angle, beam

    inde* point and material thickness, the D-path and skip distance of the sound beam is


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    e*ist> ho#ever, there is the 8enter for the Holographic "rts in :e# ForkA3;C and the H

  • 8/19/2019 physics assignment 2.docx


    n static holography, recording, developing and reconstructing occur se!uentially, and a permanent hologram is


    %here also e*ist holographic materials that do not need the developing process and can record a hologram in a

    very short time. %his allo#s one to use holography to perform some simple operations in an all-optical #ay.

    6*amples of applications of such real-time holograms include phase-conugate mirrors (9time-reversal9 of light),

    optical cache memories, image processing (pattern recognition of time-varying images), andoptical computing.

    %he amount of processed information can be very high (terabitsLs), since the operation is performed in parallel

    on a #hole image. %his compensates for the fact that the recording time, #hich is in the order of a microsecond, 

    is still very long compared to the processing time of an electronic computer. %he optical processing performed by

    a dynamic hologram is also much less fle*ible than electronic processing.

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    any of these holographers #ould go on to produce art holograms. n 1/, red 'nterseher published

    the Holography Handbook , a remarkably easy-to-read description of making holograms at home. %his brought in

    a ne# #ave of holographers and gave simple methods to use the then-available "?" silver halide recording


    n 2000, rank $ereitas published the Shoebox Holography Book  and introduced the use of ine*pensive laser

    pointers to countless hobbyists. %his #as a very important development for amateurs, as the cost for a mlaser dropped from M1200 to M as semiconductor laser diodes reached mass market. :o#, there are hundreds

    to thousands of amateur holographers #orld#ide.

    5y late 2000, holography kits #ith the ine*pensive laser pointer diodes entered the mainstream consumer

    market. %hese kits enabled students, teachers, and hobbyists to make many kinds of holograms #ithout

    specialized e!uipment, and became popular gift items by 200. A3C %he introduction of holography kits #ith self-

    developing film plates in 200 made it even possible for hobbyists to make holograms #ithout using chemical


    n 200G, a large number of surplus Holography =uality ?reen Iasers (8oherent 81) became available and put

    $ichromated ?elatin ($8?) #ithin the reach of the amateur holographer. %he holography community #as

    surprised at the amazing sensitivity of $8? to green light. t had been assumed that the sensitivity #ould be

    non-e*istent. 4eff 5lyth responded #ith the ?0; formulation of $8? to increase the speed and sensitivity to

    these ne# lasers.AGC

    any film suppliers have come and gone from the silver-halide market. hile more film manufactures have filled

    in the voids, many amateurs are no# making their o#n film. %he favorite formulations are $ichromated ?elatin,

    ethylene 5lue Sensitised $ichromated ?elatin and $iffusion ethod Silver Halide preparations. 4eff 5lyth has

    published very accurate methods for making film in a small lab or garage. A;C

     " small group of amateurs are even constructing their o#n pulsed lasers to make holograms of moving obects.


    Holographic interferometryAeditC

    Main article: holographic interferometry 

    Holographic interferometry (H) is a techni!ue that enables static and dynamic displacements of obects #ith

    optically rough surfaces to be measured to optical interferometric precision (i.e. to fractions of a #avelength of

    light).A/CAG0C t can also be used to detect optical-path-length variations in transparent media, #hich enables, for

    e*ample, fluid flo# to be visualized and analyzed. t can also be used to generate contours representing the form

    of the surface.

    t has been #idely used to measure stress, strain, and vibration in engineering structures.

    nterferometric microscopyAeditC

    Main article: Interferometric microscopy 


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    %he hologram keeps the information on the amplitude and phase of the field. Several holograms may keep

    information about the same distribution of light, emitted to various directions. %he numerical analysis of such

    holograms allo#s one to emulate large numerical aperture, #hich, in turn, enables enhancement of the

    resolution of optical microscopy. %he corresponding techni!ue is called interferometric microscopy. 7ecent

    achievements of interferometric microscopy allo# one to approach the !uarter-#avelength limit of resolution. AG1C

    Sensors or biosensorsAeditC

    Main article: Holographic sensor 

    %he hologram is made #ith a modified material that interacts #ith certain molecules generating a change in the

    fringe periodicity or refractive inde*, therefore, the color of the holographic reflection. AG2CAGC


    Main article: Security hologram

    Identigram as a security element in a ?erman identity card

    Security holograms are very difficult to forge, because they are replicated from a master hologram that re!uires

    e*pensive, specialized and technologically advanced e!uipment. %hey are used #idely in many currencies, such

    as the 5razilian 20, 0, and 100-reais notes> 5ritish , 10, and 20-pound notes> South Norean 000, 10,000, and

    0,000-#on notes> 4apanese 000 and 10,000 yen notes> and all the currently-circulating banknotes of

    the 8anadian dollar , $anish krone, and 6uro. %hey can also be found in credit and bank cards as #ell

    as passports, $ cards, books, $D$s, and sports e!uipment.

    8overtly storing information #ithin a full colour image hologram #as achieved in 8anada, in 200, at the 'H7

    lab. %he method used a fourth #avelength, aside from the 7?5 components of the obect and reference beams,to record additional data, #hich could be retrieved only #ith the correct key combination of #avelength and

    angle. %his techni!ue remained in the prototype stage and #as never developed for commercial applications.

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    Non-optical holography AeditC

    n principle, it is possible to make a hologram for any #ave.

    6lectron holography is the application of holography techni!ues to electron #aves rather than light #aves.

    6lectron holography #as invented by $ennis ?abor to improve the resolution and avoid the aberrations of

    the transmission electron microscope. %oday it is commonly used to study electric and magnetic fields in thinfilms, as magnetic and electric fields can shift the phase of the interfering #ave passing through the sample.

    AGC %he principle of electron holography can also be applied to interference lithography.AGGC

     "coustic holography is a method used to estimate the sound field near a source by measuring acoustic

    parameters a#ay from the source via an array of pressure andLor particle velocity transducers. easuring

    techni!ues included #ithin acoustic holography are becoming increasingly popular in various fields, most notably

    those of transportation, vehicle and aircraft design, and :DH. %he general idea of acoustic holography has led to

    different versions such as near-field acoustic holography (:"H) and statistically optimal near-field acoustic

    holography (S

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    8rypton uture edia, a music soft#are company that produced Hatsune iku,A;1C one of many Docaloid singing

    synthesizer applications, has produced concerts that have iku, along #ith other 8rypton Docaloids, performing

    on stage as 9holographic9 characters. %hese concerts use rear proection onto a semi-transparent $I"$

    screenA;2CA;C to achieve its 9holographic9 effect.A;3CA;CA;GC

    n 2011, in 5eiing, apparel company 5urberry produced the 95urberry +rorsum "utumnLinter 2011 Hologram

    7un#ay Sho#9, #hich included life size 2-$ proections of models. %he company&s o#n videoA;;C

     sho#s severalcentered and off-center shots of the main 2-dimensional proection screen, the latter revealing the flatness of the

    virtual models. %he claim that holography #as used #as reported as fact in the trade media. A;C

    icrosoft Hololens can potentially be mistaken for a true hologram.

    Holography in fictionAeditC

    Main article: Holography in fiction

    Holography has been #idely referred to in novels, %D and movies.

