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Physics No Ether

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    Noether's theorem

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     Emmy Noether  was an influential German mathematician known for her groundbreaking

    contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics.

    This article is about Emmy Noether's first theorem, which derives conserved quantities

     from symmetries. or other uses, see  Noether's theorem !disambiguation".

    Noether's (first)[1] theorem states that every differentiale symmetry of the action of a physical system has a corresponding conservation la!" #he theorem !as proven y $ermanmathematician %mmy &oether  in 1'1 and pulished in 1'1"[*] #he action of a physicalsystem is the integral over time of a +agrangian function (!hich may or may not e anintegral over space of a +agrangian density function), from !hich the systems ehavior can e determined y the principle of least action"

     &oethers theorem is used in theoretical physics and the calculus of variations" -generali.ation of the formulations on constants of motion in +agrangian and /amiltonian

    mechanics (developed in 10 and 1, respectively), it does not apply to systems thatcannot e modeled !ith a +agrangian alone (e"g" systems !ith a 2ayleigh dissipationfunction)" 3n particular, dissipative systems !ith continuous symmetries need not have acorresponding conservation la!"




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    • 11 %5ternal links

    Basic illustrations and background[edit]

    -s an illustration, if a physical system ehaves the same regardless of ho! it is oriented in

    space, its +agrangian is rotationally symmetric: from this symmetry, &oethers theoremdictates that the angular momentum of the system e conserved, as a conse@uence of itsla!s of motion" #he physical system itself need not e symmetricA a Bagged asteroidtumling in space conserves angular momentum despite its asymmetry" 3t is the la!s of itsmotion that are symmetric"

    -s another e5ample, if a physical process e5hiits the same outcomes regardless of place or time, then its +agrangian is symmetric under continuous translations in space and time: y &oethers theorem, these symmetries account for the conservation la!s of linearmomentum and energy !ithin this system, respectively"

     &oethers theorem is important, oth ecause of the insight it gives into conservation la!s,and also as a practical calculational tool" 3t allo!s investigators to determine the conserved@uantities (invariants) from the oserved symmetries of a physical system" =onversely, itallo!s researchers to consider !hole classes of hypothetical +agrangians !ith giveninvariants, to descrie a physical system" -s an illustration, suppose that a physical theoryis proposed !hich conserves a @uantity # " - researcher can calculate the types of+agrangians that conserve #  through a continuous symmetry" 9ue to &oethers theorem, the properties of these +agrangians provide further criteria to understand the implications and Budge the fitness of the ne! theory"

    #here are numerous versions of &oethers theorem, !ith varying degrees of generality" #he

    original version only applied to ordinary differential e@uations (particles) and not partialdifferential e@uations (fields)" #he original versions also assume that the +agrangian onlydepends upon the first derivative, !hile later versions generali.e the theorem to+agrangians depending on the nth derivative"[disputed   $  discuss] #here are natural @uantumcounterparts of this theorem, e5pressed in the WardC#akahashi identities" $enerali.ationsof &oethers theorem to superspaces are also availale"

    Informal statement of the theorem[edit]

    -ll fine technical points aside, &oethers theorem can e stated informally

    3f a system has a continuous symmetry property, then there are corresponding @uantities!hose values are conserved in time"[]

    - more sophisticated version of the theorem involving fields states that:

    #o every differentiale symmetry generated y local actions, there corresponds a conservedcurrent"


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    stressCenergy tensor " -nother important conserved @uantity, discovered in studies of thecelestial mechanics of astronomical odies, is the +aplaceC2ungeC+en. vector "

    3n the late 1th and early 1'th centuries, physicists developed more systematic methods fordiscovering invariants" - maBor advance came in 10 !ith the development of  +agrangian

    mechanics, !hich is related to the principle of least action" 3n this approach, the state of thesystem can e descried y any type of generali.ed coordinates qA the la!s of motion neednot e e5pressed in a =artesian coordinate system, as !as customary in &e!tonianmechanics" #he action is defined as the time integral %  of a function kno!n as the+agrangian  )

    !here the dot over q signifies the rate of change of the coordinates q,

    /amiltons principle states that the physical path q(t )Gthe one actually taken y the system Gis a path for !hich infinitesimal variations in that path cause no change in % , at least up tofirst order" #his principle results in the %ulerC+agrange e@uations,

    #hus, if one of the coordinates, say qk 

    , does not appear in the +agrangian, the right;handside of the e@uation is .ero, and the left;hand side re@uires that

    !here the momentum

    is conserved throughout the motion (on the physical path)"

    #hus, the asence of the ignorable coordinate qk  from the +agrangian implies that the+agrangian is unaffected y changes or transformations of qk A the +agrangian is invariant,and is said to e5hiit a symmetry under such transformations" #his is the seed ideagenerali.ed in &oethers theorem"


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    8everal alternative methods for finding conserved @uantities !ere developed in the 1'thcentury, especially y William 2o!an /amilton" For e5ample, he developed a theory ofcanonical transformations !hich allo!ed changing coordinates so that some coordinatesdisappeared from the +agrangian, as aove, resulting in conserved canonical momenta"-nother approach, and perhaps the most efficient for finding conserved @uantities, is the

    /amiltonCJacoi e@uation"

    Mathematical expression[edit]

    *ee also +erturbation theory

    imple form using perturbations[edit]

    #he essence of &oethers theorem is generali.ing the ignorale coordinates outlined"

    3magine that the action %  defined aove is invariant under small perturations (!arpings) of

    the time variale t  and the generali.ed coordinates qA in a notation commonly used in physics,

    !here the perturations t  and q are oth small, ut variale" For generality, assume thereare (say) N  such symmetry transformations of the action, i"e" transformations leaving theaction unchangedA laelled y an inde5 r  I 1, *, , , N "

    #hen the resultant perturation can e !ritten as a linear sum of the individual types of perturations,

    !here Kr  are infinitesimal parameter coefficients corresponding to each:

    • generator  T r  of time evolution, and

    • generator  !r  of the generali.ed coordinates"

    For translations, !r  is a constant !ith units of  lengthA for rotations, it is an e5pression linear in the components of q, and the parameters make up an angle"

    Lsing these definitions, &oether  sho!ed that the N  @uantities


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    (!hich have the dimensions of [energy]M[time] N [momentum]M[length] I [action]) areconserved (constants of motion)"


    #ime invariance

    For illustration, consider a +agrangian that does not depend on time, i"e", that is invariant(symmetric) under changes t  O t  N Pt , !ithout any change in the coordinates q" 3n this case, N  I 1, T  I 1 and ! I ?A the corresponding conserved @uantity is the total energy  - [>]

    #ranslational invariance

    =onsider a +agrangian !hich does not depend on an (DignoraleD, as aove) coordinate qk Aso it is invariant (symmetric) under changes qk  O qk  N qk " 3n that case, N  I 1, T  I ?, andk  I 1A the conserved @uantity is the corresponding momentum  pk [0]

    3n special and general relativity, these apparently separate conservation la!s are aspects of

    a single conservation la!, that of the stressCenergy tensor ,[] that is derived in the ne5tsection"

    2otational invariance

    #he conservation of the angular momentum # I r Q p is analogous to its linear momentumcounterpart"['] 3t is assumed that the symmetry of the +agrangian is rotational, i"e", that the+agrangian does not depend on the asolute orientation of the physical system in space" For concreteness, assume that the +agrangian does not change under small rotations of an anglePR aout an a5is nA such a rotation transforms the =artesian coordinates y the e@uation

    8ince time is not eing transformed, T I?" #aking /  as the 0 parameter and the =artesiancoordinates r as the generali.ed coordinates q, the corresponding ! variales are given y

    #hen &oethers theorem states that the follo!ing @uantity is conserved,


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    3n other !ords, the component of the angular momentum # along the n a5is is conserved"

    3f n is aritrary, i"e", if the system is insensitive to any rotation, then every component of # is conservedA in short, angular momentum is conserved"

    $ield theor% &ersion[edit]

    -lthough useful in its o!n right, the version of &oethers theorem Bust given is a specialcase of the general version derived in 1'1" #o give the flavor of the general theorem, aversion of the &oether theorem for continuous fields in four;dimensional spaceCtime is no!given" 8ince field theory prolems are more common in modern physics than mechanics  prolems, this field theory version is the most commonly used version (or most oftenimplemented) of &oethers theorem"

    +et there e a set of differentiale fields 1 defined over all space and timeA for e5ample, thetemperature T (x, t ) !ould e representative of such a field, eing a numer defined at every place and time" #he  principle of least action can e applied to such fields, ut the action isno! an integral over space and time

    (the theorem can actually e further generali.ed to the case !here the +agrangian dependson up to the nth derivative using Bet undles)

    +et the action e invariant under certain transformations of the spaceCtime coordinates 2S and the fields 1

    !here the transformations can e inde5ed y r  I 1, *, , , N 

    For such systems, &oethers theorem states that there are N  conserved current densities

    3n such cases, the conservation la! is e5pressed in a four;dimensional !ay


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    !hich e5presses the idea that the amount of a conserved @uantity !ithin a sphere cannotchange unless some of it flo!s out of the sphere" For e5ample, electric charge is conservedAthe amount of charge !ithin a sphere cannot change unless some of the charge leaves the


    For illustration, consider a physical system of fields that ehaves the same under

    translations in time and space, as considered aoveA in other !ords, isconstant in its third argument" 3n that case, N  I 6, one for each dimension of space andtime" 8ince only the positions in spaceCtime are eing !arped, not the fields, the T are all.ero and the # S U e@ual the Eronecker delta PS U, !here !e have used S instead of r  for theinde5" 3n that case, &oethers theorem corresponds to the conservation la! for the stressC energy tensor  T S U[]

    #he conservation of electric charge, y contrast, can e derived y considering .ero # S UI?and 3  linear in the fields 1 themselves"[1?] 3n @uantum mechanics, the proaility amplitude V(x) of finding a particle at a point x is a comple5 field 1, ecause it ascries a comple5numer  to every point in space and time" #he proaility amplitude itself is physicallyunmeasuraleA only the proaility p I V* can e inferred from a set of measurements"#herefore, the system is invariant under transformations of the V field and its comple5conBugate field VX that leave V* unchanged, such as

    a comple5 rotation" 3n the limit !hen the phase /  ecomes infinitesimally small, / , it may e taken as the parameter 0, !hile the 3  are e@ual to i4  and Yi4 X, respectively" - specifice5ample is the EleinC$ordon e@uation, the relativistically correct version of the8chrZdinger e@uation for spinless particles, !hich has the +agrangian density

    3n this case, &oethers theorem states that the conserved (⋅ 5 I ?) current e@uals

    !hich, !hen multiplied y the charge on that species of particle, e@uals the electric currentdensity due to that type of particle" #his Dgauge invarianceD !as first noted y /ermannWeyl, and is one of the prototype gauge symmetries of physics"


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    (ne independent &ariable[edit]

    =onsider the simplest case, a system !ith one independent variale, time" 8uppose the

    dependent variales q are such that the action integral

    is invariant under rief infinitesimal variations in the dependent variales" 3n other !ords,they satisfy the %ulerC+agrange e@uations

    -nd suppose that the integral is invariant under a continuous symmetry" 7athematicallysuch a symmetry is represented as a flo!, ), !hich acts on the variales as follo!s

    !here K is a real variale indicating the amount of flo!, and T  is a real constant (!hichcould e .ero) indicating ho! much the flo! shifts time"

    #he action integral flo!s to

    !hich may e regarded as a function of K" =alculating the derivative at K I ? and using thesymmetry, !e get


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    !here the comma suscript indicates a partial derivative !ith respect to the coordinate(s)that follo!s the comma, e"g"

    8ince is a dummy variale of integration, and since the change in the oundary ^ isinfinitesimal y assumption, the t!o integrals may e comined using the four;dimensionalversion of the divergence theorem into the follo!ing form

    #he difference in +agrangians can e !ritten to first;order in the infinitesimal variations as

    /o!ever, ecause the variations are defined at the same point as descried aove, thevariation and the derivative can e done in reverse orderA they commute

    Lsing the %ulerC+agrange field e@uations

    the difference in +agrangians can e !ritten neatly as

    #hus, the change in the action can e !ritten as

    8ince this holds for any region ^, the integrand must e .ero


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    For any comination of the various symmetry transformations, the perturation can e!ritten

    !here is the +ie derivative of \ 6 in the #  7 direction" When 1 6 is a scalar or 


    #hese e@uations imply that the field variation taken at one point e@uals

    9ifferentiating the aove divergence !ith respect to K at KI? and changing the sign yieldsthe conservation la!

    !here the conserved current e@uals

    Manifold+fiber bundle deri&ation[edit]

    8uppose !e have an n;dimensional oriented 2iemannian manifold, &  and a target manifoldT " +et e the configuration space of smooth functions from &  to T " (7ore generally, !ecan have smooth sections of a fier undle over & ")

    %5amples of this &  in physics include:

    • 3n classical mechanics, in the /amiltonian formulation, &  is the one;dimensionalmanifold , , representing time and the target space is the cotangent undle of space of generali.ed positions"


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    • 3n field theory, &  is the spacetime manifold and the target space is the set of valuesthe fields can take at any given point" For e5ample, if there are m real;valued scalarfields, , then the target manifold is , m" 3f the field is a real vector field,then the target manifold is isomorphic to , "

     &o! suppose there is a functional

    called the action" (&ote that it takes values into , , rather than CA this is for physicalreasons, and doesnt really matter for this proof")

    #o get to the usual version of &oethers theorem, !e need additional restrictions on the

    action" We assume is the integral over &  of a function

    called the +agrangian density, depending on \, its derivative and the position" 3n other!ords, for \ in

    8uppose !e are given oundary conditions, i"e", a specification of the value of \ at the oundary if &  is compact, or some limit on \ as 2 approaches `" #hen the suspace ofconsisting of functions \ such that all functional derivatives of at \ are .ero, that is:

    and that \ satisfies the given oundary conditions, is the suspace of  on shell solutions"(8ee principle of stationary action)

     &o!, suppose !e have an infinitesimal transformation on , generated y a functional derivation,  such that

    for all compact sumanifolds N  or in other !ords,

    for all 2, !here !e set


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    3f this holds on shell and off shell, !e say  generates an off;shell symmetry" 3f this onlyholds on shell, !e say  generates an on;shell symmetry" #hen, !e say  is a generator of aone parameter  symmetry +ie group"

     &o!, for any N , ecause of the %ulerC+agrange theorem, on shell (and only on;shell), !ehave

    8ince this is true for any N , !e have

    4ut this is the continuity e@uation for the current defined y:[11]

    !hich is called the Noether current associated !ith the symmetry" #he continuity e@uationtells us that if !e integrate this current over a space;like slice, !e get a conserved @uantity called the &oether charge (provided, of course, if &  is noncompact, the currents fall offsufficiently fast at infinity)"


     &oethers theorem is an on shell theorem: it relies on use of the e@uations of motionGtheclassical path" 3t reflects the relation et!een the oundary conditions and the variational

     principle" -ssuming no oundary terms in the action, &oethers theorem implies that

    #he @uantum analogs of &oethers theorem involving e5pectation values, e"g" ⟨d 6 2 M 9 ⟩ I ?, proing off shell @uantities as !ell are the WardC#akahashi identities"


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    for all 0"

    7ore generally, if the +agrangian depends on higher derivatives, then


    "xample /0 Conser&ation of energ%[edit]

    +ooking at the specific case of a &e!tonian particle of mass m, coordinate 2, moving under the influence of a potential : , coordinati.ed y time t " #he action, * , is:

    #he first term in the rackets is the kinetic energy of the particle, !hilst the second is its potential energy" =onsider the generator of time translations  I

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    #he right hand side is the energy, and &oethers theorem states that (i"e" the principleof conservation of energy is a conse@uence of invariance under time translations)"

    7ore generally, if the +agrangian does not depend e5plicitly on time, the @uantity

    (called the /amiltonian) is conserved"

    "xample 10 Conser&ation of center of momentum[edit]

    8till considering 1;dimensional time, let

    i"e" N  &e!tonian particles !here the potential only depends pair!ise upon the relativedisplacement"

    For , lets consider the generator of $alilean transformations (i"e" a change in the frameof reference)" 3n other !ords,


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     &ote that

    #his has the form of so !e can set


    !here is the total momentum, &  is the total mass and is the center of mass" &oethers theorem states:

    "xample 20 Conformal transformation[edit]

    4oth e5amples 1 and * are over a 1;dimensional manifold (time)" -n e5ample involvingspacetime is a conformal transformation of a massless real scalar field !ith a @uartic potential in ( N 1);7inko!ski spacetime"

    For , consider the generator of a spacetime rescaling" 3n other !ords,


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    #he second term on the right hand side is due to the Dconformal !eightD of \" &ote that

    #his has the form of 

    (!here !e have performed a change of dummy indices) so set


     &oethers theorem states that (as one may e5plicitly check y sustituting the%ulerC+agrange e@uations into the left hand side)"

     &ote that if one tries to find the WardC#akahashi analog of this e@uation, one runs into a prolem ecause of anomalies"


    -pplication of &oethers theorem allo!s physicists to gain po!erful insights into anygeneral theory in physics, y Bust analy.ing the various transformations that !ould makethe form of the la!s involved invariant" For e5ample:

    • the invariance of physical systems !ith respect to spatial translation (in other !ords,that the la!s of physics do not vary !ith locations in space) gives the la! ofconservation of linear momentumA

    • invariance !ith respect to rotation gives the la! of conservation of  angularmomentumA

    • invariance !ith respect to time translation gives the !ell;kno!n la! of conservationof energy


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    3n @uantum field theory, the analog to &oethers theorem, the WardC#akahashi identity,yields further conservation la!s, such as the conservation of  electric charge from theinvariance !ith respect to a change in the phase factor  of the comple5 field of the charged particle and the associated gauge of the electric potential and vector potential"

    #he &oether charge is also used in calculating the entropy of stationary lack holes"[1*]

    ee also[edit]

    • =harge (physics)

    • $auge symmetry

    • $auge symmetry (mathematics)

    3nvariant (physics)• $oldstone oson

    • 8ymmetry in physics


    1" 4ump up 5 8ee also  &oethers second theorem"

    *" 4ump up 5  Noether E !;

  • 8/18/2019 Physics No Ether


    1?" 4ump up 5 $oldstein 1'?, pp" 'C6

    11" 4ump up 5  &ichael E. +eskin, ?aniel :. *chroeder !;%nvariant :ariation +roblems>.

    Transport Theory and *tatistical +hysics 1 !F" ;=L$KH. ar#iv physicsQKKFKLL . Jibcode;. ar#iv physicsQ*ymmetries and conservation laws

    (onsequences of Noether's theorem> . 6merican 9ournal of +hysics 72 !I" I=$F. JibcodeKKI6m9+h..H..I=- . doi;K.;;;

  • 8/18/2019 Physics No Ether


    •  &erced &ontesinosO Ernesto lores !KKL". >*ymmetric energy$momentum tensor

    in &a2well, ang$&ills, and +roca theories obtained using only Noether's

    theorem>  !+?". Pevista &e2icana de Vsica 52 Gauge conservation laws in a general setting.

    *uperpotential>. %nternational 9ournal of Geometric &ethods in &odern +hysics 6  

    !KL" ;KIH. ar#ivK

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