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Physics past paper Cape 2007-2011_

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Physics cape past paper 2007-2011
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L.\ ,, ,{ l- Lrst' gr 3I{:s-IcAI- ggNSrANrs Universai gravitational constant r\cceleration due to gravir.v Radius of the Earth h{ass of lhe Earth -t Mass of the Moon I Atrncsphere Boltsmann's constalrt Density of water Specific heat capacitY of water Specitrc latent beat off,rsion of ice Speclfic latent heat of vaporization of waler Avogadrr:'s nrlmber Molar gas constant Stefa!-Boltzmant cofl slffi t Speed of iight in vacuufil (, c RE ME idM P.trn k NA R "" 6.6f x 10-1i N mr kg': 9"81 m s-2 6380 km 5-98 x t0:{ kg ?.35 x l0?2 kg i"l$xl05Nn-l l-38x10-?3JK-t I C0 x 103 kgrn-3 4200 J kg'1 K-t 3.3+xidJkg-t ?.?6x106Jkgt 6-02 v- 1C3 per mole 8.31 J Kr rr:o1'1 5-67 x lo-8 W m-2 K'a 3"0x103ms-l GO ON r{) THE NL.X-I I1\I .I
  • L.\ ,, ,{ l-Lrst' gr 3I{:s-IcAI- ggNSrANrs

    Universai gravitational constant

    r\cceleration due to gravir.v

    Radius of the Earth

    h{ass of lhe Earth-t

    Mass of the Moon

    I Atrncsphere

    Boltsmann's constalrt

    Density of water

    Specific heat capacitY of water

    Specitrc latent beat off,rsion of ice

    Speclfic latent heat of vaporization of waler

    Avogadrr:'s nrlmber

    Molar gas constant

    Stefa!-Boltzmant cofl slffi t

    Speed of iight in vacuufil











    6.6f x 10-1i N mr kg':

    9"81 m s-2

    6380 km

    5-98 x t0:{ kg?.35 x l0?2 kg


    I C0 x 103 kgrn-3

    4200 J kg'1 K-t



    6-02 v- 1C3 per mole

    8.31 J Kr rr:o1'1

    5-67 x lo-8 W m-2 K'a


    GO ON r{) THE NL.X-I I1\I .I

  • --l

    Wlrtirlr 5.1. unit could be used to express thetrilwrr \)l-u light buib?

    lA l kg mr s'l{Fr kg m'r 5 lIt') kg m: s-r(llt kgt-'

    iiem 2 refers to rhe follrr* .,.-


    Coplanar iorces with magnitudqs? N,24Nand Xare ineQuilibrium- What is&evalueofX?




    3. Which of the foliowing graphs applies tc a[ndy in motion butwithzeroacceleration?



  • {A)'.8)(ci(lJ)

    ,{ bodv c.fconstiint mass rviii have unirlr racceleration if the resu ilant fbrce actine on it

    '\ btrtil of ?.5

  • 10

    Two parallel forces act on a rigid body asslrown in the diagram apove. 'lhe size ofthetorqr.ie on the body by these forces is

    iAi Fd(E) Fxtc) 2FdtD)

    A parachutist af mass 80 kg descendsverrically at a cottstanr velocity of3-0 m s-r, What is the resultant downwardforce acting on her?

    (A) 800N{B) 56i}N(c) 240'l{(D) 0N


    /t\/ \,.A-A stone is throrvn lroqr A'ro D. Tlre stonefollov;s a parairoiic pat! such that the highestpointreached is B. C is a porntjust before itlands ar D"

    The verticai cornponent ofacce{eration ofthestone is

    {A) the least at B.t;B) the same at C and B{C) maxirnunr atA{D} greatest at D

    A slingshot is a chiid's toy &at conve*s thestrain energy of the stretched materia! intothe moving energy c.ftre propelled objtcr Aboy pullson hissiings'hotwith a forceof2tlNand it extends by 7 cm. At what velocitvdoes the 20 g stone flY ofil



    iA) 8.4 rn s'l{B) 70ms'(C) i6.7 m sr(D) ?.6 m s'r*.'rs /1-,,'i,., '

    \-t11 ,\, \. i

  • tr-

    !5l{ Th true value of a quanriry is x" Thisquantit-v is measured a iarge number oftimesand the number n. of particularvalues ofx. is*l-*^J^-:--.-.lJ.ves dtalt A.

    Which grqph below represenls measurenrenlsofpoor accuracy but high precision?


    Tiro sph*res. one olrnass nr and the other olil

    rnass:t are moving towards each orher w ith

    velociry'. v

    1----.-,Gr '-m\I i (':l\

    -' \.",/"lhe spheres have an ela.-"tir: collision. Whichone ofthe foilo'* ing statemcnts is correct?

    {A) The totai kinetic encrgy atter impactis |imvr.

    tB) the spheres srick together on impact.(Ci The toralkinetic energy atter irnpact

    is zero,,

    iD) Themagninrdecfihetdalmomentumbef'ore impact is r7rmv.

    ileni 16 refbr: to the following graph showinEtwo oscillations.


    What is ths phase difterence between theoscillations?

    {A) tt rad(B) nt+ rad({') !"o n rad{D) ntz rad





  • item l7 iefers lo the vibrator belc.t whichprodrrces stationarl. waves on a strelchedcable.

    the ftequency ofihe vibrcror is 50 Hz Wharrs the speed ofthe wave?

    {A) 250 m rt{F) 500 m s-t{C.! 75Om s-r{!rl 330 rn s-t\\&ich of dre foilowing observations indicaresthat s{rund waves are longitudinal?

    tA) Sound waves are diffractedaround. corners-(E) Sound waves carmot be prlarised"

    iC) Sound waves obey the laws ofreflection.(D) Sound waves are refuacted as rhcypass f,rom cool airta warrn air.

    For a particle oscillating with simplehannonic rnotiqn in a vertical pla.re, which ofthe following statements is NOTtrue?

    {A} The velocity of the particle ismiminurn at the centre ofmotio(rofthe particle.(Ei The total energy is condanr-{C} 'llre acceleration of,the particle isdirected towards a fi xed point.{f}) }he restoring force is maximum at

    ' the extremities of the rnotion.

    A. Young-s double-siit expcr r,..-pertbrmd wirh white light incident on thecli:- -T.ha1i*ri.;-1-+ i::-*^

    -4^-iL, -irrc !vrrudimax'mum isa

    (A) , green tnnie(B) orange fringe(Cj whiie fringe(D) blue ilinge-Which of t-he fbllswing can cofrecrthecondition knor-r,n as lolg sight?

    {A) Plan+concave lens{S) Cylindrical lens{Ci Divergingnnrriscuslens{Di Convergingmeniscuslens


  • t
  • -!

    \ panicie sscillat*; so Lhal its drsp{acemcnts iicn'r a fixcrl noirit is reiated to tinle t by thjquai;on

    r = lqin5'rt

    lf x is measured in cm and t is mcasured ilt s'rve can deduce that thc Psrticie

    !. moveswrdr Simple Harrnonic Motionll" irasa f'requencYo{2"5 IIzlll. has an amPlitude of I 5 irtr

    tAl I and ll onlY{t}i I, lt and ItI{f} it and lll onlY '(Di itloflly

    A rrencir.rlum swings fteely with a period ofi.bs on the earth's surface whereecceiciar.i'-rr tlue to gravity is g- If thependultm were to swing in anctier ptacei'here bcceleration rlue to gravit-v is t'' what'.vixrid be the value of its new period?

    r-;-1,-') 4gt8(Bi ^tr\ r

    (c) s/s'(D) {tcWhich c}f the following statements itreTRU F, about resoaance?

    I. It occu$ atthe highest fieqtency ofthe oscillating sYstem'

    II " lt causcsasignificant increase inthearnPlitude of oscillatiort'

    i ll It cccurs when the driver f-requencyis close to the rratural lreqrrency of*ie oscillating sYstem'

    (A) i and II onlY(li) l. ll and lll((l) i rurd lIIonlY(lly tl and lll onlY

    )(-, is a remperature filliasur1ll::: \ -a subsmnce" X" and X,o, rvere determinedat the ice poin'i and steam point' TheIcfr r\Fr.r q ra ln'rhe'::nI i-::':d* :Cll;' i l: :C hcorresponds to ;: ralue X. is given b1

    A_ '11-'':- 11gq

    Which ol the lbtlorv;ng graphs BFS-ftlescribes the relaticnship between 0" andxr:?






    i/t,,i/l,/\/l_l -- >o 'rt











  • .1 (rlf A spherical biackbcdy ofsurtlce arca A. 's

    al.u absolute iemperatuie 1 ,. lt is suspendedai lhe centre oia container,*\,hose rvails areat ternperatur T1.

    f he NET rate of loss of heat bv 'radiationttom the body:s given by

    (A) P *o AT,'(Bl P=oAT.+(.Ct P:oA(T.-1',)*(tJ) -cP:c AiT,'-T.t)

    What is the unit of heat capaciry?

    (A) J kg"t |d-t(13) I ks"'tq .i K-'(D)


    I 6 x lO-rm-; of a gas at a press$re of 1750k-Fa is contained in a cylinder. The gas isexpanded at constant p.essure until thvolume becomes 140 x l0jmr. How mtrchr.vrrrk ;s done by,,hc ga-s?

    (A) ?i7kl "(B) 245w(c) 273kJ(D) 317kJ

    An adult at rest has a blood pressure ofi 30/85" This is rneasured in mm ofmercury"What would this reacling he in Pa? (llensity.ofmercury = lli600 kg mr.)(A) (tr.73i I :-:)x iff{B) 11.73l l.i_l}x lS{C} (i"73/ l.l3j r; 10"{r)) (i 73i l.l3}x i0i


    5'1 A doublc luycr glass wrtll ha:; rr layer ol ulrt,rappcrl bclwcert it tus shown irt thc tliagrrrnrbeltlu:


    Which filtithr)d of lrcat transfr:r isSICNIiTICAIII'I-Y redrr

  • \38 Which offie fsilo"ving isNOT an aa5umption

    used in *re Kinetic Theory of gases?

    iA) The volume of the rnolecules isnedigrble.

    {ts) The atuaction between ihemolecu{es is negligibie.(C) I'he molecules accelerate betwncollisions.(D) I'he duration of collision betweenmolecules is negligibte.

    -a _

    39- In which ofthe {ollowing graphs does theshaded area show dre energy lcst during theloading and unloading prccess ofa polymericrnateriai?

    The averaEle kinelic enere-,. ,

    sample ofargon gas is 8 r* lii','J. whur," ,.temperarure of the ger-r?

    (A) il3 K{E3) 386 K(c) 597 K(D) '870 K


    The above P-V diagrams represent ideal gascyctes. Which pair of diagrams corres5nndstoNET work being done by the gar;'l

    {A) I anct l} onlyiB) t anci iV onlytC) lt arrd lll only(D) II and iV only



    FAI {,(A) IlrI4Lf-.

  • 12

    ('aiculate the volume cccupied by one atomot'copper if.it has a nrolar mass of0.0635 kgantl a density of 8920 kg mi.


    {,4) l.l8 x l0!t nrr i{tJi 7. l2 x [0{'rn](C) 2.33 x l0't nr)(D) q.4 1 x-10'r: nrl

    '['he diagram above shows a U-tubecontaining two immiscible liquids, Whichststement aboui the arraflgemont is TRUg?

    (A) The kerosene exerts a Brealorpressure at X than;tthe pre$sureexerted by the water at Y,(B) 'l'he lvater exerts a greatr pres$ureat Y than the pressure exerted bytlie water at X,

    i(') 'Ihe pressure at X and Y is eqtral to0tm ospheric pre$sLrr,

    tD) 'l'he,pressure at X is equal to ihepressure at Y.

    An all,ry is made of a mixture ofhlo mt6ls'Metql A has a density of 8900 lcg m"r andMetai B has a density of 7S00 kg mi' Whatis the dcnsity of the alloy if Metal A has threetimcs the volume o{'Metal B?

    (A) 8350 kg rnrJ(ll) 8625 kg rn'r(C) [i075 kg rn1(n) 7950 kg, m '

    A spring with spring constant t, hns rrtextension x, when a rnass rr, is aftached to itAnother spring identicai to the first is hungparallel to the fust and th.e same mass m ishung across hoth. Which option gives thecorrect vaiues of extensioll and spfillgmnstant ofthe combination?


    ;l -1


    [ -I-*-"-rt"; i sp".ts ""*,*tlt-*--l_---_+*- _.--- -ii'^'l il2 | " i

    l,u, I xt2 I to Iltcrl 2x | ,, I1,"1 "- l--1--l


    ():,, I ill() ltr( ':1(x)/

  • n'Z'E_




    ln the relationshiP C : i'Q- CWhich graPh rePresents thetletween Q and P?

    lS a Ct)nstant.relationship

    i0 knrh{20 krnh-'30kmh-'40kmhr

    'fhe base SI units ofspecific heat capacityarg

    m2s-r K-lkg rn2stK'mz$ K'kgm?K-r

    An objecl oi'mass, m, is nlovitlg !vith iiineiicenergy E. Which olthe tbilowing has thcsame base units as its momenturn?


    Taking upwards as positive, which of thefollowing graphs BES"I' describes a bail tharwas thrown upwards and then came backdown to th.esame hcight?

    (B) v






    , Two velocity vectors ofmagnituds 20 krn h 'and 40 lan h-r are to be $ubtracted- Which ofthe frrllowing isNOT apossible value fortheanswer?





  • ->

    tl"\ a\M) l2N1 I/\/-/ \ _./


    A tennis ball i:; given a horizontai vek:ciry ol8 rn s'when it is hit at a heiglrr ol 1.8 mabove lhe ground. It is in the air for

    (A) 017 s(B) 061 s(c) 2.e5 s{D) 8-89 s

    Item.7 refcrs to the foilowing diagram.


    An object of maqq M travelling with a velociryu collides rvith a stationary object of mass2M. After collision the two masse$ sticklogerher and move with a common velocityv. The rnagnitude cfv is equal to

    {A) 3u(B) "(C) un(D) tl3

    An objectmoving atconstant speed in a circleof radius r turns througir arr angle 0(mea"sured in radians) in a time t, -lhe velocityv along the tangent is given by

    (A) v=Zrf'/t(B) v: r0

    2ni(c) v:d-t(D) v:-"


    A hammer thrower rnirkes -l completeer.olutions in 3.2 s . The distance bretweenthe hammer and the tlirorter is I .5 m. !!'hatis the centripetal acceleration of tbehammer'?

    (A) 0.17i m s:G) 29 ms)(C) 5.8 .m s''(D) 92.5 rn s-:


    Whirh oi thc follorving equations , lJrepresenft; the gravitational fiel

  • LAef l,? ret'ers ti' the Clagf,xr frclaw l.f

    II\\ri \\ \u \\ \lL_ _ t\( ir-ourid

    A marble rolls off thc horizontal surface cfatable and {alls to tiie ground. \\4eich graphsixrws how the resu,ltant verLical fcrce acting$n the marble vsries with tirne befure ii hits&egormd?


    __. .J -.

    r\ t1('{ I Pl,.,llr'(' lt\- a b !lU (}: !r,lr!t4'L rL,rL(

    fi,xrl rcsr liir ;r flxeC clistance. 'fhe ki:reritcnc,ri:y rcquired b-r'the bc* of mass. m is

    (A) proporriilul to aG(ts) pri4:orlional to m.1fcl Dron()ftit n3l to


    P) indePr'trdentofm

    Which of the folkrwing graphs represertts thvelociry-tirnc graph ofa bra.ss ball-bcariulwhen released rn a coirirnn of glycerinc?


    (A) v4\II





    ,1Ijii----- ---- i-trlr--.-l

    (i() ON TOTHENI.;XT PAG1

  • A car traVelliirgi *, o "o.,r*l*clocit-v is provided ivith 15 kW of

    useful power. The driving force on the car is 600 N. What is thevelocity ofthe car? li


    n *^'l5 Tns'

    l0 mst25 m s-i

    in a simple har-monic rnotion with amplitudeA and period I thernaxinrum veloclty is





    l7 . A particle moves wittr simple harmonic motion in a straight line,Which ofthe following graphs BEST represents the way in whichthe force F acting on the particie depends on the displacementx?





    cooN T'o't'HH NEX1

  • jA mass ol?50 g hanging at the errd of a s1;ringof spring consfart. k' markes ? i oscillzrtions in1 1 seconds" Whai rvouid be the perioci ilthesystem 1\.eic ttken to a planet rvhere gral'itywas % of thal on Earth?


    {iem ?2 rei'ers to lhe ioliorving diagram

    'l t

    What is the phase dill'erencc betlvee$Waves 1 anelZ?

    rAr Ja.",tio*v'/ 2(B) ;*dtr*/ct {*ai-*(D) a radians

    tem 23 refers to the followrng diagrarn"


    Give the wavelengrh of the stationary wavoin tergrs of L if lhe rlislance befwecn pointsE&Fi.s4L-






    r 1?l):i:jls4 \11./


    1(l Acldld's swing ofmass l0 kg is oscillatingwith simple harmonic motion whcre themaxirnum height reached is 0 5 m above thecquilibrium position. 'l'he following tablcshows pairs of eaergy values during thcoscillation \i/hichpaL isNGI possible?

    ,:,) 4[*J'


    F.ri-]FEIJr:- KEIJ4918 J1JA L-)49 0

    ll). Ellstic rvaves in a solid are2l(A) transverse(B) iorgitudinal

    {C) eithrl-rarsve$eorlongitudinaiini neitbcr trdnsverse nor lorgiiudinal

    tl . Therefractive intlexoirvateris 1'13' Whatwill. be 0re speed of liglrt inwater?

    (A) i.0 x 108 m s-l(B) 2"26 x 108m s-'(C) 4.0 x i08 rn s-'(D) 1.33 x iOE m s-:7{







    1)2 t3B010icAPE2008

  • 24


    "fhe distani;e between a node and aneighbouring antinode ilfa stationary waveis eqla! t-r'

    (A) the wa:Yelength(B) onequarterofwaveiength(C) rwice the wavelength(D) hatf ofthe wavelenglh

    [tem 25 refers to the foilowing vibratior-rs ofecrur air coiumns o f equal length-

    l he ratio ofthe frequencies f, : f, : f, : f"rs

    (A) 12:6:3'- 4(B) t:2'"4"3(c) 4'.2 "3 tiD) 1 :2 "3


    itetn 26 refers to the follou'ing diagrant


    In a Young's two-slit experirnent" -the

    separation debrueen the first and tlfth briehtt i"g* i. 2.5 mrn when the wavelertgth usedis 6) x 10" m- The distance fiorn the slits tothe screen is ii"8 m, then the separation ol-the two slits is

    (A) 0.2mm(B) 0.5 rnm(C) 0"8rnm(D) l-0mm

    When monoclrromatic li ght' of wavelength6.1) x l0-7 m is incident norrna'lly on aplanedif'fiaction grating, the angle between the iwoseconci ordcrdiffraction lines formed is40p'

    What is the number of lines per rnillime treofthe grating?

    1* 25mm -;






    (A) 187(B) ?85{c) 350(D) s36


    Two souncl waves have intcnsities 0'1 W ln-?

    and 5 W m'2' What isths difference in theirintensity levels?

    1.7 dI]5 dtll7 dB50 dB

  • iU


    A comnosite bar of I materials of the mla.lconduclivities k,2k and lk" The sides ofrhebar are lagged and hear is transferred fron-rIeft to right as shoun in the diagram below.

    Hach iayer has thickness a and thclemperature disribution is tl > t, > t? > 1{.Which of ihe flollowing diagrams BES'I-describes th6 temperature gradient ol thecomposite wall?

    Whrch siateiiieiri tsESi- expiains theircrLlrrelce of corivection cun*nts?

    (A) i{ot molecules cxen greaier forccsthari cold ones.

    /n\ I)-^.'-i,.a -ratinn no'.ca- ft"i,Jc tn h.e\.'',

    in constant modon.(C) Heat decreases the density offluidstluough expansion so they mustrise-(D) The movement ofbubbles due to theprocess ofboilirig.

    A container of fixed volume contai-ns 5.0 molof gas at a pressure of 3-5 x 10s Pa. Anextra 4.0 mo! of gas is pumped intc theconteiner and the container is allowed torehrm to iis orginal temperature" What is thefinal pressnre ofthe gas?

    (A) 3.5 x I05 Pa(B) 4"4 x 10I Pa(C) 6.3 x 105 Pa(D) 14 x 105 Pa

    Which cfthe iollowing equartions representstheTO'|AL kinetic energy ot'one mole olamonatomicgas?

    !:,. -'

    teFpttl--r r rt,l\lliL\l Ill\i Itrll\ll I l\ iI I l\lirlii\

    -.i---l-- nositionra,* _a *-_a _t .













    "\l iir:l la Ii I l\tt.L i

    --i. - -'1, oositionk_a-+_a +a+t- .

    02138010/CAPE2008CO ON TO'THE NEXT PACF,

  • _]J29 Trvr:r sounri r.r'aves ,Jl the Saiinc li'eqrrr:trcyhaving amplitudes of. f cm and I crnrespectiveli iLre moving torvards cach other:,- .L,,

    -^- - *-:^L4 l:- . TA^ ,.--,,lranr rlrrrr'r.r r\brr.produced wili var.v in loudness- -[.he ratio of*le m?Lriimum 10 rninimum inrensiiv is

    (A) 4/rtB) 9t2(c) 6t1(D) eti'fhe inability of the eye to focus cicarly onnearobjects is callcr1

    {A) presbyopia0r) isigmxism(C) nryopia(1}) hypermetropia

    A geologist needs to know how thetempe.rature ofthe soil 20 m below the earth'ssurtbces changes throughout the day' 'l'hethermometer he s*lects fr.rr this job is thc

    (A) liqr'ri

  • rA boiler contains wate. at atmosphericpressuie. Use the data brlow to calculetetke rvork done by the s:'srern in pmducing 1kg ofsteam (water vapour) at atmosphericpressrire-

    Data: I kg of r,r'rter at 100 'C occupiesl.0x l0-rm'

    i kg of steam at l0O "C and ataimospheric pressure occuPicsl.?m'

    (A) oJtB) l5o0 J(C) l00x i0'J(D) t"7x l05J

    Which of the following satemerlts about anisorherriral proces-\ in an ideai gas are ir(Ie?





    (A)(B)1.,- I


    i'he energy added by htating" Q, iszero

    T!:r cbaqge in !41qt-n?! energy. 4 [ iis zerc

    -lhe wor[ done by the gas, lV, equalsthe change in intemal energy.

    I onlyllonlyI arrd III cnlyII and III oniy

    {tem 42 refers ta the diagnun above shcwing a hydrometer, a device thatmeasures relative densiry.

    Liquid X of densitY P

    What is the densrty.P ofliquid X?

    1.3 kg m-r300 kg mr

    1000 kg mr1300 kg m'3






  • I2

    {3. Achilddrinksorangejuiceofdensitl p,using a straw held verticalty'. The atnosphericpressure is P. and the child can lower the

    ^. rL^.^- ^g.L^ ^+-^-." L-. anO/I^errsrv 4( rr1v.!P vl

    The IvIAXIMUM kxrgth ofst-aw ihat would

    , aliow the clrild to drink thejuice is

    2P"IA\ pc

    PrBi ^r4s

    PiC') . !r-)pg

    {leq44 refers to the ficllowing diagram

    llhe diagram strowsthe fbrce extension graphforan elastic material. Whatdoesthe shadedregion under the graph represent?

    (A) TheYoung'smodulusofthematerial(B) The tensile stress of the material(C) Thetensile strain ofthe material(D) "fhe strain energy ofrhe materialIF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CITECK YOLIR IYCIRK ON

    Which one of the. statemenls aboulCefcrrmation ofsolids isNOT rue?

    (4-) -^- s,:l!d beha'.,es elesti*Il;. if *r.parnanent deformation takes placeafter the force has been removed.(B) Stress is the extension per unit leng*rofthe material. It has no units.

    {C) All solids are elmtic when smallfcrrces are attached to them-(D) In stretching a material, thc workdone is stored as strain cnergy, ontrcI Iooke's l.aw applies.

    THIS TA$T.





  • ,i'"rubber l'rall ofweight, J4{ is suspended fiorna supporl ernd is being displaced laterally at anan.qle,

    ", from the verticai by a wind ofcons&rnt tbrce (Ef" The ball is in equilibriumand the rension in the string is Z.

    Tension (T)

    Wind (II)Which of the fbllowing equations is correer?

    T:WT:HT: Wcos 0T = I{lcos I

    In determining the density ofa cube, a studentrecords the following measurements:

    Length ofside, /:3.0 - 0.1 cm

    Mass of cube, m = I2.5 + 0.5 g

    The student then uses the equation O =fito determine the density of the cube. Thepefcentage erfor in the calcuiatecl value ofpis

    0.6%7 o/o


    \r"'hii:h r:f the choices belorv gives thedirnensions of the universal sravit:tionriconstant O ?,

    (A) kg-t 6r t-r(B) rn s-2(C) kg m{ s-r(D) kg-t 6-t t-r

    The number ofmoles ot'catbc'n -12 atorns

    in 0.060 kg is

    (A) 0"5(B) 5(c) 6(D) 12lf x=3 mg and.y:9kg then(A)

    -y=3x10rr(B) !:3 x 103 x(C) y:3 xtffx(D) "y=3xloe.r







  • -4-Item 6 refer$ to the dLagram a]lld informationlhelow

    A trolley is kavelling at a uni'fomr veiocity, v, rdong a horizontal path" A lump of plasticine is relpasedfrom a point directl]' above a pointP on its pa&r.

    The plasticine travels a vertical distance, h, and acquires a speed v (equal to tfuat ofthe troliey) beforeit iands directly on top ofthe holley and sticke on it.

    Whatis the distance ofthe trolley fromthepolnt Pwhen thepiasticinebegins to fall?


    La , (r{ * lrllorh=f'

    -! - i,..'l'\- 4 ai '1-/! -, ()

    r\[/ " \l.l,r'\



    t l,-t




    ^l2E(c) h('D) h



    o?1'lRot n/capF ?fno

  • -5-

    A man throws a bail with velocity, u through the a jr towards his liiend who is 60 rn away. Which of thetbllowing graphs represents the veftical conrponent ofthe velocify ofthe ball whilst it is in motion?


  • A light spring is pernranentiy connectedbehveen hvo blocks ollwood on a frictinnies_"surface as in the diagram belora,_

    'Ihe masses of the blocks are 2.0 kg and

    5"0 kg and they can move freely along astraight borizontal track. The spring iscompressed and the blocks are releasedsimultarieousiyfromrest^ .

    When the acceieration of the heavier blockis I 0 m s2, the accelemtion of the lighter blockwill be

    (A) 5ms2(B) l0 m s-2G{ 20 m s-2C(D)l 25 m s-'?

    Thc tbllowing statements reFcr to anINELASTIC COLLISION:

    i" The total amount of momentum isNOT conserved"

    il" The total arnormtofkinetic enerry isNOTconserved.

    m" The total amount ofa momentum isconserved.

    Which ofthe above slatemerts is/are .[RUEfor an INELASTT C COI.L,ISION?

    IonlyIII onlyI and III onlylI and III only

    'l\ o satclhres 5, and 5'_ aru orbiring arorurd ip!rr'.::t cf radi:s P. S, rnc",.cs juii aboi c ihesurface and J, is an orbit ofradius 4R. Thevalue of the r:atio

    Orbitai speed of.!.--|-_;"

    . Orbital specd ofS,V. ' .,i \.'

    I ' tv

    q \,i !


    I i,') ' ,'\a .:L 'ri




    r (q)(D)- 1

    lt. Which of rhe srarcmenrs betow tsEST]describes lhe motion of a seostationaJsateltite?

    I(A) It moves with the same velociry as1the earth. l(B) Its geographical location changes asjthe earth rotates. I

    .t.^) Its acceleration is zero. I(D) lrsangularvelociqr is eqrnl to that of1







    ,l(';()()N 11)'t illi NF;X,t,t,n(iti




    02 I 3lJO I ()/( :n I'l 1 1l(x)()

  • -1-11. The pla'k shown below is i' equilibrium whcn acted on bv rhe forces shown

    Which statements is/are hue?

    l. T+p=IttrII" p(x+y]:WyIIl. Px: Ty(A) IonJy(B) IandIIonly

    -G,\ iI and III onty( (Dr\ I, U and III

    13' A rock is tltown vertically upwards from the ground. Negleeting air resistance, the graph that BESTshows thE relationship between the kinetic enJ,rgy, g, of th-e rockld its height, ft, is:

    (A) E G)"


  • -tt

    A van has mass //,. The van,s engine has a-^wi*.'- PUwcr uurPur ul ,l-. I lld LI-AS_ltime lbr the van to be accelemted fiom resttoaspeed,uis

    {;) mv'/ D



    15" A studeut of weight 500N is planning a tripto the peak of Blue Mountain. From herstardngpoint, this will involve an increase inaltitude of 1 800 m. She buys .high caiorie',

    , energybars whichrelease I 000 kJofenergrwhen digested. Assuriring her body to be l0%effrcient, how manybars will she need to eat.for the necessary gain in altitude?

    (A) I(B) e(c) eo(D) e00

    A mass hanging fiom a spring with ftirceconstant k oscillates vertically with anarnplitudel.

    'Ihe I\{AXIMUM velocity on the mass duringl.his simple harmonic motion is

    t-(A) nAm

    (B) ffe

    t1. I6.



    (C) MP

    r;(c) | oor,; F-^

    17. The displacernent ola particle undergoingsimple harmonic motion is given by

    .r = 8 sin 0.4nl

    The frequency ofoscillation ofrhe plrti"f* i,(A)' 0.2H2(B) o.4HJ(C) 5 Hz(D) 8 Hz



  • -9-A system^made up of a iight helical spring to which a small mass is attacired, is forced to oscillate atdifferent fiequencies,f in air-" The response is shown in the diagram below.

    fo I'requencyIfthe experiment were done in an evacuated chambeq which graph BEST represents the result?


    Iitationary waves are produced by supedmposiag progressive waves offrequercy 500 Hz. Successivenodes are separated by a distance of 2 m.-wrrat is G speed of the progressive waves?

    125 m s-t250 m s-l

    1 000 m s-l2 000 m s-'






    ' (c)@

  • !-



    The diagram bclorv shclws arl illstillllilll('{'lr" Ixrr;tIrrrttlIalonga suitrg.

    .r lr,rr \r rr rvtrvc lravcllirlg llom ieftto l'ight

    wrrvI rlit.( lir)[. ,ar

    Which of the followitrg correctly describcs thc subsotll tct rl t t rt '1i' rttsbing?

    r I'arry, ot-the poiuts R and 5. on the



    PointR PointSstationary downwa:dsdownwards uPwardsdowrrwards stationarYupwards dowrwards

    TwosourcesofrvatelwavesxancixgcnelatewaveswhichareoutofphasebylSo"" Ifthewaves

    fromXare of amplitude 5 m.and the wuves fiorn v arc ol arnplitude 3 m" which ofthe following graphs

    "onectly oescriues the oscillation of a particlc whi

  • - 11-

    I ltr r I rt, r rir I y ( )l sornd is directiy proportional to the

    !Al iirrrphludeoftheoscillationlll r :,r Irirrc of the amplitude of the oscillationft f rvlvr:tcngthoftheoscillatio'nI I I I tr qrurr o ofthe wavelength ofoscillation

    A rlarrrlrrrpi wove is setup or a stretched strin$XJfas shown in the diaggam below.


    W h lr I r l I t I rc tirilowing statements is correct?I( lrtl

    Itl rlt lllfl

    t )scillations of Points P and Q are out ofphase with each other.I'rrrticle atXarrives at Point Ji one period later"( )scillations at PointsXand O ars exactly in phase with each other( )sci llations at Points Q and S are exactly in phase with each other.

    Itetrr ld rc lcrs to the following diagram which shows a stationary wave on a string at one instant ingliF

    Wlrer r orr this stationary wave does anantinode exist?

    I A l l'otrlytlll ()onlyll | ,lonlytll tr /'andlionly

    f ;tertrurAt,ti2oo9GOONTOTHENEXTPAGE

  • I.-




    A liquid X iloats in a contairter on top otanother'liquid )'" Lrght whose veiocity is tr/ssrikcs the boundary with an angle ol-incidence 9,,. In l-iquid X the angie olrefraction is Q and the velocity is I/ .

    Which pair of statements is TRUE if thewavelength DECREASES as the liglrtcrcssesdre buuntlary'?


    In a Young's two-slit experiment. light ofwavelength 500 nm produces fringes 2 mmaparl on a screen. If light of wavelengJttr250 nm is used and the slit separation isdoubled, how far apart would the fringes be?

    (A) 4 mm(B)-i 0.5mm(C) 1 mm(D) 2 mm

    X-rays differ &om microwaves in tiat they

    (A) cannotbereflacted. _fB-I aredeviatedbyanelectricfieldr(C)': have a shorterwavelength(D) carmot be polarized


    What is the mtro of the intenslt-v of.lwo so|ndsif one is 8.0 dB louder than tl:e otirer?

    (A)' 0.63!9) 9r -l '"''i ),'.,',(c) 80(D)' i08..Accommodation in the huinan eyc retbrs to



    the dilation of thepupii toallorvmorelight to enier the eye

    thc adjustrnent of lhe lens to focuson objecis according to theirdistance(C) changingtlie shapeofthe eye so thatthe image fits on the retina(D) the use of lenses to correci de&ctsin',rision

    30. The near point ofa defectiva eye is 30 imfrom the eye" Ifthe normal near point is25 cm ftom the eye, the fbcal letgth of lensneeded to gonect this defbct is

    :'1(A) 5 cm'(B) 25cm 'J 't 'iJC) 30cm(D) r 150cm

    31. Which of the following types ofthermometers has the STDEST temperaturemeasuring range?

    io) Phdnumresistance(B) Mercury in glass(C) Constant voiume gas(D) Alcoholinglass








  • 32 The iength of the liqr"rid colurnn itt a rrercurythennometcr at ice point is 15 mm and at fhesteam point is 22-0 mm. Whcn placed in acup of tea the length olthe mercury columnis 195 m.rn, What is the i.ernperature of thetea, as measured on the centigrade scale ofthis thermometer?

    {A) 16,6"Cr (B) ; 87"8 "C(c) B8.l 'CtD) i02 4 "(l

    An immersion heator ted at 150 W is fiuedinto a large block of ice at0 oC Tlrc specificlatent heat of fusion of the i.ce is 3 r 105 J kg:'.How long does it take to melt l0 g uf ice'?

    (A) 2s(Bi. 5 s!tc;,) ?o s(IJ1 15os

    Which of the lbllowing statements is./ateT'R,{JE?

    I. Wtiilst a substance is meiting itstemperature remains constant'

    11" The triple point of a sribsiance has aconstant value.

    nI. The boiling point of a liquid does notdePend on the Pressure of thesurroundings"

    IonlyI and II onlyII and III onlyI, II and III

    0.19 K0,24K0.49 K1 ^11 L{

    36- Aninsulatedcr:mpcsitemetil rrxl""'' ' : 30 cm of l\{etal I with 4 t:titttlrr' t

    300 W m-r K and 30 cm ol ML t rl /'conductivitY of200 W m' K

    \ Q=r 3in'.*--->-9\.,..-- r3o .rn

    -i---i-------*--An insulated rod of Metal '4 ol l' r'r"icouducts heat at the same rrtt'comPosite bar when it has tl"temperatures 0, and 0- at its cnt'ls / r 'to

    (A) 40cm(B) 50cnt(C) 60cm(D) 75 crn

    37 - A large rnetal cube has dimensiotrr' I ' "12m Xl.2 m. ltis heated ina lirr rr'" ""'the blackened cube is at a tefilpt r;rttrr'780 'C What is the rate cf enettiv lr '"";from the surface?

    Jb.J KWi20 kw181 kw602 kw

    GO ON TO THE NEX'I' I' ^i'i

















    35. \4'atcr t-alis from a height ol 5oo rr rthe rise in temperature of tltt: ir 'it' 'bottom lfall the energy gaint:'l r" ' ' "to internal energy inthe watcr'i



  • 3SWhichgraphl}ES.l.representsplessure.P.o{agasirsitlirlt..lttltr('lits'tlrasswhenthegasiSpumpedintoacontainelof-fixedvolumeandthetemFelzrlul.clclliai|lsc()nstal]t'l


    | /'-'-t/V


    Etlt't/t *r.n


    L(D)Which of the following statements is NO'Ione of the trasic assumptions of the kinetictheory ofgases?

    The attractive forces between thegas moiecules are negiigible '

    Thl collisions between the gasmolecules are inelactic"

    The size of the gas molecuies arenegligible comPared to theirseoaration.

    Thc duration ol a collision isnegiigible comPared with the timebefiryeen coliisions.

    What is the pressure nf a gas of density0.09 kg m-r and root-mean-square velocityof 1900ms-'?

    (A) i .31 PafB) 57.0 Pa

    Gh 1.o8xlo5l'atsl 1.2 x l o6 Pa

    41. The fust law of thermodlmarnics may bewrittenas LU:Q+W"

    For an isothermal process this equation. becomes

    (A) AU: Q(B) Lu : V/'(c) 9-s-LU.$)r Q=-w







  • ILe:l42.refer"s to the follorving diagram-

    42. The meterial shown has length, l, and cross sectionalarea A. When a tbrce, F, is applied to the materialit causes an extension, e, in the material. which ofthe tbllowing expressions can be used io determinethe Young modulus of the material'?

    Whichofthe following statements about the molecularmodel ofliquids are TRUE?

    L Thoir molecules are packedclosely together.{I. Neighbouring molecules ciuster together and there is a constant transfer ofmolecBies betweenclusters.

    III. fhe forces btween molecules are very shong.IV. ThepatternofmoleculesisNOTfixed,

    r-\'l(4/ llandrVonlyIB) IllandVonly(C) [ II and III only(D) I, IlandfVonll,









  • r6

    44 The graph below was obtained by applyingr, . ^ ..:-^. ,.C ,r.:-r ^r,dVaflOUS iuluub, I


    !w d triulv er l\r'r oru

    measuring its length, /.

    1.50 l.5t 1.52 1"53 LWhat information can be inferred fiorn thegraph?

    I. The force constantoftte material is1000Nrn-r.

    iL The ultimate tensile stress of the, material is about 3 5 N'ilI. The strain aiXis I %-IV,. The material obeyed Hooke's Law


    Itef.n *{! refers to the foilowing diagranrwhich shows the force-extension graph ofawire"

    1 2 e/mm

    45. [Iow much work is done in stretching the wirefiorn an extension of I mm to 2 mm?

    (A) 0"015 J\ o.o3or((c)" o.o4s J

    *"6i 0.060J

    I nnd IV onlYII and III onlYII and IV onlYitrI and [V cnlY






  • Which of tire quantittcs Lrelorv zlredimensionless')

    t. l{eiarivedensitY11" Forcelll. LengthtV. Refractive index

    (A) I and II onlY(B) ti and lll onlY(C) I and IV onlY(D) lI and IV oniY

    In detennining the dcnsity ofa cube a studcntrecords the following measurernents:

    Length ofside, / = 3.0 ! 0'l crnMass of cube, rn: 12'5 i 0"59

    The str,rdent therr uses the equation p - 11f

    to ,Jetermine the density of the cube "l'hcperctintage enor in the calculated value ol'1r

    (A) a"6ol,(B) 7%(c) t4o6(D) 4A%

    Giventhat the fbllowing quantities have thcirase units shown

    P: kg m.rQ; kg ms-zR: kgz*':.-'

    lVhat quantitY does

    (A) Distance(B) SPeed(C) Acceleration(D) Force



    'I'he nrolat mass of alrtmirtiurn is 17 g artd itsclcnsitv is 2?00 kg tn-i The nunrber ofllunrintLtm atoms in a piece of alurlinirrin w.itha voitrtno oL i 0 tttr i5 apprui'illlaieii

    (A) ,6x l0ri(B) 6 x 10:o(C) (, " 19"(D) 6

    " l0rs

    If thc uvelage velociry of a particle is zero,then the rlistancc it has iravclled

    (A) must bc zcro(B) dannot be zcto(C) is negative(D) may or may not be zero

    A tennis ball is given a bolizontal veiocity of8 m/s rvhen it is hit at a height I I m abovethc gr.rund. lt is in lhc arrlbr

    (A) 017s(B) 0.6i s(() 2.98 s(D) 8.89 s





    (1{) rlN TNTHF NIiYT PAr]P

  • -4-

    Item 7 r"efers to the fbllowing inibrmation" Trvo ideniical masses are attached by a string' whichpasses over a ti'ictiorrless pulley.

    All the graphs helow are draxn to tbe sanre scale'

    7 . which pa.ir of graphs below represents the acceleratiotr of Body P and the acceleration of Body Q?

    (A) "l "i at,[-L- rtime l-+time

    "l * "i ,(D) l- ' ,,*- [--- .,,*"



    ^n nlYfnfirt\ID1ffDACE

  • \!'hicir ot'the tollorving pairs olconditions istrue for an inelastic collision'l

    I i Kinetic Energy i Slornentum I-i


    (B) conserved

    not conserved

    Which of the following equations gives thecorrect relationship Lrelween impulse and

    lomenhrm?(A) lmpulse = momenh:rn(B) Impulse = rate cfcbangc

    of momentum(C) impuise-changeinmomentum(D) lmpulse=(momenhrm)?

    A man olmass 50 kg stands on a bathroorltscal (balance) in an elevator lfthe elevatoracc{:ll,erales upwards to I m s-:. What is the,-- Jl^--,--- 1L,-

    --^1,-Dic*u.11i5 vrr

    (A) ,100N(B) 3901\'i.(c] 490N-iil) je0N

    Which of tile statements below BESTdescribes rhe motiotr of a geostationrrysateflite']

    iA) It movcs with the same velocit-v asthe earth.(B) Its geographical localion changcs asthe earth rotates,(Cl ltsaccelerationiszero"

    {D) Its angular velocity is e quai to thatof the"earth.




    t2 A man with a iiarachute jumps ftorn a plarre" FIe opens his pmachute after 2 .5 seconds' which of thegraphs below BEST represents how his vertical ruceleration a" could vary with time t, during the first 6

    seconds of his fall'?






    {D) lnotconserved

  • -6-

    i3. A body talts frorn a cLiiT Sti m above the 16" When a particle oscillates in a str"aight iineground" If it loses 25r/o of its energy rvithsimplehannonicrnotion,tl'reperiodolovercoming friction. what is its velccity on thgoscilla,tion isimpact rvitb the grourd? [g = 9.8 N kgt] (A) directly proportional to the(A) 19"8 m s'r displacernent r:f the particle from

    ' (B) 28.0 m s'r theorigin(C) 34,3 m s-r (B) directly proportional to the(D) 39-6 m s-r acceleration of tbe particle(C) independent of the frequency ofosciilation

    14. IfrristhemassofanobjectandEitskinetic (D) independent of the amplitude ofenergy, then its iinear mornentum is oscillatinn

    (A) *JE l7 . The displacernent of a particie undergoingsimple l.rarmonic motion is given by(il) zJi a x =gsino.4 nt

    (c) Ji p'.

    (D) "fr^E

    15. A student of weight 500 N is planning a tripup to the peak of Blue Mountain. Frnm herstarting point, this will involve an increase inaltihrde of 1800 rn" She buys "high calorie"enerp bars which contain I 000kJ ofenergy.Assuming herbody to be 10 oZ e{ficient howmany bars will she need to eat for thenecessary gain in altitude?

    (A) I(B) e{c) e0(D) e00

    I'he frequency ofoscillation oftheparticle is

    (A) 0.2142(B) oAHz(c) .sHz(D) 8Hz

  • TString

    Itern l8 ret'ers to the tbllowing diagram 20. Which of the tbllorving events is associatedwith transverse rvaves but NOT longirudinalrvrtvcs.''

    (A) ,


    (B) Polarisation(C) Retlection(D) Refraction

    Sound rvaves with a frequencSz of200 I{ztravel through a medium with a speed of400 m sr" What is the phase dit*:reircebetween two poinls which are 3 ur apart inrhe direction of rhe u ave'l

    (A) A rods4

    fB) A rods2

    )(C) ltr rads

    (D) E rads

    22 . The foliowing displacemcnt-position gra,phrepresents a stationary wave at two differentinstants of time.



    What does the distance PQ represent?

    21 ,

    18" The diagram shows t Barton pendulumsystem used to demonstrate resonance,Which penduium would swing with theGRE,\TEST amplitude when the driver O ispulled aside and released?

    lfenrl-19 ref'ers to the diagrarn below whichshows a snapshot ofa rope as a transversewavepasses along it from lett to right"

    X^Y ?,/\/z---\-7

    Which of the loliowing correctly shows thedirections ofthe motiou oipoints X,Y andZon the,rope'/




    --) -.





    Halfthe velocityI{alfttre periodHalf thewavelengthllalf'the ampliurde

  • 23. i\ wave of arnplitude I 0 cm has intensity l, .Another similar rvave has an amplitude of,5cmandintensity[.. What is the valire ofI,It



    (A) 2(B) 4(c) 20(D) s0Item 24 refers to the following graph whichshoils a stationary wave on a string.


    Where on this stationary wave does anantinode exist?

    (A) Ponly@) QonlY(C) Sonly(D) PandRonly

    Two light sources are said to be coherent"The waves liom them must therefore have

    (A) thesame ftequency and aconstantphase difference(B) the same amplitude and a constantphase difference(C) the same wavelength and no phasediftbrence(D) the same velocity and a constantpathdifference

    As light travelling in air enter"s a medium itsspeed changes to 2.4 x 10s m s'r. 'Iherefractive indcx of rhe mediurn is

    (A) 0.60(B) 0"80{c) 1"2s(D) 1"50

    For a dor,rble slit interference pattern usinglight, the separation offringes will increaseif

    I. Blue iightis usedinsteadofrcd.lI. 'fhe screen is moved away frorn the

    slits.UI. The siits are brought closer together(A) I only(B) I and II oniy(C) II and IIi only(D) I,II and III

    An object is placed 3 crn in front ofa divergingiens of focal length 5 cm. Where wiil theimage be fourd?

    (A) About 2 cm in front of the lens(B) About 2 cm behindthe lens

    I(C) About -cm iu lront of the lens2

    1(D) About -cm behind the lens).




    AN r\\I Tr) "IsIJF ]\IEJ'T DA'iF

  • 10

    JO3"1 ln an electrical lnethod tbr determining thespecific heatcapacity of a metal, the foilowingreadings were obtained

    rnass of metal 2 kgsupplyvoitage 240 Vcun"ent 3 Atin.re forrvhich heat supplied 20 stemperature rise olmetal l0 "CWhai is the specific heat capacity of mctal?

    240'3x6.. -r..-1(A) 1 ---;Jks 'K

    A cr-rnrposite conductor rvith rnaterials oftlrernral conductivities h H2, kR has insulatedsides. Heat is translbned through it trom left

    - -,.^-- L -l---- -tti i-lBni iis SlrUl! ii ir l ills lll4t8r Jii i ucIU ll.

    + lnsulation

    + Insulation

    Each material has the sanxe thicktless. Whichofthe lbllowing diagranrs BEST describes thetemperature gradient of the cornposite wall?



    (B) ?l{Ia9 roo l*-t240x3x60 -


    ic) 3"lo*2jrpn-t,a-t240" 3

    ^ 240x3x20.. -1....1{l)) -

    ikg 'K2xl()

    Water falis from a height of 500 m. What isthe rise in temperature ofwater at the bottomifall ofthe energy gained is converted tointemal energy in the water?

    (A) r"17K(B) 0"1e K(c) 0"24K(D) A.4eK


    (B)t1t2t3 i\



    tl(c) \t3t4

    {D) tlt2



    Gr) (-)NTO THF NFXT PAfiF

  • _l

    1l4037 A contractot builds an otfice rrtndor'v ol

    height I i0 cm and r,' idth 200 cm '*ith a glasspan* of thickness 0.5 cm" -fhe temperatriredifference across the giass is 15 K and thethermai conductivily of the glass is0"65W rn-' K'r. Calculate the heat energyper second conducted through the witrdo''v.

    (A) 1"63 kW(B) 5"8) kwic) t 63 k\v(D) 5d5kwA srnall black sphere has an absolutetemperature T," It is hung in thc centre ofan enclosure whose walls are at a higherabsolute tellperafure T?" The net rate of gainof therrnal r:nt:rgy bY the sPhere isproportional ttr

    (A) (T,)'(B) (r,)o(c) (r,)4- (r,)4(D) {T" *.T',)'l

    Avogadro's number is the number otmolecules in

    (A) one litre of gas at l.l"T.P@) one mole of a gas(C) ' onegramofagas(D) onekilogramofagas

    A .gas cr;nturirts N molecLrles. 1'hc spec-ds o1

    the nrolecules are Cl. C2.,., C*, Which ofrhe tollorving e.iualrorts can be used todetermine ilre r:m.s speed olthe molecules'J

    rA) lc, -c:"-\l-- ,v--(B) F,'+'c:, - --{li-l:4IrV

    3ll (D)

    What is the total presiiur on the base of acontainer ofcross-sectional area 5.0 m2, ifitis filied witJr ethyiene gylcol of densif-v1120 kgm'r up to a depth of 3.0 m?

    "[Atm. Press: 1.0 x iOi Pa](A) 3"3 x 104 Pa(B) 67x104Pa(C) l-0 x lOs Pa(D) t.l3 x lOi PaItern4! reij>rs to the fallowing diagram.

    f(ci*c,'+ +cif1i--T-lrv4I





  • 43.-12-

    l'our diffbrent liquids are poured into iclentical measuring cylinders. The diagrams show the heighe ofthelicluiclsandtheirdensities. WrichliquidexertstheLARGESTpressureotrtlrcbaseofitsmeasuringcylin dler?


    {A) 2 {cm3 (B)

    10 cm

    1.6 g/crn3

    (c) l=tr"'"'

    (D) Ell.:.:-'1tl{'0"' ]fl


    'Ihis graph is MOST likelyto applyto

    (A) steel(B) glass fibre(C) an elastic band(D) polythene sheet


    Itgmj[Srefers to the follou'ing diagram.


    The iigure above shows the force-extensiongraph of a wire. How much work is done inshetching the wife from an extension of 1mm



    (A.) 0.015 J(B) 0.030 J(c) 0.&t5 J(D) 0.060JCHECK YOUR WORK ON TI{IS TEST.

    0? I lttOl0/cA PLi20l0

  • 3-

    A rubber bail of weight, W, is suspended froma suppon anci is being dispiaceci iareraiiy aran angle. 0 o, from the vertical by a wind ofconstant force, H. The ball is in equilibriumand the tension in the string is T.


    Tension (T)

    Wind (H)

    Which of the following equations is conect?

    Itenr J relcrs to the foilowing quantities withtheir busc units-

    P: kg rrr 1

    Q: kg m s'2R: kg: 6't st

    What quantity does POR



    The number olmolcs of carbon -12 atoms in

    0.060 kg is

    (A) 0.5(B) 5(c) 6(D) 12Ifthe average velocity ofa particle is zero,then the distance it has travelled

    (A) is negative(B) must be zero(C) cannot be zero(D) may or may not be zero





    T=WT=HT: Wcos 0T: lVcos 0 5.

    2. Mary is on her way to New York and wantsto ensure that her suitcase does NOT exceedthe 50 kg limit. She stands on the scale andfinds-her mass is 55 kg + lkg. She next liftsher suitcase and the mass changes to104 kg + lkg. What is the mass of her suit-case?


    49kg+ I kg49kg!2kg50kg+1kg5lkgt2kg


  • 4WhatisthegravitationatJieidstrengthofapiarretwh
  • -)-llern Erefers to the following information.

    A ]ight spring is permanently connectedbetween two blocks ofwood on a frictionlesssurtbce as shown in the diagram below.

    The masses of the blocks are 2,0 kg and5.0 kg and they can move fteely along astiaight horizontal track. The spring iscompressed and the blocks are releasedsimul laneousty fiom rest.

    When the acceleration of the heavier blockis l0 m s-2, the acceleration ofthe lighterblock will be

    (A) 5 m s-2(B) 10 m s-2(C) 20 m s-:(D) 25ms?

    A rocket in gravitv-free space isburning 5"0 x 102 kg of fuei per second^The exhaust gases are expelled at8"0 x 103 m s-t relative to the rocket, whosemass is 2.0 x 105 kg at that time. What isits acceleration?

    (A) 10 m s-2(B) 20 m s-2(C) 400 m s-2(D) 2500 m s-2

    Which of the following statements isNOTtrue about an object floating in a fluid?

    (A) The resultant force on the object iszefo-(B) The weight of the object is equal tothe weight of the fluid displaced.(C) The upthrust is equal to ttre weightofthe fluid displaced"(D) The upthrust is greater than theweight ofthe object.

    A truck moves off from rest on a straighthorizontal road. The resultant fbrce actingon the truck remains constant. Which ofthe following graphs shows the variation ofthe momentum of the kuckwith distance?







    El --''al //

    6Ial-+-----+I DistancetEl //El ./El ,/

    at ./I Distance




    02138010/CAPE 2011

  • 12.


    FJom the diagram above which of the following statements is/are true?

    i. T+P:WIi. P(x+y):Wyru. Px: Ty

    (A) I only(B) I and II onlY(C) II and III oniY(D) I, Il .rnd III

    15"13" If p is the momentm of an object of mass,^2

    m, tben the expression P has the same unitasm

    (A) energy(B) force(C) impulse(D) acceleration

    If m is the mass of an object and E its kineticenergy, then its linear momentum is

    t_(A) nI{ rr'

    zJm r



    A slldent of weight 500 N is planning atrip to the peak of Blue Mountain" Fromher starting point, this will involve anincrease in aititude of 1800 m. She buys"high calorie" energy bars which release1000 kJ ofenergy wben digested" Assumingher body to bc 10% efficient, how manYbars will she need to eat for the necessarygain in altitude?

    (A) 1(B) e(c) e0(D) e0014"




    Irem 12 refers to the followi.ng diagram which shows a plank in equitribrium when acted on by Lhelorces P. T and W.

    02138010/CAPE 2011GO ONTO THENEXT PAGE

  • Which ofthe following graphs BEST represents the relationship between totai energy, Er golenergy, E, kioetic eneigy, Eo und displacement of a parlicle moving in a straight line with sharmonic motion?


    L7. The displacement of a particle undergoing simple harmonic motion is given by

    x: 8 sin (0.4 nr) where x is in metres and / in seconds'

    The frequency of oscillation of the particle is

    (A) 0.2}]2(B) A.4Hz(C) sHz(D) 8Hz




  • Ite_m 1{ refers to the foilowing infonnation.A system made up of a light heiical spring to which a small mass is attached, is forced to oscillateat different fiequencies, f, in air; The response is shown in the diagram below.

    If the experiment were done in an evacuated chamber, wirich graph BEST represents the resuit?

    Frequency Frequency

    Frequency Frequency




  • 23"


    21 . The pdnciple of superposition of waves states that when two or more waves meet at a point, theresultant disPlacement is the

    (A) difference of the displacements of the individual waves(B) product of the displacements of the indjviduai waves(C) sum of the displacements of the individual waves(D) squate of the displacements of the individual waves

    Wiricb nf the following statements concerning sound and light waves is correct?

    (A) Both sound and light waves in air are longitudinal.(B) Both sound and light waves in air are traruverse.(9) Sound waves in air are hansverse and light waves are longitudinal.(D) Sound waves in air are longitudinal and Jight waves are toansl'erse.

    A communications satellite sends informatjon to Earth in tbe form of electromagnetic waves inbursts of 5 ms duration" If the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves is 2 x 10-6 m, the numberof wavelengths in EACH pulse is approximately

    (A) 7.5 x 108(B) 7"5 x l01i(C) 3 x 1016(D) ;


    Item2! refers to ttre follotving diagram which shows a stationary wave on a string at one instantin time.



    24- Where on this stationary wave does an antinode exist?

    (A) P only(B) Q only(C) S only(D) PandRonly


  • _-/-/-/t.5


    mass, 2m

    Item 19 re


    -mass, m


    lers to the following diagram. 20"

    What is the relationship between theperiods ofA and B, \ and To respectively,if the two springs are similar?

    Two sources of water waves, X and Y,generate waves which are out of phaseby 180". If the waves from X are ofamplitude 5 m and the waves ftom Y areof amplifude 3 m, which of the followinggraphs correctly describes the oscillationof a particle which is equidistant f}om XandY?









    f^: 1 t*Ji

    q= .,6r.

    T^ :2T"



    t-t ffii-"I



    ().2I ]liOlO/(lAl'lr l0l lGO ONTOTIIENEXTPACE


  • I'

    rl Which oItire lbllowing staternents rcgardillgIenses isiare correct?

    L A converging lens ahvaYs lorms anirnage bigger than the object.

    ll Al object placed in tiont of aconverging iens can tbrm a virtualimage.

    A diverging lens can form a realimage ofan object Ptaced in frontoiit.

    (A) Ionly(B) II oniy(C) I and ltrI oniY(D) ll and IIi onlY

    Thc near point of a defective eye is 30 cmiiom the eyc" The normal ncar point is25 cm liom the eye. The focal length ofthelens needed to correct this defeci is

    (A) 5 cm(B) 25 cm{C) 30 crh(D) 150cm

    Which instrumeni is MOST suitabie tbimeasuring rapidly changing temperature?

    (A)' Theresistancethermometer(B) Themercury-in-gla;sthermometer(C) Tbe thermocouPle(D) Thealcohol-in-glasstherrnometer

    Itenr .]2 reibrs to the lbllorving graph.

    Lengthlcnr {3d.0


    The graph shows how the length of themercury in a thermometer changes withtemperature. The tempctaturo whichcorresponds to a length of i0.0 cm is

    (A) 15 "cG) 2OoC(c) 25oC(D) 30"cWhat is the name given to the amountofheatenergy needed to change I kg ofwater at100 oC into steanr at 100 "C?

    (A) MolartreatcaPacitY(B) Specific latent heat of fusion(C) SpecificheatcaPacitY(D) Specific latent heat ofvaporisation







  • 11





    When measuring the speed o1'sori:rd in air',different vibrating tuning fbrks are heldover the open end ofa resonance tube andthe length of air column loweled until thefirst loud note is heard. The followinggraph shows how the resonant length varies




    . Jrequency

    I-o LIhe value of the intercept, L", on the f.,a.risindicates the

    (A) end corrcction of the tube(B) amplifude of the sound(C) wavelength of the sound(D) shortestresonantlengthofthctube

    A ship sends down a pulse of sound tomeasure the depth of the sea 't-he echo isdetected 0..1s later. Assuming that sorurdtravels five times laster in sea-lvater thanin fhe air, how deep is the sea at this point?

    (Speed of sound in air : 330 m s ')(A) 25 m(B) 83 m(C) 248 m(D) 1650 m

    X-r'ays differ ficm microwaves in that lh,

    (A) cannot be reilacted(ts) are deviated by an electric fiekl(C) have a shorter wavelength(D) cannot be poiarizedStanding waves are producecl in a 10 m iorstretched string. Ifthe string vibrates irrsegments and wave'velocity is 20 m s-r, tlfrequency is

    (A) 2Hz(B) 4bIz(C) 5 HziD) l0 Hz

    The amplitude of a wave is increased. fi

  • 32 'l ltr l, rrgrl' t 't' ! ' !ll)fltlrr\ ll,'r",,,':: :i !:l5 tttttr,ttt,l :ri r!,' =" -" i: :::!Wltt'tt pl'1,.,1 i" '.

    ',1' ! r ' !1" l' irt lli "ltlte ttlrl llli r ,'lil,lr .' l -t !!,trr \\ lr'rl r 'lltc lt'ltt1r;'lttlttt, r,l'lr r',i :i rrr"r'rrrti rl llttltt t lrtlrpr,tl, , tl "l llrr rlr' "r'r'.rrrr I' I

    (A) ltitt r(ll) H/ li r((l) Nl{l'(l)) l().' I {

    An itnntctt;tlrr ltr jtli l l;rl,,l irt l'i() W rsffttedintoitlttt!,r'lrl,rrl,rlr' rrl{1"( lllespecific lalttttl ltt-irt of lil'.r"1 "l lltI rt t' ts3x105"Tkg r llurr l"ti!'rlr* rl l'tl'r' lrrtttt:lI10 g of ice'l

    (A) 2s(B) 5s(C) 20 s(D) 150 s

    The Si unit lirr lx:;tl (:;rl);l( ll\/ r:,

    (A) J kg'(B) .[ kg rK


    G) JKI(D) Jkr:Kr

    Water falls l'rom rt lrt'r1',lrl ol 5{X) rn. Whatis the rise in tempcral urc ()l t l)(: will!:t ;l I I hebottom, if all the energy gaino(l is cottvct tctlto intemal energY in the rvatcr'/

    (A) 0.19 K(B) 024K(c) 0.4e K(D) r. 17 K

    r , Mr irr , rrr lrltctl sVt,l('ttl li ;tllorr,,l t,', . l',rrr,l il rllr tto lllcttltltl ( ll( ll'\t ('lll, I llt!' ,,ilr .rr rrrl'llrt ;yrilottt. Wlttt:lrol lltr'l0ll,'u rrr1,:,1;rlr rrt(trl:;,s lruc'/

    (n ) I'ltcl.crnpcral.rrrc(ll'lltt 1-1;l,rk'r tr'ir;r'.as work is dttttc [r.Y llr,' 1',;rr.(ll) Work is rlone fil, lltt' ['.;ts :,o llt,'kinetic encrgy ol lltt'I'rrr'molecules irrcrt::rscs.(C) The internal energy ()( th( l',:riincreases as work is rlotrc tttt lltr'gas^

    (D) No heat enters the systenr s() tlrctemperature of the gas rc:rlritittsconstant.

    A contractor builds an of0ce window o1height i50 cm and width 200 cm whichcontains a glass pane of thickness 0.5 crn.The temperalure difference across the glassis 15 K and the thermai conductivity of theglass is 0"65 Wm-rK r.. Calcuiate the heatenergy per second conducted ihrough thewindow.

    (A) s85J(B) 58s J(c) 5.ns kJ(D) 585 k.r





    02138010/('n l',l' .)o I I(iO 0N TO THE NEXT PAGE

  • 38.

    - 13 -

    Which graph BEST represents pressure 'P' of a gas as a tunction of its mass when the gas ispumped into a container of fixed volume and the temperaturc remains constant?

    Pl ./t/t,/l,/t/

    ' Mass





    (A) (c)

    (B) (D)

    40"39. In the Kinetic Theory for an ideal gas,lvhich of the following statements is NOTa corect assumption?

    The duration of collision rs' negligibie compared with the

    time belween the collisions.The volume of the molecules is

    negligible compared with thevolume in which they move.

    The moleculds have negligibleathaction for each other.(D) The molecules have negligiblemomentum change on collisionwith the container wails"

    A gas contains N molecules. 'Ihe speedsof the molecules are C,, Cr."-, C"" Whichof the following equations tan be used todetermine the r"m"s speed of the molecules?







    G? + cl +...ci)'z

    02138010/CAPE 2011




  • to glsat pressure p


    Igls 41 refers to the fbllowing diagram. .13"ope! to atmospher

    liqdd ofdelsity 9

    In the U-tube manoneter shown above, thepressure at X is atmospheric pressure (po)and the liquid in the tube has a density of p,T.he pressrne at Y is equal to the pressure,p, ofthe gas. The gas pressure p is equalto

    (A) po + hpg(B) Pn - hpg(c) hpg(D) pA

    Itqm 42 refers to the following diagram.

    *-"- r---|>The material shown has length, i, andcross-sectional area, A. When a force,F, is applied to dre material it causes anextension, e, in the material,. Which ofthe following expressions can be usedto determine the Young modulus of thematerial?





    Helium gas is kept in a container at apressure of L7 x 10r Pa" Ifthe density ofhelium is 0"92 kg mr, calculate the rootmean square speed of the helium atoms.

    (A) 248 m s-](B) 330 m s-i(C) 430 m s-'(D) 745 m s-l

    Which of the following graphs BE,STrpresents how the extension of a ductilematerial varies progressiveiy with the loadattached?















  • -15-

    Item 45 refers to the foliowing diagram"

    The figure above shows llrc fbrce-extensiongraph of a wire. I low rnttch work is donein stretching thc wire from an extension of1 mm to 2 rnnt'/

    (A) 0.() l5 .l(fr) 0.03() .1(c) 0.045 .l(D) 0.(X'0 J



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