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Physiologic manifestations of human anaphylaxis. P L Smith, … , S Permutt, L M Lichtenstein J Clin Invest. 1980; 66(5):1072-1080. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI109936. In the course of a controlled study to evaluate different forms of immunotherapy for subjects with insect-sting hypersensitivity, we observed 11 subjects who had systemic cutaneous urticarial reactions and 3 subjects who experienced systemic anaphylaxis. With the exception of tachycardia, there were no cardiopulmonary changes in the subjects with urticaria, whereas the major manifestation of anaphylactic shock in the other three subjects was severe hypotension that was probably secondary to peripheral vasodilation. Significant abnormalities in gas exchange developed in two subjects. In one, bronchospasm precipitated a respiratory arrest followed by endotracheal intubation with mechanical ventilation. Although plasma histamine levels were not related to the development of cutaneous reactions, the plasma histamine levels correlated with the severity and duration of the cardiopulmonary changes observed during anaphylactic shock. The two subjects with the most severe shock showed evidence of intravascular coagulation characterized by a diminution of Factor V, Factor VIII, fibrinogen, and high molecular weight kininogen, as well as changes in components of the complement system. Standard therapy with epinephrine and fluids, usually recommended for the treatment of systemic anaphylaxis, did not immediately reverse either the hemodynamic or the respiratory abnormalities in the two subjects with the most severe anaphylactic shock. Hemodynamic recovery was gradual and did not seem directly related to any specific therapeutic intervention. Research Article Find the latest version: http://jci.me/109936-pdf
Page 1: Physiologic Manifestations ofHuman › manuscripts › ... · substances which act as haptens. The consequent release ofbasophil and mast-cell mediators results in the varied manifestations

Physiologic manifestations of humananaphylaxis.

P L Smith, … , S Permutt, L M Lichtenstein

J Clin Invest. 1980;66(5):1072-1080. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI109936.

In the course of a controlled study to evaluate different forms of immunotherapy for subjectswith insect-sting hypersensitivity, we observed 11 subjects who had systemic cutaneousurticarial reactions and 3 subjects who experienced systemic anaphylaxis. With theexception of tachycardia, there were no cardiopulmonary changes in the subjects withurticaria, whereas the major manifestation of anaphylactic shock in the other three subjectswas severe hypotension that was probably secondary to peripheral vasodilation. Significantabnormalities in gas exchange developed in two subjects. In one, bronchospasmprecipitated a respiratory arrest followed by endotracheal intubation with mechanicalventilation. Although plasma histamine levels were not related to the development ofcutaneous reactions, the plasma histamine levels correlated with the severity and durationof the cardiopulmonary changes observed during anaphylactic shock. The two subjects withthe most severe shock showed evidence of intravascular coagulation characterized by adiminution of Factor V, Factor VIII, fibrinogen, and high molecular weight kininogen, as wellas changes in components of the complement system. Standard therapy with epinephrineand fluids, usually recommended for the treatment of systemic anaphylaxis, did notimmediately reverse either the hemodynamic or the respiratory abnormalities in the twosubjects with the most severe anaphylactic shock. Hemodynamic recovery was gradual anddid not seem directly related to any specific therapeutic intervention.

Research Article

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Page 2: Physiologic Manifestations ofHuman › manuscripts › ... · substances which act as haptens. The consequent release ofbasophil and mast-cell mediators results in the varied manifestations

Physiologic Manifestations of HumanAnapf is

PHILIP L. SMITH, ANNEKAGEY-SOBOTKA,EUGENER. BLEECKER,RICHARDTRAYSTMAN,ALLEN P. KAPLAN, HARVEYGRALNICK,MARTIN D. VALENTINE, SOLBERTPERMUTT, and LAWRENCEM. LICHTENSTEIN,Respiratory and Clinical Immunology Divisions, Department of Medicine,Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore City Hospitals,Good Samaritan Hospital, Department of EnvironmentalHealth Sciences, School of Hygiene, Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore, Maryland 21205; Allergic Disease Section, Laboratory ofClinical Investigation, National Institutes of Allergy andInfectious Diseases and Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health,Bethesda, Maryland 20014

A B S T R A C T In the course of a controlled study toevaluate different forms of immunotherapy for subjectswith insect-sting hypersensitivity, we observed 11subjects who had systemic cutaneous urticarial re-actions and 3 subjects who experienced systemicanaphylaxis. With the exception of tachyeardia, therewere no cardiopulmonary changes in the subjects withurticaria, whereas the major manifestation of ana-phylactic shock in the other three subjects was severehypotension that was probably secondary to peripheralvasodilation. Significant abnormalities in gas exchangedeveloped in two subjects. In one, bronchospasmprecipitated a respiratory arrest followed by endo-tracheal intubation with mechanical ventilation. Al-though plasma histamine levels were not related to thedevelopment of cutaneous reactions, the plasmahistamine levels correlated with the severity and dura-tion of the cardiopulmonary changes observed duringanaphylactic shock. The two subjects with the mostsevere shock showed evidence of intravascular co-agulation characterized by a diminution of Factor V,Factor VIII, fibrinogen, and high molecular weightkininogen, as well as changes in components of thecomplement system. Standard therapy with epineph-rine and fluids, usually recommended for the treatmentof systemic anaphylaxis, did not immediately reverseeither the hemodynamic or the respiratory abnor-malities in the two subjects with the most severe

This paper is publication No. 408, O'Neill Laboratories,Good Samaritan Hospital, Baltimore, Md. 21239.

Dr. Kaplan's present address is State University of NewYork at Stony Brook, Health Sciences Center, Stony Brook,N. Y.

Received for publication 18 March 1980 and in revisedform 30 June 1980.

1072 J. Clin. Invest. C The American Society for

anaphylactic shock. Hemodynamic recovery wasgradual and did not seem directly related to any specifictherapeutic intervention.


Anaphylactic reactions occur in sensitized individualsexposed to foreign antigens or low molecular weightsubstances which act as haptens. The consequentrelease of basophil and mast-cell mediators results inthe varied manifestations of this syndrome that mostoften involve the cutaneous, respiratory, or vascularsystems. Since these reactions are usually unexpectedand occasionally fatal, opportunities to investigatesystematically the detailed pathophysiology with con-trolled studies are exceedingly rare. Most of the avail-able data concerning the pathophysiology and treat-ment of human anaphylaxis are derived from anecodotalclinical case reports and postmortem studies (1-5).

Anaphylaxis resulting from insect stings represents adistinct and constant threat to almost 1%of the generalpopulation (6). In the course of a controlled study toevaluate immunotherapy for insect hypersensitivity,we had reason to anticipate anaphylactic reactions. Todetect and reverse the reactions as early as possible,patients at risk were monitored closely during in-cremental antigenic (insect venom) challenges and asubsequent insect sting. Of the 22 patients challenged,14 had systemic reactions and they are the subject ofthis report.

METHODSThe rationale and details of the clinical trial have been re-ported elsewhere (6). Briefly, the purpose of the initial studywas to determine whether immunotherapy with purified

Clinical Investigation, Inc. 0021-9738/80/11/1072/09 $1.00

Volume 66 November 1980 1072 -1080

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insect venom (Hymenoptera) was more effective than wholebody extract, the commonly used treatment regimen forinsect hypersensitivity. We undertook this clinical trial be-cause preliminary evidence suggested that the standard formof immunotherapy was ineffective and that treatment withpurified insect venom was more effective. There are numerousmoral and ethical difficulties in testing the possible effective-ness of a new form of therapy that would replace a standardregimen that has been used to treat a life-threatening con-dition. Ultimately, we felt that a systematic trial and subse-quent provocation was justified because of the continuingsevere risk to a segment of the population that was beingimmunized with an unproven and perhaps ineffective formof immunotherapy. Furthermore, we felt we could lower thedanger of provocation to an acceptable level. All subjectshad both positive skin reactivity and a history of a systemicreaction to a Hymenoptera insect sting. After giving theirinformed consent, the subjects were separated at random intothree therapeutic groups and treated with either placebo(histamine), whole body extract, or purified insect venom.When the venom-treated subjects had reached the 100-,ugmaintenance dose, subjects were randomly selected from eachgroup to be challenged. They were placed in a critical-caresetting designed to minimize any risks. Initially the subjectswere challenged with incremental doses of subcutaneouslyadministered venom (1, 10, 100 ,ug) in an attempt to producea minimal but graded response that would not elicit a seriousanaphylactic reaction. If no serious reaction occurred duringthe venom challenge, we felt justified in administering a liveinsect sting, having prepared ourselves to treat any seriousconsequences, e.g., systemic anaphylactic shock.

Clinical studies. Physiologic monitoring in these subjectswas directed toward measuring respiratory and circulatoryparameters, because changes in these systems should reflectthe major serious systemic effects of anaphylaxis. The pul-monary parameters studied included measurement of dynamiccompliance and resistance, measured by a modification of theMead-Whittenberger technique (7). Airway resistance andthoracic gas volume were measured in a variable pressure,constant volume body plethysmograph by the method ofDubois and associates (9). Airway resistance was convertedto its reciprocal airway conductance, which in turn was cor-rected for thoracic gas volume and expressed as specificairway conductance (8, 9). Spirometry was performed on aStead-Wells spirometer (Warren E. Collins, Inc., Braintree,Mass.) and the best of three consecutive spirograms wasselected. Arterial blood gases were sampled from a catheterinserted percutaneously in the brachial artery and weremeasured on a blood-gas analyzer (Instrumentation Labora-tory, Inc., Lexington, Mass.). Pulmonary mechanics and bloodgases were recorded after each injection of test venom andafter the insect sting. In the three patients who developedanaphylactic shock, we did not attempt to follow changes inpulmonary mechanics because treatment of the patient tookpriority. However, we continued circulatory monitoring ofdirect blood pressure measurements and blood gases from abrachial artery catheter. In those patients who developedanaphylactic shock, an electrocardiogram was recordedcontinuously and measurements of central venous pressurewere made intermittently.

Laboratory studies. To measure blood histamine levels,arterial and venous blood samples were collected bothduring the venom challenge and after the insect sting. Sampleswere collected either in citrate (0.4% final concentration) forcoagulation-kinin studies or in 0.01 M EDTA for histamineanalysis. The samples were cooled, centrifuged immediately,and the plasma was separated and frozen at -70°C. Histaminewas determined by the automated fluorometric technique of

Siraganian (10). Values were expressed as nanograms permilliliter histamine base using a standard curve generatedfrom simultaneously run histamine standards diluted inhuman serum. The technique is sensitive to 1 ng/ml with aprecision of + 10% at 1 ng and +5%over 3 ng/ml.

Coagulation and kinin studies. Factors V, VIII, Hagemanfactor, prekalikrein and high molecular weight (HMWV)'kininogen vere assessed by the ability of samples to correctthe partial thromboplastin time of plasmas that are selectivelydeficient in each of the above factors. The partial thrombo-plastin time was performed by the method of Proctor andRappaport (11). Pooled citrated plasma collected from 10normal controls was serially diluted and a standard curvewas generated to represent the normal levels of each protein.Several dilutions of unknown samples were then quantifiedas a percent of normal based upon this standard curve.Fibrinogen was determined by the method of Clauss (12).Complement components C3 and C4, and an enzyme, C3activator (Factor B), were quantified as are proteins byradioimmunodiffusion using antisera, plates, and controlssupplied by Behring Diagnostics, Div. American HoechstCorp., Somerville, N. J. Levels of a2 macroglobulin,ceruloplasmin, and IgG were similarly determined in orderto control for dilutional effects. Immunoelectrophoresiswas performed by the method of Scheidegger (13).


None of the subjects had a systemic reaction to theincremental subcutaneous injections of venom. Afterthe challenge sting, 7 of 11 whole body extract- and7 of 12 placebo-treated subjects had systemic reactions.Only 1 of 19 subjects receiving venom immunotherapyhad a mild cutaneous reaction. The 14 treatmentfailures from the placebo and whole body extract groupswere given venom immunotherapy followed by a re-challenge which caused only one mild reaction (6). Ofthe initial responses to insect stings in these subjects,11 of the 14 reactions were entirely cutaneous whereasthe remaining 3 were characterized by hypotension.In the two patients with the most severe episodesof hypotension, we observed significant changes inrespiratory function and gas exchange.

All hemodynamic reactions began 1-3 min after theinsect sting and peak effects were reached within1 min. In the 11 subjects with cutaneous manifestations,immediate administration of epinephrine reversedmost of the cutaneous reactions. Except for tachycardia,there were no cardiopulmonary changes in the subjectswith urticaria, even in those with involvement of50-75% of the body surface area.

Wewill describe in detail the reactions of the threepatients who developed anaphylactic shock. Patient 1had a marked, though transient, episode of hypotensionthat began shortly after the insect sting (Fig. 1). At1 min, he complained of dizziness and nausea andthese symptoms persisted throughout shock. There was

'Abbreviation used in this paper: HMW,high molecularweight.

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5 1 15 z0 250TIM(m)

TIME (min )FIGURE 1 Blood pressure (0) and pulse rate (x) of the first patient with severe anaphylaxis.The solid black square represents 0.5 ml of 1:1,000 (0.5 mg) epinephrine s.c.

an initial mild tachycardia; but as blood pressure fell,the subject became bradycardic to a heart rate of 50-55 beats/min. Treatment was initiated by lowering thepatient to a Trendelenburg position and rapidly in-fusing normal saline. Blood pressue did not increaseand a subcutaneous dose of 0.5 ml 1/1,000 (0.5 mg)epinephrine was then given. This was associated witha return to base-line blood pressure during the next2-3 min. Blood gas analysis 1 and 30 min after theinsect sting showed a Pao2 of 100 and 84 mmHg,respectively. Measurements of pulmonary mechanicstaken 45 min after the onset of anaphylaxis and theadministration of epinephrine showed bronchodilationas evidenced by an increase in forced expiratoryvolume, specific airway conductance, and compliance(Table I).

In Patient 2 both the duration and severity of hypo-tension were worse and required more aggressivetherapy (Fig. 2). There were no cutaneous manifesta-tions. Therapy was begun with a rapid infusion ofnormal saline and plasmanate which was immediatelyfollowed by 0.5 mg of epinephrine i.v. Nevertheless,blood pressure continued to fall to 50/25 mmHg.After -1 U of plasmanate, 1 liter of saline, and a totalof 2.0 mgof epinephrine i.v., neither the mean arterialpressure nor pulse pressure had improved during theinitial 24 min of anaphylactic shock. Subsequently,there were transient 1-2-min rises in blood pressureassociated with the bolus administration of intravenousepinephrine. At 38 min, when the mean arterial pres-sure was 37 mmHg, a 2-min infusion of norepineph-rine was followed by a rise in blood pressure to 100/45mmHg. After this the arterial pressure continued to risebut neither it nor the pulse rate had returned to base-line levels during the initial 90 min of anaphylaxis.

Even though the patient denied chest pain, a 12-leadelectrocardiogram at this time revealed ST segmentdepression in leads 2,3, and aVF. There were frequentepisodes of vomiting during shock, usually associatedwith the injections of epinephrine. Although therewere no obvious respiratory symptoms such as tachy-pnea or wheezing, the PaO2 fell to 52 mmHg duringanaphylaxis and eventually returned to 86 mmHg. 2 hafter the onset of anaphylaxis and its treatment, whichincluded epinephrine, a repeat forced expiratoryvolume was slightly improved over base line; butspecific airway conductance had not returned to baseline (Table I). The total drug and fluid therapy ad-ministered to this patient was 875 ml of plasmanate(3.5 U), 1.5 liters of normal saline, and 3.5 mg of epi-nephrine. Laboratory data, including complete bloodcount, SMA12, urinalysis, chest x ray, and blood gases,obtained 2 h after the insect sting, were normal. TheST segment abnormalities noted on electrocardiographreturned to normal within the next 12 h, and the patientmade an uneventful recovery.

In Patient 3 there were again no cutaneous reactions.The onset of hypotension was rapid and systemicblood pressure fell to 50/25 mmHg (Fig. 3). Thisdegree of hypotension persisted for 10 min despite3 U of plasmanate, 4 mg epinephrine i.v., and 1 literof normal saline. Mean arterial pressure rose over thefollowing 40 min. Approximately 4 or 5 min after theinsect sting the patient began to wheeze, becamecyanotic, and required respiratory assistance. Blood gasanalysis at this point revealed a Pao2 of 39 mmHg,Paco2 of 45 mmHg, and pH of 7.16. While he wasbeing intubated no significant upper airway edema wasnoted. He was ventilated with an Ambu bag and re-ceived supplemental oxygen. Even after the endo-

1074 Smith et al.


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Page 5: Physiologic Manifestations ofHuman › manuscripts › ... · substances which act as haptens. The consequent release ofbasophil and mast-cell mediators results in the varied manifestations

TABLE IArterial Blood Gases, pH, and Pulmonary Mechanics of Three Patients during Anaphylactic Reactions to Insect Sting

Post-insectsting Pao, Paco2 pH F,O,* FEV,I FVC5 SCAW' Compliance

min mmHg liters/s liters liters/sl cm H2cm H20

Patient 1 Base line¶ 74 37 7.44 3.45 4.48 0.1385 2781 100 31 7.47

30 84 35 7.43 3.70 4.86 0.2404 344

Patient 2 Base line 89 39 7.42 4.46 5.57 0.474355 52 38 7.3990 64 39 7.40

120 86 36 7.41 4.71 5.85 0.3295

Patient 3 Base line 71 33 7.43 3.86 5.06 0.17801 83 25 7.46

15 39 45 7.1630 73 50 7.21 (40% 02)40 71 52 7.07 (40% 02)45 56 55 7.06 (40% 02)55 64 44 7.23 (40% 02)65 50 36 7.30 (40% 02)

105 58 37 7.37

* Arterial blood gases were performed on room air, unless otherwise indicated.t FEV1, forced expiratory volume.5 FVC, forced vital capacity.SGAW,specific airway conductance.

¶ Base-line blood gases were taken just before insect sting.

tracheal tube was inserted, the patient continued towheeze and this airflow limitation was reflected physio-logically by 35-40 cm H20 respiratory swings incentral venous pressure recordings during spontaneousbreathing. In addition, alveolar ventilation decreased

as reflected by the Paco2 which rose to 55 mmHg andthen fell to normal as the bronchospasm resolved.Despite an inspired 02 of 40%, hypoxemia persistedthroughout the initial 2 h of anaphylaxis (Table I).Therapy during these 2 h included a total of 7 mg of



ThIE ~)

FIGURE 2 The course of blood pressure (@) and pulse rate (x) of the second patient who de-veloped severe anaphylaxis. Each solid black square represents 4-5 ml of 1:10,000 epinephrine(0.5 mg) given as an intravenous bolus over 10-15 s. LEVOrepresents the start of a 2-mn infusionof norepinephrine (see text).

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HEART 1.0.RATE a(BA/fmn)




TIME (min)

FIGURE 3 The course of blood pressure (0), pulse rate (x), and central venous pressure (I) inthe third patient. The more positive central venous pressure recordings represent end-expirationpressure; the more negative recordings represent end-inspiratory pressures during tidal breathing.Small solid squares represent 5 ml of 1:10,000 epinephrine (0.5 mg) given as an intravenousbolus over 10-15 s. Large solid squares represent 10 ml of 1:10,000 epinephrine (1.0 mg) i.v.,given over 15-20 s. An arrow indicates that the patient was intubated; a A represents the startof a 2-min intravenous drip of epinephrine (see text). A rapid infusion of 300-400 ml of normalsaline was given and is recorded by an open square. Large squares with hash marks indicate theend of an infusion of 250 ml of plasmanate; small squares represent the end of 100 ml infusionsof plasmanate.

epinephrine i.v., 1,750 ml (7 U) of plasmanate, 2 Uof sodium bicarbonate, 3 liters of normal saline, and 1 gof hydrocortisone acetate. Acomplete laboratory profileat this time, including chest x ray, EKG, SMA6, andurinalysis was normal although the hematocrit wasdecreased to 31%. During the next 24-h period ofobservation, blood pressure and Pao2 returned to base-line levels and the patient made an uneventful recovery.

Plasma histamine levels. Changes in plasmahistamine levels did not parallel the cutaneous mani-festations of the sting. Fig. 4 shows control and post-insect sting plasma histamine levels in symptomaticand asymptomatic subjects. Significant elevations oc-curred in only 60% of the patients and did not cor-relate with the occurrence of cutaneous reactions.The blood histamine levels of the challenged groupdo, however, differ significantly from their own base-line values which were equal to the control groupand <1 ng/ml. The changes in plasma histamine andmean arterial pressure during the anaphylactic reactioncharacterized by hypotension are shown in Fig. 5. Thetwo patients with the most severe anaphylactic epi-sodes had the highest levels of plasma histamine.In addition, in these two subjects the plasma histaminereturned to base line even though mean systemicblood pressure had not completely returned to normal.

Changes in the coagulation, kinin, and complementsystems. Selected parameters of the coagulation,kinin, and complement pathways were studied in thetwo patients with the most severe episodes of ana-phylaxis. Patient 2 (Table II) had values for FactorV and VIII in the control samples and the sampleobtained at the time of the sting which varied from40 to 83% of normal. Presumably our handling andtransport of the samples resulted in base-line depres-sion of the coagulation factors. Nevertheless, samplesthat were obtained during hypotension and processedidentically revealed a marked depression of Factor Vand VIII levels to 2 and 14% of normal, respectively,suggesting consumption of these factors. Base-linefibrinogen levels were within normal limits, but aneightfold depression of fibrinogen levels occurredduring anaphylaxis. These observations suggest con-sumption of coagulation factors secondary to intra-vascular coagulation. Coagulation factors comprisingthe plasma kinin-forming systems were also evaluatedand no changes in Factor XII or prekallikrein levelswere seen. Levels of HMWkininogen, however,decreased.

Assessment of complement components in patient 2revealed a decrease in both C3 and C4 levels whileFactor B was unchanged. There was no evidence of

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FIGURE 4 Post-insect sting plasma histamine (venous) inpatients with no symptoms and in those with urticaria with-out circulatory anaphylaxis. Control values were from 16normal laboratory controls.

Factor B cleavage to the Ba and Bb fragments as as-sessed by immunoelectrophoresis. Although these dataare compatible with activation of the classic comple-ment pathway, it is more likely that the consumptionof C3, C4, as well as HMWkininogen representscleavage of these factors by other proteolytic enzymes.

Patient 3 had a significant diminution of Factor VIIIand fibrinogen at the time of anaphylaxis whereas theFactor V levels were markedly diminished throughoutand were uninterpretable. There was also evidence ofdepletion of HMWkininogen coincident with thehypotension but no changes in the components C4,C3, or Factor B were detected.

O 10 20 30 40 50 60TIME (mnutes)

FIGURE 5 Mean systemic blood pressure and serum plasmahistamine levels (venous) in the three patients with circulatoryanaphylaxis. *, Histamine (ng/ml); A, mean systemic bloodpressure (mm Hg).


The sudden, usually unexpected onset of systemicanaphylaxis in man, with its rapid clinical course thatleads to immediate recovery or death, has providedlittle opportunity for prospective immunologic, physio-logic, and therapeutic investigation (14-18). Althoughurticarial eruptions are considered to be the mostcommon manifestations of human anaphylaxis (16, 19)

TABLE IIMeasurement of Coagulation Factors and Complement Components in Two Patients

with Severe Anaphylaxis to an Insect Sting

Patient 2 Patient 3

Control Sting Shock Control Sting Shock

Factor V 66 83 2 6 14 0Factor VIII 40 48 14 50 45 <5Fibrinogen (mg/100 ml) 298 309 37 130 204 20Factor XII 100 100 100 100 100 100Prekallikrein 100 100 100 100 100 100HMWkininogen 100 100 65 100 100 70C4 100 100 60 100 100 100C3 100 100 65 100 100 100Factor B 100 100 100 100 100 100

Values for Factors V, VIII, XII, prekallikrein, HMWkininogen, C3, C4, and Factor B areexpressed as a percentage of normal. Fibrinogen levels are expressed as milligrams per 100milliliters.

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and were found most frequently in this study, thesecutaneous reactions are not life threatening. Interest-ingly, urticaria did not develop in the three subjectswith hemodynamic shock. The shock organ mostoften involved in fatal human anaphylactic reactionsis often thought to be the respiratory system. Bronchialobstruction and pulmonary hyperinflation result fromacute upper-airway obstruction caused by angioedemaof the larynx and epiglottis (1). Vascular reactions mayaccompany the respiratory failure or they may repre-sent the primary manifestations of anaphylaxis (20).In the present study, the most common consistentphysiologic response in the three patients with severeinsect sting-induced anaphylaxis was peripheralvascular collapse manifested by extreme hypotension.In only one of the three was there documented evi-dence of airflow limitation and this was not caused byupper-airway edema or obstruction.

Predisposing factors. As part of the clinical trial toevaluate the effectiveness of immunotherapy, weattempted to predict and limit the extent of any pos-sible systemic reactions in two ways. First, incrementalsubcutaneous doses of Hymenoptera venom were ad-ministered. Venom in excess of the concentration in aninsect sting caused no reaction in the three patientswho developed severe anaphylaxis immediately afterthe actual insect sting. Wehad expected a response toinjected venom in those who developed severe reac-tions to the actual sting because mild systemic reactionshave occurred from injected venoms in other patientsundergoing venom immunotherapy (21). Hymenopteravenoms contain several proteins that serve as allergensand a variety of less well-characterized vasoactivepeptides and amines (6, 22). It is possible that inprocessing the venom these vasoactive substanceswere inactivated or lost. This would not have alteredthe usefulness of the venom for immunotherapy, al-though alterations in these vasoactive substances coulddecrease the rate at which these venom antigens be-come available to the systemic circulation, therebyaborting major systemic reactions. Perhaps we couldhave produced graded responses by intravenous ad-ministration of the venom. If so, we might have per-formed the trial with less risk, although ironicallywe avoided the intravenous route because of its pre-sumed danger.

Our second approach to predicting and limitingany systemic reactions was careful physiologic moni-toring throughout the venom challenges and the subse-quent insect sting. Surprisingly, we found no de-tectable early physiologic changes that would predictdevelopment of a systemic reaction in the three sub-jects who developed severe anaphylaxis.

Retrospective examination of the allergic historiesas well as the specific antigen skin reactivity to Hy-menoptera venoms did not reveal any parametersthat differentiated the subjects who developed a sys-

temic anaphylactic reaction. Furthermore, the develop-ment of a systemic reaction could not be related toindividual serum-IgE antivenom-antibody levels, or toin vitro studies of leukocyte histamine release (6).Subsequent investigation with a laboratory model ofcanine anaphylaxis has also failed to show any relation-ship between the severity of a systemic anaphylacticreaction and the degree of skin reactivity to specificantigen (23). Therefore, although it would have beenscientifically and clinically useful, we were unable tofind any predisposing physiologic or immunologicparameters that could be used to predict which mem-bers of this group of subjects would respond to aninsect sting with a systemic reaction.

Physiologic manifestations of anaphylactic shock.Acute respiratory failure is characteristic of humananaphylaxis, and acute upper-airway edema may be amajor cause of death (1, 3). In this study, two of thethree patients with vascular shock demonstrated ab-normalities of gas exchange but in only one was thereevidence of airflow limitation. In this latter subjectthe respiratory abnormalities were similar to those ob-served in status asthmaticus. The acute respiratoryfailure secondary to airflow limitation with severehypoxemia and hypercarbia was initially unresponsiveto treatment with supplemental oxygen, broncho-dilators, and mechanical ventilation. Airflow limitationin this man, who had no asthmatic history, was second-ary to diffuse lower-airways obstruction. It was notbecause of acute laryngeal edema or upper-airwaysobstruction because the subject's airflow limitationcontinued after endotracheal intubation. The severityof the asthmatic attack could be assessed by widerespiratory swings in pressure measurement of centralvenous pressure (Fig. 3). These pressure swings arecomparable to those observed during a severe asth-matic attack and reflect the large changes in pleuralpressure necessary to maintain ventilation duringacute hyperinflation with airflow limitation (24, 25).

The most severe clinical manifestation of systemicanaphylaxis was severe hypotensive shock. Althoughwe did not directly measure cardiac output, it wasprobably decreased because arterial pulse pressure wasmarkedly narrowed in two of the three patients. Onepatient with persistent hypotension developedtransient electrocardiographic changes consistent withinferior myocardial wall ischemia. The electrocardio-graphic changes have been noted by previous investi-gators who have documented persistent electrocardio-graphic changes occurring in healthy individuals afteranaphylaxis regardless of the cause (4, 5). There wasno evidence of primary cardiac dysfunction. It seemslikely that the circulatory collapse was from peripheralfactors that prevented filling of the heart, since theadministration of large amounts of plasmanate andsaline did not worsen shock but rather led to theeventual restoration of blood pressure.

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Laboratory-clinical correlations. There was no cor-relation between the plasma histamine level and thepresence or absence of urticaria. There is evidencethat some forms of urticaria, such as that caused by coldor cholinergic stimulation, are accompanied by ele-vated plasma and skin histamine levels (26), but pa-tients with chronic "idiopathic" urticaria includingthose with elevated skin histamine levels may havenormal plasma histamine.

The magnitude of the hemodynamic changes in thethree patients with shock did correlate with the levelof plasma histamine. The maximal fall in mean arterialpressure was similar in all three patients but theduration was longer in the two patients with the highestlevels of plasma histamine. Patient 3, who had themost severe reaction, had a more rapid return-to-normalof his blood pressure than did Patient 2. This mayhave been because of prompter and more vigoroustherapy. Furthermore, in the two patients with severeanaphylaxis, the hypoxia and decreased mean bloodpressure persisted after plasma histamine returned tobase-line. This suggests that the persistent changeswere either because of the effects of other mediatorsreleased during anaphylaxis or the individual vari-ability in recovery time of different organs. Recently,a kallikreinlike enzyme has been described that isliberated after antigen-IgE-antibody interaction onhuman basophils; this mediator might have con-tributed to the hypotension since It can digest kinino-gen to generate kinin (27).

The changes in the clotting, kinin, and complementsystems have not been reported in human anaphylaxis,although a failure of coagulation has been noted inboth mean and animals after fatal episodes of ana-phylaxis. Halonen and Pinckard have reported clottingabnormalities in rabbits undergoing IgE-mediated ana-phylactic reactions, although the mechanism that causesthese changes has not been clarified (28). The promi-nent depletion of Factor V, Factor VIII, and fibrinogenin this study is consistent with the rapid onset of intra-vascular coagulation. Such dramatic depletion of criticalcoagulation factors could account for the defective co-agulation seen after clinical and experimental ana-phylaxis. Although plasmanate and saline were given tothese patients, values for a2 macroglobulin, IgG, andceruloplasmin, as determined by radial immunodif-fusion, did not reveal significant concentration dif-ferences during anaphylaxis as compared with thecontrol samples. Values for these proteins werediminished by <10% of control and a correction factorwas, therefore, not applied to our data. Thus, fluidshifts or volume changes, although undoubtedly occur-ring, cannot account for the profound changes thatwere observed in some coagulation factors.

We can only speculate about the pathway thatinitiates coagulation. Recently, it has been shown thatstimulated neutrophils release tissue thromboplastin

(29) and a similar release from basophils or mast cellsmight trigger the extrinsic coagulation pathway. On theother hand, activation of Hageman factor which initi-ates the intrinsic coagulation pathway and the genera-tion of bradykinin (30) could also contribute to theseabnormalities. Basophils have a mediator that cancleave Hageman factor. However, without any demon-strable depletion of Hageman factor or prekallikreinafter the anaphylactic episode, it is unlikely that a mas-sive activation of this pathway accounted for theprominent coagulopathy seen.

Significant activation of the complement system byantigen-antibody complexes in the sub-nanogram permilliliter range is unlikely. Thus, it is possible thateither direct enzymatic digestion by cellularly derivedproteases or activation of the coagulation-fibrinolysiscascade lead to depletion of complement and HMWkininogen. This is consistent with the observation thatthe coagulant activitv of HMWis not diminishedbv digestion with kallikrein (31), although digestionby proteases such as plasmin can destroy its coagulantactivity in proportion to the release of bradykinin(32). Also, it is possible that the activation of fibrino-lysis that accompanied intravascular coagulation anddepleted Factors V, Factor VIII, and fibrinogen couldalso contribute to the decrease in HMWkininogenas well as the complement abnormalities.

Treatmenit of Anaphylaxis. With a well-plannedtherapeutic approach and careful physiologic monitor-ing we felt that any significant anaphylactic reactioncould be aborted by initiating appropriate therapy earlyin the course of the reaction. This assumption provedincorrect in two patients. Therapeutic maneuversincluded treatment with large amounts of colloid andcrystalloid fluids as well as intravenous epinephrineadministered in excess of the usual recommendeddoses (20). In fact, even in these high concentrations,epinephrine did not initially reverse the hypotensionin two of the patients. Only as the reaction continuedand the level of histamine declined did the subjectsbecome more responsive to epinephrine and volumereplacement. The unresponsiveness to epinephrinein these two patients may be because of functional,8-adrenergic blockade which, it has been suggested,occurs in some asthmatics (33). This lack of responseof the airflow limitation and vascular tone to ,8-adrener-gic stimulation could be because of primary alterationof a-receptors during anaphylactic shock or the releaseof a mediator with 8-adrenergic-blocking activity.After this initial refractory period, both fluid and epi-nephrine caused initially transient and finally moreprolonged improvement in arterial pressure (Figs. 2and 3).

It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of ourinterventions in the patients with shock. Indeed, wemust admit that we do not know whether the medicaltherapy effected either the recovery time or ultimate

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Page 10: Physiologic Manifestations ofHuman › manuscripts › ... · substances which act as haptens. The consequent release ofbasophil and mast-cell mediators results in the varied manifestations

outcome. Wewere able to respond rapidly to the pro-found life-threatening symptoms of circulatory collapseand respiratory failure. Yet the length of time betweenour therapeutic interventions and a significant clinicalresponse suggests to us the disturbing possibility thatthere might be no ideal therapy for severe anaphylaxiseven under optimal conditions.


This work was supported by the Heart Lung ProgramProject Grant JH 10342, the National Heart, Lung, and BloodInstitute Specialized Center for Research in PulmonaryDisease HL 14153, and by the Institute of Allergy and In-fectious Diseases Grant AI 08270.


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