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Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis … · IFREMER DYNECO Si CERSAT P90...

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Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis Gohin Ifremer/Dyneco/Pelagos 63.9 ma m-3 0.0 ma m-3, 0.0 0.4 1.0 1.7 2.8 4.3 6.5 9.4 13.6 19.4 27.6 38.9 54.8 Chloropliylle-a (my m-3) Ifremer ISECA final meeting Nausicaa June 30-July 1st 2014
Page 1: Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis … · IFREMER DYNECO Si CERSAT P90 Chlorophyll-a productive period (2001-2006) Bertrand Saulqtnn & Francis Gohin MODIS-SeaWIFS

Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis Gohin


63.9 ma m-30.0 ma m-3,

0.0 0.4 1.0 1.7 2.8 4.3 6.5 9.4 13.6 19.4 27.6 38.9 54.8Chloropliylle-a (my m-3)

IfremerISECA final meeting Nausicaa June 30-July 1st 2014

Page 2: Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis … · IFREMER DYNECO Si CERSAT P90 Chlorophyll-a productive period (2001-2006) Bertrand Saulqtnn & Francis Gohin MODIS-SeaWIFS

2 main in-situ monitoring networks in France-RESOMAR (INSU/CNRS) : RESeau des Stations et Observatoires MArins

-REPHY (Ifremer): REseau d’Observation et de Surveillance du PHYtoplancton et des Phycotoxines

The REPHY is fully dedicated to the monitoring o f the phytoplankton

Observation and Monitoring Network fo r Phytoplankton and Phycotoxins

•Geographical area : the whole coast of France + French overseas islands

•Implemented by Ifremer since 1984

•Two objectives

-Environmental : long term time-series of phytoplankton populations-Sanitary : monitoring of toxic phytoplankton

REPHY sampling stations

* -

# ■



r a p h y (


- phytoplanhton- chtoropfiylf-a -temperature- salinity -turbidity-d isso lved oxygen -nutrients

All phytoplanktonspecieson 55 stations

Only dominant and harmful species on 93 oilier stations

Time series 25 yearson ~ 20 stations

f%10-20 yearson numerous stations

ISECA final meeting Nausicaa June 30-July 1st 2014

Page 3: Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis … · IFREMER DYNECO Si CERSAT P90 Chlorophyll-a productive period (2001-2006) Bertrand Saulqtnn & Francis Gohin MODIS-SeaWIFS

The annual cycle of Chlorophyll-a (indicator of the phytoplankton biomass)

on the English Channel

Contribution of Earth Observation to our knowledge of the phytoplankton development

ISECA final meeting Nausicaa June 30-July 1st 2014

Page 4: Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis … · IFREMER DYNECO Si CERSAT P90 Chlorophyll-a productive period (2001-2006) Bertrand Saulqtnn & Francis Gohin MODIS-SeaWIFS

Annual cycle of the chlorophyll concentration (from SeaWiFS/MODIS/MERIS 1998-2008)

ISECA final meeting Nausicaa June 30-July 1st 2014

Page 5: Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis … · IFREMER DYNECO Si CERSAT P90 Chlorophyll-a productive period (2001-2006) Bertrand Saulqtnn & Francis Gohin MODIS-SeaWIFS

Monitoring for the WFD (Water Framework Directive) Indicators of the Phytoplankton Quality

for the Eutrophication riskBiomass (Chl-a), Abundance (number of blooms), Harmful blooms

The quality indicator for the biomass is the percentile 90 o f the Chl-a during theproductive period (March to October)

High Good Moderate Poor Bad

0 - 5 5 - 1 0 1 0 - 2 0 2 0 - 4 0 > 4 0

Limits o f the P90 classes applied to the coastal water bodies for the Atlantic Coast

ISECA final meeting Nausicaa June 30-July 1st 2014

Page 6: Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis … · IFREMER DYNECO Si CERSAT P90 Chlorophyll-a productive period (2001-2006) Bertrand Saulqtnn & Francis Gohin MODIS-SeaWIFS

Observation from space and in-situCHL MODIS 2003-2009

Wean P90 'MODIS' : 1 6.21 Mean P90 Situ; 6.98Correlation coef.: 0 .90


LucPointJ _SRN_DunkerqueP oint_3_SRN „Boulogne •

Highest values observed at Cabourg (Loire 1_uc sur mer) .Ouest-Loscollo (Vilaine)

La 0Cak'durg

Don F_wSQ


And ... Boulogne and Dunkerque

• Stations in-situ

I Masses d'eau

P90 of Chl-a

logarithmic scaleBas

Lovk, r values at Bastiaî-Toulon_gde_rade

.From; 2 0 0 3 /0 1 to 2 0 0 9 / 1 2J___________i______ i___ 5___ i__ i__i__i i I_______ ___ i___

in situ p90 of the p. s e a s o n in mg.m"3

From : Atlas de la Température, de la concentration en Chlorophylle et de la Turbidité de surface du plateau continental français et de ses abords de l ’Ouest européen.

Rapport DCSMM Ifremer janvier 2011 : http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00057/16840/14306.pdf

ISECA final meeting Nausicaa June 30-July 1st 2014

Page 7: Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis … · IFREMER DYNECO Si CERSAT P90 Chlorophyll-a productive period (2001-2006) Bertrand Saulqtnn & Francis Gohin MODIS-SeaWIFS








')Comparisons at the MAREL instrumented buoy of Boulogne

Chi derived from in-situ fluorescence and from satellite reflectance


1 .0

o . i

12/10 02/11 04/11 06/11 O S /ll 10/11M ean - a n d P 9 0 - - In S itu fro m M a rch 2 0 0 4 to N o v e m b e r 2011

bo u ee_ m a re l_ ca rn o t

70,0 |I ^

É M E R I S+ M O D IS s itu

ISECA final meeting Nausicaa June 30-July 1st 2014

Page 8: Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis … · IFREMER DYNECO Si CERSAT P90 Chlorophyll-a productive period (2001-2006) Bertrand Saulqtnn & Francis Gohin MODIS-SeaWIFS

But the best contribution of the satellite is clearly the spatial coverage

Limits o f the WFD water bodies

n IFREMERDYNECOjs CERSAT B i o m a s s i n d i c a to r - " C h lo ro p h y l l - a " (2001-2006)Bertrand Sanlqwn i Francs Cohni SATELLITES S eaW IF S MODIS OC5.

IFREMER DYNECO Si CERSAT P 9 0 C h l o r o p h y l l - a p r o d u c t i v e p e r i o d (2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 6 )K Bertrand Saulqtnn & Francis G ohin M O D I S - S e a W I F S O C 5 IF R E M E R / INSITU.

P90 C h lo ro p h y ll-a p ro d u c tiv e p e r io d (2001-2006) M ODIS-SeaW IFS OC5 IFREMER I INSITU.

Page 9: Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis … · IFREMER DYNECO Si CERSAT P90 Chlorophyll-a productive period (2001-2006) Bertrand Saulqtnn & Francis Gohin MODIS-SeaWIFS

Several sensors have been used, here P90 of MERIS-derived Chi at Full Resolution(300m) 2006-2011

IÇgVLL-A - ME|RIS_3Û0 - 2Û06_20I120.1

ISECA final meeting Nausicaa June 30-July 1st 2014

Page 10: Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis … · IFREMER DYNECO Si CERSAT P90 Chlorophyll-a productive period (2001-2006) Bertrand Saulqtnn & Francis Gohin MODIS-SeaWIFS

New P90 maps on marine regions are provided for the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive

:Men e r Roue France.Ouest Loscolo

Point Sain t G ildas

Filère W

La C arrelere

Le Cornard


Chlorophylle-a MODIS et in-situ (mg/m3) P90 2003-2009

H I I I l i l i I I I I<0,1 0,2

I _ _ I

0,5 1 1,2 1,5 2

limite de la sous-région golfe de Gascogne

3 4 5 6

limite des masses d'eau DCE

8 10 12 14 15 >15

projection Mercator (46°N)

Sources des données : SHOM, IGN, ESRI, IFREMER

ISECA final meeting Nausicaa June 30-Juty 1st 2014

Page 11: Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis … · IFREMER DYNECO Si CERSAT P90 Chlorophyll-a productive period (2001-2006) Bertrand Saulqtnn & Francis Gohin MODIS-SeaWIFS

Monitoring the biodiversity : satellite and in-situ observations

1 * tk in v e o c J a r

LL o s c d Io

Ansc_de_Cartea u_2 Caba arc Ca he urenile


Chia in - s i tu (m g /m 3)

Chia Satellite (m g /m 3 )

n-situ data concerning the phytoplankton population are automatically displayed within the biomass background

nation on May 5 2014

p://cersat.ifremer.fr/data/t -and-ices/quicklooks/ocean-

poiour/fiora-over-french- coasts

P lanata n

Prorocentrum triestinum C haetoceros total Lauderia + Schroederella M icropodiscus weissflogiiTh a le®sioai raceae S k e le to n em a Cerataulina bergonii C haetoceros total Skeletonema Thalassiosira + Porosira

Dactyliosolen fragilissimus

Thalassiosira + Porosira

Cap b refon E s tu a ire _ d e J_ O rn e Filier c _w H osseqor I—Epe ron (terre) Le_Comard Le a _ 7 J lea Luc_1 -mille Mcn_c rJ-tou e Mont_St_Michel N ord—Dumet C u est-L o aco lo Ou istreham _1 —mille Pa rc_Leucate_2 Pori_Saint_HubertPo rLjen_Beasin_1 mill eSt—Aubin—lea_Essa rts Tre beurden Verl_Bois_2 lesJ-lebihens


Anse_deo_Carteau_2+1 Ca bo urg-M

I E p c ro n ( tc r rc )+ lLan-,'c o c J o r g eMen_e r_Rou aMont_St_MiahelN ord_DumetC uest-Lascalo0uistreham_1_milleleaJHeblhens

BoyardCapbretonLfelßomardLeo_7 J leaLuc_1—milleSt—Aubin _lea_Essa rtsTre beurdenVerl_Bois_2

0 5 /0 5 /2 0 1 4C h l o r o p h y l l - a 0 5 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 4 ______

0.2 1.0 2 . 0 1 5 . 0 1 10.1 15.1 25.1 r n q / m - 5

ISECA final meeting Nausicaa June 30-July 1st 2014

Page 12: Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis … · IFREMER DYNECO Si CERSAT P90 Chlorophyll-a productive period (2001-2006) Bertrand Saulqtnn & Francis Gohin MODIS-SeaWIFS

Monitoring of Harmful Algal Blooms (here Karenia mikimotoi)

Example of the 2010 summer Bloom in the western channel

9 July 22 Julym g / m - 3

-Sea Nurlace >, Temperature o July 9th

2 0 ÏÏ D egC

The fisheries Department o f + 2 sea samples are collectedthe states o f Guernsey is and analysed by CEFASalerted on July 19th

>1 million de cells/L

The bloom starts on the stratified area observed on the Sea Surface Temperature map o f July 9th

Rapport MarCoast2 à http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00178/28883/27369.pdf

ISECA final meeting Nausicaa June 30-July 1st 2014

Page 13: Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis … · IFREMER DYNECO Si CERSAT P90 Chlorophyll-a productive period (2001-2006) Bertrand Saulqtnn & Francis Gohin MODIS-SeaWIFS

Observations of the biodiversity and the Harmful Algal blooms

4 dinoflagellates are simultaneously blooming on August 2012

PHENOMERproject o f particiscience wherepart in the obse network o f red

http://www. phenomer. org/

ISECA final meeting Nausicaa June 30-July 1st 2014


nutum0.21 1.012.01 5.01 10.0115.1 25\ Analysed Chi—a 2Û12Û3Û1 ( m q ,m 's)


Page 14: Phytoplankton monitoring from Earth Observation by Francis … · IFREMER DYNECO Si CERSAT P90 Chlorophyll-a productive period (2001-2006) Bertrand Saulqtnn & Francis Gohin MODIS-SeaWIFS

Future in Earth Observation in Europe

- Much is expected from OLCI on Sentinel-3 launched in 2015) a follow-on to MERIS (ESA/EUMETSAT)

- Data will be provided by Copemicus/MyOcean (PML and ACRJ-ST for the Eastern Atlantic Ocean)

Thanks for your attention !ISECA final meeting Nausicaa June 30-July 1st 2014
