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PI A Actions ( on 2 Da ams I - Twin Falls Public...

Date post: 30-Mar-2018
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3 6 , Seotelnani _ H n l ,^ '^ 'S T a i i,ey Can T ( Regime of ] »ol« ef eoDfWenee Jn IhB 1 *?:. « “ ot World w»r II. Xnner eeuntn docloi- m d ll V «l pn.oli'«>“f aenUoned V V *>!) WPJ—C o m m u n ist leuclc tS r Fmc in » »howdo«-n coi “S t vole loninht would ovcrtl _«iini>f^ »'iH vole Jiffnimt the ■SSfe.t'." ■'»“ H ne red m"™ apparently menn ■Sbijallenipl*"’”'? fe W 'S r i Drivei ^ E L r u lhe only f*cWr $375 nat ws«n ___ fe.S S ; ‘« Thro ^HT^TtltcUon *U monltu mmJ *ci)td\ilf TTifftJ IntoJd ^ ■ L “uttff pollltoU »«• two neslljenl ti jH jQ l»«r ^^^^,U cled«faJnilhii V»Uey tr«fHc c H d « t Ertfl tonnef rw* Angel B. Call l ^ f e i Hfoda-mtitf. onw ty_ uoo a iuoeUie. PMtponra pj,urt of JiuUcc ,*n:tMU>#Unll«aSUW ^Ice aund«y ! esembly. ^ the Innui lad Bt«»ptpfr5 p^re- Uquor. His drl» H i s u i r d lh*' lil'* «* '■SrniU otiw W t tleellon lard Baker. »ta Ul urm runs oui BerUh H. £ IS bdiuiloiu U'cre ll pleaded RUllty t ^B »9 tod UUl Prr.ildenC en drlvlnR wli' (ue ih» dlffleuli Ooodlns Pollc ^VrK'-Uic Fnnce'i 32nd Monday. She w ^^01 itit end of World cojU wid her dlrect«d itupen --------- 1 S h e WIUJ arre H iA f I a m K •«' ^ k OI L ainii street. The IBS I -i driving collldcd ■SePushed H .r . tlOO and W COI MifewAi’eas Bleep Producen' Kewbr waa tr. K rS S S P ro te sI f e Again, Berli) ^ ■ r £ n ptr cent of the lamb sxia. Ik by SEULIN. Noi In N(V EngUnd, New Com m andtnl M Cililomu. Immedlale trell-Hili today '^ ■ ta ptnwyon U to open Soviet action U rtler Umb dlsuibu- Un "jwonlei pol Urtei will be the persons in the 1*»^W ifnu of the mid- irell-Hlll.'ln a ]i mnndant Maj, ^Mirii;eciapaltmv,'lll rome apecllfcally prot ^■smnl-pej.pound rietluc- cldent Sundny l pjymeni* by lhe j»Uce wounded “ «htfpjro»cr». TliUi Hie British ■ /^ » C r« j|h thl naunnjil wool test Cftme os / y^WiWehpMmttied the nr- dant M»j. Gen. for n ref- jr.. prepnred lo ’■ ■ ‘'*11 to I rcdiicilnn of to deliver n *ti ^»eec:.tiii7 *m to sheep- the forcible . >«^83pajia», Thsre/eren- AmerJenn congr , ,* ( w « l a A u K U 3 i , 1055. one of..the Inti CialK, Colo, 1» e.icort olficer. r>« J. c.i,«, ]| Demii <01 —n ------------ CoUrell-Hlll d .l^Hvn «nd jirRcnl nel ijjV m ni *'‘ch Incldenui" _ - itol repeated. H< ll'f "rcck!e» av I^B LlflnmSCllS conMltutcA serlc (Ufety of person g a iiistW c st” .t „„, I^BO Vlolntlnc H Sov srrf,, Pnv. 25 tin- nepi. Hrtrold C. dtm onskralors Edwnrd P. Boln. lhe iirtct.i ot D.T OstertaR and Ll ‘^ K ! f'T'''"' »''il-wfstfrn Queen. Mulllnii,, ^»™ ii.«jns. Army and ntfll tp htMT Kii,urt.i nut- cnlls here took n ^ ■ ^ n c in , Dninh. JYenth Incident and Da. IIviT n, ''vlBorou •••^■^ Bmk Mrih ftlly to Sovlel g <»»~<1 il„ m„b nrrr. Amrrli . touched on lhe 1 "HIM In four c 'n thorlllM bellevci: ta fo force : «fa‘de by Ensl Gi ■hi; Un'?Jri D u lles I i '''A6HrNaTo^ ^■ ^ ” <*rnipr of 8ui« D . pubUcara n.1 U'ell day-k. nvold pan ‘n lhe PunrreU which h rf. tlnncer our nnUoi ^K n- ■* DuUcs ausjieale U f«™, L"^"” "nd Demoenita. ahoul "MMMes'- [^■W . e'ffn policy In the .10 Ift »ald.ht.U.ti ^^K ^ ^ i r i n s mosiiv dfftu-n into . ' ‘W 6aturt^ l«u«n»J mojil, Duiip, Mlt, he 1 « Ja J J .. lenUon ol moiJns *peechp» In the IS ------------------ he added, unapec ' ehitnse hlj mlijtl. A Regional Newspa CIlT 3 Say ^ "opple D FaureH it defeated In an attempt Ihe national aiaeably <0. 1 ot hll KQvenunetit, tht id three timei prevleuslr ed pooolbla (ueetaaor tfi iiulcr. Jncqucs Duclo.i In >voul(l vote aprainflt confidcncc vote. Hc crthrow Fnurc's gov* thc ^ovcmment And pccch in thc nntional ^ ^ H |||| ennt thut Kaurc wan ers Draw SmFmes T;JM rougliArea lUjidealfd motarlali aod :nt drlvlns offender* have toullnit M7S In Magic tie eourta. Call, rural Lincoln coun- • — '*- 00 and court coats tn the neut by ea uUce of the Peace Prnnk parade Mond »y for drlvInK while un- « » “• .‘'a n ta i nfluence ot IntoxicaUng day and Jridi driver'* license was sus- * orresled north ot Sho- ^ Q T l 'I ’O I. S. hlKhivny 03 by Wll* k ^ U - J tl H * , *ln(o patrolman. I. DanieU. 61. Ooodlnj. T . illy to ft charge of drunk* -l-il when nrrafffned iJcfor>5 ’ollce lUmon Ensunw „ Swrnl huiv le wns fined IIOO nnd H *''• her drtvlnff JJeenae wnj c riu ? \L ^ r'r' apended for one year, arrested on Nov. 20 foU n'ldine on n accident on » Goodins u w n J!n« or 1851 CftdlUnc she wn* ^ nitcmnllvel Ilded with a parked car candy to the • 0 Mra. Guy Coles. behind Uie Irni -by, nichfleld, wa« fined Tlie Rondoln } co*ta Tuesday by Pro* private car waii B. E. Powell. Shoahone, raaa wrapped t se of drunken driving, .Crowtls Jlnei 1 trreste<l « l 8:30 pjn. T inst Soviet ' W lin Actions tioS'^S Ko». 38 m _ BrtlMi to cncouniKo U Maj. Gen, R, C. Col- holdinK poor doy demnnded "urRenV William N W art^lon, Oie Brlll-ih neclor. Col- y e slc rd n y Wl I a letier lo Sovlel Com- Further CO :aj, aen. P. A. Dlbm. --------------------- protested n shMllnK In- r p £ £ • ^ ,ny in which communLil J. I 'a H X t ded ft Wesl Berlin mnn, «***'■ sh commnndnni'* pro* in ^ IS Amerlcnn Commnn- f* A l* 1 sen. Chnric.f-L-Dnrijtr, I to drlvfj to Cho 601 ict V 1 I Blem protest. ftsnin.'i IC J\ e deUjnilon of Wo . jngrfMincn. the wife o( Tlie Twin Fn lawmakers and lhclr Monday annou ■r. flnslier llRhi nl imaniSf Action one-fourih mile 111 demanded "nde<j'iale vu corner nnd ncllon to ensure tlwt the pavemeni 01 iln" a* Uie aliootlng arc uie lop of Mngl I. He called aitcntJon to The hlfihwny ViLie ot (irenrms which nn nRreement v serious danRer ta the way department rsons within the DrltUh and If lhe projec federal bureau CUnpolnl for nlleRedly federal Rovernm Soviet rone lnw were ctnl ot Uie c0.1l J C. OsterUf. n . N. Y.. Oie railroad Ui- Bolnnd. D., Mnw.. Mr,». ctnl. The rallroi i Lleul. Jnmes T. Me- llRhi. ina, S. C. Tlie only co-'l ntflte deparUnent oIll* trlct «ill be Ur ok n aerloua view of the ncfrlnR eoiU. Dftsher decided to de* TMe Onkley a orou* protcsl” penon- trlcti have Joli lel Commandant Ma], sUte to extend 1 [Jobrova. from the preaenl ir Mas nadle the intersection ride In an army sedan erson road, iv d th n radio telephone, mnleiy 14'mllea. nrrlcnna were detnlnrd Eleven mllcs ■indiiy because lhe army throUBh the Snv wero rldlnR In hnd a r.\l. Approximate lone, which the red^ b* Incnted In C I A vlohUon 0/ Ejs! three mllM )1» county. Thc roa nl wa* cotuldercd par- witliin three nn' nporlnnl becnuse ll the fornl bounc .he rlKhtji of the wc.it- If there Lt to four-power Berlin. An- on the hiKhwny 1 eved the Sovlet.i wcre ro.id proRrnm, I rcc the Amcrlcnni M p.iid 1>)' /ederfll I Germnn puppel rov- crni "lU be suj A, FnlU and Onklc) s Asks Nation to I larrels on Foreig TOK. Nov, 29 tft-^Sec* ••nii//ej rc/Uie<! l« Dullea called on Re- criticisms of El well na Democmla to- tration forclRn p- partlwin JorelBn policy Sicvrntoii. Oov. :h he SAld might "cn- rt New York an atlon." cMia. rested nt a new* con* Republicans, oa well as hould avoid what he th« foreign mlnU ws- In debato on for- O'"*™- ^-SriifouTd la-tO'ing_l4 avoid gel: amok he anld hi nto "whal would ren- publicans durim :onaidcred. ft partisan cawpolcna of tSi Tlie ileoaiocri he hns no preaent In* cign mlnlsicra’ iiJnir RepuWJcan party wWch Dullc* ztl le 1058 campolfm. But. ha* prompted nu apecitled eveflta could crats to laah out lad. foreign policy. 'Papcr <Scrvini: -------- Holiday Season Ar .^V\- -•& ‘V: '■ 'It® - ^ ¥ 1: r eager children, the Jolly old elf from th* noi onday ecentnt through the Twin Falla builn la t irrlTal marki the beilnnlng of the Chri riday until Uie holiday. (BUff phote.«iigraTl ;a’s Trip Through Launches Yule Se hundred, youneilers and Sears, Roebuck nnd he.irt" were on hand Ine lol. where Ihe i-eninR to hrlp Snnu to the mieraecUon r m Uie ChrLitmn* »en* nnd Main ftvenue. I pty of candy held 1 n miniature Irnln be- , oln m fronl of Santa's /nWraecilonJ WBB heaped with Christ- AlUiough the an gift*. were nol complet* Ined the «trect« from 0/ co/ored 1/ght bi atoGouncilEj ^Withholding Pr GO, Nov. 29 {/?)—Some 200 memben ato Council lodny reviewed thc operat IRC facntcr consumption of their prod >orcr jjrniics of TwlJitoes from thc m N. Case, executive director of the < in, said the* council's annual meeting \ will continue through Friiiny. consiiicrntion of production nnd mnr fcm.s wna one nf ic Light ^ » as preliminary. 1^1*0331112 * *Ulement expre V-**. vFkji-p.«m«g mcetin J ■f be mafle Jater in the Approved The mnrkeimg pla i 1 the council nl lls laa FnlLi highway dblrlcl mu called for wlU nounced pUwi for a percentaRC ot No. 2 nl the railroad cro.ulng dUtrlbutlon channel: llle aouth of the Motor- to nbsorb n large .v nd for nn exteailon ol iMt ytar nnd to inc I on Rock creek road to of polatoea grnerall Ingle mountain. ------------------ rny dbtrict hna signed ^ it wllh the aute high- I A11l*f f..!*' enl for the fla.iher Ilghl V -»U lt_l. V VTA < ojecl la approved by the t , au of publle roada the I tlin il rnmenl will pny 80 per . co.1t ot ln.italIallon and _ Uic renialnlng in ptr Iroad will maintain lhe JL U l llv ail to lhe highway dLi- ^ "loi'on for n ri the preliminary eng,- y and T^^ln FalLi dLi- J‘ Jolntlj' petitioned Uie 'n dlsUlct court b> . Id lhe Rock creek road o"»<r- lenl end of pavement 10 In granting the Ion of Uie Oakley-Rog- Baker ruled "this cc a dlatnnce ot npproil- Jurl.idlcilon In the mt lea. menl of dlsmlwal la cs of this road pa.ist.i ed." SnwCooth naUona} for- f,(onie chafRrd tfie lately Uie aame dbunce io.„ of hl.i Jnij will 1 Ca.uU counly while conalruellon compan )1» wiU>ln Tiiln FalU city on the J, C. P' road to paved non; lo project tn Twin Fnll nnd one-half miles of ,,jp dcfcndnn mndarj-. claims Mor.ic worked to be any coa^tructlon p^,„ ^Jeci while h ny under llie wonriary of a Jerome loca n, C2 per crnt ttlU be , . ^ permit to rfll fundi »mie 3H per „r..itn<filon, __ _______ rnca.K and F A Sail Lnke Oily, nnd I AVOiU and May. Twm PalU, _ Membera of the Ji .gn P ohcyS vr."'.'£T . . , 1 . Gee, Walter McCnnie .„d0th„WKm.. p , , r, ilnUlcrs' conference at rejecled a UntiM t agaln.li lhe anesl am oueslloM. DJllfs said U o U. S, congreismer aid wcU follow me ex- of one M d fheJr ;r I had be'n lel by Re- olflcer. Ru.yla aald t rinK lhe presidential power occupation nil S m :. apply m sovereign Ena 'ir«tHhe-On'fV(i-f<Jf- >.ii4aj. Gen. Charle* ] ^ conference, from U.e U. commandant re lu m e d 13 d«5'* •■'O' numeroui top Demo- slbly operu the <fj«r f ' IrrivesinTwiuFal 1north pole. SanU Claui, dlitrlbBUd car mineai dlitrlct. Sponwred hy the IleUll Jh ristmaa aeason. All itorei will remain o| TaTlnj) * * * le '. :h Downtown Ar season for Twin nnd company pnrk- were llfhted mnde i Ihe parnde atarled, ground lor Ihc fest Ion of Fourth street Tlie Retail Mer lie. but Santn's sup- which sponsored U held out. mnde plani lo aell ut 11.1.1,1, .choal rcp : .c dlrccllon cl Del S Uca Uic ECi.1.1 te n . slreet decoratlon.i convenience of cus el« due to the luck the Ust week, they I bulb.1. ^ tliMe fh.1t every evening b u t & ]yes I TollIs . , BOISE. Nov. 20 I roject “"'.SS L J- at. -VT month nnd 262nd c bers of thc Nn- Lnst year there iration of n plnn in November and l: iroduct by witlv' >«r. . • market. tg which opened New Plai ™te‘7in’’ c^S EndPoll for discussion. T> lions were deterlbed I j y D C ef xpresslnc the con- KANSAS C i r y . N •etlng probably will unusual method, uaec the week by Cote, rope, lo reduce /U plan advocated by from waste material manufacture has bee 2 mel* In nn effort After sugar ha.i ' ;e .lurplua problem from sugar bect.i a b increnso anfabllKy pulp remalM, Feed t< rrally. of the by-products of ---------------- The regional oltlci '' ..r. ri a illS t^fdny that the Oreal company, liiroueh u I Move ;x"..;;”.c?,.s ha.f reached lui llinl aT o » . the w.-uile ninterlal 'f* Platte I Prom the fnctory i n non-ault In the pul into a ditch and Mor.ie ngnln.li local a*ter lo a ril.MrlbuiiD nlers nnd Joiners ihe Ilume It U rtlsch d Tue.iday morning pjpea ao that It m»y by JudRo Hugh A. ifiO-acre dl.ipo.inl are; The USPllS.ialrt th< he moiion. Judge jcdlmenUllon of the s court la wiUioul logical nctlon will ri ; maccer nnd Judg- part of the wa.^le ma. I la ordered enter- liquid reaches the rivt To teal the method, tfte union «lth the cooperation u'nh lhe wllh the Holman Wyoming aUte htaltl ipany of Snll Lnke •» r . i . « :. Penney building ------------------ f " ”*- MEET CAL ,dnnt, Uie tinlnn GETrySDURa..Pft rked on lhe Twin Elsenhower le ne WM 1 ">e"’T uie nnllonal secuniy local: Uinl he dm t to work tin local Thurmo White House aald started Mondny. rmcrgency Iny behind pre.iented by Clar- ----------------------------- id Roberl Nielsen. _ — i?u®^:^Nepoi; e. Jury wrre Mn. u.isell Hnll, Hush T l ^ Huffmnn. Glenn X vdvJ n, Mr.i. Afary b i- WASHINGTON, Sc iry Kucera, Mrs, ncgrti delejate inject 1 nnd B. P, Mngtr srg^gatlon Lttue lal -------------- Houae ediicalfoircom noniofl Ih'lulrlng whcUier JLrCXllt^U money has bren paid 0 (ITV—fU«jla today who "do not support d Suites protest tlan." nnd deuntlon ol clarence Mitchell, d jnen and «ie wife Washington bureau of r mJIJtary r.wrl As.ioclat(nn for Ihe Ad lid ^ n l the four- goiored Ptople iKAA rule* no longtr returned trot Eaai <^rmnny. , .*.hcre some n? Ie* L.,DMher, jr.. „dvoc*Uoff deflnncc of x‘n" jor la niijr-r infl- _IJe aiked whether d Jie wealcm nlllM'soulh Carolina fljne^l *cctor of Berlin, lhat ihey uphold Uio - T T W I N P A L L sX - ------- Nine Irrlg; ^Idal Sa PI A |H > -.W iB BOISE, Nov. 2 . I ■ ftilly cxpcctcd ar J, J H ilams iu thc Snnl< > ll "These atlcmr. ' I |ii'c aron nnd in tl ■ power ttupply is I ' I rcqiiirc.i prompt < > I Ihr.ie developmenl*. |^ H A |u |i gMn Roach referred to In t/ie 17, B. Wa.ihlngion by Uie Canyon assoclaUon, opi>o,ied the compni to develop lhe deep tween Idaho and On Tlie nuoclnUon, construction of a lan li^HjH^^mCm at the site, asked t: aside a licenae grnni er Aug. 4 by ths Mt HMnSHWrBl. 'nlMlon. claimed.Uie FF »n '’act>of adnilnls ne.M" which fulled t PotenUalKI *• ■' i ' ”' Roadl *a(d Jn rc 1 cand, during the LVinS'-w^nre" I V r comuuci^n as rapid Jn open each Moa- the earliest poaslble < * w A.1 tor the appeal. 1 . "fc ts In keeping ' \ 1*A$) I J . vn> power nMoclnllon* wl power or nothing, or in Falls J.AI J. %A,XXyj ^ypp,. (Ide ft colorful bnck- df‘= NonhweaL" fcBtivlUes. "'‘‘d the comml Merc.'innia bureau, »"* "‘>"«d on decbh •d Uie pnrnde. hna '!'>* evidence that ct up ft loud apenker P'on Is beat adapted Lion of Mnln nvenue developmenl of I Itreet U> play c-iroli ----------------- Chrtntmna the local Power G Iln open cnch Mon- y evenings for the 17 customer*. During U rU eS x Ihey ivUl *lay open O DenyP T OrO BPOKANE, Nov. 2 xS '^OJi' - ernl" power commis. a^ked to deny Inlervi . 20 » —A 38*year- njtd by the public pc 0 wa^ reported to, pojlng » Pacific Nt Ul bonrd yesterday company plan lo bui: u polio ense of the dams on Uie Snake Ind of the yenr. of Uie prlvaUly open lere tterc 13 cnse.-i yesterday. •nd 132 for Uie en- pf,p president Kl *ftld the company, s of four Northwest p ^ would "strongly opp .an Can II , • • crlUcal area power »»• O lilltlO ll ■Th* intervenUon filed by the NorUiwei , XVT m nnd Nntional Hclla ;et Waste •Y. NOV. 3J W - A » ,.„ca,.,.,crl„Ea-S“ ;“'„.'!,;fp” ', “ B /treani polluUon shtep nnd PJeasanl :rlal from sugnr beet Snnke. s been Uled at Bay- PNP attorneys. In a good re.iulti to drny thc public po rlRht lo Intervene, cor has been extracted weJt Public Power i 1 a bi'ge quantity of cnnyon niioclntlona • fed lar catOe Is one jfy njt intervenora uni ;ts of this pulp, pov,.,r act and Uie rul odlce of Uie U, S. mUslon." -riJce reported yes- jreal Westem SuRor _ _ —- , S' iZnr; "jr.; M ore Fog by-product recoveryi Pn>.|^Q | llmll. Ju.i reduced' i Wl iU al rial thnt winds up L ^ — me material Ll . and pumped wllh , ^1'" * « “>«*■man e buiion flume. From "nd rtlschnrged through tempcrnlure* In south msy spread over a day and tomorrow wl I nrc.i In the north. Irt the Uieorj' Li thnt , the aolid.1 nnd blo- f om lhe Pnclflc misl 111 remove n large f'oudlness by lato I e matter before the ''ring aome rain to Uie P fiver of Uie Gem »Ule. fo r.-sfcST J3 s'rc^aT cnd" r» i» «. C..1. I . II II snowfall tn lhe panhai CALLED thi* morning wag 3..Pa., Nov. M RIOT BRO> lower today called ' SANTIAGO, Cuba, unty colncll lo a six students and fo mr.wlny nl Cnmp were Injured In.il nigt urmoni. Md. Tlie wlcldlnc pollcc broke aid no portlcularifftradoR «iraln.n the g ehlnd the decision.iPresldeni Fulgenclo B: i5Efegai:e-Rais( icial Segregation ', Nov, 25 t r —A when they filled out ei njected tfie racial ers. lalo Uie White U ter he lold reportc -conference -today- *am«-<iucUloa_rtgardl Uier federal travel from Georgia. Misiilisli paid to delegates Lilana, port the Constltu- The que.iilon. with H A bitter, unscheduled ^'1- - ‘- l o r or the A ^aS l opening nlKht Uie nearly 2,000 n send-off from Prea '5 hower in which Uic cf decLMon, discussed boUi sldu o le'r delcgnles from school aid problem. Tl sne<l ft stMemeni gonetol-meeUng—a:ajL_ Iho CoosittuUon vance of a spUlup InU Irrigated Idaho Counties . ------------------«nnb*r <(rra' ................. .........AM«Ut«4 rnt* iBd Unll»l r: ihoPow ays He 1 Actions ( fov. 29 (/P)—T. E. R oach^csidcnt cd an appeal filed yestcniay ngain Snnke river, near Hells canyon. ItemfJtcd mu} blocks fltrikc jit eve I in thc raeific Northwest,” ho suit ly is crilit'ii!. and imptcomjik'tionof ^pi | red to n motlen filed -L dX iV X I court ol apijcajj In y Uie Natlonnl Hells f-k nUon, which long lias 1^' :ompnny'i applicnilon J_9 1deep river gorge bc- nd Oreson, A flUgRe.stion newl.v-completi-t [icca K cem lc .S Pi'rtiis. I"'- " • grnnled Idaho Pow* lots cnn bo mum 18 federal po«rcom- Mondny ni^ht. ' ___ ^ , forcemcnt of de Mled U3 lake Into ac* Clt) Mftlingcr nUallUe.% of Hells can- New .De legun on one of the I nre proceeding with n/r -rt '; r j . “pS;£L '« MayR( oslble dnle." XT r;'if.St;.«cc. N otec lori for developmenl p,-n„ m u. .nppllc U.. P .. '?n ,.m m l«l.n'. decision I-'"U-l decblve nnd lubsian- that the comcany'* Aramburu lold a lapted to compr^chen- nt Of Uie snnke nver. ^ 1C51 by Ihe Peron • Group ?'S r^.'”" Auuioriuilve eou 5 r r I • tn a!rendrhad-al; X A VJ w in„ that U w -m-h » ^0'' dUtrlbuUon. U Petition rorofrvr^ NOV. 2» WV-The fed- ommlsston ha^ .been IntervenUon oeUUon* Pwcn'* Mil blic power ptrup* op. P * ^ ^ imoonit flc NorUiwest Power , T h e gorernmenl lo bulla hydroelecUie situation of ^ e di Snake river, offldil* Arambuni told the i y operated •nUllly *ald "By dolnf It. It doe lc repair ths outn ■">,>''rr“ SKn.™ ? » T ^ ic c ’l ;Si’ w “ >• y OPPOM .ny cllcrt Kmmcn prc«nl cilon of a major pow* itniemcnt. igned U) help relieve Dr. Alberto Gain iwer ohorUigci.* editor and publl£he nlon petitions were h«» wnged a f rUiwesl Public Power h‘.L , ' Hella Canyon agjo- ly the Oregon. Mon* wond«iui new*. jnol Parmere’ Union, ftrthweat Power np- Tf C? :nie to build Uio 210 llrft SflVS project at MounUln ® “ “ ™i"“ ““ F o rS ci •s. In asking lhe EPC alic power RToupa the T T ... ne, contended Norlh- XS X llC ower and the Helb Uons ••fnlled lo qual- WASHINGTON. N ir« under the fedcrnJ Ideni Eisenhower * thc rules of Uie com- the federal governmi step In If necessary lack ot schools in ce ogSeen .d ah o A rea —* Tlie PresldenU ri nlled Pres* wund-fltaed at his ( ,.nii..H ninw o*f'=' prcsenUitlo l^^, ? Ho'“ « conference on which opened yesle I southern Idaho to- , g, ,^^„al scho row w ith *ome anow « front moving J" « ‘^fcre"n^c"J c mlshl I n c c , the lalo tomorrow ond * o wi ^ to Uie touUiern part , Revle^i^ng the tend lie. fortcaslers said, ferencc, E/senhower/ I'cre expected to re- "In the laal 10 yea 3 and «. tion ha.i Increased 2( ho received onJy « During Umt Incrense latlon yesUrday nnd creaie In the number panhandle lu i nlghl nnd qualified icncher ig wn* light. . teaching our young ___________ about . . . BROKEN 'There nre many cc Cuba. Nov, 29 loni a-i how to provlti nd four, policemen - bui Uierc nre two a night when club- which we nil agre broke up a dtmon- j, i ,_i ises-Hot-Issue^oi ion in Education out expense vouch- discuwlon groups lo t ochol need*, tporlcm he had the First of alx Ittuea fi rtgardlns-deleciilca rnle.v^W hat Should iisjilislppl end Lou- AcaJMplJsh?"—camc cu&iton at each ot 1 wlU» lla promlie of rooming. Still ahenti :duled conlroveriy. ploalve federal aid , e cloae of the flrsl Dr. Jame* II. Kill sc.ulon ot the con* dent of Massnchuset 1 talk aboul preas- Technolon'. ROl I groupj going’ H’lUi « >enlnR mteUng lasl presldenUal commltli 2,000 delegate^ goi Killian said his I President Elsen* which has been tlud] Uie chlcf exccuuve Uon lor come month.* Idu of the fedcml ed Uiat too mnny i nn. This rooming’s -that fc achool prog _«ai. hftrf tn art, jootf for one'« OUtT CO IP inlo round Ubte tc«atlan< •« ran-i FINA] ' EDITIC ----------------------- i^er Chie Expectt on 2 Da cut of Idnlio Power company, snys :ainsL licensing of the firm to buili every power con.sunicr in Uic con snid in ft .stiitement. “The presen ing Lots Leas By City Is Sti ion that the city of Twin Fnlls eti-tl parkittiv' lots owned by Twin Fn ., so efficient enforcement nnd n< luinlainetl was presented to tho cit it. It wjifl explained to the commii depositing coins in tho metera wj ion hnd not clcnrcd. Iger Jo.seph Lntimore snid membci ponitioii arc rclt )ecree tfo.‘rwSK by overUme parkin; Restore Kc'SrSSiS no other altemaUv ed Paper “5,rr..'.y. IES. Argentina, Nor. nierobcm nnd city i I Pedro E. Aramburu Police Chief How Issue todays formal "1 would'alrongly mlng the newspaper move unless It wa* lla rlRhtful owners Ui the public Uint •nn "ouuage" per- partment waa poUi ousted dictator, Juan for the city." Lntlmore said met d n prcM conference po««on .iweaW jovemment hnd de. '<> , 1 Uie world-famous department to recel h was coiWlscnted In bond* oa ron regime and Uint rt .quW lurS 1 S?S! au lenl hJlf TMoI m IS ' e datjy U on,t£a pro? Uie prea. cqDfar^. . does no moiv tbon >:- ' . ,— >u(n^ thl* ^ 1 • }cJ2 Uunese »enl applauded thc O b D B c 3ftlnia Pae. former T „ ¥ T, Uihcr .of L* Prensa lo |J , i exlle'ln^ New'YorV WASI-'NGTON, I j'f announcemenl a* Uonalbt Chin* haa I.-* vately It will veto U Out er Mongolia to i _ tions. a high Amerk ra Airl Uie UhlKd Preu. rS r\lQ such a relo pre wreck an Eait.W schools- s a s W ." other countflc* lo Iluicatcd ^ The official, who w ... .. •' anonymous, said U N. Nov. 22 W—Pres- „(re prepared lo rls er *nld ^ l nUht P«at majorilyol rnment will have to ^.|,g U,j adml* rs,a x . s u * bul hove never aolC w/II Jose Independ- v ju ^.pujd be use ''e^ The package call* a rem a rk s were eutes to withhold It his Gettysburg, Pa„ y. n . mfroberahip fc Ultlon at lhe While nlil-domlnnted couni e on e d u e n t i o n . Bulgnrl*. Hungary, fcslerdny wim the outer Mongolia, scliool aid pushing Ruula. In turn, wa 13 olher naUons the Nlxon and Ncll M e. would like to *ee In t ;e chnlrman, also nre Aiatrla, Cambodl ten list. Innd, Ireland, July. tst* lo ftbsUln on thi ly confllcUng opln- ofllclals aald ' how rovidc these Uilng*. naiionalltla appareni two points, I think, [ssue iq fmporUnC agree. willing to risk onythli g Ll Uial the edu* They fear admlsalon <■ t'<i<an tt 10^ might open t Jf J. wider for eveniuall) munist China Into U' ATI ' fik Kit ■ -CAKTEB-nOCKr' HA* 1 mother and 1 in MeetsfcMrc^ fire wlueh dtalroyi lo Uke up apeclfle ^ere. Uic Cowllla ’< ,c. I„lm U.C ^clc _____ Ot 1»0 uible* this U U IO rlL hend was Uie ex- ^ ^ tld .problem. H ■■ flA ' Klllinn. K- presl- H H B I ' .usetla lii.illlute ot U aI h Bin t the dl*cu.«ion r ““ h « report on Oie nltlee's tlrst topic. his subcommittee, iludyhig thnt ques* !> | J inUu, had conclud* is 4 ' ny people Uiought Seai'ClBnw&a program which is ’ TTcommunity » u it plrffm * M« i<;cda>a O . i " " 7 Ai: i l 'ION ;| RICE-5 ef I ted I ams I mys hia company jfejJ build two private flu company's «crv- BBcnt nnd future ise.- I Itudied ills lennc the sbc n Fnlls Off Street d policinfr of the Bcity commlssloh nmission that on* ■8 was one hurdia' T)bcra of the cor- reluctftnt to con- ’ cnrs away from :fi are In violation irking. He sold'after ' I's lot alteitdant h«l mlng he would bfcTa naUve lhaa to bfcva n Uie lot. Ion received-oonild- in by the elty officlala. Howard GUIette nld. ngly oppoa* lUcb a wa* absolutely clear Uint the police de- poUclns ths meten J membera of ths cor- »ted UiB metera ba city inui tbs poUe* receire ths om tlm t 1* D0*t«d. le lo u ftnd twue Uck- -1^ is vlolationi ths ci(r iuritdlcUon over Uis iM tr. vr. BaUelsen, d tr . H ths aemben. > ' m Ild im n u ' ^ t e m n i ' re*pecU?s'elttM. ’ • {ft cltr ,««ad 'U ln over 111 5S5iSIS51lb* ' 8 ;eVeto |!| ^e.Used- jl ^N.Kghti IK, Not. 33 (IN-Na- f l haa Indicated prl< IB •to the adist»lon of . to Uie Onlted Na- M merlcan official told III 1*. R presumably' would ! H st.Weat agreement ut orked out after y e » IJ the admission of 17 ! II to Uio world Of*— ||K ho wished to remoia Id Uie naUonall*u | 0 rlalc Uic wraUi of ; ily'ofU.N.njtmbei* dmlseloa agreement. • Kaovn nallat official* hare, laslied Uielr oppool- lage admission deal said pubUcly that e used to ft<^ it. »11* for Uie United )ld Ita oppo&lUon to Jp for nre comrou- counUlea— Albania, ary. Rumania and 1, would not oppoaa 1 Uie United 8tatea ! in Uie U. N. Theos ibodla. Ceylon. FJn- aly. Japan. Jordan, spal, Portugal- omt i eo Aonred deal'* had appeared .hi* country reluc- ir it wouM not «>l« [ongolla. It-voa a*-' • d SlaUs could bring to get the naUotsol- n Uie vote. ' however, that tho ! irently conalder the anC Uut they ors lyUilng to pre»ent It. alon ot Outer Mon- en the door % bit Aially letting Com- ,to Uie D. N.' KILLS < ncrWosh.—Nov-W- ild her three amaU Mng one only ID ed early today In k ilroyed their horns lls ’couaty ahertft'< HOPPIMG- AYSLEFT) Flghl TS— I M a t M l . J

■ 3 6 , S eo te ln a n i _H n l , ^ ' ^ ' S T a i

i , e y Can T (

Regime of ]»ol« ef eoDfWenee Jn IhB 1

*?:. « “ ot World w»r II.Xnner eeuntn docloi- m d ll

V « l pn.oli'«>“ f aenUoned

V V *>!) WPJ—Communist leuclc

■ t S r F m c in » »howdo«-n coi ■ “ S t vole loninht would ovcrtl

_«iini>f^ »'iH vole Jiffnim t the ■ S S f e . t ' . " ■'»“H n e red m"™ apparen tly menn ■ S b i ja l le n ip l* " ’” '? „

f e W 'S r i Drivei^ E L r u lhe only f*cWr

$375n a t ws«n ___

f e . S S ; ‘« T h r o^HT^TtltcUon *U monltu

m m J *ci)td\ilf TTifftJ IntoJd^ ■ L “uttff pollltoU »«• two neslljenl ti j H j Q l»«r^ ^ ^ ^ ,U c l e d « f a J n i lh i i V»Uey tr«fHc cH d « t Ertfl tonnef rw * Angel B. Call

l ^ f e i H foda-mtitf. onw ty_ u o o aiuoeUie. PMtponra pj,urt of JiuUcc

,* n :tM U > # U n ll« aS U W ^Ice aund«y !esembly. ^ the Innui

lad Bt«»ptpfr5 p^re- Uquor. His drl»

H i s u i r d lh*' lil'* «*'■ S rn iU o tiw W t tleellon lard Baker. »ta Ul urm runs oui BerU h H. £

IS bdiuiloiu U'cre ll pleaded RUllty t ^ B »9 tod UUl Prr.ildenC en drlvlnR wli'

(ue ih» dlffleuli Ooodlns Pollc ^VrK'-Uic Fnnce'i 32nd Monday. She w ^ ^ 0 1 itit end of World cojU w id her

dlrect«d itupen — ---------1 She WIUJ arre

H i A f I a m K • « '^ k OI L a i n i i street. The IBS I -i driving collldcd

■ S e P u s h e dH . r . tlOO and W COIMifewAi’eas

Bleep Producen' Kewbr waa tr.

K r S S S P r o t e s I

f e ™ A g a i n ,

B e r l i )^ ■ r £ n ptr cent of the lambsxia. Ik by SEULIN. Noi

In N(V EngUnd, New Com m andtnl M Cililomu. Immedlale trell-Hili today

'^ ■ t a ptnwyon U to open Soviet action U rtler Umb dlsuibu- Un "jwonlei pol

Urtei will be the persons in the 1 * » ^ W ifnu of the mid- irell-H lll.'ln a ]i

m nndant Maj, ^M irii;eciapaltmv,'lll rome apecllfcally p ro t ^■sm nl-pej.pound rietluc- cldent Sundny l

pjymeni* by lhe j»Uce wounded “ «htfpjro»cr». TliUi H ie British ■

/^ » C r « j |h thl naunnjil wool test Cftme os / y^WiWehpMmttied the nr- dan t M»j. Gen.

for n ref- jr.. prepnred lo ’■ ■ ‘'*11 to I rcdiicilnn of to deliver n *ti ^ » e e c : . t i i i7 *m to sheep- the forcible . >«^83pajia», T hsre/eren- AmerJenn congr

,,* (w « laA u K U 3 i, 1055. one of..the Inti CialK, Colo, 1» e.icort olficer.

r>« J. c .i ,« , ] | D em ii< 0 1 — n ------------ CoUrell-Hlll d

.l^ H v n «nd jirRcnl neli j j V m n i *'‘ch Incldenui"

_ - itol repeated. H<ll'f " rcck!e» av

I ^ B L l f l n m S C l l S conMltutcA serlc (Ufety of person

■ g a i i i s t W c s t ” ™ . t „ „ ,I ^ B O Vlolntlnc H Sov

srrf,, Pnv. 25 tin - nep i. Hrtrold C. d tm o n s k r a lo r s Edwnrd P. Boln.

lhe iirtct.i ot D.T OstertaR and Ll ‘ K ! f 'T '''" ' »''il-wfstfrn Queen. Mulllnii,, ^ » ™ ii .« j n s . Army and ntfll

tp htMT Kii,urt.i nut- cnlls here took n ^ ■ ^ n c i n , Dninh. JYenth Incident and Da.

IIviT n, ''vlBorou • • • ^ ■ ^ Bmk Mrih ftlly to Sovlel

■ g <»»~<1 il„ m„b

nrrr. Amrrli

. touched on lhe 1"HIM In four

c 'n thorlllM bellevci:ta fo force

: «fa‘de by Ensl Gi

■hi; Un'?Jri D u l l e s

I i '' 'A 6H rN aT o^^ ■ ^ ” <*rnipr of 8 u i« D

. pubUcara n.1 U'ellday-k. nvold pan

‘n lhe PunrreU which h r f . tlnncer our nnUoi

^ K n - ■* DuUcs ausjiealeU f«™, L"^"”"nd Demoenita. ahoul

"MMMes'-[ ^ ■ W . e'ffn policy In the

.10 Ift »a ld .h t.U .ti ^ ^ K ^ ^ i r i n s mosiiv dfftu-n into . ' ‘W 6 a t u r t ^ l«u«n»J

mojil, Duiip, Mlt, h e 1 « Ja J J .. lenUon ol moiJns

*peechp» In the IS------------------ he added, unapec

' ehitnse h lj mlijtl.

• A Regional N ew sp a


3 Say ^ "opple D F a u r e H

it defeated In an a ttem pt Ihe national a iaeab ly <0.1 ot h ll KQvenunetit, th t

id three tim ei prevleuslr ed pooolbla (ueetaaor tfi

iiu lcr . J n c q u c s D uclo .i In >voul(l v o te apra inflt

c o n f id c n c c v o te . H c c r th r o w F n u r c 's gov*

th c ^ o v c m m e n t Andp c cc h in th c n n t io n a l ^ ^ H | | | |e n n t t h u t K a u rc w an

ers Draw S m F m es T;JM rougliArealUjidealfd motarlali aod :nt drlvlns offender* have

tou lln it M7S In Magic tie eourta.Call, rural Lincoln coun- • — '*-00 and court coats tn the n e u t by ea uUce of th e Peace Prnnk parade Mond »y for drlvInK while un- « » “• .‘'a n t a i nfluence o t IntoxicaUng day and Jridi driver'* license was sus- *

orresled north o t Sho- ^ Q T l ' I ’O I. S. hlKhivny 03 by Wll* k ^ U - J t l H * , *ln(o patrolman. •I. DanieU. 61. O oodlnj. T .illy to ft charge of drunk* - l - i l

when nrrafffned iJcfor>5 ’ollce lU m on Ensunw „ S w r n l huiv le wns fined IIOO nnd H *''•h e r drtvlnff JJeenae wnj c r i u ? \ L ^ r ' r ' apended for one year, arrested on Nov. 20 foU n'ldine on n accident on » Goodins u w n J!n« or 1851 CftdlUnc she wn* ^ nitcmnllvel

Ilded w ith a parked car candy to the •0 Mra. Guy Coles. behind Uie Irni -by, nichfleld, wa« fined Tlie Rondoln } co*ta Tuesday by Pro* private car waii B. E. Powell. Shoahone, raaa wrapped t

se of drunken driving, .Crowtls Jlnei1 trreste<l « l 8:30 p jn . T

inst Soviet ' W lin Actions tioS'^SKo». 38 m _ BrtlMi to cncouniKo

U Maj. Gen, R, C. Col- ho ld inK p o o r doy demnnded "urRenV W illia m N

W a r t ^ l o n , Oie Brlll-ih neclor. Col- y e s lc r d n y Wl I a le tie r lo Sovlel Com- F u r t h e r CO:aj, a e n . P. A. D lbm . ---------------------protested n shMllnK In- r p £ £ • ^ ,ny in which communLil J . I ' a H X t ded ft W esl Berlin mnn, • « * * * '■ sh commnndnni'* pro* i n ^ IS Amerlcnn Commnn- f* A l * 1 sen. Chnric.f-L-Dnrijtr,I to drlvfj to Cho 601 ict V 1 I Blem protest. ftsnin.'i I C J \ e deUjnilon of Wo .jngrfMincn. the wife o( Tlie Twin Fn

lawmakers and lhclr Monday annou ■r. flnslier llRhi n limaniSf Action one-fourih mile111 demanded "nde<j'iale vu corner nnd ncllon to ensure tlwt the pavemeni 01

iln" a* Uie aliootlng arc uie lop of Mngl I. He called aitcntJon to The hlfihwny V iLie o t (irenrms which nn nRreement v serious danRer ta the way departm ent rsons w ithin the DrltUh and If lhe projec

federal bureau CUnpolnl for nlleRedly federal Rovernm Soviet rone lnw were c tnl ot Uie c0.1l

J C. O sterU f. n . N. Y.. Oie railroad Ui- Bolnnd. D., Mnw.. Mr,». ctnl. The rallroi i Lleul. Jnmes T . Me- llRhi. ina, S. C. Tlie only co-'lntflte deparUnent oIll* trlct «ill be Ur

ok n aerloua view of the ncfrlnR eoiU. Dftsher decided to de* TMe Onkley a

orou* protcsl” penon- trlcti have Joli lel Com m andant Ma], sUte to extend 1 [Jobrova. from the preaenlir Mas na d le the intersectionride In an army sedan erson road, iv d th n radio telephone, mnleiy 14'mllea. nrrlcnna were detnlnrd Eleven mllcs ■indiiy because lh e army throUBh the Snv wero rldlnR In hnd a r.\l. Approximate lone, which th e red^ b* Incnted In C I A vlohUon 0/ Ejs! three mllM )1»

county. Thc roa n l wa* cotuldercd par- witliin th ree nn' nporlnnl becnuse ll the fo rn l bounc .he rlKhtji of the wc.it- If there Lt to four-power Berlin. An- on the hiKhwny 1 eved the Sovlet.i wcre ro.id proRrnm, I rcc the Amcrlcnni M p.iid 1>)' /ederfll I G ermnn puppel rov- crni "lU be suj A, FnlU and Onklc)

s Asks Nation to I larrels on ForeigTOK. Nov, 29 tft-^Sec* ••nii//ej rc/Uie<!l« Dullea called on Re- criticisms of Elwell na Democmla to- tration forclRn p-partlwin JorelBn policy Sicvrntoii. Oov.:h he SAld m ight "cn- r t New Y ork anatlon." cMia.rested n t a new* con* ’Republicans, oa well ashould avoid w hat he th« foreign mlnUws- In debato on for- O'"*™-

-SriifouTdla-tO'ing_l4 avoid gel: amok he anld hi nto "whal would ren- publicans durim :onaidcred. ft partisan cawpolcna of tSi

Tlie ile o a io c ri h e hns no preaent In* cign mlnlsicra’ iiJnir RepuWJcan party wWch Dullc* z t l le 1058 campolfm. But. ha* prompted nu apecitled eveflta could crats to laah out lad. foreign policy.

'P apcr <Scrvini: --------

Holiday Season Ar

.^ V \- - • & ‘V:

' ■ ' I t ® - ^ ¥ 1:r eager children, the Jolly old elf from th* noi onday ecentnt through the Twin Falla builn la t irrlTal marki the beilnnlng of th e Chri riday until Uie holiday. (BUff phote.«iigraTl

;a’s Trip Through Launches Yule Sehundred, youneilers and Sears, Roebuck nnd

he.irt" were on hand Ine lol. where Ihe i-eninR to hrlp S nnu to the mieraecUon r m Uie ChrLitmn* »en* nnd Main ftvenue. I

pty of candy held 1 n miniature Irnln be- ,

oln m fronl of Santa's /nWraecilonJWBB heaped with Christ- AlUiough the an

gift*. were nol complet*Ined the «trect« from 0/ co/ored 1/ght bi

atoGouncilEj ^Withholding PrGO, Nov. 29 {/?)—Some 200 m em ben a to Council lodny reviewed th c operat IRC facn tc r consumption of th e ir prod >orcr jjrniics of TwlJitoes from thc m

N. Case, executive director of the < in , said the* council's annual m eeting \ will continue through Friiiny. consiiicrntion of production nnd mnr

fcm.s wna one nfic Light^ » as preliminary.1 ^ 1 * 0 3 3 1 1 1 2 * *Ulement expre V-**. vFkji-p.«m«g mcetinJ ■f be mafle Jater in the

A p p r o v e d The mnrkeimg plai 1 the council nl lls laa

FnlLi highway dblrlcl mu called for wlU nounced pUwi for a percentaRC ot No. 2 n l the railroad cro.ulng dUtrlbutlon channel: llle aouth of the Motor- to nbsorb n large .v nd for nn exteailon ol iM t ytar nnd to inc I on Rock creek road to of polatoea grnerallIngle mountain. ------------------rny db tric t hna signed ^it wllh the au te high- I A 1 1 l * f f . . ! * 'en l for the fla.iher Ilghl V -» U lt_ l. V VTA <ojecl la approved by the t ,au of publle roada the I t l i n i l rnmenl will pny 80 per .co.1t ot ln.italIallon and _

Uic renialnlng in ptrIroad will maintain lhe JL U l l l v

a il to lhe highway dLi- ^ "loi'on for n ri the preliminary eng,-

y and T^^ln FalLi dLi- J ‘Jolntlj' petitioned Uie 'n dlsUlct court b> . Id lhe Rock creek road o"»<r- len l end of pavement 10 In granting the Ion of Uie Oakley-Rog- Baker ruled "this cc a dlatnnce ot npproil- Jurl.idlcilon In the mt lea. menl of dlsmlwal lacs of this road pa.ist.i ed."SnwCooth naUona} for- f,(onie chafRrd tfielately Uie aame dbunce io.„ of hl.i Jnij will 1 Ca.uU counly while conalruellon compan )1» wiU>ln Tiiln FalU c ity on the J, C. P' road to paved non; lo project tn Twin Fnll nnd one-half miles of ,,jp dcfcndnn

mndarj-. claims Mor.ic workedto be any coa^tructlon p^ ,„ ^Jeci while h ny under llie wonriary of a Jerome loca n, C2 per crnt ttlU be , . ^ permit to rfll fund i »mie 3H per „r..itn<filon,

__ _______ rnca .K and FA Sail Lnke Oily, nnd

I A V O iU and May. Twm PalU, _ Membera of the Ji

.gn P o h c y S v r . " ' . ' £ T .. , 1 . Gee, W alter McCnnie

. „ d 0 t h „ W K m . . p , , r ,

ilnUlcrs' conference a t rejecled a UntiM t agaln.li lhe anesl am

oueslloM. DJllfs said U o U. S, congreismer aid wcU follow me ex- of one M d fheJr ;r I had be 'n lel by Re- olflcer. Ru.yla aald t rinK lhe presidential power occupation nil

S m : . apply m sovereign Ena 'ir«tHhe-On'fV(i-f<Jf- >.ii4aj. Gen. Charle* ] ^ conference, from U.e U. commandantrelum ed 13 d«5'* •■'O' numeroui top Demo- slbly operu the <fj«r

f ■ '


1 no rth pole. SanU Claui, dlitrlbBUd car mineai d litrlct. Sponwred hy the IleUll Jh ristmaa aeason. All itorei will remain o|TaTlnj)

* * * le '.

:h Downtown Ar season for Twinnnd company pnrk- were llfhted mnde i Ihe parnde atarled, ground lor Ihc fest Ion of Fourth street Tlie Retail Mer lie. bu t San tn 's sup- which sponsored U held out. mnde plani lo aell ut11.1.1,1, .choal rc p :.c dlrccllon c l Del S Uca Uic ECi.1.1 te n .

slreet decoratlon.i convenience of cus el« due to the luck the Ust week, they I bulb.1. tliMe fh.1t every evening b u t &

]yes I Toll Is. , BOISE. Nov. 20 I

roject “"'.SSL J- at. -VT month nnd 262nd cbers o f th c Nn- Lnst year thereira tion o f n plnn in November and l:iroduct by w itlv ' >«r. .• m a rk e t. — —

tg w hich opened New Plai ™te‘7in’’c S EndPollfor d iscussion . T>lions were deterlbed I j y D C e f

xpresslnc the con- KANSAS C i ry . N •etlng probably will unusual method, uaec

the week by Cote, rope, lo reduce /U plan advocated by from waste material

‘ manufacture h as bee

2mel* In nn effort After sugar ha.i ' ;e .lurplua problem from sugar bect.i a b

increnso anfabllKy pulp remalM, Feed t< rrally. of the by-products of ---------------- The regional oltlci'' ..r .r i a i l l S t^fdny tha t the Oreal

company, liiroueh u

I Move ;x"..;;”.c?,.sha.f reached lui llinl

aT o » . the w.-uile ninterlal'f* Platte I

Prom the fnctory i n non-ault In the pul into a ditch and Mor.ie ngnln.li local a*ter lo a ril.MrlbuiiD nlers nnd Joiners ihe Ilume It U rtlsch d Tue.iday morning pjpea ao that It m»y by JudRo Hugh A. ifiO-acre dl.ipo.inl are;

The USPllS.ialrt th< he moiion. Judge jcdlmenUllon of the s court la wiUioul logical nctlon will ri ; maccer nnd Judg- part of the wa.^le ma. I la ordered enter- liquid reaches the rivt

To teal the method, tfte union « lth the cooperation u'nh lhe wllh the Holman Wyoming aUte htaltl ipany of Snll Lnke •» r . i . «:. Penney building ------------------f " ” *- MEET CAL,dnnt, Uie tinlnn GETrySDURa..Pft rked on lhe Twin Elsenhowerle ne WM 1 ">e"’T uie nnllonal secuniy local: Uinl he dmt to work tin local Thurmo

White House aald started Mondny. rmcrgency Iny behind

pre.iented by Clar- -----------------------------id Roberl Nielsen. _ — —

i?u®^:^Nepoi;e. Jury wrre Mn. u.isell Hnll, Hush T l ^

Huffmnn. Glenn X v d v J

n, Mr.i. Afary b i - WASHINGTON, Sc iry K ucera, Mrs, ncgrti delejate inject 1 nnd B. P, M ng tr srg^gatlon Lttue lal-------------- Houae ediicalfoircom

n o n i o f l Ih'lulrlng whcUier JL rC X llt^ U money has bren paid

0 (ITV—fU«jla today who "do not support d S uites protest tlan." nnd deun tlon ol clarence Mitchell, d

jnen and «ie wife Washington bureau of r mJIJtary r .w r l As.ioclat(nn for Ihe Ad lid ^ n l the four- goiored Ptople iKAA

rule* no longtr returned trotEaai <^rm nny. , .*.hcre some n?

Ie* L .,D M her, jr.. „dvoc*Uoff deflnncc ofx ‘n"jor la niijr-r infl- _ IJe aiked whether d Jie w ealcm nlllM 'soulh Carolina fljne^l *cctor of Berlin, lha t ihey uphold Uio

- T T W I N P A L L s X -------- N ine Irrlg;

^ I d a l■ SaP I A| H > - . W i B BOISE, Nov. 2

. I ■ ftilly cxpcctcd ar J , J H ilams iu th c Snnl<

> l l "These atlcmr. ' I |ii'c aron nnd in tl

■ power ttupply is I ' I rcqiiirc.i p rom pt <

> I Ihr.ie developmenl*.| ^ H A | u | i g M n Roach referred to

In t/ie 17, B. Wa.ihlngion by Uie Canyon assoclaUon, opi>o,ied the compni to develop lhe deep tween Idaho and On

Tlie nuoclnUon, construction of a lan

l i ^ H j H ^ ^ m C m at the site, asked t: aside a licenae grnni er Aug. 4 by ths M t

H M n S H W r B l . 'nlMlon.claimed.Uie FF

»n '’act>of adnilnls ne.M" which fulled t

PotenUalKI*• ■' i ' ”'Roadl *a(d Jn rc

1 can d , during the L V in S '- w ^ n r e " IV r com uuci^n as rapid Jn open each Moa-

the earliest poaslble < * w A.1 tor the appeal. 1

. "fc ts In keeping '\ 1 * A $ )I J . v n > power nMoclnllon* wl

power or nothing, or

in FallsJ .A I J . %A,XXyj ^ypp,.

(Ide ft colorful bnck- d f ‘= NonhweaL" fcBtivlUes. "'‘‘d the comml Merc.'innia bureau, »"* "‘>"«d on decbh

•d Uie pnrnde. hna '!'>* evidence thatc t up ft loud apenker P'on Is beat adapted Lion of Mnln nvenue developmenl of IItreet U> play c-iroli -----------------

Chrtntmna the local Power GIln open cnch Mon-y evenings for the 1 7

customer*. During U r U e S x Ihey ivUl *lay open O

— De nyPT O r O BPOKANE, Nov. 2x S '^ O J i ' - ernl" power commis.

a^ked to deny Inlervi. 20 » —A 38*year- n jtd by the public pc0 wa^ reported to, pojlng » Pacific Nt Ul bonrd yesterday company plan lo bui: u polio ense of the dams on Uie Snake Ind of the yenr. of Uie prlvaUly open lere tte rc 13 cnse.-i yesterday.•nd 132 for Uie en- p f,p president Kl

*ftld the company, s o f four Northwest p

^ would "strongly opp.an Can

I I , • • crlUcal area power »»• O li l l t l O l l ■Th* intervenUon

filed by the NorUiwei , X V T m nnd Nntional Hclla;et Waste

•Y. NOV. 3J W - A », . „ c a , . , . , c r l „ E a - S “ ; “ '„ .'!,;fp” ' , “ B /trean i polluUon sh te p nnd PJeasanl :rlal from sugnr beet Snnke. s been Uled a t Bay- PNP attorneys. In a good re.iu lti to drny thc public po

rlRht lo Intervene, cor has been extracted weJt Public Power i1 a bi'ge quantity of cnnyon niioclntlona • fed la r catOe Is one jfy njt intervenora uni ;ts of this pulp, pov,.,r act and Uie rul odlce of Uie U, S. mUslon."-riJce reported yes-jrea l W estem SuRor _ _ —- ,

S ' i Z n r ; " j r . ; M o r e F o gby-product recoveryi P n > . | ^ Q | llmll. Ju.i reduced' i W l i U a l

rial th n t winds up L ^ —

m e material Ll . and pumped wllh , ^1'" * « “ >«*■ man e buiion flume. From "nd rtlschnrged through tempcrnlure* In south msy spread over a day and tomorrow wl

I nrc.i In the north.Irt the Uieorj' Li thnt , the aolid.1 nnd blo- f om lhe Pnclflc misl

111 remove n large f'oudlness by lato I e m atter before the ''ring aome rain to Uie P fiver of Uie Gem »Ule. fo

r . - s f c S T J 3 s ' r c ^ a T c n d "

r»i»«. C..1.I .II II snowfall tn lhe panhai CALLED thi* morning wag

3..Pa., Nov. M RIOT BRO>lower today called ' SANTIAGO, Cuba, unty colncll lo a six students and fo mr.wlny n l Cnmp were Injured In.il nigt urmoni. Md. Tlie wlcldlnc pollcc broke aid no portlcularifftradoR «iraln.n the g ehlnd the decision.iPresldeni Fulgenclo B:

i5Efegai:e-Rais( icial Segregation', Nov, 25 t r —A when they filled out ei njected tfie racial ers.■ lalo Uie White U te r he lold reportc -conference -today- *am«-<iucUloa_rtgardl Uier federal travel from Georgia. Misiilisli paid to delegates Lilana,

port the Constltu- The que.iilon. with H A bitter, unscheduled

^'1- - ‘- l o r or the

A ^ a S l opening nlKht Uie nearly 2,000 n send-off from Prea

'5 hower in which Uic cfdecLMon, discussed boUi s ld u o

le'r delcgnles from school aid problem. Tl sne<l ft stM emeni gonetol-meeUng—a:ajL_ Iho CoosittuUon vance of a spUlup InU

I rriga ted Idaho Counties .

------------------«nnb*r < (rra'................. .........AM«Ut«4 rnt* iBd Unll»l r:

ihoPow ays He 1 Actions (fov. 29 (/P)—T. E. R o a c h ^ c s id c n t cd an appeal filed yestcn iay ngain Snnke river, near Hells canyon.

ItemfJtcd mu} blocks fltrikc jit eve I in thc raeific N orthw est,” ho suit ly is crilit'ii!. and im ptcom jik 'tionof ^ p i | •

red to n motlen filed -L d X i V X I court o l apijcajj In

y Uie Natlonnl Hells f - knUon, which long lias 1 ^ ':ompnny'i applicnilon J _ 91 deep river gorge bc- •nd Oreson, A flUgRe.stion

new l.v-com pleti-t [icca K c e m lc . S P i ' r t i i s . I " ' - "• grnnled Idaho Pow* lo ts cnn bo m um 18 federal p o « rco m - M ondny n i^ h t .' ___ ^ , fo rcem cnt o f de

Mled U3 lake Into ac* C l t) M ftlingcr nUallUe.% of Hells can-

New .Delegun on one of the I nre proceeding with n / r - r t

';r j.“pS;£L'« MayR(oslble dnle." X T ■

r ; ' i f . S t ; . « c c . N o t e c

lori for developmenl p , - n „ m u . .n p p llc U.. P . . '?n

,.m m l« l.n '. decision I - '" U - ldecblve nnd lubsian- tha t the comcany'* Aramburu lold a

lapted to compr^chen- n t Of Uie snnke nver.

^ 1C51 by Ihe Peron

• Group ?'S r^.'” "Auuioriuilve eou

5r r I • t n a!rendrhad-al; X A V J w in„ th a t U w -m-h • » ^0'' dUtrlbuUon. U

Petition rorofrvr^NOV. 2» WV-The fed- ommlsston ha^ .been IntervenUon oeUUon* Pwcn'* Milblic power ptrup* op. P * ^ ^ imoonit flc NorUiwest Power , T h e gorernmenl lo bulla hydroelecUie situation of ^ e di Snake river, offldil* Arambuni told the i y operated •nUllly *ald "By dolnf It. I t doe

lc repair th s ou tn

■ " > , > ' ' r r “ S K n . ™ ? » T ^ i c c ’l;S i’ w “>•y OPPOM .ny c llcrt K m m c n p rc« n lcilon of a major pow* itniemcnt.igned U) help relieve Dr. Alberto Gainiwer ohorUigci.* editor and publl£henlon petitions were h«» wnged a frUiwesl Public Power h‘.L , 'Hella Canyon agjo-ly the Oregon. Mon* wond«iui new*.jnol Parmere’ Union,ftrthw eat Power np- T f C?:nie to build Uio 210 l l r f t S f l V Sproject a t MounUln ®

“ “ ™i"“ ““ ForSci•s. In asking lhe EPCalic power RToupa the T T . . .ne, contended Norlh- X S X l l Cower and the HelbUons ••fnlled lo qual- WASHINGTON. N ir« under the fedcrnJ Ideni Eisenhower * thc rules of Uie com- the federal governmi

step In If necessary lack ot schools in ce

o g S e e n

. d a h o A r e a■ —* Tlie PresldenU ri

nlled Pres* w und-fltaed a t his (,.nii..H ninw o*f'=' prcsenUitlo

l ^ ^ , ? Ho'“ « conference onwhich opened yesle

I southern Idaho to- , g, ,^ ^ „ a l scho row w ith *ome anow

« front moving J" « ‘^fcre"n^c"Jc m lsh l I n c c , the lalo tomorrow ond * o wi ^ to Uie touUiern part , Revle^i^ng the tend

lie. fortcaslers said, ferencc, E/senhower/ I'cre expected to re- "In the laal 10 yea 3 and « . tion ha.i Increased 2(ho received onJy « During Umt Incrense latlon yesUrday nnd creaie In the number panhandle l u i nlghl nnd qualified icncher ig wn* light. . teaching our young___________ about . . .BROKEN • 'T here nre many cc

Cuba. Nov, 29 loni a-i how to provlti nd four, policemen -b ui Uierc nre two a n ight when club- which we nil agre broke up a dtmon- j, i ,_i

ises-Hot-Issue^oi ion in Educationout expense vouch- discuwlon groups lo t

ochol need*, tporlcm he had the First of alx Ittuea fi rtgardlns-deleciilca rn le .v ^ W h a t Should iisjilislppl end Lou- AcaJMplJsh?"—camc

cu&iton a t each ot 1 wlU» lla promlie of rooming. Still ahenti :duled conlroveriy. ploalve federal aid , e cloae of the flrsl Dr. Jame* II. Kill sc.ulon ot the con* dent of Massnchuset 1 talk aboul preas- Technolon'. ROl I

groupj going’ H’lUi « >enlnR mteUng lasl presldenUal commltli 2,000 delegate^ goi Killian said his

I President Elsen* which has been tlud] Uie chlcf exccuuve Uon lo r come month.* Idu of the fedcml ed Uiat too mnny i nn. This rooming’s - th a t fc achool prog _«a i. hftrf tn art, jootf for one'« OUtT CO IP inlo round Ubte tc«atlan< •« ran -i



i er Chie Expectt on 2 Da

cu t of Idnlio P ow er company, snys :ainsL licensing of the firm to buili

every power con.sunicr in Uic con snid in ft .stiitement. “The presen

ing Lots Leas By City Is Stiion th a t the c ity of Twin Fnlls eti-tl parkittiv' lo ts owned by Twin Fn ., so efficient enforcem ent nnd n< luinlainetl was presen ted to tho cit it. I t wjifl explained to the commii ■ depositing co ins in tho m etera wj ion hnd not clcnrcd.Iger Jo.seph L ntim ore snid membci

ponitioii a rc rclt

)ecree tfo.‘rwSKby overUme parkin;

Restore Kc'SrSSiSno other altemaUv

ed Paper “5,rr .. '.y .IES. Argentina, N or. nierobcm nnd city i I Pedro E. Aramburu Police Chief How Issue to d ay s formal "1 would'alrongly mlng the newspaper move unless It wa* lla rlRhtful owners Ui the public Uint •nn "ouuage" per- partm ent waa poUi

ousted dictator, Ju a n for the city."Lntlmore said met

d n prcM conference po««on . iw e a W jovemment hnd d e . '<> ,1 Uie world-famous department to recelh was coiWlscnted In bond* oaron regime and U int r t• .q u W lu rS

1S?S! a u

lenl hJlf TMoIm I S ' •e datjy U on ,t£a pro?Uie prea. c q D fa r^ .. does no moiv tbon >:- ' . ,— > u (n ^ thl* ^ 1 •}cJ2 Uunese»enl applauded thc O b D B c

3ftlnia Pae. form er T „ ¥ T , Uihcr .of L* Prensa l o | J , i ’

exlle'ln^ N ew 'Y orV WASI-'NGTON, I j 'f announcemenl a* Uonalbt Chin* haa I.-* vately It will veto U— Out er Mongolia to i

_ tions. a high Amerkr a A irl Uie UhlKd Preu. rS r\lQ such a relo pre

wreck an Eait.W

s c h o o l s - s a s W . "other countflc* lo

I lu ic a tc d The official, who w ... .. •' anonymous, said UN. Nov. 22 W—Pres- „ (re prepared lo rls er *nld ^ l nU h t P «a t m ajorilyol rnment will have to ^.|,g U,j adml*

rs,a x .s u* bul hove never aolC w/II Jose Independ- v ju ^.pujd be use ''e The package call* a r e m a r k s were e u te s to withhold It his Gettysburg, Pa„ y. n . mfroberahip fc Ultlon a t lhe W hile nlil-domlnnted couni e on e d u e n t i o n . Bulgnrl*. Hungary, fcslerdny wim the ou ter Mongolia, scliool aid pushing Ruula. In turn, wa

13 olher naUons the Nlxon and Ncll M e. would like to *ee In t ;e chnlrman, also nre Aiatrla, Cambodl te n list. Innd, Ireland, July.

tst* lo ftbsUln on thi ly confllcUng opln- ofllclals aald ' how rovidc these Uilng*. naiionalltla appareni two points, I think, [ssue iq fmporUnC agree. willing to risk onythlig Ll Uial the edu* They fear admlsalon

<■ t'<i<an t t 10^ m ight open t Jf J. wider for eveniuall)

munist China Into U'

A T I ' f i k K it■ -C A K TE B -nO C K r'

H A * 1 mother and 1

in MeetsfcMrc^fire wlueh dtalroyi

lo Uke up apeclfle ^ere. Uic Cowllla ’<

,c. I „ l m U.C ^ c lc _____

Ot 1»0 uible* this U U I O r l L hend was Uie ex- ^ ^tld .problem. ■ H ■ ■ f l A 'Klllinn. K - presl- H H B I ' .usetla lii.illlute ot U aI h B int the dl*cu.«ion r “ “ h « report on Oie nltlee 's tlrs t topic. his subcommittee,iludyhig th n t ques* !> | JinUu, had conclud* is 4 'ny people Uiought S e a i 'C lB n w & a program which is ’TT community » u i t p l r f f m *M« i<;cda>a O . i " " 7

A i: i l 'ION ; |


ef I ted I ams Imys hia company jfe jJ build two p riv a te f l u

com pany's «crv- BBcnt nnd fu tu re

ise.- I Itudiedills lennc th e sbc n Fnlls Off S tree t d policinfr o f th e B city commlssloh nmission th a t on*■8 was one hurdia '

T)bcra o f th e cor- reluctftnt to con-

’ cnrs aw ay from :fi are In violationirking. He so ld 'afte r 'I's lot a lteitdant h « l mlng he would bfcTa naUve lh a a to bfcva n Uie lot.Ion received-oonild- in by the elty officlala.Howard GUIette n ld . ngly oppoa* lUcb a wa* absolutely clear Uint the police de- poUclns th s m eten

J membera of th s cor- »ted UiB metera ba city in u i tb s poUe* receire th s o m tlm t

1* D0*t«d.le l o u ftnd twue Uck- - 1 ^ is vlolationi th s c i(r iuritdlcUon over Uis iM tr. vr. BaUelsen, d t r . H th s a em b e n . > ' m Ild i m n u ' ^ t e m n

i' re*pecU?s'elttM. ’ • {ft cltr ,««ad 'U ln over 111

5S5iSIS51lb* ' 8

;eVeto |!| ^e.Used- j l ^ N .K g h t iIK, Not. 33 (IN-Na- f l

haa Indicated prl< I B•to the adist»lon of ■. to Uie Onlted N a- Mmerlcan official told I I I1*. R

presumably' would ! Hst.W eat agreement utorked ou t after y e » IJthe admission of 17 ! I I

to Uio world Of*— ||K

ho wished to remoia Id Uie naUonall*u |0 rlalc Uic wraUi o f ; ily 'o fU .N .n jtm bei* dmlseloa agreement.• K aovnnallat official* h a re , laslied Uielr oppool- lage admission deal

said pubUcly th a t e used to ft<^ it.»11* for Uie United )ld Ita oppo&lUon to Jp for n re comrou- counUlea— Albania, ary. Rum ania and

1, would n o t oppoaa1 Uie United 8tatea ! in Uie U. N. Theos ibodla. Ceylon. FJn- aly. Japan. Jordan, spal, Portugal- omt

ieo A onred deal'* had appeared .hi* country reluc- ir i t wouM not «>l«[ongolla. It-voa a * - ' • d SlaU s could bring to get the naUotsol- n Uie vote.' however, th a t tho ! irently conalder the anC U u t they ors lyUilng to pre»ent It. alon o t O uter Mon- en the door % b it Aially letting Com- ,to Uie D. N.'

KILLS <ncrW osh.—N ov-W ­ild he r three amaU M n g one only ID ed early today In k ilroyed their horns lls ’couaty ahertft'<


F l g h l T S — I

M a t M l . J

iCliarter Fete Ts Scheduled

By T .F . Clul)_ P#m Droubny. p reildent ot >he

"Twin r*ll» g«ehrLhte.:club._»n- nounced tha nnnual eh#rifr mclilpw iy wHl be hrJd I>rf. i i auriiii:thc club's meetlne Tue&dny noon »t the le iJo n hall*.

Droubny (ilso unnnuncfrt awwds tor lhe m rm berihlp r»mpal«n whlfh em it nexl Turwl»y. nnd fpr «l- tcndnneo wlll be pretfnied »t tne

i chw ter meellni:. j ’ He told tlic crnup Uir Unlvffslly

of Idnho baiHciljiill lenm »ould be unable lo Join Uip Unlvcrtlty of Hn- L VRll nnd Idftho SU t« collfcn In thr bnikcUjall Jumboreo p l a n n e d Ior S ncxt year. ^

Idaho collcce w.i.n Elven Ihr1300 lor the B<ll0l.irHilp the E»- change dub *v,ardcd Lynn Spnck- man. Droubay reported.

I Ivan Skinner preaent^d name* of candidates for rleclion of ortic»r« In

' lOSfl. Candidates inrludr EdwardHeap to r prcMdenl; Unward Allen, pr vice president; Dr. Rnbcri Sickles, hr trensurer. and n» lph «m lih. *«re-wfy- ^

Direelor candlrinU* Include, Doug- las K nm er, A. U S tanW . Komun

, ' McInlAst) and Euccnc Ewins, ^'Hie d rctlon will b« held a t Die or

I; nextmeellMB. bu[• William M nrtln nnd 11. O. ChrLs- Ini

: Ooodlnc. were piraU . pu

; Services Held for■ Burley Area Man £• BUHLEY, Nov. 8 -P unera l aerv- -ni• lees for A uiust K rautc. Ions lime th ' resident of th e Burley and nupert ne ' ftren, were h«td Saturday In tbe oti

I ■ M cCulloch-Duriey funeral home 8e. ; clmpel with the R / r . Kenneih nrall. I ; p u to r of tho Burley rrMbyter/an pn

church, nfflclntlnn. mlPallbearers w'rm William filmp- I

aon, Charlea Plckerlni. John Hardy thi . and Dale Fewltea. Concludlnt nl"* pol ' were held In th e r ic a w n t Vies em . cemetcry. cm

Hospitals s;• mt ; Magic V alley Memorial• VlslUne 5ioum n l Mntlc Valley Ho r >femorlnl hcuplUl are rrom 3 to < oii

I * and 7 to 8 p. m . a t: ADMITTED uli

1 • Mrs. LcRoy W hiunnn, Mrs. J u k *er ; ; Johnson. Mra. H arrbon Blake and t

• Dr. Herbert J . SchwarU. all T»ln adi 1 ' Falls; Mra. D onald echmldtldn. wa

Bhtiahone; Mrs. O rne Bassell and B. i Cecil cm id j. bo th Buhl: Mr*. Cllf- Kr ’ ton Peleraon, Jerom e, and }An flh

James Blgley. H azelton. 1DISMISSED nil

Mra. Joieph Lee. Mrs, WlKord me D errlcatt, Mr*. Robert McCoy. Mra,

; Holland Anderson. Harold Downing,: • D atld H unter «nd Qmc« Jfe/nple- j ’• : man. Ml Twin FalU; Winnie New- < I • man. Mrs. O ordon Carlson. apd |- : daughter and Mr*. Albert .Qabfrdl \. - a n d aon. aU Buhl; Byron <1 1 ; Thomas and daught«v CUI . U n Mcoowan. Pau l; »el

It • A daushler w iu born M ondv lo J : ‘ : Mr. and Mr*. I loeer Vineent; PUef. “

. Tuesday, aons wern born to Mr. m d i• Mr*. Clifton Peterson. Jerome, Mr.! and Mm. Oene BnRseit. Buhl, and

Mr, *n«J M ». LeRoy ;Vhitoian, Ts'Jn Cti Falls. hn

• -------- ^St. Benedict’s, Jerom e y

visltlns hours n t St. Benedict’s JicuplUl are Irom 3 to * and 7 lo 8 P-'J p. m. f

' , A DM ITTEh■ Mrs. Vemle Blnckmon. Mr*. Prank

Ehrosman, Mr*. Roy Darn and Mrs. Lronartl Cllmer, a ll Jerome: Mrs. Harold Brovin. Wendell and Gordon t Vaden and K aren Kae Vaden, bolh eii

•BuhL - — ------ MoBIRTH S Krn

DauehJem werp born to Mr. aad Moi I ' . Mr*. Vernle Blackmon, Jerome, and U oII Mr. nnd Mrs. iJiu ren Hutchens, driv .1 . Eden. D

—— — llmGoodlnff MemoriHl “ ’

VUlUnc hours a t OoodlnR County I— Meroof/iU haxplM are /rom 3 Us i :10 and 7 to 6:30 p. m.

ADMrrTED Mrs. Mer)rOT\-3)ey. Hngermaa

DISMIfSSED '----t Mrs. Calrtn BurcTA'' and MW. Her- T

bert PatlerTon. Jr.; and aon. BILm : for I , Charlotte McChce. Shoahone. aad 3 P.I Harrj- McKtnlay, Ooodlng. > mor

--------- B. iCottaKC, Burley Z i

ADMITTED 'Mrs. Patrlcln CallanUne. Mrs. . h

Mary U u Funk and Mrs. Elw I Jones, nil Duriey, and John Reichert, , . 3 : I RuperL •*

DISMISSED „](.Mr.v Luellft Pelerson. Peler Bodily ritoi

nnd O il, Wllllnm-v nil Burley, and Bcvrrly Schwab, Edrn. th .

BIRTHS niayI A rnn wn. born tn Mr. and Mrs. nnd ■

r , L C.illjinuiie, BurJej-.II

Rupert General' ADMITTED "30

Mrj. De»n DsvIk. Rnncrl.DISMISSED ma.M

'I rcrm ln Canlii. Rnnrrt.HIRTHS '''I* I

A riniijhler wt\r, born tn Mr, and [• Mrs, Dean Davij, niiperi. held

W eatherMatic Valler — Lnea) fl<iurilne»i cliiiri

Jonlcfit and fom om ur «ifh a fetr ! . Kallcred aprinkle^ tnnUhl. Xltht I and tnomlni: fog. H lth tomnrmw 3S

lo <6. In<r lon lth l Ifi to 3J. I.nw latl n lfh t i 'l a t a.m. and 37 at nnon.

ij " i K

-<)rtl»n .... . »7 3; i

1; Rc

.Sl t o i i i i J l n .. ki

|ggrjr:E E ; = ;; I:


^ 1 - _______________ i —

K e e p th e W h ite n a B 1 o f B a le ty F ly in g


’ - f K= 4 n •l!l 0

. ' h ic r

f f o w a e v e n d a y t io ith o u t a 0 y I r a f / l c d e a th tn our M agic ii c V allc]/. ^• I I i>

' Sale of Laml): ToBePuslied •; I In New Ai’eas sa ( r . . . r . , . n « i f,1, president nf the council tha t hai IU “ I, hnsdquarter* in Denver, Coin.• BreckcnrldSfl said there are ex- bi

IstUie aficnctes for adrertisin; of ti. wobl. T he Wool bureau, with head- 01 , <]UarUr« 'in New York Cliy. spends

nne and one-quarter million dollars „ n year on l u promollon.i. The new q

• orfon liatlon will supplement tile bureau on wool to some exirnt, glv- .

- In j m ost of 111 enersles over to publlc ltlntrlam b. "

T he northw est sheepmen, ild.iho, ^ Oregon and W ajhlnglonj, Drrcken- " ridge aU ted, received m an of ihrlr Income from the sale ot Iambi. Tliry >1'

I feel th ts promotion campxlen kii( »>i ‘ be a s re a t asset to ihelr batinrss. or• *nie money wlll be spent thmuRit bl ( the Bolsford.ConsU nltne and Oard-I ner advertlaln* agency who have ! offices In San Pranclsco. Denver. „! Seattle. Portland, and New York Cily,. Sheepmen, the wool aasociaUon . . 1 president pointed oul. sr« larlf/- *.

minded, u■ This Is because no wool grown In o,' the U nited S u ie s U exported, heI pointed ouL Al Uie name time,

enormous amounla ot raw nnd pro- fU cetsed wool are Imported from Eng- P« Isnd, Japan , France nnri Ilsly. Wooj ch production In these countries costs Ipis, therefore, the u r l t f keep, Jor- elgn producers on a level with do- jj, meslic sheeTirnlsets. For Ih l, rea- son. also, Breckenridge pointed out, , , th» NaUonnl Wooliv-owers assocln-

' lion is an emphatic boMler ot the O rganltation of Trade Cooperation, a Ineans of IntemaUonal uade reg- *'» ulatlon. T lie U. 8. has one repre- I®' senUUvB on tlils regulatory body. Cf

A bus1ne.vi session followed the tn I addreas. A nomlnnUng eommlllee lid . was appointed. Members are Mr«, 1 I B. H. Proctor, Kimberly; Mra, C. H,• Krengel. T w in Fnlls, and Mrs. James da

Shields, « u h l . ,„cThe committee wll! report and in

nlllcera will be elected a l lhe next juc I meeting Ja n . 32. d t

■ ‘Back to School’1 Program Is Held

I *t To famllarlze partnU with the ^ i w rrin ilum , p a t tn u of Uin Lincoln nJ• k MMI w p lU wenl ‘'back to school" y , '■ refu lar PTA meeting

• T eichei* eonducled SO-mlnule V seaslons for the parenu. if.

t Durlna Uie business meelina.which Mrs. John Breckenridge open-

I ed wlilj lho InvocaUon, Mrs. Marvin ] Custer reporled proceeds from the b* hnr\est fesUval amounted lo I7M. ».

Community slnslng was directed mn by Mrs. Custrr. Mra, K. R. Sander- ed son's fourth Brads room won the parent attendance banner. *>'•

R efreshm enu were served by par- art enu ot llie fourth crade children, mo

Two Cars Crash 2BUHL. Nov, 39-A 19H Ford driv .

eii by Mr*. Paul Johnson. Butte, Mont., nnd a IS4K Ford driven by h.l Krnnk M. Quigley. Buhl, collided Monday a t a county fntt«ec£Ion c U o miles south ol Duhl Neither n ri driver waa Injured.

Dam.igA to tho 18S4 Ford was es- _ tlmate<l a t »500 and to the 104B Ford I ' at HOO,

M agic Valley | e F unerals . K

TWIN FALLS — Puneral services for A brahnm U Fox will be held a l ..3 p. m. T luirsday a t ih r T»’ln Falls mortuary chnpel with Uie Rev. no)-d B. McCnrUiv oftlclailng. ConcludlnR , rlic., win be held In Sunset Memorial


• HAZELTON-Putiera! sen'lces for 1",* Mrs. Blanche Ho»smon will be held , , «13;30 p.m. Wednesday a t lhe While ,,/J mortuary chapel with the Rev, Don-aid Black.,lone offlclaUng. Final rites wlll be held a t Twin KalU cem- * ' etery. Memorials may be made to the Amerlcnn Cancer fund. Friends may call a t the mortuao’ Tuesday and unlll 3 p.m, Wednesday. q |

TWIN FA L L S-Rfusry for Mrs. \ts rcare t W ncner will be recited a t ^ V3n p. m. Thursday a t the Twin Kalli m ortuary chnpel Requiem hjgh ■iia.\, will be celebrated a l 10 a. m. Fridny a t 81. Edward's church with !hr RU Rev, Mscr. J. P. OToole as -flebr.nit. ConcludlnK rites will be ield In Tw in frills cemetery.

JPJtOME — Puneral services for Melvin U r Adams will be held al 2

rhiireh with lhe Rev. Dwight E. WIN rJje.- n/fjcMKfiff. CflHoJijdlnff r»e.i olll ;>e held i\l Siiiuet Memorlnl park, rwln Vftlli. ^Ylends may call a t the nurhirr m ortuary until time of

^Kayler Lodge No. 94 '

A.F. & A.M.

Regular Busine*. m d Annual]] jElection nf Oftieen. :

Thursday, Dre. 1

Kinata A. W.Sk C. 1. nrilll... iW. M. . ItMtturr 1

Mm>« •<S1>XS f k*i» S}«4 >• All B«)nn<n

Drivers Draw ~ $375 in Fines- ^ T hrough Ai'ea

TMI. Iln.tMonday by Sheriff Thom as Conner Uen and Deputy C turles Pcueh. A

Leon Allen, Glenns Ferry, was fined WO Monday by Jerom e Police Judge Ruasell flhaud on a e b a r n of nejllgen l drlvlnif.

Justice o f the Pcace Archie Nes- j j , hll, Ruperl. Bunday fined L. J . Hull, g„d ROpert, |3S and $3 cosu on a charge y / ^ of negUgenl drlvlnd. A t ihe same xhoi time he Hntd Hull's companions. Erne Elun Durkin and J . M. McDonald, both Rupert. *25 and *3 cosU on charges of public IntoxlcaUon.

The th ree men were arresled a t 3 dsy am . Sunday by S U le Patfolm an th e i Hoy Thomas. The s la te patrolm an »«o< tald Hull ,sU hed the m otor o f his Satu car In fron t of Dolly's cufe a t the of th ]uncllon of highways 'JS and 30 but wllll

1 couldn't Bct Uie automobile In gear, tro-l ’ He aaid H ull tum ed off the IsniUon,

put the car In gear and th e n su r te d y t , the motor again. | J ]

T lioniis said the aut/imoblle went . back and /orth acraia highway 30 T ; t Uiree time* betore h lU ln i a fence X . ■ on Um aouth side o f the rond.‘ S U U PaUolman Roy Thom as U- ‘ sued clU tlons over Uie week-end to ' Gordon R . Picket, liupe rt, on a _• cliarfe o f netUeent <!rlvlns; Dewey ; E- LewU, Rupert, on a similar ^ ’ Charge, a n d Connie Enrl Taylor. "■ /

Tulle Lake, Callf., and EWon P.; NIelaen, Burley, speeding.

Ronald D. K napp. Pocatcllo, waa . fined 110 and cosU Monday hy Sho- „,n#i I titono Jollce Judse F ra n k Bsyllss

on a charse of run n ln s through . \ cutio blinker light. ers i

Larry Marker, Idaho Palls, wa* wraU fined 115 and eosU by JusUce ot lhe - n Peace F rank Dice Snturday for drlv- i« d Inc WlUt a revoked license. He paid holle snoUier » J i and cosu for speeding what on U. S. highway 83 n o rtij o f Sho- reac t shone..Ho was cited In to court by hou« s u t e patrolman WUUam Bnker. hsve

Elmer D . H amilton, Paul, was told i fined »l# Saturday by Ju stice of the Thi Peace Archl# Nesbit, R upert, on a sUidy charg* of speeding. to pr

Charles M. McConkle, Burley, was arrealed by Rupert police on a charge of failure to yield the right Am ot way following an accident a l a Ion I am . Monday a t th e Intersection of callei ElghUt s tree t and highway 30N.

Police snld Jam es F. Davis. Rupert, had Slopped for a stop sign in his 1951 Dodge. They added th a t Mc- _ Conkle, dHvlng a 1935 Intem aU onal / ' ' ' UTJck, made a le ft tu m and col- llded wllh the Dodge.

Clinton R . Blackwood, 167 Pller unite avenue wesl, waa found guilty Mon- f, day In ]usUce courl of operaUng a motor vehicle a t 35 miles an hour • „In a 24-mlle sone, The c ou rt deterred , Judgment unUl T hursday . He wns * cited about lliJO p. m . Inst Tliurs- “ ‘ , day by Deputy S h rrllf W ayne Hnn- " kins on Polk street.

Dennis U RawJInpt, J». route 3. , Twin Falls, wa* fined *15 and « . , ca,U Tue.iday In Twin FalU JusUce eourl when he pleaded guilty of , apeedlng. He wns d ie d Friday by , , Deputy Sheriff Wnyno Hnnkln., on “ ' Main avenu# soulh for driving « J ' mllea an hour In a 25-mlle tone. gf „

Mrs. Jennie Doty “ Passes a t Age 77

Mrs. JenniB A. D oty. 77, M13 j.j,n,ir Seventh avenua east, died a t 1:10 u«j\v a. m. Tue.iday a t M agic Valley Me- morlal haipltal following a prolong- pmrai ed lllnr.M, recent

Born April 27. 1878. In Perry coun­ly. III. Mr.i. Doly cnme to Uie Mar<waren In 1918 trom Cisco, HI, She ...... .moved lo Twin Falls tn 1022: She r a s a member o t lh » MeliiotSUl Sam 1 church In Illinois, ‘’''ore*

In addition In h e rjiu sb an d , Oscar Doty, iUie I, survived by one broUier, hLindsey Troestrr. Pulaakl. HI.; nnd _____two siiier.v Mrs. C arrie DuvaU.Slkesion, Mo., and Mr*. Elsmer Al- ------len, Coliinibiu, O.

Funrral services are pending at Reynolds funrral home.

Two A rraigned in ^ Kidnap-RapeCaseELKO. Nev.. Nov. 29 OTt—Two aus- , 1 j

pecU In the kldiiap-rape of two Phoenix, Arlr.. women were a r- >*7^ ralgneil In Elko d is tric t c ou rt Mon­day. The

TYoy Hr.M, 19. and M ike Sler- <lp«tlr ling. 21. entered pleas o t Innocent.TOfll WA, -sfi Jor M arcJi 32.

The women, who were accosted while sifrpltij In Uielr cn r along­side Ihr hiKhway near Wells Inst July IS. hnvr Identified th e su.ipect.,.In part, by their long ducktall hair- cuU,

In cftiiri HfM hiid S terling asked Judge T;.>lnr Wines if they cotiirt lave Ihetr hair cut. T ile judge an- jJl jwcred ‘'Y e, . . . b u t only a trlm.“ jo

t iu u :k »:ii a r RE.STk d . brRUPERT, Nov. 2t>—S tn te Patrol- tr^

n a n Roy Thnmii.i h as c ited Kenneih 3. Keaiby. Hsrclion. on a chftrnr ‘ if drivinK a uuck th a t wa* nol ?" •quipprd ^ llh niudflaps. ___________ ~


- Tmii Falls New8«BaT« Oaaee -S*« ,

Tho Y-Coeds win squsre dsr.ee a t Mrt. I p jn . Wednesday s t the "Y- roomi. snd » IM Second svrnur esst. Mondi

____ _ overUrUen Released

A release ol lax l!rn for 19M sUte VWta» taxes s c a lu i Clarence snd Vera Mr*. Brubaker was Ulfd Tues<f«y » JUl the Dtlilil rw in Fslls couniy recorder's office. Anjelt

------- givingVlalt FsrenU W. C.

Mr. and Mr«. Clifford Thompson ind daughter, J a n e t . EphraU, Ta* L W ash, ha»e been vUtllng Mrs, A fe Thompson's pue n u . Mr. and ilra. dsy In Ernest Wickham. Ta in Pills. Jlce *i

_____ wlUiht* u « d la r M «i

Dr. Pred T, Kolouch left Mon- Isy for Seatlle where he will allend Lhe meeUng of the Western Surgical issoclsllon from WednesdsyUirough Saturday. Dr. Kolouch ts a member • “ « ' if the arranjemenis commitlee snd *111 be moderator of a panel on g u - ‘ ‘“ f Jti-lntesunal surgery. g®

Union Leader Hits Misuse of jniursc

Welfare FundWABHINQTON. Nor. 2S «v-John

* UwU called on congress yesier- ,j lay to crack down on the "human jounty ackals tn d scoundreki" who he ssld nisuse Union welfsre funds. The 76- p,j[j , ■ear-old chief of the Unl^d Mine m kic Vorkers union <UMW) suggested a “ ongresslonsl resolution urging the tlc rvy-eenertl to step up prose- U p p utlons In allsueh casea. Union lesd- rs themselves did not eacspe his i . fram . A l" If some of lhe lesders of organ- OAK

led labor »ouid abandon Ihelr In cas lOller-Uian-Uiou atUlude and forget were U vhat thry are going lo do wlUi the age dO) (sC of the world and put their own Ity h it ouse In order, welfsre funds might nlghl. i sve a betier chsnce to live," Uwls The old a senale labor subcommlUee. 8:30 a The subcommlllee Is making a

Uidy of Uic need for new leglalallon 9 protect union welfare funds, now J” ® “O' rowing a l Uie rate of about five bll- on dollars a year.Angelo Jncljo, n Chicago labor un- monrv

)n leader, did not nnswer when ' ailed aa a v.ltiie.M a t Monday's enrhii,’, allhough hc had been sub- Ogiffi oenaed. Chnlrman Douglas, D., I ll, ,lid h f foulil iiiovo laier lhat Jnclso p e cited for conlenipl of congrc.«. p4ft4nc* Tlie senalops seek an explanntlon The bri

f how the liralth snd sccldcnl In- Sheriff jrance program works in inclso's Golden :|ilcsgo locnl .Vo, 28S ol the AFZ. inlted Aulo Workers. Tills is differ- n » n t from Uie CIO Auto Workers un- J V la j

No precUe explanation has been I j Iven of w hy lhe union collecU M.15 month per employe from employ- SllOf

rs bul rtevolea only *5,15 a month Qoodln'i 1 Insurance protection for the lenced' orkers. by ProlLewis. wlio.<e own unlnn operates charge welfare fund spending aboul ItS

lilllnn rinllani annually fnr the ben- sentenci :it of miners and Ihelr dependents, Rl* a lid the subcommittee he couldn’t cation i igscst sny new laws. Pcace fHc aen t on lo say Uiere are plenty °\

' exljtlng /edcral and state laws n ,;® ' ■gulaUng trusu and the handling

funds so Uiat anyone mliappro- '•Inilng sueh money can be pro.ic-

Members of lhe subcommittee' had c tm Ipj* ilhlnc but praise for lhe way the The cl MW fund ll belnx handled, Lewis' w stimoiiy marked h i, first public ap. jliomal ■araiice since he recovered Irom a r«iion ti cenl mild heart aliacli.

FINAL CIIOHT. ' Y ( ]WHITESnURO, Ky.. Nov. 29 l^ \- im Sexton, 60, who married nnd “ ^QE lorced the same woman .levrn '*• lies, died nl h i, nearby Sand Lick J'"'* ip home yeslerday, “'‘If

i ' — =■ I a llceiue

The glrU who wrar kluproof ftljnii Mtlfk Uiually aren't. , TliUt.vln;

No surgery n< reduce swell

painful piles aamatlng new, abwlinely lU ln. eonil.!n

lorlure. Called "Stalnlf.., it mlnw I brought iMlenf rrllfl m doclor's You ,u

? li'2 s "p ^ ro 7 ‘l"e? & X o r " l«ulis. »hy. I riLCKCMtor |

jT T r a v e l o n A

y ' S«« your Tioilv,

T J M E S -N E W S , t w i n I

E W S in Brief-------------- --— — ' ?£‘arklog Iiands Posted _Mrs. Uoyd Adamson, J. O. Young T

nd Max Uoyd posted *1 bond* J j londsy wlUj Twin Palls police lor vertlme parking.-------- nlsht e'Wtars Depart • 'e r wlUMr*. Virginia Poteet and nephew. aUon l<

icnnU EhJr/, bJ»*e relum ed lo Lnsngeles afler spendlnB the Thanks- iving holiday wiUi he r moiher, Mrs. n„n j« /. C. Broa-n, Twin Falls. avenue

'ax Uen Plied nf^ie^lA federal u x lien was filed Mon-

ay In Twin Fslls couniy clerk* of- ^ ,ce agslMt Frank S . Cavcnder tor tn lUiholdlBg u x In the amount of ^ loa.eo for the tax period ending

_____ Earn.:etams to Seattle eommisKay Turner has returned lo Be- becsuse

llle, WssJ), to resume her work as High s< stewardess with Unlled Air llnea Olaysr

tier ipendlng Thank-,giving wllh not int er moUier. Mrs. Mildred Turner, Just do » Sixth avenue east. fhal hi

or*« MeeUng Sel ‘he yea Regular meetlne of dL,u-iet No, 3. no clfc

fcensed PracUcal Nurses sssacln- missionon, wlll be conducted a t 7:30 p-m . No othursday In the Mnglc Valley Me- local I: lortil hoaplUl auditnrium. Student was rec racllcsl nurses nre Invited. ordlnan

-------- pa.ssedax Ucns Filed • rules, su te u x liens for 195< Uxes were Other led Tuesdsy wllh the Twin Palls lnclude< >unty recordcr'.s office ngalnsl Earl from loi tld Msry Jordan, roule 3, Twin the cily alls, for I27.CO and against LouUe were U t. KJers, Twin Falls, for II0J5. study a;

__________________ Tlie

5real(in Reported « At Oakley School £v5;

OAKLEY, Nov, 20—More than tSO a req . cash and a vending machine rmi ali ere uken and more than liO dnm- tend Ihi te done In a burglary a t the Oak- mil be : r Wgh school aome time Sunday „•))] cajj ghl. odiclals reported Tuesday: Englnee. The breakin was discovered a t commlss 30 am. Monday by Herbert J. Tents ardy. Janitor, when h e opened the jiruclloi hool, Max Onllaher. prmclpAl anld c|h- pgi ve doors In the school were opened federal ■lotl; entrance ufls RoJnrd lo Ujc CroisJ hool ofilce. Onllaher said of MonUis nlor class funds. J5 Of iichooMunch oney and the money in thc vend- ,,oft g machine were t.-xken. He valued nircratt e machine a t >20. WllbuCallfiher al.no e-sumnled that dmn- n,metier ;e to the safe nniouninl lo 150. Hc Q..y f-c Id j:oo In ano ther locked 90m- ^nrt wn JUncnt In Uie safe w.is overlooked. tn» 1,

brenkln U being Invrtl'gaied by * lerllf u r a g e Laytoij nnd Mnrshnl Jlden Harper.


Ian Is F ined for Disturbing Peace mudriaj:

SHOSHONE. Nov. 20-M arvln Rlx. , jodln'g. was fined SlOO nnd sen- , *® . ni:ed to six m onlhs in Jail Tiie.wlny Probate Judge R. E, Powell on a

ame of dLicurblng th r pence. ■ ■ ■ dte Powell suspended the Jnll i l f i l l tlence.Rlx al.w Is fncing a public inloxl- lion chargc before Ju.Mlcr of the ace Frank Dice nnd hns po.,ted a nd of JS3 for h ls nppenrance In jr l on S.ilurdny.Ux wns picked up on Uie Inloxl- :lon charge M ondny n lghl a t n o.4ione pnolhnll nnd taken tn • sheriff's office by Police Chief ;k Meyers and D epufy Shrrllf y nrlfs PeuRh.rhe chnrge of d l'tu rb ln e lhe peace 5 » Jodged agalrjst R lx by Slierlff omal Conner followlnK an alter- i t 1 lon in Uie sh e riffs office, ^

Youth Is Fined —lAQERifAN. Nov. 2!>-D!ile Vtn- . 18, Hagerman, wns fined t3Sn I .wnt 10 Jnil for 150 dnys by Pro- B Judge Jnmes P . G avieit Tues- K.' oil charges o t d riving vlihouLcctue nnd drlvlnjc a vehicle wlUiiroper rcgistrntlon.udRp O ouctt sentenced Vinson60 days In Jnll a n d flnrd him la .m lu ,3 on the liccn.w chnrge and sen- s.e.pitcnerd him lo 00 dnya nnd tlned1 >150 nn the rcglstrntlon charge.Ce Ooviea explained tha t clr«^'tnncrs surrounding the cn.se nimi, in pnrt, Xor th s . severity Uie sentence. —

Sl'ITUVISORS TO MEET HWIIONE. Nov. 29-Supen 'Is-' of lhe Wood rlv c r snli conjerv- 'II <il,irlrt wlll m eet n t B:30 p.m. itvliiy nt the ShtMhone office.'

n e e d e d t o e l l in g o f 1 i i a t h o m e ! 5sSfoSS'K"',:;,,;;; fj'•fanrit'. Reduce swelling. Check *■ inor bleeding, Promole healing,^ »U, walk in comfort, c-fi nrw .Sinlnlr.v, l*nio«. Onlv

I pile remedy tha t wnn l »laln clothe*, Si(ppn,.|. /

to r lorlr., o r O ln tm rn t a l / '------1 all drugglaU todnyl A ‘


* " fo«


■>“~ ^ o v e - M D n e ^ * ~ -------------- to-in A ir C o n d i t i o n c of /e L u x u ry L i n e r s ^'o llw oyt o g*n ! to d o y . '

P H O N E 2 2 4 0 |

N F A L L S ,' I D A H O _____________

' i .

Panel Studies i g

Parking Lots L— Leasing Plan S

(r>.> P u t 0«.» jectloilight except lo ask u tlm ore to con.rr with the member* of the corpor- chrU l lUon lo obtain furUier Informslltm.

At Jhe suggesUon of Chlcf Gillette local < he board did nol revoke the beer *long icense of lhe OasU Dar, 4J« Main . . . c ivenue south. coffee

A hearing to determine revocsUon lomey if Uie license held by Joe Olavarrla ponde; vas Kheduled. Olllelle expUlned foreca lia t Olavarrla had Indlcaled he oier U las trying to sell h li place and If ing m> he commission revoked his license ord pl; le would lose his enUre Investment. ii«|f.g

Earlier. Olllelte had asked the street lommlsslon to revoke the license counll lecsuse Olavarrla had sold beer to Mr*. 2 Ugh school students. O llie te said, gadgei Olavarrla Is not vfcfous snd doea te lllnf lot Intend to violate Uie law. He . . . Je ust does not undersund our laws high . :ovemlng such m slten . I suggest Blue 1 h s t he be given until Uie first of earryli he year lo sell hls place but under in alle 10 clrcumsUnces should the com- mind ' (jlsslon renew hU license." » e n l tNn objections to the formation of

ocal Improvement district No. 70 v f i-as received during the meeling. An 0 1 irdlnance creating lhe district was la.ssed under a suspension of the T ylea. . .LrtJ

Other business of the commission ncluded the opening of six bids Y rom local firms lo furnish gravel lo hig foi he cily street depsrtment. The bids ,_ . i„ 1 ,erc lumed over to LaUmore for * tudy and recommendaUon,Tlie commission authorised the '

elnvesUnept of >10,000 In U. 8. reasiiry bllli: U.OOO in the 3PM ond redempUon and Interest fund; nd >2.000 In the locsl Improvement The und gusranlee, l u t at:A request for aid under the fed- Mid ••l

ral aid airport- program lo ex- aubillt ;nd the runway i t ihe city alrpnrt ihe gr 111 be made. A 1,000 foot extension — ^ III cost approxlmslely >90,000. City.' nglneer Norman Croesley told the jmmlsslon. ITenlaUve date for sU rllng con-, ^ :rucllon Is July I, 1957. with the 'Ity paying halt the cost and the; rderal government the other half.> CroisJey safd during the past JJ ^

lonUis a to u l of 10,130 passengera. B avo enplaned from the local a ir- ' M nrt. A lolnl of 32 airworthy clv|]Ircratt are bnsed on the field. {Wilbur S. Hill was reappointed a '

lember of the library board andi Ur« . Ily CommlMloner Howard Burk-' nrt was named ex-ofllclo member, r Uie board.

TRUCKER FINED I ^JEROME. Nov. 29 — William t . ■

larding, Hnrelion, was fined >3 and HJ cosU. Monday by Probate Judge H hrran Wnrd on a charge of drivingiruck Ihnl was not eiiulpped with B

ludtlaps. j m

Vou can'l go wrong with Bogler' 1 ■edl trom Globe Seed-Feed. Ady,' *

" " 3 ' iS o sm o o th [ | 3 j Q |

it le.-ivcs you I

Ssi™#! ^- V O D K A W o

ie.Pit(nJm(tnoSfl. ln<..HiiifM4.Co"«l. ^

Give fhcm (heir

fovoriie music to ly |fflj)

be enjoyed for y e o rj

rpcnrci^ ond o lb u m j ^

to SUll every to stc,

C L A U D■ "Y O U R B A L D W I^

Seen Toda^,’' a>L. Jame* Koulnlk wearing csll- m J* e r tn te ^ io re d sweater ’ r tOman carrying 2-year-old ^alklng Jn front of ear' , t 1 ,^ 7 ^ cUoa . . City official sponim ^Dah Igh l red aocks . . . Woman plscln» r» l» am tirlslmas seaU on leller* , . , 5u S I " ‘Hht, t lllee gaUierlng for-conferenc. inl' '“ “'‘' 0 cai office . . . SanU CUus m tn r ong Main avenue In small train . , Grover DavU having monuni . ffee in Main avenu# cafe . . a i- “ m ey pacing floor In office u he 5^ ^ '” mders caae , . . Amateur weather “ recaster predicting snow . . . Tod- e r tr)-mg lo reach crank on nark- 1 ® g meter . . . Woman carryUig rte- f 'L* *' d player Inlo repair shop . . . Four Sf ilf-gallon botUea of mUk on Poik .,5 ,“ reet residence atep . ... children in unllng days until Christmas . . ^ , 1. r t. Z iU Roache wtartng ChrUlmsa ^ , i r d ge i corsage . . . Car salesman h | ^ ' „ Ulng features ot new IBM models jiif». Jerome-licensed car loaded with u> a ehi

gh school atudenu speeding on The ue Lake boulevard norUt. M.n t a i reo rrylng bucket ot ashes to fill holes alley . , . And overheard: “Never- H *'

lnd the nickel; the traJflc cop iu*t 1V13T w l down the sU-eel* ^

-------------- F(few Big 4 MeetsLoom for Summer jdljVrict'OAJNESVnXE, O a, Nov. 29 flfl- n. Waller P. George predlcU the c four foreign mlnlsier* wlll meet ''P aln by summer, StepThe chairman ot lhe senate for- *tn relaUons eommlllee saifl an- , * “ Her foreign ministers’ conterence deairable even U It results in fall-

rh e Georgia Democrat endorsed It summer's *ummlt meeUng, He SHOJ d ''the struggle for some sort ot services iblllty o r order li\ the world"* 1* urday , e greatest goal to be sought. chspel

SilUaiUr SS.tr-Im4 L'KITKD Bl»c>- ✓ -> y.r . . . . K i c ^ l Q «lll»r ^ ^ “ ,11 ^

A 7 x 5 0 -?

•nie " s ll . purpose- light gathering poi S lre«-U x7U . KA 7 x SO CENTER FO center focus. Reg Uriy >54.50. S a Priced >32.551

16x50-$39.95 ■'S:"'luper Power Uial brings Uie "world lo yo f ft ." Only weigh* J7 ounces, 7 ' high. Es 0 how, easy |« focus, gai* PrJewl only

j :Sale Priced Only I27.9S

Pocket BinocularsAfliro«<*Ilf. riU'nul7X -fillver Kphlni

S a ir r riM o n ly tllJ

lOX 'WhUper

9 V KaleVricronlV'>r9.f

Volt Bloyiock's

Coronet Camen■rrint H otel BMg.

^ P l


_________________ t u e e d ^ - c

Storep m oIs strtick V |Iht,

■ey Uld 5 number ai

Officers Said d»,

*i« buiiain, ^

school C1S 2 ^ sported 1 ^


'« Judge Hlith x ji rhe mominf _j_ with le s tta a j!^ S lephenuadit^v «rs. Parroltiitteli!! e U rtpfttnijy w mes M. Cunnij t,.’ rcpre»enu4 kes.

SE8VICU till3HOSHOKE.;lcesw i|ib«hfau |lay a t lh, C a t- a pe l ^


-$29.95 i-pose'- blnccuUr. T: g power, 37J.|«lta

HALF. rglCZS, M It FOCUS <Hni(&&

Regu- ^Ilo your I B . Easy I


ort Power. Weljhi SALE PRICID r t

340-Fml nii!


S tt ^ n l

’ >H is

>19J5 JS ia f l iS B

itn CenlF k i |


fN sI.LER" _____ m

B^°^Tkr itrat %» H ^ B i ^ SOenevB 8„„aundt<l by 1

ol ratln -“5

4-H Lea.■ n ^ i l i for Re<i China

p , f s . ‘; = To B e:loc»l roinmunljt

pri?~»C S After (K ^rzs ln“ trn ii'''' nrrn*.B n O '.'f" fnco\jr.iefmenl j.tagie vallcy *-H K l u-jwi*. Pf om!.<r no /lonoreif tC k b»aqa<

hdp W iina'Tfle- dny-lone workahop^^lB ,»n<J on nnil on. duu-id ^ .h Itndrr

iM Soviet IfArfefii fecoKtilUon meetinc H 'jd M w M t, jiup tfi Ornnite Iwll. ^ 0, United SU_^s. M F. YouU, i

lni«?Tsr^ exttiulon *Kent. mK K F ‘- « c l c ^ ' ' ' ' i ' " . - . . . wlllbcKlni>l9».m.» ---------------------- iclifdulfd lo set uri£

f c r i S O n R O f l d '’ y^ui^ rtmlndtd f ■ f j^, a -C on.'*rvntlon Junior Jfndtrs plannl

rrporl#<l on mnke Ih tlr rf.itrv; H { Lttu load u> county n sm l'i o(flc>■ iiw m ff lln e of Uie Jiecclvlns •»vnr4< K e > Jfj.tiJiy And Mked „.,,, jijn,, ^ c iS lsfon trlbu le to Uic Lenf Clover club Itni■ gold elovcr pin for J HfU r. Tiln Pftll.''. deputy Icftder«liJp.B i i —,lUfA'fd better nt- yive-year nllver c■ iKtuur nlsht* in hU to Hiilpli and Wi■ apw p. W. W, Lowry, itnd^rs of Uie Norll

Merle Mft*oner club ot Bulil: EarlH » iS (n lin » priK. ford Llvcaloci clubH - ---------------- ------------ Wllll»m.v' Kller. Tip^ L , t A1,e/»rv/»/1 lender; Mrs. J. JM l U D S e r V e a leader of me V«HeyH u . 'i , Hov. 29 —Sunday and Mr.<. Mnrtin W<^ K t t i It the LDS church sen. Lcnrnlne L.-m:

Councllmnn AUon BABIH ^ . u i p e a k e r . g y ^ppQ IN T M ?B t t pr»yer w elvfti by .■ a i m choir, under 111#■ ? U n . Joseph Hnycort. • • *■ a U tL o t lw iu Kccom- l / r k l ' ^ H P I

pnjrer wm offerrd ^ C N b D fclM iiiw .__________ ___________ PHONE

■"Toble M odel

H J CONTEMPORARY STYLING■ • AIUMINIZED PICTURE TUBE■ ' • range f in d e r "88" CHASSIS■ • WRGc DYNAMIC 6" SPEAKER■ - » Ha r m o n iz in g base a v a ila b l


I , K o v 0® i f i i ! L _ _

Prizes Set for L

by UUle reoplet* ChrUlmai Cninrlnr lyd. 2S . d iu rh U r of Mr. and Mri. Ker id doll aeccMorle*. F.seh of the lo;> m

3adiers Nippon ‘ a Feted Exploi

C 1 TOKYO. Nov, : j r L i O l l i a D unlvrr*ltv«irnILiits 1 MplodNl lui - n lender wllj be bomb In th r v u i aqitfC falloK-lnc Oie OuUr Aloneollt. lop of Uie -annual Prof. Tadnn Klvo' ndrr traln lns *nd unlvfr*liy fJiUmnW'd Unc Dec. 7 a t the Instnimenu pisced tinll. In Japan thm ihilU, »*.\LiUint county, Mid lhe workshop "m. with tho bntiQUet » f 1>««1 »>la report .under wny « l 6:30 ' ' '^ t r M c n . o l U L

ed all iMder# nml ■annlnB to nii^nd to

for Unlled Nation.^ n office here. oppMllloa of *ome iir4< a l the bnnquel i;iie Gobi de.wrt I jjljam Bryan. Pour o t irec.f *tid .luppa I lender. Twin rn lla, thorn nnd « n ib . 1 for 10 years of «-H mlle.i from north to

mllex from enti to u er clover p lru 'wlU KlyokAw» e.nimnt* 1 Wnrren H nrt, co- Sorlhvlew Llvealockl i n l Hcldel. Cnnllc-I / 4;Iub lender: Hnrley. / I /Tip Top Llve.iiock i. J, F. Nipper. Duhl, U . J - Jilley View MBlden*.I Wellhou-ien. }U n- LiisleA lender.

^ lE S crMENT ONLY! Annour anythlni; ela^prlcet In Town! ‘ 1 3 0 M

D E L I V E R Y H ours 9 -1 2 ; : NE 6 0 3 __________ r


^ IC E

iN!;e r i s — ______ _____________

_______________________ T IM E S -K E

Little People’s Coloi

n t rontMt prliM, « ln n rn «f Ihe TImei-N Kfutifth L. Boyd, cr»nd prlte winner will » will to swarded ince on m teletUlon ahow

I Scientist Qoims Rii oded Test in Gobi D<: j iif'-A J*panrw place of the Boviet hydro

■It Mid lodsy Soviet alnn Jrom nlmosphenc pi lu InlMt hydrogen .Mrumenta in Kyoto anrt a t Gobi d e » rl o f to Ihe aouth and wexU

on Oifi lAhnii »m nnd ' :ivoki«» of Tokyo the Jnpnn wa. ilfd trnm acltnllflc Ench of ilie three ed at three polnU Honshu, the main Jnp.in Ihe Ru.i.ilKn - if tt Unu-iual ahock wnvr.t

ed *t aboui 12:30 corded In lhe three ciUe.i I. 22. tale nfiernoon of Nov. 22port on tlm upherlc ane^e acleiiiLsl anld.

K ij’okAU'c juTd )ie calc a ll a communLil tlrnc «nd jlto of the ex;

Red Chin* and irlnnKUlnUon n n d coi central Alla. I l Li bn.ied on the speed of ni •I0.1COK la propoitlnc ahock wnve.i of VAO'lnir I M nifmbpr«hlp over The Jnpan cenir/il mel ne we.Mfm nailoivi. obiervntorj- nUo r.illmntoi r t Ll mtMtly devoid Sovlel blnit took place o ipporu only gra.v. but did £01 lu JI. It 1.1. aboui COO The meteoroloKicnl c , to MUth nnd 1,000 nLw bawd li-i compul to wr. t. almMpherlo ahnck wnvennted the time and menl.i nnd recordi nf i

[nnoufi^cingr. 0 . L. KELLEY


nounces th e O p e n in g of O ffices o f


2; ‘2-5; 7-8 Phone !


, PA C K /

a TVf f i NOTHING F Si’S-' . . . . NO G I ' j . . . N O T T F



I # - “

^ , W hen you buy

a t A nderson 's

• 2 4 " TAE


• A L U M I t


NO DO'— — fii

oriiijf Contest

I f

O l

ei-Newi ro n te i l now under way. The >111 recel»e a tr ip lo New Vork a a d a t ihow. iSlaff ph o lo 'cn c ra tin il

{ ■ ■ e g C o n c e r t S l a ^V .I.ICO WF.NDELL, NOV. 29r-v T ro jnn band, dlrecird by

I p c p i * ! will present lu llrat con.I g p m . weCdrosen explo- H 'c Kli'd'* achool.IC pre.wire In- A nmnll nrimlMlon fi anrt twn citle.i rliiiiuert nnrf funds rala .RAl—Okay.imn >" tlnnnce blind Wi nd ToliojJ on ilv)Ur».___________ •

• jllle.i t l Oil rnln. The.ie Indlcaled t lp. ne. e lilniul.| m urhed off n hydrogen di ,vr.i aerc re- .urenKlh thnn the Amrr Ue.idurmc the te.-.ted nl niklnl M nrch :

22, the Jn p . T h e Kyoto Inborntory covrrcd Ulc principle ot

calculntcil thr nuVic.ir Mpiftiiofm by ji : explosion by .Oiock unvex as a result

conipuuilon.i m nde of recordlnj inalrui if nlmD.iphrrlc iji r Bikini test, le IrKiurncles. ~nieleorolOKlc.il :int«l th n l the

: i £ r i = = ' I f l M f HI ob.^ervnU>ry L w U I I I

r ” i “ u ” NEW LESS^ rndioium c |.^oW BEI^

A sk ab o u t our Renta l irioy be


j £ h - 'i l

• ® ^ M U S I

>0 3871 •

r H l S C H R I S


r e t


. . the W est's ng TV at a )TTOM PRICE!

j y t h i s t - e l e v i s i o n s e f ’

I ' s y o i i p a y o n l y . . .

1 . 9 5 FOR A 24'L _________________ SO LIP H A R D W O







N’E W S . T W I N F A L L S . I D A

Peace Neai InNortliw

Tim ber H**r T h e A uw U ted r

•*5V v CIO Woodworkera andW rycrhauser Timber roiiipi any rtnched aRrrempnt ot

^ _ ciintro«i cAlIlne for a 1',V . - unse Incrcaae. f Tlie a u rw m e n l becnmn

Der. 1 aubject lo ratilic ' - union Jnfml>er»-

TUla w as the Intrdl dev In H aeries o f move* by *oi

- ■ ImniinKemenL to biinj jxm, 11’nclfle Norm«-e.n lumber

■ v ' l devclopmenta wne' ’ ^ lo lt earlie r th is mouth »:

iPl)"wood w orkers nccejited. l&-cent hourly liicrm.ir.Ti;

U t > being aiibm ltled to other <11 . 4 * ''' the AFL, Lumber nnd

' V '- ' l ’ Workers union (iiid Rrnna I ince lin.n been prefliclfii

fc J innnngcment nnd the unloiCIOplywood.v,orker!i<iri

nlno linvT BKreed to nrcen'- ■ / rent o tter, de«plle oppojuii

union. CIO Woo ■ n o ortlcert Mid they «i

J-neiosa.ihc-bonrd lJ';-ceni I nud oUier benefits.I Employers hitve aAkrti

neKOimtlne convnlltee to r them to consider lhe Af^ formuln. n tpokc.imnn (or rtieni »ftld. T he union has tl ASierd ta Rieet uil/i

The national " rxT>celc<l lo n.ltanr.d an appear- l'™ l!r»m.____________________ jUDGH: IS NAMn

CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Nov Mllwnrd 8imp.ion

.. tinmed D lalrlct Judse Ciler 29 - Wendell ,he ,t*i«

1 by Ivor DavU conrerl of Uir


W a r b e r g

MOVINi.ed the 6flvlrt.ien device ol lr.v, PHONEimrrlcan devicerch I. IBM. ^ A J L O«ry xnid It dl^-' ^ t * n Qe ot mea-iurlnj ^

ai. lied van n tislrvments after


n The Accordion.ESSON SCHEDULE BEING ARRANGEDour lesson-renlol plon. aiT •^[c be opplied on purchose. 9D 20 DeVRIES, {ntfrucfor Ifl

1 1 * I n iM a ln t i


O O I Record Sh



3 R K; ! '

5 T ! 'hI b / * " l l

'U H ' ' ’ i l ' - - ' ■ '


liH N i

24"WOOD_______________________ I__EL TV I

G— j-UBE '




e a r s Divorce AsOOODING. Nov. : j -

1 _ . ^ cxirem c cruelty. Shirley I l W C S l " «'lvorcr mil

Joaeph Monroe Ilnyri

1 I tI I I I S Elko. Nev.. June II, 1913 onc child.

lated Preu Mra. Hn>r*. Vriireapiiteii and thc huge p. McL.nit:hlin. Mount, r rompony Mon- aecks custody of th r eiiiii irnt nn a wage tnontli supim rt. 81ie nko a i»er cent dccrced owner of Ihr

p roperty llsied aa n hs :! ffomri effective dell, a Inrm norlh ol ratilicallon by H om r. h io<S pickm. nml

luriil.ihlnga plua i 2Vl nilitvi rtfvelopmeniby «orken and m m m

umber IndusUy. ”1*

uth ohen A1''L|

ase. Tills plan l»j ! t ^ '■ther divisions of ^ . A

nnd Snwmlll P r O t O C t erriful nccepl-

J'Sl,,'' credit rafint

"Akrrt th" CIO SECURITr 'A i^ T ti^ i ■tin for mtxnage- TIIONE UO:i lisj lenlAUvelv ZJ> M ain A»e- W. T i

ultanre iLa own _


f o r O:e Cilenn Parker - • V-*’Itate supreme

e i ' g ' s i A A /ING ! '

! •' S5 8 ^N LINES I

o n T he most


m en t in I


)NE W4

i>mi . t- .

:LEN'S 2 1 3 5TH AVE>rd Shop

• •


' ■ H .* '

______ ___ '-J k______ L _I ■ . .

A c< l-af1 Experts bellet* ther*/ \o K C U I 'i million m enulljr rcta; 25 - Chnrslnc *" Unlled Slate*.rley Ann Jlnyes ------------action acalnsl Rulk bird seeds and fee

vn in District Seed and Feed Co. eir tn.irrled In i 19(9. nnd have

nobert oiiiit.iin Home. rliiM nnd UO ft nlno aski to be

Ihr cnir.munlty •ho isr in Wen- *-

» ol Mcmntsm 1 and hmiseholrt ' nllHtiirv Ifr«.

.S o sm ooth i t leaves you

: t y o u f j h r i a t h l c s s

O • -:e 'kpivmtnt. Ul-

I T i f CI I I E 9 » " r i ^ M.J.f.ocn l007,p,i,nl<c.PicrnScBuiioBHi.lM..H»f

; tL raiu



:ALL 2750isf com plete stock of AG PARTS an d equi n Magic Valley.


AVE. so ' ‘ ' , ■■ TW IN F>



ther* u * o n r ' I Hrctaxded peopit, K M

dfecd*atGI«b» '

‘ 'l' p n t f r l

VODKA, Ip>laiminli»lilt», I^ D





IHj - 5 i . r b S ’\ ' S ' . - . ' ' * .> Pukll<M d<ll7 .nd Kundi. . f i:o SkW :» , liUbo. hr th* TIIXM-N^i Publuilrr ■rf «Kl?/l'ii TVlfl^^Tli/lSthruB-r' Ift*,*:' "fJ

(I B r c*BBj'5S^i-rTr*DLE is *i» ^ • Br Ult —_ _ _ _ _ —----------- •

- ■ "^~™ ~lH n»T n^PA Y A B rK lS~IH vj H ; Wllhln Miha aiid r.lk* C»«lr.

I j oluwVB“ ’l." .M /«hii '

Ijjj ; nJ '" i"/

I • ' SUM M INC III' CKNE'V B o th P r e s id e n t E lse n h o w er a | | i o r S t a le D u lle s h a v c wl-sdy dcII so u n d a frc r .h n o te o f liopp forf w a k c 'o f l l i c 'T u l l lc -G e n c v a - f o rc l i

' j , c o n fc rc n c c ,; [■' T h e y u n d e r s t a n d t h a t th e U

t th e ack n o w lf id R rd le a d e r o f t h n Vf l lllo n o f f re e n a t io n s , c a n n o t r1I m o o d o f d e fe a t i s m in t h r n u c s t II m o ra l p o s i t io n in J h e w orld demI r e a f f i r m — a s th c P re s id e n t h a s n iS th e e a r n e s tn e s s o f o u r c o n tln u lrl r I n t h n t s p i r i t , DuU es sourIU :(I lo th e n a t io n o n G en e v a to sa lv ajI h e cou ld f ro m l h a t d ism a l m cetlif H e s a id h c d id n o t th in k th c‘ • b a c k In c r e a s e d lh e d a n c e r o f at ; vo iced d o u b t l h a t R u ss ia w ould8 , : h a r s h e r t a c t i c s o f th e cold w ar. f l • • lie b e liev e s t h e K re m lin w ishes nI A aln " a t le a s t , t h e a p p e a ra n c e of

H • r e la t io n s " w i th th e Wr.si.H : D u lle s n o t e d M r, E lsenhow erI I t h a t th e e a r l i e r ■■summit" m e etlr| P h a d re d u c e d t h c c h a n c c s of RcneI J l l s e c r e tn ry s a id l h a t n o lh ln t ; whl

• nU ^the f o re ig n m in is te rs ' RatherL , i / c h a n g e In t h c P re s id e n t 's e stlnI B u t. o n t h c neR allve side ofI ■ D u lle s m a d e c l e a r t h a t th c caseI I n o t g e t th c f o rw a rd p u sh th e Wc P ' a t th c c o n fc rc n c c .I : M oscow s im p ly Is n o t ready

f l ; p r lc c th e y m u s t to c re a te th e biI I • s ta n c e s f o r a s ta b l e peace.I I • "W c m u s t a s s u m e l h a t th e J I f • w ill c o n tln u o lU-s e f fo r t s by m et Ifc , : w a r ." h c s a id , " t o m a k e lls sysle i l l : U h n s d o n e I n t h c p a s t."W : T h e r e a j o n s a re p la in . T lie FH • f irm ly b e lie v e c om m un l.sm will l i■ • t im e Is o n t h e i r s id e . T liey a reW y ie ld so lo n g a s th e y re g a rd theI I ' . t h i s c o n c lu s io n convlnclnR .

D u llea s u g g e s te d lh a t If th m a in ta in t h c a d m ir a b le u n ity I t

• j ; G e n e v a , n n d c a n ke ep up lls decls iH ) t h e r e a l i s t s In R u s s ia m lR hl be |B < t h a t t h e i r c a l lm a lc o f v lc lo ry Is I R • th e n c o u ld w e e x p e c t th e m lo pa j | t . - a a ry p r ic e f o r a g e n u in e w orld i I? W. • D u lle s ’ r e p o r t c o u ld n o t ha v e t i r : In th c c ir c u m s ta n c e s . B u l I t . ia v c l i l : t lo n e i t h e r to th o se;>? ' l i k e to a s a a J l 't h l s gow fn iK efct a ! l i l ‘ a l ly g lo o m y o v e r th e o u tlo o k fo r ; j l ' f l s h o p e fu l a s th e f a c ts p e rm i

T fac ed th 8 f a c t a w llh o u t d e sp a ir .


I ' T u rk e y s n r c n o l th e o n ly erer e x p e r ie n c e a d r o p In life cxpocl t h e h o l ld n y .season .

T h o C h r ls lm a s - N e w Y e a r hol n lso Is t h e m o s t hnzardoiL s ship t h e y e a r f o r h o m o s a p ie n s — th a t

L n s t y e a r . a c c o rd ln R lo th e N at . C o u n c il s t a t i s t i c s , 515 p e rso n s wc

[jl 'a l l y k illed i n tw o d a y s a t Clirl I T r a f f i c a c c id e n ts c au se d 302 of i

— fire n n d m is c e l la n e o u s nccldei O v er tw o d a y s n t N ew Year'.';

V . • w e re k ille d — 236 In t r a f f ic a cc ld er lli; n n d m lK c e lla n e o u s a cc id en ts .E; . T h is Is a t o l a l of 877 k illed ii

j l l . T /h a t s h o u ld b e th e 'h n p p le s t tim e I'P ' ; f o r e v e ry o n e . * ,| lL Y e a r n f t e r y e a r th e a c c id e n t tolI II -’In D e c e ih b e r . T h c h o lid a y sense n i l w i th m a n y w i n t e r i r a f f lc haza rc | U p a r t s o f th o c o u n t ry s t r e e ts an j f l n re d a n g e r o u s ly s llppcrj-. F or,

s le e t n n d f e w e r h o u r s o f day lig h t v is ib ility o f b o th 'd r i v e r a n d pedc

F a m ily g e t- l o g e th e f s Im pel peo lo n g d is t a n c e s r e g a rd le s s o f wen p in g d r a w s m o r e p e o p le o n to th e .• o f c o u rse , t h e r e Is m o re d r in k in g

} o th e r t im e o f t h e y e a r, f I I Is a s e a s o n o f g a ie ty , to be sui

t y to be e n jo y e d o n ly If you resolv y o u r .« lf f ro m n c c ld c n t.


I F o r y e a r s I t w as ' a lm o s t one of t t j : o u r d e m o c ra c y t h a l m a n y people j fu lly ■ ig n o ra n t n b o u t ih e s lm iil

• o f n a t io n a l a n d w orld a ffa irs , hnw evcr. th e r e h a v e been sign:

I Rciicra l level o f I n fo rm a tio n amoiiR : iMii c itiz e n ry Is r is in g .

I f th is Is a c tu a l ly so , p e rh a p s

S lf lc fo u n d a tio n s ouR hi to u to se c w h e re people a re rc

n a t io n . T h e r e Is som e dou b t lOOl.

f. P r e s to n AHjriRht, a Mia r s lty h ls io r y . i r a c h c r . w rites ssuc_pf_lhc_m at:.izlne Snhnni ■ n o s t c o lleg e fre .shn irn a re fop I'^an h i.s to ry ,m a d e a c h e c k a n d roi som e 5. S o m e .stiiden t.s ml.'^placec ly a c o u p le of c en tu r ie s , Soi I w a r I w a.s fouR hl In th e H j r o v e r C le v e la n d w as nresU

'r ly a l l k n e w G co rce W ash B tlo n 's f i r s t p re.'ildent, but I c o u ld te l l w h e n h e took t h a t t h e h e a d o t th is govern s id e n t E ls e n h o w e r , b u t m a r .-clrd s p e l l in g s o f hLs nam e, fo n ’t k n o w h o w w id e sp re ad t: n k s p o ts n r c . B u t th e y surp MS Jl) o u r v a u n te d .system

1 P A G E F O U R

fa— J ____________________ _______ L _


WH]r r s . ' o C r , ; . , " , *

— 1 3..i OARY, Jnd .-T h(.........................n*’®# Indl«n« didn't Indif4DVANC*. _______cf Ahliuns wntimer

•1 b»ve.coniliJeri)il« t - . ■ " ' * Amej-lc»n--------------------J ».« On a p.iiiy la&fl I--------------------The OOP hnd held_____________ I i.tn hulU. n came out o:--------------------1 «.:s Moreover, it Im i i• ■ ' ' “ Z r M * :? ! Evtnsville. .-iouth E

,„V„— w u U )e fin ly m c o nII u i>uMiih>rf »• Iht ' NiiUnilAl iu iirs «Sk . co-ioi |j.h .. M . . »ir«inlnf lo b!»me

»hlJU. »nil the U mN E V A Local t>er»on*Illlf.iT a n d S e c re ta r y conie' d e te r m in e d , to w i i x A »>t:{T ifor p e ace In th e effrri on issfl poiiii j r c ig m n ln ts t c r s '-

Unn cnnirol no* hfe U n lle d S l a te s , thi* municip»i eiiIP W e s te rn c o a l- prwideiI B lv . w »y to a I,!,st fo r p c a c e . I t s Uenei if P rriidenl Id e m a n d s t h n t I t H*iieck u * iiufi,s n u lck ly d o n e — •n*"" pr«idenii»l plu ln g s e a r c h . ':h l In h is r e p o r t thumiw rm Nov. *.ivage w h n t h o p e ‘n in e tn kfep p .nPPllng Wllllsm E, ,

th c G e n e v a s e l - itA t.i .rrK A.s “kf a h o t w a r . H e Icck «.•( n -fiivoriif «)Uld re su m e th e nrr Kroup, Althougli

A nd h» s M tM now to m a in - nor V.hnjr [rtirl wlUie o t c o o p e ra tiv e in Hoo-.ifr lyihilMi l

PrrRlrirniinl prlma. T r ' . t f a l a m r n l;c tln g n l G e n e v a „ iu b*-'chosen t t uile n e ra l w a r . T h c the primary rciunuw h ic h o c c u r re d H'# win r

ihe rinR c o m p e lsSllm a ie , Ilutlpck Imu brrn /; of th e le d g e r , h,« sivm him visoi^se o f p e a c e d id tnnmely forCrnlE. j W „ l h o p e d to r

ady to p a y th e roNKUKKD o o pe basic c irc u m - mw hnve a a iu h i t

cnn Rlftle commltlej

;,D S o v ie t u n io n ? i!" d ‘''re ” r 7 e . T t ‘ m e an s s h o r t of ner^. nnd lhe (Islii .s te m p re v a il a.,

ic R u ss ia n s s t i l l eh»nee*toII t r iu m p h , t h a t min-eat* if he can ( a re u n lik e ly to nexi year aiul he »

the ev id en ce fo r t.lni. ahining a*ny

th e W est c a n jenner in Indiana a/ I t d isp lay e d a t hni.c d s lv c s t r e n g lh O E M O raA T S 'A lbe m a d e to sec q „ DemocraUcIs w rong . O n ly thai the presldenlla

) p a y th e n e c e s - Slevetwon it he euti ■Id se tU em e n t.vc b e e n c h e e rf u l Democmtictavfi no 80,U sfac - sntitlvUcnd. ronid blf.oK o b ro ad w h o «lor Cnpehnrt In Ui

tV.c/u‘Zfo r pcace. i t w ns „„jj nm nla no rm ltled . A n d i t in liln refusnl to COa ir. CralB will complel

- next yenr. He Is no, v c I'*' ' ' I " nn t op5

nennte nomination.c re a tu re s w h ic h poclaiicy d u r in g Y J J ] W Sho lid ay sea.son t h u n d e

s l i u l t p r r lo a o f In H i' B .I, ,, iiiinrr-e.'limnte the :-n a i s iis, pifrt ncniiLit ll bv CliN alln iia l S a fe ty Unlied sm te.i Distrki w ere a c c id e n l- Judce Moore, wl; C hris tm as tim e,of these d e a th s o„jcl*l apathy:lden ts. 123. •« rem homeclennlneir'.s 3(!2 p e rso n s h l* three full ye« l d . n , , , , 6 . 1 „ I l r .

the iiieM In the Int:d need le .isly a l Moore can now aay, 1Jm e o t th c y e a r bencu;

- T h a t ••prncllcnll; ♦ «ii t ,u . , who had tried to bio

, to ll h its a p e a k g ,uon hn» aince bwi eason co incides - m a t while tax zard.v In m a n y prwecutrd, th e gove

IR, rn ln , snow . _ T h a t Commlwloiig h t reduce th e m .n Andrewa perwnje d e s trla n . -mo^'ed the pe«» aro' p eople to d rivew en ther. S h o p - '^ T ^;rpub l‘i?cM *:«he s tre e ts . A nd, Moore ha.< In mind,ng th a n a t a n y r.vflpiuc ju»tice. Nor

, cvidrnre astilM l thfi .M i r r b n t K i c -so lve to p r o te c t n u t Jud i# Moore

rr.'pect trom all whf_ _ _ _ _ ndmlnlatrnllon will I : A L E R T)t th e c lich e s o f should AttorneyDple w ere w oe-m p lest nspecun C - D M p a u hilr s , R e ce n tly , __________;lRns t h a l th e n e w r llOiiR th e A m e rl- sundav nlBhi the

• .llx o'clock and check»ps one o f th e w re " 7 M ^ i 'o f.0 u n d e r ta k e a t«n Marion county yi!• RcitlnR th e i r a p du^paich on theu b t they g e l it Kf-riunnlrly. l l *a*

time was nnly l^ti.M iam i (O K o )tes in th e c u r - a "hic . 'ib ry w«.i fa OQl_-uid.Soelctv-.-iiead_Manrtay. marnl:• foRcv on thelV run-nt-m lll /itckup :

• ch.incr tllOOi turned• ’ one of the b^ndllA wa

me a.slonl.'.hlng wouncirci. aced Ih r Civil i Nm a plew ine bii Som e th o iin h t- IM "-.. A irw

a t tl ic ______________I .Npws l.t like Ihtil .

lUt le.ss th a n a i,., reporter., a:ook office. All on ll nntl Cllr ll Ihr < •e rn m e n l tocia^ >*’'■ suntiav mi; m a n y cam e

\ of pr,Kl.ifi„s nr^Id t h e > c y o u t h - 1 .vem p rn iy tiuii, t,i,t , suRKcst g In rlnR "r "n <•>tem o ; e d u c a - ^ n r.,,


3R’S N A T I O N A L S


U Br Don r. Ocilimui, M ltcntl •ditor d I r«c-THbut»t.

•The Novfmber_jimaicJp*l-elefUoni Jn ndicaif in y th ln j Jm porianl In the w tjr n ^ J .ment on n»Uon*l lu u u . bu t they m iy _ t h il< e lfe tl on 1#M in thla pivoUl mid- erat«

d«nci)el ba»lj, the election w ent DemocraUe. key ield more than t*o-lh lrd .i of lh» e ltj lamll tl or the voilnc with leax than a third, don’t It auch major citie* a* Indlanapolti. 8o h Bend and Hammond. Port W aynt plent : one *nera the D em ocrau falleid, • Than ■» were not the reason. I t Uk«< c reat k * /- - ime farm prlcea to r any amall-town P>*nt •rm luue w u n 't a factor In th* elUe*. o f »t< le.i and local Uauej, a i u iual, decided on snteiU. BUll

• • • key I T 181* rO M T IC fl- 'n ifr^ wilt be an On olliicit. however. An invisoraieid aUte our t •nlMiit>o-l»-lndlc«ted.-anrf-llitre will rramhlf fnr the Republican o r i in lu - on* ’ r held by Oov. Oeorse N. C ra lj. found I elrcilona probably dealt • ftnay falow rema: ildentlKl aiplrattona by Cralit and en- The 1 nce« nf Hep. Charlea Halleek. formisr t* • leader, for aecond place on lhe GOP Thi nl EUenhower doean't aeek reelecUon;ikfly •faTorlie non" entry In the Jn* al primary next May. Deaplte hU for- Crali had been expected to be the I

)ut hu machine atiffered aome aevere Het *. He now facea problcma enmiih In In aoi party contiol agalnel the ondaughu merel E, Jenner’a faction. Ave.

• > ^ there, 1 “KAVORITK BO N--Irnn1cally, Hal-le Min " may (Ct bncklns from lhe Jen« e ir. ush 11 vetoed him ax a naUonal dele.•aune he leaned to EWenliower. There nf, /or him. bul much Irta fo r the itover* u i>si >’im the aenator ia one of th e bluere it „r nli Ml hUtory. ' J | -•Imary victory would pledge the }loo»- cruel halleek only on the ftral roll call. Aft- mlchl hope to conlrol them , for Uiev t Uifl atate convenUon Independent cf Jnn, And If he run* lhe convention, p - i 111 not fnvor a '-llke-Ike" nominee to t,n ° rnner li not an EUenhower adherent u rode Ike'* coatUlla to reelectlon In "JJ, en «n Ike man. In conKrriui. and Craig “ ' ■Isoroiu aupport In llte Alnle. t;nfor- _ , i_ , IE. Jrnner'a poallion In th'a aennte h a j , bnr federal appolnim enlj for any cf

. , conaic

OP STATE C O y m O L -C ra lc > forcei hi edge over Jenner on the 'Ilepubll- p - t » Itlee, which la due tn be reorgnnlwd rimary. Oralg-a local lleulenanU aiu- in the city elecUona, bu l ao did Jen- Ichilng for control will b<* confused wh, hc city factions a tart rebuilding their

beingmay give Sen. Homer E. C apehart a e a* peacemaker. I t would be to hU ■ n <ln ao. Hla aennte aeat la a l atake , le will need unified p a rty aupport In lon. Capehart hM recenlly been mak* ^ ..i, nlddle force" In aUte Hepubllcan af- »ny frpm hla form er clo.io tleA with u aa well u In h l l voting on capltol

• • •ALUiqiAVCE TO f?TEVKS.«10N -

aUc aide. Uiere ia no Indication but ntlal preterence vote win KO lo Adlal . ..n il , enter* the Jtooaler prim ary. Indiana enrly in hl» camp In 1053 and their

nl ahlfled. dom"tic ni\Uonal chairm an. Paul Duller.Id be the parly'a nominee ngalnsl Sen*1 Uie fall. There has been sons* talk n .i ai •, nnd there Is no one elae of proml- i

Henry P. Schrtcker, tw ice governor 0,^ ^ ! nominee. U believed entirely *erlou.«

1 conslilrr any fu rth e r political trie.', j i,, iplete hi* four-year te rm aa governor i_I not eligible fer reelectlon and he has oppone Capehart for th e Republican ., 11;_____________________ not 111

3 O F O T H .E R S:DER FHOM TIIE BENCH "mail.Kuenhoner admlnUlrtiUon nughl tn

he .ierlousnr.« of Uie Indlclmeni lev- • Chief JuilKe Qeorce H. Moore ot the slrlct Court, «

wl)0.'e *lngle-hnnded wnr n talnat (he'e'a nil cover-up In the T rtim an admlnln* rn the Jamei P. fln n eg a n caw, now,thy ahd cover-up are atUl blocking ■_____Ung In Ihe inlernnl revenue aervice, yeara alnrr the Eiaenhower admlnU- ^

lion with a prnmUe to clean up the ^ igton." whleh lo mnnv people mennl ■ internal revenue aeri'lce, Yel Judcr I '

ay. In an extraordinary blnai from the \

cnlly everv- Intcrnnl revenue nltlcUl J block.Uie earller'grand Jury InvesU- #

been promoted. Itax evadem themselvea have been V :ovemment official* who connived a t 2 not been d e ill.v lth , eapeclatly "the #

ton." Iwloner of Iniernnl Revenue T . Cole- ‘.V rsonally promUed a cleanup bul only . ^ around" and 1* now resigning to be- * »lth ft company which h as • W.OOO.- Unsl the govemmeni.not know Jii.u which official* Judce \ nd when he *UKKe*ia th n t aofne are Nor cnn It knt>w how atrong U the v them or why nearly five yeara of

ligation h«.» failed to bring Uiertv to

w re'* ' grsve accusation eommand* k ^wtio know him anrl hla record. The » * .Ill be wise to pay heed to thla pre- <. thunder. It U rfoe* not. I t can be

ey Genersl Brownell harbor any core, we nutse.M he eonauit FormerI J. Howard __________ St. LouU

____________ _ V

;S 18 LIKE THAT . . . he editor lurned In hla copy aboul lecked with lhe newa deak aa In the ,e report tijn t ihere wa* a bad A . of Albany which brouglit deaUi to / / / y young womrn. aLv> on the wire an \ A t the crash ot a CH4 Olobemaaler, « ,aa remarked, the dealh loll UU.f □ en. a welcome reducUon fmm Uie . fl , in this country. T h a t w ra th r quick fln. a l Uiat hour, bu l over a t RIckerall J s hrenklnt. It claimed the btinnrr •>irnlnc.-W li.it wa j_ b eeun IUJl-«<-«_______jp for a llll of a amall piece o[ned inln n ulinoUnc nffray in which ', wn.1 killed and a awt^ poilce officer \

bll nf nrws. D eath fluures all loo / Liy henclllnM a* Uie slorlM nf wrek- \1 in, TliW slory, however, had ihr crime to embellUh Uie accounl nf

nl . . . you Ju.ll never know whrn nc in break o> whrrn ll will comr irrnk.1 in a p.iper'a own backyard 1 and phoiosraphers m u.il pounce

uishi with "nift SU«t^.iman suiff, a.1 to what will be hapjx-nlnK 1« errurrrnt of excllemeni m the bu,il- ^ nru.<p»per.i. The day or n lch l mny

lUt .-itttAvs Uie ertllor nr reporter ha.i 1 rve a lrri Inr w ha t may prove lo be p

■w,i Ll llkr ihal . . .—Oregon States-

_____________ - I

• P O T ^ »Shot^ i

I Seci Benso

- RRALCAGY ->e«rPotBhoti: ^-THera U po-aririenf^ It » U dtllb- rat«, but illewiae Ihere U no evl- enc* it wasn't deliberate. Our lur- ey wft* a huge one , fo r a small amlly,. bul li waa a g if t and you on-t turn down gift Wrkeys,8o on Thanksgiving day. we had

lenly o( turkey. And the day after . , Ttanfc^vlng. we had plenty of tur- ty. And the .day after lh a t, »« had , ■lenly of turkey. Afler three _days . .

n * th t‘*Jomt'ot aum nV V gobble*:U11 there waa almost a.i much lur- » ey M hsd been con-iumcd, '•On Uie morning of the fourth day ,

ur dog gol In tne hoa ie in some _>y*l«lous-mann*r—The-first.ftijy-ne waa ausre of 11 waA when we “ “ ' 5und him in the kllchen wilh the »,

Tie flral fraction of anger gave wsy ^ > • aenae of rrlirf. -TTjere will be no Inveatlgailon!

N. O. Tnskey (Twin Falla,

PUPS FOB KIDS DEPT.Here'* the shorteal communication -uno-,

I aome Ume regarding dogs, I l says lerely "Pups for kld-i a l S22 Fourth ,„g . •ve. WesU" You can U ke it from’'f* ' . . . win


‘o o n 't we hRve aome sorl of law . prevent enielty U> animals? And , Uiere any excuw for the matter fLwn r using flflc* lo hunt dr>wn moun- P " iln llona and bobcaU? Seem* like a '‘“f " ■uel aporu '


Pot BhnU note; Tin well known . ow •'merrlful'' a cougnr nr bob-II U lyllh lu prey. H unter* who uae>ga to run down the "big c»U," aa __ime of them enl! Uir anlmala, ^ ,alnUln Hi a renl apart. Dy the X ! ; a ay, there's a aUte bounty on cou- ira. so Ifs apparent they aren't ittsldered a lieneflclal nnlmal. *

WE CATCH IT Jot Shota; JUvlAnil don’l go pulling n "dear" In that ont of ih.iu There’* nothing dear Chrbii X)ul you. elded iWhere do you gel lh a t high and H'e- Ighly atulf About my wriilnt* nol So, j 'ing "suluble mnierlal" for tha t armed ilumn? Where U your vaunted lUUde reedom" of the pre**? H nl haveI t will be a fold dny before I ever Iwught rite anything fnr anybody connect- f*"- 'I WlUt any newapaper ncnin. Vou

I ’. M lurd happei (Twin FalLi) home

Pol ShoLi note; •'Freedom" of lhe * *l''R •e*a doM not menn freedom to comple under anrt Ubel nnyonr. As n mat- vlncrd r of facl. lho Inws govrrnlng <hoi> i m der and libel nre dr.ilgnrd to de.itro) -otect the public from nnvone who fun of aee* your interpreUUon bn "free- To n MU" Of the prea*. flghlln

• • • elBowiWHO MAKES RUOSr aUle*

II ShffM: dozing Lik* to know If Uiere U such a throug. ■raon ,ln Twin Falli who make* Purcha >ven ru p , rather, throw rugs. . “ dtrk I have a iot of rnga If I could gel “ >rda) touch with auch a prraon, 1 have asking

ved for maklnc ruga bu l I can- 'h a t th It find time lo do »o nnd 1 do Yean >t like to bum Uiem up. Th-i al If I can 't locate a per.ioii msklng ernwde' eh rug* may burn them as they " l‘h ni e In the way. Our place U loo ‘‘l>unda lall. . the sh

A. M. n, «»>■«' fl <Twln FalLO It « '

FAMOUS r,AKT LINE *tm'. ' ^ . . She fln(U the fendert (n ,o r klui

' r.ENTLEM-\N IN'THB I' AlHv ___________ FOURTH n o w |f|n.il bl

r-HereJs wha+] ) fo r’ C h ris fi

irij. Uoik

— $ 1 . 0 0 D O W N R e s e r v e .


T I M E S - N E W S . T W T N I



W ASH IN O TON -(N EA )-A con- e a ^ JIderable amount of double-ulk c m nu >e delected In Uie pUnning for new can pn arm programs to bolster Ui» farm- course, ^ •fa llin g Income. . 'fops.

SecreUry of Agriculture Eira Tftfl For Jenson keepi r lgh l on preaching the quot^ irUiodoi Republl- an line. ThU U

low belng’’eon*ld- lIL ItiJred would m ean In tl

" in ” ” perfecily ” ' *ree farm econo- EM . -ny, if thero were eiafo areal farm *urplu.ies, farm price* window,ould be allowed to fall as far a* No*hey pleaded. Farmers aould simply parusarlave to Uke the ir iai.i. __The farmera' only salvnttnn would The c

e to 'plant lew the foIIo*'lng yesr." w tn is . . . . wllhdra

Nearly every farm policy since Uie say 10 p epreaalon haji been rleslcned to pro- ducUon eel Uie farmer agn ian the licking Inale« ron Uieae price drop.«. « rn . ctThi* ha* been uue regardless of In surpl

rhflher Democrat* nr Republicans be urg« live been In control. crop* wIl hM been learned the hard way, Ullty,

lowtver, that there can’t be price This upport* without crop llmiuilon. Into ci >nd even the crop llmllAilon quota* needed nd contfols .haven’t-worked loo populat: ,ell. e*P'When acreage llmlUUoai are lm- The f

osed, fnrmer.i almply plant crop to be pi OWS claier together and u.i« more duclng. trtlllter. farmer*For example, the cotton yield has msde I

Lien In 10 year* from 33» pound* loaw, er acre io pound* prr ncre. Sim- ThLi ar Increa.ie.i enn be cited on corn, plan U ouioea nnd other mnjnr crop.i. ry Wai New conlrol* are now hnving in be now bei

nought up to correct shortcoming* ssn dLil r. e*l*Ung conlroU. Tlisi

• • • these S'One Ll a plnn to pu l Uie quota Ilm- sgrlculi

atlon nnt on the number of *cre.i|fnns/der

Early Christmas Sh Not Fun, Decide!

Ry HENRY McI.EMOnii n clerk Having read trn Uiou.iand times Ihlng tc

u l sensible perjons do their -.y,,, hrbtma.% shopping early, I de- ded to be senalble for once in my ’,»e-So, yesterday. I took off for town rmed wllh m y "

determined to 'Vaywarave every g i f t ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ I She rc 3ught by n l g h l - 1 "Oh. Ch

I Dut b]You know w hat express

appened? I cnme floor,ome w l t h n u t ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 T hejt nvinc purchn.sed lers are

single t h i n g . ChrUtmimplelely c o n - m u c h oi nerd Ihal In make u[top early Is to when hMtroy half t h e - ^ ^ ^ » ^ ^ » rye caU m of ChriJtmna. Xj u - im tlve.To me. Chrlstmns .ihnpplng mean* How ghllng your way with ahouider* shoppin: Dows and knee* throuch store depleted /le* Jammed w iu i. people: bull- known Mlng your wny to n couritcr shllly-«t irough a atubbom max* of fellow You bu irchasers: wnlUnir nn etemliy for even if clerk who look* n.* If she hnd spent old boy ir day In a cemenl mixer; nnrt Ihrn crandfa iklng for something and being told and *ay lat there l.in't another one lefl. Anolh Yeaterday ofi'rred none of tlil*. ,ihop ea 111 store* were only modrrstrly trmpora nwded, I could get to a counter know (h llh no trouble n t all, there wss an tn work lundsnce of clerk* lo serve me. and out and e shetve.i and eounter dliplaya Is and ‘re filled In capacity. lookingIt was no fun » t all. Absolutrlv n plnno me. I t wa* Jlkn akllng without a lemp n»'. hunting bird* with bl.inks, look hin klMlng a girl'* picture and not locate a

<■ till- helpingAll mv Clirl»tmas aplrit fled. The Nope, l.il blow took plnce when 1 asked ma.i eve

iT w a r r P ) ,

jfm as. /a > *

“ I.'

.............. .. . 4 9 # 5 — - S

rves Any L an e!— ___

E T Sn e f u r n i t u r e I k i ,a

N F A L L S , I D A H O _____________


raeh fanner can plant, b u t on Jie number of poundi or bu*heu he u n produce and market. This, of H F •ourse. would apply only lo ’aurplu* wild i ■rops. wa* r

For producUon over the farmer'* aim. luou, he would have to pay a penal- Mil y. This penalty mlghl be a* high lake 1 I*, u y 10 per cent of the aupport ihat jrlce lerel. He couldn't get a govern, co w l nenUo^n a t aupport prlce_.on_hi* f_aa_t luou production unui the penally greati v u paid. on th

Now thU U no new. Republican praeU dt*. I l w u Uiought of first back in mlasei .he Henry Wallace era, II w u given get In jp a* impracUcal and too h a rd l« ‘T h idmlnlsler. U,” *

In Uie *urplu» poUUj crUt» of o. B. IMS-M eongreas considered Impps- cowbo ng bushel llmluUon* bul finally de- group ;lded again to throw them o u l the erally vlndow, Ala*,

Now they're back again, w ith bl- couldi Mirtuan supporU bam l'

• • • BraThe olhtr new control being toyed bent i

n tn is tho‘plan“to-m ake-1«rmer» H8 t* Ulhdraw a pa rt of their acreage— Ity oi sy 10 per cent—from ca*h crop pro- yean lucUon. and g

Instead of raising more wheat, bunk orn. cotton or olher product* now eowbo n surplus supply, the f*rmer would The i» urged to pisni gras* or oUier ing lh rops whleh would Increa** soil fer* man mty, JanuaThla land could be brought baek -Ouns

nio caah crop production when Hen leeded later on. Wllh Increxses in Hen lopulatlon greater food demand* man. i re expected, er; "I'The farmer would, of courae, have and w

0 be paid an incentive for no t pro- ne.vi. i luclng. T hafa Uie big catch. B ut mg cc armer* who didn't comply m ight be „[ 50 1 ntde Ineligible for price aupporl count onn.1, .w)me <ThLi propaied acreage reducUon a ith ,

llan U nlso nothing new. 111* Hen- roodi y Wallace's old "soil bank" Idea, .-nn IOW being warmed over u a b lpartl- m ’ ce an dLih. _'n,eyTliai congrM* will go for any of got st

hesa addlUonal control* cn ''frre"|j.m ,,i|, grlculiure in an election year U i„ m li nnsldered extremely doubtful. sirnlgl

” was bl

Shopping Is .des Eager Man

clerk If she could suggest nome- renl cc Itlng to give a H-year-oId girl. revolvi "Yes, Is It her birthday?"‘•No,’’ 1 said, ''for Chrlstmns."She looked n t m r as If I hnd anld 35 fr^i

For Arbor day." or "For her gradu- Hf,n Ilon from M lu Eillotl’a Clnsaea for rifles 1 Wayward Olrli." njShe recovered after a bll and aald. ranche

Oh. Chrlstmu. I aee. Well, *lr. . ." flrenrr But by that llme I had caught the '*’■

jpress escalator for the atreet occasic loor. Ihcy hThe Jsm-packed shrive* anrl coun- on ‘he

rrs are a strong drnwback to e.irly ^'*0' Chrlstmu shopping, Tliere Li so cowbo] iuch on dUplay ihn l a man can't lake up hi* mind what to buy. Jusl >00 hen he settled on someUilng his «*uali ye catches someUilng more a ttrac - Item ,»e. New }How different from lu t-srcond Mexicr

liopplngl 'Then the stores nre as wound epleied as Molher Hubbard's well- *n annown cupboard, and therc I* no --------hllly-ahaltying about w hst to buy.'ou buy what U left and like, it, / ven if It mean* jendlne a 10-year f t Id boy a shaving mirror and your ■ randfathrr a Me (hat lights \up ■ nd *ay» -Hello. Kid!" ^ ■Anolher (hlitg you ml.u w hrn vou V lop early U lhe absence of the 'mporary Christmas help. You J now (he kind I menn. They eome f1 work Chru(ma* week to help > Jt and don't know where anything

and spend whnt seems month* oklng for It. 1 once went to buy plnno at tha lasl minute and got > lempornrj' Chrlstmns clerk. Il

ok him a good fifteen minute* (n calo a btihy grand. And wKh me riping him, (00.Nope. I'm going down on C hrU l- ■ a,l rve nfler dark, as usual. ■ll.1rlh,it..| K, MrS'.„,hl SroHtr*!.. Uf.l

AUCTIAs I nm quitting tho m ilk huainci Ihp Rlick il Ree.ie W nrehouse ii J^M ilc South, o n -

F R I D A Y ,SAl.R STARTS 12:45

MACHINERY1BS3 Fftrd i.lnn (rurk, w ith grain hed,

Irnrk has Anlr II,Mt miles An It. PerfetIn e t t t , rMperl

n"'""***""*'19« tVlllyi j „ p . ,,r* iU n t rubber and rr F-JO Farmsli „ .„ o r , with maimr# toa

eluded, real tnnd on*Ennl. irpe he.n wlniJ-rnwar or lifter Ollrrr .pud p l.n le r ,2 rn*Case lumhle p l„ ,

MISCELLANEOU!« Can Writlnthnine milk cooler, ronit (•nnde .Mllklnt machine, 1 un il. exrellent Unn: m h t.ii„|, „f three-way mlied g

- sheep-(rnurhi

HOGSJ nrnml ..rn., IS p |„

VorkMilfe boar hoc« r h ri le r .h li , plfcf , 0** •

— T

"CHET" WIGGK[>AAS & KLAAS, A ueU oneers

5traight-Shootin« ]OldWestDebiink

By UAL B O Y U .^ YORK. Nov. 29

•Hd and wooly west. It seems ihtr»!at th. u nothing wilder Uian a cowboy'slrenden

MlUlon* of Amertain kids todaTl"T?“ ' ike lU or B^ar^d

r e a s r f '‘lig h t in g K " -n (he draw and l | ^ ] n l | | t ^ ^racUcally neveril**ed th e ir u r - » \ .e t ^ por

rally poor aho^. ^ l l . t o „ i. la*, it la all loo true . . Tiifvl .. juldn't h i t UiB broad side of «i*<' irn l- ' ‘ “ i Of IBrayer, alas. I* no mere k l llb v '^ " '* ''

farTgolJTg « l r l j h ' ‘eou tt‘'reco 'ri^ ''‘'?''*'id getting iwom testimony lo h. ; '^’hn ink the legend ihn l the avrrncr iwboy waa an artist with n iix-sun The re*ult of hU researches, prov.':g that cowboy* mls«ed mnre ofien lan they h ll. are carried in t h . . l inuary lu u e of the mngnime ~ i r r 3un*." ■* ' legHere are a few of his disclosurra- Hem: The famous Texas entile- an. Charlea OoodnlghU told Drny-ls'li".’ ,!1 ■; "I've known iiundreds ot the bniH i'i-'i.- id worat cowpuncher* In thc busi.l.'';"’.'. ' r.1.1. and the number of real work-i'.-i.in.t g cowboys who could hit a m i\nl'''" '"i" 50 feet w ith a M or ,<5 you could

lunt on your fingers and toes. Bui^i-ii:.- me of them were preity fair shnis;;’" '’" Ith ft r lf le -a n d some were d n m n 'iT s , )odl'T he best *hot* in (he cow coun- V certainly were not (he cowboys u '.T ‘ Ihey were the ones who usually I’i.n. it shol: I t wns the pro/rs.iional "'"i"'* insIlnKeis who spent their tlmeln.il'..t“ nming lo drnw fast nnd shool might while the honest cowpoke IS busy brnndlng. driving up the mi.i. r„ ngs. repairing fence, or busting •ers out of the bush."Hem; Jim Shaw, a veternn trail i - . iV ler who becnme preaident of the ■* yomlng Slock Oron’er* as.iocln- in. snld: " I only knew n hnlf down r...-.ni ni cowboys who were cxper(* with ""I volvers. My brolher could pu t five ,l nf six bullets Inlo n plnylng cnrd <1 n50 feel, bu t rve seen him ml.M mpleicly Bgnlnst a live target at r,!-,' fre(." lh. .>;i.i

Hem: Mnny cowtjoya prrfcned 'les or shotguns to revolvers, nnd t.i.i.ifr

enrly ns the lute 1870’* mnny •'■.u ..1 nchers forbade Uie carrying ot J’o-'n-' •enrms on the range, during round- mVh,% 1* or while on the trnll. If on rnre ; caslon* they needed a gunman ey hired one. They didn't depend -hitii n I their own cowboys. "fHem: In 188t two rival groups of i.Vs"',;,' wboys got In n guiiflcht in n ti.« r >dge Cily. Knns,. saloon. More than0 slioLs were fired, smd th# onli' “" i j.1

Item: In one shooting frncn* In ' ;w Mexico in 18St a 10-yenr-old ;tr„n .. exican boy killed fnur cowboys and cum lunded alx olhers, th rn holed up an adobe hu t and fought 80 be- ruWUVi


CwithCOUGH-SVRU■ s m i t h b ro ihe jsI-—

l i B l A C I c g

ION SiiiRM, I W'ill se ll th c fo llow ing Dnir e in Ca.<iUcford, i t ’s . 2 M iles Sout


30 MIUled, Thi* f l ^ I

ihapa jM

1 (ftp enndt- 1

Id enndlllnn i l f *toadrr in - \ | l

TitrnlT-teven head of

3 Head nf Good Ooerri I I C They hnve hari the brstW J nnd nre nil hich produc

nre heavy sprlncers. m‘J onti shape: recently fre.ihened.Ment enndl- Exarl producUon records ^d grain: 9 be given day of sale. S

Bancs vncclnntcd. thr re: T,B. tested and fnund ci

y o u n g< Ilnlilein hull ealres .10 Head of HeUleIn h(>l NOTE: ThU is an exfff

from which you cs•________________ ii£rd_aliUclLI?'M

this herd nnytimf JK Month old HolsKl''

Cache Vaiiey, HUh

- T K R H S : C A S H -



"rry .'in

'‘'J-sun onjj I,

k l 4 u , » *


rmber d , | | , ^ * ^ ' ^ ^

jlEGALApV F:ii.'


Sill. 4

"n .,1 i


ll j ’ii' i in ^ H n

nitrurlloft.c lU ’


SH'REUEFIiuGHDifr®wPAcnoS— — -.w


Dnirv Herd IwalH^fc South, 1 Mile W o *

S E R 2 1a s t i . kko rii

ilk cows ■

;nerrMy «»»■bf.l • I " ! '

ind clrsn- H



\,Omma . M . c B E N e v . 'M

- —

Church S|

y , J nn byCourt j y

In dUtriel H .

B I j « '


^ • r . ’. s ^ H r lm^ K ^ e h U d K ’'^ L S S ««em ent. C. STANTON

B u f f a r MTI. OI»ihu»’ lh« fM lo rrt ipe>k(' U ^ i m W*" xninl"* » BapU it L ijm en-i f l l ? u i r t o D. Aupu'- on F ln t DaplUl thun

flf cnieliy. Dec. 3 and 4. (KUXW c ^ t i B “ li"-. o re- * *

Layman to E 'E S m - d . AtBaptisi , f e s S “™S Schedule

S ; “ If« BUHI* N"V. I> -Anjsicy. on mnny-rcllKloiu f ‘ ' ,35 tlie JenWrcd

B ° ' *• M «v Cnt?^ M-'ho B a p lb l U y r


dS S fdc nfoVrKa ^VtucUv Amerlean DapUsl r

m M »nW n « '

^ ^ j a . UoOTUln HomrT r 1u^ nn J w Bimmons. HnrUn N l* jH lW B ifn t dut on Jm . j<.r Musitrftvc, Boise;

S », K-,n W lbon. HBllcy: Dr.^ k r » ! Brtf" Sfllt Lake Clly: C^ K W * r . i n Dlnckfool: V/orlh DM a ciWO'U of croel and p « to a iB i t .T h fy were mnr- y preilden t of ll

kU“ - March «, _________ :_

;j?rj R e a d in gS :a Bppoft and tm t Tlf e s s s f i I s P re j

F o r H (i ^ E t i i r BoiK. Brtcn wa« •*■ * * ’ ; S i B l prepertr In Pierce Arlhur L, DeVoldt J^BjC,lM»lnlnffClnlm and ) ,a , p rrpa rrd a Jh l

him from Oentra! npm, u ,e holiday '■ ^ H o b f r U ,B o l w .» i s pftu-onj ot lhe Ti ( ■ jiJ ttB rM n . library can Ilnd b<x^ ■ - — — en teru ln lnc and ch■ ■ P G n i n n c c n r l i tm u p .„ .n l i> ■ ^ U l j U l U l l S Tlie llbrnry aUff

display of these boo ' ^ L a f t a l n r i t o f - prepared Ib t for hoi ( H k I U I l l i a i The book Ib l Inc

_ . _ Afflke Candy." CheP i l l l plcie Book o( Home

^ ■ e m n 1 \ U U nn; -‘CookJnj; Wllc M - •)o HB c ~ . broom: "Cooking

H ittl tlo u s . pounual can- n<,beris.

s . r « r P to . I S S . ” « s r .n' B ^ f n l of 1SS8 plana. c,,mpbe)I;‘ "AIM rf .^■itUia commrnl atler he Bggj. ■■ c n*ey ‘'Cl /■ b ta h o s e r partisan were Dickens, nnd ''Chi

for optimism Uiat ChrbtraM ," Dltr.' ' I " ' ChrUlma,

^ t o n stuck u o monihs d ts ." H o tte s t: ‘TTt:

t i ^ L u m r d W. KMl of the XhruiinD^v"&h°^^^ H * ;m ilon il commlitfr vb- Boy* andM B n h o « r «i c riiytburc. „nd "Uncle Toby’s (

frU -vciy mformnclon abo ■ b^ m a Hr n , T i nwRazlncs, "C

K. 1 1 " I '"If-" "lad lea jrom.g ->!t;£ . ! l ! i i : ’Sunsel

^ ■ a iK U ls n uill hr f^CSCOC^OCCCXXV^ ■ ^ ■ t s rdnforccd the al- g

ilfpublican hopes f \ i / C k i will run aKaln. i - . TT C IVI

III alnnc lhal he /.|■ l U l L ^ - Ivrs 101,J ft re- g 0 I

dnr.1 not rxpcct g E " l > A i i^ ^JiM 'inccm cni from Mr, 9, r K A f , .^ ' 's « v f r a lm o n ih s . na il a »« -»■

Mpecls HO an- 8 ■ ^ c u i lhe rrf.iltlent Kcti K L urgC .'it S toc

■ S S i ’S 'S I i'« i" >'”«or early Fcbru* d 6 ^ P A T I

Clilnf.ir K 1 / I I “ ly »•' Ihc Rccond i j K p i l f A K

. ■ ‘ ' t a i u u m t o m c S i v e i R e r ,rm nl the world ^ JS J C A JJ

■ “ Anbj until Ihc dch th > - io n5 A cros.s

* ; » . 11. M n„il„ i, M c ilic a l A iS .

I / C Z Z Z i : : ^ ^

1 / t ^ o w T H W

I ^ :■ \ ST R A IG H T B(

| ll_ T S J b r


Al’ahiau ]

tlyThe Tbil o! Kins

< Arabia lo India msyIm poruut d«>vHoi>iiir die eastern fiituaiion. th ru st lUclf mio iik 11 nrranccd for i;.s n

k . Slovakia to »rnd a:Ps . 'f lu ^ ^ K r Russia, of coiir.’r. t 'l-y . • of the teruion bcU■ U CouRlrtrs and I.ir,irl.

"NfUtralbt" Prncr harlal Nehru of Indiri th a t SlluaUon Klnic Sntid to

M g M Involved aboform a ,^olid iiloc r

^ S P S n Aslan rounlrlr.i uhl g ^ g s A Ihemselirs Irom Uie

^ R B a f l of H B Nehru'.t I

senm u>In hla enmpaijn'.-----

rON OALLUP , i Jl,;ld. C«na, will b« I I b a mnvt uhli «aker a l the Idaho time uhcn the Uniin n 'a r tlr ta l a t the allies are trylni: to s :hurch In nuh l on po.illlon In lhe Mldd Staff e n rrarln t) . The wesifrn alliM

A « embarr.i.wfd becau-vEeJ■ou. ral<allne sin

f n x n o o i r • 'svpt m>d siLU o p c a l v iniporlant to them n

ist Parley to Uiclr'dimcliliiH lied in Buhl m.uAlT.I'n

I church here Dec. 3 ^ jKins Saiicl'.i kin

J s l l u p , Plainfield, sue ich of dewrl *; ly Is c.illed lhe "fly- IloaLs on a fca of oil, I Connccllcul," He Is Oil Is ImncNational Council of T hai o " one oMl

Isl men and a pasi , j ,r of R ourj’ In lerna - „p ,o u ed by the f

I X. - , Arabian American C g our churches Ss u m „ jm d ,,-.1, he Uo-day reUenl. Arabia's revenue.^ wn*N rL«n^nrt Wnl entirely from Iin NclMn and W al- pllKrlm.i UoIm ; lhe Rev. Clyde [j,e Mwlem uorld. Dr, Elwn Newman, g„uji ^„bl«

■; Claude Johnson, m n - sautl-neU wn ^ Jh''!)'’ million dollars ft yeaiin Flint, abo Idaho -Aramco."

HaaAIrlT • There b aLvi the

i r r I i c f fact lhal the Unlled . U i o i ' of lU Krcfllest air ba

^ . . I n Saudi Arabia. Thimnnd lhe enllrr Ml<

. C / U U I C 'U . 11. Kinni bombers « _ * range ot the SovietH r k l i r l a v c 'Tf’e aRreement ui l l U l l i i a Y 9 United siat^A hold

list of boolu perU- jyj,

!e T ^d n ^ riiu public f " J ; '“J X r . ' ’''the'

inlr^-and rcelUlIons, __________Uff has irmnRed n AWARDS* 1books alons wlUi a nUPERT, Nov. 22

• housewives. m an Hoy Tlioma.% b, Includes "How to *U r safe drIvlnR aw Chenowclh: "Com- RecclvlnK the nward ome Baklne." Sernn- Police Jake Wnll, Wild Qame," A sh-Johnson , Deputy Eld ng tor Company." D redje, Harry Bore de Cookbook."Beard. mln Nielsen. Jean 'able A m nsem enU ," Bowmnn nnd Probat

Redford,ay.i and reclUUons | ' —"ChrUlmas Sior>'."

U>r>' of Chrblmax."! l-Around Chrblma.^i •'ChrUUnos Carol."|

"Children's Book ofi V I W «

naj Fa;U and Fan- •Treasuo* ot Hymn.C ■ ot Peace," Pearelh: ihuatflcr: "ChrbUnas and Olrb." Sorenson.;y-s ChrisUnas Book," G U A ' R A ^

I, "Oood Hou.^ekeep- lome Journal." "Me-

« e o o o a r o 5 ^ o | |

\MES I SERV; t e k l . [ M 0 W - |lln s ic V a lle y S l Jcpo iri o r t t ATTERNS 81 sure to coll us

■ ! fost service.

T a i u a i o i , 213 5 th Ay

Addiftdin E . A la.s FroiTi 5 1 A rta Bidsr-

fci (O-^^ 11

•B O U R B O M • \

~ ^ ^ ( S


1 K in g Shopper« f fV < » » * r£5 PHOENIX. A m .. Nov" i ^ C W S A 52-year-old woman V^ ^ ped by poUce yesterday, 1 ! , , an a rm fu l ot ChrlsimiU i c t X I X |J plnss and carvlns knive

. * store In one of the fane, V”! r e pint cen ten In Phoenij me Saud cf Saudi, ^ fU r a hurried conletna> prove to bc an » t r c ^ to pay »70J8 for i«iifnt-in-ihe-mld-; 'u i a T x i l l c e - l rm e r p i r jion. Soviet Russia ,,.g y m . 1955 cadllla the picture when

A sstelllte Czecho-

'. took advanUEe Petition FiledbeUeen tho Arab / I J * 1

Gooding 1ndla ^^oms lo have OOODINO. Nov. ID-II mind in asking ^'r»nct8 W. Boyd. Jerome ,.%lt him. |R. Reed. Ooodlnc. aniII Nehru's aim lol>*uytkens. S.ilem. O re. a >c nf African and •’'fancU Boyd be apiMlnte uhtch uill deUch t« to r In tiie estate of C Uie wesiefn sphere Bo>’d and Agnea Boyd, u

probote eourt here Mond nn to K Ini Siud to Mrs. Boj'd died In Oooi' lo be a new move;Nov. 20, 1055. and Boyd t------------------------- ---------------------- ---------------

lUd Tlm# The t.tlale. valued aMhlch come.i *l ft mately *30.000, coiisbla ( nitfd Slates and lu houses Jn Wendell, sopii to sirenRlhcn their cash and depostta and e< llddle Eait. hold furn itu re and equi;lll« are w m e*hat Judse Jamesauje of the dan- ,he hearing tor 10 a.m. D eiiuaiion. rj.,„ Gooding, U aUorr

d Saudi Arabia are peiuionera.m nnd the activity _______________ndm cnn only add j , | „ „ Madison, 5 fee '“ • tall, waa thc ihorlestOffered of lhe Unllcd Stales,l thut Itu-vla has

Saudi Arabia, as 1 that Saudi ArabU -

does not gel lnU> Hbut lu friendship ■

Ite United SUles. m W B Jklnidom, a m tI *.ind, procUcally J J

>f the m u t Smpor- uel In Uie be Amcrlcan-ownedn OII company, STO n

.” m Z k m ".?!)m a head U x Irh- ;.i lo Mecca, thrlne

F K Mnbla—which means • » "someUilng like 100 H ^year In oil royalties ^

Mr Base H Bhe lllUe-mentloficd lied SUles haa one r base.i a l D hahran The base can coni*Middle East, From

rs are welt wlihln __ •'vlel Union. r | I g a & ^ j a L / lt under which theMid the D hahran , t K ^ ^ /for renewal next j

lURglng a t Saudi' 1 _,r xldn. and India I jthe United 8Ul«s I ■cull lo molnUln lU I

)S*MADE. 29-SU te Patrol- | | ^ « | ^

luued nine "gold awards" Saturday. ' I r ^ F o ^ ^

,ards were Chief of • m \ / / / T 7 l f c'nil, Sheriff TheoEldon Hunier, June T>5Jorclmrdl. Jr„ Car- U - an Hunter. Claude J)bat« Judge Oeorge

P P ^ I .

Wrnjm I Boys. B alanc

. Look hov 1prices Ihli i t

I ^

v i c e 'chonces with

ion. set. W hen ['‘ needed, be , 'us for expert, J

E 2 7 5 0 I ' l lAv«. South , , j r *

K R I f f l l - 'TABLE ond I

s e t :7.9(

h. T able and chair «■^■v Jusl rlsh l for lhe

V In blending color*,'N Tenney's for toysl

\ ' y w ^ w

- /\. '' OIL PAH

SETS . .

t ^ .......P: V W IR O N IN

b o a r d s. t i r i w .

____________ T I M E S - N E V


~ Play ReheariV .. 2UHL. Nov. » - C a r t me.n w a f . io p - the Junior c lau play U bei •dav e a r n iL 8 pjn. Dec. 8 In th« B

H ™ '; is;s?ur“ " ' “■ ■’fancier iliop- ■ “All In the Family,* by xnlx. H atlen. u a ihree-act con: mtcrrnce. she — forthrEDOds r<rsn«~Qrok'A------

led in 4 h % ^ : Estate


and Tlielma e . ajkltis Ilnled ailmlnla-

Clatence H.

noodlng eounty •yd died Nov. a. \ ^ j l t

d a t JiiiproxU sU ot lou and so{ne livestock,

:qulpmenl.n c s ^ c t i t l t »cl

liorney Ior the J

feet 4 lnche.i •lest Presldenl CtU.


ORE HOURS — 9:30 to 5:30 MONDAY gnd FRIDAY ‘Ml 9 P.M

b y l a

ys' Or G irls' 16-Inch ncer SIDEWALK BIK• Penney'a value- ■ll sturdy bike! Cro.-ui _J off toconvcrl trom t r « . 7to girls' bike. E.1II- ■ * ■ ^ —;heeb mnke th is bikn ■Bnlanccr makes I t ■

Igh tor even 6 o r 7 ■ f

TS tR U N I? 0 2 ^ " . 4lr set th st nr« See them In Red • 1lhe youngsUr.i, Oreen. Mnde ejpe.)lor5. Shop a l hold all Ihr clothe:jysl doll's wardrobe.

N'" ’ '■■AINT l a r g e t o

. . 3.98 CHEST . .


PIANC' ^ T ■ ■ » i e'{ING I v

>S . 1.98 I

E W S , T W I N P A L L S , I D A H (AHO__________ _____________

J pUy Is directed by BUncht ^ d l S c Q eck and tha casl.indude* 1 rt •„ gleston. Tommy Wilson,tt membera In jgA nn ItDlmes. Mai0 be presenled aa,. Gary Winn. Billy Me Lha Buhl high Douglas Albertson. Yvonn r t rehearsing lodt. A nn MorrU and Bhl

wood.* by Ttieodore1 comedy. Tlie READ TIMES-NEWS WAI

w \ W « L| I ------, ^ 1

" . . ■ ^ EDDY'S BAKERY


t n d J

/ ^ DOI

D O l lJ <,.»• 7

h Z w /’ ------- 1 Scc Penncv'fl Inrdc

I tion o f dollfl fo r th • A L L Beautifully

. . c d ..- .P ln a tic s .--B — - ~ V " J iz e d -E tc .

Tricycl<T s s' ^ sturdy tricycles for•d • Blur - or of children. AdJusUl ejpeclnlly lo • handle b an , E

lolhes In U19 jiey's Ulkes flrstl

yOY ' ' t a b l e TENN

. . 7.90 SETS . . .

CED!-------TOY '

^ o s . r p p5 -TOY

______ STOVES .

lUnchea Nova*

S£V“^;; More thas. Marilyn Te-

K « famous sc3 WANT ADS,

1 W . si>« S iH Grci



L I S :.!

7’^ • ;j Peaney** make*

; i ful Cbrltlmat

] Louis Marx 61InrdC se le c - 1 Train Super. Co r t h c f f i r ls . "j Full Set of Can’ully Drc.s«- : . -----------------

-_R u b b cr-

' C l e s DELUXE DOI

0.13S0 BUGGII» for all lla-* 6.90JJusUble neatsn . See pen- completely collapsatstl larse rubber llre.i . .

handles. Colors are I

®y .- ' ^ Po rcheo il.........

FE N N IS Prince V o lia n t

, • 2 . 0 0 People A r«. Funny ............

. Dennll theS a I ■ ....i - B reok th e ^ = ^ ‘' B o n k .............

V anity, L = r | i : , ■ F .o o tb o ll........

W ink i D in k ...

,Y H onrf S h o e i ...

) . 2 . 9 8 ......

han 100 mtionally semonetfes . . . . .


t l Kltlierrf L h m------Thi»-6ih sni l»t««-.

• Tolume by the luibor• of che 'S polen , .Z * Voed* conttifij Ouictv.

two or three minute Kir&onettei durlns nation-wide brosdcasu o t t>ie Mormon Tsbemtde . aioir.Thoe fl-to*

■ ■ n p ? M earth K rm oantd coo*( certj themiclva with

“chcMglvu of God and;■ Mote tnd the

Green Stampi

> b o o k st o r e11 MMN AVENUE WEST

. . '

^ a m , E L E C T R I^ C

i lG H T T R A I N S E T

ake( H ■ deUfhl. O f iu t (or Jtinletl,[ Steam - Eleclrit \ Complete irtUiCan and Traekil _________

DOLL " “ “ steel

;JeS WAGOfr 0 4.98r - - . ; f S Sire Blue and valus a l Pcnneysl

......,69e j ' f fe ia E a ^

’ ’ ® . . 2^WAY TELEpii

1.69 S E T S . - .


........ 2 .98

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to* I m:ofl* . I Nb UHind: n

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i)NS3ron. H eavy lurdlly con - s ouU tand- leyal'

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984 .98 I


I New Plan Can 5 EndPollution L J ByBeetWasteK <rf»« PMt o « i^ Jind C m l W otsxi lUidied th f d b ; '

tpoial ®re» Ocl. J3-28.____ ' »

The d&flr w uie load u tppllcd'to ~t'

Ithe fltld conliJnrt JiJW pcondt ol J; hlochemlckl oxTgen denutsd-BOD U ■,]

------f tincasare of-the «ytfn*«or«umln* - ipower o( ft « u le miCcrtil. i'

The heallh Mnice expUlned (h&t one pound of DOD reQuim one i> pound of oxygen for lUbmiallon. If ' nO D excerdt Uie oxyjen aupply, ■ ^

i « trw m become* tmeHr tn d fl»li and . o ther fo m s of Hfedfe. i

The flndrnjo were reported to hi»e «hown t lu i the realduil »Mte (rom ; the fletd conlilned 6.133 pound* of BOD per day. Th»l meanl Uie dl»- • p o u l area method remcrred 13.137 ! pound* or B7 per eent 6f the orni- i ! nnl IBMO pounda. j ;

The anumnu of nltroccn and | ; ■pliosphftte^n Iht mstenal ntw w en ».■

I dnuUeally r e d u c e d before they}*;

irenched the rlrer. j-:. In the susar mtnuf«eUirlns proe- ii

ea*. &olI U washed from bcelA and *■ quanUUe* of llmc are lued. Tlio wU end lime Uter beeume *ltt. On the »l

• te* l«reftthe»l)t»m ciuniedto75l«u *| per day. and In lhe dl«po.^nl method 09.4 per cent of Ult* fuqtended su t> «: tc r WAi rtraored. J;

J Elalio-U.S.fo~~ Jl r Join in Fight I On Pin Games.;

\ BOISE. Kov. ^ iru^bmmUdoner u lI of Law Enforcement Earle E. Koeh* *Qi

Jle r Mid yesterday he plan* lo work UL w ith fedcrnl authorlilca In a itate- I wide cmckdovn on pinball ma> an H chlneS'belnB tsed fnr sambUog pur> Pn

II pose*. recIfe nlto reported Uiat levrrnl hon- eu

d rrd machine* are bettered to /im'e ■■ r been tftkrn from tbe »l4te rtnee >T1- — L . day. when he announced a more v i H ; nnalnst the "bis eommrtdal and 11■ I syndicated operators" who dItUlb- I II Ule the devices.11 | Koehler conferred wllh U. S. Ally.Cl,’ -^herm im r\tr»y. Jr.. u id offlelaU h of Uie U. a tstema] n r tn u e lenr-

lc« nfCer ttHlBg ocvm rn Al* drtrr a would be Umlted to madiknes which■ I pay off In c u b , (rt& lamea, beer.■ i merchnndlw or other rewnrd*. . . i P ‘' . He had iald Fridny lie would ,!i seek to oust all plnbnlt machines ,t,,

I from Idaho became ’'sublerfUKs’’

■uch aa hUkd altnal* were frcQUtnl- i,_ ly tued lo prortde^lddaj payoff*.

B n t T atcrdar b* explained U ut the re U do law under whkh oper- ^ s u m can b« protecuted If the ma« chines tra Dot betaf u*ed for BftmbHnr.

He h u Ijtued orders for a crack- . ^ down oo the heel* o( a rullnj by A ttr . Oen. Onydon SmlUi U ut ma-

ij, chines which pay off tn fre^Rsme* illl nre lUeft] tn Uie lU te, subject to ^ IH! se lzo n kW] dcstnicUon. in Koehler said he t(M Purey U ut ’' JnfonnsUon on pinball operation*|r , developed b r Idaho offleen would < 3 j„ ; bo tum ed over to federal auUioriUes t- ; fo r w tu tm r Kltoa they ml*ht wUh i t to tak*. , to 'l i l H e said (bai opm tar* who u*e ^ I).: th# m sc h u w /fo r taab lln* roust f * J l l purchase t CBO federal l u n t ^ I'*

f ' _______; k:5 2 Men Burned ^

I In Auto Wreck

Not Identified ;s

OLENDIVE, Mont., Nov. 29 Lft- J'Ji' W ho are the two men burned lo deaUi Sunday In a car th a t bere ‘'II Idaho Ueeose plntes} AuUsbrlllra . , i hero sUll d irtnt know loday. but they were willing to «>eculatc.

T he two men died In Uie burning ■KTttkuge e t U it\r'caT-at:rT-jrcol- con

IP' llded wlUi a catUe truck cm U. a m i hlshw ay 10 Sunday. 33 rolles weat of OlendJve.

! OfflcUl* here wondered If thc H

m en may hate been fonner resldenU 1 of BoUe. Ida. who Ured recently > In BlUlnc*. Monu

Police In .Idaho, afler checking ■« regU tnU on of Uie Ueense pUte*. run reporled Uie car w u iold lo WlllUm “ ,

BllUnxa police reported th a t a WlUUm lU rrey Oenll* and a Bill ■WUlard OeatU-poailbly a *ot»-lefl ^ B llllncs for eu lera Montana Sn a e a r similar lo Uie ene Involred In th e wreck, a car aUo bearlnj Idaho license pUtes.

And a Olendlre morUclan said a I h n t found in a dlleh near the wreck- 1" *■ I oire bom Uie name lUrtey W. Oenav ®“ *

GenU*’ wife In Bol*e said *he h id no t heard tn m her hu*6and Jn some

- Ume. Bhe described him as 43. about C feet, and broad-shouldered. Bul t— there wn.1 no word Irom nuihorlUM! . Jn Olendtve today a* to how c!o.iel>" P

T Ihl.^ dcKrlpUon fll elUier of Uie;!' vlcllins. !

C.iJMdlni: Riifollnc burned bolh the cnr nhd Uie tnjtk In the col- u lt.ilon. but A. L, Drademejer. 57. of T.iylor.-N. D„ drirer ef Uie truck,w;u rescurd by hls . on and n com- '-----pnnloa who wtre folloi-mit m nn- | “

[ olhcr vehicle, Brjdempyer wni I treated fer hli Injuries n l a hosplt.il

here. I

I U » > , 4 / I I S ) i


j ■

I— i ________ _ - l_ -

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M agic V{K U X K T F I


T u u o a r • r t:>S K -L.t-Z 'm .Kof < i> C*i>W

I S: 0 il» i([ l iS ^ S J 2 r “ * ' i i l S l H l

------ iiHLvt 1(:M 1—fc- T.__ , I , , ,- ;e lirM x u iK n u i .x < J i loioa «S.«I

j : |S ; : ,d *15 Cfl »• r n n r **

• SsS lEkT :S:;r.", ■ VIS'; iafejSiSf- I :M Mflstrrv-a Smvlaik

I :M •Mr Trm Surr _ „

' ^ 3 asriS,.-"'"’ i‘:“; i p :j::U •PmI lU nn , i» » Cti'li'

\ ii I i’‘o KJ l:0« N»-i of No. 7!C-1 .Or»«( t: 5 Kill Klub bksa 1::° aTruUi, a.O# »HbW

- «:IO J«crim nU •:lsM ln>riasiiissvw,. 1!:;; :N a f iM ’O 'a n h i

Economic “ ScWAaiUNOTON, «o». ag m — An exi

ip lc a l tu re departmenl economist |o< u ld yeslerday the current eccmomle prl tQuecu m the nailcn’s farm er ts In Ukcly 10 se t a UUIe tlfhler nexl year, 'co

In a report to Uie departm ent's ISl a n n u a l farm outlook conference ' Predrrlck V. W auih. departmedl <U- mt rector of economics, made this fo re- er cast: an

“LoQtlng tJsetd to I t i t . t a i n J

Ike Says Aid I< F or Schools ,

Is Indicated K(r«» i f w o»<> ^

entlon of our younc should be free. * . II sliould be under the control ol the family and locaUlj. I t ahould no l be controlled by any central auUior- 'V • • • Die

“A t the some Ume. we know th n l everybody must have a (ood edu - t cation If they are to properly d ls- ldt eharge Ihelr function* as * clUsen (U| ol America." m;

ThU. Elsenhower said, v u ~Uie heart of UiU whole problem." f

■'We w ant (ood faclUUee on Uie I one hand, and we know th a t th e re ^ are many a r c u In which people c a n ­not afford to buUd the sehooU.'’

He spoke of the dlleaima In w hich many educators find themselves to ­day:

"If we depend too much on ou l­aide help, too much- os th e federa l , lorem m ent, we wUl kae Independ- „ ence and InlUaUve. Bul If Uie fed- ^ n l Boremment doesn’t sl«p In w ith “ leadership and wlUi provldlni c red it ^ and money where necessary, th e re , will be a lack of schooU in certa in J ', Im porunl areas. And Uil* csn n o t be allowed." "•.

The president *ald *1 don 't expect ^ th u conference to find any easy ao- J luUea?" to edueaUon'* problem*.

"Bul I do know tills," he added : fl'' "When aetulble Amcrlcnn*—m en ‘ “

and womeiv—sll down lORclher to " ” dUsua*a p rob lem ...son ie iiun t sen- sible com«i ou t We don’t h av e , ' cmckpol IdcM. We don’t hnve doc- “ J trlnalre opinion* or soluUoru."

The persUtent <;u«Uoa of federa l “ “j aid lo schooU threatened to dom l- nale the seaalon dnplte oUier p lans by the cot^ference.tradenhlp.-McKltoy ackhowledjed « a news conferrncfl tha t there may be tlce- works over lhe federal aid issue.

Huge Power Bill ^ e n for F a rm s „

WASHINOTON. Nor. » R fl-T he ’Tn n in l e^ectnflcaUon adm lnlstrallnn trU yeslerday predicted th*t,fanners w ill m i spend »34MO.OOC.OOO on elecUlc « p - hln pliance* and e^lpm enl during th e in I next 20 years. ITiU wouJd be (ui A average of UJOO a farm. Oct

The predlcUon w u baaed on a ‘T ’ sludy conducted by Uu i n l e r - l n - r ' ’ dustiy farm cleclrlc uUUuUon coun- ^ clU a group organlred to eneournce ^ Etealer producUve ute of e lectricity C In rural area*. The study lloelf wns bated on eatlmatea thal th e power, requlrrmenU of REA-flnanced aya-; lems wlll nearly double by ]MS and j tripled by 1975.___________ . .]

H U L L 'V TURKEYS -Dehverwl to Your D w

TOMS__ lk.5«e o,HENS......lb. S6e B'

H U L L ' S . T U R K E Y S T 'rhone H n-31 er m c i


T w in Foils A


f a l l U D IE S ' NIC


SATURDAYA m erican Leg

2 0 5 T H IR D AVE. EASTV itid n g S h r ln c n o n d Loi

....................... . ' W £A R YOUR

i^alley Radio ScheT l A M -F M K E E P

X tU )-n .7 KEG.) ( tm KILOCTCLCS)

ru««r - •iPKJ’iT*'-"t':M KUU* AUm

u \a m U .S!l*c"TL»t«r ‘ :!l 5i>or1* Kn y!«w

w T u.o . y - . .X:M.«(nw4i^.YaUr>lu

‘*aWal iKiKlnroI g K

uitt u UU«Mi I »nlia Uf D nsalar

S'ssr"””"™{•"'m 1I1(K Nton

M m liJ t i l i i i

rii'Ibtor M n t':M JIakU*'**•P Tu.rt I MnMfkr. «flot IUb'i FuO rInp-ririMn C4ltlM •:>; (rrkMnt XIm.I>«tiili la ______ 1Z:"« D«»l«ii for

iieK Seen F ^ ih g Squeeze” During 1

cxpcct busloeaa cotidlUou to be very more Ui iood. We s n l n expecl nurlcultursl war pei priccs and Income lo Ug behind . . . cosu ht In other word*, we expect Uie farm the sam 'coauprlce squeeie' to continue In a redui 1S5C." amounl

This "squeeze* likely wUl be 000.0001 marked, Wangh sild, by aome furUi- <OOjXO.fi er drop In fnnn Income but lltUe if any In farm production cu ts. opening

Pnrm prlcrj Juvb nlrrady dropprd /erence.extenalo;

Idaho Family Is offlc *ab!

Unhurt in Crash lunlnl i:LOOAN. Utnh. Nov, 23 MWHie

sh e rtfn officc yeiterriny sMd an w auci Idaho couple nnd their four children eKaped Injury when thrlr car over- ' lunied on U. 8 . highway » In (Ul canyon.

Evnn W. Morgan. 5«, Ovid, Ida.. 5rnm, «ns driving, HU c.ir nkldded on Ice. uqi,; went oul of conirol nnd lumed over, ncnion The accident occurrcd Inte Snturday nrmocrn night, Morgan and hU family were h«vi* t on Uielr way home. Democra

Depuly Sheriff Al Soren.wn. who „ Inrestlgsted. sakl Uie c ir wa* badly damaged bul Uie Morgan* are all ,

electioii.n_ . WnuBi

L a w y e r A s k s ■ S ’Sin n ouii

H e a r i n g s o n feS^'th’;___ ^ lubalani

M o r a l s C a s e . . S ; “medUle

BOISE. Nov. 3« Cn-Parl* T, Mnr- nomlc fi Un. 44-year-otd BoUe altomey, er." the atked for a preliminary henrlng tererai y yeaterday cn a chsrge'of cflmrolttlng ture to g an Infnmou* crime agalnsi nature. Economb

Ju.itlco of thc Peace J. M. Lnm- to te t it pen fchrduled J l leataUvcly for Dcc, da iL"M. Miiitln U one of 11 Bolseans nc- l a opn Clued of Immoral sex pracUces wlih l u l j tli minor boys. (• made oni

Meanwhile, two othrr* alnillnrly farm pro dwrged waived prellmlnnry hear- caught ’ Inff*. They are Joaeph U. Oousli. 33.' tquc r« ’' n slore buyer^and WllUrd W, Wll- adju.ilme ton, 39. a liquor u ln m a n . Bul he

All three are nt liberty on t2J00 er* nre bond, severe tl

A fourUi clrfendant. John Calvin war perli Dartlell. 29-ycnr-old former Cnld- Tlie so well hlsh school teneher, U to np- for makI penr before I.impert today, rtonomlc

A flfUi. Jor Moore. Sl-yesr-old (nrrners fonner back vice pretldent, U to producllo appear In district court todny to enter a plen lo a sImlUr chnrse.Bartlett nnd Moore aUo are free oLlI on bond. BLA

Trial Begins wDENVER. Nnv. 29 liTl-Mnurice 7.

’lYavls, 4$. a union offlclnl, wenl on trUl ye.Merday In U. S. dlitrlcl court 1“ ^ ^ ^ en a four-couni Indictment aeeuslnE I him of falsely denying .memberahlpj in the CommunUl parly. j

At the-ilme cf hU Inrilclmenl In October. 19H. TravU.wns fecrtlnr}'-' tieastirer of lhe IntemaUonal Union of Mine. Mill and Bmelter Worken Vniu/ (lnd.) wllh hcndquarlers In Denver,

Calvlta o l f fonanU makes d«l- Urs for ynu-(;iobe Seed-Feed. Adv.j •

' l e x I ’T h e a te r -F ile r i - _

ENOS TO N IG H T .BOB HOPE • M illy V ilo lc \_ J


Y, Dec. 3 g j2gion Half K j

7 :3 0 P .M .. m m L o d ic i W elcom e

ledulesK B A R T |

ES) (ISO RfLOCVCLm T1■rounar

The t*;«().»» T w ___ moa KM(;!• W»tWr Bm rt ^■ « ,» WUlUa WJoi#r o f the I

T;M Kr. Ckukt AlMnrr we

.sai.lW_Duwi.llll r*r»<i» T hen fron t Bi

rr>B K-itM i. C W Atlanticie:MN.«Mayj;r belOW 2„ J I to D/M- cr AUanUc

■e wrfSNCSPAT vr» In I

1:11 UtUas Man cxpeclc(■•1! Mlchlg*

™im , r i i A ^ o u iKutIm d idn 't g

»uru» n o i.N .Hu.U

i>-ii Cciiu-Dokk iii-Us»ii Wintry 1 i;:l> r««l lUrrff Rocklcti v ”, ? No n h

ty meas

M I n.1 8»«ui nu t andCM Cir 7 » « T he ,

line p u« _________________________ III., and--------------- ^ ~ K ^ _ p o

i ^ T i ^ t e r ; g ■Year Ahead H3e Uian 25 per cent below po*i-

peak*. iliUe farm producUon s hsve declined very UUIe frra t ssme penk*. Tlie result h u been J” ^ reduction in nel Incom e-the “ ' ami ie fl from n peak ol »17.1D1.- ^000 In 1M7 to s n eaUffiSted |I0 ,- OOO.tCOlhl.,»,.'sugh s fo reeu t w u given a t the ling session of the ouUook con- <t,i nee. attendnl by m e n Ihsn 4CC ’ lulon aenlce economUU from various alairs and by department l / p n |

:ie conference U daigned to ac- .nl the .ilale economUU wlUi the X I. iruiient'.s view on e c o n o m ic WAS) d* nffecUng farmer*. A rthur ^'aUEh aaltl th a l In making hU d n j ealli east o t Mmewlmi hsrder times to get o farmers he look Into consid- admlnlsl lon Lhe possibility thnl con- Walkli1 mny modify pretenl fnrm pro- of Agrlc

llh S^cret.^r^• nt Agriculture fiexlbb :ton nnd members of congress— attacks Ilocrnt,'! na well na Republican*— “Mostl! promljcd '■Improvemenls." fight," 1locratlc critics of the EUenhow- allidmlnlstmtlon'.a farm programs prosramcl nRrlculiurnl problems to b t Watkliijor l!uue in next year's n a U tn ^ “U ke th.1011.1. flexiblenuEh said he doubled tha t any farmers, Intion pnssed by congress a tcoming session would affect the 1^*outlook "very decLilvely," J J J

It he said legislation could a f . , , ,

lo adjostmenl.1 In Uie farm pro- in°TC(n M are likely to make an Im- Ule change In the basic eco- le f a c u confronting the farm- the economUl aald. "11 took

ral years for Amerlcnn agrlcul- ? ^ r i . ^ i to ge t into IU present troubles, " I ” *®' lOmUU and sUtesmen cnn help « ' rt It ou t. but I t will take time to o p

, CAMTopening Uie eonrerence. »*lch LDS chu

tlirouKh Thur.vlny. Benson direcUon • only one reference in currcnt I.wnc Ml programs. He tald fnrmers are oU icr Ui

ht " in a serious farm-prlcc Eldredge ■«" Rro*lng oul of post-war Memlw 'tm ent* family wiI hc sa id the hard.ihlp.^ farm- are undergoing now sre less e thnn in nny previous post-' period.e secrclw y slre,v'Td Uie need iniaklntt adequaU and reliable; M wilc InformaUon avallnble to ' t u b s - crs RO th a t they mav foreju-rl icllon nnd m arketing problem.i.j

^ ^ T c o A n—AT— M


e p i s c o p a l c h u r

CHRISTMAS B■piecopal C hurch B n se m c n t Bin

FRIDAY, DECEMBE• , Open Prom 2 O'clock UnUI i


eroN soR E D n v s t . MAivniy


= M M }DOORS IPEN 1:15



no—ctMot m i ^


T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F .

j c t i c I c e b o x yi^^ave C o v e rs B A Z B


W id e R e g io n s KBy Ualud rvMs Mrs. U

Tie blggert celd wave of the s a - , I ^ n v le d acws* Uwee qnarlenthe nation todiy sod shored l<*- 511,L weather deep Into the aewui- iio*smood. She aad:h e n w u no stopping t h e ^ . ^ c Twin P in t u It moved into Uie gulf and njored loasUc sUtes. Tempera'Ji.'ea were ,p>. sheow 20 -degrees slong Uie middle piesbyterafitlc coast and were in the filgld survlvoI In some gult sUtej. H. Howsit « u much colder In the Mid- brothers. <U and West- ’nm perttiir tt w e it to d ttoy leelcd to h it sera in northern loa and C ihlgan todsy and were under Uie two sUU desree mark in much of O hla PorlUnd. OUsgow. Mont. It WM 35 below Ooodnlgh0 eariy today and Uie Tnercury (randchU n 't get above eiiht below a l Ml- Puneral , N. D , yeslerday. 3:M pjn. ioow and Icy wmd* addcl to the mortuary 1U7 bite In msny areas from Uie aid Blac :klct to lhe AUsnUc. ntes will forthem Mlehlgan's Copper coun- cemetery, measured nine inches of new anow to the ee Sunday. Every avalUble piece prlends t snow plow equlpmenl wss called Tuesdayand hurtdredi of cara were sUU- day.

and temporarily ibandoned.■he wtnd*. mtinwhlle. gave air- 1 ^ ___1 passennrs a tcsre In Rockford. 1^ 3 ? ^ , and robbed n Deiroll Uiief of a4 portion ef hb loot. 1 7 |It-Rockford. a-lO-mile-per-liour -- R I <Id gust toppled an Ozark aUilnes •3 onto JU nose momenU after 1aoded on a flight from MUwau- A. W U. lo S t LouU last nlghL t i propeUors were bndly bent, HAZEL

three crew meniben snd three members Acngers escaped Injury'. uu i iwo 1jio ther wind guti speUed trouble vention « a knlfe-wleldlng Detroit bondll noon aC t be sped from a grocery store Jerome 7 h J258 clutched in hU fUt. TTie orange h >d whUked Uie money gwiy and

bu id lt hsd to compete wllh n X . re clerk and a passerby in a wild ^ unbJe to pick It up. He finally got ^ j,eld I ly WlUl only 1178,

t 1 . „ r 1 Ha*elU«iepublican Wants To Help Benson

/ASHINOTON. Nov. 2# (tB—Sen. hu r V. WnUlM. R,, Ulah. yester- PUU. called cn hU fellow Republicans Ji>hn I

tet out and sell the Elsenhower man. ta li ilnlstrsUon's fsrm progrnm, bonrd will 'a U lns told reporters SeereUry women's Vgrlculture Eira T all Benson *U Mid the much nione" In defending the clulrman

Ibb price support program from wUi be ap •cks by the DemocraU. Delegati vioslly Benson U making the a t PocaU it." he said. -CoQpessmen and Haiellon. Republlan* *houtd be selling Uic rome. AlU gram.’ Carlyle Bi ra ttln j tald the OOP ahould ReUrlng te the offensive" tn d explain the Hermann. Ible support program to the chairman; ners, and &lrs.

-------------------------- RcUrln* b

Divorce Askeda BametU charged e x t r e m e Brookslool lU l cruelly In a suit for divorce ' ~ a WUllam Barnette filed Monday The a»« rwln Pans dUtrlct court. tM lp e c a hey m married June 10. IMS. rwJa M l*. No ehUdren or com- V - W j lity property U Involved In the ■ A n , Raybom. Raybom and Krnmer I H I I e s a it Mrs. Barnette. 1 " i

Speakers Listed\REY, Nov. 2t>-Sunday evening r i W T ; church service* were under the ;Uon of the high council wllh THE c Miller, Richfield, as speaker.:r Ulks were given by WorUi TEEF edge and Jamet Ttwne. embenhlpi for Wesley Mon.v)n's Hy were accepted.


EKDS T O N IG H T Hoberl Tnylor—Eleanor Parker


l U R c t . ~]B A Z A A R - J

Blue Lake.1 BoulcvnrdBER 2, 1955 ~nUI i O'clock) CHOOSE FROM I V 5 ? SKIDDIES 1 ^ ^ '



; O F F I R E " ,

V E N G A L I " ^

3 3 = ^ ^M 4 0 e MAT.S O e



nn^-^wfee-River of 7

Mo Returnr o g r a m ^ . , . .


t F A L L S . I D A H O ________________

azelton Woman Fin Taken by Death ij,

lA Z B L T O M . KOT. a — M r* . nche K ow noo, a n slden t of gle Valley foe 43 yean, dkd a t a Iin P »Us re*t b w ab o rt noco -

in .^U aw vaoa was bora.In IUI-* and was a jraduale librarian of

Jamea l^inikeo unlvenlty. IUI- ^s. She w u majTled to Prank n m o a Juaa I. Itl3 , a t besver.• aad h e r huaband n o red ta „ lo Pall* the aame year andTed lo Haxeltoo a b o u t* .y e a n .

She w u a member, of Ux abyterlan ehorch. lurrlvors arc ooe too. B ichard Howsmon. Phoenix, Art*.: four t o » * “

ilhcra. J. a iUmUUO. Twin PalU. TTie c J Rey HamlJUn, Walter lUmU- perm it I and Owen HamUton, aU IlllnoU; conrertJ

) sUtera, KaUurlne KamUUn, mon sto -tund. O re- and Mrs. Gerlrude a PO sdnlght. WUconaln. and two could b< ndchlldren. * The c■uneral services will be held a t0 p jn . Wedneaday a t U»e White rtuary 'thapel wiUi Uie Rer. D or- The i

Blnekstone olfleUUng. Pinal c•J wUl be held a t Twin Falla p,,lelery. MemorlaU may be mnde ,

the Amertcan Cancer fund,enda m sy call a t Uie mortuary y , .Jday and unlll 3 p m . Wednes-

------- — ---------------- Oolde

arm Bureau “iSS' E le c ts - E ig h t - ^

As DirectorsfAZELTON, Nor. 2> -E l*h t aew nbers ttf the board of directors [ two delegates.to Uie sU te con- tlon were elected Mcnday after- w in a t the ann\tal meeting of the L ome Farm Bureau, held in Uie ^ mge half here. A1 tlie same time two alternate :« delegates were named. The X Farm Bureau convenUon U to held in Pocatello nexl monUi.lew directors f r t n the £den- J :elton u n ll are Art Bruns, Oeorge B l ley and WUllam Coates. Dl- J | ors frooi H unt are Prank Yama- I and H arry Peterson. The thrre snie directors are WUllam But-

Raymond CUrk and Roger

>hn Hermann. reUrlng chair- V W t. tald a nlRltt member ot the rd WlU be the chairman of lhe len 's auxiliary. Rennann also 9 I the Bureau chairman, vice- Irman and secretaiy • treu u re r H | be appointed by the nev board, I B i

elegatea to the sUte convention Pocatello wlll be Edwin Bruns. el loo. and WUlUm Butler, Je- M e. Alternates are Ray Clark and lyle BuUer. boUi of Hunt. ■etlrlng officers. In addition to m ann, nre Ray Clark, vice- Irman; RoUnd Poners.secreUry,

&lrs. O tto Jonlcad, reporter. irlng board members were OUver igh. Carlyle BuUtr, Leon Tip- s, Floyd Oambrel, and Claude okslool.<t

ha average V. a dentist has a \ tncom eoftllJO O ayear. 1

• 2 3 3 3 \I ^ U / r TDCRSDAT \I w V t ! B oo n O p en liU ]


rnts w m SlUilYIIMlO.wmcMim T |

»o: TOM * JK Rny . NEWS [ l ^ ^ _

» T O ^


L i2 (fc _ C om 'on Do ^ T he L

Sr-W H B W i i

^ J ^ ;

inn’s Pleas Matt Under Study In ' Gas C aseH s

OIBE.l»O T.aiJV -ThesU lepgb- tU U tkacaam U aknyesienU ybe- Pn> . a fina l study of the applkaUon the Cascade IfaUoal O u The aey torm JaCBorem aaeyfortU dU. “ ®paayqUoo ayates) ta W ashlngtoa Or- B u d oortbcsB U altt. ^ U tou ry o n p u iy o f f ld a l i . to ld a c s m a u . n ' I heaitBC th a t rereane U needed r t geaerml la ^ n r e m e s u tn the sys- n - I aad for eeerenioo from prtipanela ta ra lfU tn th e L e w b to a a m .be ean p a ay h u applied for a a ^

v ^ j a t ^ note, and com-

PUC aphkftm in said an orderId be expected early in December. t i \ n { he company hopea to begin Uie mclng procnun early la Decern-

be na tu ra l g u for L e w la to n V J lli come from Uie PaclfU North- w n t Pfpellne corporaUon which re- Uy ObUlned a pennlt from Uie a a l power commUilon to Import 3 * ' •e m a n 309 mUllon cubic feel perfrom Canada. Mlaii

oldea eagles oflen kill adult J C i Selopes, especially when oUier food ____lord to find. f l T k J


D O N T B E V A G U E F.. .S A Y ^



I«CNFieu)iMronEKs.iTD.Ky. I Cont)


’hone Garfield 3-5112 for,



0 0 : 0 0

Sown YOU Might Be Lucky Winner!


tu e s . . v! » ? jvnir wMH

ENDSW^ gen e K Q J ^ K S -

f r a n k S I N i j g

a n c h o k

a w eig iK ; >

S S S K. TUK-wft,g

M m im Tiia»' k m u f o h M m

! f 4 f f l n p

Q N B V I A S c K ttA

isuB onirE U l- W I I 'l l | '£ ;u a u

J a:ol«CufMn Conlbooui Wri.

I ROOM ^s available (oB SAI CHRISTMAS*™

PARTIES t ;-Ide Cholc, of a s y 1

Is. Includlnf . . ken • aulaip •(ighettll

for ReseivottB^


y l


Be . Ksf

b i uwm,ae rs H a Jle of In d ia

^ «!, » w’ - IL

^ s - i r s ; I B

p i■“ S f r BttllW'" |M W.».I(C.4uUiJ»ctl6n th«l» 1 ^ 0 * l E a n i » « :

{ ' S & r Farm er Wy v e i f f h t

?L{h^A rn P « P '« « « CHICAOO. NOY Sf-SofndfnM »n<l Inc.. |U»r<lJ<, •n iif

Uie p ith ef mil- p ,„ _ w »i£h«l Myi

th % pur- TH* m«n tn m I Lf^auiur? rrm ip tng tha M -yf.5 - in A»l»n* bKftUM

Ihf am * P '”P>*.Id . cf th ( ^

- - t o u M ' J ■

p ^ p o w M lo M o n Jn -

'w rtoiw k* lr»M l;^ d G[mil. Ui« locnl Indlnn .priiih-eootlniJM: . ,.,

‘i " S l r ^ r . . No* theM ll iJIppInc Into thel^put Bul eefUin Eu- 'r« ttimoi undfr»t»nd " .f» r t tu n i ln B 'o ‘h r .y n th e n c i^Biiltei, There I* no th e expert

i S M S S ' s . ; ; ' ' ' - - " s -U * ihw n. toward S«»-N« hti

S I m j II Pf.cMoTln. l o i h . i r o .JndU. »t»nd protec t* j<

,w a * r n wl” • ,n d w rink if t i f»M of our unlled, to d .y in d

, Khniiheher -like-new -fiir tenultoc* f w U f if < >• c •■ witrf In M idrw »Bd S«»-Nu fin> q t ih» itffe ii wf*rlnBijiBilflf and M rrjlnd Excws/V* liocl 60.000 lined thegen thtn 300.000 k t- f s t t f f


Martial of TROiter Resumed LoundIfl Wuh. Nor. M llA-I unlll of Lleul. Col. I

BlwlnKhim. All.. *i^»Bh nldlnz the en- _________________jpJwJer of « r in Ko- ______________lltiftnlty after »

Wtlter Mtyo, triildrd that

lliptun. T llv n . Karu.. H j B B B W M Inder nf Amerlrintih * .ro w rump a t. M H M jM M n in iten lnr officer. tijiun * u all man. ti l tnat," u ld Miya.

[^un dird In POW I It Pyotons.It Silt «hile h f wa.1 »i i B y u f f i r ^I tih Llln, many o fn - B I b « G E £ k oM out cf their com- P H H f B m F bit rM captorn. He a«ld B m S h s I ^

more oiten than H H n O i 'IB itJt cnee he wm tn- U K f l i a n K

t*.« hs relumed lo the n '•to tw . Under cro.w f *- B j f R t b ' H .Uiro uld he often h id i l

leek GivenIMT10N8. N, Y.. Nor.t Henr)- Cnbol Vn»ni>T ciTF Ihe U. N. rDUl.OCO (nr the .U . N.uu'ance prncram.V <a tD.100.000 the U. S.‘ wiupledce of l i mil-

btlef.'.sne nf (he mrxt I ' W ^ j | | | j | H In rtriermlnlns

^ H t i h i rock.v i

W flT IS E M E N T S "

•mi; i<ir'ir"'n,- tw’in01- inAitii. I.

^ i r"* '

0 5 t ^'^"'<^1 k!",‘ u # '

-< th. U p

|,\'«-'‘Tn’u : '* Triii.-iT

•! JnsKPH - - .> , ^ 3 ^

i ^ l K l G - .■ ’ . J' C H I N E S • " J f l

b ^ ^ U h iiie NOWI >ntl nrrvlce

f e g H j m•‘•“'•fT. '■’ •' K j l i

*s5,’? ‘ C , ' ; r > ;

I ^S F a ils ' W J21 I


Wins His |d(3lIars-3,in'6”Sf''u, . ^ » l Hoff. a.uiAUntmn

i t in SilverNot. 29 Ut—Srlnk*. w elshi In dollart M irmed v lth ' U .r s m {«;d deAier* in n r Myron A. Hoff, » re- ner, »ei welBhed.}'e». ju n n e r m ln fn lu ileign hotel ballroom, feed, a i ': niaS* seeim Brink* »pr» there ---------------t-yeir.nid, IM-pound n j ^ P T lM rs-N E\’

i j m k i t . . .


rc iter w c ir out o f w onderful J(tic fibh'c i, C^TC ibem pert c ire o f our qu ility d ty ng ind Su -N a in iih io g .• helpi reilo re sU Tibrici ir ong itu l drape >ad b t a ty ,TS jrour clo thei from w e ir, d in rinklei. C ill o i. o r com* in in d dii^oTcr the lovdjr iew~ look ih it ooJr1 finiiKing si're*. E l .11

h t Sia-Mw f t u t th l i t t •x fffl

:0Y N A T IO N A L id ry a n d C lea n e rs *


n r t« s in

1 .....................

hLi v tlsh l la Illver WIN-n:R AKUlf them. RA BA T.rrenchM f.ro. * - W l » l . r d .,c ,n » .« „. »M lu irtled hi* mountain* In nortj ' M flrsl prl?eumonc m ye»tfrd»y, malting it n nauannlda c iltlr

»l Mil It > neffM.17 ■ V r *seed * Feed. Adr. T O ■ W


KThe most can

and cquipmcti

n 213 5TH AVE

3 ; ^ ^ ' - = = = = = = - - = = ^

O l j ^a t n w o n d e rfu l w a y to end n p erfec

igh(, F p a rk lin g O /y m p ia B oer snys 11 us nil n b o u t i t ” H e r e ie nn invitji

jym en t w ith r o o q c o r^ p r tn y ^ ‘5*nip:

e frc 3h i n ( ^ A | ^ . T / io r a r e b r c iv in f

:sinn w n t « * s s u r c s O lym pia 's unc>

nlwflys l ig h t, a n d "bright, a lw ays j

t th e W a te r " t h a t m a k e i,lamtWOnn>IAntneat£ttrpl‘« ^D n 'i^n ti.'0 t)’ t

___________________________ T I M E S - N I- N E W S . T W I N F A L L S . I D A

W in te rb o th o m . a n d Rolpl

HKIVKS U rge-icile operallonj a■loriKco. Nor. SB ilo n i lu i rebel* th e r. ml 'd oil Uie n in r d Uyed un til »prlnE. Jorthern'Mornc-Ig 11 likely lha t RKAD TIMTg^^Ng^VH W

C o m p le te


SERIVCEIII 2 7 5 0 :c o m p le t e s t o c k o f E A S Y P A I

n e n t i p M a g i c V a l l e y


VE. s. TWIN pa:

■ '^ 1 l i H H s I

iForn p ia !• fe c t d n y ! E a c h r e f r e s h i n g g la s s

jy s " W c lc o m o ” . . . " B c l a x " . . .

n t i j t i o n t o a d d e d m o m e n t s o f

m p i» - i9 - f l lw a y s -6 0 - f lc c o p ta b la —-

'i n p c h a r a c t e r o f o u r /a m o u s

n c h a n g in g g o o d t a s t e .

'S ;f<5( righU

c e s t h e d i f f e r e n c e)J) »ipia flrruifli Cem/Kuij. Olimpui, H'cjkinfle-i. V.i

[ 0 A H O ~

3iph Lone M a k e s H i s l- ' I LOUISVILLE. K y. Nr

W illiam W. Beckelt. »n J j i here, became the ftrti St P KA m ayor o t Loulivllle du:

M-net from the city ot : ^ R r A ^ ' ’"■ddui. .

S B e ck fii »ened_ai mny

■ B t P O R T R A I TI P f S I Chriitmo;

— D u d l e y S t u dA m £ n I IM t uiua Lake* Bl■ / I I A - i Phone IS7»

f CfAD*I J I H I i .

WAN^ A at. \R O £ W J C K A N D '


r ^

a wP A R T S /

. . .


PALL.S ^RUp Inlo luiurloua n f u r »nd the aotlMl p* le a th e r . . . In blue. r« «11 WhlU. B lte i4 -# .

W a 'm o n lik e th i i

• floot on poddci• h o n d io m . polii

^ fav o r ite s ty le slipt j * G o ld Bond is beleve

s u p e r corrtio rlob le ( i t s b u l tc r so ft leo th

K T j9

2 . 9 8 ^

w in * IIPIded, plilfnrm u le alM i 1 to IZ.

a s s

K eep Httle teel •rirm In p r r t t r blue or rrrt lell h w ith ilpper rlotlnrt! T ■olFiu S l te a « - i.


^ a S d ^ a c S a tt ^

Bistory:y . Nnr. 29 flft— dermen w hile the m«>' rlt. »n ilrtemuin the clly.Itrii Srsro to act _______________llle dutitis an ab­ly ot Mayor An- 7 '^ ,‘1“,""',''V " ' ' " ' jand *MJlh insleAtS nf rni: .1 mayor pro lem popularly »iipp

■ ■ " " I . l F U R N A Cl A I T S R E P A IR & CLE;is tm a s " :

S t u d i o ------- m O N K SISI «r>ke« Bird. BUS C O W H A M !IS7» - ■ ■ 1 •-.MIWnikflllM.n,

» N D C O . / - < _ *

y ' j | N = w w > ^

y-going s lip p e rs to gi> your fa m ily mc

tool Ixitely emb'riH l padded aaUn quiltin^lue. r«I or quiet to « e i1 4 -# . or )el blitk.


th i l l ig h t f le x ib le e lk leo tl

iQ ddtd ( o te d 2

le s l i p p e r . . . this)eloved fo r its /a b le p o d d e d sole o n d le a th e r . 6 - I Z

n i ‘and romen In


4.98 n.

cu d d ly w a rm Bi!t^


S i ^ ■ G u T Ni *■

I fell ho«lJe» in ! Padded

1.98 ■

ficw a a a m tZ e e d C r A Q r

J tH K a

l»n by which lhe


’ r««(«nrtK «t»i / N attoo -w rit MoTloi»iippo-‘<l. C

RALPH HAI.M oving a s t

r : : ; : ' ” ! ' . _ „ e h o n e jM SERVICE ;j ________

H i i i ■ *

give everyone in m oreleisure-tim e corr


• gay red , b lu e o r e o n e ry *• f lirit' t l m 8-3^ 1 .6 9

step ligh tly a n d q u ie t l y . . . iHc .cu te os 0 b u g 's c o r in m o tch in i for m o th e rs a n d d a u g h te r s . Pn p rin t w orm co lo rs . F ine K erryb only o t S e a rs . . . th e y 'r e so hui priced)

i n^ - ^ 1

W arm a t yeor fl eomplcUly linedtin r PelUI «r In b iu . e r rtd

:mb'rDtdcred raysn liltlni. Baft and weir, n era l blm

ick. 8fM i<-fl. A

2-29 j £ <

Mo th e r O ptra

An allnteUte bi med opera . . . li

.« Inlmen-. and » « “ >*;•ruihloned from 8 ' ' «

Snlt kid and ^ ,

RR l.« ......3 .I9

I m » n '.

iltwol boots n o ch ild c a n

• to f t b e ig e p lu ih 1• .h e " b o r k t , " to o ! I

" F u z zy W u z z y " Ihe c u te bo) 15 w orm p lu sh w ifh ro llin g cy a n d sq u c ek y 'b a r k '! 4 -1 2 .

CvnnInc a* ra n be . . . (hLi aweet pink plush poiay-rat

0 with w htikera and rolttnc', m a , n e u)ueeka, loo! . . ,J / i I litfS i - l J . •

| | M ' 1.98

honlle )n all m n rU h l red or pedded Miea.

* '*

\ r 403 M ain Avb.W . Phor



.OWER ..fflING' .’ I

DTlaf SettTM (CT

1ARRIS .1Storoge W

E i2 5 4 6 _ ._ l

i / 7 C ■

I• 4 ^

amforti f l

'* 1 .9 8 Iwomtn’i ■

. iH cyT F H:h in g s ty re s H |!. P re tty 1 &Trybrookes IM 3 hum bly

ior n r ttU . . , . lined la (bear.Polbhed leath. t n i . » .» .


^ 1 1

re br»ia-Wm-. . In Mfi kid

I Ie*lher.llne4.


a n rosisti

1 .9 85 boxer,


i i N '


or hlMtk aa4 , 'L Sliei l - X •

1.987 1P h o M 2 l6 0


A G E SBV e W '-'-■



i u r j o c K - m - i

A n d m u c h f o o I

Name........ ............

A ddress................! . .* • * *

Rules for Cl

II. Xverjr bojr w)d tlrl up to and 1 y u r s old li eligible, t tc tp i trliUvM of UiU n««*p*per.

3. OUp oul lu tx of th i four drtv: L lttli peopla'i O hrU tinu Colorinc Uiejr ^ pc& r thU wetk In ths T linu-

3. Color IhtM dnwlnKi, or r tuon i Ue«, without tn y luUUtnce. Then tum e. age *nd » d d r tu a t lhe botlocr

4. Colored peaclli. palnt<, craxoni < •, '.g eolorln* m»Uri»l* of your choice maj H 8. All four d raw inn rauit be lubtnI I I tlm t. B a n them until you have iI H ' licned eaeii one. T henm all or brlns Pk oontatt editor, T lne i-N e« i. T«.‘lnr t j . number o t Mt< maj’ be entered by ei

i Opportunities f Ij! Shown for

,‘i W«n. the l i tU t People are te tU o r Ulj

I ready for Chriitmae and they hope Pei

you are. too. And a tood way lo get pre ready ix to compete in their context -j « l th a chaace t h t t you can win ko eotne raluable prlie* to add to your C h rlftm u fun. ,

R ljh t la X agle Valley, lucky chll. d ren are to lng to get many prlre*. Two or them, in addJUon. will se t a p e r» » a l le tte r from W alt Scott, the V • a rtU l who draw i the LUlle Peoplr. thote famed cartoon characieri. i " ' w ith W alfa autograph. '

The tvo top wlnnera' drawing! ^ will compet« with othert f n m all over the nation. There tre M p r ite i ^be

m! tike blcyctee. radloe. electric tra ln i o"

Iand camera outfltj to be ihared . ^ » O rand prUe winner will rtce lre a

I Death Sentence u Imposed on Man ; I In Utah Slaying ’B BALT LAKE O n Y . Not. 59 - * I Paul -Buddy- fit. Clalr, Sa. Tooele • I tm ellcr worker, yeiterdty w ai arn-1 R tenced lo be ezeculed Jan. 37 for!I kilting a LakeTiew woman. 'll This U the aecond lUne h e haa ^U been aentenced lo dir. An earlier ap* r.I peal resulted tn a new trial. He wnnn lound guitly of fln i-drgree murder —M a aecond time Nov. 17 In third din- . } tr ic t court for the death of Mr*, II Ve»U Wittke. a Ukevlew womnn9 a t whote hou«e he twarded, July S,J 1953.1 Judse A. H. Ellelt. mlin paajirdi| aentence, told St. Clelr he could |I* chooee lhe method of execution. He I

aald he “prefeired lo b e »hoi,“ TjU l Bul he tU o said h t would appeal «I b] th i conviction. j

i Dinner Planned I*n KIMBERLY. Nov. 30-T he Kim* ( I ] berly PTA «1U aerve ILt annual it n turkey dinner from 13:30 lo 3 p.m, I

Sunday tn the grade Arhool ho l I . lunch room.U Procrrd* from lhe dinner «lll be

uaed for the PTA achnol projecl,

SMrs. Leonard Ptiher U general f chairman.______

M a g i c C i t y “

R o o f i n g C o . |OErtncr wm.<rniNc. j



'ie Mogic Volley's only 3JOHNS-MANVILLE • j. ' Approved Applicator

F H O N I 2 9 $ 5 CO L L E C T

i. • \

as G)loring Contcf

n-ine-box IS of-fen shi obiqfora Chi'isfmas.

...................... ...................................

* * * *

Clu'istmas Colorinjnd including 10 6. All entries miulve4 of employes by midnlcht, Dec. 3.

7. JudElng will beIrtwlngs In The Imnmnntlve colorln ring ContMt a s ^ will count. Deciilon:mea-Newa. T)ie TUnes-Ne«i wlisonable fac*lm- ir i r i lo.it or damas^■hen print vnur become the proprrtlom of each. cnnnot be returned,ona or any olher 8. Loca] conleit; m ty be used. and iirUei will t>e mlubmltled t l one 9. The iwo bestive colored nnri cn n trit will be rnlring them lo the NnUonal Coloring <Win PalU. Any (or nddlllnatil prlie.'6y each child. be announced on or

I for Christmai r Area Tots in G’ trip to Nev York and will npprnr nn Edi

Perry Como'a Saturdny night TV D program. the;

Today, lhe Tlmf.i-New« prewnts day Ko. 3 In the aerlet nf four drtiwlngi.No, 4 will appear Wednesdny. m

Clip It carefully from the page, I 7 atudy It to decide on the proper m 't colors, thrn get busy nnd color It. b If you have mU.»ed Ihr two previous IT ' drawlncs you »'ill find ilirm In the BV Tlmea-Neus for Sunday and Mon* m day.

Hold your drawing until all four S j are compleled, th rn meil or brlnri them, wllll your n tm r nnri addreii t on each, lo Little People Conle« *

W a'II T ck* A N Y k

P H O T O ii• WEDDINQ . Tota• SOCIAL or ,

Prntemal• CONTMEnclAL ^ •i0»• DiaPLAY \ J | \ \

PH O N E 38TlMfJ-SKWS M yJ C .

KNRRAVINIi BKPT. ' [ v J 0 /

Q Join thB swing to


J fie c»a~t tm s HilUt H s <

est No. 3 Jap

1 iSk W 'l meteon17 I . day tv.

O / I " ■ ------------------ JiuclesrA I n a i ^

«dlw «

/ * "ucl«I ^ t ~ / j ^ by f tr


r O " '\ m e n ts :

■ \ ' l } l^omoi

I l l y/ C 2 v y/ 7 tervtlo

that ni weepon milllnn

’ ' - ^ J h announ

- y ll I raflnut'

I Tl -I . . r . ^ .......... Municli

'h O C K l f i O , ftVlInK'

ssfooKinq!. . . . . A g e ................ o J

Mnrten.' Perry, « tn d Mr

P i f v •> V / l t j ............... ... ..........................turnedIhelr pi

* * * */ “I , , MorEftnng Lontcst

must be received or poatmnrkrd ~

:l be on Uie b«. la of beauty anrt Jorlng. NeaUirM nnd orlslnalliy Jlions of the Judges will be final.I will nol be reapon.ilbir for en-issed In the mulls. DrnwlnKS wlil v)prriy ot lhe Times-Ncwa tind led. I gn t winner* will be announced v* Bwnrded Dec. 7.esl entries In th e Tlmr«-News \enlerrd In T lir L ittle People'* IK

IR Conte.n. and wll! br rllKiblo >5rlie.r nrsiilis nf thtn cniuest will /II or before Jnn. 1, 1050.


s A w a r d s ■

G o l o r C o n t e s t IEditor. TlniM-Nrus, T « ln J-all.i. ' H

Don'l forgrt, th e deadline, whrn they must be la , is m idnight S tlur- ■dsy._____________________________ ■


S a / e £ o s y l V a y MTOgACCO IIIATH *TOBACCO H llV tg

TOIACCO H tA ir I SCall oC Ihr loIacTohiihtl vKhlli tvillh ^vflKlt m hraii. iltfnat aru] lunr*. IS ^pounnAK ftnd ■ rf«I flinch In C<K«t Ifilth. l)on'l Iv riaiint Iit Inilar'i ci^UTlIr «i1vrrli<incToLfra IKfl A'rfry oil S I

“P "'I"*' In 1«e»lh•Il f,*|Wnt»flJ•ul” s l(JK•NV)^ l(>K |

■ lOUlAI «3.00 PAOCAOg JM CIAI...ONIT *1 ^

SAV-MOR DRUGTwin Folli - B u h l - G oo d in g ,

9 0 / who d rink so c ia l ly T l

/ but d o n ’t lik e tiie / O ta s te o f liq u o r ... ^

# A * Ul n r l f s n ts l kcnanl

( A V O D K AJOR TASTE! >i s drlst-butyeii knew It’s thsfit j •


Iln. LRiiay t Clt, Cockiynriiie. M l

■ ■ a

apan Claims Soviet Tested 2 Big Bombs

rOKYO,'kov. 28 n n -T h e central: A n y s teoroToglcsl observatory ssid t«-| Pesc / tvo wsvrs of rsdloacUvlty hsve, cslly Itp t over Jspsn from two separste late, ic le*rexplw i8nsprw um tblyortg.| going, illng In the Sovlel U nion. 1235).rH T S tS^ifory-fciM TaflloscUvcn pelted jipin5?irrirtlnrN0T.-31.lapanese KirnUsU reason lha t lloacUvlly hils the Uiands any- ' lere from four to flvo d tys after *'juclear explosion. T h e second snd p .fsr the siiongesl recordings ot o U b ]

lloacUvlly vere m ads a fte r Nov.

Shwk Iteported 3n Nov, 22, earllitjuftke )n«lro- J s i n ts a l Tnttnrl. Kj'oto. Ksnarawa. omnrl snii Mlshlma a ll regUlered iharp shf^k. .Mlhough llir melrnrologlciil nb- 'J, vslory bUmed the rariloicUve ;n on "the release o f nuclear an- J ' ' ' * " ry." the ImnllraUon w m d r a r lhat • tun wavrs rnme fm m nuclenr ,.q ^ >Ioilons. severalrhe U, F. K'rmlP energy rommis- n nnnnunrrrf last wrek lha t Ihe Krsui vlrt t;nlnii h:id wl «ff Ih r Inrsril rleur hU.'l In his hlsior)’, pre- ,nc„n,e nably a iDdmErn wrnpnn.

Announres One Ing tbo

cIlA S. Khrwhrliev Announred I Rsturdav a t nnnunlore. India.It nuo ls hnrt explfKlrrt a nuclear spon with s po'ver equnllng onr ,g ilinn ions of TNT. rhr mrlenrolocleal observnlor^- nnuncrnifni Incrrn.vd fenrs in im-)ilier)' Jspnn ihnf. radinactlve ^,^1 hai lout mlsht dnmngo fu ture gen- K>n. P. Uons. N. M.)r, Dsisnrn Morlwakl of Tokyo iniclpal iimvrrsity claim ed in- Bufte ; Ihst r!iilln.-iellvr du sl nnd rnln »*iUflo line on Japsn ovrr a long period .Ume -msy bring herediuiry ef- ■T'lZ S :

--------------------------- oDeclo V isitors JlECtX). Nnv. 2D—Nfr.i. Mnry Lnu ♦ t e r j j rlens anrt children. Bonners J C ? - ry, are vWiing her pnrenls, Mr. 4.I Mrs. J. L. Sievens. ♦!r. snd Mn. Don Frlen hnve re- J ned In I /ip n nfter visiting wllh * lr psreni.v *ir. and Mr*. Archie H urst. Lo- 5 1. and Mr. snrt Mr.v J s y Chrrvrrs. * rEftn. hsve reiurned home nfier.j* ting Mr. and .M rs. W lnflcld jj



c J

C h o o s e Y o u r P h A s Y o u W o u li

P h y s ic i a n .Bccousc y o u r h c o lth is p ricc it c h an c es w ifh it. A t th e f irs t si co n su lt y o u r ph y sic ian . Thre in te n se t r o in in g ond cxpcricm fied to d io g n o s c and prcsc rib in th e t r c a tm r n t of illness , if sti tu te fo r p ro fe s s io n a l sk ill or

The 'D is tin c tiv e ' feol

m odern p h a rm a c y

.SJ>_tCJAJ.JiE in„prB eeouse o f th is foct, y o u r dc<l he c o n p la c e cn m p le tc confi p ro fe ss io n a l coo p cro iio n .

O ur P r e c i s io n Is Y o u r


P h o n . n -------- .

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A :

NEWMARKCT, Enjland. No». I I f l » HP-Hor»e trainer Dick Pea- W A Jx k heard the aucUoneer a i the:ew Market bloo(block sales an-

P t r a t l .1 1» r - t e u . ny sdvance?': . . - ocraUc NPeacock looked sround f r a n ^

•Ily for hU wife bul It w u tooIte. Mrs. Pescock vas going, ■oing, gons" for U pounds labout

-Psaeock.calmad.daen when toe. .esmp*!*"ramed 'M n . Pescock" was a BuUer 1 -year-old hens owned by Doro- comes Eai ly PsgeU week In

I George. I . elgn pollc

businessmen and Farmers Told to SeekRealAccord

>OCATELLO, Nnv. » — Dr.Ties Krsus. dran of sgrlculture al Unlvenliy nf Idnho. last :ht urged •briler undrrstsndlng ween buslnru man and farmer, d Tlce versa."Jr spokr at Ihr slxih annual ood Neighbor Nishi" prnjram to 'eral hundred farmer* anrt busl- umen of thr nre*.<r»u* nolrd Ihnl per ernt of «ho land Is in farm* and th r grnas :ome fnr fsrm pr<vlucM In 1063 * 3<0 mUllon rtollnr*.•te-ssld Americans a rr consum- [ tbout 15 p*f eent mnre food per ^son^h»ln5‘3'f*r» Igor hui-m n* — n irg 'f a r Ir.M vhest snd wheat xlucls and poiaioes, the la tte r iwlne a slesrij' decllnr In Ihe last; yenrs." |

nKTl’RS.S IIOMK rOEN. Nov. 25-Mr*. Frnnk Ven- ■I has reiurnrd frnm visliini: her I. r . W. Vrnrerl, in Carlsbad.“ ■ _________________ f klufter sweet srrup d t lr j rstlnn ,lsfles frnm Globe Heed-Feed. Adv.'

^ ^ * D U T c 7 r r < m ' ^PAINTS J V

INSIDE * l ^ j L AND O U T X



P h a r m a c i s t ^

uld Your ^ . . . .

■ ■■■ Biceless, don 't lokn ■st sign of trouble,T hrough yeors of yricnce he is q ua li- Bicribe. Rem em ber, ■.s, Ihere 's no sub- ill ond experience.

eatu re ' o f th is

y is th a t w e

prescripHons-._______,Vdrn:tfir knows th o t !A plonfidcnce in our


•ur Protection


T .ii , Folli

F A L L S , ID A H O

lemo Figure Offers Truce pT On Campaign

?ASHINOTON, Ho?. 39 l ^ -D e » - p l s u i aUc NtU onsl Chairman Paul M< jUer la s t n ight offered a poliUcal jiejtij ce on -fortlga policy debate U paay #ldent Eisenhower will bar the riu io rd "peace’ from 195« lUpubtican the gelnp«lgn slogans.,.______ _ _ L . 1iuUer said Jn a statem ent he wet- nes Elsenhower's concurrence Isst , , fk in the stand by Senator orge. D.. Oa., Uist Amertean for- ;i‘ ^ n policy oughl nol to bo subjected ” partisan attack a t home.Jut the Democratic chairman *t led th a l ‘■WparUssryjhip In for* ' n policy applies n o r ju s t to Uie “ xiilllon pnrty.-If th e Republicans are ready to HEAD *

on 0 newW^sl

Not Last Yc Old Model I



N E W L• Color Glance Confrnls lijrht '

Jn fjvG colora to tell w hnt heyou’re usinff!

• Super Corox U nit frets red-h in no seconds!

• Rull(-In E lectric Clock nnd Oven Tim er!

• Mirncle Sealed Oven let.i yi bnke in any rack po.sition!

• PluK-In Surface U nits!• RniHoable D ee p -W ell C ooker!

W e s t i ni

Ahead in Desigi

DlF o r V o u r

_ , W p s t i n E h o u f i e — —

'A pp liance S to re

PHONE 154 .5»MP.4»


M & t' t i l m a in e a s t

Eager ; haoekPONTIAC, Mich, Nov. J9•lice looked today for a inick WUl pecolsh-gray spots and a parn ^ o r (h U m wlUv itehmg lE lin .n j

■nje thleeea dipped Into add 1"sUn* bsths and msde off *uh100 pounds of nickel bars. Of-rfals or U»e Argon Plsung com- ^Lsy told poUc« acid would Ir-lale the tblevet hands and spot 1 ^,e get-away truck greeolsh-grsy, • i- r c . 'J /

rgo Uw expblUtlon of forricn *1^Icy for parU ttn advantage," But- F ‘said, “Uiey vlU find Democniis ConUeisUn* Oiea more Uun half way.- "luUer said th a t Elsenhover hns R O I)[fflUiln his pover to hslt whst he HRed OOP "eiplolUUon" of ihe Prank]ce Issue. J,,

------------------------- - « a lAD TIMES-NEWg WANT APB

s t i n g h o u s e

V '

m mh t up

r e g ............. =5d-hot

nd S A V E . . . *

N 0 W * 2 <

i g h o u s egn, Performana

S2 V Conso ' ONI

2 7 <'■ fi ii 8 I N 0 « . s r Ctnii

oheod in beauty ond perf budaet price! Beit-by-Eye A fiodil sound. TIp-Top-Ffonl-T

- comforlobl# hinlnfl. Cuitom\ eifiy room. Exclu»ivo ''Silv'

« OIIUTM ths moit dependobU peffortnonce. Mohoflony 01\ finish.,,

D I M O N S T R A T f D BY j

- O N ^ ■

^ W f e s t i n ^ o u s e "




__ ________________ 'nJESD A Y . KO,

' to t i ;

m U el- "

^ n iN S O N .rr ,.

«>*■» An. w g ;

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f f l

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ic e , Valuf

soleU Y

' p . 9 5

p „ ( . . r . n n t . - r ^ ' Eye Alumlnindp'f-"’onl-Tvnirgle*eoP^.itorn■Silver SefeflW "^

G H T S i

r B i c

' ' ' O v i iu „ :

No Do

■ -TOuJd nevtr^ ■ 0 ^ ^ VIM lh* t" *>»uk ttu ^ f c N ^ i S i Uie UnltM 8U l

•" Buf* l^ u iw n 1 “He e«Ued mi

« ** laSl c*mp»l»a.^ K n « “ ' D em ocrtl « «*U

«> * o t Oie P *rtr »l^ E ( -S o iir ' T»o ^ p & r ^ g l l j S f i n ^ the epIUiel in iB f ^ S S r *>* • 'fw » « “

- - orr * pi«i« Iro *“ , nl*ht. wh»t ^# tM* W p m W to t u fc I

TW»“ ‘I’J* wpw‘*«'3?«VS*Tl dW tele* TUne* ftnd

■ 5 “**^ Utt ‘t* " ' »mlner. u i i Ui B * ? !« tB9* ^ President, *t>rt»tl

tlon.” *n*wer Uit ^ — ------- -1 don’t even n

lalCwl) i' ^ e report »et H 1 f f t » M W r. T twn*r■ o t A f f e c t « "

n - iamdQ*e<l I 'll *t>| e G roupsV 1 VAt s lS 'N o n - T rum tn cAUie ^fc8^-'!,_,jOO:n»K’' ' up luntJ* Jw m

■ r ^ n W t o f I'’' " ' rndep<ntJen«, Ml w pr«id«nt tenrt*e which wo

uS wxl«>'' w l»>prt«ldeniJ.

T R I .C .

r^ K v s J'." ? :« » ff > /L

l-=>v'r^ l i t n c f fK»P'- 5 • / f u r rrfUlaWf'W' J / l a idriJ* e o « f" ' > /

r3 ^ I I

^ MPrts«(l by ^ ‘MOtur^ JiimM 2 I .Kt S / f l / /

10 Adolphe 5 / m / ^ Mrtjff tn J, / r I

JS^Oi eonirovtrtlnl 0 / » ^

SEj'S'^r U, •■ r ~ ^ ~ . s a , “ % s t ■ / « ' " ' « » *

T«t isieatnifni Jlrm * /fin<ndn?. O

jfoUlfd Ult »wmlc H^ Ia dKUre l u t N

, eeJlicJ of Inlcresl J 'Bthtl ift U\ft now- »^ s a i ih i t i .U iu f - m^ to p»y C»n- J

SjwkUie new reu- ■ j« lh » * e covertd W»i'J}Dti » « o»ip ■ r O N L V Qjilit «nd private W W ,S t u nol covered = ^ W A ijreduc'Jon *cu 2

iKobbed - 1,000 Sum “

Iltu , Nnv, 25 i n - 4 .... .....................'i^ tt im tn . rnb!j«l ^ita l contxnctor liu i *B p « » ln ycMcrdny y T f lM »unnshnndker. t> | ' /0 (uu. W

t U u l i «boutUfli from tM bunk ■ n A IC oU .,m .-m »tw M - R O IC» hljhKny pRlro! § D V I

o t i Ull rirpnrt w m X

l«.10,th(im>llhAnk, J $i !h( Ortnidi. MlU.. H S KMoM<e.OOObyOu«L Cfe t'juin ciiiliy »nd 0tflalljfiM in prlnojj. 1

wlTTuVirf Uyinc a Ju * t 5^ "■ G4t iffil.ftfi. Adr. ,,

« r~ K t---------------- Ml owoy— fly

wSllOpS ~ ilanil Carry” s phome

i i l l l i msrc


onkrupky S(® m sT R K T c 'o i m T - O P t h r

Wk f o r t h e n iS T R ic T O F in ^


®>*TTKtt O F

' “ • • •n 'l .I .M A N ,IANKb i-jv]-.

“ » T O ji,y r.ivEN . 7 i , i i m „ „ „ t to .'indPMOxtim (nulpe, will k

tii» flav <xC D«»inbf7, \K l!i.V. •'■■''''’If':. XI I3S Shfiftinni* Strprl 6

KU ■■Mrrehiin]r,t, „r hiffhf.it bidd,

'I” .'’’’" ' ’“"d Churlf* V ----- r j® .^ lollQwui* dejcribed ptrtonil-p

!o«thcr (rood-?; '7 ^ '' ' n n tl P in L ever W ntchi

vv-Rtch hrftccJc ts ; I K V v iM cu sto m je w e ir

n)ngn?.incn s n d bonk f; e q u ip m e n t a n d m^^'>tid rmir nct.i.

''>i<'nUcd f e r Anti vinrci 1 sm a ll rn d io : :

i b n n t l R ; 1 ’ (luuiKiml v.’ct\t5injt rmgB.

0 . P . D uvall! T ru s te e

C 'h a r lw W . P u llm an , B a

)oubl of . ird Nixon ^ier p ruldent w ld he / irtl U J aliTUilnc like J , /; ttie Tlce preAldcQl ot SUUf.un r«n«el*d:1 m i * UBltor In Uie ilrs. mIJM eren'Uiltor »nd I v u heed> « t Uie time.- • • • •men u ld T rum tn used lh relerence'lo W xen i uktd. 4J ht tupped U

from SettUe 6uad»y ho thought o t Uie vice » pouible nepubllean

C«T 19SS. tm , /ram tbe Loa An* and lo* Ancelex Es*

I ther heard the ex- ^ B f>n»Uln( v ith tndlgnft* r Uielr <;uatlon: j ^ Men VUlt io dU cuu lh a t • M B____r Don't n e n men* | ^ Dle to m e r D V: «et o il • om tro ferfr onan luued hU denlil conterence yt*t<rdn>'> | B

14 controversy over- i apeech laat night a l - Hp dinner, ■( vttlch (he | Hvent to the (ii:id.

Ale h m to )itlp Arum ' the riUblUhment o t B p H i

Memarlal library In -. Mo.. « |I.750,(»0.m -I vould collect Ihe hli>- | M III and papen o( U, 6 . D ^ H

l.CiriKS y B |

' H - J ■ ■ fy ^ ' ^ T y ^ ■ '

n y ) ] I' C A T : I

< L > c

/ ■ m i

r w WLT H E 3

/ Q U I C K J Q


m ........... ■

I31SE I ■

9- %. I» 3 ™I m tn u te i ^

-Hy bock g

" • 0

IKE 2 7 2 0 S

room ^unes ^M

SaleiR U N IT E D


to ofrf?f of theII Mil a t Publlo , 19S8. a l Seven r l Bmilh. T v in :hi»ndl»e M art"; bidder Mr ca-Oi.,f» W. Piillman, iai-prope«y..to-_...........

irf.-?; 'Hi fl?-,. tc h e .''; 124 '126 S t c r l ' ^ ^ 1

ve lry s c l a ; ik(<; novtl-d BUppliCB,

n rc tice tn cdi o i l n m n l lr; 1 m e n ’# ,:s.

BomteltkB a n k r u p t

^ e ? / V e h e r e ! 1

i l l - n e r S

Jl II Hllllll m il I III...... ... iiiTiirrTn

T a k e i t eg.

'EASIEST WOIHS. Low ccntor of g raviiy , bnJancod fprinpnff, lu*- tiriouflly cuahioned 3-position nd- justab lo neat imsure you a real pasmngcr car rido, resnrdlwis of road. Y et, for nil ita two-tone good lookfl. th e huflky, big-muscled T b a n s ta r is ft sturdy workhona ^a ll tru c i—from tho wheels up!

W y l i i e ' s

TWIN FALL304 Fourth Ave. Wi

iTUBiiAxm DivmoN of '« « « # «

/ lU iU tni o f enuipmvU aAwn w* eptuinsl at ts

____________ _________________T I M E S - l

W o r ld ’s h a r

n i i i

S f

■ B^

< y with a

5)^8@ B 1

of EASIEST LQAOIKB. W id«t« . Iftftd space o f any pick-up id- • road plua extra-low floorlyil m ak e th e J ^ - to n S tu d eof , T baNSTAr th o oa«iQ»t-lo

K)d truck on e a r th ! Every T rai

cd from versa tile } i ‘U>n motnso • b'lR, b raw ny 2-ton dump, i ,pl • tiilo red for y ou r apcdfic

I S MOTOR C(West Phone

»-*iPt 0 ' •oHX'MHie I

a itx tn c o tl.

I S -N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , I D

i r d e s t - w o r k in

i n TIU'' ' '

S H O R T E S T S T R «

X m o n e y - s a\

1id ttt d e a r EASIEST KUDUNS. I>up on th e ' croaalink, variable [oor he igh t plua panoramic wi u d e b a k c r , T b a n s t a r s p a s je r i t - lo a d in c 912combinationaof T r a n b ta b , baae, body, and po modala to tion in 1np, ia load* TBANSTARa. See the ifie needa. Studebaker Do&lor’t

CO.ne 2006

iHieniLt.c o it» n m n

. . . ^ • ★ ★


in g , ecm est-Q i


l l

3 T R O K E V 8 IN T H E IN D U S

saving TRA

JNB. S m o o th , cnsy , EASIEST Dfliable ratio eteerinx first cost iic windahicld Rive operntinR t'aasenger car feel! money witl)na of engine, wheel* stay on thiid power-trnm op* from 5 pow> 1 ', 1 M* «nd 2 -ton ing cnRinese them all n t your V8 , I58-h |B&lor’a today.’ 8uper'«con<

W (

g o in g t r u c k s

im n★

'• I.

•U S T R V , B A R N O N E !


rOH TH EPO CK EtB OO K .U ®ist and famed S tu d eb ak er, -* ng economy help y ou aave with aTBANSTAR— b u ilt to I thc job for year*! ChooM powcf-packed, monoy-aav- (finefl: 175-hp.V8, 160.hp.3-hp.VP, 140*bp.V8, and conomy Six.

t '

i B S _


— -------------------------------

P A G E N IN E n

'S / : i


_________ _____

% :


1956 Ram bler IS w m Be Shown I ij Iu T. F. Dec. 5If*' Uilng oulMd'rtlinfnMon rm iipaft- I

nc ii couplrd » lih » In rsrr inirrior. I , . the JS59 Rambler wUI co on rtbplty I t -------- I>c-6-«l-M »itle-V aH er-N ft*h-»nd

Hudwn de»lfr», ITlie lUmbtrr rrU lnii Ih r 106>lnch I

whftlbMf. bill L'( rrd fM enrd for Im «im m n uilIl7-niot> nf u ifJu l »p>e«. Inrtmed body llne.i and frr.ih atyllns Inpproieh sivp nn im prru inn of in- I(rested rxirrlnr «lw, liut ih r rn r h»» Inelu»!ly bffii Inarrrd oni* nnd ilirrr- IrlEhUii Inchr* nnd i*xl<-rlor v,ldih Ireduced l»o lnchf». T he H nm blrr 1» Imill morr Ihnn % foot nnrt n hnlf ‘ nhofter Uian th# «veriBfl American

Shoulder rrmm hn* h'-m lncr<-nM<l more tlmn Jive Inelieit in bo th Irnni nnd buck nnd th r renr •'•ni Iritronm

I increased two nnd nn r.hn lf iiirhr*I T hr trunk rnpaclty u ilt hold 24

n per rent more Ihnn o lh rr modrlii.I Tlifl Jrnnl end nf th r Rniiiblrr. !' atylfd In provlrir n mn.vivr. fnrwnrd - »' ihrum ns look, fr.iiiirr^ n Brill eon- ,

1| tjining l6B>»fi.|n*lirnnd hrnrtllslil*.

runnlne llgtiu nrr pincrd lilnh on lhe .fender line. Hmvl nntnm enw • mnilftfl nf fwn "tlyinc fln«" plnrrd . nn »»eli *ld» nf »n U lrnllfvtnc mn. dullmn. elllier Hudnon nr Nnnh. Tlie ' hood l« Ifl" nntl flnl, provldlnB .tx- - cellfiii fomnrd visibility.

Frnnl fender*, revernr-nnslrd a t t leadlrR edse*, add lo th r ImprcMlon I nf liiere**ed nlir. An nrnafneninl I " (pn r" exundlne from th r tnll I llslit* to fronl runnlnc l lt fh u «c- I cpnlunlri esr lencth nnd prnvlrir* | n •eolnr hrcnk" fnr m u ltlp lr tone ear*. Door* a rr wlrtr nnd blend , nmooihly Into front and ren r fender , line*.

Thff In terior, fabric* nr^ nylnn fnce Mtlnf, vinyl nntl Irnllier, r mnlrhert or cnlor-tinrmnnlr-<*rt «Hh exlerlnr color*. A Inree cnpnrlty bln-lypn slove Jjnx. ren irn llv lo- « IM Jn lha rrdw lcnrd la « n im rn l panel. In hlnsed n t tJie renr tfl nwlni: do»ntt-nrrt for m n le r ennvrnlrnce.

; t j Advance dealsn of the tiew Bamb- fl LHI Ser tnffine wU new atandnrtl* of 1 I H hlEh efficiency fuel ullllsn tlon (or I H M* cylinder entlnra. T h r lUimblrr'a - P |H fuel economy la m a ln ta ln rd dri- j g l pile » 33 per c « it jum p In horw- I I L power. *! ■ Rated 120 hor«epowrr, th ^ nam- | H bier tn jlne h u a d iaplacem rnt of | H IDS.fl cubls Inchea and n comprti* I H alon ratio ot lo one. CfT*! Added aafely la provldwl by an

Itncreaie of almoat frO p rr e rn l In gi braking area. Brakes and clutch pedaU are the aiupended type . ni

The Rambler offer* ■ eholcft of (]| three transnlaaloM. i t n n d n rd aynchromeah. aulomntic ovcrdrtre. g, •nd dual tanse hyd ra-m atlc.' ^

The aeven model* are nvnllnble In four door body alyles, sednn. hard* top convertible aedan. croM coun­try itatlon *-»goti and a cron* coun-

j try hardtop converUble ataUon j I I «‘agon. whleh Incorpornlea th a f ln t _ i l l hardtop conilrvctlon to b« uaed In I n ctaUon wagon dealgn. Iy : ,_____ A wide range of new baked mam el _H ’;. color* Includes H liolld c o lo rs l i 1),; two-lone eomblntuons n n d alz I

tiirte-lone eomblnatlotu. I n addl- jlL '. tion. ilallon wagon models a re of-

fertd ft1lh wood m ln ln * In com- . blnaUon with aln jie nnrt double > l | i paint color* retutUna In • to ta l o(, I B ^ choice* for th la model?l5 __________________

' p Alaska Posts a r e l l Reported V acantH ; Examination* for career-condl- H - tlonal appointment to thn ponltlon of M enslneerlne draftsmen, g rade OS-S, H 08-S and OS-7, to aerve In Kodiak '

and Adak, AUakn. hnvr be en nn- nounced by Acnen Stm nk, rxnm tner

■ In charge of the Unlled BlAl^a civil «enle« commlMlon. ----- .. - - .

The Mlary rnngej from W.670 M.S75 a year plua U per c r n t for

I living expenses.I Ex*mtnJvUnn.< •will be r ra d e d on

experience. educaUon nnd iTninlng lj^ and no written t^ai In re<]ulred. , H( AppllcanLijnujithnTrreafhM .thrlr I f IBUi blrthd«y annlverw ry by lhe I n tlmn of films. IB* Information may b» nbtn lned a t I

any poMofllce. Appllcntlnn.n‘ m uit b r nn fllr u lih Ihr bnnnl o f U. S. v clviUervlcrcxnmlner*, hMriquarter*,^ thirteenth navnl dLHrici, S e n ttle PP.' %Vaah, immediately. i

Keep waler ptpri frnm f ir e d n t with electrlcWrnpnn from Rlnhf, adv.

Godfreyt e l l s a b o u t

I t h e n i g h t I t h a t m a d e h i m

a t o p s t a r ! ,g l lr.\rn h-u- \ril,nr lv r.,n ,r f.,.

|>'irli'« Uf.irr H.i'< i. ,itiH tli- f .ir t \V.<|irr W'iiirhrll p!.i\rH in c iv .

Thil '> rek .\riliiir i'l!« vr'iih<"v it ill lujirvnrd in lin .m n

of OiKlfrri'* iirmnrliand triumf'iu—inlcl Iiy . \r ih iirhiiiuflf fiT ihr fii.'l lim r! nn -i’t

t ^ i . l<fjd )i t(>d.iy! ~

I^ .................. . L .


Fii'cmen P


“S' r aId f f l

^or \ ' ' w:e.

; ;

lh - '■—


mni •m ^

s V IT. ' ' .rd

'i ■ ' J •d — • ^ 1 1

U onchin* tU krl aalei^^^ dlipenae* ihe flrat tlekel In Teflt Jon

" Tllci th l pablle to attend Iht funcUi * • * *

I Twin Falls Fireim ’i For Annual Dae. T hn 37th annual Piremen'* bene- wl }- f it danee will be held from S p.m. to no of 1 a.m. Dec. 8 n t the Radln Rondevoo. vo

Arlon Bastlan and hi* orchejira by •'» __________ ;_____________________ an

Flare-up Occurs ’ ° l; In Chinese War E'* TAIPEI. Pormo.ia. Nov. M Wl - •*'

Chlneae NaUonallsU nnd Commu- "" nlst* yesterday fought ihelr heavleit "

I" gun bntUe thl* year In the Formosa a ira ll ve*l-pOckri war. Uie Naltnn- nlLit defense ministry reportea i'.- dny.

“ The mlnlsU? aald red* a t Uenho '• on the mainland and on Uny Taleng n’’

Inland fired <81 ahelU nt Quemoj, ho naUonnU.1t oulpont Just off the

*• malnlnnd. In two hour*. *!>'\ \ The naUonalLiU h it -back vigor- i i

ou*Iy and ail(;nced the rekl gun*, the ,'J mlnkalry aald.

1 S o sm ooch

I k leaves you

I b m t h l e s s '

t '

: 1 ir iJ u arfiiitsf nai"e


I R A N C H - VIt

U. s. Approved'flSTIIN O W Y e i

1 L B . I

t o g e f t h e

H S u l y ^ u A . J


Box 494

P repare for Annus


4 S H U H I I I27lh a n n u a l FIrtmen'a benefll danM Dee.: Jonei. F irem en Bad Herei*. r ich t. bold* it ncUan In th e Radio Rendevfto. (BU ff pha

* * * * ------

men Preparing )ance on Dec. Sj £

will provide tho ' m ule . HaU and on no lsenukera will be presenled aa fa* IW vora to everyone. A special program ^ by Ja ck Wlfidwr, Oeorge Thom as and I » n K ins will be presenled. L.11. ChrUUnnx turkeys will be awarded. —....

E arl McAdam* 1* the general S * * chnlrm an: Ted Poulton and K en B Royer, adverilslnc. nnd Uckel sales; n Enrl B ryson and Darrel Howard, m u- Q ilc a n d 'h a l l . nnd LeMolnr Stevens g nnd D onald Whitaker, refrM hment j5 commlllee. 8

T icket aalM began Monday. A

PTA TO MEET HHAOERMAN, Nov. 2 0 -T h r Hn- 8

germnn PTA will hold Its monthly o T meeU nf n t & p. ni. TlmrAday in the S home economics roonu n l th r high K school. Mr*. IrLih Short will be » *penker nnd will ahow nlidr.n on g Alaska. Mrs. Robert Nelson will nlng. uO O

_ r ™ i aI ■filVfilil I WgM

i ° a s C A D E p | U |

I WiWM■ iN t tM W S i i ^ r H n ^ B


W A IK E R 'S -T W I

W A Y C a t t l e

for DOUBLE ^

L B O S» u F e e d O n l y ^

P E R D A Ye s a m e B I G R E

-------------• - R A N G H - W A Y - 2 2 ^ F c c r f

• R A N C H .W A Y M % Feed

M A G IC V A LLEY CATJtirrr.iw feed lot K«ln» nnd fircri u.'ing Rnnchwnv U.S. n iiproirti si Wllh -QUALITV CONTRni. lm< brnrfltn nf ihf.'r nmarlnc RANCH\ caitle feeds lodnyl •

J ’h isu u U if f ia n c k - W a if . ‘


T w in Falli

- - • •

i ia l D a n c e AwEarl

U 'lh ia t the Perrin Roger:


' 9 ^ I . M Two meeUi



{{[■ ■■IL ■

lee. S, Fireman Ken Ro;er. eenUe. li th e pramaUnnal potter that In- phatB-engravIng)


Nnv, 2fl IP—Edwnrd Enjeat His- I Klnn will ttnnd irlni.nrxi month on n charcr hr retkleuly drdre 100 mllr* prr hour.

Hlggln*, 20. wn* bom wlUioul

Buy Y our W a f c h ^ i From A W atch i jj M ak er J 'f W hrrr Qu>lity and Sen’lce /I a re nuiirrd. K .


T W IN FALLS JEWELERS S! '•Lrr Welbel" nnd S. ".Mnx Phllllpj" g ,j 127 Main Are. E. ^ >

i l l fill rAlThVB

i c - j E R o wiE ;


e F e e d s


;oLE S U i T S !

ced Lot F o f te n c r

: a t t l e m e n

irrrr.isr cnln 'rtwt.i be tl SnlNi‘n| niipiilrmriit IiiM-.urij.iir lhe iinny CHWAY prnlll m.ikms

L 0 s a k A .

MILLS ,P h o n o 18 • - *

— L___

T I H E S -N E W S , T W I NIN F A L LS, IDAHO________

Vward Presented To Buhl Speaker

I the regu lar m er:irc 7 jT; He errlne Toastmaaief* flub »l agerson h o t^ l . . ,-,.nn r« n - m '" '’ OUier npeakrr.i »rre Olenn Can on Tw in P a lb : Hntnrr Roberu. m slerdam . a n d Henry WeMendorf, '------ --

Two m esla w err prf.*enied a t _^r leeUng by Donald DJi>y- The)

AM AzilB ut

HERE IS Wl* 5 . 9 5 p,


A NEW KITCIirV rA niN FX rnniiEh a ll th e m ria l irim* tnd pa*tr to do a

PLASTIC WAI.1. TILE with trim< an w-nlnseoni of a bathroom 6x8.

IN L A in I.I.SOLEr.M for the bath. «leum enough fnr n I J x lJ kitchen flo


" ' • A r

KENVERL3 4 8 A d d iio n A ve. W .

bed :r ‘H JQSK

SET COMPLET• M r. and Mrs. Chest

• M atching Foe • G enuir


JG o c i W hero Y o u G o >.

^ u r n l f u r e. YO UR d e p e n d ;

520 South

ProudDFTROIT.Nov.‘2#W -LoulsO. ,

Nrgmn, 35-year-old f*lher of 10. was in troubis today because ot hlJ prldr.H r told federal agents he tel up ;

,» ntlll in his home and sold , moon.ihlne ra the r lhan go on re­lief.

----------- PANEL T O MEET--...........1 - -HAOERMAN, Nov. » - T h e nlfl-|

ctnl bo.nrrt of Uie MethodUt ehurch; will m eet a t 8 p.m. I>ee. 7 In We 1 ch u rch .______________ .1

t I N G


> PER M O .


iniigh rorlnn plastic along wll j dn a lO-foot cabinet top.

m< anrt adhetlve to cover th i

ll. Excelon TUe or Inlaid U n- Tirn floor. »


■ T

RL Inc. 1Twih Folli


e s t • Hollyw ood Bed

F o o tb o o rd

n u in e M a h o g a n y

• L a rg e P la to M irror -


*99^5 Reg


h Maiii

T o us, saving m ea n s BANK



Thal'i why wo depoii

TWIN FALLS BANK" S e r v i n g M o g ic Volley C onsin

T W IN f a l l s . Member Fl




$ 3 2 9 .9 5 Vail

2 5Wrought Iror

)CCASIONAL Ceg: T6.95 j

•LATFORM ROsg. 7 9 .9 5 5

I c e r ' in c e s - Telev) GENERAL ELECTRIC t


_____________________■ U 'E S DAl

n g m oney B

J K I N G iJ M

F’S P R O F IT A *

poiit regulariiuBS

K & TRUSi Em lw i.tl , S in a liK

Kl A

s a v in g s a c c o m i C

m M t

i L l




i r

L‘v i s i o nc dealer

»A V .

Irj^f,'TS:w f f l iHsiMI

k l v i » °* '£rat cur» ■ ^ ^ ^ H H I

'>‘'7 ^ ^ H H I

1 ? . ^ M x l i O ^ ^ ^ H R O f f i i

■rtu. cutr

K ’sssL.’SrZt * « r “' ”“ »WU.A.Ottb.H ^ j j^ w d r td iP l>« »»“ N»U0B»Wo a B®“ i»taT W

*'“■ c u » in « th w «< th«

JiHeyburn Social Cc ||,E n te rta in I■ w . fiinff tr id je cJu6 «■■ T p ik i A!lo. C M : jj«ne Cl U n . J u n o K m s c *fW * *

c d m . ^wn» AiwnUon »Wi<j t H . T - l ' ehurch »)11 m « t D«K ;. V. 7b ;f . yrovJ- of u u s v c t M cAt«

H ^ einr Social club^ P,iJ B ro .tr ^ JJ , j (Hj jjomc j,, K I for > no-hoBi lun.K ^ r . J'l” - cwhMise.

t - K A G E flM i^-T ^ i^ ,M « .y ifk l« H>« . cijty of Christian 6 Mr .m l ^ .o rt j a

Dee. 1 l l the churcT f e ^ 6 . ? m « t , c o . ' " ’'h w n ac oocn. ■ ^ U r . a r u i a t * . „AaERMAN - I

_ _ , . - j Hat lqdx»N o.« WlU e l«

t ' » _ f B V m ^ - n ie CrowB I P n n s p°’“H i l l I IUI I J joo^ jan jy ,01H i i n l f ^ r t t n n r *c Uie home <■ u a l D a Z a a r „ i h ^ tu w « v e r M■ l f c . , » - - n « Wom- * ♦^ E a ^ y Uiporuorlnt T h t LOS th ird w ^ K r t t t f u r m r l ln f *l »U1 m tel a t 3 p jn . \ ^ K i t ttx Grence haU. u d a ] aeitnce lessor ^ b f O l be Mid In the ^ U r will condv ■ l i w t thicken, ham Nur*er>- carc » lll be ^ K f riH be )trrt<l s l - * *^ K o h o u t the evenlni:. The Ntttcomera cl'

s s r s f f . a s 1B i bTlicd. M n.W /L.H <rrc. 23<

B l ^ A iy E n M artha's gmUd- ,. .. x.j} P-™- ■nju»<>ay m ** ^ "'fnl f«» ^■ jB U in ta ttie memutr* All members a ro -f

■ r tiub »t thtlr home completed »rtleJe4 J B>^.nillci>Uis dinner, m u baciar. ■M U r.aiu]t> in.E >eU «^ k h l ih ic a r e i . ' 7IA0EBMAN-TIj« H f «, t ■ the Reorcanlxed UH u ^ e c n ofMnllln ond hold lla nnnunl I

(4 » ffjixlsr <m«{ Dec. 9 nt Ihe cliurcJ Sftre hot Jor four UcJnR tvrningctl and i

■ion M artin .H A o im iA ^ -T ^ f» u i i i y i u i l l M Blen auxiliary *111 1 ^ r n f f p r n meeUn; a t the homi■ ' * Billiard, Dec. 8. The■ . . . . r a u party and g ift t■ W O w tiw e 15 n t the

HAGERMAN — ' ■ K T «.i) p A '/* a ' Grand club ol U nlor H n i l ' f ' / m I ■ No. « . will hold the

A S ‘ / > & wan patty and (rtn e H day a l the home of

11 \ derson. Therc will

B ^ ^ \ l \ N IlA GER M i^ — •^ Prince, president dj

]ltr toclety. announ( S m / Z ^ sm oriubord dl

^ P C - ' S r / / \ Chanced lo Dec. IC. : 1 ) In the Civic club n

licrmfln A nderson 1

>'ourth « n rd LOS <1111 meet T hursday All vts>tni2 teacher »l 1:15 p, m . In 11

^ ■ l l II jl IhMlIocy ICMQn. Rive:

, ' soelely rooms,

Clirfsdnn Womensj r C \ / t \ Vnllry Chrlfltlnn ch\ \ l ^ Broup mcctli

■ W V I 01 i 0™>P No. I will trH i ^H L I \ i / y “ '■•• N onnan V^ H l r t f n r^ < ' ^**1: Ortjup No.

A ‘7 ^ ^ P ' f". wiu» M » . i

JEROKE — T h e C

!^lOk-w _ . L | h ^ ^

'«’''l Jf»ln P-Hlem

- W i t h e

y«daB6 r t . } n - w . , W e d n t

f e „ = ; S « K ' ■■ 8 " ^f e ' p SPE C IA LIS T

jeaNE'•' ^ ityle g “ J® Hprwe* A rt

'“ mxssoajsjssw

Local Woman W ins

llbta. T v ln Falb. wm awarded l i n t p riu e Crochet conteit fer iU i thre«-plre« bu a s t c n Idahs fair. Mr*. GIbba atoo was I th e eoaUat. (BUff eap»»tm t__________

C alendarI Or Trove

-T h e Thursday e tc - IlEYBOnW. N ov.; :b rn-m m f f t t t the and J4a C roft vum unes N. EUia. ler. Jacklg Croll.

¥ Jf U r. and Mrs. Cliff:ld o f the Epitcopa] loot Sund.7}-. t Dec. 8 a l the home Mr. arui Mrs. F A tee. /smUy h .ir r TWiirn'« * a lter Tlaltins U r.

lub *U1 meet Dee. Pyle. .fM r,.W lllbm R ade Mr. and Mrs. CT. luncheon and gLft nephew. Je rry Dog „ . ^ Tlsltln* Mr. nnd Mi* ^ la 81. Anthony.

-T he W omans So- w , . ,

«rS.” ih“. % 5 'BD. A3/C D arrell P t

f . r • forte base, Cnlifomi- Union nebekah 'elect officers a t the ” r. and Mr

a t th e Odd r tS s mfitudents re turn in

9 TislUne he re wrre'roM no,id e;ob irtll MJt* B aduer n rd polio Mle of cooked Brlsham Younic m work a t ' l : » p. m. lUrley Jo rdan . UU

me o l Erma W «*w tare colJeRf. Lcgtn . r a s hostess. W anda Rose and* Ricks coIlrRC. Itexbi

I w ard nelfer society Kerbs. V n irersity ol m. Wedneaday lor a Mr. and Mra. a xaon. U rt . JoanlU fatnlly, O gden, hai wKluct the Icsaon. M art Allen.I be proTlded. ♦ ¥

a club will have lU F s t e s D o

n " t h e ' l ^ r f “club. JIEVBUnN. N ov.: ly bo oblaln#d by urday n t th e home ;n euvcna, 131, or ■*«« J to n a m t'tl ie b . 2 3 « .w . sary o f Mr». lx>U1«■ If. I Ltiasn Q ln u d . Ja rt

n lld will meet a t B M n VirUUam Lol n th e church base- reedred h ig h scoresII be a work aeaslon. nJthanJ'B ltncoe rcc

* SQUare donee club »-The PydcJI.1 eJab of <Sjjr a t th e AmerJR ; LOS church vlll InatnicUon period w ll han-eal fcitlvnl {) p. m. Tho«o ntter urcJi. A profffflm Jj w brine vSfndJfJchrA •nd the public Is In- Nctt-comers a re wclc

* * , , IfAOEHMAN — 1■Thf AmerlMn le - joeicty will hold the nil hold fc b a w n r and cc^ e of M r s - ^ o t salurdny. befflnnlns p e annual ChrUl- „ ,je rn » an D rug ato. Iftexchanitew U lbe pupnlre. M rs. Her thc Legion hall. nna Mrs. E nrl Lc

* n * p „ t NOM, * „ ■ nlon Bebeknh lodce M atrons wilth e nnnunl Chrlit- Friday a t the

tf t exchnnse Thurs- , cJirlaLmaa pa r : of Mr.i. 0 « * r An- brtnR a ccwill b o -a poUuck their own l«b le*ertl

^ presen led byJ ^ M rs . Clementt Df the LDS ne- J. „ounces the dale of „ .r-= T 5«»AM

K c'ub win be held Dettw ns. Mrs. Herroar

i » Wf*' T'J»rlon Pupn!

im lf s

J. ftt. In the n tllel jj/^Q EnhfAN - X 1. u lf.xson on th e "Inc

,en /f^ » o w * h lp of r s S ' i n

£ ”b5.’'S'uS!‘.S-.-rL-?1S..K' i ‘‘ _ the Seminole and thihe Cottfltry Coatlas T^e publle Is InTlteC

■ ^ ■ 1 P r e - C h r i s t n n

W m S P E C I A L

^ F R E ES n ^ H One U rg e $ 2 .00 Bottle

I H K * W R e re lo n

"£A U DE P A R F U M "

h e a c h a n d every P e rm o n t G iven Before C h r i s tm a s•d n e sd ay Evenings h y A p p o in tm e n

r r v POI?raECTER. A » u u h t OpemU)


□5 A PPOnrmENTB w i x l i n a d v a n i

JEfTE'S BEAUTY SALA resB t ■ *■0CXSmmmWXSC30«SCX3£^^

[T ^ ^ tio n a l Contest‘I

H ' .-■■Ml

tflw In lha bafftl and Tanlty tr ia elu«rncat bu ffti m l Mis . Glbbi' (c t wa« tDlered In I

vas awarded an :()«ooraU« B laltya tn the

1 Reports Soap 'Snowfi vels, Visits Adds Beau S-Jtc'^r^ZT Christm a

the Christmas (ree U a. . Ferral SUck and for holiday decomUns iirnttj to Tarrentxin ajtolhcr Job whleh wllh Ir. and Mr». D. il. will enjpy helping.

Alter fasienlhs Hie gnr CToyd DoRtelt and desired. Rire the younj

DogKeli, ha»e been uindlcd spoons or Inch- Mrs. Adrian Smllh brtuhes and I t t them pal

on the branches In peaks. Dumond Welihrrom vbllins .\J. D. “ >e tn ink but.;:o Ups of the branches, arP .« i .u , r „ k . U r “

onila, l l vlilUnit Mr. an e ifra fesUrc ti .n Warner and his d iut on the sudsMrs. Edwin P.ckeU “nd ll rU l caU h th

glisten like ntw -fnllcn si

S."‘v'JuSr'.;S "“ ■> ™n£-»?ws*ir d Kerjv Mclnlire, I '

university, Ptotoi] u u h a u le Aitrlcul- L _ n r P O n n ; LaVerjl Jon«.! V - U I C < Jnd Trena Ilavsteii..;xburR .and Richardy ol Idaho, i lo w w . - ■ . — .

a a ln e -s n o * and ''W hnt arc parenU ia

u If. lAln boy. displays a rlRl»en h tr and anys. ’If

j n i i n h t p r "■^ U U y i l i e i In cireulnilon-7 ov. 20-A pnrly Sfli- "she U only » child, a 5me nf Mr*. Myrtle freslimnn, The boy la e birthday nnnlver- religion, nor Js-lio In J t t l dauKhlcr. Mrs. group. We said u i lamlnson, Ore. Insisted on Rlring th e rtr L o lt and Jnck Lott on her keeping up he r ires a t pinochle and “ le other boys and recelTcd low. “ The result la tears,

ed a plnle lunch. ninnlnB nway. a slump In^___________ and a couple of worried p

„ ,,, I ToU with the parilb WUl meet T n ^ “Rolng steady" among thi •r»“ » ta o lJ c m u U not, in m yd will be from * to ^ j^od Idta These boy ttendlng are asked ^ ? 7 n ^ „ m o “ !f?on i r ^ a k c tw cooklw, {0 fldotaeence, Ttiey at kxlcome. aursses thnt Uiey feel '* * define nnd find dllficully- Ttie LOS Relief n 'a must crpecl t i l sorts the annuivl Chrlit- slm tlons Jrom them anc I cooked food snle ing sleady" Idtn among Ing n t noon. In the ( jij procea of grow

v ^ 'Herman Anaerson p j^ t la a speed nnd eon Leathnm aro In ipnves their p.uenw si

stunned amflzcmenl. Th^ I . .will meet a t «;M morrow. The boy and

h e Masonic temple ej,ani:c .w>ner iparty. Members nre another tjcari's dcllRhUI covered dish nnd «i»y "going sleady" la o errlce.T ht proRram proup of aclole.wnt chllc 1 by Mrs. Elln Wll- )tcl. to /ffUnjpi ihry do

will be a gilt ex- ,u n d and orer which scant control. Indeed wlU

¥ * edge Umt they need co- TliP December arc nol in condition to su■ llnRcrmnn Civic selves lo thli .*0: pntrlng. Dec. a nt the elub Whnt Jlre Die p flrrnu I

man Anderson nnd enis are rMpoa-iiblc for i igmlrc will display of their ehlldren. There ttigeestiaru. Names be drawn and glfU

la ll this year, llo.'- ide &{r(. Andenon *>n fuRmlre.

- " A c ) ccncIudlnR‘Indiari Amencnn"! C O |r ^ ^ Bd 'n i the Melliodut). m. F r ld n x -a fte r -i----------Madden In chnrRc. *:k dinner will bC{ ijc h a t 7 p. m. Sun- j T . . /a short report oni

;im» will ahown on. ^ure of the Nafaho.l ^; the Sioux Jndlans. / ■*■ll«3. ■ 1


f h e n f B * • ______ '

L _ ________ In e n t , ^ ^



\LON TO T il J 9 S l io .h o n .S l

l o s j a o o ts a M K il l - -

' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T I M E S - N ]

A n n u a l P r o c i . ; f P l a n n e d b y

{.m ’Tbt TwenUetb OentB>■ - M ' hold Ita ■""»»«' C tiils ta 4 , Dee. t be flau lac

- I luncheon a l tbe T u rf a ^ Kuctae B rd a b o

eha^ratao. win s a m t e U l ^ n g ^ l S i and give the tr « n o a . Mi

a l*o.w U l^T c.K J«nm «_ ChrMmt* la BeV tleba

llo * Chrtotfflaa U ape lands aUo will be dlsc ta and picture*. Ra)pb O W palb artist, ha* patnlci ous picture* lh a t wlB 1 Uu pn tnuB .

■ f S S ^ H Mr*. Lloyd W alker v Chrlftmas carols lo th Among the sooca «be win be ~0 U U ic T9W1 lehezn.’ ‘ W hat Child ~WUk Shepherds W at nocki a t Ntcht." n v e *n T b e Carol of the Beasta.” * 0 ChrUUatM * Rest Ye M erry 0 « n tk n the Halts.* ~I H cttnl U Christma* Day* a n d «

Mrs. D oiuld Y o u tt pany Ur*. W alker a o provide backsround mu jrocram. M etnben (uesti.

H a z e l t o n EU

n r .ii„ „ .h . HAZBLTON,-Nov. » ?n . K, 'or Evening, c:I s . ^ h i!? i?w Preabyterianw e u oeelo ib Andrew*, prej______________Jimmy Christopheraon.-

dcnt: Mrs, E. W. SUgl« treoiujrcr. and U n . J*

V I U M alternate officer., . Ephfsilans will be the

3Ury TO for ‘he cofii/ng year flrsd study will be on IndUn

I G S r e e The circle WlU ipooso . , 7 . Chrtstmas party Dec.11 of sonp su ll Him. "joy to th e Wor

or br.inchM of tRo*n.U another trtci: 41 4C 4iUnR and nljo F.LDEB8 M E|1 ^ the Children },EYBDnN. Nov. 28.

party was held ftl th*: gnrUnds wljcre rYld»y evening. U r . a n oungsters long- Drown dlrw ied tlte fa »h-w ldc paint- H anld Jlurst ahowed a I p o t the ••snow" Bandit of Sherkood I >cok*. When ap- jrtstimenl* were aeTved now. It's btal to M „. o ien yilley a n d h butw art lo thc Delno Bailey.

:. and from the « II «e base. DINNER OlVIrc tree, sprinkle RUPERT. Nov. 2* -M ads before they Trd JJaywnrd And ch 1 the llchl and Uike City, and M r. aiu nsoow . Murrny and son. Dock. I

*■ BunOay diner rueats a lS WANT ADS. Hayward home. Rupert,

of Your ChildreBy ANGELO PATRl

s to s.ty or do comradeship belween t girl Uils ihtm allows the children to b

«dy with a cer- whsl they say to them , a ring he has dren ahould be to l^ pi •If nny of the thrir condition, th e ir ne

Pt eny I'm not ershlp, advice ftnd cor are aUll haU-flcdged, ni

i ft hlKh school tectlm of the ir group, fs not of ow b e i t e \ ^ t e i t n tin our soclnl «• fw n v p ftro t* ! eontrel wnphatlc -No.’ ^ P*«n t» Iw re to hold

» ring bsck nnd <3«n on n, looso reJn, c ie r nasoclntlons »enses o f s ^ o r aa wi t td ctrls au thontr. to e ln d e no tn , r . children, b u tJe tO m eah i

‘>o“ » »e »U cly uaed to t t ^ of « «"• olfspHng. No:

edpnrcnti, ta p u l'th aa jh * do»-n on parenu. ThU p y from tbe "wrong" ni ; these younser You neirer c an telL V m y expcritnct. gatde. b a t Arold Ute "gi boys nnd Rlrls wea. No rtng*. pins. W

trom childhood rery youn* peraon. Tiro >' ar« enduring gidt a« s r« th e «ngel«. eel bul cnnnot --ully In bcarlnR. T.-ttr «wu .touU Uv. orM of ^ m o n - L 'l l Unnd.Uils go- mor* tbi> S* h«Dki (at rl

long them. *1? . '"CtilMrtn. ' T« oM*ln » tn j . Rrowth, younR. iMi. m kin. r/o t i m ic plrnsft to Uie n»» »«. 8i«ii»» c . Wm T«

r 2 a ; “r„ 'n “ i .4 » jE sm o v ie s


children. Sub- M A D E EAS'do nol under- '

Ich thcv hnve woman who e tiwlUwuiknowl- * ‘>'*bln ean leamI c o m r d X y m inute, w i t h , earner

^hip 'nShorno^ron

^ y T ravelm ate


s izes 7 1Y I ^ S in r ’s SnoBc's W’or / j» -u o n b lo m e ...* i

/i . i ' y ' busy molherj’. I - f w l ; . f —I_____ dacron-pif".? «>Hfn

I . . .jiis td o n k idr>’smooth on the h

"N, / I / \ As pretty as it's p r Y / ...\vilhtut>-w ayjo5inny

■ I \ y Tm eivatlU^ W h ilco rio ftic p

^ i O tlicrlilou icn■ — -brMt^ek>th>,-hrishlr^*t‘



& BEE-TWEEN. S t. So. SH

• N E W S . T W I N F A L L S , I D i

ogram Becomes Br jy C lu b ; Them eestatry club will rIstaiM pncram w ltb • 1 pm.r f d u b . ' ,lab o tt. tn « ramtte tb e did carolsL M n.B i« lnhonim«_cD the fln ttebeai; ,1 apeot la other laetM cd br song C tom ay. aTw m Ltnlcd Ihe vari- rtU b« used Ior

rr WlU aim the a th* program. cbe will alng

T9WQ of Seth- Illd la 'm s?* .W atched Thetr re T luee Kings.* h e Birds and i«a 'm v . - -CM lU e a c n . ' “Dtck^ D M Jt A.' CUILMt Othera. (B tafrcsm Tiftzii t t Will *ccc»ti- (8l* ljc« » » v li«

a ad abo will * . * *

Alice Honstei♦ Wed in Ne

E l 6 C t S ELKO, Nor. JJ-A llce / - v r r ; dnuthter of Mr. and Mil , J l T l C e r 5 HoiiJitin. T»-ln Palls, nii

aft-Mew oltl- ClUldcra. sou of U r. and ig clrcla ot the Childers, Filer, were inn; lan fh u rch are Nov. 2S. preaident; U n . chllders Is e ifsged in

son. » h e prtel- ^ *m « E 8 WON

L J*jne* , SHOSHONE. Nov, a - th e Bible atudr P r ^ w en ltrlato flTJd the mission JWORe dub P r l^ y even

idUn American*. I '" " ' of Mr*. Oyde Ri ooso r a faoUy »»«d* wtr* won by M >ec. 19 *hd U)f Chtu. Mrs. Jam es 'B ar World.“ WIU b t Mr*. Richard Baamnnn «

Ini prUes by Mrs. Rapp i f Rlchird Mabbutt.

MEET * * *39 — An eldcrt CLUB MEETti

the LOS cftarch SltOSHOffE. Nov. ». and Mra. P. D, Bridge chib met Prldny e fame* pU jyl, the home of Mr*. Wm ■a a moTle. T h e p n i„ awarded NKl P t r a t . R ^ oomts and Mrs. W. E. O r rved by btr. and « « 41Jd Mr. and Mr*. K pe.ij p. ^ 1 ^

* f«^<* ttlstnrea a l Glob* 8.

and Ura. S m M M O H M C mI children. Sail CTTitOOCMfM a a i, and Mr*. Vern -thanaiyother

- . K -c& 15.* |2R 2

I r e n

en them which! i n f &to b a n faith Inj W W ^em . .Thete chll-'A plainly abouiji r n e e d lo r l ta d . ; W h i l e O U F 8

control. They.

or grandsonfrom tb e lr p*ls

a t r o L * .^ . , i - - 1 - rhold tSSw chll- A r T <1in, exerdn -their h f j 1la weU aA '.thdr V ■> I I»o friei»d ol their eahdctt*H «nC6 ito the a tfn o iac t •-— ^ i w i

a a s Ih^'bct^ or . . . 'I " netghbortood.I. W alt.' adrlse. 0 ^ Z Me "folof'stfwJy I. tjadgea for the 'T lroelien the lx


YOURSI. - ( M IlMlt lor

■ Witl ANY M>

:s o r I ILIBES I

I Refrij



> 9 8 :

n , 1 hov* b««fl7 t o 1 4 t u m ^ «f An5 w-ondcrfui j ur»« 1. . .s f in d /o r , Ki»ry. fh»o* o.crj'. Perfect ! Irol" you.oUonbJenJ : -o n k it .k t i t ................................. .. 1]the hanger, t's pracliesl.nnycolUr, .»Il>uttnnt. Ifiicpai^el5.

u ic n c v /s -


L 9:00

:n k M 9SH O P a i t t H ' i U i m B

[ D A H O

; Bride Testimonial I . _ At LDS Cr A r ’ ^ f * DECLO, Nov. :ki~ a

UsUmoalsI w a^'hrld S nins a t lhe Declo LD6 Tedlord A. OlUetla. w o Mrs, Jouph

presopening prayer was g)n tleld Hurtl. Speakers Prcslon, Dsrrtll Dam n s ra te" * n d " Oilleitc.— 'I prayer w u given

' Music wss fumbhed b) choir. Barbara P reston.

Olllell* go to stale* mission « lih heac Chlcafo.

ABC riNRUPERT. Nov. S 9 -U I

son. Rupert, w u fined i by JusUce of th t Pcace bit on a chan:t of drlv without mud flapi,

rinl* C. m ie n . U t fined IS on a charge of di

CUILDCRS txplrtd license, ravittcK -

LateM aS t 6 i n G O DERiai, Ont.. Nl

k I i ' a lelter mailed in OrinI N evada t •«* dewrered in Oo

-Alice H onsttlo . ^ J i w.s found when • mt Mrs. George* wns rcniored during r lls. niid Dnle A,! I** OodeiJch postof . and Mrs H. A. I., - •„— ■— , re innrrlrtl here —

;ed in fanning.

N E v I, a - Mrt. nav - trla lned Uie OK

i^e Rapp. Scoreby Mrs. Claude / H F V ®

i'B a ra ln c n and'nnnn and travel-1 J V t W ^, Rapp and k in . ^

V. » - D L M o'rldny evening a l; , s . 1I, Nina M urphy.' ided Mrs. E. L .' /, E. Oroese. I

and canar? bird lobe Seed. Adv. ,

’s!sss" 529 Bs u k S T I

Phone 3.

Aspiii r i r a i t o _ B | m | H

fOW! W H/l i r s u p p l y l a s t s — H u r r y t i l

l s o n a t a p r i c e o f 1 / 3 u a u a

r T H h G m i H i

RS FOR ONLYi V i t h t h e P u r c h a s e o f

M A JO R APPLIANCII n c l u d i n g

frigerators - Ran ashers-Dryers-^_ —- ____- This i

« .. offer

H S L w dr(

• U m oUtHW only a lim M «f Amerluin m>i«t «<*( I ur^a Iket yw ort promplly. So I

’ T h is Electrtc T rain Speci (While they last)


This Offer Good at bol

| H | r 3 H H M ay be addi

to your contt

] Held Student Honi Church At College

- A missionary Barbsm Huey waa cl 4 Sundsy e v e -o f the Uonth‘ Moaday *1 JW charch for Biuines* college, w o ol U r. u d 3iUa* Bu q was grftd

Valley high school last

K; ™«pn“ “» ■»■.— T h e-c lo sin r —£*ch-moD«V »_swdenj r L. A. a m e ^ ^ l “Olrl ol lhe M onth- fw d by the Decloiton aanz a sola. In the stenographic and

fWd. T^e Norember u0 the norihem k. ^ on m m m ar a ad

______ of grammar and dictionn v i n of high school and call*F in t-u S h f noUd ihst her bk ln j

-U lsn d V .L ar- had helped her.gram m a led }8 Baiurdiy i,er m building a goodace Archie Nes- .................. .. ___ .-—■drivlns: truck •


o l d , „ w „ o . o , . | , 0 „ , F o , b ( ■ Mov« You -

d a i lOrimsby, Oni_ '

O o d er^ch -« ; C f t p I.en a partlUon j P W I V IIg rrtwrationf I Treiitftr 4 Sforaxtofllee. COKMIBCIAL 8T1


' A N D

MINNIE D A \wish to announce ih o t thi m oved their b ta u iy sho 933 McCullom St., b A i . vife their ctisfomers bo th 1

^ new to vis^t them in thi W Jocotion, ot— ,

Broadway - Bi354-R for Appointmi

IAT A BUYthis is the Ideal Gift fot

ual cost. . .

W£ ■ ^ 'T


' 1 0 -ICE I

inges - Freezers -Vacuums-TVig is by special factory arra nt tha t we have been fortuoa er Buch an outstanding speci

)ROP IN and See Itiis TKAI



^ ^ ^WW.*, ^tiMMiln mi T ate a t t »Um

nM rifW M w te , T«k <m, 0«aM« md Cil**MCw> »<n nrf bMUtf (Hybr*

I t t lK ta W t r^1 TnA M

» WM lTMil««riMHit Catr^ inkMH WhktU

ecial also available tt) with all-

LIANCESOM 49.95both o iir Stores '

llded M S IK C W Mn t r a c t

' P A G E :

- i ' - •

mored M ge Here ^u chosen ’•Olrl ^ ay » lT w ln 7 an « ^

grftduated tro tt. I t f f lla st aprlng. Sh* iM l

a t the coUeg* I W3 . Sbe p lu s to .iM• la •eereU rU ' | w j

jdent_ls *«ltcted " for K ue 'ou l* | | ^ n lal«d to to c cw

and aecretarla] e r selection was a n d Toeaboltry. ■ ! M owed her usa H J rtlon to th e help I l j l coUcge teacher*. ■ ! Iklng for reading a m a r a ad aided ' | H (Ood vocabulary. ' J n

' m o v i n g I Wos ev«r | HI’d C a n 't M

— lpaC o n " i i J

227 I( D ; ' Ita ro M Co. ■. 8TOBAGK ■

o n ]E S E


t th ey hove sh ep from

All, a n d |r>- 3th ofd and '

th e ir new

Buhi 1m e n ts

ffor eon

i sfW ,

.95te f . 62.30 V alu fr—»e«B«Jeir.


frrange- m ate to peciaL


A I N _ ___________


l l

e l e v e n

C h i c a g o Gl I r v i n i n A r

D r a f t e f P !C O L U M B U S . 0 . . N ov . 29 {l?y-

Y o rk G ia n t s t a r w h o h i t .:152 nf' n capo lif l. r e lu m e d to llio b ip sh( M o n d a y nm on j? 10 m iiw r Ich ru c

f 0 0 0 In t h o i i f f h tc a t m a jo r IcagU' -------- -----------------------------------------in j

i; B O M f A a A N G t l S

O ranl Banbom. who vlf»» the . I world Ihrougti Uic w jh u on ■ rllle.

) i u JUU relum ed from « irlp ta p^j,I v /uh lnc ton , - [lie

m ’ • member of ^ P ' jrvj. Uio NaUonnl lUIlo W M ton

Btwclallon'i nom> g b f f g A M |,yina tln j commit* C ir

and W P the oUicr camtnlt-

•crccned 60 nom* elUineea (or NRA dj- Torrcctorstilp». tlnal* thely (CTcenlng ou t a D20 name* to bo on . . . . . Am th e ballot a* jwlctiUal direclon. ftlong wllh the name* ot iwfl »1-temflKi, Ola,

More th a n .12.000 life member* o [1 ■ ; tho NRA will vote on Hie »lale of , „

eandldale# In March. Tliere are 60 ^ dlrcclor* of the aasociaUon wrving th « c .y ea r lerma, Twenty dlrcclori ^ J; m e elecKd each year.

We aaked O ram before he lefl It °; he needed.anyone to Bo along lo

help him carry his aullMse. He ' Dftld no. Muat have been traveling

/ ^ * ^ -w a y . he report# Dial he had a Plc‘ IWMI enjoyable trip. He le lt liere “ >e Wedneaday evenina. arriving In Waahlngton Thursday morning alter

' flying Ihrougli eome rough weather. While In lhe nallon’a capital, ht tound time to aee many ot Uie polnla „ of InUreai In Uu»l faaclnaUnB city. . . .

I Ho came home eu n d ay -an d thli • tim e the aJr waa amooih all lhe way.. ' Those roclu in our h ta d have b«n T

ralUlng again. olh(I In Sunday's paper we wrgl« lhat BUI

Oio Bulll Indiana had a record of IS righ wlna and ono losa during Ui# IPM-M In i baalietbaU aeaaon. “ '!

They didn't, o t course, as many of Mui you baaketball fana well know. A* : Dkzy Dean would *ay. “We Jcal sot oe«i our alaUca badcworda. follti." Should Shr havo been Uie olher way around, “ f* And as M ajor Hoople would note. PI

I “Egad, tnoat embarraaslng. har- ayal nim phl" ‘ '

Harold Huslead. BuW high achool Uon basktlbaU coach, called Uj« error lo h«n

■ our allCTiUon and we're happy to Atni } act the record atralght. Huatead aays naaI hla taam Is looking beller In prac*l(; Uce ao tnr OiU year, w ith alx lei- » h '

1 tcnnen baek. indudlnit tour of Uie ««'■ Jive atA rtm , and aome excellent T proapects up from la st year's lough cho JUBlor varaity aquad. Uie Indiana *er

. ahould be an Improved ball club Mila llml * Mason and ahould conUnue cn Ui« mln ‘ I upswing to r » couple of year#.

• • • BraThe 1953 fooUMill season Grid- ’Hia

casting contests (except for the New Cll) Year's bowl games event, limited lo lo £ wlnnera and honorable mention winners durtne Uie regular «ea»ni 1 5 , have ended, and we'd Ilka to aay I 5

JT ljan k s” to all o t you tahs who i Joined In Uie fun. • f n

Some of the comments WTllUn on i Oie enU}* blanks wxre pretty good.

I They ranged from a bold "Hero arc /1 1 I this week's winners." to a plnlnUve I .1 j “I f s now o r never” In the final ^

contest. JEOne pair of conleffUnls atwaya Ui*.

lenda In entry blanks cu l oul wlUi chui t pinking aliears. Tliey lend nn artlj- dnyl 1 Uc note to the atack of blanks wall- for

, Inc to be Judged. partOne enUy always haa the aelec- bi

Uona typed on the blank with a red proJi ribbon. Please don 'l do this next hunl aeaaon-wc bci 11 contuaed wiui our bank aUtemenl. r ld„

, P h i l a d e l p h i a P r o E "

C a g e r s D r a h S t i l t S USYRACUSE, N. Y.. Nov. :»

Tho conch of Uie New York Knlck- erboclters ot Uio NaUonnl Bnsketftall asaoelnUon dUclosed Monday thal w ill (Uie s u m Chnmberlnln. PhlU- delphln schoolboy baskclball scum* coru! Uon. hnd been drafted In advance Uy Th the Phlladelphta W arriors ol the are I NDA. chuki

- - Jo« Labchlck ot the Knlcla termed blrdj Chamberlain "lhe Krenltsl ball play- er tn Uie gnme lodny and snld "Uie

1' le.iRue crenled a monster when It ik,x j pernillted Plillndelphla to dratl him |,„'v for piny four ycar.i hence." niiiii

I^pchlck sntd offlctaU of Ienm.n In Uip icasue Approved the Wnrrlors’ oolse drnfiliii; of Clumberlnln. iiou a trpjhinan n l lhe Unlveralty of Kan- ^ .■“ BoBOUL v o i:s s . \M t n pfti

JACKSONVILLE, Mn.. Nov, ;0 i.r’Dobb;II —Auburn and VtindrrblU \ifrr .m -jw orn

nnuiKcil Moml.iy ns the foolbni:; knockI te.inis 'ih lch uill mcel in the O»lor' 160'., I. bowl Dee. 31. Iscrnp

i Basilio Defends Crown A gainst'

Uy The .\uorla(ed Prr^i bin'If Carmen BiunIHo and Tony De-lDeitiA

mnrco repeal their mvukc b.iiUe ol but 11___June 10 when tlmLaiccLior-lhc-icc-.jlaAU-j

ond Ume Wednwday nt llie Do;.ioii.Chico I garden, ihelr wrIieruelRht iisifi Wcl

match sliould bc thc "fiBhl of the a t M year." . ! Iianc

Biulllo won Uie ch.impiaiulilp bo>:u from Dtm.irco nl Syrncase, N, Y.. 3 '. Tl in June, bu l now he m uii fuce wiih , rough and ready Ton>- In the tx - Vim champ!shome town. On thesirene th alralsl of Ills 12Ui round technical knock- elchl out Tlctory fire monOis ago, BaslIlo Greer Is rated 0 9-5 farorlle In Uie IS Wnsh, round match, ' • hnndi

Bolh welters are solid Uiumpers of thi • ifho nre converted souUipaws. B j . he ll r sillo's le tt hook is hla bei3l,?l’espon, tender


' u b s G e t

n n u a l

% y e r s —/P>—M o n te I r v i r i r - f o r m c r N ew f, ; n f tc r d ropp in ji: d o w n to M in- I

show w ith t h e ChicaRO C ubs I rue p la y e rn s e le c te d f o r $115.- | iiRue d r a f t , H ince 1945 . W nsh* I

in g to n s u r p r i s e d m a n y b y » trrabbinjT a v i r t u a l ly u n k n o w n P rltthl handed piieher. Conrad Qrob. p olt Uie roster o t Montreal In Uie k iDlemaUonal league as lhe No, 1 F KlecUon. II was the second itra lsht ■ year lhal Brooklyn'a farm had given I up Uie first d ratlee . U u t year 11 I w u ovlfielder Robeno Clemente to I Pltuburgh. C

Of Uie 10 se lec ted -lh ree fewer I than last year—e lsh t were pltc.'ieri. ' I polnUng up th e talerit shonaie In I the majon. The other* 10 move up ■ were flr tl baseman Bob Boyd and 1 trvln. Boyd, who h l l ,300 n l Houa- I ton In the Texaa league, wna drafted 4 by Baltimore off Uie fit, d/itib , Cards' farm n t RochesUr ot Uic • IntemaUonal league,

Tlie Cuba were th e only double j,i,drafters. In addition to Uie 33-Kar* __old Irvin, they took Vllo Valentin- elU, a rlih lhanded pitcher off the " p Toronto list. Vito, who waa up wlUi t - Uie Chicago W hite Sox briefly, had J L a D-IS record a t Charleston In the American assoclaUon before his ^ conUact waa sh ifted lo Toronto. ^

Moil of u ie men drafted ne^er ^ played wllh Lhe clubs from which they were selected. They had Iteen ( ahuttled around since the season P n ended. ■]• Joe Presko who had arm trouble q-,,

wlUi thc Sl. Loula Cards and had a ” , 8-10 season w llh St, Louis’ Omaha farm In (he American aa.%oclaUon was'snatched by the Detroit T ljtrs.

Steve RIdilk. forni6r Philadelphia f l Phll and ClnclnnaU Redleg. was F picked by Uie New York Giants oil ■ the SealUe IIaU Rldslk wenl to Ihe minors with S a n Diego In mld-tca- son afler he was traded lo Cln­clnnaU in (he Jim Greengrass Ceat. {‘‘"J LetUianded Loil Sleater. who a lait- j~ » ed Uie season with the New York n. i‘ Yankees W14 ahlfled lo Kansas J City, Columbus and Toledo, was drafted from Columbus by the Mil- To waukee Braves.

Three young pitchers were lhe iiii>i oUier aelecUons, K ansas City look M"-» Bill Herrlage from Oakland, The righlhandtr was w ith Montgomery Amd In the Sally league where he hUd a _ tS<1 ttcord. T he Carila d n l te d Bllly ” MuffeU, another young righthand­er. from Loa Angeles where he had been moved a fle r a 10*4 senaon nt Shreveport and a brief whirl a t Ma- Hont con where he threw a no-hlller.

Pittsburgh, th e No. 3 leam In Ihe ayatem by which team s d raft In re- verse order to the ir finishing poll- h.bJ Uon. took Jack McMahan, a left* pmii handed pitcher from Denver ot the American assoclaUon. McMahon had an ll-S season on the 'N ew York Yanks- Birmingham tarm ^ where ha w u used moaUy on te- lief.

To make room for the ir draft n.*''r choices, Uiree team s Uiat already i were loaded to tho <0-m an player !r £ Ilmll, t>ad lo send players to the d s minors. The Cards al\uiUed catcher _ Nrlson Burbrink to Omaha, the Braves shipped pitcher Olenn lii»' Tliompson to Toledo and Kmuaa >' City moved oultlelder Joe Taylor * t 10 SeaUlc, cJ n


Biologist Asks n...,O J, SI

For R eturn bf s j Clnikar Bauds „™

JEROME. Nov. 20—An appeal tor " ''7 “ Ui»'rtturn of lec bands laken from 1.' nV chuknr pnrirldse Waa made Mon- J. a< dnylby Charlrs Blake, bird biologlat * for the Idnho lUh and game d«* toi partment.

Blake said the *ucceE.<i of the project hinges on cooperaUon ot itn hunters.

Some 200 bnnded chukar part- li; jn rldse a-ere released In Clover creec {;■ ^ cniiyon north o t Bltia In Ooodlng ^ county before the season opened Ton this lall. Informntlon la ncce.war/ „ on survival of the birds an-t Uielr ill.'t>rrsa] from lhe rrlense site. In u'iui returnliic bniida, Blnke urged hunl- {'r'” ?rs lo report, the alto *’here they jjewli iliot the bird.

B liik e a.ild hiinllnit preasure icnlnsi chuknr partridge Increased lorisidcrnbly this year.

The blologlsi said several hunters tt. Joi ire known lo t>o •''es. bancU Irom ihukara and other.i probably ahoi *“ ,1ilrdj bfnrlng Uie_bnnri«.____ ______

lie said hunU rs could send Uie ‘ muds to Charle.<i Blake, postofflce ox 16, Jerome; tu rn them over to tiy locnl cotviervnllon airenl or iirova mill tliem lo th e Idaho fish and J}‘"* nme dfiiarimeni. 518 Front atreet, lolse. T.U

Solton Gets TKOPnOVIDENCE. n . I.. Nov. 29 WV-

lobby Dollon. 1 6 1 \, of Providence corril « fourlh tT)und technical iiDCkoiil over Lou Campanelll. Toi» 60'., nt.vi of Providence In a wUd crnp MoiiJiiy nluht. va .si,

s Welter t Ex-Champ i-*

blow tliAt dropped Kid Oavllan. J.- '^ 'j lemnrco iL\ualy .'tn ru with a rush lT Ak. ul lire.' Ill lhe Inte round.i. In hls m—turt,-t> fm ^rcti—fcn otk fd —out — hico VeJ.ir In the lir.si round. iim.iici Wcllcrupitiua nrr Uic dUh I-'rlday .S">i

I Mnilison Square ' enrden where ^anc Lo;;irl r ( llnvnna <No 6i Hr,«k. 9XU Virril Awlru ot St. U uis iNo. S""'* • I. Tlicy met nt s t, Nick',i Aug. S T.r.i, Ith Akiru uinninc Ihe decision.Vlncc Mnrtlnrr.. u inn rr of • is

ralfrhl, nmkcj hW Aecond ainrl in Bhl dnys Thursday njiaitv^i Ernie ii'uu.I reer of O.iklnnd, Calif,, ni Spokane, u.' (Ui,. ’ash, Mnrllner is ready u iih a indXome pnrnntee Jnr the winner toui.

The Baslllo-Deniaico ninlcr,. II ill Blve Ihe Pnwrson. N. J., coa- nder a m c k a t ihe UUe. c. L 'il


N a v y S c o r e s

Nary'* George Welsh Ihea4 ▼lalble on left Navy game a t Philadelphia. Underdor Arm; In the tee«Dd half lo win tbe MUi tdlUon ef telepheiet_______________ ^ ______________

Boston Red*Sa Seals’ Franchif

CO L U M B U S . 0 . . N o v , 2 9 ( /P ) -T li F ra n c isco fcnnchi.sc in t h e P a c ific Co

T h c d eal invo lves t h e f r a n c h i s e w hi o w n ers N o v . 10. I t a lw inc ludc-t 14 b

Jo o C ro n in , R e d S o x R e n ern l mam ^ dincussO AnoiiK

BOWLONG a■■ " presenlei

wiKcnANTfl I.EJICUB Sunday.aiMtSMi fiiu dlacuailo:

iii i i i !!■ 1 1 ! . . , ^ ^ II. ri.iiiiM . i‘‘ 0 »* 3” Uie Sanf-' *« IS* Uonhea<

..... ..........- - - — - UnderTol.1. ....... ......... •« SU Sll JSSJ (x» m i

W4k*r»>>r ...rem a ln ina s ; ; ' :.......i ; i •sifflonai .. IS' 1“ ” *•* »M,000 »i.uniinim ...............] ij • ' }J' Uie leagia"‘” i >•» AnoUier

-............................... ,, —— ager TonTot.U -------- »•* *“ Claire

11. 11*1 oil said whniiiniilcia . . . ’J . ’J ’ ** obllRatloi!•'*" ■' I]" ini inl SIS 8“n FraimVbVm "'* ' • >31 *’ Oood*Bummr i..................... “ “ I*; 1'? J” three-ytiJhin .......... ...... -.... ._1»0 _.P. J65 HI

<}( 171 s:s :s«4 negoUate■n.ir.17 » i« .................Uiai mui

lUjljik.p ....- {} j j ;'iriiu ' ..... MS ISJ n t «* aured thiUufblln ................ IM I’J ] ‘S jJ* would fll

. .11! ! " :! ! "■ ; ; ‘ r ‘ - .a l T S n nT61.U ---------- Ml HI »*> J” i names 'i

B.itt-i t>e assigniitMittp ____ ...»« t t H i i l Uie Redp. Pornntif . ....... ..U l 1*1 III >•>

1 “ ==” ! : : ^ !!! i i i J o h n

ll..d l... " " ................. »EW ■I. JlnniKln ...... .......« • Sl*- l‘> ‘O' Johnson,*■ t'i'* j'*" ''............. 11*0 1*1 !‘i* »o' nlcal,knc

...m _ t 't nc* yoi

T . i .k . r a ; . . .■•n*Ul * Wllkir Johiuol

t>n,lle.P , U :* SJJ n i ' , .

Ca“ 1 M

................ ‘ 11“ ' III A. SMIIIniJ

Toi.i. . _ ._ j ‘ t ’ m ' i « J i i r i , * ciiunci! LBACUR ■

rrnktltrlaK r,. 1tir.(llt«|i . . ■ t«t !*• !»• I"; I- Almi ..

i i - i j y : . ' l j j I jl j l j '

'JiliVorin ................ . It* ll: <•* nnwi’ T 'lii. !?} i n iJ* »"• I '- til,.hi I............................... u a Ul u : {J';,'■j'";;,';;Tout* . s u au HJ : m

V, .

S S : u i l i j i j i i j : " " " - ' .

. i i l i i i

, , i i s j ^' o" j" kmo»; j l l i l l i ; l *i»

. IJJ !;{ !i* Ii* li>i,im Sh"l

T oi» i......... iflj I j i s»:':i:2

n j w jji j l j J p iV'^i,n..''l-'(

MtlktdUt ..................

f ' : .Jii i i i ; SIT f ~ i .r T c i i t ~

n*i SKtii V M M. . _.ioT. IJJ IOT

ouli ______ " ill ~ti» uiol T»Ui 1TfiriB -. ]*) }!! J ; 'j


ES First B ut Loses C

left end of pile up) aeoree la lhe flral qua Irm; then un leuhed a relenlleaa ground i n ef iKt eUssIc 14-S befora 1K.OOO (ana al

loxBuy SanF lise From Coas-T he Bofllon R e d S o x M onday nig:

C oasl lengue f o r $150 ,000 . w hich had b e e n f o r f e i t e d to th e Ie 14 bnll p layer-^. vnanngDr. m a d e th e d eal w ith th e ■ussion pcriodn.lollier bid by n New Y ork group "P/v Jy» , headed by William Rosensohn T c U c J wlUiarawn Mondny nlKht. onln'a llrsl w ritten b id waa I x r o l l enled lo Uie lengue direflor's lay. However. It hnd been under ailoii for two weeks, an mticlsco wns opernted Ust sn by a locnl corporaUo;i c.illed * * San FranscUeo SeaU corpora- headed by Damon M iller. aimosi » ider the lerms ot the deal, $75,- 1. ConU will be pnld Dec. IS nnd Uic rid lakes ilnlnj n s .000 Keb, 1, and to H

Uie JISO.OOO purchase price, speclca, *:00 win CO lo satisfy a nole to 3 league by Uie prevloua owners, )...Jier »a,750 U due form er man- ‘" ,1, Tommy Henlh. „ jng

alre Goodwin, league president, 3 g' whatever money remalnrrd nfier J ,. ,

Francisco ScnLi corpjr.i'Jon. wdwln Mid Uie league has a e-yror leiue on Senl atadlum c-r«nu n owner Paul Pagnn, Cronin will Uale Wllh the lengue on lerms muat be npproved by FiiBnn, ,,cording to Goodwin. Cronin ns- . i1 the league Uial Uie Red Sox ^ d field a aallslnclory ball clubwould do nil possible lo haveteam in conlenUon. No player ,es were mentioned who wouldislgned to Uie new farm elub byRed Sox. . V

hnson B atters I , :NeeceinTKO ■";w YORK, Nor. iS (^WTotiy son. New York, acored a lech- ■knoclioul over Bllly McNeece,York, In 3:0S of the elclith

a In their acheduled 10-rounder . Nick's arenn Mondny nlghl. rnson weighed 174, McNtece

]age Results

iiimi-urf ......... i : i m« >1 Hi

" V ...... So. . . ' . . . Ics

: . ' 1..J i » be: ............ u» , ' i iil lik

t . .......... Cl


i ' l ' ' / . iii

___MIN'OB l.EACI'i; * ____

Chipi . ' I : ’’ •

1,". ll*^"l- ITl . 'llnl^th...

(liklMKRCuT. I.KACI'K-- U

i':|‘V.^ii»j.,‘;:»'!'ji''Tt^,.i^ 1';':

'lli. H,rior ’.. fhllli’i.* "I.t".'


rui Falla Olass A; P n ln t ' ■Ton frem (he Pm l O lfire j t HE'i

T I M E S - N E W S . T W I N F A I


In <J S P H IL ^

I : back a s j U l ^ K Q I 9 : W a lle r K

A a n d i' R oo n e y , It - - ! lor and soC . ' ' 'K JB ^ . , Oreen Bi

; wereUie annul

M fel^K j 3 i K f t S 3 I B . Chance to I

sloner, first to pic’ the wtiinln' After Pll

^ shell by 1t quarter In lhe annual Army- three leanund altack for l»o louchdowna Quickly gn« .1 Municipal aUdlum. (SEA ‘^ough

--------------- -------------------- ------ Iled for ll___ aundlngs,

Francisco Is'S•1 back In M

ast Loopged runnir

n ig h t p u rc h a se d th c S nn su ie 'a Big phiudclphl

le le iiR ue by th e p rev io u s , , , , , , auindoul \ th e le aR u e n f te r .teveral unebacker.

----------------------------------------- - Firtt-roui

deral Aid Plans- anted Approval)ISE. Nov. 2D liTu^iale fish end Los Angeli 5 director Ross i>onnrd repori- York’s flrat londoy th a t the U. S. fish and vlous trade Ife scrvlce hns epproved three 220-pound ' 0 federal aid projects totaling Then cai iSl $30,000. Ue listed Uiem as; nats. who ' ConUnuatlon of e'iperlmenu to nkes and atrenms of rough fish r " '* to Ilnd markets for nongnme „ . ' w i . . . .3!.!02.Erection of cntUe guards lo tnd: l>oa /

livestock out of the Sheperd jjor'ton. Vai wildlife mnnngement aren, ington nam

0- hnrd-runnliEradlcnllon of nongame fish clevelnnd 1 SUinley Ifttt In the Snwtoolh ter. Arkans

ilnlns nnd rrslocklng it wllh Klesllng »w trout, t3,J10. Gllck, nntl

- - ■■ ■ who saidIS PICK PILOT highly by n:iLLYWOOD. Nov. : j i^l-Tlie line' quarle. ■wood SUiis of the Pacllic Coaal hnlls from mil le.igue,Mondny named Clay pro-Uilent e r lo manage Uie club In 195S. has drawn (


T h e g r e a t e s t m n u

m w i n a l i g h t e r

c o m p a n i o n to th ,

Som e o f th e most deliKhtfuI Crolessons in A m erican historycnn Oldbe fo u n d in the w ords of m en thelike M a rk 1\vnin and H en ry eveCIny—m e n who sought th e fin- cove,if K cnlucky wbitkey ever pul in tlinfo i}/a3s...Qnd found it in O ld wor

J > A N I E I j w e b s t k

l l te as in su c h d is l i ••■■j"-. W ash in g to n , D. C.,

i . l ' l j i ) : ’ th e bourbfl

_______________^niE OLD CROW blSTU.LERy COUPANV, D

^ A L L S . I D A H O

teelers-IabJG 1 Grid Draft;H IL A D E L P H IA , N o v . 29 ( (P > - T h e -h ig h ly p u b lic iie d co lleg e fo o tb a ] < a s th e i r b o n u s M o n d a y m t h e Jv l e r K icalinfc o f th e S te e lc r s n a m e t tnd M co llege , a f t e r D an n e y , c lu b p e rso n n e l d irec* \ T ^ md son of owner A rt Rooney, * / Q

the lucky slip from the hat, T een Bay and Uie Chlcsgo Card- ___I were Uie oUier parUclpanls In ^ annual bonus selecUon, bul

■ representatives never gol a K - / V ' i ice to slick Uielr anxious hands he h a t held by NFI..commls- E D E , :r Bert Bell, Rooney was the ( h c i r 'b f lo pick and be came up wlUi

■Inning slip. i r i u u yter Plltaljurg dropped lls bomb- S e v e n C

by picking Gllck. Uie first C o a c if teams In the regular d r a f t -------------dy grabbed lhe players every- _ bought were surefire bonus m s- I p g f l I. San Francisco and Deliolt. * for last place Ih the league | ? / > , . I

lings, tossed a coin Jor flrat 1 U l J :e and Uie <8ers won. Coach bAKEF Strader unheslUllngly named _ w e n a tc Morrall. lhe brilliant qunrler- In Mlchlgnn SU le 's mulUple

irolt w uted no time picking ird (Hopniongi Cassady, nig- ov,Hn. running halfback fron? Ohio .°n r io e r'a Big 10 champions, and the ,dclphla Eagles, badly in need •;lp for Uie fading Chuck Bed- “

grabbed Bob Pellegrini, the “ tU e Ro loul Unlverslly o t Mnryland *acker.4t-round choices, u usunl. wenl

PItUburgh. which with Its Uanson ai ) choice wound up wlUi four Dale Dod ra In the cfrafung, look A rl Da- nian Mc( he fine haUback of Mlsslsalp- nnd Don :oHon-bowi bound Rebels; the jrom Cole Angeles Rams, picking New iricsllni 's flrat choice as p a rt of a pre- *

trade, nabbed Joe Marconi, ound West Virginia back. ^ en came Ule Chlcngo Cardl- ” 7 ' who took Joe Childress, Au- ".“7 fullback; Green Bay selecUng Loach, Unlverslly of Miami ' r f . BalUmore Uklng Penn SU te’s ■ 'u '"

back. Lenny M w re; Ihe Bears

L.M Angeles naming Charley m, Vanderbilt halfback; Wash- n naming Ed Vereb, Maryland's '".Xt •running halfback, and flnnlly omlnnd taking Preston Corpen- su c c ^ iu i Arkansas halfback. versions,^llng defended h is choice of A cluallj , nnllve of La Porte. Colo., foolball c said he was recommended coach Bol

y by nil who wnlched the Sky- quarterbai quarterback in acUon. Ollck gles founc

trom a college rich w ith a spot. Olli nient background. Tlie NFL m arried ‘ rawn sucb sU rs as Jack Chris- children.

[ T H E C l I E L W E

l a n t e i n b o u r b o n — h i s t o r i c J

h t e r , m i l d e r , h i g h l y p o p u l m

'0 t h e w o r l d - r e n o w n e d .1 0 0

Crow. T hey to ld th e w orld o f 'O ld Crow's K reatneu , ond soon ]the w orld.was co lling for it in *ever-mounlinK n u m tx r ^ D is- ,cover its un ique flnvor—c ith e r , in the m ilder86 P ro o f o r in th e world-famous 100 P ro o f Bond.

\'om, i„ ___ •

--------------- ------------------------------------------


5 T E R G R E E T S W A S H

d is l in flu ish e d c o m p a n g bs t h i s , » l D. C., th a t th e f l r c a t A m e ric a n o n

ou rbon h e p ro c la im e d a s " t h e f in


_Glick as Top t; Lions Geft (

a l l e y V i k i n g s :

e v e n L e t t e r m eD E N . N o v . 29— T hc Vallcv ViHnn r b a a k e tb a l l ta c tic s in prc|iaraiion k lay a g a in s t A rco . T h e Vikings co m c o n fe re n c e .aac h D o n H u n t h a s seven Icttcrmnn

ams Selected I s c * r Pota to Bowl SK 'j,KERSPIELD, Cnllf„ Nor, 3J W •natchee (Wash.) Valley collejp beselected Monday u Uie grid- , exponent for Bakerslleld col- .n lhe s th annual PoUlo Bo«,l ^>rd, ikersfleld Saturday. , ■''elude Ck•loe elub sponsor* picked' Wen- ? ' l . e a fte r undefeated Taft J"*h . f.) Jun ior college rejected a Taft had l>een hopelul ot a

Roae bowl bid. but Compton j? io V I ' b ■e w u •elected-'ks lha home for m e Pasadena UII. - J ^ X i T '

m and Jim IhvU of Uie Lions; uirnl'iij*wi Dodrlll o t the Sleelen: Thur- year's junlc McOraw, reUred Lions' a;e, Schulte U

Don Burroughs of Uie Rams, Howard’ Te Colorado A and M. ’ ire vying 1sling said Ollck led lhe naUon All are Jual tis IntercepUon in 1D34 and aIm out iveiylhlng on offense bul punl. Diu Eatej veteran of four years In the absence fn gained S3! yanls on l « car- Th. viHr raught 10 passes for 133 yards . . V L . :ompleted U o f « paas4 for fwi’Lw *, irds and two touchdowns dur- he p u t season. He relumed inU for 138 yards and Inler- }Cl' o' r 1 five passes in leading lhe JUT . s to Uio 1B55 Skyline confer- ‘

one field goal attempt waa jin ! 7 wuful. w hile,he booted IS con- jm i : ins. Jan! n icually, Gllck started hls cullege Jan. 20, 1ill career u a fullback but Jan, 28, (

Bob Dovls conrerted him to Feb. 3. Oltrback this year when the Aj- Ftb. 4, IIound themselves short a t that Feb. 7. MOllck. e-1 and 190 pounds. Is Feb. 10. \

•d ‘and tho father of two Feb. H. £en. _______________ _____Feb. 17. >

:h o i c e

E B S T E Ri c f a v o r i t e o f f a m o u s m e n -

t l a r 8 6 P r o o f b o t t l i n g a s a

W P r o o f B o t t l e d i n B o n d !


KtnlurJiy StraitM ■ Bourken

Okbnia OU O o -* nbUimlUm i.p^^'Ku• iko'lOelWBwiU.aSMJ

' BOTTLKD IN BONDI * 100 PBOOFV ‘ Keniucky Straithl\ \ * Beurbtm m ii i t j

>) ' TU—

3 H 1 N G T O N

, w h ic h o l t e n m e t a t CBdil>9'* o r a to r w o u ld enjoi^ O ld Croi®'

f i t i e s t In tb e w orld .’*-'


’ ■“ ESOAT.Kove


p - «

s b S #lenB V

art i X ion for the

'"/n f r o tn lu iB l > ( t h e V i k C W 'mc.i w h iltk^P C

c n L ^ K r

>en Pettna ^ n a i t i a a t ® , .>, beauit-tiemita b i a i ^ L •

^ • 'd , t h e r r t s ^ L ; e Oale>-•, s A d ^ ^ K ;'tUlheoQl;) BJ team; the:rans at

S-IO, tai S o b S tm u a ^ B ' nasen. 14,

ral to o d - lx t ia H ^ .{ out forJunior r v c j ^ K v i

L a n y D ta * ^ ^ 'd Teniot ttf I’tnt for eJuQlon.' out 'or t U i ^ l f l islei. rebuisa ^ ■ ’,1 ^ f ro m ,b a iW » !l: V lt la p p U rc S O

ne. and lO o f t^ H N hedule aiaschedule; H i ’' 3, Arco. h ta H . C u U tf v t^ B . n . Nonh C e ^ n . 23, O o o d ttb H . e, 8 h o a h « , t 9 .7, Wendell. i b A

13, K l a b e t r .S H, Cleons 20, Haller,28, G o o d l .U tS I3. Glenns Pen .^B 'l4, Ilalley,7. MounUla , 10. WendeU,U. 6hashcB(.^HL 17. K ijp b w ir .i^ y

* f j n « W V

R ! |1-

wI !




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«•,)! p,7,. fo r i f s p lf . . . N o o n e cx irnm *omcono, n t s t ^ . ' ‘

WHOI ■ ■*

w m mJ § l ? U g m [ 3 “ ’ —■ rj ^ l l ^ ^ p j l H f I ^

Mtartfcj^t P u a lt ^

«-Scr«p i \ / T m ) j

M , o j it . m euoB ai i>" !|[i ; '. r r r I

p*” 'v / J i . a10. A s itr a llu 1 I 'l ' Mi

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tMUtr- In ! > o p )'JS.Koibird’ I;o. comsfofti ' 1 i I2LAb7M L

- : t .P n p m ie n ------------- (I— i2S.O«ubUtooO W - ^:4.LM tl)« 12S. EsxUlli clV17. Spiniib ^ -

•eaport 30. Cam** btEkl u u u i

: ; i i l SIDEGLU . LlkiaDCNl* .. —17.Sba«l«of

C U ii • - ,• •1 1 .B j I,40. As* . I,<1. Cry efeilil# (4S. C ruittd dlih♦I.BlblleU ^pertoa Kf44. C ortidribrU ^47. P trto fth * I 'O v

f llbU 'ibh r, ' n '

___________________ :

R H OOPLE . > _______________ -; ,0 F COURSE, ^ H ;i « / F A p . ' / i M : ^ilLIAR VJITH f'- . I ■/

- r f % r A t '■7 ^ VJITH / -« M -,. / '

® M C E b P O H -.ATme— ■ CARNIVj


S 1a c x p c c ts C hrlfiU »>^nv suffffcs

b n n d ? ”


\ I r -M fc S ” ! fu x jiE ANC?


___________________ TIM ES-NI

I U R W A Y B y W I L L

* HIM BGM-mo TH S16N- \ *HC T tw uca HT& c o « r insipb I

\ £V7 STUCK Hr* K*T \\ '“JSirC Mi&SMiiCT.AWPUT&j I \ ACW»ANF>4,0Cfc\L)0T*C«t/ /

X ___ HE s- A rcT«rr«vEV *K*rOw»J- A CROOK" t '

A w o c A . t> : ~1 I ~ —j__—_ T ^ MucrcEEc^/*^

£ lk y ? S ^ m ^ T u \ ' ^


pogvTM'cyTv vLAgf. 4 ro :j :s . ix

; L A N C E S B y G A L B R

Xf f tp

Ci-- ---------------------------------------------

au fif iil v e il n il r i f fh t— w o n d e r h o w sh d re ss? ”

Y A L ’ B y D I C K T U E

- ^ i k j W f ^ & E y n w i S ’

.M ».|. U.1. .

jc fitlona f o r n n e x c u fo I cou ld g iv e


'"B eE N MU«&CIW<5 A

B y W A L T D IS ^

•Ok a s .. ''-IOUS::3!:l.R' I r '0 \= i '-V - -^ .T rC O ‘ -l) -


LLLA.MS --------—--------------------- V

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f t ' ^. J / P - ^ A tirSM)NT_

g # I m! I r a g s

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3 1 f c"ffl s ’ i

G i f i S

■ ,; 'j i - A , W SN b j f e g g g

Wl Hr r : . . r / ,

c > 5 r f t ivc my hus- H


3 K I T ”

Ii L®


,}'.'■ S i 7 WHWCHA•■TT J — / “ M s w r o x r/V , I j X YOU ^ Ji'VLF

r, i i . /ff/Miggj

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^ Lge«,SLN T.T>gaLlS A kX U I UX«& HB5VM9

t J S P L h e p 6ET v o u --------— — I » r r »

- ^ ’ T ' ^ A s r S S J ® » « c « (iu^xrT60N0‘(Dea

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^ HftfTA \ I 1'ME 6 ETVMS )prom oted j

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l iI s ^ . . - i p.; stock Averages ht;

j s i l f l l i

II I P^Btatoes-Onions~

i i s i i i g n

l i i l i

i l l l .

j R / i J■’ r r i s r " - !

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L ivestock

InO; |''‘V".|.’'',;J" i V,

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i p i a s s ^

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I B utter and Eggs

. , ; . ..........

fS T T S w a i S T M S s s a a r

l y i S S s a s

i # i i i : i P - .s M a i J i c t s — ---------

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in a n c e 1*5G rain -

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.'-r iJ i i.ji ririr iiln l uA > lltf Actl

f.ihVliuH l("r,*i tlhVrTn“ *h»\«^ll»«l«5 ftUMtlf

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H i l i i«;iuiN vi Ti piM lion n

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I i l 11 i f i f 'f l iKANHASnrWiRAIV

'" 4 y .‘'m.'i:, if.fi . _ Flill'

' ' A n

IV in Falls j .,,p| Livestock Prices


“ s , ....... ;” jCoMimrrclal rows ...tll.OO lo U 2 ii

jC iu inrb find cultfrs i 6.00 lo t 8 i0

Hor/« .."iJ ii.“ 'i,'iiiMiM ^Miin I s F in e d

H i s f s i ls ~ s ~ - - H b

S a s M a F^ % S A L E

c a l e n d a r _ Ko

” " ® '■ i Itailry I.nralti ll.'.^nr

DKC KMnKR 2 C■•J lirl - Wtscln* & Snn* —

AO»frli.r.:irnl, Nnr, Ifl-.IO

. n w ’K jiiiE R r. ■ "^Aitvfrlhpm rnt. I)rf. i - i ----

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" ■■"'('■•‘j j 'u r l lo n r f r —■rri'Ti'


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D H c i S K R T

Aclvrrll^rmfnl D fctm brr - fi '

D U C O IIIEU !l ';'»:.lnar<l lIT lrl WomI " ' ' ' ' '

KliJ« A Klsas. A urllonffn. j IH rrr- • '■—-)

When you pbfv ft Farm Sale

to .- ,™ „ n 4 . r , M ,,,-

lacial Issues = Introduced in School Meets__

Oku ALcijH'sood for nil rnmmuiullr%." '•'•

Aclually, hnu t;r .', I'.r J.al'1 'I J- and jt lir.crul « ' /om rMtlons cmr w-y Ior lu ra l . iu«i.,e Way f'lr V-ilJUrb.Tli ^ni'l frmll-wn »cho»b. and onr u-.iy Inr larsr ban ^cll‘X'Is “Addlilor.sily. li- :ll<], •i!''- ''■‘■•ri’ id ftmbitiriiis n ' rhlltlrrn vurv '; e n . r)ra Uian Aiiirririin comniuniilfj

He n.ilfl h r li:>a f<ninri I'’" ^ -rtr- ACH ent Uiiill lir rx tv rlrd <in A:':'! hr CAU


'ormer Resident __Taken by Death —

a S r . i » ’S wJ7,^in Ncrili n:i-.:ot9. Survlvm ^arr — _

El'i.' Anili-t.vin, :ilio,vhmir.

n Druim,

.nnual LDS Play - Begins Thursday

rh r nniiiiivl LD3 M;»kr jil.iy, riUTll C m V.'alt," ullI b r pr.-- Jlr<l lit tlir 5lal:r hoiisr nt R li.m. mr.'idnv nnd Friday a. ca»l -

".' iV lu Irb rillirn n i B [> m. Drc. fl ^

sIrmVrs rf 'ihc- ru st n rr Jainrj

)'(lr, itrn ! Ji>liiiwti, Khi-rty ' l^ r _ ; ' n ^

^UPEf'r, N m ' i ' l ' n * - d r i v r n

rt MiiinlP n, \Vr;.l, nvipril

:1 P ftrr<a Siind.iv. D.imiirr lo ‘■ 1954 Inlrrn.illnnal pifl:ii ___Ihr form rr woiiinn v..r r t2J0 nnd dnmaiir In ih r lor>t) j; ." ; ,’

rvrolct driven by Uic l.n irr wn.i ,y.i. y.

C l a s s i f i e d i


l i l i : ffl...... ;•

C A R P O F T H A N K S ~b US11-

-^fferi^bVrcEs' ~ ;


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I’llONK ' -----------KKI

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T R U C K LA N K SO U T H A C R O SS FR()>J S W IF T 'S CALL i l i i - :3T m i AVE. SO.


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- ilATKS - - .It , r>ID A H O .U -»iU V K , J - K . \ '

■* ' W i W r« l S P o illli i Phnnr nn.v„r 3;=1

1 .

TRUCKS F O R RENT I r - ^MACKS U -DRIV E Kncxur-rLHT-TTjrn-rtrnsiTD'.K ■ ---------ati;-! iiy Iiriuii; 'n w on u i u gfjlA S T S P O lN T S S E R V iC I ': *tti,

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REALEST . Scnicfl!

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D ai" rb«»« urk.^ jVlr^.ki!*",.. ^.,"

GS TO EAT ' ' S j t i . ; : : , ':

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II’C ;v;/'*Vui<"oi Kxctllfnt Condition

: - | . .T r ,- ,7 r i : r r ; W A lT E E L E C T R U -'" ' ’ * phoiif a - 302 Snd Avt.

'h.'!'.. i AUCTION PRICESlI ....ti.iT.l r..»t..t,; «-I,.„. |i*'ti..- ------------1 ■ ' .— n*« i|i«>. »•'!' 'Imr

r ^ » E s ! "” K ' “ ....

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? (iirrs Continues............... . “ 35 U N IT S ”

To C h o . , . Frnm

SI n . ^ T i Z i -niESE CARS ARE EQUI



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— I ! : : ; E : : S ^ ......S ! i5 i ...

H>'........» -.j - -D o n - t B r nobbrtl"-


— I BO R R E E S E U S E I) C

500 n ix lc 2nd Av»nu# Bo

A,w.r->,0™ -

m § r ^ = ^.■ts»ras/.."■is::.;:™ CLEANEST CA


| S : i ■“ ' K - s t s c :' Very, ver)-clMH -----

i ' T ' i ' . 'L i; ',.\ „ J , J „ |C K (.Door S t* n .

. s s s i : i ‘ ■7.™';' 1.S2 PONTIAC'cM.IL,.n <.

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— I R T C E T I) Chevrolet

u ' CO m a g i c V A L L E Y 'S

Avt. E«1 Tra£ji/»ir D e a le r

-------------- l»J2 CllKVRr»I.rT!t-do«r .l.lun. I

ESI ' .."!'“l. . i* - .! ! l -

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• i.r,.in. i VK.j.'’*” ***' “ * *'*

------------ CHURCHMAti^: A -1 U S E D CARS

ttl l STl'm:ilAKt:K

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...................... ............— ............................. ...........,LS '“ '.KSW:''-" tPANY ,

vest . UNIONMOTORS, Inc.


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fLi '“s S . .LARGE 0ARV.1- : s e l e c t i o n


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I-|M^8U E _____ A U TO S FOR SALE

**“ ' ll i l Mr.lliJuHV t-4«.i. M1 >V »rtrf

r»pt lriil».|n mrt rtr, fl-itirt. t

)>ii m:u-K v.lRS Rl.l,,, |l..(i... p.,.

mU.V"n.‘ wm lr.,1* t.y * ia '!.r\r.n '


" ■ '" ik U c h r V vSL E R„( ' N»w YcrKtr Nr»-pnrl.§mmr r ‘i.T, G O R E U S E D C A E S


’ T R A N S P O R T A T IO N



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" " a s " . s , r

202 2m l A ve. N o r th

B R O W N IN G A U T O C t


”"'.1 , WILL SELL!


— rr-. '■"!;{!;?&;»'“'■ “ “ '■ ■“■“ r .f f 'S K r- '- - ''

5S*55 ••

CA R S” ' • ■ ■ r e - ' " ’ ' - ? : ' - ’

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,u . , . G O R E U S E D C A R S

S.-f!:.ii :p , ' • =

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l = er 5 "‘W M m

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5 -mmmP T , _ -‘“ ‘^ a s . j j A ' . r . s . n t e ,

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,■ H o .. ,d T H E I S E N > TMi m o t o r s . In c .






— l l M A K E U S A N O F F E R

EASY TERMS!I tu rotlD v.l 4.4«0f m<1<

ilJTT^j Hm "Mriltlrt. i■ TIMS OAK 'lli WINTtnlW

1. rhont] AW) CUAKWiTCEO.______ _ in> TACKAHO C..ill.r mJ ib. Tni----------- — ---------------- ---------------

•<«*rlnr. p«»tr ktiVt lintel ^»l»u .^^gtltioiill« dli.

p .,.,, ls.''0.VCt0CAL“0Hw'ft?‘r . n i T Hi* ri.YUOtlTII Woor ifJ.n. n.rflif* iVi - tvMHr. hl-.llly*. 1KI1 ll 1 Bl

nwrtr tnr In octllrnl «lnpt. UU Dlinr.K J-.IoT ••.!». IIiHIo 41

________ ■ »m«r. venv LOW UlLtAO

IUI rONTIAC Chlifliln DtUit

ONLV I1M5.00


CARLESON'S_ J - P 0 N T I A C - C A D I L L A (

....... TWIN PALLS - PHONE 301

ONA l l h o S i s n o I t h c

5 A R R O W

n o

' . ' . 1 PAYMENTS f f UNTIL 1956

“"•S; ;:;;™ ;r‘r z = : : :

IMI PLYMOUTH gulurbm----


EEEB^: E E E = = E E ;

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: ' ^ r ' EVENINGS. G .il .A .C . T E R M S .’

S s ? ;" ' ' GLEN G. JENKD




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Genuine FoarH crc ‘s co m p le te , m a x im u m bcnul (io n o f lh e b e s t in c h ro m c — m vaIuc o f fc r in j ; ! T h c R lislcn in^r r I nv iiilnb le in G re y - G re e n ■ Red • r ii l t te . n c v e r-j ig R lc so l id n e s s ns,sui 8hii|)ed to c o m fo r la b le f i t o f bnd> h u sk y w rn p .n ro u n d f ra m e s , mnr-; a n d nc v .i-n in r p ln s l ic f lo o r k IIcIch cfislInK m u c h , m u c h m o re . T ourI t h e c h a ir s , c le a n to t h n t pe rm nne H e r e is a c h ro m c s e t , a s y o u w a n t i

!ig! Iincpmpai



»IECE%» f lC E |0 F

AY NO jyly as Pictured.

nm Rubber Cus!nu ly n n d a l i th c m odern, co lo rfu - m a d e b y V ir lu c — nnd p r ice d f r Rlcum o f rock -lin rd , R iass-sm onll d • o r Y e llo w M o lh e r -( i f -P c a r l . T l s s u r e s y o u o f y e a r s of w o n d erfu l jody c o n to u r , a rc cush inned w i(h » n r -p re v e n tin p , conccalcir back pus ilcH — a l l t h e fe a tu re s o f p rc m iu lURh b u t K lnm orous-lnnkinfr D u ra t a n c n l n e w look w lih only th e w ip ,n t i t , a t a n c v c r -b e fo re low p r ic c l

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o n lh M ic a l ite to p s a r c H HI. T h c riR id , f i r m , non* ■ ■fu l s e r v k e . T h c c h u irs ,i(h fo a m r u b b e r , h iivop u s ls , c lirn m e h a n d le sm iu m q u a li ty u su n llyu r a n p la s t ic u p h o ls t e r sw ip e o f a d a m p c lo lh .


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I ' .N oae BI j T Ke r ! ri«M for the infl IW Seals S ix '.

^Effht ... even to 101

‘ ★ Black Me ★ Wood Grt

Your choice of S : n u i beautiful, • j. able colors ever

; fiLjiiftdem iffeti . . — ;dirbm» dineltejI " - ^ i r tb V a - . 'f x c lu i lA ' •' colonilnhandM ri \ of*p«irl deaign.

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