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Pietas initiative

Date post: 28-Jul-2015
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The Pietas Initiative End corruption. Implement fiscal sanity. Protect the Constitution.

The Pietas Initiative

End corruption.Implement fiscal sanity.Protect the Constitution.


Corruption and Political MalaiseWith approval ratings hovering around 10%, Congress continues to get reelected over 90% of the time. Americans rate government itself as our single greatest problem.


Corruption and Political MalaiseIt often costs over $1 million to get elected to Congress – and almost $1 billion to get elected to the Presidency.

With this much cash involved in our political system, corruption is inevitable.


Fiscal InsanityThe continuing growth of the national debt and unfunded liabilities is marching this country - and the entire world - toward unprecedented economic collapse.


Both major parties continue to advocate unconstitutional policies.

Don’t mop the floor with dirty water.

The current political culture in Washington cannot be trusted to solve the problems that it

has caused – and that it has a vested interest in ignoring.


A New Political ParadigmO An STV (single transferable vote)

systemO Term limitsO No special retirement benefits for

CongressO Lobbyist transparencyO Net neutralityO Official online portal for federal



Fiscal ReformO Tax simplification.O Significant budget cuts.O Revamping of Social Security.


Rule of LawO Constitutional review for all

questionable federal programs.O Congressional checks against

unlawful divestiture, imprisonment, and execution.

A New Political Paradigm

Single Transferable VoteO Vote for the candidate you truly

support.O No vote is wasted.O No need to worry about how others

will vote.O Already in use in Australia, NZ, and

other places.

New Political Paradigm

Single Transferable VoteExample:O In a three-way race, I prefer A, but I

think B has a better chance of beating C.

O I identify A as my first choice and B as my second choice.

O If B gets more first-choice votes than A, my vote is transferred to B.

New Political Paradigm

Term LimitsO Two terms for the House.O One term for the Senate.O Eight to ten years for high-ranking


New Political Paradigm

Congressional Retirement BenefitsO Congress made Social Security.O Congress has ruined Social Security.O Congress does not have to rely on

Social Security.O End all special retirement

benefits for Congress immediately. (Let them collect Social Security.)

New Political Paradigm

Congressional Retirement BenefitsWhy bother with this when the amount of money it will save taxpayers is nothing compared to the national debt?

Because it will go a long way in ameliorating the problems related to a career-minded culture in Washington.

New Political Paradigm

Lobbyist TransparencyAll Pietas Initiative candidates pledge to:O Record and publish all

communications with lobbyists.O Refuse donations from the

organizations that lobbyists represent (corporations, labor unions, special interest groups, etc.)

New Political Paradigm

Net NeutralityNet Neutrality ensures that Internet providers (Comcast, AT&T, etc.) cannot selectively slow down websites and thereby strangle independent media.

New Political Paradigm

Official Online Election PortalO All candidates receive equal

representation.*O Structured video debate format.O Voters decide the questions.O Major parties will be required to take


*There will be minimum requirements for inclusion. Ex.: Signatures from 1,000 people in one’s district.

Fiscal Reform

SimplificationO Eliminate convoluted and

unjustifiable deductions.O Begin candid discussion of

alternative tax models (FairTax, flat tax, land value tax, etc.).

Fiscal Reform

Budget CutsO Cut everything. There is no sacred

cow.O Pass a balanced budget amendment.

Fiscal Reform

Social Security

Young people are being eaten alive.

Social Security has not yet been fixed because doing so requires us to make

tough decisions.

It is time to make those decisions.

“Short of an economic meltdown, there is only one thing that might produce meaningful change: a mass movement for tax, spending, and entitlement reform led by the cohort that is the least organized but will be the most affected if we don’t think long term — today’s young people.”

--Thomas Friedman

Rule of LawConstitutional Review

The federal government currently commands many extra-Constitutional powers. In all such circumstances, one of the following must happen:O Passage of new amendments to

legitimize these powers.O Relegation of these powers to the


Rule of LawCongressional Checks against

Executive ActionO Give Congress the power, with

signatures from any five members, to order the release/prosecution of anyone being held by federal authorities without trial for more than 90 days.

O Outline clearer legal stipulations regarding when the Executive Branch can order the killing of U.S. citizens.

Platform Summary

Political Reform

Single Transferable Vote

Term Limits

Congressional Benefit Reform

Net Neutrality

Federal Election Portal

Fiscal Reform

Simplification of Taxes and Benefits

Alternative Tax Model Discussion

Budget Cuts

Repair of Social Security

Rule of Law

Constitutional Review for

Federal Programs

Congressional Check Against

Unlawful Detention

Congressional Check Against

Unlawful Execution

Limitations on Surveillance and


“But you don’t stand a chance!”

Oh, really?

Remember these guys?

How to lose against giants…

O Play by their rules.O Fight on a level field.O Let them use their strengths.O Ask them nicely.O Don’t fight them – because they’re


How to win against giants…

O Make your own rules – and use your own weapons.

O Make them fight where they don’t want to.

O Aim for the weak spots.O Do what has never been done

before.O Be aggressive, and catch them off


Giants are big and strong.

They are also slow and indecisive.

…and vulnerable.

How we will win…

We will:O Leverage the massive bipartisan

support that exists for these items.O Prove that democratized

communication technology makes cash politics obsolete.*

*When your message is compelling.

If a video of the Evian dancing babies can get over 95 million views…

…and if social media can overthrow governments in the Middle East…

…we can use efficient communication technology to defy Washington culture and rally support for reforms most of us want.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

--Albert Einstein

What We NeedO Not your money.O Candidates. If you think you are

qualified to run in your district, we would love to hear from you. We will also accept existing political figures who support these items.

O Internet activists. Do you care about these things? Do you have a computer and an Internet connection? Do you know other people? Then we want you!

What You Can Do Right Now

O Join the network.O Like us on Facebook.O Follow us on Twitter.O Follow us on Google+.O Share this slideshow with your

friends.O Write your senator or representative

and ask him/her to support the movement.

“All the armies in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come.”

--Victor Hugo

My name is Ronald Kimmons. I am running for U.S. Congress in Texas’s 7th Congressional District in 2016. I would appreciate your support, whether you are in my district or not, and I ask others to run alongside me in other districts.

