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Pilgrims’ Way Primary School & First Steps Nursery · Pilgrims’ Way Primary School and First...

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Pilgrims’ Way Primary School & First Steps Nursery

Pilgrims’ Way Primary School & First Steps Nursery

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for taking an interest in Pilgrims’ Way Primary School and First Steps Nursery.

The purpose of this prospectus is to help you understand the way in which this school operates and aims to answer most of the questions you may have about our School. You can also find further information on our School Website.

Choosing a school is a very important decision and we want to help you feel comfortable and confident that Pilgrims’ Way can provide the right environment for your child.

We welcome visits to both the main school and the nursery at any time during the term to give your family to opportunity to explore what Pilgrims’ Way has to offer.

Pilgrims’ Way is a rapidly growing primary school in south Canterbury. We aim to keep class sizes small to give children a fantastic start to their school careers, and enable them to benefit from a curriculum carefully adapted to their individual needs and interests. Each child receives the support and encouragement they need to become successful and confident learners.

We offer a range of curriculum subjects and extra-curricular activities to ensure all children are provided with the opportunity, and support, to flourish.

Pilgrims’ WayPrimary School and First Steps Nursery

Pilgrims’ Way is an inspiring and exciting place where all children and members of the local community can enjoy learning and achieve beyond their expectations.

Come and see our stimulating learning environment for yourself - visits from prospective parents and staff are warmly welcomed.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Alice Witty Mr Ian Fidge

Head of School Principal

Our Mission Statement: Creating opportunities to do great things

We pride ourselves on offering your children:

A friendly, talented and enthusiastic staff team who are committed to providing the very best for each child.

The opportunity to excel whatever their talents thanks to our cross –curricular approach and well-resourced facilities.

An inclusive, happy and safe school community, which ensures that all children can participate fully in school life.

We can provide the best possible start to your child’s academic career at First Steps Nursery which was recently confirmed as ‘Outstanding’. The full report can be seen on our Website.

Mission and Aims

‘The leadership and management team of the nursery are inspirational and all staff are highly motivated and offer children unique learning experiences’.

(OFSTED, Nursery Inspection, September 2014)

General Information

School Buildings & Grounds

The school is a light and airy building, which incorporates 11 ‘easy access’ classrooms and three Learning Zones. There is a well-stocked library and fully equipped and dedicated ICT Suite. The school has a large playing fields at the rear, an ‘outdoor’ classroom and large allotment area. Play equipment for all ages can be found on the playground.

Our purpose-built, on-site nursery can offer the very best start to your child’s learning. The secure outdoor environment is an extension of indoors, offering a variety of play experiences which support learning and development. We have free flow between indoors and outdoors so that your child can choose to be outside for much of the day if they wish, allowing for individual learning styles to be met.

Our School Day

The School day begins at 8.50am and ends at 3.00pm. The school runs a number of after-school clubs which end at 4.00pm. There is a Breakfast Club at the School which serves breakfast from 8.00am and the School also runs a ‘Tea Time Club’ until 5pm each day. Both the Breakfast Club and the Tea time Club are very reasonably priced and are run by school adults. We understand that families may not always know when they will need breakfast or after-school support, so both are available with 24-hour notice.

We aim to meet the needs of all pupils in the school by providing a broad and balanced curriculum where all children can experience success and build on their strengths. Our curriculum is carefully adapted to the needs within each class to ensure children are motivated learners who are keen to do well.


The National Curriculum and our own curriculum statement give us the framework of what is to be taught and it is within this framework, that we organise our own curriculum.

Whilst we realise the prime importance of English and Maths within the primary school, both subjects are taught in every class each morning, we also feel that children need a more rounded education. At Pilgrims’ Way we therefore teach a range of subjects in our wider curriculum, including Philosophy and Coding.

We set targets for the children and the school in English and Maths on a termly basis, six times a year.

The Curriculum Subjects


We place a high priority on Mathematical achievement within our school and have a daily Maths lesson. We encourage the children to apply what they have learnt in their Maths lessons in practical ways.

Every day classes practice their maths skills in MOG (Mental Oral Games) outside of the maths lesson. These fun sessions encourage discussion around mathematical understanding and sharpen knowledge of number bonds and times tables.


Children are encouraged to develop a broad range of skills in speaking and listening, reading and writing. Children participate in daily English lessons throughout the school. The school teaches phonics daily, with children being part of small groups to ensure all they are confident to contribute.

Reading is a fundamental skill and we encourage parents to join in the excitement of their children

learning to read. We don’t use a single reading scheme but rather match children to books that will best develop their skills and interest. Every class has its own book corner with a variety of books suited to a particular age group.

Developing writing skills are a key priority within the school. We emphasise the use of rehearsal before writing, using a “Say it…Write it…Improve it’ approach.

Children are taught cursive script from the outset, first using a pencil and progressing to fountain or handwriting pens. All classes undertake extended writing sessions with activities ranging from poetry, creative writing, persuasive letter writing and factual work. Writing is embedded across the curriculum, with writing opportunities planned for explicitly in science and the topic based work.

Speaking and listening skills are supported across the curriculum and have a strong emphasis. All classes have a role-play area where children can immerse themselves in a character or setting. In addition to this, a whole school emphasis on developing questioning and collaboration means children are equipped to articulate their thoughts, feelings and understanding in a clear way.

Information & Communication Technology

We recognise the importance of information technology and aim to develop the confidence and competence of all pupils. We have a wide range of software and we regularly upgrade computer equipment. Children in all classes have controlled internet access.

The main part of our computer teaching takes place in our well equipped ICT suite. In addition to this, we have a bank of laptops for children’s use. Our ICT technician ensures all IT is running smoothly, and even designs games for classes to

The Curriculum

play which are relevant to their curriculum topics.All classes in the school have interactive whiteboards with controlled internet access.

Religious Education

R.E. is taught in accordance with the Kent agreed syllabus, which develops knowledge of Christianity whilst raising awareness of other religions. Aspects of religion covered are matched with festival times so children are able to experience a wide range of customs and beliefs first hand such as dedicated assemblies and activities on festivals celebrated in our community.

Creative Curriculum

Our creative curriculum covers a wide range of learning activities. Subjects such as history, geography, art, design and technology and literacy are covered and linked together to inspire and engage children’s interests. Through our creative approach key literacy skills are applied in a meaningful way, while broadening children’s understanding of relevant and stimulating topics.

Physical Education

We aim to ensure that all children take part in and enjoy appropriate sporting activities, both as part of the curriculum provision and in the many after school clubs that are provided.

We encourage the children to both compete with themselves and each other and to co-operate as part of a team. Our annual sports day has a traditional, competitive nature together with a series of activities that all children can enjoy.Sporting Provision

Sports within the school is supported by a dedicated sports coach. This enables children of all ages to experience the different sports which are available. We also offer a wide range of after-school sporting activities and participate in many local competitions.


Children’s understanding and enjoyment of art is developed through using a range of different skills and materials. As with other subjects, learning is supported through after school clubs including photography which introduce children to a wider range of mediums and techniques.

Special Educational Needs and additional provision

Many children during their school life encounter difficulties either of a general nature or with one or more specific areas of the curriculum. We aim to identify these children as early as we can and provide support to assist them in overcoming barriers to success.

Where there are difficulties or concerns, a child is included on our provision maps and may be placed on our Special Needs register should they require support beyond that provided through whole class, differentiated teaching. You will have the opportunity to discuss these difficulties regularly with the child’s teacher and/or our Senco. If you feel your child may be experiencing difficulties, please let their class teacher or our Senco know.

More Able Children

We also feel that more able children need additional challenges to fully realise their potential. While all children will be supported well through our differentiated curriculum, additional support may be given where it is felt appropriate.

Personal, Health, Social and Citizenship Education

In all aspects of school life we aim to promote the personal and social development of children. Specific times are also set aside for class and group activities and games where children can develop an understanding of how to look after themselves and learn basic life and interpersonal skills.

Sex Education

We feel that it is important that children grow up to be confident about themselves and about changes they may experience not only in their bodies, but also in their feelings and relationships.

The class teacher supported by video material and visits from a school nurse sympathetically addresses this in Year 6.

Multicultural Education

We believe it is essential that children should develop an understanding of a variety of cultures. This is done across many aspects of school life - geography, history R.E, assemblies, music, literature and art.

The Curriculum

School Visits

During the course of the year various visits are arranged for the children. These will involve excursions to places of interest and visits to the school by a variety of performers and artists. The purpose of these visits is to broaden the children’s educative experiences.

Under current legislation we cannot charge parents for these visits. We may ask for a contribution towards their cost and rely on the support of all the parents in order to ensure we can afford to organise these visits. All children are encouraged to participate in organised visits.

Collective Worship

At Pilgrims’ Way school an act of worship, take place daily. These reflect that the religious traditions in the country are Christian, and as such will reflect broadly Christian values. Every effort is made to ensure the content of the worship is appropriate to the ages and family backgrounds of the children.

Pilgrims’ Way school uses the daily act of worship to help children reflect on their own understanding and beliefs. They are given the opportunity to discuss these and consider the views of others. The school aims to develop a cohesive community where everyone feels they contribute. The daily assemblies support children in understanding the role of a citizen in Britain today.

The Head of School or one of the class teachers leads the daily act of worship four days a week. The school has visits from local Church representatives.

Whilst parents have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship, we hope that they will discuss any concerns with the Head of School before exercising this right.

The School Council

Our School Council is elected by the pupils from every year group; it meets regularly with the Head of School to discuss matters of interest to the children. Representatives of the School Council regularly meet with the Senior Leadership Team to discuss the ideas they have generated.

Activities we offer

The school runs a range of after-school clubs which are usually free. We believe the clubs broaden the experiences of the children to take part. We aim to offer a wide range of clubs to suit everyone’s interests. Often children who attend are given the opportunity to compete in local competitions. We also run a homework club, with a teacher available to support children in completing their homework.

From time to time the school will arrange various curriculum enrichment opportunities for the children. These may involve visits to places of interest, ‘dressing-up’ days and also visits to the school by outside performers and artists. These enrichment activities enhance the children’s educational experiences. For these activities we may ask parents to make a monetary contribution.

Please note that when requests for money are made in respect of such activities; they are seen as voluntary contributions. It is probable that without such voluntary contributions, the activities would not be able to take place.

No child will be excluded through parents’ inability to make a voluntary contribution (i.e. if receiving income support, family credit etc.)

Parents who have concerns regarding the financial aspect of any educational or extra-curricular event should contact the Head of School or Family Liaison Officer in confidence.

Extra Curricular Activities

Children’s Safety

As a school we actively follow all National and Local guidelines in regard to the safe recruitment of staff, child protection and internet safety.


At Pilgrims’ Way Primary School we believe for children to excel at school they need to feel happy and safe in their environment. We have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to bullying at our school and have many structures in place to ensure our school is safe for all children.

If your child is feeling worried about any part of their school life we offer lots of opportunities for children someone who can help. At our school we follow the Social Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) curriculum in weekly PSHE lessons.

Each term we focus on a different theme to promote social and emotional skills across the school.

School Rules

Everyone at our school will try to:

1. Show good manners2. Listen to adults3. Treat our school and other people with respect4. Make sensible choices about who to play with5. Walk in the corridors

Behaviour for Learning

All staff encourage positive behaviour and classroom management through assemblies, SEAL activities and more informally as the need arises. Clear rules and explanations are given

Pastoral Care

through the school day, including playtimes and lunchtimes. Children are expected to take responsibility for their own behaviour. Clear guidelines are provided to pupils and parents about unacceptable behaviour. We celebrate good behaviour and work with a clearly defined rewards and sanctions.

We believe that children need to take responsibility for their actions. Our behaviour policy reflects this, placing a large emphasis on rewarding appropriate work and behaviour.

Wherever possible we will involve parents in the reward process by sending home certificates or postcards and telephoning home to let them know when their child has been particularly successful. Our staff have a range of strategies to support and encourage good behaviour across the school. Our house system helps children build a team spirit, particularly as they are able to earn house points for good behaviour and a positive attitude to their learning.

We also award weekly attendance certificates for class effort, as well as individual certificates in our celebration assemblies. Our final awards ceremony is a major event on our school calendar, where a range of awards and trophies can be won.


We consider bullying to be repeated behaviour that makes others feel uncomfortable, threatened or distressed. This can be physical, verbal or emotional. Whilst occurrences in our school are rare they are dealt with firmly, quickly and sensitively. The exact response would, of course, depend on the nature of the bullying however in all circumstances parents of the children

The safety and well being of the children in our care is and remains our paramount concern at all times.

concerned would be notified and the situation carefully monitored.

Community Cohesion

At Pilgrims’ Way we recognise the needs of the individual and we work with external agencies, where necessary, to support children in our school with their learning or emotional development. We use experts in the county to advise teachers and support children at all levels of learning and we work together with these agencies to ensure the school experience is a positive one for all children.

Attendance and punctuality

As a school, we are aware of the impact that absences can have on children’s educational and social/emotional progress.

We encourage all parents and carers to ensure that their children attend school on time, every day. Should you have any difficulties which may affect your child’s attendance, please talk to the Head of School or Family Liaison Officer, who can access a wide range of community support which may be of use. We will always work hard with families to ensure children can attend school. We are concerned to know that our children are safe at all times.

Parents should inform the school by telephone on the first morning of an absence by 10am and provide a reason for the pupil’s absence.

The school will contact the pupil’s family and thereafter other emergency contacts if no explanation is given to confirm the reason for the child’s absence. A letter is required on the child’s return to school confirming the reason for their absence.

Should you need to collect your child during school time please let us know beforehand. If a child regularly complains of feeling unwell and not wanting to come to school, other worries may be the cause, please do discuss these with us as a matter of urgency.

Holidays during term time

It is of course preferable not to interrupt your child’s education. Please note that holidays in term time will not be authorised.

School Uniform

At Pilgrims’ Way Primary School we want all children to feel that they belong, which is why a uniform is so important. Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform. For boys: School sweatshirt/fleece with up to date school logo*White polo shirt (school logo optional*)Black trousersBlack shoesBlack or grey socks

For girls: School sweatshirt/fleece with school logo or school cardigan with up to date school logo *White polo shirt (school logo optional*)Black skirt or black trousersBlack shoesPlain black tights or white socksRed and white gingham print dress (summer only)Skirts, dresses and shorts must be of appropriate length. PE kit: School t-shirt in house colour *Plain black shortsPlain black plimsollsTrainersFootball boots (optional)Plain tracksuitPE bag

Children will need a school bag*, which should be of an appropriate size *These uniform items with the school logo and school caps are available from the school office.

A small selection of second-hand uniform is also available to purchase.

Hair should be neat and tidy and kept out of eyes. Long hair should be tied back for PE/Games.

At Pilgrims’ Way, we believe that a smart school uniform supports good behaviour for learning and a positive, equal community. As such, children are not allowed to wear nail varnish, make up or jewellery (small watches are allowed).

Children may wear one pair of small ear studs, which must be removed, by the child, for all PE and cookery activities. On PE days please do not send children to school with ear studs in, as staff are not permitted to take them out and your child will not be able to participate with them in.

It is essential that all items of clothing brought to school are marked with your child’s name, including the items which are not brought in every day.

Parents are asked to ensure that their children wear sensible shoes or sandals to school and not boots or trainers.

School Lunch

Teachers and Teaching Assistants eat alongside the children in the school hall. Hot meals are provided by our on-site kitchen which conform to the new government healthy standards. School lunches should be paid for in advance or on the day at Reception.

Facilities are also provided for children to eat a packed lunch. We encourage parents to ensure that packed lunches are healthy and wholesome. More information is available from the school office.

Free School Meals

If you feel your child is eligible for free school meals then either apply online at Kent.gov.uk or speak to the school office.

The criteria for free school meals are explained fully on the application form, but if you are in receipt of Income Support your child may be entitled.

The school will be notified automatically of any successful applications.

Packed Lunch and snacks

Children may bring fruit for break times. We do not allow children to bring sweets or crisps into school.

For children who bring lunch to school, we do encourage them as well as parents to make healthy choices and provide a balanced diet, although we are all human and understand the attraction of an occasional treat. Our dedicated teaching assistants help monitor the quality of children’s lunches and encourage them not to waste.


If your child is unwell we will make every effort to contact you, this of course requires us to have up to date telephone or mobile phone numbers.

Pastoral Care


There are always staff at school who have had first aid training to give appropriate treatment for minor accidents. Please inform us if your child has an allergy to plasters. In the case of a more serious accident every effort will be made to contact you as soon as possible. Every parent will be asked to sign a permission form for medical assistance to be given in the case of an extreme emergency if we are unable to contact you.


Staff may only administer medicines with a signed parental letter, at the discretion of the Head of School.

Head lice

You will be told if symptoms of head lice are found on your child or any member of the class.

Please let us know if you have treated your child so that we can advise others and will advise all parents in that class that everybody treats their child.

Personal Property

All personal property, including clothing, should be clearly marked with the owner’s name. No expensive personal equipment or games should be bought into school without first discussing this with the class teacher, so anything valuable can be kept in a safe place throughout the day.

We see education very much as a partnership between home and school, we therefore welcome any comments or suggestions from our parents regarding any aspect of school life.

Home / School Agreement

We have a home / school agreement that outlines in broad terms the expectations and responsibilities of parents, children and the school which you will need to sign and return to school at the beginning of the academic year.

Parent Council

We have a group of parents who have volunteered to act as a sounding board for all parents. They meet with members of the leadership team once a term and discuss key issues of concern and have the opportunity to praise the work the school is doing.

The Parent Council supports the school in fundraising and school improvement activities, making an invaluable contribution to the school community.

Parent / Teacher consultations

We have parent/ teacher consultations regularly to enable you to discuss your child’s progress and any concerns you may have. At these appointments parents are given a graph of their child’s progress against national expectation scores.

Throughout the year we also hold a number of “Parent Days” which enable you to see your child’s work and discuss their progress. In the summer term an annual report is produced which contains all of your child’s test scores and sets out targets for the next year. Children have targets in English and Maths which are reviewed throughout the year.

Complaints Procedure

The School will always seek to support members of it’s community, and as such most issues can be sorted out by speaking to the class teacher or other staff in the school, for example, the Family Liaison Officer or Link Worker. Parents should not hesitate to contact the school if they are concerned about their child’s progress or

well-being. Making an appointment with the class teacher will ensure that the problem receives appropriate attention. The Head of School is always available, normally by appointment, to discuss any matters relating to the school, and is usually available on the gate or playground at the start and end of the day. If a parent feels that their concern has not been dealt with satisfactorily, parents can then contact the Principal of the Village Academy, via the Clerk to Directors. If you remain dissatisfied with the decision, then the Board of Directors can be contacted via the Clerk, after which you would have the legal right to contact the local Education Authority or indeed the Secretary of State for Education.

Parental help in school We welcome all parents or grandparents who would like to help in the school, please contact your child’s class teacher if you have any spare time to hear readers or support children in other activities around the school. Or if you have a particular skill you could share, we would welcome extra after school clubs. In keeping with our child protection policies anyone in sole charge of children would be subject to an enhanced disclosure check.

Parents in Partnership

When to apply

Most parents choose to start their child in Reception at the beginning of the academic year (September) in which their child turns 5. Legally a child reaches compulsory school age in the term following their fifth birthday. County Policy is to encourage parents to enrol their children in Reception class before this deadline.

You can apply online at www.kent.gov.uk/ola or by post. Application forms are available from the School Office. The closing date for Reception is usually the January, with the child starting in the following September. Please check our website for further information about Admissions.

We strongly advise all parents to visit the school before applying. You are welcome to visit without an appointment at any time, although should you wish to discuss matters with the Head of School, an appointment, made by telephoning the school office would be needed.

In the Summer term before your child starts school, an invitation will be sent out for you and your child to attend a series of ‘Pre-school Club’ meetings. This will enable your child to become familiar with coming into school and for both of you to meet his/her new teacher.

Once a place has been offered and accepted, you and your child will be invited to visit the school on several occasions during the school day, to help integrate your child and ensure that their first day goes smoothly. Parents wishing to appeal against an admission decision should write to the Area Education Office.

Admissions Criteria

As an Academy, we have responsibility for our own admissions, however, we operate in the same way as a county school. In common with all County and Controlled Primary Schools in Kent, our admissions criteria are as follows, in priority order:

• Looked After Child• Sibling*• Children with Exceptional Compassionate, Social, Medical/Health or Special Access Needs • Distance/Nearness of Children’s Home to School***Please note:*Siblings must be attending at the same time to qualify.***Measured in a straight line

Starting School

Reception children attend school initially on a part time basis and then move to full time following discussions between parents and the class teacher. The school day begins at 8:50am and ends at 3:00pm.

Changing Schools

If you wish to apply for a place for an older child at Pilgrims’ Way Primary School the criteria set out above still apply. Places will be offered provided the admission does not involve us exceeding our standard number per year group. Contact the Head of School for further information.

Transfer at 11

There is a meeting for Year 6 parents in the Autumn term to explain the procedure for entry to Secondary education. In the Summer term, Year 7 tutors from the local Secondary schools come into school to meet their new children and liaise with year 6 teachers. There is also an opportunity for children to visit their new Secondary Schools in July.

Many of the secondary schools in our area have their own entrance tests or have specific criteria for admission, details of which can be obtained direct from the schools concerned.



During your child’s time at school, you may see abbreviations and acronyms used. We’ve listed these below to help you: AT Attainment Target (in National Curriculum)ASD Autism spectrum disordersADD Attention deficit disorderADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

BA Bachelor of ArtsBSP Behaviour Support PlanBSS Behaviour Support Service

CAF Common Application FormCAF Common Assessment FrameworkCAT Cognitive Ability TestCP Child protectionCPD Continuing Professional DevelopmentCRB Criminal Records Bureau DCPO Designated Child Protection OfficerDfE Department for EducationDOB Date of Birth EAL English as an Additional LanguageEBD Emotional and Behavioural DifficultyeCAF Electronic Common Assessment FrameworkEFL English as a Foreign LanguageEP Educational PsychologistEWO Education Welfare OfficerEYFSP Early Years Foundation Stage ProgrammeEXH Executive Head Teacher

FEX Fixed Term Exclusions from schoolFFT Fischer Family Trust (a charity that provides estimates of pupil performance)FS Foundation StageFSM Free School MealsFSP Foundation Stage Profile

G&T Gifted and Talented

H&S Health and SafetyHMI Her Majesty’s Inspector(ate)HOSs Heads of SchoolsHT Headteacher

IWB Interactive White BoardIEP Individual Education PlanINSET In-service Education and TrainingIT Information Technology KS Key StageKS1 Key Stage 1 Years 1-2 (5 - 7 year olds)KS2 Key Stage 2 Years 3-6 (8 - 11 year olds)KS3 Key Stage 3 Years 7-9 (12-14 year olds)

LA Local AuthorityLAC Looked After ChildrenLEA Local Education Authority

LIFT Local Inclusion Forum TeamLLDD Learner with Learning Difficulties or DisabilitiesLLE Local Leader of Education MFL Modern Foreign LanguagesMLD Moderate Learning Difficulty NC National CurriculumNCY National Curriculum YearNoR Number on RollNPQH National Professional Qualification for HeadshipNQT Newly Qualified Teacher OFSTED Office for Standards in Education PAN Planned Admission NumberPE Physical EducationPEPs Personal Education PlansPGCE Postgraduate Certificate of EducationPRU Pupil Referral UnitPSHE Personal, Social and Health EducationPSHE+C Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship EducationPTA Parent Teacher AssociationPTR Pupil Teacher Ratio

QTS Qualified Teacher Status

R (yr) Reception (Year 1 etc)RE Religious Education SATs Standard Assessment Task/TestSCR Single Central RecordSEAL Social Emotional Aspects of Learning SDP School Development Plan\SEF School self-evaluation form issued by OfstedSEN Special Educational NeedsSENCO Special Educational Needs CoordinatorSLD Severe Learning DifficultySLT Senior Leadership TeamSMSC Spiritual Moral Social CulturalSMT Senior Management TeamSoW Scheme of WorkSpLD Specific Learning DifficultySURE Start A government programme bringing together, early education, childcare, health and family support agencies VA Voluntary AidedVC Voluntary ControlledVRQ Verbal Reasoning Quotient Y1, Y2 etc Year 1, Year 2 etc.

Design by Deborah Harris and photography by Lauren Baker

BubblesKlimt class pet

(not actual size!)

part of

Pilgrims’ Way Primary School & NurseryPilgrims’ Way, Canterbury, KentCT1 1TUT: 01227 760084E: [email protected]: www.pilgrims-way.kent.sch.uk www.thevillageacademy.co.uk
