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Pioneer Express April 2014
Tel: 011 485 2018/ 011 485 4461 Fax: 086 239 0164 www.pioneernews.co.za 24th Edition 27 March 2014 FREE COPY Distributed in: Bramley Kew Lombardy East/West Lyndhurst Highlands North Norwood Orange Grove Savoy JHB CBD Sydenham 23 April 2014 25th Edition www.sanral.co.za SANRAL was established in 1998, shortly after the transition to democracy. We have played an important role during the first 20 years of freedom in looking after a network which connects the country’s major cities, towns and rural areas and facilitates the effective movement of people, goods and services. Wellington Nobele L ack of school desks is a problem faced by many South Af- rican schools. Minister of basic education Angie Mot- shega, estimated that school across South Africa need approximately three mil- lion desks. This is a statistic we cannot ignore. It is our duty as corporate citizens to ensure that children’s educational struggles are addressed.” These were the words of Desk-Bags origi- nator and managing direc- tor of PR Worx, Madelain Roscher in a press release. On the 11th April, PR Worx in partnership with SA Taxi foundation and SDV South Africa visited Zenzelani primary school located at 19th Avenue Vincent Tshabalala road (formally known as London road) to donate a total of 1000 desk bags for learners at the school which when folded open, acts as a por- table desk that can be used both at school and at home. Desk-Bags, which are made from 100% recycla- ble billboard material, are school bags that provide a portable desk solution for learners to use at school and at home. The front flap of the bag is reinforced with a durable ABS plastic when folded open, allows for instant desk support. The light weight school bag also allows plenty of space for learners to carry all their books and station- ary whether they are in pre- primary school or matric. Furthermore, Desk-Bags also come with reflective biding that allow chil- dren to be easily spotted by motorists when walk- ing in the rain or the dark. Director of SA Taxi foun- dation Kalnisha Signh and Managing Director of SDV South Africa Ken McDon- ald were among many who were thrilled about the success of PR Worx’s CSI initiative which is com- mitted to education. “We are thrilled to be involved with an initiative that is committed to education as Desk-Bags. It is our goal as a company to become more involved in sustain- able education activities and Desk-Bags is the right vehicle to start our activi- ties off with,”Kalnisha ex- plains. McDonald, who was unable to attend the hand-over of the Desk- Bags, added that “SDV also understands the im- portance of education to the nation and we are happy to support Desk-Bags in their campaign to uplift educa- tion in South Africa. We are happy that our support to them can make such a tan- gible impact on the lives of the children of Alexandra. There to express her sin- cerest gratitude, was prin- cipal of Zenzeleni pri- mary school, Mrs. Thandi Gumede. It touches me deeply to know that there are people out there who care about the education of the African child, as you would know, most of these learners have never had anything they can call their own, this has truly been a blessing to the Alexandra community. We will make certain that these bags are well looked after and that they are maintained which will guarantee that the learners are able to use them up until they reach grade 7 and possibly go to high school with them, Gu- mede said with great joy. Others who attended the hand-over ceremony were the HR staff from SA Taxi foundation and PR Worx as well as Mr. South Africa 2014 contestant, Armand Du Plassis and Miss Earth semi finalist, Shannon Roscher who both have selected Desk- Bags as their campaign for their respective pageants. DESK BAGS RECYCLED FOR THE BETTER Madelain Roscher of PR Worx Kalnisha Singh of SA Taxi foundation and Zenzeleni primary school Principal Thandi Gumede SA Taxi foundation showing off the new Desk Bags SA Taxi foundation staff with the excited learners at Zenzeleni
Page 1: Pioneer express april 2014

Tel: 011 485 2018/ 011 485 4461 Fax: 086 239 0164 www.pioneernews.co.za

24th Edition 27 March 2014


Distributed in:

Bramley Kew Lombardy East/West Lyndhurst Highlands North Norwood Orange Grove Savoy JHB CBD Sydenham 23 April 201425th Edition


SANRAL was established in 1998, shortly after the transition to democracy.

We have played an important role during the first 20 years of freedom in

looking after a network which connects the country’s major cities, towns and

rural areas and facilitates the effective movement of people, goods and services.

Wellington Nobele

Lack of school desks is a problem faced by many South Af-

rican schools. Minister of basic education Angie Mot-shega, estimated that school across South Africa need approximately three mil-lion desks. This is a statistic we cannot ignore. It is our duty as corporate citizens to ensure that children’s educational struggles are addressed.” These were the words of Desk-Bags origi-nator and managing direc-tor of PR Worx, Madelain Roscher in a press release.On the 11th April, PR Worx

in partnership with SA Taxi foundation and SDV South Africa visited Zenzelani primary school located at 19th Avenue Vincent Tshabalala road (formally known as London road) to donate a total of 1000 desk bags for learners at the school which when folded open, acts as a por-table desk that can be used both at school and at home.Desk-Bags, which are made from 100% recycla-ble billboard material, are school bags that provide a portable desk solution for learners to use at school and at home. The front flap of the bag is reinforced with

a durable ABS plastic when folded open, allows for instant desk support. The light weight school bag also allows plenty of space for learners to carry all their books and station-ary whether they are in pre-primary school or matric. Furthermore, Desk-Bags also come with reflective biding that allow chil-dren to be easily spotted by motorists when walk-ing in the rain or the dark. Director of SA Taxi foun-dation Kalnisha Signh and Managing Director of SDV South Africa Ken McDon-ald were among many who were thrilled about the

success of PR Worx’s CSI initiative which is com-mitted to education. “We are thrilled to be involved with an initiative that is committed to education as Desk-Bags. It is our goal as a company to become more involved in sustain-able education activities and Desk-Bags is the right vehicle to start our activi-ties off with,”Kalnisha ex-plains. McDonald, who was unable to attend the hand-over of the Desk-Bags, added that “SDV also understands the im-portance of education to the nation and we are happy to support Desk-Bags in their

campaign to uplift educa-tion in South Africa. We are happy that our support to them can make such a tan-gible impact on the lives of the children of Alexandra.There to express her sin-cerest gratitude, was prin-cipal of Zenzeleni pri-mary school, Mrs. Thandi Gumede. It touches me deeply to know that there are people out there who care about the education of the African child, as you would know, most of these learners have never had anything they can call their own, this has truly been a blessing to the Alexandra community. We will make

certain that these bags are well looked after and that they are maintained which will guarantee that the learners are able to use them up until they reach grade 7 and possibly go to high school with them, Gu-mede said with great joy.Others who attended the hand-over ceremony were the HR staff from SA Taxi foundation and PR Worx as well as Mr. South Africa 2014 contestant, Armand Du Plassis and Miss Earth semi finalist, Shannon Roscher who both have selected Desk-Bags as their campaign for their respective pageants.


Madelain Roscher of PR Worx Kalnisha Singh of SA Taxi foundation and Zenzeleni primary school Principal Thandi Gumede

SA Taxi foundation showing off the new Desk Bags

SA Taxi foundation staff with the excited learners at Zenzeleni

Page 2: Pioneer express april 2014



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Dear Reader,

Just a few more days until the 2014 democratic elections, a day on which most young people will be casting their vote foe the very first time. Home Affairs Minister Naledi Pandor, who is also a part of the JCPS cluster, said all Home Affairs of-fices throughout the country will be open from 7am on Election Day, to enable people to collect their identity documents.According to Minister Pandor, there are 122 000 uncollected IDs and 23 000 uncollected smartcard IDs.Home Affairs has 117 mobile offices to provide extra capacity to process applications. All border posts will be open and functioning on Election Day to allow South Africans to come home to vote.Correctional Services Minister Sibusiso Ndebele said all 155 000 inmates in 242 correctional facili-ties across the country are registered to vote. The IEC, working with the Department of Correc-tional Services, has made the necessary arrange-ments to ensure that inmates exercise their demo-cratic right to vote.Special votes will take place on 5 and 6 May. The deadline for applications for special votes is 17 April 2014.The IEC says 25 390 150 voters are eligible to cast their votes come 7 May.

N’wa Hlungwani (Patricia)

www.pioneernews.co.za 23 April 2014 Pioneer Express Page 2

There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there.- Indira Gandhi


South Africans, who wish to apply for special

votes for the upcoming gen-eral election, have until 5pm on Thursday, 17 April, to do so.A special vote allows a registered voter, who can’t vote at their voting station on Election Day (7 May), to ap-ply to vote on 5 and 6 May.All registered voters -- in-

cluding the elderly, people with disabilities and those who cannot be at their vot-ing district on Election Day, can apply for a special vote.There are two categories of special votes -- home visits and special voting at your registered voting station. Election officials will visit voters who have success-

fully applied for a home visit due to physical infirmi-ty, disability or pregnancy.Acting Government Com-munication and Information System (GCIS) CEO, Har-old Maloka, on Wednesday said: “Government encour-ages the elderly and people with disabilities to submit their applications for special votes by the 17th of April.“All registered South Afri-can voters are urged to exer-cise their democratic right to vote on the prescribed days. As we enter our 20 Years of Freedom, let us go out in numbers to the polls to dem-onstrate our appreciation of the gains brought about by our freedom.”Citizens ap-plying to cast special votes can determine the status of their applications by sending an SMS to 32711 (R1.00 per SMS sent or re-ceived) or check online by entering the ID number on the IEC website (https://www.elections.org.za/con-tent/For-Voters/Special-Vote-Application-Status/).


Wellington Nobele writes:

It has now been exactly 7 months since the launch

of the NECT (National Edu-cation Collaboration Trust) which was launched in Au-gust last year. The NECT’s main objectives were to strengthen the relationships between business societies, the civil society, govern-ment and labour in order to achieve the education goals of the National Develop-ment Plan and to support and influence the agenda for the

reform of basic education.Ministers Paul Mashatile of arts & culture, Fikile Mbalula for sports and rec-reation, as well as Deputy Minister in the presidency responsible for monitor-ing and evaluation, Obed Bapela, payed a special visit to Alex High school on the 11th April as they had prom-ised to return to the school on their last visit in 2013, to express their sentiments on razing the bar on the qual-ity of education in Alex. The 76 year old high school

located at the corner of 3rd Avenue Joe Nhlanhla, which was also attended by both Mashatile and Bapela dur-ing their high school years, became a symbol of hope for the learners at Alex high who have selected mathe-matics and physical science as their major subjects. As part of giving back to the school they attended and Al-exandra community at large, the Ministers partnered with EduSciMat, to hand over a new maths and science lab-oratory as they had promise

when they last visited the school. “The laboratories are part of EduSciMat’s CSI initiative aimed at improving the standard of education in more crucial subjects such as mathematics and physi-cal science. Normal class-rooms are refurbished and supplied with chemicals, manipulatives and ICT’s to make learning exciting”, this according to EduS-ciMat’s Communications Manager Kholiswa Khoba.Kholiswa also went further to explain that, “through this initiative, we launched our first lab in the Free State on the 27th Janu-ary 2012, when MEC Tate Makghwe was interested in piloting this initiative in his province. From 2012 till to date, the initiative has re-constructed 400 maths labs and over 200 science labs. More over, the initiative also capacitates maths and science educators and gives them confidence in teach-ing the subjects, she added. Among other thing, Minis-ter Fikile Mbalula awarded

Mamoloko Mojapelo and Busisiwe Dlhadlha who both completed their grade 12 in 2013 at Alex high, with full scholarships at the Uni-versity of their choice under the Fikile Mbalula Founda-tion for girls. Arts & culture Minister Paul Mashatile donated R150 000 in cash as he was allegedly advised that the school was partici-pating in a number of arts and culture activities which needed urgent funding.Also attending the hand-over ceremony were South African celebrities who were invited to motivate and inspire the learners to focus on their education as they would be the leaders and celebrities in the near future. The ceremony had the likes of radio personality Criselda Kananda, Minnie Dlhamini, Khumbulekhaya presener Andile Gaelisiwe, Dj Oskido and the ever en-ergetic Dr. Malinga. The day was concluded with an exciting live performance by Uhuru and Dr. Malinga.

Acting Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) CEO: Harold Maloka

Ministers Fikile Mbalula and Paul Mashatile hand-over a cheque worth R150 000 to Alex High School Principal Zoleka Lebelo


Page 3: Pioneer express april 2014

23 April 2014 Pioneer Express PAGE 3www.pioneernews.co.za

GAUTENG BUDGET 2014/15Gauteng is home to just under a quarter of South Af-

rica’s population and contributes 36 percent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Because of its central location, it is also a gateway to other provinces and the rest of the African continent in terms of movement of people and goods. Increased economic activity through the public and private sectors create opportunities for in-dividuals to find shelter and make their livelihoods in this province. This is demonstrated by year-on year increase in the number of learners seeking education spaces in our schools. According to the 2-13 Mid-year population esti-mates released by Statistics South Africa, Gauteng popula-tion has increased slightly from 12.4million to 12.7 million.

It is for this reason that the Gauteng Provincial Govern-ment (GPG) continues to work on strategies that are aimed at yielding socio-economic benefits for all. Our response to addressing challenges such as unemployment, poverty and inequality are central to our business. There are continued and concerted efforts to accelerate service delivery by im-plementing programmes and projects that leads to improved quality of life of our communities. These include food se-curity, youth employment, Zivuseni, Bana Pele, Second-ary School Improvement Programme (SSIP) and Violence Against Women and Children (VAWAC) to name but a few.

As a way of demonstrating our continued commitment to improved social service delivery, Health, Education and So-cial Development account for the lion’s share of the 2014 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) budget and lays the foundation for the improvement of education

outcomes, provide quality healthcare and building a hedge of protection for our vulnerable and affected communities.Gauteng is indeed a better place to live and will con-tinue to be as we direct our energies to live in and con-tinue to be as we direct our energies to addressing chal-lenges that confront us and sustain the momentum of delivering quality services. The following sources deter-mine the quality of services delivered to Gauteng citizens:• National Treasury (R85.608bn divided into R68.673bn equitable Share and R16.935 Conditional Grants)• Gauteng Provincial Government (R4.266bn)• Direct Charges (R69.63m)

Over and above this, other sources of provincial revenue are Gambling and Taxes, Motor Vehicle Licenses, Hos-pital patient fees and other revenue streams. The condi-tional grants are mostly used for the Comprehensive HIV and AIDS grant (15%), Further Education and Train-ing (4%), Education Infrastructure Grant (4%), Nation-al Treasury Services Grant (21%), Human Settlement Development Grant (26%), National School Nutrition Programme (4%), Public Transport Operations Grant (11%) and (15%) of the budget will be spent on Other.

Comments on the budget are welcome and can be forwarded to:Head of DepartmentGauteng Provincial TreasuryPrivate Bag X12Marshalltown2017

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www.pioneernews.co.za 23 April 2014 Pioneer Express Page 4News


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EFF ad rEjEctEd, not bannEd - Sabc

The SABC has de-nied banning an advert of the EFF.

“We did not ban the advert, we rejected the advert; there is a difference,” public broad-caster spokesperson Kaiser Kganyago said on Tuesday.“They submitted it, we looked at it, and we found that we couldn’t put it on air.”Among other things, the slo-gan “destroy e-tolls physical-ly” used on the advert incit-ed violence, Kganyago said.The SABC informed the EFF by letter last week of this de-cision. The party was given

the opportunity to amend the advert, but it did not do so.EFF leader Julius Malema said on Tuesday the SABC should allow people to judge for themselves which party to vote for instead of banning advertisements.“Once you suppress the peo-ple contesting elections it means you not ready to give us free and fair elections be-cause unfair coverage leads to unfair elections,” he told reporters in Johannesburg.“Let people judge for them-selves, Hlaudi [Motsoeneng] can’t judge for them.”

Malema said the SABC had banned the party’s advert.The public broadcaster al-located free slots to po-litical parties contest-ing the general elections on radio and television.Malema said his party sub-mitted its advert, which was supposed to be aired on 20 April, but was not.Kganyago denied claims that the SABC reject-ed the advert because it came from the EFF.“It’s not true that it’s about them, we just being consistent with regulations,” he said.

“The EFF, like any other political party, signed the code of conduct with the IEC that says it will not in-cite violence... [the advert] goes against the code.”The advert titled “Now is the time for economic free-dom”, which was posted on YouTube, starts with a woman, identified as Mrs Zameka Nungu, talking in Xhosa about how she was heartbroken when her husband was killed dur-ing the Marikana shooting.This is followed by a slide-show of photos showing

police officers pointing their guns at minework-ers in Marikana and at people in Bekkersdal.The video then shows Malema, who introduces himself and urges peo-ple to vote for the EFF.“I know your pain and suf-fering. Let us vote against empty promises of the last 20 years, vote for eco-nomic freedom in our lifetime. Let us restore the dignity of the African child. Vote EFF,” he said.The advert ends with post-ers with Malema’s face on them and different slo-gans, such as “let’s stop Nkandla corruption” and “destroy e-tolls physically”.Malema said the EFF would not amend its ad-vert and would not be told by the SABC what it could and could not say.“You’re not hurting us, you’re hurting South Af-ricans by depriving them of information so that when they vote they make an informed decision.“The SABC is playing the same role it played in apartheid - suppress-ing the struggle,” he said.EFF spokesperson Mbuyise-ni Ndlovu said the party had lodged a complaint with the Independent Com-munications Authority of

SA’s (Icasa) complaints and compliance commit-tee on Tuesday morning.Kganyago said the SABC would wait for Icasa to write to it about the EFF matter.According to Icasa reg-ulations, the author-ity had 48 hours to re-ply to any complaint.Earlier this month, the DA also lodged a com-plaint with Icasa after the SABC had banned its ad-vert, also giving incitement of violence as the reason.


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SABC Spokes person: Kaizer Kganyogo

Page 5: Pioneer express april 2014

www.pioneernews.co.za 23 April 2014 Pioneer Express Page 5

Oscar PistOrius trial tO adjOurn fOr twO weeks

Irish Times

Oscar Pistorius rubs his eye in court in Pretoria. Barry

Roux, Pistorius’ lawyer, has started to rebuild his case that the double-amputee track star’s fatal shoot-ing of Reeva Steenkamp was a tragic accident after the defence was left reel-ing by the prosecution’s five-day cross examinationThe judge in the Oscar Pistorius murder trial has ruled that proceedings will adjourn for more than

two weeks after tomorrow and resume on May 5th.Judge Thokozile Masipa said today that she was re-sponding to a request for a break from the chief pros-ecutor, which was sup-ported by the defence.Mr Pistorius’s trial started on March 3rd and Judge Masipa said the case had lasted longer than expected.Chief defence lawyer Barry Roux has said he will call be-tween 14 and 17 witnesses. Forensic expert Roger Dixon, the third witness called by the defence, was giv-

ing evidence today.Mr Pistorius was charged with premeditated mur-der for shooting girl-friend Reeva Steenkamp in his home last year.He says he shot her by mis-take, but the prosecution says he killed her inten-tionally after an argument.The judge said she granted the break because a mem-ber of the prosecution team has to attend to another case.Judge Masipa also noted that the court record for the Pistorius trial is now al-most 2,000 pages long. The

trial was initially scheduled to last just three weeks.“At the time, it was not envi-sioned that this trial would run this long,” Judge Masipa said.She also noted that much of the evidence is “technical” and given by expert witnesses.In his evidence, Mr Dixon, a former policeman, con-tradicted previous opinions given by a police expert and a pathologist on details of the wounds suffered by Ms Steenkamp when she was shot through the toilet door by the double-amputee athlete.Police captain Christiaan

Mangena said Ms Steenkamp was shot in the hip first, the second shot missed, and then the last two shots hit the model in the arm and head.Mr Dixon disagreed with that order and said the first two shots hit Ms Steenkamp in the hip and arm in quick succession while she was close to the door, apparently backing Pistorius’s version that he shot in quick suc-cession fearing an intruder was coming out of the toi-let cubicle to attack him.Mr Dixon also said that Ms Steenkamp’s right arm may

have been stretched out to-wards the handle of the door, suggesting she may have been in the process of open-ing the door. The defence was using the evidence to try to cast doubt on the prosecution’s case that Ms Steenkamp was hiding from Pistorius after a late-night fight and had locked herself in the cubicle to seek refuge.Chief prosecutor Gerrie Nel questioned whether Mr Dixon was qualified to analyse the circumstances of Ms Steenkamp’s death.

Murder acccued: Oscar Pisorius State prosecuter: Gerrie Nel

da defectOr brands Zille as ‘neurOtic’

Former DA Cape Town metro chairperson Grant

Pascoe has reportedly de-scribed party leader Helen Zille as neurotic and said his defection to the ANC was his

way of “sticking it to her”. According to the Sunday Times, Pascoe has accused Zille of lying and has said his decision to defect had been a long time coming. He

denied allegations that he had financial problems and that he had accepted a car and R1m to join the ANC.Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille said last week she was not informed by Pas-coe of his intentions to jump ship. She claimed however, that Pascoe had “chosen to find a new political home due to his inability to live up to the standards required of DA public representatives”.Among other things, she listed what she described as several shortcom-ings in his performance.

da advert hearing adjOurned

A hearing by the Com-plaints and Compli-

ance Committee (CCC) on the DA’s advertisement complaint case against the SABC was ad-journed on Tuesday night.The hearing would resume on Wednesday at 18:00 to give the SABC more time to consult with its legal team, CCC chairper-son Wandile Tutani told those present at the Inde-pendent Communications Authority of SA (Icasa) headquarters in Sandton, north of Johannesburg.The committee was hear-ing arguments from the DA and the SABC regard-ing the pulling of a DA television advert which was paid for, after air-ing it only three times.Ronnie Bokwa, for the SABC, said the advert was aired twice

last Tuesday and once last Wednesday before it was taken off the air.“Ayisafani” TV advertThe DA laid a complaint with Icasa on Saturday after the SABC failed to broadcast its election advertisement.The “Ayisafani” TV advertwas pulled off the air last week, along with five radio advertisements.The advert shows the DA’s Gauteng premier candidate and spokesperson, Mmusi Maimane, standing in front of a mirror talking about the current state of the country. He says life today is better than it was 20 years ago and gives credit to great leaders who he believes have taken the country forward. “But since 2008 we’ve seen Presi-dent Jacob Zuma’s ANC. An ANC that is corrupt. An ANC for the

connected few. An ANC that is taking us back-wards. An ANC where more than 1.4 million people have lost jobs.” Maimane then asks Zuma where the jobs are.The SABC did not broad-cast the advertisement and gave the DA a letter. In it, SABC acting group CEO Tian Olivier informed the party that it would not be able to broadcast the advert on radio or television on four grounds:The Icasa regulations on political advertising state clearly that there may not be incitement of violence;That the Electoral Code of Conduct includes a clause prohibiting the publica-tion of false information about other candidates or parties;That the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA) did not permit

attacking another product to promote its own; and that The SABC would not permit personal attacks on any party member or leader by any other party, as was being done in the DA’s advert in respect of Zuma.The SABC stood by its deci-sion. It said the party could submit an amended version of the advertisement.“We acted properly,” Bok-wa said at the hearing.DA leader Helen Zille and the SABC’s acting COO Hlaudi Motsoeneng were present at the hearing.Bokwa said the DA’s video advert included a part where a picture ap-peared of a police official pointing his firearm at

two members of the pub-lic wearing blue shirts.The voice along with the picture said: “We have seen the police force killing our people.”InflammatoryBokwa said the use of language and the visu-als used were inflamma-tory and could not be seen as freedom of speech.He said the current cli-mate in the country and the media reports of police brutality portrayed a nega-tive image of the police.“From a responsible broad-caster’s point of view, we felt to flight the ad-vert would create the impression that there is an imminent threat of violence.”Bokwa said he had an issue

with the use of the word “our”.“Does it mean police are killing the DA’s people?” he asked.A member of the CCC asked whether the broadcaster had a checklist for all adverts aired on the broadcaster’s channels. The SABC asked for an adjourn-ment before responding.The broadcaster is yet to answer a number of ques-tions posed by mem-bers of the committee.The CCC - established in terms of the Icasa Act, is an independent statu-tory body empowered to adjudicate, hear and make a finding on all matters referred to it, not only by the author-ity, but also by the public.

DA Leader: Helen Zille

Former DA metro chairperson Grant Pascoe.

Page 6: Pioneer express april 2014

Hell hath no fury like a wom-an unceremoniously fired from her position. Genera-tions Dineo is adamant she will take S’busiso down and it seems all the curtains come hanging against Ngamla. With Dineo, Akhona and now Mandisa all on S’busiso’s case, it will be by the grace of the living God if he survives these storms. Who on earth inaugurated ex street woman Priska the Queen of town? She thinks her engagement to S’busiso grants her all the rights on earth to go around mistreating people as she pleases. Sesi weeee, I’m sure you would not like to be re-minded that S’busiso rescued you from a pigsty eating out of dustbins. Hai, motho o hu-mane cheese will irritate the hell out of us. Once bitten, twice shy. It is exciting to see how Rhythm City’s Mampho looks after the best interests of her friend. It’s not often when you’ll re-ceive a package of condoms from a friend. That’s a way to go girl. Wish you were this careful with Jabu; you wouldn’t be a HIV statistic. If I say Lerato is a wizard that would be a proper demotion and I doubt she will like the title. Lerato is a devil herself and she has brought nothing to bash but endless troubles. One advise to Suffocare: fire Lerato with immediate ef-fect. Isidingo’s Skhumbuzo had to learn the hard way that tab-loids are no one’s buddies. There’s nothing as demoraliz-ing as having your private life splashed all over the newspa-pers. Bradley’s life will never be the same again. Being ac-cuse of fatal murder is not a child’s play. Let’s wait to see what the judge will say.

From being a power broker to a lap dog, clearly there’s a shift of power in the Mo-jalefa household and feisty Khomotjo of Muvhango is excluded from the equation. This marriage of convenience between her and Lerumo is far from what Khomotjo imag-ined it to be. In fact, the new changes place Khomotjo at a relegation zone with Moriti waltzing around as a big win-ner. But I guess she should enjoy the party while it still last because when Khomotjo springs back, there’ll be hell to pay. Thate is back to its original shape. The highly expected return of Azwindini marks the new journey of the Mukwevho kraal with manip-ulating Teboho pretends she cares. Matshidiso or should I say Dikeledi would have made everyone a big favour if she took Ranthumeng with her. Common sense tells me he would not have remem-bered who kidnapped him.

Mamelodi Sundowns soccer star, Teko Modise is making headlines again and this time for alleged separation from his fiancée Lizelle who shot to fame when she was linked to the then ANCYL heavyweight Julius Malema. Lizelle was quot-ed in the media as saying “I’m done with him! I can’t pretend anymore… He always came home from parties and strip clubs at 5 am. I did everything a woman could do to save our rela-tionship. I treated him well but he repaid me with disrespect.”

Isidingo’s legendary actor, Darlington Michaels who plays the role of Papa G in the local favourite soapie is set to return to the small screens. Papa G has been off from work since he experienced a minor stroke.

GOSSIP Insiders

www.pioneernews.co.za 23 April 2014 Pioneer Express Page 6 Entertainment

Tsholo Monedi’s laughTer wins saFTa award

Tilo Mokgopo

It was all glitz and glam at the recent South African Film

and Television Awards (SAF-TA). The annual flagship awards took place on Saturday 5 April in Midrand, Gallagher Estate. Tumi Morake and Alan Commit-tie were the hosts of the event. Several South African actors and actress, directors and producers came to the show. Although differ-ent production companies walked away with numerous awards, SABC 1 flagship property, Gen-erations, by far the biggest soapie in the land in terms of viewership, scooped not even a single award. Instead the ever grow-ing Isibaya took the spotlight. Acclaimed television and stage actress Tsholo Monedi who ap-peared in different television Pro-ductions of the likes of Muvhango, Intersexions and SABC 2 comedy, Skwizas, won the “best Actress in a TV comedy” award, beating television veteran, Lilian Dube. But it was Siyabonga Twala who’s been roaming the televi-

sion industry from his early days in Isidingo, Scandal, Generations, Isibaya, Muvhango, and Rhythm City inter alia and veteran actress Tina Jaxa who stole the limelight as they scooped two awards each. The following is the list of win-ners from the 2014 SAFTA awards.

DramaBest TV DramaIntersexions: Season 2-Quizzical Pictures

Best Actor in a TV DramaSiyabonga Twala as Musa- Inter-sexions 2Best Actress in a TV DramaTina Jaxa as Nokuthula- Intersex-ionsBest Supporting Actor in a TV DramaAkhumzi Jezile as Ngu-lube- Tempy PushasBest Supporting Actress in a TV DramaHarriet Manamela as Meik-ie Maputla- Skeem SaamBest Director of a TV DramaLibby Doughterty, Tebo-go Malope- Tempy Pushas

Best Writing Team of a TV DramaAthos Kyriakides, Thu-so Sibisi- Room 9Best DOP/ Cinematographer of a TV DramaTom Marais- Intersexions: Season 2

Best Production Design of a TV DramaAnneri Gerickle- RockvilleBest Costume Design of a TV DramaMartha SibanyoniBest Make-up & Hair stylist of a TV DramaJenny Sprawson- High RollersBest Editor of a TV DramaJack Esterhuizen, Lindi Goosen- Room 9

ComedyBest TV ComedyZA News- Both WorldsBest Actor in a TV ComedyObed Baloyi as Tsut-suma- Ga re DumeleBest Actress in a TV ComedyTsholo Monedi as Tiny- Skwizas 2Best Ensemble in a TV ComedyLate Nite News- Diprente FilmsBest Director of a TV Comedy Aaron Naidoo- Thi-

erry Cassuto- ZA NewsBest Writing team of a TV ComedyAndrew Donaldson, Anne Hirsch, Marrianne Thamm, Thierry Cassuto- ZA NewsBest Art Direction of a TV ComedyAmanda Scholtz- Those Who Can’t

SoapieSBest TV Soap7de LaanBest Actor in a TV SoapSiyabonga Twala as Mpi-yakhe Zungu- IsibayaBest Actress in a TV SoapThembi Nyandeni as Mka-bayi Zungu- IsibayaBest Ensemble in a TV SoapS c a n d a l !Best Director of a TV SoapAdze Ugah, Denny Miller- IsibayaBest Writing Team of a TV SoapWriting Team- IsibayaBest Editor of a TV SoapEditing Team- IsibayaBest DOP/ Cinematographer of a TV SoapDOP Team- The WildBest Art Direction of a TV SoapAnnerie Gericke- The Wild.

Page 7: Pioneer express april 2014

www.pioneernews.co.za 23 April 2014 Pioneer Express Page 7 News

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Government News

CertifiCatioN of the voters’ roll for 2014 eleCtioNs


Chief Electoral Officer Mosotho Moepya has certified the voters’ roll, setting the stage for 25 390 150 voters to cast their ballots in the 7 May 2014 national and pro-vincial elections.This is 2 208 153 more voters (9.5% increase) than were on the voters’ roll for the 2009 national and provincial elections and 7.2 million (39.72% increase) more than were on the voters’ roll when it was established for the first time for the 1999 elec-tions.The voters’ roll reflects a total of 80.80% of registered voters when compared against the estimated voting age population according to estimates from Statistics South Africa. In comparison, registration levels stood at 80% in 1999, 84.6% in 2004 and 84.07% in 2009.Gauteng has the highest number of voters with just over 6 million followed by KwaZulu-Natal with 5.1 million, the Eastern Cape with 3.24 million and the Western Cape with 2.9 million. Between them these four provinces make up almost 68% of all voters.

Gov press release

From top athletes Caster Semenya, Lucas Sithole

and Cameron van der Burg, businessman Ray Ackerman to activists and struggle stal-warts Dawid Kruiper, Fran-ces Baard and Father Sman-galiso Mkhatshwa -- these are some of the names on the long list of South Africans and eminent persons who are the recipients of presti-gious Presidential honours.Dr Cassius Lubisi, the chan-cellor of the National Or-ders and Director-General in the Presidency, announced the list of recipients of Na-tional Orders – the high-est honours in the land – to recognise those who have contributed to the advance-ment of the country.Lubisi said that the awards also recognise the contributions made by individuals to-wards building a non-racial, non sexist, democratic and prosperous South Africa, as envisaged in the Constitution.“National Orders are the highest awards that our country bestows on its citi-zens and eminent foreign nationals, who have contrib-

uted towards the advance-ment of democracy and who have made a significant im-pact on improving the lives of South Africans,” he said.Announcing the list, Lubisi said Semenya, 23, a mid-dle-distance runner and an Olympic silver medal-list, was recognised for her achievements while faced with trying times from lo-cal and world athletics bod-ies. She was awarded the bronze award for the Or-der of Ikhamanga, which is given to South Africans who excel in the field of arts, culture, literature, mu-sic, journalism and sport.“For her outstanding contri-bution in the sporting field of middle-distance track running, her performance against all odds has made the country proud,” Lubisi said. While record-breaking Olympic medallist Van Der Burg, 25, was also recog-nised for his excellence in the breaststroke – and was given a silver Order of Ikhamanga – 27-year-old paralympian Lucas Sithole, who made a comeback from losing two legs and his right arm in 1998 to becom-

ing the first African to win a Quad Grand Slam, was also given the same honour.“For bearing witness to resilience; he pushes past his limitations to achieve the seemingly impossible and has made history in the process,” Lubisi said.Businessman Ackerman was awarded the Order of the Boabab, which recog-nises those who contribute to community service, busi-ness and economy, science, medicine and technological innovation, for providing scholarships to young peo-ple and conducting socially responsible retail business.Kruiper, the late leader of the Khoisan people, was also awarded in the same cat-egory for his excellent con-tribution in raising aware-ness of the plight faced by the Khoisan community and successfully initiating the landrestitution claim for his people.Kruiper, well known for his acting role in The Gods Must Be Crazy II, made headlines after hitch-hiking from the Kalahari to Cape Town in 2004 to speak to the then South African President Thabo Mbeki

VaVi Vows to unify Cosatu after his returnMedia 24

His eight months on suspen-sion were wasted time,

Cosatu general secretary Zwelin-zima Vavi said on Monday. “I’ve never been on leave for such a long period in my life,” he told union mem-bers gathered outside Cosatu House in Johannesburg.“It has been [a] long eight months of wasted time.”Vavi returned to work at the Congress of SA Trade Unions’ (Cosatu) headquar-ters on Monday morning.Food and Allied Workers’ Union (Fawu) members surrounded Vavi, singing as he stepped out of his car outside the building.On Friday, the High Court in Johannesburg set aside Vavi’s suspension.Judge Phineas Mojapelo ruled that it was invalid and that the Cosatu constitution had been breached because the deci-sions to suspend Vavi and in-vestigate his conduct were not put to the vote at the central executive committee (CEC) meeting where they were made.“A vote is prescribed as the manner in which deci-sions are to be taken ... there-fore no valid decisions were taken,” Mojapelo found.Vavi was placed on special leave in August, pending the outcome of a disciplin-ary hearing relating to his af-fair with a junior employee.In July, the employee ac-cused him of rape. He said they had an affair. The woman later withdrew a sexual harass-ment complaint against him.Decision challengedFollowing Vavi’s suspension, the National Union of Metal-

workers of SA (Numsa), an ally of his, lodged an application in the High Court in Johannes-burg challenging the decision.Vavi then lodged papers to be added as an appli-cant in Numsa’s challenge.Cosatu will discuss the judg-ment and the way forward at a special CEC meeting on Tuesday. Numsa’s posi-tion in Cosatu is also ex-pected to be on the agenda.Last week, Numsa wrote to Cosatu demanding that it con-vene a special national con-gress, and threatened to take the matter to court if it did not.On Monday, Vavi thanked union members for their warm welcome.“Last week Friday was about defining the basic... rule of law... we [are] thank-ful we came out triumphant.“Your power has brought me back to where you have elected me to be.”Vavi said it was a difficult day because his daughter was being operated on after an accident last week in the Eastern Cape, but he was excited to be back at work.

Wanting to unify CosatuHe said he was return-ing to Cosatu not with ven-geance in mind, but to unify the trade union federation.“I’m acutely aware of my re-sponsibility to build the unity of the federation,” Vavi said.“I recognise an un-unified Cosatu is not in the best inter-est [of workers]. Our challenge here is to unify the federation, to unify progressive forces.”He called on people to for-get what he called the “po-litical shenanigans” of the past.“Forgive them, be-cause they don’t know what they do,” Vavi said.Fawu members followed Vavi into the building and up to the ninth floor, which is the secretariat office.Vavi stood singing with union members in the foyer outside his office.He then proceeded to a meet-ing with other national of-fice bearers, which he said he was chairing and had chaired every Monday in his role as general secretary.

PresidenCy announCes na-tional orders reCiPients

COSATU General secretary Zwelinzima Vavi

Director-General in the Presidency Dr Cassius Lubisi (pictured on the far right)

Page 8: Pioneer express april 2014

23 April 2014

InvItatIonal Golf Day wIth John RobbIe

Team UD Trucks took first place at the inau-

gural John Robbie Invita-tional in support of Crime Line, which was held at the Country Club Johannesburg in Woodmead on Thursday. 94.7 Highveld Stereo’s, Darren Simpson and Sky-net’s teams came in sec-ond and third respectively. Daniel Slabbert of the South African Disabled Golf Association (SAD-GA) was nearest to the pin, while Henk Roets of team Minopex received the prize for the longest drive. Crime Line is an anony-mous crime tip-off service

which was launched in 2007 as a tool for members of the public to blow the whistle on crime. The proceeds of the golf day will go towards the recently established Crime Line Foundation Trust in a bid to continue and broaden the efforts of the tip-off service in curb-ing crime in South Africa. Talk Radio 702 break-fast host, John Robbie, an avid supporter of Crime Line, gave his name to the golf day, which will now be an annual event on the CSI calendar. John also led his own team on the course, which includ-

ed Samsung Vice-President, George Ferreira and golf pro, Nico van Rensburg. Hilarity ensued as Simpson tweeted that he sent a tip-off to Crime Line’s 32211 SMS number which read: “Dear Crime Line. I would like to report a crime. I have solid evi-dence that John Robbie is cheating in his Golf Day. Please resolve this before 5pm today. Place of Crime is Country Club Johannes-burg,” he texted tongue-in-cheek. Head of Crime Line, Yusuf Abramjee, responded to the tweet and assured

Simpson that his claims would be investigated. National Police Com-missioner, General Riah Phiyega attended the prize-giving ceremony, following an amazing day of golf and fine weather, to pledge her support in strengthening the partner-ship between the South African Police Service (SAPS) and Crime Line. She thanked the business community for their gen-erous support of the golf day, saying that “safety and security is not just a polic-ing issue, it is a societal issue and concerns us all.”

During the prize-giving DSTV announced that it would donate R1-million in airtime for Crime Line, while Ministry of Illu-sion in turn pledged that it would assist with the production of a TV advert. Abramjee in turn called on members of the pub-lic to continue sending tip-offs to Crime Line and its partner Crime Stop. “If you see something, say something. Send your anonymous tip-offs to 32211 or call Crime Stop on 08600 10111. You can also submit tip-offs online at www.crimeline.co.za.”

Abramjee also announced that registration for the much anticipated Crime Stoppers International (CSI) Conference will open on the 23rd of April. “The CSI conference is coming to the African continent, and indeed South Africa, for the first time. We can assure you that it is going to be the biggest and best confer-ence in the history of CSI. Let’s all come together to showcase our country and to find sustainable solutions to our collective efforts to curb crime,” he added.



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(From Left) Yusuf Abramjee, Head of Crime Line; General Riah Phiyega, Na-tional Police Commissioner; Lt-General Vinesh Moonoo, Head of Detective Services; Marisa Oosthuizen, Crime Line CoordinatorDaniel Slabbert from the South African Disabled Golf Association (SADGA).

Pioneer express

23 April 2014 fInD PIoneeR eXPReSS on faCebooK anD twItteR
