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Pittsburg Dispatch. (Pittsburgh, PA) 1892-01-31 [p...

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- - - , t 3IEETIXGS ASD NOTICES. 3Iectms. rpHE MEMBERS. OF LAIVKEXCE COUNCIL X. o. 61. Jr. O. U. A. M.. are requested to mm attbetrhaU. 349 Butler street, on .SUNDAY. JAN- UARY 31, tl P. M., shrr. to attend the funeral of P. C Albert Guy. Members of tlster councils are Invited lo attend. By order of jaJl-16-2 COUNCILOR. FoHMcnL CStlzens' Candidate for Common Council, Twentieta naro, J. C. STEWAKT. Election February 16. ISM. Ja31-31-- OTICE "" Citizens' Candidate for Alderman, Twentieth 'Ward, H. r. KREBS, Election February 16, 189J. Ja31-D.- su TOTIC- E- Cl Miens' Candidate for Select Conncll, Twentieth Ward, GEOKGE W". BAUM. Election February 16, 18K. Ja31-50-- Knsiness Chanson. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY DISSOLUTION partnership existing between A T. Douthett, II. B. Donald, J. IV. Doutliett and i. A. Donald, known as the Pcnn Printing and Novelty Company, was dissolved January 14 bt unanimous consent, A.T. Doutliett purchasing all Interests of the other partners: and that the firm of Inaor A nchr was also dissolved, as A. T. Douthett, TV. G. Armor and Frank Snchr agreed o unite their Interests under the name of the Venn Printing Compan. Limited. Accounts pro and con will be settled at the old place, 77 Diamond St., where the business will be continued with In- creased facilities, Tiiisi tocertlfv that we have sold all of our lnt rests in the Pcnn Printing and Novelty Com-pan- v. and In all mouev due or that may be due sai-- firm to A. T. Douthett. and we earnestly rec- ommend onr friends to send their orders for print- ing or novelties to the old place. T7 Diamond St., where the business will be conducted as uual. I) 1!. DONALD. iaSl-l- Sl JOHN A. DONALD. Lejal Notice. I am prepared to do work for the legal profession, writing deeds, mortgages or tran- scribing legal or other documents: satisfaction fu?ranteed: ttrm moderate. Mortimer Starling, l.'iMim ,n. l(ri fourth a PERSONAL. PERSONAL Ask for DnsjnberrVs pies; at all groceries and restaurants. Royale laee ldeach and skin tonic. 414fc"ulthtleld. Lad agents w anted. Noveitv Printing Co.. 77 Diamond PERSONAL of printing; bestwork at low est pi ices. pER0"AL Hotel Wilson. JO Sinithfield st.. I Pl'tsburg. Try our celebrated 25c meals; room. 50c up. "ERONAL Fallert's new studio, second floor. J 1287 Carson St.: handsomest In the two cities; photos and era ons. Credit, res. credit on fine dress goods, silks, satin, wraps, etc.. at J. Dwjcr's, Itoem 4, jieLance oiocl. 701 munneio. Cash paid Tor old gold and sliver 1I!!-ONA- L and leu elry repaired: new work made In order. Chris. Hauch. 541 Smlthfield. EI!oXAL Gents' furnlshlrg roods, slightly I damaged bv water from the Leader Are, at one-ha- lf their alue. J. J. Aland. J31 Fifth av. IJERON AL Ask your grocer for Allegheny fcchniierkace; ou nctersawanvthing nicer Wholesale by Baxter A Kenton, No. UU Liltertyav. jEE-ON- Fashionable ladies cannot do w ith-u- it the J. Y. Borden (patent) hang. For sale cnlt at Room 2H, Hamilton building, second floor, SI Firthav. TERON'AL Ladies, we restore your faded t swltclic-- . waics. wigs, etc . to original color In new process at KoomaM. Hamilton building, h rirui av. Yonr destlnv foretold, with pen 3ERONAL future husband or wife, according 10 ;rologv. end date of birth and3)c to L. Box 117 Kansas City. Mo, Hair, moles, etc.. on ladies faces permanently destroyed by the electric needle "ithont pain o'r scar; consultation free. Miss fjtreng, onice 43 Penn av. "PERGONAL Wall paper, from 5 cents up to i llncst grades Me lurnish estimates for one room, house, or row of houses: make contracts lor mpleted work. Shldle's. 4C3 smlthCeld st. IJEItsONAL A middle aged ladv. good lsbes to correspond ith a widower opsone means. AddressMrs. M. J. M.. General Delivery PostotSce, Fredonia, Chauta. Co., N. Y. PERSONAL Ladles, don't ruin your hair with curling tongs: have vou seen the Borden (patent) bang? It is unique and Is combed In with j ou own hair. For sale onlv at Room 201, Hamll-to- n building. 81 Fifth av. "PERSONAL W. E. Hamnett A Co.. the leading J real estate and Are Insurance Arm of Wllklns-Imr- g, take general charge of property: collect rents: attend to paying tares, etc; try us; we are reliable. Moncv loaned on mortgage. Have vou snneeribert lor your 3ERSONAL and periodicals Tor "K? If not, c me and sec us before doing so: itwIUpavjou: a -- o. 111 w and old books at reduced prices Frank B .eon i. Co., SOI Smltbtield su Open every even-ii- ? f jERsONAL Stop coughing? !I,O00 reward Tora J cae ot throat or lung trouble, last stages d. which cannot be relieved by aprojwrnse i Dr. X. Stone's Bronchial A afers: 25c a box at 1n.ggists. For sample send lCc to Stone Med. Co., Chicago, 111. JERSONAL MARRY Do you want to cor- respond 1 for pltasurc or marriage? Want a fife or husband rich or poor It so, get my v nmmoth matrimonial paper, containing nearly '! Mailed free. Gunnel's Monthly, 'J.led8. Ohio. Information wanted-Kitt- le, wire IIERM'NAL Gaven. iron worker, maiden name is ernestlv requested to send her address v. 1T brother-in-la- as there is important news Edward Logan," Congress st,, Lynn, 5: ass. Other papers please copy. ptEMVNAL M Louise Maguire, of New York. J has opened fashionable dressmaking parlors at -- :o Dinwiddle st.; she would be pleased to receive a all from ladies desiring drces made In New 1 rk style and finish, pcrlect fit guaranteed; goods li.roi-he- d or ladies' onn material made. V AL Inclose 25c in start ps and learn how toeieanaour carpets and restore lost color a-- ithout the trouble of taking up at an outlay of pervar- : tot additional 25c will send you'rec-ll- e to nmoe Jreckles. tan and pimples lii't to the skin. Address A. D. E., Dispatch c . J J LRSOVAL Ladies No medicine, no doctors' i htfis: vou can positft eiy cure yourself at home a female weaknee. lacial blemishes, and skl emitioi.: alo Increase the weight bvaslm-- T -- i.d absolutely harmless home treatment, by h.'kh thousands of women In this country and imve been made welt beautiful and happy: a w iwtenul dioverj. Send 2c for particulars to V's. Marv K. Buell, south Bend, lnd. 1 flNWAL- -Thorp's New York school of dress-- J making, established 1SS4 graduated 2.0 pupils: (n I'enn av., the largest school outside of New I this is the only place in Pittibiirgwhere ' ! - can learn the wliole. entire art of French m ng. making, draping, designing, tacking, flu-- !- ling and putting in whalebones in the French s 1. house wrapper,eveulngdrcsses: t?a gowns, wt stogie and double under-an- n pieces. French o ' ts. matching and jilaidsin all kinds of w ts. round skirts, Balilioo skirts. Belle skiits, collars, tulTs and 0 dlfle-en- t styles Ji s:cees. Mr Tliorp Is iiersonally prc-lii- lailcs so thevcan take )oltlons as cut- -t - tiaisf. cut and fitted. $3: walking suits cut ct d. Sued. 5: waist patterns, ?1. 1JER50AL-Trium- ph at last. For 26 Tears I with deafness caused bj fever. I have been treated by the mot celebrated specialists of the da-- Have ued Garmore's pateut ear OrHms." "Peck's cushioned ear drums," "Dr. Wales' sound discs. "Dr. Blodgetts also his "Frank ortz celebrated catarrh remedy for divifaess." I have tried the climate of Calllornia, Arizona and " Mexico, all tono efTect At last, almost iennltess and heart-sic- k. I resolved to trv tocuremvselt. after months of patient toil and mar.v disappointments I am rewarded. All those suffering lrom this greatest orall afflictions should send at once for a circul. M. i arncr. Lock Box 1J7, Erie, Pa. TiEESpXAL-Ne-w patints Issued January 28. X 1892. O. D. LeK i'atent Attornev. 131 "Fifth a,., next Leader Pittsburg. Pa.. United States and all foreign patents procured: John Bath, Lon- don, England, cash receipt checking apparatus: Benjamin J. CampbelL Altoona, churn motor: R. B canfield, Clearneld, Pa., nut lock; Thomas Col- lins, York. Pa., hay starker Amos E. Flncgan, M'erdale, la., door securer; Ludwig Gutman, Pittsburg. Pa., alternating current motor; W. D. Jones, Pittsburg, Pa., drilling tool: Tanl Krcbs, Jlerlin, Gennanv, receptacit for bread: Henry r, Mogudon. O.. potters' tool; Frank Oliver, t onom. Pa., oscillating steam engine: George J. J'arkerandCB Walker Trinidad, Cok, ore con- centrator: Frank C. Romnr. Toledo, o., steam generator; U. A. alke, Columbus. O., fountain p.n; Dunlevy Bros Pittsburg, Pa., trade mark lard. C. Y. baler, Toledo, p., umbrella support. FOUND OL"M)-Ho- tel Wilson. 10 st. Meals P c; try them: rooms, 50c up. and pants to order at 30 per cent IpOlTVD-Su- lts to clear out the 6tock. J.J.Aland. I 1 Filth a. prices on watche6 for February I'OL'ND-'-pec- ial 11- -k niled gold watches, with Elgin or V -- mum inoteninits, at J25, Ji cash and ?t per moiih: also redm-e- prlcis in diamonds, sain F. Siih. Dispatch bullalng. Open Saturday nights J.O-vt- . T o-f- small ledger; left in Irwin av. car J j V ednesda) evening, 27th. Return to C. A. Kenyon, 122 Taggartt Allegheny. A scltcr dog: color. light brown: name on TOST .rbhn Lanier. Liberal reward will be lid for to John Lauler, 3S01 Fifth av. leather music roll conuining sev- - )05T-3Ua- ck Aw, aritli name A. P. C. on Lincoln ai .. lewTeii bridge and sandy Creek road. I Inder it uld leave a!ne with Alvin J. Cvphers, near br.dpy. and e pav for their trouble. TAILORING. Correct Winter Suitings and Overcoatings j UU. & C 1', AHLERS, Merchant Tailors, ah U l&Dispiay advertisements one dollar per tjuare for one insertion. Classified real estate advertisements on this page ten cents per line for each insertion, and none taken for less than thirty cents. " UNTIL FURTIIEU NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the following headings will be ac- cepted at the rate of OXK CEXT PEK WORD FOR EACH INSERTION when pild for In ad- vance either at main or branch offices. Wanted Advertisements of all Kinds, SUCH AS SITUATIONS noons MALE HEXP, liOAISDING, ITVALE HELP, HOARDER. AGENTS, MISCELLANEOUS, rEKSONALS. TO LET ROOMS, MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALES, LOST AND FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE. Cor. Smllhfield and Diamond Street. ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCn OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WHERE WANT. TOR SALE. TO LET. AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOE INSERTION. Advertisements should be prepaid nnless adver- tisers already have accounts with THE DisrATcn. FOR ALLEGHENY. NO, 107 FEDERAL ST.. TELEPHOXE3621. FOR THE SOUTHSIDK. NO. 1412 CARSON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. BX2. FOR THE EAST END, J. W. WALLACE. C121 TENNAV. rrrTSBURG additioxal. THOMAS JIcCAFFREY, 3500 But'er street. KMIL G. STUCKEY. 24th street and Tenn avenue. ALLEGHENY-ADDITION- AL. T. n. EGGERS&SOX. Ohio and Chestnut streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwin avenues. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ays. WAITED. Blale Help. AP.Bnns' CALL Ail barbers who have entered r in the shaving tournament at Harry Davis' Museum, please call at museum at 2 P.M. Sunday. M anted A few more first-cl- shops represented In shavins contest commencing February 1. One who Is an expert on books BOOKKEEPER manufacturer, and can handle andhas an acquaintance with the trade: an practical hustler Is required by Business No. 1, Dispatch office. TUSINESS MANAGER Foraladvpubllereader: l those understanding tl.e business with good reference, address Reader, Dispatch office. ""lANVASSERS Salary to good men. Wheeler A V. Wilson Mfg. Co.. No. 6 Sixth st. TiRIVER For furniture wagon: must have ex- - nerience and live in Allegheny. Address Care, Dispatch office. Wanted experienced gardener to GARDENER of fruit and berrv farm; married man preferred: a good chance for a hustler: reTer-en- required. For particulars address II. T. W ilk Beaver. Pa. greatest seller out: household HUsTLEKS-F- or J5 to f 10 a day sure: agents have made V0 a day. Address Pcnn Manufacturing Co., Hnltoii, Pa, ANAGER-M- alc or female, capable of manag- ing corps of canvassers. Address immedi- ately, P. O. Box 519, city. WANTED Capable ordlreeting the build MAN of both blast and draughting puddle fur- naces in the East: must also lie able to run a puddle mill on the most approved and modern plans; must be n; work can be given for at least three or four months and mav lead to a permanent lob. Address, stating wages and references, to Box No, 80 , Dispatch office. "IV TAX WANTED-A- n active, intelligent man In nL each town to represent our new order, 'The Triennial League:" a grand three-vc- ar beneilt onler. with new features; good commission will ha paid the rleht man. Address C Newton Webster, Secretary. 1025 Arch St., Philadelphia. Ta. voung man to solicit and collect: se- curity required. Address A. P. C, Dispatch olticc. A few active, energetic men of character MEN ability tort present the best "old line" Insurance Companv; to such men a permanent ann lucrative position Is assured. II., Dispatch office. lnPennsyivania,Marvland MEN Wct Virginia bv a leaning building and loan association. G. W. Mason & Co., 43 -- lxth av. (5) or good appearance can make f3to$5 dallv. with chance of promotion to workers. 127 Fifth av., second floor. Middle-age- d man preferred: PHOTOGRAPHER guaranteed. Address Box 157, Pittsburg P. O. at Harry BcalUs saloon. Call PIANOPLAYER C7. Bellaire. O Sheet steel roller on black plate, used IMJLLER gauges over No. 30: Staffordshire men preferred: also want a Jenkins annealer who un- derstands pickling thin sheets: give full particulars, references and wages expected. Address Steel, box 672, New York. SALESMEN To sell bv sample our money order retail merchants: $200 a month In It for live salesmen; previous experience not neces-sar- v. Address with stamp. Merchants Money Order Company. Cincinnati, O. 5 ALESMEN To sell the "Little Giant" Burglar t Proof Door Fastener: carried in vest pocket: send ten stamns for sample. Nat'I M'f Co.. 31S Francis St.. St. Joseph, Mo.. U. S. A. SALESMEN Everywhere for our superior white letters and door plates: samples ab- solutely free: send stamp. Bcllcfontalne Manu- facturing Company. Cincinnati. Salirv and expenses from start: permanent business: good opening for right partv. Brown Bros. Co., Nurserymen. Rochester, N. Y. For iron and steel house: good SALESMAN first-cla- ss man. Address H. M. E.. Dispatch office. SALESMAN To sell cigars: experience required; at 1021 Carson St.. S. 8., city. SALESMAN Clothing salesman. Apply Monday M. 301 Market St., side entrance. at Ed's Steam Laundry, 444 1 Liberty st. "VOUNG MEN-(6)-RI- ght away, to get a three J mouths' Instruction in shorthand and type- writing for tjlu, at the Actnal Business College, 5 and? sixth av. Day and night school. "TOUNG MEN Intelligent young men for ean-- 1. vasslng: steady position, good wages. Inter-ration- 3 Fifth ave. Ajrents ITanreu. On salary or commission to AGFXTS patent chemical Ink erasing pencil: the greatest selling novelty ever produced: erases ink thoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion ot yapcr: 200 to 00 per cent profit: one agent's sales amounted to In f1t davs: another J21ntwo lours: we want one energetic general agent for eacustate andTerritory, ForterasanUruD particu- lars, "address Hie Monroe Eraser Jirg, Co., La Crosse. is. (XI?). Mineral Wlcks give a AGENTS-Evcrlasti- ng ti gas. require no trimming and never burn out: they don't make a black smoke to discolor the chimnev; four samples bvmaiL 15c: sell at 10c each. Trank Schwartz. Wisconsin, writes: "I took 300 orders vestcrdav afternoon: lliev sell at sight." E & W. O'Donncll, 2203 Christian St., Philadelphia. Pa. Male and female, wanted everywhere: AGENTS seller: absolutely new; exclusive territory! no talking: profits Immense and success a certainty. Abbott Mfg. Co.. Springfield, O. can make 2 50 to $3 03 In two hours AGEXTS time; send 30 cents forsamples and com- mence at once. Favorite, 20i Market sL A competent, experienced tea and AGEXT agent. Call at J. F. Kenzlg'a, 33 Spring Garden avenue. Allegheny File, energetic over ?0: steady em- ployment: good pay. Robt. K. McCormlck, Gen'IMgr.. 135Hrtli ar. to make big money selling our carriage, AGEXTS and wagon heaters. Specialty Co.. 420 Smlthfield st. In every town to sell teas and coffeest AGEXTS week to a good man. Favorite, 203 Market st. f3 to $7 daily: experience unnecessary Putnam A Co.. Perfumers. West Wlnstcd.Ct. Dr. O'Kecfc&Co. 70S Smllhfield St., J. Fittsbnrg. Ta. Hoarders and Lodcers Wanted. and lodgers wanted: best meals In BOARDERS rooms. 50c up. Hotel Wilson, 10 Sinithfield St. 21 meals f3 50; six 1. 148 Third ave., MEALERS postofflce. One or two gentlemen for large OCCUPANTS front room, newly furnished, In private family; four squares from Court House. Address N. F., Dispatch office. Two gentlemen for large OCCUPANTS slorv room: both gases: board in private fainllv: ten minutes' walk lrom postofflct; terms reasonable, 22 Chestnut St.. corner Forbes. for two nicely, furnished rooms OCCUPANTS In private family, most desirable location in Eatt End. Address 620) Walnut st.. East End. Gentlemen for furnished room, OCCUPANTS facing parks; terms moderate. Address T. M., Dispatch office. for rooms furnished and 0CCUPAXT3 parts of city. Morris & Alsbitt, 78 Diamond st. , for furnished front room, second OCCUPANTS gases and bath. 201 Federal St., Allegheny. lor second-stor- y front room OCCUPANTS av. YiTANTED-Lodge- rs. Anchor Hotel. Liberty. If cor. Fourth: lodging per night, 25C, 3Sc 60c; per week, f 1 25. l 75, fz, 3. Real Estate Wanted. Furnished or partly furnished WANTED over ten rooms; 20 minutes from postofflce. Address II. II., Dispatch omce, V ' THE- - PITTSBURG, DISPATCH, SUNDAY, JANUARY - 81. 1892, 11 WANTED. Female Help Wanted. C100K 'WANTEn A first-cla- ss German cook; wages. At ffl Beech St., Allegheny, Pa. CIOOK Apply to Jlrs. James McKay, third house Moorvrood av, from Ellsworth av. ESIALE COOK for restaurant. 54 Tenth st. IF CIRLS Experienced laundry girls. Paris Lann Co., 99 to 101 Hemlock St., Allegheny. -- Good girl for general housework; small family. Call at No. 27 Firth St., Pittsburg. GIRL To sew In book bindery. MacKcnzicDavls Co.. Printers. M Diamond st. For housework; good wages. 3339 Forbes, nearllalketst., Oakland. IRL for general housework at 199 Sandusky St., G! Aiiegneny. H OUSE GIRLS 200 house girls, cooks, chamber maids, waitresses. 16 Third si., Allegheny. IADIES to do fancy work at their homes: wa material and pay by the piece. Call and see work, or address wl ill stamp, J. M. Lcmar & Co., 90 Fourth av., near Wood. IADY Young, refined and smart lady Jtossessed judgment: one who actually f in need of a pcrmaueut position with responsible partv to travel: all exoenses advanced; an otphan pre- ferred. Address, giving full name, residence and reference: noserants or lanndrv girls need ap-pl- y. N. X. Dispatch office. LADY For good position; no selling; fair salary. Monday, 4JS Sixth St., Wlllcox A Glbbss.M. Co. T ADY For lucrative emplovnient, handling Xl Derma Royale. Call 414 smlthHcld. "IVrll'LlNER Must be first-cla- ss Etalo terms. JJX. rite to Sonnebom & Co, Bedalrc, O. "VTURSE GIRL A good nurse girl (German pre--1 rerred) for child. Apply at 149 Sheffield st. "VPERATOR on Bhlrt-lroni- machine at Ed's o Steam Laundry, 414 Liberty st. SALESLADY Middle-age- d American, possessed and willing when necessary to make short trips. Mu-- t begin Immedlatelv. 59 weeklv; city reference. Apply Monday after 10. J. H. Roberts 6 Seventh ave. Male nncl Female Help Wanted. LADIES and gentlemen to fit themselves for positions iv taking a course In bookkeeping or shorthand and typewriting at the Actual iuslness College, 5 and 7 Sixth av. Day and night school now open; terms low. " TEN AND WOMEN at once; SSSto taOmonth-1- lv. J. B. Campbell, President, 218 La balls St., Chicago nrr COALMIVER3. 5M laborers. 5 waiters, 10 0J female cooks, male cooks, dishwashers, J butchers, teamsters. Keystone Agency, 610 Grant street, Situations Wanted. IT'MPLOYMENT By ayourg roan of honest character; good address: age 21; capable of lillinga position of responsibility; would liko a chance to learn a manufacturing busi- ness or some kind: Lave had six i ears' experience as retail grocery clerk behind the counter: refer- ence exchanged. Address R. E., Dispatch office. 1 EMPLOYMENT hr thorough bookkeeper and a experienced business man: steady and willing in any rapacity: $7 per week; city or country. Address W. Dispatch office. I7MPLO l MENT-Clerl- cal or other light for afternoons onlv; best of references furnished. Address Mack, Dispatch office. POSITION An intelligent aoung lady who French, German and English and teaches music wishes position as governess In or out of cltv; best of city references. Address E.H., 201 Western a v.. Allegheny. POSITION A clerical position wanted by a of eight years' experience in book- keeping, stenography and general office work: past experience In the Iron business. Address W. 14, Dispatch office. i Br an expert mechanic as foreman or superintendent; understands rolling mill and engine work; best of reicrenees. Address Ap- plicant, Dispatch office. POSITIOX Inmuiic store by a ladv: good and piano), speaks English and French: understands German and Italian. R. C, Dispatch office. POSITIOX To take charge of re1 or firebrick 15 years' experience: thoroughly com- petent; best references. Address Brick, Dispatch office. POSITION As watchman: can give best of and bond. Address J. L. G.. care of Charles Beaher, No. 31X Penn av., Pittsburg. Pa. POSITION as watchman: can give references Address W. S., care of Mr. Kane, corner Forty-eigh- th and Butler streets. "POSITIOX By experienced stenographer, also r bookkeeper: best reference. Aiiaress sicno.. 95 Chestnut sit,, Allegheny. 130STTION As relief clerk by rcg. mang. or reierence given. Address Relief. Dispatch office. POSITIOX By a young ladv as copyist and Address L., Dispatch office, Alle- gheny. . . POSITION lo clean offices by a woman; can give Address R, 2, Dispatch of- fice. POSITION As managing housekeeper by widow H. M Dispatch office. SITUATION Br young man stenographer successful years' experience; also knowledge of telegraphy "and bookkeeping. Ad- dress Reliable. Dispatch office. SITUATION Ladv would like position Tor 14 In Protestant family; best refer- ence given. Address for 2 w eeks, JI. A. Dispatch office. SITUATION In drugstore, by young man 18 has had over two rears' experience; reference glten. H.O. Danncr.Xcw Brighton,l'a. SITUATION WANTED-- A place as a male nnrse companion. Address till Feb- ruary 2, Nnrse, 4S43 Fifth av., Pittsburg. E. E. SITUATION -- By competent ladT stenographer best references given. Address S., Box 17. WoodviUe, Pa. SITUATION By experienced ladv stenographer Adnrey L., Dispateh office. Easiness Opportunities Wanted. WANTED A party with capital to loin In establishing a model foundry; hav- ing had 20 years' experience, will place time and experience with capital for an interest in the busi- ness. Address for interview Model Foundry, Dis- patch office. WANTED An opportunity for a hustler, who J4CO. to buy outright a patented de- vice suitable for light manufacturing, or can he manufactured bv contract: profits large, with good field for operation. P. O. box 155, Ford Citr, Pa. "I7"ANTED-M- an with SW0 can bur a secret pro-- II cess to manufacture and sell In Western Pennsylrania a product In daily use by erery man, woman and child; profits targe and sure. Address G. C. Dispatch office. "TtrANTED-Go- od man for brancli of Chicago 11 compan) ; $125 per month salary and all ex- penses paid; must Invest $1,510 In stock of goods. Jar II. Johnson, C05 Home Insurance Building, Chicago. r "T7"ANTED-- A physician to locate at Penn sta-- V tlon, 25 miles fiom Pittsburg, on P, R. R ; good opening for right man. Address F. M. Wanrock, Pcnn station. "T7"ANTED-MAN-- An active man with $500 to 1 take an interest In a neat, profitable business; ciu have full control of finances. Address D. C, Dispatch office. Room Wanted. "VITANTED-Unfumlsh- od front room In Alle- - IT ghenv: central location; references ex changed; rentinust be moderate. Address B. Y, C, Dispatch office. "TTTANTED Room: gentleman wants nicely i furnished room In block or dwelling down town: one with bath convenient preferred. ss A. K. A., Dispatch price. tTTAjsTED Pleasant room and board for lady. 11 quiet and retired; answer before 3 to-d- where room may be seen. V. II., Dispatch office. "Snlte of parlors, first floor, suitable ror phjsician's office: must be central: fur- nished preferred. Address M. B., Dispatch office. XI7"ANTED,ooms-"- T brother and sister, un- -t furnished rooms In East End for light house- keeping. Address B. it S., Dispatch office. "ITT ANTED-- A neatly furnished room within six t blocks of the Anderson Hotel by a single gentleman. Answer to Z. Z., Dispatch office. Miscellaneons Wanted. TjiLECTRO'gold plating done on all kinds ol lew-- Jj clrr lu roman; 14 and lSk plating. II. J. Huhn, 90 Fourth av., Pittsburg, Pa. GROCERS to buy Allegheny Dairy schmler kaesej the people. Wholesale by Baxter A Ren ton. No. 619 Liberty ar. PAINTING and plateglas glazing. R. C. Miller, St., Pittsburg. haring Gllhooley Etchings' file klnklv communicate to Mrs. W. W. Clark, 47 Twelfth St., Pittsburg, Pa. 1 PATENTS O. D. Lcris (20 years). Solicitor, ill Fifth av nextLeader. Pittsburg; no delay. rpRUNKs named ta and from East End ror 50c. J Campbell A Davis, 12 Seventh ar. Telephone WANTED Offices near business center: would taking offices with phvsiclan or dentist, or using reception room: no goods dis- played. Address Graduate Optician, Dispatch office. m WANTED Evervbodr to know that Pickering, furnisher, will sell $10 worth of goods on credit for $1 down and 50c a week. Pick- ering, corner Tenth and Penn ar WANTED-Second-ha- nd engine and boiler, p., to rent for fix months, or would Surchase outright if a big bargain. Apply P. O. 202, Pittsburg. WANTED Good one horse wagon; firth wheel wagon from 1,250 to 1,358 pounds: state lowest price. Wui. Burns. 181 Forty-thir- d street. YoiT to order vonr rubber stamps, steel stamps, stencils, seal presses, etc., at cueaier a. eu, s, wi iiiu av. WANTED To buy a size double bass viol; for cash. Address, Box 118, Earns City. Pa. WEARERS of spectacles to buy the best $1 steel gold spectacles ana eye classes yet. offered orW. L. Trleber, practical optician, at ovuacier ijcitcuj Biurc, aeufiuuBV. W. ANT1 Instruction. iliu, uciiiiiniiaiiip ui Bliorniauu II successfullr taught by mall; scholarship for either course. Pittsburg Correspondence Business College, Postofflce Box 3t9. LADIES taught dressmaking and cutting: no scales or machines: Boner's true merch- ant-tailor system. Call or write 930 Penn av. "PRIVATE LESSONS in German and French, X Berlitz method, by George Hoeppner, 93 Westlnghouse bldg. PUPILS for small night class in German, Latin reasonable rates; careful Address Teacher, Dispatch office, Alle- gheny PUPILS Vocal teacher (pupil of distinguished masters) seeks pupils. L. X., Dis- patch office. y'OUNG L ADIES-(- 6) rlfrtit away; to get a Instruction iu shorthand and type writing for 110, at lljc Actual Business College, 5 and 7 Sixth av. ; day and night school. Financial VI ahtea. stocks, mortgages and other securities, Ed Wlttlsh, 410Gtantst., Pittsburg. TO LOAN We have moncv to loan a MONEY current interest on city and suburban property; also on improved farms in Allegheny, Beaver. Fayette, Washington and Westmoreland counties: also on marketable stock and bonds. Black &, Balrd, 95 Fourth ar. for Western investments at 8 per cent: security absolute: the fullest investigation solicited. G. W. Mason & Co.. 43 Sixth ave. MOXEY To loan in large or small amounts on cltv or Allegheny property. Mortimer Starling, Room 34, 103 Fourth ar. to loan at lowest rates on Improved etty and suburban property. M. F. Hippie & Co., 90 Fourth av. 11 MORTGAGES Moncv to loan in sums to suit at ill 4f ,5 and S per cent. Robert G. Bailey, Hi Fourth av. 1 elephone 131)1. ESTATE brokers requiring deed", I mortgages, or transcribing of any description done with promptness and accuracy please call on me: terms moderate. Mortimer Starling, Room 31, 103 Fourth ar. TV anted Partner. 1300 will buy a secret process to manufacture and sell In Western Pennsylvania a product in dally by every man, woman and child; profits large and sure. Address, G. C, Dis- patch office. PARTNER-Acti- ve joung man with 81,000 to go paving business: adiertlter has same amount: business stilctlv legitimate and profitable. Address Bell Bell, Dispatch office. PARTXER Responsible party with capital as wllh advertiser, w ho has unlimited ex- perience In general contracting bnsluess, Ad- dress Stone, Dispatch office. PARTXER-Acqnilnt- cd with advertising 000 cash in entire novel enter- prise: splendid investment; entirely bona fide. Address Novelty, city. PARTNER A party to take a third Interest In paying business; 11,00 J required. Ad- dress Genuine. Dispatch office. PARTNER-Wi- th ?500 to fS.000 readvmoney, to a first-cla- ss paving business. ss Confidential, Dispatch office. PARTNER, with M,O0O: (Stablished business: Address Business. Dispatch office. Permanent Gnests Wanted. LOOK New proprietor, new steward, new chef, the best: rooms clean, large and airy; large porches, beautiful lairu, and special induce- ments to permanent guests: all these and much more, if yon will onlv call and see for yourselves. East End Hotel, Pcnn av.. East End, near Dennis-to- n av., on line of electric cars and onlv five minutes' walk from East Liberty station, Penn. R. R. Fire Insurance WanteC BENSWAXGER & ZAHN Fire insurance, fC T.I T. SCHAFFNER. real estate agent. Insur-- mice placed at lowest rates; 72 Washington av.. Thirty-fir- st ward. . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Musical Instruments. 1?OR SALE Three-ped- al Linnie piano: best and in mnrUet; great bargains this week. Carl Linn, 35 Federal St., Allegheny. Horses. Vehicles, Llvo Stock For Sale. Fine family cow and calf; high graded J Hulstein and Jersev, 5 years old, at 4329 Torley St., Sixteenth ward. Van Essen. HORSE Harness and covered spring wagon, all order. $185. if sold by Tuesday. Inqutic23 Federal St., Allegheny. HORSE A good family horse cheap for want of Apply to William Loefflcr, lfs First a enue. f MARE A brown mare, 6 years old: perfectly 15.3 hanls high: thoroughly broken: fearless of steam: will stand without tying: perfect road marc: will guarantee to be 2:40; Is highly bred; issiredbyDoble, Doble by Alrextou, first dam o. he by Richmond; will sell at a sacrifice price; call and see her. 149 Forbes St., Pittsburg. "Y7"AGOXS and carts or all descriptions for sale; II new and second hand. Pittsburg Wagon Works, No. 330 Second ave. ; telephone 1S70. TTTAGONS All sizes and styles in stock, mann- - ractnred bv II. Lange A Co., 147 to 151 Water st. Telephone, 1790. Machinery and Metals For Sale. rIOlLERS and engines, second-han- d: all sires, to 100 h. p. : cheapest f n the market; 43 boilers and engines In stock, stationary and porta- ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc.; steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting. Telephone 3101, 23-- 5 Park way. J. S. Young, Allegheny, Pa, Two boilers, almost new. 46Inch diameter, 20 feet long, two flues, with drums andall fittings complete: also a James Rccs automatic engine, 10x12, used three months, a bar- gain to a prompt purchaser. Apply to schuette& Co., Eighteenth and ilary sts.. S. S. ITINGINE for sale A 2" to 8 horse-pow- er nprlght and boiler: a bargain. Address the Local News, Homestead, Pa. Coal For Sale. COAL Best Yougliioghenr gas coal, anthracite and Connellsrille crnshed coke: weight positively guaranteed. Iron City Coal Co., Ltd., float below sixth st, bridge, "Pittsburg side. Phone 2005. Anthracite and bituminous coal and crushed coke for domestic purposes; general hanllng. Latimer, Myers Co., Fourth and Trv sts. and Thirtieth and Liberty sts. " Mlsredlaneons for Sale. OUTFIT-F- or sale, consisting of Johnston engine, drllb, etc., automatic pIuggerB. etc, etc. Will he sold cheap to close an estate. Address S, Postoffiei Box 363, city. TX)ll SALE Very cheap for want of use one j uuiioio wararoDc. Aaarcss wardrobe, Dis. patch office. 100, OOO old brick. Corner McKce place and lUIlK'SBI., UaKUllU, . FOR SALE KtoSINESS. Business Opportunities. BARBER SHOP Finely furnished, four chairs, trade: death reason far selling: gro- cery stores, $300 to $3,000; llvcrv business lor sale or exchange; country stores, cigar stores, bakery at a bargalu. Perclval A Gaston, 439 Grant st. BOARDING HOUSE-Shadys- ide: fine bold of one of the best boarding houses in Shadyslde: rooms full or No. 1 cash people: satisfactory reason for change. Address W. J. D Dispatch office. CHEAP A good long established milk route, ten horse aad wagon, and everything per- taining thereto; old age of the present owner is the reason forsclllng. Inquire oiW. F. Schade, 315 Wood St., cor. Fourth av. CIGAR STORE In central location; good trade; rent. Sloan A Co.. No. 127 Fourth av. DRUG STORE Good location: Invoices $1,700: cheap. S. Dawes, administrator. Ad- dress II. L. King, 437 Grant st. TiRUGSTORE--In city: a rare bargain. If sold at XJ once. Address C. P., Dispatch office. I ELEGANT grocery store in town of 10.000 in-- J habitants, doing large cash business; easy terms to good party: fine restaurant; llrery stable; will exchange ror real estate; Jewelry store, bak- ery, milk route, fish and oyster market, novelty store. Holmes & Co.. 42a Smlthfield st. AND PRODUCE BUSINESS-Thrl- fty wholesale buslncsstgood reason from present owner. Address Produce, Dispatch office. GENERAL STORES-Sl.O- OO tofJ10.400. drug, quceusware, boot and shoe, hat and cap and furnishing goods, confectioneries, tea and Jewelry stores, one drygoods. furnishing goods and notion store (the old established lleehive stand at No. S3 Wylie ar.), hotels, boarding houses, livery business, brick; works, sand busi- ness. Job printing press and business, one-ha- lf in a weekly newspaper, real estate business, meat ol business, coal business, ore mining busi- ness. Re creain manufacturing, bakeries, partner- ship Interests in several paring business; at Cham- bers' Business Agency, 102 Fourth ar., Iloom 6. GROCERY STORE-Establls- hed 14. years, location: business good; good reasons for selling; elegant chance to right party: will be sold cheap if sold soon. Address G. G., Dispatch office. " With large trade, elegant room, op- posite Court House; finest room In city; nice fresh Stock; inrolce f2,3U0; making large profits r rare opening. Address 0. 11. Folsom, Lima, O. GROCERY Small grocery, stock about SL.000; Iu the East End. Inquire A. Ooeddel. No. 109 Collins ar,, E. E. HARDWARE STORE Flrst-class-- In one of the in Western Pennsylrania; splen- did chance lor Hi c man. Address Hardware, Dis- patch office, Pittsburg, Pi HATand men's furnishing business; good stand town or 3.1,000; stock and fixtures about $7. MO: terms strictly cash; a fine paying bus- iness established 10 years, owner retiring from business. Address Spot Cath.DHpatch office. HAT and furnishing goods stock, fixtures and excellent location, old stand; to the right party, this Is a good purchase: half cash, bal- ance secured. Address Hat. Dispatch office. PAPER BOOf over 600 dally and Sundar naners In a good lire town of fl, 000 Inhabitants: route clean over 120 per week; ,rood opening for a first-cla- ss bookstore. Address i.oc dox uv, lOTincujTuie, a1 ayene lo,, la. FOR SALE BUSLVESS. Business Opportunities For Sale. HOTEL FURNITURE AND LEASE-Wl- th trade: fine new brick hons. with some 40 rooms furnished throughout with new modern furniture, fine new bar fixtures, billiard tables, etc., in 6plendld location in this growing city: price ?.00C: cheap rent and long lease; rare chance. Address C. II. Folsom, Lima, O. BUSJNESs"mnbest business street in Allegheny: reason for selling, in other business. Address J. K. B. Dispatch office. TEWELRYVroRK Established 12 jears: rood if location: good run repairing. Address E. Ring, Dispatch office. LAUNDRY and djelng establishment on Al'ogheny: boiler, machinery etc., horse and wagon and die stuffs; pood chance for the right man: established trade. Inquire of Charles Nees, 173 and 233 Beaver ave., Allegheny; rent cheap and good reasons ror selling. MILLINERY and notion store: live, growing 8.000; good established trade; best location In the cltv; satisfactory reasons for sell- ing. Address 63 East Main St., Sal, O, Interest In an old establts hed rea estate and Insurance nnslness; will bear In- spection. Address Real. Dispatch office. PITTSBURG STAR RESTAURAXT, McDonald Call or address A. T. B 173 i ederal St., Allegheny. PLUMBING SHOP-Flxtu- res. long lease and of first-cla- ss plumbing shop doing good business; good reasons for suiting. Address M. M.. Dispatch office. SALOON A and centrally located and restatiratit doing a good business; fixtures new and stylish; a good opportunity for a live and energetic man. Address Ohio Volks Zei-tu- Co., Canton, O. SALOON and rcst.aiirant.flne stand In Canton, O.; owner engaged In other business. In- quire 2600 Josephine St., s. S.. Dttsburg. SHOE store on Maiu st., centrally located, stock $3, 000. business about 10.000 ajeamery profitable, owner must sell: Investigate. Address W ., Dispatch office. of every class in city and country towns; business chances ot e'verj description: partner- ships, bonds and mortgages and stocks at Chambers' Business Agency, 102 Fourth av., room 6, rjinE leading clothing house in a 1 irgc manufact- -l urlng town; easy terms to right party. Holmes & Co., 420 Smith 0 eld st. Basinet, Properties For Sale. LEASEHOLII-Ofo- ne or the best businessstands three-stor- y brick. CO feet front by 40 feet deep, on lot 60 feet by 100 feet; at present, as for the past 15 j ears, occupied bv manufacturing establishment which desires more room; engine and boiler Included If desired. Address B. B. K.. Dispatch office. rruin property now occupied by Crnlckshank X Bros., fronting SO feet on Pennsylvania ar., extending back 10.1 jeet to allev: this property Is located on Peunsvlvania ar., between railroad and Fremont st., Allegheny; the property is valuable, but must be sold, even at a sacrifice, owieg to owner leaving city: easy terms. Geo. Johnston. Agent. 62 Fourth ar. TOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE City Residences. AN old established physician's residence, Butler street, Lawrencevllle, an elegant pressed brick dwelling: 10 rooms; bath; h. and c. water; w. c. : lanndrv. etc.: carriage house on rear of lot; d cash, balance easy, as owner la very analons to sell: moving to California. Samuel W. Black A Co., 99 Fourth avenue. F OK SALE-HILL- HOUSE- S- 81,000 Frame house. 3 room, noward ar. I1,0 Cottage house, Sroums, Wade St. 11,45ft Frame house, 3 rooms. Industry St. $1,650 Frame house, 4 rooms. Climax st. $1.700 Frame house, 4 rooms. McLalnav. 12,000 New frame house. 4 rooms. McLaln av. $2,000 Cottage house, 4 rooms. Excelsior st. Terms vcrv easy. Call or ad lres E.T. Schaffner, No. 72 Washington av., Thirtv-tlrstwar- d, S. S. WYLIE AV. Brick bouse of 8 rooms and 4 rooms: lot 60x160 feet; this prop- erty can be bought at a bargain and easy terms. Geo. Johnston, Agent, 62 Fourth av. CQ 100 No. 270 Main St., Seventeenth ward. tlPO. lot 28KxI10x37 feet, with an elegant brick dwelling of hall, yestibuie. ten rooms, attic and nam; an monern conveniences: terms to suit: owner going South Is the reason for selling, see Thos. McCaffrey. 3509 Butler st. Sr7 fTArj Will buy a substantial house of nine u) I yfJJJ rooms, desiribly located on Center caenuc. near Illuwlddie St., Pittsburg. W. C. Stewart, No. 137 Fourth av. T, t ?An .. ...... S. S.. a nice two-sto- u5t: nine-roo- m brick dwplllfic. drnhle Tvarlnr. hall, bath and all conveniences. Ham.iel W. Rl.aelr & Co., 99 Fourth av. Cp: fii"lfl Will buy a substantial brick dwelling wijuvu or eight rooms on Msnon st, Sixth warn. Pittsburg, W. C. Stewart. No. 137 Fourth arenue. East End Residences For Sale. A LTOGETHER erroneous is the Idea that A you cannot bur a good house on paved street with eiEht rooms, hath, laundry, sewer, chande- liers, electric light, and all the odds and ends a woman wants in a house ror less than $10 COO.i We hareaneat. new. clean house like this for 0,500, and very glad to take yon to see it. Don't expect a half acre lot: it ain't there, but the house is, and lot Is fair size and location excellent. (A 431.) Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth av. A NEW modern house of nine rooms, close to North Highland av.: price $5,800; easy terms. Kelly A Rogers. 6216 Tenn av E. E. DWELLINGS-O- n all the principal streets in the fine dwellings, ranging In price from $i0f0 to $5",0l0: money to loan; call and see us. Kelly A Rogers, 6216 Penn av E. E. IAST END $1,700: $20 per month after payment or$3D0, a new nine-roo- m frame, two squares from North Highland electric cars, a few steps from one of the finest concrete paved streets of the East End; wide, pleasant street, with fjood sidewalk to door: Immediate possctslon: this house of good appearance, ulth complete modern conveniences, 20 feet back from street on nice-lyin- g, lot: large wide halls with banisters to third floor: large rooms throughout: pantry 6x12: gas for fuel, elegant combination fix- tures; both gases and electric light on street; single light windows, with art glass on first and second story front: drep clothes presses: evervtlilng in keeDlng: bath, stationary wash stand, inside w.c, electric bells, laundry, dry cellar, etc: : do not lease again: the rent you would pay Tor such a home would meet payments ofboth principal and Interest or this desirable ntopertv. John F. Sweeny (for- merly Burtt A Sweeny), )10 Fourth ar. SALE InTcstment Brand l.ew frame honse of nine large rooms, equipped with all modern concnIences,including combination chan- - aeiicrs. range, etc., ann is nicely papered and grained throughout: excellent neighborhood, handy to traction cars: terms, $1,000 down and $10 per month, including interest: this property Is offered at a rare bargain, only $1,700, and can he rented for a terra or years at$40 permonth. which will make the paj ments: if you are looking for a home or an Investment, don't fall to see this. (108), See Baker A Co., 6227 Pcnn av., E, E. ST.. Belleflcld, between Fifth ay. and Forbes St., one minute from either car line, two new frame houses of eight rooms each, bathrooms, laundries, inside w. c, hot and cold water, china closets, both gases: good cellars and well sewered: front and back porches: houses well built, with all modern conveniences; can be bought at a bargain either separate or together, Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth av. SALE $4.000 New frame house of eight rooms, on an asphalt pared street, within oue square of electric cars and two squares Peun are- nue cable; has two porches, cemented cellar, in- side shutters, sliding doors, slate mantels, range, bath complete with porrclaln tub, both gases, wired for electric light, etc.: this property Is situated in a very nice neighborhood, and is well finished and conveniently arranged throughout; this is a bar- gain. See Baker A Co., 6227 Penn ar., E. E. SEVEN-ROO- house, new and modern, on paved close to station and all lines of trarcl; only $5,000. Kelly A Rogers, 6216 Penn av.. E. E. SHERIDAN AV near Station st., a decided new brick house 11 rooms, all modern Improvements; $9,000; terms reasonable: A, Goed-de- l, 109 Collins ar., E. E. OTANTON AV near North Hlland ar., two-- O story Queen Anne brick, ori2 rooms; all mod- ern conrenlences: handsomelr papered : this prop- erty is worthy or Inspection. Baxter, Thompson A Co.. 162 Fourth av. 52,1 400 A new frame house of eight rooms iDrxj and finished attic, nail, vestibule, handral stairs, inside shutters, sliding doors. Blate mantels, 1 range, bath, hot and cold water, artificial and natural gases, front and back porches, lot 25x10") on Niagara St., near Craft arc. : also two frame houses on Alleqntppa st., one $4.3X lot 30x160 and one at $l,ooo, lot 30x150. William H. Borman, 401 ForDcs st. Cgf 500 New brick house, very convenient loca-tP- tion in East Liberty, 10 rooms, bath, pantry, restlbulc, hardwood and slate mantels, tile hearths, plate glass front, rango and furnace. Slurry 4 Edsall, Fidelitr.Buildlng, 121 Fourth ar. (JjO OOO For sale or to let, same as rent, new tjpZij house, sit rooms; 318 Matilda st.; 8 minutes cable and electric cars; dry cellar; waterln kitchen: slate mantel, etc. . B. Meanor, 5920 Center ar opposite Euclid, E. E. L5fi fififi'lTm bnT large, new, substantia rJ)OL')JUU and attractlre dwelling, desirably located in anaorsiae, on a pared and 6ewered ave- nue: lot 150x200 feet. W. C. Stewart, No. 137 Fourth ar. 400 New frame house 5 rooms, attic, hall. . nam. nantrr. slate ronr nnrl mnntl. ola. trie bells; Hastings st.: 12.400: 500 cash, baL to suit. A. Gocddel, lffJ Collins av E. E. to! 400-- On easy payments, 300 cash, bal. L, monthly, a new- - frame honse three rooms, cellar, nnrclics; near Lincoln ar. bridge. A. Goeddel. Ko. 109 Collins ar.. E. E. 1 A Kf'"mb'a'r new and elegant house of IDJU3Jv7l-f- . 12 rooms, located In Shad)lde; nothing better on the market for the mone). V. 0. Stewart. No. 137 Fourth av. CgQ Knnril,bnyanowstone frontjionse of S)OjiJJ J nine rooms. located on Stanton ave- nue, near Hlland arenue. East End, W. C. Stew- art, No. V7 Fourth arenue. Sit! 1 E((-W- '1 DT ,ew' ana enbstantlai brick dwelling of 12 rooms, located In Shad-sid- e. W. C. Stewart, No. 137 Fourth av. 400 New frame house six rooms, attic. )s cellar: lot 23XUO; Mayflower st. A. Goeddel, o. 109 Collins ar., E. E. Uiesheny KeBtaences For (Sale. CORNER PREBLE AV, and Hanover St.. lot 72x120 feet to railroad, with all tile Improvements; mutt be sold at once to wind up the affairs of a corporation: the location is good, the price 1 low. the term easr. Geo. Jolmston. Agent. 62 Fonrth ay., Pittsburg. HOUSE of six rooms and attic, N6. 52 it. i price S3, 600. Inquire No. CO EsJU- - ..wwv J-- , m . -- s.. FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE A Ile-he- nv Residences! For .Sale. RESIDENCE In Allegheny City: the most desirable residence In Allegheny City for the price: 11 rooms with all the modern improrements of the best kind: is a rare opportunity to get so very desirable residence at 'so good terms and low price. C. H. Love, 93 Fourth av. SHEFFIELD ST. Fine residence; three-stor- y 2 bathrooms, washhouse and all conveniences: lot 20x133 feet, to iother street: terms very reasonable to a quick buyer: this is a fino rcsldeuco and a good location. Samuel W. Black A Co.. 99 Fonrth ar. SHEFFIELD ST. Two-sto- mansard, hrick. 8 conveniences, handsomely papered; low price. ' Baxter, Thompson 4 Co., 162 Fourth avenue. ency 700-Char- les st.. Allegheny, on line of W Pleasant Valley road, a frame nweiung: Immediate possession; easy terms, George Schmidt, 157 Fourth av. Subnrrran Residence For Sals. TTrrLKlNSBUnO and Brushton, several nice it little home's ranging in prleo fromf2,800 to H.000- - Geo. Johnston. 62 Fourth ar. KNOXVILLE. F OR SALE-SO- BEAUTIFUL nOMES- - One brick house, two lots. Orchard Place, M.TO0. One brick house, one lot, paved street, $1,3V Two brick houses lots 37MX10O each. Orchard Place, $3,750. One frame house, one lot, paved street, 83.000. . OneS-roo- m frame honse, ouelof, pived street, $2,700. One5-roo- brick house, two lots, pared street, R230. One brick house, one lot, pared street. Five frame houses, paved street, each $1.8C0. Tvclve brick houses, pared streets, each $2,300. Seven brick honscs. very pretty. $2,700. Eight brick cottages, one lot, each$l,700. Any of the abore lorelv homes in this greatly favored citv of beautiful homes will be sold on terms to suit buvers. BUILDING LOTS-a- of the most beantlfnl build- ing lots to lie found in the eounty are offered at prlccsmnch less than propertv having similarly attractive features e.m be had" for. TheP. A B. Traction will have their new clectrlcrallwarln operation through the center oftbe IwrouglPby Mayl next. This will giro a wonderful Impetus to values, and those who secure any of the above properties or a lot will be fortunate. TO LET A number of 3. 4. 5 and honses at moderate rents to good paying tenants. None others need annlv. Take any of the Southslde street cars. KNOXVILLE LAND IMPROVEMENT CO.. 85 Knox avenue. Knoxvllle. FOR SALE LOTS. City Lots. lots on Webster ar., near Chauncey St., 20x130 feet each: those lots must be sold at once to close outan estate: perfect title: low price; easy terms. Geo. Johnston, Agent, 62 Fourth av. LOT-i-O- n Chauncey. Duff, Flora and Ridge sts.. nard: cheap and easy terms. Geo. Johnston, Agenl, 62 Fourth ar. LOTS on Wylie. W'ebster and Bedford sts. Geo. Agent, 62 Fourth ar. "TTXYLIE AV. 5 lots 20xlC0 feet each, to I V allev: parties desiring to purchase at a bar- gain wuld do well to come and see me at ouce. Geo. Johnston, Agent, C2 Fourth ar. O OOX1 00 feet to ot alley on Wyllear., near iiUii Frances st . opposite site for new Baptist church: this property must be sold at once: can be bought at bed-ro- prices: the location is linpror-in- g rapidly; this Is one of the very few remaining plots fronting on Wylie av. that can b secured at such low figures. Geo. Johnston. Agent, 62 Fourth avenue. IC FEET on Penn: corner lot. Geo. Johnston, UU Agent, 62 Fourth av. Ei.st End Lots For Sale. LOTS To advertise a good thing pays : this is why advertise Ophelia street lots; they are ex- cellent building lots, perfectly level, well sewered, close to Forbes street, on the line of the Duquesne electric road, twit squares from Fifth avenue cable road, 12 minutes' ride rrom postofflce, 25x141 feet, $1,500 each; six lots sold within a few weeks: sev- eral good houses will he built at once; call forplan. Black A Balrd. No. 95 Fonrth av. LOT 50x142 rect on Cralgst.. between Bayard and ar. : the location is verv desirable; easy terms. Geo. Johnston, Agent, 6a Fourth ar. (JOfl 8fct of choice age. having a uepth of 200 feet, located only 271 feet from the east side of Schen-le- v Park, on schcnley av., which Is 100 feet wide. Has southern exposure. The adjoining properties arc in the hands of strong holders, an I not for sale atauvrricc. This property Is actually worth cent, more than what is asked for it, an I will be worth three times the present price in a short time. 1 erms, $12, 000, ralanre at low rate of interest. W. C. Stewart, No. 137 Fourth ar. AHeghrny Lots For Sale. I?OURiotson Fremont street, between Jackson Pennsvhania avenue, Allegheny: these lots are 21x100 feet each to alley; must oe sold at ouce:low prlccand easy terms. Geo. Johnston, Agent, 62 Fourth av. lots on Jackson St., between railroad and Fremont St., Allegheny: each lot 20x105 feet; very low price; easy terms. Geo. Johuston, Agent, 62 Fourth ar. Suburban Lots For Sale. SUBURBAN LOTS at Cliartlcrs-Fl- ne building $600. according to size and location, within sight or the Court House; Chartlers is the most accessible of any suburb of Pittsburg, being reached br the P. A L. E. R. in 12 minutes, by Chartlers packets In 25 minutes and by clectrie cars, which arc to take the place of the present horse car line next spring, in 25 minutes; these lots front on line of electric road. For further particu- lars, T. II. Dickson, 96 Fourth ay.. Room 39. Farms For Sale. I7ARM LAND For spot ca6h or will exchange clean stock of merchandise, two sections (1,280 acres) of prime farming and timber land (pine and hard wood) State of Wisconsin; on main Trunk line between Chicago and Duluth; owner hard up; great bargain; correspondence confi-dentl- Address Barney. Dispatch office. TO LET. Offices and Desk 3'iora To Let, rpo LET In Ferguson block, the finest fire proof X office building In the city, located on Third av.. Just below the new postoffice, having also Fourth av. entrance: choice storerooms and offices, with all modern conveniences, high speed eleva- tors, steam heat, electric light ana Janitor's serv- ices free: rent lower than others are gettlng.ln old and inconvenient buildings; possession at once; rent free until April 1: 6cnd ror illustrated book. Black A Baird. No. 95 Fourth ay. TO LET Dwellings, stores and offices; upon re- quest we will mall yon our rent list regularly until April 1, fret, of charge; write your name plainly and give full residence address street and number. Black A Balrd, 95 Fourth ar. rpo LET Two choice front offices on second floor, X No. 99 Fourth ar. : very best location on the avenue for broker's offices; rent $900 year: will give long lease if desired. Black A Balrd.9 Fourth ar. rpo LET Two fine first floor offices, corner Fourth avenue and Grant street, with light. heat and janitor service. Baxter, Thompson A Co., 162 Fourth avenue. LET The Pittsburg Natiouftl Bank of e. a'O Sixth ar. and Wood, has a few first-cla- ss offices to rent from April 1. rpo LET Offices, parlors. 430 Penn ar. rpo LET Offices at 905 Pcnn ar. Tinslness Stands To Let. LET OR FOR SALE-Ho- tel or 27 rooms in TO Seventeenth ward, city; first-cla- ss location for business; house was built for a hotel and Is thor- oughly adapted to the purpose and has Just been remodeled and repaired throughout, making it as good as new: house would be almost sure ot a li- cense and will be rented at such a price that it could be sub-l- in tenements for more than the rent askeu if license should be refused. Baxter, Thomp- son & Co.. 162 Fourth av. LET Two or the finest and best located busi- ness TO floors In the city." about 40 ft. by 100 ft. each, with passenger and freight elevator and sep- arate street entrance: very suitable for a ligbt wholesale or Jobbing buslniss. Inquire on prem- ises, 642 and 614 Liberty St.. near Sixth ar. TIX) LET Dwelling, stores and offices: opon re-J- L quest we will mall yon our rent list regularly until April I, free of charge: write your name plainly and give full residence address street and number. Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth ar. rpo LET Separate storerooms with railroad JL track: all recelrlng, handling, shipping and deltrerlng facilities; also office room. Inquire of W. A. Hoerelcr. Storage, Pike and Tweirth sts., Pittsburg. Pa. LET Storeroom and basement, fronting on TO Peun and Frankstown ars . at the East End. in the rerr best part ol" the East End for any kind or mercantile business. C. H. Love, 93 Fourth ar. LET bpaee w 1th power Cqr. Penn and Third a0 ar.: three floors! 20.000 feet ipace; abundant power; (rood lhtht: splendid location; every con- venience. Apply Nicola Bros., 0 Fifth ar. LET Deslmble Horeroom. Diaraand it. In TO new Dispatch building: light and heat fur- nished. Apply to Business Office The Dispatch, corner Smitlitield and Diamond sts. rpo LET Fonr-stor- y brick bnlldlng. 139 Second 1 nr two doors from Hmlthfleld st : will lease forflc j cars, Apply at first floor office of Kauf- - mannr store. LET business building: cemented TO cellar, electric elevator: 633 bmtthlleld street; tmmealate possession.. Inquire Room 8, diock, city. JL. rpo LET Part of store. No. 91 Fifth av.. also J. basement suitable for barber shop. Inquire ot Pearl Laundry. LET Good Wood st. fonr-sto- brick build- ing, TO well located. C. H. Lore, 93 Fonrth av. LET-Go- od stores, well located On Smlthfield I'O and Wood sts. C. n. Lore. 03 Fourth ar. MJCellanr out To Lets. LET StabV, nctr Penn and Eighth st. on 3110 L Scott a: $R per month: room ror several and wagon, send for list. W. A. Herron &3ons, 80 Fourth ar. LET Fifth ar.. two squares lrom Court TO House, second floor. 40x100: will he fitted up to suit tenant. Daniel McCaffrey, ESS and i(0 Fifth av. 7 rpo XiET-jLa- rg stable and yard. .Inquire of Geo, jl x. her, 29 South Diamond St.,' Allegheny City. TO LET. City Residences;. LET Dwellings, stores and offices: upon re- quest TO we will mall you our rent list regularly until Aprlt 1. free of charge; write yonr name plainly and give full residence address street and number. Black A Balrd. 95 Fourth ar. TO LET House of six rooms and finished attic nn f?fwfarrf t iimf Reed: water in house. natural gas if desired, good vara. . n McCiickart, 140 Fifth ar. Enst End Residences To Let. LET North Oakland Square Overlooking, TO and but a few hundred feet distant from most beautiful part of schcnley Park; three story, eight-room- home, with ail conveniences, porch, bay window, etc.. Trout lawn on asphalt, and sewered street: but fifteen minutes from town by electric road. $10 per month. Apply to Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth arenue. rpo LET-FI- ne residence on Fifth ar.. East End. X with lot 100x120 feet, with serrlces of gardener to plant beds and keep the entire lawn in onler; rent $1,400 perannnra: this property will not be rented fdr less than two years; apply soon ir yon wish to secure a handsome place. Dennlston, Elderkln A Co., Llm., 6232 Penn ar., E.E.; tele- phone 5327. rpo LET A modern house of 12 rooms, range. X bath and laundry, cement cellar and cement walks around the honse. About an acre of ground, all kinds of fruit and shade trees. Rent cheap to good tenant. Located near main entrance to schenler Park. Twenty-thir- d ward. Peter Sheelds," 533 Grant St. TO LET Dwelling. II rooms, sltnateon the cor- ner of one of the most prominent arcnues of the East End: suit ible as a dwelling or for lodging rooms or offices ror physicians: is fitted complete with all modern conveniences. Apply at 6092 Penn ar. r LET April 1. North Highland ar.. brlrk house, nine rooms and attic, laundry and stable; lot 60x180. W. D. King, 64 Fourth ar. Alleslienv Residences To Let. TO LET Modern press brick dwelling. Nine rooms ana all modern Improvements, 1ft Sherman ar.. Allegheny. Eight-roo- press brick house, 29 Arch St.. Allegheny. Five rooms and attic. 40 Ferry st.. Pittsburg. Inquire Robt. Knox. Jr., 17 Sherman ar,, Alle- gheny. Rooms To Let. I BURNISHED parlor for one or two gentlemen; both gases and use ot bath; strictly private family. Baum St., first frame house from Liberty ar., Shadyslde; convenient to electric cars. I7URXISUED front room. 119 Sandusky st Al- - "VTICELY fnrnished rooms: modern lmnrove-J.- 1 ments; both gases. 322 Penn av. PARLORS Furnished ornnfumlshed.suitable for or aentlst ; few doors from postoffice. 173 Third are. ROOM To one or two gentlemen, larg elegantlr front room, every convenience, use of bath, five minutes' walk from p ostoffice. No. 97 Seventh av. T OOMS-Zalki- nd's House. 201 Wylle ar.: hand-- somely furnished rooms, with use of bath: by day. week or mouth: with or without board. R 0031 Pleasant room In Allegheny; location convenient and desirable. Address J. J., Dispatch office. Ir OOM Pleasant room for gent, with use of bath; electric light; convenient to cars; $2 50. 6362 Penn ar. ROOMS Furnished and unfurnished; all parts Morris A Alsbitt, 78 Diamond st. One furnished room with board; all con- veniences. 313 Thirty-nint- h St., city. T OOM Furnished room for housekeeping, with XV bath. 52 Watson St.. citv. CHOICE PROPERTIES. mo LET BUCK & BAIRD'S COMPLETE RENT LIST Can be obtained at the following well-kno- stores from now until April 1: riTTSBUKG. D. A. HOSSLEB, 2S01 Penn Avenue, E. A. SCHAEFER, No. 388 Fifth Ave. II. B. SCHWEITZE E, 233 Center Avenue. W. L. BECK, Herro n Ave., near Center. S. & HOLLAND, Corner Smithfield and Liberty Streets. LOUIS IL VOGEL, Cor.Webster Ave. and Roberts Street. ELBA PHARMACY, Cor. "Wylie Avenue and JuniHs Street. EMIL G. STTJCKY & CO., Cor. "Wylie Ave. and Fulton Street P. A. McCtJLLOTJGH, Cor. Penn Ave. and Thirteenth Street. JOHN BECK, Corner "Wylie Avenue and Washington Street. THOMAS B. UPDIKE, Corner Penn Ave- nue and Eighteenth Street. SODTDSIDE. B. J. STENGEK, No. 1601 Carson Street. HARRY C. JIURTO, 2907 Carson Street SPOHN & MURPHY, No. 3 Carson," eet S. HAWxHORN, Grandview Avej' ;near Duquesne Incline. ALLEGHENY, JOHN TV. jnLLEE, Cor. Western and Grant Avenues. JOSEPH 3?. NEEL-Y- , No. 400 Rebecca St E. MANGOLD, 64 Lotrrie St, Trov HilL H. J. McBRIDE, Cor. Federal and" Ohio Streets. J. P. URBAN, Cor. Franklin and Fulton Streets. G. EISENBEIS, 113 Federal Street, Cor. ParfWav. JOHN BRITTALN, 196 Beaver Ave., Cor. Locust Street. "W. S. HIXENBAUGH, Cor. Manhattan and Rebecca Streets. G. A. KINSEL, Corner Buena Vista and Jackson Streets. ""V. M. "WHITE, Corner Anderson and La-co- Streets. T. R. MORRIS, Corner Preble Avenue and Hanover Street. E. HOLDEN & CO., No. 63 Federal St, Corner Lacock Street GEORGE E. FOSTER, Corner "Washing- ton Avenue and Fremont Street. CHARLES L. "WALTHER, No. 64 Chest- nut Street. 171 Chestnut Street E. E. HECK'S, Park Drug Store, Corner Federal St. and Montgomery Ave. X, WREN CEVH.LK. D. S. BLACKBURN. No. 3343 Penn Ave. TOTTEN & BENDER, 4301 Butler Street EAST END. R. D. BRENT. 3621 Fifth Ave., Oakland, "W. E. MCCARTHY, Cor. Liberty Ave. and Cedar Street. MARKELL BROTHERS, Comer Penn and Frankstown Avenues. J. R. McCREARY, Cor. Homewood and Hamilton Avenues, Homewood. IIAZELWOOD. L. "W. INK & CO., Corner Second and Hazelwood Avenues. TEMPEKANCKVILI.E. J. L. SWEARER, Cor. Main and "Wabash Streets. CHARTTEIM. H. D. KRAMER, Chartiers Avenue. SEWICKCET. C. G. "WOODS, Corner Broad and Beaver Streets. SPECIAL7NOTICE! For the convenience of those not being within close proximity of any of the above named drugstores, we will, upon request, mail yon a cony of this list once a week "Wednesdav, free of charce. "Write name FL.ALN LY. and give full RESIDEIfCEad-dres-s street and number. "When yon tjet suited please notify us so we can lake your name off the mail list,'" BUCK I BAUD, 95 FOURTH AVE. ROW OP Brick- and frame; situated on steam 15 HOUSES and cleotric rail- - way; House- - nil oc- cupied $30,000. andrpayiiiff over 7 per cent; PAYING OVER will increase in value rapidly. Big PER CENT CLEAR. nnf. bargain if nn.Vifwl sold at cash, balance to suit. A. B. GBA.Y CO., JtfMVMa - - SUner Building.1 i . . ,.'.' -- - , . ? r . . - : j!ViBWiWPjjJitliisii AUCTION SALE, Valuable Slannfactnr- - H1BSH1LL, KEHIEDT I CO, In; . LIMITED, Owlns to largely Increased For Sale business anil their re- moval to Allegheny, At Auction. Overhead will offer their old site, corner Ti.iL Switch of Fifteenth and Liberty, at public auction on February 17, with Penna. a'. 2 o'clock p. jc, on the prem- ises. The property has a E.R. frontage of 162 feetsfnehes on Liberty street, and 100 feet on and all Fifteenth, and abuts nn Sprinie alley, giving an exposnre or Necessary paved and sewered frontage of 42.1 feet and connecting by Facilities overhead bridge and railroad switch with main tracks of Pennsylvania Railroad. for a large TJnsIness of The facilities for a largo business or any kind and for Any Kind. receiving or shipping mer- chandise are most excellent Will be Sold and much superior to any other property in this city. at The large frontage on Liberty and Fifteenth streets and Pnbllc Spring alley gives unexcelled loading and unloading advan- tages and all the light and air Auction necessary to the proper con- duct of manufacturing. rebrnary 17, The buildings are of the 1SD2. most substantial character and can readily be changed or adapted to the wants of r. IT IS THE BEST rTed LOCATION AND HAS TUB LARGEST AVAILABL E and Open FRONTAOE OF ANY CONCERN Frontage in this city, and is the only opportunity in a life time. of any For further particulars call, on or address ttnsinest or 3Iannfnctar- - J. B. LARKIN & CO., Injr 152 FIFTH AVE. 5!to In H. B. SlUTnsON, Auctioneer. Plttsb arg. Ja3I-12- 3 AUCTION. EXECUTOR'S SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE' "i IN THE FOUETEEXTII WAED MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1892, At 3 o'clock p. m., on tho premises situated on TUSTIN STREET, at the foot of Moultrie street. Lot 100 feet front, extending back nearly 183 feet, with a large two-stor- y frame house of 14 rooms erected thereon, known as the Sclicnck homestead. Also adjoining; the above, a two-stor- y and mansard brick: house of 9 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, range, in-- si le w. c, cemented cellar, hot and cold water, natural and artificial gas, etc. A GOOD IXVEST3IENT PROPERTY. Only one square from Forbes street and the Duquesno electric road, two squares from the Fifth avenue cable line and two quares from the Second avenue electric line. It is located very advantageously for buildinz up with moderate-price- d tenement houses which will rent readily and bring good rents. F. E. SCHEJTCK. Executor. BLACK & BAIRD, Agents, 95 FOURTH AVE., PITTSBURG. PA. AUCTION. AUCTIOIX ASSIGNEE'S SALE. t 27FinerarIorSuites, 1 Piano, 1 Office Safe, Lot of Oil Paintings, Furniture, etc. TUESDAY, FEB. 2, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms, 21 and 2S Ninth st. For account of whom it may concern: 27 fine parlor suites upholstered "in brocatelle, English rugs, tapestry, plush and hair cloth, two oak sideboards, piano, office safe and desk, lot of pictures, etc.; also at the same time chamber suites in oak. and walnut, waidrobcs, bookcases, desks, chairs and rocker, lounges, eleeant carpets for rooms and halls, dishes and glassware, clocks and ornaments, kitchen and laundry furniture. Salo positive. By order of assignee. HENRY AUCTION CO., AUCTIONEERS. Ja31-18- 1 C. H. WEINIiAUS, AUCTIONEER, 532 SMITHFIELD ST. Sales of merchandise at store and residences promptly attended to. Cash advances made on all consignments. JalS-1- CHOICE PKOPEKTIES. minwpERTY: "We can offer for a short time & corner property in Allegheny on NORTH AVENUE. Two-stor- y brice. 12 rooms, with all modern conveniences. Possesion March 1. Low price. BAXTER, THOMPSON" 4 CO., ja31-19- . Trsn 162Fourtn ar. NORTH NEGLEY AVE. Brick residence of nine rooms, all modern conveniences, for $8,000. Honse sets back from street line, with beautiful lawn; owner removing Eaat; imme- diate possession. Act quick. BAXTER, THOMPSON 4 CO.. 162 Fourth avenue. $9,300. Brick house in good repair and a corner lot of nearly 100 feet front on asphalt paved street in East End; convenient to traction and railroad, for the above more than rea- sonable price. Houe has 8 rooms, bath, p-- try, marble mantels, both gases, papered throughout, porches; a comfortable horns and a drst rate investment. VMURRY& EDSALL, 54 Fidelity Building, 121 Fourth ar. Jn29-5- FOR SALE n g Tlm RICH, Mercer County, Pa., OK 347 tCTSE. Larfre DwellinffS.Bams and Orchard, Underlaid with. CoaL Owner lives in Richmond, and will sell a bargain. Good Title. Particulars, R. B. CHAFFIN & CO., Richmond, Virginia. k $13,000. SHADYSIDE. Near cable and electric cars or P. R. It.; elegant new Queen Anne brick dwelling:, handsome hardwood mantels, tile hearths, modern plumbing, conbinatlon chandeliers, laundry, sta. tubs, art. and nat. gas, plate glass, etc.: lot 00x140; a decided bargain. M. F. HIPPLE & CO., 96 Fourth av. $i8,ooo-EA- ST END. STONE RESIDENCE V Ou most desirable residence street. Elegant jiew stone and pressed brick dwelling, 11 rooms and reception hall, bath, 2 w. cs.,plate f elnss. hnrd-woo- d finish and mantels, tile hearths, nice laundry, hot and cold air regis- ters etc.; lot 30x110 to an alley. Small cash Daymen t down, bal.ince long tiran. M V IITPPT.r . ... r -. u wv. 96 Fourth Avenue. Additional Real Estate and. Unclassified Ads. on Sixth Page. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiWMi e ltJ'ijBljiHrljPjxjjijiiMMlLjt 1 ?i S3 f"i

- - - , t


3Iectms.rpHE MEMBERS. OF LAIVKEXCE COUNCILX. o. 61. Jr. O. U. A. M.. are requested to mmattbetrhaU. 349 Butler street, on .SUNDAY. JAN-UARY 31, tl P. M., shrr. to attend the funeralof P. C Albert Guy. Members of tlster councilsare Invited lo attend. By order of

jaJl-16-2 COUNCILOR.


CStlzens' Candidate for Common Council,Twentieta naro,J. C. STEWAKT.

Election February 16. ISM. Ja31-31--


Citizens' Candidate for Alderman,Twentieth 'Ward,

H. r. KREBS,Election February 16, 189J. Ja31-D.- su


Cl Miens' Candidate for Select Conncll,Twentieth Ward,

GEOKGE W". BAUM.Election February 16, 18K. Ja31-50--

Knsiness Chanson.NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBYDISSOLUTION partnership existing between

A T. Douthett, II. B. Donald, J. IV. Doutliett andi. A. Donald, known as the Pcnn Printingand Novelty Company, was dissolved January 14bt unanimous consent, A.T. Doutliett purchasing allInterests of the other partners: and that the firm ofInaor A nchr was also dissolved, as A. T.Douthett, TV. G. Armor and Frank Snchr agreedo unite their Interests under the name of the VennPrinting Compan. Limited. Accounts pro andcon will be settled at the old place, 77 Diamond St.,where the business will be continued with In-creased facilities,

Tiiisi tocertlfv that we have sold all of ourlnt rests in the Pcnn Printing and Novelty Com-pan- v.

and In all mouev due or that may be duesai-- firm to A. T. Douthett. and we earnestly rec-ommend onr friends to send their orders for print-ing or novelties to the old place. T7 Diamond St.,where the business will be conducted as uual.

I) 1!. DONALD.iaSl-l- Sl JOHN A. DONALD.

Lejal Notice.I am prepared to do work for the legal

profession, writing deeds, mortgages or tran-scribing legal or other documents: satisfactionfu?ranteed: ttrm moderate. Mortimer Starling,l.'iMim ,n. l(ri fourth a


PERSONAL Ask for DnsjnberrVs pies; at allgroceries and restaurants.

Royale laee ldeach and skintonic. 414fc"ulthtleld. Lad agents w anted.

Noveitv Printing Co.. 77 DiamondPERSONAL of printing; bestwork at low estpi ices.

pER0"AL Hotel Wilson. JO Sinithfield st..I Pl'tsburg. Try our celebrated 25c meals;room. 50c up.

"ERONAL Fallert's new studio, second floor.J 1287 Carson St.: handsomest In the two cities;photos and era ons.

Credit, res. credit on fine dressgoods, silks, satin, wraps, etc.. at J. Dwjcr's,

Itoem 4, jieLance oiocl. 701 munneio.Cash paid Tor old gold and sliver1I!!-ONA-

Land leu elry repaired: new work made

In order. Chris. Hauch. 541 Smlthfield.

EI!oXAL Gents' furnlshlrg roods, slightlyI damaged bv water from the Leader Are, atone-ha- lf their alue. J. J. Aland. J31 Fifth av.

IJERON AL Ask your grocer for Alleghenyfcchniierkace; ou nctersawanvthing

nicer Wholesale by Baxter A Kenton, No. UULiltertyav.

jEE-ON- Fashionable ladies cannot do w ith-u- itthe J. Y. Borden (patent) hang. For sale

cnlt at Room 2H, Hamilton building, second floor,SI Firthav.TERON'AL Ladies, we restore your fadedt swltclic-- . waics. wigs, etc . to original color

In new process at KoomaM. Hamilton building,h rirui av.

Yonr destlnv foretold, with pen3ERONAL future husband or wife, according10 ;rologv. end date of birth and3)c to L. Box117 Kansas City. Mo,

Hair, moles, etc.. on ladies facespermanently destroyed by the electric needle

"ithont pain o'r scar; consultation free. Missfjtreng, onice 43 Penn av.

"PERGONAL Wall paper, from 5 cents up toi llncst grades Me lurnish estimates for one

room, house, or row of houses: make contracts lormpleted work. Shldle's. 4C3 smlthCeld st.

IJEItsONAL A middle aged ladv. goodlsbes to correspond ith a widoweropsone means. AddressMrs. M. J. M.. General

Delivery PostotSce, Fredonia, Chauta. Co., N. Y.

PERSONAL Ladles, don't ruin your hair withcurling tongs: have vou seen the Borden

(patent) bang? It is unique and Is combed In withj ou own hair. For sale onlv at Room 201, Hamll-to- n

building. 81 Fifth av.

"PERSONAL W. E. Hamnett A Co.. the leadingJ real estate and Are Insurance Arm of Wllklns-Imr- g,

take general charge of property: collectrents: attend to paying tares, etc; try us; weare reliable. Moncv loaned on mortgage.

Have vou snneeribert lor your3ERSONAL and periodicals Tor "K? If not,c me and sec us before doing so: itwIUpavjou:a --o. 111 w and old books at reduced prices FrankB .eon i. Co., SOI Smltbtield su Open every even-ii- ?

f jERsONAL Stop coughing? !I,O00 reward ToraJ cae ot throat or lung trouble, last stages d.

which cannot be relieved by aprojwrnsei Dr. X. Stone's Bronchial A afers: 25c a box at

1n.ggists. For sample send lCc to Stone Med. Co.,Chicago, 111.

JERSONAL MARRY Do you want to cor-respond1 for pltasurc or marriage? Want a

fife or husband rich or poor It so, get myv nmmoth matrimonial paper, containing nearly

'! Mailed free. Gunnel's Monthly,'J.led8. Ohio.

Information wanted-Kitt- le, wireIIERM'NAL Gaven. iron worker, maiden nameis ernestlv requested to send her address

v. 1T brother-in-la- as there is important newsEdward Logan," Congress st,, Lynn,

5: ass. Other papers please copy.

ptEMVNAL M Louise Maguire, of New York.J has opened fashionable dressmaking parlors at-- :o Dinwiddle st.; she would be pleased to receivea all from ladies desiring drces made In New1 rk style and finish, pcrlect fit guaranteed; goodsli.roi-he- d or ladies' onn material made.

V AL Inclose 25c in start ps and learn howtoeieanaour carpets and restore lost color

a-- ithout the trouble of taking up at an outlay ofpervar- : tot additional 25c will send you'rec-ll- e

to nmoe Jreckles. tan and pimpleslii't to the skin. Address A. D. E., Dispatchc .

JJ LRSOVAL Ladies No medicine, no doctors'i htfis: vou can positft eiy cure yourself at homea female weaknee. lacial blemishes, and

skl emitioi.: alo Increase the weight bvaslm-- T-- i.d absolutely harmless home treatment, by

h.'kh thousands of women In this country andimve been made welt beautiful and happy:

a w iwtenul dioverj. Send 2c for particulars toV's. Marv K. Buell, south Bend, lnd.1 flNWAL- -Thorp's New York school of dress-- J

making, established 1SS4 graduated 2.0 pupils:(n I'enn av., the largest school outside of NewI this is the only place in Pittibiirgwhere' ! - can learn the wliole. entire art of Frenchm ng. making, draping, designing, tacking, flu-- !-

ling and putting in whalebones in the Frenchs 1. house wrapper,eveulngdrcsses: t?a gowns,wt stogie and double under-an- n pieces. Frencho ' ts. matching and jilaidsin all kinds ofw ts. round skirts, Balilioo skirts. Belleskiits, collars, tulTs and 0 dlfle-en- t stylesJi s:cees. Mr Tliorp Is iiersonally prc-lii-

lailcs so thevcan take )oltlons as cut--t- tiaisf. cut and fitted. $3: walking suits cutct d. Sued. 5: waist patterns, ?1.

1JER50AL-Trium- ph at last. For 26 Tears Iwith deafness caused bj fever. Ihave been treated by the mot celebrated specialists

of the da-- Have ued Garmore's pateut earOrHms." "Peck's cushioned ear drums," "Dr.Wales' sound discs. "Dr. Blodgetts

also his"Frank ortz celebrated catarrh remedy fordivifaess." I have tried the climate of Calllornia,Arizona and " Mexico, all tono efTect At last,almost iennltess and heart-sic- k. I resolved to trvtocuremvselt. after months of patient toil andmar.v disappointments I am rewarded. All thosesuffering lrom this greatest orall afflictions shouldsend at once for a circul. M. i arncr. Lock Box1J7, Erie, Pa.

TiEESpXAL-Ne-w patints Issued January 28.X 1892. O. D. LeK i'atent Attornev. 131 "Fiftha,., next Leader Pittsburg. Pa.. United Statesand all foreign patents procured: John Bath, Lon-don, England, cash receipt checking apparatus:Benjamin J. CampbelL Altoona, churn motor: R.B canfield, Clearneld, Pa., nut lock; Thomas Col-lins, York. Pa., hay starker Amos E. Flncgan,M'erdale, la., door securer; Ludwig Gutman,Pittsburg. Pa., alternating current motor; W. D.Jones, Pittsburg, Pa., drilling tool: Tanl Krcbs,Jlerlin, Gennanv, receptacit for bread: Henry

r, Mogudon. O.. potters' tool; Frank Oliver,t onom. Pa., oscillating steam engine: George J.J'arkerandCB Walker Trinidad, Cok, ore con-

centrator: Frank C. Romnr. Toledo, o., steamgenerator; U. A. alke, Columbus. O., fountainp.n; Dunlevy Bros Pittsburg, Pa., trade marklard. C. Y. baler, Toledo, p., umbrella support.


OL"M)-Ho- tel Wilson. 10 st. MealsP c; try them: rooms, 50c up.

and pants to order at 30 per centIpOlTVD-Su- ltsto clear out the 6tock. J.J.Aland.

I 1 Filth a.prices on watche6 for FebruaryI'OL'ND-'-pec- ial

11- -k niled gold watches, with Elgin orV -- mum inoteninits, at J25, Ji cash and ?t permoiih: also redm-e- prlcis in diamonds, sain F.Siih. Dispatch bullalng. Open Saturday nights

J.O-vt- .

T o-f- small ledger; left in Irwin av. carJj V ednesda) evening, 27th. Return to C. A.Kenyon, 122 Taggartt Allegheny.

A scltcr dog: color. light brown: name onTOST .rbhn Lanier. Liberal reward will belid for to John Lauler, 3S01 Fifth av.

leather music roll conuining sev- -)05T-3Ua- ck

Aw, aritli name A. P. C. on Lincolnai .. lewTeii bridge and sandy Creek road. I Inderit uld leave a!ne with Alvin J. Cvphers, nearbr.dpy. and e pav for their trouble.

TAILORING.Correct Winter Suitings and Overcoatings

j UU. & C 1', AHLERS,Merchant Tailors, ah


l&Dispiay advertisements one dollar pertjuare for one insertion. Classified real estate

advertisements on this page ten cents per line foreach insertion, and none taken for less thanthirty cents.


ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGEClassified under the following headings will be ac-

cepted at the rate ofOXK CEXT PEK WORD

FOR EACH INSERTION when pild for In ad-

vance either at main or branch offices.Wanted Advertisements of all Kinds,




Cor. Smllhfield and Diamond Street.ALWAYS OPEN.


Advertisements should be prepaid nnless adver-

tisers already have accounts with THE DisrATcn.FOR ALLEGHENY. NO, 107 FEDERAL ST..





rrrTSBURG additioxal.THOMAS JIcCAFFREY, 3500 But'er street.KMIL G. STUCKEY. 24th street and Tenn avenue.


T. n. EGGERS&SOX. Ohio and Chestnut streets.THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwin avenues.PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ays.


Blale Help.AP.Bnns' CALL Ail barbers who have enteredr in the shaving tournament at Harry Davis'

Museum, please call at museum at 2 P.M. Sunday.M anted A few more first-cl- shops representedIn shavins contest commencing February 1.

One who Is an expert on booksBOOKKEEPER manufacturer, and can handleandhas an acquaintance with the trade: an

practical hustler Is required by BusinessNo. 1, Dispatch office.

TUSINESS MANAGER Foraladvpubllereader:l those understanding tl.e business with good

reference, address Reader, Dispatch office.

""lANVASSERS Salary to good men. Wheeler AV. Wilson Mfg. Co.. No. 6 Sixth st.

TiRIVER For furniture wagon: must have ex- -nerience and live in Allegheny. Address

Care, Dispatch office.

Wanted experienced gardener toGARDENER of fruit and berrv farm; marriedman preferred: a good chance for a hustler: reTer-en-

required. For particulars address II. T. W ilkBeaver. Pa.

greatest seller out: householdHUsTLEKS-F- or

J5 to f 10 a day sure: agents havemade V0 a day. Address Pcnn ManufacturingCo., Hnltoii, Pa,

ANAGER-M- alc or female, capable of manag-ing corps of canvassers. Address immedi-

ately, P. O. Box 519, city.WANTED Capable ordlreeting the buildMAN of both blast and draughting puddle fur-

naces in the East: must also lie able to run a puddlemill on the most approved and modern plans; mustbe n; work can be given for at least threeor four months and mav lead to a permanent lob.Address, stating wages and references, to Box No,80 , Dispatch office.

"IV TAX WANTED-A- n active, intelligent man InnL each town to represent our new order, 'TheTriennial League:" a grand three-vc- ar beneiltonler. with new features; good commission will hapaid the rleht man. Address C Newton Webster,Secretary. 1025 Arch St., Philadelphia. Ta.

voung man to solicit and collect: se-curity required. Address A. P. C, Dispatch


A few active, energetic men of characterMEN ability tort present the best "old line"Insurance Companv; to such men a permanentann lucrative position Is assured. II., Dispatchoffice.

lnPennsyivania,MarvlandMEN Wct Virginia bv a leaning building andloan association. G. W. Mason & Co., 43 -- lxth av.

(5) or good appearance can make f3to$5dallv. with chance of promotion to workers.

127 Fifth av., second floor.Middle-age- d man preferred:PHOTOGRAPHER guaranteed. Address

Box 157, Pittsburg P. O.

at Harry BcalUs saloon. CallPIANOPLAYER C7. Bellaire. O

Sheet steel roller on black plate, usedIMJLLER gauges over No. 30: Staffordshire menpreferred: also want a Jenkins annealer who un-derstands pickling thin sheets: give full particulars,references and wages expected. Address Steel,box 672, New York.

SALESMEN To sell bv sample our money orderretail merchants: $200 a month In It

for live salesmen; previous experience not neces-sar- v.

Address with stamp. MerchantsMoney Order Company. Cincinnati, O.

5 ALESMEN To sell the "Little Giant" Burglart Proof Door Fastener: carried in vest pocket:send ten stamns for sample. Nat'I M'fCo.. 31S Francis St.. St. Joseph, Mo.. U. S. A.

SALESMEN Everywhere for our superior whiteletters and door plates: samples ab-

solutely free: send stamp. Bcllcfontalne Manu-facturing Company. Cincinnati.

Salirv and expensesfrom start: permanent business: good opening

for right partv. Brown Bros. Co., Nurserymen.Rochester, N. Y.

For iron and steel house: goodSALESMAN first-cla- ss man. Address H. M. E..Dispatch office.

SALESMAN To sell cigars: experience required;at 1021 Carson St.. S. 8., city.

SALESMAN Clothing salesman. Apply MondayM. 301 Market St., side entrance.

at Ed's Steam Laundry, 4441 Liberty st.

"VOUNG MEN-(6)-RI- ght away, to get a threeJ mouths' Instruction in shorthand and type-

writing for tjlu, at the Actnal Business College, 5and? sixth av. Day and night school."TOUNG MEN Intelligent young men for ean-- 1.

vasslng: steady position, good wages. Inter-ration-

3 Fifth ave.

Ajrents ITanreu.On salary or commission toAGFXTS patent chemical Ink erasing pencil:

the greatest selling novelty ever produced: erasesink thoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion otyapcr: 200 to 00 per cent profit: one agent's salesamounted to In f1t davs: another J21ntwolours: we want one energetic general agent foreacustate andTerritory, ForterasanUruD particu-lars, "address Hie Monroe Eraser Jirg, Co., LaCrosse. is. (XI?).

Mineral Wlcks give aAGENTS-Evcrlasti-


ti gas. require no trimming andnever burn out: they don't make a black smoke todiscolor the chimnev; four samples bvmaiL 15c:sell at 10c each. Trank Schwartz. Wisconsin,writes: "I took 300 orders vestcrdav afternoon:lliev sell at sight." E & W. O'Donncll, 2203Christian St., Philadelphia. Pa.

Male and female, wanted everywhere:AGENTS seller: absolutely new; exclusiveterritory! no talking: profits Immense and successa certainty. Abbott Mfg. Co.. Springfield, O.

can make 2 50 to $3 03 In two hoursAGEXTS time; send 30 cents forsamples and com-mence at once. Favorite, 20i Market sL

A competent, experienced tea andAGEXT agent. Call at J. F. Kenzlg'a, 33Spring Garden avenue. Allegheny

File, energetic over ?0: steady em-ployment: good pay. Robt. K. McCormlck,

Gen'IMgr.. 135Hrtli ar.to make big money selling our carriage,AGEXTS and wagon heaters. Specialty Co.. 420

Smlthfield st.

In every town to sell teas and coffeestAGEXTS week to a good man. Favorite, 203Market st.

f3 to $7 daily: experience unnecessaryPutnam A Co.. Perfumers. West Wlnstcd.Ct.

Dr. O'Kecfc&Co. 70S Smllhfield St.,J. Fittsbnrg. Ta.

Hoarders and Lodcers Wanted.and lodgers wanted: best meals InBOARDERS rooms. 50c up. Hotel Wilson, 10

Sinithfield St.21 meals f3 50; six 1. 148 Third ave.,MEALERS postofflce.

One or two gentlemen for largeOCCUPANTS front room, newly furnished,

In private family; four squaresfrom Court House. Address N. F., Dispatchoffice.

Two gentlemen for largeOCCUPANTS slorv room: both gases: board inprivate fainllv: ten minutes' walk lrom postofflct;terms reasonable, 22 Chestnut St.. corner Forbes.

for two nicely, furnished roomsOCCUPANTS In private family, most desirablelocation in Eatt End. Address 620) Walnut st..East End.

Gentlemen for furnished room,OCCUPANTS facing parks; terms moderate.Address T. M., Dispatch office.

for rooms furnished and0CCUPAXT3 parts of city. Morris & Alsbitt,78 Diamond st. ,

for furnished front room, secondOCCUPANTS gases and bath. 201 Federal St.,Allegheny.

lor second-stor- y front roomOCCUPANTS av.

YiTANTED-Lodge- rs. Anchor Hotel. Liberty.If cor. Fourth: lodging per night, 25C, 3Sc 60c;

per week, f 1 25. l 75, fz, 3.

Real Estate Wanted.Furnished or partly furnishedWANTED over ten rooms; 20 minutes from

postofflce. Address II. II., Dispatch omce,



Female Help Wanted.C100K 'WANTEn A first-cla- ss German cook;

wages. At ffl Beech St., Allegheny, Pa.

CIOOK Apply to Jlrs. James McKay, third houseMoorvrood av, from Ellsworth av.

ESIALE COOK for restaurant. 54 Tenth st.IFCIRLS Experienced laundry girls. Paris Lann

Co., 99 to 101 Hemlock St., Allegheny.-- Good girl for general housework; small

family. Call at No. 27 Firth St., Pittsburg.

GIRL To sew In book bindery. MacKcnzicDavlsCo.. Printers. M Diamond st.

For housework; good wages. 3339 Forbes,nearllalketst., Oakland.

IRL for general housework at 199 Sandusky St.,G! Aiiegneny.

HOUSE GIRLS 200 house girls, cooks, chambermaids, waitresses. 16 Third si., Allegheny.

IADIES to do fancy work at their homes: wamaterial and pay by the piece. Call

and see work, or address wl ill stamp, J. M. Lcmar& Co., 90 Fourth av., near Wood.

IADY Young, refined and smart lady Jtossessedjudgment: one who actually f in need

of a pcrmaueut position with responsible partv totravel: all exoenses advanced; an otphan pre-ferred. Address, giving full name, residence andreference: noserants or lanndrv girls need ap-pl- y.

N. X. Dispatch office.

LADY For good position; no selling; fair salary.Monday, 4JS Sixth St., Wlllcox A

Glbbss.M. Co.

T ADY For lucrative emplovnient, handlingXl Derma Royale. Call 414 smlthHcld.

"IVrll'LlNER Must be first-cla- ss Etalo terms.JJX. rite to Sonnebom & Co, Bedalrc, O.

"VTURSE GIRL A good nurse girl (German pre--1rerred) for child. Apply at 149

Sheffield st."VPERATOR on Bhlrt-lroni- machine at Ed's

o Steam Laundry, 414 Liberty st.

SALESLADY Middle-age- d American, possessedand willing when necessary

to make short trips. Mu-- t begin Immedlatelv.59 weeklv; city reference. Apply Monday after 10.J. H. Roberts 6 Seventh ave.

Male nncl Female Help Wanted.LADIES and gentlemen to fit themselves for

positions iv taking a course Inbookkeeping or shorthand and typewriting at theActual iuslness College, 5 and 7 Sixth av. Day andnight school now open; terms low." TEN AND WOMEN at once; SSSto taOmonth-1-

lv. J. B. Campbell, President, 218 La ballsSt., Chicago

nrr COALMIVER3. 5M laborers. 5 waiters, 100J female cooks, male cooks, dishwashers, Jbutchers, teamsters. Keystone Agency, 610 Grantstreet,

Situations Wanted.

IT'MPLOYMENT By ayourg roan of honestcharacter; good address:

age 21; capable of lillinga position of responsibility;would liko a chance to learn a manufacturing busi-ness or some kind: Lave had six i ears' experienceas retail grocery clerk behind the counter: refer-ence exchanged. Address R. E., Dispatch office.

1EMPLOYMENT hr thorough bookkeeper anda experienced business man: steady and willing

in any rapacity: $7 per week; city or country.Address W. Dispatch office.

I7MPLO l MENT-Clerl- cal or other lightfor afternoons onlv; best of references

furnished. Address Mack, Dispatch office.

POSITION An intelligent aoung lady whoFrench, German and English and

teaches music wishes position as governess In orout of cltv; best of city references. Address E.H.,201 Western av.. Allegheny.

POSITION A clerical position wanted by aof eight years' experience in book-

keeping, stenography and general office work: pastexperience In the Iron business. Address W. 14,Dispatch office.i

Br an expert mechanic as foremanor superintendent; understands rolling mill

and engine work; best of reicrenees. Address Ap-plicant, Dispatch office.

POSITIOX Inmuiic store by a ladv: goodand piano), speaks English and

French: understands German and Italian. R. C,Dispatch office.

POSITIOX To take charge of re1 or firebrick15 years' experience: thoroughly com-

petent; best references. Address Brick, Dispatchoffice.

POSITION As watchman: can give best ofand bond. Address J. L. G.. care of

Charles Beaher, No. 31X Penn av., Pittsburg. Pa.

POSITION as watchman: can give referencesAddress W. S., care of Mr. Kane,

corner Forty-eigh- th and Butler streets.

"POSITIOX By experienced stenographer, alsor bookkeeper: best reference. Aiiaress sicno..95 Chestnut sit,, Allegheny.

130STTION As relief clerk by rcg. mang.or reierence given. Address Relief.

Dispatch office.

POSITIOX By a young ladv as copyist andAddress L., Dispatch office, Alle-

gheny. . .POSITION lo clean offices by a woman; can give

Address R, 2, Dispatch of-fice.

POSITION As managing housekeeper by widowH. M Dispatch office.

SITUATION Br young man stenographersuccessful years' experience; also

knowledge of telegraphy "and bookkeeping. Ad-dress Reliable. Dispatch office.

SITUATION Ladv would like position Tor14 In Protestant family; best refer-

ence given. Address for 2 w eeks, JI. A. Dispatchoffice.

SITUATION In drugstore, by young man 18has had over two rears' experience;

reference glten. H.O. Danncr.Xcw Brighton,l'a.

SITUATION WANTED-- A place as a male nnrsecompanion. Address till Feb-

ruary 2, Nnrse, 4S43 Fifth av., Pittsburg. E. E.

SITUATION --By competent ladT stenographerbest references given. Address

S., Box 17. WoodviUe, Pa.

SITUATION By experienced ladv stenographerAdnrey L., Dispateh office.

Easiness Opportunities Wanted.WANTED A party with capital to loin

In establishing a model foundry; hav-ing had 20 years' experience, will place time andexperience with capital for an interest in the busi-ness. Address for interview Model Foundry, Dis-patch office.

WANTED An opportunity for a hustler, whoJ4CO. to buy outright a patented de-

vice suitable for light manufacturing, or can hemanufactured bv contract: profits large, with goodfield for operation. P. O. box 155, Ford Citr, Pa."I7"ANTED-M- an with SW0 can bur a secret pro-- II

cess to manufacture and sell In WesternPennsylrania a product In daily use by erery man,woman and child; profits targe and sure. AddressG. C. Dispatch office.

"TtrANTED-Go- od man for brancli of Chicago11 compan) ; $125 per month salary and all ex-

penses paid; must Invest $1,510 In stock of goods.Jar II. Johnson, C05 Home Insurance Building,Chicago. r"T7"ANTED-- A physician to locate at Penn sta-- V

tlon, 25 miles fiom Pittsburg, on P, R. R ;good opening for right man. Address F. M.Wanrock, Pcnn station."T7"ANTED-MAN-- An active man with $500 to

1 take an interest In a neat, profitable business;ciu have full control of finances. Address D. C,Dispatch office.

Room Wanted."VITANTED-Unfumlsh- od front room In Alle- -

IT ghenv: central location; references exchanged; rentinust be moderate. Address B. Y,C, Dispatch office.

"TTTANTED Room: gentleman wants nicelyi furnished room In block or dwelling down

town: one with bath convenient preferred. ss

A. K. A., Dispatch price.tTTAjsTED Pleasant room and board for lady.1 1 quiet and retired; answer before 3 to-d-

where room may be seen. V. II., Dispatch office.

"Snlte of parlors, first floor, suitableror phjsician's office: must be central: fur-

nished preferred. Address M. B., Dispatch office.

XI7"ANTED,ooms-"- T brother and sister, un- -tfurnished rooms In East End for light house-

keeping. Address B. it S., Dispatch office.

"ITT ANTED-- A neatly furnished room within sixt blocks of the Anderson Hotel by a single

gentleman. Answer to Z. Z., Dispatch office.

Miscellaneons Wanted.TjiLECTRO'gold plating done on all kinds ol lew-- Jj

clrr lu roman; 14 and lSk plating. II. J.Huhn, 90 Fourth av., Pittsburg, Pa.

GROCERS to buy Allegheny Dairy schmler kaesejthe people. Wholesale by Baxter A

Renton. No. 619 Liberty ar.

PAINTING and plateglas glazing. R. C. Miller,St., Pittsburg.

haring Gllhooley Etchings' file klnklvcommunicate to Mrs. W. W. Clark, 47

Twelfth St., Pittsburg, Pa.

1PATENTS O. D. Lcris (20 years). Solicitor, illFifth av nextLeader. Pittsburg; no delay.rpRUNKs named ta and from East End ror 50c.J Campbell A Davis, 12 Seventh ar. Telephone

WANTED Offices near business center: wouldtaking offices with phvsiclan or

dentist, or using reception room: no goods dis-played. Address Graduate Optician, Dispatchoffice. m

WANTED Evervbodr to know that Pickering,furnisher, will sell $10 worth of

goods on credit for $1 down and 50c a week. Pick-ering, corner Tenth and Penn arWANTED-Second-ha-

nd engine and boiler,p., to rent for fix months, or would

Surchase outright if a big bargain. Apply P. O.202, Pittsburg.

WANTED Good one horse wagon; firth wheelwagon from 1,250 to 1,358 pounds: state

lowest price. Wui. Burns. 181 Forty-thir- d street.

YoiT to order vonr rubber stamps,steel stamps, stencils, seal presses, etc., at

cueaier a. eu, s, wi iiiu av.

WANTED To buy a size double bass viol;for cash. Address, Box 118, Earns

City. Pa.

WEARERS of spectacles to buy the best $1 steelgold spectacles ana eye classes yet.

offered orW. L. Trleber, practical optician, atovuacier ijcitcuj Biurc, aeufiuuBV.


Instruction.iliu, uciiiiiniiaiiip ui BliorniauuII successfullr taught by mall; scholarship for

either course. Pittsburg Correspondence BusinessCollege, Postofflce Box 3t9.

LADIES taught dressmaking and cutting: noscales or machines: Boner's true merch-

ant-tailor system. Call or write 930 Penn av.

"PRIVATE LESSONS in German and French,X Berlitz method, by George Hoeppner, 93Westlnghouse bldg.

PUPILS for small night class in German, Latinreasonable rates; careful

Address Teacher, Dispatch office, Alle-gheny

PUPILS Vocal teacher (pupil of distinguishedmasters) seeks pupils. L. X., Dis-

patch office.

y'OUNG L ADIES-(- 6) rlfrtit away; to get aInstruction iu shorthand and type

writing for 110, at lljc Actual Business College, 5and 7 Sixth av. ; day and night school.

Financial VI ahtea.stocks, mortgages and other securities,

Ed Wlttlsh, 410Gtantst., Pittsburg.TO LOAN We have moncv to loan aMONEY current interest on city and suburban

property; also on improved farms in Allegheny,Beaver. Fayette, Washington and Westmorelandcounties: also on marketable stock and bonds.Black &, Balrd, 95 Fourth ar.

for Western investments at 8 per cent:security absolute: the fullest investigation

solicited. G. W. Mason & Co.. 43 Sixth ave.

MOXEY To loan in large or small amounts oncltv or Allegheny property. Mortimer

Starling, Room 34, 103 Fourth ar.to loan at lowest rates on Improved etty

and suburban property. M. F. Hippie & Co.,90 Fourth av.11 MORTGAGES Moncv to loan in sums to suit atill 4f , 5 and S per cent. Robert G. Bailey, HiFourth av. 1 elephone 131)1.

ESTATE brokers requiring deed",I mortgages, or transcribing of any description

done with promptness and accuracy please callon me: terms moderate. Mortimer Starling,Room 31, 103 Fourth ar.

TV anted Partner.1300 will buy a secret process to

manufacture and sell In Western Pennsylvaniaa product in dally by every man, woman andchild; profits large and sure. Address, G. C, Dis-patch office.

PARTNER-Acti- ve joung man with 81,000 to gopaving business: adiertlter has

same amount: business stilctlv legitimate andprofitable. Address Bell Bell, Dispatch office.

PARTXER Responsible party with capital aswllh advertiser, w ho has unlimited ex-

perience In general contracting bnsluess, Ad-dress Stone, Dispatch office.

PARTXER-Acqnilnt- cd with advertising000 cash in entire novel enter-

prise: splendid investment; entirely bona fide.Address Novelty, city.

PARTNER A party to take a third Interest Inpaying business; 11,00 J required. Ad-

dress Genuine. Dispatch office.

PARTNER-Wi-th ?500 to fS.000 readvmoney, toa first-cla- ss paving business. ss

Confidential, Dispatch office.

PARTNER, with M,O0O: (Stablished business:Address Business. Dispatch office.

Permanent Gnests Wanted.LOOK New proprietor, new steward, new chef,

the best: rooms clean, large and airy;large porches, beautiful lairu, and special induce-ments to permanent guests: all these and muchmore, if yon will onlv call and see for yourselves.East End Hotel, Pcnn av.. East End, near Dennis-to- n

av., on line of electric cars and onlv fiveminutes' walk from East Liberty station, Penn.R. R.

Fire Insurance WanteCBENSWAXGER & ZAHN Fire insurance, fC

T.I T. SCHAFFNER. real estate agent. Insur--mice placed at lowest rates; 72 Washington

av.. Thirty-fir- st ward. .


Musical Instruments.1?OR SALE Three-ped- al Linnie piano: best and

in mnrUet; great bargains this week.Carl Linn, 35 Federal St., Allegheny.

Horses. Vehicles, Llvo Stock For Sale.Fine family cow and calf; high graded

J Hulstein and Jersev, 5 years old, at 4329 TorleySt., Sixteenth ward. Van Essen.

HORSE Harness and covered spring wagon, allorder. $185. if sold by Tuesday.

Inqutic23 Federal St., Allegheny.

HORSE A good family horse cheap for want ofApply to William Loefflcr, lfs First

a enue. f

MARE A brown mare, 6 years old: perfectly15.3 hanls high: thoroughly broken:

fearless of steam: will stand without tying: perfectroad marc: will guarantee to be 2:40; Is highly bred;issiredbyDoble, Doble by Alrextou, first dam o.

he by Richmond; will sell at a sacrifice price;call and see her. 149 Forbes St., Pittsburg."Y7"AGOXS and carts or all descriptions for sale;II new and second hand. Pittsburg Wagon

Works, No. 330 Second ave. ; telephone 1S70.

TTTAGONS All sizes and styles in stock, mann- -ractnred bv II. Lange A Co., 147 to 151 Water

st. Telephone, 1790.

Machinery and Metals For Sale.rIOlLERS and engines, second-han- d: all sires,

to 100 h. p. : cheapest f n the market; 43boilers and engines In stock, stationary and porta-ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc.;steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting.Telephone 3101, 23-- 5 Park way. J. S. Young,Allegheny, Pa,

Two boilers, almost new. 46Inchdiameter, 20 feet long, two flues, with

drums andall fittings complete: also a James Rccsautomatic engine, 10x12, used three months, a bar-gain to a prompt purchaser. Apply to schuette&Co., Eighteenth and ilary sts.. S. S.

ITINGINE for sale A 2" to 8 horse-pow- er nprlghtand boiler: a bargain. Address the

Local News, Homestead, Pa.

Coal For Sale.COAL Best Yougliioghenr gas coal, anthracite

and Connellsrille crnshed coke: weightpositively guaranteed. Iron City Coal Co., Ltd.,float below sixth st, bridge, "Pittsburg side. Phone2005.

Anthracite and bituminous coal andcrushed coke for domestic purposes; general

hanllng. Latimer, Myers Co., Fourth and Trvsts. and Thirtieth and Liberty sts. "

Mlsredlaneons for Sale.OUTFIT-F- or sale, consisting of

Johnston engine, drllb, etc., automaticpIuggerB. etc, etc. Will he sold cheap to close anestate. Address S, Postoffiei Box 363, city.TX)ll SALE Very cheap for want of use onej uuiioio wararoDc. Aaarcss wardrobe, Dis.patch office.

100,OOO old brick. Corner McKce place andlUIlK'SBI., UaKUllU, .


Business Opportunities.

BARBER SHOP Finely furnished, four chairs,trade: death reason far selling: gro-

cery stores, $300 to $3,000; llvcrv business lor sale orexchange; country stores, cigar stores, bakery ata bargalu. Perclval A Gaston, 439 Grant st.

BOARDINGHOUSE-Shadys- ide: fine

bold of one of the best boardinghouses in Shadyslde: rooms full or No. 1 cashpeople: satisfactory reason for change. AddressW. J. D Dispatch office.

CHEAP A good long established milk route, tenhorse aad wagon, and everything per-

taining thereto; old age of the present owner isthe reason forsclllng. Inquire oiW. F. Schade,315 Wood St., cor. Fourth av.

CIGAR STORE In central location; good trade;rent. Sloan A Co.. No. 127 Fourth av.

DRUG STORE Good location: Invoices $1,700:cheap. S. Dawes, administrator. Ad-

dress II. L. King, 437 Grant st.TiRUGSTORE--In city: a rare bargain. If sold atXJ once. Address C. P., Dispatch office.

IELEGANT grocery store in town of 10.000 in-- Jhabitants, doing large cash business; easy

terms to good party: fine restaurant; llrery stable;will exchange ror real estate; Jewelry store, bak-ery, milk route, fish and oyster market, noveltystore. Holmes & Co.. 42a Smlthfield st.

AND PRODUCE BUSINESS-Thrl- ftywholesale buslncsstgood reason from present

owner. Address Produce, Dispatch office.

GENERAL STORES-Sl.O- OO tofJ10.400. drug,quceusware, boot and shoe,

hat and cap and furnishing goods, confectioneries,tea and Jewelry stores, one drygoods. furnishinggoods and notion store (the old established lleehivestand at No. S3 Wylie ar.), hotels, boardinghouses, livery business, brick; works, sand busi-ness. Job printing press and business, one-ha- lf in aweekly newspaper, real estate business, meat ol

business, coal business, ore mining busi-ness. Re creain manufacturing, bakeries, partner-ship Interests in several paring business; at Cham-bers' Business Agency, 102 Fourth ar., Iloom 6.

GROCERYSTORE-Establls- hed 14. years,

location: business good; good reasonsfor selling; elegant chance to right party: will besold cheap if sold soon. Address G. G., Dispatchoffice. "

With large trade, elegant room, op-posite Court House; finest room In city; nice

fresh Stock; inrolce f2,3U0; making large profits rrare opening. Address 0. 11. Folsom, Lima, O.

GROCERY Small grocery, stock about SL.000;Iu the East End. Inquire A.

Ooeddel. No. 109 Collins ar,, E. E.

HARDWARE STORE Flrst-class-- In one of thein Western Pennsylrania; splen-

did chance lor Hi c man. Address Hardware, Dis-patch office, Pittsburg, PiHATand men's furnishing business; good stand

town or 3.1,000; stock and fixturesabout $7. MO: terms strictly cash; a fine paying bus-iness established 10 years, owner retiring frombusiness. Address Spot Cath.DHpatch office.

HAT and furnishing goods stock, fixtures andexcellent location, old stand; to the

right party, this Is a good purchase: half cash, bal-ance secured. Address Hat. Dispatch office.

PAPER BOOf over 600 dally andSundar naners In a good lire town of

fl, 000 Inhabitants: route clean over 120 per week;,rood opening for a first-cla- ss bookstore. Addressi.oc dox uv, lOTincujTuie, a1 ayene lo,, la.


Business Opportunities For Sale.HOTEL FURNITURE AND LEASE-Wl- th

trade: fine new brick hons. withsome 40 rooms furnished throughout with newmodern furniture, fine new bar fixtures, billiardtables, etc., in 6plendld location in this growingcity: price ?.00C: cheap rent and long lease; rarechance. Address C. II. Folsom, Lima, O.

BUSJNESs"mnbest business streetin Allegheny: reason for selling, in other

business. Address J. K. B. Dispatch office.

TEWELRYVroRK Established 12 jears: roodif location: good run repairing. Address E. Ring,Dispatch office.

LAUNDRY and djelng establishment onAl'ogheny: boiler, machinery etc.,

horse and wagon and die stuffs; pood chance forthe right man: established trade. Inquire ofCharles Nees, 173 and 233 Beaver ave., Allegheny;rent cheap and good reasons ror selling.

MILLINERY and notion store: live, growing8.000; good established trade; best

location In the cltv; satisfactory reasons for sell-ing. Address 63 East Main St., Sal, O,

Interest In an old establts hed reaestate and Insurance nnslness; will bear In-

spection. Address Real. Dispatch office.

PITTSBURG STAR RESTAURAXT, McDonaldCall or address A. T. B 173 i ederal

St., Allegheny.

PLUMBING SHOP-Flxtu- res. long lease andof first-cla- ss plumbing shop doing

good business; good reasons for suiting. AddressM. M.. Dispatch office.

SALOON A and centrally locatedand restatiratit doing a good business;

fixtures new and stylish; a good opportunity for alive and energetic man. Address Ohio Volks Zei-tu-

Co., Canton, O.

SALOON and rcst.aiirant.flne stand In Canton, O.;owner engaged In other business. In-

quire 2600 Josephine St., s. S.. Dttsburg.

SHOE store on Maiu st., centrally located, stock$3, 000. business about 10.000 ajeameryprofitable, owner must sell: Investigate. Address

W ., Dispatch office.

of every class in city and country towns;business chances ot e'verj description: partner-

ships, bonds and mortgages and stocks at Chambers'Business Agency, 102 Fourth av., room 6,

rjinE leading clothing house in a 1 irgc manufact- -lurlng town; easy terms to right party. Holmes

& Co., 420 Smith 0 eld st.

Basinet, Properties For Sale.LEASEHOLII-Ofo- ne or the best businessstands

three-stor- y brick. CO feet front by40 feet deep, on lot 60 feet by 100 feet; at present, asfor the past 15 j ears, occupied bv manufacturingestablishment which desires more room;engine and boiler Included If desired. AddressB. B. K.. Dispatch office.

rruin property now occupied by CrnlckshankX Bros., fronting SO feet on Pennsylvania ar.,extending back 10.1 jeet to allev: this property Islocated on Peunsvlvania ar., between railroad andFremont st., Allegheny; the property is valuable,but must be sold, even at a sacrifice, owieg toowner leaving city: easy terms. Geo. Johnston.Agent. 62 Fourth ar.


City Residences.

AN old established physician's residence, Butlerstreet, Lawrencevllle, an elegant

pressed brick dwelling: 10 rooms; bath; h. and c.water; w. c. : lanndrv. etc.: carriage house on rearof lot; d cash, balance easy, as owner lavery analons to sell: moving to California. SamuelW. Black A Co., 99 Fourth avenue.


81,000 Frame house. 3 room, noward ar.I1,0 Cottage house, Sroums, Wade St.11,45ft Frame house, 3 rooms. Industry St.$1,650 Frame house, 4 rooms. Climax st.$1.700 Frame house, 4 rooms. McLalnav.12,000 New frame house. 4 rooms. McLaln av.$2,000 Cottage house, 4 rooms. Excelsior st.Terms vcrv easy. Call or ad lres E.T. Schaffner,

No. 72 Washington av., Thirtv-tlrstwar- d, S. S.

WYLIE AV. Brick bouse of 8 rooms and 4rooms: lot 60x160 feet; this prop-

erty can be bought at a bargain and easy terms.Geo. Johnston, Agent, 62 Fourth av.CQ 100 No. 270 Main St., Seventeenth ward.tlPO. lot 28KxI10x37 feet, with an elegant brickdwelling of hall, yestibuie. ten rooms, attic andnam; an monern conveniences: terms to suit:owner going South Is the reason for selling, seeThos. McCaffrey. 3509 Butler st.Sr7 fTArj Will buy a substantial house of nineu) I yfJJJ rooms, desiribly located on Center

caenuc. near Illuwlddie St., Pittsburg. W. C.Stewart, No. 137 Fourth av.

T, t ?An .. ...... S. S.. a nice two-sto-

u5t: nine-roo- m brick dwplllfic. drnhle Tvarlnr.hall, bath and all conveniences. Ham.iel W. Rl.aelr& Co., 99 Fourth av.Cp: fii"lfl Will buy a substantial brick dwellingwijuvu or eight rooms on Msnon st, Sixthwarn. Pittsburg, W. C. Stewart. No. 137 Fourtharenue.

East End Residences For Sale.A LTOGETHER erroneous is the Idea thatA you cannot bur a good house on paved street

with eiEht rooms, hath, laundry, sewer, chande-liers, electric light, and all the odds and ends awoman wants in a house ror less than $10 COO.i Wehareaneat. new. clean house like this for 0,500,and very glad to take yon to see it. Don't expecta half acre lot: it ain't there, but the house is, andlot Is fair size and location excellent. (A 431.)Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth av.

A NEW modern house of nine rooms, close toNorth Highland av.: price $5,800; easy terms.

Kelly A Rogers. 6216 Tenn av E. E.

DWELLINGS-O- n all the principal streets in thefine dwellings, ranging In price

from $i0f0 to $5",0l0: money to loan; call and seeus. Kelly A Rogers, 6216 Penn av E. E.

IAST END $1,700: $20 per month afterpayment or$3D0, a new nine-roo- m frame,

two squares from North Highland electric cars, afew steps from one of the finest concrete pavedstreets of the East End; wide, pleasant street, withfjood sidewalk to door: Immediate possctslon: this

house of good appearance, ulth completemodern conveniences, 20 feet back from street onnice-lyin- g, lot: large wide halls withbanisters to third floor: large rooms throughout:pantry 6x12: gas for fuel, elegant combination fix-tures; both gases and electric light on street; singlelight windows, with art glass on first and secondstory front: drep clothes presses: evervtlilng inkeeDlng: bath, stationary wash stand, inside w.c,electric bells, laundry, dry cellar, etc: : do not leaseagain: the rent you would pay Tor such a homewould meet payments ofboth principal and Interestor this desirable ntopertv. John F. Sweeny (for-merly Burtt A Sweeny), )10 Fourth ar.

SALE InTcstment Brand l.ew framehonse of nine large rooms, equipped with all

modern concnIences,including combination chan- -aeiicrs. range, etc., ann is nicely papered andgrained throughout: excellent neighborhood, handyto traction cars: terms, $1,000 down and $10 permonth, including interest: this property Is offeredat a rare bargain, only $1,700, and can he rented fora terra or years at$40 permonth. which will makethe paj ments: if you are looking for a home or anInvestment, don't fall to see this. (108), SeeBaker A Co., 6227 Pcnn av., E, E.

ST.. Belleflcld, between Fifth ay. andForbes St., one minute from either car line, two

new frame houses of eight rooms each, bathrooms,laundries, inside w. c, hot and cold water, chinaclosets, both gases: good cellars and well sewered:front and back porches: houses well built, with allmodern conveniences; can be bought at a bargaineither separate or together, Black &Baird, No. 95 Fourth av.

SALE $4.000 New frame house of eightrooms, on an asphalt pared street, within oue

square of electric cars and two squares Peun are-nue cable; has two porches, cemented cellar, in-side shutters, sliding doors, slate mantels, range,bath complete with porrclaln tub, both gases, wiredfor electric light, etc.: this property Is situated in avery nice neighborhood, and is well finished andconveniently arranged throughout; this is a bar-gain. See Baker A Co., 6227 Penn ar., E. E.SEVEN-ROO- house, new and modern, on paved

close to station and all lines of trarcl;only $5,000. Kelly A Rogers, 6216 Penn av.. E. E.

SHERIDAN AV near Station st., a decidednew brick house 11 rooms, all modern

Improvements; $9,000; terms reasonable: A, Goed-de- l,109 Collins ar., E. E.

OTANTON AV near North Hlland ar., two-- O

story Queen Anne brick, ori2 rooms; all mod-ern conrenlences: handsomelr papered : this prop-erty is worthy or Inspection. Baxter, ThompsonA Co.. 162 Fourth av.

52,1 400 A new frame house of eight roomsiDrxj and finished attic, nail, vestibule, handralstairs, inside shutters, sliding doors. Blate mantels, 1range, bath, hot and cold water, artificial andnatural gases, front and back porches, lot 25x10")on Niagara St., near Craft arc. : also twoframe houses on Alleqntppa st., one $4.3X lot30x160 and one at $l,ooo, lot 30x150. William H.Borman, 401 ForDcs st.

Cgf 500 New brick house, very convenient loca-tP-

tion in East Liberty, 10 rooms, bath, pantry,restlbulc, hardwood and slate mantels, tile hearths,plate glass front, rango and furnace. Slurry 4Edsall, Fidelitr.Buildlng, 121 Fourth ar.(JjO OOO For sale or to let, same as rent, newtjpZij house, sit rooms; 318 Matilda st.; 8 minutescable and electric cars; dry cellar; waterln kitchen:slate mantel, etc. . B. Meanor, 5920 Center aropposite Euclid, E. E.

L5fi fififi'lTm bnT large, new, substantiarJ)OL')JUU and attractlre dwelling, desirablylocated in anaorsiae, on a pared and 6ewered ave-nue: lot 150x200 feet. W. C. Stewart, No. 137Fourth ar.

400 New frame house 5 rooms, attic, hall.. nam. nantrr. slate ronr nnrl mnntl. ola.trie bells; Hastings st.: 12.400: 500 cash, baL tosuit. A. Gocddel, lffJ Collins av E. E.

to! 400-- On easy payments, 300 cash, bal.L, monthly, a new- - frame honse three rooms,

cellar, nnrclics; near Lincoln ar. bridge. A.Goeddel. Ko. 109 Collins ar.. E. E.

1 A Kf'"mb'a'r new and elegant house ofIDJU3Jv7l-f- . 12 rooms, located In Shad)lde;

nothing better on the market for the mone). V.0. Stewart. No. 137 Fourth av.

CgQ Knnril,bnyanowstone frontjionse ofS)OjiJJ J nine rooms. located on Stanton ave-nue, near Hlland arenue. East End, W. C. Stew-art, No. V7 Fourth arenue.

Sit! 1 E((-W- '1 DT ,ew' ana enbstantlaibrick dwelling of 12 rooms, located

In Shad-sid- e. W. C. Stewart, No. 137 Fourth av.400 New frame house six rooms, attic.)s cellar: lot 23XUO; Mayflower st. A. Goeddel,

o. 109 Collins ar., E. E.

Uiesheny KeBtaences For (Sale.

CORNER PREBLE AV, and Hanover St..lot 72x120 feet to railroad, with all tile

Improvements; mutt be sold at once to wind up theaffairs of a corporation: the location is good, theprice 1 low. the term easr. Geo. Jolmston.Agent. 62 Fonrth ay., Pittsburg.

HOUSE of six rooms and attic, N6. 52it. i price S3, 600. Inquire No. CO EsJU- -

..wwvJ-- , m . -- s..


A Ile-he- nv Residences! For .Sale.RESIDENCE In Allegheny City: the most

desirable residence In Allegheny City for theprice: 11 rooms with all the modern improrementsof the best kind: is a rare opportunity to get sovery desirable residence at 'so good terms and lowprice. C. H. Love, 93 Fourth av.

SHEFFIELD ST. Fine residence; three-stor- y2 bathrooms, washhouse and

all conveniences: lot 20x133 feet, to iother street:terms very reasonable to a quick buyer: this is afino rcsldeuco and a good location. Samuel W.Black A Co.. 99 Fonrth ar.

SHEFFIELD ST. Two-sto- mansard, hrick. 8conveniences, handsomely papered;

low price. ' Baxter, Thompson 4 Co., 162 Fourthavenue.ency 700-Char- les st.. Allegheny, on line ofW Pleasant Valley road, a framenweiung: Immediate possession; easy terms,George Schmidt, 157 Fourth av.

Subnrrran Residence For Sals.TTrrLKlNSBUnO and Brushton, several niceit little home's ranging in prleo fromf2,800 to

H.000- - Geo. Johnston. 62 Fourth ar.


FOR SALE-SO- BEAUTIFUL nOMES- -One brick house, two lots. Orchard Place,

M.TO0.One brick house, one lot, paved street,

$1,3VTwo brick houses lots 37MX10O each.

Orchard Place, $3,750.One frame house, one lot, paved street,

83.000. .OneS-roo- m frame honse, ouelof, pived street,

$2,700.One5-roo- brick house, two lots, pared street,

R230.One brick house, one lot, pared street.

Five frame houses, paved street, each$1.8C0.

Tvclve brick houses, pared streets, each$2,300.

Seven brick honscs. very pretty. $2,700.Eight brick cottages, one lot, each$l,700.Any of the abore lorelv homes in this greatly

favored citv of beautiful homes will be sold onterms to suit buvers.

BUILDING LOTS-a- of the most beantlfnl build-ing lots to lie found in the eounty are offered atprlccsmnch less than propertv having similarlyattractive features e.m be had" for. TheP. A B.Traction will have their new clectrlcrallwarlnoperation through the center oftbe IwrouglPbyMayl next. This will giro a wonderful Impetusto values, and those who secure any of theabove properties or a lot will be fortunate.

TO LET A number of 3. 4. 5 and honsesat moderate rents to good paying tenants. Noneothers need annlv.Take any of the Southslde street cars.

KNOXVILLE LAND IMPROVEMENT CO..85 Knox avenue. Knoxvllle.


City Lots.lots on Webster ar., near Chauncey St.,

20x130 feet each: those lots must be sold at onceto close outan estate: perfect title: low price; easyterms. Geo. Johnston, Agent, 62 Fourth av.

LOT-i-O-n Chauncey. Duff, Flora and Ridge sts..

nard: cheap and easy terms. Geo.Johnston, Agenl, 62 Fourth ar.

LOTS on Wylie. W'ebster and Bedford sts. Geo.Agent, 62 Fourth ar.

"TTXYLIE AV. 5 lots 20xlC0 feet each, toI V allev: parties desiring to purchase at a bar-

gain wuld do well to come and see me at ouce.Geo. Johnston, Agent, C2 Fourth ar.O OOX1 00 feet to ot alley on Wyllear., neariiUii Frances st . opposite site for new Baptistchurch: this property must be sold at once: can bebought at bed-ro- prices: the location is linpror-in- g

rapidly; this Is one of the very few remainingplots fronting on Wylie av. that can b secured atsuch low figures. Geo. Johnston. Agent, 62 Fourthavenue.

IC FEET on Penn: corner lot. Geo. Johnston,UU Agent, 62 Fourth av.

Ei.st End Lots For Sale.LOTS To advertise a good thing pays : this is why

advertise Ophelia street lots; they are ex-cellent building lots, perfectly level, well sewered,close to Forbes street, on the line of the Duquesneelectric road, twit squares from Fifth avenue cableroad, 12 minutes' ride rrom postofflce, 25x141 feet,$1,500 each; six lots sold within a few weeks: sev-eral good houses will he built at once; call forplan.Black A Balrd. No. 95 Fonrth av.

LOT 50x142 rect on Cralgst.. between Bayard andar. : the location is verv desirable; easy

terms. Geo. Johnston, Agent, 6a Fourth ar.(JOfl 8fct of choice

age. having a uepth of 200 feet,located only 271 feet from the east side of Schen-le- v

Park, on schcnley av., which Is 100 feet wide.Has southern exposure. The adjoining propertiesarc in the hands of strong holders, an I not for saleatauvrricc. This property Is actually worth

cent, more than what is asked for it,an I will be worth three times the present price in ashort time. 1 erms, $12, 000, ralanre at low rate ofinterest. W. C. Stewart, No. 137 Fourth ar.

AHeghrny Lots For Sale.

I?OURiotson Fremont street, between JacksonPennsvhania avenue, Allegheny:

these lots are 21x100 feet each to alley; must oe soldat ouce:low prlccand easy terms. Geo. Johnston,Agent, 62 Fourth av.

lots on Jackson St., between railroad andFremont St., Allegheny: each lot 20x105 feet;

very low price; easy terms. Geo. Johuston,Agent, 62 Fourth ar.

Suburban Lots For Sale.SUBURBAN LOTS at Cliartlcrs-Fl- ne building

$600. according to size and location,within sight or the Court House; Chartlers is themost accessible of any suburb of Pittsburg, beingreached br the P. A L. E. R. in 12 minutes, byChartlers packets In 25 minutes and by clectriecars, which arc to take the place of the presenthorse car line next spring, in 25 minutes; these lotsfront on line of electric road. For further particu-lars, T. II. Dickson, 96 Fourth ay.. Room 39.

Farms For Sale.I7ARM LAND For spot ca6h or will exchange

clean stock of merchandise, two sections(1,280 acres) of prime farming and timber land(pine and hard wood) State of Wisconsin; on mainTrunk line between Chicago and Duluth; ownerhard up; great bargain; correspondence confi-dentl-

Address Barney. Dispatch office.


Offices and Desk 3'iora To Let,rpo LET In Ferguson block, the finest fire proofX office building In the city, located on Thirdav.. Just below the new postoffice, having alsoFourth av. entrance: choice storerooms and offices,with all modern conveniences, high speed eleva-tors, steam heat, electric light ana Janitor's serv-ices free: rent lower than others are gettlng.ln oldand inconvenient buildings; possession at once;rent free until April 1: 6cnd ror illustrated book.Black A Baird. No. 95 Fourth ay.

TO LET Dwellings, stores and offices; upon re-quest we will mall yon our rent list regularly

until April 1, fret, of charge; write your nameplainly and give full residence address street andnumber. Black A Balrd, 95 Fourth ar.rpo LET Two choice front offices on second floor,X No. 99 Fourth ar. : very best location on theavenue for broker's offices; rent $900 year: will givelong lease if desired. Black A Balrd.9 Fourth ar.rpo LET Two fine first floor offices, corner

Fourth avenue and Grant street, with light.heat and janitor service. Baxter, Thompson ACo., 162 Fourth avenue.

LET The Pittsburg Natiouftl Bank of e.a'O Sixth ar. and Wood, has a few first-cla- ss

offices to rent from April 1.

rpo LET Offices, parlors. 430 Penn ar.

rpo LET Offices at 905 Pcnn ar.

Tinslness Stands To Let.LET OR FOR SALE-Ho- tel or 27 rooms inTO Seventeenth ward, city; first-cla- ss location for

business; house was built for a hotel and Is thor-oughly adapted to the purpose and has Just beenremodeled and repaired throughout, making it asgood as new: house would be almost sure ot a li-

cense and will be rented at such a price that it couldbe sub-l- in tenements for more than the rentaskeu if license should be refused. Baxter, Thomp-son & Co.. 162 Fourth av.

LET Two or the finest and best located busi-nessTO floors In the city." about 40 ft. by 100 ft.

each, with passenger and freight elevator and sep-arate street entrance: very suitable for a ligbtwholesale or Jobbing buslniss. Inquire on prem-ises, 642 and 614 Liberty St.. near Sixth ar.TIX) LET Dwelling, stores and offices: opon re-J- L

quest we will mall yon our rent list regularlyuntil April I, free of charge: write your nameplainly and give full residence address street andnumber. Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth ar.rpo LET Separate storerooms with railroadJL track: all recelrlng, handling, shipping anddeltrerlng facilities; also office room. Inquire ofW. A. Hoerelcr. Storage, Pike and Tweirth sts.,Pittsburg. Pa.

LET Storeroom and basement, fronting onTO Peun and Frankstown ars . at the East End.in the rerr best part ol" the East End for any kindor mercantile business. C. H. Love, 93 Fourth ar.

LET bpaee w 1th power Cqr. Penn and Thirda0 ar.: three floors! 20.000 feet ipace; abundantpower; (rood lhtht: splendid location; every con-

venience. Apply Nicola Bros., 0 Fifth ar.LET Deslmble Horeroom. Diaraand it. InTO new Dispatch building: light and heat fur-

nished. Apply to Business Office The Dispatch,corner Smitlitield and Diamond sts.

rpo LET Fonr-stor- y brick bnlldlng. 139 Second1 nr two doors from Hmlthfleld st : will lease

forflc j cars, Apply at first floor office of Kauf- -mannr store.

LET business building: cementedTO cellar, electric elevator: 633 bmtthlleld street;tmmealate possession.. Inquire Room 8,diock, city. JL.rpo LET Part of store. No. 91 Fifth av.. alsoJ. basement suitable for barber shop. Inquire otPearl Laundry.

LET Good Wood st. fonr-sto- brick build-ing,TO well located. C. H. Lore, 93 Fonrth av.

LET-Go- od stores, well located On SmlthfieldI'O and Wood sts. C. n. Lore. 03 Fourth ar.

MJCellanr out To Lets.LET StabV, nctr Penn and Eighth st. on

3110L Scott a: $R per month: room ror severaland wagon, send for list. W. A. Herron

&3ons, 80 Fourth ar.LET Fifth ar.. two squares lrom CourtTO House, second floor. 40x100: will he fitted up to

suit tenant. Daniel McCaffrey, ESS and i(0 Fifth av.7rpo XiET-jLa- rg stable and yard. .Inquire of Geo,

jl x. her, 29 South Diamond St.,' AlleghenyCity.


City Residences;.LET Dwellings, stores and offices: upon re-

questTO we will mall you our rent list regularlyuntil Aprlt 1. free of charge; write yonr nameplainly and give full residence address street andnumber. Black A Balrd. 95 Fourth ar.

TO LET House of six rooms and finished atticnn f?fwfarrf t iimf Reed: water in house.

natural gas if desired, good vara. . nMcCiickart, 140 Fifth ar.

Enst End Residences To Let.LET North Oakland Square Overlooking,TO and but a few hundred feet distant from most

beautiful part of schcnley Park; three story,eight-room- home, with ail conveniences, porch,bay window, etc.. Trout lawn on asphalt, andsewered street: but fifteen minutes from town byelectric road. $10 per month. Apply to Black &Balrd, 95 Fourth arenue.rpo LET-FI-ne residence on Fifth ar.. East End.X with lot 100x120 feet, with serrlces of gardenerto plant beds and keep the entire lawn in onler;rent $1,400 perannnra: this property will not berented fdr less than two years; apply soon ir yonwish to secure a handsome place. Dennlston,Elderkln A Co., Llm., 6232 Penn ar., E.E.; tele-phone 5327.

rpo LET A modern house of 12 rooms, range.X bath and laundry, cement cellar and cementwalks around the honse. About an acre of ground,all kinds of fruit and shade trees. Rent cheap togood tenant. Located near main entrance toschenler Park. Twenty-thir- d ward. PeterSheelds," 533 Grant St.

TO LET Dwelling. II rooms, sltnateon the cor-ner of one of the most prominent arcnues of

the East End: suit ible as a dwelling or for lodgingrooms or offices ror physicians: is fitted completewith all modern conveniences. Apply at 6092Penn ar.r LET April 1. North Highland ar.. brlrk

house, nine rooms and attic, laundry andstable; lot 60x180. W. D. King, 64 Fourth ar.

Alleslienv Residences To Let.

TO LET Modern press brick dwelling.Nine rooms ana all modern Improvements,

1ft Sherman ar.. Allegheny.Eight-roo- press brick house,29 Arch St.. Allegheny.Five rooms and attic.40 Ferry st.. Pittsburg.Inquire Robt. Knox. Jr., 17 Sherman ar,, Alle-


Rooms To Let.

IBURNISHED parlor for one or two gentlemen;both gases and use ot bath; strictly private

family. Baum St., first frame house from Libertyar., Shadyslde; convenient to electric cars.

I7URXISUED front room. 119 Sandusky st Al--

"VTICELY fnrnished rooms: modern lmnrove-J.- 1ments; both gases. 322 Penn av.

PARLORS Furnished ornnfumlshed.suitable foror aentlst ; few doors from postoffice.

173 Third are.

ROOM To one or two gentlemen, larg elegantlrfront room, every convenience, use

of bath, five minutes' walk from p ostoffice. No. 97Seventh av.

T OOMS-Zalki- nd's House. 201 Wylle ar.: hand--somely furnished rooms, with use of bath:

by day. week or mouth: with or without board.

R0031 Pleasant room In Allegheny; locationconvenient and desirable. Address J. J.,

Dispatch office.

Ir OOM Pleasant room for gent, with use ofbath; electric light; convenient to cars; $2 50.

6362 Penn ar.

ROOMS Furnished and unfurnished; all partsMorris A Alsbitt, 78 Diamond st.

One furnished room with board; all con-veniences. 313 Thirty-nint- h St., city.

T OOM Furnished room for housekeeping, withXV bath. 52 Watson St.. citv.


mo LET



RENT LISTCan be obtained at the following well-kno-

stores from now until April 1:riTTSBUKG.

D. A. HOSSLEB, 2S01 Penn Avenue,E. A. SCHAEFER, No. 388 Fifth Ave.II. B. SCHWEITZE E, 233 Center Avenue.W. L. BECK, Herro n Ave., near Center.S. & HOLLAND, Corner Smithfield and

Liberty Streets.LOUIS IL VOGEL, Cor.Webster Ave. and

Roberts Street.ELBA PHARMACY, Cor. "Wylie Avenue

and JuniHs Street.EMIL G. STTJCKY & CO., Cor. "Wylie

Ave. and Fulton StreetP. A. McCtJLLOTJGH, Cor. Penn Ave.

and Thirteenth Street.JOHN BECK, Corner "Wylie Avenue and

Washington Street.THOMAS B. UPDIKE, Corner Penn Ave-

nue and Eighteenth Street.

SODTDSIDE.B. J. STENGEK, No. 1601 Carson Street.HARRY C. JIURTO, 2907 Carson StreetSPOHN & MURPHY, No. 3 Carson," eetS. HAWxHORN, Grandview Avej' ;near

Duquesne Incline.

ALLEGHENY,JOHN TV. jnLLEE, Cor. Western and

Grant Avenues.JOSEPH 3?. NEEL-Y-, No. 400 Rebecca StE. MANGOLD, 64 Lotrrie St, Trov HilLH. J. McBRIDE, Cor. Federal and" Ohio

Streets.J. P. URBAN, Cor. Franklin and Fulton

Streets.G. EISENBEIS, 113 Federal Street, Cor.

ParfWav.JOHN BRITTALN, 196 Beaver Ave., Cor.

Locust Street."W. S. HIXENBAUGH, Cor. Manhattan

and Rebecca Streets.G. A. KINSEL, Corner Buena Vista and

Jackson Streets.""V. M. "WHITE, Corner Anderson and La-co-

Streets.T. R. MORRIS, Corner Preble Avenue and

Hanover Street.E. HOLDEN & CO., No. 63 Federal St,

Corner Lacock StreetGEORGE E. FOSTER, Corner "Washing-

ton Avenue and Fremont Street.CHARLES L. "WALTHER, No. 64 Chest-

nut Street. 171 Chestnut StreetE. E. HECK'S, Park Drug Store, Corner

Federal St. and Montgomery Ave.X, WREN CEVH.LK.

D. S. BLACKBURN. No. 3343 Penn Ave.TOTTEN & BENDER, 4301 Butler Street

EAST END.R. D. BRENT. 3621 Fifth Ave., Oakland,"W. E. MCCARTHY, Cor. Liberty Ave. and

Cedar Street.MARKELL BROTHERS, Comer Penn

and Frankstown Avenues.J. R. McCREARY, Cor. Homewood and

Hamilton Avenues, Homewood.

IIAZELWOOD.L. "W. INK & CO., Corner Second and

Hazelwood Avenues.



CHARTTEIM.H. D. KRAMER, Chartiers Avenue.

SEWICKCET.C. G. "WOODS, Corner Broad and Beaver


SPECIAL7NOTICE!For the convenience of those not being

within close proximity of any of the abovenamed drugstores, we will, upon request,mail yon a cony of this list once a week"Wednesdav, free of charce. "Write nameFL.ALN LY. and give full RESIDEIfCEad-dres-s

street and number."When yon tjet suited please notify us so

we can lake your name off the mail list,'"



ROW OP Brick- and frame;situated on steam

15 HOUSES and cleotric rail- -way; House- - nil oc-cupied$30,000. andrpayiiiffover 7 per cent;

PAYING OVER will increase invalue rapidly. Big

PER CENT CLEAR. nnf.bargain if

nn.Vifwlsold at

cash, balance to suit. A. B. GBA.Y CO.,JtfMVMa - - SUner Building.1

i . . ,.'.' -- - , . ? r . . - :




Slannfactnr- - H1BSH1LL, KEHIEDT I CO,


Owlns to largely IncreasedFor Sale business anil their re-moval to Allegheny,At Auction.

Overhead will offer their old site, cornerTi.iL Switch of Fifteenth and Liberty, at

public auction on February 17,

with Penna. a'. 2 o'clock p. jc, on the prem-ises. The property has a

E.R. frontage of 162 feetsfnehes onLiberty street, and 100 feet on

and all Fifteenth, and abuts nn Spriniealley, giving an exposnre or

Necessary paved and sewered frontageof 42.1 feet and connecting by

Facilities overhead bridge and railroadswitch with main tracks ofPennsylvania Railroad.for a large

TJnsIness of The facilities for a largobusiness or any kind and for

Any Kind. receiving or shipping mer-chandise are most excellent

Will be Sold and much superior to anyother property in this city.

at The large frontage on Libertyand Fifteenth streets and

Pnbllc Spring alley gives unexcelledloading and unloading advan-tages and all the light and airAuction necessary to the proper con-duct of manufacturing.rebrnary 17,

The buildings are of the1SD2. most substantial characterand can readily be changed oradapted to the wants of r.


and Open FRONTAOE OF ANYCONCERNFrontage in this city, and is the only

opportunity in a life time.of any For further particulars call,on or address

ttnsinest or3Iannfnctar- - J. B. LARKIN & CO.,

Injr152 FIFTH AVE.

5!to InH. B. SlUTnsON, Auctioneer.

Plttsb arg.

Ja3I-12- 3




At 3 o'clock p. m., on tho premises situatedon TUSTIN STREET, at the foot of Moultriestreet. Lot 100 feet front, extending backnearly 183 feet, with a large two-stor- y framehouse of 14 rooms erected thereon, known asthe Sclicnck homestead. Also adjoining; theabove, a two-stor- y and mansard brick: houseof 9 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, range, in-- si

le w. c, cemented cellar, hot and coldwater, natural and artificial gas, etc.

A GOOD IXVEST3IENT PROPERTY.Only one square from Forbes street and

the Duquesno electric road, two squaresfrom the Fifth avenue cable line and twoquares from the Second avenue electric

line. It is located very advantageously forbuildinz up with moderate-price- d tenementhouses which will rent readily and bringgood rents. F. E. SCHEJTCK.




t27FinerarIorSuites, 1 Piano, 1 Office Safe,Lot of Oil Paintings, Furniture, etc.

TUESDAY, FEB. 2, at 10 o'clock, at therooms, 21 and 2S Ninth st.

For account of whom it may concern: 27fine parlor suites upholstered "in brocatelle,English rugs, tapestry, plush and hair cloth,two oak sideboards, piano, office safe anddesk, lot of pictures, etc.; also at the sametime chamber suites in oak. and walnut,waidrobcs, bookcases, desks, chairs androcker, lounges, eleeant carpets for roomsand halls, dishes and glassware, clocks andornaments, kitchen and laundry furniture.

Salo positive. By order of assignee.



Sales of merchandise at store and residencespromptly attended to. Cash advances madeon all consignments. JalS-1-


minwpERTY:"We can offer for a short time & corner

property in Allegheny on

NORTH AVENUE.Two-stor- y brice. 12 rooms, with all modern

conveniences. Possesion March 1. Lowprice. BAXTER, THOMPSON" 4 CO.,

ja31-19- . Trsn 162Fourtn ar.

NORTH NEGLEY AVE.Brick residence of nine rooms, all modern

conveniences, for

$8,000.Honse sets back from street line, with

beautiful lawn; owner removing Eaat; imme-diate possession. Act quick.

BAXTER, THOMPSON 4 CO..162 Fourth avenue.

$9,300.Brick house in good repair and a corner

lot of nearly 100 feet front on asphalt pavedstreet in East End; convenient to tractionand railroad, for the above more than rea-sonable price. Houe has 8 rooms, bath,p-- try, marble mantels, both gases, paperedthroughout, porches; a comfortable hornsand a drst rate investment.

VMURRY& EDSALL,54 Fidelity Building, 121 Fourth ar.


FOR SALE n g TlmRICH, Mercer County, Pa.,

OK 347 tCTSE. Larfre DwellinffS.Bams andOrchard, Underlaid with. CoaL Ownerlives in Richmond, and will sell a bargain.Good Title. Particulars,

R. B. CHAFFIN & CO., Richmond, Virginia.k

$13,000. SHADYSIDE.Near cable and electric cars or P. R. It.;

elegant new Queen Anne brickdwelling:, handsome hardwood mantels, tilehearths, modern plumbing, conbinatlonchandeliers, laundry, sta. tubs, art. and nat.gas, plate glass, etc.: lot 00x140; a decidedbargain.

M. F. HIPPLE & CO.,96 Fourth av.


Ou most desirable residence street. Elegantjiew stone and pressed brick dwelling, 11rooms and reception hall, bath, 2 w. cs.,plate felnss. hnrd-woo- d finish and mantels, tilehearths, nice laundry, hot and cold air regis-ters etc.; lot 30x110 to an alley. Small cashDaymen t down, bal.ince long tiran.

M V IITPPT.r. ... r-. u wv.96 Fourth Avenue.

Additional Real Estate and.Unclassified Ads. on SixthPage.

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