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PITTSBURG GAZETTE PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Texas Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DEBBIE KNOX, publisher of T h e Pittsburg Gazette, weekly newspaper of general circulation published at Pittsburg, in Camp County, Texas, who deposes and says that the advertisement, as per copy attached was published in the regular issues of T h e Pittsburg Gazette on August 8, 2013 and August 15, 2013. TIPS TAPS Gas Signed Subscribed and sworn to before me this the iyj /iv_dav of A, ./^pS'-f^ ii . 2013 Notary Public in and for Capfip County, Texas My GQnyni^sign^xQlrQg Jjing 2^, 2014 , SUSAN TAFT My Commission Expires June 25. 2014


P U B L I S H E R ' S A F F I D A V I T

State of Texas

Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DEBBIE KNOX, publisher of T h e P i t t s b u r g G a z e t t e , weekly newspaper of general circulation published at Pittsburg, in Camp County, Texas, who deposes and says that the advertisement, as per copy attached was published in the regular issues of T h e P i t t s b u r g G a z e t t e on August 8, 2013 and August 15, 2013. TIPS TAPS Gas


Subscribed and sworn to before me this the iyj/iv_dav of A, . / ^ p S ' - f ^ i i . 2013

Notary Public in and for Capfip County, Texas

My GQnyni^sign^xQlrQg Jjing 2^, 2014 ,

SUSAN TAFT My Commission Expires

June 25 . 2014

The Pittsburg Gazem. Thursday. August 15. 2013 > T 7

D e a d l i n e F r i d a y a t 4 p . m . • C a l l 9 0 3 - 8 5 6 - 6 6 2 9 t o p l a c e a n a d

Auction Auction McKellar Ranch

Fatni & Ranch Equipment

Saturday-August 17lh-10:00 AM Setting: Tractors, Hay Equip, Trailers, Tructrs, Hay,

Feedsig Equip & Lots More!!! W W W . R E D D O T A U C T I O N E E R S . C O M

PatttThorrras-Auction SpedalistrBrettThomas-AurArmeaf T«LII6248

903-717-2901 01903-767-1133 1 0 % Buyer's Premium

Garage Sales

For Rent For Rent

G a r a g e Sale Saturday on ly

7 a . m . to n o o n Cto*«g. household items.

b lots more 211 Kent Dr.

Pickens & Possibilities T r a d e Day

T h i r d Saturday of every month at 8 a .m. Hwy. 67 Cookvi l le , T X Refurb ished ant iques,

vintage & j u n k

4 RENT 3BDRM2BTH 2 BDRM 1 BTH 903-856-0191

Stribe Properties 903-856-6606

2 B R - Nnrlhl im a Apia. I B R - Villaee A p l i

H O U S E S FOR RENT 4BR-214BA,28I)0 sq.ft. screened in back porch

S 7 5 1 1 m a » 0 0 dep. I 9 3 4 C R 4 1 1 0

3 B R - 2 B A , C H r A Water furnished

SasOmo. S300dep. 903-960-1950


repossessed merchandise at Smith Furniture 4 Applancea,

301 S Greer Callus8l903-856-6t21.

WE BUY COINS , ^3 -227 -4849^

Forsa ledpc .dblbed serf $550. Medium

dark wood, traditional.

Services S U R E T R E E TroeRBinaval

stump GUndlnp luckM. IPMIPMI. V P VPS. eufi 903-577-7322


|903-8S6-5«77 Qual i ty

Painting Serv

Legals The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS/TAPS) has posted new Re­quests For Vendor ProposaPs at www tips-usa com fer commodity categories Compressed Natiaal Gas <CNG} Conversion, Repairs arKi FMIng Stations; arxl Online Auction Systerrs andTor Auction­eer Services. Proposals are due September 19, 2013 at 300 p.m. Proposals wE be approved at the 10124/13 Board Mertir^


CH/CA dose to town $650 + security deposit

Call 903-767-0967

J 3/2 in Pittsburg- |

I rent $700 «• wiff owner finance

; BRaptTwinOala

1 &2BRCherry}Mod


Contact fanie Holder

Child Care

FOR RENT E bedroom apartment loft

located in downtown Pittsburg

Verynicew/2000 sq.ft. NochMren.Napets.

No smoking. $800 mo.AII biHs paid


Christian Day Care

Pre-K Program Free Transportation to 6

from school. CCS Approved, call 9O3-eSS-O2 30 or M3-767-171B


W a l k e r C r e e k Village 22 P R M607

Pitt iburg, T X 75686 903-855-0311

Now acetpling applicatiom

• Mulii-Faniily Affordable Housing

' 2. 3, ,& 4 Bedroom ApBOmcnli CH/A Paiio

•Appli W/D Oo-Sile Laundry Communiiy Room Social Services Office Open 8-5 Weekd^s

|Hi|U3l Housing Handicap Opportunity Accessible

F O R R E N T Cabin in the country.

AU tumshed Al bills paid No pets.

$500 montfi /$300 depovt 903-960-1950

E f f i c iency A p a r t m e n t

$275 a m o n t h

$200 deposi t


Water p a i d

FOR RENT [2 bedroom 1 bath duplex]

1 car garage 3 bedroom 1 bath home

Paul R. Mayben 903-856-3218

F0RADOPTK>8: Dogs, puppies, cats, and

kittens must have shots before leaving impoundment facility.

For more mformation, contact the Pittsburg Police Department


FREE KfTTENS They need a good home.

male 4 female Please call 903-767-2960

FREE PUPPIES mother is a full blood Blue

Heeler, father full blood Hound dog


Storage E-ZSELF STORAGE Hwy 271. Pittsburg

903-856-3611 Clean, insulated, card operated

security gates, 24 hour access Moving

supplies and U-Haul Dealer.

Pittsburg Storage Si/t-'s f r u i i i ,5\1

U) h i u t s i / L . 903-856-3491

Land i i l c i n

by intersect ion of 1309

& 1 3 U . N i c e bui ld ing

site, p i n e trees , creek

$39,900 903-767-1598

Land For Sale 2 acres on Hwy.27l,.30 acres off FM SSfi, 9 acres at Center

Point,28 acres on FM 993 Owner Financing Available

903-238-4992 90.3-734.7347


5x5 to 10x20 903-767-0808


$ 2 0 A N D UP. P A R K E R B U I L D I N G

C O . 903-656-6761

Garage Sales


6 FAMIIY SalurdayAug.!? Bio 2 33 miles south of city limit sign, 291 County Road 1331 South on 271,ri^t on 3384

(old Gilmer Hwy)2.3mlles wilij sec signs, DcmX miss this or

Hundreds of cookbooks. Something for everyone. School clothes, hunting,

kitchen, vintage items


Located: 6 mites SE on FM 993. Pittsburg Saturday, Aug. 1 7 S a.m. to 1 p.m.

Womens b children's cloth­ing, household items, and

much more

Real Estate

512 Qu i tman St. 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Large lot. Own for less than, renting or buy to tease-out. Posd i i e owner fi­nance. S59.900


drooFn/2 balh/1 oar garagi doll hous* w/larg* matter suite,.

on tha eornar of Hwy HI and Kant Driva. Circit driva arte

I great back yard for antertaining with covarad patio. 1122.600

TLC Realty (903)877-0400

epen floor plan, split bedrooiHAi covarad walk way to garaga,:

matal roof, barn 4 workingl pans. All tbr only 1110.000 i

TLC Realty (903)67741400

Mobile Homes BMUUNEW

3 bedroom, 2 both, doublewide onlyS46,900 $312 rmth, 240mnts. 10%dn,iwc U S E S 2/1 • n l v

$ 2 , 5 0 0 I5f3 only $39,900 2/2 only $4,900 CINtM

phone approwls. RBI 36579

9 0 3 - 5 2 4 - 2 0 5 0 " ' , l t


ByTexasll nearLeesbuig. Can to identifyand recbim.


H I E exi'f.hif.n(:k

c : o u N - e i LuAKu -ifh uiun- Aau Uai IVMS jvnbirBal n|KTn)Ek

Tire failum and trMdsoparsttoite Rv., are more common In summer Many manutadurefs samp on materiafe and market defective tires, which may resutl in cataslrophic roikwers or oashes. If you or a bved one have been njured by a detective lire

rdkuvet, call us for profee-,

A. KroK$,M.n.,J.D.

Timothy R. Ca(̂ irJlfv>. l!C


Real Estate

Real Estate

lots In Sunset Bay: 143 ft shoreline. $90,000 3/2 brick on US HW 259 w/large lot. $169,000 Lot in Pine Valley (Lake Cypress). No mobiles.

Owner ftnandng. $3,000 2/2/2 w/1900 sq ft on 19 acres, barn, pasture; $178,500

i , \ . f l

1 ^ i , \ . f l

R e a l t y

1 Please see my ad's 1 In the classined section 1 or call me. 1 (903) 577-0400

PremierGrDul • ' 903-856-7262 ^

w w w . c 2 1 p r e i n l e r g r o u p . c o m

, » 4 ^ . J I ^ P B ^ i " m i , » 4 ^ . J I ^ P B $24,000

2/i Brick home in town Great for investment.

i M l M L J l r

$69,(X)0 3/2 on aboul half an acre close to lown. Updates

B 8 8 ^ 4 u . d - : : - 4 a | t e irmn^ $69,900

3/1 Bnck-carport- on an acre in Leesburg-well kept

$82,799 3/2 w/carpon in nice n e i ^ -horh(M)d-Cuie&Cozy

$82,500 3/2 Spacious home with nice wood floors-fp-central] h/a-carport-ston

$88,000 Nice 7.5 acre t raa of land! with good fencing and nicef pond. .3/2mobilewithan addition. Shop & Storage

$89,500 Nice3/2/2 downtown with a inicelot-MUST see this OQCL

$94,900 .3/1'/̂ Bnck in great neigh oornooo-uver I.S40 sq ft of| living-onhalfacrelot

$99,9000 3/2 Nice home-REDONE. 2.B4 acres-close to town-Country living

$115,000 3/2 on 1.4 acres -nice openl living-built in 2005-S,3000| Rooting allowance

Check out our website www.canipcountpw.coni

ThePlmburqOtnelle. Thursday. August 8, ?013 • 9

Looking Bai 10 Y E A R S AGO Lamar H u ^ e s played

i n the Texas High Schod Coaches Association Al l -Star basketball game. Teresa Hobbs is the new

executive director of the Camp County Chamber cf Commerce.

Mars has never been as close to the earth as it is this month. At 34.649.000 miles, i t won't be this close again until 2287. 20 Y E A R S AGO

Debbie Knox is appoint­ed publisher of The Pitts­burg Gazette. Susan Tafl is named editor.

Brison's Service Cen-

ses. Sonny ter dosesSbnny and Jo Brison had operated the station since 1961.

Karl Parks, Keith Haw­kins, Ronnie Humphrey. Randy Woods, BiU Mc­Donald and Joanne Reed receive peace crfficer certi­fication at Northeast Tex­as Community College. 30 Y E A R S AGO

Coca Cola BottUng Com pany presented "This is Pitt Country" agn to the school. The sign wi l l be erected at the Pirate field house.

Bums Grocery and Pawn Shop bums. The business is located at the

intersectlMi of Arch Da­vis Road and I^afayette Street.

Camp County SherifTs Department fists 584 calls in July; 31 arrests were made.

Ann Reeves speaks to the Kiwanis Qub on the growing popularity cf "The Spirit of Pittsburg" play. 40 Y E A R S AGO

Fifteenth annual Princedale Tournament planned. Rickey Scott is defending champion.

New sewer fine, water system improvements made at a cost of $235.631.

Football tickets cost $1.75; reserved seats are $2.

Mike Carpenter is awarded baseball schol­arship to Ranger Junior College.

Billy Nickerscsi receives doctor's degree in engi­neering. 50 Y E A R S AGO

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Narramore celebrate 50th wedding anniversary.

Kilgore College awards twirting scholarship to Kay Steger.

Mrs. H.L Pitt is guest speaker for library hour. 60 Y E A R S AGO

Drilling equipment moved in for theNo.lH.G. Hatley well three miles southeast of Newsome.

Korean Armistice agree­ment signed.

Buck Florence suffers broken arm as car strikes pole near courthouse.

LcHigview Little Ivcaguers defeat Pittsburg Al l Stars. 7 0 Y E A R S A G O

Coffee ratlMiing ends. Merchants agree to close

their places of business every Wednesday after-noffli during August

Yam production doubles inTbxas.

80 Y E A R S AGO A beer election was or­

dered for Camp County. A.L. Raley of Dallas buys

the Pittsburg Bakery. A car owned by Dr. L H .

Pitt was stolen but was lat­er located in Gladewater.

County tax rate was re­duced to 50 cents from 80 cents. Poor packing causes the

Camp County peach crc^ to bring low prices at the Chicago market. 110 Y E A R S AGO

An ice cream social was held at Mrs. Ike Adairs' for the b e n ^ t of the cem­etery ftind.

Community college open for poetry contest submissions Northeast Texas Com­

munity College Honors is now accepting submis­sions for the sixth annual Northeast Texas Poetry Contest. Poems should be e-mailed to ayox@ntcc. edu by noon on Friday, Aug. 30. The Reading and awards ceremony wi l l be held Friday. Sept. 6 in the Whatley Center Foyer at 11 a.m. In order to be con­sidered for prizes, contes­

tants must read their po­ems in persrni during this brief ceremony.

Awards for students who have completed less than 50 hours of colle­giate work begin at $400 for first place. $300 for second. $200 fcr third, and $100 for fourth. Prizes for adults (non-students or students wi th more than 50 hours of collegiate wc«it) are $200 for first

place and $50 for second place.

Al l ages are welcome to participate and po­ems can be any style or length. Entries should focus on defining North­east Texas. Winning poems wi l l accent and enliven our sense of the surroundings, the peo­ple, the culture, and/ra­the history of Northeast Texas. The winners, and

winning poems of previ­ous years can be found on the poetry page of www.ntccedu/honors. In addition to the public reading poems may also be submitted to regional news outlets. The Northeast Texas

Poetry Contest is made possible by ^onsor Mi ­chael Whitney and Elliott Chrysler, Jeep Dodge of Mount Pleasant.

" I look forward to these contests every year. I think the questicm we are asked most in our lives is where we are from, and each year our contestants have provid­ed provocative answers. Thus far. I think we have concluded that Northeast Texas is the one place in the worid where one can have a plethora of lakes, rolxist green fields, plen­

ty of dramatic thunder­storms, and tall shade trees, and still have the luxury of being Texan," Dr. Andirew Yox, NTCC Honors Director, said.

For more information about the contest or to learn more about NTCC Honors, contact Yox at 903-434-8229. ayox@ntcc. edu< maUtoayox@nt cc. edu>. or check out the NTCC Honors Facebook.

D e a d l i n e F r i d a y a t 4 p . m . • C a l l 9 0 3 - 8 5 6 - 6 6 2 9 t o p l a c e a n a d

Auction Auction Auction Legals Legals Legals

F a r m & R a n c h E q u i p m e n t

S a t u r d a y - A u g u s t 1 7 t h • 1 0 : 3 0 A M

1844 Highway 67 East • Mt Pleasant, Texas Xuclupm..'I NM: Or. Ur D. McKrUnr to <ni Ai cMmg tdprjlhrbi ikvthfmtntofquibot*hibctuic»llkfQrmmiffrmalerigwilkb*btgarrttftbr^ toto v>«to to fa to toito a V>|, ton. He to a>U iVI a^to calllf to to iprti. ur Ike privikgttttSttlkttgreM ret effarm amrlmekr^rifmeiit. te ptiaie ie net mm tkit eettion.

SeUkf. 1mUn.\jtmka: K i b m . m b m E t o c l 4 W D C a b T n s l t a w / F i u g c n l L t o b r . 8 5 I ] P - a M l b > KubouMltTin Diesel 4Wn Traclw elfmKai 1 ,i«toJI51IP.36B31 I n Jolm Deeie MHO l)ir«;l 4W1) Cat, Trartra w/JD MO F n t o a d l.mdrr4lS HP-VKKl Hn, Xabnu MX47II0 Dirael 4WI> I n e i ™ w/l ™ ie j« l l n « l n - n IIP-3 I I I , (3114 Medel). Ne» llnllanil L455 Skill S len l.uadn«/Xi*uliiDieM-1 Eii(;ii«-.27SI H u m KobmaGKlOO Dicarl Ridbij Lawn Muwe, «/54- Mo«ei-llyilro.liilii. Trai»-224 lluius, 2I»2 G M C 250IMa4 Pielnp Tnicl-Voncc ( i n F a j n o S Spcc4*3.IWI Miles 111. K a t o m c a l : Vcunecs 5411)BB Rounl Hay Bale. w/Kcl WraHlnllcil Appmriiaalcly 2SIIORcins.liAnl)coc34« T w i n Tic Siyiaic Hay Baler (Hani Kepl), 2-Vmiieer WR20 It-Wheel C.idiiy Hay Rakes, Kiiha OPSflOl IH Hay Tedder, Kibe O M D M B i r RiRary Hay CuCIrr, Hay T n i Sgeare Hay Bair Acciimilaliir, SlepWe Sque Hay Bak A c c n l a l u f , Hay Teeb Square Hay Baler Uyihaulk Gnqnle, f t o l K l O i n s a i KiOb U c U 5135 Venlcal Mass Mucr w/Hay CoaTCyor. Schiilci ITSFFccdWailonw/Side Diacliaritc Aupcr, lardinaUTor-Boy Hid(kmvcyia, K g t o M B l , T V u n e i A C i i l - e r h : CHil l « l Manure Syreader, Besh Hoy l2liR Shredder-Ill 1/2' w/Hyd Cyliadej 1 1/2' Yanl llyd Dirt Serapcr, 2110 fialloo Portable Cadlc Sprayer, Ciwtiocntal Bellin 500 Clalbie Spray Rig e,ntt Boons, Herd 3-P.aiil Sceilei. Bush H o , PIID2I0I Prol Hole Difiger, XDIID iIL43-6' Rotary Tillet-I PL CaUwell Ilvd rdl/Annie Rear 3 PI. Blade,, k .Bcn Paatare Drae. 2-40' & S-W Sled rtusrcs. b'r .11' Slcci CulvcrL 7'r 1 b' Slcel t-'iiWctls.

n ! : 3 - r&.S 15004 rrip HopperslRanp-Caillr lecdm) , Prarsnn y.. P,aurs PnrtaWc Livestock .Scales, .Spnn,.-0-Madr l>rw1aWe

Hoof Tr inmi ig Table, 7-Sijiele .Saled Creep Henleri,, 3-15' Portable Bolk Hreden Hird Trougbs. Haminet Mill,. T r t o r a : Ncekover 20'a6' (luoseiaxk Bar Tup Stock Trailer, W-W 1 b'sb' GooKiicek Mclal Top Slock Trailer, PcrlorToaiicc 18' Ulilily Trailer, Pcrlormancc 12 UliBly Trailer, Shop Boih 12' Utilily Trailer, Shop BniR »' I, Wily Trailer, DiainoiiiK; 2/'i5' Dovetail Gooseneck plaltied Trailer W/IOK Tandem Dual Aries PLUSSPECIAL CONSIGNMENT4W. N E W - B M ! T K I T B A I L E B S A L I . I T P P S A Sl/diS!!'! ToWs.

lurnsier. e Llouolo a? (Us Wekler w/Tulluiy Toich Riy blal i Hnnivania Chainsaw, CulaiH Saw, Drill., Jwiks, Shovels, Ptwlbole Dipiiers, Aaes, T-Pusi Driver, Barbed Wire, Plcctrie Pcoec Wire. Posu A Chargers. I adders. Ramps. Slcel Gralmp. Top Lraks. p ro Shalis. A n Cnmpfccsor A Hose, Vises Bench Grinder. Pipe Threader A Ctitfen, .Shelves Cabtnels, .Stora|>e Bins, Traetnr Canopy, .Several Mage Hlcttrie MWon,. Pallet of New Shiaglrs, Cattle Robs, Shop Faiw A Lois of Scrap boo. H v : 1000. RoBs ol (CoaslalfTifloWIhalbi GrsrsXA'sS' w/Nel Wrap), 40B. Small Squ-STBalei (CoailalMAIl hay it m ibc bam or jurt rottcdll, TcnasACnndilionsCashoraiecl with Rank I ellcr GoaraeUeiag Paymcsl SaJes lbs will be tJiiuiBd aaleis ynn have a Tesas AeiicalTnTe Or Tnnhei ReRiilnliiia raid. 10% Bayeri rianiiain rhaiyed no •Hi

Auctioiiccfs.com r .O.I )«851- Mt

Putti Thnroas-Ow - B n i t t T l M xT»Ia*248 903-717-2901 www reddotauctioneer^.com 903-767-1133

and Ttchncal EducaUon Pro­grams

Pittsbuig ISO oners career and technical educaton programs In Agncullure, Food and Natural Re­sources, AudioVldeo Technology, and Communications. Business Management and Adminatratton, Fnance. Health Science. Human Servces, Inlbrmabon Technology, Marketing, and Scenoe. Technolo­gy. Engneenng. and Mathematcs AdmsSDn to these programs is based on students' six year grad­uation plans

t rs the pokey of Pittsturg ISO 'vilto s o l race, color, natcnal origin, sex. or handicap, in *s vocational pro­grams, services or actmitiesas re-qured by Title VI of the Civt Rights Act of 1964, as amended. T»e IX of the Education Amendments ol 1972, and Secton 504 ol the Re-habitetun Act of 1973. as amend­ed

II IS the pokey of Pittsburg ISO not to discnmfiate on the base of face, cotor, natonal ongin, sex, handcap, or age in ris emptoy-ment practices as required by TMe VI of the Ovl Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Tltlo IX of the Edo-canon Amendments of 1972, the Age DiscrtmnetDn Act of 1975, as amended, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended


Pittsburg ISO will take steps to assure that tack of Engksh tan-guage slulls wil nol be a barrier to adrrassnn and pailcipatnn in al educational and vocational pro­grams

For intormahon about your rights or gnevance procedures, contact the Tlte IX Coordinator, Beth Ame Dunavant andtor the 504 Cooidrotor, Ktelly Hobbs at 402 Broach Street 903^5&3626

Pttetmrg ISO ofrece prog ra mas vocaconalesenAdminBtracidnde Negoctos y Genencto. Finanzas, Arte, Tecnologia Audiovtoual y Co-muwcacton. Informihca. Servcios Humanos. Agronomia Alimentos y Recursos Naturales, Qences de la Salud. Mercadeo, OencB. Tec-nobgia. Ingenera. y Maleiratcas. La admBidn a estos programas se basa en el plan que se hace el es-tudianle

Es norma de Pittsburg ISO no dBcnmtoar por mobvos de raza, cobr. ongen nactonal. sexo o im-pedimento, en sus programas, servicbs o actrvidades vocacona-les, tal como lo requieien ei Tltuki VI de la Ley de Oerechos Oviles de 1964, segim enrreenda, el Tituto IX de las Enmrendas en la Educacbn. de 1972. y to Seccidn 504 de la Ley de RehatxKacbn de 1973. segun enrreenda

Es norma de Pittsburg ISO no dBcrlmtoar por ITX)»VOS de rsza, cobr. ongen nacxmat sexo. im-

pedmento o edad. en sus pro-cedxriBntos de empleo. lal como b requteien el Titub VI de la Ley de Derechos Crvkes de 1964. segiin enmienda. el Trtuto IX de las Enmendas sn la Educacba de 1972. la by de DiscrimrBcibn por Edad, de 1975, aegiin enmien­da, y b Seccbn 504 de b Ley de Rehabtttacxin de 1973, segim erv menda

Pltsburg ISO tomar^ bs rrtodP das necesares para asegurar que b fab de habrkdad en el use del ingtes no sea un obstttcuto para la admiston y partretoocbn en lodoa bs programas educatrvos y voca-

Para infoimacbn sobie sua derechos o piocedimierlos de queps. comunlquese con el Co-oitfinador del Titub IX, Beth Anno Dunavant y/o el Coordnador de la Seccbn 504, Kelly Hobbs, en 402 Broach Street Pittsbirg, Texas. (903) ar

The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS/TAPS) has posted rew Re­quests For Vendor FYoposal's at wvrw tips-usa-Com for commodity categories Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Conversions. Re­pairs Sid FlWns Stations; and Online Auction Systems endf or Auctioneer Services, Propos-ab are due September 19, 2013 at 300 pm Proposals wll be approved at the 10/24713 Boanl Meetng

Homes ^^ '̂'̂ S^ Storage BRAND NEW

3 bedroom 2 bath, 10 vwde only $36,900 $275 rmlh, 240 mils. 10%dn. vkoc

c a a i i s E i s R t P K 2/2 onlv $6,900 212 double fre-pbce orty $36,999. 5/3 doutib onlv $45,000 financing avaiaWe RBI 36579 m r a i E B i m i s No credit score needed BRAND NEWHCWES rslsN approvsk

9 0 3 - 5 2 4 - 2 0 5 0 r r ' '

E-Z SELF STORAGE Hwy 271, Pittsburg

903-856-3611 Oban, insulated, card operated

security gates, 24 hour access Moving

supplbs and U-Haul Deabr

Pittsburg Storage S i z e s t i 'DOi 3 v ! 0

t o b o . n s i z e , ,



5x5 to 10x20 003-767-0008


S P A C E $ 2 0 A N D U P .

P A P K E R B U I L D I N G C O . 903-856-67A1

N e e d a n e w s p a p e r o n W e d n e s d a y a f t e r n o o n ?

Check out these local tetailers

Villager. Leesburg Store. #1 Stop . Ptttsbuig Exxon .BroolcsMre's . Comer

Express .Wag-A-Bag.ios MIsmos • Dickson Street Package Store

M r ys -Gazette otSce .gf tfar /S .Baretoot Bay

U F E 5 D


M a k e a S u n d a y n i g h t d a t e w i t h P B S

After boost ing that day's ratings 2 6 % , ' D o w n t o n ' a n d ' Sher iock ' stay put

Robert Blanco

BEVBHLVHiLLS Flat may be the new up at the commercial broadcast net­works, but not at PBS.

PBS president and CEO Paula Kerger says the public service's rat­ings are up 5% in prime time year over year — and up 26% on Sunday alone, driven on that night by PES' biggest hit in decades, Downton Abbey. And she's looking forward to another good year, with Downton returning Jan. 5 and being joined by such returning favorites as Call the Midwife. Mr. Seifridge and Sherhck.

There is some very rich content, and we have found that Sunday night on public television has become a great night for drama," Kerger said at the Television Critics Association meeting Tuesday.

Kerger also highlighted news and documentary programs, from Latino Americans and The March to a spe­cial on JFK.

In September, PBSIVews/four will

make some newsof itsown: It wiU be anchored by Gwen IfiU and Judy Woodruft "the first lime that two women will co-anchor an evening newscast," Kerger says.

In addition, on Sept. 7, the JVews-Hour will expand with a NewsHow Weekend on Saturdays and Sund ays.

Sept. 10 American Masters film on PBS (8 ET/PT, Umes may vary), wasn't just the greatest tennis player of her time, she was a lighter for equal rights. It wasn't just her fam­ous "balUe of the sexes" tennis match with Bobby Riggs; it was her dedical ion lo equally for everyone.

She was a feminist then, she says, and she stiU is - and to her. the meaning of "feminism" hasn't changed. "It means choice; it means equality for boys and girls. Thai's what it means to me. The guys loved It, because I always included them, I still do."

Thc "guys" to whom she refers were the sports reporters of the "705, who were all men. Dealing with them was not easy, she says, partly because at the time, ^ e was keeping her sex­uality a secret.

King came out in 1981 in response to a palimony lawsuit filed against her. She's glad she did, despite the impetus, but she would never force someone lo follow her path.

t iach person has to deade. 1 would never out somebody, because until you're ready, you're not ready."


'AMERICAN MASTERS' Billie Jean King, the !

Get updates fmm 111eTelevision ubject of a Cnlics Association press tour.


K e y b o a r d k i n g G e o r g e D u k e

d e f i e d m u s i c a l c a t e g o r i e s

J a z z fus ion p ioneer ' s sounds insp i r e s amp les

Patrick Ryan

Silling at a concert with his moth­er, a then-4-year-old George Duke knew that he wanted to be Just like the man be saw performing onstage.

That man was Duke EUington. "i remember seeing this guy in a

white suit, playing this big thing, which I later found out was a piano," Duke told USA TODAY in 1997. T ie was waving his hands conductmg. and he spoke very intelligently and seemed to he having a good lime. And his name was Duke, and my last was Duke. I told my mom, 'I want to be hun." That moment in time i the stage for me."

Duke, V • would become pioneer in the jazz and funk genres, died Monday in Los

Angeles after a bailie with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, according to his label. Concord Music Groupi He was 67.

Over the course of his four-decade-plus career, the Grammy Award-winning keyboardist put out more than 40 albums and collaborat­ed with Frank Zappa. Miles Davis, Jill Scott and Michael Jackson. His mu­sic also was sampled by Kanye West,

Daft Punk and Common. J "It's a wonderful thing,"

,Z Duke told USA TODAY of V*^ his career longevity. I n

Jjp R&B and rock, when you are fiP over a certain age, they say

/ ; goodbye to you. But in jazz, you just kind of level off and continue to gain respect, so

long as you keep your integrity." His final album. Dream­

Weaver, was released July 16 and went to No. 1 on Billboard's contem porary jazz chart.

Celebrities took to Twitter to express their condolences.

"A great musician, a greater friend," record producer Quincy Jones tweeted Tuesday evening.

Tunk. Jazz, MUSIC Legend ... One of the GREATEST," Justin Timberlakc tweeted.


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IS H I G H - S P E E D H Y P E R L O O P T R A V E L I N O U R F U T U R E ?


"The Hyper loop" isasystcmorpcoplc-sizepod>; that arc moved over a network of lubes built owr or undcrthe ground - mueh like the pncumaUc tubes seen at drive-up windows at banks. Magnets in the pods and the tubes would work together lo move the pods ihrough the lubes.

57-page proposa l , wh i l e excit ing, h a s holes, s o m e exper t s say

Chr i s Ufeodyard and Roger Yu

The world has had a day to digest Tesla and SpaceX C E O Elon Musks proposal of a "hyperloop," a high­speed train lhat would shoot pods through a lube with air pressure at speeds that would take people from Los Angeles to San lYancisco in 30 minutes.

And he is mostly being hailed as a visionary, an example of the kind of can-do spirit lhat America needs.

But not all think the idea he is sup­porting is feasible — pointing out lhat traveling faster than a jet aircraft in a lube would be really, really difficuli.

After reading Musk's 57-page pro­posal, Sam Jaffc, senior research ana­lyst at clean technology firm Navigant Research, was impressed with Musk's willingness lo release Ihe report with "excruciating detail" and openly invite criticism. "What he's done is amazing. He wrote it and said, "Criticize this,' " Jaffe says. "And it's worthy of being criticized"

Jalfe responded with some of his doubts about the plan. The biggest hurdle would be dealing with the temperature of air compression, says Jaffe, who has launched a start-up business in compressed-air energy storage. While Musk's estimates are thermodynamically correct, he says. "The heat of compression is always underestimated by engineers."

"To take lhat heat away from the critical parts of the system, you need a lot of surface area inside the pod. You just have a limited volume of

•ftata Mators' roncepldrawingof the hyperhwp, • test transpnrt design, was onwiled Monday by Ehm Muak.

space to work with," he says. "Thai's what concerns me."

Musk proposes a water tank that is attached to the pod and used as cool­ant. The steam generated from the process would be collected and re­leased al stations.

Jaffe saysthat the pods may not be able lo carry enough water. "That's nol an elegant solutioa A lot of things worry me about that. It's a hard engineering problem to solve whenever you're pressuring air."

Also, engineering hurdles: The pods would be under a lot of stress. And if the lube structure is elevated, it could be subject to buffeting wind.

Musk's idea isn't new. Ever since pneumatic lubes using negative air pressure lo diool capsules sbowcd up decades ago — department stores used them for transactions, and newspapers used them to carry sto­ries from the newsroom to operators who would produce metal type for the printing presses — people have dreamed of traveling through cylin-dersat h i ^ speed.

Jay Yarow, writing for Business Insider, says a similar idea for trans­porting passengers was hatched 41 years ago by a RAND Corp research­er, RAl . Salter. He called his hyper-

W H Y S O M E C R I T I C S S A Y E L O N M U S K ' S H Y P E R L O O P W I U N O T W O R I G

Tlw (,>?iJ WCJU«I oeftdtoccuTyci water toot, wfecb wouti prwKie mokinl. But VJOUKI Inft pori bv oblia to corry enouQri wotor to coqi &ie. high temperattfias?

loop a "Very High Speed Transit would have been airtight, unlike

I t e pod will tie corrvressioQ air (iod eypeitifiQ It dovwiwrjrds oocl ixxirvvttfds, fiS that all twoptessio cretrtesan enormous amount of neot, which can domoge tfie p«ti ond its iTMxh'ntriv.

System." It, too, depended ( suspended on air running through tubes. He says it faced technical chal­lenges, but there were no apparent insurmountable barriers. His system

Mudr's. The idea went nowhere. And Musk is not proposing to take

on this futuristic train idea himself, having enough on his plate now with his Tesla car company and SpaceX

'.object ouffennci b winds

space technology company. While he put his own fortune on the line for those, Musk will be sitting back to see whether his support helps gel this hyperloop idea advanced in the hands of others.

R u l e s w o u l d a i d u s e d c a r b u y e r s S a f e t y r e c a l l s '

e f f e c t i v e n e s s w o u l d

a l s o g e t a b o o s t

J u n e s R. Healcy and Fred Meier

Government safely I ofReials plan to .an-

mce a final rule today I that could provide far

re security for used car shoppers and dramaticaUv hoosi the effectiveness of safety recalls.

The National Highway Traftie Safety Administration mandate will require automakers to have a tool on their public websites that allows any­one to search for uncompleted recall repairs for any car or truck by Its ve­hicle identification number (VIN). Sites must be updated at least weekly.

II sounds simple, and some car companies already do i t but it would be the first industrywide regulation lo standardize and simplify the searches. It also would apply to mo­torcycle manufacturers. NHTSA's goal is to get more owners lo have re­call fixes made.

Makers will have one year from to­day lo install the feature, and they appeareagertodo it.

"The goal here is to increase recall completion rates through greater consumer awareness. Providing safe­ty recall information on the websites of automakers" is effective and uses databases that car companies already

The 2014 Kia Soul is the least-eiqicnBive car on the short drivers' list.

maintain, says the Alliance of Auto­mobile Manufacturers, the main trade group representing major car companies.

The companies won't have to list recalled vehicles that have been re­paired, just those that haven't.

It's overdue, some auto experts say.

"It's a great thing," says Clarence Dillow, chief of the Center for Auto Safety advocacy group. The center, he says, has urged such recall search tools for 2 0 years, and its website, auto safe Lyxirg, has a recall section lhat links to the recall search sites of the automakers lhat have them.

Recalls almost never are 1 0 0 % complete. Some linger for years, only half or I wo-thiids complete.

About a fourth of all recall repairs

"NHTSA said that 2 0 % of people who don't get a recall done say it's be­cause they didn't know there was one," Ditlow says.

T h i s is an important develop­ment," says Carroll Lachnit. an editw at auto research and shopping site Edmunds.com. "It should make it easier for people buying used ears to know if the vehicle they're about to purchase was part of an uncompleted recall."

Other provisions of the rule re­quire car companies to use the offi­cial Department of Transportation logo on the recall letters they send owners. That's to make the serious­ness of tlK action dear, NHTSA says, "by distinguishing the notices from routine corre^ondence."

Short people have got some cars they can love

Short drivers - folks about 5-foot-6 or less — know how hard it is lo fmd vehicles that let them see out properly and m which they can ad­just themselves to fit corafortaWy and safety behind the wheel while reachmg controls and pedals.

To help such folks find such vehi-des, Edmunds.com, the car-shopping and research site, has compiled a list of what It believes are the 1 0 best cars for short drivers.

It's a wide variety of vehicles, with some cars you probably can afford, others, maybe nol.

Visibility is the key safety issue. If you can't see what's around you, after all. you're more likely to hit it. Com-

Except that car designers have lit­tle of lhat sense. Looks good, live with it, seems to be their attitude.

Thus, many cars compromise the ability to easily see out for the sake of what's considered altraclive: sheet metal that comes up h i ^ (called a high belt line); roof pillars that are thick; windshields or rear windows that are steeply angled or roof de­signs that create a big blind spot when the driver looks back to the

Some key features to help with comfort and safety issues for short drivers:

Height-adjustable driver's seat, common.

• Telescoping and tilting steering column, fairly common.

• Power-adjustable pedals.

Adjustable pedals let short drivers move the pedals within reach with­out moving too closely to the steering wheel — less than 10 inches between the wheel and your breastbone usu­ally is considered unsafe. General Motors, Ford Motor, Chrysler Group and Nissan Motor are chief among those olforing adjustable pedals on some models.

Edmunds points out that individ­ual physiques vary, so two drivers the same het^t might fit quite different­ly, and benefit from the pedal, as well as seat and wheel flexibility.

Buyers should test drive cars and trucks on their lists to be sure they fit and can see out. Don't think you've simply missed lhat perfect combina­tion of seal/wheel/pedal settings, and ifU somehow get better after you sign on the dotted line. Doesn't happen.

Here areEdmundacom's favorites for short drivers, in alphabetical or­der, including the price with shipping for the base model:

• BMW 3 Series, 5 3 3 , 4 7 5 R Honda Accord, 5 2 2 , 4 7 0 • Honda CB-V, 5 2 3 , 6 2 5 • Kia SouL 5 1 5 , 2 0 0 R Lexus IiS 4 6 0 5 7 2 , 9 0 0

Mazdal $17,495 Mercedes-Benz S-Oass, 5 9 3 . 2 5 5

• Subaru Forester, 5 2 2 . 7 9 0 »• Toyota Sienna. 5 2 7 , 4 4 5

Volkswagen Passat, $ 2 1 , 6 4 0 Edmunds plans lo make this list

annual, and to make an annual list of cars for tall people.


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