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Place of the Future - Worker Happiness Index August 2014

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Worker Happiness Assessment: Exygy
workplace of the future®
Page 1: Place of the Future - Worker Happiness Index August 2014

workplace of the future®

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Worker Happiness Index

Satisfaction with Work Life

Page description:

Please imagine a ladder with steps numbered from "0" at the bottom to "10" at the top.Suppose we say that the top of the ladder represents the best possible work life for youand the bottom of the ladder represents the worst possible.

1. If the top step is 10 and the bottom step is 0, on which step of the ladder do you feel youpersonally stand at the present time with your work life? *

0 -Worse

possiblework lifefor you 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 -Best

possiblework lifefor you

2. All things considered, how satisfied are you with your work life as a whole nowadays? *

Not atall

satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Extremelysatisfied

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3. Taking all things together, how happy would you say you are at work? *

Extremelyunhappy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Positive and Negative Experience

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4. Overall, to what extent do you feel the things you do in your work life are worthwhile?

Notat all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Completely

5. Overall, how happy did you feel yesterday at work?

Notat all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Completely

6. Overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday at work?

Notat all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Completely

Psychological Well-Being

Page description:

To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

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7. I lead a purposeful and meaningful life at work

Stronglydisagree Disagree

Neither agreenor disagree Agree Strongly agree

8. I am optimistic about my future at work

Stronglydisagree Disagree

Neither agreenor disagree Agree Strongly agree

9. In general, I feel very positive about myself at work

Stronglydisagree Disagree

Neither agreenor disagree Agree Strongly agree


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10. In general, I would say my health at work is:

Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent

11. How much of the time during the past week did you experience physical pain thatprevented you from doing what you needed to do?

Very rarely ornever Rarely Sometimes Often

Very often oralways

12. In general, I would say my stress level at work is:

Extremely high HighNeither high or

low Low Extremely low

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Time Balance

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13. In a typical work week, how much of your time are you able to spend doing the kinds ofthings that you enjoy?

None of mytime

Not much of mytime

Some of mytime

Most of mytime All of my time

14. How satisfied are you with the balance between the time you spend on your job and thetime you spend on other aspects of your life?

Verydissatisfied Dissatisfied

Neithersatisfied nordissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

15. The conditions of my work life allow me to be about as productive as I could be

Stronglydisagree Disagree

Neither agreenor disagree Agree Strongly agree

Community Vitality

Page description:

Please tell us how many of the following people you trust:

16. Your subordinates

Trust none ofthem

Trust a few ofthem

Trust some ofthem

Trust most ofthem

Trust all ofthem

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17. Your co-workers

Trust none ofthem

Trust a few ofthem

Trust some ofthem

Trust most ofthem

Trust all ofthem

18. Your superiors

Trust none ofthem

Trust a few ofthem

Trust some ofthem

Trust most ofthem

Trust all ofthem

Using the scale below, indicate how frequently you have done these activities in thepast 12 months

19. Donated money to a charity

At least once amonth

At least onceevery three


At least onceevery sixmonths

Once in thelast year Never

20. Volunteered your time to an organization

At least once amonth

At least onceevery three


At least onceevery sixmonths

Once in thelast year Never

Social Support

Page description:

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21. How satisfied are you with the support you get from your co-workers?

Verydissatisfied Dissatisfied

Neithersatisfied nordissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied

22. How satisfied are you with the support you get from your manager(s)?

Verydissatisfied Dissatisfied

Neithersatisfied nordissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied

To what extent do you agree with the following statement?

23. People at work care about me

Stronglydisagree Disagree

Neither agreenor disagree Agree Strongly agree


Page description:

24. How would you describe your feeling of belonging at your company/organization?

Very weakSomewhat

weakNeither weak

or strongSomewhat

strong Very strong

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25. How satisfied are you with your access to activities for professional development througheducation & training?

Verydissatisfied Dissatisfied

Neithersatisfied nordissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

26. How often do you feel uncomfortable or out of place at your company/organization becauseof your ethnicity, culture, race, skin color, language, accent, gender, sexual orientation, orreligion?

Never RarelySome of the

timeMost of the

time All of the time

Environmental Quality

Page description:

27. How healthy is your work environment?

Not at all A little Somewhat Very Extremely

28. How satisfied are you with the opportunities you have to enjoy nature at work?

Verydissatisfied Dissatisfied

Neithersatisfied nordissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

29. How satisfied are you with the air quality of your work environment?

Verydissatisfied Dissatisfied

Neithersatisfied nordissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

Organizational Structure

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30. How satisfied are you with the job being done by the management of yourcompany/organization?

Verydissatisfied Dissatisfied

Neithersatisfied nordissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied

31. State your level of agreement with the following statement: The company/organization Iwork at pay attention to what I think

Stronglydisagree Disagree

Neither agreenor disagree Agree Strongly agree

32. Please indicate how much confidence you have of the company/organization you work at

No confidenceNot very much

confidenceA fair amountof confidence

Quite a lot ofconfidence

A great amountof confidence

Material Well-Being

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33. Please state your level of agreement with the following statement: Considering all my effortsand achievements in my job, I feel I get paid appropriately

Stronglydisagree Disagree

Neither agreenor disagree Agree Strongly agree

34. In general, how much stress do you feel about your finances?

Overwhelmingstress High stress

Moderatestress Low stress No stress at all

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35. How frequently do you find yourself just getting by financially and living paycheck bypaycheck?

All the timeMost of the

time Sometimes Rarely Never


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36. How much of the time do you find your current work interesting and engaging?

Very rarely ornever Rarely Sometimes Often

Very often oralways

37. Most days I feel a sense of accomplishment from what I do at work

Stronglydisagree Disagree

Neither agreenor disagree Agree Strongly agree

38. I am allowed to decide how to go about getting my work done

Stronglydisagree Disagree

Neither agreenor disagree Agree Strongly agree

General Information

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You have finished the survey! Please complete the demographic information that willbe kept confidential intended to be used for research purposes.

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What is your current age?

Which gender do you identify as?


What race or ethnicity do you identify as?

White Non HispanicHispanicBlack / African AmericanAmerican Indian or Alaska NativeAsian IndianChineseFilipinoJapaneseKoreanVietnameseOther Asian - Hmong, Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, Cambodian, and so onNative HawaiianGuamanian or ChamorroSamoanOther Pacific Islander - Fijian, Tongan, and so onOther

What is your postal code? (i.e. 98101 for US Zip Codes or SE 11 for UK postcodes)

What is the highest level of education that you have completed?

Less than a high school diplomaHigh school degree or diplomaTechnical / Vocational SchoolSome collegeCollege graduatePostgraduate work or degree

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How long have you worked at your company/organization?

Less than 6 months6 months - 3 years3 years - 10 yearsMore than 10 years

What is your job level at work?

EntryIntermediateMiddle managementUpper managementExecutive

What is your employment type?

Full timePart timeContractorInternTemporary

Which annual salary bracket do you fall in currently?

< $10,000$10,000 - $19,999$20,000 - $29,999$30,000 - $39,999$40,000 - $49,999$50,000 - $74,999$75,000 - $99,999$100,000 - $124,999> $125,000

What is your commute to work?

< 5 Miles< 15 Miles< 30 Miles< 50 Miles> 100 Miles

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On average, how many hours do you sleep on a weekday?

< 2 Hours2 - 4 Hours5 - 6 Hours7 - 8 Hours> 8 Hours

How often do you practice meditation and/or some form of mindfulness practice at work?

Very rarelyRarelySometimesOftenVery often or always

Please provide any comments and/or questions you have about the survey


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Worker Happiness Index Scale

unWell (uW) <69Scores in the range of 0 - 69 indicate dissatisfactory levels

Well (W) 70 - 79Scores in the range of 70 - 79 indicate satisfactory levels

Well Beyond (W+) >80Scores in the range of 80 and beyond indicate high satisfactory levels

Thank you!

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Thanks for taking the survey. We'll get back to you in the next few weeks with the overallresults!

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