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For the seventh consecutive yon r , Henry F Holne will be installed next .Wednesday night as president of the Holbrook Republican Club at the an- nual meeting and social to be held In Guild Hall , Holbrook Mr. Heine and other officers will be installed by President Prank H. Oelgcr of the Say- ville Repub lican Club. Other club officers arc Arthur Wch- renberg, vice-president; Mary L. Bedell Secretary, and Carteton Reynolds , treasurer. The business meeting , which is schedule d for 8:30 o' clock , will bo followed by refreshments and music. DRIVE R BRFAKS NOSE WHEN TRUCK S SKIDS AND HITS TREE Harold Hansen, 31 years old , of 0th street, Ronk onkoma , suffered a broken nose an d cuts and bruises about the body on Monday morning when a lum- ber truc k he was driving skidded and struck a tree at the intersection of Hawkins and Ronkonkoma avenues , Lake Ronkonkoma. Hansen told Brook- bnven police that ho attempted to aver t a collision with another car when h is machine skidded and got out of contro l. COLL ISION ON MAIN STREET No one was hurt at 4 o ' clock Sun- day morning wlien a oar driven east- war d on Mai n street, Say ' vUle, by Vin- cent Barr of Blue Point collided at the Inter section of Railroad avenue with a machi ne driven southward on that nvenuo by Prank Lovano of 8503 103nd stre et , Coro na, Fenders on both cars were bent by the Impact , Heine Heads Republican Club for Seven th Year Notice of Annu al Meetin g ro The Shareholder *: NOTIC E IS MErUCBY GIVEN that the annua l meeting of the shareholders of THE OYaTE Ita fRN'S BANK AND TRUST CO MPA NY "Will toe held at Its princ ipal offloo. flank Buildin g, Bay- vlllo , in the Town of Isllp, New York , on Wednesd ay, Januar y M< 1M0, at thre e o' clock P. Mfor the election of Di re ctors , and for the election of in- spectors of election. »nd tot *e . ap- pr oval and ratl flijtUbri of »ll aott of the Dir ectors for tJM pait ysar and to tak e action on any other buslneu which may come before the meetin g °r any adj ourn ment pr adjournments . 'the reof, ' ¦ . . . ' . , _ ; By order of the Beard of Directors. JpHN A. BKROEN , President. Local Land scape in White o,.i„„ ki Sayville s most attractive yards tlj is week is tha t of the uugcschlag cr home on Candce avenue , shown above . Light snowfalls of me past two weeks have combined to cover trees , shrubbery and lawn with a. bla nket of wh.te. Suffolk County News photo M eat Inspector is Name d as Econ omy Move in Townshi p Board to Save $1 , 190 In Fees ; Town Victor In Suit Over Zoning. Th e It-lip Town Board took its first step tcward n more economical ad- ministration of township affairs on Tuesday afternoon when it appointed Dr. Charltis T. Fake , a veterinari an of Bay Shore, as a mea t inspector to serve the town at an annual salary of $1,500. Heretofore, it was explained by Su- pervisor Charles H. Duryea , thre e doc- tors inspected meat at slaughterhouses and were paid $4 for the first animal an d S3 for each anlmol ; to follow. Un- der such a system last year meat in- .spsc Uon ^ fje es , aroq /mtedviqi**2.68n. it Is , understood Dr. Fake ' s work ' wil l in- clude the Inspection of meat in butcher shops as well as slaughterhouses. Town Wins Zoninc; Suit According to a communication from Robert H. Koehlcr, New York City at- torney, who represented the town in the proceedings , Isllp Township will rece ive between $600 and $800 in costs as victors In n zoning suit of long standing, Involving a boat yard op- erated by Benjamin Hawkes of Great River road. Great River. Mr. Hawkes was given permission by the Board of Appeals to continue operation despite objections by Stan- ley Horan , an attorney whose resi- dence Is located near the boa t yard , anil other property owners In th e vicin- ity. Hawkes maintained tha t he was located there befero pres ent zoning laws were adopted sivtri is th erefore en- titled to non-conformliiR use. A letter from the Control Isllp Cham- ber of Commerce requestin g the re- pair of damage caused by an accident to the tence and other objects In the community 's memor ial park was re- ferred to Justic e of the Pence Arthur O. Griffiths , chairman of the parka committee. Nesconscl Republicans Meet Officers of th e Lincoln Republican Club of Nesconscl were formall y in- sta lled on Monday evenin g at cere- mon ies held at Nesconset with Jus- tice ot the Peaco # William Hauschlldt acting as the Ins tillin g officer. Thomas J, Vincent heade d the staff of of- ficers who wore elected to succeed t hemselves In December. Others In- sta lled wore Edward Zuchorskl , v ice president; Harry Kccly, secretary ; Mrs. Mar garet Nndlg , 'assistant secre - tary; Miss Clemen tine Vlon, financial secretar y ; Edward E. Haubl cl , Treas- urer; and Samuel La Snsso and Louis Vlon eeraoant- at-nrms. Reserva tions Alrea dy Filed for New , Hotel Being Plan ned at Pat chogue Deanlte the fact that a project . to reconstruct th e former homo of the Patchogue Lod ge of Elks Into a modern BO-room hotel has yet to get under way, In quiries for reservations are al- ready being made, accordi ng to mem- bers of the SUcs ' bondholders commit- tee, who recently ' raised a fund of $80,000 necessar y to "wure an nva loan oi iW.OOO to finance the work. ' The reconstruction work, accordin g to Herbert P. Austin , chairman of the committee. Is expect ed to tak e about five months. The Interior of the present building, which has been vacant since abandonment by the Elks four years ago, will be remodeled and a new.win g erected off th e Maple avenue end of the structure , which fronts on East Main street , Patcho gue. Mr. Austin said, that reservations and inquiries mad e In anticipation of the completion ot the proje ct have been filed by a num ber of traveling men and some residents of Patchogue and vi- cinity. Among the latter are those who plan to sot up permanent residence In the hotel , he added. It Is hoped that the new hotel will be opened by Dec- ora tion Day. . \ COMMI TTEES IN TOWN CHOSEN Justice Ritchie Wins Important Positions In Town Governmen t. Supervisor Charles H. Duryea of Sajiville has appointed Justice of the Peace D. Ormonde Ritchie, his suc- cessor in the local court, chairman of the Important aocks , insurance and re- lief committees , which are to function in the township for the nex t two years , it was learned this week. The town board as a whole has been named as a committee for the con- sideration and negotiation of WPA projects. The committees are as fol- lows : Lights—Justice Arthur G. Griffiths , chairman; Justice D. Ormonde Ritchie and Justice -John. ,.T. Kube. u , ' Wa ter—Justlce ' Ttub e, chairman ^ and Justices Moses W. Drake and Ritchie. ; Ro ads—Justice Kube. chairman , and Justices Ritchie and Griffiths. Parks—Justice Griffiths , chairman, and Justices Ritchie and Kube. Buildings—Justice Drake , chairman , and Justices Ritchie and Kube , Police—Justice Griffiths , chair man, and Justices Drake and Ritchie. Utilities—Justice Drake , chairman, and Justices Kube and Griffiths , I Insurance Justice Ritchie , chair- man , and Justices Griffiths and Kube. Purchases—Justice Kube , chairm an , and Justices Orltuths and Ritchie. Relief Justice Ritchie , chairman , and Justices Griffiths and Kube , Harold Wa gner of Central Isllp, for- mer town policeman who was seriously Injured last year while riding his mo- torcycle , was named a special police- man to serve without pay by the town board. Suffolk Ma y Sell Idle Propert y to Public in Sprin g County Now Has Clear Title to Land With a Value of $1 > 27£645. A proposal to offer for sale to th< public property tought in for non- paymen t of taxes is being considered by Suffolk County , ' officials , according to information made public this weefc by County Attorney Edgar F. Hazelton, who revealed that the cou:ity now holds clear title to . ' land having an assessed valuation $1$75,645. Mr. Hazelton declared that if a : decision to sell is-reache d, it Is likely that the sale will be held this spring. I The land now owned by the county j consists of 8,400 lots ' and 25 acreage parcels. . Through - the . medium of a i public sale , all lands sold will be re- 1 claimed to the tax rolls, thereby again becoming revenue producing. No "For Sale" Signs A somewhat similar plan is under contemplation by the pity of New York , which has property assessed at S 3 000, 000 on its " hands. \The method there will be to post the propert y with "for sale " signs. In Suffolk County, however , - this would, . be impractical , said Attorney Hazelton. Most of the property to be offered , possibly at an auction sale , is situ- ated in the towns of Babylon , Isllp and Brookhaven. Duri ng the past year or more Rus- sell D. Van ' Brunt , assistant County ; Attorney in. charge of tax land mat- | tcrs , has teen engaged in perfecting title to such jan ' d In behalf of thej county. Temperatur e Rise May Cle^l^fe; Bay Still Frozen Icebreaker Opens Ice- ChokedV Oyster Beds ; Fishin g Has Halted. The sudden rise in temperature this morning, accompanied by a threat of rain , gave rise to hopes that main thoroughfares in this section of Long Island will be entirely clear of ice and snow this week-end. The weather man , predicting rain today, warns that to- morrow will be fair and slightly colder. Although roads Is this vicinity have been made dangerous by snow and Ice for the past two weeks, not one serious au tomobile accident has been recorded. Despite the fact the mercury was nt 30 degrees nt 8 o' clock this , morn ing, Grea t South Boy remained frozen , with t he Ice pack from eight to ton Inches thick in some places , accordin g to the Coast Guard officials. The condition of the bay has been a great inconvenience to fishing fleets in th is section , keeping boats at their docks. It was reported by the Fire Continued on pa ge three 1 KING WINTER REIGNS Ths above scene at Brown 's Rive r , SayviHc, is proof ind eed that the recent cold snap lias frozen the us- ually busy waterw ay. Local weath er obse rvers pr edict a fine season for Ice-boat enthusi asts. Suffolk County News photo Reli ef Costs Are $11, 650 in Town For Fir st Month Nearly 400 Ooen Cases On Relief Rolls Ar e Reported to Boar d. Hom o and veterans ' relief expendi - tures during November, the" first mdnt h of administration under the township system made necessary recently by action of the County Board of Super- visors , cost Isllp Town 511 ,650 for 359 cases, It was announced yesterday. Miss Joanne Tucker , secre tary to Superv isor Charles H. Duryeo, said that this amount is well within the average for the 13-month provision made for such purposes In the budget . The town welfare oflice reported 373 open cases on the relief rolls, includ- ing 14 cases of persons eligible for hos- pitalization or social service, who were not rendered aid. Hospital bills of relief clients are charged to the county. Non-Settlement Cases There were also 4G nori-settlcment coses Involving persons residing in Isllp Town who arc entitled tn relief in other Con tinued on mice tour MaUlfew S. Nngle , presiden t of the Holbrook Democratic Club , an d other officers recently elected by the mem- bership of the organization are to be installed tomorrow night at a meeting to be hold in the club' s headquarters. Democratic County Leader Charles H. Sullivan will act as Installing offi cer. Besides Mr. Nngle , the following of- ficers will bo installed: I.udwlg John- son, vice president; Alblnn Naglc , rec- ording an d corresponding secretary ; Alexander Schlnvonl , financial secre- tary ; Elizabeth Dottlngcr, treasurer; Ernest Wntkins, sorgeant-nt-nrms , and Ha rold W. Wor/el , Cnrl Neustndt and Barbara Lcudcmann , directors. Danc- ing nml refreshments will follow thn meeting and Installation. Democrats to Install Officers at Holbrook "More Than " $10 , 000 Left by Bayport Domestic; Fincke Estate Totals $65 , 780 The Into Mnry Hlokoy, who for many yearn was employed ns n domestic by W. Klntaln g Post of Bayport , loft per- sonal property valued at "more than " 110, 000, accordin g to record * on fllo In Surrogate ' s Court this week, Tho will of tho deceased , who passed away on December 1st , provides that the estate shall bo divided Into five e qual parts , with one part going to each of the following; Edward . Mc- Qualtl, ncphpw, Chicago ; John Mc- QuBld, nephew , Jackson Hei ghts; All* nle MoQuatd , nleoe. New York City, •n il Mary Healey, niece, New Yor k City " . ' . ' ' ' The fifth share is to be divided anions the four children of the testa- tr lx' s deceased sister , Ellon McQuald , Frank MoArdlo , Edward MoArdlo nnd Annlo Barron, all of New York City, and Mar y Judyokl, of Nutley, N, J. , A codicil provides a bequest of «I0O to tho rector of St. Patrick' s Cathed - ral , New York City, with the request that "too masses be celebrated for the repose of my soul, 1 ' John W. Fincke Estate |05 ,7» 8J7. The estate of the late John W. PInoko of Bayport , who was killed In an au- tomobile accident last October, his been appraise d at $70, 319.62 gross and IM .78Q.aT neU awardin g to records on, fllo in/Sumaitto ' s Court at Rivet -head. It will pay a tax ot W57.81. The enUra osUU li beque athed to Mrs. Mario ». Wno lce. widow. ' : , ¦ ¦ . ' , ¦¦ ' < f ; ¦ ' \ ' ¦¦ ¦ . - . ' ' , GETS NEW JOB Former Supervisor Warren F. Creen- halfrli , who has succeeded Justice of th e Peace D. Ormon de Ritchie as secretary to Stale Senator George L. Thompson in the latter ' s capacity as Senate Finance Committee chairman. Mr. Grcenhal gh , f o r m er 1 y county clerk here , will receive a salary of $8,000 annually and $5,000 expenses in his now position , which expires on December 31st, 1940. ILLNES S HALTS RITCHIE TALK New Judge is Unabl e To Attend Meeting of R epublican Gk»^ Here. . Justice of the Peace D. Ormonde Ritchie, who has been confine d to his home at Brlghtwaters this week due to illness , was unable to speak as sched - uled , nt a meeting of the Sayville Re- publican Club on Wednesday night. Justice Ritchie , who suffered an attack of pleurisy, was greatly improved yes- terday although still under a doctor ' s care . His absence disappointed members of tho club who were anxious to welcome him ns successor in the loca l court to former Justice Charles II. Durye a , now Isllp Town Supervisor. Howeve r , Jus- tice Ritchie expects to be very much In evidence nt the next meeting. Discuss New Clubhouse Wednesday night' s session , which wns confined to business matters and a discussion of the recons truction of the club headquarters, was held In tho temporary clubrooms on North Main street nnd was well attende d. President Frank H, Qelger spoke briefly. Tho chief topic of conversation, of course , wns Inst week ' s fire , which badly damaged the Interior of tho clubhouse , work on which was t;tnrted last Friday morning un der the direc- tion of John C. Van Wyon , loca l builder. Club members felt confident that when tho new clubhouse Is completed it will bo ns good, If not better , than the old ' structure. The temporary head - quarters, while not spacio us , hnvo been made comforta ble by donations of fur- niture. Since tho fire It has been a boe-hlvo of activity. West Sayville Unit to Provide Service for Transatlantic Pla nes. Work on the transmitting and re- ceiving units of the United States Civil Aeronautics Author ity radio beam stations at West Sayville and Warren Grove , N. J., both of which are to be , pu t into use soon as a part of the gov- ernment' s vast , system of weather ser- vice, is scheduled for completion with- in the next few days , according to CAA engineers in charge of the double project. The major portion of the construc- tion work on the transmitting appara- tus at West Sayville ha s been com- pleted , and on Wednesday afternoon engineers at the local plant were put- ting the finishing touche s to intricate pieces of radio equipment , some of which have been flown here from the Pacific Coast. Lik ewise, maj or work has been fin- ished on the receiving unit at Warren Grove, near Barnegat. The location of the central contro l office for the stations has not been definitely set as yet , although It is expected that it will be located somewhere In the New York metropolitan area. Consider La Guardla. Field Points being considere d by CAA offi- cials are Newark , Floyd Bennet Field and La Guardla Field, with th e latter considered the most logical , since It is a terminal point for tr ansatlan tic flights. . . . However, if the CAA does not ob- tain suitable space at La Guardla Held the control point may be set-at any placc ^ where U^uM-. be- tied . wit h Ute gover nment' s. f&tt& Vuhv teJetJ ipSriSS- tem and with the Weather Burea u tel- etype systems. Work on the West Sayville pla nt , which was ordered re-opene d in April. 1039. by the United States Bureau of Air Commerce as an aid to transa tlan- tic air traffic , reached such an ad- vanced stage recently that most local men at the former Mackay station wore laid off. About all that remained to be done on Wednesday was final wiring, tuning and adjusting of tho Instruments and the extension of tel- ephone lines to the central control point , which will bo the nerve center of the entire nation. Two 125-foot steel masts , 58 ninety- foot wooden masts and 200 wooden poles for transmission lines hav e been erected on the 101 acres of property to form the 17 antennae for direct con- tact with Europe and the Nort h At- lantic. Installation of the telephone Continued on page eight Radio Beam Station Near Completio n; To Aid Weather Bureau FIRE SWEEPS MANSION ON LIVINGSTON ESTATE The three-story frame maslon , homo of Mrs , H. W, Bull and her brother, Whitney Livingston , of Isllp, was badl y damage d on Sunday by fire which ' swept through the central part of the large structure. The blaze, of unde- termined origin , was sub dued by Isllp firemen after It destroyed antique fur- n iture, paintings and heirlooms valued nt more than tlB,000, Severs! pet dogs, including a champion Labrador re- triever In Mrs. Kathleen B. Starr ' s Timber Town Kennels on the Living- ston esta te , were rescued by Mrs, Bull, Mrs. Starr , sister -in-law of Fred Astatre , the dancer , and .a nleoe of Mrs. Bull, had been supervising her . > kennels when tho flames were discov- ered . Two Unhurt In Bohemia Crash. Robert Cross ol 5t Union avenue , Isllp, and Ladron E. Hendrlckson of Division avenue, East Isllp . escaped Injur y on Wednesday afternoon at 3:45 o ' clock when their cart collided at the Intersection of Church street and Ocean avenue , Bohemia. According to police, Cross was driving westward on Church street while Hendrlckson was ' proceeding southward on Ocean ave- nue. Both oars were damaged. ¦ i ' i ii ' / MAOV CX>KTEKS WltH HAMILTO N Count y BepuWIoa n r^d^^ ajnta- 7 land M *ey e^lenusd a «onl» i«nei»- ^ r , . Tuesda y with VhUi^pdek ^-Mm : '' L Hamilton In New Yort dltjr,. -:' Also*i> - : ¦ ' tending was r. 'Tru bW^JXTtoon , , irhO. . . " ',' , headed tho tmxiM 'im& W^- ^^M metropolitan area ttti ' f a k W Wf t ^tf M ' , , .;. :.; ¦ ¦ - . (?:: < > ;:; :y ^x ^fi ^ !,x : M . V ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' , ., , - . ' .^- ;: :c-t^.ij ^0M ¦ •i, . .^.ASM.y tf Mdmj ^. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF SUFFOLK COUNTY Newspaper reading Is * universal habit . Newspaper adrerUatng. therefore , reaches virtually all who read and boy. WPA Worker Held For Drunk Drivin g Thomas Krohn , 02-yoar-okl WPA wor ker of Lake Shore drive , Lake Ron- konkoma , is minus his automobile driver ' s l icense and has a 00-dn y sus- pended J ail sentence han ging over his head toda y because of a J aunt Into the realm of alcoholism on Wednesday night. Kroh n wns arrested by Isllp Town police while driv ing his car oh Pond roa d, Bohomln. With a char ge of driv- in g while Intoxicated lodged agains t him, ho was placed in the Sayville lockku p overnight nnd arraigned before Justice of tho Peace John T, Kube at Isllp yester da y morning. Tie confisca- tion of his license and tho suspended sentence followed In short order. Awards for outstandin g catches en- tere d In the annual ashin g contest sponsored by ' the South Shore Rod & Ree l Club will be announced this eve- nin g at tho annual dinner-dance nnd meeting of tho organization at No- howec' s Tavern on South Main street , Sayville. Prises will bo presented to tho winners. ' William L. Collins, president; Wil- liam Averill , vlco presi dent , and Wi l- liam Broadhurst , socrotn ry-treasuror , will be Insta lled nt the meetin g. A lar go attendance Is expected and a good time Is assured all who take part In the annual festivit ies. BUANUT ESTATE FILED. The late Ethel M. Brandt of Sayville, who died on December 10th, loft, nn estate valued at $800 tn personal and $1,000 In real property, It was revealed In Surro gate ' s Court til ls week. A sis- tor , Juliet V. Dobbins of 81 Universit y place , New York City, has been be- queathed all J ewelry, clothing and per . •onal effects. The residu e goes to Har- old H. Brandt , widowe r, of sayville, Al| drivers ', licenses Issued for three years Jn ItfS7 . 'expire durin g 1040I took at the expiration date on your license and renew before It expires. Any II- cenies expiring durin g January may be renewed now. PRANK MARKVART , Count y Clerk, M Fishing Club Will Honor Contest Winners Tonight PLAN SIDEWALK. SEWER PROJECTS HERE IN SPRING WPA Will Be Asked to Continue Its Program. SOME NOW ~ APPROVED. Supervisor Dur yea. Says Town Board Hopes to Further Improvements as Part of Fed eral Schedule ; Zoning Flea Referre d to Planning Unit. An Indication that new sidewalk , sewer and drai nage projects may be launched in Isllp Township early thi s spring was sounded on Tuesday af- ternoon at a meetin g of the Isllp Town Beard. Proposed projects ih various sections of the town , including this immediate vicinity, are being studied by a board committee with a view ol presenting them for the consideration of Works Progress Administ ration of- ficials. The plan was revealed by Supervisor Charles H. Duryea of Sayville in re- sponse to a query by Mrs. Elizabeth Oakley of. West Islip, who request- ed that sidewalks be constructed on Hlg bie lane. West Isllp from the Long Island Railroad tracks to the Sunrise highway, and also on Hawley . a/enue. The walks , she ar gued , are necessary for the safety of school children in th at communit y. Supervisor Dur yea said that the pro- posal would be considered when the board meets to prepare other sidewalk projects. He added that sewer and drainage projects ' have already been approved by the WPA for completion this spring. Recentl y similar projects were completed in Sayville and vicinity. An application for a chan ge of zon- ing by Pauline Shersty of West Isllp. concerning proper ty on the east side of Higbic lane, West Islip, was ordered tabled pending - e. recommendation on the matter by thfec Plian ^ng^ board. ' llji ; request sbUgii^t6%Ja1igera&: ij r6p V crty from Residency B. to Residence ' C r ating. .t /
Page 1: PLAN SIDEWALK. Radio Beam Station SEWER PROJECTS …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031477/1940-01-12/ed-1/seq-1.pdfFor the seventh consecutive yonr, Henry F Holne will be installed

For the seventh consecutive yon r,Henry F Holne will be installed next.Wednesday night as president of theHolbrook Republican Club at the an-nual meeting and social to be heldIn Guild Hall , Holbrook Mr. Heineand other officers will be installed byPresident Prank H. Oelgcr of the Say-ville Repub lican Club.

Other club officers arc Arthur Wch-renberg, vice-president; Mary L. BedellSecretary, and Carteton Reynolds ,treasurer. The business meeting , whichis schedule d for 8:30 o'clock , will bofollowed by refreshments and music.


Harold Hansen, 31 years old , of 0thstreet, Ronk onkoma , suffered a brokennose and cuts and bruises about thebody on Monday morning when a lum-ber truc k he was driving skidded andstruck a tree at the intersection ofHawkins and Ronkonkoma avenues ,Lake Ronkonkoma. Hansen told Brook-bnven police that ho attempted toaver t a collision with another car whenhis machine skidded and got out ofcontro l.

COLL ISION ON MAIN STREETNo one was hurt at 4 o'clock Sun-

day morning wlien a oar driven east-war d on Main street, Say'vUle, by Vin-cent Barr of Blue Point collided atthe Inter section of Railroad avenuewith a machine driven southward onthat nvenuo by Prank Lovano of 8503103nd stre et , Coro na, Fenders on bothcars were bent by the Impact ,

Heine Heads RepublicanClub for Seventh Year

Notice of Annual Meetin gro The Shareholder *:

NOTIC E IS MErUCBY GIVEN thatthe annua l meeting of the shareholdersof THE OYaTE Ita fRN'S BANK ANDTRUST COMPANY "Will toe held at Itsprinc ipal offloo. flank Buildin g, Bay-vlllo, in the Town of Isllp, New York ,on Wednesd ay, Januar y M < 1M0, atthre e o'clock P. M„ for the election ofDirectors , and for the election of in-spectors of election. »nd tot *e .ap-proval and ratl flijtUbri of »ll aott ofthe Directors for tJM pait ysar and totak e action on any other buslneuwhich may come before the meeting°r any adj ourn ment pr adjournments

. 'the reof, ' ¦. . • . ' .. ¦ , _ ;By order of the Beard of Directors.

JpHN A. BKROEN ,President.

Local Land scape in White

o,.i„„ ki Sayville s most attractive yards tlj is week is tha t of theuugcschlag cr home on Candce avenue , shown above . Light snowfalls ofme past two weeks have combined to cover trees, shrubbery and lawn witha. blanket of wh.te. Suffolk County News photo

Meat Inspector isNamed as EconomyMove in Townshi p

Board to Save $1,190In Fees ; Town VictorIn Suit Over Zoning.

Th e It-lip Town Board took its firststep tcward n more economical ad-ministration of township affairs onTuesday afternoon when it appointedDr. Charltis T. Fake , a veterinari anof Bay Shore, as a mea t inspector toserve the town at an annual salaryof $1,500.

Heretofore, it was explained by Su-pervisor Charles H. Duryea , thre e doc-tors inspected meat at slaughterhousesand were paid $4 for the first animalan d S3 for each anlmol ;to follow. Un-der such a system last year meat in-.spscUon fjees, aroq /mtedviqi**2.68n. itIs , understood Dr. Fake's work ' will in-clude the Inspection of meat in butchershops as well as slaughterhouses.

Town Wins Zoninc; SuitAccording to a communication from

Robert H. Koehlcr, New York City at-torney, who represented the town inthe proceedings , Isllp Township willreceive between $600 and $800 in costsas victors In n zoning suit of longstanding, Involving a boat yard op-erated by Benjamin Hawkes of GreatRiver road. Great River.

Mr. Hawkes was given permissionby the Board of Appeals to continueoperation despite objections by Stan-ley Horan , an attorney whose resi-dence Is located near the boa t yard ,anil other property owners In th e vicin-ity. Hawkes maintained tha t he waslocated there befero pres ent zoninglaws were adopted sivtri is therefore en-titled to non-conformliiR use.

A letter from the Control Isllp Cham-ber of Commerce requestin g the re-pair of damage caused by an accidentto the tence and other objects In thecommunity 's memor ial park was re-ferred to Justic e of the Pence ArthurO. Griffiths , chairman of the parkacommittee.

Nesconscl Republicans MeetOfficers of the Lincoln Republican

Club of Nesconscl were formall y in-sta lled on Monday evenin g at cere-monies held at Nesconset with Jus-tice ot the Peaco# William Hauschlldtacting as the Instilling officer. ThomasJ , Vincent heade d the staff of of-ficers who wore elected to succeedthemselves In December. Others In-sta lled wore Edward Zuchorskl , v icepresident; Harry Kccly, secretary ;Mrs. Mar garet Nndlg , 'assistant secre-tary; Miss Clementine Vlon, financialsecretar y ; Edward E. Haubl cl , Treas-urer; and Samuel LaSnsso and LouisVlon eeraoant- at-nrms.

Reserva tions Alrea dy Filed for New ,Hotel Being Plan ned at Pat chogue

Deanlte the fact that a project .toreconstruct the former homo of thePatchogue Lodge of Elks Into a modernBO-room hotel has yet to get underway, Inquiries for reservations are al-ready being made, accordi ng to mem-bers of the SUcs' bondholders commit-tee, who recently ' raised a fund of$80,000 necessar y to "wure an nvaloan oi iW.OOO to finance the work.' The reconstruction work, accordin gto Herbert P. Austin , chairman of thecommittee. Is expected to tak e aboutfive months. The Interior of the presentbuilding, which has been vacant since

abandonment by the Elks four yearsago, will be remodeled and a new.win gerected off the Maple avenue end ofthe structure , which fronts on EastMain street , Patcho gue.

Mr. Austin said, that reservations andinquiries made In anticipation of thecompletion ot the project have beenfiled by a number of traveling men andsome residents of Patchogue and vi-cinity. Among the latter are those whoplan to sot up permanent residence Inthe hotel , he added. It Is hoped thatthe new hotel will be opened by Dec-ora tion Day. . \


Justice Ritchie WinsImportant PositionsIn Town Governmen t.

Supervisor Charles H. Duryea ofSajiville has appointed Justice of thePeace D. Ormonde Ritchie, his suc-cessor in the local court, chairman ofthe Important aocks , insurance and re-lief committees , which are to functionin the township for the nex t two years ,it was learned this week.

The town board as a whole has beennamed as a committee for the con-sideration and negotiation of WPAprojects. The committees are as fol-lows:

Lights—Justice Arthur G. Griffiths ,chairman; Justice D. Ormonde Ritchieand Justice -John. ,.T. Kube. u ,' Wa ter—Justlce 'Ttub e, chairman and

Justices Moses W. Drake and Ritchie. ;Roads—Justice Kube. chairman , andJustices Ritchie and Griffiths.

Parks—Justice Griffiths , chairman,and Justices Ritchie and Kube.

Buildings—Justice Drake , chairman ,and Justices Ritchie and Kube ,

Police—Justice Griffiths , chair man,and Justices Drake and Ritchie.

Utilities—Justice Drake , chairman,and Justices Kube and Griffiths , I

Insurance — Justice Ritchie , chair-man , and Justices Griffiths and Kube.

Purchases—Justice Kube , chairm an ,and Justices Orltuths and Ritchie.

Relief — Justice Ritchie , chairman ,and Justices Griffiths and Kube ,

Harold Wagner of Central Isllp, for-mer town policeman who was seriouslyInjured last year while riding his mo-torcycle , was named a special police-man to serve without pay by the townboard.

Suffolk May SellIdle Propert y toPublic in Spring

County Now Has ClearTitle to Land With aValue of $1>27£645.

A proposal to offer for sale to th<public property tought in for non-paymen t of taxes is being consideredby Suffolk County , 'officials , accordingto information made public this weefcby County Attorney Edgar F. Hazelton,who revealed that the cou:ity nowholds clear title to . 'land having anassessed valuation o£ $1$75,645.

Mr. Hazelton declared that if a: decision to sell is-reache d, it Is likely

that the sale will be held this spring.I The land now owned by the countyj consists of 8,400 lots' and 25 acreageparcels. .Through - the. medium of a

i public sale , all lands sold will be re-1 claimed to the tax rolls, thereby againbecoming revenue producing.

No "For Sale" SignsA somewhat similar plan is under

contemplation by the pity of NewYork , which has property assessed atS3 000,000 on its " hands. \The methodthere will be to post the propert y with"for sale" signs. In Suffolk County,however ,- this would, . be impractical ,said Attorney Hazelton.

Most of the property to be offered ,possibly at an auction sale, is situ-ated in the towns of Babylon , Isllp andBrookhaven.

Duri ng the past year or more Rus-sell D. Van ' Brunt , assistant County ;Attorney in. charge of tax land mat- |tcrs , has teen engaged in perfectingtitle to such jan 'd In behalf of the jcounty.

Temperatur e RiseMay Cle^l^fe;Bay Still Frozen

Icebreaker Opens Ice-ChokedV Oyster Beds ;Fishin g Has Halted.

The sudden rise in temperature thismorning, accompanied by a threat ofrain , gave rise to hopes that mainthoroughfares in this section of LongIsland will be entirely clear of ice andsnow this week-end. The weather man ,predicting rain today, warns that to-morrow will be fair and slightly colder.

Although roads Is this vicinity havebeen made dangerous by snow and Icefor the past two weeks, not one seriousau tomobile accident has been recorded.

Despite the fact the mercury was nt30 degrees nt 8 o'clock this , morn ing,Grea t South Boy remained frozen , withthe Ice pack from eight to ton Inchesthick in some places , accordin g to theCoast Guard officials.

The condition of the bay has beena great inconvenience to fishing fleetsin th is section , keeping boats at theirdocks. It was reported by the Fire

Continued on page three


Ths above scene at Brown 's River,SayviHc, is proof indeed that therecent cold snap lias frozen the us-ually busy waterw ay. Local weath erobservers pr edict a fine season forIce-boat enthusi asts.

Suffolk County News photo

Relief Costs Are$11,650 in TownFor Fir st Month

Nearly 400 Ooen CasesOn Relief Rolls AreReported to Boar d.

Homo and veterans ' relief expendi -tures during November, the" first mdnt hof administration under the townshipsystem made necessary recently byaction of the County Board of Super-visors , cost Isllp Town 511 ,650 for 359cases, It was announced yesterday. MissJoanne Tucker , secre tary to Superv isorCharles H. Duryeo, said that thisamount is well within the average forthe 13-month provision made for suchpurposes In the budget .

The town welfare oflice reported 373open cases on the relief rolls, includ-ing 14 cases of persons eligible for hos-pitalization or social service, who werenot rendered aid. Hospital bills of reliefclients are charged to the county.

Non-Settlement CasesThere were also 4G nori-settlcment

coses Involving persons residing in IsllpTown who arc entitled tn relief in other

Con tinued on mice tour

MaUlfew S. Nngle , presiden t of theHolbrook Democratic Club , an d otherofficers recently elected by the mem-bership of the organization are to beinstalled tomorrow night at a meetingto be hold in the club's headquarters.Democratic County Leader Charles H.Sullivan will act as Installing offi cer.

Besides Mr. Nngle , the following of-ficers will bo installed: I.udwlg John-son, vice president; Alblnn Naglc , rec-ording an d corresponding secretary ;Alexander Schlnvonl , financial secre-tary ; Elizabeth Dottlngcr, treasurer;Ernest Wntkins, sorgeant-nt-nrms , andHa rold W. Wor/el, Cnrl Neustndt andBarbara Lcudcmann , directors. Danc-ing nml refreshments will follow thnmeeting and Installation.

Democrats to InstallOfficers at Holbrook

"More Than " $10,000 Left by BayportDomestic; Fincke Estate Totals $65,780

The Into Mnry Hlokoy, who for manyyearn was employed ns n domestic byW. Klntaln g Post of Bayport , loft per-sonal property valued at "more than "110,000, accordin g to record * on fllo InSurrogate 's Court this week,

Tho will of tho deceased , who passedaway on December 1st, provides thatthe estate shall bo divided Into fiveequal parts , with one part going toeach of the following; Edward . Mc-Qualtl, ncphpw, Chicago ; John Mc-QuBld, nephew, Jackson Heights; All*nle MoQuatd , nleoe. New York City,•nil Mary Healey, niece, New YorkCity". ' . • ' '' The fifth share is to be dividedanions the four children of the testa-

tr lx's deceased sister , Ellon McQuald ,Frank MoArdlo , Edward MoArdlo nndAnnlo Barron, all of New York City,and Mar y Judyokl, of Nutley, N, J., A codicil provides a bequest of «I0Oto tho rector of St. Patrick' s Cathed -ral , New York City, with the requestthat "too masses be celebrated for therepose of my soul,1'

John W. Fincke Estate |05,7»8J7.The estate of the late John W. PInoko

of Bayport , who was killed In an au-tomobile accident last October, hisbeen appraise d at $70,319.62 gross andIM.78Q.aT neU awardin g to records on,fllo in/Sumaitto 's Court at Rivet -head.It will pay a tax ot W57.81. The enUraosUU li bequeathed to Mrs. Mario ».Wnolce. widow. '• : , ¦ ¦

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Former Supervisor Warren F. Creen-halfr li , who has succeeded Justice ofth e Peace D. Ormon de Ritchie assecretary to Stale Senator George L.Thompson in the latter 's capacity asSenate Finance Committee chairman.Mr. Grcenhal gh, f o r m er 1 y countyclerk here , will receive a salary of$8,000 annually and $5,000 expensesin his now position , which expireson December 31st, 1940.


New Judge is Unabl eTo Attend Meeting of

• Republican Gk» Here. .Justice of the Peace D. Ormonde

Ritchie, who has been confined to hishome at Brlghtwaters this week due toillness, was unable to speak as sched -uled , nt a meeting of the Sayville Re-publican Club on Wednesday night.Justice Ritchie , who suffered an attackof pleurisy, was greatly improved yes-terday although still under a doctor 'scare .

His absence disappointed members oftho club who were anxious to welcomehim ns successor in the loca l court toformer Justice Charles II. Durye a , nowIsllp Town Supervisor. Howeve r , Jus-tice Ritchie expects to be very muchIn evidence nt the next meeting.

Discuss New ClubhouseWednesday night' s session , which

wns confined to business matters anda discussion of the recons truction ofthe club headquarters, was held In thotemporary clubrooms on North Mainstreet nnd was well attende d. PresidentFrank H, Qelger spoke briefly.

Tho chief topic of conversation, ofcourse , wns Inst week 's fire , whichbadly damaged the Interior of thoclubhouse , work on which was t;tnrtedlast Friday morning under the direc-tion of John C. Van Wyon , localbuilder.

Club members felt confident thatwhen tho new clubhouse Is completedit will bo ns good, If not better , thanthe old 'structure. The temporary head -quarters, while not spacious , hnvo beenmade comforta ble by donations of fur-niture. Since tho fire It has been aboe-hlvo of activity.

West Sayville Unit toProvide Service forTransatlantic Planes.

Work on the transmitting and re-ceiving units of the United StatesCivil Aeronautics Author ity radio beamstations at West Sayville and WarrenGrove , N. J., both of which are to be ,pu t into use soon as a part of the gov-ernment' s vast , system of weather ser-vice, is scheduled for completion with-in the next few days , according to CAAengineers in charge of the doubleproject.

The major portion of the construc-tion work on the transmitting appara-tus at West Sayville has been com-pleted , and on Wednesday afternoonengineers at the local plant were put-ting the finishing touche s to intricatepieces of radio equipment , some ofwhich have been flown here from thePacific Coast.

Lik ewise, major work has been fin-ished on the receiving unit at WarrenGrove, near Barnegat. The locationof the central contro l office for thestations has not been definitely set asyet , although It is expected that itwill be located somewhere In the NewYork metropolitan area.

Consider La Guardla. FieldPoints being considere d by CAA offi-

cials are Newark , Floyd Bennet Fieldand La Guardla Field, with the latterconsidered the most logical , since It isa terminal p o i n t for tr ansatlan ticflights. . . .

However, if the CAA does not ob-tain suitable space at La Guardla Heldthe control point may be set-at anyplacc

where U^uM-.be- tied .with Ute

government's. f&tt& Vuhv teJetJ ipSriSS-tem and with the Weather Burea u tel-etype systems.

Work on the West Sayville plant ,which was ordered re-opene d in April.1039. by the United States Bureau ofAir Commerce as an aid to transa tlan-tic air traffic , reached such an ad-vanced stage recently that most localmen at the former Mackay stationwore laid off. About all that remainedto be done on Wednesday was finalwiring, tuning and adjusting of thoInstruments and the extension of tel-ephone lines to the central controlpoint , which will bo the nerve centerof the entire nation.

Two 125-foot steel masts , 58 ninety-foot wooden masts and 200 woodenpoles for transmission lines have beenerected on the 101 acres of property toform the 17 antennae for direct con-tact with Europe and the Nort h At-lantic. Installation of the telephone

Continued on page eight

Radio Beam StationNear Completio n; ToAid Weather Bureau


The three-story frame maslon , homoof Mrs , H. W, Bull and her brother,Whitney Livingston , of Isllp, was badl ydamage d on Sunday by fire which 'swept through the central part of thelarge structure. The blaze, of unde-termined origin , was subdued by Isllpfiremen after It destroyed antique fur-niture, paintings and heirlooms valuednt more than tlB,000, Severs! pet dogs,including a champion Labrador re-triever In Mrs. Kathleen B. Starr 'sTimber Town Kennels on the Living-ston esta te, were rescued by Mrs, Bull,

Mrs. Starr , sister -in-law of FredAstatre , the dancer , and .a nleoe ofMrs. Bull, had been supervising her .>kennels when tho flames were discov-ered .

Two Unhurt In Bohemia Crash.Robert Cross ol 5t Union avenue ,

Isllp, and Ladron E. Hendrlckson ofDivision avenue, East Isllp. escapedInjur y on Wednesday afternoon at 3:45o'clock when their cart collided atthe Intersection of Church street andOcean avenue , Bohemia. According topolice, Cross was driving westward onChurch street while Hendrlckson was 'proceeding southward on Ocean ave-nue. Both oars were damaged.

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MAOV CX>KTEKS WltH HAMILTO NCount y BepuWIoa nr^d^^ajnta- 7

land M*ey e^lenusd a «onl»i«nei»- r , .Tuesday with VhUi pdek ^-Mm:'' LHamilton In New Yort dltj r, .-: 'Also*i> - : ¦ 'tending was r. 'TrubW^JXTtoon, ,i rhO.. . " ',',headed tho tmxiM'im&W^-^^Mmetropolitan area ttti 'f a k W Wf t ^ tf M' , , . ; . : . ; ¦¦ •- . (?:: < > ;:;:y ^x fi ! ,x :M.V ¦' ¦¦' ¦ ' , .,, -. '.^- ;::c-t .ij ^0M¦•i, . .^.ASM.y tf Mdmj ^.


Newspaper reading Is * universalhabi t . Newspaper adrerUatng.therefore , reaches virtually allwho read and boy.

WPA Worker HeldFor Drunk Drivin g

Thomas Krohn , 02-yoar-okl WPAwor ker of Lake Shore drive , Lake Ron-konkoma , is minus his automobiledriver 's license and has a 00-dny sus-pended J ail sentence han ging over hishead toda y because of a J aunt Intothe realm of alcoholism on Wednesdaynight.

Kroh n wns arrested by Isllp Townpolice while driv ing his car oh Pondroa d, Bohomln. With a char ge of driv-ing while Intoxicated lodged agains thim, ho was placed in the Sayvillelockku p overnight nnd arraigned beforeJustice of tho Peace John T, Kube atIsllp yester day morning. Tie confisca-tion of his license and tho suspendedsentence followed In short order.

Awards for outstandin g catches en-tere d In the annual ashin g contestsponsored by ' the South Shore Rod &Reel Club will be announced this eve-ning at tho annual dinner-dance nndmeeting of tho organization at No-howec's Tavern on South Main street ,Sayville. Prises will bo presented totho winners. '

William L. Collins, president; Wil-liam Averill , vlco presi dent , and Wil-liam Broadhurst , socrotn ry-treasuror ,will be Insta lled nt the meeting. Alar go attendance Is expected and agood time Is assured all who take partIn the annual festivities.

BUANUT ESTATE FILED.The late Ethel M. Brandt of Sayville,

who died on December 10th, loft , nnestate valued at $800 tn personal and$1,000 In real property, It was revealedIn Surro gate's Court tills week. A sis-tor, Juliet V. Dobbins of 81 Universit yplace , New York City, has been be-queathed all Jewelry, clothing and per .•onal effects. The residu e goes to Har-old H. Brandt , widower, of sayville,

Al| drivers ', licenses Issued for threeyears Jn ItfS7. 'expire durin g 1040I tookat the expiration date on your licenseand renew before It expires. Any II -cenies expiring durin g January may berenewed now. PRANK MARKVART ,Count y Clerk, M

Fishing Club Will HonorContest Winners Tonight


WPA Will Be Asked toContinue Its Program.


APPROVED.Supervisor Duryea. Says Town Board

Hopes to Further Improvements asPart of Federal Schedule ; ZoningFlea Referre d to Planning Unit.

An Indication that new sidewalk ,sewer and drai nage projects may belaunched in Isllp Township early thisspring was sounded on Tuesday af-ternoon at a meeting of the Isllp TownBeard. Proposed projects ih varioussections of the town, including thisimmediate vicinity, are being studiedby a board committee with a view olpresenting them for the considerationof Works Progress Administ ration of-ficials.

The plan was revealed by SupervisorCharles H. Duryea of Sayville in re-sponse to a query by Mrs. ElizabethOakley of. West Islip, who request-ed that sidewalks be constructed onHlgbie lane. West Isllp from the LongIsland Railroad tracks to the Sunrisehighway, and also on Hawley . a/enue.The walks , she ar gued, are necessaryfor the safety of school children inthat communit y.

Supervisor Dur yea said that the pro-posal would be considered when theboard meets to prepare other sidewalkprojects. He added that sewer anddrainage projects ' have already beenapproved by the WPA for completionthis spring. Recentl y similar projectswere completed in Sayville and vicinity.

An application for a chan ge of zon-ing by Pauline Shersty of West Isllp.concerning proper ty on the east sideof Higbic lane, West Islip, was orderedtabled pending - e. recommendation onthe matter by thfecPlian ^ng board.

'llji ; request sbUgii^t6%Ja1igera&: ijr6pVcrty from Residency „B. to Residence' Crating. .t /
