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Planet Guardians Presentation

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Sabana Llana Water Quality Investigation Presentation.Nuestra Señora Del Carmen
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Planet Guardians Investigación de Calidad de Agua a la Quebrada Sabana Llana http://www.delcarmenverde.blogspot.com/
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Planet GuardiansInvestigación de Calidad de Agua a la Quebrada Sabana Llana


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• While for a housewife, water contamination can mean bad taste, odor or water cause intestinal diseases, they do not display an industrial or farm.

• For industrial water pollution can mean the pipe is affected boiler industry and for a farmer that water contains extraordinary amounts of salt that does not allow its use for irrigation or animal consumption.

• The concept of pollution of water is on and is closely related to the proposed use of water.

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• Natural causes of water pollutionVolume of water bodiesNumber of bacteriaOrganisms living in waterAmounts of pollutants

•Unnatural causes of pollutionDownloads homeIndustrial dischargesAgricultural wastesSedimentation and erosion

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•Major water pollutantsExisting number of coliform bacteria

Amount of oxygen dissolved in water

Fertilizers and pesticides

Pollution by suspended solids metals


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• The multidisciplinary project Water Cops CL, enable students to explore their own watershed and understand what happens to the flow of water over them, the way in which human activities depend on the river and impact the hydrology, and the way in which the change of land use can affect plant and animal communities that live along it. •This project also seeks to develop technology skills in applications such as Logger Pro and Vernier Software LabQuest, MS Publisher 2007, ArcGIS Explorer, Adobe Premier and Thinkquest.org or Blogger.


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Students will have the opportunity to develop the following skills XXI century:




Critical Thinking


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Essential Question:

The percentage of contaminants in urban rivers in the island is of concern. If you were appoint the Secretary of Natural Resources for a certain period of time, how could help improve water quality in urban river basins in PR now and in the future?

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During the development of the students will engage in tasks and sub -tasks to complete highlights the following products:

Science, Mathematics and Technology – Hydrology Data Sheet- MS Word 2007


Science, Mathematics and Technology - Scientific Article - Logger Pro and Vernier LabQuest.

Science, Mathematics and Technology - Data Analysis and Results Presentation – MS Power Point 2007

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Geography and Technology - GeoMapping – ArcExplorer

English and Technology - Blog – Blogger.com and Thinkquest.org

English and Technology - Video Documentary - Adobe Premier


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Data Analysis and Results

Natacha GonzalezLeslie CabánAngelice Vale

Marimar BraceroGerardo CostaJessmar Matos

Mariedith SantosPaola Soto

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Sabana Llana Stream Site #1Water Quality Investigation

Tables and Graphs

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Table 1:Sabana Llana Site 1 Temperature, Turbidity and pH

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Graph 1:Temperature vs. Time

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Water Temperature

• The temperature of a body of water influences its overall quality.

• A change in water temperature can affect the general health of the aquatic organisms, thus changing the quality of the stream.

• The temperature measured on Sabana Llana is suitable for small mouth bass and the rest of similar water organism.

• The average temperature in this site was 26.5°C.

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Graph 2: Turbidity vs. Time

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• Turbidity is a measure of water’s lack of clarity. Water with high turbidity is cloudy, while water with low turbidity is clear.

• Many factors can contribute to the turbidity of water.

• An increase in stream flow due to heavy rains or a decrease in stream-bank vegetation can speed up the process of soil erosion.

• This will add suspended particles, such as clay and silt, to the water.

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• According to the USGS, the turbidity of surface water is usually between 1 NTU and 50 NTU .

• Water is visibly turbid at levels above 5 NTU. • The standard for drinking water is 0.5 NTU to 1.0

NTU. • The average turbidity in this site of the Sabana

Llana Stream is 45.8 NTU. • The water is visibly turbid and in the standard

range. It can’t be used for drinking water.

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Graph 3:pH vs. Time

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Water pH• Water contains both hydrogen ions, H+, and hydroxide ions, OH–. The

relative concentrations of these two ions determine the pH value . • Water with a pH of 7 has equal concentrations of these two ions and is

considered to be a neutral solution. • If a solution is acidic, the concentration of H+ ions exceeds that of the

OH– ions. In a basic solution, the concentration of OH– ions exceeds that of the H+ ions.

• On a pH scale of 0 to 14, a value of 0 is the most acidic, and 14 the most basic. A change from pH 7 to pH 8 in a lake or stream represents a ten-fold increase in the OH– ion concentration.

• The average pH of the Sabana Llana stream is 8.2. The water is optimal for most organisms. The ph level is acceptable for most drinking water standards.

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Table 2: Sabana Llana Site 1Temperature and Conductivity

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Graph 1:Temperature vs. Time

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Graph 2: Conductivity vs. Time

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Conductivity• Solids are found in streams in two forms, suspended and

dissolved. • Suspended solids include silt, stirred-up bottom sediment,

decaying plant matter, or sewage-treatment effluent.• Total dissolved solids, or TDS, can be determined usinig a Vernier

Conductivity Probe to determine the ability of the dissolved salts and their resulting ions in an unfiltered sample to conduct an electrical current.

• The conductivity is then converted to TDS. • Either of these methods yields a TDS value in units of mg/L. • There are many possible manmade sources of ions that may

contribute to elevated TDS readings.

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• Fertilizers from fields and lawns can add a variety of ions to a stream. • Increases in TDS can also result from runoff from

roads that have been salted in the winter. • Organic matter from wastewater treatment plants

may contribute higher levels of nitrate or phosphate ions.

• Treated wastewater may also have higher TDS readings than surrounding streams if urban drinking

water has been highly chlorinated.

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• Irrigation water that is returned to a stream will often have higher concentrations of sodium or chloride ions.

• Acidic rainwater, with dissolved gases like CO2, NO2, or SO2, often yields elevated H+ ion

• concentrations.• TDS values in lakes and streams are typically found to be in the

range of 50 to 250 mg/L Drinking water will tend to be 25 to 500 mg/L TDS.

• The average conductivity of the Sabana Llana Stream is 403 μS/cm.

• There is little amount of metals because the standard levels of conductivity are low.

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Table 3: Sabana Llana Site 1Temperature and DO

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Graph 1:Temperature vs. Time

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Graph 2:DO vs. Time

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Dissolved Oxygen • Description: Trout and small bass can’t live with this amount of

dissolved oxygen found in this site of the Sabana Llana stream. • Oxygen gas dissolved in water is vital to the existence of most

aquatic organisms. • Oxygen is a key component in cellular respiration for both aquatic

and terrestrial life. • Dissolved oxygen concentrations can range from 0 to 15 mg/L.

The average • DO of this site of the Sabana Llana stream is 5.9 mg/L under the

expected values. • Some organisms like Mosquito larvae, Carp, Catfish, May fly

larvae, Caddis fly larvae can live in this amount of DO.

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Table 4: Sabana Llana Site 1Temperature and Flow Rate

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Graph 1:Flow Rate vs. Time

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Stream Flow

• Description: Stream flow or discharge is the volume of water that moves through a specific point in a stream during a given period of time.

• Discharge is usually measured in units of cubic feet per second (cfs).

• Flow velocity is influenced by the slope of the surrounding terrain, the depth of the stream, the width of the stream, and the roughness of the substrate or stream bottom.

• The stream flow of this site of the Sabana Llana stream is low, 0.034cfs, because there is not much depth, the stream channel is not wide, there are many rocks, and there is no slope or inclination.

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Graph 2:Temperature vs. Time

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Table 5: Sabana Llana Site 1Nitrate and Temperature

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Graph 1:Nitrate vs. Time

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Nitrate Ion Selective Electrode• Nitrate ions found in freshwater samples result from a variety of

natural and manmade sources. • Nitrates are an important source of nitrogen necessary for plants

and animals to synthesize amino acids and proteins. • Although nitrate levels in freshwater are usually • less than 1 mg/L, manmade sources of nitrate may elevate levels

above 3 mg/L. • These sources include animal feedlots, runoff from fertilized

fields, or treated municipal wastewater being returned to streams Levels above 10 mg/L in drinking water can cause a potentially fatal disease in infants called methemoglobinemia, or Blue-Baby Syndrome.

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Nitrate Ion Selective Electrode

• In this disease, nitrate converts hemoglobin into a form that can no longer transport oxygen.

• High nitrate concentrations also contribute to a condition in lakes and ponds called eutrophication, the excessive growth of aquatic plants and algae.

• Unpleasant odor and taste of water, as well asreduced clarity. • The nitrate level in freshwater is usually found in the range of

0.1 to 4 mg/L NO3–-N. • Unpolluted waters generally have nitrate levels below 1 mg/L . • This body of water has a low amount of nitrate, 1.3 mg/L,

which permits life.

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Graph 2:Temperature vs. Time

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Table 6: Sabana Llana Site 1Ammonium and Temperature

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Graph 1:Ammonium vs. Time

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Ammonium Ion Selective Electrode

• Some trees and grasses are able to absorb ammonium ions directly, but most require their conversion to nitrate.

• This process, called nitrification, is usually accomplished by bacteria in the soil or water.

• If ammonium nitrogen levels in surface waters are too high, they can be toxic to some aquatic organisms.

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Ammonium Ion Selective Electrode

• Dissolved oxygen levels can also be lowered when ammonium nitrogen is high due to the increased amount of nitrification occurring.

• Ammonium-nitrogen levels are usually quite low in moving surface waters.

• This is because there is little decaying organic matter collecting on the bottom.

• If there is a high level of ammonium nitrogen in a moving stream, it may be an indication of pollution of some kind entering the water.

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Ammonium Ion Selective Electrode

• While levels of ammonium nitrogen in drinking water should not exceed 0.5 mg/L, streams or ponds near heavily fertilized fields may have higher concentrations of this ion.

• These amounts of ammonium are low, 0.3 mg/L, because the water flows in this body of water .

• The amount of ammonium in this water is accepted for drinking water.

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Graph 2:Temperature vs. Time

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Table 7: Sabana Llana Site 1Calcium and Temperature

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Graph 1:Calcium vs. Time

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Calcium Ion Selective Electrode:

• Most calcium in surface water comes from streams flowing over limestone, CaCO3, gypsum, CaSO4•2H2O, and other calcium-containing rocks and minerals.

• The concentration of calcium ions (Ca2+) in freshwater is found in a range of 0 to 100 mg/L, and usually has the highest concentration of any freshwater cation.

• A level of 50 mg/L is recommended as the upper limit for drinking water.

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Calcium Ion Selective Electrode:

• High levels are not considered a health concern; however, levels above 50 mg/L can be problematic due to formation of excess calcium carbonate deposits in plumbing or in decreased cleansing action of soaps.

• The concentration of calcium ions (Ca2+) in freshwater is found in a range of 4 to 100 mg/L.

• The average concentrations of Calciuim ion of this site of the Sabana Llana stream is 6.3 mg/L.

• This amount of calcium is in the expected levels for organisms and for drinking water.

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Graph 2:Temperature vs. Time

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Tabla 8: Sabana Llana Site 1Chloride and Temperature

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Graph 1:Chloride vs Time

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Chloride Ion Selective Electrode

• These salts, and their resulting chloride ions, originate from natural minerals, saltwater intrusion into estuaries, and industrial pollution.

• There are many possible sources of • manmade salts that may contribute to elevated

chloride readings. • Sodium chloride and calcium chloride, used to

salt roads, contribute to elevated chloride levels in streams.

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Chloride Ion Selective Electrode

• Chlorinated drinking water and sodium-chloride water softeners often increase chloride levels in wastewater of a community.

• The recommended maximum level of chloride in U.S. drinking water is 250 mg/L.

• Even freshwater streams and lakes have a significant chloride level that can range from 1 to 250 mg/L.

• The average concentration of Chloride ion in the Sabana Llana stream is 5.5mg/L.

• This amount of Calcium ion is in the expected levels for organisms and drinking water. The obtained amount is within the normal levels.

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Graph 2:Temperature vs Time

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Sabana Llana Stream Site #2Water Quality Investigation

Tables and Graphs

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Table 1: Sabana Llana Site 2Temperature, pH and Turbidity

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Graph 1:Temperature vs. Time

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Water Temperature

• The temperature of a body of water influences its overall quality.

• A change in water temperature can affect the general health of the aquatic organisms, thus changing the quality of the stream.

• The temperature measured on Sabana Llana is suitable for small mouth bass and the rest of similar water organism.

• The average temperature in this site was 25.7°C.

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Graph 2:pH vs. Time

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Water pH

• Water contains both hydrogen ions, H+, and hydroxide ions, OH–.

• The relative concentrations of these two ions determine the pH value .

• Water with a pH of 7 has equal concentrations of these two ions and is considered to be a neutral solution.

• If a solution is acidic, the concentration of H+ ions exceeds that of the OH– ions.

• In a basic solution, the concentration of OH– ions exceeds that of the H+ ions.

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Water pH

• On a pH scale of 0 to 14, a value of 0 is the most acidic, and 14 the most basic.

• A change from pH 7 to pH 8 in a lake or stream represents a ten-fold increase in the OH– ion concentration.

• The average pH of the Sabana Llana stream is 7.4. • The water is optimal for most organisms. • The ph level is acceptable for most drinking

water standards.

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Graph 3:Turbidity vs. Time

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• Turbidity is a measure of water’s lack of clarity.• Water with high turbidity is cloudy, while water with

low turbidity is clear. • The cloudiness is produced by light reflecting off of

particles in the water; therefore, the more particles in the water, the higher the turbidity.

• Many factors can contribute to the turbidity of water. • An increase in stream flow due to heavy rains or a

decrease in stream-bank vegetation can speed up the process of soil erosion.

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• This will add suspended particles, such as clay and silt, to the water.

• According to the USGS, the turbidity of surface water is usually between 1 NTU and 50 NTU .

• Water is visibly turbid at levels above 5 NTU. • The standard for drinking water is 0.5 NTU to 1.0

NTU. • The average turbidity in this site of the Sabana Llana

Stream is 55.4 NTU. The water is visibly turbid and in the standard range.

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Table 2: Sabana Llana Site 2Temperature and DO

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Graph 1:Temperture vs Time

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Graph 2:DO vs Time

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Dissolved Oxygen

• Trout and small bass can’t live with this amount of dissolved oxygen found in this site of the Sabana Llana stream.

• Oxygen gas dissolved in water is vital to the existence of most aquatic organisms.

• Oxygen is a key component in cellular respiration for both aquatic and terrestrial life.

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Dissolved Oxygen

• Dissolved oxygen concentrations can range from 0 to 15 mg/L.

• The average DO of this site of the Sabana Llana stream is 4.3 mg/L under the expected values.

• Some organisms like Mosquito larvae, Carp, Catfish, May fly larvae, Caddis fly larvae can live in this amount of DO.

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Table 3: Sabana Llana Site 2Temperature and Conductivity

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Graph 1:Temperature vs Time

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Graph 2:Conductivity vs Time

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• Solids are found in streams in two forms, suspended and dissolved.

• Suspended solids include silt, stirred-up bottom sediment, decaying plant matter, or sewage-treatment effluent.

• Total dissolved solids, or TDS, can be determined usinig a Vernier Conductivity Probe to determine the ability of the dissolved salts and their resulting ions in an unfiltered sample to conduct an electrical current.

• The conductivity is then converted to TDS. • Either of these methods yields a TDS value in units of


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• There are many possible manmade sources of • ions that may contribute to elevated TDS readings.

Fertilizers from fields and lawns can add a• variety of ions to a stream. Increases in TDS can also result

from runoff from roads that have• been salted in the winter. Organic matter from wastewater

treatment plants may contribute• higher levels of nitrate or phosphate ions. Treated

wastewater may also have higher TDS• readings than surrounding streams if urban drinking water

has been highly chlorinated.

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• Irrigation water that is returned to a stream will often have higher concentrations of sodium or chloride ions.

• Acidic rainwater, with dissolved gases like CO2, NO2, or SO2, often yields elevated H+ ion concentrations.

• TDS values in lakes and streams are typically found to be in the range of 50 to 250 mg/L.

• Drinking water will tend to be 25 to 500 mg/L TDS. • The average conductivity of the Sabana Llana Stream is 432

μS/cm. • There is a considerably amount of suspended solids because

the levels of TDS are very near to the max level.

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Table 4: Sabana Llana Site 2Temperature and Flow Rate

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Graph 1:Temperature vs Time

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Graph 2:Flow Rate vs Time

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Stream Flow

• Stream flow or discharge is the volume of water that moves through a specific point in a stream during a given period of time.

• Discharge is usually measured in units of cubic feet per second (cfs).

• Flow velocity is influenced by the slope of the surrounding terrain, the depth of the stream, the width of the stream, and the roughness of the substrate or stream bottom.

• The stream flow of this site of the Sabana Llana stream is low, 0.064 cfs, because there is not much depth, the stream channel is not wide, there are many rocks, and there is no slope or inclination.

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Table 5: Sabana Llana Site 2Nitrate and Temperature

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Graph 1:Nitrate vs Time

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Nitrate Ion Selective Electrode• Nitrate ions found in freshwater samples result from a variety of

natural and manmade sources.• Nitrates are an important source of nitrogen necessary for plants

and animals to synthesize amino acids and proteins. • Although nitrate levels in freshwater are usually less than 1 mg/L,

manmade sources of nitrate may elevate levels above 3 mg/L. • These sources include animal feedlots, runoff from fertilized fields,

or treated municipal wastewater being returned to streams. • Levels above 10 mg/L in drinking water can cause a potentially

fatal disease in infants called methemoglobinemia, or Blue-Baby Syndrome.

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Nitrate Ion Selective Electrode• In this disease, nitrate converts hemoglobin into a form that can

no longer transport oxygen. • High nitrate concentrations also contribute to a condition in lakes

and ponds called eutrophication, the excessive growth of aquatic plants and algae.

• Unpleasant odor and taste of water, as well as reduced clarity. • The nitrate level in freshwater is usually found in the range of 0.1

to 4 mg/L.• Unpolluted waters generally have nitrate levels below 1 mg/L. • The average concentration of nitrate ion in this site of the Sabana

Llana stream is of 4.6 mg/L. This body of water has a high amount of nitrate which can’t permits life for many organism.

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Graph 2:Temperature vs Time

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Table 6: Sabana Llana Site 2Ammonium and Temperature

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Graph 1:Ammonium vs Time

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Ammonium Ion Selective Electrode

• Some trees and grasses are able to absorb ammonium ions directly, but most require their conversion to nitrate.

• This process, called nitrification, is usually accomplished by bacteria in the soil or water.

• If ammonium nitrogen levels in surface waters are too high, they can be toxic to some aquatic organisms.

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Ammonium Ion Selective Electrode

• Dissolved oxygen levels can also be lowered when ammonium nitrogen is high due to the increased amount of nitrification occurring.

• Ammonium-nitrogen levels are usually quite low in moving surface waters.

• This is because there is little decaying organic matter collecting on the bottom.

• If there is a high level of ammonium nitrogen in a moving stream, it may be an indication of pollution of some kind entering the water.

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Ammonium Ion Selective Electrode

• While levels of ammonium nitrogen in drinking water should not exceed 0.5 mg/L, streams or ponds near heavily fertilized fields may have higher concentrations of this ion.

• The average of the concentration of ammonium ion in the Sabana Llana stream are 6.29mg/L.

• These amounts of ammonium are above the expected values.

• The amount of ammonium in this water isn’t accepted for drinking water.

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Graph 2:Temperature vs Time

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Table 7: Sabana Llana Site 2Calcium and Temperature

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Graph 1:Calcium vs Time

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Calcium Ion Selective Electrode

• Most calcium in surface water comes from streams flowing over limestone, CaCO3, gypsum, CaSO4•2H2O, and other calcium-containing rocks and minerals.

• The concentration of calcium ions (Ca2+) in freshwater is found in a range of 0 to 100 mg/L, and usually has the highest concentration of any freshwater cation.

• A level of 50 mg/L is recommended as the upper limit for drinking water.

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Calcium Ion Selective Electrode

• High levels are not considered a health concern; however, levels above 50 mg/L can be problematic due to formation of excess calcium carbonate deposits in plumbing or in decreased cleansing action of soaps.

• The concentration of calcium ions (Ca2+) in • freshwater is found in a range of 4 to 100 mg/L. • The average concentrations of Calciuim ion of this site

of the Sabana Llana stream is 12.6 mg/L. • This amount of calcium is in the expected levels for

organisms and for drinking water.

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Graph 2:Temperature vs Time

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Table 8: Sabana Llana Site #2Chloride and Temperature

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Graph 1:Chloride vs Time

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Chloride Ion Selective Electrode

• These salts, and their resulting chloride ions, originate from natural minerals, saltwater intrusion into estuaries, and industrial pollution.

• There are many possible sources of manmade salts that may contribute to elevated chloride readings.

• Sodium chloride and calcium chloride, used to salt roads, contribute to elevated chloride levels in streams.

• Chlorinated drinking water and sodium-chloride water softeners often increase chloride levels in wastewater of a community.

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Chloride Ion Selective Electrode

• The recommended maximum level of chloride in U.S. drinking water is 250 mg/L.

• Even freshwater streams and lakes have a significant chloride level that can range from 1

• to 250 mg/L. • The average concentration of Chloride ion in the

Sabana Llana stream is 9.0 mg/L. • This amount of Calcium ion is in the expected levels

for organisms and drinking water. • The obtained amount is within the normal levels.

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Graph 2:Temperature vs Time

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Sabana Llana Water QualityData ResultsSite 1

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Sabana Llana Water Quality Data ResultsSite 2

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Planet Guardians

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The Green Lanterns

• Susan Cabello• Diva Mockford• Bethany Vázquez• Laurimar Rosado• Juan Corujo• Tomás Pérez

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Guardians Dreamers

• Jessmar Matos• Angelice Vale• Leslie Cabán• Marimar Bracero• Paola Santos• Mariedith Santos• Natacha González

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Discovery Kids

• Adriana Álvarez• Christian Maldonado• Rolando Rivera• Jean Paul Heffelfinger• Paolah González• Gerardo Costas

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Green Brains

• Andrea Sandoval• Carlos Colón• Edgardo Maldonado• Valentina Márquez• Valerie Castro• Germán Oyola

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Natural Beauties• Laurimar González

• Liana Basora• Veda Mockford• Krystal Flores• Beatriz Del Valle• Coral Flores• Emmanuel Medina
