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Planetside 2 DI Manual (Xsage Edition)

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DI Manual by Xsage
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I've just been assigned as a DI ... What do I do? Written by Xsage 1 The Art of Warfare Planetside 2 EU Drill Instructor Manual
Page 1: Planetside 2 DI Manual (Xsage Edition)

I've just been assigned as a DI ... What do I do?

Congratulations on receiving a new recruit, it is your job to look after them during their time as a recruit and make them feel welcome. So upon being assigned you need to make an appointment with the recruit where you can meet up on teamspeak to complete their bootcamp, here is a model message to send them, you just need to fill in the variables:

Written by Xsage 1

The Art of Warfare

Planetside 2 EU

Drill Instructor Manual

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Hey (Recruits Callsign),

 I'm your Drill Instructor, (Your Callsign). First of all I would like to thankyou for signing up to TAW.The next and final step of the sign up process is your Bootcamp.

We need to arrange a time and day where we can meet up on teamspeak to complete your Bootcamp.

The bootcamp will take about 30minutes to complete.

 I suggest that we do the bootcamp on (Day, Date, Month) at (Time in 24hr) GMT+(0/1/2)Please let me know if you can make it

 If you can't make that time or date please message me back with another time that will be of better convenience to you.

 Thanks again for taking the time to signup,

(Fill out this with your details)Xsage [PS 4SO]

Planetside 2 EU, TR Staff Officer

Written by Xsage 2

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This manual is here to help and guide you as a Planetside 2 Drill Instructor, it will serve you well throughout all the bootcamps you will do and will become your best friend when dealing with recruits and questions they may have.

Preparation is the key during a bootcamp as it will help it to flow and the recruit will be more likely to pay attention. Another way to prevent them from drifting off or getting bored is to keep them active by asking them questions and perhaps use the odd bit of humour (this is not everyone's cup of tea, but it helps them realise that we are a relaxed community).

Of course if you want to make the bootcamp your own and want to re-word anything to make it easier to understand, be my guest, this a guideline after all. If you do choose to do this however, just make sure you use the same structure to allow continuity between bootcamps given by the battalion

The Bootcamp begins on the next page

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Model Bootcamp:

1) Introduce yourself:

Hello, I'm (Callsign). I'm your Drill Instructor and I'm going to be doing your bootcamp today. First of all can you hear me fine?

await an answer.If all is well proceed.

Welcome to TAW, are you ready to begin?

I'll give you a little introduction on TAW.

TAW stands for "The Art of Warfare", We currently have about 2000 active members in TAW playing over 25 Games.

I like to think of TAW as a FRIENDLY COMMUNITY with a FAMILY ATMOSPHERE that come together as a TEAM to have FUN and blow off steam,

It is about TEAMWORK and DEDICATION but most importantly that you enjoy your time in TAW.

Are there any questions so far?

Await a reply and answer any questions they may have.

2) Code of Conduct:

Okay, So now we are going to briefly cover the Code of Conduct which you should have been introduced with on the website during the sign-up process.To break the code of conduct is grounds for you to be discharged from TAW

Do you know what I mean when I say "Moonlighting"?-Right, So moonlighting is when you play in a game that TAW plays and has a division for with another competative clan. We ask that you stay true to TAW and do not play as a member of another compeative clan.. If you would rather play on another team, simply request a discharge rather than be on both teams at the same time. If you are caught moonlighting, you will be discharged from TAW, and there will be no questions asked.

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To my next point, TAW has a low tolerance to any kind of foul language this goes for voice and text chat. This is because TAW is a community with younger members in it and we like to keep a family atmosphere, also members may have their sound played aloud and have children or family members in the background that would not like to hear it.If you do, for some reason feel the need to swear, just make sure you are not holding down your push-to-talk button.


Moving on, TAW is a Diverse community with people from many different countries and backgrounds. Therefore we ask that Racism, politics and religion are not to be discussed or debated publicly as it can cause rivalries and make a divide between members which is not what we want to encourage, as I keep saying we want to maintain a family atmosphere in this community.

The next point it linked with this, and that is to Respect EVERYONE regardless of their age, gender, nationality, race, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation, this also applies to people in game that are not a member of taw If you do find someone being disrespectful or provoking you, or you have any other problems with a member of TAW, we have a nice little thing called the chain of command. You can pass up any problems you may have to either me, any of the other Drill Instructors in our Battalion, the Staff Officer, or Executive Officer and the issue will get dealt with. If the issue needs to be take higher we will do so if need be, but the DI's and other officers should be your first point of contact with any problems you may have.

Are there any questions?-Similarly, if you receive any kind of in-game abuse towards the you, the unit, another TAW member or TAW as a whole you should ignore it and leave it uncommented. We do not want to provoke people who get enjoyment out of abusing people.-

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In TAW we do not allow any kind of cheating what so ever, whilst you represent TAW you will not use, store or test out cheats or hacks. Also you will not associate yourself with cheaters/hackers, and finally you will not glitch, If you do come across a glitch in game, we ask that you report it to your Squad Leader so they know to avoid it for future operations.-(Q/A)As a member of TAW you must attend a minimum of two mandatory events a week, each event must be at least 1 hour long. We accept that real life takes priority over TAW, we will not push you to make any decision between real life success and TAW.

Ask them if they know when our events are and after telling them, ask them if they can attend them.


As I mentioned before, when talking about reporting issues you may have with other members, I told you about the chain of command, It is much like the real-world military and uses a rank structure similar to the United States Armed Forces. At the end of this bootcamp you will be assigned the rank of recruit, If you show good attendance over the next 90 days OR you attend 4 mandatory events, then you will promoted to Private Firstclass. Once you get to the rank of Private Firstclass you will be in line for promotions,

Promotions will be handed out based on:a) Dedicationb) Attendancec) Conductd) Teamworke) Performance

As a private first class you may also decide that you would like to take on a leadership role within the division these are positions such as Drill Instructor, Fireteam Leader and Squad Leader. Other positions may become available if you are good at those positions.

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Leadership Positions are assigned based on:a) Leadership abilitiesb) Dedicationc) Teamwork


Weapons Red: This is called by the squad leader or the person in charge, when you hear this you stop any action that may harm another player in game, you then should find your Squad Leader in game and stand still to await further orders, this is so that the person who is in charge can organise the situation and squads without having to shout over the sound of gunfire in the background and it also ensures that everyone is paying attention to what is being said.

Ask the recruit upon hearing all of that stuff above ^, if they are still wanting to join The Art of Warfare, If yes proceed. If NO then ask them why and note down their reasons. Tell them that we will be in contact within the next few days and wish them luck in life. Then Inform your SO or higher in your battalion and the application will be rejected.

3) Other Information

Our chain of command starts with 2nd Corps. 2nd Corps is a level of Command that is incharge of supervising the Battlefield, Planetside, Tribes Asended and Team Fortress Divisions.

the 2nd Corps Commander is TexasHillbilly (US)the 2nd Corps Lieutenant Commander is Heidibitt (EU)You don't need to worry about those guys too much as you won't see them very often.

In side 2nd Corps we have Our Planetside 2 Division.The Division Commander is GundamMKIIThe Division Officer is Xsage

We then have our Battalion (PS #), headed up by our Commanding Officer (NAME) and Executive officer (NAME).

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We then have the Staff Officer (NAME) who is in charge of all the DI's and looking after recruits. Followed by the Field Leaders (Squad Leaders, Platoon leaders, Field Specialists) and Drill Instructors



In TAW, we use several types of communication:

E-mail, the Website containing - Forums and Personal Messaging. Teamspeak

Our main form of communication is TeamSpeak. It is important because it allows us to meet up outside of the game, helping us to set up squads faster and providing advanced and better quality communications than the game allows. -We have a few protocols we use in TeamSpeak to make everyones lives easier.

Checking in: This is used when you join a channel you say "your callsign checking in" so I for example I would say "Xsage checking in". this is so that people in game know who has joined the channel.-As you may have imagined we also have one for when you leave, and this is "Checking out" followed by your callsign.

These two protocols come into action immediately so from now on you MUST do this always! I expect you to also do this throughout the rest of the bootcamp when we switch channels.-Weapons Red: This is called by the squad leader or the person in charge, when you hear this you stop any action that may harm another player in game, you then should find your Squad Leader in game and stand still to await further orders, this is so that the person who is in charge can organise the situation and squads without having to shout over the sound of gunfire in the background and it also ensures that everyone is paying attention to what is being said.-Weapons Orange: This means Hold your fire unless you come under effective

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enemy fire, that means unless there are bullets flying over your head in your squads direction, do not react to enemies. This is useful when trying to ambush an enemy position or sneak through hostile territory.


We then have the Break command. This is used when you have something to say but the channel has people talking over eachother and you can't get a word in, it is the polite way to interrupt someone. It can also be used as a way to "put up your hand" as if you where in a classroom and you have something to comment on what is currently being said by the person in command.

to use the command you say "Break" followed by your callsign.

Clear comms or Clear channel are similar to this but is usually given by the person in command when the channel is disruptive and they have orders to give, when you hear it you should be immediately quite despite battlefield conditions. -Finally the Commanders light, when and officer is in a channel and the circle next to their name is Orange instead of Blue, do not enter the room, you will be dragged into the room if need be. Also if you are in the room whilst and officer has their commanders light on, you must mute your mic unless you are being spoken to directly.


Walk the Recruit through the different channels we have in the division and explain what they are for.things to note: Command post is out of bounds to regular members unless they are dragged in or have an appointment.The meeting room is a locked channelMembers are not to join the Bootcamp channel when a bootcamp is in session.

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[PS 1] Is NA TR Active [PS 2] Is NA VS [PS 3] Is NA NC [PS 4] Is EU TR Active [PS 5] Is EU VS Active [PS 6] Is EU NC [PS 7] Is OC TR [PS 8] Is OC VS Active [PS 9] Is OC NC

So say if there is no one in your battalions channel then don't just disconnect if you are going to play because no one else is there. wait there and someone will eventually join you, otherwise you will get people just keep connecting and seeing no one is there and disconnecting, and that starts a horrible chain reaction.


Mark their bootcamp as complete.Get them to go to the TAW homepage.Explain the new "Event" box that has appeared describing each column and most importantly the excusal button at the end.

Point out any pages of interest on the site such as the unit tab, the events tab, the positions, code of conduct and policy buttons. Also on the Awards button there is a link to the rank structure on the right where they can familiarise themselves with it.

When you have told them that they can look at all of that in their own time, get them to view their edit button in the top right, next to their name

Written by Xsage 10

You can copy and paste this into chat to help explain the different battalions we have and why the numbering is the way it is

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Tell them to go to the last tab in there named TAW Options

Tell them to click the Generate token highlighted text and copy the contents of the box. Then jump over to Teamspeak.

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Tell them to click permissions, then use privilege key. Paste the code into the box and click okay.

They should now be a recruit :)

The final part is setting up their teamspeak, so go to settings then options

Make sure they have their push to talk key setup under capture.

Make them "check in and out" up to the Planetside 2 (PS2) main lobby.Then get them to go to book marks and add new

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Please look at next page for Details!

First of all, get them to click more in the bottom left to display all the options available to them.

Then on Label make them insert something like "TAW Planetside 2"

Under nickname it should be:

Written by Xsage 13





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Example [PS #]

For default channel you need them to click the two green arrows highlighted at point 3.

Points 4 and 5 are optional but recommended

Apply to that. then get them to try it out by going to bookmarks and click the one they just created (Don't forget to remind them to check in and out)

Subscriber mode:

Whilst in the main PS Division channel get them to click this button to it turns grey.

then get them to right click the channel and then click "Subscribe to channel and channel family"

The bootcamp is officially over but there are some extras that are encouraged:

If you ever get bored of Planetside 2, you can always make a transfer to another TAW supported game. Simply talk to your Battalion leader and purpose the transfer.

Because we would rather that you stay in TAW rather than leave all together. If you do decide to leave TAW for any reason, your decision will be upheld.

Written by Xsage 14

Space Space

Upper Case

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Now if they have time get them to check down into their battalion channel and have a game with them. If there are others in the channel introduce the new member and give them a warm welcome.

For questions about this document e-mail Xsage at:

[email protected]

or my TAW.net e-mail

Written by Xsage 15
