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PLAnninG - Home | Blackburn with Darwen Council that you seek advice on your ideas for the extension...

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Page 1: PLAnninG - Home | Blackburn with Darwen Council that you seek advice on your ideas for the extension before applying for planning permission. You are advised to commission a local

A Guide for extendinG A terrAced House

PLAnninG PerMission

Page 2: PLAnninG - Home | Blackburn with Darwen Council that you seek advice on your ideas for the extension before applying for planning permission. You are advised to commission a local

Introduction Planning Permissions BwD


Foreword by Councillor Jim Smith - Chair of the Planning & Highways Committee.

Owners of terraced properties often find it difficult to know how best to extend their homes to provide much needed space for growing and extending families. There’s no getting away from the fact that the type of terraced properties found in Blackburn with Darwen are small with limited outside space arranged in tight linear street patterns. Whilst these issues do limit the type and scale of extensions that can be accommodated there is real scope in most cases to increase the size of terraced properties, and the council wants to help homeowners to see the possibilities open to them to extend their homes.

This visual guide is intended to show how a small terraced property can be extended to add habitable space whilst maintaining the right to light and privacy of adjoining neighbours. The guide firstly explains that there are a number of ways to extend a terraced property without the need for planning permission, and the Council would encourage homeowners to do this. Where an owner wants to extend beyond the limits of their Permitted Development Rights then planning permission will be required. The guide goes on to provide some ideas and options on extensions to show what would, and what would not, be appropriate.

If you are thinking about applying for planning permission it is important that you seek advice on your ideas for the extension before applying for planning permission. You are advised to commission a local Planning Agent to help you with the design and planning process, and you should then seek written Pre-Application advice from the Council’s Planning Service on offer, we will happily advise you on how to design your extension to increase your chances of getting planning permission.

Councillor Jim Smith

Page 3: PLAnninG - Home | Blackburn with Darwen Council that you seek advice on your ideas for the extension before applying for planning permission. You are advised to commission a local


Rear Dormer

• Maximumadditionalvolumeof40cubicmetres• Positionedbelowtheridge• Setbackatleast20cmfromtheeaves• Materialsmustmatchtheexistingroof, e.g.thedormermustbecladwithtilesorslates• Noverandas,balconiesorraisedplatforms

Roof Windows

Always Check!AlwayscheckwiththeCouncilbecausetheremaybearestrictionontheproperty.ThepropertymaybeaListedBuildingorwithinaConservationArea.IfthisisthecasePlanningPermissionwillberequired.

All FRont DoRmeR extenSIonS FRontIng A HIgHWAy RequIRe PlAnnIng PeRmISSIon

PlAnnIng PeRmISSIon IS not uSuAlly RequIReD FoR tHe FolloWIng:

Side Dormer

• ThesamerequirementsastheRearDormer apply,plus:

- Windowsmustcontainobscureglazing - Windowsmustbenon-openingunlessthe openingisatleast1.7metresabovethefloor oftheroom

Theinsertionofaroofwindowgenerallydoesnotrequireplanningpermissionifitdoesnotprojectmorethan15cmbeyondtheroofslope,orhigherthantheridge.However,ifadditionalvolumeiscreateditmaybetreatedasanextensionandseperateruleswillapply. 15cm



Page 4: PLAnninG - Home | Blackburn with Darwen Council that you seek advice on your ideas for the extension before applying for planning permission. You are advised to commission a local


• Projectsnomorethan3metresbeyondtherearwalloftheoriginalhouse

• Mustnotexceed50%ofthetotalyardarea(includingthefrontgardenifthereisone)

• Maximumridgeheight4metres

• Maximumeavesheight3metres

Planning Permissions BwDSingle Storey Rear extensions

PlAnnIng PeRmISSIon IS not uSuAlly RequIReD FoR tHe FolloWIng:

Always Check!AlwayscheckwiththeCouncilbecausetheremaybearestrictionontheproperty.IfthisisthecasePlanningPermissionwillberequired.IfthepropertyisinaConservationArea,PlanningPermissionwillberequirediftheextensionincludesanycladding.

• Materialsshouldbeofsimilarappearancetotheexistingdwelling

• Mustnotincludeaveranda,balconyorraisedplatform

• Mustnotexceedtheheightoftheexistingdwelling

• Theeavesheightmustnotexceedtheexistingeavesheight

Eaves - the point where the wall meets the roof

Page 5: PLAnninG - Home | Blackburn with Darwen Council that you seek advice on your ideas for the extension before applying for planning permission. You are advised to commission a local


The planning system allows for certain types of renewable energy developments on terraced houses to proceed without needing to apply for planning permission as long as certain conditions are met. These include:

Always Check!Please see the individual technology fact sheets for further information via the Council website. Please note: if the building is listed or within a conservation area additional restrictions will apply. To avoid confusion, it is always recommended that you contact the council’s Planning Department before installing any renewable energy technology to confirm whether or not planning permission is required.

Planning Permissions BwDRenewable energy

PlAnnIng PeRmISSIon IS not uSuAlly RequIReD FoR tHe FolloWIng:

• solar panels

• ground source heat pump

• water source heat pump

• flueforabiomassheatingsystemor acombinedheatandpowersystem

• airsourceheatpump

Page 6: PLAnninG - Home | Blackburn with Darwen Council that you seek advice on your ideas for the extension before applying for planning permission. You are advised to commission a local


WHen PlAnnIng PeRmISSIon IS neeDeD

Do Do not744

7• Atleasttwothirdsoftheoriginal roofplaneisretained

• MatchingMaterials

• Nolargerthanexistingwindows

• Pitchedroofratherthanflatroof

• Leave1metredistancetothe partywalls

• Donotexceedtheridgeheight oftheoriginalroof

Always Check!IfthepropertyiswithinaConservationArea,ortherearenootherfrontdormersonthestreet,itisunlikelythatplanningpermissionwouldbegranted.

• Toobig

• Materialsdon’tmatch

• Flatroofisapoordesign

• Windowstoobig

• Box-shapedandtoobulky

Planning Permissions BwDFront Dormer

the following pages aim to show examples of alterations to terraced houses which require planning permission, and how best to achieve a planning approval.



Page 7: PLAnninG - Home | Blackburn with Darwen Council that you seek advice on your ideas for the extension before applying for planning permission. You are advised to commission a local

Dormer extensions Planning Permissions BwD


• Dormercoveringalloftheroofareaandabovetheridge.• Materialsnotmatchingtheoriginalroof

• Dormerroofsetlowerthantheoriginalridgeheight.• Setinfrombothsideboundaries.• Cladinmaterialstomatchtheoriginalroof.

WHen PlAnnIng PeRmISSIon IS neeDeD



Page 8: PLAnninG - Home | Blackburn with Darwen Council that you seek advice on your ideas for the extension before applying for planning permission. You are advised to commission a local


• FlatRoof• Sitewhereadjacentproperties

havenoextensions• Projectextensionfulllengthof

theyard• Overshadow the next door rear


Do not7

4Do• Includeaslopingroof• Preventlossofdaylightor


• Retainsomereargarden/yardspaceforbins,maintenanceandclothesdrying.

not All DeVeloPmentS ARe tHe SAmeThefollowingwillhaveabearingonwhetherextensionswillbeallowed.

• Number,locationandsizeofextensionsatadjoiningproperties.• Positionofthepropertyinrelationtothesun.• Differentgroundlevele.gSlopingterrace.• Locationoflivingroomandbedroomwindowsinthenextdoorproperty.• Designoftheextensionandharmonywiththeoriginalhouse


ground Floor Rear extensions Planning Permissions BwD

WHen PlAnnIng PeRmISSIon IS neeDeD

Page 9: PLAnninG - Home | Blackburn with Darwen Council that you seek advice on your ideas for the extension before applying for planning permission. You are advised to commission a local


Planning Permissions BwDtwo Storey Rear extensions

WHen PlAnnIng PeRmISSIon IS neeDeD

1. Sloping terrace Overshadowinganddominancecanbeminimisedifthesite oftheextensionislowerthantheimmediateneighbour.




Page 10: PLAnninG - Home | Blackburn with Darwen Council that you seek advice on your ideas for the extension before applying for planning permission. You are advised to commission a local


2. Joint extension across two or more houses Overshadowinganddominancecanbeavoidediftwo housesbuildajointextensionatthesametime.

Planning Permissions BwDtwo Storey Rear extensions

WHen PlAnnIng PeRmISSIon IS neeDeD

Page 11: PLAnninG - Home | Blackburn with Darwen Council that you seek advice on your ideas for the extension before applying for planning permission. You are advised to commission a local


3. Nearest neighbouring windows are for non-habitable rooms Overshadowingordominanceofanon-habitableroom(suchasbathroomorhallway)insomecasesdoesnotcause significantharmtothelivingconditionsofneighboursandmaybeacceptable.

Planning Permissions BwDtwo Storey Rear extensions

WHen PlAnnIng PeRmISSIon IS neeDeD

Page 12: PLAnninG - Home | Blackburn with Darwen Council that you seek advice on your ideas for the extension before applying for planning permission. You are advised to commission a local


Planning Permissions BwDtwo Storey Rear extensions

WHen PlAnnIng PeRmISSIon IS neeDeD

4. Built next to an existing extension at an adjoining house Overshadowingand dominancecanbe minimisediftheextension isbuiltnexttoan existingextensionata neighbour’shouse. (Subjecttotheadjacent windowservinga non-habitableroom)

Page 13: PLAnninG - Home | Blackburn with Darwen Council that you seek advice on your ideas for the extension before applying for planning permission. You are advised to commission a local


Planning Permissions BwDtwo Storey Rear extensions

WHen PlAnnIng PeRmISSIon IS neeDeD

5. end of terrace Overshadowinganddominance canbeminimisediftheextension isbuiltattheendoftheterrace, awayfromthenearestneighbour

Page 14: PLAnninG - Home | Blackburn with Darwen Council that you seek advice on your ideas for the extension before applying for planning permission. You are advised to commission a local

Planning Permissions BwD




Whenaplanningapplicationissubmitted:• Wewillwritetoyourimmediateneighbours explainingyourproposaltoaskfortheircomments• Insomecaseswemayputupasitenoticeor advertisetheapplicationinthepress.e.g.in ConservationAreasand/orListedBuildings• Wewillnotmakeadecisionuntilwehaveallowedat least21daysforcommentsto bemade.Wewilltakeaccountofallcomments receivedpriortoadecisionbeingmade.• Theplanningcaseofficerwillassesstheapplication againsttherelevantlegislationandpolicies, takingintoaccountanycommentsreceivedfrom interestedparties.Thecaseofficerwillthenmake arecommendationastowhetheritshouldbe approvedorrefused.• ThefinaldecisionwillbemadebyeithertheDirector ofRegenerationorthePlanning&Highways Committeewithinatargettimescaleof8weeks.• Thedecisionnoticewillbepostedtoyou(andyour agentifyouhaveappointedone).





Pleasenote:YouareadvisedtocontactBuildingControl–theirseparatepermissionsmayberequiredforcertaininternalandexternalalterations.Contact(01254)[email protected].

Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council Development Management Team Lower Ground Floor Old Town Hall King William Street Blackburn BB1 7DY www.blackburn.gov.uk

WHAt to Do next…Before starting any work you are advised to check to see if planning permission is required.

PRe-APPlICAtIon ADVICe SeRVICeIf planning permission is required, we can offer you professional advice before you formally submit a planning application. this is a discretionary and chargeable service offered by the Council. Having early constructive discussions will help you save time, avoid wasted expense and frustration over any delays in the processing of your planning application. Pre-application enquiry forms and scale of fees can be downloaded from the planning pages of the council’s website www.blackburn.gov.uk/planning.
