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Plants With Unique Characteristics

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Plants with unique characterist ics
Page 1: Plants With Unique Characteristics

Plants with unique


Page 2: Plants With Unique Characteristics

Plants, also called green plants (Viridiplantae in Latin), are living organisms of the kingdom Plantae including such multicellular groups as flowering plants, conifers, ferns and mosses.


classification Domain: EukaryotaKingdom: Plantae

Land plants (embryophytes)

•Non-vascular land plants (bryophytes)

•Vascular plants (tracheophytes)

Seed plants (spermatophytes)

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Rafflesia - Rafflesia arnoldii•This parasitic plant develops the world's largest bloom that can grow over three feet across.

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Jackal food - Hydnora africana,

•An unusual flesh-colored, parasitic flower that attacks the nearby roots of shrubby in arid deserts of South Africa. The putrid-smelling blossom attracts herds of carrion beetles.

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Voodoo Lily - Dracunculus vulgaris:

• smells like rotting flesh, and has a burgundy-colored, leaf-like flower that projects a slender, black appendage.

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•Titan arum - Amorphophallus:

• means, literally, "shapeless male genetalia." The name comes from the shape of the protruding black spadix.

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Coniferous tree - Wollemia nobilis:• This bizarre-looking tree was

known only from 120 million-year-old fossil leaves before 1994; fewer than one hundred exist in the wild. They have strange bark that looks like bubbles of chocolate, multiple trunks, and ferny-looking leaves growing in spirals. They can grow up to 125 feet tall

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Amaranth, Amaranthus caudatus

• spectacular in the backyard, amaranth's dangling flower clusters are perfect for autumn floral arrangements.

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Bear's breeches (Acanthus.)• Despite its strange name,

the towering flower spikes and deeply lobed leaves are nothing less than statuesque. The classic beauty of bear's breeches stands strong as a specimen (in the garden or in a large pot or urn), but it can be very dramatic when planted en masse.

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Celosia (Celosia cristata)

• Celosia is especially impressive in mass plantings or featured in a showy border.

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Elephant's ear (Colocasia esculenta)

• Its glossy green leaves are quite showy, attaining two feet across. The plant looks great adjacent to water features.

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Gunnera (Gunnera manicata)

• Some varieties are taller than the average person, reaching heights of 10 feet with individual leaves stretching up to 6 feet across. The showy green foliage makes it a great addition to a bog garden and a perfect specimen plant along a pond

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Japanese painted fern (Athyrium niponicum Pictu)

• This fern's no shrinking violet, awarded Plant of the Year in 2004 from the Perennial Plant Association. Variations in colours.

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Alchemilla.glistening foliage , The felted leaves are known for shimmering from accumulated dew drops and water, but also for their scalloped edges reminiscent of a woman's cloak

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Matilija poppy, fried-egg flower.(Romneya coulteri)

• Nothing screams for attention quite like the Matilija poppy, and rightly so. The grandiose dimensions of the flower, 4 to 6 inches across, find justification in the delicate wrinkles of the white, crepe-like petals surrounding the golden center pompon of stamens. This unique poppy is known to be fragrant and quite vigorous once established.

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queen of the night, Honolulu queen, strawberry pear. Botanical Name: Hylocereus undatus.

Gives a new meaning to the phrase "late bloomer." Also known as "queen of the night" the night-blooming cereus delivers on its name. But don't blink-its fragrant white buds only open after dark and close before the sun comes up. And then the show is over; single blooms usually only last one night.

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Obedient plant, false dragonhead. (Physostegia)

Bend its stalk, twist the pink blooms - there they stay, hence the name. The spires of tubular pink blooms are a pretty sight in any event. The plant can be invasive, but it's certainly not hard to remove. Obedient plant is also low-maintenance and looks great in a wildflower garden

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